THE TOWNE OF HUNTINGDON was first incorporated by King John making of it a free Burrough, by the name of Burgesses of the Towne of Huntingdon, 7 Augusti, anno regni sui septimo, and since agayne incor- porated by the name of Bayliffs and Burgesses of the Towne of Hunting- don, and have a Comon Seale, and at this present Visitation were Bayliffs Henry Edwards and Richard Wenington. HENRY EDWARDES. RICHARD WENINGTON.



Oliverus St. John de Penmark^Margareta, filia et hseres Joh'is Beauchamp de miles. | Bletnesoe and Powick. Joh'es St.-r-Alicia, filia Editha, ux. Galfr. Agnes, uxor David Oliverns St. John de Tho. Brad- Poole, militis. ' Malpas. John, 2 films, Bletso, shaw de Elizabetha, ux. Maria, ux. Ric'i de Lideard miles. Haugh in Wm. Do. Zouche Tregonwell. Tregoz in com. com. Lane. de Haringworth. Wiltes. Johannes St. John^Sibilla, filia Morgani ap Eleonora, uxor Joh'is Anna, ux. Hen. de Bletsoe, miles. I Jenkyn ap Phelip. Zouche de Codnor. Domini Clifford. Elizabeth, ux. Thomae Johannes- :Margareta, Oliverus St. John Sibilla, ux. Rob'ti Rotheram. St. John f. Will'mi de Sharnbrook in Kirkliam. Alicia, uxor Henrici de Blet- Walgrave, com. Bedd. 2. Catherina, ux. Parker Do. Morley. soe, militis. Alexander St. John Gtriffini Khese, re- Margareta, ux. Thomae miles. de Thorley in com. nupta Petro Edge- Gamage de Coity in Hertf. 3. combe, militi. Wallia. Oliverus St. John, mileSj^Agnes, f. et Alicia, nxor .... Margar. ux. Francisci Baro St. John de Bletneso, hseres Mi- Elmes de Lilford. comitis Bedfordise. 13 Januar. Ao. p'mo Eliz. chaelis Fisher Anna, ux. Ric'i Margeria, uxor Hen. Grey de com. Bedf. Dennys. de Wrest in com. Bedf. Johan- - Catarina, Oliverus Baro^=Dorothea, Marg'ia. Anna, ux. Andreae nes f. Will'mi St. John, post f. Joh'nis Agnes. Corbett de com. Baro St. Dormer de morte fratris, Reede de Juditha, ux. Joh'is Salop. John de Ethorp in de Ripton Bodington Pelham de Sus- Margar. ux. Blet- com. Regis in com. in com. sex. Nich'i Luke de Bucks, Hunt. 1613. ' Glouc.» Martha, ux. Ric'i com. Bedf. 1596. militis. Cheney de Sus- Thos. 3. sex. Franciscus. i.

Anna, unica filia et hseres, uxor Will'i D'ni Howard Oliverus St.=pElizabetha1.-T-E , f. et de Efflngham, filij et hasredis Caroli comitis Notting- John, filiusS I hsereh s Wm. Paulett ham, jam superstes 1613. sen. II de com. Sutht.

Oliverus St. John, set. 12, annor' 1613.

* The MS. of this Visit, in Coll. Arm. adds " ob. 1605." A. D. 1613. VISITATION OF

CLIFTON. Gulielmus Clifton ar. et custumarius civitatis London, civis opu-^=....nlia .... Blunt, lentissim' qui perquisivit terras in com. Som's. t'p'e R. H. 8. Tuxor ejus. .... uxor Tho- Johannes Clif- =7=.... Gulielm' Jana, ux mse Stroode, ton, miles, filius Clifton, Copleston, re- armigeri. et hseres dicti 2d> filius. nupta W°. Flete- Geruasij. wood, militi. Edwin Sandei miles. Gtervasius Clifton, miles, Baro-pCatherina, unica Gulielm' Clifton, Joh'nes Amias deLeighton incom. Hunt, arege nlia et hseres miles Balneatus Clifton. Clifton. Jacobo sic creatus, an", regni Henrici Darcy, ad coronationem »ui 8. et jam superstes 1613. I militis. Regis Jacobi. Catherina, unica nlia et litres. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 5


This was the copy of a very ould deed (translated into English) circa t'p'e H. 2. All men may know that are present and to come, that I, Myghell, the sunne of Myghell of Walton, have given, granted, and by this my p'sent writing have confirmed unto Walter Beiuyle, for his homage and service, one parcell of my wood, wth ye land, that is to say, of the land of Robert Beiuvyle, wch is called the Westcrofte, extending to the baulke of Rauff, ye sonne of Giles, and so from that baulke by the baulke of Richard ye sonne of Hubert, unto ye wood of the monkes of Sautrye, and ayen by the division wcl1 doth extend itself betweene Westfelde unto ye Fyssermere unto ye tillage wch is called Rucrofte, &c. To have and to hould &c. yielding therfore yearely to me and my heyres one penny, that is to say, at Cristmas, for all mann' of service, &c. These being witnesses, Robt. of Wassygle, Robert of Beiuvyle, Rob't chapleyn of Waltun, Leonard Walter, Will'm of Rauff ye sun of Giles, Mighell ye sonne of Bering, Mathew the sunne of Giles, and of many others.

Omnibus Xp'i fldelibj ad quos p'ntes l'rseperven'int salutem. Sciatisme Joh'em Beuyll de Chesterton juxta Alwolton dedisse, concessisse, &c. Simoni Butevyleyn de Pyryho et Matilda filise mese unu anualem redditu quatuor marc' anuatim percipiend' de olb' terris et ten' meis, pratis, pascuis, &e. Quse h'eo in villis et in campis de Chesterton, et Walton in comitat' Huntingdon. Habend' et tenend', &e. Et ego vero p'd'c'us Joh'es Beuyll et hseredes mei praedictum annualem redditu, &c. p'fatis Simoni et Matildse, &c. contra omnes gentes warrantizabim' et defendemus. In cujus, &c.

Fateat univ'sis per p'ntes me Thomam filiu Johanis Beuyll de Denton, remississe relax- asse, &c. Simoni Butevyleyn de Piriho et Matildae sorori meae totum jus et clameu q'd h'eo, &c. in quadam penc'one cujusdam annual' redditus quatuor marcar' per Joh'em Be- vill patrem meum d'ctis Simoni et Matild' concess', &c. In cujus, &c. Hijs testibus, &c. Dat' ap'd Chesterton, &c.

Johannes Bevyll de ChestertonT'"; Thomas Bevill, filius Matildis, nupta Simoni Botevileyn, cui pater dedit et hseres. annualem redditu.

Sciant prsesentes et futuri quod Ego Hugo de Merk dedi concessi et hao p'senti eharta mea confirmavi Will'o de Tenesou'e unum toftum in villa de Cesterton quod Rogeman ali- qando tenuit in eadem villa cum duab' rodis terrse quas Will'm' de Merke pater meus emit de Hugone le Beys, quar' una roda jacet super le Estfurlong inter terras Will'i de Waldes- cheff et Joh'is de Cantilup et Barth'i de Cesterton. Habend' et tenend' d'e'm toftum, &c. reddendo mihi et heredib' meis, &c. duos solidos ad Pascha pro omni servieio, &c. Pro hac autem donacoe et cartse mese confirmacoe prsed'c'us Will's dimid' marca mihi dedit 6 VISITATION OF p' manibus. In cujus rei testimoniu huic scripto sigillum meu apposui. Ilijs testibus, Will'o de Waldecheff, Johanne de Cantilnpo, Will'o de Hempton, Joh'e le Bret, Rad'o le Palmer, Rob'to filio Osberti et alijs.

Will'mus de Merks, pater Hugonis.^=,... Hugo de Merke, qui suprascriptam cartam oonfirmavit Will'mo de Tenesou'e pro uno tofto in villa de Cestreton.

Sciant pnesentes et futuri q'd Ego Johan'es filius Will'i Waldeschef de Chestirton dedi, concessi, &c. D'no Will'o Prat capellano de ead' quadraginta solidatus redditus per annfi in Overton Watervile, p'cipiend' per manus Hugonis de Northburg et Ric'm de Lincoln', viz. ad festum Sc'i Mich'is viginti solidos et ad festu Paschse 20''. solidos per equates porcoes, &c. ad terminu vitae eor'dem, &c. In cujus rei testimoniu huic p'senti chartse sigillum meum apposui. Hijs testibus, Rogero de Cantilupo, Galfrido le Boteler de Alwalton, Will'o Ballard de Chestirton, Nich'o Waldecheff de ead', Oliv'o de Luff- wyke de ead', Henr' Breht de ead*, Petro Patrick de Ouerton Watervile, Will'o de Stil- ton de ead', Walt'o le Menyll et alijs. Dat' apud Chestirton, die Jovis proxima post festum Cathedr' S'ci Petri. An0, regni R. Edwardi filij R. Edwardi decimo septimo.

Willielmus Waldecheiff.=p.. .. - Johannes, filius Will'i Waldescheff, qui vixit a0. 17 Edw. 2.

Sciant p'sentes et futuri q' nos Joh'es Deneys, Thorn's et Philippus, fratres ejusdem Joh'is, concessim', confinnauimus, Galfrido Waryn et Aliciae uxori ejus et Will'o filio ejusdem Galfridi unum messuagiu cu septem pec' terrse continent' tres acras cum pertin', jacentes in villa de Cestr'ton, &c. ad totam vitam eor'dem, &c. In cnjus rei testimoniu huic p'nti cartse sigilla n'ra apposuhnus. Hijs testib', Will'o atte Pool chl'r, Henrico Ballard, Will'o Drewe, Ad' Drewe, Henr' Lambshead et alijs. Datu apud Cestreton, die Jovis in festo Sc'i Mieh'is Arch'i, A0, regni Regis Edwardi tertij a Conquestu vice- simo quinto. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 7

Frater Johes minister domus s'c'se Radegundis de Thelisford Wigor' dioc' Ordinis S'c'se Trinitatis, et redempcois eaptivor' qui sunt inoarcerati pro fide Ihesu Christi a Paganis, dileeto nobis in Xp'o Will'o Beyvell Salutem in Deo per quern oim peecator' plena fit remissio. Cum plurima p'vilegia nob' et ordini n'ro gratiose fu'int ab antiquo concessa et de novo per sanctissimu Papam Alexandrum vjtnm. &c. Nos etiam minister praedictus et convent' ejusdem loci de n'ra spiali gra' concedim' ut post eor'dem decessum et suar' l'rar' exhibitioner!! in nostro conventuali capitulo eadem pro illis fiet comendatio quse pro nobis ib'm fieri consuevit. Et per p'ntes in n'ram sancta confraternitatem vos deuote admittimus. Dat' sub sigillo n'rse confraternitatis p'd'c'se, A°. D'ni Mill'imo ccccm0. nonagesimo quarto.

In dorso.

Authoritate Dei p'ris omnipotentis et beator' Petri et Pauli Appostolor' ejus, ac authoritate app'lica mihi comissa et tibi concessa. Ego absolvo te ab oib' peecatis tuis mihi parte vere et contrite confessis, Necnon de oblit' de quibua velles con- fiteri si tuse occurrerent memorise, et concedo tibi plenariam absoluc5em et remis- sionem omnium peecator' tuor' in quanta claves eecl'ise se extendunt in hac parte. In nole p'ris, &c.

Sciant, &c. q'd Ego Sanson Beu .... quietu clamavi Rob'to de Bauvill et hsered' suis totu redditB q'd michi debuit pro tota terra q'd tenuit de me in Wauton, scil't unam marcam argenti annuatim. Habend', &c. In hujus autem rei testimoniS p'sens script' paginam. sigilli mei apposicoe corroboravi. Hijs testibus, D'no Rio'o de Bauvill, Oliv'o le Moyne, Rob'to de Wassingle, Joh'e de Fowkesworth, Rob'to capellano de Walton, Walt'o de Beuvll, Henr' de Wassingle, Leone de Walton. Sine dat'.

In the name of Almighty God, Amen. I, William Bevill, of Chesterton in the county of Huntingdon, gentillman, of an holy mynde and good remembrance, being the xxx. day 1487. of ye moneth of July, in the yeare of our Lord God M'.CCCCLXXXVIJ. make my Testament and my last will in this wise: First, I give and bequeath my soule unto Allmighty God, his blessed modyr and irfayd Our Lady Saint Mary, and all the blessed company of heven, and my body to be buried in the chirche of St. Michael of Chestirton aforesaid, afore the autre of ye blessed Lady S'. Mary the Virgin, wth my best hors in ye name of my mor- tuary, after the custume of the cuntre, &c. Also, I bequeath to my sonne Will'm Bevill a great chest, a prewce cofer, &c. Also, I bequeath to my sonne Rob't Bevill a fedre bed, wth a bolster, twoo pillowes, twoo blanketts, &c. The residue of all my goods not bequeathed, my detts payd, I give and bequeath to the aforesaid Rob't Bevill my sonne, wliome I ordeyne and make of this my testament myne executor, &c. This was done the day, yeare, and place above written. Than p'sent ye parson of Chestirton aforesaid and othir. VISITATION OF

Guilielm' Bevill de Chesterton, qui condidit testametu suu a0. D'ni 1487,=y:.... Guilielmus Bevill, filius primogenitus et executor. Robertus Bevill, 2 filius.

Sciant, &e. q'd Ego Rob'tus Bevyll de Ayleton in com. Hunt, gen'osus dedi, con- cessi, et hac p'nti carta mea indentata conflrmavi Rob'to Aprice, Thomse Cotton, Rob'to Druell, Joh'i Castell, Will'o Bevyll gen'osis, Rob'to Andrew capellano, Joh'i Staunton yoman, Joh'i Bytherne et Nich'o Parysshe man'iu meO de Chesterton, cum suis pertin' in com. Hunt. &c. ad usu mei p'fati Rob'ti Bevyll et Elizabeths uxoris mese et alterius n'r'm diutius vivene' et hsered' mei p'fati Rob'ti Bevyll, imperpetuum. Et insup' Sciatis me prefatu Rob'tum Bevyll dedisse, &c. p'fatis Rob'tus Bevill, superstes^Elizabetha, Rob to A nce &c a°. 4 H. 8; J uxor ejus. P ' - man'ium meum de Dudley ac advocationem eecl'iae de Dudley p'dict' in com. Hereford ac oia alia terr' mea in Dudley et Grafton cum pertin' in p'dict' com. Heref. Neenon omnia terr' et ten' &c. in Conyton, Wodewalton, Keston, Denton, Syversay et Ayleton, in com. Hunt, ac etiam oia terr', &c. in Wodeford, in com. Northamt. Neenon oia terr', &c. in Morecote, in com. Rutland. Habend' &c. Dat' primo Aprilis, a", regni R. Henrici octavi post Conq'm quarto. 1512.


1. Bevill; 2. Beaumes ; 3. Deneys ; 4. Waldsheff; 5. Sugden.

Gulielmus Bevill de Chestertonon,, qui=?=qui=?=.... . condidit testamentum suum A°.».. D'ni 1487, obijt vero 3 H. 7. Guilielm' Beuile, Rob'tus Bevilte-Eliza- fili' et hseres, ob. de Chesterton, betha, anno 19 H. 7, in com. Hunt. uxor s. p. ar 4 H. 8, ob. ejus. *•"• 9 H. 8. Guilielmus =Marga- Margareta, nupta Bevill de reta, f. Joh'i Cotton de Chester- Nicolai Stepington in ton, filius Bourman com. North'mpt. et hseres, de Insula Anna, monialis setatis Vectae in apud Rowell. 11 annor' com. Jane, nupta Joh'i et am- South'm- Poulter de plius Inq. ton, Broughton, in a". 14 nupta com. Hunt. H. 8. 27 H. 8. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. I). 1613.

Richard' Nich. Elizabe- Rober- ^pjohan'a, Fran- Willm', Johannes Bevill, 5 Bevill, tha, nupta tus f.Will'mi cisc', 4 filius. Bevill, fili'.duxit 6 filius. W° Ball Bevill Law- 3 filius, 2 filius, Mariam de com. de rence de de de Saw- filiam Nott. Ches- St. Ives Mil- trey ,duxit Grey de terton, in com. brooke Francis- Witles- filius et Hunt. in com. cam, nlia mere. =;= hseres. Bedf. Henr' Lacy de Thomas Joh'es. Rob't'. Will's. Stam- Bevell.

Eliza- Guili- Rober-: Maria, Fides. Elizabetha, nupta Ste- Rober-= Maria, f. betha. elm' tus nlia Anna. ph'o Turner de Saw- tus Nich'i Bevile, Bevill, Coles Fra'- trey. Bevill Saunders fil. et miles, de cisca. Catarina, nupta Gil- deSaw- de Ewell hseres, 2 filius, Pres- Mar- b'to Abbott de Glat- trey. in com. ob, sed ton, in gareta. ton. SUIT. s. p. hseres, com. Maria, uxor Tho. fuit North- Peehe de Holy well. miles ampt. Prudentia, nupta Ro- Balnea- et ejus b'to Fawcett de tus ap'd tiseres. Stamford. Coro- Jana, nupta Jo. nation e Lodington sive Lo- Regis rington de Saxby in Jacobi. com. Leic. Robertas Bevill, Catarina-r-r . Catarina, nata Matheus Beuill, Dorothea, nata 29 fili' et hseres Gracia. 23 Sept. 1603. natus 6 Martij, Maij, A°. 1593. Rob'ti Bevill, Honora. Anna, nata 6 1597. Margar', nata 22 militis. Jan. 1611. Johan'es, natus Martij, 1595. Willm's, 2 fil. 6 Januarij, Francisca, nata 30 1611. Julij, 1600. ROBERT BEVILL.

CoNINGTON. Visus Franc' cum cur' ib'm tent' die Lunse prox' post festum S'c'i Lucae Evang', A°. regni Regis Hen. vij" tertio. It'm Jur' p'ss. quod Will'm's Beuill, qui de D'no tenuit cert' terr' et ten' lib' per cartam in Conyngton, per cert' redd' et servic', Dbijt circa festu S'c'i Petri q'd dicitur ad Vincul' ult' p't'it'. Et Will'm's Bevill filius ejus est proxim' hseres et manet in civitate Calisiae, et non ven' ad faciendii homagiu et fidelitatem, Ideo p'c' est Balliuo seisir' diet' terr' et ten' quouso/, &c. Will'mus Bevill, pater, obijt anno 3 H. 7.^=.... Willielmus Bevill, filius et hseres, obijt Robertas Bevill, frater et a». 19 H. 7. plen»3 setatis a°. 19 H. 7. CAMD. SOC. C 10 VISITATION OF


Visus Franc' pleg' cum cur' Thomas Coton, generos', ib'm tent' die Lunas prox' post festu Inveneois S'cse Crucis, a", regni Regis H. 7mi. xix°. Et q'd Will'm' Bevill gen'osus, qui tenuit de D'no nujus euriae unu cotagiB libere cum pertin' reddendo inde D'no per annu unu par cerotecar' prec' jd. et sect' cur' bis per annu, obijt circa festu1 S'ci Mathiaa App'H ult' p't'ito, et q'd Rob't' Bevill, frater ejus, plense setatis, est proximus hseres p'dicti Will'mi ad pramiss', &c. Ideo prseceptB est Ballivo distr' d'c'm Rob't'm pro fldelitate et rele'io, viz. un' par cerotecar' D'no huju» curise p'c' jd faciend' et solvend' pro ingressu suo in praemiss' erga prox' cur', &c.

Johan'es Penycocke, armiger pro corpore D'nj Regis, tenetur et obligator Ric'a Beyvell armig'o in quingentis libris sterlingor', &c. Datum 14 die Martij, Anno 38 H. 6.

Johannes Hore de Childerley in com. Cant' armig', dedit, &c. Joh'i Burgoyne de Drayton et alijs man'iu suu de Magna Ravele. Test' int' alios, Nich'us Stivecle miles, Thomas Bevyle, Rogerus Louthe, &c. Dat' ap'd Ravele, a". 4 H. 6.

Pl'ita de Banco, A". 17 Edw. 2, rot. 41. Hunt. Et Joh'es Serle et Mabilla uxor ejus venerunt et cognoverunt q'd ip'i tenent unfi mesa' xxviij. acr' terrse et iiij. acr' prati in villis de Stibington et Sibeston de Rob'to de S'c'o Albano et Alicia uxore ejus per homagiu et fidelitatem et serviciu xxd. per annu, et ad Scutagiu D'nj Regis 40s. cum accident xxd., Etad plus plus, et d' et facit sectara ad curiam ip'or' ad Stibington de tribus sept' in tres sept', et fecit fidelita- tem, &c.

Pl'ita de Banco, A". 5«° Edw. 3"J, rot. 127. Hunt. Juratores dicunt q'd Paulinus de Hale et Roesia uxor ejus injuste disseisivit Ricardus Bevill.=p Ricardfi de Beyvill, patrem Rob'ti nunc pe- Rob't'Bevill, nuncpetens, a». 5 Edw. 3. tentis, de xxij. messuag', 150 acr' terras, 30 acr' prati, vj. acr' bosci et ij*. reddit' in Wodewalton, et Rieardus de Cornubia in miseri- eordia. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 11

Pateat universis per p'ntes, &c. q'd Ego Thomas de Beyvill de Woodwalton recepi de Rob'to de Beyvill D'no de Woodwalton 30*. sterlingor' pro bono pacis et finali con- cordia int' nos confirmand', &c. de otb' tansgressionib', &c. In cujus rei testimoniu p'sentibus sigillum meu est appensum. Hiis testibus, Rogero Accrehurst, Johanne Mounfischer, Rio'o de Stoketon, Will'o de Selby, Roberto Dyke, Rob'to Warde de Wode- walton et alijs. Datum apud Woodwalton, die Mercurij prox' post festu S'c'i Laurentij, A0, regni Regis Edwardi tertij a Conquestu decimo tertio.

Sciant p'sentes et futur' q'd Ego Beatrix Waldeseff de Cestreton, inlib'a viduitate mea, &e. dedi, &c. Will'mo de Hampton' et Magotae iixori suae filise mesa dimidieta- teni turbarij et pasturae decem vaecar', &c. quse q°ndam h'ui de dono et feoff' Will'i de Waldisseff, patris mei, in villa de Conlgtun, &e. Hiis testibus, D'no Joh'e de Foeke- wrth, Gerardo de Gravel', Johanne de Cantilup, Hugone f re ejus, Joh'e Bret de Cestreton et alijs.

Willielm' de Waldes-=i= cheff. | .... =pBeatrix Waldeseff. Will'mus de Hamp Magota, filia ton. Beatricis.


Inquisitio, a0. 26 H. 8. Pro terris in Sawtre. Bealmes man', Stilton.

Thomas Louthe, armiger, obijt 26 die Octobris^Thomasina, uxor a". 25 H. 8. i ejus.

Edmundus Louthe.=p.. .. Lionellus Louthe, fil' et haer'.-p.. .. Margareta Louthe, consanguinea et hjeres Thomac Louthe armigeri, in forma prsed'c'a, set. 4 annor' et amplius 26 H. 8. 12 VISITATION OF


Johannes Sapcote de=pElizabetha soror et cohseres Joh'is D'ni Denham, relicta Fulconis Elton in comitat' I D'ni Fitzwarin—nupta etiam Thomae Brandon, militi, ut pat' per Huntingdon. | chart, dat. 24 H. 7. Richardus Sapoote de Elton miles, in com. Hunt.^Anna, f. Nich'i D'ni Vaulx. , , , 1 •—, Johannes^.... Thomas Sapcote=pJana, f. et cohseres, Will'm's^Anna, f. et luer' Sapeote. de Burley. Joh'nis Francis. Sapcote. I Tho. de St. Mark. I Ricardus=pChristiana, Anna, uxor Anthonij Dore- Edwardus Cruido^Marg. f. Sapcote filia Joh'is Brookesby de Shouldley thea, Sapcote Sap- et haer' de Elton, Hunger- in com. Leic. uxor de Burly, cotte, Guidonis miles. ford, mili- Isabella, ux. Tho. Wake, Dur- miles, ob. miles. Wolston. tis. de com. Northt. ance. s. p. I r .... ^Robertas Sapcote^Eleonora, fil. Elizabetha, ux. Jo- Anna, uxor Jo. uxor. de Elton in com. I Will'i Prestland, h'nis Style, militis, Broughton, militis, 2d". I Hunt, filius et de com. Cestr' renupta Jacobo renupta Johanni co- hseres Ric'i. | uxor prima. Yarford, militi. miti Bedford. ^ Brigida, ux. Francisca, ux. Jacobi Eleonora, filia Ro-^Henricus Sapcote de Brace- Molineux. Harington, militis. berti. | bridge in com. Lincoln. Elizabetha, filia et heeres, nupta Thomas Beaumont de Coleorton, militis.

In Laurence Farron'8 howse at Sawtrey in the hall wyndowes. These 3 in the north wyndowe of the hall. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 13

These 6 escocheons stand in the south wyndowes of the hall aforesaid.



In Sautrey Church 9 Augusti 1613. Upon a monument in the south side of the chancell

. Mense Aprilis, Anno Domini Mcccciiij. et Maria uxor ejus, quor' animab' propiciet' deus. Amen.. 14 VISITXTTON OF

In the chapell of the hovvse at Elton in com. Hunt. 10 Augusti 1613.

This cut in stone. Sir Jftiefcartt cote, ftnigfit. IN THE CHURCHE OF ELTON. These 3 in glasse windowes. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 15

These 14 escocheons following are in the parlour windowes. ©coT


To all them wcb shall see or heare this present lettre, Thomas Grendall of Fenton, cousin and heyre to John Beaumeys, sometime of Sawtre, greeting. As the Armes of the BEAIBIYS. ancestors of the said John, since the day of his death, by lawe and right of inheritance, are escheted unto me as to the next heyre of his linage, know yee that I, the aforesaid Thomas, have given and granted by these presents the whole Armes aforesaid, wth theyr appurtenances, unto Sr William Moigne, knight, which arms are Argent, a crosse azure, fiue garbes or, to have and to hould the said Armes, wth theyr apurten*nces, to the said Sr William and his heyres and assignes for ever. In witnesse whereof, I have to these present letters set my seale. Given at Sawtre the 22. day of Novemb', in the 15. yeare of King Richard the Second.

Robertas de Beaumys.^.... Guilielmus de Beaumes.=p.... Johannes de Beaumes.^.... Robertas de Beaumys.=p.... Nicholaus, fllius et hseres Rob'ti de Beaumes, obijt A°. 15 R. 2.=p.. .. T .. ..-j-Margareta, fllia et hseres Nich'i. .. .. ^Cecilia att Heathe al's Grendon. I Thomas Grendale de Fenton, consanguineus et hseres Nicholai Beaumes, set. 40 annor' 15 R. 2. Hie Thomas concessit anna de Beaumys Will'o Moyne militi. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 17


Guilielmus Herbert de Troy in Wallia.=pBlanchia filia et cohaeres Simonis Melborne. Carolus Herbert de=pElizabetha, Thomas Harbert de Wyner-^ =Anna, filia Will'i Troy, miles, filius filia Griffith stowe in com. Monmouth, Lucy de Charlcott, in primogenitus. ap Rhese. gen' junior filius. com. Warr. militis. i 1 1 1 —1 1 | Johanna, Henric'-p Lucia Elizabe- Carolus Har-=pMaria, Ed- Blanchia, nupta. Harbert filia tha, nupta bert de Co- filia mund- nupta Wal- Blan- de Will'- Joh'i vington in • * • * U9 t'o Powell. chia, ux. Wyne- mi, Breynton, comit' Tet- Har- Barbara, Oliv'i stowe, comi- prius Hunting- lowe de bert. nupta .... Lloyde. fili' tis nupta W°. don gen'o- com. Walshe, 4- p'mo- Wig- Vaughan. sus, jam su- Lan- sive genitus. orn'. p'stes, 1613. castr'. Welche. i i 1 1 1 I I i warm's, Elena, nupta Elizabetha, Caro- Fran-=j=Eliza- Ed- Eliza- obijt Will'mo Raw- nupta Carolo lus cise' betf , ward', beth, juvenis, lins de Trere- Harbert de Har- Har- filia Joh'es. nupta s. p. gare. Hadnoek. bert, 1 bertde • • . Geor- Will'mo Christiana, Johanna, uxor filius, Lon- Ne- gi\ Hawkes. nupta Mil- Lewis de St . set. 28 don, 2 goose, borne de com. Pier. annor'. filius. de Som's. com. Bfidf. Pilia CHARLES HABBARTT.




