A U G U S T Introduction
INTRODUCTION th EDITION WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE TOWN OF RAMBOUILLET 19 AND THE STAGE TOWNS 18 - 22 AUGUST 2019 EDITO « Welcome in Rambouillet The Bergerie Nationale in Rambouillet will be venue for the 19th PBP. It is the 10th start and finish site in PBP’s history. The Bergerie Nationale (national sheepfold) is located in the vast park of the Castle of Rambouillet, ideally placed between a human-size town centre, and the national forest, that you will cross from the VÉLOS NTS very beginning of the ride. SUR MESURE Over the years, the PBP start place gets further from ET PETITE SÉRIE Paris, and closer to Brest, but it does not mean that PARIS-BREST-PARIS AS SEEN BY 4-5 you will have fewer kilometers to ride within the four days of the event (from Aug. 18 to 22, 2019). In order PARIS-BREST-PARIS FOR YOUNG RIDERS 6 to achieve this challenge, bike, body and mind must CONTROLS AND OTHER REST PLACES 8-12 be in tip-top conditions. If you are among an estimated 6,000 starting riders, RAMBOUILLET 13-15 you will be amazed by the warm welcome you HISTORY 16-19 will be given day and night by local people, by APPEAL FOR VOLUNTEERS 20 shopkeepers in the crossed villages, and by all the volunteers from the 11 PBP rest places. THE WEEK OF PARIS-BREST-PARIS 21 From our side, we have done our utmost for your ACCESSOIRES PBP ORGANISING BOARD 22 safety, and we will be vigilant on your compliance with the traffic law.
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