plans secret strike force in

sources said $225 rhlllion has been to < & e theS tralU of Hormuz, the states friendly to the West, the The Unitedjrtatesates would retain (Jordan's) capability to project By Richard C. Gross .... .7 ...... sources said. nnntr/klcontrol,over ns/or hnu/ how In Jordan used tlM strength ancf power can be United Press International hidden in this year's $251 billion gateway to the Persian Gulf that is defense budget to carry oat the the exit route for oil tanker traffic For that purpose, they said, the strike force by withholding all of controlled." United States would sell Jordan the required transport aircraft W ASHINGTON - The United program. to the West and Japan. The A congressional sour,w des­ administration has pledged to use some C-130 transport aircraft, needed to airlift a full brigade and The plan does not include Jor­ States has developed a secret plan light helicopters and bridging its equipment, diplomatic sources danian purchases of advanced U.S. to equip a Jordanian brigade as a cribed the overall intention of the military force, if necessary, to equipment. 'The bridges would be said. U.S. transport planes woufn F-16 filte rs and improved mobile mobile strike force that could plan as a means of getting around keep the straits open. Israeli, and congressional opposi­ A Jordanian brigade equipped to used to ford the dry river beds, undertake much of the airlift. Hawk antiaircraft missile batter­ intervene in internal crises in called wadis, that are common to "Some transports would be ies, Pentagon officials said. But Persian Gulf states, Pentagon tion to 'moitemizing the Jordanian rapidly deploy to the gulf would not armed forces, a goal long sought be sufficient to deter an outright desert areas. supplied, but not enough to be congressional and diplomatic officials, congressional and diplo­ "Basically, it would be used to self-sufficient." one source said. sources said any rearmament of matic sources said Friday. by Jordan's King Hussein. invasion of the region and its 5 prevent a takeover of a regime by "Jordan will have to request U.S. Jordan would "open the door" to The administration refused to Disclosure of the U.S. plan purpose would be geared instead extremist elements," a diplomatic logistical support to fly to the purchases of more advanced confirm or deny the existence of comes against a backdrop of toward thwarting attempts at source said. theater of operations. Th is way. weaponry. the proposal but the officials and renewed concern that Iran may try subverting the regimes of the gulf White House Jail term defends Clark 120 years

W ASHINGTON (U P I) - The White House defended for arson nominee William Clark Friday, saying he has a "lifetime history of interest" in Interior Department matters, as President Reagan weighed a replacem ept~v^-«' for Clark as national security adviser. WATERBURY (UPI) - Israel Reagan flew to Camp David, Md., for the weekend Madera-FIores, M, of Waterbury, was without announcing his choice to replace Clark, his sentenced 120 years in prison surprise choice for interior secretary. without parole for setting a July 1982 Speculation on a new White House national security tenement fire that killed 14 people, adviser centered on Robert McFarlane, Clark's including seven children. deputy who has been acting as special Middle East Madera-FIores, charged with 14 envoy. counts of arson murder, allegedly told Reagan met with McFarlane for what the White police he set the fire in ang^r at his House said was a review of the Middle East situation, 15-year-old niece for throwing him out and then with Secretary of State George Shultz. of her apartment because he was Deputy press secretary Larry Speakes said the drunk. subject of Clark's successor might have come up at The early morning fire July 5, the lunch with Shultz, but told reporters no decision described as the worst in the city’s had been made. history, destroyed two five-story apart- - mearMisek on P i uspect Street and left nearly 100 people homeless.'It took ' investigators nearly two weeks to finu Clark nomination before the end of November. and identify the 14 victims. Reagan stunned political Washington Thursday when he scrapped a list of 28 candidates and chose Among the dead were eight members C Clark, a longtime confidant, to replace James Watt u of a single family. interior secretary. \ Waterbury Superior Court Judge „ The environmental groups that villified Wan Robert D. Glass ordered Madera- immediate pounced in the appointment, saying Ciark UPI photo FIores to serve two consecuHye life has little experience for the $80,000-a-year post thaf sentences without parole. Bladera- includes overseeing all federal lands and natural Flores pleaded no contest to the resoures. / Sand castles charges Sept. 8, changing his plea from Speakes was pressed as to Clark's qualifications for not guilty on the recommendation qf his 3he job and explained that every time Reagan (lad a lawyer, John F. Murphy J r . of 4 T Architect Joyce Bertone of the Stephen Atlantic City, N.J. She's in town for the 83rd tough job to fill, "He called on Bill Clark." ' y Hartford. "Bill Clark has a personal rapport with the Schwartz firm in West Orange, N.J., puts the annual convetnion of the New Jersey Society of president that makes him a strong advocate of finishing touches on the second-plaofuwinner Architects-. Murphy said Friday he would chal­ Interior Department policies ... on the key issues. lenge Connecticut’s arson murder law "Bill Clark has a lifetime history of interest in the of a sand-sculpting contest held Friday in to the state Supreme Court. He said the areas of concern that the Department of Interior is law's mandatory penalty of life impri- involved in. His father and his grandfather were sonment without parole is forest rangers at times in their careers. He is a Tourists threaten birds? unconstitutional. rancher and an outdoorsman who has spent much The challenge was the latest Murphy time in the wilderness," Speakes said. has made in the controversial case. He Clark, 51, was Reagan's chief of staff in the tried unsuccessfully to get Madera- California govemship, twice named by Reagan to Flore^ confession to Waterbury police state courts, a cIo m friend for 16 years, GOP Skipper starts border dispute suppnessed as evidence and later to get chairman of Ventur^ County, deputy secretary of the arson murder charges dismissed state and national security adviser. because both were unconstitutional. Sen. Howard Metzenbaum, D-Ohio, said the JONESPORT, Maine (U P I) - A said Norton, whose only business is birds more than anyone. I'd be very homination will "unquestionably require a lengthy He has asked the Connecticut Su­ Maine charter boat captain has created hiring out his 36-foot cabin cruiser for foolish to hurt the bird population and exhaustive hearing" by McClure's committee. preme Court to review the lower an international bolder dispute be­ charter. "We won it by treaty and they're my only source of income." "It's hard to believe," he said. "M r. Clark is court’s ruling on the two motions. tween the Canadian and United States they're trying to steal it." Norton said he takes bird lovers from eminently unqualified to be secretary of interior." governments by ferrying bird Norton is referring to the Treaty of as far away as Florida and Texas to see Madera-FIores is an epileptic with a McClure said he is "inclined" to vote to confirm watchers to a tiny island in the North Paris in 1783, which established the the birds. The Canadians want to turn history of mental illness and alcoho­ Clark, but he will not make a final decision until he Atlantic. Canadian-American border after the visitors away whenever there are too lism, according to doctors and psychia­ reviews Clark's experience and checks confidential Capt. Bama Norton has been taking American Revolution. Canadian au­ many people on the island, but he said trists who have examined him and F B I and financial reports. vtaitors to see exotic birds such as thorities said the treaty is irrelevant. he can’t turn around once someone has testified in pre-trial hearings. Arctic terns and puffins on Machias Canada's claim to ownership is based come 3,000 miles to see the birds. A native of Puerto Rico, Madera- Seal Island for the last 40 years. But it on the doctrine of "effective territorial "The problem is coming from the FIores speaks little English, cannot wasn't until this summer that a occupation." A manned Canadian bigger Canadian boats and birding read or write and has only a third-grade Marine’s death Canadian game warden tried to keep lighthouse has been maintained on groups that want to bring big groups to education. Norton from landing his boat on the Machias Seal Island since 1832, and in the island. I've never brought a lot of island. recent years a student has been placed people onto the island," he said. "When Murphy drew the profile of his client Canadian authorities say Norton is there by the Canadian Wildlife ^ rv ic e ' I get a big group, I let them watch from to challenge Madera-FIores’ confes­ triggers battie flooding Machias Seal Island with to act as a warden. the boat but I never land." sion. He claimed his client was tourists to the detriment of the birds The Canadian Wildlife Service Whenever Canadian authorities chal­ emotionally, physically and mentally that migrate halfway around the world created a quota allowing only 25 lenge Norton's right to land on the incapable of "intelligently and volun­ B E IR U T, Lebanon (UPI) — Snipers killed a to breed on its barren shores. visitors a day to the island bird island he waves a letter he received tarily” confessing to the incident. 26-year-old Marine from Nashua, N.H., and wounded However, Norton contends, and the sanctuary. The Canadians claim the from the State Department which another American Friday, triggering a three-hour The fatal fire began at the top of a U.S. State Department agrees, the quota is being violated and a number of states Machias Seal Island is U.S. .suirw ay leading to the second-floor ' battle with Syrian-backed rebel militiamen. Canadians have no authority ovhr charter boats are carrying 1,300 territory. 'The dead Marine, identified by the Pentagon as Sgt. apartment of 15-year-old Lydia Norton or the island because Machias birdwatchers, biologists and environ­ "I've just tweaked their nose a Madera. Allen Soifert, was the fifth American serviceman Seal Island is U.S. territory. mentalists to the island each year. little," said Norton. "They're trying to killed in combat since the Marines went to the "They're attempting to build up "I've limited myself to 12 a day," blame me for an argument they're In his statement to police, Madera- Lebanon 13 months ago to help keep the peace. some sort of ownership of the island," said Norton. " I want to protect those having with the United States." FIores said he used matches given to Another Marine was killed in an accident during that him by his niece to ignite pages of a time' and a U.S. Embassy guard died in a terror book he found in the apartment bombing. building and stacked in front of her The two Marines came under sniper fire while apartment door. : driving in a jeep through Shiite Moslem slums near 'their Beirut airport headquarters. Liver recipient meets reporters ' , Aftpr the two were hit, Shiite militiamen 0|>ened up on Marine positions with light automatic weapons and i^ k e t- propelled grenades, a Marine sp^esman NEW HAVEN (U P I) — Six-year-old wheeldhalr to a rocking chair and, danger of any surgical problems. Nikelsha Bogan, the recipient of the propped up by a pillow, smiled steadily "Every day behind is good because it's Inside Today 8aid, first liver transplant in Connecticut, at newspeople and the television getting away from acute rejection," (of The Marines fired back for three hours and two V 000*1. 2 MCtloni Marine companies were placed on maximum alert, was wheeled Into a news conference cameras. the new liver) Flye said. Friday and smiled at newspeople. They Her mother. Beverly Bogan, said her She has lost some weight — fluid in said the spokesman, Mai, Robert Jordan. Advic*...... 12 The Pentagon did not immediately identify the returned the compliment. daughter might have seemed at home ' the abdomen is no longer accumulating Ar*o ...... — she wants to go home, and is in good ...... 9 wounded Marine. "It’s a tribute to her age and how well in the situation because she watches a Butincts...... lot of television in their New Haven spirits. She eats what she wants and her ...... IS About 1,200 Marines are in the Beirut area as part of she’s doing," said Dr. M. Wayne Flye, Cla»lfl*d ...... 18-19 the 4,$0b-man multinational peace- keeping force sent who supervised her operation Oct. 3 at home. appetite is good. Flye said current Cotnict...... • to Lebanon last year. British, French and Italian > Yale-New Haven Hospital. He said the She has been ill wUb a liver ailment plans call for her to be discharged Ent*rtalnm*nt ...... 12 BOhUers also take part in the peace-keeping force, hospital was ready for the next liver almost since birth because her liver within 10 days. Lottwry...... 2 Friilay's attacks came less than 12 flours after a transplantotion, and was waiting for a ducts did not form properly. The A state Medicaid official has ruled Obltuorlai...... 10 Marine guaitl posted at American Embassy offices in donor to aid a Hamden girl. operation was the only hope, otherwise Yale-New Haven isn't eligible for, Opinion ...... 4 West M init. was wounded by a grenade thrown from a Nikeisha or "Nikki" Bogan was death loomed in a matter of months, $40,000 in reimbursement for the P*opl*lglk ...... 2 doctors have said. Sports...... car. hooked up to an intravenous device operation, because the surgery is ...... 15-17 "Somebody is trying draw us into the conflict." said containing a new drug cyclosporine, Flye said everything was going considered experimental. Flye - de­ Ttitvitlon...... 1 which guards against rejection of the "according to plan." Nikki was eating clined comment saying it wasn't his W*oth*r...... 2 Please tu rn to page $ new liver. She switched from the well, "feeling much better" and out of ai'o.T of cxpertisi-. MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. 0 u 15, 1983 -

■ i - MANCIHCSTER HERALD, Suturcluv. Oct. 15. 1983 Physician doesn*t want desk Job Yournelghbors’ views: Island doctor is still In limbo Do you think local public school teachers should be paid more than they are now?

AUGUSTA, Maine (UPI) - The Fearing O’K eefe would be taken the details she knew of the O’Keefe’s — report or resign. O’Keefe plans to stay on the fight between the Vinalhaven from them, island residents re­ situation and her compassion for doctor who wants th stay and the sponded with an outpouring of the residents of Vinalhaven,” said island with his wife Nancy -and federal employer who wants him to letters to politicians seeking help Island Medical Center director six-year-old son, Matthew. The O leave remains a standoff, despite in their fight to keep their doctor. Jean McDonald, ” tt appeared to .only question Is whether he stays the intervention of the Secretary of Rep. John McKernan, Senators him she was in support of the as a private physician or a corps Health and Human Services. George Mitchell and William S. principles of the situation, not Just doctor. Staffers at the island’s medical Cohen all wrote to the island’s the rules of the NHSC.” Staffers admit it would be center said Friday that Dr. Gre­ health center staff this week, O’Keefe has said all this week difficult (or O’Keefe to leave now, gory O'Keefe will not offer his offering support. that he has not received official after all the national attention his resignation to the National Health’’' Cohen went one step further^ word that he must accept the plight has received. Services Corps before Monday, contacting health secretary Mar­ administrative post in Maryland After the efforts the board of and then only if they refuse to garet Heckler and asking her or leave the island position. Now trustees made to keep O’Keefe, one .•TV.Wi reconsider his request to remain intervention. Ms. Heckler called the NHSC pays his nearly $50,000 trustee reportedly quipped to him/ ‘S W: on the island. O’Keefe late Thursday night and annual salary that covers his 5,000 “ Maybe we’ve cut our own throats, UPI photo O'Keefe, NHSC doctor on the said she would do everything in her patient visits. or maybe yours.” island for eight years, recently power to help him, up to talking But Mrs. McDonald reports that Through all the hoopla, Mrs. Dr. Gregory ^O’Keefe^tands outside the Island ' declined a desk job in the Mary­ Friday with the NHSC’s director. media sources are quoting Martin McDonald hopes the agency and Community Medical Center in Vinalhaven, Mass., where a's saying the island doctor did get the media won’t “ lose sight of what land headquarters of the federal Dr. Edward Martin. he has worked for eight years. agency. "D r. O’Keefe was ipipressed by the final word, and the next step is we want here.”

Weather j »• « SANDRA LA P P E N , Man­ JOAN OBER, Bolton: “ I B RIAN SW EENEY, Man­ GAIL ZANLUNGO, Man­ MARGARET SCHOCK, RUTH MCCABE, Man­ RUTH KNEPPEL, Man­ EDMOND BELANGER, Peoptetatk chester. ’’Yes. I think if think it wercton the basis chester: "Without know­ chester: “ Yes, with the Bolton: " I think teachers chester: " I sure do. They chester: “ I think so. They Manchester: “ Yes, but p eop le want quality of merit, the/should be. ing how much they: re way Inflation is now. everywhere should be don’t make what other have a tremendous re- strictly ona merit basis. Today’s forecasts they’re going to have to And there should be a lot paid now, I couldn’t say. Teachers put in a lot of paid more.” people make. You have to sponsibilityto educate our They should get wages give teachers incentive to of weeding out done.” Are they underpaid?” What people are saying ^ Glimpses Connecticut, Massachusetts and extra time and give kids have a lot of patience to children and I believe comparable to other pro­ Rhode Island: Saturday sunny, extra help.” work with kids."' they’re underpaid.” fessional people.” stay with it.” 18 "The inherent problem in the script is that it’s Barhra Streisand will be the first artist to be breezy and seasonably cool. Highs the story of a woman’s strength, and that could honored by the Music Industry Division of the in the 60s. Clear Saturday night. have been a one-note thing. I don’t like UJA Federation Campaign on Oct. 29 at its annual Lows again in the 30s and 40s. oversimplification in my work.” dinner dance in New York ... Sunday sunny. Highs 65 to 70. • Mary Steenburgen, actress, on her role as Sid Caesar will be honored by a New York Vermont: Sunny Saturday. Flea market opens today writer Marjorie KInnan Rawlings In the film, Friars Club celebrity roast on Oct. 20 ... B r ^ y and cool with highs 55 to 60.^ Manchester “ Cross Creek.” (Rolling Stone) GRAND OPENING F air“and cool Saturday night and expand business hours to Thurs­ 5 Sunday. Lows Saturday night ndbr In Brief The Glorious Emporium.^J!^ of business, barker hopes to use “ I could never do it without jet planes and 40. Highs Sunday 55 to 65. the space to hold flea markets days and Fridays. On Monday, October 17, interpreters.” __ cently closed in the old Cheney Maine: Saturday mostly sunny Mills on Hartford Road, was to Friday nights starting in No­ The old emporium space has • Marvin Mit- Birthday almanac G O P backers plan social PERSONAL TEE will be opening south and partly sunny with a enter a new incarnation today as a vember for the Christmas season. room for about 60 dealers to spread chelson, Los An­ . Oct. 16 — Eugene O’Neill (1888-1953), the chance of showers north. Highs in Guitarist Gary Gidman will entertain tonight at flqa market and auction house. Barker’s Wholesale in South their wares. Barker estimated, aft their new location - geles divorce/pa- playwright who won four Pulitzer Prizes and was the 50s and 60s. Saturday night fair a social scheduled by the backers of Republican Barker’s Flea Market was to Windsor is mostly a mail-order and there is space for another 40 in limony lawyer, the first American to be awarded the Nobel Prize with lows in the 30s. Sunday mostiy selectman cahdidate Thoknus Ferguson, consta­ open under thd auspices of South business, he said, and he wants to an adjacent'room Richman used explaining how be for literature. His plays include “ Long Days sunny with highs in the 50s and 60s. ble candidate M ic h a ^ Shea and treasurer Windsor wholesaler Charles run auctions. He was once an for storage. has cases in six 825 Main S t Journey into Night," “ The Iceman Cometh” and ^ew Hampshire: Saturday candidate Michael Mills, their campaign com­ Barker, 57, and his daughter Carol, auctioneer. The Barkers plan to The Barkers are letting the states and fourfi “ Anna Christie.” partly sunny north and sunny mittees announced. 22, of Spruce Street in Manchester. auction Christmas items they will space on commission from each countries. Oct. 17 — Margot Kidder (1948-), the actress south. Highs in the mid 50s to upper The social will be in the Millbridge Hollow Barker expected 40 dealers to set buy from wholesalers in New York dealer. Admission to the market is Ribbon cutting at 10A.M. who has starred in such films as “ The Great 60s south. Fair Saturday night. Condominium common room on Prospect Street up shop inside the9,000-square-foot and New Jersey. free. ” I ’m really pretty You are all invited to visit our new Waldo Pepper,” “The Amityville Horror," Lows in the 30s. Sunday sunny with from 4 to 8 p.m. Admission is $4 per person at the warehouse next to Hughie’s Gym The Manchester flea market is mad. I fqel the Sunny, breezy and cool today “ Gravy Train” and as Lois Lane in the three highs in the 50s and 60s. door. Free beer and snacks will be provided. today. Their wares range from Barker’s first venture with his More than 750,000 purebred dogs church is turning its “ Superman’! movies. The three candidates are the youngest baseball memorabilia to Indian daughter. are registered annually in the Stud back on women. If it Saturday sunny, breezy and seasonably cool. Highs 65 to 70. Oct. 18 — George C. Scott (1927-), the film and^ Republicans running in the Nov. 8 municipal At first the flea market will be Book of the American Kennel Club. hadn’t been for Extended outlook Westerly winds 10 to 20 mph. Saturday night clear. Lows again 35 to clothes to dolls. stage actor and director. His films include “ The” election. “This was a dream of mine,” open only Saturdays and Sundays. Mary, who would 40. Diminishing northwest winds. Sunday sunny. M ighs^r^r 70. Hustler,” “The Formula” and “ Patton," for The committee for the event comprises said Barker, adding that he came Barker will continue to manage the have had Jesus?” Extended outlook for New Eng­ Today’s weather picture was drawn by Danny Jones, atourth-grt-grade which he won a 1970 Oscar as best actor. Charlene Benito, EkI Boland and Valerie Mills. South Windsor business during the • Julie Ann land Monday through Wednesday: student at Verplanck School. up with the idea when he learned Mary Steenburgen Oct. 19 — Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1935), the week, he said. During the Christ­ Smith, a seventh- Connecticut, Massachusetts and from owner Milton Richman that French army officer who was convicted of Parents return to class mas season he and Carol plan to grader from Shrewsbury, Mo., angry since her Rhode Island: Chance of showers Glorious Emporium was going out treason in 1894. The question of his guilt church, St. Michael’s, recently changed their Mopday and Tuesday. Fair Wed­ Parents of Manchester High School students dominated French political life until 1906, when, NATIONAL WEATHEB SERVICE FORECAST to 7 PM EST 10-15-63 rules, allowing only hoys to he altar servers. nesday. Highs mostly in the 60s will have an opportunity to return to high school following a retrial, all previous convictions were 30.00 30.00 Monday and Tuesday and mid 50s classrooms Monday night, when faculty has reversed. “ He just wants to be paid fairly.” to iow 60s Wednesday. Overnight scheduled an open house from 7 to 9 p.m. Oct. 20 — Mickey Mantle (1931-), the former • Bob Woolf, lawyer and agent for Larry Bird, iows in the 40s to iow 50s. This year’s format, says Principal Jacob Calendar New York Yankee outfielder who hit a record 18 after Bird signed a reported $14 million, Vermont: A chance of showers Ludes, will combine the student’s regular ■World Series home runs. He was chosen the seven-year contract with the Boston Celtics. Monday and Tuesday. Ciearing eight-period day with a ninth period during which American Leagues M VP in 1956, 1957 and 1962. p.m. Municipal Building coffee room. Wednesday. Highs in the 60s. Lqws parents can return to teachers for individual M a n ch e ste r Oct. 21 — Whitey Ford (1928-), the baseball Hall in the 40s. Wednesday “ I ’m going to have more than an escort. I ’m conferences. Classes will last for about 10 Park and Recreation Advisory Com­ of Famer who pitched for the New York Yankees Maine and New Hampshire: Monday ^ ' going to be carried on a float by seven young minutes, during which teachers will explain class mission, 7:30 p.m.. Municipal Building from 1950 to 1967. He won the American League Chance of rain Monday and Planning and Zoning Commission: 7 men.” outlines, expectations and requirements. Five coffee room. Cy Young Award in 1961. Tuesday with daytime highs in the p.m., Lincoln Center conference room. • Zulee Samuels, a grandmother who won’ t minutes will be allowed in between classes. Youth'Commisioir, 7:30 p.m. Lincoln Oct. 22 — Joseph Welch (1890-1960), the Boston Upper 50s north and 60s south. Eighth District Meeting and special, reveal her age, on being elected homecoming “ We hope this exercise provides parents with :^^Center gold room. ^ j lawyer who served as special counsel for the Overnight lows in the upper 30s election. 7 p.m.. District Flrehbuse, queen by the Clatlin College student body in the information they need and gives them a better 'Commission on Handicap'ped, 7:30 Army in the U.S. Senate subcommittee’s north and low 40s south. Clearing Hilliard and Main streets. Orangeburg, S.C. She has been a full-time student understanding of their youngster’s experience.” p^m^SenibrCitflenf Center. Army-McCarthy hearings in 1954. The eight- and becoming a little cooler Committee on Affordable. Housing, there since 1981. Ludes says. Administrators will be available Thursday; week-long televised hearings made him a Wednesday. throughout the evening in the high school library. 7:30 p.m. Lincoln Center gold room., national celebrity. Tuesday ' Judge’s hours, 6:30, Probate Court. “ People don’t understand why the troops are Building Committee, 7:30 p:m. Man-.- comment session, 6:30 p.m to 7:30 c shot at, and they don’t want to repeat Vietnam. - Weather radio p.m:. Directors’ office, . Municipal RAM (ZZ3 •NOW Hachey supportere to Hop Chester High School. ■> Our objectives have to be clearer.” Human Relations Commission, 8 Building. • R ^ . Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio, on U.S. military The National Weather Service 80 (23 s*”®'**"*'* The election committee of Republican Board of involvement in Lebanon. broadcasts 24-hoiir continuous UPI WEATHER POTOCAST (t ^Directors candidate Joseph Hachey will hold a weather information on 162.47^ 1950s and 1960s recotd hop next Saturday at the “ I ’m lucky not to have a conventional fdce or mHz in Hartford, 162.55 mHz' in Knights of Columbus Hell, Hachey’s campaign beautiful body, because the kind of roles I get are New London and 162.40 mHz in National forecast manager announced. '^""N*^HARTFORDDairij RD. p,Q the most fascinating.” Meriden. The charge for tickets is a $15 per^couple T donation to Hachey’s campaign. - Queen • Amanda Plummer, actress, who currently For period ending 7 p.m. EST today. Thundershowers will be portrays the daughter of Julius and Ethel “ Set ups” will be provided and a prize will be Cincinnati song expected in the Northern Plains region and Northern Florida. Autumn Rosenberg in the movie, “Daniel.“ (Rolling awardod to the person who Wears the best 1950s Stone) Elsewhere weather will remain fair in general. Maximum c o s ta e . The K of C Hall is located at 138 Main St. C IN CINN ATI (U P I) — A contest temperatures include: Atlanta 74, Boston 65, Chicago 70, Cleveland to find a “ theme song” for UMh^y, a loan officer at the Heritage Savings brazier. 66, Dallas 82, Denver 57, Duluth 51, Houston 83, Jacksonville 80, Cincinnati has attracted 132 and Eoan Association, is making his first run for Kansas City 70, Little Rock 77, Los Angeles 72, Miami 86, Minneapolis the board. ' . . Sale entries. 59, New Orleans 85, New York 69, Phoenix 83, San Francisco 66, Judges hope to select the win­ Vocal star gets star Seattle 55, St. Louis 79 and Washington 78. ning song before the end of the ° Voters invited by Coitmen *EVERY DAY SPECIALS More than 500 of the millions who enjoyed the year. The’winning songwriter will The campaign committee for Democratic^ soft-rock sound of The Carpenters turned out to receive $1,000. Slngto Burgw ...... 1.M Board of Directors'candidate Eleanor Coltman ' Doubw Burg«r...... 2.49 witness the dedication of a Hollywood Walk of The contest, announced Aug. 29 will host a fundraiser next Saturday at the r * V > v i'-'- ^ Trtpi, Burow...... 2.99 Fame star awarded posthumously to Karen with a final entry date of Oct. 9, Manchester Democrdtic Party’s headquarters at Bu m Dm ...... *..1.79 Carpenter and her brother. attracted 102 original songs writ­ 345 Main St., it announced ‘ “rhe Carpenters stand for what America ten by people living in the Cincin­ The “ Eleanor Coltman Harvestfest” will run CmckM SandiMteh...... 2.'29 stands for — wholesome purity and optimism,” nati area and 30 songs from people from 7:30 to 10 p.m. and cost $3 per person. Voters FMi Bamfwlch...... 2.19 Herb Alpert, the recording star and co-founder of in 16 other states as far away as are. Invited' to meet Mrs. Coltman at the * *lndudss Mss, drink A Small Sundas A &'"1M Records, told the crowd during California and Hawaii. fundraiser. * W edni^ay’s Hollywood Boulevard ceremonies. Kerry O’Keefe of Wethersfield, a folk and blues I fentertainer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold UP) photo singer who also plays guitar, will entertain. "bbbBlfTM TflbbpbfT'S Cardenter, stood with Karen’s brother, Richard, Fat advantages Refreshments will include fresh apple cider and I Good on Monday & Wednesday Only | as a) 32-piece choir from Long Beach State doughnuts. I Says he’s been dumped SEATTLE (UPI) - Seattle Premium Quaen's Choice Hard Ice Cream University sang one of the pairs biggest hits from Decorations will reflect a “ fall theme.” I restaurateur Victor Rosellini can I the e m y 1970s, “ We’ve Only Just Begun.” Scott Carpenter (shown here in 1962 file photo), Organisers are John Foley, Betty Emerson, testify that being fat definitely has Buy Any Size Cone or Sundae at I “ To(u»y is a sad day as well as a happy one,” one of Am erica’s seven original astronauts Pat Howland, Mary DeLuc, Jill Gellnas and Jay Alpert said, referring to the 32-year-old entertain­ its advantages. • portrayed in the upcoming movie “ The Right Giles. Regular Price - GeF2nd Free! J Upon entering his home and I'Mf* er’s Feb. 4 death from anorexia nervosa, an Stuff,” says he has been dumped as a Information is available from the organizers or finding a burglar Wednesday offer good for month of October j illness associated with excessive dieting. Master-Card spokesman because of adverse from Whitfifey Jacobs at 643-6697. Mayor Tom Bradley proclaimed Wednesday publicity stemming from the film, it was reported night, the portly Rosellini tackled “ Carpenters Day.” in Los Angeles Friday. him and then sat on him until police came. Money for mentai care >awr UAaaF DOZEN D.Q. SANDWICHES “ I think I outweighed him by A R E H O M E DOZEN D.Q. DILLY BARS about 70 pounds,” Rosellini said “ Manchester will probably receive a small with a chuckle. “ I surprised him as grant soon from the Connecticut Council of SPECrALS 2 qt. D.Q. HOMEPAC I walked In. I missed him once (in a Community Mental Health Centers,” says Dr. Almanac tackle attempt) but then got him Stephen Holzman, director of psychiatry at by the back .door.” Satellite view Manchester Memorial Hospital. IW IMiAiWyrK He said he shouted until his The grant will not exceed $20,000, he predicts, day flight across the Atlantic. Oscar Wilde in 1854, Israeli Prim e neighbors heard his cries and ^Commerce Department satellite photo taken at 2:30 p.m. EDT shows and will be used for case management at MMH. a storm system over the eastern Great Lakes and layered frontal Tvyo b)o chocolate chip cookies, with To d a y, Oct. 15 In 1946, Nazi Reichmarshal Minister David Ben Gurion in 1886, called police. A 57-year-old suspect a cool creamy layer of Dairy Queen* Hermaq, Goering, convicted as a playwright Eugene O’Neill in 1888, was arrested. clouds over the eastern portion of the country. Another frontal system Mercier favors repairs soft serve in between Finished Today is Saturday, October 15th, war criminal and sentenced to Irish, revolutionist Michael Cpllins Is giving more layered clouds to the northern and central Rocky with a liberal sprinkling of real The experience left Rosellini “ During my door to door campaign I ’ve seen chcx;olate chips the 288th day of 1983 with 77 to death, cqpimitted suicide in his in 1890, German novelist Gunter Mountains. Mostly clear skies dominate the central portion of the “more angry than scared,” he firstrhand the condition of our town sidewalks,” Next time you want a reol treat, order follow. prison cell. Grass in 1927, and actresses nation. the sandwich with chocolate chips on said. “ You react, you don’t know says GOP Board of Directors candidate Donna The moon is moving toward its In 1964, Soviet Premier Nikita Angela Lansbury, in 1925 (age 66), the side The DQ* Chocolate Chip why.” Cookie Sondwich .» full phase. Khrushchev was ousted by Krem­ and Susanne Somers in 19M. Mercier. Seeing the 8ldewalks, she says, has prompted The morning stars are Mercury, lin leaders and replaced by Alexei On this date in history: her to favor putting one mill in town tax dollars Venus and Mars. Kosygin and Leonid Brezhnev. In 1940, anticipating the Japa­ Manchest^r^Herald aside to fund capital Improvements', as has been The evening stars are Jupiter nese war build-up, the United IN OUR FROZEN CAKE SHOP suggested by board minority leader Peter and Saturn. A thought for the day: Roman States banned all shipments of Thomas J. Hooper, Richard M. Diamond DAliir QUEEN CANE SAU Lottery DIRosa. '' It's th« best thing to happen to cake since cake. And what a Those bom on this date are under poet Publius Vergilius Maro, bet­ steel and scrap iron to Japan. . -’ll Co-Publlshers Concerning the increased number of children in treat k Is. Light, cake crunch. Cool and creamy chocolate the sign of Libra. They include ter known simply as Virgil, said, In 1964, China set off its first a and vanilla DOS. Plus rich, cold fudge and daUcktus icing. Manchester walking to school, she adds, “ As a Roman poet Virgil in 70 B-C, nurse “ Fortune favors the brave.” atomic bomb. < You can have H deooralad for any occasion. 1710 Oairy USPS 327-500 VOL. cm, N«k 13 mother of three, I know that dally ‘trips’ Quean* Round Cake. Frozen and packagsd for aasy taka and hospital reformer Florence In 1972, a light plane carrying Connecticut daily accompanied by ripped clothing and bruised home. Pick one up today. Nightingale in 1820, German philo­ House Democratic' Leader Hale Published dally except Sunday Suggested carrier rotes ore $1.20 knees are a common occurrence.”. sopher Friedrich Nietzche in 1844, Boggs of Louisiana and three other Friday: 761 and certain holidays by the Man­ Sunday, Oct. 16 wsokly, $5.12 for one month, $15.35 Others using the sidewalks more often are $A9s fbcToinDucoiiirrou^ boxing champion John L. Sullivan men was reported missing in chester Publlshine Co., 16 Bralnard for three months, $30.70 for six k P la y F o u r: 0203 Place, Manchester, Conn. 06040. senior citizens, she says. in 1858, writer and humorist P.G. Today is Sunday, October 16th, Alaska. The plane was never months and$6l.40for onevear. Mall Second class postage paid at Man­ rotes are available on request. Criticising the Democratic majority for its •OcSa** ^off o d lor uny month ■>•<>■•<1ol October Colt* j Wodehoiise in 1881, and actress* the 289th-day df 1983 with 76 to found. In 1976, Syria and- the chester, Conn. POSTMASTER: distribution of Guaranteed Tax Base funds thi$ Jean Peters in 1926. follow. Palestine Liberation Organiza­ other numbers drawn Friday in Send address changes to the Man­ To place a classified or display chester Herald, P.O. Box SOI, advertisement, or to report a news year, Mrs. Mercier goes on to say: “ To see our On this date in history: ' The moon is moving toward its tion, at the urging of Saudi Arabia, New EnglandL Manchester, Conn. 06040. olcfure Idea, coll charming neighborhoods surrounded by un- HARTFORD ROAD OPEN 7 days In 1917, the most famous spy of full phase. agreed to a cease-fire in Lebanon. Rhode Island daily: 8884. “ 4-47 6492711. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. World War One, Gertrude Zelle, The morning stars are Mercury, Jackpot” numbers: 30-37-09-01. To subscribe, or to report a to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. slght^ and dangerous walks is truly sad.” 6 a in -1 1 p m delivery problem, call 647-9946. “Manchester’s beauty could be restored SPEED QUEEN COIN LAUNDRY known as Mata Hari was executed Venus and Mars. A thought for the day: Oscar Massachusetts daily: 2253. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 The Manchester Herald Is a without raising taxes, but by wisely investing our 32 Family slxa Waahan...... 7S4 load 'b y a firing squad outside Paris. The evening stars are Jupiter Wilde said, “ As iong as war is Vermont daily: 058. p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 subscriber to United Press Interna­ to 10 a.m. Saturday. Delivery tax dollars back into our town,” the candidate ...... 1.M load In 1928, the Cierman dirigible and Saturn. Those bora on this day' regarded as wicked, it will always Maine daily: 254. tional news services and Is a 4 Bupsr alxad Waalwjra,.. should be made by 5 p.m. Monday member of the Audit Bureau of contends. aOlQIllMlt Graf Zeppelin arrived in the are under the sign of Libra. They have its fascination. When it is New Hampshire daily: 4553. through Friday and by 7:30 a.m. Circulations. j2,grxiajjL!S!ausjij^ United States on its first comfner- include lexicographer Noah Webs­ looked upon as vulgar, it wiil cease New Hampshire weekly sweep­ Saturdoy. kUriiUit iijaU cial flight after a four and one-half ter in 1758, author and dramatist to be popular.” stakes: 420-18-yellow. MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday, Oct. 15, 1983 - 5 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. Oct. 15, 19

Warsaw Pact urges missile delay HOUSEWASHING, High Pressure Power WesNng MOSCOW (U PI) - The foreign for deploying new medium-range nu­ in the talks on Intermediate Nuclear serious negotiation," a senior Western GENERAL OIL Of Vlfiylt Akimlnum And Wood ministers of the seven Warsaw Pact clear missiles," the ministers said. Forces in Geneva. diplomat said. “ But it doesn't look as if AAROH COOK they are willing to talk about anything Sided Homes. nations urged NATO Friday to delay The State Department in Washington The Soviet Union has offered to MANCHESTER that looks like deployment.” deloyment of new nuclear missiles in said the statement of Soviet conditions reduce Its more than 300 SS-20 missiles MAN Painting The foreign ministers’ statement, as HEATING OIL Europe in order to continue arms for continuing the talks “ after the end aimed at Europe to the number of reported by Tass, urged NATO statesto L- control talks in Geneva. of the year are unclear." missiles in the independent nuclear 643-2659 arsenals of France and Britain, a total "concentrate every effort on ruling W6ACCCPT ' The ministers, ending a tw j^<^y. V H A S QUALITY SERVICE Western experts in Moscow said the of 162. out" the deployment. ¥ISA meeting in Bulgaria, did not s ^ ifi- | l^tatement was intentionally ambiglous It also has indicated willingness to The statement did not say what cally say Moscow would break off the ' ) order to give the appearance that the count warheads, instead of missiles. counter measures the East Bloc might CAU 568-3500 talks when the planned deployment Soviet Union was M n g reasonable Since the SS-20 carries three warheads take, but it said deployment would begins in December but implied there without having to change its stance. “ precipitate another round of the HAS IT! each, that would reduce the permissa- would be little reason for further They said the statement implied ble number of SS-20s to roughly 100. nuclear arms race." negotiation. Moscow would not continue the Geneva Washington has offered to reduce the On Thursday, the Warsaw Pact ONVnMITONDf / “ If agreement is not reached at the arms talks once deployment begins, number of missiles deployed comensu- commander, Soviet Marshal Viktor ROUneS TALCOTTVIUI,CT. talks by year’s end, it is essential the biit gave the Kremlin sufficient leeway rate with the number of SS-20s the Kulikov, said Moscow will “deploy talks should be continued with a view to to alter its position. Soviets dismantle and destroy. It also’ additional nuclear weapons" capable 24 HR. TOWING reaching (agreement) in the conditions NATO plans to deploy 572 cruise and has offered to include aircraft with of hitting the United States if NATO 743 and IB1 Mom . MorKhoafor PW m ; 643^1191 or 643-1900 . of the renunciation by the United States Pershlng-2 nuclear missiles in the nuclear capability in the talks. stations U.S. cruise and Pershing-2 FEATURING THIS WEEK ... missiles in Western Europe. 643-0016 • Cofflbrook MoN, Manaftold and its NATO allies of their schedule absence of an agreement with Moscow “ We thought that should lead to - Phono: 456 1141 I CANS TABLEPADS Since 1947 SAsrmm coNNScticuf'i Democratic unit $59’ s Art CunUffe, Prop. tS A S m O PUU SSSVKS OSfKIAm i Custom Made T o Your m ENEI6V SAVMG STEVENSON'S S T O M mm AWNM 6S gives states time Table Size and Shape WMDOWS 'KPUCENENT 6 (Price shown Is tor labiss up lo , 4 D00BS ^ WNIDOWS CANOPKS Mx66. Laitgcr laMos sNghMy hlghsr) Servicenter, Inc. llto YANKEE ALUMINUM SERVICES to set new rules FREE Shop At Home Service! Imisliont & Auto Sales • insulating Ish • boat and stain rasistant Glass A Screen Repairs WASHINGTON (U P I) - A key panel of the washable • satisfaction guarantaod WAUHINO - WAXING - RUG SHAMPOOING Hardware S Acceaaorlea Democratic National Committee, seeking to avoid a LUBRICATION - BATTERIES - ACCESSORIES confrontation that could disrupt next summer’s TIRES - TUNEUPS - TEXACO PRODUCTS uu M iN U M 6 4 9 - 1 1 0 6 national convention, Friday gave more time for Iowa, 401-405 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER, CT. S IO IN Q 70S IW . SI. HaiiknMr. Ct.- New Hampshire and Maine to draw up a delegate Phons; 640-6633 BOB BTEVENSON selection plan. Able Horn* Improvemtnt Representatives of the three states have been “Your Complete Remodeling Service” COM M taOAl arousTMAi MSioemAi (203) 643.6843 adamant in their insistence on selecting delegates in prmi^^ries and caucuses on dates earlier than the Room Additions - Porch Encloauroa - Roofing • national Democratic Party rules allow. LEDOUX ELECTRIC if escorted cruises, tours, airline tickets Siding - Solar Qroonhousos - Kltchona • In­ ITfMSj The Compliance Review Commission of the DNC sulated Roplacomont Doors S Windows. (A mtomatic Aiaam A SeauUif has been ^ u a lly adamant in enforcing the rules, (203) 449-4476 warning that if the states go ahead on the early dates itno serviceJee Travelers Checks TOTAL FIRE 6 BURGLAR ALARM PROTECTIOM Ron Codett, 531 farker Street ‘kZTs ROBERT F. LEDOUX their delegations will not seated at the convention. Completa Imtollation of Party leaders said if the states-do not come into Owner 6 4 3 - 9 9 6 ^ NIW' CONSTRVCTWN - REPAMS - REWMMG ikcompetitive rates for auto A compliance, the DNC would come into the states and SERVKIS CNANMO - ARPUANaS MCTAUID Talephont Jocki and Systamt pick their own slate of delegates. That would lead to an SWHHMO POOL WMMG - OUTDbOR UOHTNIG embarrassing and bitter, floor fight over which homeowners insurance MANCHESTER. CT 06040 delegations should be seated. AaemoNS - rec rooms - water heaters' The commission is reviewing plans for selecting ’ Nanehettmr For Over SO Fear*” 3,931 delegates from every state which were fr AAA's exclusive maps S Trlpttks submitted under new yules aimed at shortening the EAST WEST IMPORTS primary season to roughly a four month period. FaaUoas aad G ills InHB Araw id dM WariS land The Florist The commission was prepared to act Friday on a ^ 2 4 hour Emergency road service NOW 24 BIRCH ST. staff recommendation to^eject the plans of Iowa to r Mnmwnc hold its caucus Feb. 20, New Hampshire to hold its Oriental Huge TEL. 643-6247 UPI photo primary on Feb. 28 and Maine to hold its caucus on 643-4444 For All Your Mood* AlWhslMdsPdns ir discounted movie tickets March 4. Party rules mandate dates about a week F.T.P. No pint for president later TRAVEUINSURANCE 643-sen m a s t e b c h a k e AME6ICAH EXniESS WOHLD W IK But in a surprise move, state party chairmen of the 391 Broad St.