Richardus Walden.=p.,.. Riehardus =p.. .. Robertus Walden ,^Margareta, Walden de natus apud Erith, fil. et Erith in in Cantio, fili' se- hseres com.Cantij, cundo genitus Ric'i Markh'm miles. et frat' jun' Eic'i, de Norff. T~l Elizabe- Willi- =f Alicia, Silvester Wal- tha, filia elmus f. Gal- den de Dun- nupta nupta Wal- fridi mowe in Es- G-eorgio den de Byron sex. comiti Cock- St. de Laurentius Salopise, ett. Ives, in com. Walden, mer- et fuit 3 filia com. Nott. cator de nxor nupta Hunt. Lynne, duxit ejus Margaretam, secun- Tir- filia da. whitt. Talbott de J Brandon ferry. I Willielmus Wal-T=Rebeeca, fil. Edmu'd' Wal-=pBarbara, so- Anna, filia et sola liferes den de Buck- Tho. Good- den, mercator ror Tho. Mi- matris, nupta Petro worth in com. rick de in- de London, dleton, mili- Compton, filio et haeredi mi Hunt. 1613. sula Ely. 1613. tis, de Lon- W Compton militis. don.

Henricus Compton, Lionellus Walden, Francisc' Margeria. Benjamin Edmundus miles, D'n's Comp- set. 18 annor' Walden. Anna. Walden. Walden. ton. ^ 1613. Rebecca.



Those Pikerings of Tichm'she in Northamptonshire bore Grilbertu8=p. this coate as theyre owne Pikering. | sometymes. I ' John =^=. Pick- ering of Tioh- m'sh, in com. North, •mpt'.

Gilbertus Piker-=j=Elizabeth, fllia Edwardus Piker-=f=Elizabetha fllia Rob'ti Will'm'. ing de Tich- Haggard ing de Aulk- Constable de North Henricus. m'sh, filius pri- de com. Can- mondbury, in Pikenham, in com. mogenitus. tabr'. com. Hunt. 1613. Norff.

Johan- Edwardus: ^Elizabeth, Gilb't'. 2. Ursula, vx. Ant' Winifred, vx. Petri nes Pikering, f. Georgij Joh'es. 3. Reeve. Bradley. Piker- set. 22 Lynne de Joseph'. 4. Elizabetha, vx. Jana, vx. Simonis ing. an. 1613. oom.North't. Clementis Allen. Staunton. Edwardus Pikeringe, mortuus a0. 1613. EDW. PYKERING. 20 VISITATION OF


Williams de Wallia.=p Kobertus Williams de Wallia, filius Johannes Willi: i=f=Anna, filia .... Fleete de primogenitus. de Wallia. comitatu Huntingdon. 1 Rictiardus Wil.=pMagdalena, filia Agnes, ux. Phelicia, nup- He hath made no cer- liams de Aulk- Marriett Ric'i Grace ta Joh'niKing teyne proofe of his armes. mondbury, jam de Stukeley, in de Elling- de Aueon- superstes 1613. com. Hunt. ton. bury. Anna, aetatis 10 annor', A". D'ni 1613. Magdalena, set. 6 annor',1613. The m'ke R of Richard Williams.


Richard Slade de ^pElizabetha, filia Joh'nis Huntingdon, con- I Spenser de Patenham in siliari' ad legem. \ com. Bedf. 1 Thomas =j-dayes Robertus Rosa, nupta Slade de Belli- Slade de Tho. Spill- Hunting- kin Elington in water de don, con- Clamp, com. Hunt. Leighton siliarius uxor coelebs a0. in com. ad legem. ejus. 1613. Hunt. Johanna, I Anna, nupta Ambrosio Mason filia, ob. s. P- de Hemingford.



Be-=p filia Sackvile de Ble- resford. | chingley. Guilielmus Grace de Insula^Margareta, filia Ely, qui genus suum duxit .... Beresford. a partibus Wallise. I Richardus^ Agnes, Etheldreda, Anna, Grace de filia nupta uxorRic'i Ellington Joh'nis Francisco Danyell in com. Wil- Holcott de deElling- Hunt. a0. liams. Ellington. ton. 1613. Willielm' Grace, aetatis 2 annor', Maria, set. a». 1613. 5 annor'. RICHARDE GRACE.


He hath made no proofe Willielmus Holcott de Ellington in^=.. .. of his Armes. com. Hunt. Franciscus Holcott de Ellington in^Etheldreda, filia Will'mi Grace de Insula Ely. com. Hunt. n-pc Henricus Holeott Edwardus Holcott de^Gracia fil' Rob'ti Dorothea nupta Simoni de Hibernia, 1 Ellington in com. I Throckm'ton de Richardson de Hib'nia. filius. Hunt. Ellington. Anna.


In the Churohe of Kimbolton, in com. Hunt. 13 Augusti, 1613.


In Stilton Churche this written in the windowe, taken the 17 of August, 1613. Grey, Doctor legum, genitus de germine regum, Londonijs pridem et idem Hoc in atq' Marise.

In the Churche of Holme this written in a wyndowe: Of your charitye pray for Sr Davy Phelip and my lady his wife, and for all the benefac- tors of this windowe.

Guilielm' fili' Simonis de Coton, relaxavit Simoni de Coton patri suo, &c. Hijs testibj de Brex, Tho. de Bellew, Tho. Herthull, Rob'to de Bruin, Rob'to de Hoken- hull, Will'o Bruin de Sutton. Guilielm' filius Thomse de Coton dedit et confirmavit terras et ten' Guilielmo fllio Simonis de Coton and Isabellae uxori ejus. Testibus Rob'to Vernun D'no Hatton. Guilielm' Abbas S'c'ae Werburgse de Cestria dedit Edmundo filio Will'mi de Coton, comunia pastura quod clam' in Cotton in exeambio pro sex acris terras in magna Coton, et Abbas amiseret in curia comitis Cestriae. Johanes filius Ricardi filij Thomae de Coton dedit et confirmavit Edmundo de Coton et Katarinie nxori ejus diversas terr'et ten'. Test' int' alios Ranulpho de Vernon. Dat' a°. 16 Edw. 3. Guilielm' filius Edmundi Coton dedit Joh'i Aston, et Henrico de Bradley persona; ecel'ise de Ridware, totam terrain suam, &c. Dat' a0. 50 Edw. 3. Guilielmus de Coton de Ridware Hampstall dedit Rob'to Madrell reetori eecl'ise de Christleton et aliis omnia terr' in villis de Coton, Waverton, Christleton, Tervin, Hescroft, Hokenell, Hanley, et Multon. Dat' 2 H. 4. Agnes relicta Will'mi Coton demisi Will'o Cotgreve, &c. Edmundscoton hall, cum d'nica terra in Edmundescotton praedict'. Testibus Joh'e Coton, a0. 5 H. 4. Richardus Coton de Ridware, 6 H. 6. Johannes Coton, 35 H. 6. Joh'es Coton de Ridware Hampstall, 2 E. 4. Ricardus Coton de Ridware, 1 R. 3, et 12 H. 7. 24 VISITATION OF

In Conington Churche the 16 of August, A0. D'ni 1613, these 3 in the wyndowes. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 25

This standeth upon a very ould basin and ewer enameled on it, in Sr Robert Cotton's howse at Conington, made in the tyme of King H. 6.

Comunia de Termino Paschae, A°. 37 Edw. 3. Hugo fili' Joh'is de Wesenh'm et Agnes uxor ejus exonerantur d« exitibus terrar' quse ftierut Bernardi Brus fr'is d'c'se Agnetis. Br'ia direct' Baronibus T'mino Hillarij, A*\ 37 Edw. 3, ex parte Rememoratoris Regis, rotulo 9. Rex concessit Joh'i de Wesenham custodiam omniu temporaliu Episcopatus Eliensis. Ibidem rotulo 23. Allocatio pecuniae Joh'is de Wesenham pro negotijs Regis. Commissiones et L'rae patentes T'mino Trinitatis, A0. 38 Edw. 3. De capiendo in manii Regis terras et tenementa Joh'nis de Wesenham in Norffolk, in Turri London, pro defectu assaise monetae examinandse. Comunia de T'mino Mich'is, 38 E. 3. London. Pro Joh'e Wesenh'm M'catore Regis, de Magna Corona liberata. Orig. 19 Edw. 3, rot. 29. Indentura inter Regem et Joh'em de Wesenham, qui mutuavit Regi 20M. marcas, argento vel auro, &c. pro quibus custuma ei concessa, 24 Augusti, &c. Simon frater dicti Joh'is. rot' 38.



Guilielmu' de Coton. T= Robertus Bras,: Isabella, D'n's de Anan- filia et co- dale in Scotia. hser. Da- vidis co- mitis Hunting- doniae.

Simon, filius Rob'tus de Barnardus=FCo; Ricardus Willielmi Brus, D'n's Brus, obijt Brus, 3 de Coton.=p de Anan- seisitus de filius. dale, fili' et Conin- hjeres. ton.

Johana =Guilielm'=Isal|eIla uxor. de Coton. uxor D'n's de Exton ejus. et Conington.

Edmundus de Coton,' Barnardus Brus de Exton^..,. uxor ejua. 16 Edw. 3. et Conington. t Guilielm' Coton=T=Agnes, filia Joh'es Brus=p.... de Ridware, et hseres de Coning- uxor jure nxoris. Walteri de ton et Ex- ejus. Ridware. ton.

Joh'nes ^Isabella, f. Hugo We-^Agnes, filia =Rob. de Love- Coton de et haeres senham, et cohceres. cot, 2 mari- Hamp- Wm, Paw- miles. tus, Inq. 7 stall Rid- coner de R. 2. ware, a". Thurcas- 12 H. 4. ton in com. Leio. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 27

Rieardus^EI:izabetha, Robertas We- Coton de soror et senh'm, films Rid- cohicres et hares. ware. Hugonis Venables, militis.

Johannes^Maria, Gnilielm' Coton ,= Maria, filia et=Tho. Lacye de Coton de 2

Ricaraus Coton: Thomas Coton de=pElizabetha, filia de Ridware, a0. Conington in .... Knightley. 12 H. 7. com. Hunt.

Catarina, ux. Tho-=T=Cata- Isabella, ux. Job's Thomas=pJohana, Ric'i Gros- mas rina Bradborne. Coton filia uenor. Co- ux. Matildis, ux. de Co- Johannis Eleonora, ux. ton. ejus. Anthonij Fitz- ning- Parys de WiU'i Vena- Harbert, justic' ton, Linton in bles. de co'i Banco. obijt com. 9H. 8. Cantebr. Elizabetha, Thomas :Lucia, ob. 8. p. Coton filia et de Co- cohaeres ning- Thorn* ton. Harvye.

Dorothea, f. Jo.=TpThomas Coton =pElizabetha, filia Tamworth de de Conington Francisci Sher- Hawsted in anniger, ejus ley de Stan- com. Leices- no'is quartus. ton in com. trise, vx. 2. Leicestriic. 28 VISITATION OF

i i i „ m Ferdinand Rober- =r=Eliza- Lucia, ux. Jo. Tho- =Maria, Catarinanupta. , in- Coton, mer- tus betha, Talcarn de Ash- mas filia Franeisca, cator. Coton f. et co- ton in . Coton Ro- nupta Ed'r'o Johannes Co- deCo- hseres Dorothea, nupta de berti Mountagufl ton, merca- nington W»' Mauritio Baude Ged- Price de Bowton tor. miles et Brocas de Som'by in ding de in com. Henricus baro- de com. Lincoln. Abbas Wash- Northamp- Coton de nettus, The- Johanna, nupta in com. ing- ton, mil. Broughton in jam ding- Jo. Baude de Hunt. ley. Rebecca, in- com. North- super- worth Som'by in com. 2 fllius nupta. amptonise. stes in com. Lincoln. 1613. 1613. j Leic. Thomas Coton, fllius et hseres. Johannes Coton, filius et hseres, set. 4. annor' et amplius. ROBERT COTTON. THOMAS COTTON.

A" 16 H. 7, ex ip'a carta. Henric' dei gr'a, &c. dil'c'o sibi Thomse Coton de Conington, nuper vie' n'ro in com. Cantebr. et Hunt, sal'm. Cu comiserimus dilecto nobis Joh' Clarevaulx ar'o Com. n'ros p'd'c'os cti pertin' habend' q*mdiu nobis placeret prout in l'ris n'ris patentibj sibi inde confeetis plenius continetur Tibi p'cipimus q'd eidem Joh'i, com. n'ros p'd'c'os cum pertin' una cu rotulis br'tt>3 memorand' et olb3 alijs officiu illud tangentibj quce in custodia tua existunt per Indenturas inde inter te et p'fatu Joh'em debite conflciend' liberes. Teste me ipso apud Westm', 15 die Novembr' a°. r. n. 16. Warham. Ex ip'a carta. Edwardus sext' dei gr'a Angl' Franc' et Hib'n. Rex, &c. oibj ad quos p'ntes l'rse perven'int sal't'm. Sciatis q'd comissimus dil'c'o nobis Thomse Coton armigero Com. n'ros Cantebr' et Hunt, custodiend' q"mdiu nob' placuerit, Ita q'dfirmas debitasnob' reddat an'uatim ac de debitis n'ris et oibus alijs ad officiu vie' com. pred'c'or' spectan' nob' respondeat ad sc'c'm n'r'm. In cujus rei testimoniu has l'ras n'ras fieri fecim* pa- tentes. T. me ip'o ap'd Westm' xxviij. die Novembr. a°\ r. n. p'mo. Ex ip'a carta. Elizabeth dei gr'a &c. Regina, archiep'is ep'is duetto comitibj baro- nibj militibj lib'is hoibj et olbj alijs de com. Cantebr' et Hunt, sal't'm. Cu comiserim' dil'c'o nob' Thomse Cotton ar'o officiu vie' Com' n'ror' p'd'c'or' cu pertin' habend' q'mdiu nobis placu'it prout in l'ris n'ris patentibus ei inde confectis plenius continet', vob' man- dam' q'd eidem Thomse tanq*m vie' n'ro com. p'd'c'or' in olbj quse ad ofnciu illud per- tinent intendentes sitis et respondentes. In cujus rei testim' has l'ras n'ras fieri fecim' patentes. T. me ip'a apud Westm. xij. die Novembr. anno r. n. secundo. Elizabetha Regina, &c. arehiep'is ep'is ducib^ comitibus baronibus militibj lib'is hoibj et olbj alijs de com. Cantabr. et Hunt, sal't'm. Cum comiserim' dil'cto nob' Thomae Cotton armig'o Com. n'ros p'd'c'os cu pertin' custodiend' q'mdiu nob' placuerit prout in l'ris n'ris patentibus sibi inde confectis plenius continetur, vobis mandam' q'd eidem Thomse, tanq'm vie' n'ro Com. p'd', in omnibj quse ad ofnciu illud pertinent inten- dentes sitis et respondentes et auxiliantes. In cujus rei testimoniu has l'ras n'ras fieri fecim' patentes. Teste me ip'a ap'd castru n'r'm de Wyndesore, 5'° die Decembris a0, r. n. 25t0. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 29

A°. 33 H. 3. Hsec est conventio int' D'n'm Rad'm Abbatem de Ramesey, &c. ex una parte, et Joh'em Henneberd de Gydding Abbatis ex altera, f'o'a in festo beati Jaoobi App'li, a°. regni Regis Henrici filij Regis Joh'is 33tio pro terris in Gyddyng et Langlond, &e. In cujus rei testimoniu parti p'ntis soripti in modum cirographi confecti penes d'cos abbatem et conventus residenti d'cus Joh'es sigillu suu una cum sigillis Rob'ti de Bellomanso et Walteri de Wassingele militfl apposuit, &c. Hijs testibj, Henr' de Colevill tune vice- com' Hunted', Simone de Copmanford, W». le Moyne, Joh'e de Claris Vallis, Jo. de Lungevill et Will'o Cardun militibj, et alijs, &c.

27 Ed. 3. Hsec indentura testatur q'd Sarra quse fuit quondam uxor Thomae Dreu coneessit, &c. Joh'i de Tilney militi et Thomse Att Lathe de Wygenhale, messuagiu suii in Sadilbowe, et oia terras et ten'ta sua in Wygenhale, "Weaton, et Suth Len, ubicuq' jacent. Habend', &o. p'd'c'is Joh'i et Thomae, &c. reddendo inde annuatim p'd'c'ao Sarrae ad tota vitam sua 4H. 10s. ad duos anni terminos, &o. In cujus rei testimoniu praesent' scriptis indentatis partes sigilla sua apposuerunt. Dat' apud Sidilbowe, &c. Anno regni Regis Edwardi tertij a Conquestu vicesimo septimo. Testibus, Will'o Duraunt, Edmundo Kervile, Thoma Howard, Will'mo Howard, Matheo de Welle, Walt'o de Eytone, et alijs. 30 VISITATION OP

Sciant p'ntes et futuri quod Ego Ricardus Drewe de Westlenn' concessi, &c. Ric'o de Howton et alijs et Rob'to filio Ric'i de Wygenhale unu messuagiu jac' in Westlenn' oB olbj terr' ten, &c. Dat' apud Wygenhale, a0. 50 Edw. 3.

These armes stand thus in Mr. Price his howse at Washingley in the win- dowes there, set up, as may be conjec- tured by theire shew, about the tyme of K. H. 7, and is the armes of John Clark, auditor of the Duchy of Lancas- ter, and second husband to Elizabeth Drewe, widowe of John Otter. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 31

AP RHESE. Richard' Washingley ,:f:Job.anna uxor Ex inquiss' gen'al' t'p'e leuavit finem a°. 39 ejus, quseleva- Regis Edw.I.—Radulfus Edw. 3. vit fine cii filius Walteri de Was- marito. singlee tenet capita] o man'iu et medietatem villse de Wassinglee de feodo Thomse de Love- toft, faciendo medietatem feodi vnius militis.

Juon ap=r=.. .. da. and Joh'nes=pMargareta, Ricard' Robert' Rhese. one of ye Drewe. soror et de Wash- Washing- heyres of hseres. ingley, ley, ob. Cradok. ob. s. p. s. p.

Mathew ap Rhese=p.... da. and Ricardus Drewe, eonsanguineus et haereres JoJo-^...' . of Lan in comitat' I heyre of .... hannse, uxoris Ric'i Washingley, set. 32 7r H. 6,1 of Brecknock. I Radnall. ob. a". 8 H. 6. Inq. a». 9 H. 6, n°. 20, I

Juon ap =j=..., daughter and coheyre of .... Robertas Drewe, set. Rhese. Wonton. annor' 9 H. 6. T [saack ap= -Joane, sister Johannes =^Elizabe- ^Joh'nes Clarke, r l<3i^\ 1 Rhese, of S Regi- ^as'\f 1 Otter de tha, filia Auditor de la sonne of nald Bray, P\M\ 1 Waltham- et sola Duchy de Lan- Juon. Knight and \ ^Cpyif stowe, 1 castr. 2 mari- Counsellor maritus. tus. to K. H. 7. \s 1 1 Robert ap=pjoane, daughter and sole Rob'tus Latimer de-pElizabeth, filia Rhese, heyre of John Otter. Duntish in le West I .... Ham- films Country. | well. Isaaci.

Edward ap Rhese, Thomas ap Rhese, William ap Rhese^Elizabeth, daughter 2 sonne.=p 3 sonne. =p sive Price, so and sole heyre and heyre. Robert Latimer Robert. William. Robert. Duntish. Edmond =^Mary, Lewis ap Robert ap ^pjoane, one Cassandra, first married ap Rhese, daugh- Rhese, 3 Rhise, sonne of ye daugh- to John Roberts of Wol- 2 sonne. ter of sonne. and heyre, ters and lastone; 2dly, to Peter John Price, ja snperstes heyres of Ashton of Chaterton; Tiring- 4 sonne. 1613, de Robert Wil- 3dly, to Adelard Welby ha. Elena, Washingley. ford of Lon- of Gedney ; 4thly, to Ro- nupta. don. bert Carre. VISITATION OF

a i i r1 *—• i i i i r Rie'us, Rob'tus=5=Mary, Fran- Elizabetha, nupta SPrice,Knight Adelard , nuptJohannaa Ste,- 6 fil. ap da.and cis, 5 Ric'o Randell, 4 sonne, ob. phano Cassan- Rhese heyre son. renupta Tho. s. p. Aleyne de dra. sive of Jerome, Hales. Joh'nes, 2, ob. et de Price Hum- 1. Maria, uxor Wrn. s. p. Greseley filius et fry Simeon, Hewett de Mil- Isaac, 3, ob. in com. haeres Dix- 8. brooke in com. s. p. Derb. well. Bedd. Willielm' ap^=Anna, filia Edw. Watson, Isaac, 2. Maria, ux. Tho. Helena. Rhese, miles, | militis, relicta Caroli Nor- Rob'tus. Cotton de Ged- a". 1613. 4"wien> militia. Humfr'. ding Abbas. ROBART APRECE. Cradock Radnall.


Otter Wash- ingley

HUder- allam Latimer

Hakenbeche This indenture made the 2d day of Aprill, a". 2do Edw. 6. betwene Rob't ap Rece of Wasbingley, in the county of Huntingdon, Esq. and Wm. ap Rece, 3d sonne of the said Robert, for lands wck were some tymes John Sapcotts knight, and after that one Sr Richard Sapcotts, sonne and heyre of the said John and Dame Christian Sapcots, wife to the said Sr Richard, in the towne and feilds of Ogerstone and Washingley, &c. Dat' 2 die Aprilis, anno 2 Edw. 6. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 33

KAYE. Arthurus Kaye de Woder-=y=Beatrix, filia Mathei Went- some in com. Ebor' ar- I worth de Britton. mig'. I Johannes Kaye de Wood'some.=y=.... Edward Kaye of Wood'some^Anna, filia Rob'ti Tirwhitt de in com. Ebor' gen'osus, I Ketelbye militis, in com. Lin- 4 films. I coin.

Margareta, nupta Jaeo- Robertus=pChristi - Joh nes Lucia, ux. Johannis bo Crewse de Fother- Kaye de ana, filia Kay, 2. Pikering de Tich- inghay in com. North- Glatton Will'i Will'm' 3. mersli in com. North- amptonise. in com. Cooper, ampton. Anna, nupta Francisco Hunt. relicta Margeria, nupta Aiscue de Kelsey mi- Slius et Thomae Will'o Laurence de liti, in com. Lincoln. liseres. Groome. St. Ives. Henrieus Kay de Glatton in com. Hunt.=pSusanna, filia Joh'nis Loftis de Lutton superstes 1613. I com. North't. r ; ' Johannes Kay, setatis 3 annor' a". 1613. Robertus, 2 films. HENRY KAY.

% This Crest was given to the ould Armes A GOLDE PINCHE. of Arthur Kay of Woodsome in ye county of York, gent, by William Flower, Norroy King of Armes, dated at London the 22 day of October, in the 6 yeare of the reigne of Queene Elizabeth, a0. D'ni 1564, under ye hand and seale of the said William Flower, Norroy, to the said Ar- thur Kay, and to his posterity for ever.


MARSHALL. Marshall of Ellesley.T=.. . William Marshall of Ellesley, col- John Marshall of Win-=p Alicia, filia .. Percye lector of the subsidy, t'p'e H, 8, ringham, prope gtum de Barforde, prope St. elder brother .to John. Neotu. Neotts. John Marshall of Wood walton .^Johanna Ayre de Higney. William Marshall=J=Johanna Martendale de Mathew Marshall of=j=Johana, fil1 Phi' de Woodwalton, Gretton in comitat. Eltesley in com. Can- Hatley de Cax- jam superstes Northampt. tebr. et deSawtreyin | ton. 1613. . com. Hunt. Johan- :Verney Grqd- Ihomas. Philipp'=pMaria, f. Matheus. Francisca. nes ard, filia Wm. Gilbertus Mar- Joh'is Joh'es, Elizabetha, ux, Mar- Godard de Marshall, shall de Brett de Edw. Jacobi Desbo- shall, Carlton in mercator Eltesby, Litle Miles. rough. Hlius et coniit. Bedf. de London. fllius et Grans- Joseph. Johana. hseres. ar. Will's. lucres. den in Maria. Michael. Kob'tus. Joanna, setatis 6 annor' a°. 1613. Editha. Matheus Marshall. WILL'M MARSHALL. MATHEWE MARSHALL.

B Marshall J!IIS I J \ I G I G \ u I \ I It HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 35 WHALLEY. Thomas Whalley de Sibthorpe et Screueton in com. Nott\=p, filia. Leeke.

Eichardus Whalley de Sibthorpe^,... Henricus Hatheld^=...Hatfield^=..... una sorosororr ' et oohse- in com. Nottinghamise, senescal- j de Willughby in redii Johannis Hercy de lus Edwardi Dueis Som'sett. com. Nott'. I Grove, militis. Thomas Whalley de Screveton-pElizabetha, sola filia et haeres Henr' Hatfeild de Wi- in com. Nottinghamise. j loughby in com. Nottingh'. Thomas Ricardus = :Prancisca, Walterus Whal- Eliza- Joh'nes, 3 filius. Whal- Whalley de fil. Henr' ley de Overton beth, Margareta, uxor ley, 4 de Screve- Cromwell Watervile, sive fil. Arnoldi Reres- fllius. ton in co- de Hin- Chery Orion, Will'i by de .... mit' Not- chinbrook Sacrse Theolo- Howell Ellena, uxor Jo. tingh*m, in comit' giae Baccalau- deCan- Draper de Flint- filius et Hunt, reus, ja super- tabri- ham in com. haeres. militis. stes 1613. gia. Nott'.

Walterus Whalley, fere 8 annor' a0. 1613, Johannes Whalley, Elizabetha. filius et hares. 2 filius.



John Fawkener of Waldon in=r=Janan-r-Ja , filia .... Shelley de Worminghurst in . Sussex. Johannes Fawkener de Waldron=pElizabetha, fllia Thomse Kyddall de Higham Ferrers in in Sussex. j com. North'mpt. Johannes Faw-=^Magdalena, filia Pe- William Mildreda, nupta Joanna, uxor kener de Aller- | tri Temple de Bur- Fawkener Will'o Park- Tho. Adams ton in com. I ton Dassett in com. of Aller- hurst de Lon- de Sussex. Hunt. 1613. Warr. ton, 2 sonne. don.

