Discussion Points of the Mediation Support Network (MSN) No. 5 Durban 2014 Mediation and Conflict Transformation Participants at the MSN meeting in Durban: John Ahere (ACCORD), Sabina Avasiloae (HD), Roxaneh Bazergan (UN MSU), Roxana Cristescu (CMI), Sabrina Ensenbach (ACCORD), Chukwuemeka B Eze (WANEP), Miguel Alvarez Gandara (SERAPAZ), Hans-Joachim Giessmann (Berghof Foundation), Vasu Gounden (ACCORD), Esther Gordon-Mensah (WANEP), Sara Hellmüller (swisspeace, MSP), Anna Hess (CSS, MSP), Heidi Huuhtanen (CMI), Therese Jönsson (FBA), Bezawit Kefyalew (ACCORD), Anne Isabel Kraus (CPM), Natacha Kunama (ACCORD), Melody Mbwadzawo (ACCORD), Caroline Nyaga (HD), Buntu Siwisa (ACCORD), Valerie Sticher (CSS, MSP), Sanne Tielemans (CR). Authors: Sara Hellmüller, John Ahere Editors: Simon Mason, Valerie Sticher Disclaimer: MSN Discussion Points summarize the authors’ reflections on discussions held at network meetings and do not aim to provide a comprehensive or consensus MSN view. Online version: www.mediationsupportnetwork.net Print version: Send an e-mail to
[email protected] Copyright: © Mediation Support Network 2014 Series: Discussion Points of the Mediation Support Network (MSN) Layout: Miriam Dahinden (CSS) Acknowledgements: Special thanks for their feedback and input to Sabina Avasiloae, Hans-Joachim Giessmann, Therese Jönsson, Andries Odendaal, and to Chukwuemeka B. Eze and Mfrekeobong Ukpanah for providing a case study example. Thanks to Lorraine Traynor for English proofreading. Thanks to the Swiss Federal Department