* Manchoetar IllCsatarSt. lo. Ytprotection for lost/stolen credit cards snviiSE Iowa, New Hampshire and Iowa, after meeting If, C l British brewers of Mansfield Beer have poster says, "He might be president of Thursday and Friday morning, submitted a handwrit­ e 4 6 - 7 0 9 A begun a promotional campaign using a the most powerful nation on earth... but ten note to Commission Chairwoman Nancy Pelosl. ir ...and much more ! ^ WE SaVtCE AHD MtTAU leOUmiAL MO COnnEBCUl picture of President Reagan, as seen on he’s never had a pint of Mansfield." “ The states of Iowa, New Hampshire and Maine AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION this billboard in Derby, England. The hereby withdraw the delegate selection plans of their aPeCIALIZIMQ IN respective” states, said the note signed by state 8UPEBIOR MUFFLERS HEATING and SHEET METAL chairmen George Bruno of New Hampshire, Barry Bobbins of Maine and Dave Nagle of Iowa. Keep Your DONWAUS GARAGE, me. The three stayed in a hotel room while the note was specialists New England Mechanical Services, Inc. WHEEL ALIGNMENT - BRAKE SERVICE • WRECKER SERVICE delivered by lawyer Mark Siegel, who represented GENERAL REPAIRING MANCHESTER West German protesters them before the^ommission. After a brief debate, the On This Space Propane Cylinders Filled 166 TUNNEL RD. commission unanimously agreed to give the three Air Conditioning Service VERNON. CT. 06066 states 20 additional days to work things out. TELEPHONE 18 MAIN STREET 391 Broad Street 871-1111 “ I think of it as a breakthrough, because we’ve Next Week... . B49-4S31 MANCHESTER CONN 06040 finally got a dialogue going.” Bruno told reporters blockade two U.S. bases after the meeting “ Maine, New Hampshire and Iowa 646-7096 are moving as one, and thdre’s an understanding by all three that we want to be treated as one.” Nagle and RUNCHESTER OVEN 4 5 KAISERSLAUTERN, West Ger­ demonstrators into the streets in a many is to be the site of 204 of the Bobbins were equally optimistics. TE A M many (UPI) Anti-nuclear dem­ 10-day campaign against the missiles. Ms. Pelosi, of San Francisco, who emphasized the EXPERIENCE onstrators blockaded two U.S. American missiles, planned to The American missiles are de- TELEPHONE 649-6713 MEMORIAL CO. need “ to put our absolute best face forward” at the military bases Friday in a nation­ extend the blockades to three other .signed to counter more than 300 convention, because it will be viewed by as many as 0pp. East Camalary wide protest against the deploy­ U.S. facilities Saturday. Soviet SS-20 missiles already in CALL 649-5807 500 million people around the world, said that no INDUSTRIAL SUPPtY, Inc. ment of American cruise and The military bases targeted place. PAUL SHAMONIS LANDSCAPER eAR-ava-tteAD aaortcTioN exceptions to the rules would be granted. Pershing-2 missiles at the end of were the Andrews barracks in German police outside Kaisers- oa.H.A. Asanovio rreMS - q l o v e s “ The rules are clear,” she told reporters. Ms. Pelosi lUALITY -HARRISON ST. the year. West Berlin, the U.S. Arm ys’ ' lautem threw a ring of barbed wire QCNBRAL UmOeCAPINO UMFO nMS - MATS - HOSE a TUBINQ added that she is concerned that if date changes are ^ FIRBT AID a FIRE PROTECTION MANCHESTER European headquarters at Heidel­ around the Ramstein Air Base, •MORIALS The demonstrators heeded a granted the three states, others will want to change AND LANDSCAM NtAiNTENANCa berg 50 miles east of Kaiserslaut­ headquarters of the U.S. Air Force police warning to clear the road dates as well. 5 d m ML-BOX 945 — TEb 643-5107 ern and a Pershing-1 missile base in Europe. leading to an Army depot believed But another member of the commission, Ann at Arsbach near the frontier with About 200 protesters then headed Coll For Free filfAnefe to contain nuclear munitions near Campbell of Shrewsbury, N.J., suggested a solution The Netherlands. for the nearby munitions depot at 176 WOODLAND ST. Kaiserslautern. may soon be available. PENTLAND the f l o r i s t Demonstrators also planned to Miesau and sat in the road for three EVERYTHING IN GLASS . But at the port of Bremerhaven, “ I imagine there will be intense new negotiations MANCHEiTcn, CONN, oaleo 643-2072 form a four-mile long human chain hours. They m oved-after police •WE CAN T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT 200 miles north of Kaiserslautern,. with new players,” she said. Ms. Campbell'said the Saturday between the U.S. and gave them three minutes to police forced the protesters off the ’ ’solution would be for the executive committee (of the • DRAPERY • CARPET • W AUCOVBHNO Soviet embassies in Bonn. disperse or be carried away and highway to open the way for trucks Democratic National Committee) to amend the Tfia colorful sforo that comas fo yoor door. NATO plans to begin deploying fined. J.A. WijHE GLASS (».. carrying supplies for 250,000 U.S. rules” at its Oct. 28 meeting to allow more'flexibility 572 cruise and Pershing-2 missiles Kaiserslautern police chief military personnel in West in the calendar. in Western Europe by the end of the Werner Ochs, denouncing the RAZOR’S 440-7321 Germany. But Ms. Plosi, who is a close ally of Democratic • Cuttom drwpary • twevon w ood* • minl-blindt • bodaf year it U.S. and Soviet negotiators demonstrators as “ rowdies,” oi'E ii .10 1F. 4H.S t:xPt:RiESfi: The anti-nuclear movement, National Committee Chairman Charles Manatt, was noRui^ $1 BISSILL ST. MANCHESTER • vortical Mlnd» • ftwoga/comkwf • ahadMi in Geneva do not reach an arms warned they would be jailed ihhey EDGE FAMIIV HAM CENTIS not encouraging about the prospect of changing the •MIRRORS •SHOWER DOORS •STpRE FITONTS" E aperf decorottrig odvice. et your convenience with no obligotiQn. predicting it would draw 3 million limitation agreement. West Ger­ tried to blockade Ramstein itself. AeeeimnienH doyt. everUngt, vseehendi rules. A , C O . •SAFETY GLASS •BATHTUB ENCLOSURES •ETC , 9^Maln,8t. DoiVntoMn J. B. ELECTROMCS FAMOUS BRAND V . S . / W o r l d Teacher talks resume Call 647-1167 STEREO a MUSIC AMPS a TV CHICAGO — Talks between the Chicago for your appointmsnt TELEVISION - APPLIANCES SALES AND SERVICE I n B r i e f Teachers Union and the Board of Education MANCHESTER reopened Friday as a contingent of angry parents — rn 1 converged on City Hall to demand Mayor Harold HOME MHOfUEIIT _ . _ ooo Nuclear boycott urged "'s ^ in g to n end the 2-week-old strike. ‘The Place For Antiques" m iMjie mayor insisted he will not get involved v p n fik e VIENNA, Austria — The International Atomic in negotlatjons between the financially strapped 649-3589 lACK BERTRAND 643-1262 Energy Agency called Friday for a nuclear school boa?ll„and the union representing 27,000 r "OLD_FAilliPNtllJPQICCr I Ihit Is Stis I iksa boycott against Israel unless the Jewish state teachers and i6 blue collar unions representing ■Yues^lm^str JMH||r| - I withdrew its threat to attack Arab civilian 11,000 other em^oyees. '^^toee-Pull Servte$_Hey||g^,. nuclear reactors. In the balanceNvere 435,000 students, many of SpeeiaUaing iit Wines a The agency’s annual conference, however, whom sought alterqative learning centers while TKlfi OLCOTT PACKAGE STORE ! accepted Israel’s credentials to the meeting. The negotiators haggled over the key issue — pay Haircuts <5 Fariii»^2Qr| MERCURY 654 CENTER 8T. MANCHESTHL CT. ■ United States had threatened to suspend its raises. , Call for appointments fH3-1442' Pina Shopping Plaaa I participation in the organization if sanctions were imposed on Israel. Mailer target of probe DISCOUNT LIQUOR STORE [ ’The'United States walked out of last year’s BISHOP WITH FIDEL CASTRO Ma n c h e s t e r ! Phono 846-2786 conference after Israel’s credentials were . . . Grenada coup attempt foiled NEW YO RK — ^lovelist Norman Mailer was 611 MAIN tT. NO SERVICE CHARGE On. at MMICH.MW. Lwgmt a»l.cUon« Ot FlaurM CyMiilea Ir | rejected because of its June 1981 bombing of a the target of an investigation involving a hashish stock. 0«ir Votwnii S*vM You Motwy. 10V« Ot Spm M o. " smuggling ring headed by the writer’s friend, kfaaMr CAwga aiuf VtM Aoeaplod | French-built Iraqi nuclear reactor. itersNoMsai l•ttsall••hlpB Tato-ClMck... a The 111-member agency is dedicated to Coup falls In Grenada according to court papers made available GuitiiiB Ntdm Mandiaster ■mnUCkiaiMMi^giU^ I promoting the peaceful use of atomic energy and Friday. ■271 ensuring the assistance it gives, or which it is ST. GEORGES, Grenada — Prime Minister Ivan Fisher, a New York lawyer involved in a Maurice Bishop arrested the chief of his Kltchmn ft l^iluwtmrRtmollmtUtg given at its request, is not applied to military related case, said the year-long federal Investiga­ MIMT-MAN PRINTING uses. bodyguards Friday and the deputy prime tion represented a "government witch hunt to get Hundreds of 423 CBMTaa aT.oMAMCMBSTia e4s-im minister resigned-in an apparently unsuccessful Mailer.” 0 4 Designs & Styles coup -attempt on the Cuban-backed island, state Vlstt iir$hoNr oniAti , Fisher’s complaint was contained in a sworn c«m!nEnMiMReatM«Mi radio said. , 2$ Olcolt StrWl ] Amin’s doctor In custody statement he filed in U.S. District Court in LOW COST nmrmw There were no reports of bloodshed on the Manhattan asking the court to dismiss a narcotics CHICAGO — The personal physician to former M

. I By Joanne Johnson -■ two braves crept up and shot them Narragansett Indian princess can she unfolds legends and lore about was a member of a United Nations plaque Gov. J. Joseph Gorraby United Preee International with bows and arrows that mlUioos tell litisrally hundreds of other native American artifacts she speakers committee. A couple of recently gave her for 50 years of of miniature mosquitoes were tales too — and she will — to assembled with the late Eva years ago she delivered a 30- achievement for keeping Indian J a c k culture alive in Rhode Island. ARCADIA, R.I. — Princess Red released to plague the world anyone who wanders through Butler, a nationally known Indian minute broadcast about the Am eri­ An ‘error’ on the side of human life Dovecrest Indian Reservation and expert. • can Indian on the Voice of America She started lecturing to civic Wing of the Seven Crescents will forever after. A n d e ra o n groups during the 1920s after she tell you all Indian children know cares to listen. radio network. And she’ll tell you the Indian While tending shop recentiv at She’s secretly proud of the fact graduated from Friends College in Washington rabbits have short tails, because the reservation trading post she Nothing about ^ h e Reagan Is no more a medical judgment children also know that Mother In a remote corner of western that she ^was listed in the 1979 Pennsylvania. She first realised on a Down's syndrome baby one of their ancestors got snagged straightened her slight frame a Morry-Qo-Round Nature was bora when the Sky Rhode Island, she continues her “ Who’s Who of Wotnen," the she could enchant listeners when administration's proposed than a refusal to treat blacks (or with a correctable intestinal In a fall from a willow tree in which little to recall that her listeners Queen was dropped from heaven to lifetime work of keeping her American Biographical Institute’s she lectured with the Rev. Ben “ Baby Doe” regulations is half Jews, or people with red hair) defect, and that 24 percent l^.wafe napping years ago. have numbered in the thousands be buried on earth, and peas, com. people’s heritage alive. It is a task “ Notable Americans” and the Brave in the 1930s, and she made as striking as the reaction to would be. would actually encourage par­ that has taken her to all corners of over the years. She’ll tell you all Indian children beans and other vegetables British “ International Register of enough money to help him pay off them. The American Associa­ The critics argue that the ents to refuse the treatment. the globe. Stephen Chapman know too that once upon a time, spr yield to the welhbeing of therapies. They are not more THE SAME JOURNAL, in a defensible position on how to DOT •mployeet surrender The family was notified of the death by two Marines record for reliability. And now a M. Jackson. D-Wash. < children. qualified than the rest of us to 1977 survey of pediatricians and treat handicapped babies: any who came to their door about 9; 15 a.m. Friday. series of internal Army reports, W ALLINGFORD — Two former employees of Jackson, an advocate of strong U.S. defense Soifert left Hollis High School before graduating in THE IM PETUS for the prop­ Despite what the opponents judge the value of a particular pediatric surgeons, found that error should be made on the side examined by my associate Donald the state Department of Transportation surren­ capabilities, died Sept. 1 of a heart attack. Reagan 1977 to join the Marines. Friends and fam ily said it osal was the infamous “ Baby say, the rules don’t require 77 percent would go along with a of preserving life, notontheside human life. A physician’s deci­ Goldberg, shows that the Hummer dered Friday to face charges of first-degree ordered the Trident’s name changed from the USS was ^ e only thing he wanted to do with his life. Doe” case, in which a BIoo- pointless, expensive measures. parental decision not to operate sion not to save a retarded child of destroylng'it.) gets a flunking grade for safety as larceny and third-degree burglary for allegedly Rhode Island in Jackson’s honor, forcing a delay in “ It was the big time for him. He thought it was reselling state property. well. the scheduled Sept. 24 launch. great. He was really looking forward to it, ” said Hollis John Delvecchio, 41, of Bridgeport and Charles (^lark, invited by the Navy as a national security High SchoolRrincipal Dennis JoyC I t e « l M t A REPORT SENT to the Army’s Andrade Sr., 55, of Madison gave themselves up Guest editorial adviser, was nominated Thursday by Reagan to Joy said w ife rt was an average student who was depMty chief of staff for research, to inspectors in the Ekxmomic Crime Unit of the succeed James Watt as interior secretary. He must be active in the foreign language'program at the school. Chief State’s Attorney's Office. development and acquisition lists confirmed by the Senate. ,^’ ’He was very well liked.' A quiet kid.” a numbfr of serious safety The state alleges Delvecchio and Andrade The news spread quickly Friday through the C. Robert Satti, state's attorney for New London attempted to enter a DOT storage'facility in community in southern New Hampshire. problems: County, won an injunction Thursday in New London Westbrook in Oct. 1978 and removed 16,000square y jo y said the Middle East war “ thousands of miles When Falwell • A badly placed safety strap Superior Court to ban weapons and limit the feet of fiberglass insulation then valued at $4,300. suddenly Mt home.” can result in "passengers poten­ demonstration area. away, ^'News of Soifert’s death prompted New HampsMre’s tially ejected” from the carrier. Judge Paul Vasinton gave police permission to frisk senior Sen. Gordon Humphrey, R-N.H., to renew his • The driver’s field of vision is Dancers can’t name suspect met Kennedy anyone entering the area and to confiscate any call for the withdrawal of Anierican Marines from restricted. ’’This item is particu­ WEST HARTFORD - A dancer in a Dallas bar weapons. More than 200 police, many in riot gear, Lebanon. larly important during driving says she and other dancers never knew the were scheduled to patrol the gates, a frequent scene of “ I have felt from the start that it was a mistake to Editor’s note: On Saturdays the the Massachusetts Democrat over the crest of hills and in traffic identity of the man police believe set arson fires anti-nuclear protests. ^ undertake that (peacekeeping) role,” be said. " I have Manchester Herald reprints edi­ is that today’s Moral Msgor- on roadways,” the report notes. at Jewish targets, even though they had late-night Joyce Katzberg, an organizer with the anti-Trident urged the administration to withdraw our troops as torials from other New England ity could become tomorrow’s • There is no "P A R K ” position chats with the suspect. Rhode Island Mobilization for Survival, said her soon as we can can.” newspapers. This is from the on the Hummer’s automatic trans­ Police said Thursday the calls were among 148 group views the Klan and the Trident as “ sympto- Humphrey, who is normally a Reagan supporter, Providence Journal-Bulletin. persecuted minority. That is mission. This oversight, “ may calls to dancers at nude bars and atrip joints in inatic of the same state of mind that sees violence as a said American troops are “ a high value target,” true and it’s an argument Dallas made by the man from the Young Israel means for resolving conflirt.” result in accidents . . . due to adding that “ It’s a propaganda victory (or Insurgents against inflexible attitudes. Synagogue — the target of one of the fires — when Michelle Zacks of the New Haven-bas^ Atlantic I anywhere to wound or kill an American.” potential driver error (inadvert­ There’s plenty of room for the hulldlng should have been closed. Life Community, said protesters intend to have “ a lot Gov. John Sununu was expected to order state flags "Mainstream” politicians ently leaving transmission in a tolerance in American so­ Police said they believe the arsonist is the of peacekeepers on hand and not to rely on the police I lowered to half staff in ol^rvance of the Marine’s and churchmen like Senator ’DRIVE’ position).” caller and that at least one of the calls were made ciety, and two arch­ so much but rather to discipline ourselves.” death. Kennedy, as well as many • The brakes aren’t protected after the arson fire started in the synagogue Aug. But she said the protest would go on as scheduled. MRS. JOAN. ROMER, MOTHER Nashua Mayor Maurice Arel said the city “ will opponents from the “Old observers of the American from objects kicked up from below 11. "T im e is running out very quickly, and all of us must definitely mourn his loss.” The Dallas dancer, who identified herself only holdirtg photo of slain son Left” and the “New Right” scene, haVe sometimes failed by the wheels. Result: ’ ’Potential do something to stop the deployment of first-strike ought to be showing a little bit brake failure.” as Rita, said she did not know the calls were from nuclear weapons.” to appreciate the hopes and Connecticut and does not know the man’s name. • The H um m er’s 62-pound C more after an unprecedented convictions of men and She described the talks as "general get-together. “ TOW” missiles cannot be tied conversation.” women who are deeply com­ dowp properly. "Failure of missile Lemon Law sponsor vows action on BBB Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, mitted to religious move­ rack to adequately secure TOW D'-Mass., walked into the ments variously labelled rev­ missiles may result in missile Judge approves settlement lion’s den to speak at Liberty ivalist, evangelistgic and becoming dislodged during vehicle BRIDGEPORT — A federal judge Thursday HARTFORD (UPI) — The sponsor of The state attorney general’s office through a complying arbitration pro­ compliance. operation over rough terrain, with formally approved a $1 million settlement the so-called Lemon Law said Friday set the deadline last week after finding cess before taking legal action, such as “ I ’m willing to go along,” Woodcock Baptist College, founded in fundamentalist. At the same said, publicly inviting BBB officials subsequent damage or personal between the state and a group of minority prison he may go to court if necessary to bring the BBB program for handling com­ niing suit against an auto maker. Lynchburg, Va., by the Rev. time, leaders like Mr; Falwell the Better Business Bureau into line plaints under the Lemon Law failed to - Woodcock, sponsor of the year-old from the group’s national headquar­ injury.” guards who charged their employer with T Jerry Falwell, organizer of (said to be a brilliant, persua­ with the law’s provisions for handling meet the law’s requirements. Lemon Law, said he had “ t o y ^ ” with ters to a meeting with Mmself and othe.* • If they avoid getting conked by discrimination in a 1970 lawsuit. The agreement, approved Thursday by U.S. complaints from new-car buyers. * Under the year-old law, the BBB the idea of filing a class action suit officials to discuss ways to bring the the Moral Majority. What a sive orator who could-charm "CalifoePia driversir a dislodged missile, the Hummer’s District Judge T.F. Gilroy Daly, will allow a Rep. John Woodcock III, D-South conducts arbitration on complaints earlier and had disgruntled auto arbitration program into compliance. confrontation might have snakes out of trees) seem to crew faces serious danger from the panel to decide whether individuals who were Windsor, vowed action by Mmself or from auto buyers demanding refunds buyers willing to act as plaintiffs. been expected by those who flaunt a mandate requiring ever-present possibility of a mis­ f i r ^ or passed over for promotion were victims the state if the BBB doesn’t meet a Dec. or replacement vehicles from certain However, he said he decided instead “ If they don’t comply by Dec. 6, then see only stereotype images of them to be angry and rigid Com m entary sile misfire. “ This may result in a of discrimination. The panel can order the guards 6 deadline for bringing iU arbitration manufacturers for vehicles that prove to go along with the attorney general’s I think it’s time to take the gloves off,” he said, adding a suit would still be a the “darling of the liberals” toward those not belonging to number of different accident situa­ to be reinstated, given the promotions and back program for Lemon Law complaints in to be “ lemons” and are defective. decision to give the BBB 60 days to line with the law's requirements. The law requires a buyer to first go bring the arbitration program into possibility. and the “champion of red­ their fellowship. tions, ranging in severity up to pay. subjecting all crew members to “ This proves they were guilty of first-degree neck morality! ” Mr. Falwell said he and A visit with Andropov TOW exhaust blast and flam e.” racial discrimination,” said S. Issa Norman, vice You couldn’t ask for more Senator Kennedy will proba­ • And even if everything goes president of the Hartford branch of the Brass Rainlon f>lans are blocked Keys, the minority guard organization that sweetness and light. After bly continue to disagree, but^ WASHINGTON - Soviet leader like clockwork, the Hummer mis­ brought the lawsuit. putting away the beef Wel­ “ I think we will like each Yuri Andropov is about 6-feet-2 and sile gunners will be subjected to ANDROPOV’S FORMAL Corrections officials,'however, did not concede by U.S. Immigration policy lington and strawberry pie at other better ... He’s a liberal has “ a first-class mind, strong STATEMENT was largely predic­ deafening blast noise. "This will there had been discrimination. Mr. Falwell’s handsome on most issues and I’m presence, and reasonabiy good table. It blamed Wa^ington for result in permanent hearing loss R c K le iic k of people from visiting the planned a two-week visit home in the mountains, the conservative and no amount heaith,” though his hands shake a increased tensions and held fast to (even with double hearing protec-^ GLASTONBURY Hormone use dropped (U P I) — A Zambian fam­ U.S. each year and proba­ to his sister, Yogimani GRAND iittle. Soviet proposals for arms reduc­ tion) unless the number of expo­ principals sashayed to the of dinners will change that.” Washington bly “ hurts tourism.” Ganesh, and her husband So says Sen. Ciaiborne Pell of tions and a nuclear freeze. It also sures is limited to one per gunner ily planning a reunion has Correspondent HARTFORD — A proposal to treat male sex “ You don’t have to after visiting his brother. campus, where students were The souls of the Liberty Rhode Island, who should know: per day’ — hardly the kind of quota offenters at Somers prison with- a female been stymied by U.S. called for banning weapons in prove a person will stay “ I tried to explain I ’ve on their best behavior. Sena­ Baptist College students hormone has been shelved by a Department of immigration policies that Along with eight fellow Demo­ space and destroying current ones that wins any battles. here. Suspicion is been in Zambia for six OPENING Corrections task force. deny visas to thousands of tor Kennedy defended some came to no discernible harm cratic senators, Peil recently — a proposal Pell says the Reagan enough,” Mroteck said. years and I plan to stay The task forepdbeided not to use the hormone, people from Third World of his well-known positions. because they listened to the became the first U.S. official and so minutes as he was at the administration has been slow to A R M Y SPOKESMEN stoutly Because visitors from there and finish out my sold as D e ^ '^ o v e r a , because of possible side countries each year. formally to sit face-to-face with beginning.” pick up on. insist that the Hummer won’t be Third World countries are employment contract, but Religion’s appeal should be to senator, and he probably has effects raisra by a host of difficult medical, The Ganesh family of Andropov. Andropov, former head of the accepted until the bugs are worked more likely to remain I guess (the American the individual’s conscience, a better perception of this In subsequent give-and-take, ethical ana legal questions. Glastonbury had planned KGB, the Soviet secret police, was than those from deve­ consul) did not believe Andropov, who succeeded Leo­ Andropov blamed Washington for out; they say testing is continuing. Depo-Provera, the trade name for medroxy­ a reunion with family not to the coercive power of particular grouping of young dressed in a blue suit and was loped countries, they are me,” he said in a tele­ nid Brezhnev 11 months ago, is a pressure on Nicaragua, and Im­ But other Army sources doubt that progesterone acetate, works in men by inhibiting members they have not fblANA^S BAKERY the state, he said. Americans. It was an evening more likely to be denied a phone -interview from mystery man to most of the world. “ cordial and correct.” They shook plied that the Soviets have handled the safety issues will ever be the pituitary gland’s production of a chemical seen in nine years. Those visa, he said. London with the Hartford One telling point made by well spent. Pell, who led the U.S. delegation to hands at the end of the meeting but Poland with moderation. “ Your resolved. messenger that causes the testes to produce plans were blocked by a MANCHESTER PARKADE State Department policy T. Suridaraiswaran had Courant. Russia in mid-August, dispels not at the start. representative went there,” said There’s good reason for these testosterone. A Family owned Business requiring foreign visitors some of that mystery. IN BE'TVirEEN, Pell, Sen. Pa­ Andropov, “ and also the Pope — doubts. Officials at the Arm y’s Advocates of the hormone believe the health to prove they will not stay. Berry's World “ A French diplomat warned that trick Leahy of Vermont and he’s not your representative but he safety center at Fort Rucker, Ala., risks may be worthwhile in treating rapists or “ They shouldn’t deny DIANA'S OWN CLOWN for each hour spent negotiating Andropov all offered formal state­ certainly acted like one.” have urged further tests and child-molesters who cannot control themselves. visas because others in THE Bring 111 with an adversary, a statesman ments. Andropov’s susequent ex­ On human rights, Andropov correction of the safety problems. the past have come and the ORRY" 2-5 P.M. should spend 10 minutes trying to change of views was “ spontaneous said, “ We would not try to convert But a July 7 memo from the safety O'Neill won’t enter fray stayed,” said Dr. M. Ga­ understand how it feels to be inside and not programmed at all,” said you to our ideology; you should not center said; “ Verification of these nesh. " I f too many come KIdal HARTFORD — Gov. William O’Neill said JtJEYBOX SAT., OCT. 15th his adversary’s skin,” explains Pell, adding that the Soviet leader try to convert us.” He described fixes in a realistic environment Is and stay, that’s a fault of 5 Friday he will not urge Democratic State the system because you Pell, who spent nearly two hours spoke without notes or the help of famed dissident and Nobel Prize­ needed to insure their operational Restaurant Chairman James M. Fitzgerald to resign because have too many with Andropov in the Kremlin. winner Andrei Sakharov as “ a adequacy, but additional opera­ aides. of allegations the chairman was involved in the loopholes.” FREE DONUT HOLES “ In some ways he seemed the mentally sick man.” tional testing is not currently illegal collection of campaign funds. U.S. immigration laws THE 64-YEAR-OLD senator is very image of our own president,” Pelt and the other traveling planned.” O’Neill said he did not condone the alleged view a visitor “ as a Our Juror's Choice: and BALLOONS For THE KIDS senior Democrat on the Senate said Pell, such as in turning down a senators arrived home just hours conduct by Fitsgerald and Thomas Grasso, prospective immigrant” Foreign Relations Committee and summit meeting. Andropov “ gave before Soviet fighter pilots shot HEADLINES AND FOOT­ husband of the late Gov. Ella Grasso, who were and the obligation is upon FrI-Sat. Specials the only senator who is a former- the same reasons as our president down K.A.L. flight 7, a move he NOTES: Dissatisfied with the charged with making the illegal collections by him to prove otherwise, diplomat, having served in siich did: You don’t go to such a meeting calls “an inexplicable act of response to the Sept. 11 national Chief State's Attorney Austin J. McGuigan. said John Caufield, a “ I ’m dismayed at it, I guess that’s the proper MANY MORE M-STORE SPECIALS posts as Italy and Czechoslovakia. without an agenda prepared and barbarism.” day of mourning for the 269 persons spokesman for the Bureau •Center Cut Pork Chops word to begin with, do not condone, have never of Consular Affairs in Pell also'was involved in helping arrived at beforehand.” President Reagan’s handling of killed in the Soviet shootdown of participated in it nor do I ever intend to,” the Washington, D.C, Specializing inf I For AH Occasions Hungarian refugees when the Andropov told the Americans: the affair was “ absolutely first- the Korean airliner, the Texar­ •Fresh Baked Bluefish Democratic governor and former sUte party Ryszard S. Mrotek, a Russians brutally crushed their “ Should the presidents of these two class,” in the senator’s view, kana, Ark., city council has chairman said. Hartford lawyer and im­ •Prime Rib of Beef NBIIIW a aniDLY • STNN OCOSHN CMSS a NEB • uses rebellion in 1956. The Soviet countries sit down to talk about nejther too strong nor too Weak. designated Nov. 1 as a new day of While critical of the alleged collections, O'Neill migration expert, said the a HUS a DHBN a N K a m a HM CMOS a NB a H i m ( n i l CIBS ambassador to Hungary who be­ telephones?” “ For the first time, he seemed to mourning and seeks nationwide said he would not urge Fitzgerald to step down as policy prevents miiliohs •Baked Bay Scallops ONIlSaiTNIMMSIHB trayed that country’s leaders recognize that all residents of support. It also criticised the White party chairman and had only told Fitzgerald to Pell said, “ The thing that really lOSEimDIKn during the Hungarian Revolution startled me, as I thought about it, spaceship earth have to live House for not doing enough to . make up Ms own mind on his future. Franchise Vour All served with potato & salad was none other than Yuri was here were these two men, each together or incinerate together.” promote the earlier day. Business... Andropov. with the power to completely But relations between the U.S. • In a generally sympathetic Flu thoto rtcommended ...If you havo O P K N 7 A ^ . P ell’s status in Congress has destroy and devastate the oiher’s and UrS.S.R. are “ very danger­ biography of David Ben-Gurion, HARTFORD — State health officials Friday a succatsful earned him the luxury of a nation and civilization possibly, ous,” said Pell. the father of modem Israel, author urged the elderly and those suffering from • NISfAUfUNI Now AppeariNg: Wednesday handsome office tucked away on yet neither one of them has been in Dan Kurzman reports that Ben- • Nf TAIL 8TONC “ Our two countries are on a serious chronic Illness to receive flu shots. • 8INVKC BUSMiBS • WCIQHr FITNI8B 8TUCNO Reiideivoiis wnh Dennis & Karen MARCHISYBS PARIAN the second floor of the Capitol, and the other’s world. collision course,” he added, mov­ Gurion and other Zionist leaders liiose over age 65 and cMldren and adults with there he shared what he learned Wo can tftvalop a nattsnal NancRiaa SHOPnNO AT DIANA'S BAXEAYI, 4 4 1-I4 e7 4 4 3 .0 1 1 4 "Then’a the expression we want Keep thinking “ Neither one of them has been on ing his hands toward each other failed to urge drastic action by the diseases such as leukemia and other cancers, m$80 I20eayo Thnrsday: Jimmy Halloran of Interest rates going up and stocks going about Andropov and from him. the other, sjde of the curtain. like airplanes. “ That doesn’t mean Allies to save Jews In Natl iieart disease, chronic lung or kidney disease, rMBCMSI WVf lOFMBf COFF. “ Andropov is iiilcllcctiially very Neither of has a real concept ,hey have to collide, and we can Germany, because they feared it : diabetes and severe anemia should be immun m t Bllaa Oaana H«wy. ^ 6S8 U M i Sk faUsHfkML Cm *. 41 ragwMck WhdMf, Cmb. d o w n !" sem* rhM« 74S-181A—« m 7S7 n«Mi68a-1472 vigorous indis-d,” said Pell. "H e. of the other’s civilization and the void colliding if both sides have a would hamper plans for a postwar iied, the Department of Health Services said. d ; Fsshv HM. CT OM87 was as .slrooK al llii- end of an hour TIL too 143 4318 7 Masdl^ar 6 4 9 -76 9 6 traditiops they have.” will to negotiate.” Jewish state. 203 721 7232 mCT ■ - MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday, dct. 15. 1983 MANCMESTER HERALD. Saturday, C,t. 15, 1983 - 9 Manchester court cases ------. ’ I ■■ j Hartford woman facing " \ SPORTS witness-tampering charged Rival South hands Eagles first loss, 14-8 A Hartford woman was ar­ officer saw Lee strike his girl­ • Penny Pinney, second-degree raigned Wednesday in Manchester friend Kathleen Daros outside the larceny, two years in prison; "Their whole team was fired Superior Court on charges of bar and throw her to the ground, suspended, and three years proba­ By Barry Peters said Corto. “ Any of their backs East received the opening kick­ another fumble left East with third Friday night. up,” observed Kelly. "They exe­ tampering with a witness and police said. tion. Ms. Pinney was also ordered Herold Sportswriter could pop it all the way. East Is a off but lost three yards on its first and a mile, a hopeless situation The ioss was the Eagles’ first of cuted real well. They beat us of f the harassment. Lee was charged at the time with to pay the victim restitution. \ the year and in HCC play after good, good football team.” possession as the Rebels came out with the passing attack not click­ ball initially. By the time we got Alherta Allen, 35, allegedly assault on a police officer, third- first-degree larceny charge was HARTFORD - With so many registering four non-conference But not good enough Friday hitting hard. South took oyer and ing whatsoever. squared away...well, the game threatened to release embarrass­ degree criminal mischief, and nolled by the state’s attorney. arteries running from the heart of wins. South is also 4-1 overall but night. South, which has already marched 71 yards in nine plays, South finally made a mistake on its next possession. Forced to punt goes by so quick.” ing information about a Manches­ breach of peace. Miss Daros, also • Richard Wescott, third-degree tb$ East Catholic offense. South 1-1 in the conference. played two tough opponents in including two 14-yard pass plays from its own 43, Charette boomed ter woman unless the woman of Willimantic,. was charged with criminal mischief, nolled. Catholic decided the best way to What worried South coach Len Xavier (a 21-0 defeat) and Bloom­ from quarterback Dave Marks to Thanks to the last flurry of one inside the East five-yard line. agreed to drop charges aj^inst breach of peace, police said, after e Donald Collins, driving while stop the Eagles was to go right for Corto was the balance In the Eagle field (a 14-6 win), was ready form Mark Charette, the last going for a carries. Post ended up with 124 The plhy was called back because Hartford boxer Tyron^''Booze, she tried to keep officers from intoxicated, fined $315. Charges of the aorta — Eastkiuarterback John offense among Giiiberto and run­ the opehing kickoff. Their expe­ touchdown over the Eagle left side yards on 23 carries. Buddy Zach­ of a Rebel penalty, however, and Manchester I^blice charge. arresting Lee. Miss Daros was driving while his license was Giiiberto. \ ning backs Doug Post, Buddy rience jn the big games thus far for a 6-9 South lead. ery managed only 27 yards on eight this time the ball was snapped over Booze, 24, turned himself into incarcerated briefly and later suspended, driving without eye­ ' The plan workeirperfectly as the Zachery and Jim DePersia. He showed from the start as it took the 'Che East running game ran into carries and East’s inefficiency in Charette’s head, not an easy task police Sept. 9 after learning he was released on $100 bond. glasses and speeding were nolled. Rebel defense s a w ^ off the Eagle found the best way to close the . Eagles a while before they could problems up the middle. Giiiberto throwing the ball — O-for-2, no with Charette’s leaping ability and wanted on charges of assaulting Police had her car towed to a • Raymond E. Allard, driving offense at the trunk, pressuring ^-Eagle attack was to stop ft before it get their bearings. didn’t ha^e time to get the ball yards — hurt the Eagles in long soft hands. The ball rolled into the and robbing the Manchester Main Street garage during the while intoxicated, granted en­ Giiiberto and holding the Eagles to got started. "The kids were a little tense,” outside as the South linehacking yuardage situations. woman in her home. The woman incident, they said. trance into the state Alcohol a fourth quarter touchdown and "They have such a complete said East coach Jude Kelly. "They corps, led by John Zapata, Mike endzone and Charette wisely fell on told police Booze tried to suffocate Free on $1,000 bond, Lee and a Education program. safety in posting a 14-8 triumph offense, we thought we’d try to hadn’t been behind before. They Urciuoli and Arturo Loureiro, it, giving East its firrst two points. South’s attack was its usual her with a pillow, police said. companion broke into the garage • Thomas Blanchard, driving over East at Dillon Stadium close it down as fast as we could,” had to learn what it wasall about.” hammered their way through the The Eagles got the ball on the potent self, with Marks eight of 11 Booze was charged with third- parking lot Sept. 17 and took Miss while intoxicated, granted en­ East offensive line to get at free kick, but after a 15-yard for 91 yards. The senior quarter­ i degree assault, fifth-degree lar­ Daros’ car, police said, without trance into the state Alcohol Giiiberto. penalty ended up in a third-and 21, back also ran up 55 yards on 11 ceny and first-degree unlawful paying towing and storage Education Program. On a charge South came back and scored on Post tried a pass on an option and carries, mostly on scrambles out of restraint.' charges. Police apprehended Lee of interfering with police, he was its second possession, driving 60 was intercepted by Rudini. South trouble. Drumibond had 54 yards fined $115. moved the ball into East territory, on 11 carries before leaving with a DPI pholo In a sworn affidavit on file with once again, not without a struggle. yards on the legs of tailback the court, a Manchester detective Lee, who has served time in • Paul A. Duff, driving while Marlon Drummond and two Marks but Chris Darby returned the bad ankle early in the second half. intoxicated, granted entrance into favor, intercepting Marks at the Lance CpI. Davtd Chapman of Green- Lebanon. One Marine was killed by quotes from several taped phone Connecticut on convictions for completions, the second a six-yard East will try to rebound next sexual assault and kidnapping, the state Alcohol Education Eagle IS. castle, Pa., returns fire with an M-60 conversations the alleged victim touchdown pass on fourth down to Saturday when they travel to South sniper fire while driving a jeep in the ' was then charged with third- Program. While all the fair play was had with Ms. Allen. According to Dave Rudini. Windsor for a 1:30 kickoff. automatic machine gun at Moslem perimeter road: the affidavit, Ms. Allen can be degree burglary, sixth-degree lar­ • George Jacques, driving while The East offense was hurt by turning about, however, the clock militiamen Friday near Beirut Airport in ,heard on the tape telling the ceny, interfering with an officer, intoxicate, granted entrance into three fumbles in the first half, was winding down. East came woman to. drop charges against assault on a police officer, and the state Alcohol Education twice after they had penetrated down the field in 11 ptbys, nine on Statistics: Booze unless she was prepared for driving with his license suspended. Program. into South territory. The defense carries by Post, ttje last an EC SC Ms. Allen to turn possibly embar­ His companion, Robert Desros- • Karl Klnlmae, driving while, held firm in the second quarter, eight-yard touchdown/run with 40 12. rFirst downs 7 rassing information over to the ier, was charged with third-degree intoxicated, granted entrance into- however, and in the second half seconds left. East taed an onside 157 Yards rushing 145 burglary and sixth-degree the state. Alcohol Education-' wouldn't give the'Rebels a first kick, but South recovered and had’; 0 Yards passing 91 5 Marine killed in Lebanon woman’s employer. Booze is a professional light larceny. Program. down. . . the game. 157 Total yards 236 0-2 8-11 Continued from page 1 Jordan said Friday’s attacks began at 10:05 a.m. heavyweight boxer managed by Lee also faces charges in connec­ e John M. Kozlak, driving while;; The Eagles began to get outside "1 didn’t stop being worried until Passing when a Marine learnihg to drive a new Jeep was shot Hartford attorney F. Mac Buckley, tion with a July 19 incident In intoxicated, granted entrance into" after intermission and on their the last second,” said Corto. " I t ’s 1 Interceptions 1 Jordan, calling the attacks part of a deliberate through the legs by a single bullet. an attorney in Buckley’s office Glastonbury. Those charges in­ the state Alcohol Educatiop.'. second possession of the half the biggest game in the confer­ 4 Fumbles lost 1 campaign of harassment against U.S. forces. He was flown by helicopter for emergency said. clude criminal impersonation, fail­ Program . - moved down to the Rebel 36. But ence. Playing a team like this, you 2-24 Penalties 6-43 The Marine commander. Col. Timothy Geraghty,' treatment on the .aircraft carrier USSIwo Jima off the Ms. Allen was released on a ure to provide insurance, disre­ e Wanda Levitt, driving while- then Giiiberto lost five vards and get pumped up.” 4-28.5 Punting 4-34.2 filed a protest with the cease-fire committee that Lebanese coast. \ non-surety bond. Her case was garding an officer’s signal, misuse intoxicated, granted entrance into . oversees Lebanon’s 18-day-old truce. Officials from Thirty-seven minutes later, Soifert drove Imo the continued to Oct. 26. of license plates, driving with his the state Alcohol Education ; four warring Lebanese factions make up the same area and was killed by a single bullet, Jbrdan license suspended and driving an program. committee. said. His jeep overturned. ^ On Oct. 1 the Manchester Herald unregistered vehicle. e Luis Maldonado, driving while 7 In Washington, President Reagan said Americans " I t went right through the center of the chest. It wtis incorrectly reported the disposi­ Lee has been free since his intoxicated, granted entrance into. were "deeply concerned that our Marines continue to pretty accurate fire," Jordan said. tion of a case against Robert second arraignment on $4,000 the state Alcohol Education come under fire and are saddened by the death today With Soifert in the jeep was Staff Sgt. Dennis Alston, Martin, which was resolved Sept. bond. With the re-arrest order Program. of another Marine. 255, of Philadephia. 28 in Manchester Superior Court. additional bond of $2,500 was set. • Clyde Pickral, driving' while “ Nevertheless, the fact that the cease-fire is "It was so damn fast, I just don’t know how it Martin was fined $115 for posses­ intoxicated, granted entrance into holding, by and large and the national reconciliation happened,” Alston said. sion of marijuana. Charges of The following cases were re­ the state Alcohol Education 7 process is moving forward, indicates that the MNF Marines rescuers rushed to the overturned jeep cocaine possession and interfering - solved in Manchester Superior Program. (multinational peace- keeping f o r c e )^ exerting a with an M- 60 tank, an armored personnefbarrier and with police were nolled by the Court by Judges Lawrence Klac- • Leroy Caron, driving while positive influence in moving Lebanon toward an ambulance but the rescuers found themselves state’s attorney. zak and David M. Barry between intoxicated, sbc months in jail, stability, security and eventually peace,” Reagan pinned down for by a barrage offire, including rocket Oct. 7 and Oct. 13. suspended, and one year proba­ said. propelled grenades, Alston said. A Willimantic resident was • Dariel Contreras, sale of alco­ tion. Caron was fined $500 and his ordered re-arrested Oct. 7 after he hol to minors, granted accelerated license was suspended. He was failed to make a scheduled court rehabilitation. ordered to undergo any alcoholic Manchester police roundup appearance. • Thomas Sagglo, driving while treatment deemed necessary by Paul A. Lee, 26, was arrested intoxicated, granted entrance into the probation officer. A second twice in one week on charges state Alcohol Education Program. charge of driving while Intoxicated stemming from a brawl outside the • George Smith, driving while was nolled. Threats, harassment alleged Main Pub in Manchester, accord­ intoxicated, g ra n t^ entrance into • Michael Caldwell, breach o f ing to police. On Sept. 11 a police Alcohol Education Program. peace, fined $265.