Johannes, films et haeres, Petrus, 2. Anna, 1. Jana. Joana. set. 16 annor'. Edward', 3. Elizabeth. Catherina. Magdalena. JOHN FAWKNER. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 37


Johannes Pratt de Weldon in com. Northampton.^.... Henricus Pratt de Weldon in=f=Elizabetha, filia et haeres An- com. Northampton. | thonij Choune. Anthonius Pratt^Eleonora Henric' Anna, nupta Joh'i de Weldon in filia et Pratt,, 2 Watkyn de Thorp com. North- unicahse- filing, in Maldesoure in ampt. et jure res Rob'ti comit' North't. uxoris de Over- Millisent Elizabetha, nupta ton Watervile in de Over- Thomas Cloughton comitatu Hun-, ton Wa- de Hakenby in tingdon. super- tervile. com. Lincoln. stes 1613. Milisent Pratt, filius Henric', Anthoni', 3. Elizabetha, 1. Sarra, i. Priscilla, 7. et haeres, aet. 19 an- 2 filius. Johanes, 4. Anna, 2. Eleonora, 5. Francisca, nor' 1613. Thomas, 5. Maria, 3. Catarina, 6. 8. ANTHONY PRATT.



Johannes Bedell=i=Jlohanna, filia et haeres .... de Wollaston in WoUeston de WoUeston, in com. Northampt. com. North't. ar. ob. 1435.

Thomas Bedell, filius^. • •. Johanes, Georgius Bedell, et hser. 2 filius. 3 filius. Gruilielmus Bedell de Catworth in com.-r-Groditha, filia .... Villers Hunt. ar. com. Leic.

Will'm' Anna,=pSilves- =pMarga- Alicia, nupta Am- Bedell, reta, ux. brosio Lane de 3 filius. prima Orlibury in com. Gabriel, filia North'mpt. ar. 2 filius. Will'mi Elizabetha, nupta High- Henr' Clarke de feild de Stanweeke in com. com. Northampt. Cestrise.

Wiiliam=pBrigida, Johan- =pMatilda, una William Joane, ma- Bedell filia nes Be- filiar' et co- Bedell, ried to Ni- de dell de haered'Will'i 2 sonne. cholas Cal- Moldes- Power Hamer- Lane de Cot- ton of Ne- worth, de com. ton, tesbroke in dingworth, 2 filius. North- miles, com. North- in com. ampton, filius et ampton. Hunt. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 39

Silvea- =pAnna, f. S* Tho- =pWinifred, Prances, a da. Henr. 2. Dorothy, r ter Be- Jacobi mas da. of S Brigitt, mar. John. 3. mar. to dell, Pikering Bedell Arthur Ca- to George S' Sey- fili' et de Tich- knight, pell of Catesby, of mor hseres, mershe in sonne Haddam in Elton in Knightley, jam su- com. Nor- Hertford- com. Nor- of Norton a and perstes th mpt. heyre, shire, th'mpt. in com. 1613. ar. ob.1613. knight. North'mpt. L

Willialli m Bedell, aet. 7 annor' Silvester Letitia. Anna. Capell Bedell, filius et 1613, films et hajres. Bedell. Jana. Brigida. hseres, set. 11 annor' 1613. SILVESTER BEDELL.

Per WM. SEGAR, Garter Principall King of Armes, Bedell 40 VISITATION OF


Thomas Calton de London, aurifaber.=^=Margareta Boos. Nicholaus Calton de Nedingworth in^pJohanna, fllia Silvestri Bedell de Hamerton in com. Hunt. i com. Hunt. Franciseus Cal-=Dorothea, Nicholaus Cal-=pMartha, fllia Thomas. Maria, uxor ton miles, 1 filia .... ton de Cat- Will'i Fishe de Silves- Stephani fllius. Duke de worth in com. Stanford in com. ter. Barn well. Hunt. 1613. Bedfordise.

Willielm' Calton, a;t. 4 annor' a". 1613, Nicholaus Calton, 2. Oliver'. filius et haeres. NICHOLAS CALTON. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 41

IN SOUTHOO CHURCHE IN COM. HUNT, taken the 18 of August, A0. D'ni 1613.

Willielmi Grace Rosamundae uxoris suse quondam uxor Willielmi Roua, armigeri.


In the east windowe of the north isle : Orate pro anima Thomse Eous armigeri et Elizabethse uxoris ejus


Upon a Gravestone this: tfpon the wall Orate pro aia Simonis de Burgh, 1296. Thomas Louetofte, miles. qui obijt die Sancti Thomse Marty- 1328. RobY Wickham, miles. ris in Ebdo'da Nativitatis D'ni A0. 1385. Will's de la Lee, miles. D'ni 1395. 1393. Simon Burgh, miles, 1404. Joh'es Cheney, miles. 1453. Thomas Kowse, armigeri. Will'm' Chaderton, gen'osus.

Katherina, filia Joh'is Revell, uxor Will'mi Chaderton Episeopi Lincoln', habuit per illu unica filia Johannam nuptam Ric'o Brooke, militi, de com. Cestriae, et habuit exitu Elizabetham, quse hseo capella peculiaris est hseredem.

U Here lieth buried the body of Edmond Hatley of Southoo, gentleman, and Jane his wife, who had issue betwixt them 10 sonnes and 3 daughters, wch Edmond deceassed the 6 day of Aprill, A0. D'ni 1560, and Jane his wife deceased the 25 day of Februarye, A". D'ni 1589. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 43


H. 2. In Chest'ton. Rogerus de Cantilupo tenet quartam partem militis, et Wil- lielm' de Chesterton tantum de feodo Nigelli de Louetofte. A". 28 H. 3. Robertus de Beuuill unus Jurator' in Inquisic'o'e de Foresta D'ni Regis in com. Huntingdon 1216. Ex libro Barnwellens'. Rad'us de Beyvill tenet feodum unius militis de Ep'o Lincoln' in Denton. Will'mus de Gretoun custos hseredis Rob'ti de Beuuill tenet 5 hidas geldab' exta Higdney de Abbate de Ramesey in Walton et debet sectam. In Upton de hserede Ricardi de Bevill ..... vjd. Escaetria A". 51 H. 3"J. No. 19. 1261. Thomas de Beyvill unus Viridarior' Forestae D'ni Regis de Wabridge. A°. 17 R. 2. Robertus Beiuill et Joh'nes Beiuill. A0. 11 H. 4. In Copmanford, Salvayn de Bevill tenuit terras. A°. 39 H. 6. Will'm's Bevill in Conington.

Eseaetria A°. 7 Ed. 4. Johannes Bevill et Agne9=p Agnes uxor ejus. post morte Wimard'. uxor ejus. j

Humfrid' Bevill, ob. s. p. Isabella. Johanna, nupta .... Wymarke.T Johannes Wymarke. Agnes, nupta Johanni Wydeslade. Richardu

Quo tempore Ignoram'. ex libro Ramsey. Idonia, uxor .... Well, soror et hseres Ric'i Beuuill. Robertus Beuuill t'p'e Hugonis Abbatis Ramsey, A°. D'ni 1254. Rob'tus Bevill de Walton, 7 Edw. 3. Chesterton, unde D'n's de Vescy, Willielm' Wadsshefe, et Rogerus de Cantelowe sunt D'ni t'p'e Edw. 2. Will's Bevile de Peterbrough et Emma uxor ejua A0. 6 Edw. 4. Rob'tus Bevile firmarius Rectorise de Wermington de Abbate de Burgo S'ti Petri.

Sigillu Abbatis. 44 VISITATION OF

Ogerus filius Michaelis de Walton concessit Roberto Bevill sans dat' in villa de Wal- ton. Hijs testibus, Rob'to de Wassingle, Hen. de Folkesworthe, Joh'e fratre suo, Olivero Manse, Waltero de Beyvill, Will'o de Wassingle, Henr. de Wassingle, et alijs. Sans dat. Berengarius Le Moyne concess' RoVto Bevill. Robertas Bevile t'p'e Hugonis Abbatis de Ramesey A0. D'nj 1254, H. 3. Thomas Bevill de Walton duxit Johannam Daubernon de Stoke Daubernon in com. Surreyas 21 Edw. 1. Rad'us Bevill junior, filius Thomas Bevill, charta dat' 21 Edw. 1. pro terris in Denton, et hie Rad'us fuit de Overton Watervile, ut patet etiam per cartam dat' A", tertio Regis Edwardi filij Regis Edwardi. Johannes Beivill de Chesterton et Agnes uxor ejus pro terris in Chesterton A0. 48 Edw. 3, et primo Ri. 2di. Thomas filius et hseres Radulphi Bevill de Wode-Walton A0. 16 Edw. 3. Thomas Bevill de Denton, 7 Edw. 3, 20 Edw. 3, pro terris in Denton, Wood-Walton, et Siversey, et 47 Edw. 3. Thomas Bevill de Woodford. 9 Edw. 3. Johannes Bevill de Chesterton. 11 R. 2. Johannes Bevill de Denton et Margareta uxor ejus ex charta dat' 6 R. 2. Johannes Bevill de Chesterton made a lease to Lamsett A0. 7 H. 4. Thomas filius Joh'nis Bevill de Denton pro terris in Chesterton, Denton, Walton, et Siversey. A°. 7 Edw. 3'y. Johannes Bevill pro terris in Denton, H. 6. Joh'es Bevill armiger et Walterus Bevill pro Suersey A°. 9 H. 6. Thomas Bevill de Denton 1422 et 1. t'p'e H. 6. John Bevill of Chesterton tooke a copy hould at Aylton 10 H. 6 et A". 3 H. 6. Richard Bevill de Peterborough armiger. 1 H. 6. Ricardus Beuill de Walton armiger A0. 32 H. 6. Willielm' Bevill de Peterborough et Margareta uxor ejus pro terris in Chesterton, Walton, Conington, Suersey. Dat' 25 H. 6 et 13 Edw. 4.

Sigillum Willielm' Bevill.

Willielmus filius Will'i Bevill de Peterburghe pro terris in Chesterton. 1 R. 3, 6, et 12 Edw. 4, et 1489 et 13 Edw. 4. Thomas Bevill de Stokerson ar. 2 Edw. 4. Rob'tus Bevill de Aylton et Elizabetha uxor ejus 19 Edw. 4, et H. 7. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 45

Will'mus Bevill de Chesterton, t'p'e H. 8, et Margareta uxor ejus obijt circa annu 1555, Q. Ma. Robert Bevill of Gridding releaseth to Rob't Bevile of Aylton, 9 H. 8, 1517. Thomas Sapcot teneri Rob'to Bevill in ix libris, 11 H. 7 et 19 Edw. 4. This indenture, made the viij day of August, A°. 28 H. 8, betwene William Beuyle gentleman, Roger Acton gentillman, twoo of the cousins and heyres of John Suggewas deceased, Philip Baskervile, esq. and Elizabeth his wife, late wife of James May, one other of the cousins and heyres of the said John Suggewas, and Richard Watkyns gentilman, the king's comittie of the body and lands of Thomas Hakeluytt, sonne and heyre of John Hakeluytt, esq. deceased, one other of the cousins and heyres of the said John Suggewas, on the one partie, and John White on the other partye, &c. for a messuage in Grafton in com. Heref. Datum A0. 21 H. 8.


In the wyndowes. 46 VISITATION OF


These in the wyndowes.

Tf Anthonine, daughter to Bishop Barlowe, and wife to Bishop Wickham, translated from Lincoln to Winchester, her twoo brethren of good name and place : she departed on the Ascention Day, 1598. Of right good bishop and likewise descended, Five like whose husbands bishopriks ascended. Here lieth the youngest, whome godly quiet end And all good parts else did highly commend. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 47

IN THE CHURCHE OF ST. NEOT, IN COM. HUNT. 19 of August, 1613.

Orate pro atabj Joh'nis Arnold et Christinse uxoris ejus et pro bono statu Rob't' Arnold et Alicise uxoris ejus, qui istam fenestram yitriaverunt.

Of your charite pray for the soules of Thomas Lynde late yoman of the Crowne of our Sov'eigne Lord King H. 8. Alice and Joane his wifes, wcl1 Thorn's deceased the 22 of Marche, 1527. 48 VISITATION OF


Will'm' Taylard pariter cum conjuge grate Elizabeth sibi nupta diu hac latitat vrna. Mors viuos seperat, seperare cadauera nescit; Cum Christo viuant, hsec viuit et ille quiescit, Anno millesjmo quintengesimo quoq' quinto Vita privatur perpetua luce fruatur.

These 3 cut in stone upon a monument close to the ground.

These 3 in the wyndowes. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 49


Walmesford, Sibeston, Sibeston et Newton. Abbas deThorney tenet omnia man'ia sua quse sunt in hundredo de Normancrosse per xl. hidaa geldabiles. In eisdem villia tenet Johannes de Grrauele feod' quartse partis uni' militis de feodo Bolonise. In eisdem villis Theobald' de Lek tenet feodum 4tse partis unius militis de feodo Bolonise. Chestreton. Nigellus de Amandeuill tenet feodum unius militis de feodo Boloniae. In eadem Roger' de Cantilupo et Henricus de Waldesilu' tenent feodQ dimid' militis de feodo Lovet': et habent 4 hidas. Idem Rogerus et Henrieus debent unam seetam. Walton et Fletton. Abbas de Burgo tenet man'ia in elemosina. Overton Watervill. Warinus de Vermin tenet feodum dimid' militis simul cum Nigello de Amandevile, et sunt ibi 5 hidae geldabiles, et Warin' debet una seetam. Overton Longvill. Henrieus de Longvill tenet feodfi uni' militis de feodo Lovet, et tenet 5 hidas geldabiles. Botillbrigg. Reginaldus de Hudd eustos hseredis Wmi de Gurges tenet duas partes feodi uni' militis de D'no rege, et sunt ibi quinq' hidae non geldabiles. Wodeston. Abbas de Thorneya tenet man'ia in lib'a elemosina, sed Eudo de eadem et participes sui debent unam seetam. Stilton. Alicia de Amandevile tenet feodu vnius militis extra xx. partem, et debet unam seetam, et tenet tres hidas geldabiles. Thomas de Stilton et participes sui tenent feodfl uni' militis de Episcopo Lincolniensi. Stanground, Faresheade, Iakeley, Haddon. Abbas de Thorney tenet dictum man'iO in libera elemosina in Stanground. Thurstan' et Hugo Gernoine debent unam seetam in eadem villa. Isolea et sorores suse debent unam seetam. Morbourne. Abbas de Croiland tenet, et debet unam seetam et warpenes et de auxilio Vie' xj8. qr. Polksworth. Henricus de Folkesworth tenet feodum duor' militum de feodo Bolebeek, et debet seetam, et sunt ibidem iiijor hidse geldabiles. Wassingle. Walterus de "Wassingle et Willm' de Pire tenent feodum unius militis de feodo Louetot, et sunt ibi iiijor hidse geldabiles, et debent unam seetam. Alington. Abbas de Rames' tenent x hidas terrae geldabiles de D'no Rege. Joh'es de Arlington, Rad'us filius Will'i et Alexandr fil' debent unam seetam. Caldecote. Rieardus de Landesh tenet Caleote pro 3tia parte uni' militis de Isabella de Brus, et est de honore de Huntingd'. Denton. Radulphus de Beyvill tenet feodum uni' militis de Ep'o Lincoln simul cum Wade, et sunt quatuor hidae non geldabiles. Sautre. Rob'tus de Beaumes tenet feodu unius militis de Lovetot, et debet unam seetam. Will'm' de Vernon tenet feodum suQ in Sautrey de Baronia Ramesey, et sunt ib'm et in Lodington vij. hidae geldabiles. CAMD. SOC. H 50 VISITATION OF

Conington. Isabella de Brus tenet man'iu de Rege Scotise, et est de honore Hunt. Walton. Will'm' Ie Gretone, custos hseredis Roberti de Beauuill, tenet 5 hidasgelda- biles extra Higeney de Abbate Ramesey et debet una sectam. Glatton. Baldewinus de Ruperijs tenet feodum quinq' militum de feodo Bononise, et debet pontagiii. Cesterton de honore de Waldeshief . . . . xj". Overton Watervill de Rob'to de Watervill . . . xjs. Overton Longvill de Job'e de Longvill . . . xj8. Stilton de Alicia de Amundevill .... xj". Stanground, Pareshead, Jaklee, Haddon, de Abbate de Thorney xx". Folkesworth de Henr. de Pulkesworth . . . xj". ( Will'mo Revell .... xj". Waasingleede j Walter0 de Wassingle . . . xj>. Sautre de ten' terras WilFi de Vernon . . . xj8. I Will'o de Greton Walton de { de Beyvill

Memorandu q'd Abbas de Thorneya dat per annu pro hundr'o suo de visfi franc' plegij ..... xx'. Idem de auxilio vie' ad duos terminos anni . . . xl". iijd. Idem de jure hundr' ...... iiij". Prior de Hunt, pro firma de Hereford per annu . . xij". Abbas de Rames1 pro Ripton Regis per annu . . x". xiij". iiijd. De hundr' de Toulesland de auxilio Vicecomitis . . xliiij8. De hundr' de Leightonstone de eodem . . . xl". iijd. De hundr' de Normancrosse de eodem . . . xl8. iijd. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. 1). 1613. 51

IN STOUGHTON CHURCHE 20 of August 1613. In the wyndowes.

Hie jacet Robertas Stonham armiger et Maria uxor ejus qui quidem Robertas obijt xxvij die Barnaek militis obijt 23 die mensis Septem- bris A". D'ni 1464; quor' animabus propicietur Deus. Amen. 52 VISITATION OF

Greorgi' Wauton eques auratus.

*v r\ \ l HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 53


IN HOLME CHURCHE THIS WRITTEN IN THE EAST WINDOWE August 1613. Of your Charity pray for Sr Davy Philip and my lady his wife, and for all the benefac- tors of this wyndowe.

This standing in the west wyndowe of the same church. 54 VISITATION OF AUDLEY. Henricus Audley armiger, a0. 29 H. 8, oui idem Bex coneessit maneri5=^.. ., de Gransden Magna in com. Hunt. | Henricus Audley de Hoton in com. Bedfordise, et ibi sepultus.=f=.,.. Thomas Audley de Hoton Conquest in^Anna filia Roberti Huett de Milbrooke in com. Bedf. I com. Bedf. Anna, vx. Maria, ux Robertus Audley de^Catherina, filia Thomas Audley de Nicolai Fitz-Geffrey de Gransden Magna in Will'mi Plom- Hoton Conquest Colquett de Wilstmonsteed, com. Huntingdon, mer de Rad- in com. Bedf. London, in com. Bedf. armiger, jam super- well in comitat. Will's Audley. draper. stes 1613. Hartf. Georgi' Audley. Robertus Audley, filius et hseres^Elizabetha, filia Joh'is Will'm', 2. Catarina. set. 24 annor' tempore hujus Marburye de comitat. Henric', 3. Agnes. Visitationis. | Bedf. Thorn's, 4. Anna. Robertus, Eet. 3 annor'. Franciscus, 2 filius. ROB'T' AUDLEY.

CRESPIN. Alicia, filia Will'i Cooke^Johannes Crespin de Weeke infraPpEditha, filia .... Cave de de Gillingha in com. I parochiam de Gillingham in com. I Gillingham in com. Dors'. Dors'. Dors'. Will'm's Joh'es. Alicia. Johannes Crespin de Hilton in^Christiana, filia Joh'is Crespin. Johana. Avicia. com. Huntingdon^, jam super- Atherton de com. Ox- stes, 1613. I onise.

Ursula, setatis 10 annor' tempore Visitationis. JOHN CRESBYN. VISITATION OF 55


Rogerus Bolton de Offord Clune in com. Huntingd. gen'osus.=pMargareta uxor ejus. -h Tho. Bolton de Offord^Elizabetha, Joh'nes Bolton Will'm' Bolton=pAgnes, filia Cluney in com. Hunt- fllia Thomse duxit Eliza- cl'icus Jo. I Will'i Rat- ing, gen'osus, jam su- Moore de betha, fil. Ric'i Roper de Banco forddecom- perstes 1613. com. Crloue. Gosling, drap'. Regis. | Cantebr'. T i—i—i 1 ' r Margareta, Dorothea, 1 fllia, vx. Eliza- Thomas Bolton, Sara, 3. Martha, vx. 6. Ric'i Fan de Start- betha, filius et hseres, set. Maria, 4. Francisci Rogerus, 2. lowe in comitat. 2 filia. 20 annor' et am- Cata- Bohy de St. Will's, 3. Hunt. plius t'p'e hujus rina, 5. Neot's, cl'ici. Visitationis.



Johannes Forster de Evelith in com. Salop.^Isabella, filia .... Kyffin de Albertanett. Richardus Forster=T=Margareta, f. Wm. Selman de Guilielm' Forster, 2 films, a quo de Evelith. Morton in com. Staff. Forster de Barton Greene.

Anthon' Michael. Will'm' Thomas Forster de EveIith=pMaria, f. Tho. Grese- Forster. Forster. in com. Salopiae. | ley, militis. Georgius Forster de Evelith^pElizabetha, fil. Eicardi Gracia. Walter' Forster, in com. Salop. I Moreton de Houghton in Francisca. 2 fllius. I eomitat' Salopise. Riehardus^pElizab. Thomas =f=Marga- Dorothea, vxor .... Hare- Joh'es. Forster filia Forster de reta, filia court de Tamworth. Wm. de Eve- Tho. Southo in Cecilia, vx. Laurentij Bent- Rob't. lith, fil. et Rowley com.Hunt, Peete, re- hall de Benthall in com. Alan', hseres. de com. jam su- licta Salop. 6 filius. Staff. perstes Levyns de Jocosa, ux. Jo. Benthall, 1613. Southoo. fratris Laurentij.

Jaiia. Walterus Forster, filius et hseres.^.... filia .... Scrimsher de com. Lucia. ,f Staff. Per me THOMAM FORSTER.

These Armes thus quar- tred are in the Visitation of Shropshire for Richard Forster of Euelith, the elder brother of this Thomas Fors- ter of Southoe in com. Hunt. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 57


or Robertus Turbervile, miles, D'ns manerij de Creig- G 1 howell in com. Breconise. Turbervile \t mtJ] Adam Turbervile. / Cecill Turbervile. N\ 1; , J— M Isaack, al's Siack Turbervile.

Guilliam Turbervile.

Jeuan Turbervile. =y=. . .. ( Jeuan Turb'vile. r J"" Meredith Turbervile.^=.... ! I Johannes Turbervile.^.. .. Riehardus Turbervile prope Creig-^Alicia, filia Rieardi Mundy de Hursburne in com. howell. J South't. Willielm' Turbervile de Ctraffham in comitat. Huntingdon,=pEleonora, filia Tho. Lewys jam superstes 1613. de Brecon. Willielmus, filius et hseres, set. 11 annor' Joh'nes, 2. Thomas, 4. Elizabetha. et amplius, t'p'e hujus Visitationis. Ric'us, 3. Anna. Franoisca.


CAMD. SOC. 58 VISITATION OF BALDWYN. Johannes Baldwyn de villa South- :Agnes, alias Anna, ampton duxit in 2dam uxorem uxor prima, filia Margaretam relietam Joh'is Joh'nis Godfrey Grigge, per q"m nullu habuit de Southampton. exitum.

Fran—[-Anna, Tho- ^ Christiana, nupta Ba- sive Ag- mas tha, ker de Winchester, nes, fil. Bald- filia Alicia, nupta Petro et hseres win,2 .... Westbrook de com. Rioardi filius. Grene- South't. Keene, land. Agnes, ux. Wm. relieta Westmill, renupta Will'mi .... Counsell. Hutton. Robertus Baldwyn, obijt in Hispania, s.p.

Francisca, Johan- Johan-=T=Catarina, Francisca, nupta Rob'to Joh'nes. nupta Olivero na, in- nes f. Fran- Max. Thomas. Leder de nupta. Bald- cisci Catarina, p'mo nupta Catarina. Stoughton wyn. Mack- Thomse Leder, per quem Thomasin. Magna, mi- worth. non habuit exitu; renup- Alicia. liti, etob. s.p. ta Rob'to Carpinter. Omnes obierut s.p. Jacobus Thomas Baldwyn de Stough-^pJuditha, f. Tho- Henric' et Jo- Jana. Baldwyn, ton Magna in comit. Hunt, mse Hawes de hanna, s. p. Joh'es. ob. s. p. jam superstes a0. 1613. villa Bedfordise. Fracisc'. Oliv' Elizabeth.

Johannes, filius et haeres, setatis 13 annor' et amplius. THO. BALDWIN.

Baldwin HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 59


Thomas Cropley de Elye in coin.=f=.... Cantabrigise. T Guilielmus Cropley de Ely, filius^.... Thomse. | Thomas Cropley de Canta-^Anna, filia .... brigia. I Hodson de Can- I tabrigia. Anna, us. Debora. Thomas Cropley de^Catarina, f. Tho- Lucas Crop- Margareta. Geo. "Gayer Hester. Offord Cluney, jam ma? Catesby de ley, 2. Sara. deNorff. Alicia. superstes 1613. Hardmead in Jonathan, 3 Mabilia. com. Buck. films. Catherina, setatis dimid' anni et amplius tempore hujus Visitationis. THOMAS CROPLEY.

Arma gentilitia Thomse Cropley Artium Magistri in Accademia Cantabrigiensi, filij Guilielmi Cropley filij Thomse Cropley de Elye, Quse quidem arma ego Guilielmus Camden, Clarenceux Rex armor', prsed'c'o Thomse Cropley et liberis suis ut habeant, gerant, et utantur authoritate mihi sub magno Anglise sigillo delata, ratifieo et confirmo. 60 VISITATION OF


Walterus Luke, miles, Capitalis Jus-=p.... filia et hseres Launcelin de Launcelinsbury ticiarius de Comuni Banco. I in com. Hunt, primo nupta Gruilielmo Oxenbridge. Nicolaus Luke, vnus Baronum de Scaccario^.... filia et coliseres Thomse Walton de D'ni Regis. | Bassemeyd. T 1 Johannes Luke=pAnna, fll. Brigida, f. =pWalterus- :Anna, Paulus de Woodend et hser' Thoma Parys Luke de filia My in com. Bedf. de Hitchin, God wick Rob'ti A tilius et hseres. Hemyng ux. 2, relicta in com. Bulk- de Arlesey W». Wal- Bedf. ley. in com. ton. Bedd. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 61

h- Maria, ux. Nico- : ^Marga- Johannes Olive- Elizabe-^Nieho- =p!Elizabe- Ed- Jo. Ma- laus reta, fil. Luke, rus tha, f. laus tha, filia ward, thewe de Luke, Oliveri miles, 2 Luke, Thomse Luke Simonis 3 Braddene fili' et Domini filius, de 1 fil. Cromp- de Pax- Escu- filius. in com. hseres, St. John. Anables ob. ton de ton damor North'mpt. obijt in com. s, p. Cond in Parva de Julij Hertf. com. in com. Finch- 1613. Salop. Hunt. ley. T1 Oliverus =pElizabe- Catarina, Anna. Scudamor Luke. Luke de tha, fil. filia. Juditha, Oliva. Oliu'. Woodend Valen- Anna, vx. Jo. Nieh'. in comit' tini nupta Cooke Anna, ux. Edw. Collyns de Knight- de. Bedf. Miloni Thomas London. miles,jam ley, Fleet- Elizabetha, ux. Will'mi Fran- militis. Luke, superstes woode, 2 filius. ceys de Abbotesley. 1613. militi. Maria, ux. Edw. Barnard do Barnett. Samuel, 1 filius. 2 filius. Nieolaus, 3 filius.


