Durham. Sunderland
DIRECTORY. J DURHAM. SUNDERLAND. 439 ROKER is about r mile north-east from Srmderland] electors on the parliamentary register in 1914 wa& bridge; it is situated on an eminence, and from its 31,320. position commands an extensive 11~d "Bgreeable view of The population of the municipal wards in 1911 was: the ~orth Sea; beneath the chff known as "Holy Bishopwearmouth, 9,51 s; Bridge, 12,295; Central, 8,375; R~k ~he land_ shelve~ gently ~owards ~ sandy beach Colliery, 7,332 ; Deptford, 10,002 ; East, 8,691 ; Hendon, wh1ch_ Is provided w1~h bath_mg-maohmes; to the 8,674 ; Monkwearmouth, 7,92s; Monkwearmouth Shore, west 1~ Roker Park, lrud out m 188o ~ a~d seaward, 9,0s4 ; Pallion, 9,145 ; Park, 9,2a7 ; Roker, 9,965; St. extendmg from Holy Rock to the New P1er, IS a terrace l\Iichael 7 722 · Sunderland 9 343 · Thornhill 12 471 • i1 . l h h . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t promenade, a b out a quarter o f a m e m engt ; t e p1er, west 11 327 which branches out from its southern extremity, ' ' · . reaches to a distance of 2,soo feet; a little to the south The populatiOn of the ecc~e~Iast1cal p~nshes m 19,n. is the North Dock, and the piers and lighthouses; to was Sunderland: Holy Tnmty, 6,3ro, S~. John s, the north-east is Whitburn. 6,472 ; .Ayres. Quay : St. Stephen's, 4,02~; Bishopwear mouth: Christ Church, 4,328; St. Gabr1el's, g,og6; St. SOUTHWI'CK is a parish west of Monkwearmouth, on ~ichael and All .Angels, g,oo3 ; St.
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