An Andover man was arrested in Sweet later reported that uu July curb outside the American Legion, Andover Friday night and accused 8, as he was driving on Interstate police said today. Sadie Rocke­ of tampering with the wheel of his 86, the wheel of his car fell off and feller, of 42-C W. Middle Turnpike former Manchester landlord’s car he narrowly escaped serious in­ suffered no injiiMes, 'according to a- and making threatening phone jury, police said. spokeswoman at Manchester to him, police said Friday. Police then applied fora warrant Memorial Hospital, where Ms. to arrest LaPointe. C M ^ c A. LaPointe, 27, of 295 Lake Rockefeller was taken after the Roa# in Andover, was charged accident. threatening and harassment. Police have cleared mainte­ The car that hit her was driven He was being held Friday night at nance workers at Squire Village by East Hartford resident Gordon Manchester police headquarters apartments on Channing Drive in a J. Stewart Jr., 70, police said. pending an appearance Monday in suspected burglary there Sept. 29, Stewart told police he tried to TWIN, FULL, QUEEN CONVERTIBLE Manchester Superior Court. police said today. Tenants of one brake for Ms. Rockefeller, but his apartment reported about $800 car skidded on wet leaves, police LaPointe already faces charges said. Twice the Usefulness o f SOFftS in connection with a similar worth of jewelry missing Oct. 3. T 'The tenants did not report the No one was charged in the Herald photos by Tarquink. Incident May 31, when his ex­ incident. eu Ordinery Sofa Qy landlord Richard Sweet was in­ disappearance immediately be­ Catholic feasted on East, 14-8, Friday cause they thought their own East coach Jude Kelly talks things over Catholic-South Catholic footbali game ...and so they did. In one of the biggest volved in an accident because Police arrested a Homestead night. LaPointe allegedly had loosened a . children might be responsible, with Joe Leslie at the start of the East at Dillon Stadium Friday night. football rivalries of the year. South they told police. Street resident early Tuesday on a nut on one wheel of Sweet’s car, charge of drunk driving, they said police said. Further details weren’t imme­ diately available. today. Michelle Melley, 17, of 205 Following LaPointe’s arrest last Homestead St. was also charged June, police said. Sweet and his with misuse of license plates, wife, Bonnie, reported receiving A 51-year-old Manchester r police said. She was released on a Baltimore Phils up on error, wins 3-2 threatening phone calls from a woman was hit by a car Wednes­ promise to appear later this month man whose voice they recognized. day night when she stepped off the in Manchester Superior Ck)urt. By Fred McMane over the first six innin^^ the shcnces. DeJesus reached second WPI Sports Wirlter Orioles mounted their winning base with two out in the second but rally with two out in the seventh was left stranded and the Phillies F ire C a lls PH ILAD ELPH IA - With-frhila- and once again their talented put runners on first and second delphia sparkplug Pete Rose unex­ bench played a key role. with two out in the sixth but failed to cash them in. pectedly reduced to a pinch hitting Rick Dempsey, who had two Manchester Friday, 1:34 a.m.— wires down. Spruce and Bisseil role, the Baltimore Orioles took They got only one baserunner streets (Town) doubles, stroked a two-out double over the last three innings against Wednesday, 9:43 a.m. — medical call, 122 Green advantage of an error by usually Friday, 7:32 a.m. — wires down, 108 Charter Oak St. to left center and scored the tying Stewart and Martinez and that Road (Eighth District and Paramedics) reliable shortstop Ivan DeJestis to (Town) run on a single by pinch hitter runner, Morgan, who walked to Wednesday, 10:33 a.m. — medical call, 475 Keeney score two runs in the seventh Friday, 8:05 a.m. — smoke alarm. Center Benny Ayala, who was batting for lead off the seventh, was thrown St. (P a ra m ^ c s ) inning Friday night and defeat the Congregational Church (Town and Paramedics) winning relief pitcher Jim Palmer. out attempting to steal second. Wednesday, noon — motor vehicle accident, Phillies 3-2 in the third game of the ' Friday, 8:10 a.m. — medical call, 28 Bishop Drive Matthews got the Phillies off to a Tolland Turnpike at Burr Corners (Eighth District, World Series. A1 Holland then took over for (Paramedics) 1- 0 advantage in the second inning Town and Paramedics) The victory gave the Orioles a 2-1 Carlton and was greeted by a Friday, 9:36 p.m. — motor vehicle accident, 1163 by belting a leadoff homer. It was Wednesday, 1:01 p.m. — medical call, 391 Broad St. advantage in the best-of-seven single by John Shelby, putting Tolland Turnpike (Town and Paramedics) his fir$t home run in World Series (Paramedics) series, which resumes Saturday at runners at first and second. Ford competition, but his fourth this Wednesday, 1:40 p.m. — motor vehicle accident. Veterans Stadium beginning at 1 then hit a sharp grounder to year in the post-season. He hit Summit and Washingljon streets (Town and p.m. Storm Davis will pitch for the Dejesus’ right and Ayala scored Tolland County three against the Los Angeles Paramedics) Orioles and John Denny, winner of the go-ahead run when the ball Dodgers in the National League Wednesday, 7:31 p.m. — medical call, 259Buckland Thursday, 3:06 p.m. — emergency transfer from the first game, will hurl for the kicked off the shoitstop’s glove playoffs to win the M VP award. Road (Eighth District and Paramedics) Windham Hospital to John Dempsey Hospital in Phillies. into short left field. Farmington (South Coventry Ambulance) Held to only three hits — one of Aside from solo home runs by Perez followed Matthews’ blast Wednesday, 8:36p.m. — medicalcall,444CenterSt. with a ground single to center and (Paramedics) Friday, 8:19 a.m. — vehicle fire, 95 Cider Mill Road them a sixth-inning homer by Dan Gary Matthews and Joe Morgan, the Phillies mounted a two-out Wednesday, 10:10 p.m. — medical call, 20 American (Bolton) Ford — by starter Steve Carlton the Phillies had very few scoring THIS SOFA SLEEPER threat when DeJesus dumped a Legion Drive (Paramedics) Friday. 10:08 a.m. — medical call. Cedar Swamp single Into short right field. On the Thursday, 4:05 a.m. — alarm, 11 Richard Road Road (North Coventry and ^outh Coventry) play, Perez was out at third on.^ , (Town and Paramedics) AVAILABLE AS A strong throw by right fielder Dan Thursday, 8:07 a.m. — motor vehicle accident, 299 Ford but third baseman Todd Cruz Green Road (Town and Paramedics) Major W. Ian Thomas dropped the ball for an error and ’Thursday, 11:35 a.m. — motor vehicle accident with t. ^ NOW DeJesus moved to wcond. Flana­ injuries, 1-86 east of Exit 92 (Eighth District and gan, however, got out of the jam by Paramedics) L retiring Carlton on a grounder to Friday, 12:01 a.m. — medical call, 655 North Main 1 St. (Eighth District and Paramedics) first. QUEEN SIZE 1499 Morgan homered to lead off the w. third inning and give the Phillies a NOW 2- 0 lead. Carlton, . meanwhile, did not allow a hit over the first three Stephen E. Ketchain, • QURIN •LBBPn $399 innings and faced the minimum I___ I number of batters. The only Attorney at Law baserunner was Todd Cruz, who Author, founder of Torchbearers FULL SIZE NOW walked to lead off the third but was ANNOUNCES quickly erased when Dempsey "TME A n OF UVING MRACULOUSLT" NOW $499 bounced into a double play. Carlton his retirement.Law Office OaOKR 16 • 21 struck out four over the first three records will be turned over ALL STYLES ON SALE! is r innings. $299 The Orioles loaded the bases to, Law Offices of Garriety, Sunday, Oct. 16 f 1 I TWIN SIZE with none out in the fourth when Walsh, Diana & Richman, 8 & 11 a.m. 7:00 p.m. John Shelby singled for the first hit 753 Main Street, Manchester, Mon-Fri morning 9;30-ii & m a AU GOID BOND off Cariton and Ford and Cal Conn. 06040 Mon-Fri evenings 7;30-9 Ripken walked. But Carlton got, M h A u A 646-2363 sacro-support ^ d l e Murray to pop to second, Telephone 643-2181 then induced Gary Rdenicke to hit Trinity Covanant Church W w w W W Q viudBiB BIDDING CAO ^ into an inning-ending double play. UPI photo PeteRose sawthethird gameoftheWorldSerlesfrom an 302 Hackmatack 8 t Ford got a ' run back for the early 1-0 lead over Baltimore in thethird ' Mancticalcr, C T unfamiliar position — the bench — because of a Orioles on a solo homer with one Gary Matthews connects on a solo / 810418 MM ST,,NWIITO«IAII^^ OK home run which staked the Phillies to an game of the World Series Friday night. post-season hitting slump. out In the sixth. M ANr’ IESTER HERALD, Saturday. w t. 15, 1983 - 11 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday. Oct. 15. 1983 HGC’s growth is reply to CCC, scheduling needs!

By Lon Auotor ference, that begins operation in programs into the HCC. The established schedule. St. Bernard, basketball fans will Malin said. Horald Sportswritor INS-M. It will consist of former athletic directors, Joe Tonelli at Each school brings a tradition in remember, was home for four Tonelli also sees no concern with i CCIL, CVC, CDC and CC members. Notre Dame and Art Lamoureux at athletics. Notre Dame, has been an years to Harold Pressley, who has the travel. “We’re spoiled in' Ttaw're not breaking up that old Each is in Its final year of St. Bernard, are class people and I independent the past six years. since gone on to Villanova Univer­ Connecticut. We can get from one gang in the HCC. independence. think so are their programs,” Previously it was a member of the sity in the Big East Conference on a end of the state to the other in two They’re expanding it. The CCC will have three, eight- Malin said. New Haven District League before four-year scholarship. The Saints hours. " I talked to one athletic j The Hartford County Confer­ team divishms. One athletic direc­ "Joining the HCC will make opting for independence. It had a have always produced representa­ director at a national conference t M, M ence, a aeven-achool circuit for the tor in the to-be CCC has already scheduling a lot easier,” Lamou­ combined 128-31-1 record for the tive football and baseball teams. who told me its 4

Hersld photos by Pinto' Manchester High’s Tracy Johnson (2) Johnsgn’s teammate Denise Belleville, Indian booter Denise Belleville (8) has Chester scored 2-0 win to put itself in set for battle at Shea t 5 gets a foot on the ball before backgrounds moves |n to lend plenty of space to roam as she found good position in'regards to qualifying y By Joe Carinlcelll Woodley, the Super Bowl starter Cleveland and we lost 10-7. We’ve ^ 5 Southington’s Beth Morelli (6) in girls' assistance. ) herself temporarily all alone in Man­ for the state tournament. soccer action Friday at Membriai Field. chester’s tilt against Southington. Man- UPI Executive Sports Editor last season, last week and started got to get the train rolling. We’re j rookie Dan Marino. ~ playing the Super Bowl team this [ NEW YORK — Nine months ago, Marino, the Dolphins' first round Sunday, the chanipion of our they met for a berth in the Super draft choice out of the University of conference.” Bowl. On Sunday, the New York Pittsburgh, completed 19-of-29 The Doiphins-Jets series has run High school roundup Jets and the Miami Dolphins passes for 322 yards and three in streaks. New York won eight .jockey for position in the AFC touchdowns last week in the loss to straight games until last season, East. Buffalo and will start again when Miami won all three meet-t The Jets and the Dolphins both against the Jets. ings, including a 14-0 victory in the are 3-3, a game behind codeaders "W e’ve had a tough time putting AFC title game. Baltimore and Buffalo. Both clubs everything together," said Shula. "Their defense is one of the Manchester girls’ soccer scores big win were expected to duel for the "W e had a fine pre- season and we best,” Walton said. “ Theyjustdoa division title and both are expe­ won our opener at Buffalo strictly great job on defense. The key is riencing early season difficulties. , on defense. Our second game controlling their pass rush, guys By Len Auster MHS prevails of goals from Tol Vongsarasinh Mike Yavinsky for a fine job in the The Jets have been hot and cold, against New England was the only like Bob Baumhower and Kim. and Barry Peters five minutes apart. He was as­ second half. Andy Blinicucci also winning some games decisively game where we had a balanced Bokamper, and stopping A.J. Herald Sportswriters E N FIE LD — It came tougher sisted by Mike Eaton on the first played well for the Bulldogs, who and losing others with seeming effort. We’ve had trouble with our Duhe. ’They line Duhe up all over than expected, but it came goal and by Sal Rafala and Jim host East Hampton Tuesday in indifference. Miami’s offense was offense ever since. the place and you just have to When big games come along, nevertheless. Duffield on the second. their next contest. unable to produce early in the “ Marino got us untracked last control him if you hope to win. We some teams' respond to the chal­ Manchester High, expecting Frank Hooper tied it for Vinal at season and last week the defense week in a game we could have won. didn’t control him in the title game lenge and others don't. maybe an easy time of it, found the 11-minute mark of the second ^ EC girls postponed collapsed in a 38-35 loss to Buffalo. We missed two field goals in and he was just outstanding.” Manchester High girls’ soccer Enfield High tougher than antici­ half and Tom Saracino moved the Both clubs will be missing star overtime. We had defensive prob- Shula a(so is concerned with th e- team answered the challenge pated but the unbeaten Indians home team in front at the 20- PORTLAND - The East Ca­ players. New York’s Freeman iems and we gave up 38 points. But Jets’ defense. After a shaky start’ tholic girls’ soccer game at Por­ Friday afternoon and came managed to go home with a 1-0. minute block. Then Tom Lom­ McNeil, the N FL rushing leader I feel good abo(it the direction in which opponents ran all ov6f tland scheduled for Friday was Herald photo by Pinto through in flying colors. victory over the Raiders here bardo and Milardo twice scored in last season, will be out until we’re going in offensively.” them. Jet defenders have allowed postponed indefinitely. “ I told the girls we had to win Friday afternoon. a two-minute span and it was all December with a separated Walton is concerned about the only 20 points in the last tw o’ today to have a shot at making the Manchester is now 8-0-1 for the over for Cheney. Huddling before the big battle shoulder. Don McNeal of Miami, Jets’ emotional state for the game. games. tournament,” said Indians’ coach season and assured of at least a tie Cheney’s next game is Tuesday Swimming one of the best cornerbacks in the When the Jets have played with “ They’re very aggressive, Joe Erardi following a 2-0 victory for the top spot in the CCIL at home against Bacon Academy Manchester High football' players Field at 1:30 p.m. Both schools come in NFL, is out for the season with a emotigh, they have been awesome. they’re big and they’re strong. ’ over Southington High at Memor­ depending on Hall’s outcome at 3; 15 p.m. EC dunked gather around Coach Ron Cournoyer 4-0. UConn hosts Holy Cross in football ruptured Achilles tendon. Miami At other times, they have been They can dominate people,” Shula ial Field. against Wethersfield. Enfield dips (center) at final practice session Friday action at 1 p.m. elsewhere'while in also has lost the services of wide listless and unproductive. said. "The disturbing thing to me is The East Catholic girls’ swim­ that they all look healthy now. The win lifts the Indians to 5-2-3 to 1-8 with the loss. Coventry romps receivers Jimmy Cefalo and “ I guess we’ll find out Sunday ming team fell to Newington, 93-79, afternoon prior to today's big CCIL soccer, MCC hosts Greenfield Com­ When you have guys like Joe • for the season with six games left “Enfield played an inspired Tommy Vigorito! whether we’ll be emotional or PORTLAND — Knowing that the at Manchester High Friday. The ». !ol«ah with Conard High at Memorial munity College today at 2 'p.m. Jets Coach Joe Walton has used Klecko and Mark Gastineau and on the regular schedule. “ The last game,” said Manchester coach not," Walton said. " I don’t know. I opponent is weak is one thing. loss was East’s fourth in five meets versatile Bruce Harper, Mike Marty Lyons and Kenny NeJ i six games we’re playing strong Bill McCarthy. “ It was a wet field really^don’t. You try to impress on Doing something about is another. while Newington jumps to 4-2. Augustyniak, Scott Dierking and healthy, you’ve got a solid defense teams in Conard, Hall, Wethers­ and we had trouble with our them all week long that you have to I field, East Catholic, Simsbury and Coventry High took care of East swims at Manchester Tues­ Johnny Hector to replace McNeil to contend with. ' C footing. We had trouble with our NHL roundup play with emotion on Sunday and c Berlin. This one was a big one.” passing game. business here Friday as it romped day at 3:30. and Hector also has gone down sometimes they do and sometimes "It’s become a great rivalry. For, \ “ Southington had beaten some past hapless Portland High, 7-0, in Results: with a leg injury. Jets quarterback “ But I really feel the kids 200 Medley: I. Newlnoton (Foley, Si^orts in Btief they don’t. four years, we couldn’t beat them'; good teams. It beat St. Paul, 4-0. COC play. Richard Todd also has gone to the perservered well. Things weren’t Jonls, Shulotown, Stockin), 2:04.4. and last year we beat them three The win is the key to the season so ’’Portland is a little down this 200 Free: 1. Bachl (N ), 2. Freemer air more without McNeil "W e were an emotional team going well for them but continued Pens win first times. We look forward to playing far. It keeps us positive.” 3^ r , ” said Coventry coach Bob (E ), 3. Sweeney (N ), 2:03.01. available. against San Diego and we were' to try.” 200 Ind. Medley: 1. Criscllla (N ), 2. ‘Pumpkin Run’, slated Oct. 30 them and I ’m sure they look^ Manchester got the only goal it Plaster. “ It was a game where I Miami Coach Don Shula, un­ very emotional against Buffalo Manchester tallied the game- Negri , 3. (TdUPhrlce (N ), 2:20.73. forward to playing us.” ) needed 5:28' into the first half. winner at 12; 25 of the third period! knew we could try some things.” 50 Free: 1. Dakin (E ), 2. Hopkins (N ), The 'Pumpkin Run fdr Hope’ will be held on LANDOVER, Md. (U PI) — Dave Hannan scored on happy with his offense’s produc­ and we played very well. But last 3. Hough (N ), 27.17. The Jets are 3‘A-point favorites. • T Junior right wing Heather Hoh- Junior striker Brad Pelligrinelli, Plaster moved Dave Plant from Sunday, Oct. 30, at Bennet Junior High. This is a a first-period penalty shot Friday night and goalie tion, benched quarterback David week there was no emotion against Diving: 1. Mlkulllotrin (N ), 2. Gins­ enthal picked up a loose ball and sweeperback to center halfback five-mile road race, along with a one-mile Denis Herron protected the lead as the Pittsburgh T taking a nice feed from midfielder berg (N), 3. LeBrun (E), 178.54. blasted a 15-yarder to the far left Dave Kelly, started down the left and he responded with two goals, 100 Butterfly: 1. Negri (E),2. Hopkins costume run, to benefit the American Cancer Penguins coasted to their first triumph of the year, a both in the second half. ■ . (N ), 3. Hough (N ), 1:01.70. Society. Time of the race is 11 a.m. for the post behind Blue Knight keeper wing. He beat one man, dribbled 100Free; 1. Hough (N ),2. Douphrlce 4-0 decision over the winless Washington Capitals. Dawn Landino. along the baseline, and fired from Coventry went to 4-3 in the (N ), 3. Shewokis (E ), 59.4. costume run and 11:30 for the five-mile race. It was the first victory for Pittsburgh in five outings It was Hohental’s fifth goal of the 10 yards out past Raider keeper. conference and 6-4 overall with the 100 Bock: 1. D'Connellv (N), 2. The race is sponsored by J.C. Penney Catalog. this season. Washington remained winless through its NBA may have court battle win. Portland is winless in 10 LeBrun (E ), 3. Rescherl (E ), 1:17.17. Free T-shirts go to the first 100 registrants and all season. Mike Hguff. It was Pelligrinelli’s 500 Free: 1. Freemer (E), 2. Czobow first five games. Manchester, which was on the team-leading ninth goal of the outings, 0-7 in the COC. (N ), 3. Jocreu (N 1,5:31.12. runners collecting more than $25 in pledges. For Hannan’s penalty shot, the first of his NHL career, defensive most of the team, season.-’ Bob Harris and Sean Fowler 100 Breast: 1. Dakin (E ), 2. SIneen futher information and applications, contact the came 7:05 into the game after he was hooked from each scored a goal in the first half. (N>. 3. FItzoerold (E ), 1:11.3. American Cancer Society, 643-2168. counterattacked well. That proved “ It was one of those days where 400 Free: East (Shewokis, Cowley, behind by Washington defenseman Greg Theberge over waiving of Richardson to be successful strategy and paid we took a lot of shots from 12-18 Eric Wisnewski, Plant twice, Vin­ Freemer, Negri), 4:12.23. during a breakaway. On the penalty shot, Hannan off in a second goal at 34:27, also in yards out and didn’t get a lot on the cente Navas and Fowler added Doubles winners Announced moved in close to the Washington net and siid the puck t the opening half. ball. We created the chances but second-half goals for the Patriots, MHS tankers bow Manchester goalie Lucy Vernali keeps an eyeonthe play under goalie Pat Riggin off his backhand. NEW YORK (UPI) - The New m e." says Richardson. Institute, Schaffel waived him. Tracy Johnson from the right didn’t get enough foot on the ball to who had an overwhelming 35-6 upheld and stays alert as Indians played Southington The Manchester Rec Department held a town Nordiques 6, Devils 4- Jersey Nets and the National Last February, Golden State Pat Healy, Richardson’s Ta­ edge in the shots’ department. side attempted a shot'on goal. It finish.” McCarthy said. WETHERSFIELD - Deadlock­ High in soccer action Friday. Vernali made a couple of tournament for doubles last weekend and the At East Rutherford, N.J., Michel Goulet scored two Basketball Association may be in traded him to the Nets for Mickey coma, Wash.-based agent, ciaims slithered past, but kris Craft Portland netminder Buzz ing matters in the 100-yard breast­ team of Amie Vance-Ron Lalibertedowned Earle goals Friday night, including the game winner with Manchester outshot Enfield, 20- nice stops in Silk Town victory. for a court battle if troubled guard Johnson and Eric Floyd. The New the Nets and the NBA are trying to parallel to the left post about 20 8. Indian keeper Chris Petersen McKenzie was busy with 24 saves stroke, Manchester High girls’ Custer-Jim Balcome for the crown 3-6, 6-3, 6-2. iess than two minutes left, to give the Quebec Michael Ray Richardson does not Jersey- club claims Richardson’s get out of paying the player’s yards out stopped the ball. She sent made six stops and Houff 15. Tom and Coventry goalie Pete Palm er swimming team didn’t have Morton Glasser-Chip Srams took third place by Nordiques a 6-4 victory over the New Jersey Deviis. play this season. erratic play was instrumental in salary that calls for $350,000 this a square pass towards the middle Finnegan played well in the middle made six stops. enough finishing strength and beating Todd Custer-Tom Donovan 3-6, 6-4, 7-5. Goulet took a pass from Dale Hunter— who had four Richardson says he was waived losing to the Knicks in the playoffs. year and $400,000 next year. 200 free: 1. Abbott (W ), 2. Tomkiel into the second half. The ball rolled , where junior midfielder Michelle for Manchester. Sweeperback Coventry returns to action Tues­ dropped an 89-83 verdict to We­ assists — and flipped a shot over Devils’ goaltender by. the Nets earlier this week on the Nets directorr of operations Lew (M ), 3. Hardy (W) 2:09.3. off the stick of right inner Kathy i Meanwhile, Richardson is sit- Morianos one-timed a IS-yard boot Eric Wallert, wing Bob Chang and day against conference rival thersfield High here Friday after­ Ron Low with 1:54 remaining for his second goal of the assuption he had a drug* relapse Schaffel appointed former Ameri­ 200IM: 1. Bragg (W ),2. O'Brien (M), Gunck into the cage to give th e . Senior life saving course ting at home by his teleophone. j inside the right post. It was Kelly played well for the Silk Cromwell High at home at 3:15 noon in CCIL action. 3. Sherman (M ) 2:25.5. ganle and sixth of the year. Quebec added an after failing to show up for a can League hitting star Larry Bobcats the win. Morianos’ seventh goal of the Towners. p.m. “ We lost to a real good team,” 50 free; 1. Trov (M), 2. McGuIrken Manchester Rec Department is ponsoring a empty-net goal by Andre Savard with 14 seconds left. practice session last week at the Doby as sort of a personal “ The Nets have my number,’ ’ he i (W ), 3. Engel (W) :27.0. Manchester’s best chance to season. Manchester resumes CCIL play said Manchester . coach Dave Diving: 1. Foctoro (M ), 2. Welder- senior advanced life saving course. It began Oct. New Jersey had tied the score 4-4 when Phil Russell club’s Princeton, N.J., training' guaradian for Richardson this says. " I don’t know why th eyj draw even came with five minutes Southington, 6-2, had the better Tuesday afternoon at home at Bolton bombed Frost. meler (W ), 3. Emerson (M ) 198.20 6 but late registrations are being accepted. The stole a pass, skated into the slot and flicked a shot over camp. summer after he had attended two haven’t called me. I know they* points. left. Midfielder Jen Kohut took a of play in the second half. It had a Memorial Field against Penney Manchester is now 3-1 for the lease ijneets Thursdays from 7-9:30 p.m. at the glove of Clint Malarchuk 3:23 into the third period The 6-5 guard disputes the Nets different drug rehabilitation din: have to pay me. We may have to 100fly: 1. Bragg (W ),2. O'Brien (M ), hard drive towards the net b u t; 7-1 edge in shots for a final 15-8 High at 3:30 p.m. ROCKY H ILL - The Bolton season while Wethersfield is 6-0. 3. Sherman (M ) 1:04.4. Manchester High. Fee is $12 for 10 sessions. A Rec for his second goal of the game. Jan Ludvig pulled the report that he refuses to enter a ics. When Richardson did not fight, but I have a good case. I tried advantage. The Knights almost Bulldogs ran out of reserves Manchester’s Stacey Tomkiel, 100 free: 1. Abbott (W),2. McGurkIn missed by only a couple of inches. • card is required. Red Cross certification will be Devils to 4-3 on his second goal of the night, 39 seconds drug rehabilitation center desig­ report for practice and then failed to help myself and they can’t sajr; against a more powerful Rocky Beth Fournier and Sharon Lauzon (W ), 3. Noone (M ) ;54.4. Manchester goalie Chris Colvin I into the third period. had a goal at the 19-minute mark Tech upended 500free: 1. Hordv (W ),2. Troy (M ),3. acquired. nated by the Life Extension to show up at the Life Extension that I didn’t." but sweeperback Sandy Wilson Hill amniy, and the result was took a 1-2-3 sweep in the breast­ Engel (W) 5:50.5. turned in an outstanding perfor-; Institute, the organization autho­ came back to deflect a shot by Kim MIDDLETOWN — Having a 2-1 predictable. stroke to pull Manchester e ^ n at 100 back: 1. Noone (M ), 2, Evens mance with 11 saves. South Wind­ rized by the NBA to handie such lead at the half, Cheney Tech saw Rocky Hill bombed the Bulldogs, 79-all after 10 events after trailing (M ), 3. Moore (W) 1:09.1. sor’s Karen Gavini made three Dupree meets SMU coach ^Camber at an empty net. 100 breast: 1. Tomkiel (M ), 2. cases. Scholastic roundup Wilson “played a fantastic that quickly disappear after the 6-1, Friday to run its record to 9-1 76-66. But the homestanding Ea­ Fournier (M ), 3. Lauzon (M ) 1:17.7. stops. HATTIESBURG, Miss. — Southern Mississippi “ My problems are not drugs,, halftime break and fell by a 6-2 overall and 7-0 in the COC. Bolton 400 free relay: 1. Wethersfield, 2. Manchester returns to action. game,” said Erardi. Her feliow gles had too much reserve and football coach Jim Carnoody said late Friday he Scrappy Europe insists Richardson, when reached Continued from page 10 volleyball team dropped a three- count to Vinal Tech in COC action falls to 5-4, 4-3 in the conference. MHS, 3. Wethersfield 4:04.7. Wednesday against Conard High in - defenders — Terri Callahan, Sara went 1-3 in the closing 400-yard had met with suspended'Oklahoma running back at his Mahwah, N.J. apartment. set decision to Ellington, 6-15, 4-lS Friday afternoon here. ’ ‘We were just outmanned,’ ’ said West Hartford at 3:30 p.m. Nicholson and Terri McGeahpn — freestyle relay to take the exciting Marcus Dupree and his mother about the star “ If I did have a (drug) relapse. I ’d and 14-16, Friday. Linda Couch Bolton coach Ray Boyd, whose scorer. Right now, we’re just gave her plenty of support. Goalie The loss was the ninth in as many league meet. transferring to the Hattiesburg campus. go back to Hazelton (Minnesota served well for Coventry, 3-6, j team was without injured seniors Erin Sullivan, Cathy Topping, Field Hockey leads Ryder Cup looking forward to the HCC’s and Lucy Vemali recorded the shutout, outings for the Beavers, 0-7 in the In a statement, Carmody said Dupree and his clinic) because they really helped which plays Tuesday at Hartford ; Doug Moore'and Mike Daly. “ They state meets.” making six saves. COC. Vinal Improves to 4-3 in the Kris Evans and Deb Dube were Cross Country mother paid a brief visit Friday afternoon to the me when I was there. Why would I Public. 5 were throwing fresh troops at us. ^mong the Manchester swimmers MHS succumbs East hosts Hartford Public and “ We’ve been playing with char­ conference, 4-5-1 overall, with the coach’s office, and the pair told Carmody that PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. (UPI) - Sco­ want to go somewhere else?” We weren’t quite that fortunate.” who showed improvement. Bulkeley Tuesday at 3:15 p.m. \ acter and heart. We’re not gifted win. SOUTH WINDSOR - Coming off East triumphs Dupree planned to withdraw from Oklahoma. tland’s Sam Torrance led a scrappy European team to Richardson, 28, cliams his prob­ EC Giris win with a lot of talent but we’ve only Rocky Hill scored four timesjn Mary Ann Troy took honors in a big win Thursday over Simsbury, Dupree also said he is interested in transferring lems are emotional and he will be Results: 1. Adams (EC), 16:56 “ We outplayed them the first WINDSOR LOCKS - The East a surprising 4>A -3>A lead over the United States Friday lost twice in 10 games. I ’m pleased the first half, including two goals the SO-yard freestyle and second in Manchester High girls’ field to ^uthern Mississippi, Carmody said. seeking professional treatment in over the 3.1 mile course; 2. Antonia WINDSOR LOCKS — The un’- half,” said Cheney coach Paul Catholic boys’ cross country team - in the first day of the 25th biennial Ryder Cup with the work they’re doing. They by Tom Dzikiewicz and one apiece the 500-yard freestyle and Kris hockey team couldn’t-sustain the the near future. (EC), 3. T.Howard (EC), 4, B.Ho- beaten, 8-0 East Catholic girls’ Soucy. “ In the second half they ran up victories over. $outh Wind-! competition. stay late for practice. They’ve by Mike Hayes and Rich Cassa- Noone won the 100-yard back- momentum and dropped a 1-0 “ My situation has nothing to do ward (E C ). 5. Barry (E C ), 6. Rowe crossy country team had an easy started to control the ball. They got sor (15-48) and Windsor Locks ' Shriver net winner accomplished whatever we have.” rino. Bolton finally got on the board stroke. Tomkiel was also runnerup verdict to South Windsor High here Torrance, who lost in a playoff at the Southern Open with drugs,” he claims. “ I was (EC), 7. Damborogian (EC), 8. time of it Friday in victories over the tying goal and then it was like (20-43) here Friday, upping its Erardi is looking forward to the with the first goal of the second in the 20O-yard freestyle. Friday in non-conference play. in Columbus, Ga., Monday, scored I'A points with a willing to take a urine test at any Roy (WL), 9. Feehan (EC), 10. Windsor Locks (15-48) and SootH here we go again. It’s getting record to 6-2 as they begin the TARPON SPRINGS, Fia. — Second-seeded home stretch. “ We will be competi­ half, sophomore Am ie Bogan’s ’f^ e loss drops the Silk ’Towners Pam Shriver outlasted Rafaella Reggi of Italy, win in foqrsome play and.then sank a 10-foot putt on time. I still am. I have nothing to Matteo (EC). Windsor (21-34). tougher and tougher to keep them Manchester’s next meet is Tues­ stretch run to the state tive in the last six games. The way fourth of the year off a Mai to 1-6-2 for the season while the win 7-6, (7-5), 6-4, Friday in the quarterfinals o f the the 18th green to halve the better-ball match for his hide.” The girls host Hartford Publii up. day at the high school pool against championships. we’re playing, we can win them Ferguson assist. Steve Longo and moves the Bobcats to 6-1-2. $150,000 Florida Open. twosome. Richardson revealed that he is and Bulkeley Tuesday at 3:15 p.m “ They got the tying and go- crosstown East Catholic at 3:30 “ I ’m very pleased with the MHS beaten all.” Felix Dimascio finished the scor­ Third-seeded 2ina Garrison and fourth-seeded upset over his impending divorce. Results: 1. Theresa Kittredg4( ahead goals and it was like they p.m. South Windsor dominated the team’s progress,” said East coach British Open champion Tom Watson, the 12th and Manchester begins the home ing for Rocky Hill. ^ There is a child involved and The Manchester volleyball team (EC), 14:53 over the 2.5 mile took the air out of us.” game, taking a total of 17 penalty Jack Hull. “ Mike Barry (fifth) ran Kathy Rinaldi also advanced to Saturday’s last player to be named to the American .squad, was stretch Tuesday in West Hartford dropped its ninth match against course; 2. Colliton (EC), 3. Cul-' Seb Milardo opened the scoring “ I credit the younger kids for Results: corners. The Indian defense a strong race to finish as our fifth semifinals. the ace of the U.S. team with two victories. “ losing in that area is something I against Conard High in a 3:30 p.m. 200medley relay: I. Wethersfield, 2. two wins Friday, falling to East hane (SW ), 4. Doyle (E C ), 5. for Vinal at the 20-minute mark. giving it their all,” said Boyd, who worked hard, however, and al­ Watson teamed with Ben Crenshawfor'a 5 and 4 can’t accept.” game. MHS (Noone, Fournier, Sherman, . His grandmother in Denver Hartford in a five-set heart- ‘Beland (SW), 6. Uttle (EC), 7 Cheney moved in front with a pair complemented reserve goalie Trov), 3. MHS. 2:05.4. lowed only one score eight minutes Please turn to page 11 victory in the morning foursomes, or alternate shots, supported this contention when breaker, 14-16, 15-1, 15-7, 3-15, 6-15. Manley (SW), 8. Burke (EC), 9 Schulman selling Sonics over Bernard Qallacher and.Santly Lyle. Then in the Leonard (W L), 10. Cohyn (W L). afternoon four-ball, or better-ball, Watson had six contacted at the home Richardson Jenny Loveland served superbly SEATTLE — Sam Schirtmah, who was often birdies on his own as he and Ryder Cup rookie Jay purchased in that Colorado city for and Amy Riley and Karen Gocht East falls controversial as principal owner of the Seattle Haas trimmed Nick Faldo and Bernhard Langer, 2 his mother. played well for Manchester, which East soccer takes lead in SuperSonics, announced Friday he is selling the and 1. -■ Richardson was a New York plays at Wethersfield next Tues­ NEW BRITAIN - The SL beats St. Paul NBA franchise for $21 million so he can devote day at 3:30 p.m. “ The conditions were very .wet,” Watson said after Knick first round draft choice Thomas Aquinas volleyball tea: , more time to his movie production interests. The Manchester junior varsity BRISTOL — Cashing in on a late tanding Falcons dropping back at winner. iVwas Masse’s sixth goal the morning round. “ My feet have never been under coach Willis Reed in 1978. He gained revenge after losing to Eas What East took to the cash the loss and the Eagles climb to Riggs made five saves for hit also fell to the Hornets, 15-9, 6-15 opportunity. East Catholic moved 4-1. “ The win puts us in the driver’s register was an opportunity for of the season. wetter.” p layed . under Reed and Red Wednesday, topping the Eagles ill: 8-0-1, the only speck on their record eighth shutout of the season. Pinta and 14-16. into the top rung in the Hartford seat,” said East coach Tom Malin. senior midfielder and co-captain The victory came on the road for Davis, Denny to start A 4S-minute shower plagued the foursomes but did Holzman, but when the Knicks five sets Friday, 15-7, 15-7, 11-15 a 0-0 tie with Rockville. had eight saves for St. and 8-15 and 16-14 County Conference soccer race “ This was519, Shtlla Pric* clinic is scheduled Nov. 9 and will be entitled "F or on rye, tropical fruit, Missouri, 3-2, will also need 179-176-516, Linda Burton v K s il W L T PS*. OA Let your carriersimow you appreciate the joo they do! somewhat of a perfect game when business this year. Falcons areas erratic NY Rangers 5 0 0 16 % 6 from 9 a.m. to noon. We Your Well Being.” The beve/age.' as ever. Phllodelphla 4 0 0 8 21 8 are asking for a 83 dona­ they face unbeaten (6-0) and Los Angeles Raiders 27, Seattle 14 — series is free, and will be Tuesday: stuffed cab­ NY Islanders 3 1 0 ta X 20 tion to help defray the cost top-ranked Nebraska. Last week Raiders beat Kansas City with sluggish New Jersey 1 3 0 2 13 11 held in the conference bage, mashed potatoes, they were almost flawless in effort lost week and should be much Plftsburgh » 1 4 0 2 12 22 of the vaccine. room at the hospital. vegetable, pudding and sharper against pesky Seahawks. Baseball Washington 0 5 0 0 13 25 C Also on Nov. 9, starting The fall foliage walk, whipping Colorado 59-20. Ne­ Dallas 7t, Phllodelphla 17 — Cowboys beverage, gggggggggggggggggaaaaa Adams DIvIslen at 12:30 p.m., we will braska, however, may be a little express rolls on. Eagles' 4-2 record Is Quebec 3 2 1 7 X 28 sponsored by the Rec Wednesday: vegetable tougher to tie to the whipping post. deceptive. They haven'tplayedmany real Boston 3 1 0 6 X 10 begin auditions for our Department, has been re­ soup, egg salad sandwich, toughles. Orioles 3, Phillies 2 Buffalo 2 1 1 5 16 18 1984 Senior-Center Var- scheduled for next Wed- brownies, beverage. iManrlfPBtpr U m li In other games involving the Top Kansas City 17. New York Giants 10 — Hartford 1 2 1 3 12 16 10, - No. 3 North Carolina plays. Two clubs with good defenses ond lofs of Montreal 1 3 0 2 15 21 iety Show. This year our-nesday, Oct. 19, at MCC. Thursday: meat loaf offensive problems. Home field give North Carolina State, No. 4 West Game 3 Campbell Conference director is Bob Vater f rom For more information, and gravy, mashed pota­ Chiefs the edge. BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA ^ Norrts DIvIslen Manchester Community contact the Rec Depart­ toes, carrots, ro|l and Virginia meets Virginia Tech, No. Denver 21, Cincinnati 13 — Steve obrhM obrhM W L T Pis. OF OA 6 Georgia tackles Vanderbilt, No. 7 DeBerg seems to have given Broncos a St. Louis 4 1 0 8 X 14 College. New talent is ment at 647-3084. butter, ice cream, lift. Bengals weren't playing well even Shelby cf 4 0 2 0 Morgan 2b 3 1 1 1 Ohio State goes against No. 14 Ford rf 3 111 Lezeono rf 4 0 1 0 Chicago 3 1 0 6 13 12 always welcomed. We will Last, due to the lack of beverage. before loss of QB Ken Anderson with neck Minnesota 1 2 1 3 X T Ripken ss 3 0 0 0 Hayes rf 0 0 0 0 22 Illinois, No. 8 Auburn clashes with Inlurv. have a pianist on hand if response, it is with regret Friday: corn chowder, Murray 1b 4 0 0 0 Schmidt 3b 4 0 0 0 Toronto 1 1 1 3 18 19 you need accompani­ Georgia Tech and No. 10 Ala- Tampa Boy 24, St. Louis 17—Two clubs Raenick If 4 0 0 0 Matthws If 3 1 1 1 Detroit 0 3 1 1 16 26 that I must inform you tuna sandwich, dessert, Since 1881 with one win between them. Bucs finally Smvtlie Division ment. Please don’t be that the Halloween beverage. bamba faces Tennessee. No. 5 break Into win column after heartbreak­ Dauer 2b 4 0 0 0 Perez 1b 4 0 10 Cruz 3b 3 0 0 0 Maddox cf 4 0 0 0 Edmonton 4 0 0 8 X 16 bashful. Attend the audi­ Dance, slated for Oct. 20, Florida and No. 9 Southern Metho­ ing loss to Dallas last week. Dempsey c 4 1 2 0 Dloz- c 3 0 2 0 Vancouver 2 3 0 4 X 23 dist are idle. Chicago 20, Detroit 13—Bearsand Lions Flanogn p 1 0 0 0 Rose ph 10 0 0 Winnipeg 1 2 2 4 X 22 tion for our variety show. has been canceled. both 2-4 and looking to stay close to Calgary 1 1 1 3 11 11 It is certainly a fun-fil|ed leaders. Chloogo has more offense pnd Slngleln ph 1 0 0 0 DeJesus ss 3 0 2 0 In the second 10, it’s No. 11 Polmsr p 0 0 0 0 Corlton p 3 0 0 0 Los Angeles 0 4 1 1 13 23 affair. \ PINOCHLE SCORES that makes thedifference. Ayala ph 1 11 1 Holland p 0 0 0 0 (Top four In each diviston ouallfv for Michigan vs. Northwestern, No. 12 Monday nlgM Stewart p 1 0 0 0 Virgil ph 10 0 0 Sfonltv Cup plovofta.) Individuals In need of for Oct. 12: Ada Rojas, Miami of Florida vs. Mississippi Washington 27, (3reen Bay 17 — TMartInz pOOOO FrMay's Results assistance with their Med­ 595; Martha LaBate, 577; Redskins keep rolling along behind QB (9uebec 6, New Jersey 4 State, No. 13 Iowa vs. Purdue, No. Joe Thelsmann and FB John Riggins. Totals ' 33 3 6 2 Totals 33-2 8 2 icare forms are reminded Frank Toros, 572; Jose­ ■ 000 001 200-3 Pittsburgh 4, Washington 0 15 Maryland vs. Wake Forest, No. Packer defensewlllgetbigtest. Phllodalphla on 000 000— 2 that we will have volun­ phine Strimike, 566; Lot­ 16 Arizona .State vs. Southern Game-winning RBI — None. teers at the center Nov. 9 tie Lavoie, 561; Nadine Let us be your Pfaltzgraff California, No. 17 Oklahoma vs. E—Cruz, Schmidt, Dejesus. DP— from 1 to 3 'p.m., by M alcom , 554; G race Philadelphia 2. LOB—Baltlmore6, Phllo- No. 20 Oklahoma State, No. 18 delphla 7. 