Paulus Luke.=pElizabetha, filia Joh'nis Stocker de Eaton. Johannes Luke^pElizabetha, fil. Walterus, Nieolaus Luke=pOliva, fil. Joh'is Clax- de Hardwick Jo. Leeds de 3 filius. de Abbotesley ton de Kirton in com. in comit. Hunt. Graff ham in in comitat. Nott. com. Hunt. Hunt. r—I '—r~i 1—r—i—i~i—r Anna, 1 filia. 1. Paulus Luke, Thorn' 3. Paulus Luke, 2 filius. Alicia. Elizabetha, filius et haeres, Nich' 4. Nieh' 3. Anna. 2 filia. aetatis 28 annor' Oliv' 5. Johannes Luke, filius Brigida. 1613. Georgi' 6. et hseres, set. 14 an- Juditha. 2. Joh'nes Luke, Edw. 7. nor' 1613. Elizab. 2 filius, duxit Maria, 3. WiU'm'4. Jacob' 7. .... nliam .... Jana, 4. Oliv' 5. Eede de Redborne Rodney', 6. in com. Hertf. Maria. T Johannes Luke.


PARIS. Thomas Parys^.y . •. Agg- Johannes Midleton de Newing- de Hiehin in nea, filia ton Butts. com. Hert- fordise, et Rawlins. D'n's de Ed- Johannes Midle-^Elizabetha, worth in com. ton de New- filia Will'roi Bedfordife. ington Butts. Higford de com. Warr, militis.

Thomas Paris D'n's de Edworth in com. Bedd.=j=Maria, filia Joh'is Midleton de Newin- ton Butts. (—I I ""S p Robertus =f Elizabetha, fil. Radulf. Brigida, nupta Legge de Norff. Parys de El- Thomse Spen- Thomas. primo Will'o Lucia, ux Coker, lington in ser de Copooll Walton, 2d<> renupta .... Dockwray. com.Hunts. in com. Bedd. Waltero Luke. Philipp' Parys de St. =pAntonia, f. Jasperi Parr Paris de=pJocosa, filia Tho. Tay- Neot's in com. Hunts. I Warine de Thirlowe Stowe in com. I ler de Grymesbury in in Suff. Hunt. 1613. com. Bedf. (T Elizab, Matheus. Philippus Paris, filius et Ric'us. Edmundus Parys, 1 Maria. Brigida. Rob't'. hseres,£et. 16annor'1613. Arnoldus. filius,aetatis 7 annor'. Brigida. PH. PARIS.

Anna supadicta concess' fuerunt per Robertum Cooke, Clarenceux Regem Armor', Roberto Parys de Hitchen in com. Hertfordife, A°. D'ni 1573. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 63


Ricardus Skegges de Eynesbury in com. Hunt.^Alicia uxor ejus. Johannes Skegges de^Christiana, filia St. Jues in com. Joh'is Croftes de Hunt, armiger. Eynsbury in comit. Hunt. Anna, mipta Henric' Skegges^Susanna, f. Edward' Skegges Nich'o At- de Eynsbury in Joh'ni" " " 's ~Bar - de" ~Fanchurche kkyn s de LonL - comitati . Hunts, nardiston de Streete in Lon- don, merea- jam superstes a0. Northill in don. tori. 1613. com. Bedf. Joh'nes Skegges. Johannes, nlius et haeres, set. 30 an'or' Henric' Paulus. Susanna, nupta Joh'i Wyke et amplius 1613. Skeggs. Johan'a. de St. Neott's. Per me HENRICU' SKEGGS. 64 VISITATION OF

PAYNE. Kobertus Payne de St, Neot's in corn. Hunt.^.. .. i J Robertus Payne de St. Neott's in com. Hunt.^Agnes, filia Will'i Scott de Eaton. i r " i Neott'sEdwardu, sja Paynm superstee de St.^Dorotheas Clampe d, efll. eomit Phi.' dRobertue St. sNeott' Payne=pMarias I ton de, filiaAYatertonRob't i, Watermilitis-, 1613, 1 fiiius et hieres. Hunt. in com. Hunt. I in com. Ebor'. Rober- :Elizabetha, Water- Isabella, nupta Catarina, nupta Robertus : Elizabe- tus filia Joh'is ton Edwardo Luke Johanni Payne de tha, filia Payne, Belby, Payn, de Goodwick Fletcher de St. Midloe in Georgij Mi' et Doctoris 2. in com. Bedf. Neot's. com. Rotheram tares. Juris Ci- Darcy Orracia, nupta Agnes, ux. Jo. Hunt. de So- vilis. Payn, Thomas Young Warren de St. Miles,jam merys in 3. . de Colne in Neotts. superstes com. Bed- com. Hunt. 1613. fordia?.

Edwardus, 1 Rob'tus,2. Thorn's, Robertus Payne, Grervasius, 2. Jana. fiiius, etlueres, Will's, 3. Webbe fiiius et hares, Georgius, 3. Anna. setatisl3, an- Oliu's, 4. Payne. set. 9 annor' Maria, 1. Elizabetha. nor' 1613. Elizabetha. 1613. EDW. PAYNE. ROBERT PAIN.

Per \Vm. Segar, Garter, et Will'm Camden, Claren- ceux, 14 Novembr. a°. 2 R. Jacobi. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 65


Thomas Best de St. Neot's in coniitat.^Elizabetha, filia Joh'is Andrewes de St. Huntingdon. I' Neott's. Margeria, filia .... —Johannes Best de Eynesbury in com. Hunt.^=Francisoa, filia Ste- Lake de London, ux. jam superstes 1613, dnxit in 3tiinn uxorem I ph'i Bull de Eynes- prima. Rosam, filiam Colbeek de comit' Bedf. ) bury, uxor 2dB. Stephanus Best, filius et haeres, set. 19 annor' Francisea, 1.* Frideswida, 3. a°. 1613. Sara, 2.


* Nupta Tho. Walker. MS. Coll. Armor.



Johannes Jawdrell de Ely.=p.... Thomas Jawdrell.=f=.... Robertus Jawdrell de Willielmus Jawdrell de Wickham=j=Vrsula, fllia Rob'ti Payne de Insula Ely, 2 fllius. sive "Wicham in Insula Elye. I WilWilburtol n de Insula. Guilielmus Jawdrell de=pAlicia, fl.Owen i Anna', uxor Lucse Hawkyns de Insula Ely. Pery in parochia de Brigges de Margareta, uxor .... Groome de Mershland. Stoughton in com. Pery. Joanna, ux. Will'i Bigg do M'shland. Hunt. 1613. ( Guilielmus Jawdrell, set. 16 annor' et Owinus. Gervasi'. Elizab. Ursula. amplius 1613. Joh'es. Marg'ia. Agnes.


Ha?c arma confirmantur per Ric'm Lee Clarenceux Regem Armor', Rob'to Jaw- drell de Wycham in Insula Elye. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 67


Thomas Leete de Ockinton in com.^=Maria, filia Edw. Slade de Ruahton in com. Cantebr. j Northampt. I 1 j—|—| Johannes Leete de Doddington=pAnna, f. Rob'ti Shute, Johannes Leete, 2 nlius. in com. Hunt, prim'nlius, jam Justiciary de Banco Jana, uxor Ricardi Dale. superstea 1613. Regis. Rebecca, uxor Tho. Fowler. Willielmus Leete, nlius et hseres, setatis dimid' anni et ampliua A0. D'ni 1613. JOHN LEETE.

Comes D^S frater Reg' Seocie omnibus Baronibj, Militibus, et probis hominibu8 suis de honore de Huntingdon, Francis et Anglis, &c. sal't'm. Sciatis me dedisse, &c. Rob'to de Berneho man'iu meii et terraa per terras suas divisas in magna Steuecle, tenend' sibi et haeredibj suis, &c. Hijs testibus, Rob'to de Bid', H. du lac, Will' du lac, Rob'to filio Lanceles, H. Burd', Eymer de Acle senescallo, &c.

Sciant p'ntes et futuri q'd Ego Joh'es Bussy de Hegham miles dedi, &c. et concessi Will'o Smith de Scott et alija man'ia mea de Hogham, Scotton, Malmeton, Kynerzhely, et medietat' man'ij de Merston in com. Lincoln', ac etiam man'iu de Thistleton in com. Rotel' et Leicestr', et man'ia de Balderton, Wyggesley, et Knapthorpe, in com. Nott', et man'iu de Wynfeld et Morton in com. Derb. simul cum oibj nativis et eor' sequelis p'd'c'is man'ijs spectantibj in villis p'd'c'is. Dat' a0. 10 H. 4. 68 VISITATION OF

Hseo indentura testatur q'd nos D'n's Joh'es de Roos de Hamlak, magister Thomas de La Warr canonic' eecl'ise be' Marise Lincoln, &c. concession' Johanni Bussy chivaler man'ia n'ra de Hogham, Thistleton, Balderton, Kynyerdby, Dembleby, et medietatem man'ij de Merston, &c. Dat' apud Hogham a". 15 Ri. 2di.

An indenture the 2. and 3. yeare of Philip and Mary, betweene Sr Lawrence Taylard of Dodington in ye county of Huntington, knight, and John Leweston of Leweston, on the county of Dorss', esq. that the heyres of the said Sr Laurence, wthin 3 moneths after the decease of ye said Sr Laurence and lady Margaret his wife, if Geffrey Taylard his sonne and heyre shall so long live, shall make to Rob't Kelleway, Wm. Fauntleroy, Thom"s Cotton, and Giles Taylard, a sufficient estate of all his lands in Gamlingay in Cambridge- shire, to the use of the said Geffrey and Christian his wife, and the heyres of theyre bodyes lawfully begotten, &c. HUNTINGDONSHIKE A. D. 1613. 69


arma concess' fuerunt Jacobo Dyer, militi, Justiciario de Comuni Banco, per Cfil- bertum Dethick, Garter, et Kob'tum Cooke, Clarenceux, Reges Armor'. 70 VISITATION OF

Johannes Deyer.^Agnes uxor ejus. Richardus Deyer, prim': Johannes Deyer, 2d> filius.^ i I Richardus Deyer .^p,. .. filia .. .. Walton de com. Soms's Alexander Deyer.=p.... r i Jaeobus Agnes, 1 fil. .... =FJo- =j=Ali- Domina ^pThomas^Fran- Anka- Deyer, ux. .... uxor han- cia, Poningt Deyer, cisca, retta, miles, Rowswell, 2d» nes filia vx. 2. miles. vxor nupta capitalis ar. filia Deyer, .... prima. Joh'i justiciari' Dorothea, ar. Ivye, Ewens de comu- nupta Si- Erne nlius uxor ni Ban- moni Par- ley. et 1. co, ob. well, 2. hser. s. p.; Elizabetha, uxor, ux. Will'- filia mi Han- Ba- nam, ar. 3 rowe, re- filia. lictaTho- Alicia, 4 filia, mee uxor Wm. Eliott, Radish. militis. a 1 Edwardus Deyer, miles, Can- Matildis, =pAndreas===.. .. Johanna, ux. Mauritij cellarius Ordinis Garterij, filia Deyer. filia Rodney, ar. obijt s. p. Ludlowe. Margareta, nupta Joh'i Alexander Deyer, 2 filius, Wood. Deyer de Roundhill. duxit filiam Jaques de Gra- (See if* next page.) nado, militis. ^|. Francisca, nupta Johanni Stawell, militi. Edwardus Deyer. Andreas Deyer. Thomas Deyer. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 71

-"—"1 Jacob': :Jana, Gceorgi' Deyer, Willm\ Lauren- -pJana, Eicard', Joha- : Deyer. filia duxit filia .... tius filia ob.s.p. nes Marga- .... Sherley. Deyer, Thom;e Thomas, Deyer. reta, Cheeke. =j= filius et Southe ob.s.p. filia hseres de com. Thomse Wiilm' Deyer. Johannis Wiltess. Deyer, Deyer. militis.

Jaco- Ricardus = =Maria, Margareta, Francisc' = .. .. filia Jana, ux. Steph'i bus Deyer,* fil. nupta Nicho- Deyer dde Oeni Deyer, renupta Deyer, miles, con- Will'i lao Smyth. Round- Gwyn, Humfr'oSydenham. capel- sanguine' Fitz- Francisca, hill in ar. Anna, uxor Henr' lanus ethseresJa- Wil- nupta Hen- com. Beynton. D'ni cobi Deyer, liams, rico Hun- Somss'. Elizabetha, nupta Regis. militis. militis. ninges,armi- .... Ashe de com. gero. Somss'. ~!—I—r- 1 Jacobus Deyer, G-uilielm' Deyer de=^Catariina, filia Joh'is Francisc' Anna, nupta primogenitus Stoughton Magna Doyley de Merton in ob. s. p. Edwardo filius, ob. in in com. Hunt, miles, com. Oxon, et co- 0 Ric'us. Carre, militi vitapatrisl599. jam superstes, a . hseres ejus. Edward, et baronetto. 1613. I • Ludovicus Deyer, filius et haeres, atatis Ricard'. Anna. Doyleus, 3 filius. 8 annor' 1613. * WM. DEYER. 72 VISITATION OF WHITBROOKE. Rogerus Whitbrooke de com. Salopise.1^.. .. _ _ 1 Johannes Whitbrooke de Worfeild in comit. Salop.=p.... filia et hccres .... Vnderhill. Hugo Whitbrooke de Bridgemorff.=j=Margareta, filia .... Edwardes soror. Joh'es Whitbrooke de Putney in com.^Margareta, filia et hseres unica Thomee Lunn de Surreyse. J Pocklington in com. Ebor'. Joh'es Whitbrooke de Water Newton in com. Hunt.=j=Johanna, filia Simonis Horsepoole miles, jam superstes 1613. | de com. Cantij. Elizabeth, 1 filia. Thomas Whitbrook, filius et Simon. Francisc'. Catarina. Johana, 2.* haeres, setatis 10 annor' tem- Edward'. + Bobt'.J Margareta. § pore Visitationis. JO. WHYTBROOKE.


.11. V. vi. i. iv. vii. HONOR SVB NISV IACET VI. V. 1. IV. IX. viii. ii. vii. in

* Johana 3. MS. Coll. Armor. + Simon 2. Edward 3. Ibid. % Francise. 4. Robt' 5. Ibid. § Catarina 2. Margareta 4. Ibid. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 73

IN THE CHURCH OF WALTON IN COM. HUNTINGDON, taken the 27 day of August 1613.

These 3 stand in the east windowe of ye ehaneell.



Noverint universi per preesentes nos Ricardu Neville comitem Warrewici et Sarum, Dominu de Bergeveny, magnu camerariu Anglise, capitaneu villae et castri Calesise ac marchiar' ibidem Locumtenentem, remisisse, relaxasse, &e. quietum clainasse Johanni Ottyr, omnimodas aeeoes reales et personales, &c. quas versus eundem Joh'em unquam habuim', &c. In cujns rei testimoniu presentibus sigillum n'r'm fecimus apponi. Dat' primo Februarij a0 regni Regis Edwardi quarti post Conquestum quarto, R. WABREWYK. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 75


Radulfus fllius Walteri de Follevilla, hseres suus, o'ib} hominibus Francis et Anglis, &c. sal't'm. Nov'it univ'sitas v'ra me confirmasse donationem patris mei Walteri de Folevilla q"> fecit Thomaj de Folevilla suo filio assensu et petitione mea pro vna earucata terrse in Reresby, &e. Hijs testibus, Alexandra de Cressi, Will'o de Folleuilla, Hug' de Morvill, Reginaldo de Rudeclue, Rob'to Beuerous, et multis alijs.

Walterus de Fol-^=.... Johannes de Folevile miles dedit Joh'i filio suo gen'ato uile de Rerisby. | de Alicia Leyke totam terram suam de Parva Axeby in Radulfus, 1 Thomas de com. Leicestriae, cum nativis et sequelis, &c. Et si prse- filius Wai- Folvile, jun. d'c'us Joh'nes obierit sine hserede tune reman' Radulpho teri de Fol- filius. altero filio Joh'is et Aliciae. Hijs testibus, D'nis Will'o le vile. Waleys, Henr' de Notingham, Gilberto de Howby, Joh'e le Fauconer militibus, Rog'o de Somervile, Radulpho Camerario, Godfr'o de Nevill et alijs.

Ego Margeria quondam vxor D'ni Rob'ti de Poleuille de Rerisby, dedi, &c. Radulfo filio meo pro servicio suo unam virgatam terrse cum pertin' in villa de parva Esseby. Hijs testibus, Radulfo de Tuile, Ricardo de Esseby, Nich'o fratre ejus, D'no Rad'o Baasett milite, Henr' de Notingham, W°. de Trumpeton, Gilb'to de Oleby, WiU'o de Sallowe, Joh'e cl'ico et alijs.

Richardus filius Rogeri de Esseby, remisit, &c. D'no Rob'to de Foleuile, et hseredibus suis, totum serviciu Ernaldi de Codisbech', scil't unii caponem per annum pro uno tofto in villa de Esseby. Hijs testibus, Will'mo Basseth, Nieolao de Marnham, Steph'i Danuers, WiU'o Dispensatore, Reginaldo Marescallo, et multis alijs.

Ego D'na Margeria de Foleuile in mea ligea potestate ac lib'a viduitate dedi, &c. Rad'o filio meo pro servicio suo una virgatam terrse in parva Esseby, cum toftis, pratis, pasturis, &c. quam Martinus filius Hereward tenuit in eadem villa, &c. Hijs testibus, D'no Rad'o Bassett de Sapcote, D'no Thoma de Estleya, D'no Radulpho Camerario, D'no Will'mo Burdeth, Nicholao Marnaham, Henr' de Notingham, Hugone de Nevile, Jacobo de Esseby, Gilberto de Aleby, Joh'e de Sywoldeby, & alijs. 76 VISITATION OF

Ric'us filius et lueres Willielmi Hawerey de Rerisby, dedi, &c. Radulfo de Folevile filio D'ni Johannis de Foleuile de Rerisby vnu messuagiu cum vna bouata terras, &c. Hijs testibus, Joh'e le Faucon', Will'o le Waleys de Onley milit', Rogero de Som'vile de Cosinton, Henr' de Notingh'm de Thurcouton, Joh'ne de WiJers de Brokesby, Rad'o le Chamb'leyne de Rerisby, Rob'to Chaumberleyn de ead', Rad'o de Nevile de ead', Radul- pho Scot' de ead', Will'o Seharp de ead', et Reginaldo clerico de Gaddesby et alijs.


D'n's Robertus de Foluile de Rerisby, miles.^Margeria, uxor ejus. I ; ; 1 Johannes de Foluile, miles, de^Alicia Leyke, Radulfua Foluile, Rerisby et de Axeby, sive As- uxor ejus. filius Rob'ti et Mar- cheby, in com. Leicestrice. gerise.

Johannes de Foluile, filius Rad'us Foluile de Rerisby, qui dedit Joh'is gen'at' de Alicia annuitate 18s. reddit' Rad'o auunculo Leyke.

r § Vide in my booke Matilda, sive Mabilia, filia et hseres Joh'is of Leicestershier- in Foluile de Ashby, filij Galfridi Foluile de Woodford's descent. Ashby Folvile in com. Leic. nupta fuit Joh'i Woodford,§ a0. 9 E. 3.

Ego Radulfus de Foleuill filius Domini Joh'is de Foleuill de Rerisby, dedi, &c. Johanni de Foleuil fratri meo vnu messuagiu in villa de parva Asscheby, &c. Hijs testibus, Radulfo clerico, Joh'ne fllio Isabellas de Siwoldeby, Thoma fllio Nicholai de Ascheby, Willielmo de Cotes et alijs.

Sciant, &c. q'd Ego Hugo de Newill dedi, &c. Rob'to de Folewill et hseredibj suis vnum sellionem in Banecroft, scilicet selionem illam quern Rogerus Costeyn tenuit, &c. Hijs testibus, Rogero senescallo, Nich'o de Marnham, Petro de Segrave, Laurentio de Rerisby, Rob'to de Marnham, Alfredo de Rerisby, et alijs.

Ego Radulfus de Foleuille de Rerisby filius D'ni Johannis de Foleuile, dedi, &c. Radulfo de Foleuile, auunculo meo, filio D'ni Rob'ti de Folvile, ad totam vitam ipsius Radulphi 18s. annui redditus, &c. Hijs testibus, Rad'o le Chaumb'leyn, Rob'to fratre ejus, Grodfrido de Neuile, Rad'o fratre ejus, Henr' de Notingham, Rad'o de Siwoldeby, Waltero de Grumeston, et alijs. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 77

Ego Adam filius Personae de parva Esseby dedi &c. Joh'i de Foleuile de Rerisby vnu messuagifl, &c, in parva Esseby. Dat' apud Esseby, 8 Edw. 3.

Ego Rob'tus Broun de parva Assheby, concessi, &c. Joh'i le Poluile de Rerisby et liEeredibus suis totum statu mefl quern habui in omnibus terris, &c, in parva Asheby ex dimissione Joh'is Danuers, &c. Dat. a0. 27 Edw. 3.

Ego Matheus de Foluill, miles, dedi, &c. Ric'o de Sprotbourg et Will'o de la Marche vnum mess' et unam virgatam terras cfl pertin' in Rerisby, &c. Dat' apud Reresby a°. 27 Edw. 3.

Brookesby. Pateat Vniversis, &o. me Joh'em Cbaumburleyne de Rerisby, filiu et hseredem Rad'i Chaumberleyne, remisisse, relaxasse et omnino pro me et hseredibj nieis, &c. Joh'i de Brokesby de Sywaldeby, totu jus et clameQ quae h'eo in man'io de Rerisby cum pertin', ac in advo- cacoe ecel'ise ejusdem Villas. Quod quidem man'iu quonda fuit Mathitc Foleuile militis, &c. Hijs testibus, Rob'to Foluile persona eccl'ise de Saxilby, Joh'e de Linton de Grimeston, Thomae de Rade- cliff et alijs. Datum apud Warkenaby, a". 51 Edw. 3.


D'n's Robertas de Beaumes tenet capitale manerium de Beumes in villa de Salt'ia de D'no comite Glovernise, et est de feodo de Lovetot, q'd solebat teneri de Nigello de Amoundewile, et Nigellus de Amondewile de D'no Rege in capite, &c.

Joh'nes Gydding et Agnes de Beumes vxor sua tenent mess' et duas virgatas terras cum pertin' per cartam redd' D'no Rob'to de Beaumes, vjd. vel unu par calcarior' deaura- tor', &c.

Item, Rob'tus fili' Galfridi de Beumes tenet unam virgatam terras redd' unam libram piperis, &c. 78 VISITATION OP

Robertas de Beaumea qui tenuit in capite maneriu de Sautre de Ric'o de Clare comite Grloucestr' et Hertf. obijt a". 47 H. 3. Inquiss' in fine Bundelli, N°. 34. =p

Rogerus de Beaumeya, fili' et haeres, set. 40 annor' a0. 47 H. 3.

r T Jacobus de Beaumevs unua co'militonu Regia Edwardi primi in guerra Scotise et fuit de comit' Huntingdonise. r 3T Reginaldus de Beaumeys tenet feodum uni' militia, &c. in Sautre et Pappeworth 8 Edw. 2 et 11 Edw. 2.


Pateat Vniversis q'd Ego Thomas de Crimplesham et Roesia Springaut de Vpwood dedim', &c. D'no Will'o le Moyne de Rauele unu mesauagiu cu toto crofto adjacente et prato de Rauele q'd Will'm' de Stotfold aliquando tenuit, &c. Hijs teatibua, D'no Waltero de Wassingele, D'no Rob'to de Beaumia, D'no Joh'e de Longauill, D'no Simone de Copmanford, Thoma de Beynuill, Rob'to de Walton, Joh'e de Claris Vallibua, Joh'e de Ravele et aliis.

Anno regni Regis Edwardi fllij Regia Henrici 25'", &c.. inter ven'abilem p'rem Joh'em de Sautre Dei gra' Abbatem de Ramess' ex parte una, et Willielmu filiu Will' le Moygne de Magna Rauele ex altera, &c. super quadam exactione quam p'd'c'us D'n's Abbaa de Ramesey exigebat a p'd'c'o Will'o filio Will'i le Moigne, &c. Hija testibus, D'no Joh'e de Deene milite, Will'o de Wassingele sen', Joh'e de Cleruaua, D'no Joh'e de Wistowe rectore eecl'ise de Craunfeld, Will'o de Rauele, Ranulpho de Cleruals, Alano d'eo Coquo, et alijs.

D'n's Will'm' le Moyne tenet man'iu de Salteria le Moyne de Abbate de Ramesey, et D'n's Abbas de D'no Rege in capite. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 79



Sr Angell Don,=p fllia .... knight, alder- Hawardine de man of London. Chesh.

Elizabeth, filia=pThomas Myrfyn, | or =T=Elizabetha, filia ^Thomas Dennys, .... Squyer. I miles. et haeres. miles.

Edward', ob. 8. p. 80 VISITATION OF

H Richardus : Cromwell, filia Joh'is al's Wil- Myrffyn, liams miles, militis, et al- de Hinchin- dermanni broke in London, filij com. Hunt. Tho.

Fran- Henricus: ^Johanna, ciscus Cromwell fllia Rad'i Crom- de Hin- Warren, well de chin- militis et Hem- brooke in alder- ingford eomit' manni in com. Hunting- London, Hunt, donia;, et Johan- duxit miles, 1. nse uxoris Marga- films, et ejus fllia1 rets hseres. ethseredis filia Sepultus Joh'is Henr' 24 Janua- Trelake Man- ry, 1603, de Cornu- nock de duxit bia, al's Hem- etiam filia Davy, of ing- London, ford, Weekes, gent.soror ar. qui por- et postea tavit B. haeres a lion Bic'i ramp, Warren chequy, de Clay- A.andG. bury in com. Essex.

Henrieus Elizabetha,=pOliverus Cromwell^.... re- HenricusCrom- ^Margareta, Cromwell, filia Tho- miles,filiusethseres, lictaHora- welldeUpwood filia Thomas filius et mse Brom- de Hinchinbrooke tij Palavi- in com. Hunt- Wynde de hseres ley, mil', in com. Huntingd', cini, mili- ingdoniae, 3 fili', South Wot- Francisci. Cancellarij jam superates, anno tis, Itali. jam superstes ton in com. Anglia). 1613. 1613. Norff. Henrieus Crom—.... filia .... uxor Palavi- Richardus Cromwell, filius et hseres well, filius et Horatij cini, fratris uxoris apparens, setatis 10 armor' et amplius Palavicini. p'd'c'i Henrici. t'p'e hujus Visitationis. H. CEOMWELL. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 81


Broughton de Broughton Tower in com. Lancastr'.=p.. Tho. Broughton de Broughton in com. Robertas Broughton, armiger, frai Lancastr', miles, oecisus in proelio apud Thomse Broughton militis. Stoke, t'p'e H. 7.

Richard' Broughton, filius et hseres RoVti.^Johanna, filia Massey de com. Lancastr'. 3. Edmudus: •Constantia, f. 2. Marcus =p.... filia .... Broughton Edw. Rowse de Broughton de I Dudley de de Stukeley Badingh'm in Seton in comit' Chapton in Magna et de com. Suff. et Rutlandise. comit' North't. Godman- Christianas, filius et hseres. chester in uxoris ejus filise Richardus Broughton de Seton in Elizabetha, uxor com. Hunt. Stoner, com. Rutlandiae, jam superstes Georgij James de 3 filius. sororis Walteri 1613. Braiston in com. Stonerde Stoner Elizabetha, vx. Laurentij Tor- Derb. in com. Oxon, kington de Stukeley in com. Margareta. militis. Hunt. 1. Phi- =.. .. 2. Maria, filia=pEdmund- =f=1. Jo- Will'm's, lippus filia Hufri' Bur- us Brough- hanna, Lauretius, Brough- • • • • dett deBram- ton de f. Will'- Thomas, ton de Al- cott in com. Godman- miKem- Willi'm', obierEt s. p. comitatu dridge Warr. et Su- chester ble de Dorothea, nupt' Rob'to Stibbing Staf- de sannas, filise in com. Wedhill de Cantio, jam de com. Bedf. fordise. com. Tho. Engle- Hunt, jam in com. Johanna, vx. Henr' Croftes de Leic. feild militis, superstes Wiltess. Godmanchester. de Englefeild 1613. vx. pri- Anna, vx. Ric'i Stephenson de in com. Berk. ma. Godmanchester. vx. 2. Eliz. ob. s. p. Christiana, vx. .... Lilly de com. Lincoln.

