EASTLEIGH Tuesday 12 December 2006 Case Officer Kitty Budden

SITE: Lakeside Railway Lakeside Country Park, Wide Lane, , SO50 5PE

Ref. F/06/58514 Received: 06/11/2006 (02/01/2007)

APPLICANT: Fao Clive Upton

PROPOSAL: Extension to existing railway





(1) The development hereby permitted must be begun within a period of three years beginning with the date on which this permission is granted. Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

(2) No clearance of vegetation shall occur on the site during bird-nesting season (between 31st March and 31st August inclusive in any given year), unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To prevent harm to breeding birds.

(3) Before the development commences, or by such later date as the Local Planning Authority may determine, a landscape scheme must be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such a scheme must include a planting specification and schedule, and shall indicate the position, size, number, planting density and species of shrubs and trees. A seed or turf specification must be provided for areas to be grassed. Reason: To ensure that the appearance of the development is satisfactory.

(4) The landscape scheme must be completed within 12 months of the completion of development, or by such later date as the Local Planning Authority may determine. Reason: To ensure that the appearance of the development is satisfactory.

Note to Applicant: It is considered that, subject to compliance with the conditions and any obligations attached to this permission, the proposed development is acceptable because it will not materially harm the character of the area, the amenity of neighbours or the adjacent SINC, and it is in accordance with the policies and proposals of the development plan, as listed below, and after due regard to all other relevant material considerations the local planning authority is of the opinion that permission should be granted.

The following development plan policies are relevant to this decision and the conditions attached to it:

Hampshire County Structure Plan 1996-2011 Review: [ UB3, C1, C2, G1, R3 ] Eastleigh Borough Local Plan Review 2001-2011 [ 1.CO, 2.CO, 59.BE, 160.TA ]


This application has been referred to Committee because the site is within the ownership of Eastleigh Borough Council.

The site and its surroundings

1. The site is located within Lakeside Country Park, a large area of public open space, with café, miniature railway, and lakes. To the north of the site is the area of land with permission for 436 dwellings and business space. To the east of the site to Airport.

Description of application

2. The proposal is for an extension to an existing railway tunnel, increasing the length of the tunnel from 35m to 70m. The tunnel will be constructed using steel arches, covered by galvanised sheeting. This will then be covered to form a grassy mound, reflecting the existing tunnel. The existing portal will be demolished, and a new portal constructed to match the portal entrance at the opposite end of the tunnel.

Site area

3. Approximately 240,000 metres squared.


4. No trees are affected by this application.

Site characteristics

5. In planning policy terms, the site is located within countryside forming the strategic gap between Eastleigh and Southampton. It is a large area of public open space, containing the miniature railway, café, lakes and a Site of Nature Conservation (SINC).

Character of locality

6. Lakeside Country Park is surrounded by the development site know as ‘Land South of South Street’, for 436 dwellings, and business space, to the North. To the East are Southampton Parkway Railway Station, Southampton Airport, and a large industrial/commercial zone. The main access into Eastleigh, Wide Lane, passes directly in front of the Country Park.

Relevant planning history

Z/26262/002/00 Regulation 4: erection of temporary 23-Jan-1988 building with tiled roof GDC Z/26262/003/00 Laying of seven and quarter inch gauge 05-Jun-1992 railway track and temporary siting of PRT container for storage of locomotive and rolling stock Z/26262/004/00 Laying out of seven and one quarter 15-Mar-1993 inch gauge railway track and temporary PRT siting of two containers for storage of locomotive and rolling stock. A/26262/007/00 Display of 2no.direction signs for 17-Mar-1994 lakeside railway. CAD Z/26262/009/00 Construction of timber buildings to 13-Jan-1995 enclose existing shipping containers per Z/26262/010/00 Erection of amenity building 29-Dec-1995 PER Z/26262/011/00 Construction of phase two of amenity 29-Jul-1996 building PER Z/26262/013/00 Retention of seven and one quarter inch 23-Sep-1996 gauge railway track and siting of PRT containers for storage of locomotive and rolling stock Z/26262/014/00 Construction of new station building 20-Jan-1997 additional track and signals PER Z/26262/015/00 Extension and reconfiguration of car 27-Jan-1998 parks PER Z/26262/016/00 Timber cladding of amenity building 16-Jun-1998 PER Z/26262/014/01 Variation to planning permission 21-Sep-1998 reference no 26262/14 dated 20jan1997 PVR for construction of new station building additional track and signals to the following extent only: provision of external entrances to toilets Z/26262/014/02 Variation to planning permission 26-Mar-1999 reference no 26262/014 dated PVR 20jan1997 for construction of new station building additional track and signals to the following extent only: addition of path alteration to planting and siting of oil tank Z/26262/017/00 Extension to platform canopy, 04-Jan-2002 locomotive shed, workshop and PER formation of railway tunnel