2B—Dempsey 2. HR— Pengulns4,CapitalsO appointment only. The Windsor, 554; Martin Bak- Washington vs. Stanford and No. 19 Transactions Matthews volunteers will be at the stan, 549; Rene Maire, store ... come check out thb \ Brigham Young vs. New Mexico. (1),.Morgon (2), Ford (1). Plttsburoh ' I I 2—4 center on the second and 545. •••agaagaao*********** . IP H R ER BB SO Washington o o 8—0 Baltimore ^ First period—1, Pittsburgh, Hannon fourth Wednesday of ev­ Unbeaten West Virginia is happy Flanagan 4 6 2 2 1 1 ery month. BRIDGE SCORES: terrific prices ... buy now and save! U P l photo Palmer (W 1-0) 2 2 0 0 1 1 (penalty shot), 7:05. Penalties— Big news is that our with a 5-0 record, but according to Stewart 2 0 0 1 3 Helen Fitzsimmons, Basketball 0 MeSorley, assistant coach Russ Jacques^-the T. Martinez (S 1) 1 0 0 0 0 0 Pit, 0:16; McClelland, Pit, malor, 3:39; annual Arts and Crafts 5,010; Jack Owen, 3,860; Winning another one NBA — Reduced suspension of Atlonfa Philadelphia Mountaineers weren’t joyous after center Wayne Rollins from five to two Adams, Was, malor, 3:39; Borque, Pit, l^air is only one month Hans Bensche, 3,500; Bar­ Matching Glasses . . . shown in Village, also available Carlton (L 0-1) 6 2-3 5 3 2 3 7 5:33; Theberge, Was, 7:05; McClel­ away. The date is Nov. 12, watching some of their game games, effective at the start of the Holland 2 1-3 1 0 0 0 4 land, bara Conklin, 3,360; Helen to match Yorktowne and Folk Art. (Clear crystal recommended with John McEnroe makes back hand return in winning way to films. "Of course they feel very regulor season. WP—Polmer, Cqrlton. 9 to 3 p.m. There will be Bensche, 3,340. Dallas — Waived guard Foots Walker T—2: 35. Pit, malor-mlnor, 15:53; Adams, Was, Heritage.) A— malor-mlnor, 15:53: Buskos, Pit, 16:58; woodcrafts, knitted and quarterfinals of Australian Indoor Tennis Champion­ good about being 5-0, and it was a and rookie Terrell Schlundt. 65,792. Golden State — Waived free agent Carlisle, Pit, 17:29; Gartner, Was, 17:29; crocheted items, a bake Reg. Sale ships, defeating fellow American Brad Gilbert. great accomplishment to win two St. Laurent, Pit, 18:38. BOWLING SCORES: guard Lamar Harris. sale, a white elephant Women hi single — Mary games on the road,” Jacques said. Philadelphia — Released rookleguard Baltimore Rrst , Second period—2, Pittsburgh, Mike Milligan. The first pitch come at 8:36 p.m. EDT. Lomou- table and refreshments. Chaves, 188; hi triple — Wine Goblet 3.50 *2.75 San Diego — Waived guards Wes The temperature was 56 degrees. Shelby reux 1 (MeSorley, Soganluk), 9:29. Remember, our fair is one Penalties—Shand, Was, malor, Jeanette Plerro, 499. Men Matthews and Eddie Jordan. struck out looking. Ford grounded out, of our biggest fund­ hi single — Norman UConn hosts Holy Cross Football [JeJesus to Perez. Ripken struck out. No 3:44; Water Goblet 3.50 2.75 New Jersey (USFL) — Announced runs, no Mts, no errors, none loft. Hotham, Plt,5:59; Bourque,Pit, 10:48. raisers, and helps supple­ Lasher, 214; hi triple — completion of the sale of the club to Phlladolphlanrsi Third period—3, Pittsburgh, Bullard, 4 ment our food program. If Afidy Lorenzen, 540. (Gladney), 0:59.4, Pittsburgh, Boutettel Cooler 3.00 Donald J. Trump. Morgan grounded out, Dauer to you need a ride to the fair, 2.25 Washington — Signed linebacker John Murray. Lezeono grounded out,Rlpkento (Kehoe, MeSorley), 6:06. Prossa and kicker Dean Darsey. Murray. Schmidt filed out to Shelby. No Penalty— contact the center. Hockoy runs, no hits, no errors, nonaloft. Bourque, Pit, 6:32. Rocks/Juice 2.50 2.00 Grid races heating up Just a reminder to all: ‘ W BBk’S OVOntS 5 Piece Place Setting Los Angeles — Forward Mike Murphy BaltimoraSooend The center will have a ® wrwiMo retired to loin team os special assistant. Murray struck out. Roenlckegrounded computer seminar Nov. 16 . • Monday; 7:30 a.m. VILLAGE (above) or By United Press International while UConn, 1-0 in league play, cut. Holy Cross has not started 6-0 out, DeJosus to Perez. Dauer also grounded out, [3eJesus to Perez. No runs, Nordlqua86,Davlli4 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Men’s Golf League; 9:30 YORKTOW NE (right) entertains Holy Cross. since its Orange Bowl team of 1945. nohlts,noorrors,nonslo(t. Items discussed will be a.m. ceramics class; 10 Yankee Conference, and Ivy In the Ivy League, Dartmouth^ UConn, 2-3, is coming off a loss to PhlRidalphlaSacond Quoboc 112—4 or HERITAGE (below) Matthews hit an 0-1 pitch over the the history of data pro- a.m. bingo; social danc- And now, to complete your table 5 League races heat up Saturday and Harvard meet at Cambridge Lehigh. Now Jorsoy o 2 2—4 Reg. $18.00 left-center field fence for a home run. j First pwlod—1, Quebec, Goulet 5 (P, while undefeated Holy Cross looks with both teams unbeaten in Garter said his team has played Radio, TV Perez singled to center. Moddox filed out Stostny, A. Stostny), 18:22. Penalties— for its sixth straight win to league play. The Big Green have very well so far and he is happy to Shelby, Perez holding first. Diaz filed LiMvIg, NJ, 2:39; Chernomaz, N J, 17:43. Matching Flatware by Oneida highlight college football action in lost three straight, but are 1-0 in the •••••••••••••••••••••• out to Shelbv,Perezholdlng(lrst. Dejesus Second period—2, New Jersey; Russell fallout shelten said uealaaa with its progress. singled to right and Perez took third when 2 (unassisted), 5:0). 3, O uibM TA New England. Ivies and that one game enabled "But we face a number of Cruz dropped Ford's throw for an error, SATURDAY Stostny 5 (M. Stostny, P. Stostny), 6-45' . NEW HAVEN (UPl) - Fifty percent of the Rhode Island and Boston Univer­ them to top the defensive statistic challenges in the next few weeks, DeJesus taking second on the ploy. 12:30 Orioles vs. Phillies, Channels8, Carlton grounded out, Murray unas­ ik Lv*'!''* 7 (unassisted); population within 3,500 feet of a nuclear bomb blast sity tied for the Yankee Confer­ charts. Harvard is 1-0-1 after a not the least of which is this week’s 40, WPOP S*o*»nv 3 (Hunter), sisted. One run, Ihraa hits, one error, two 15:53.6, Que^c, Palement3 (McKegney, would be killed, a Yale Medical School professor ence lead at 2-0, meet Saturday last- second tie .at Cornell last game with a strong Cdnnecticut 12:30 College football: Texas vs. loft. VILLAGE FOLK ART Arkansas, Channel 3 Hunter), 17:X. Penalties—Mailer, Que, says. night at Nickerson Field and the weekend. team ,’.’ he said. BaltImoroThIrd 12:71-’ Hunter, Que, 18:34; Savard, Qua, 12:30 Holy Cross vs. UConn, WDRC Cruz walked. Dempsey hit Into adouble 19:29; Bridgman, NJ, 19:44. Dr. Richard Stahl said Wednesday in a speech winner will be in the driver’s seat "Dartmouth is a real good Elsewhere, among Division II 1:40 College football: Notre Dome play, DeJesusmaklngabackhondstopIn fallout shelters would be useless because "the time vs. Army, WINF ” Third period—7, New Jersey, Ludvig 4 20 Piece stainless steel flatware for the NCAA Division I-AA football team,” said Harvard teams, AIC hosts Division I-AA the hole and throwing to Morgan, who (CIrel p, Verbeek), 0:39. 8, New Jersw, , available for evasive action is Just a matter of 3:30 College football: Nebraska vs. relayed to Perez. Flanagan looked at a post-season playoff berth given the coach Joe Restic. "They have Northeastern. Springfield is at Missouri, Channels 8, 40 Russell 3 (unassisted), 3:23. 9, Ousbec! seconds.” A nuciqar attack would result in "the worst with lifetime guarantee. A nice excellent balance. They’ve played third strike. No runs, no hits, no errors, Goulet 6 (Hunter), 18:06. 10, Quebec, league champion. Rhode Island is Central Connecticut; Southern 7:00 Sabres vs. Bruins, Channel 38 nonaloft. tevard 2 (Palement, Hunter), 19:46. ■combination of just about ail types of trauma," he touch! Reg. $60. riding a four-game winning streak some excellent teams and it will be Connecticut is at CW Post, and 8:00 Whalers vs. Penguins, Channel PhllodolpMaThIrd Penalties—Mulvev, NJ,8:20; Glllls,Que, f44.95 30, WTIC said. after its opening loss at Ball State a very tough game for us.” Morgan hlta2-l pitch over therlghtfleld New- Haven travels to the Univer­ 8:30 Rangers vs. Blues, Channel 9 wall tar a home run ond a 2-0 Philadelphia r. He said there probabiy would be no treatment for while BU, 3-2, has lost to Colgate Brown, 1-1-1 in the Ivies after sity of District of Columbia. 8:30 Boxing; Kellar vs. Page, ESPN lead. Lezeono filed out tq Ford. Schmidt : yictims right after the blast becuse hospitals would he and Holy Cross. last week’s tie with Penn, hosts 11:30 CFL: Concordes vs. Eskimos grouded out, Cruz to Murray. AAotthews Elsewhere, it’s Hamilton at (tape), ESPN •destroyed and transportation to distant hospitals Rhode Island is averaging Cornell which is still looking for its walked. Perez filed out to Roenicke. One oooooooooooooooooooooo Amherst: Bates at ^esleyan; run, ono hit, no errors, onololl. ' would be unlikely. Many,people, he said, would suffer nearly 25 points a game in its last fkst win under new coach Maxie Bowdoin at IVilliams; Marist at SUNDAY BaltImorsPourth for days before dying. HERITAGE YORKTOWNE ^u gh n . Columbia is at Yale and 9:00 (am), 8:00 (pm); College foot­ Shelby singled to center. Ford walked, Sample Accessory Savings four wins while BU is paced by Coast Guard; Trinity at Colby; ball: Notre Dame vs. Army (tape), Calendar Stahl, an assistant professor of surgery, spoke as 5 Piece FOLK ART league offense leader John Wit- Shelby advandng to second. Ripken junior tailback Paul Lewis, who Buffalo at Lowell; Middlebury at ESPN walked, Shelby advandng to third and part of a lecture series on contemporary issues. Reg- (above) kowski will attempt to send the 1:0049ers vs. Saints, Channel 3 OOOOOOOOOOOOOBOOOOBOOB had 228-yards rushing and three Tufts; Norwich at St. Lawrence, Ford to second. Murray popped out to 7 In bis speech, "The Bum and' Blast Effects of Soup Tureen 45. *37.00 Elis reeling to their fifth straight 1:00 Chargers vs. Patrlats, Channel Morgan. Roonlcke grounded Into a Available Reg. $20.00 Mirlbornih Coutrj Bin TDs in the Terriers’ 26-19 win over and Fordham at \VPI. 22 Nuclear Explosions,” he said if a nuclear bomb were defeat. doubloptay, Schmidt to Morgen to t^ o z. SATURDAY 14” Platter 14. 9.99 In all NORTH MAIN ST.. RTL. 2. EXIT 12 or .13 14 MAIN STREET Richmond. In the New England Conference, 1:00 Dolphins vs. Jots, Channel 30 No runs, onohlt,no errors, twolott. Feothall dropped today, the effects would be much worse than The only other Yankee Confer­ Holy Cross moved up to No. 4 it’s Bridgewater'at Western Con­ Cup Golf, Channels 8, 40 Phllodoiphla Fourth Conard at Manchester, 1:X those at Hirosliima and'Nagasaki during World War Veg. Bowl 11. 8.99 four MARLROROtCH. CONN. OLD SAVRROOK, CONN. ence matchup has Maine at nationally in Division I-AA after its necticut;' Western New England at w tifF ® ''*■ ^*'l9**' Channel 3, Maddox struck out ond was thrown out, Holy Cross at UConn, 1 patterns Dempsey to Murray. DIoz singled to left toccor II. Today's bombs are bigger, he said. Candle Table Light 15. 9.99 Massachusetts. Maine is 0-2 in come-from-behind win over Col­ Curry; Framingham State at ''>■ PHIlftes, Channels 8, ni.99 He said there were 216,000 casualties in the two 40, WPOP and was out attempting to stretch, Greenfield at MCC, 2 league playwhile Massacjiusetts is gate and can claim its- third Plymouth State: Maine Maritime Rocnicke to Dauer. DeJesus slnglod to Japanese cities, 106,000 of them fatal. Almost half the 7:00 Islanders vs. Siihirs, < liuiim'l V srx-ond. Carlton bounced out, Dauer to SUNDAY 0-1 and an uncharacteristic 1-4. straight! winning season under at Nichols and Mas.S Maritime at Midnight: ColhMi,- IomHuiII im i a OMualties resulted from burns. There were 158,000 U v$. Washlnuliiii tlmii i i -.I'N Mill mv. No runs, two hits, no errors, ono Soccer Now Hampshire hosts Lehigh Rick Carter with a win at Connecti­ Westfield State'. ■ left. William 8i Mary at UCOin l t ttdm victims, and63,000 died, he said. 14 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday, Oct. 15, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. Oct. 15. 1983 - IS

Classified... M im 643'2711 Business Opportunities .. .22 Store/Office Space ...... 44 .62 For advertisements to be Notices Situation W anted...... 23 Resort Property...... 45 .63 Rates published Monday, the dead­ Lost/.Found...... Employment Ipfo...... 24 MIsc. for Rent...... 46 Home and Garden. .64 Minimum Chargo: line Is 2:30 p.m. on Friday. TAG SALE SIGNS .65 . $2.25 for one day Personals...... Instruction...... 25 Wanted to Rent...... 47 P e ts ...... Are things piling up? Then why not have a TA G SALE? The best way to an­ Announcements...... Roommates Wanted...... 48 .66 Per W ord: Rood Your Ad Auctions...... Real Estate .67 1-2 d a y s ...... 1S< nounce it, is with a Herald Tag Sale Classified Ad. When you place your ad, Services .68 3-5 d o y s ...... 14« Ossified advertisements Homes for Sale...... 31 .69 6 days...... 13« are taken by telephone as a you’ll receive TWO TAaSALE SIGNS FREE, ccmplimenjts cf The Herald. Financial Condominiums...... 32 Services Offered...... 51 .70 26 days...... 12< convenience. LOts/Land for S a le ...... 33 Painting/ Papering...... 52 Happy Ads: The Manchester Herald. Is FREE AAortgooes...... Investment P roperty...... 34 Bullding/Contracting...... 53 $3.00 per column Inch responsible only for one Incor­ Personal Loans...... Business Property...... 35 RoofIng/SIdIng...... 54 Automotive rect Insertion and then only CALL 643-2711 QR STOP IN AT OUR OFFICE 1 HERALD SQ., MANCHESTER Insurance...... Resort Property...... 36 Heatlng/Plumblng...... 55 Deadlines for the size of the original Wanted to Borrow ... Flooring...... 56 Cars/Trucks for Sale^^...... 71 For classified advertise­ Insertion. Income Tdx Service...... 57 Motorcycles/Bicycles___72 ments to be published Tues­ Errors which do not lessen aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa Rentals Services Wanted...... ♦. .58 Rec Vehicles...... 73 day through Saturday, the the value of the advertisement Employment 43 MIsc ter Sole 43 Tog Soles 49 Too Soles 69 Cors/Trucks for Sole 71 Rooms for Rent ...... 41 Auto Services...... 74 deadline Is noon on the day will not be corrected by an services Offered SI Housetwld Oeeds & Education For Sale aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Apartments for Rent ...... 42 Autos for Rent/Lease...... 75 before publication. additional Insertion. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Help Wanted ...... 21 Homes for Rent ...... 43 Hollday/Seasonal...... 61 MIsc. Automotive ...... 76 TA G SALE — Remodel­ 1972 PLYMOUTH DUS­ LAWNS C LEA N ED — In- USED REFRI.GERA- FOR SALE: Gloss top TAG SALE — Saturday, October IStti, lOom to ing. Saturday & Sunday TER - Excellent running EACH torlor/extorlor pointing. xoffee table. S150. Coll TORS, WASHERS, from 11 to 3. Johnson condition. Standard 3 Any odd lobs. Reosono- Ranges - clean, guaran­ 2pm. Washing machine, Roams for Rent 41 Hemes ter Rant 43 .ble rotes. Coll 643-9495 or bunk beds, Don-Electro Rood. Bolton. (Firstright speed. $800 or best offer. Lost/Found 01 Help Wanted 21 Help wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 LOts/Land lor Sale 33 teed, ports and service. after M & M on route 6.) 643-5875 otter 4pm. Low prices. B.D. Pearl & 36" W H ITE CROSS buck oultor, gloss fireplace 742-8650. ••••••••aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa screen, connlster va­ UT ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••«•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• aluminum storm door. •••••••••••••••••••••a* Son, 649 Main Street, TA G SALE — Foil Clean­ LOST — • SMALL FE­ 643-2171. Excellent'conditlon. Coll cuum, ten speed bike, 1975 FORD GRANADA, 2 LEGAL SECRETARY BOLTON LAKE — Very VERY NICE ROOM — MANCHESTER — Three miscellaneous toys and ing. Clothing, adults, door hardtop, automatic, M A LE CAT. Black tiger, Kitchen, bath, living bedroom Colonial. Walk 647-1772 otter 5pm. $30. FOR REA With experience. Re­ PART small piece of land with Coll 647-1772. furniture. 14 Ensign children. Gravely tractor power steering, power white paws and white private' road. Cannot be room privileges. Nice to schools and shopping.... FRIGIDAIRE Electric with plow and tiller. chin. Lost In vicinity of quires skll Is in typing and K&M DRY W A LL and Street, MonchesterlOff brakes, air conditioning, bujit upon. Call 643-2880. yard. $60 weekly. Call $575 per month, plus utlll...... Dryer, 18 lb. capacity. G. BMW Motorcycle with vinyl top. AM new tires. Main and Williams' shorthand and knowl­ TIME Pointing - Interior, exte­ Fdx-GIbson 16 cu. ft. frost FOR SALE: SWAN 500 Keeney Street). SAVINGS! edge In real estate, est­ 3 to 5 evenings per 643-2659. ties. Security ond Refer- “ side cor, s h re d d e r Asking $1475. Must be Streets. If seen call 643- FUEL OIL week, weekends op­ ences required. 871-2117. " j rior pointing. Sheet rock, free refrigerator. 643- horn radio transceiver, 4251.______ates and bookkeeping. hung and toped. Ceilings. TAG SALE43ctober 15 chipper, brlc-o-broc, seen. 643-9708, 647-1908. tional. $7.20 pay rate. NH UNO BAR6UN 2880. $95. Phone 649-2614. lawn furniture, & um­ Call 643-9674. College students may Coll 647-0170 for free and 16,9-4. Rain.or shine. FOUND — Cat, male MANCHESTER — ' 23 Candlewood Drive, brella, drapes, and an­ apply. Car needed. 61 ACRES — $39,900 Apartments for Rent 42 Charming three bedroom estimates. FPtI SALE: Green rue I x GALLAGHER WEAV­ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tiger-back and tall, SALESPEOPLE MUNSON’S CAN DY K IT ­ Call 721-0349, 4pm to East Hartford. (Off Ri- tiques. 9 to 2 Saturday white-paws and under- SDNAPEE-ASCOIIIEY AREA home. November 15th oc­ 15. Very good condition. ING TABLE LOOM — With a only. 5 Dean Drive, Motorcvdei/Bicycles 72 CHEN Is accepting appli­ 7pm only, M -F. Ask CARPENTRY AND MA­ $30,649-6084 With stand, 30". SI 75. degwood) Multi-family. slde. Please call 649-1623. Heating Equipment Sales for Linda. Spectacular property cupancy. $600 per month7,-;j Bolton. cations for full time AAANCHESTER-One, two SONRY - Free estimates. Also warping board, Appliances, kitchen employment In packing with over 1000 of town plus utilities. Security Items, lewelry, good aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa FOUND - Young white road frontage, meadows and three bedroom and references required. 1.' Coll Tony Squillocote649- CALORIC GAS STOVE — shuttles, etc. Coll 643- chocolates. Hours are 0811. clothes, more. TAG SALE — October YAM A H A YZ J25H 1981 — and tiger collared cat. with gorgeous views and apartments. Heat and hot 871-2117. 40" double oven, good 9263. ^ 15th & 16th, 9om to 4pm. Full-time/Partrtime (re-| Monday thru Friday, 9am southern exposure. Year water. $400, -$440,' $495. condition. $95 or best Vdry good condition. LOW Vicinity Spruce and El- Rain or shine, 23 Candle- to 4:30pm. Call for ap­ round brook and llfatima Coll 649-4800.______^ offer, coll 742-5050. T W O FAMILY TAG $700. Coll after 6pm. Coll drldge St. Male. 643-0777. pointment, 649-4332. HAS YOUR HOM E BEEN S A L E -S a tu rd a y 10-4, wood Drive, East Hart­ I tirees). New live wire oill supply 01 hardwoods. BROKEN INTO 7 Why 646-3345. 5 ford, (Off Ridgewood) PART TIME EVENINGS Close to several lakes, MANCHESTER — Three Polntlng/Paperlng 52 Ralndote Sunday. 326 IMPOUNDED-Male, Stora/Oftloa Spoce 44 ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wait until otter It happens Parker Street. Baby fur­ Multi family. Appliances, about year old. Collie- NURSE FOR PHYSI­ — Limited number of three ma|or ski areas and room heated apartment. BOY’S BICYCLE — 16"' company coming tol only 20 minutes trom the aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa to Investigate o Home niture & much more. No kitchen Items, lewelry, COST I CIANS OFFICE — Mon­ No appliances. Security. * very good condition. $45 Shepherd cross. Tri­ positions open. If you C T river and 1-91. Engi­ MIsc ter Sole 43 Security System? Exam­ good clothes, more. color, Dover Road. Fe­ day, Tuesday, Friday and have a good voice and the $375. Phone 646-2426,9 to 5 early birds please. or best offer. Coll 643-5347 town. Good money. neers survey, warranty NEWLY DECORATED PAINTING AND PAPER ine on affordable, wire­ male year old shepherd I half day Saturday. Call desire to make between weekdays. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa otter 3pm. dead and 80% financing. OFFICE SPACE In Man- J HANGING — Exterior less perimeter alarm sys­ T W O FAMILY TAG TAG SALE — 512 Taylor •cross, brown and black, 872-8321, ask for Donna. $67 to $120 a week - Call Call today (or more Infor­ and Interior, ceilings re­ END R OLLS— 27>/3 Width. tem that con move with S A LE -S a tu rd a y 10-15, Street, (Off Vernon) Oc­ Parker Street. Manches­ Good benefits. Send re-| Pat, 643-2711, Monday mation. P&B Realty Corp. THREE ROOMS FOR Chester. Centrally ' lo­ Classified NURSE FOR PHYSI­ cated with ample park- paired. References, fully - 25 cents; 13% width - 2 you If you move. 15 9to4. Old and New. Furni­ tober 15th and 16th, 9 to ter Dog Warden, 646-4555. thru Thursday evenings R E N T — with heat and minutes Is all you’ll need CIANS OFFICE — Mon­ hot water. For more In­ Ing. Call 649-2891. Insured. Quality work. tor 25 cents. M U ST be ture, books, dolls, re­ 3pm. Above ground pool, Isume/letter tp: between 6pm-9pm. Martin Mottuon, even­ lor o personal demon­ REWARD — Black/tan, day, Tuesday, Friday and 802-2S7-4347 formation call 563-4438, picked up at the Man­ cords, bikes, dishes, le- never used, 72 Inch reel 1980 T T 250 — $600 or best Ad in the MANCHESTER ' ings 649-4431. chester Herald Office B E ­ stration. Coll 643-1374-or welrv, knick knacks, etc. lawn mower, lots tools, Collle/Shepard. 40 half day Saturday. Call PART TIME - Janitorial 8:30am - 8:30pm 529-7858.______—- offer. Coll Kevin before P.O. B0V 34S 872-8321, ask for Donna. Corner Main and Hoynee—• FORE 11 AM ONLY. 646-4S05. 674 Center Street, golf clubs, toys, baby pounds. Age 14. Lost Oc­ work In office complex. 2pm, 649-4364. MANCHESTER - Extra Street. Professional oP MOriSaOHU FAHmW Manchester. items, motorcycle, tober 3rd, vicinity Hours 5pm to 10pm, two HERALD!!! Hartford, C T 06141 FR EE CA TA LO G — Of large 3be(trooms on quiet flee, one block from hos- " DELIVERING RICH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa / miscellaneous. Adams, Hilliard. Call 643- nights a week. Phone Mr. CeRMrelal • HeiMteUd aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa CLERK — Answer land bargains, 5 acres to street near pork. Availa­ pital. Centrally located. I LOAM - 5 yards, $60.00 MULTI FAMILY T a 6 4938. Turner at 568-2020. EOE. Mll«| TtiBra SiidiHil. phones, light typing, pro­ 500 acres, covering Ver­ ble immediately. $475 Call 646-2730, 522-7291. ; plus tax. Washed sand. Home and Garden 44 SALE — Saturday Oc­ TA G SALE — Saturday ' Misc. Automotive 76 cess shipping documents plus utilities. 649-4800. Hfe« P iw WnMni Stone, trap rock, and Phone mont ond the Berkshlres tober 15th. 9 to 4. Off October 15th. 356 Parker aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSaaaaa Announcements 03 In a hectic manufactur­ MATURE RELIABLE at lowest Imaginable pri­ 474 MAIN STREET — * lili'inNATB grovel. 643-9504. Route 44 (Tolland Street) Street, 10am to 3pm. Tee­ BOOKKEEPER/SECRE- ing environment. Figure WOMAN to assist In care MANCHESTER — Two ces. Write: Land Ca­ bedroom townhouse. $460 Business office space. - M 8 -4 8 7 8 RED RASPBERRIES — 7 Cubles Drive, Bolton. nagers clothes, newer pa­ W HEELS — 13", 14" GM. TA R Y — Immediate op­ aptitude and pleasant, of an Intelligent female Pick your own. We hove a perbacks, usuable Items 643-2711 MODEL CONTESTANTS en! ng. Most have talog, P.O. Box 938, North a month. Security deposit First floor, across front ** Several Free items. 15", Ford. 16’’-8-luo truck patient phone personal­ stroke victim. Light large guonlty ol quality and dishes. wanted for Ideal Model WAITRESSES — Day working knowledge of Adorns, MA 01247. required. Call 646-2469be­ post office. Call 646-2426, split rims. 643-2880. ity needed. 8am to 5pm, housekeeping, cleaning J.P. LEW IS & SON Cus­ berries at this time. Open Pageant at the Hartford shift openings and wee­ one-rite bookkeeping and some meal prepara­ fore 4pm, after 4pm 649- 9am-5pm weekdays. Mor)day thru Friday. tom Decorating. Interior ALUMINUM SHEETS Septem ber 1st until TAG SALE — Vacuum, TIR ES — Three 650-13. LEGAL NOTICE Marriott/Farmington. kends. one shift. Ideal for systems. Other responsi­ Com'petetive wage and tion Involved. Minimum 8978.______pointing, paperhanging, used os printing plates — Town el Andover, Cennecticvt Girls 13-30 years. Two MANCHESTER — Main heavy frost, usually se­ household items, pool ta­ Almost full tread, no Zoning Board ol Appeols housewife with children bilities to Include typing, benefit package. Call for dally period, 5 hours. LAND SALE TWO BEDROOMS — IV2 new ceilings, remodel­ .007" thick, 23 X 24” . 504 cond week In October. $250 prizes. Call (401) Street location. Retail i TA G SALE — Much misc. ble, baby Items, clothes, recap. Excellent condi­ The Zoning Board ol Appeals ol the Town ol Andover, In school. Experience filing and handling tele­ an appointment, 646-1737. Live In facilities availa­ Baths. Townhouse. Full ing, carpentry work. each, or 5 for $2.00. Phone books, October 15th 9:30 Connecticut will hold o public hearing In the Town Olllce 781-3371. preferred, but will train. 2 ACRES-*4,900 store. $650 monthly, with Hill Farm, 113 Addison Saturday October 15th, 10 tion. $8 each. White ba­ phones. Please apply In ble. Can be good home, if basement. Pool. $400 Fully Insured. 649-9658, 643-2711. They M U ST be ' Rood, Glastonbury. Open to 2:00. 60 Hilltop Drive, Building Wednesday, October 19, 1983 at 8:00 P.M . to hear ••••••••••••••••••••••• ^ppiy Ip person after person: S S Precision heat Included. The Hayes to 4. 240 McKee Street, throom sink with fix­ the following applications asking (qr relief from the Zoning 81 DELIVERY PERSON needed, for right person. 27 ACRES-*13,900 monthly plus utilities. Af- evenlnos 289-7010. picked up before 9om to 6pm. Closed Sun­ Manchester. 10am, to: Antonio's Res­ Machine Corp., Vernon Corp., 646-0131. Manchester. tures, $6. Coll 649-0734. Lows ot the Town ot Andover, Connecticut. Help Wonted 21 and stock work wanted at Call 646-8030 after 5pm. ter 5pm, 649-3770.______11;00a.m. only. days. 6334)056. (Off He­ • 205 — Oovld Marsh — Requesting relief from zoning taurant, 956 Main Street. Industrial Place, Vernon. ••••••••••••••••••••••• BERKSHIRES once in modern phar­ GEORGE N. CONVERSE bron Avenue (route 94). TAG S)tt:E - Oct. 15, DODGE D ART — '64push reoulotions — Section 11.2— Space Requirements. Needs 200 macy. Days, part time. MANCHESTER — Two — Pointing and poper- foot frontage, hos 185 feet. Requests variance of 15 feet. Lot SEWERS — Established Homes for Sale 31 ••••••••••••••••••••••a 10om-2pm. S3 Chestnut button transmission, AT. 9, located on Gilead Rood. MUNSON’S CANDY K IT ­ No nights or weekends. bedrooms, IVi baths, honglng. 30 Years Expe­ nationwide pillow manu­ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beautiful properly TUR NIPS - Yellow Globe St., Manchester. Cor ra­ Runs excellent, needs • 206 — Luclen Bolvin — requesting relief from zoning CHEN Is accepting appli­ Ideal for retired person. five minutes trom townhouse, wall to wall MIsc. for Rent 46 rience. Coll otter 5pm, and Purple Top. Pull dio, cassette player, air regulations — Section 11.2— Space Requirements. Needs 200 facturer has Immediate cations for evening and carpeting, appliances. NEIGHBORHOOD TAG work. $99. Olln IV’s with Apply at once to man­ BRODIE MT. ond --643-2804. EXCELLENT QUALITY your own. Also turnip S A LE — October 15th,9to conditioner. Rock al­ toot frontage, has lOOteet. Requests yqrlqnce of lOOteet. Lot full time openings. Expe­ weekend employment. Full basement, parking, bindings, $99. Coll 649- . 15F, located on Shoddy M ill Rood. rience preferred. Day HAIRDRESSER ager: Liggett Parkade JIMINY PEAK SKI SEASONED HARD­ greens. Notlskv Farms, 4, 19 and 20.dackson , 31 bums, much more*. Rain 4182. • 207 — Lucille Bailey — requesting relief from zoning W A N TED , with follow­ Hours are Monday thru Pharmacy, Parkade COVENTRY/T&LLAND convenient location. No INDUSTRIAL SPACE WOOD — Oak - Maple - 6444)304. Madison. No Early ^ dote Oct. 16. regulotions. 1. Section 7.0.7 Accessory buildings In Andover shift. Five day week. Full Friday, 4pm to 8pm and 8 AREAS. Fabulous pets.' $500 a month plus Bmwmg/Centroctlng $3 benefit program. Includ­ ing. Full time. Call 646- Shopping Center, 404 LIN E — CHFA qualified. views, open meadows FOR LEASE - 5300 sq. ft. Hickory. S85/cord. Two BIrdsI ' PINTO FALCON engine Lake District must be 50 feet trom hlghwoter mark of lake. hours Saturday or Sun­ West Middle Turnpike. Four bedroom ranch. utilities. 633-4403.______cord minimum. CUt, split Proqosed building will be 25 feet.— variance of 25 feet ing sewing Incentive. 8161. and eeleablo timber. $775 per month. Available aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa TA G SALE - 10am to 4pm. assembly, 122CID, needed. 2. Section 11.2— Space Requirements. Needs 60 feet day. Call for appoint­ Wooded acre, family immediately. Call owner and delivered. Coll 649- 97 Hollister St. Portable Apply at Plllowtex Corp., ment, 649-4332. Owner will provide MANCHESTER — Large 2000CC, excellent condi­ front yard setback, has 20 feet, needs vorlance of 40 feet. Lot 49 Regent Street, Man­ TE L L E R — Part time, BURR-BENCH HELP room, fireplace living two bedrooms, porches, John, 643-2414 or 649-6218. L E O N CIESZYNSKI 1831 anytime. Pets 45 dishwasher, love seat, tion. $100. Phone 643-9521. located on Sunset Lone. room, country kitchen. SOS FINANCING, At this hearing Interested persons may appear and be chester, Connecticut. Monday through Friday, W A N TED — Experience garage. $425 plus utilities. BUI LDER — New homes, antique dishes, misc. $65,0(X> Firm. By Owner. Warranty deed, engt heard and written communication received. Sold appeals c 9am-2:30pm, Saturday, TSrRIgeporn^ helpful, not necessary. November 1st. Allbrio additions, remodeling, 12" G.E. TV — Block and TA G SALE — Many unus­ are on tile and may be seen In the Office of the Town Clerk, Coll 742-9487.______nears survey. Call to­ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ASSEM.BLE-R8 AND 9am-12pm. Good figure Apply In person: 8am • 12. Reolty, Inc., 649-0917. ••••••••••••••••••••••a rec rooms, garages, kit­ white. AC/DC with o ligh­ ual Items, stamps, tools, Town Otfice Building. and Milling day tor more Inlormi- ter cord. Bought 11/82. D O G TRAINING NOTICE TO CREDITORS Doted at Andover, Connecticut 8 October, 1983; 15 COIL WINDERS — Fin­ aptitude and ability to Valley Burring Co., 253 chens remodeled, ceil­ CLASSES — Beginning dolls crib, tin bathtub, ESTATE OF JANET Chapel Road, South MANCHESTER — Alum­ llon and directions. MANCHESTER — Two ings, both tile, dormers, Retails for over $100, will Automotive October, 1983. ger dexterity necessary. deal well with customers. Operator inum sided two family Services October 20th at the East books, toys, comping FRANCES RICE OR JANET Zoning Board of Appeals Experience preferred. I# to w Tup and operate. Ad- Windsor. New First Floor Units. roofing. Residential or sell for $60 Firm . 646-74T!3. equipment, tents, gloss, F. R IC E, late of Manchester, Experience not needed. leemenl opporlunMy lor light with offices on first floor. Hartford YW CA. Call 721- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Andover, Connecticut 802-694-1581 Fully Insulated. Gas or oil commercial. 649-4291. deceased. The Hon. William Mary C. McNamara, Chairman Will train. Four day Apply In person: Mr. pereon. Apply: Ludd MaiHilaelur- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1386. Chino, pottery, gomes, E. FitzGerald, Judge, of the mg Co.. sliRolwrte RL, Cael Hart- BURR-BENCH HELP Two car garage. Large 8:30am - 8:30pm; heat. Kitchen appliances. BENGAL COMBINA­ 009-10 week, 10 hour day: 7am- Fields, Heritage Bank, 23 parking area, huge Sundov October 16th, 9 to Cors/trucks for Sole 71 Court of Probate, District of Main Street, W A N TED — Experience Sat-8iin 111 5pm. No-wax floors. Carpet­ Services Ottered si FARRAND REMODEL- TION STOVE gas and 4. 24 O’Leary Drive. Manchester at a hearing held 5:30pm. Apply at Able corner lot. Gordon P E T CARRIER — 18x11 X on October 13, 1983 ordered Coll, Howard Road, Manchester. helpful, not necessary. ing. $450 plus utllltitles. I NG — Cabinets, roofing, cool. $50. Coll 643-7072. 11. Ideal for vet visits. $15. T Realty, 643-2174. November 1st. Allbrio that oil claims must be Bolton.______INDIVIDUALS to work Apply in person: 8 a m -12. gutters, room additions, Call 74^7176. presented to the fiduciary on Casual Clossic Realty, Inc. 649-0917. WHITE HOUSE SHIN­ 1982 PONTIAC T1000 — MOTHER TO BABYSIT as homemakers home Valley Burring Co., 253 REDWOOD FARMS - 7 REWEAVING BURN decks, all types of remo­ E xc e lle n t condition. or before January 13, 1984 or Christmas Crafts MODERN, PROGRES­ for nine year old girl after health aides In a nine Chapel Road, South room Cape on a treed lot. R 0 | l t Q l S HOLES — zippers, um­ deling and repairs. FREE GLES, birch, $4 a bundle be barred os by lowproylded. SIVE Real Estate office MANCHESTER — Three or $15 for ol I four bundles. LOOKING FOR GOOD Standard transmission. Dionne E. Yusinos, school. Keeney Street town agency, based In Windsor. Dining’ room, living brellas repaired. Window ‘ estimates. Fully Insured. HOM E — Cute orange OCTOBER 15th — Rain- looking to hire , ener­ room apartment. Heat, Coll 643-8836. AM/FM radio. Oatv^ Assistant Clerk school district. 646-8863. Manchester. Most have a room, fomlly room. 3 shades, Venetian blinds. Telephone 643-6017, otter and white tiger male date October 16th, 9 to 4. 14,000 miles. $4800. Coll getic, licensed salesper­ car. Previous experience •••••••••••••••••see*** electric, parking. Secur­ Keys. T V FOR R EN T. 6pm, 647-8509. The fiduciary Is; bedrooms, 2 cor garage. ity deposit. No pets. Call kitten. Call 649-6480 otter Sofa bed, household 6464)293, 649-5620. son, Interested In high FULL TIME OFFICE as nurses aide helpful-but Owner, 649-9895. Rooms for Rent 41 Marlow’s, 867 Main GREEN, GOLD, YEL­ Items, tools, 1973 Re­ Myron L. Rice income and pleasant 649-9092.______LOW Llvlngroom/Den 11am. 53 Crosby Rd., CLERK — Typing, filing will train. Part time Street. 649-5221. DESIGN KITCHENS by nault. 83 Ridge Street. 1979 CHEVY MONZA — Manchester, Ct. 06040 working conditions. For and telephone work. Car hours available. Mileage ARE YOU A FUN PER­ SOUTH FARMS — Beau­ MANCHESTER — Four J. P. Lewis. Cabinets, choir,' good condition, 023-10 confidential Interview, $35. Two sets encyclope­ Excellent condition. Low necessary. Call for Inter­ reimbursements. Good SON? Would you get tiful Colonial, 4 bed­ room apartment on se­ BRICKS, BLOCKS, vqnitles, formica, Wilson TA G SALE — 108 Helalne mileage. Original owner. call Mr. Strano, Strano view, 643-1496. EOE. hourly rate plus excellent excited about earning rooms, 2'/3 baths, 2 car GENTLEMAN P-RE- art, Corlon counter tops, dia’s, $10 each. Coll 646- FERRED. $50.00 weekly. cond floor. Appliances, STONE — Concrete. Road, Saturday October 4 speed standard, air Real Estate, 646-2000. fringe benefits. Call 643- $150-f for three evenings garage. Perfect condi­ Chimney repairs. No lob kitchen cabinet fronts, 4995. 15th, 10 to 4. Bikes, tires, 646-2000. carpeting, two car park­ DOG TR AIN ER will train conditioning. Asking NOfrCE TO CREDITORS MATURE EXPE­ 9511 Monday thro Friday, work? It so call Teresa, tion. Many special fea­ ing. Storage area. Refer­ too small. Call 644-8356. complete woodworking obedience at your home. point, books, misc. $3200. Coll 871-1365. ESTATE OF GEORGE EXCELLENT INCOME between 8:30am and 569-0515. Car, phone and tures. Must be seen! service, custom mode HOUSEPLANTS — Five G ALLSCH N EIDER , late 0( R IEN CED Nurses Aide to ences, security ond lease. Coll Karen at 643-1641. housewares. Manchester, deceased. The for part time home as­ care for invalid. Some 4:30pm. Monday evenings a must. $114,900. By owner. Call ROOMS FOR RENT — furniture, colonial repro­ Swedish Ivy, $2.50 each. Call 643-4582 between 5. $400 monthly. No utilities EXPERIENCED Hon. William E. FltzGerold, sembly work. For Infor­ cooking. Coll 649-6286 ev­ A- 643-9341. PAINTER-Quallty work.: ductions In wood, 9 varie­ Orders ground cover, $5. OCTOBER 15th and 16th. Judge, of the Court of Pro­ and 7pm. Included. Very quiet. mation call 504-641-8003, enings, after 7pm. VOCATIONAL IN- COII649-0788.______Reasonable rates. Fully ties of hardwood and each. Private home. 649- 9 to 4. Rain or shine. bate, District ot Manchester Ext. 8201. STRUCTOR — Sewing for WANTED PArtT TIME veneers NOW IN STOCK 6486. Aniiquet European and American at a hearing held on October Condominiums 32 MANCHESTER — Beau­ Insured. Free estimates: ' 1979 FIREBIRD — Lots of 13, 1983 ordered that all IMMEDIATE OPENING sheltered employment HELP - Apply In person MANCHESTER — Beau­ 643-9237, ask for Jerry. Coll 649-9658 or evenings, furniture, antiques, claims must be presented to LICENSED NURSE - tiful, modern, first floor ARIENS LEAF extras, $9000 Invested. — Experienced day care facility. Please send re­ 238 Hartford road, tiful, modern, first floor 289-7010. lamps, large variety. 37 Good mileage. Will sell the tiduclary on or before Earn supplement to re­ personnel needed. Ap­ sume to Hockanum In­ Manchester. 