2. Anna filia, set. Edmundus, filius et hseres, set. 12 1. Margareta filia, set. 6 annor'. annor' et amplius, a0. 1613. 14 annor'.




Soiant, &e. q'd Ego Petrus Esscudemore miles, dedi, &e. Waltero Eskudemore nepoti meo pro servicio suo totum manerium meu de Vptone, &c. et cum tota terra mea de Norigge, Tholnestone cum bosco meo de Clerwode et cum bosco meo Norigge quem boscum D'n's Godefridus Eskudemore pater meus emit de Huberto Huse de Stapleford, &c. Hijs testibus, Dominis Ric'o de Combe vie' Wiltess', Ric'o de Coleshull, Waltero de Pauely, Rob'to de Wernon, Joh'e de Kingeston, Ph'o Strugg' militibus, Warino Man- duytt, Nich'o de la Mare, Ric'o Dansy, Nich'o Malemeyns, Waltero de p'reo, Rob'to Plokenet, Simone Colston et alijs.

Seiant p'ntes, &c. q'd Ego Rob'tus Hereman de Northton Escudemore, dedi, eoncessi, &c. Waltero Escudemore, D'no de Upton, et hseredibj suis totum tenementu meu cum tota terra, &c. quam habui de Domino Petro Escudemor', in villa et campis de Northton Escudemor, &c. Hijs testily, Waltero de Pauely, Warino Maudut, Rob'to de Vernun, Reginaldo de S'c'o Martino, Joh'e de Yngham, Joh'e de Kingeston militibj, Walt'o de Parco, Nicolao Malemains, Nieh'o de la Mare, Rob'to Cole de Doninton, Rob'to Gocelin', Rob'to Swoting et multis alijs.

A". 10 Edw. 2. Seiant, &c. q'd Ego Walterus Escudemor', D'n's de Upton Skyde- mor, tradidi, eoncessi, &c. Will'o Styward fil' Nioh'i Styward, Alicise vxori ejus, et Petro filio eor', unam placeam terrse in Upton Skydemor', et duas acras terrse arabilis cum pertin' in Vpton, &e. Hijs testibus, Nich'o Malemains, Joh'e Styward, Joh'e Colston, Joh'e HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. I). 1613. 83

Bastard, Eogero Styward et alijs. Dat' apud Skydemore a0. 10 Edwardi filij Regis Edwardi.

A0. 19 Edw. 3. Omnibus, &c. Walterus Escudemor fllius et haeres D'ni Petri Escudemor militis salutem. Nov'itis me dedisse, &c. Mericise de Saltune sorori Julianse uxoris Rob'ti Halyman de Tholneston, 8 solid' et 4 denar' annui redditus de uno mess' cum curtilagio, orofta et terr' in Norrig' et Tholneston, q'd Johan'es Wilet de me tenet ad terminii vitse, &c. Hijs testibus, Waltero de p'roo, Joh'e Colston, Jo. de p'rco, Edw°. Styward, W°. Fraunkelin et alijs multis. Dat' apud Upton Skudemore a0. 19 Edw. 3.

Pateat vniv'sis, &c. q'd Ego Walterus Eseudamore, D'n's de Upton, miles dedi, &c. Joh'i Wyeth de Upton, totum illud messuagiE, &o. et crofta in campo qui vocatr Garston, &o. Hijs testibus, Walt'o de Parco, Joh'ne Fraunkelin, Joh'e Colston et alijs. Dat' apud Vpton Skudemore a°. 22 Edw. 3.

Pateat vniv'sis me Will'm Hankey cl'ic'm ordinasse, &o. dilectos mihi Henr' de Bris- sele, Joh'em de Assheford et Thomam de Cressingham attorn' meos ad deliberandu noie meo seisinam D'no Petro Eseydemore militi, et Johannse uxorisuse, et hsered' suis de uno tenemento cfl pertin' in Martelane in parochia de Berkingchirche in civitate London, &o. Dat' apud London 27 Aprilis a". 43 Edw. 3.

A tous iceux, &c. Piers de Skydemo* chivaler, Seignr de Vpton, &c. Sachet' moi auer graunte a Robert Coumbe de Prome touj lej pastures de une place q' est appele Odyngdon, deinj mon seign'ie de Vpton, &c. Donne a Upton 43 Edw. 3.

6 R. 2. Ceste endenture faict entre dame Joh'ne q' fust la fem'e a Pieris Escudamor ch'l'r, et Kat'ine sa file d'une p't, et Thomas Reynes et Johan son fitz ch'l'r d'autr' part. Tesmoigne q' la dite dame Joh'ne ad grante q' le dit John esposera Katerine sa file, &e. et le dit Thomas ad graunte a donner a dit Johan et Katerine, et a le) heyres q' le dit Joen engendra, &c. les manoirs de Clifton & Nowentone, &c. Donne a Clifton auaunt dit en l'an de reigne n're seign' le Roy Richard le secunde puys la Conqueste sisme.

Sciant, &c. quod Ego Rob'tus de Borard dedi, concessi, &c. Rad'o de Reynes nepoti meo totii tenements meum q'd habui in Rusteshale, cii homag' et redditibus, &c. Hijs testibus, D'no Rogero de Tyringham, D'no Amarico de Nodarijs, D'no Rob'to de Sees militibus, W°. de Elnay, Roberto de Hekenay, Tho. de Reynes, Rob'to de Lathebyry et alijs. Dat' apud Clyfton, 24 Edw. 1.

Pateat univ'sis, &c. me Thomam Reynes D'n'm de Vpton Eseudemor attornasse et in loco meo posuisse dil'c'os mihi in Xp'to Joh'em Osberne et alios veros attornatos meos ad delib'andum plenam seiainam noie meo Joh'i Reynes patri meo, Rad'o Reynes et alijs in 84 VISITATION OF omnibus dominijs, man', terr' et ten' in com. Wiltess', South't', Hertford, et Buck', &o. Dat' apud Teringham, a0. 4 H. 5.

Sciant p'ntes, &c. q'd Ego Joh'es Reynes miles, dedi, &c. Joh'i Baysham clerioo, Joh'i James de OIney et Henr' Hertwell, hseredibj et assignatis suis, oia man'ia, d'ni'a terr', ten' &c. in comitat' Wiltess', Suth't, et Som'ss', &o. Hijs testibus, Joh'e Osberne, Joh'e Billingdon, Rogero Sherewyn, Rob'to Richard, Edwardo Dyere et alijs. Dat' apud Vpton Escudemore 10 Octobris, an0. 9 H. 5.

Irrotulatur in dorso Clausar' Cancellar' Regis infra script' mense Novembr' a°. predict'.

Omnibus, &c. Joh'es Turvey de North Crowley in com. Buck', sal't'm, &c. Noue- ritis me dedisse, &e. Joh'i de Reynes militi et Aliciaa vxori ejus et luered' ip'ius Alicia? totum jus, &c. quse h'eo in man'io de Upton Eseudemour iuxta Wermenstre in com. Wiltess' necnon o'ibj terr' et ten' cum pertin' in Upton, Weminstre, Hardenhuysche, Rusteshale, et Tholneston in com. p'd', &c. Hijs testibj, W°. Westbury, ff°. Fynderne, Walt'o Fitz-Richard, Jo. Olney, Jo. Pavelegh' et alijs. Dat' 19 Maij, a0.10 H. 5.

Omnibus Xp'i fidelibus, &c. Joh'es Reynes miles et Alicia vxor mea sal't'm. Nov'itis nos concessisse, &c. Joh'i de Westbury sen', Will'o Westbury filio suo, et Joh'i West- HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 85

bury filio ejusdem Will'i, tota pasturam n'ram in Upton Escudamour in com. Wiltess' vocat' Odyngdon, &c. Dat' a0. 1 H. 6.

In an award made the 18. of Henry y« 6, betwene John Ansty of Cambrigge gent, and John Gibon of North Lenne in Norff. gent, is thus found, that in the 27. yeare of King Edw. 3. the man' of Clifton &c. was given unto Thomas Reynes and Johan his wife; the wch Thomas had issue John ; John tooke to wife Katherine, and had issue by her Cecile, moder to Johane, wife of the said John Anstye ; and after the decease of the said Katherine, the said John Reynes tooke to wife Johan, and had issue by her Walter Reynes and one Margerie, moder of Margarete wife of the said John Giboun, &c. Wherefore it is decreed that the said John Gybon and Margaret his wife, and John Ansty and Johan his wife, shullen egally divide the land betweene them.

Ego Henricus Strete de Melreth dedi, &c. Thomas Reynes de Clyfton, Will'o Wan- desford, p'sonse eccl'iae de Clifton, et alijs totum messuagia meS vocat' Legat', cum 54 acr' terr' arab' et 20 acr' prati in Melreth et Meldeburne, quas quondam fuer' Joh'is Haytfeld de London et Alicise vxoris ejus, &c. Dat' apud Melreth, a°. 7 H. 7.

Noverint, &c. me Reginaldum Strete relaxasse, &c. Tho. Turgeys, &c. totum jua meum et clameu quae unquam habui, h'eo, &c. in o'ibj terris, &c. quse fuerunt Will'i Strete in campis et villis de Melreth et Meldeburne. Dat' 20 Decembr', a0, r. r. H. 6, post Conquestum vndecimo.

Sciant p'n'tes, &c. q'd nos Rogerus Salesburye, Will'mus Herteshorne, Rob'tus Rufford armigeri, Joh'es Fitz-Geffry gentilman, et Joh'es Worsle gentillman, tradidimus et con- cessimus, &c. Joh'i Taylard gentilman man'ia n'ra de Brayes et Draytones in Temes- forde in com. Bedf. necnon oia al' terr' in Blounham, Sondey, Beeston, et Temisford p'dict' ad terminfl vitse suse. Et post decessfl ejus remaneat Margarets, filiee et hseredi d'ci Joh'is Taylard et Elizabethae nuper vxoris suse, &c. Hijs testibus, Jo. Dale armi- gero, Rogero Hunte armig'o, Jolianne Laurence gentillman et alijs. Dat' apud Temis- ford 20 February, a". 8 Edw. 4. 86 VISITATION OF

4 Edw. 4. The x. day of June 1464, Wauter Tayllard made his will of all lands and ten'ts in Gamlinghey, &c. First, to Margaret his wife, for terme of her life, all her landes of her inheritance in the same town, and after her decease to his sonne William ; the remainder to John his brother ; the remaynder to Thomas theyre brother; the remaynder, for want of issue of Thomas, to Emme, Katherine, Elizabeth, and Elionor, daughters of the said Waut' Taylard ; and for lack of issue of them, the remaynder to my right heyres and of my wife's, and to the right heyres of William ChapeU, my wife's grandfather, &e. Dat' ut sup".

Sciant, &e. q'd Ego Edwardus Bramptori armiger dedi, &c. Joh'i Hudleston militi et Johanna? vxori ejus, Will'o Taillard et Elizabeth vxori ejus, et Georgio Perepoint, totum statum meum de man'io de Staketheme, al's Statherne, cum p'tin' in com. Leic', red- dendo mihi annuatim r.x". in festo Sancti Martini in Yeme, in eccl'ia S'e'i Pauli, Lon- don, in quadam capella vocat' Le Rode de Northdore, &c. Dat' 1 Martij, a0. 1 R. 3.

5 H. 7. 15 die Septembris, a°. D'ni 1490, Ego Thomas Taylard cl'icus condo testa- mentfi meu, &c. Item lego Thomas filio Will'i Taylard portiforiu meum et Scotum super primu et quartfl sententiar'. Item lego Umfrido filio Joh'is Taylard unu salt' coop'tu, &c. Dat' ap'd Northyell, die et anno sup'd'e'is.

Giulielmus Taylard viceeomes Cantabrigiae et Hunt, ex billa 5 H. 7, fuit viceeomes 4 Edw. 4. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 87


Guilielm's Chapell Sr Simon Bor-^pHawisia de de (ramlingay in A B rarde knight, Wrocksale, comit' Cantebr. lord of Clifton vxor ejus. ] in com. Buck, Ockley in com. Bedf. et Sta- therne in com. Leic. Guilielmus Elizabe-=f=Sr Simon =jpMargaret, daughter to S* Chapell de tha,uxor Borrarde, Asceline Sydenham, lord Gamlin- prima knight, of Tichm'she, or Tich- gaye, filius sonne and marche, to which Mar- Will'i. heyre. garet was given p'cell of ye said manor in North- Simon Borard, ob. amptonshire. ante p'rem s. p.

Walterus Thomas -pJoane, Ricar- Taylard Raynes. heyre dus Bor- de Wrast- u to her rarde, ling- bre- ob. s. p. worth in G]Of thren, Asceline, com. Bed- rt and da. Bor- fordise. 1 to Si- rarde, ob. s. p. Rober- tus Bor- rarde, ob. s. p. 88 VISITATION OF

-=FMai Radulfus Raynes, D'n's de Clifton Okley: ;Amabilia, fllia Ric'i Chamberleyne, ga- et Statherne et p'tis de Tiehmarche, militis. Gc. a \ or, entr' 3 *, or. reta, jure matris. filia et , Thomas Reynes, miles. He lieth=pCeciIia, filia ... Tiringham de Tiringham buried crosse-legged at Clifton. | in com. Buck'. Cha- Thomas Reynes, miles, sepultus apud Clifton.=pJohanna Seyton, vxor ejua. pell. r -J , . Catherine, fil.=p2. Johannes Reynes, miles,=pJoanna Thomas Rieardus^.. et hseres Pe- habuit 3 uxores; fuit 2 Betby, Reynes, Raynes, fllia tri Escude- filius; duxit in tertiam ux 2ds. ob. s. p. 3 filius. mor, militis, vxorem Alicia Hartwell. Mali- ux. 1. yery. Thomas Reynes, ob. s. p. Henricus=pCecilia, Thomas, Walterus Reynes, Thomas=p.. .. filia Jo. ob.s. p. ob. s. p. Reynes. filia Reynes, Dionisi', Margery Reynes, militis, 8. p. married to .... Froike. et hseres Brandon. fratru. T Rober-=T=Mar- =pRoRo- Thomas^.. .. tus gerus Reynes. filia Gibon, reta Pier- 1 ma- Bran- pont, Brough- ritus. don. 2ma- ton. ritus. I I Rieard': =Matil- Rober- Geor- Mar- Reynes. dis, tus gius ge- filia Gibon, Pier- ria, ob. pont, ob. Boothe. s. p. ob. s. p.

n— 1 I Emma, nupt' Joh'i Johan- : =Anna, Johanna, alt'a filia et Eleonora. "WiH'm's=FEliza- 0 Dale. G. a swan jies Tay- filia Ja. Taylard betha, una cohser', nupta W . Thomas lard, arg. 17 E. 4. Taylard, Durem, de Dod- filia el Alington de Hors- Elizabetha. D'n's de uni' ington una heath in com. Can- sacrse Potton C-vtherina, nupta theolo- Baronii in com. co- tebr. ob. s p. Joh'i Calcott, ar. Wares- de Hunt. hse- Maria, una filiar' et giae doc- ley, 2 Arg. a fesse B. tor et S'cc'io. et ibi redu. cohser' nupta Henr' frettye or, entr' filius. sepultus. Langley, sed ob. s. p. 3 cinquefoyles Gr. p'sbiter. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 89

1 ~T—rr m r I 1" I T— Will's Taylard, Rogerus Tay- Walterus Tay~*-pAlicia, filia et Etheldre- Maria. lard de Pot- lard de Doding- coheres Ro- Jana. utriusq' Juris ton, sepultus in dus. Doctor, persona ton. b'ti Forster Egidius. Eliza- Humfr'us. Le Temple de London, beth. de Offord et ibi churche in Lon- Thomas. Filia nupta sepulta apud Joh'nes. Juliana, sepultus. .... Barnes. don. Dodington. Laurentius Taylard, miles, sepult'^Margareta, Will'm' Taylard de Egidius Tay-=p.... filia et apud Dodington, duxit in 2dam f. Edmundi Dodington, q* duxit lard, sepult' hseres.... uxore Dorothea Robertus relictam Mordaunt, Agnetam Wyatt, et ap'd Doding- Stukeleyde Horde. ar. obijt 8. p. ton, 3 films. Stukeley in com. Hunt. Galfrid" Jana, 3. Maria. Egi- Rob'- :Phi- us Tay- Christiana, ux. Taylard, Margar*. dius tus- lippa, lard, ob. f. et sola Ric'i de Up- Francisca. Tay- Tay- filia et ante litres J o- Clif- wood, Will'm'. lard, lard. p'rem, h'is Lew- ton, duxit.... Philipp'. 4 Anna sepult' ston et ma- filia .... Joh'nes. filius, Tay- in ec- hasres ma- tris Druell de Nich'us. duxit lard. cl'ia de tris in ma- der- Gredding Francisc'. Ockley n'io de vasi) in com. Thomas. filiam in com. Manston in Clif- Hunt. =T= Edmfldus. Bedf. com. Dorss. ton. I Pynder. Rob'tus Brude-: :Cathe- Lauren- -p.... filia Robertus nell, ar. ob. 4 rina, tius Tay- Taylard. Julij, 1599, se- filia et lard de Judde. pult' apud hseres Upwood. Deene. unica patris et avi. Will'm's Taylard. tha.

I [ | | p Thomas Brudenell,=pMaria, Will's, 2 Joh'es, Christiana, nupta Alex'o Johan-^pRadegunda^lia miles et baronet- f. Tho. fili', ob. 3 fil. Thorold, filio Edmundi nes et lucres .... tus, D'n's de Deene Tres- 12 Nov. Thorold de Hogh in Lew- Poxwell de et Dodington, jam ham, 1606. com. Lincoln, militis. ston. Manstonincom. sunerstes 1613. militis. Dorss. Rob'tus, filius et ha?res, Edmund', 2 filius. * | natus 5 Martij 1607, a". Edwardus, 3 filius. Christiana, sola filia et hsares, nupta Cralfrido 5t0 R. Jacobi. Taylard, filio et heeredi Laurentij Taylard. THO. BRUDENELL.


Sciant, &c. q'd nos Joh'es Don miles, Eob't' Knight cl'ie' et Wms Halgh, authoritate et vigore cujusdam judicij et decreti in Cancellario D'ni Regis nunc exhibit', feoffauim', &c. Elizabeth' vxori Will'i Taylard sorori et hsredi Johannas nup' uxoris Will'mi Aling- ton militia defuncti, man'ifl sive grangiii nuncupatum Burden Grange in com. Cantebr'. Dat' vltimo die Junij, a°. 9 H. 7.

This endenture, made the 6 day of July, a°. 13 H. 7, betweene "Walter Taylard of the county of Huntingdon gentyllman, and Alice his wife, the elder daughter and heyre of Rob't Forster, late citizen and grocer of London, now deceased, on the one partye, and John Brounsope of the county of Dorss. gentilman, and Agnes his wife, the other of the daughters and heyre of the same Robert, of the other partie, an Agreement betweene the heyres for div'se messuages or houses in London.

Robertas Forster, civis et grocerus London.^.... Walterus Taylard de—Alicia, una filiar" Agnes, altera filia=Johannes Brounsope de com. Hunt, gen.' et cohseredum. et cohEeres. comitat' Dorss. gen'.

20 H. 7. The 22 day of September 1505, I, William Taylard, of Dodington, in com. Hunt, gentylman, do make my last will and testament in this wise, &e. my body to be buried in the parish churche of Dodington in the ehapell of S*. Katherin, in the north side ; also I will that Elizabeth my wife have all my houshould stuff, &c. and all my purchased land in Dodington, Bukeden, and Southoo ; the remaynder to William, sonne of Walter Taylard, and for default of issue of him, to Laurence his brother; the remayn- der to Giles his brother, and for default of such issue, to John Taylard; and for default of issue of him, the remaynder to Doctor William Taylard; and for want of issue,of the said William, the remaynder to Mary Penycokke, Jaine Stinley, Anne Wauton, Agnes Bur- gem, and Jaine Taylard ; and for default of issue of them, to John Taylarde my brother; and for default of issue of him, the remaynder thereof to the right heyres of me the said William. Also I will that my sonne John Taylard have all my lands, ten'ts, &c. in the towne and feildes of High Weston. Also I will y' Lawrence Taylard have my plate, wth all my landes and ten'tes in little Paxton ; and for default of issue of ye said Laurence, the remaynder to Gylis Taylard his brother, &c. I ordeyne my executors the said Eliza- beth my wife, my sonne Doctor Will'm Taylard, and my son John Taylard. Witness hereof, Tho. Wawton gentilman, M. Hugh Garnett, Tho. Harry, Agnes Burgoyn, and John Taylard, with div'se other of my howshould. Dat' vt sup\

Indenture inter Wm. Wardall Mag'r'm sive Custodeni Aulse s'c'se Katherinse Cantabr. et Elizabeth' Taylard viduam, nuper vxorem Will'i Taylard de Duddington in com. Hunt, armigeri, Will'mum Taylard cl'ic'm et Joh'em Taylard, fllios p'd'c'i Will'i Taylard armi- geri et Elizabeths, ac coexecutores testamenti p'd'c'i Will'i Taylard ar. &c. pro c". dat' HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 91

per eundem Will'm' Taylard armigeru Aulse s'c'ffi Katherinse p'd'c'se in Cambridge. Dat' a°. 1505 et 21 H. 7.

4 H. 8. Anno D'ni 1513, 30 of Marche, I, Alys Taylard, widowe, ordeyne my last will and testament in mann' following, &c. my body to be buried in the churche of S'. Laurence in Dodington. I will also that all my landes and ten'tes in London be in guyding of my brother Mr. Willia Taylard, doctor, for 16 yeares, to the entent he shall bring up my twoo children, Laurence and Giles, &c. Dat. ut supa.

19 H. 8. The 10 day of September, A0. D'ni 1528, I, John Taylard, of Upwood, gentilman, make my last will, Sec. my body to be buried in the churche of Upwood, at the corner by the aultar, &c. ; to Alys my wife all my londs in Helleweston, &c. ; and I ordeyne my executors my brother, Doctor William Taylard, and Anthony Malory, Esq &c. Dat' die et anno sup'dVo.

An indenture betweene Gyles Taylard of Dydington in com. Hunt. gent, one of the sonnes of Dame Alys Taylard widow, deceased, on the one partie, and Rowland Hill, citizen and mercer of London, on the other partie, for the parsonage and tenementes in the parish of S*. Stephen's in Walbrooke, London. Dat' 1530, a°. 22 H. 8.

Omnibus, &c. Laurentius Taylard armiger, consanguineus et haeres Will'i Taylard defuncti, salt'm. Sciatis me dedisse Alicise Taylard nuper uxori Joh'nis Taylard de Upwood defuncti quadam annuitatem, &c. 41*. exeunt' de messuagijs et ten' meis in villa de Up- wood, ad terminu vita;, &c. Dat' i Martij, a°. 22 H. 8. VISITATION OF


Joh'nes Rooe de Stratford in com. Suffolciae.^Anna uxor ejus.

Cruilielmus Rooe^Anna, filia Oruili- Johanna, nupta .... Cres- Robertas^, de Conington in elmi Lott de New- well de Stratford in Suff. Rooe, 2 com. Hunt, cl'i- thorpein com. Ebor. Anna, nupta .... Palmer filius. | cus, primus filius. in parochia de Sher- de Stratford in Suff. I— borne. filia

Lucia. fil.=Johannes : :EIizabetha, Jacobus Rooe, Theodosia, nupta Henrico Tay- .... Al- Rooe de fll. Rob'ti ob. s. p. lor de Deene Thorp in com. ley de Yaxley in Aunger de Will'm', North't'. Windsor com. Hunt, Comberton aprentici' in Juditha, nupta Thomse Pauconer in comit' ja superstes in com. London. de Lutton, renupta W°. Clarke Berk. 1613. Cantabri- de Lutton. giae. Anna.

Robertas, fll. et hseres, eetat. 13 annor' t'p'e Visitationis. Will'm'. Henric'.




Orate pro auimabus Rob'ti Dreweil et Annse, Johannre, Agnetis et Jo- hannse uxor' suar", et pro alabj Steph'i Dreweil pa- —— tris ejus, et Katherina? \'ss/o7"So7'"So?*j matris ejus, cum filijs et \ l^\ l^\ P^l filiab^ suis, qui obijt A°. D'ni 1499, quor' animabj propicietur Deus. Amen. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 95


Johannes Browne, Aldermannus civitatis London, a0. =?=.... Johannes firowne. Willielmus Browne. Thomas Browne.1^....

Joh'nes Browne, Edward Brownrowne ade jjon—p..Lon-=f=.... .• filianna eti haerena s ob. s. p. don, 2 filiusiliua ThomaeThomas. |I .... Sukley de I London. Henrieus Browne^Alicia, f. Nich'i Richardus Browne, de Radwinter in Trappe de London. ob. s. p. Essex.

Jana, filia Andre£e^=Franciseus Browne, de St. Ives,-pThomasina,-p x iiu , filia junior Henr. Jennour de Much I in com. Hunt, jam superstesi I TyrelTyre l de Heron in Essex, mili- 0 Dunmowe in Essex, a . 1613. | tis. I—. Hen. 1. Edw. 4. —n r 6. Nich., 9. Arthur' 2. Alicia. Antoni'Weston, 7. Grisogood. filius et haares, set. I Will'mi Strachy Thomasina. Tyms K Oliv', 8. Francisca. 28 annor' tempore de Saffron Wal- Joh'es, 3. Jana. Visitationis 1613. | den in Essex. Franciscus, infans. FRANCIS BROWNE. 96 VISITATION OF


William Nailour of London,=j=Jana, filia Rio'i Duncombe=pGilbertus Dethik, miles, Esq. and Register and one of I de Moreton, habuit in tertiu I Garter Prinoipalis Rex the 6 Clarkes of the Chauncery. | maritu Alexandra Nevill, ar. | Armor'. Elizabeth, fll. Tho-=Richardus Nailour de Of-=pCatarina, f. Roberti Maria, nupta Tho. mse Lovell de Hart- ford Dacy in com. Hunt. I Heron de Godman- Butler de Orwell ford in com. Hunt, jam superstes 1613. | Chester. in com. Cantebr'.

Willielm' Nailour, fil. et hseres, set. Lovell Nailor, ob. Ric'us. Catarina. Jana. 15 annor' t'p'e Visitationis 1613. juvenis. Elizabeth. Maria.