Representations received

7. A site notice was erected on 17 November 2006. The neighbour expiry date is 8 December 2006. At present no responses have been received.

Consultation responses

8. Environmental Health – Awaiting response.

9. Countryside and Recreation (Biodiversity Officer) – No objection raised – the area into which the tunnel will be extended is either already grass mown short as part of the railway’s maintenance, or bramble on the bank behind, so there is a very low ecological impact. The Countryside Section is happy for the proposals to go ahead on recreation grounds. Recommend condition attached restricting vegetation clearance, to prevent harm to breeding birds.

Policy context: designation applicable to site

• Within Strategic Gap • Outside Built-Up Area Boundary • Adjacent to a Site Of Interest for Nature Conservation

Development plan policies

Country Structure Plan 1996-2011: UB3, C1, C2, G1, R3. • Eastleigh Borough Local Plan Review (2001-2011): 1.CO, 2.CO, 59.BE, 160.TA.

Policy commentary

10. The above policies combine to form the criteria which this application will be assessed with particular regard to the impact of development upon the adjacent SINC and whether the proposal is acceptable in terms of siting and design.

Comment on consultation responses

11. Countryside and Recreation – No objection was raised, as the land the tunnel will extend into has low ecological value and will contribute to the recreational element of the Park. A condition has been recommended to restrict the vegetation clearance to protect breeding birds. This is considered appropriate should this application be permitted.

Comment on representations received

12. No letters of support or objection received at present.

Assessment of proposal: Development plan and / or legislative background

13. Section 38 (6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 states:

14. “If regard is to be had to the development plan for the purpose of any determination to be made under the Planning Acts the determination must be made in accordance with the plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise”.

15. The proposal is considered to comply with the relevant Development Plan policies in that: The design and siting of the tunnel will have little visual impact on the surrounding environment, as it will extend and continue the grassed mound of the existing tunnel. The environmental impact will also be minimal as described by the Biodiversity Officer. The extended tunnel will not physically or visually diminish the Strategic Gap (as required by Policy 2.CO of the Eastleigh Borough Local Plan Review (2001-2011)), and is required for an existing outdoor recreational use, as stated in policy 1.CO of the Local Plan Review (2001-2011).

16. Policy 160.TA in the Eastleigh Borough Local Plan Review (2001-2011) states that proposals to expand or improve existing leisure and tourism facilities in the countryside will be permitted where they satisfy the following (relevant) criteria:

• Should meet criteria in policies 1.CO and 2.CO, and should not be detrimental to the landscape, or natural conservation value. • Should not involve the construction of large buildings or structures, • Those structures that are required should be essential to an open tourism use, and not have a detrimental impact on the landscape.

It is considered the extension to the tunnel complies with the above policy as the tunnel is not a large, dominant structure, and will blend into the landscape. As commented by the Biodiversity Officer, the land affected by the tunnel has low ecological value, and it is considered the proposal will contribute to the recreational value of the Country Park.

Other material considerations

17. It is considered that there are no other material considerations to warrant a decision otherwise than in accordance with the Development Plan and / or legislative background.


18. The proposed tunnel extension accords with all the relevant policies and government guidance and therefore, subject to the recommended conditions, approval is recommended.