'MANCHESTER — Dras­ apartment. Four rooms, apartment. Four rooms, MULCHER V a c u u m Lynnwood Drive on 2nd Jonuary 13, 1983 or be barred one bedroom. Stove and ODD JOBS, Trucking. RED GOOSE FARM AN­ for much less. Ask for as by law proyided. tirement Income. Call proximately 30 hours per dustries, Inc. P.O. Box tic Price Reduction I Sin­ one bedroom. Stove and Home repairs. You name' ANCHOR ELECTRICAL Bagger — For use on Bolton Lake. Signs from Dianne E. Yusinos, 649-3092 between 8am and dishwasher. Wall to wall. snow blower tractor In TIQUES IN THE FALL — Paul, 456-4025. week. Call 649-6167. 2002, Vernon, C T 06066. MATURE W O M A N gle bedroom condo. dishwasher. Wall to wall. It, we do it. Free esti- ' CONTRACTORS — Do A PosrOral country ride; Assistant Clerk 4pm. Available Immediately. place of snow thrower. W A N TED to babysit In Newer carpeting, kit­ Available Immediately. mates. Insured. 643-0304. - any size or type of work. Leaves \urnlno; wood HONDA ACCORD LX- TRANSMISSION IN­ GOVERNMENT JOBS — my South Windsor home. chen, more. Only $36,000. $400 plus security. No $400 plus security. No Fully Insured. Free Esti­ $98. Coll 646-8302. TA G SALE — Saturday The fiduciary Is: ORGAN 1ST - Second Con- pets. 646-2000. stove burmng; on old red '-1980. Automatic. Stereo Irmgard Bousfleld STALLER — Must hdve Thousands of vacancies Minimum three days per Allbrio Realty, Inc. 649- pets. 646-2000.______WILLING TO DO ODD mates. Coll 647-0293. born crammed with October 15th. 25 New­ 22 Fernwood Drive gregatlonal Church, NINE WINDOWS-28" x cassette.' New rodlols. minimum two years ex­ must be filled Imme­ week. Must have own 0917. JOBS, Housecleaning, wonderful goodies like man, Manchester. Rain Bolton, Ct. 06040 Route 44A. Coventry. Call MANCHESTER — Four 46", four wlndows-30" x ''M any e xtra s. 49,000 024-10 perience and own'tools. diately. $17,634 to transportation. 8:30 to painting or wood work-" ROBERT E. JARVIS — lace, linens, lovely cancelled. 9:30 to 3:30. miles. $5800. 649-0Q75.. 742-8379 or 742-6234. $50,1112. Call 716-842-6000, rooms, kitchenette and Building and remodeling 49%",one window, 28" x Call 423-8463. 5:00pm. $15 per day, Homes for Sole 31 Homes for Sale 31 garage. No smoking Ing. Have own transpor-- thlngsl Furniture, Much miscellaneous. Including Sunday, Ext. lunch Included. Call 528- tatlon. Call 643-0197. specialist. Additions, 42", one window, 30" x ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• adults, couples.. No pets. 34", one window, 24” x frames, fancy thlngsl 1980 MUSTANG/HATCH- NEWSPAPra DENTAL ASSISTANT — 31029. 6473 after 6:00 pm. garages, roofing, siding, Goose Lone, Coventry. BARN. FULL OF COUN­ Court of Probate Security. Coll 643-5797. 38". $4 each, Coll 646-2806 BACK — Excellent condi­ District ot Manchester CARRIER NEEDED GENERAL CLEANING:' kitchens, bathrooms, re­ Weekends, 12pm to 5pm. TRY COLLECTIBLES — Experienced chairside. anytime. tion. Loaded. Asking NOTICE OF HEARING IN MANCHESTER Four day week for three MANCHESTER - 6 room Resldentlol/Commerclal'' placement wlndows- 742-9137. Old baskets, crocks, lugs, $4300. Coll 742-5921 Otter ESTATE OF HEATHER months, full time; part OPEN HOUSE first floor apartment. Painting, Paperhanging. /doors. Coll 643-6712. kitchen utensils, pine and L E E C A TO LAN E, late ot 6pm. Manchester, deceased. Pur­ CALL time later It desired. $490 plus utilities. Secur­ Carpet Cleaning. Own. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafaaaaaa ChiM Bshinrior oak furniture and much MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST ity. No pets. Phone 646- Equipment. Fully In­ ••••••••••••••••••••••• more. Country Barn Col­ suant to on order ot Hon. 6 4 7 -9 9 4 6 Manchester otfice. Sunday 1:00-4:00 Ara you an abutad parant? William E. FitzGerald, Part time position available every 0754.______sured. Coll IM7-3741/742-" Rooting/Siding 54 ChanQa your clilldran’a an­ TagSolM lectibles, 1135 Sullivan Judge, dated October 12,1983 8203. noying. waaring bahwion Ave., South Windsor. o hearing will be held on on KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE™ ____ by Larry Wright other weekend In our X-ray Dept. DUPLEX - New carpet, into plaaaanl onaa. Publica­ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Open every Saturday and application praying (or the new paint. Three bed­ tion. $3.98. Chlldran Un- 1980 CHEVROLET CIT­ authority to compromise ond Good typing and extenslye knowledge WE ARE READY FOR: Sunday. rooms, Tlvlng room, kit­ B1DWELL HOME Im­ llmltad. Box 242H, Manchaa- ATION — Two door settle a doubtful and disputed 5 of medical teTmlnology-required. For AUTUMN & WINTER ----- provement Company — tar. CT. 0e040. ______coupe, 4 speed standard, clolm In favor of sold estate more Information, contact: Personnel chen, basement, yard. No Leaves and snow remo- : oodlnst Allstate Insurance I m e M.M? pets. $390-$420 plus utili­ Roofing, siding, altera­ TAG SALE-Sqt., Oct. 15, AM/FM radio, tweed In­ Company, as In said applica­ Dept, at 647-4710 between 8 a.m. and 5 val. Trees and shrub' tion, additions. Some terior. 47,000 miles. Ex­ tion on file more fully op- ? My ih FAU-.N6, ties. 633-8195. MAGNAVOX AM/FM THREE FAMILY TAG 9om-4pm. Corner of Au­ p.m. AAonday-FrIday. trimming. Light truck- • number tor over 30 years. SALE — 26 Palm Street, tumn and School Sts., cellent running. $3300. peors, at the Court of Pro­ A-H-eep. Ing. "General Handy-' 649-6495. stereo console, $SBFIrm. Coll 644-1966. bate on October 27, 1983 at Manchtstar Mamorial Hospital Coll 643-5347 after behind Sleffert’s Applian­ Manchester. Baby Items 3:15 P.M. Uniqno trlna to hrlghtsa T W O B E D R O O M man" Ray Hardy, 646- ces. Manchester. Sotur- and miscellaneous. Dionne E. Yusinos, the nmday sooaon — . a 71 Haynae Si. 7973. 3:30pm. A P A R TM E N T — Some doy and Sunday, 9am to Assistant Clerk troo for Gn wall Manchaalar, Ci. pets allowed. $430 plus Heatlng/Plumblng 55 02M0 or door from folt; SIGN ELECTRIC for In­ 5pm. Household furni­ N O TICE - The Eastern 8172 M /F ' E O E partial utilities. 646-4108, RESUMES — Xerox co­ ture and appliances, an­ Connecticut Flea Market trims from roeyelod aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa door show room window. 8-18 643-7949. pied, 50 for $3.49. Enve-* tiques and much morel 1978 BMW 3201 — Block cords: a stolfod Excellent condition. Size (Jet. 31 and 32, Mansfield) wreath omamoBt; ijpaiw lopes free. PIP the- will be open every Sun­ with beige interior. Ex­ INVITATION TO BIO “ Whlle you wait prlrt- FOGARTY BROTHERS 40” X 30” X 5". $35 or best •697 lal pa— ------kle stare and mo««. Lot 25 Bobby Lane day (9om-3pm) until cellent condition. Sun dress, the choice is yours. CELEBRITY CIPHER ters" 391 Center^ Street, — Bathroom remodel­ offer. Telephone 742-6016 AIR-CONDITIONINO COM- C-S88 haa oaaj-to-fol- Cotebrtty Ciphar cryptogrania art craated from quotattona by ftenoua paopte. PAM Thanksgiving, roof, air conditioning, 4 Neat look for all seasons. Manchester, Ct. Homes for Rent « 41 Manchester. 647-M7. ' ing; Installation water after 5pm. PRI$$OR$ — Penney Hlish low instructlona. andpraaant.EachlaitarlnmacipttarttaiMjaforanomar. rodbty'acAw.* J a q a M O . heaters, garbage dispo­ speed, many extras In­ $ch*el No. 8172 with Photo- TO 0880, ttri fui8 ftr airii Come Inspectthls 7 r(»m contemporary ••••••••••••••••••••••• OARAGE SALE — cluding auxlollory fuel The Board of Education, by CONNIE WIENER sals; faucet repairs. 649- SINGER FASHION YOU ARE NOT SAVING 110 Long Hill Drive, East Guide is in Sites 8 to 18. »lw Wt lirpilliei 884 with many outstanding features such as: NEED WINDOWS- Moped, sauna bath. Insu­ celt. Must be seen. Coll Sice 12,32 Vt bust. . . top, M AN CH ESTER — Small 7657. VIso/MosterCord M A TE portable sewing A FO R TU N E If you ha­ Hartford, CT. will receive “ NO QRLHL NP JPL 8HLEQ QHMQR 2 fuii baths, 3 iarge bedrooms, fire- W ASHED? Quick, qual^; lation, pipe staging, 643-2133, days. 649-7815 sealed bids tor AIR- 2V$ yards 46-inch; pants, five room house. Newly, accepted. machine with cose. Zig­ ven't been to the Flea Ity work. Low rates. Call tools, clothing and mis­ otter 6pm. CONDITIONING COMPRES­ 2H yards; dress, 2 % placed study, doubie pane windows and remodeled, 2 bedrooms. zag stitches. Excellent Market at the Mansfield N REKL TLEHFLO EUJMQ TNQL NO M3S155. ce lla n e o u s. 49 Erie Drive-ln Theater (Jet. 31 SORS— Penney High School. yards. more. Price $105,000. Good location. Security ••••••••••••••••••••••• condition. $70. 646-1760. Bid Information and speclll- Street, Saturday, Oc­ and 32, MonsfleldL Open 1969 FALCON — Runs cdtlons are available at the T8 0800, tsK $2j08 fir SMk Also 8 building lots available with city deposit requrled,. Refer­ prttm , plat $8* tir 8eslii(i 884 NP ORNP: FLKLH DHI JKLH WILL DO HOUSE-' For Sale tober 15th and Sunday, Every Sunday 9qm-tom excellent. $500 or best Business Otfice. Sealed bids iix M rx if utilities. ences. No pets. Married C LEA N IN G . References' INSULATION — From 16th. 9am to 4pm. until Thanksgiving. Be o offer. 742-8388. will be received until 10:30 W8i 8«wL-4«jg» couple only. $400 per a.m. on Wednesday, October D ir: South Main to Spring to right onto Gardner provided. Coll 646-14^ one Inch to 6 Inches thick. seller, no reservations sasssiUd EFIQRNF8 GREG DEF’G DHI JKLH to Joyce. month. Call 649-7885. aaaasaaaaaaaeaaaaaJaaaa 19, 1983, at which time they SPECIAL: Over S H so- anytime. Four ft. by 8 ft. sheets, needed. Set up 8om. 423- 1978 DATSUN 510 — A/C, will be publicly opened and toctioaa aad a F T HolMtav/Soasenal 41 styrofoam type. Cosh and 9890. New radial tires, excel­ read aloud. The Board ot Pattara Sectfaa ta IJM.” — KNGGJHN^ OL PNDE. COVENTRY - ASHFORD t a 6 &ALe Education reserves the right CLEANING- HOME AND carry. Chtop. Come to lent condition. Asking Mm Mtrast am ZIP ALBUM . Jm t $8.88. Zinsser Agency — Four room houses. aeaasseaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa oa. IS t U , MITOII to accept or reiect any or all cesL itps PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "The only person you’ll meet who O FFICE. Professional,' empty lot next to Nop 8i • am - 4 pm TAG SALE - Saturday, $3200. 644-0743. bids or the right to waive i n n j i i Newly renovated, oak depondoblo service qt. ■a«aral Pamllaa: FumNurS, doesn’t have a guaranteed cure (or the common cold is your f o r s a l e — New (our Paul's Boot Hauling on 9am-3pm. Baby equip­ technical tormolltles It It Is In Now FASHION with spe­ a.|M-88U8-M4at4 floors, targe yards. your convenience. F o ra , houaaficW Mama, aquipm aiil, the best Interest to do so. liWsis /o-iy . doctor." — Fred Allen. tqot pine Christmas tree, Burnham Street In South U S. oolna, ooNaeKblaa anj ment and clothing, toys, 1972 OLDSMOBILE CU­ cial Grace Colo Collcctioa Working adult. No Anim­ free estimate coll TLASS — rebuilt motor, Nancy J. Harris, for larcer siset; plus 2 G ltl- C 1SS3 by NEA. Inc. u EH 646t1511 1st stond,trlmmlngs, three Windsor. Saturday Oc­ games, kitchen Items. Director W S tt ll 6 lWbrWA>W_TMA#9 US PWITMOH als. Lease. Call 423-4190. 9780-Rhonda. tober 15th between 8om f SanmaadMaa new tires, very good con­ Business Services BONUS Coupons! string lights. $40 or best JO(f^j4e44^ Many low priced. 216 0j> otter., coll 444-2507. and 2pm. . Woodbridge St. dition. 647-0642. 021- 10 - Price .... $1J6. ; 16 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. Oct. IS, 1983 MANCH'iSTER HERALD, Saturday, 0^,. 15, 1983 — 17 / BUSINESS P eo p le Purltan*8 fate Business In Brief Are designer names no longer golden? ' ■' S '. '' ' Multi-Circuits names Wills Today figures to be a pretty important day in the life ‘ a number of which are now being manufactured by; MANCHESTER - William L. Wills has beeV o f 26-year-old Andy Rosen. He could come out a hero Calvin Klein Ltd. itself; and (3) failure of a line of named sales engineer for New England and or a bum or maybe something in the middle. More Calvin Klein boys' clothes (which has since been t i p Canada by Multi- importantly, though, what he has to say — and how he scrapped). ' Circuits Inc., the says it — is likely to influence how the Wall Street Dan Dorfman As this analyst sees it, Calvin Klein is now a basic, company community sizes up the immediate future of a closely bread-and-butter business — good, but with its ^ announced. followed Big Board company in a sensitive period of Syndicated t explosive growth potential g o n e .^ , he says, maybe ~ In his new posi- transition. — and it’s a big maybe — the company could earn $3a T Wills will work That's Puritan Fashions Corp., an apparel Columnist share next year. And if you accoM such earnings the ^ I with printed circuit manufacturing biggie that derives about 90 percent of usual 6 to 7 multiple of most apparel stocks, then- board users in Con­ its nearly $300 million annual volume from the sate of you’re talking about an $18 to $21 price ta g ... which is .. necticut, Canada products using one of the country’s hottest fashion basically where the stock is now. ^ ; and Colorado and names — Calvin Klein. will live in Manches­ Andy recently succeeded his flamboyant father, “ I'm a young guy; I'm excited about the business .. THE BOTTOM LINE, says thU analyst, is that' ter, where a number Carl — who died Sept: 1 after a lengthy battle with aand we don’t n e ^ it," he told me. "Puritan is dead money — a stock that's likely to go of Multi-Circuits’ cancer — as Puritan's chief executive officer. And Andy, who earned $300,000 last year, was reluctant nowhere for quite a while." operations are today he:II address his very first luncheon meeting of to discuss sales and earnings numbers. But the word I Clearly Calvin Klein Ltd.’s royalty income from . based. the New York Society of Security Analysts, at which get is that growth of the business is slowing pretty Puritan for the use of the CK name is now .. Wiiis formeriy he’ll no doubt face a slew of critical questions. markedly. experiencing a dramatic slowdown in growth. And, in - worked in computer Back at Puritan's annual meeting in May, Andy fact, this year there'll be no growth at all. operations for IBM CHIEF AMONG THEM figure to be; went on record as projecting $3.25 a share on about From the beginning of its relationship with Puritan in Oswego, N.Y., as ■ Is the company—with a year-end '82 book value of $300 million of safest today he’s likely to tell the in '78, Calvin Klein derived $1.2 million in royalty business manager $8.11 a share — up for sale? A flood of recent rumors analysts the figures will be a lot lower. income the first year, $3.8 million in '79, $6.9 million in for Foreign Auto­ that some unfriendly suitor might be acquiring The chief reason: The company’s basic five pocket '80, $12.5 million in ''81 and $14.3 million last-year. works in Kittery, puritan shares drove up the price of the stock from 18 jean business — about 50 percent of overall volume — CK president Barry Schwartz tells me this year it'll.; Maine, and as a to 22

.1 4 , 8 MANCHKSTER HERALD, Saturday, Oct. 15, 1983 — 18 18 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. Oct. 15. 1983 Strictly butter eating^erson Weddings Advice proclaims right of adulthood Restaurant waiter fantasies You may or may not remember would never spread anything on this from childhood. my toast except butter. Your friend takes a buttercup Eating butter is in the same eating away at this dreamer and holds it under your chin. Then, In category as staying up to watch judging from the reflection, he or Focus Johnny Carson on a week'night and she fells you whether you like charging 27 pairs of panty hose on DEAR ABBY: Whe­ minister! for a social butter or not. If there’s yellow Adele Angle Master Charge and not doing the never I see an attractive event with religious over­ dishes for two days In a row. It is man,1 look, fantasize, and tones. They want a reli­ under your chin, you like butter. Focus Editor I used to pass that test with, well, among those wonderful privileges that's it. However, in this" gious ceremony, but case, I look, fantasize — flying colors. Big. bright, buttery, of adulthood, it is not a sound Dear Abby plainly have no intention and now I'm losing sleep. I of doing anything to yellow-as-the-siin flying colors. practice; bpi-who cares? think of him C9nstantly strengthen their faith af­ My butter grandmother visited night and day. I actually y Abigail Van Buran ter the wedding. The only difference was cost, she^ my strictly-margarine family per­ TH EItE HAVE BEEN a lot of dream about him! Thelma and Frank say, . said. Back then, they hadn't, haps four times a year. I still can't vows in my life that I have broken. * I first noticed him while “ We’re both Christian;, look at a Land-o-Lakes box without discovered yet that butter clogs up The butter vow, however, has been dibiiig with friends a few but can't afford to join a thinking of my grandmother. your arteries and slowly kills you. kept. I am a stcictly-butter person. months ago. He's a waiter church just yet..’’ Abby, When she came to visit, there was It was strictly a cost thing that the You know that opera star who in a popular restaurant. I the church is not a club for always butter in the refrigerator. Angle family was a margarine sings those Parkay commercials? go there often because my - . No harm'in telling him DEAR IN: There is no the rich. If it were, Jesus way you can ask him It was known as “ Nana's butter." , family. You know, “ Buuuuuuttttttttter." friends and I enjoy it you think, you’ve “ seen" of Nazareth couldn’t get and lately I go just to see him somewhere before. without embarrassing We were not allowed to touch it. If there was no difference, I “ No, Parkay," saysihe margarine in! In every church I him. (It’s true — you have seen- him and you. You say he know, the membership though some of us did when no one asked her once, then how come tub. I would very much like him in yourdreams.) If he asks for advice on other criteria.are not financial, Recognize this.spdt? “ NO, buuuuuuuuuuuutter,” says i. N was looking. when Nana comes to visit, SHE to meet this man, but the has any interest in jlou, he girls and treats you like but spiritual. And when My mother, who could have had gets butter? the opera star. only conversation be­ will welcome the friendly “ one of the guys.” This is financial support is' ex­ These opdn-air trolley cars are taking on called the terminus. The picture was My mother didn’t put up with And then they get around to evidence that he consid­ a successful career doing Parkay tween us has been the overture and take it from pected, it is nearly always passehgers at the end of South Main loaned to the Manchester Herald by commercials, used to tell us there smart talk from her children. I agreeing with each other? usual waiter-customei* there. If not, at least you[ll ers you a very good friend private, voluntary and was NO difference between butter don't know what the answer was, Well, forget it. False advertis­ dialogue. know. — but not a girlfriend. commensurate with one’s Street. In the early 1900s this area was Florence Pearson of Manchester. t ■ ■ ' and margarine. NO difference. but I know I never pressed the ing. Cart that man off to jail at I ’ve noticed him glanc­ DEAR ABBY: How do Keep his friendship. The income. subject again. I just kept sneaking once. Call the Better Business ing at me occasionally, you know if a boy likes you worm could turn. Since they profess to be and I also glance at him, SHE’B’^ A Y IT with the convic­ into Nana’s butter whenever she Bureau or something; Kick him off as a friend, or wants a ■ Christians, they should but I try not to be obvious. more serious relation­ D EAR ABBY: The let­ plan ttieir wedding not as tion of^i Tupphj;^re sales reprNO visited. the Met. Do you think he’s also ship? See, this boy at ter from "Thelma and a one-shot religious ce­ Why sueh a large amount d iff^ n c e , she'd say, merrily And the rest of the year I made My grandmother would have interested in me? Once I school seems to like me as Frank" said, “ We can’t remony, but as a celebra­ agreed. reading it on our toast. solemn'vows that when I grew up, I was tempted to ask him if a friend, but I am slowly find a minister to marry tion o f love before God, Mrs. William R. Schillhammar III Mrs. Paul A. Munsie we had met before. It realizing that I like him us because neither one of with a sequel every week. sounds like such a line, but more than just a friend. us belongs to a church.” ' THE REV. RICHARD H. 5 I really do feel us though He treats me Hke “ one There are ministers CRAFT, for Part B of Medicare? My briefcase runneth over Schillhammer-LIncoln Munsie-Shane we’ve met before. of the guys," always ask­ who will flatly refuse to SAN PEDRO, CALIF, I would really like to ing me for advice on other marry non-members, but meet him to put my girls. On top of that, he’s For Abby’s updated, they will send you a green Marybeth Lincoln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jacqueline E. Shane, daughter of Robert E. Shane argreal many willagreeto QUESTION: If 1 under­ curiosity to rest. But how? got about 80 girls after revised and expanded and white form stating C. Lincoln of Montpelier, Vt. and William Renold of Pprtland, Maine, and the lAte Margaret E. Hilton do so if other conditions stand the Medicare Hand­ Any suggestions? It’s 2:30 him. booklef, “ How to Be Popu­ that you have paid so Schillhammer III, son of Dr. and Mrs. William R. Shane, and Raul A. Munsie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alton are present. book, January 19^ -Edi­ a.m., Abby. Help! If he doesn’t like me as a lar” for people of all much towards your de^ and no work ever get^ done Schillhammer, were married at the First Congre'ga- J. Munsie of 676 Keeney St., were married Oct.Sat the tion, I will pay $12.20 p er. I’m sure you realize SLEEPLESS DREAMER girlfriend, how can I let ages. send |2,. plus a month for Medicare Part Medicare ductible. This claim will tioi^l Unitarian Church of Harvard, Mass., Sept. 10. Church of the Nazarene. that many couples go DEARDRE^ER: Go. him know I like him as a. long, self-addressed A and $113 per month for be sent to Blue Shield, and The bride is the granddaughter of Mrs. Treva JohnOon “ church-shopping.” I ’m never going to bring home­ The Rev. Neale McLain performed the double ring to the restau f^t alone boyfriend without embar­ stamped (37 cents) enve­ Maitbox they will pay you wha­ both doorknobs off the door, but I of Manchester. Medicare Part.,6. Part A work home again. ceremony. Diane Platt of Wallosten, Mass., was during its least busy time, rassing him or me? I am They simply want to, lope to Abby, Popularity, tever the arnount was that can’t get the lock mechanism out Amie Lincoln, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. bein’g the medical insu­ Ever since I was nine. I ’ve been organist and Kim Blaney of Tolland was soloist. and if possible, sit where II and he is 12. "rent” the facilities (pre­ P.O. Box 38923, Holly­ Edith Prague was allowed-towards your and even if I do. I ’m not sure I can Bridesmaids were Joanna Ramsgaard and Alyson rance and Part B being bringing papers and books home Marla Blaney of Tolland was m aid,Of honor. “ he” will serve vou. IN LOVE sumably including the wood, Calif. 90038. the hospital insurance. A deductible until that fix it and put it back . . . not in my Lincoln, sisters of the bride, JerllyA Schillhammer, Bridesmaids were Sharon Platt of Vernon, Nancy amount reaches $75. with me from school or the office sister of the groom, and Nora Field. Elizabeth Laub $113 seenas like a lot of lifetime, anyway. Hensley of Ellington, and Lauri Downs of Portland, From that, point on, they with the intention of doing some was flower girl. money to pay out each I know from past experience that Maine. Kristin Porter of South-Portland, Maine, was month. will pay you, the 20% that work at home, and I never do. If Gary Schillhammer, brother of the groom, was best flower girl. . . I can’t fix doorknobs, Jocks or I turned 65 on Sept. 27, Part B, which is the the bill to Medicare of Medicare did not pay of I ’ve brought work home with me man. Ushers were John C. Lincoln Jr., brother of the Dennis Platt of Ver'non was best man. Ushers were Doctors’ advice is confusing latches. Why did I try again?' and already received my medical coverage. If you Nevada. Because you the Allowed Amount for 250 times a year for 50 years, that’s bride, Michael Romeri, John Bartlett and James Brad Hensley of Ellington, David Blaney of Tolland At the office I’m struggling Medicare card along with have worked and paid into paid the Ull, you now have the service. 12,500 times I ’ve done it. Doherty. William Laub was.ringbearer. and Jim Gerry of Portland, Maine. Christopher desperately to finish the script for the announcement that Social Security, then you to ask the hospital to bill The bride is a graduate of Chamberlayne Junior Porter of South Portland, Maine, was ringbearer. All I do is pack up the stuff tocart $12.20 will be taken from are eligible for Part A, at Medicare and send you a QUESTION: My an hour broadcast on our helicop­ College and is self-employed as an interior decorator. After a wedding trip to Bermuda the couple will home, cart it home, drop it on the on the left there. my Social Security to pay no cost. For people who refund. Once you rBceHte_jnother is in' a nursing ter trip across the country. When The groom is a graduate of Dartmouth College and make their home in Ellington. about levels of cholesterol kitchen table and pick it up again If our minds have this facility for for basic medical insu­ have not paid into Social the notice of payment, the home. Ihave to send in her we finished the flight and looked at Dartmouth’s Thayer School of Engineering. He is The bride is a graduate of Portland High School in on my way out in the morning. My adapting and learning so quickly, rance premiums — which Security arid therefore Explanation of Medicare .bills to Medicare (bills all the wonderful pictures we’d employed by Intel Corporation in Chelmsford, Mass., Maine and is employed in Glastonbury. The groom is a briefcase runneth over with things why hasn’t my brain ever realized 1 understand is Medicare are not eligible for Benefits, from Nevada, that were incurred before taken, it Reined an easy matter as a field applications engineer. graduate of Eastern Nazarene College and is DEAR DR. LAMB: 1 . ars. ■ But now she’ is the Part A. My husband has monthly payments nor you put your Blue Cross she was admitted to the to do but I never do any of them and that it’s a waste of time for me to After a trip to Greece and the Greek islands, the employed by the Southern New England Telephone am confused about some shortest girl in her class. for me to write a script to fit them;' been retired since 1977, eligible for Medicare Part number on it and send it to hom e). What do I do about I ’m going to stop kidding myself. bring work home with me? Day couple will make their home in Littleton, Mass. Co. doctors’ concern or lack of ' This really surprises me. I Since 1962, I’ve written some 25 and I don’t ever recall that A, the cost of Medicare Blue Cross. The address is her Blue Shield? Shall I I ’ll be I’ve left my briefcase on after day, year after year. I’ve concern regarding choles­ could understand a child documentary broadcasts. No one he has had to pay such a Part A is that nidiculous 370 Bassett Road. North continue to keep her Blue the train more often than I ’ve done made the same optimistic mistake terol levels. One doctor being small, then growing of them has ever been easy, and I .. Your Health large amount for Medi­ price of $113 per month. Haven, CT 06473. Cross and her Blue Shielc) cautioned one of his pa­ but.not this way. I ’m 5 feet anything with the papers inside of thinking I ’d get something done Gocht-Lindstrom Prue-McCartan care Part B if he carries it You do nofhave to worry thO hospital should policies that go with her can’t imagine why I thought this tients to lessen her count 4 inches tall and my when I brought it home. I ’m that night. at ail. about this at all. What you have never billed you. All Medicare? would be the first' exception. On to somewhere slightly Lawrence Lamb, M.D. husband is 5 fe el 9 inches through with briefcases. I make the same mistake when I Nancy Kristine Lindstrom, daughter of Mr. and Patricia Ann McCartan, daughter of Cecile R. Will the Social Security have to pay |s the $12.20 hospitals accept Assign­ -^H.C. many nights over the past few above 100, while my doc­ If I ever carry a briefcase again, Mrs. Ernest A. Lindstrom of Verona, N.H., and McCartan of 253 School St. and the late Thomas H. tall, so we are not really office ask me if 1 want m ent and you are respon­ take on any job, whether it be some tor said not to worry for Part B which is the months since we finished the flight Russell Carl Gocht, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. McCartan, and George E. Prue I I I , son of Mary Prue short. Medicare Part B. or do 1 sible tor the co^irisurance. ANSWER: The bills it’s only going to be for the purpose simple repair work around the unless mine exceeded 325. part of Medicare that in June, I ’ve packed upsbmeof my Gocht of 456 Gardner St., were married Aug. 20 in of West'Roxbury, Mass., and the late George Prue, DEAR READER;' No. have to tell them that I pays your doctor and If you had g6ne to a Conn, that she had incurred of hiding sandwiches, clean shirts house or a major writing prcyret dreaming that WKst is considered a you are not short, but your Valley Road Covenant Church, Montclair, N.J. were married Sept. 3 in St. James Church. want it? I noticed in your other medical costs, like hospital, then your Conn. before she went into the C or some bit of junk I ’m bringing work; I seem totally unable to jo my basement writing count high enough to have daughter is . not through The Rev; John Martz performed the double ring .. The Rev. Richard Lamore officiated at the mass articles that if T do not lab work, ambulance, etc. Blue-'Cross would have nursing home can be sent from home to the office or vice anticipate the difficulty of what to restrict certain foods?, problem, is that the level Fats, which I am sending growing either. Not every room and work on them. ceremony. Marion Petersen was organist and John and double ring ceremony. Mrs. Ralph Maccarone take it when I reach'65. This is the amount that automatically paid this into Medicare. The Blue versa. That old briefcase of mine is I ’m about to set out to accomplish. I was always under the should be below 220. Some you. Others who want this child grows at the same Every evening on the train, there Boronow, soloist. The bride was given in marriage by was organist . James Farrell of Manchester played that the rates increase if I will be taken out of your co-insurance for you, but and White Medicare form impression that green differences caused by dif­ issue can send 75 cents rate or.on a schedule. She done with important papers that Last week the knob on the her father. the bagpipes in front of the church as the couple decide to take it later. check. because it was an out of can be obtained at the are hundreds of men and a few olives contain high choles­ ferent laboratory me­ with a long, stamped, may simply mature later turn out to be not very important at bedroom door began to spin .. Sandra Hoaltin of Houston, Texas, sister o f the receiv.ed their guests. The bride was given in Why am I making it sound Let me suggest that state hospital, you have to Social Security office. Be women with briefcases filled with terol, yet a nurse told me a thods may allow that self-addressed envelope than her classmates. all after I ’ve ignored them for a bride, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Anna tnnrriage by her brother, Peter J. McCartan of so confusing and difficult both you and, your hus­ submit the co-insurance sure to attach a copy of the without catching and before my papers they probably feel are of doctor gave his patients figure to be slightly for it to me. in care of this If you are really con­ few weeks. Boronow of Glastonbury, sister of the bride, Carin Hartford. to handle? My Social band should buy a Blue bill yourself," bill. Put her Blue Shield wife or I got trapped in or out of the vital importance to their lives. I who had had heart at­ higher. But in general the newspaper, P.O. Box 1551, c e rn ^ that she is too Gocht of Manchester, sister of the groom, and Colleen Theresa Donovan of Simsbury, sister of the bride, Security is ^ presently Cross 65. and a Blue Shield membership number on It is absolutely amazing how bedroom, I decided to fix it. When I tacks, in part from choles­ lower the cholesterol level Radio City Station, New small, ask your doctor to often look at these people and Fortunato' of Oak Ridge, N.J. was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Mary Farrell of $262.00 a month, with 65 to supplement your QUESTION: once my Line 5 of the Medicare T slow most of us are to learn some went upstairs with the screw­ terol buildup, small quan­ is, th^ less your risk of York, N.Y. 10019. have her borte age evalu­ wonder how many of them are so Steven Gustafson of West Swanzey, N.H., cousin of Manchester, Elizabeth Hagerty of Warwick, R.I. and $12.20 deducted. If I have Medicare. Blue Cross 65 Medicare .deductible is. form and you can sign the things when we’ re so quick to learn driver, I had about fifteen minutes tities of olive oil in the having fatty-cholesterol Only animal products ated. You can tell - by much better organized than I am the bride, was best man. Ushers were George Leonard Diane Wholley of Quincy, Mass. Melissa Benson of to have $113 more taken supplements Medicare satisfied (paid' for the form for her. Put your others. For instance, if you’ve ever hospital. Does that sound blockage of your arteries. contain cholesterol, -so looking at the X-rays of a before the beginning of the news that they actually do something of New Britain, cousin of the groom, Jeffrey Slaiby of Carver, Mass., cousin e f the groom, was flower girl. out, where will I be? Part A and Blue Shield 65 year) „ you said I should name and the fact that you driven a car in England, you right?" A level over 300 would olive oil doesn’t have any. person’s bones where they broadcast I wanted to watch. The with the contents that night. Burlington, Vt., and Stephen Olson of Brigham City, Roy Bernardo of Washington, D.C., cousin of the I have recently written supplements Part B. I aril get back the deductible.^ are her son next to it. The definitely be above the But most investigators are in the growth stage. probably know how surprisingly doorknob seemed like about a ten Utah. Russell Boronow of Glastonbury, nephew of the groom, was best man. Ushers were Joseph Bernard of to Social Security to find sending you a booklet to Did I misunderstand you?’ ’ Blue Shield number is on I wonder how many of them DEAR READER: optimal level for most believe the total fat con­ easy it is to get used to driving on minute job. bride, was ring bearer. West Roxbury. Mass., cousin of the groom, William If her growth is delayed, out if I am eligible for half And what do you mean? I the membership card that never get at the papers in their There is a certain amount people. Today heart spe­ sumption should be li­ help you understand these the wrong side of the road. After After a reception at the church, the couple went on a Wholley of Quincy, Mass., and Paul Carney of West she may have a longer life of my husband’s Social supplements. Don’t feel dori’t understand because- says "Supplerrient to Med­ That was last week. I ’vp spent briefcases at all because they of confusion about what is cialists also are interested mited to less than 30 to 35 span than those who ma­ years of the right here, wedding trip to Lake Placid, N.Y. They are making Roxbury, \fass. -SecuritS’ which is $645, that you are alone in this: I ’ve never received ahy- icare Part B,” If her card several hours on three different spend their time trying to fix a normal for cholesterol in the different types of- percent of your total calo­ ture early. At least animal their home in South Deerfield, Mass. ■ After a reception at Manchester Country Club the but. 'feven at that, $113 confusion ;... yoii have thing back since I’ve been ■ sdys Supplement to Medi­ you very quickly a^apt to driving evenings trying to fixit. I now have levels and what level you fatty-cholesterol parti­ rie intake. For that reason doorknob. The bride is a graduate of North Park College. couple left on a wedding trip to Nova Scotia. They are studies done in conjunc­ ' seems like a difficult plenty of company.- It- is • on. Medicare. I am care Part A and Supple­ should not exceod if you cles, the "good choles­ we usually do not recom­ tion with aging have sug­ Chicago, I|l., with a bachelor of fine arts degree. The making their home in Canton, Mass.' amount to handle each the system that is -so seventy-two years old. ment to Medicare Part B, want to have the best terol” and the “bad mend taking any specific gested this. groom has a bachelor of science degree in electrical The bride is a graduate of East Catholic High School month,' and my.hasband' horrendous!! —J.H.L. that is the one number for chance of not having a cholesterol." oils in addition to the fat in engineering and computer science and is enrolled in and Stone Hill College. The groom is a graduate of Meanwhile be sure she does not have that to both Blue Cross and Blue heart attack or stroke. I have explained all of your diet. has a good diet that the master’s degree program in computer engineer- Stone Hill College and is employed by Griffin contend with. What is QUESTION: My wife ANSWER: If you have a Shield. Use it on Line 5 of About Town The American Heart this in The Health Letter DEAR DR. LAMB: My includes an adequate 'in g at the University of Massachusetts. He is Publishing Co. in Massachusetts, as an account wrong with my thinking or and I went to Nevada to Blue Shield 65 Plan. 81 the Medicare form and Association’s position, 15-2. Understanding Your eight-year-’old daughter amount of good quality employed b^ the university as a teaching assistant. executive. understanding? visit our daughter. While which supplements Part you will receive the pay­ and indeed the position of Cholesterol, Triglyce­ was o f average, height in protein — and allow na^ tour of China hosted by the All China Womens -M.W. we were there, my wife B of Medicare, you should ment from Medicare, and Church women to meet most investigators of the rides and Other Blood school these last few ye- . ture to set the timetable. Federation. Through an interpreter. United States had to go to the emer­ get the $75 paid back to the 20% from Blue Shield. Church Women United in Connecticut will celebrate women were able to interview.^ Chinese women ANSWER: The Medi­ gency room. The hospital you from Blue Shield. In If your mother is on Church Women United Day. Oct. 19 at the state employed in a profession sililar to their own. Engagements care Handbook does its charged $25, We received order to have this happen, Title 19-(Medicaid), do not assembly to be held at Salem Lutheran Church, 3160 The public is invited to tbs' presentation. best to moke the system the bill and I sent a check. you must send the bill that keep Blue Cross and Blue Park Aye., Bridgeport from 9:30 a.m.'to 2;30 p.m. Should I play serious game understandable but its Is there some way to get you paid to the doctor, to Shield. Medicaid will pay Christian women of Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox Art group names wipners ' best is not enough. Confu­ this $25 back? We both Medicare. Make sure that all her expenses after sion is the name of the have Medicare and Blue your Blue Shield member­ Medicare, so there is no . and other Christian traditions are invited. Those Several members of the Manchester Arts Associa­ Ovian-Hopper Litrico-Lang game. I will try to make Xlross 65 and Blue Shield ship number is n Line 5 of need for Blue Cross or attending should bring a bag lunch. Coffee and tion have had their paintings chosen as art of the 9 desserts will be provided. Those attending are also things a little clearer. 