These armes and crest were first given by William Harvey, Clarenceux, the 10 of January, 1564. And after confirmed by Robert Cooke, Cla- renceux, the 30 of June, a°. 9 Elizabeth* Re- gime. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 97 HERNE. Richardus Heron de Tidenham * in Norff.=j=.. .. Rob'tus Heron de Godmanchester.f=pElizabetha fliia Thomse Tryce de Godmanehester. Johannes Heron^Anna filia Simonis Will's:! Catarina, nupta Ric'o Nailour § de de Godmanches- I White de Hunting- Trice Heron. Offord Dacy in com. Hunt. gen', ter, jam super- don. Fraciscus. Maria, ux. Gatwood de com. Can- stes 16131 . I Thomas, tebr'. Robertas ~ = filia Will's, 2. Maria nupta Bestneyo || Betts de White, nupta Heron, flli' Bury Matheus, 3. Chatres in Insula Elye. Joh'ni Mason et hseres. de Mildred Joh'es, 4. Anna nupta Edwardo Holen- de Heming- in com. hedge de Kimbolton. ford. Cantebr', Amia. Anna, setatis 4 annor' 1613, & amplius. JHON HERNE.f

* Tibenham. MS. Coll. Arm. t Gormondchester. Ibid. J Will's Heron. Ibid. § Nailor. Ibid. || Bestney. Ibid. II HERON. Ibid. CAMD. SOC. O VISITATION OF



Marga- — Sr Raufe : ret, his Austrye, 2 wife, knight, died Mayor of Hill de 15 of London, Lon- March, 1*94 don, et a°.H92. He had 3 hseres. wives, and 8 sonnes, and 3 da.

* The earlier portion of this Pedigree is not given in the MS. at the Heralds' College. The Pedigree in that MS. begins with " Thomas Austrey: " omitting the other names which are upon the line with his, namely, William, Elizabeth, Raufe, &c. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 99

William Aus- Elizabeth, da. —Thomas Aus-=pJana, filia Kaufe Austrey, died a0, trey maried, to Wm. Skipwith treyde Hichin Joh'isPigott 1501. butdiedl501, of North'mpton, incom.Hertf. de Beach- Henry. s. p. 1 wife. ampton. Margareta, ob. 1486. 2. Thomas Aus-=pDorothea, f. Edwardi l.RadulfusAustrey*=f Alicia, f. Will'i Welfet trey de Stoke in Poulter de Hichin in de Harlactonincom. I de com. Wigorn. com. Buck. com. Hertf. Bedf. ob. 1584. X Willielm' Austrey, 611*=.. , Edward' Tho. Austrey de Som'sham=pJana, filia Joh'is et hseres, de Wavenden Austrey, in com. Hunt, jam super- I Brett de Som'- in com. Bedf. ob. s. p. stes, a0. 1613. | sham. Thomas Austrey, films Joanna. Elizabetha, ux. Maria. Francisca, et hseres, aet. 8 annor' Rad'us, ob. s. p. Hen. Chapman Dorothea. Jana. et amplius 1613. Joh'nes Austrey. de London. THOMAS ASTRIE.

Sciant, &c. q'd Ego Adam Strangman de Kenebauton capellanus dedi, &c. Joh'i Bur- ton de Kenebauton, Will'o Bernewell et Thomae Grent de Stucle tenements quod habui ex dono D'ni Thomas de Walmesford, personse eccl'ise de Ken' &c. prout scitatum est in villa de Stuclee. Hijs testibus, Joh'e Clare, Joh'e de Lestere, Simone Trewe, Rob'to Neele, Joh'e Stucle, et alijs. Dat. a0. 8 R. 2.

A tous ceux, &c. Humfrey de Bohun Counte de Hereford et d'Essex, et Seign' de Breken', salu3 &c. Sachej nous en oeure de eharite et pro salu de n're alme, &c. avoir donne a Priour et Chanonyns de Le Esglise de Nostre Dame de Stonle, &e. toutes les terres et ten' q' fuerunt tenuj de Mounss* Thomas de Bykering chiualer a Werkewelle deinj la paroche de Kynebauton, &c. et fesaunt as cheifs seign'rs del fie,&c . Tesmoignes,

* Sr Raife, maior of London. MS. Coll. Arm. 100 VISITATION OF

Monss* Thomas d' Engayne, Monssr Richard Waynsco, chiualers, Nicolas Stukle, Wm. Morryn, Geffrey de Drayton & autres, &c. Donne a Chastell de Plessy 10 Julij, a0. 35 Edw. 3.

Johannes fllius Galfridi de Edinton miles, dedi et relaxaui, &e. Jordano de Langh' et Ceeilise vxori suae et hseredibus eor' totum jus, &o. quod habui in toto tenemento illo q'd pater p'd'c'i Jordani quondam tenuit in villa de Edintone. Hijs testibus, Galfr'o de Edinton, Ph'o Medico, Rob'to Clement, Will'mo Eylesmore, Rob'to Cole, Rob'to Beyum, Adam Wyleugh', et multis alijs. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 101


John Poulter* de Broughton in com.=^=Jana, filia Eob'ti Bevill de Chesterton in com. Hunt. I Hunt. ar. Henricus Poulter* de^Francisca, fil. Rob'ti Throckm'ton de Thomas. Rob'tus. Broughton. Wardeboys. Will'm'. Anna, filia Nich'i-pRob'tus Poulter de Broughton, jam superstes=pAnna filia Tho. Crosse Pope, uxor 2d». I 1613, duxit Elizabetha, flliam .... Margatts I de Wisbiche. I de Wistowe. | Anna. Johannes, filius et hseres apares, set 21 an. 1613. Emma. Jacomina. ROBERT PULTER.


Johannes Stones de Pidley in com. Hunt.^=Margareta filia .... Overton de Som'sham. Thomas Stones de Pidley in Barbara, nupta Xp'ofero Fleete Anna, nuptaRic'o Prime com. Hunt, jam coelebs 1613. de Tev'sham in com. Cant. de Thirplowe in com. Cantebr. THO. STONES.


Reginaldus Knolles de Brampton=T=Franciscn=T=F a filia Joh'is Baud de com. Lincoln, in com. Hunt. Thomas Knolles de Bramp-=Martha, filia Robertus Knolles de Brampton, 2 filius. ton in com. Hunt, jam super- Jo. Clampe Rosa, stes 1613. de com. Hunt. Maria. THO. KNOWLES.+

* Pqwlter. MS. Coll. Arm. f KNOWLIS. Ibid. 102 VISITATION OF TORKYNGTON. Willielmus Torkington de Torkington=p.. .. Nicholaus * Stuc-=p. Hall in com. Cestr'. ley, miles. j

Gerardus Stucle.T=..

Henricus Torkington de Steukley in com.^Catherina, fllia et hseres Gerardi, fllij Nicolai Huntingdon. Stukeley, militis.

1. Petrus Tor Brigida, 2. Laurentius =pMabilia, f. Will's, Dorothea, nupta kington de filia John Torkington de Francisci 3. Rob'to Sparke de Staughton in Grille de Stukeley in com. Fleming de Will'm', Burbage in com. com. Hunt. ob. Witheall Hunt, frater et Romsey in i. Leic. s. p. in com. liEeres Petri. com. South- Alicia, nupta Rie'o Hertf. ar. ampt. militis. Anton de Insula Ely in com. Cant.

Laurentius Tor- =pEIizabetha, Henrie' Juditha, Joanna, ux. Francisca, kington deStewk- f. Marci Torking- ux. Edm' Jo. Clarke ux. Tho. ley in com. Hunt, Broughton ton, 2 Rouse de de Elming- Hobson de jam superstes de com. films. Stukeley. ton in com. com. Ebor', 1613. Rotel'. Henr', 3. North'mt. Mabilia, Lauren- Thomas Tor- =EHzabetha, f. Hen- Georgi'. Alicia, uxor Phi' tius. kington, filius rici Skynner de Bo- Joh'nes. Eliza- Cotton de Marcus, etluer', set. 33 lingbroke in comit' Juditha nupta betha. com.Warr'. annor'1613. Lincoln. Johanni Huchin. Anna. LAURE'CE TORKYNGTON.



This Coat and the two descents of Stucley do not appear in MS. Coll. Arm.—ED. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 103


Willielm' Rowse de Rowse Clenche in comitat'^.. .. filia naturalis .... Stafford Ducis Wigorn'. Buckinghamiae. Thomas Rowse de Sywell in com. North-^Elizabetha, filia .... Vavasour de com. amptonise. I North't. JohannesRowse, Johannes Rowse,-y-Dorothea, f. Ed- Edmud Rowse. Anna, nupta fili* et hseres. 3 filius, de parva mfldi Conquest Margareta, nupta Jo. Bassett Will's Rowse, 2 Stukeley in com. de Houghto Con- Will'o Button de de North filius. Hunt. quest in com. Ampthill in com. Luffenham in Bedford. Bedf. com. Rotel1. Edmudus Rowse=Juditha,fil. Gilb'- Henrie' Rowse^Maria, f. 2. Joh'es, de Magna Stuc- Laurentij tus. de parva Stuc- Rob'ti ob. s. p. Anna. ley in com, Hunt. Torkington Will's, ley in com. Throek- Maria. Doro- jam superstes de Stewk- Elena. Hunt. a0. morton de thea. 1613. ley. 1613. Ellington.

Johannes Rouse, fil. & hseres, set. 11 annor' & Rob'tus, 2. Henrie', 4. Tl:icia. amplius. r Edmund', 3. Juditha.

EDMONDE ROUS. 104 VISITATION OF FOWBERYE. Johannes Fowbery de Newbold * in eom.^Jana, filia Will'i Grimston de Grimston Garth Ebor'. venit de partibus Northumbrian. | in Holdernesse. George Fow- : :Katharina, filia Isabella, ux. Elizabetha, Philip ^Margery, da. bery of New- Tho. Langdale Rob'ti Kel- uxor Rie'i Fowbery, of .... bold,* living in de Staunton in sey de Hol- Archard in 2 sonne. Burton of Yorksh. 1584, com. Ebor*. dernesse. Holdernesse. I the Marrye.

Anthoni' Elizabetha. Margareta. Johannemannes Fowbery-pMargaretan owDery-piviargareta,, nnfiliaa RobertanoDenus Fowrow- Fowbery. Everilla. Catarina. de Newbald. I Rooke Reresby. bery, set. 17. Richard' Fowbery de Bluntesham in^=Juditha, fil. Wmi. Manester Martha, Agnes, com. Hunt, jam superstes 1613. | de Woodson, yeoman. Dorothea.

Johannes filius & haeres, set. 4 annor' 1613. Catherina. RICHARD FOWBERYE,

These armes and crest are in the Visitation of Yorksh', by Robert Glover , for George Fow- bery of Newbold,*a°. 1584, the grandfather of this Ri- chard Fowbery of Bluntes- ham in com. Hunt.

* Newbald. MS. Coll. Arm. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 105

JAOKMAN. .... Jackman.^....

.... Jackman, 1 films.:.j...... Jackman de Wyng in comit' Buck.=p.... I Edwarilus Jackman, Willielm' Jackman de Wyng^Anna, filia Jacobi Woodford de aldermann' London, in com. Buck. I Burnham in com. Buk. Robertus Jackman de Graffham* in com.^Anna, filia Marmaduci Clauer de Foscott in Hunt, jam superstesf 1613. | com. Buck. Thomas Jack- Mathe', 2. Milisenta ux. Sarra vx. Prancisca, Catarina. man, set. 24 an- Joseph', 3. RicardiSmyth «... Ow- vx. Thomse Dorothea, nor' et amplius, Anna ux. Fran- de Roell in trem de Dillingham Maria. t'p'e hujus Visi- cisci Penne de com. North- com. Can- de Dene in Elizabe- tationis. com. Buck. ampton. tij. com. Bedf. tha. presbiter. ROBARTE JACKMAN.

* Graham. MS. Coll. Arm. •)• jam superstes not in MS. Coll. Arm. CAMD. SOO. P 106 VISITATION OF


Johannes Germin de civitate Exoniae.=pJohanna, filia .... Tawke de comitatu Sussex. EdwardusGermin, SaeraeTheo-^Eleonora, f. WiU'm' Elizabetha, uxor Graoia, ax. logiae Doctor et Justiciarius ad Johnson de com. .... Gateliffe de .... Upeott de Paeem et Quorum in com. Gloueestr. Cornubia. com. Devonia;. Hunt. a". 1613. JL Edwardus Germin, fili' et haeres, Gervasius Germin, Antonia, uxor Eogeri Jones art. 21 annor' 1613. 2 filius. de Stepney. EDWARDUS GERMIN.

He hath promised to make better proofe for these Armes and Crest. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 107


Thomas Trice de Godmanchester in com.=p.. .. fllia Ricardi Robyns de Godmanchester. Hunt. | Richard'=pAnna, f. Jo. Jasper Trice^=Margareta, filia Robertus Trice-pMaria, filia Trice de Baud .de de Bramp- Reginald de Cha- de Godman- I Will'iJudde Stukeley com. Lin- ton, 2 filius. tres in Insula Chester, jam su- de London. Magna. coin. Ely. perstes 1613. Anna, nupta Leo- Francisca, nupta Richard' Trice, Rob'tus, filius Tho- . nardo Hyde de Olivero Cheney, set. 24 annor' & hseres, aet. mas, 2. com. Herjf. militi. militi, de Stuke- 1613. 22 annor' et Maria, ley. Thomas. amplius. RICHARD TRYCE. ROBT. TRYCE.

These Armes and Crest were granted by Rob't Cooke, Claren- ceux, under Ks hand. 108 VISITATION OF


He hath not made any proofe of Franoisous Houllocke de Oun-=j=.... filia .... Haw- his armes. die in com. North'mpt. I ley de Bucklesende in com. Som'ss.

1. Humfridus 2. Jacobus Houl- Willielmus Houl-=j=Amia, filia Vin- Ozea, nupta Ja- Houllock occi- lock oocisus in lock de Southo in I centij Perien de cobo Balche de BUS in Belgio. Hibernia. com. Hunt. 1613. | com. Oxon. comitat'Som'ss.



Thomas Hetley de Riseley in com. Bedfordise.1^3.... Willielmus Hetley, sive Hedley.^Jana soror Ric'i Worme of Peterborough-

Thomas Hetly, vulgo> Hedley,=f=Elizabeth Hedley,=pEhzabet]a filia Eie'i Gore Anna, nupta Will'o Hatley de Brampton in comn. Hunt. |I de LonLondond , m'catoris. de Caxton in com. Cantebr. 1613.

Maria, 1 filia, set. 6 armor' et amplius, t'p'e hujus Visitationis. Hlizabctha. Juditha.


* In the MS. at the Heralds' College the Arms of Hetley are annexed to the Pedi- gree.—ED. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 109


These Armes and Crest were first given by William Harvey, Cla- rencenx, the 10 of Janu- ary, a". 1564. And afterward agayne confirmed by Robert Cook, Clarenceux, 30 Junij, a0. 9 Elizabethae Reginae.

William Nailour of London, Esquier,=pJ{ane, one of the daughters of Richard^GKlbertus De- Register and one of the 6 Clarks of Duncombe of Moreton in com. Buck, thick miles, Gar- the Chauneery ; and he died the 10 Esq. [She maried to her 3 husband ter Principalis day of October, a°. D'ni. 1571, and Alexander Nevill, Esq. I Rex Armor'. lieth buried in Sl. Clement's Church th w out Temple Barre.* Maria, nupta Tho. Butler de Orwell in com. Cantebr.] t

* In London. JUS. Coll. Arm. \ The passages within the brackets, including Dethick as the second husband, are not found in MS. Coll. Arm ED. 110 VISITATION OF

1. Henry Eliza- =f3. Kichard Nailour, 3=pKathe- l.Mary; 4. William Naylour, 4 6. Ed- Nailour, el- beth, sonne. At 16 yeares of rine, 2.Grace; sonne, travayled into ward dest sonne; eldest age travayled into one of and Fiance with div'se Nailour,a after his da. of Prance for a yeare or the 3. Anne, captaynes and soul- citizen of father's de- Tho. twoo, andathisretorne daugh- all died diers,andattheSiege London, cease went Lovell, was admitted of the In- ters of young. ofCambray there (wth wentafter into France, Esq. of ner Temple, London, Robert Mourns' the French to S'. and lived Her- and after came to dwell Hearne King's brother) got Malo,and xx". yeares ford, at Godmanehester in of God- his death. became at Javigney nere com. Hunt.; he after- ma- 5. Francis Nailour, a religious. in Lorayne, Hunt- ward purchased the ches- citizen of London, Anne, the and there ing- mannor of Offord Da- ter, his and after marchant of 4 da. died reli- don ; cye, alias Daynes, wth 2 wife. St. Malo in Britayne, maried to gious 1605. she the advouson androyal- where he maried wth Francis 2. Michael died of ties there; and there the cheifest kindred Whitton Nailour, her he hath built anew of that city, and hath of Kent. died an in- first the mannor howse, issue William and fant. child. now living 1613. Jane. =p

Richard 1. Lovell Nailour, his eldest 2. William Nailour, 2 1. Elizabeth, Wil- Edward Nailour, sonne, borne at Godman- son, and now eldest, 1 da. Ham Wbit- died chester. When he was 16 borne at Godmanches- 2. Katherin, Nai- ton. young, yeares of age he travayled ter parsonage, and 2 da. lour. Thomas s. p. into France, Spayne, and now a student in 3. Mary, 3. Jane.* Whit- Denmarke, and after his re- King's College in 4. Jane, 4. ton. tourne he sickned and died Cambridge. 4. Richard Mary. at London, being allmost 19 Richard Nailour, 3 Naylour, yeares of age, and is buried sonne, died an infant, 4 sonne, in S'. Clement's Church w">- and was buried in the and as yet out Temple Barre, neare hia ehancell of the church yongest. grandfather. at Godmanchester.


* This last descent is a repetition : and not in MS. Coll. Arm.—ED. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. Ill


Whereas by vertue of his Mat's comission under the Great Seale of England you were warned by the bayliff of the hundred of Normanerosse to apeare before me Lancaster Herald of Armes at Stilton, where I satt in his Mats behalf and service to register all the gentlemen of name and of armes wthin the same hundred, according to the tenour of his Ma" said Comission ; and you not only made default of appearance there, but after, by myself being warned to Huntington, have likewise made default of your aparaunce there also, to the hindrance of his Majesties service and contempt of the Great Seale of England. And forasmuch as I fynde in the last Visitation of this shire, which was about the begin- ning of the reigne of the late Queene Elizabeth of happy memory, that your family had then no Coate of Armes prooved or allowed unto them, and that since that tyme you have falsly and wthout true ground usurped the auncient armes of one Castle of Warwickshire, these are therefore to require you, and in his Ma" name streightly to charge and com- mand you, that from henceforth you do not only forbeare the using or bearing of the said armes wch you have hitherto usurped against all right and custome of the lawe of armes, but also any other armes whatsoever, untill you know the Earle Marshall's pleasure there- in ; and hereof fayle you not, as you will aunswere the contrary at your perill for your further contempt hereof. Given under my hand at Huntington the 28 day of August, A°. D'ni 1613, and in the eleventh yeare of his Ma" reigne of England, France, and Ireland, and of Scotland the seaven and fourtieth.

NICH. CHARLES, LANCASTER, Marshall to Clarenceux King of Armes.


John Castle of Peterborowe in the county of Northftmpt.:np:.... John Castle of Glatton in the county of ^Elizabeth, daughter of .. .. Cleyton of Dar- Huntingdon. | byshire. William Castle of Glat-=pKatherine, da. of John Robert Castle, Elizabeth, maried to ton, eldest sonne and Worsoppe of London, " died wthout Baldwin Porter of Co- heyre. I marchant or scrivener, issue. ventry in com. Warr. William Castle of Glatton in com. Hunt.=pAgnes, da. of Adrian Grome of Elizabeth son and heyre. I Caster in com. North't. Castle. Robert Castle of Glatton in=.... filia .... Georgi' Cas- Mary, wife of Robert com. Hunt, jam superstes Smyth de Water- tie. Treswell, Esq. Somerset 1613. newton. Elizabetha. Herald of Armes. 112 VISITATION OF WINGFEILD.* Robertas Wingfield^Elizabeth, one of the daughters and miles. 1,-pXLiizaDem" -~, on- e - 01 me uaugiiters auu heyres of S' Robert Gowsell, knight. Sr John Wingfield of Letheringham in Suff. knight.=pElizabeth, da. of Sr John Fitzlewis, T knight. r r Anna, 2. S Edward Wing- 8. Walter Wing- 10. S Richard : Brigid' 3. Ka- 1 filia, feild, knight, mar. feld, mar. the da. Wingfeild, Knight da. and tarina, uxor Anne, da. of Richard of .... Mack- of the Garter, heyre 3 filia, Wooduile Earle Ri- Willi'ms. Chauncellor of the of Sr nxor Eching- vers. 9. Lewys Wing- Duchy of Lancas- John Joh'is h«m. 3. Sr Henry Wingfeild, feild, mar ter, and of the Bed- Wilte- Bruse, 1. S' knight, mar. the daugh- da. of .... Vf- chamber to King shire, militis. John ter of .... Paston. ford. H. 8; and by his knight. 4. Eli- Wing, 4. Sr John Wingfeild, 11. Edmond Wing- wife he had Stone zabe- feild knight, maried the feild, maried the Howse, by Graves- tha, maried heyre -f" of .... Dur- daughter of .... end, in Kent: to uxor Anne, warde. Went worth. whome also ye da. of 5. William Wingfeild, 12. Sr Humfrey King gave Kim- iiaii the Lo. Esq. mar. the da. of Wingfeild,knight, bolton Castle; he de Audley. .... Waldgravo. mar. the da. of was of the Privy Gret- 6. Thomas Wingfeild, .... Wiseman, Counsell, and died ford in 6 sonne. Elizabetha, monia- Embassadour in com. 7. Sr Robert Wingfeild, lis, 2 filia. Spayne ; buried at Lin- Deputy of Callays. Tolledo. coln.

Sr An- Charles=pJane, Margaret, ux.Tho. Thomas =f. 3. Jaques Lau- -p.. thony Wing- sister Newman,renupta Maria dftugh- Wingfeild, ren- Wing- feild of of Sr .... Moyleward. Wingfeild, ter of 3sonne:he tius Cecilia, ux. .... who was .... was Master Wing- feild, Kim- Fran- e Knight bolton cis Maydenhead de christened Kerrye of y Ordi- feild, of the Castle. Knol- Maydenhead. by Queene of nance in 4filius. Garter, lis. Jana, ux Mary and York- Ireland, t'p'e Wolrich de com. Cardinall shire, ob. s. p. H. 8. Hunt. Poole. Thomas^Honora, Anna, 1. Edward Maria Wing- Sr Thomas^Arlinda Richard Wing- f. Anto. uxor feild, sonne and heyre, Maria Van Rede Wingi field de Denny, W-. of Stonley Priorye in Wingfeild, de villa feild, ma- Kim- militis. Smyth. comit. Hunt, jam super- knight. Utrecht ried in bolton. stes 1613. in Belgio. Ireland.

Sp Edward Wing-=pMary, da. of Jacob'. .... uxor Tho- Robertas feild of Kimbol- I Sr James Ha- Rob'tus. mae Lewknor Wingfeild. ton, knight. I rington, .... ux de Suff. Thomas. I knight. Wolrich. 1. Sr James Wing-^Elizabetha, f. Fran- 2. Rob'tus, s. p. 4. Carolus,s.p. feild of Kimbolton, cisci Braky n de com. 3. Edwardus Wingfeild, dnxit 5. Arthurus. knight, now living Cantebr. Consiliarij filiam .... Talbott. 1. Penelope. 1613. I ad Legem. 2. Maria.

Edward Maria Wingfeild, sonne and heyre. Lucia, 1. Anna, 2. Maria, 3.

* The Pedigrees of EDWARDS and COLES follow Castle in the Visitation at the Heral College : then Wingfield.—ED. + daughter and heyre. MS. Coll. Arm. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 113

EDWARDS.* Peter Edwards of Peterborowe^p.... Richardus Coles de Preston sup' Montem, D'n's in com. North'mpt. I Manerij de parva Preston, habuit exitu Petru | Coles, et 3 filias. =T= Nieholaus Ed- Edwardua Edwards.=r=.... una filiarum PetrusColesdePreston,^.... wards. I Rie'i Coles. filius et hserea. I ill i ~\ i Ric'us, 3. 1. Petrus Edwards^Joane, eldest Francise' Maria, filia et hseres, Rob'tus, 4. de Allerton in com. da. of Edward Edwards, nupta Edw°. Knightley, Nicolaus, 5. Hunt, jam super- Knight of Pid- 2 filius. filio 2d0 Ric'i Knightley stes, a°. 1613. dington. de Palwesley, militi. 4- Johannes Edwardes, fllius et haeres. Robertus, 2 filius.

KRYELL. Memorandum q'd Nich'us Kryell et Johanna Nevyll uxor ejus habuerunt exitu, viz. Bartramfi, Simonem, Nicolaum, & Nicolaum, Bartramua prsedictus et Simon mortui aunt sine hserede de se. Nich'us vero cepit uxorem Margeriam Clifford, de quibj quidem Nieh'us et Margeria exierunt Bartramus, Joanna, Agnea, Margareta, Elizabetha, et Catherina. Bartramus h'uit filiu Joh'em, qui mortuus eat sine hserede de se, et Johana cepit virum nole Will'mum Bawde militem, et mortui sunt sine hserede. Agnes cepit virQ Michaelem Ponyng militem, et habuerunt exitu filiu nole Michaelem, et eat mortuus sine hserede de se. Margareta cepit virum Rob't'm Hereward militem, de quib3 Rob'to et Margareta exijt .Margeria, quse Margeria cepit virum Will'mu Lovell, de quibus Will'o et Margeria exijt Beatrix, quse etenim Beatrix cepit virum noie Rogeru Chambur, de quibus Rogero et Beatrice exijt Joh'nes Chambur miles, qui nunc est. Elizabeth cepit virum Joh'em Pabenham militem, de quibus exijt Thomas, et de Thoma exijt Laurentius, et de Laurentio exierunt duse filise, viz. Caterina et Eleonora; Katerina vero cepit virii note Thomam Aylesbury militem et habent exitum. Et postea p'fata Katerina cepit virum Will'mu Cheyne, et habent exitu Laurenciu Cheyne, et de Laurencio exijt Joh'ea Cheyne miles, qui nunc eat. Eleonora cepit virum Joh'em Tiryngham filium D'ni Joh'is Tiryngham militia, de quibus exijt Joh'nes Tiryngham, qui desponaavit Aliciam, et habent exitum Joh'em Tyringham qui desponsavit Elizabetha filiam Edmudi Brudenell, qui nunc est, Kathe- rina cepit virum Galfridfl Bradden militem, et sunt mortui sine haerede. Et Nieholaus KryelL frater jun' cepit uxorem Johannam de Haubervill filia Will'mi de Hawbervill

* The Arms of Edwards are annexed in MS. Coll. Arm.—ED. CAMD. SOC. Q 114 VISITATION OF milit', et habuerunt exitB Nich'm, qui cepit vxorem Margaretam Peche filiam Gilberti Peche militis, de quibj exijt alius Nich'us, qui eepit uxorem Bosiam, de quibus exijt Joh'es Kryell; et de Johanne exierunt duo filij, viz. Joh'es et Nich'us. De Johanna exijt vna filia Rosia, quse Bosia cepit virum Joh'em Wykis de Newmarkett armigerfi, de quibus exijt vna filia Rosia, quse habuit virum Hugonem Straule armigerfl, et Nich'us frater pred'c'i Joh'is habuit filiu Will'mum, et Will'm' habuit filiu Thomam Kryell, qui nunc est.

Nicholaus Kryell, pater hor' liberor'.^Johanna Nevyll, vxor ejus

1. Bartram' Kryell, ob, Nicolaus Kryell,rfM^ a geria Nicholaus =pTohanna, f. Will'- s. p. frater senior. ClCliffordi , Kryell, fra- mi de Hawbervill, Simon Kryell, ob, s. p. uxuxoi r ejus. ter junior, militis.

