National Library of Australia Annual Report 2008-2009
ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA ANNUAL REPORT 2008–2009 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA Published by the National Library of Australia Parkes Place West Parkes Canberra ACT 2600 ABN: 28 346 858 075 Telephone: (02) 6262 1111 TTY: 1800 026 372 Facsimile: (02) 6257 1703 Website: Annual report: © National Library of Australia 2009 National Library of Australia Annual report / National Library of Australia. — 8th (1967/68) — Canberra: NLA, 1968– — v.; 25 cm. Annual. Continues: National Library of Australia. Council. Annual report of the Council = ISSN 0069-0082. Report year ends 30 June. ISSN 0313-1971 = Annual report — National Library of Australia. 1. National Library of Australia –– Periodicals. 027.594 Coordinated and produced by the Executive and Public Programs Division, National Library of Australia Printed by Paragon Printers Australasia, Canberra Cover image: Craig Mackenzie (b.1969) The podium of the National Library of Australia, 2009 The Library building was opened in August 1968 and this year celebrated its 40th anniversary. The Library now holds more than 10 million items in its collections and is visited annually by some 550 000 people. NATIONAL LIBRARY 01 AuSTRALIA CANBERRA ACT 2600 AUSTRALIA TEL +61 262621111 FAX +61 2 6257 1703 The Hon. Peter Garrett AM, MP TTY 1800 026 372 Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts ABN 28 346 858 075 Parliament House CANBERRA ACT 2600 Dear Minister The Council of the National Library of Australia has pleasure in submitting to you, for presentation to each House of Parliament, its forty-ninth annual report covering the period 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009.
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