65. the form. Blue Shield. If she is not on month. Their art Work will be on display in local Mrs. Frances A. Litrico of 60 asked to wear something red in honor of 40 years of Mr. and Mrs. Karnig Ovian of 55 with lS^year-old daughter? Medicare has two parts. -C.F. Medicare will not send Medicaid, keep the Blue banks, ^braries and places of business. Bobby Lane announce the engage­ Hamlin St. announces the engage­ Part A. which is the ANSWER: First of all. you anything because you Cross and Blue Shield CWU in Connecticut. •' Those chosen were; Jean Arziros, Evelyn Burtan, Bring a Bible nd participate in the study of “ No ment of their daughter, Deborah ment of her daughter, Ann Marie hospital coverage, and the hospital has to send must pay the first $75, but policies just as before. Louice Withey, Phyllis VoU, Frank Roberts and Peace Without Justice.” Guest sepaker will be Doris Ann Ovian, to Mark Allen Hopper, Litrico of East Hartford, to Robert popularity. For now, find Dorothy Sonego. DEAR DR. BLAKER: Anne Younger, the new general director of CWU in the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hopper A. Lang of 7 Ridgebrook Drive, something that you’re Those interested in submitting work ip be judged Recently I decided to play United States. of 56 Birch Mountain Rokd Ext., Coventry, son of William E. Lang good at and your self- are invited to attend the. n extm eetin g of the some tennis with my Bolton. of North Kingstown, R.I. confidence will increase.. Manchester women wishing more information association, Oct. 25 at First Federal Savings and Loan 13-year-old daughter. She should call Mrs. David Holcomb, president of the local The brjde-elect is a 1980 gradu­ The bride-^lect is also the ' Shy? Write for Dr. Blak- Seven-year lUD on horizon Association, West Middle Turnpike > at 7:30 p.m. is a good player for her unit, 649-2374. ate of East Catholic High School daughter of the Ipte Domenico er’s newsletter "Shy­ Refrehmentg are served. All meetings are open to the Ask Blaker She is a senior at Assumption Litrico. The prospective bride­ age and really enjoys the ness." Send 50 cents and a public. College, Worcester, Mass., major­ groom is also the son of the late game. stamped, self-addressed Nine students cited The problem arose Karen Blaker, Ph.D. ing in English and sociology. Jacqueline A. Lang. envelope to Dr. Blaker in Nine students at East Catholic High School have Business women to meet The prospective bridegroom is a when she wanted to play a care of this newspaper, along with other birth-control ' f set. I wasn’t sure what to 1. been designated commended students in the 1984 1978 graduate of East Catholic The bride-elect is a 1978 gradu­ P.O. Box 475, Radio City Robin Chapter, American Business Women's do. First off, I didn’t know ” lNational Merit Scholarship Program. High and is a graduate of Clemson ate of Bryant College, Smithfield, Station,-New York, N.Y. Association, wMi have its monthly dinner meeting whether I should play a NEW YORK (U PI) - An iri- "Various organizations and at some time before the Food and The students are: Edward Adams, son of Mr. and University, Clemspn, S.C. with a R.I. She is employed by Pratt & 10019. ^ Tuesday at the Backboard Restaurant, 2941 Main St., seriolis game with her at trauteriae device that lasts seven least two pharmaceutical firms Drug Administration makes a final Mrs.< Charles Adam's of 65 Ansaldi Road; Karen bachelor of science degree in Whitney Aircraft Group. Write to Dr. Blaker at Glastonbury. The cocktail hour will start at 6:30 p.m. If you are worried about the ones who are popular years is among birth control are involved in different aspects of decision on whether it will reverse Benjamin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard architecture. He is in his last year The prospective bridegroom is a all. And if I did I couldn’t the above address. "The and dinner will be served at 7 p.m. winning too often when they ’ re never looking over technologies on the horizon, says a vaccine research,,’ ’ the report said. its 1978 rejection of Depo-Provero.\ Benjamin of 4029 Sbuth St., Coventry; Christine at Clemson working on a master’s 1979 graduate of Providence Col- decide whether to play as volume of mail prohibits Area business women who are interested'in you 'play with your child, their shoulder to see if report from the Alan Guttmacher “ If a usable vaccine emerges' now being used by an estimated 1.2 \ Fiedler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fiedler of degree in architecture. Iwe, Providence, R.I. He is also hard as I could — and take personal replies, but ques­ Glastonbury; Andrew Halpryn, son of Mr. and Mrs. attending the meeting or enrolling in the organization the chance of destroying try another game that someone is looking at Institute, a research affiliate of from current efforts, it will be at million in 80 countries. Tests with An bet. 13, 1984 wedding is employed by Pratt & Whitney tions of general interest should contact |Icanne Schmidt, 568-6476 or Grace her self-confidence — or relies less on talent. Many them. I would he very Planned Parenthood Federation of least ten years before it is beagles and monkeys have sug­ Louis Halpryn of 167 Sunny Brook Drive. planned at. St. M ary’s Episcopal yGroup. A June 2, 1984 wedding is will be discussed in future Lyons, 568-0665. Deborah Ann Oviar) chance games, such as marketed, and even this timetable gested that the drug could cause Also: Brian Harkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Church. planned. throw the match. surprised to learn that the columns. America, * Harkins of Tolland; Daniel Raf fin, son of Mr. and Mrs. I decided to avoid the those using cards or dice, most popular guy my age T he progestin-releasing T-- will require a substantial arinount breajst and uterine cancer. But Joseph Raffin of Marlborough; Lisa Romeo, daughter situation, so I told her I compensate for a child's was worried about the Rubbers suits shaped lUD was developed by the of scientific good fortune." studies by the World Health of Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Romeo, Vernon; Stephen didn'^t feel like playing/a lack of skill and make opinion of others. Population (Tounctl, funded by tht A reversible contraceptive for Organization and other research Sledesky, ^on of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sledesky of Alcoholism after 60 may be a serious problem game that day. Could you them a good choice (or a won’t affect Rockefeller Foundation. men alko is a target; the report groups have failed to show that the East Hartford; and Christine Tkaczuk, daughter of please suggest a plan of friendly, family game. DEAR READER: I The device, which contains the said. Investigations center on cancers appear in humans. WASHINGTON (U P I) - It has been embarrassment. fat deposits gossypol, a cottonseed oil extract, • The NORPLANT subdermal Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tkaczuk, 150 Croft Drive. body size. "empty" calories and "may decrease action for the future be­ would be very surprised if progestin levonorgestrel, is ex­ estimated that 3 million American men "When the elderly people in this "What would be considered mild to DEAR DR. BLAKER: I he wasn't. Kids around PUEBLO, Colo. (U PI) pected to be on the market within devblopeid by Chinese scientists, implant system. Developed by the appetite in a member of an age grouR cause I know I will soon and women over the age of 60 are country were growing up, the stigma moderate alcohol consumption in a am a 14-year-old girl who the age of 14 are notorious Rubber sweatsuits and the next five years, the report, and a synthetic analog of the brain Population Council, it consists of Speaker at meeting ^ouse that, in general, is poorly nourished." (ace the same predica­ alcoholics, but a Texas researcher says surrounding alcoholism was much young person may constitute problem is very confused. It seems for their sensitivity to the “ Making Choices,” said. hormone LHRH. six rods, each a little mpre than And she said alcohol may alter the ment again. . wraps effect on Pamela West of 131 Hartford Road will be (he the figure may be far tbo.low- greater than it is notg," she said. drinking in an Olderly person," Dr. as though everyone is opinions of their .s)eers. fat deposits and will not “ It provides greater protection “ Even if these methods are one-inch in length and one-tenth^f effects of medicines taken by an elderly speaker Wednesday at the Unitarian-Universalist Dr. Patricia J. Bloom, assistant "Thus, many of them have been against pregnancy than the con­ developed satisfactorily, it will be an inch in diameter, containing 35 Bloom wrote in American Family person. DEAR READER: A popular and I'm not. I Peer pressure is quite dissolve fat, even Womens Federation. She wili present a lecture and professor of family medicine at Texas condition^ to fee| intense guilt and Physician, a publication of the Am eri­ parent should not worry don't think I do things normal and you should not temporarily. ventional lUD, Involves less bleed­ seven to 10 years before either m gof the progestin levonorgestrel. slide show on the rple of women in the Peoples Tech University Health Science Center shame about their alcoholism.” can Academy of Family Physicians. Dr. Bloom said many people begin about dampening a child's differently from everyone be worried because you A government publica­ ing and may afford some protec­ method could, be expected to The rods are implanted under the Republic of China. at Amarillo, said drinking problems Dr. Bloom said alcoholism in people drinking late in life in response to stress interest In sports by play­ else but people don’t want think you are the only one tion says moot medical tion against pelvic inflamrpatory become generally available," the skin, usually in the upper arm. The meeting will be at the Unitarian Universalist among some older people may go over 60 also may be masked by Detecting excessive drinking in associated with aging. For example, an ing seriously. A kid will to be with me that often. who is suffering. experts agree such treat­ disease, one of the major compli- report said. Implants are said to provide a high SocietjtGast Meeting House, 153 W. Vernon St. at 7:30 undetected because they are retired, standards used to determine how much elderly people is particularly impor­ elderly person who 'lost a spouse may know when his or her I have always worried The kids who are popu­ ment will cause a loss of . cations associated with conven- degree of connraceptive effective­ p.m. live alone and seldom leave their alcohol a person can tolerate. She said tant, she said, because the medical - drink to cope with loneliness. Other parent is throwing a about what the other kids lar still worry about the inches and perhaps 'tional lUD S," the report said. A SIZE-UP of other birth control ness for five years. Ms. West is a certified reality therapist as well as an homes. they are geared toward younger people problems common among older people elderly people, she said, who live on a match. Therefore, an think about me. I know skills and abilities that pounds because of heavy / technologies in the wings included: • Vaginal ring, being developed East Asian political science student at Trinity In addition. Dr. Bloom said the and do not take into consideration the may be worsened by even minimal fixed income with no way to Im'prove adult should always try that it's supposed to be they don’t have and the sweating, but the reduc­ IT A.LSO SAID the search for an • Depo-Pjovero. three-month under sponsorship of the World College. person or his family may conceal the reduced amount,'of water in older alcohol consumption. their financial situation may dnnk to their hardest. normal, but when I look at possibility of losing tl\eir tions are not permanent. anti-pregnancy vaccine continui.'s. Injected agent. It is expected to be Health organization. Two years ago she participated in a. womens’ study alcoholism because of people's bodies and their decreased In addition, she said alcohol provides ease their frustration. to — MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday, Oct. -X5. IMS MANCH»=:STER HERALD. Saturday, Oc 15. 1983 - ai 'MACC NewS' TV OLD-TIMERS \ Horse operas rare on television There are hungry children In America’ STILL GOING STRONG By Vernon Scott Longest-running United Press International "I love westerns myself,” he said. “TV Is the only place you Editor’s note: this column is prepared by tbe you care,” ' Donald R. Huot, Mrs. Janet E. UaMontagne, FURNITURE RANK NEEDS /■ Manchester. Area Conference of Churches. Well, walk we did. One youngster proudly Phyllis R. Pussion, Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Hassett, Cleaning that baieipent or attic In preparation. network series HOLLYWOOD — They don’t make many horse carl do them now. Studios aren’t making them because the hoisted his sign; "Eat Tofu — Not T-Bone,” Sue Sitcovsky, Shirley Otten. Marjorie Thresher, for winter? Perhaps you» hfid forgotten those operas anymore, but Robert Prdston, a grizzled rhajority of moviegoers'are kids, and they won’t go to see drawing many amused stares. We provided Pearl Garland, Mrs. C.A. Woodbury, Mrs. extra kitchen chairs you no longer .have use for. on the air veteran of movie westerns, rode the range last By.Fern O'Connor literature to those interested, some of whomi Galiager, The Domanico-family, Center Congre­ westerns. MACC Human Needs Director The MACC^Furtilture Bank has had several week In “Septemher Gun,” a rare TV oater. joined us en route. Urban and suburban gational Men’s Group, John Mott, Paige LeBIanc, requests for sturdy, kitchen chairs. No one minds (as of 1983-1984 season) The two-hour CBS-TV movie may have been the community support worked once again. Nancy Robison, Carole Kirby, J. Teller, Susan "Maybe the code of the West isn’t as e>cciting for them, too The MACC Department of Human Needs is on if they don’t match, and grateful thanks will be only opportunity viewers bad of seeing cowboys, Biuso, Manchester Elderly Outreach, Marie C. o ffer^ by two Manchester families In need. Indians and horses this season. simpiistic.”, ^ the road again, thanks to the good people at NOTICES Little In memory of F.P. Handley, Marie C. Moriarty Brothers Inc. Frank pitched in and Adjustable bed- frames In both twin and full site Preston played an aging gunfighter who Are you thinking Thanksgiving? No? Not yet? Showan, ten anonymous donors, and to Bolton ■'qre also needed. If you have chairs or fratnesthat* reluctantly hires out to help a nun (Patty Duke — Actor Plobert Preston provided not only repaif service and needed parts Well, the Savings Bank of Manchester is. They’re Methodist Church for needed warm blankets. i, / ‘■>1''' IJ'''" — they also saw to it that our ll-year-old station aren’t busy, please call Joanne Ceykendall at the Astin) care for a band of Apache children. already scheduling Nov. 7 through Nov. 18 as the MACC Department of Human Needs, at 646-4114. pMi.i) y ^ / T ir r — ',,, , • In 1939 when Preston was a rambunctious young wagon passed the emissions test! No easy task. time you can leave non-perishable food off at SBM bell on the first day of shooting of "September memorably as Professor Harold Hill in “The Music FURNITURE BANK ’Thank you. contract player at Paramount he made his major Gun,” aired last week, on location in the barren Man,’’ on stage and screen, then settled down to a Our wagon had “stood in a corner" since last main office or any branch, to help fill To Linda Goldberg, Mrs. Donald Cowles and' March — bleeding transmission fluid and oil, plus film .debut in "Union Pacific” for legendary wastes of Arizona. '' comfortable life in Greenwich, Conn. Thanksgiving baskets. Several people have Susan Demko. producer-director Cecil B. DeMille. “It was like putting on a pair of comfortable old suffering the general abuse and taunts associated already indicated they are watching the paper for ANGELS ARE LURKING ABOUT with a grounded vehicle. ^ specials. - • ■I Thereafter, Preston donned spurs and slapped boots,” Preston said, cracking his engaging, PRODUCER-DIRECTOR Blake Edwards re­ We cannot thank Moriarty Brothers enough, leather in “Northwest Mount^ Police,” “The guileless grin. vived Preston’s movie career with co-starring " SHEPHERD’S PLACE) Imagine the plight of one MACC Departmentof Lady from Cheyenne,” "Whispering Smith,” nor emphasize the importance of keeping our THANK YOUS , ’ To the farmers of the MACC Farm er’s Market, Human Needs staffer last week: roles in “S.O.B.” and “Victor-Victoria,” for which Department of Human Needs staff “on the road” To Ethel J. Barry for a generous donation to be Trinity Covenant Church Women, Center Congre- "Blood on the Moon” and ."The Sundowners” -HIS LAST WESTERN was “Junior Bonner” 12 Preston won a.n Oscar nomination. to better service our. Manchester residents in among others. years ago, in which he played Ace Bonner, the late Preston and his wife of 43 years, Catherine, “used where most h^ded” . gatiojial Chgrch Youth Group, Sunday SchopI Following a meeting in Hartford with the Steve McQueen’s father. K need. To Sandra Rice for her contribution to the Class'and bridal shower, and 50th Anniversary Foodshare Commission, I Was rushing across / returned bag and baggage to their native r i AIjC,) y n )0 7 u PRESTON, AS FULL of vitality as when he "In this movie I played Ben Sunday, a guy who California earlier this year to move into a gracious Shelter, and to Albert O. Bourret and Aldin parties. Thanks also to Viking Bakery (via John Main Street toward Constitution Plaza to hop the chased dry-gulchers in them thar hills, laments the could be Ace’s grandfather,” Preston went on. SHARED FEET AND TIME Winslow and Rebecca Cresenzi, for donations to Johnson), Lori Gilemette, Lee Sullivan and bps back to Center Church in Manchester, where L iJo; Ar)fiJ91Q7W home in Santa Barbara. “ Last Sunday dawned crisp and bright — perfect friends, ’Tina Gear, Royal Ice Creapi, The passing of classic westerns. He says the .dearth of "It’s been a dozen years since I rode a horse, but “Two things brought us back here," Preston ^Shepherd’s Place and the Pantry. a busy schedule awaited me. Clutched in my hand f I), iT, horse operas deprives young Americans of an i t ’s like ice skating or bike riding. Once you get the weather for a 10-kilometer walk for hunger. Fifty To Delores Dullea for a gift to the Human Needs Holiday Lanes Perfume Bowling League, George was what I thought to be the correct amount of IJ, li/a said, “the long, freezing eastern winters and the people representing Hartford area towns walked important part of their heritage. hang of it, you don't forget. price of theater tickets. Fund, and to Joanne Coykendall, Jane Galeucia 'Katz, ’The Daughters of Isabella, Highland Park change for the fare. Oh No! The fare was raised \ UUkl'S of (CQSI J r.r “I love westerns myself, ” he said. ‘ ‘TV is the only together to address the problem of hunger. and Marie Michael-Rogers, for memorial gifts to Market, and two anonymous donors. just last month — I had no additional monies — "I’d never been on a horse before I rode one for “As an actor 1 was embarrassed by the $45 Sponsored walkers aged 3 to 68 years, turned in place you can do them now. Studios aren’t making D4MiIle 4S years ago.” Bro&dway ticket. Actually, it’s much higher with Human Needs in memory of Mary Ann Burke not a penny! What to do? Suddenij', I was them because the majority of moviegoers are kids, $1,200 to the Foodshare Commission — enabling Walker. EMERGENCY PANTRY approached by an angel wearing a bright smile After almost a half-century ^ stardom in films, people paying premiums for big hits. It’sgetting so soup kitchens and emergency pantries in the (Source: The Complete Directory to and they won’t go to see westerns. TV and Broadway, Preston still has a full mane of only the rich, and corporations can afford to go to To Second Congregational Church, Diana and a worn sweater. Recognizing my dilemma, "Maybe the code of the West isn’t as exciting for thick brown hair, broad sMulders and narrow Greater Hartford area to feed those in need. My CLOTHING BANK Longchamps, Maureen Boatman and the Mother without a blink, she reached into her pocketbook the theater. walking companion was an ll-year-(^d who Prime Timb Network TV Shows) them, too simplistic. waist.'He. also hasn’t lost hjit sense of adventure. To V.F.W. Post 1724 via Mrs. Theresa Bua, J.F. of Mgrcy Mother’s Circle, Bolton Methodist and removed a very small, practically empty "Very probably, producers are inhibited by the Thirty-two years ago, weary of playing second printed and carried her sign reading “There are Cooper, Mr. Scott Battisto, Robert C. Knight, Clmfcn, Emanuel Lutheran Church, and three coin purse. She then handed me the needed They might seemjorever young, but these 10 network hungry children in America. Walk with us to show anonymous donors. controversial aspects of posses and vigilante leads in mpvies and determined to prove he was an "ALSO I’M AT A POINT in my career where I Diane Beaulieu, Mrs. Stephen R. Kane, Mrs. amount. “old-timers" have won-the longevity race for series that justice. I don't know the answer, but I think it’s a actor — not just a contract player — he fled to New have to be grabbed by something really special — will still be appearing when the new season begins this shame westerns are a disappearing part of the York to replace Jose Ferrer on Broadway in such as 'September Gun’ — to get to work. Also I fall. ' entertainment scene.” ' "Twentieth Century.” ' can make a living in Hollywood again, thanks to my Like an old firehorse, Preston responded to the He succeeded in show after show, most two mqvies with Blake.” 5 Saturday T V services as well as at a 7; 30 p.m. service Sunday and The theme of the event is "The Art of Living offering will be accepted and a nursery will, be Monday. His topic will be “The Church Speaks.” Miraculously — A Principle to Live By.” provided for children. At the Sunday morning services Albert’s sermon selves as ^ s Tony Curtis, Jack The theme of Sunday services at 8 and 11 a.m. will 7:30A.M. 0 - News Update 12:30 P.M. CD-BtosKrilgM lis'a brother. (Ctoaed Captioned] 0 - Lo Major dM Show dal will be “Against the Grain.’' The sermon will deal Lemmon, MerHyn Monroe. 1969 0 0 0 - Prog com'd be “The biggest thing God ever said.” The theme CD - Budwtakta O - MOVIE: Don't Cry. It's CD CD - N C A A FootbaH: C D - Racing From Belmont o - MOVIE: 'Don't Cry, ft's MmSoDIa with the Christian understanding of' “Thy will be 0 - MOVIE; ‘TraN of tha Pbik 0 - OofM Scott Sunday at 7 p.m. will be “The biggest thing God ever CD - Out Smatt Only Thunder* A Vietnam medic Tsama to ba Announced 0-StarTrak OnlY ’nmnder' A Vietnam medic 0 - TwHight Zona done.” did.” joint e friend to tet up an orphan­ Panther' Inapector Clouseeu ia joint e friend to set up an orphan­ 0 - Bast of Midnight Spadaio Week at Center Church (D - Nuwulh li RMdty age for Vietnemeae children. (T l - Amarics's Top Tan on tha loose, trying to find tha 0 - M O VIE; T ^ ' CadoM. age for Vietnamese tihidren. 0 - Davu AHon S t Largo Between the morning services there will be a video thraataned with the dosing of 0 - Sports Updota The weekday morning series is set for 9:30 to 11 a.m. (9) - FInh Fmthur SItow Dennia Chnatophar, ^a a n Saint 0 - Motorcyela Racktg: ig g s stolen Pink Panther diamond. Pe­ Dennis Christopher, Susan Saint 11:30 P.M. tape presentation of,the baptismal scene from “The ' The following events are scheduled' at Center BOO C C World Champiorahip ter Sellera, David Niven. 1982. thak school, inetta a atudam re- The theme will be “The life of God in the soul of man.” (toy's Ad-dtara Su­ Jamaa. 1982. Rated PG. James. 1982. Rated PG. 2:30 A.M. Congregational Church for the toming week: ( 9 - dug* Coverege of the 1983 600 CC Rated PG. belion. Timothy Hutton, George CD - HowoH Fhra-O Godfather.” A discussion about loyalties will follow. The theme of the evening series at 7; 30 p.m. will be the gar Ray Laonard lioau tNt taow 0 - Mr. Rogsr.' Neighbor- 0 - Dinner at JuHe's The Sal­ World Chempionahip it pre- C. Scott, Seen Perm. 1981. R e t^ f P - Laugh-In CD - MOVIE: ‘Ahraraz KaHy' A At 7; 30 p.m. on Sunday Albert's sermon will be “The early church. Monday — 7:30 p.m., nominating committee,., wtwra kMt gat a clianca to work hood 3:00 P.M. PG. mon Show.' JuKa ChikTa guests renegade adventurer is kid­ aantad from Iniola, Italy. (60 min.) CD - MOVIE: 'Thundarbolt and Mark of the Church.” He will speak about the way of church office; 7 p.m., Bible study. Federation Room.' out wMi sporta auparstara. 0 - Foro Loco CD - MOVIE; Tha Jungla •re chef Douglas (jrech and wine napped by a Confederate guarila. Thomas was born in London. He was an officer in 0 • 'Y o u r Mag. for Women Ughtfoot' Bank robbers attempt the cross. Tuesday — 3:30 p.m.. Pilgrim Choir, choral room; O - (%ols Sguars Book' Mowgk, a boy who wet >(9 * Hot Spots Tonight's pro­ expert Zekna Long. (Ooeed Cap­ Wilkam Holden, Richard Wid- the British army and served during World War II for 10:t5A.M. ® - CN N Special Report gram faaturaa 'You’ from tha Din tioned] to rob the same bank when t h ^ mark, Patrick O'Neal. 1966. , On Monday at 7; 30 p.m. Albert will speak on “Work 5:30 p.m., confirmation, Robbins Room; 7:30 p.m., S - Fopsys and Fitonita raised by wolvea„^,9ncountera seven years. He studied medicine at London 0 - Madia Watch Club, Bloomfiald. NJ. (60 min.) can't find the money they stole 0 - Thunderr re e ^ humena. Sabu, Joaaph S -< Fantaetioo the first time. Cknt Eastwood. 9 - SportaCenter • to Do,” or the church as a community of service. University before becoming involved in evangelism department of fellowship, Robbins Room. f l ) -- Sports.ltovtow alleia, Rosemary DeCamp. 0 -R o c k Church Wednesday — 10 a.m., Bethany Group, Robbins 10:30 A.M. 0 - T V Community Cokege ? 9 - NHL Hockey: Hartford et Jeff Bridget, George Kennedy. 0 - MOVIE: 'Prifico of tho Albert recently ■ retired from the Philadelphia throughout the British Isles. , O - Bpoft BWy 1942. 0 - Fame mnsurgn 1974. Room; 6:30 p.m., sacred dance. Federation Room; CD CD - CharUa Brown B 0 - Wrestling City' A double-agent exposes Seminary, where he instructed young clergymen in The Torchbearers Missionary Fellowship, a world­ . 0 - Thundatr CD - MOVIE: -Eacapa' A young (9 ) - Nawa/Sporta/Wealher 0 - MOVIE: Tkna WaHiar' corruption in Na department and Snoopy 0 - MOVIE: 'Secret Life Of r p - Racing From Yonkara the art of preaching. He has been a parish pastor for 27 wide ministry, has branches in India, 'Indonesia, 7:30 p.m.. Chancel Choir, choral room. 0 - lYa Your Buslnsas American ia jaHad in ^ notorious Whila examining King Tut’s becomes the number one target CD 0 - UM as Welter Mttty* A meek man Lacurhbarri Prison in k ^ ic o City O - IROVIE: 'M«i on a (3J) - Honaymooners years and professor for 17 years. In Vermont, he and ^Malaysia and the Philippines. Thomas has preached Thursday — 10 a.m., Bible study. Federation TIghtropa' A dreua owner and tomb, an archeologiat discovara of the mob. Treat WiOiarhs. J « ^ Room: 7:30 p.m., church council, Robbins Room; 7:30 0 - Hm Haw dreams of aKCiting axpariancea. on drug chargat. .Tirnothy Bot­ e live mummy who may have ® - CFL FootbaM; MontraN at Orbech. 1981 Rated R. his wife are active in area churches and community all over the world. Danny Kays, Viroinia Mayo, Ann toms, Kay Lanz^ CoHaan Oe- hit voupa employ a daring strata- Edmonton 8:00 A.M. 0 - ESPN's Iraida FootbaH gam in order to eacapa from be- , come from another planet. Ben 9 , - Crossfire affairs. The public is invited to the meetings. A free-will p.m., parish visitation seminar. Woodruff Hall. Rutherford. 1947. whurst. 1980. Murphy. 1&83. Rated PG. CD CD - dwtitts 0 - S p a m Probe hind the Iron Curtain. Fredric 9 - Evans artd Nqvak 0 - N CAA FootbaN/or Wortd 0 - MOVIE: -Chambar of 3:00 A.M. . ' CD - WOndarama March, Terry Moore, Richard 8:30P.M. 9 0 ~ Saturday Night Liva 0 - Style With E lu Klansch Seria l Qame #4 At press time, Horrors' Convicted and sent­ Boone. 1953, (S) • Kung Fu Concert at South 9 ^ - MDV1E: T h a RainmNtar' Fair workshop at Emanuel ' CD 0 - Bast of Soooby Doo 0 0 - Alvin B tha the games’ starting tknaa had not enced to h#rig. a homicidal man­ CD - NHL Hockey; New York been determined. Should the iac makes his escape and returns O - Nature ’Forest in the Sea.’ Rangers va. 8 t Louis A rainmakar not only ends a 9 - ESPN's Saturday Night at CD - ClMtlr>g of -valry of female conteatema for a 0 - Block Psropsetiv^ good time.’ 0 -M o v to women's prayer and study; finance committee. ttkair tdiool, incHs a itudant ra- coveted beauty title ia thraataned CD - MOVIE: ‘Four Assaaaira' 0 - Nawa Updota 9 - News/Sports/Weather The following events are scheduled at the Church of Lydia Circle to meet at Sheltered Workshop; 4 p.m.. Kung Fu takes an historical turn 0 - M -A -B -H 0 -T M s O M House 0 - David Suaakkid the Nazarene for the coming week; Wednesday — 10 a.m., Bible study, 1208 Main St.; 7 bsMon. Umottiy Hutton, Qaorga by a acandal which implicataa a 0 - MOVIE: ‘Ha WaBod By Junior and.Cherub Choirs; 7:30 p.m., nominating C. Scott. Saan Psnn. 1981.Ratsd judge, a former winner end one of as h ^ c o Polo facet Mongolian Night' In a story baaed on Lot 6:30 P.M. 12:00 A.M. 3:30 A.M. Tuesday — 2 p-.m., service at Crestfield Convales-. p.m.. Bell Choir; 7:30 p.m.. Chancel Choir; Bible the fineNata. Eleanor Parker, Ekib tyrants in a amaN Chinas# village. 9:00 P.M. 9 - MOVIE: 'Soup for Ona' A committee, concert committee. FQ. Angelea Police fHM, e determined CD CD - CBS Nusm CD - Championship WrastHng cent Home; 3 p.m., service at Vernon Manor; 7; 30 study; lay witness committee. Cumminga, Barbi Benton. 1972 Richard Harrison, Alexander Fu- Inveatigaior leads the hum for a^ CD ( D - MOVIE: -TiwAdovsn; newswriter pursues Ns dream girl Wednesday — 7:30 p.m., Emanuel Choir. 0 - dcholaatlc Sports Acad. Sheng. 1981. C D - In S aareh of... Finding tha Goodbar KWor' A 0 - Streats of San Francisco p.m., Sams and Sals; Cornerstone Christian School Thursday — 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., fair workshop; Thursday — noon, senior Methodists; '6:30 p.m.. (6 ) - Computer Programme calculating and akialve cop kiNer after researching a aeries on th. Junior Choir; 7:30 p.m., Youth Choir; educatioqwork 0 - Inalds TraoK CD-MOVIE: 'BacretotSasguM through the streets and sewers of 0 - Evom and Novak New York City detective tries to 0 - Or. G a m Scott singles life. Mercia Strassman, board meeting. 11:00 A.M. lalend' A young blind women’s aolva tha sadistic murder of a Saul Rubtnek, Gerrit Graham. lOa.nn., prayer group; 11; 15 a.m., care and visitation; area; 8 p.m.,' “The Prophets,” Temple Reth Sholom. 0 - Spidarman tha cHy. Richard Basahart, Scott 0 - N B C Nswa 0 - Honoymoonora Wednesday — 7 p.m., family prayer night; teen 3:45 p.m.. Belle Choir; 6:30 p.m., confirmation CD CD - Bsnil/Zax/Alisn diaappearanca sends her sister Brady. 1949. young school teacher, (jeorge Rated R. C Friday — 10 a.m., Al-Anon. 0 - Nawa/Bpotta/Wsathar 0 - Nawimakata Segei, SheNey Heck. 1983. 0 - Nowa/Sporta/Woothor, Bible study; Chancel Choir rehearsal. classes: 8 p.m., Rebecca Circle at Barbara Johnson’s. Princa on a dangaroua search. Prunella (B) > Undera fncEwg Hunwn 4:00 A.M. Saturday — clean-up day; 8 p.m., concert with 0 0 - FHntatans Funniss Ranaome, Jeremy Brett. 0 - MOVIE; IPandamonium' CD 9 - Love Boat Gopher ia 0 - M OVIE; The Toy' A poor Thursday — counseling sessions available with Friday — 8 p.m.. Two by Two meet at Concordia. CD - Puppy/Scooby Doo Show Behav. man, desperate for money, 0 - Uta of Riley Rev. Eddy. Call 646-8599. Judith Loven, Deborah Benson, John C. Beggs and 0 - (MOVIE: '(Man on a 0 - MOVIE: 'Bloody Fighf Ths k lsr of an Indiana chsariaad- held captive by a woman captain, Saturday — 8 p.m.. Alcoholics Anonymous meet at Tfglitrop*' A ckcut owner arnl CD - B.J. and tha Bear Alan Targ, Tan Chk. 3:15 P.M. ing squad ratums (o strike 18 a couple is shocked when they e^eea to be the beat toy in a rich 0 - New. Update . Robert Gordon. kid’s Christmat. Richard Pryor, Friday — teen movie night at Davis Building. Luther Hall, 60 Church St. Hs troupe employ i daring atrate- 0 - ESPN's SportsWsak • 0 - Washington Diologua yaare Istst Tom Smothers. Carol tee thisir pel with a young women A 0 - Ostigns tor Living Kara. Dsbralso Scott. 1982. and a retired policemen leema Jackie^aaon. 1982. Rated PG. 4:15A.M. in order to escape from ba­ 0 - VMso Jukebox C the. Iron Curtain. Fredric 0 - Qraca N ' Vassals 3:30 P.M. Rated PG. some information about Vicki’s 9 --Deepedida CD - MOVIE: -Savage Pampaa' New deadlines In effect March. Tafry Moora. Richard 0 - S p o r U Look friend. (60 min.) (Closed Cap­ A rebel band of Argentine army Preaching hiission'at Concordia Bible conference at Trinity 0 - MOVIE: ‘Curas of Bigfoot' (D 0 - N C A A FootbaN/or 0 - MOVIE: Norman Loves Boone. 1953. 0 - What a Fsllowdilp tioned) deserters and Indians pkirxier the All news items submitted for use on this page must A group ot high zchod ttudants World Series Oeme #4 Should 7:00 P.M. Roe#' Twelve-year-old Norman ' Dr. Harold R. Albert of Vermont will speak at a Major W. Ian Thomas, director of theTorchbearers O - Beaame Street (Ooaed 0 - MOVIE: 'Thraa Avsngm' diacovar tha ramaina of a mumrni- the NCAA football game air at- 0 - MOVIE: To Ba Announced drops hit Bar Mitzvah studies to countryside. Robert Taylor, picn preaching-teaching mission Sunday and Monday at "be received by the Manchester Herald by 9 a.m. on Captioned] Two small town kung fu artiata fied beast aimHiar to tha Abom^- this time, then the World Series CD - Agronaky B Co entertain Ns sister-in-law. Carol Randell, Marc Lawrence. -L967. T 0 - Newt Update Missionary Fellowship in England, will lead a Bible able Snowman. The monster (^m e #4 wiN air from 12:30 p.m. Concordia Lutheran Church, 40 Pitkin St. Tuesday. O - Taetfo Fentaetloo and an American Chinese open a CD - Walcamo Back Kona, Kane, Tony Owen, Werren Mitch­ IS ) - Freemen Reports conference Sunday through Friday at Trinity martial arte school. Bruce Lee. suddenly returns to life and tar- (EDT) to 3:30 p.m. (EDT). 1 0 - Roustara The Earps set a ell. 1882. Rated R. Albert will-speak Sunday at the 8 and 10; 30 a.m. Items Which come in later than this cannot be 9 - From the Edttor"e Desk CD “ Foma trap for a mercenary who is after Covenant Church, 302 Hackmatack St. 1980. rorizea a small California town. 0 - MOVIE: Toll Ma A RkhSa' 4:30 A.M. guaranteed publication. William Simonaan, Robert Cly- CD 0 - N a « y s a carnival worker. (60 min.) 0 - BaM ot Groucho 0 - N e w . Update A woman comas to grips with her 8:30 A.M. mire. 1972 own mortality as she faces the CD -S a in t 0 - Sta Whras of Hfnry Vlll 12:30 A.M. 0 0 - Mr. T 4:45 A.M. 9) d) - SMurday Supercede 0 - Nsws/Sporta/Wsathar traumat of old age. Lila Kedrovs. 0 - Lo Mojor cM Box CD ~ All In the Family 0 - Danoa Favor 0 - MOVIE; 'Don't h'o CD - Make Room For Daddy 0 - Nat'l Rollar Skating 0 - Wraatllng . Meivyn Douglas, Brooke Adams. CD - MOVIE: 'Taka a Hard 7 ^ Chemplonahip 1980. Rated PG. 0 - NFL Gama of tha Weak 9:15 P.M. On^ Thunder’ A Vietnam medic Religious services CD ® - MonchhkMa/Uttle 0 - TV Community Collogk Rida* A trail boas, on a mission of joins a friend to set up an orphan­ 0 - Dragnet Hour 0 - Ftaoman Roporta Raecele/Rlchle Rich - Hoy Mlamo Anfritiones gratitude,- ia pursued by a gang of age for Vietnamese cNkfren. Guillermo Ochoa. Lourdes Guer­ 0 - ChtoulHadas (D ** Meet the Mayora 4:00 P.M. 0 - FaMi lor Today 9:30 P.M. cutthroats. Jim Brown, Lee Van Dennis Christopher, Susan Saint Church, 11 Center st., Man' prayer. Wednesdays, 7130 a.m.. Holy. Communion, m eeting; 10:15 a .m ., Sunday St. Bridget Church, 70 Main rero y Juan Dosal prosentan eeia 0 - Washington Wsak/ 0 - 8 o l M O o M Cleef. Fred Williamson. 1975. James. 1982. Rated PG. Chester. Rev. Newell H. Cur­ p.m.. Holy Eucharist and nursery; 9:15 a.m., church Church of St. M aurice, 32 a.m;, Sunday school; 10:45 ® - Herald of Truth CD (Z) - CBS Sports Spadal 0-OddCoupla c^^Memblies of God school and p rim a ry; 11:25 St., Manchester. Rev. Philip Hebron Rood, Bolton. The programs da aauntoe publicoa Review Paul Duke is joined by Today’s program faaturaa tha 9 - Leave It to Beaver tis Jr., senior pastor; Rev. prayers of healing In the school and Christian Growth a.m., priesthood and relief A. Sheridan and Rev. Emilio o.m., holiness meeting; 7 ( 9 - SportaCenter preaentando noticias y variada in- top Washington joumsiista ana­ 0 -N a v » Updota 0 - MOVIE: -Buddy. Buddy' A Colvorv Churcli (Assem ­ Robert J . Bills, minister of chdpel. (643-9203) hour, nursery; 10:30 a.m ., Rev. JT Clifford Curtin, pos-. Jockey (hub (Sold Cup Tho­ 10:0OP^M. . 9 - Money Week ^ man tries to prevent the su k J^ of society. (643-4003) P. Padelll, co-pastors. Satur­ tor. Saturday mass at 5 p .m .; " ’ ••ting. formacion. lyzing tha week’s newt. 0 - Muppet Show blies of God). 400 Bucklond visitations; Rev. Clifford O. St. Mary's Episcopal Holy Communion, nursery. day masses at 5 and 7:30 l64y-77B7j. (9 ■ Women Watch roughbred race and tha Cham- J3 )-N o w s Ns hotel neighbor. Weher”^ t - Rood. South Windsor. Rev. Church, Park and Church (649-5311) Sunday masses at 7:30, 9:15 0 - Candlapin Bowling pi^ne Stakaa horse race. (60 0 - VandaUsm: Break/ 12:45 A.M. Simpson, postor emeritus; p.m.; Sunday massesot7:30, and 11 a.m . (643-4466) ( 9 ' Peator Schwembech 1:30 P.M. CD 0 - Fantasy Island A wife thau, Veck Lemmon, Paula Pren­ Kenneth L. Gustafson, pos■^ Michael C. Thornton, asso­ streets, Manchester. Rev. Emanuel Lutheran Nationai Cathoiic 9, 10:30 and noon. (643-2403) 0 - BHa, Bytes B Buzzword. min.) Through 9 ^ M OVIE: 'Jinxed' A black­ tiss. 1981. Rated R. tor. 9:30 a.m., Sunday 0 - SupbrnMn/Aquamen/ 0 - ESPN's SportaWsak wants her husbend to learn what ciate pastor. 8 a.m., early Stephen K. Jacobson, rector; Church, 60 Church St., St. Jam es Church, 896Maln Unitarian 0 - Adventures in Paradise 0 - Eaclava laoura it ia like to be a woman and a jack d ^le r end a nightclub singer school; 10:30 a.m ., worship, bird service; 8:45 a.m., Rev. Frederick P. Moser, Manchester. Rev. Dale H. St. John's Polish Notional St., Manchester. Rev. Fran­ Batman 11:15A.M. 0 - MOVIE; 'Lsgand ol tha 0 - Breath of Ufa 0 - Taking Advantage proatituta wants to become • plot to km her gambling b e ­ child-core and nursery;«,7:00 breakfast. Woodruff Hall; 10 associate rector. 7:30 a.m.. Gustafson, pastor; Steven P. Catholic Church, 23 G olw oy cis V. KrukowskI, Rev. Ro­ Univeraaiiat 0 - Big Story 0 - S p o r t . WHd* A man fleas ctvHitalion in friend. Bette- MkAer, Rip Tom, p.m., evening service of Holy Euchdrist; 9 a.m., Holy St., Manchester. Rev, Stan­ 'normal’ womqn. (60 min.) a.m., worship service, sanc­ Sobln, Intern; Rev. C. Henry bert Burbank, Rev. Richard Saivation Army 0 0 - Shirt Talea ‘ tha 1830'a to Nva in the wHder- 0 - Buck Rogers 0 - NHL Hockoy: Buffalo « Ken WaN. 1982. Rated R. • praise and Bible preaching. tuary; 10 .o.m. summer Eucharist and Church School Anderson, pastor emeritus. ley M. Loncolo, pastor. 9 A. Lamore, team ministry. Unitarian Unlversalltf 11:30 A.M. neaa among wild animala. Dan Booton [Closed Caption^) ' (644-1102) o . m ., moss. (643-9506) (S) - News Update church school. (647-9941) with childcare; 11 a.m .,Holy Sunday schedule: 9:30 a.m ., Rev. Edward J. Reardon. Salvation Army, 661 M ain SocIMy-Eost, 153 W. Vernon 0 - MOVIE: 'Gal Young'Un' A CD - KlkhworM Haggerty, Omver Pyle. Rated PG. (S) Iruiependent. Netwifrk 1:00 A.M. Eucharist. (649-4583) worship In the sanctuary; St., Manchester. Capt. and St., Manchester. Rev. Arnold middle-agad widow ia eaay pray - MOVIE; 'Gloria' A former 7:15 P.M. First Congregational Saturday masses at 4 and 6;30 0 • Schoiaatlc Sporta Aced. CD - Sanford and Son Church of Andover, Route 6, nursery, children's chapel; p .m .; Sunday mosses at 7:30, Mrs. Randall Davis. 