Michael Poy-= :2.Agnes, 1. Johan'a, vx. Catarina, vx. 3. Marga- Nico-=^Marga- nings, miles. 2 filia. Will'i Baude, Galfri' Brad- reta, vx. reta, militis, ob. s. p. dene, militis, Rob'ti filia 4. Elizabetha, ob. s. p. Hereward, Gilb'ti dicliael Poynings, uxor Joh'is Pa- Bertram' Kry- militis. Peche, militis. ob. s. p. benham, militis. ell. T T

Thomas Pabenham. Johannes Margeria, vxor Will'i Lovell, Nich'us^Rosia, =r= Kryell, =j= Kryell. I—1 ob. sine ^ 1 Laurentius Pabenham. hserede Beatrix, vxor Rogeri Chambur. =p de se. l~ _, , » a, vxor Alio- ^Johanes Tiring- Johannes, JohannesKry-=p,... Cheyne, i primo Thomse nora, I h"m, filius D'ni Chambur, ell, filius et 2 niarit'. I Aylesbury, mili- altera Joh'is Tyring- miles, qui haeres Nicho- tis, filiar'. I ham militis. nunc est. lai.

Laurentius^.,., Johannes Tiring-^=Alicia uxor. Joh'nes Kryell. Nicolaus Kryell. Cheyneeyne. | ham- t Johannes Cheyne, Joh'es Tiringham duxit Eliza- Joh'es Wykis de^Rosia, Will'm's miles, qui nunc betham, filia, Edmundi Bru- Newmarkett, I filia Kryell, est. denell, qui nunc est. armiger, I .... =7=

Roisia, nupta Hugoni Stranle, armigero. Thomas Kryell, qui [Looke in Darbishire Visitation.]* nunc est. Looke in Broxborne + churche Escaetr', a0. 17 H. 6. in com. Hartf. n°. 6. Cecilia filia et cohseres Joh'es Sturton de Preston, vxor Thomse Curiell, militis.

* Not in MS. Coll. Arm. •f Brooksborne. Ibid. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613, 115


Memorandum q'd D'n's Ricardus de Tyringham miles et Matilda vxor ejus genuerunt Giffardum de Tyringham militem, et de Giffardo exijt Joh'es D'n's de Tyringham, qui quidem Joh'es desponsavit Ceciliam filiatn Thomre Haslartune militis, de qua procreavit Rogerum, qui quidem Rogerus de Tyringham miles desponsavit Christianam filiam et hseredem Walteri de Deywill militis, de qua procreavit Rogeru de Tyringham militem, qui desponsavit Margeriam filiam Thomse Cowdrey militis, de qua procreavit Joh'em de Tyringham militem, qui quide Joh'es desponsavit Isabellam ynam filiar' et hseredii Thomse Weston militis, de qua procreavit Joh'em de Tyringham militem, qui quidem Joh'es desponsavit Katherinam filiam Gallefridi Lucy militis, de qua procreavit duos filioa, viz. Joh'em et Rogeru; Joh'nes filius senior desponsavit Elionoram vnam duar' filiar' et hseredO Laurentij Pabenham militis, de qua procreavit Joh'em et Katerinam; Joh'es cepit in uxorem Alesiam filiam Joh'is Olleney, de qua procreavit Joh'em, qui quidem Joh'ea desponsavit Elizabeth' filiam Edmundi Brudenell, de qua procreavit Joh'em, Thomam, Annam, et Elizabeth'. Rogerus frater junior desponsavit Katerinam sororem WilI'mi Chamburleyn militis, de qua procreavit Thomam et Rob't'm, et Robertus habet exitu Willielmu. Katerina soror Joh'is Tyringham et filia Johannis Tyringham et Alionorse Pabenham cepit in virum Joh'em Home nup' de Colmanstreet in London, de quibus Joh'e et Kate- rina exijt Clemens, quse quidem Clcmensia cepit virum Joh'em Chukeborough, et habent exitu.

D'n's Eicardus de Tyringham, miles.=j=....

Giffardus Tiringham, miles.^...j... . Johannes D'n's de Tiringham.^Ceeilia, filia Thomse Haslartune militis. Rogerus Tyringham, miles.^Chriatiana, filia et hseres Walteri Deyvill militis. Rogerus de Tyringham, miles^Margeria, filia Thomas Cow- Thomas Weston,^. | dray militis. miles.* | a b

* Thomas Weston, miles, omitted in MS. Coll. Arm. 116 VISITATION OF

Johannes de Tyringham, miles.=plsabella, una filiar' et hseredum Thomse Weston militis. Johannes de Tyringham, miles.^Catherina, f. Galfridi Lucy militis.

1 1 1. Johannes=^Eleonora, una duar' filiar' 2X Rogerus Tyring-=pCatherina, soror W " X g r ygp, Tyringham. I et heredu Lauretij Paben- hamh , fratef r junjr. I Chamb'leyChamb'l n militisilii . ham militis. j Johannes =y=Alesia, fil. Katherina, =p oh'nes Home de 1. Thomas Tiringh'm. Tiringham. Joh'is 01- soror Joh'is. Colmanstreete, 2. Robertas Tiringham. leney. London. • -I Johanes Tiringh'm.^Elizabetha, filia Ed- Clemencia, uxor Joh'nis Willielmua Ti- I mSdi Brudenell. Chukeborough. ringham.

Johannes Tiringham. Thomas. Anna. Elizabetha.


Sciant, &c. q'd Ego Richardus filius Roberti de Beyvill de Wodewalton dedi, &c. Johanni Beyvill fratri meo et Ric'o de Leye consanguineo meo, &c. 12 mess' et 6 rod' terrse cum pertin' in Wodewalton, &c. Hijs testibus, D'no Will'o le Moigne seniori, milite, D'no Will'mo le Moigne juniori, milite, Tho. de Beyvill, et alijs. Dat' apud Wodewalton, a0. 23 Edw. 3.

Richardus filius Rob'ti de Beyvill de Wodewalton, concessi Ric'o Compyn terras quse habui in Wodewalton de dono et feoffamento pred'c'i Ric'i Compyn, &c. Hijs testibus, D'no Will'o le Moyne milite, Nich'o de Stiuecle, Thoma de Beyvill, et alijs. Dat' apud Wodewalton, a". 22 Edw. 3. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 117

Sciant, &o. q'd nos Joh'es Beyuile de Chesterton et Agnes vxor mea dedimus, &e. D'no Ric'o Butvileyn capellano, Thomse Bevile filio Thomse Bevyle de Denton, Henrieo Butvileyn filio Simonis Butvileyn, Henr' de Deene capellano, Thomse Bevile D'no de Walton, D'no Thomse Langton capellano, et WiU'o Haliday ola terr' ten' in Walton et Chesterton in com. Huntingdon, &c. Dat' apud Chesterton, a°. 11 H. 4.

Sciant p'ntes, &c. q'd nos Thomas Bevyll, Thomas Sekynton et Joh'nes Baudewyne dimissimus, &c. Will'mo Lassells seniori, et Will'mo filio ejus rectori eccl'iae de Haliwell in com. Hunt, et alijs, ola terr' ten', &c. ou pertin' in Chat'its quae habuimus ex dono et feoffamento Joh'is de Stiuecle, habend' &c. Dat' a°. 5 H. 4. apud Chat'its. Hijs tes- tibj, Pagano Tiptot, Joh'e Tiptot, Willielmo Castellacr" militibus, Joh'e Brune et Jacobo Grancestr', et alijs.

Anno D'ni 1436. Thomas Bevyll de Wodewalton armiger, pro aia Rob'ti Bevill patris 8ui, dedit per TestametH sufl 13s. 4d. soluend' Conventui fratru domus S'c'i Augustini Huntingdon. Et fecit exeeutores Johan'am uxorem suam Ricardu et Thoma Bevill filios suos.

Sciant, &c. quod Ego Thomas filius Waited de Beyvile de Walton dedi, &c. Rie'o de Bevyle de Walton militi, et Freseneiae vxori suae et haeredibus suis totG man'iii meu in le Northend in villa de Walton, &c. Dat'.

Hsec indentura f c'a inter Margareta Walscheff, Joh'em Bevyle, et Thomam Benyson, partes dimittentes, et Joh'nem Warin et Margeriam uxorem suam, partes capientes, Testat* d'c'os Margar', Joh'em, et Thomam dimisisse d'c'is Joh'i et Margerisa uxori suae unam placeam in Keston, &c. Dat' anno 16 R. 2.

Ego Rob'tus Boteler cl'icus dedi concessi Margaretae Waldesseff man'iii de Chesterton vocat' Waldessheffes, &c. ad terminu vitae, et post decessu ip'ius Margaretae remaneat Joh'i Beuile et Agneti uxori ejus et hasredibus eor', &c. Dat' apud Chesterton, a0. 2 R. 2. 118 VISITATION OF

A". 16. Edw. 1. Ceus sont les Covenantes taillej p'entre Lore q' fu la feme Richard de Beyuill de une part et Robert lour fij eigne d'autre part, cest a sauer, q'l'avandit Lore ad lesse bailie & grante au Robert son fij le 3 partie del oheif mess' q' jadis fu au dit Richard son baron en Walton en la Counte de Huntindon, la quele la dite Lore tient eu nonn de dowere, &c. Par iceux tesmoignej, Nich' de Warr' seign' de Cesterton, &c. A". 16 Edw. 1.

Omnibus, &c. Joh'es de Well' et Idonia uxor ejus soror et haeres Ric'i Beuyle militis, quondam in Walton in com. Hunt. Nov'itis me ordinasse Ricardum de Bevile filiu n'r'm et hseredem attornatu n'r'm ad capiend' redditS n'r'm de Matilde de la Wyke, &c. Dat.*

Sciant, &c. q'd Ego Joh'es filius Will'i Waldescheff de Cestirton dedi Willielmo Waldeschef de Cestirton patri meo et Margerise uxori suae ad terminu vito eor' totum man'ium meu in villa de Cestirton, &c. una cum dote Beatricise Waldescheff quando acciderit, &o. Hijs testibj, Rogero de Cantilupo, Will'o de Hampton, Hugone de Canti- lupo, et alijs. Dat' apud Cestirton, a0, regni Regis Edwardi filij Regis Henriei 32d°.

Sciant, &c. q'd Ego Johannes filius Will'i Waldecheff de Chestreton dedi, &c. Nich'o Waldecheff fratri meo de ead', et Margeri* uxori suse et Will'mo filio suo et eor' hseredibj 2 rod' et 2 swathj prati in pratis de Chestreton. Hijs testibus, Rogero de Cantilupo, Will'o Ballard, et alijs. Dat' apud Chesterton, a". 14 Edw. 2.

Sigillum Johannis de Waldeschefe. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 119

Sciant, &o, q'd Ego Samson de Burw'de, quietu clamavi Rob'to de Baivill et haeredib^ suis redditu pro terris in Wauton, scil't vnam marcam argenti, &c. Hijs testibj, D'no Ric'o de Baiwill, Oliuero le Moyne, Rob'to de Wassingle, Joh'e de Fowkeswrth, Rob'to Capellano de Walton, Waltero de Bauuill, Henr' de Wassingele, Leone de Walton, et alijs. Sine dat',

Pateat vniu'sis, &c. q'd Ego Thomas de Beyvill de Wodewalton, recepi de Rob'to de Beyuill, D'no de Wodewalton, xxxs. sterlingor' pro bono pacis et finali concordia, &c. Dat' a°. 13 Edw. 3. Vniu'sis pateat per presentes me Ricardu de Cornubia militem recepisse de Ricardo filio Rob'ti de Beyvill de Walton cents solid' argenti de firma mea de man'io de Northend in Walton. Dat' a°, 21 Edw. 3.

Pateat Vniu'sis, &c. me Will'mu Cornewayle relaxasse, &c. Rob'to filio Ric'i Bevyle totfl jus q'd h'eo in oib3 terris in Wodewalton, &c. Datu apud Wodewalton, anno regni Regis E. 2. 10.

Seiant, &c. q'd Ego Thomas de Trentham, D'n's de Keten', dedi, &c. D'no Henrico de Luceby capellano maneriu meum de Keten', cum suis pertin' &e. Datu apud Keten', 15 Edw. 2. 120 VISITATION OF

Ego Alicia, quondam vxor Hugonis of the Stok de Stivcele magna, dedi, &o. Joh'ni filio meo et Alicise uxori ejus mess' in villa de Burgo S'c'i Petri. Dat' aa. 22 Edw. 3.

Sciant, &c. q'd Ego Will'mus de Mere, dedi, &e. et eoncessi et hao praesenti carta mea confirmavi Eustachio filio meo pro homagio suo vnam virgatam terrae meee in villa de Cestretun, &c. Hijs testibus, Gileb'to priore de Cruce Rohesise, Will'o et Waltero capellanis, Waltero de Lindeaeia, Will'mo de Marei, Egidio de Merc, Rogero Hascat, et multis alijs, &c.

Sciant p'ntes et futuri q'd Ego Egidius de Merch dedi, &e Eustachio de Hampton, septem aeraa terrae in teritorio de Cestreton, &c. Hijs testibus, Will'mo de Gunill', Rob'to de Wassingle, Henrico de Longevile militibj, Rob'to de Walteruill, Rob'to de HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 121

Lungevill, mag'ro Paulino de Cestreton personis, Rogero de Cantelow, Henr' de Waldeseff, Steph'o de Aillenton, libere tenentibus, & multis alijs.

Soiant p'ntes, &e. q'd Ego Nigellus de Amundeuile dedi &e. Adse de Cestreton cl'ico totam placeam de messuagio Walteri de Preston tenentis mei in Cestreton. Hijs testibus, Waltero de Wassingle, Rogero de Cantilupo, Rad'o de Waldisef, Joh'e de Aylington, Andrea; Brett, et alijs.



John Bellay de Haselbury in com. Som's.^j1. 1. William 3. Thorn's. 2. John Bellay de Pax-=pElizabetha, filia et co- Francis. Bellay de 4. Walter, ton magna in com. Hunt, hseres Thomaa Cooper (Jeorg. Haselbury. Episcopi Lincoln. Richard. I 1 :—1 r-1—^ II I 'I Thomas Bellay, =pTimothea, John Bel- Amia, nupta Rob to Jana, nupta Thomse films et hseres, de filia a lay, duxit Aston de Farnham Carter de Barford in Paxton magna Bellingh m Janam, in com. . com. Bedd. in com. Hunt, de New fil. Tho' Elizabetha, nupta Juditha. jam superstes, Timber in Bellay Rob'to Payne de Susana. A°. D'ni 1613. Sussex. St. Neott's. Maria, nupta .... I Fuller de com. Suff. Elizabetha. set. 9 annor' et amplius Maria. Johannes Bellay, Juditha, Filia a". 1613. set. 9 annor'. altera. THO. BELLAY. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 123


Thomas Throckmorton de Coughton in com. Warr. X Robert Throckmorton, sonne and heyre of Tho.^.... da. to .... Marowe. Sr George Throck-T=Catherine, da. to Richardus Throckmor-=r-.. .. filia Doctor morton. | the Lo. Vaulx. ton de High"m Ferrers Beaufoe Throck- in com. North'mpt. de com. morton, 8r Robert Throck-=j=Muriel, da. to Thomas Senescallus Ducatus Warr. 3 filius. morton, knight. f Lo. Barkley, 1 wife. Lancastrian. 124 VISITATION OF

S' Tho-=pMarga- Godi- Maria, Gabriell = =Em- Jana, Simon Marga- mas ret, da. tha, uxor Throekm'- ma, uxor Throck- reta,ux. Throck- and nupta .... ton of El- fil morton .... m'ton. heyre to .... But- lington in .... Panell. de Pem- .... Neale. ler. com. Hunt. Lau- Anto- Bramp- berton. Whor- Joh'nes Ra- sepultus rence ny, ton in Cata- wood, Throk- phael. apud de s. p. com. rina, Esq. At- m'ton. Wardeboys com. Hunt. nupta torney in com. Hunt. Gen'all• J prsed'c'o. \ Wotton. John =.... 8' Geo. 1. Margareta, nupta Robertus^Eliza- Fran- Rober- Throck- da. to Throek- Francisco Cerving- Throck- betha, cisca, tus morton, Tho- morton, ton. m'ton de filia uxor Throck- died be- mas knight, 2. Emma, ux. Hen. Elling- Joh'is Ric'i m'tonde fore his Wil- Sergeant Poulterde Brough- ton in Piker- Roy- Bramp- father. ford. of the ton. com. ing de don. ton in Hawkes 3. Elizabetha, uxor Hunt. Tich- com. toQ.Eliz., .... Kent de Hem- iam su- mersh Hunt. father to ingford Abbot. serstes in com. Simon. Raphael Maria, ux. Fracisci 1613. North- andS' Dorington de •mpt. George. Wardeboys. Johanna, ux. Elizabe- Gabriell ^Alicia, Robertus=pJana, f. Graoia, ux. Rob'ti Brom- tha. Throckm'- filia Throek- Rol Hi Edw. Hol- hall de com. Tana, ux. ton, filius Will'mi morton, Peetts cott de Bedf. Tho. et hser. set. Bedles 2 filius. de El- Ellington Maria, ux. Hen. Morley 27 an. et de com. lington. in com. Rouse de de El- amplius Bedf. et Hunt. Stukeley. lington. 1613. li seres. Rob'tus Throekmorton, eetatis 5 annor' et amplius. Rob'tus. Johanna.


* In the MS. Coll. Arm. here follows another Pedigree of Throekmorton, signed EDWARD THROCKMORTON. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. T>. 1613. 125


Sr Robert Wingfeild of Wingfeild Castle in Suff. k. maried Jane, daughter of Sr John Fastolf of Norff. k. J Thomas Wingfeild of Wingfeild Castle, Esq. maried Alice, daughter of S' Nich. Weylond of Norff. k.

Sr John Wingfeild of Dunnington Castle in Suff. k. maried Anne, daught' of John Peche. T Sr John Wingfeild of Wingfeild Castle, k. maried Richard Wingfeild, Lord of the .... da. and heir of .... Honypott, Arg', 10 Mannour of Dunnington, 7 Ed. 2, torteuxes, 4, 3, 2 and 1. 1315. T Sr John Wingfeild of S' Tho. Wingfeild of Letheringham in Sr Will'm Wing- Wingfeild Castle, k. Suff. k. wch he had in right of his wife feild of Dun- maried Elizabeth, da. Margret, da. and heir of John Bovile of ningto k. mar. and h. of Sr Ralph Glan- Letheringh°m Esq. by his wiffe Parnell, Joan, and died vile, knight, whose fa- da. of Sr Rob. Scales of Norff. k. John 1398, 15 Ed. 3, ther Gilbert was sonne was sonne of W™. 2 sonne of Wm. son being there also of Sr Gilbert Glanvile, of Sr Will'm, sonne of Sr Will'm who buried, falsely instiled E. of Suff. lived in King Stephen's time. =j= T J r r S John Wingfeild of Lethe- Will'm Wingfeild of Dunningto, ringham, k. .maried Margrett, Esq. the last of his familie of Dun- Elizabeth, daugh- r ter and heire, daughter of S Hugh Has- nington, surnamed Wolfe for his tings, of Elsing in Norff. k. by crueltie, as is found in ancient writ- wiffe of Michael r de la Poole, firste his wife Margret, d. of S ings. His wiffe was Katherine, who earle of Suff. and Adam Everingham, k. and lyeth died 19 Maij, 1418, and he lyeth Lord of Wingfeild buried at Letheringh'm, as ap- there buried under a marble stone, Castle in her peareth by his monument. stately covered over with brasse, right. sans issue.

Sr Robert Wingfeild of Letheringh'm, k. maried Margret da. of Sr John Russell, of Strensham in Wore. k. and is buried at Letheringham, as appeareth. p J Sr Robert Wingfeild of Letheringh"m, k. mar. Elizab. half-sister to the D. of Norff. da. and coh. of Sr Rob. Gowsell, k. by his wiff Dutchesse of Norff. 1 sister and coh. of Tho. Fitz-AUan, last Earle of Arundell, Surrey, and Warren, widdowe of Tho. Mowbray, 1 D. of Norff. of wch Tho. and Elizab. descended all the D. of Norff.; both buried at Lethe- ringham. =p 126 VISITATION OF

Will'm Wingfeild, Esq. Sr John S' Henry Elizabeth, wiff of S' W">. Brandon, k. buried at Lethering- Wingfeild Wingfeild whose sonne Sr W™. Brandon was fa- ham. of Lethe- of Orford therof Sr Charles Brandon, D. of Suff. Rich' Wingfeild, Esq. ringham, k, in Suff. k. Sr Tho. Wingfeild, k. buried at Le- buried at Letheringham. J theringham. Sr John Wingfeild of Letheringham, k. sonne of Sr Robert, maried Elizab. da. of Sr John Fitz-Lewis of Essex, k. by his wiff Anne, da. of Sr John Montacute, 3 E. of Sar', widowe of Sp Rich' Hanckford, k., wch Anne was 3d1)' maried to John Holland, 2d D. of Excester and Earle of Huntingto; both buried at LetheringhBm ; but he died 1481, as appeareth by their stately monument. =p

1 Sr John Sr Edward W™. Sr Humfrey Wing- Sr Thomas Wing- Walter Wing- Wingfeild, Wing. feild of Brantham feild, k. was slaine Wing- feild of k. mar. feild, in Suff. k. at the battailfi of feild, Lethe- Anne, 3 Esq. Sr Richard Wing- Radnor, fighting Esq. ma- ringh', da. and sewer to feild of Kimbolton valiantly on H. 7 ried.. .. k. mar. coh. of R. H. 7, Castle in Hunting- part, obijt s. p. da. of Anne, Woodvile, mar. donshire, k. Sr Rob. Wingfleld, .... da. of J. Ea. Rivers, Jone, Thomas Wingfeild, L. Deputy of Cal- Mac Wil- Tou- widow of da. toSr Captaine of Deale lais, and K. of the liams, chet, W». Vis- Tho. Castle, a. p. Sepulcher; first ob. s. p. Lo. count Wal- Katherine, wiff of mar. Eleonor, da. Lodo- Audley, Bourchier, grave, Rob. Bruse of of .... Rains- wick Baron of and was ob. Wenham in Suff. ford, m'shall of Wing- Healy 3dl? mar. 1485, Elizabeth, wiff of Callais ; 2^, feild. Castle to George and is Fran. Hall of Anne, da. and h. Edm. in Sta- Grey, 3 E. buried Bornbridge in of Sr Rob. Har- Wing- ford- of Kent; at Le- Lincoln', Esq. ling, widowe of feild, shire. but Edw. thering- Agnes, wiffe of S* Sr W». Cham- ma..... d := died s. p. h'm. Ed. Echingh'm, berlain, k.; 3 'y da. of Henry whence descend- she was wiff of •... Wingfeild, ed the Hoptons John Lo. Scroope, Ashfeild a priest. of Hopton in K. of the Garter; of Suff.; r T S John Suff. but had no issue some say Wingfeild James Elizabeth, anonne. by her 3 hus- the da. of Great Wing- band. Sir Rob. of Tho. Dunham feild. ob. s. p. Went- inNorff.k. worth. Sr Antho. Wingfeild of Letheringh'm, Edm. Wingfeild, Elizab. wiff of k. was by K. H. 8 made K. of the Gar- 2 sonne. Hen. Noone of ter, being Vice-Chamb. to the K.; Cap- Margret, wiff of Martleshara in tain of the Guard; and after, Comptroller Tho. Sackford of Suff. Esq. of the k. house ; maried Elizab. da. of Sackford in Suff. Mary, died an in- Sr George Vere, k. first sister and coh. of Esq. fant. John Vere, 14th Earl of Oxford, and ly Anne, wiff of Lewis Hugh Wingfeild, both buried at Lethering'm. Windwoodof.... 3 sonne. =p Esq. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 127

S* Rob. Wingfeild of John Rich. Wing- Antho.Wing- Henry Elizab. wiff of Letheringh'm, k. of Wing- feild of Wan- feild, Esq. Wing- Henr. Nanton, the Privie Chamber feild, 2 tisden in Suff. Gent. Usher feild, Esq.; was Patron- to Q. Eliza.; mar. Ce- sonne, Esq. and Jus- to Q. Eliz. mar. esse of Lethering- cely, da. of Tho. L. s. p. tice of Peace, mar. Katha- Doro- ham; died 1591, Wentworth, Baron of Charles mar. Mary, rine, da. of Sr thy, and lyeth there Nettlested, by his wiffe "Wing- da. and coh. Th. Blener- da. of buried, as appear- Margery, da. and h. of feild, of Jo. Hard- hasset, widow eth, whose sonne s' Adrian Fortescue, Esq. 3 wick in Darb. of Gos- Bacon Henr. Nanton, k., and of his wiff sonne, Esq. sister to nall, wci Ka- of Esq. Patron of Anne, da. and h. of maried Eliza, the tharine died Suff. Letheringh'm, Sr Wm. Stoner, by =p grand Coun- 1558, and was father to Rob. his wiff Anne, 2 da. tess of lyeth buried Nanton, latelyFel- and coheir of Jo. Ne- Shrewes- at Hoxford in low of Trinity uill, Marquess Mon- burie. Suff. =j= Hall, and Univer- tacute. =j= X sity Orator. 1 1 I I . . Sr Antho. Mary, Henry Henry Anthony Anne, Ursula, Rob. George "Wingfeild of wiff "Wing- "Wing- Wing- wiff of da. Wing- Wing- Lethering- of Sr feild, feild feild, Robert and feild, feild, ham, k. mar. Hen. Esq. of Fellow of Mawe. coh. sonn and slain Mary, da. of War- mar. Wan- Trinity Mar- wiffe of heir, at Ca- Jo. Birde of ner of ,... tisden, Coll. and gret, Edm. mar. les. Denston in Suff. da. of ma. Proctor; wiff of Houer- Marg- Anto Suff. Esq. Fran- .... Eliz. was rea- Jo. ings, ret, da. Wing- and lyeth cis, Me- da. der of Soame Re- of Roger feild, buried at wiff of tham. and h. theGreek of ceiver Rosner un- Lethering- Will'm An- of Tho. toung to Wan- to the of Suff.; mar- ham, s. p. Bar- thony, Eyse- Q. Eliza. tisden. K. ried. Sr Tho. row of 2 sonne, by, by Sr John Mar- Alice, d. Wingfeild of Suff. ob. s. p. his Wing- gret, and coh. Lethering- Will'm, wiffe, feild, k. da. of .... ham, k.mar. 3 sonne da. slain at and Drake .... da. of of and Cales ; coh. of Yard- Sr Gilbert Charles, coh. of maried wiffe ley in Gerrard; .... Susan, of Suff. 2d'r, .... Har- sister of widow da. of Sr bottle. Peri- Grey. of .... Drew Drew- grine Plater; ry, k. some- Berty, tyrae Livete- Lo. Wil- Anne, nant of the loughby, da. of Tower, and widow of Giles of the Privie Reginald Ashfeld Chamber to Grey, 4 of Suff. Q. Eliza- E. of beth. Kent. 128 VISITATION OP

d Wingfeild, Esq. Sr Harbottle Wingfeild Peregrine Edmond Wingfeild, s. and sonne and h. of Sr of Crofeild in Suff. Wingfeild, h. by his firste wiffe. Tho. byS'DrueDru- mar da. of .. .. sonne and Anne, wiffe of Hen. Rosing- ries daughter. Scriuener of Ipswich, h. of Sr ton, by his first wiffe. 3 daughters by Sr Mary, wiffe of Wm. John, was Anthony Wingfeild, by Drue Druries daugh- Dade, sonne and heire borne in 2 wiffe. ter. of Tho. Dade of Tan- Flanders, Francis, by 2 wiffe. 1 da. by S' Gilbert nington in Suff. Esq. Mary Margret, by 2 wife. Gerard's da. Gilbert Wingfeild.


Sr Henry Wingfeild of Orford in Suff. k. 2d sonne of Sr Rob. Wingfeild, maried Elizab. daughter of Sr Rob. Rowks of J Rob. Wingfeild of Vpton in Lincolnshire, Esq. mar. Margery, dau. of .... Quarles of Norff.

Rob. Wingfeild of Vpton, Esq. maried Elizabeth, wiffe of John Wingfeild, Esq. ma- Elizab. da. of Rich. Cecill of Burghley Rob. Sampson of ried Anne, da, and coh. of in Lincoln', Gent, sister to the great L. CarsaC r iin LinLi - John Calybut, and dwelled Treasurer, and was after wife of Ailing- coins. in the Nunnerie in Stam- ton Tinwell in Lincolns. ford. =j= T_ 1. Sr Rob. Wingfeild 2. John Wingfeild of Tittencourt Elizabeth, mar. Charles, of Vpton, k. who was in Line. Esq. mar. Elizab. da. and 1. to Edw. Morri- Antho- so often chosen one h. of Paule Gresham; and to his son^1!', to Caly- ny, and of the Burgesses in 2d wiffe, mar widowe of but Downing of a 3d, who the Parliament Howse, Thorold. Stamford in Line. was and a great speaker 3. Richard Wingfeild, mar Esq. slayn: all there, maried Pru- da. of .... Bowland. Doroty, wife of wch three dence, da. of Sr John Peregrine Wingfeild, a leader in Adam Claypole died sans Crooks of Chilton in the Lowe Countries, ther slain. of Narborrough Buck. k. in Line. Esq.

Robert Wingfeild of Vpton, Richard Wingfeild. Elizabeth, wife of Tho. Brocas, sonne Esq. sonne and heire. Roger Wingfeild. and heire of Sr Pecksall Brocas of Burefare in Hampsh. k. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. I). 1613. 129


Sr John Wingfeild of Great and Little Dunham in Norff. k. 4"> sonne of Sr John Wingfeild of Letheringh*m, k. by his wife Elizab. Pitz-Lewis, in right of his wiffe Margrett, da. and heire of Rich. Doreward of Ess. Esq. by his wiffe Joan, da. and coheir of Sr Roger Harsick, Lord of the Mannors of Southacre and both the Dunhams.

Alice, wiffe of John Calybut of Thomas Wing- Margret, wiffe Will'm Wing- Castleacre in Norff. father of y' feild of Dun- of Nich. Bo- feild of Spick- John Calybut who by his wiff ham, Esq. mar. hun. worth in Beatrix, da. of Rob. Hoogan of .... da. of Sr Alice, wiffe of Norff. mar. Norff. had issue his da. and heir Thomas Wood- .... Aud- Margret, da. Susan, wife of Arthur Downing. house of Kim- ley. of Tho. Pet- .... wiffe of .... Gilgate. berley in Norff. Margret, wiffe tinghall of Francis, wiffe of .... Curson of Norwich. of .... Grice. .... wiffe of .... Townsend of .... Bob. Wingfeild John Wing- Thomas Wing- .... wiffe of Geffrey Downing, and of Dunham, feild, Gent, feild, 1 sonne, grandmother of John and Calybut Esq. maried maried .... was slayn at Downing, wherof John died s. p.; Elizab. da. of da. of .... Huntingdon. and Calybut mar. Eliza, sister of Sr .... Golding. Townsend of Anthony Wing- Rob. Wingfeild of Vpton. =f= Norff. feild. I T . John Wingfeild, sonne and heire. Vrsula, wiffe of . • .. Bagshaw. Anne, da. and heire, Edmond Wingfeild. Francis, wiffe of ..., Arslowe. wiffe of Tho. Atthow Jane, wiff of .... Barwick. Thomazin. of Lynne in Norff. Elizabeth, wiffe of Pole. Counsellor-at-Lawe.

WINGFIELD OF Lodouike Wingfeild of .... Esq. 9th sonne of Sr John Wingfeild of Letheringham, and of his.wiffe Elizab. Fitz-Lewis, mar da. of .... Mac Williams of Suff. Esq. T George Wingfeild. John Wingfeild .... wiffe, first of Anto. Pound .... wiffe S'Rich. Wingfeild of.... of .... Esq. of Hampshire; 2dly, of .... of k. mar sister of Sr maried .... White of Southwikes in .... Heneage. W™. Fitz-Williams. John Wingfeild, sonne Richard Wing- Honora, da. and coheir of Anto da. and and heire. feild, Esq. ma- Pound, by his wiff .... Wing- coheir, wiffe Richard Wingfeild, 2d ried .... feild, was wiff of Henry Radcliff, of.... sonne of Sr Richard. 4th E. of Sussex, and Knight of Southwicks. the Garter. ^p

Robert Radcliff, 5th Earle of Sussex, and K. of the Garter. CAMD. SOC. S 130 VISITATION OF


Sr Humfrey Wingfeild of Brantham Hall in Suff. k. ijth sonne of Sr John Wingfeild and his wiffe Elizabeth Fitz-Lewis, was Attourney to H. 8; and for his great learning, 24 H. 8, was Prolocutor in the Parlament House; he maried .... da. and h. of .... Wiseman of Ess. widowe of .... Edgar, Seriant at Lawe.

Anne, wiffe of Sr Alexander Newton, Robert Wingfeild of Bran- Dorothy, wiffe of k.; and being afore wife of .... War- tham, maried Anne, da. of William Caly- ner, Esq. was mother of Sr Hen. S' Tho. Pargitor, k. who butt. Warner of Mildenhall in Suff. was Lord Maior of London.

4. Lyonell Wingfeld, 1. Humfrey Wingfeild of Jane or 3. Anthony Wing- s. p. Brantham, Esq. maried Anne, wiffe feild of Winston 2. John Wingfeild, ma- Elizab. da. and coh. of Sr of Gil- in Suff. maried ried .... da. of .... Tho. Neville of Cam- bert of Col- .... da. and heire Gilgate, widow of.... bridge, k. descended of chester. of .... Penny- Shirland, and died the Barons of Aberga- cock, a widowe. sans issue. venny. =p

Elizabeth, wiff of .. .. Huggen. Humfrey Wing- rr Tho. Wingfeld, mar. Alice, da. of Sr feild of Brantham, Jane, wiff Humfrey Wing- John Bruse, k. ; but she died s. p. Esq. now living, of Will'y m feld, sonne and Paule Wingfeild was of Clare Hall in maried Anne, da. Moyes of Williaheire.m Wing- r Winston Cambridge, together with his bro. of S John Bruse in Suff. feld. Humfrey, and after a captaine be- of Wenham in Mary. yond sea, and ther slayne. Suff. k.

John Wingfeld, sonne and heire. Anne, 1. da. of .. .. Wingfeld. 2d daughter. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 131


Sr Rich' Wingfeild of Kimbolton Castle in Hunt. k. 12th sonne of Sr John Wingfeild of Letheringh"m, k. and of his wiffe Elizab. Fitz-Lewis; was Chancellor of the Duchie of Lane.; Lord Deputy of Callis; and made K. of the Garter by Henr. 8. His 1 wiffe was Katherine Dutchess of Bedford and Buckingham, 6th da. and coh. of Rich' Woodvile, E. Rivers, widowe first of Henr. Stafford, D. of Buckingh«m, 2dl5r, of Jasper of Hatfeild, D. of Bedford, by whome Sr Rich' had no issue; 2"11?, he maried Bridgett, da. and heire of Sr John Wilshire, and had all his children by her: he is buried at Toledo in Spayne. =j=

Charles Wingfeild of Cicely, wife of May- Thomas Maria Jaques Lau- Kimbolton Castle, Esq. denhead of Mayden- Wingfeild, Esq. Wing- rence mar. Jane, sister to head. so christened by feild, Mr Wing- famous Sr Francis Margret, wife of Sr Q. Mary and of the feild, Knolles, who was Trea- Tho. Newnham, k.; Cardinall Poole, Ord- maried surer of the Houshould and 2d'y of mar da. of nance in to Q. Eliza, and Knight Moyleward of ...... Kerry of Ireland, of the Garter. Jane, wife of.. .. Wol- Yorkshire. died sans rich of Hunt. Esq. Thomas Wingfeild of Kimbol- Anne, Edward Maria Wingfeild, vnmar- Richard ton Castle, Esq. mar. Honora, wiffe of ried, now living. Wing- da. of Sr Antho Denney of Will'm Thomas Maria Wingfeild, neere eild. Waltha Abbey in Essex, k. Smyth. Kimbolton Castle, mar. E. Tra- Counsellor of Estate, and one vildo de Susnett in Over Isell, an of the executors to K. Henry 8. outlandish woman. T Sr Edward Wingfeild of Kimbolton Castle, James Wing- wife of Wol- k. the great warriour, mar. Mary, da. of Sr feild. rich. James Harrington of Exto in Rutl. sister of Robert Wing- .... wiffe of Tho. Lewke- Jo. Lo. Harringt5 of Exton. feild. nor of Suff.

Sr James Wingfeild of Kimbolt5 Castle, k. now Robert Wing- Edward Wingfeild. liuing, maried .... da. of Francis Brakn of feild. Charles Wingfeild. Cambridge, Esq. Counsellor-at-Lawe. Arthur Wingfeild. 132 VISITATION OF

HIS MAls COMISSION TO CLARENCEUX FOE HIS VISITATION. JAMES, by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, Fraunce, and Ireland, De- fendor of the Fayth, &c. To our trusty and welbeloved servaunt William Camden, Esquire, surnamed Clareneieulx, Kinge of Armes of the east, west, and south parts of our realme of England, from the ryver of Trent southward, and to all other our loving subjects, greeting. Forasmuch as God of his great clemency and goodnes hath subjected to our empire and governaunce the Nobility, People, and Comons of this Realme of England, wee mynding of our royall and absolute power to us comytted to visite, survey, and viewe throughout all our realme of England, and other our dominions, as well for a due order to be kept and observed in all thinges touching the office and duetyes appertayning to Armes, as also for reformation of dyvers and sondrie abuses and disorders daily arising and growing for want of ordinarie Visitations, Surveis, and Viewes in tymes convenient, accord- ing to the auncient forme and laudable custome of the lawes of Armes; and that the nobility of this realme may bee preserved in everie degree as appertayneth as well in honour as in worship; and that every person and persons, bodyes politique, corporate, and others may bee the better knowne in his and their estate, degree, and misterye, without confusion or disorder, have therefore constituted, deputed, ordayned, and appointed for us and in our name our sayd welbeloved servaunt William Camden, Esquier, alias Clarencieulx, King of Armes in the sayd east, west, and south parts of our Eealme of England, from the sayd ryver of Trent southward, to visite all the sayd Province, and the parts and members thereof, appertayning to the offyce and charge of the said Clarencieulx Kinge of Armes, from tyme to tyme, as often and when as he shall thinke most necessarie and convenient for the same ; and not only to enter into all churches, castles, houses, and other places at his discretion, to peruse and take knowledge, survey, and viewe of all manner of armes, cognizances, crests, and other devyses of Armes of all and singular our subjects, as well bodyes politique as others, within the sayd Province, of what dignity or degree, estate, or misterie soever they bee, lawfully authorized to have, use, or beare any such armes, cognizaunces, crests, and other like devyses, with the notes of their discents, pedigrees, and mariages ; and the same to enter of record in a Register Booke of Armes, according to such order as is prescribed and sett forth in the offyce, charge, and oathe taken by our said servaunt at his creation and coronation ; but also to correct, comptroll, and reforme all manner of armes, crests, cognizances, and devyses, unlawfull or unlawfully usurped, borne, or taken by any manner person or persons within the same Province, contrary to the due order of the lavve of Armes; and the same to reverse, pull downe, or otherwise deface, at his discretion, as well in cote armes, helme, standards, pennons, and hatchments of tent and pavilions, as also in plate, Jewells, paper, parchment, windowes, gravestones, and monuments, or elsewhere wheresoever they bee sett or placed, whether they bee in shield, scutcheon, lozenge, square, rondell, or otherwise howsoever, contrary to the antiquity and auncyent lawes, customes, rules, priviledges, and orders of Armes ; and further, Wee by theise presents doe give and graunt to the sayd Clarencieulx full HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 133 power and authority to reprove, comptroll, and make infamous by proclamation to be made at the Assizes or generall Sessions within the same his Province to bee had and kepte, or at such other place or places as hee or they shall thinke most meete and conve- nient, all and all manner of person or persons that unlawfully and without just authoritie, vocation, or due calling, doe or have, or shall usurpe, to take uppon him or them any manner of title of honor or dignitie, as esquier, gentleman, or other; and likewise to reforme and comptroll all such as at any funeralls or interrements shall use or weare any mournyng apparell, as gownes, hoodes, tippetts, or such like, contrary to the order lymitted and prescribed in the tyme of the Most Noble Prince Kinge Henry, of famous memory, the Seaventh, our grandfather, otherwise or in any other sort then to their estates and degrees doth appertayne. And furthermore, by these presents wee prohibit and forbid that no paynter, glasyer, gouldsmyth, graver, or any other artyflcer, whatsoever hee or they bee, within the sayd province of the sayd Clarencieulx, shall take uppon them to paynte, grave, glase, devyse, or sett forth by any wayes or meanes anye manner of armes, crests, cog- nizances, pedigrees, or other devyses appertayning to the offyce of Armes, otherwise or in any other fourme or manner then they may lawfully doe and shalbee allowed by the sayd Clarencieulx, his deputy or deputies, according to the auncient lawes and statutes of armes; and wee forbyd and straightly comaunde all our sheriffss comissioners, arch- deacons, oflyeialls, scryvenours, clarks, wryters, or other whatsoever they bee, to call, name, or write in any assize, sessyoris, court, or other open place or places, or else to use in any writing the addition of esquyre or gentleman, unlesse they bee able to stand unto and Justine the same by the lawe of Armes of our realme, or else bee ascerteyned thereof by advertysement in writing from the sayd Clarencieulx King of Armes, or his deputye or deputyes, attorney or attorneys ; and further wee straightly charge and comaunde that no other person or persons shall intromytt or meddle with any thinge or thinges touching and concerning the office of Armes within the sayd Province, without speeiall lycenee and authoritie of the sayd Clarencieulx, in writing, under the seale of the sayd offyee first had and obtayned from the sayd Clarencieulx; all the which sayd power, prehemynence, juris- diction, and authoritie above speeifyed, for us, our heyres, and successors, wee doe give and graunt by theise presents to the sayd "William Camden, alias Clarencieulx, during his naturall lyfe, in as large and ample manner and forme in everie thinge and things as any his predecessors, or anye other bearing the name or tytle of Clarencieulx, have or had, dyd or might doe by force of any letters patents graunted by any of our predecessors, or as of right hee or they ought or might have used to doe and exercise by forco of his sayd office, with all manner of profytts, advantages, and emoluments thereunto belonging: Wherefore wee will and straightly charge and comaunde all and singular our justices, sheryffs, mayors, bayliffs, and all other our offycers, mynisters, and constables, and all and everie our loving subjects, that in the execution of the premisses they effectually employe their best ayde, assistaunce, furtherance, and counsayle to our sayd servaunt, his deputye or deputyes, so often and when as hee or any of them shall require the same, in all that they conveniently may, as they tender our favour, and will aunswere the contrary at their perill; and further, by theise presents wee doe authorize our sayd servaunt to nominate and appoint, under the seale of his sayd office, so many deputyes or atturneys as shalbe 134 VISITATION OF

thought to him expedient, for the better execution of all and singular the premisses ; and if there fortune to fall out in this Visitation any manner of scruple, doubte, question, or any misdemeanor of any person or persons whatsoever that cannot bee conveniently bee decided or ended by our sayd 3ervaunt, or by such deputye or deputyes, or attorneys, as hee under the seale of his sayd offyce shall name and appoint, then our mynde and plea- sure is that our sayd servaunt, his deputye, deputyes, or atturneyes named as is aforesayd, shall comaund such persons or persons whome the sayd question, scruple, or misde- meanor shall concerne, under a certeine payne, and at a certen daye, to appeare before the Earl Marshall of England for the tyme, before whome the sayd scruple, question, or misdemeanour shalbe heard and ordered, according to the lawes and custome of Armes in that case provided, and of auncient tyme used, any statute, lawe, proclamation, cus- tome or usage to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. In witnes whereof, wee have caused these our letters to bee made patents. Witnes ourselfe, at Harfeild, the fyfth day of August, in the fyrst yere of our raigne of England, Praunce, and Ireland, and of Scotland the seaven and thirtyeth.

per bre de prlvato Sigillo, &c. LUKYN. Exaiaf per Thomam Marten.


To all to whome this presente writinge shall come, William Camden Esquire, al's Clarencieulx Kinge of Armes of the east, west, and south parts of the realme of England, from the river of Trent southward, greeting in our Lord God everlasting. Whereas our Soveraigne Lord Kinge James, the Kinges Matie that now is, by his Highnes Letters Patents under the Great Seale of England, bearing date at Harfeild, the fifth daye of August, in the first yeare of his Highnes reigne, hath constituted, deputed, ordeined, and appointed the sayd William Camden, by the name of his said welbeloved servaunt William Camden Esquire, alias Clarencieulx Kinge of Armes in the said east, west, and south parts of the realme of England, from the sayd river of Trent southward, to visite all the sayd Province, and the parts and members thereof appertayning to the office and charge of the sayd Clarencieulx Kinge of Armes, from tyme to tyme, as often and when as hee shall thinke most necessarie and convenient for the same; and not onely to enter into all churches, castles, houses, and other places at his discretion, to peruse and take knowledg, surveye, and viewe of all manner of armes, cognizaunces, crestes, and other devises of armes, of all and singular his Highnes subjects, as well bodies pollitique as others within the sayd Province, of what dignitie or degree, estate, or mysterie soever they bee, lawfully au- thorized to have, use, or beare any such armes, cognizances, crests, and other like devises, with the notes of their discents, pedegrees, and marriages ; and the same to enter of record in a register booke of armes, according to such order as is prescribed and sett forth in the HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 135 office, charge, and oath taken by his Highnes saydservaunt at his creation and coronation; but also to correct, comptroll, and reforme all manner of armes, crests, cognizances, and devises, unlawfull or unlawfully usurped, borne, or taken by any manner person or per- sons within the same Province, contrarie to the due order of the law of Armes, and the same to reverse, pull downe, or otherwise deface at his discretion, as well in coate armes, helme, standards, pennons, and hatchments of tents and pavilions, as also in plate, jewels, paper, parchment, windowes, grave-stones, and monuments, or elsewhere wheresoever they bee sett or placed, whether they bee in sheild, schochen, lozenge, square, rondell, or otherwise howsoever, contrarie to the antiquitie and auncient lawes, customes, rules, priviledges, and orders of Armes; and further, his Highnes hath given and graunted to the said Clarencieulx full power and authoritie to reprove, controwle, and make infamous by proclamation to bee made at the assizes or generall sessions within the same his Pro- vince to bee had and kept, or at such other place or places as hee or they shall thinke most meete and convenient, all and all manner of person or persons that unlawfully and without just authoritie, vocation, or dewe calling, doe or have done, or shall usurpe or take uppon him or them any manner of title, honour, or dignity, as esquire, gentleman. And likewise to reforme and controwle all such as at any funerall or interrments shall use or weare any mourning apparell, as gownes, hoods, tippetts, or such like, contrarie to the order lymitted and prescribed in the tyme of the most noble Prince King Henrie, of famous memorie, the Seaventh, otherwise or in any other sort then to their estates and degrees doth or shall appertayne ; and furthermore, his Highnes doth prohibite and forbid that no painter, glasier, gouldsmith, graver, or any other artificer, whatsoever hee or they bee, within the said Province of the said Clarencieulx, shall take upon them to painte, grave, glase, devise, or sett fourth by any wayes or meanes any manner of armes, crests, cognizances, pedegrees, or other devise appertayning to the Office of Armes, otherwise or in any other forme or manner then they may lawfully doe and shalbee allowed by the sayd Clarencieulx, his deputie or deputies, according to the auncient lawes and statutes of armes; and his Highnes doth forbid and streightly comaund all sheriffs, comissioners, arch-deacons, officialls, scriveners, clarkes, writers, or others, whatsoever they bee, to call, name, or write in any assize, sessions, court, and other open place or places, or else to use in any writing, the addition of esquire or gentleman, unlesse they bee able to stand unto and Justine the same by the law of Armes of his Highnes sayd Realme, or else to bee assertened thereof by advertisement in writing from the sayd Clarencieulx Kinge of Armes, his deputie or deputies, attorney or attornyes. And furthermore, his Highnes doth straightly charge and comaund that no other person or persons shall intromitt or meddle in any thinge or thinges touching or concerning the Office of Armes, within the sayd Province, without speciall licence and authoritie of the sayd Clarencieulx, in writing, under the seale of the sayd office first had and obteyned from the said Clarencieulx: all the which sayd power, preheminence, jurisdiction, and authoritie above recited, his Highnes, for himselfe, his heires, and successors, doth give and graunt to the sayd William Camden, al's Clarencieulx, during the naturall life of the sayd Clarencieulx, in as large and ample manner and forme in every thinge and thinges as any his predecessors, or any other bearing the name or title of Clarencieulx, have or had, did or might doe by 136 VISITATION OF

force of any letters patents graunted by any of his Highnes predecessors, as of right hee or they ought or might have used to doe and exercise by force of his sayde office, with all manner of proffitts, advantages, and emoluments thereunto belonging, as by the sayd recited letters patents, amongst other thinges, further power and authorittie thereby graunted and therein conteyned more at large it doth and will appeare. Now KNOW TEE, that the said William Camden, al's Clarencieulx, for divers good causes and considera- tions him thereunto moving, hath appointed, constituted, ordeyned, deputed, and made, and by theis presents doth appoint, constitute, ordeyne, depute, and make NICHOLAS CHARLES, al's Lancaster Herauld, and his assignes, his true and lawfull marshall, deputie and deputies, attorney and attornyes, in and for the sayd office of Clarencieulx King of Armes, within the severall counties of Huntingdon and Cambridg, and not elsewhere, lawfully to doe, execute, exercise, performe, and finishe all and everie act, deed, thinge, and things whatsoever, needful, requisite, or necessarie to bee executed, done, and per- formed, touching or concerning all or any the premisses before recited and mentioned or conteined in and by the sayd recited Letters Patents, for and during one whole yeare now next ensuing, (if the sayd William Camden, al's Clarencieulx, shall so long live,) except only graunting and confirming of Armes and Crests; and also that the sayd Nicholas Charles, al's Lancaster, and his assignes, shall and may take and receive, to the use of the said William Camden, al's Clarencieulx, all fees, duties, promts, and commodities whatsoever accrewing, cominge, growing, or arising unto the sayd William Camden, al's Clarencieulx, by vertue of the office aforesayd, by or uppon any Visitation or Visitations within the said counties of Huntingdon and Cambridg aforesayd, during and untill the nyne and twentieth daye of September, which shalbee in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred and foureteene (except before excepted), in as ample manner and forme in all respects as the said William Camden, al's Clarencieulx, may, might, or could doe in any wise. In witnes whereof, the said William Camden, al"s Clarencieulx, hath hereunto sett his hand and seale of his office aforesayd, dated the two and twentieth daye of July, 1613, and in the eleaventh yeare of our sayd Sov'eigne Lord James, by the grace of God Kinge of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, Defendor of the Faith, &c. and of Scot- land the sixe and fortieth.


Sealed and delivered in the presence of mee, H. DAVIES, notary publiqe. MAEMADUKE NANDYKE. HUNTINGDONSHIRE A. D. 1613. 137


By vertue of His Ma"es Comission, vnder ye Great Seale of England, you shall warne theia knights, esquires, and gentlemen (whose names are under written) to appeare personally before mee, Lancaster Herald, marshall to Clareneieux King of Amies, at Stilton, within your Hundred of Normaneroase, on Tuesday next, being the xvij* daye of August, at nine of the clock before noone the same daye, at the house of "William Randall, being the signe of the Angell, in the sayd towne of Stilton, whereas (God willing) I doe intend to sitt for the better regiatring of all the gentlemen within your Hundred, and to bringe with them auch their armea and crests as they now use and beare, with their discents, pedigrees, and patentes of armea, and other their evidencea as may justify the same if need require: to the intent that I, knowing how they use and challeng the names of esquirea and gentlemen, and beare their coates of armes, may accordingly take notice thereof, and record the same, and to disclayme all those that falsely and without true ground have usurped or taken the title of esquires or gentlemen uppon them, according to the tenor of His Matie* Comission aforeaayd, and to returne the names of such as shall refuse, if any such there bee, that I may proceed against them, as my Comission bindeth mee in y' behalfe for such contempts ; and hereof charge them not to faile, as they will avoyd the perill that may ensue of any their contempts herein. Yeoven under my hand the xiiij"1 day of August, Anno D"ni 1613.


The King's Most Excellent Matle being desirous that the nobility and gentry of this his realme should bee preserved in every degree as well in honor as in worship, and that every person and peraonna, bodyes corporate and others, should bee knowne in their estates and mysteries, without confusion and diaorder, hath authorized mee, Lancaster Herald, as marshall and deputy to Clarenceux, Kinge of Armes of the south parts of this realme of England, not onely to visite all this sayd Province, to peruse and take knowledg, survey, and view of all manner of armes, cognizances, and crests, and other like devises, with the notes of the discents, pedigrees, and marriages of all the nobility and gentry therein throughout eonteyned, but also to reprove, controwle, and make infamous by proclama- tion all auch as unlawfully and without just authority, vocation, or due calling, doe or have done, or shall usurpe or take upon them any name or title of honour or dignity, aa esquire or gentleman, or other, as by his Highnes gratious Comission under the Greate Seale of England, more plainely may appeare. Know yee therefore that I, the said Lan- CAMD. SOC. T 138 VISITATION OP HUNTINGDONSHIRE.

caster Herald, for the accomplishment of his Ma"cs desire, and furtherance of his Higlines service that way, at this present making Survey within the county of Huntingdon, have found these persons whose names are hereunder written, presumptuously and without any good ground or authority to have usurped the name and title of gentlemen contrary to all right, and to the auncient custome of this land, and the usage of the law of armes; which name and title they are from henceforth no more to use or take upon them, upon such further paine and perill, as by the Earle Marshall, or his Maties most honorable comis- sioners for the executing of the office of earl marshall of England, shalbee inflicted and layd upon them: whereof also I thought good hereby to advertise all other his Matie! good and loving subjects within the sayd county, that as they tender his Highnes pleasure and desire in this behalfe, they from henceforth shunne and avoyd the like, and forbear to use in any writing or otherwise the addition of an esquire or gentleman, unlesse they bee able to justifle the same by the law of armes and the law of the realme. Given at Stilton, the xvijth day of August, Anno D'ni 1613.

WHEREAS by vertue of a comission under the Great Seale of England, you were warned by the bayliff of the Hundred of Normanerosse, to appeare before mee Lancaster Herald of Armes, at Stilton, where I satt in his Maties behalf and service to register all the gentle- men of name and of armes within the sayd Hundred according to the tenour of his Matles sayd Comission, and to disclayme all such as falsely and without good ground have usurped the name and title of gentlemen. Now forasmuch as you have made default of your appearance, to the hinderance of his Ma*'" service and contempt of the Great Seale of England, these are to comaunde you in his Maties name, that you appeare personally on the first daye of November next ensuing the date hereof, before the Earle Marshall of England, there to aunswere your contempts; and hereof fayle you not, as you will forfeite tenne pounds the man unto the King's Matie, or any other the perills that may ensue of any their contempts. Geuen at Stilton, the xvijth day of August, Anno D'ni 1613.