9:30 Westwood, m inister. 10:30 for a man with dealgna on har mo- CD - Muppat Show gun moH attampte to keep a chHd 0 - Spofta Satufdoy Baptist Nazarene ® - Dn Location: Eddia SAflOAIN MATINII OAU.Y Andover. Rev. RIchord H. 10:45 a.m., Sunday church 9, 10:30 o.m ., and noon. o .m ., service. (646-5151) nay. Dana Paru. David Peck. J. 0 - At Th. Movto. 0 - Rev. Cleophue Robineon from being eliminated by the CD - M OVIE: -Boron Blood' An riRST S M oe ONiv $2.50 Taylor, pastor. Sunday wor­ Gospei (643-4129) 4 7:30P.M. Murphy DaMrious Eddie per-' evil spirit ia unleashed upon an Community Baptist schaol, nursery, Bible study. Church of the Nazarene, Smkh.'-ISBI. 0 - Alplm Ski School The concert fbr the first unsuspecting world when a deed Churcli, 585 E. Center St., Church of the Living God, (643-1193) ^ Moln St., Manchester. ' 0 - Ttiat TM n SIww Mountain Awakens.’ Today's 0 " T V Community Collaga CD , MOVIE; 'Tha Umgaot lime on TV. Manchester. Rev. James I. provided. Church school: Latvian Lutheran Church St., Coventry. Fother James Yard* A team ot conviett is ^ s n men cornea to avenge Na end. 9:30 a.m ., Sunday. (742-7696) an evangelical, full-gbspel Rev. Neale McLain, senior ihoyv features highlights of 0 - PsHcula: 'El Coraario' ^ Meek, minister. 9:15 a.m., churcm Robertson School, of Manchester, 21 Garden St., pastor; Rev. (SeorgeEmmltt, J. Williamson, postor. - 8:46 A.M. 0 - Raino Salvaja s chsrKS to tackle prison g u ^ s 1 9 * AHrad Hitchcock Hour Joseph Gotten, Elke Sommer. First Congregational Masses Saturday at 5:15 Equipment, Apparel and Downhill 0 - MOVIE; ‘QumbaH Rally' 1972 church school for all ages, J4orth School Street, Man­ Manchester. (643-2051) minister of visitation and ‘‘Coneiern 0 - Intanictlanal S w ia . Skiing Batica. 0 - What About Women in a (ootbsk gsmo. Burt Rajrnolds. (8 ) - Naws/Sports/Waathar Church of Coventry, 1 ) 7 ) kindergarten through Grade Prince of Peace Lutheran outreach. 9:30 a.m., Sunday p .m .; Sunday 9:30 and 10:45 People from different walka of Nfe Main St., Coventry. Rev. chester. Rev. David W. (B ) - WaH S tfM t Waak Louis Bsmadatta Psisrs, Eddie ARwri. 9 - YaNo|W Roea Oilman HoHis- 0 - Twilight Zone 4 continuing during the ser­ Mullen, pastor. Meeting Sun­ Churctb Route 31 and North school; 10:45 a .m ., worship, o . m .; holydovs, 5:30and 7:30 9:00A.M. join in a coaat-to-coaat auto race. 1974. vice; 10:30 a .m ., m orning Bruce Johnson, pastor, 11 River Rood, Coventry. Rev. p. m. Confessions 4:30 to 5 0 - MOVIE: ‘TrM Sura of th . Rukeyaer analyzes the ’80s with a Michael Serrezin, Raul Julia, Su­ ter accuses tha Indian Stron- 0 - Amorica'o Top Tan a.m., worship; ^9:30 a.m ., days, 10 to 11 ;30o.m. Nursery children's church and CD - Star Saardi worship. Nursery provided. and Sunday school. W.H. Wllkens, pastor. 9a.m., nursery; 7 p.m., evening p.m . (742-6655) Four Crowns' Fortune nuntara weekly review of economic end san Flannery. 1976. CD - AH In the FamUy glwart of murder end Chance 0 - Naws/Sporta/WMthor church school In Church For O tfe ” Investment matters. rescues Roy from a trap sat by ROMANTIC Sunday school; 10:15 o.m ., CD - Nirw on Nsw Jsraay attempt to steal magical jeweled (843-0537) Full Gospel .Intordenoml- service, nursery. (646-8Si^) ® * JaefcaonvINa and All That CD CD - Muppat Show 0 - Bionic Woman Faith Baptist Church, 52 Lone House. Nursery core worship service. (742-7548) crowns. Rated PG. tha real kiHar. (60 min.) provided. (742-8487) notional - Church, 745 M ain 0 - Old Tim s (3ospsl 2:00 P.M. Jazz 0 - MOVIE: T h e Bkdo' A COMEDY Lake St., Manchester. Rev. St., Manchester. Rev. Philip Zion Evangelical Lutheran 0 - Pick the Proe Sponawri- - MOVIE: 'The Fighting 0 - Rlak/MaiTlag# Second Congrogotlonal Church (Missouri Synod), O NE O F T H E good ; 0 - Undmltad Hydroplatw smsN shore town is attacked by ------’SHOtWIAZ:------James Bellasov, pastor. 9:30 P. Saunders. Sunday, 10:30 Pentecostai tare preview games’ and viewers 0 - Rank Boxing from 4:15 P.M. i' Five brothers remain a .m ., Sunday school; 10:30 Church, 385 N. Main St., Cooper and High streets, Baclng This K w w faatura. th. DaNaa, T X Top Rank Boxing pre­ tlxxisands ot birds. Rod Taylor, Manchester. The' Rev. V. a.m., adult Bible study and habits thrifty people com ets for pritas. 0 - Sports on a sinking ship rather than ba a.m., worship service; 7 Sunday schaol; 7,p.m., war­ Manchester. Rev. Charles W. United Pentecotfal 647-8301 ' San Oisgo Thundertkoat Regatta. sents a 10-Round Jr. Welter­ TippI Hadron, Suzarxw Plaalwtta. Joseph Miltons pastor. 10 have developed Is dally There li e Mend who eUehe separated by death. Anne Baxter, p .m ., evening service. (646- ship service. Tuesday at 7:30 Kuhl, pdstor. 9 a.m.. Divine Church, 187 Woodbridge St., I (SO mki.l IS) - NCAA Preview Show weight bout featuring Gana 1M3. 1:16 A.M. a.m. worship service and eloeer then e brother,* Pro­ 4:30 P.M. Thomas MitchaN, Edward Ryan. NEVEI SAYBS 53161 p.m., special Bible studies; worshlp;H0;1S a.m. Sunday Monchester. Rev. Mqrvin reading of the ads In Hatcher vs. Todd Longmuk from CD - MOVIE: ‘Qooigy OHT A church school; 11 a.m., fel­ Stuart, minister. 10 o.m., for an important 10-(to-EdMagGrlfflnho.u this 0 0 - Amazing Bpkiermen/ - Hour of FaMi • 0 -(SportaCtoittar 1944. First Baptist Church, 240 Wednesday at 7:30 p.m., school and Youth Forun). classified. That’s where verbs 1S:$4. People ere . weakly taen magazlna. Incredible Hulk DaHaa, TK. girt named Georgy mairia. s NEVER AOAIN Hlllstown Road, Manchester. lowship hour. (649-2863) Holy Communion first and Sunday school; 11 a .m ., racordad maaiaga seeking IrlendsMpe, bat - Big Story 0 - Bout Outroaoh (>usada 0 - M OVIE; TraH of the Pkik wealthy oldor man so that she Second Congregational worship service. Prayer line, they find value buys. ■ HWOWWAr!" ' D r. C. Conley, pastor. (649- 646-8731, 24 hours. third Sunday. (649-4243) morning worship; 6 p.m., 10 - Ever inersasing Faith 0 - MNUng ol Star Wars 0 - MOVIE: 'WllUa Dynamita' Panther' Inapector Clouaeeu ia can give her roommate's INsgitl- Church of Covenfry, 1746 0 - Motlrau at tha BIJou 0 - Schoola Match Wits i4a4;M-r:iaaiw.U4a 7509) Gospel Hall, Center Street, evening worship; 7:30 p.m., greUtloellon endeetf esette - Hardy Boys/Nancy Draw 0 - Say It With Sign A fast-paced drama about the on tha loose, trying to find the msto baby a IxMra. James Ma­ Boston Turnpike, Coventry. blble study (Tuesday); 7 troubles of a New York pimp. 0 - MOVIE; ‘Ool Young'Un' A 0 - Fourth Estatu First Baptist Chapel at the Rev. David Jarvis, minister. Manchester. 10 o.m., break­ ailMM Mon ere peer bigreGente fof stolen Pink Panther tkemond. Pe­ son, Lynn Redgravo, Alan ^ ts s . Deaf, 240 Hlllstown' Rood, ing bread; 11:45 a .m ., Sun­ Methodist P.m., Ladles' prayer (Thurs- FOR « Of 12:00 P.M. 0 - Ron Tarry li Aaaociata a , middle-aged widow la eaay pray 0 - L u c a a ter Sellers. David Niven. 1982. 1966. Regular schedule: 10 a.m., -"“Y); 7.p.m.. Men's prayer CNRISTIMHWKRNILOVi tormtaig meenlnghil rete- ; 0 - News Update for a man with designs on h mo­ BRAINSTORM Manchester. Rev. K. worship; 8 a.m., DIal-A-Rlde day school; 7 p.m., gospel CD CD - NCAA Today 0 0 - In.Saarch of... Rated PG. 5 -Kreutzer, pastor. (643-7543) meeting. , Bolton United Methodist (Thyrsdoy) r 7 p.m.. Youth tloneNpe. One piMeeeer of • 0 0 - Smurfs 0 - Nswa Updats ney. Dana Paru. David Pack, J. 0 - Madia Watch ITOMMI [ra] to church; 8:45a.m., church Church, 1041 Boston Turn­ service (F rid a y ). (649-9848) peyehologp eeyethelMend- CD - Oat Smart 0 - A t H w HHevtos S ~ Carter Country school, nursery to grade I 0 - Sssams Stiuat (Cloud 0 - MOVIE;'Tha Shoss of tha Smith. 1981. pike, Bolton. Rev. Stewart “'".WE 'Milp'e Brel lew Ik You must 1:30 A.M. — SHCXVn AT; — — eight, adult discussion; 11 Lanier, pastor, 9:30 o.m., ; Captlonsd) CD - N C A A FootbaH/or World ^ Flaharman' A Russian arch- 8:00 P.M. 10:30P.M^ Christian Science Jehovah’s A ainblry tl leern to sey 'nof to youreetf Series Owite #4 At prase time, bishop,/alasaad after 20,yyers in 5:00P.M. CD - Naws/Stgn Off . idMdaaunj a tm iii«a o. m., coffee and fellowship; church school; 11 o.m., wor­ Presbyterian S - Black Nawe 11:15 o.m ., lunlor choir; 4 Faeliag i before you try (Jo -hieke' ' 0 - Burbulu Progrsma Infaniil the games' starting timaa had not a prison camp. Is alactad to be (D - AH In ths FamMy CD C D -C u tte r to Houstou 0 - Indapandant Notworfc First Church of Ch^:hr1u, Witnesses ship service, nursery. (649-. Caita CwMiitimi (Mrd ' produckk) an Maxico. Scientist, 447 N. Main(1 St^, S.,. p. m., Jr. pilgrim fellowship; 3472) CoYontry Presbyterian MlRWMlIf YoarBaif tomeone elee eey 'yee' to bean datarmlnad. Should the the first non-Italian pope in his­ CD - Stanley and Hutch CD - MOVIE: ‘The Dvtlont d f i - WaM Straat Journal THE BIG CHILL 6 p.m., senior church school Church, Route 44A and T ro w ­ you; ) 0 - Aah the Manager NCAA Footbell game ek at tNs tory In tha hope he can prevent Onae' A whiM man atxl a Mack Manchester. 10:30 o.m!, Jehovah's Witnesses, 647 North united Methodist CD - To Bs Announcad (8 ) - Baat of QIaaaon 0 - Thia I. tho Uta church service, Sunday and Pilgrim fellowship. (742- Tolland Turnpike, Manches­ Church, 300 Pdrker St., Man­ bridge Road, Coventry. Rev. time, than th# World Sariaa Gama, World War III. Anthony Quinn, man escape a chain gang. Tony j 0 - Matinaa at the Bijou'Lad- Indapandant Natwork 0 - Big Story -SHOWtlAr:- school, and care for small 6234) ter. Tuesday, Congregation chester. Richard W. Dupee, Brad Evans, pastor. Sunday, >••##♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»»a People often ndelekenly < lu Crave Excitamant.' #4 will air from 4:00 p.m. (EOT) Oskar Warner, David Jsnaaan. GD - Battlastar (Zolaotlca Curtis. SMnoy Pohlsr. Cara WH- ^ lld r e n . (649-1446) Redding Tolcottvllle Congroga- Bible Study, 7 p.m.; Thurs­ pastor. Schedule; 8:45 a.m., 9:30 a .m ., worship; 10:45 think thel lotm eeUvIly pro­ to 7:00 p.m. (EDT). 1966 0 - LitttoHouss on ths Fralris Nams. 1958. 0 - ABC Now. l;tSS:lSa;IS.7dSeM.|lM flonal Church, Main Street Room, 656A Center St., M an­ day, Theocratic Schoal worship, adult Bible class, a.m., Sunday school; 7 p.m., N on Ihr M iren T- 9:15A.M. MOVIE: 'The Fighting and Elm Hill Road, Talcot- nursery; 10:15a.m., worship, Bible study and fellowship. duces Mendshipi ee In the (D - Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew 0 - Auto Raotag ‘83; A S A CD 0 - T .J. Hooker Hooker's 10:45P.tji: 1:45 A.M. chester. (649-8982) (speaking course), 7:30 p.m. ; llvana' Five brothers remain tvlllb. Rev. Kenneth E. Knox, Service meeting (ministry church school for age 3 Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., n 1HE eerousing Mlewshlp de- 0 - Health Wash Myaterleq Stock Can Iroin BatoMyn, Ml link to an Eurasian loads him 0 - Mora Rod Poopto on a-sinking ship rather than be to ■ ring ol gun-running criminals CD - ABC Nawa pastor. 10 a.m., worship ser­ training), 8:15p.m.; Sunday, through 6 grade, nursery; prayer meeting. (742-7222) o pletod In the tolevINon beer 9:30 A.M. 0 - How the West W m Won 0 - VMso Juksbox . vice and church school. (649- Public Bible Lecture, 9:30 5:30 p.m.. Senior Methodist .Presbyterian Church ef The New oemmergliN. But moh eon-' aeperated by death. Anna Baxter, ki Chkistown. (SO mki.l (Qosad 11:00P.M. t 0 - MOVIE; "Pw Oodfathar-A Church of Christ 0 - SportaCsntsr Plus 0815) a.m.; Watchtower Study, Youth Fellowship at church; Manchester, 43 Spruce St., o HIDING Vhflellty mpy be nothtog 0 CD - Dun(toana and Thomas MitcheH, Edward Ryan. 0 - Co-Ed Mog (3rttnn hosts thli CaptionodI CD (D ( D 0 0 0 t N.W. mafia patriarch finds that Na vola­ -llWIUHW i- 1944. weekly issn msgszira.'' tile fernUy is Na biggest challanga. Church of Christ, Lydall 10:25. (646-1490) 7 p.m. sacred dance rehear­ Manchester. Rev. Richard o Draipm* 0 - Countdown to'84 Today's CD - Jaokto Qtoaton Show CD- M OVIE; 'Shampoo' A hak- and Vernon streets, Man­ program faaturaa wrakly prav- Marlon Brando. Jamas Caan, AI sal. (649-3696) G ra y , pastor. 10:30 a .m ., o [PIA eepe bom oMul boleilon, : CD 0 - Pao-Man/Ruhlk Cubs 0 - TV Community College 0 - B t a r T n k dreaaar, with a number of mis- chester. Eugene Brewer, Covenant South. United Methodist worship service, nursery, iawa and profliaa ol tha 1984 0 - MOVIE; ‘Love ChBd' A pri- Pacino. 1972. Rated R. minister. Sunday services: 9 CALVARY 1 mesHnt the reel pereonebi- 'H o u r 0 - Futbol IntemaOonal 0 -;,Nows/8parta/Wuathor son Inmate, seduced by a p r im treaaaa, ia ahattarod whan tha Jewish — ^ Church, 1226 Main St., Man­ 9:15 a.m., Sundov school; 7 Olympica. a.m., Bible dosses; 10 a.m., Trinity Covonont Church, votveATo know endecflipt .C D - Davav/OaHath guard, must fight to keep the un- women find out about each other 0 - MOVIE: 'EntaZ tha Nkija' chester. D r. Shephard S. p .m .. Informal worship. (643- TltRKK 0 - WHd Kingdom 0 - CHIPS Patrol A Kung Fu warrior battles ageinat worship;. 6 p.m., worship. 302 Hackmatack St., Man­ 0906) ourselvee Is eeeentW to pre­ 0 - Monumantal Church/ bom child of that union. Amy Ms- and decide to leave him. Werren ZELIG ^ Conservative Johnson, Rev. Laurence M. fRFJiEti’rAl rONJ : 0 - Wkmlng Golf Tip. 0 - Entartakunont This Weak odds to save a friend and daferid Wednesday, 7 p.m., Bible chester. Rev. Norman Swen­ H ill, pastors. 9 and 10:45 senting ottrsshfse genutnoRf Faith 0 - MOVIE: 'Checkerwl Flag digan. Beeu Bridget. 1982Z.Ratad Beatty. Goldia Hawn. JuHa Chria- -SMOWflATi- study. Nursery provided for son, 8 a.m., worship; 9:25 Temple Beth Sholom, 400 0 - Monsy Weak 0 - Nawa/Sporta/Wsathar or Craah* Men ataiM a demolition R. tia. 1975. hit honor. FraiKO Nero, Susan o.m., worship; 9a.m., church Roman Cathoiic to othsre. And gsmilnenses 5:30 P.M. George. 1982. all services. (646-2903) a .m ., Sunday school; 10:25 E. Middle /Turnpike, Man­ school, nursery through se­ ' 0 - Thraa Btooggs race of dune buggies and motor- 0-OddCoupto a.m,, coffee and fellowship; chester. Richard J.- Plavin, 400 Buckland Rd. Is die only eota Biel pessse 0 - MOVIE: ‘The Toy' A poor cycIsB in tha PNIHplnea. Joe Don 0 - Sugar Ray's AH-8tan Su­ __ - Ovation Today's . s progrsms nior high; 10:45 o.m., Church of the Atsumpflen, In die festal ol Msndehlp. man, daaparata (or momy, tra 'Outfaratk of Love: Sprihg Ro- 0 - SpoitaCantar 2:00 A.M. 11 a .m ., worship. (649-2855) rabbi; Israel Tpbatsky, can­ nursery; United Methodist Adorns Street at Thompson ao. Windsor 10:00 A.M. BiAar, Larry Hagman. 1977. gar Ray Laonard hoatt this show REVENGE OF Congregationai tor; Dr. Leon Wind, rabbi tnw WlwOTVW VMfMnMRRY agraaa to ba tha baat toy ki a rich where kids get s ctisrws to work turiikig,' 'Tho (Mhuahusn Doson CD - Movto CotiTd Youth Fellowship; 7130 p.m., Road, Manchester. Rev. Ed­ Throe Prggotilallons CD (D-Oukaa 0 - Buaineaa of Management 0 - M OVIE: 'Haltowaan IH: emeritus. Servlces„8:15p.m. Bible, song, prayer fellow­ w ard S. Pepin, pastor. Satur­ to hurt end dNeppotatatenl, kM’a Chrlanraa. Richard Pryor, out with sports supsrstsn. TiHoqv: Land of Lost Bordsra' Sisson ol .tha WHoh' A physi­ 0 -S p a c o : 18B9 Bolton ConBrogatlonnl EpiSCOpai Friday and 9:45 a.m. Satur­ CCD - Satuidav Momtag . Jackie QIaaaon. 1982.Ratadra. and T h s Matiarffas: ImpsriaHsm THE N IN JA S ship. (647-9141) da y masses at 5 and 7:30 edndtledkf e risk. But die el- ' 2:15 P.M. 0 - Radio 1990 Today's pro- cian uncovsrs a bizarra plot to SHOWWAr:" Church, 228 Bolton CentSr day. (643-9563) 7:00 P.M . > (D - Ad gtar Wraatdng by Conapkacy.' (2 hra.l Rood, at the Green, Bolton. _ St. George's Episcopal p. m.; Sunday massesot7;30, o n temedve b e drssry loneB- 0 - TV (immunity Collaga 0 - HsaHti Wsak grsm looks si iha hottest trends 'mass murdsr chHdran. Tom At- Rev. R. Stanley Eaton, Inte­ Church, 1150 Boston Turn­ Mormon 9, 10:30 and 11:45. (643-2195) ?0-lasanos 0 - MOVIE: 'Eat My Dust' A end portorrmrs in ths world of 0 - Dr. O o m Boon kkis, Stacey Nolkin. Dan O'Hsf- pike, Bolton. Sunday 8 a.m., St. Borthelomew'sChuroi, Oct. 21, 22, 23 young man wlH do anything to 2:30 P.M. ontsrtsinmsnt. - Batttootar Oalaotlon 1982. Ratsd H. Looking for something rim minister. 9:30 a.m., wor­ Lutheran 74) E. M iddle Tu rn pike, M an­ : 0 - NFL Oaiqa of the Wsak 0 ship service, nursery, church Eucharist; 10 a.m. Holy Church of Jesus Christ of win a baautlhil blonda. Ron Ho­ 0 - Croasfliu 0 - Faith for Uving ^ 9 - Night FHght Tonight’s special? Why not run a Eucharist, Rey. John Hol- chester. Rev. Martin J. ■>.0 - InaMa The NFL 0 - Nows/Spotta/Woothor school; 10:45 a .m ., fellow­ Concordia Lutheran Latter Dev Saints (Mor­ Scholsky, pastor. Saturday dlNOTiTiMiirj ward, Chriatophar Norria. 1978. 0 - T V Community Col logo progrsm fsaturas 'QuansrilssH.' "Wanted to Buy" ad In ship; a .m ., forum . (649- llger, vicar. 11 a.m;, fellow­ ! 0 - dcholaatlc Sports Aoad. 0 - Nowsmakon Satunlay 0 - DHTrant Stfokoo Arnold Is -SHOWHAr!— ;PC 11 Church (LCA ), 40 Pitkin St.. m o n ), 30 Woodside St., Man­ mass at 5 p.m.; Sunday "EVERYONE IS WEICOME" LydoR Mid VtaddB aaagW 0 - Lat’a Oo Bowling (4 hra.l 7077) ship hour. Monday through Manchester. Rev. Burton D. chester. W ayne S. Ta y lo r, 0 -M O V IE :'Soma Uka It Hot' slunrad on his drat day of junior Classified. The cost Is idFSjs.sda.7dseja.iiiM masses at 8:30, 10 and 11:30 Free-Will Offering... * - 0 - Omaadtad for Christ 6:00 P.M. 0 - Outer Limits Conlor CongroBotlonal Friday, 4:45 p.m.; eyenlng Strand, pastor. Schedule; 8 bishop, 9:15a.m.. sacrament 0 m. 0 - Soaama Straat |Cloaad Tw o muaiclana, witneaaea to a high school when ho Is shunnsd sm all... the response big. CaptlonadJ Chicago murder, disguise them­ CD CD 0 - Nsws tor noi mossuring up to be Wk- 0 - Sports Torflght 643-2711. s ta, — MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday, Oct. 15, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday, Oct, 15. 1983 — Zt You can’t assume there’s a lot of Collins in Carringtoh Weekday T V ‘ TV college joins Bv Vernon Scott and quickly made her part into the tion and unpleasantneu. ... United Press International woman everyone loves to hate. “Alexis is consumed by a ven­ ■ computer age Joan and Alexis are lumped detta against Blake Carrington. I 6:00 A.M. 7:30 A.M . (D-Waloemal B • Sooomo Straat (CkMod 4:30 P.M. Poor Joan Collins. together as one and the same dark can forgive and forget, but not S)-MsnO>VMww (D-SugaSumy/PWbyPIg ( D - T 1eTaeDo Captionsdl (33 - Throa's Company The flashy, sexy brunette star of presence, in stark contrast .to Alexis. (B ) - V « M P ntn m s B-PMPanSiarSiiaw (D-SomparSt 12:30 P.M. 0 - EigM Is Enough 33 - WhaTa ffappankigl ’• .•! NEW YORK (U P I) - Some of the first fruits of the “ Dynasty" has a reputation for Linda Evans in the role of KrysUe B - I wWrtMnim m Tonight (S - Young and tha 0-HoohiaandJsehla B 0 - Happy Days Again "She is great fun to play.' B-Buga Siewy.JJ. and Tae B-VartadProi 2-year'Old, $150 million Annenberg-CPB Project being as bitchy offstage as Alexis Carrington, the blonde snow god­ B:30A.M. B -J Im n y Swaggart B -T O O C k * B - Franoh Cbof aimed at improving T V programming for college dess who replaced Alexis in Originally, she was added to the (33 0 Byan'aHopa Carrington, her tempestuous TV QD - Vartad Prognmo 9 * HeMi and jMide 3:30 P.M. credit will be seen on PBS nhxt fall, two of^them in role. Carrington’s heart. cast for only eight or nine episodes,' 0 - M o v l a I was given the part only after’ l•AB-OayMm^iss (33 - Woody and Friondo 6:00 P.M. prime time slots. ' She plays the vindictive Alexis Linda and Krystle are all good­ 8:00A.M . B 0 - Saarch For Tomorrow Sophia Loren and Raquel Welch' 1 B - Insmiellonal TV. B - Pink Ponthor Bhow ) - Samsy MMat Since its inception, the project headed by interim with such verve and obvious relish ness and light. CD-WoodyWaadpatkat « turned it down. So I'm grateful (6' I • Rselonee Enoendldea 1:00 P.M. 0 - Boooby Doo ) - Dim Day at a TbTM director Robben Fleming has made 17 grants ranging it is assumed there must be a great Just as Alexis’ bitchiness has (D-VartadPragrama B ■ CNN HbadHno Nawa I - OMTionl Strakss S 3 .-Hour Magortna 0-OvsrEasy ) - Psopla’t Court from $250,000 to $2.4 million to encourage the deal of Collins in Carrington, the rubbed off on Joan, so has both of them." (B) - SaaaSy Oao B - MonoySns' l-WaMns (3 3 0 - a m M y CbSdrsn 0 ( - Porky Pig ) B - Utdo Houoo on tho innovative use of new technology to make quality Krystle’s sweetness and virtue B-CaWapo treacherous ex-wife of the show’s In person Joan is warm, voluUis B -Jk n BaMiar 3 3 - M o v I a rills higher education more accessible. been applied to Linda. B - Undatdag 10:30 A.M. B . - Electric Company patriarch, played by John For­ and witty. Her’s is a dark, haunting 0 0 • Days ot Our Uuss i •> Adventuree In Peredtoe While many of the grants funded the development of sythe in the ABC-TV series. "People don’t say so to my face, 6:00 A.M. B - B ChawaJII Chapuin ) - Ad In Ihs FamNy beauty and obviously sexual. M()d B B - Inatn icttonal T V 4:00 P.M. new telecourses, others involve experiments with the It . probably does , not occur to but they talk and write about me 33 B - Vartdtl ProgwBn )-Jokar'aWM If * ivewewvicn look at her with undisguised lust, a' Q P • Mimde Letlno aleeee Lo- ( 3 ) - J o ttoroono use of home computers to give students quick, being as big a bitch as Alexis," S)-Nw»ZMltoMw t — ivMnero wrnrriOTw i - Megen'e Heroee millions of viewers and scandal fact which does not escape thd sods y Sonia Voihausr son lea an- QD - Hs Man S Master/ "electronic mail" access to their on-screen sheet writers that Joan’s brittle, Joan said, a touch wearily. "John QD - CBS laly Mamlng Nows I B - Sals of lbs CsMury fritlanas da sals programa da v iw e re e I 9 • Mr. Rogere' actress. rigkfterhood instructors. often venomous, portrayhl is (Forsythe) and Linda have called - ASC Nmm TMa -DMtVanOyks aauntoa pubfcoa nadonrito pra- (33(13-Mevla 8:30A.M . aanundo anirsviaiss. nodolaa, 8 - Dvjomv Vhdr purely and simply a finely drawn some of the scandal sheets defend­ It would b e . difficult, if not 11:00 A.M. S ) - Sraokoway Among the K b S programs funded by the project (B) - Twonty-Mkiuta Workout 33 - FRntstonss daponas y un aagmsnto daods l-WKRPinCindnnali portrait of a classic female ing me. impossible, for her to play the 33 - BmlgM TaBi -Pries Is ISgbl HoSywood btulado 'En Pantala'. B - SupotMands that are scheduled to begin airing next year are: Two B - BuNnioi Tknaa on ESPN I - CbatHa'a Angals stereotype. "Actually, 1 think Linda is close innocent. The knowing look In her B _ - Tom S Jsny 1:30 P.M. 0 - Tom S Jorry prime-lime shows, “ The Brain," an eight-part series Joan has been around too long, in character to Krystle. But then sultry eyes is that of a woman Of B B - 20 Mlnutf Workout l-ABce that cover studies ofHhe brain in'vision, sleep, drug nft w Greet Speee Ceee (33 3 3 - As Ihs Wortd Tunis B - N o w a H n s seen too many ups and .downs in most performers play people close the world, definitely not suggest-' B-OoykraMi 5 :M P .M . and alcohol addiction,' memory and mental disease B - Mr. Rogsra' Ns 0 - Varied Programs B - Entartakimant Tonight' her career, to be deeply rankled by to what they truly arc, especially in ing a clinging vine nor pillar of B ■ AS Poy Moaloo hood 3 0 - News and "The Constitution: That Delicate Balance,’ ’ a JOAN COLLINS AS AOfXIS ON “DYNASTY" fttk -« -a 0 B - Sasama ttrost (Clooad the transference of Alexis’ ascer- situation con\edy. matronly virtue. Z B - El Show da Eduaa 2:00 P.M. CaptiorwdI 3 - WKRP bi Cincinnati 13-part series featuring nationally known lawyers, " I find it easy to play myself asa . . . "I know Alexis better than I do myself" S 3 - N a w s bic characteristics to herself. All British-born Joan is articulate, e:16A.M.' B - SawWafiad B - Oidoro OtMar Tu Nombia 3 - Nawsoops professors, journalists, judges and politicians dis- . means of being as natural as - Osaigns tor living (33 0-O nsUlatolJva the same, she isn’t pleased about intelligent and a veteran of some SO B-Owarbay B - Snann Straat B - Quihqy B-M-A-S-H cussing current issues affecting individual rights: possible on camera, but that -Jim grtrtff 0 - S o n y a the manifestation. common. more concerned with business " I always know how Alexis will movies. She has been around, as CatNkxwd) B - Scooby Doo IB- 3-2-1. Contact and "The Write Course,” "Congress: We the Peoplr.," doesn’t mean Alexis and I are the S:30A.M . - Family - 1 Lava Lucy Alexis, aftyP\all, has been "W e both have high energy Jhul a matters than I am. react to a given situation. She loves attested in her controversial auto­ B 0 - U tlio Houao on tfia PiaM o I - Bob Nowhart Show and two computer courses. same person. In a way I ’m (33 QD - css tarty Mamkig 9:00 A.M. B - Whaal of Fortune something or a ^saving grace in strong interest in clothes i«td " I ’m not very introspective, so in conflict, rows and confrontations.! biography, “ Past Imperfect,'.’ Nawa 33 - Now S2S.000 Pyi B - News Day Fleming, president emeritus of the University of Joan’s c a r^ r, not exactly at its flattered pteople think I ’m like - Andy OrifStb Michigan and a form er president of the Corporation jewels. We are sensuous and we’i^ a real sense I know Alexis better hate them and will do anything I which had many a famous actor, 33-Papaya CD-ILovsUiay g B - Anothsr Wortd height wjifen she accepted the role Alexis. We do have some traits in 11:30 A.M. Mlnl’honaa umatt eaten for Public Broadcasting, said he sees three potential good businesswomen. But she’s than I do myself. can to avoid personal confronta­ running for cover. 33 - Jknmy Swaggart 3 ) - Movio B -L o v b ig MEDFORD, Ore. (DPI) — Miniature horses, once audiences for the programming. B - Tom S Jawy CD B -.Dofwhus S3 B - Nusva York Ahora » - 'Youl' Mag. tor Womon B - What's Happonkigl the pets of European royalty, make excellent pets for The largest is the 30 million Americans over the age 01) - Oraat Spaoa those with tight budgets because they eat less than a of 25 who graduated from high school but did not go on I - NBC Nows at Sunrlaa B - ANva and Wadi 2:15 P.M. large dog, says a lady who raises them. lo college or dropped out because of other Sunday 99 - Hoy Mlatno Anfrtitonao (3 3 -P o p a y a Sandy Anderson, who raises six miniatures in rural responsibilities/such a,s jobs or families. TV, B - Doywateh oStarmo Ochoa. Lourdat Quor- 2:30 P.M. Medford, said her little horses eat only about a bale of "Second theife’s a general audience composed of 0:49 A.M. B - laaama Straat (Oosod laro y Juar Doaal praoantan aoM (S3 33 - Capital hay per month. To make the official miniature horse people intere^ed in good, intelligent programming. CoptkxwdI programs da ssumos pubkcoo Maadowlanila, East Ruthsr- erly D ’Angelo, Lauren Hutton. 33- (S3 - In Boorch of... register, a horse must measure no more than 34 inches They’re not really interested in the credit,” Fleming 6:00A.M. McKeon, Tony Dow. 1963. B - Now Sofotidipity Skigdr# - B - Love Comwctian prsssntando notidoo y vadada kv ford, N J 1961. Rated PG. B- formadon. 0 - Magic Gordon at the shoulder. said at an interview during a recent stopover between 5 CS) - Kldswortd 9 - MOVIE; 'Telefon' A Rus­ B -Dr. OonoSooR B 0 - 20 Mkiiila WortuMil B - Supermen 0 9 - AHrad Hitchcock Hour sian secret agent and a beautiful Ms. Anderson said the miniatures, originally bred Boston and Ann Arbor, Mich., where he teaches law at GD ~ Opportunity Knocks B - Oavki artd Lott Show 7:00 A.M. 0 - Hs Man S Mostar/ S ) - News/Sports/Weather Q9 - Or. Oana Scott * CIA agent are thrown together to 9:30A.M . Univaroa . as pets for European royalty in the 16th or 17th the university. 3 ) - Now Jorsoy Report stop a madman from triggenng fi3 - Nawa/Sporta/Woalfiar ■ 33 33 - css Morning Nows 9 - Fame (33-.Cord Shoika B - Vhdr Enomorodo century, had practical uses. The drafthorse type of "In a society where we have the highest percentage 9 - Orel Roberts end You-— World War III Charles Bronson, t w WfHtily Woodpeeke^ 1 2 : 0 0 P . M dD - Notre Dome Football QD - My Throa Sons miniature worked well in mines, originally in Europe of college graduates, there are ^ose people who are HigM ights 9 - Newa/Sports/Waather Lee Remick. 1977. (33 (33 (33 (B) B -. B - My Throe Sons 9 - M O V IE : 'To b y arH|^the 9 - FaHti for Today (£< 82 - Oood MomlnB and later in the Unitdd States around the early 1900s. just interested in intelligent prog r a m m i n g ," he O - MOVIE: Ooin' South' An Koale' After escaping a convict (9 9 - Nawa 9 (B) - Meeterplece Theatre 33 - CNN 2 (33 - Midday - I B - Magic of OH Prititkig ^ 12:30A.M. The breed nearly became extinct, then was revived said. " ‘Cosmos,’ ’The Adams Chronicles,’ shows of outlaw is sentenced to hang un­ ship bound for Australia, yourtg^ 9 - Snask Praviawa 'Pictures.' BiM realizes he has fal­ 33-700Club B - Varied Programa 3 3 - TaMstalaa 3:00 P.M. less a respectable woman ntar- Tob y befriends a koala bear. len for Ruby even though he is C D - Fame in the late 19th,century and general^ some appeal for that sort have shown that that kind of audience 9 - MOVIE: My Favorita ries him. Jack Nicholson. John 1981. OH, QEORQEI looking at her solely as the inspir­ (B - Buokwos TbiMO on EgPN 0 - USA Mavis (33 3 ) - Ouiding Light Year' An alcoholic movie hero 9-PBABowHng buyers iif the United States. exists." Bekishi. Danny DeVito. 1977. ation for his new film script. (60 - USA Cartoon Exproos 0 - Dr. Oans Scott 3 3 - Inapoctor Oadgot 9 9 - Don't Look Now must be kept sober long enough The third audience consists of students and teachers Rated min.) (Closed Captioned) 9 - Style With Elsa Klenech 9 - Momkig Stretch ‘' Many fiebple buy the miniatures in pairs for pets. I - Kenrreth CopelerKi Louise (Isabel Sanford) to appear on a live comedy show. - Or. Oona Soon 33 0 - Oanoral Hospital 9 - Taking Advantage guess they just like to watch them. Kids fall in love at residential colleges who can make use of at least a ® - New Zoo Revue doesn’t seem too pleased with Petibr O'Toole. Mark Linn-Bakef, B - Thia la Vow Ufa 9 - Deytkne lS)-Trtia2 GD - Family 7 9 9 “ World Tomofrow 9 - The AttdetM a with them. A miniature can carry up to 50 pounds, so portion of the programming A enhance the printed ® - News Update George (Sherman Hemsiey) Jessica Harper 1982. Rated PG. 9 • Love Corwiection aa— t— 0 ------9:15 P.M. 8 B - T o d o y ® — veneo I'rogreme CJD - Tom A Jorry and Frlando young children can ride them," Ms. Anderson said. word. . 9:30 A.M. on "The Jelfersons," airing (B ) - win*. What Plaaaural 12:45A.M. - Electric Comipeny & - CHIPS Patrol * S ) - Fraaman RapoHa B B - El Show dol Medio I 0 -A H yo and Wadi “ The miniatures are just the right size for children "With those three groups in mind, what we’ re trying fT) - Comment S U N D A Y , O C T . 16 on CBS. 6:15A.M . 6:30 P.M. 9:30 P.M. CD - Leveme end Shirley B - Saaoma gtrool |Ck»od 10:00 A.M. B-O ol learning to ride, ft looks a lot farther to the ground to do is create educational materials, but also GD - Bugs Bunny/Porky Pig 9 - MOVIE: 'Conan, the d D - N p w s IS ) - Inalda Buainnaa - Ooodnight. Baantown (33 - Hour Magailna 0 - FamSy.Fsud B - Aftomoen Brook from the saddle of a regular horse, say 61 inches tall." experiment with technology,” Fleming said. CD - NashvHle on the Road 33 33 Bertiertan' A strongmen seeks CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME , Matt comes to the rescue when @ ) - Week In Review (B B - NBC Nawa rsvenge egsinst the evil master CD - Point of View Jenny gets a surprise visit from ■ B - S o a p ^ x Thulse Doom. Arnold Schwar­ 6:30A.M . criminal suspect. O - Josie ar>d the Pussycats zenegger. James Eerl Jones. QD - Captain Kangaroo B - Embalaikwaa da laJMusIca 9 - MOVIE: Trail of the Pink .Programs musical presentando la QD - At The Moviea Rated R. d ) - Black News Panther' Inspector Clouseau is muaioa y el folklore de Colombia. (S - Wall St. Journal Rep. ASTRO « on the loose, trying to find the 1:00 A.M. BRIDGE CD - Ask the Doctor (G ) - Qourmat Cooking stolen Pink Panther dianr>ond. Pe­ 10:00P.M. (0 ) - Twilight Zone C D - N e w s GRAPH ter Sellers, David Niven. 1982. CD CD - Trapper John, M.D. A 9 - Newa/Sporta/Weether ® - Insight Rated PG. 7:00 P.M. female patient is exploited by a 9 - MOVIE: Kentucky Fried doctor who is determined to engi­ Skill and some luck ® - Style With Elsa Klensch B - Batmen Q ) CD - 60 Minutes Movie* A parody of movies. TV neer the ousting of Trapper from ® - Ring Around the World 9 - Everts artd Novak (D - NHL Hockey: New York commercials, and coming attrac­ his post. (60 min.) decided to put his other & - MOVIE: Birch Interval' A . B - Day of Discovery lalandara at Buffalo tions. BiN Bixby. Henry Gibson. 33- N aw a 1977 Rated R knowledge to work. ^ Y b u r yourtg girl learns about growing B - Celebrate QD 9 - Solid Gold NORTH 1F1S41 Oswald Jacoby, his team­ up during a stay with relatives in Shadows Oyer Chinatown' the Fights Saturday Night at the 33 B - Jimmy Swaggart ♦ 1065 9 - Top Cat (j2 - SportsCentar Pius 09 - Spor^Cantar 1:15 A.M. mate in the Spingold, bad T W ASN'T SUCH Painters' Repheel'a mature - Nowsmokar Sunday SOUTH plays his cards like the Bill (E) - Jwry F.IW.U i 9 - Leave It to Beaver - MOVIE: 'How Sweet it O ) - Adventures in Paradis# Welcome.' 'Nine Timas Against ron. 1981. Rated PG. MUOT BE COMIN' DOWN | | PERFECT DMT FOR LWRA (SapL 23-Ocl. 23) A work, including some frescoes in Grieve of the '50s. lei* A Europe-bound couple finds Today's program is 'The Death the Sun’ and 'Technoflash: Alu­ 1:45 A.M. n S H I N ' . . . ♦Axgjs great deal of emphasia is likely (D - Kwi Copatond (9 - News Update - Wild America 'Animal the Sistine Clupel, is examined. the house they’ve rented on the Diners.' (60 min.) minum.' (2 hrs.) ' VAK43 We can’t say the same to be placed upon your person­ Oddities' Tonight's program (60 m tn) 33 - Eyowltnooo Mogazlno C d ) - Thi. I* th. Ufa 9 - Chalice of Salvation about his bidding. Had be al Interests today. You’ll gain Riviera is a lre ^ y occupied by a ( 9 -M OVIE: 'Don't Just Stand B - MOVIE: 'Whoa Saan looks at unusual arwmals from the ♦ 3 3 ) - Nawaifc'Si Raalitv - Mr. Rogers' Neighbor­ French playboy. Debbie Rey­ 2:00A.M . just bid three spades. North your ends without being selfish 'There' An American writer, Sleeping In M y Bed?* A hand­ pre-historic days to the present. (9 - Ask tha Manager ♦ 10 0 0 (H ) - Wall Straat Journal hood nolds, James Garner. Paul Lynde. some T V idol’s fiancee wants to [Closed Captioned] 33 - CBS Nawa NIghtwatoh . might have bid the easy or offensive. Order now: The smuggling watch movements - Oil Klngdome Kings and (8 ) - Nuestra Familie 1968. get him hitched before his affinit'jf 6D Vnlnerable; North-South th m no-trump, but Bill was NEW Matchmaker wheel and (9 - Sunday Cartoon Express into Paris, gets involved with a ( 9 - Eadava laaura Pirates.' Tonight's program looks 3) - Outer Limits ( 9 - Newe/Sports/Weather French gangster, a ghost writer, for the girls gets too strong. Dea^ Dealer: South in four spades. \ booklet, which reveals roman­ - Dr. Oerte Scott 9 - Sacrifice of the Mess at the discovery of oH in the Per­ 0 - Space: 18S9 (9 murder and mystery. Robert Martin. Elizabeth Montgomery. ^ 9 - Janie Fricke: You Ought II The oeuce of clubs was tic compatibilities lor all signs, 9 - Jetsone B ( B - Meet the Press sian Gulf'Snd the amount of petro­ West Nsrtb East Seutb & - World of Qotpal Wagner,' Mary Tyler Moore, Martin Balsam. 1963. To Be in Picture# 0 - MOVit: Vanom' Two au- opened and the jack tells how to get along with B - Connecticut Lawmakers dollars that have come into these horti kidnap o young boy and !♦ ® - Naws/Spona/Waathar 9 - R«x Humberd Glynis Johns. 1968. 9 -News Update dD - Undersee World of flnetsed. East took his king others, finds risipg signs, hid­ countries. (60 min.) (Closed Cap­ unknowingly end up with hie new Pass INT Pass 24 9 - Busiftese of Mertegement (B - New Jersey Hispano Jecquee Cousteau tioned) and led the suit back. den qualities, plus more. Send (S - Jimmy Swaggart 9 - News Update (9 - MOVIE: 'An American In pet. e bleck membe ineke. Ster­ }♦ 4A B - MOVIE: Funny Faca' A Pass Pass ' $2 to Astro-43raph, Box 489, O - M O V IE: 'Talafon' A Rus- 10:15A.M. 9 ) - Great Performances 'A Paris' A soldier stays in Paris af­ 7;15P.iyi. 10:30 P.M. ling Hayden, Kleua Kinaki, NIcol Pats Pass Pass Now Bill showed his fashion magazine photographer Tribute to Balanchine.’ This spe­ ter the war to pursue his career as WHfiamton. Rated R. 1981. expert technique. He cashed Radio City Station. N.Y. 10019. T Sian siecret agent and a beautiful 9 - Cooking/Kerr sends a girl from a book store to 9 - Sports Sunday -.Sporta Extra CIA agent are thrown together to cial tribute to the late choreogra­ an artist. Gene Kelly. Leslie Ca­ S3 one trump and led a low Be sure to give your zodiac Paris. F r ^ Astaire, Audrey Hep­ B - Sports Update atop a madman from triggering pher George Balanchine features ron. Oscar Levant. 1951. 7:30P.M. (33) - From tha Editor'. Daak sign. Mall an additional $1 for 10:30 A.M. burn. Kay Thompson. 1957. heart. He was relying on a 4- World W ar lU. Charles Bronson. CD- T V M ass three of Balanchine's master­ 9 - Wonderful World/Waltz CD ^ 9 - To Be AnrKMjnced (B - SIN- Tatit Daportlva 3 club break as ertdenced by your Libra Astro-Graph predic- pieces by the New York City Bal­ 2:15 A.M. Lee Remick. 1977. - Nat. H. S.'Cheerleading 1 9 - M i Secreterla Situacion 09 - To Be Announced the deuce lead. He won the tlofu lor the year head. CD - Marty Robbins Spotlight let (2 hrs.) (SI) - Laraon Sunday Night 33 - CBS Nows Nlghtwatch - Visitation Myste^ comica acerca de tos sucesos third club in dummy, cashed SCORPIO (OcL 24-Nov. 22) CD • That's the Spirit 12:30 P.M. 9 - NeMAon’a Apple JIP Opening lead: 42 9 - Pelicule: ‘JorruMSe de acaecidos en una oftcina. 11:00 P.M. ■ ~ ~ - i n 5 e : r t , c a r p You’re still in a cycle where you 9 > Grendea Series: *Loe WRONG COPE ENTEREDi one more spade, played the (3D - Three Stooges 33 33 - NFL Today Terror' 33 33 33 BBB- N aw a 2:30 A.M. tend to reap benefits because B - M O V IE : ‘A c r o u tho Oraat Gozaa y lea Sombraa' ENfTEII^ PERbONAL FAIL-fAFE^VICE 10 5EC0NP5TO A-K of hearts, ruffed nis last ( 9 - Kartnath Copaland 9 - MOVIE: Bowery 33 - Make It Real B - M O V IE : 'S hw lack H o lm si Divide' T w o orphans travel west 33 - Off tha Sat 0 - NCAA FootboH: Pann By Oowald Jacoby heart and claimed. of others working on your Battalion' The Bowery Boys in Pursuit to Algiers' Sherlock 8:00 P.M. 9 - Harhaga Comer QS - MOVIE: 'Bound for QlorY' to claim their land inheritarKe. 33 - Wortd Tomorrow State at Syracuaa COPE NUMBER. ACTIV/C^EP.. PETONATK3N- a ^ James Jacoby Of course, he bad been behalf. Something advanta­ form their own unit to go to war. Woodie Guthrie's ramblings and Holmes and Watson escort the Heather Rattrey. Maria Hall, Rob­ ( D C D - AJica Jolene surprises geous is In the mill again today. - Odd Coupla B-M onay Weak luckv. The man with three 7:30A.M . Bowery Boys. Leo Gorcey. 1951. music reflect the trials of the De­ heir to an Eastern throne. Basil ert Logan. 1976. Rated G. everyone by announcing plans to (333 SAO ITTAm US (Nov. 23-Oae. - MOVIE: 'Thamatkw and William P. “Bill" Grieve spades held four hearts, but 3 3 - Spraad Littta Sunahlna 9 - Newsmaker Sunday pression and the clashes of union Rathbone, Nigel Bruce. 1945. moonlight as a flight attendant. (32 - SportaContar B Beginning as ot today, con­ B - MOVIE: 'Tho Nun'i Stofy’ Buahrod' A n outlaw couple roert is about to retire aa one of Bill could not have made the 21) battles. David Carradine, Melinda (B - MOVIE: Two For th. QD - Inaight 9 - M O V IE ; 'Fat Chance' T w o A young girt is followed through CD - Star Search B - Between Ufa and Death through Texae in a M odel-T. Max IBM’a top mathematicians. band agaii^ a 4-2 heart ditions will be stirring to bring Dillon. 1977. Road’ A bickering couple stop to her early convent days and her 33 - Jack Van Impa Praaanta lonely overweight penpals plan to CD ^9 - Hardcaatia and (9 - Sporte Tonight J u li^ , Vonetta McGee. Rated Time reuly passes. In the break iflnunps bad been the something you’ve hoped for meet in New York, but each Q2l - NFL Game of the Week reminisce about their twelve work in the African Congo. Au­ M cCorm ick Mark .makes trouble > Album Flesh: .lohn Cougar PG. other way. The extra chance closer to reality. The signals ^ - Wild Kingdom sends a substitute. Farnham years of marriage and try to work drey Hepburn. Peter Finch. Dame B late 'SOs Bui was an expert - Crossfire for himself and Hardcastle when - Rlok/Morrlsga will be evident. O - W.V. Oram Scott. January Stevens, Jack Aa­ to save Iheir happiness. Audrey Edith Evans. 1959. B - El Show da R. Barral B bridge bum, but afto' win­ had paid off. 9 9 - NFL '83 Hepburn, Albert Finney. 1967. he gets involved with a wom4n (NEWSPAPBR SMTERPRISE ASSN.) CAPm eORN (Doc. 22-JaiC 18) IS ) T Big Story ron. 1961. Rated PG. 4:15 P.M. who has been linked to several (B - MOVIE: Ouaat for FIro' 3:00 A.M . ning the 1959 Spingold, he Dealings today with indivkiuals ( 9 -^Electric Company 9 - A lbum Flesh: John Cougar ® Vietnam: A Television murders. (60 min.) The people of the LMam tribe have / O - El Club 700 History 'America's Mandarin (H) - Health Week 33 - MOVIE: 'Housa of Daik In the position to enhance your 9 > Lawm akers Lawmakers re­ learned the value of a fire, but not Shadow a' A n ancient vampire ia IB - Kingdom Living 9 ) - Misa Dal Domingo (1954-1963).' America replaces Q D - s .iu t .1 status In life should work out ports on the weekly activities of 4:30 P.M. how to make one. Ron Perlman. accidentany relasaad from Ma 9 - MOVIE: Sounder' A France in South Vietnam but polit­ 02 - NCAA Football: Not,. even bettor than you hoped. B -'Momingtown Congress. Rae Dawn Chong, Everett McGW. coffin. Jonathan Frid,. Joan Ben­ depression-era family of share­ ical chaos comes to Saigon. (60 33 B - Woild Swiea Game CROSSWORD AOUAmUS (Jan. 20-Fob. 18) Dame va. Army from the 1982 Rated R. nett. 1970. 8:00 A.M. croppers fights to stay alive. 9 ) - Foro 41 min.) [Closed Captioned] #6/or AHemate Programming Meadowlende. East Ruther­ Indopendonce Is an admirable (9 ■ Independent Network Cicely Tyson.- Paul Winfield. (9 - MOVIE: 'Pandemonium' Should this gams'not be neces­ ford, N J 0 - Kung Fu Answar to Provioui Puzilt trait, but today you're likely to 3 ) - B a r r f ( ] 2:15P.M. N e w s ACROSS $7 Is humtn 1972. Rated G The killer of an Indiana cheerlead­ sary, then alternate programming 0 - SportaContar be able to do more good lor 33 - Jimmy Swaggart will be shown and ‘R im y 's Be­ B - MOVIE: 'Trail of th. Pink ing squad returns to strike 18 IS) - W eak In R. vI« m Panther' Inspector Clouseau is 11:30P.M. DOWN □Eiti] ■ □aaci ■ □ □ □ D yourself by serving as the QD - Confluanca ( 9 - Hogan's Heroes* lieve It or N o tr will air at its regu­ B - Nawt/Sports/Waothar 1 Tallt ■ years later. Tom Smothers, Carol on the loose, trying to find the backup hi a joint venture. 2:30 P.M. „ larly scheduled time. CD - CBS News IB - MOVIE: 'Eating Raoul' A 5 Collaga 33 - Calafamtlon/Euchaclat 9 - Insight Kane. Debraletf Scott 1982. stolen Pink Panthqr diamond. Pe­ 0nn ■ □□□□oanaGi PISCES (Feb. 20 March 20) Rated PG. 33 B - Rydor Cup QoH 09 - Tima of Our Uvaa TNs CD - David Suaakind morriod couple finsneo thek dagiaa (tbbr.) 1 Avaraga 33 - Tarry Cola-Whittaliar ter Sellers, David Niven. 1962. □□□□iDOD aanao Taking thoughtful actions on 10:45 A.M. Matches documentary celebrates Tim e - Leugh-ln dream rastourant by klNing tha 8 Outofdingar (comp, wd.) 9 - spotlight on Government Rated PG. CD □DD DDDDMHa behalf of a close friend will do (Q ) - Blackstar B - Jawlah Ufa S ) - Stylo With EIm K lm M h magazine's 60th anniversary. paopla who anawar thair daaai- 2 Samitt (SD - Working Women ^ 9 - M O V IE : T o Be Annourtced CD - Janie Fricke: You Ought 12 Using sffaadi □DDD DDDD UUD 0 2 - Vic's Vacarrt Lot 'Program- flad ad. Paul Banal, Maty W o - 3 S«»aat much today to strengthen a 11:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. ‘ To Be In Pictures ronov. 1982. Ratad R. 13 Long 6ms !!□□□□□ ODDDDD ming for Children.* 1:00 P.M. 9 - Evans and Novak. 9 - Newa/Sporta/Weether potatots [□□□□□□ DDDDGD relationship which has been GD - MOVIE: 'Yanan Eacapas' - MOVIE: 'BrMkout' Whan 33 - It la Writtan 14 CoiKarning tottering a trille lately. O - T im e of O ur liv e s This do­ - NFL Football: San 33 & - TV Community College 9 9 - Knight Rider Michael 3:30A.M . 4 Dozas □□□ E3IHOD □□□□ Tarzan is taken prisoner by a big- 33 33 her husband is framed and sent­ - Honayrnoonara thaasr If cumentary celebrates Time Francisco at New Orleans Knight and K IT T battle a 'state- (333 5 FaaUngof □ □ □ □ □ a D ARIES (March 21-AprU IS) game hunter who wants to put enced to jail in Mexico, a woman B - Vocaa y Carol 0 - MOVIE: ‘I. Tha Jury' A 15 Aliks you tap your source of power, magazine's 60th anniversary. of-the-art' helicopter that is under B - HBO Comady: Sltoom Tha detective trails Na bast friantfa rttantmant □ □ □ □ him on exhibition in England. CS3 - MOVIE: -Ratum of tha hires a Texas bush pilot to stages B - MOVIE: Tall Mo My the control of mercenaries. (60 16 Environmant you can easily sway others to 9 > Popeye end Woody typical all-American fsrrilly ia par­ killer. Armand Aasante, Berber# 6 Wish □ □ □ a ci Johnny Weissmuller. Maureen Seven’ A former member of the helicopter raid on the prison. N am e' A mother is forced to face min.) odied. Carrera, Alan King. 1982. Rated • agsney (tbbr.) your way ol thinking today'. You IS ) - News/Sporta/Weather O'Sullivan. Ian Hunter. 1936. ’Magnificent Seven’ is kidnapped Charles Bronson. Robert Duvall. the truth about her life after she is 7 Ganatic □ODD 9 dD-Nature'Fungi; The Rot­ 9 - Countdow n to *84 Today's R. 17 Canos can be especially effective CD - Jerry Felwall by a band of outlaws. Yul Bryn- Jill Ireland. 1975. confronted by her Hlagitimate matariil □□DO B - Robert SchuUer ner, Robert Fuller, Jordan Christo­ ten World Around Us.' Tonight's program presentea weekly prev­ dealing with large groups. 33 - MOVIE: Somathlng for daughter. Arthur Hill, Barbara Bar­ 9 - Croaefire > 18 Watch (tbbr.) 9 ® - Sesame Street (Closed CD - Issues '83 pher. 1966. program takes an in-depth look at iews and profilea of the 1984 26 Barrali 42 Ear part TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Jo e y' John Cappelletti wins the rie. Barnard Hughes. 1977. 20 Slow (mui.) 8 Bacomts Csptiorted) fungi. (60 min.) (Closed-Cap­ Olympics. 4:00A.M . . 27 Popular longi 43 Over (Gar.) Someone you have been help- CD - Make Peace With Nature CD - MOVIE: 'The Woman Heisman trophy lor hit younger 21 Author of •arlout 5:00P.M. tioned) lul to Is now seeking ways to 9 - El Ministerio de Jimmy QD- MOVIE: 'Keep 'Em Flying' Hunter' A wealthy woman is brother w l^ has leukemia. Geral­ 9 - Inside Bualnees 0 - Ufa of RHoy *Tha Ravan" 9 Egyptian daity^® Doesn’t axiit 44 Actran Foch Swaggart Presenta 33 - Fame IS)-M 0VIE: 'TlMQodtatlMr'A even accounts. This person has Abbott and Costello jdin the hauntbd by the fear that an inter­ dine Page, Gerald S. O ’Loughlin, 9 - Entertainm ent Tb ie W eek 0 - Woman's VadayboR; 22 Thick black 10 OmcitI dacraa Gatman 5 Arm y Air Force. Martha Raye, national jewel thief and murderer mafia patriarch finds that hit vola­ something larger In mind than 9 - Oral Roberts artd You Marc Singer. 1977. 33 - 8 .W .A .T . 9 - MOVIE: 'Eating Raoul' A UnHod Statsp vs. Cuba 1.1 Outer (prafix) 19 Cooking phlloiopher Carol Bruce, Charles Lang. 1941. is on her trail. Barbara Eden, Rob­ tile family ia his biggest challenge. liquid you did for him or her. QD - MOVIE: -Rogu. Mata’ Pa- (n ) - MOVIE: 'Inelde Out' Two Nawa Updats 9 - Dr. Jamae Kannady ert Vaughn. Stuart Whitman. Marlon Brando, James Caan. Al married coupla finance their B - 23 Actiau Riinar 19 Fish aggt 1}^*"* . , 46 Optra prince 9 - All American Wrestling ter O'Toole. Alistair Sims. 1976 men try to recover some gold OEMHH (May 21-Juna 20) Your RaUgion 1972 Pacino. 1972. Rated R. dream restaurant by kiHIng thn from a hijacked plane that was 4:15 A.M. “ 26 Ralabonthip greatest assets today are your 9 - Latinoa 9 - News Update O ft - C o -E d Meg Griffin hosts this people w ho answer their clatai- isas'" iJM'™'""—' CD - MOVIE: 'Cutter's Trail' pirated 35 years ago. TaHy Savp- fied ad. Paul Bartai, Mary W o - B - Madia Watch 30 Ooctrina 48 Nazi RudoH ablllty to spot opportunities 9 - Mampriat with Lawranci weekly teen magazine. 8:30 P.M. 23 halitn ratort 37 Overjoys 8:30 A.M. 9 - Wonien's VoUeybell: las, -Robert Culp, James Mason. ronov. 1982. Rated R. B - MOVIE: 'I Woks Up 31 Consign and being able to make them W alk S ) - Nawa UpdMa 33 33 - On. D.y At A Tim. 24 Information 38 Stripling - — p United States vs. Cuba Rated PG. 1976. ^ Scraam kig' A (aaloua datoctiva count. Your actions will be ( £ - Portuguasa Arourtd Ue Ann ia angry when she learns that B - MOVIE: 'Play Mlaty for 32 Stma (prafix) igancy (abbr.) 39 Kaap currant “0 "oatic (B - Supersoccer B - MOVIE: -ThonMiliM «id instinctive. - Eighth Day 9 - News/Sports/Woather B - Naws/Spoits/WeMtwr ^ Ms* A radio disc Jockey bacomaa dakbarataly boas a murdarar^ki 33 Short iwim CD B - Fentestico Animal Bushrod* A n outlaw couple roara Sam still pampers hit ex-wifa. 25 Damons 41 Tan contraction involved with a psychotic woman ordar to pin Iho'rw on s spona •X CANCER (June 21-Jtdy 22) QD - Day of Discovary 9 - NFL Football: San Diego at through Texas in a Model-T. Max B - Bette MkMar: N o FriHa 9 - Paliculs: *Uno y Medio 34 Bands undar B - Adelente hatoner who gradually takas promotar. Batty Grabla. Victar 4 R 7 • a 10 11 The results you’re hoping for New England Julian, Vonelta McGee. Rated IB - Computar Programma waight 1 2 S • 0 9 - Tom 8i Jarry arui Frianda Contra el Mundo' charge of his life. Clim Eastwood, Matura, Laird Cragor. 1841. today should work out aa you 9 - Bob Newhert Show ( B - M O V IE : Tslofon' A Rus PG - Say Brother ' 35 Explotivt 9 - SporteCantar & Jessica Waiter, Donna MMia. 11 13 14 anticipate, provided you leave B r Convaraatiol) With... Sian secret agent and a beautiful 9:00 P.M. 4:30A.M . ~ 9 - Charlie Muffin British 1971. (tbbr.) nothing to chance. Maintain 9 - B u^ Bunny ft Frlertds CIA agent are thrown together to 5:30 P.M. 3 3 3 3 - J.fto ra o n . 'CounMior* 0 - Bast of Qrouoho (S) - Undarat«.dlng Human agent Charlie Muffin tries to con­ 9 - Exchange 36 RtaamUing 11 11 17 constant control. S ) - Croeafire Behav. stop a madman from triggering vince the head of the KGB to de­ B - Nawanfiakar Sunday George pitches in and takes over B - Big Story World War III. Charles Bronson, a Help tenter seminar for new­ 9 - MOVIE: 'Prlast KMar'Tha bona LEO (July 23-Aua. 22) Even 9~'BobartSchullar; The Hour fect to the W est. (2 hrs.) (Closed - MOVIE: ‘I Waka Up 19 ia to Lee Ramick. 1977. B lyweds. police starch for a kMar w ho is B -M O V IE ; 'ThoOodtrthar'A 38 Wants though you will be the one of Power (Closad Captioned) 11:15A.M. Captioned) B cm am lng' A jaaloua detoctiva murdering Catholic priests. mafia patriarch floda that hit vola- 40 Mta WtM 1 largely responsible for the suc­ B - Haahh Waak B - Presente deUberately frees a murderer in (D - Road to Serjevo 11 11 B - MOVIE: My Favorha George Kennedy, Raymond Burr. tHa family It Na biggaat chilanga. 3:15P.M. order to pin the rap on a sports rola cess of a collective venture Year' A n alcoholic movie hero 11:30 A.M. 9 , - Vlsltendo las Estreltes En- QD B - MOVIE: 'Niflhtlwwk.' 1971 Marlon Brando, Jom ot Caan, A l j ■ B - Madia WMch promotor Betty Grable. Victor 41 Spigot 13 14 11 27 11 21 today, you'll make sure your must be kept sober k>rtg erKMigh trevistas informales se deaarrol- A N .W Yofk CHy cop is pittml Pacino. 1972. Rated R. ^ 33 - Foca tha Nation lYlfiiure. Laird Cregor. 1941. cohorts share the bows. to sppes' on s live comedy show. lan en casa de los anistas. Hector (B - Cry WoH .gain*! a Europaan tarrofisl look­ 11:45 P.M. 42 Parttining to ■ Peter O ’Toole. Mark Lirtn-^ker. 3) B - T h is W aa k w ith David Carrillo. B (B) - Tony Brown'a Journal ing for publioity ifwough tha moon M VmOO (Aug. 23-8apL 22) It BrinMay 3:30 P.M. bloodshad. Sylvaslar SlaUona, 3 3 -S a h it a l 1 behooves you to go to Ilea Jessica Harper. 1982. Rated PG. 9 - N F L FootbaN: Tee m s to be - Santo Domingo Invita FOR SPARKLING 45 Prtyar E B BIHy Dae Williams, Rutgar Hauar. IS 14 33 - Bbk HumbanI Announced (SB - Alplna Ski School 'Tha 12:00 A.M. woodwork, tilt, gloss 49 Nawtptpar markets or garage sales today. 9 - DIrecthNw Mountain Awakens.’ Today's 1981. . 6:00 P.M. - MOVIE: 'Thafa W a y 1 You could find something B - To Ba Announcad 9 - How To With Pete show features highlights of 33 tha and pointed surfoces, notica (abbr.) St S7 M 9:00 A.M. - MOVIE: 'OaHaa Cowboy QD - Tony Randall Show which may ba ol little use to the equipment, apparel and downhill 33 of tha World' <. odd three toblespeons 50 Pltylne B - NFL Praviaw 9 - Firing Une Chearlaaders i r A behind-the- ■ seller but ol great value to you. 33 - Up Front skiing basics. (32 ~ NCAA Football: Pann (333 - Star Trak 40 B - Nawamahara scenes story of the cheerleaders Stata at Syracuaa of woshino sodo to o maiWt 3 3 -P o p a v a 1:30 P.M. B - 'Youl* Mag. for Woman B - NCAA Football: UCLA M B -OddCoupla during the crlticsl weeks they pre­ Quort of worm woter 51 MtItritI ftvtr ■ 9 - Money Week IS ) - Nawa Update Waahington Stata , 41 4 S 44 49 47 41 3 3 - Sunday Morning 9 - pi0 Story pare new dance routines. 1979 ond wosh. No rinsing 62 Wall (Lot.) 12:00 P.M. 9 - Better Health B B - MOVIE: 'High School - M.OVIE: 'Ooln' South' An 33 - Popl Ooas tha Country 33 - Polica Woman B required. For sporkling Public houM 49 10 11 Chib - Faca tha Stata 4:00 P.M. U.8.A.' Senior Jay-Jay Mediaon outlaw Is ssntsncsd to hang un­ 33 9 - No Empujen Programa - MOVIE: 'Patarmty' A results' when you hoVe 64 Billarina’t comico con la animacion de Raul 33 33 - NFL FootlMlI: Now B becomes determined to dethrone less a reapactabia woman mar­ 3 3 - Oral Roborts 33 - Six in Washington bachelor searchea for the right IS IS 14 Astor. York (plants at Kansas City Beau Middleton from his parch as ries him. Jack Nichotaon, John something to sell, usto Strang points (9 - NCAA Football. Notra 33 - Robart Schullar: t I m Hour surrogate mother to p ro v i^ him the achool'a moat popular Belushi. Danny DeVito. 1977. low-cost ad ^'n 66 Epochs Diplomatic leaks occur B - MOVIE: 'Charil. Chwi In 02 - ESPN't Saturday Night at 19 * II 17 Dama va. Army from tha of Powsr (Closad Capiionsd| with an heir. Burt Reynolda, Bev­ preppy Michael J . Fox. Nancy Rated ra . Classified. 56 Porcina homt invariably through the I in diplomats' heads. Z4 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday, Oct. 15, 1983 Farm turns gangly young girls into top models Former drop-outs pick OH prices, supply steady , U.S, prof wins Giorgio Plazzl believes ■ W the toughest road back for wlntpr heating season | economics prlzt he’s started revolution ... page 3 ... page 7 .... page 2

By John W. Frece Cracks about “ stables” of models United Press International fall flat. " I f it works, it is good for the ROCK HALL, Md. — At a serene photographer, for the girl,' for the 18th century Chesapeake Bay stylists, for everyone,” says John plantation on Maryland's rural Sullivan, ' 30, Piazzi’s business Eastern Shore, Giorgio Piazzi manager. "W e’re specializing in Manchester, Conn. believes he is turning the finding good girls and putting them Partly cloudy tonight; niultibillion-dollar international together.” mostly sunny Tuesday Monday, Oct. 17, 1983 fashion modeling industry on its. Piazzi says he has offered Single copy; 25S ear. contracts to about 50 of the 70 to 80 — See page 2 "I’m a farmer of models," he young women who have graduated half jokes in his thick Italian from his first 18 workshops. H e' accent. " I tried with a crop, (but) I likes to compare their immediate lost money! ” marketability to the models other What Piazzi, 42, is. doing at agencies must wait for and hope to Hinchingham, his 314-acre estate find. 4 directly across the bay from ■ “ Mine come in right away. It’s a ^' Baltimore, is turning gangly young revolution, I think. That’s why they Pickup to start are so upset,” he says of his Militiamen girls into models he thinks are / f capable of earning at least ^0,000 competitors. a year in Paris, Tokyo, New York in town’s south or the other fashion centers of the EACH WEEK-LONG workshop world. begins and ends with Piazzi. It is he The good weekend weather brought out the leaf - M l kill Marine, Piazzi does for his young women who first selects from photographs rakers in Manqj^ster and already there are piles of in one week what has traditionally or personal interviews the four to leaves along some curbs waiting for the townwide taken even the best of modeling six young women he thinks havtir 'i-'T-.’a vacuum leaf pickup, which is slated to begin next candidates a year or more to potentiai. Ultimately, it is he who Monday. accomplish. decides which ones really do. All the work will be done by town forces, six crews hurt three He gives them "a book,” a “ It is not a glamor thing. It's a with a total of 26 men. ^ portfolio of professionally pro­ business,” he says. The first route on the schedule is mostly on streets Yet Piazzi considers himself a ft * duced pictures that can prove to south of Hartford Road. ^ BEIRUT. Lebanon (UPl) - Uniilentifled miUtia- st'armaker — even describes him­ fashion designers, producers of TV Five other routes will be done in sequence, with the men in a Moslem slum opened- fireywith rocket-y-''’’ ^ self in such terms — anti says his commercials, editors of clothing last one sceduled to begin on Nov. 28. propelled grenades and small arms on Marine eye for commercial beauty is catalogues or cosmetics firms, George Ringstone, work coordinator in the highway peace-keeping troops, killing one Marine and never wrong. .’. j ' f " that the models can sell whatever division, said the equipment has been put into r ' wounding three others in a seven-hour battle. it is they want sold. ' ” Never,” 'heemphasizes. "When x'i .r operating order. The town has not had vacuum leaf I say this girl, she’s going to be The Marines returned fire with Dragon missiles and pickup for two years, when it was cut from the budget great, it is not a mistake in UPl photo machine-gun fire in the attack Sunday on their Alpha FOR THE PIC K of his crop, as a moneyrsaving measure. judgment.” Company base at the Lebanese University near Piazzi offers a five-year contract It was restored this year, however, with most of the Which is not to say all Hin­ Tammy Grass, 20, atriick driver's wife from'Humtington, workshop at an 18th century Chesapeake Bay plantation Beirut International airport. that could make the young women members of the Boaid of Directors concluding that ■ SSV?'- chingham graduates become W.Va., is in the hands of a hair stylist during a one-week that is turning out fashion models. famous and Piazzi rich. the taxpayers spend more buying plastic bags to store The name of the dead Marine, who was shot in the stars. Some get to Piazzi’s Fashion Instead of young women having leaves than they would have to pay in taxes for the head, was not released pending notification of his Model agency in Milan, now run by t6 move to expensive New York house where George Washington is curbside vacuum leaf pickup. It has been estimated to family. his brother, only to eat too much City or elsewhere in search of said to have once visited, Piazzi add $56,790 to the budget. Ten civilians and five Israeli soldiers also were pasta>, put on weight and short- \ photographers who might, for a plans to employ a computer to The work will presumably keep town forces away killed and wounded in a clash between Israeli troops circuit their careers. price, take their pictures for the track his models around the world, ‘■A’*- from some other jobs during the six-week period. and local Shiite Moslems in the village of Nabatiyeh, “ Fat girls, too bad for them,” he “book” they need to find ^ork, moving them like pieces on a chess In past years leaf pickup or the lack of it has figured 45 miles south of Beirut, Beirut radio said. says. ” I can’t follow the world Piazzi picks out the ones he uiinks board from Munich to Madrid to in political controversy. around and tell them not to eat.” Marine spokesman Maj. Robert Jordan said the have potential and then brings wherever he can find them work. Under the traditional system being restored this Others have boyfriends, hus­ Marines fired two powerful Dragon missiles, M-16 everything and everyone else to “ No stop. Keep expanding. If I year, homeowners'should rake leaves to the street line them. bands, or babies that somehow get rifles and M-60 guns in response to the seven-hour am having a better quality of before the Monday of collection week. Nothing but attack launched from the southern Beirut Shiite slum He imports from New York three in the way. models, my models are going to leaves should be in the windrows. During the six-week of Hay el Sallom by militiamen using rocket-propelled or more experienced, professional work. Every month I can send 20 period, the trash collector will not pick up bagged grenades and small arms. photographers per session to pro­ EACH PAYS $3,500 for a week at girls to Japan, 10 to Italy, 10 to leaves. Jordan said two of the wounded Marines were beirg vide each woman with severai Hinchingham. an investment that France, 10 to Spain, 10 to Ger­ If it rains, the program will be delayed a few days treated aboard the USS Iwo Jima, one for serious different “ looks” to display in their could quickly seem inconsequen­ many,” he says. because the schedule is flexible and depends on the injuries to the head, chest and arms and the other for books. He also brings in profes­ tial if they have what it takes. work load and weather. concussion. A third Marine received minor shrapnel sional hair styiists, makeup artists Competitors, howeverr^laim that NANCY F A R L E Y is a skinny A complete list of streets and the dates pickup along wounds. The victims were not immediately identified. and wardrobe mistresses. Piazzi charges too much, then ties young woman of 22 who, in them will be advertised in Thursday’s Herald. The unidentified attackers also fired on a Marine And he provides Hinchingham, up the women for years with a matching print shoirts and top, The route to begin Oct 24 is mostly south of Hartford helicopter ambulance as it was ferrying the wounded as picturesque a backdrop as any long-term contract. looks like neither a former Miss Road. to the USS Iwo Jima, a helicopter carrier that is one of photographer would want, with “ When they pay $3,500, I ’m Delaware (which she was in 1982) Among the key streets in it are Adam Street South, Herald photo by Tarquinio 12 American warships patrolling off the coast of hay barns and farm animals and losing money,” Piazzi says. ” I nor a high-priced fashion model Bidwell Street, Birch Mountain Road, Gardner Street,. Lebanon, Jordan said. weathered wooden fences, a sandy make money from the commis­ (which, after her workshop this Hillstdwn Road, West Middle Turnpike from Broad After four straight days of attacks against UJ5. beach and even the lapping waters sions-after they get work.” summer, Piazzi and Sullivan insist Street to the East Hartford town line. New State Road, Dreaming of appie pies of the bay. peacekeepers. Marines were on Condition 2 alert Those who sign with Piazzi agree she will becom e). Spencer Street, Spring Street, and Wetherell Street. Monday — a high stage of readiness but not requiring For the closeup “ beauty” shots, ottn I to pay him a flat 20 percent of their "She looks like a Navy house­ The second route is- mostly east of Autumn Street. Tate Pastern aK of 216 Fern St. helped mother. Feme Pasternak, was one of the troops to remain in bunkers around the clock. he has converted one of the farm ’s future modeling fees, though the wife,” says Sullivan. “ But when Tha third is mc(SUyJa.thdndiWdildin Rolling Eark.- . Beirut radio said the clash at Nabatiyeh occurred stabies into a modern photo­ ~^Si8er apples Saturday tpm akei^pl^plds" mothers who helped supervise the figure could dip as low as 10 she walks in (in front of the The fourth is the central part of town. - when two grenades were hurled at an Israeli patrol graphers' studio, complete with for shut-ins, a project organized by the making of the pies. A local apple grower percent if the model works for cameras), she just bubbles. She’s The fifth is mostly around Broad Street. during a religious festival celebrated by an estimated brightly lit wardrobe and makeup another agency. got a ’can-do’ attitude.” The sixth is mostly the West End. Cornerstone Christian School. Tate’s donated the apples. 100,000 Shiite Moslems. room. But when Piazzi’s models work, ’Tm commercial, catalogues Israeli troops at first fired in the air but the crowds he makes money, and that is why and hands,” Ms. Farley says, pressed ahead, hurling stones and daggers at the ONE HINCHINGHAM photo­ his latest move is toward frankly describing her own ap­ soldiers, five of whom were killed or wounded, the grapher described the workshop computers. pearance as most suitable for J.C. Penney opts to fight NLRB charge radio said. There were 10 civilian casualties reported concept as “ humanitarian.” From - the stately brick farm- advertising, clothing catalogues by. the radio. and'any pictures that require long, Military spokesmen in Israel denied the report. graceful, beautiful hands. Bv James P. Sacks employee falsified his production him for "falsification of company expired. If he was fired illegally, the Prospects for Lebanon’s national reconciliation Tammy Gragg, 20, a truck Herald Reporter record. documents,” according to the pink slip company can be ordered to re-instate conference opening as scheduled dimmed wht.** driver’s wife from Huntington, The employee, former bjn- he w»as given when he was discharged. him. Suleiman Franjieh, leader of the Syrian-backed W.Va., talks with a twangy moun­ An employee fired from the J.C. replenishment clerk Thomas M. Top­ Topping said the alleged falsification Topping says he does not want to National Salvation Front, demanded cancelation of tain drawl, but has tumbling Penney Catalog Distribution Center ping, contends J.C. Penney had earlier involved inflating his productivity and return to work at Penney but wants it the Lebanese-Israeli May 17 security agreement as a blonde hair, a creamy complexion UPl photo this spring, who'lost his eye two days indicated it would settle the NLRB says the charge is without merit. ” I on the record that he left voluntarily. pre-condition for his participation. and that indescribable something after his job-relatted health insurance complaint, which would involve paying think they fabricated the whole thing,” The talks, due to open Thursday, are to group that only the camera — and Hinchingham mansion provides a pictu­ models are provided with a shortcut by lapsed, said today that the company his medical bills, but has now decided he says. In a recent brief filed with the NLRB, leaders of Lebanon’s 10 warring factions with Giorgio’s eye — seems to pick up. resque backdrop as Tammy Grass is getting a portfolio of professionally has decided to fight him before the to "m ake an example” of him by using He is seeking to force the company to Penney has asked for dismissal of the government representatives to formulate a plan to "She can.make a lot of money,” photographed by Paul Diener of New produced pictures in just one week. The National Labor Relations Board. The its legal staff to fight him before the re-instate him, pay him back for over complaint. It denies in the brief that the reunify the country, possibly by a fairer distribution predicts New York photographer NLRB has issued a complaint charging NLRB in a hearing Jan. 9 in Hartfbrd. $3,000 in medical expenses, and provide York, who has shot cover girls for major cost is $3,500. IT firing was for union activity. of power between the ruling minority Christians and Paul Diener after his first session the April 13 firing was (or union-related The NLRB complaint, issued Sept. an insurance settlement for the loss of The state Employment Security the majority Moslems. with a nervous Ms. Gragg. “ She’s magazines. At Hinchingham, would-be activity and therefore constituted an 30, alleges that Topping was fired for his right eye in a pitch-fork accident in Appeals Division already has found With Sunday’s Marine death, U.S. peace-keeping got a very nice, non-threatening unfair labor practice. The company taking part in a-Teamsters organizing his garden immediately after his Penney liable for unemployment be­ casualties rose to six dead and 52 wounded in the last denies the charge and says the drive. Penney, however, says it fired r . face. It is not going to threaten men hiked above her rigljt knee to show opponent. Skip Faulkner. shooting pictures of local weddings company-provided medical benefits nefits to Topping. year. and it's not going to threaten off startling maroon hose. Barbara can barely speak a and generally going nowhere. women. Therefore, she’s going to "G et the leg in a sexier posi­ word of English. She is a beautiful, Now, he suddenly finds himself in sell products, and that's the bottom tion.” demands Ms. Wiener. ■ raven-haired 19-year-old from Bo­ the midst of professionals, big line.” " I t ’s not a very sexy position to logna with the kind of body. money and beautiful women and Reagan picks McFarlane be in,” replies the 18-year-old Sullivan says can make an indeli­ can barely believe his good DIENER HAS SHOT covers for model as hay snags her stockings ble impression "in a $3 Fruit-of- fortune. other major magazines, but at and the 95-degree heat makes it the-Loom T-shirt.” Hinchingham he is paid the stand­ repeatedly necessary for an aide to She won a contest in Italy to • "This is like the Irish Sweep- ard $150 daily rate for photo­ pat her perspiring forehead dry attend one of Piazzi’S workshops, stakes for me,” he says. as new se^rity adviser graphers. He says he could earn with tissues. and now the maestro insists she is 'It is just such combinations — a more, but does it for the challenge destined for international Maryland farm er’s son, an Italian and the change-of-pace. IT TURNS OUT Julie Peterson stardom. beauty, a New York photographer, WASHINGTON (UPl) — President Reagan will The national security appointment does not require "During the workshops,” says has a figure too ample, too busty to - Faulkner, 26, is Piazzi’s (lark- the blonde wife of a West Virginia choose Middle East envoy Robert McFarlane for his confirmation. Sullivan, " I see these girls go from make it as a model. She leaves room man, the wild-eyed son of a truck driver — that Piazzi brings national security adviser, replacing Interior Reagan surprised even his closest aides Thursday caterpillar to butterfly.” Hinchingham after two days, her farmer from nearby Centreville, together every evening for dinner. Secretary-designate William Clark, an aide says. by announcing the nomination of Clark to succeed Some of the wromen, however, thoughts shifting toward trying her Md., who is nicknamed "the mole” ' Reagan infor­ James Watt as interior secretary, hoping to beat news UPt photo never make the transition. Piazzi sits at one.end of the long talents as an actress. because his laboratory'is set up In mally passed leaks. Julie Peterson, a tall, handsome table; Kire, the former model who Giorgio Piazzi, who believes he is turning the the cellar of the big house. He is the the word to top McFarlane, Clark’s deputy as well as Reagan’s blonde from Aberdeen, Md., is led last year became his third wife At the faded pool table in the only "local” involved In the advisers that he special Middle East envoy, was in Washinmon for a multi-billion-dollar international fashion modeling in­ by Baltimore photographer Ellen andarecently gave birth to his barn which Piazzi has converted workshop part of Hinchingham's had decided to series of top-level meetings to re-evaluate U.S. policy dustry on its ear, is photographed with Barbara- Wiener to a cow barn and asked to fourth child (her first), sits at the into a ''clubhouse," Barbara Giac- operations. / name McFar­ in the Middle East and regain the peace initiative in balance herself on one leg while other: 20to2Sotherssitinbetween. Giacomone, 19. She won a contest in Italy to attend one ' Omone takes careful aim with her lane, a retired the turbulent region. propping the other awkwardly on a of Piazzi's workshops. cue. Across the table — but, in BEFORE MEETING Piazzi, "I like big tables, always,” , Marine colonel, Another meeting, following up sessions held Friday bale of hay. Her black dress is other ways, worlds apart — is her Faulkner was earning a few bucks Piazzi says. to the key for­ and Saturday, was to be held today by Secretary of eign policy­ State George Shultz, Weinberger, Clark and other 39 million Americans do it making posi­ specialists as a prelude to a major National Security tion. Reagan I*,-...- ■ Council meeting Tuesday on the Middle East. rejected U.N. Mrs. Kirkpatrick has indicated she does not want to Ambassador remain in New York and definitely would not remain Jeane Kirkpa­ at the U.N. if Reagan wins re-election. She was Rotler skating good for you, and better than Jogging trick, who con­ expected to accept a position that would keep her in servatives had Washington. Reagan values her advice, particularly recommended on Central American affairs. I for the job. "The president has a well-known interest in getting Bv Deborah VVormser five years and a former world position it retained in 1982. all over the world. I got to see a lot Kneisley said. The - 20-year-old Ity when the disco roller skating There also her advice and counsel and would like to continue to do United Press International champion in both speed and "A t Colorado Springs we learned of things I would never have seen junior at Bowling Green State craze peaked in 1982. has been talk that,” an aide sqid. artistic events. things like weight training, tech­ without the sport and got to meet University said skating led to her "But it wasn’t a fad that fizzled, about Ms. Kirk­ Clark, who requires Senate confirmation for his new FORT WORTH, Texas - An "When I was skating in the early nique and sports rnedicine, such as interesting people.” decision to study public relations. like the hula-hoop,” he said. ” A lot patrick taking job, has been doing his homework with briefing books estimated 39 million Americans 1950s, there were about 500 contest­ ' i T diet and keeping body fat down,” Tina Kneisley, of Marlon, Ohio, of people stayed with it.” another post on prepared for him on the wide-ranging responsibilities participate in a sport which is used ants at the national champion­ Wahlig said. took third place in the artistic " I would say I ’m a pretty "R oller skating is a good cardio­ the White of the Interior Department. to sell Kool-Aid and cupcakes. Is ships,” he said. "That figure has Dean Huffman, a two-time gold singles competition in Fort Worth outgoing person,” she said. "T o be vascular exercise,” he said. "And H o u se staff Shultz, who has differed with Clark in recent weeks, ' endorsed by the American Heart grown fivefold. We have more medalist at the world meet, took up and will represent the United able to go out there and compete you don’t have the shock to the where she can Robert McFarlane was expected to move into the position of Reagan’s Association and can be done while people competing and everyone is skating at age 9 and spent two States for the sixth time at the before all those people and strut knees that you do with jogging counsel the No. 1 foreign policy adviser if McFarlane does disco dancing. better. The more numbers you hours a day on wheels during his World Championships in Fort your stuff for the judges, you have because you are gliding.” president on foreign affairs "but I don’t think succeed Clark. It is roller skating. have, the higher the quality.” childhood. Worth Oct. 19-22. to be aggressive and willing to put Haraid photo by Pinto anything is set,” another aide said. The 2,500 hard core rink rats who Wahlig said growing knowledge " I really enjoyed it,” he said. " I "W e compete in the artistic youself forward and give it every­ Sports physiologists at the "The president wants to name McFarlane,’.’ said an came to Fort Worth recently for about the sport contributed to the feel more comfortable on my events just like you would see on thing you’ve got. Personality on American Heart Association, Critical yardage aide, who requested anonymity. "H e thinks he's the the 1983 United States Amateur United States men’s team’s pheno­ skates than on my feet.” the ice,” she said. “ It’s very the floor is a definite advantage.” which endorses the sport, estimate right man for the job.” Inside Today Roller Skating Championships are menal rise in world speed skating. Huffman, who retired from the slhiilar, but you have different Past competitions have taken that skating at a moderate speed The aide said Defense Secretary Caspar Wein­ proof that interest in the sport is In 1978, the United States men’s sport at 23, works for a wheel points of balance. Because we have her to Portugal, West Germany, burns at least 500 calories an hour. Manchester junior .quaneroacK Jim Hickey with 3:43 left for a 6-0 victory berger and CIA Director William Casey had to A d v ic e ...... 17 L o t t e r v ...... growing. A re a t o w n s ...... speed team was 12th in the world. manufacturer in Santa Barbara, four wheels, we can do things you N e^ Zealand, Colombia, Japan, ’ ‘The Heart Association looks (or Fogarty heads up field for critical over Conard. The win gives the assured McFarlane will have the same direct access ...... 9 Obituaries ...... 10 "People have found that it is a In 1979, American skaters began Calif., and manages to get in a can't really do on the ice.” Italy and Puerto Rico. B usiness...... 20 O p in io n ...... lifetime sports — activities a yardage in Saturday's COIL battle of to Reagan that Clark had in the post. C la s s ifie d ...... real sport they can participate in,” working out at the U.S. Olympic- couple of hours skating a day. She has skated competitively 15 George Pickard, general secre­ Manchester High School Indians sole .18-19 P e o p le to lk ...... 2 person could continue through "They have been assured that their voices will be Com ics ...... 8 S p o rts ...... said Charles Wahlig, coach at both Training Center in Colojjado " I wanted to stay as close as years. tary of the U.S. Amateur Confeder­ unbeatens against Cqnard High. at possession of first place in the COIL...... 11-14 adulthood,” Pickard said. heard in the White House,” the aide said^Their Entertainment...... 17 T e le v is io n ...... 8 the Pan American Games and the Springs, Colo., and, by 1981, the "R eally I ’ve been on skates since possible to the sport,” he said. "It ation of Roller Skating, "SaijL^the "H ave you ever seen a Jogger Memorial Field. Fogarty tossed a 5-yard Story and more pioctures on page 11. concerns were "momentary” the aide said, "and I F o c u s ___ \ ...... 1 S -17 W e a t h e r ...... 2 World Skating Championships for team had moved to first place — a enabled me to do a lot of traveling I was 10 months old,” Miss sport reached its height of p o ^ a r- sm ile?” he asked. touchdown pass to tight end Don would expect an announcement pretty soon.”