Piam^F?I>0HORSESH(Hjamounting to S E»Rau, Get in FLOOR LAMP

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Piam^F?I>0HORSESH(Hjamounting to S E»Rau, Get in FLOOR LAMP MISCELLANEOUS fOR SALE (Cont.l MISCELLANEOUS K>» SALE. MISCILLANiOUS FOR SALjL MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALI. MISCtlLANiOUS FOR SALI. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALt. sofa bed. GLIDER. $20: phono, comb.. $126: 2-pc. MOTORS. 1/100-100 H.P., a.c.. d.c sold. CLOTHING—Dresses DIAMOND RING. 1.35 carats, flanked bj FLUORESCENT FIXTURES—One 4-tube. fURNITURE—Living room day and suits, size 14: beds), kitchen table mohair set, $126: 2 chairs (as is), $16. exch.. rep., rewound: exploalonproof fans, size 8V4-AAA; hats. CO. 4 small diamonds In platinum setting 48 In.; one 4-tube. 24 In.; one 2-tube. 48 bed room (twin rug. gooes, 7796, no dealers; or evening. * attic, dealt. CARTY EJ.RCTRIC. 1608 1 4th. FOK SALE. CLOTHING — Girl's winter coat, skirt, Call after 7 p.m., OV. 2549. —8 in.; must be sold today. GL. 8481. and chairs; day MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. 4303 Russell ave.. Apt. 7. Mt. Rainier. GIMnSe£8, meat, half-horsepower, 1947 MOTORS, 8, 10 and 25 h.p.. 1,180 to _MISCELLANiOUS sweaters and dresses, 8 to 10, excel, cond. frames, * REFRIGERATOR. Kelvinator Motstmaster, DIAMOND RING, sacrifice. TA. 3176. —6 FOLDING CHAIRS (44). metal Md. models lust arrived. For immediate deliv- 1.780 r.p.m.. 1 and 3 ph. Factory llat PIANOS—Phone Republic 6212 II you are OR. 5022. —7 interested in a or 4 months old. 9 cu. ft., deep-freexe unit. 1 green upholstered seats and backs, $2.75 liv. rm.: f<* fur ery. HACKERMAN SALES CO.. 941 Maine price only on all motors. Discount to slightly used spinet con- DIAMOND SOLITAIRE, approximately • FURNITURE, for lge. sole. Wurht- OL. CLOTHING, woman's, size 14-16—4 coats, each. 817 Eye at. n.w. To seen after ave. s.w. dealers. ELECTRIC EQUIPT. OO.. 2473 Lauter. $345; Starr. $425; $300. 7513. carat: cost SI,000: will take $550. Call piece and other articles. be ser. (as. 4 old. 8 wool suits, dresses. dresses. FREEZER. 3-montb-old, GE 4 cubic feet, Sherman ave. n.w. $475. Also several others. KITTS, REFRIGERATOR Serve! yrs. 14 2 evening Union 6761 after 6 p.m. 12:30 at 2809 15th st. n.w.. Apt. 45. GUITAR, Hawaiian, beautifully designed Sun. 1 white coat: all styles; good light baskets, perfect condition; $200. 1330 G st. n.w. (middle of the block). —12 8 cubic ft., excel, cond. Call SH. 7390 evening good I 7 FURNITURE—One refg., d.e. motor; good console model, double neclt. 16 strings. MOTORCYCLE. 1946 (45) Harley-David- «ond. No dealers. OL. 8715. DIAMOND WEDDING RING set. large. CH. 3080. —7 PIANOS—Be sure and see our selection of REFRIGERATOR Coldspot. and Perfection cond.; $100; one studio couch, $20. Call Wonderful tone. $195 or best offer. Also son. in very good condition; will sacrifice new ex- small diamonds, already engraved: cosi pianos before you buy. Choice of table-top (as range: both excellent con- CLOTHING—3 ladies' suits, size 10: FREEZERS — Immediate delivery, brand- bet. 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.. 1113 K st. n.w. and for 8575. TA. 2474. *113 at A. Kahn; *60. OL. 4271. 7* lovely 6-string guitar amplifler. $58 such makes as Knabe. Wurlitzer. Fischer. dition ; must be sold today. OL. B481. cellent condition; all dry cleaned. LU, new 1948 Philco, Norge, Deepfreeze and EX. • MOVIE and cases, DINETTE. 5-pc., with pad; gas FURNITURE—Partial lot in good condi- complete. 5297. Box 495-B, Star. CAMERA, projector Ester, Ivers & Pond. Poole, Starr. Weber, REFRIGERATOR 15 cu. ft., all enamel, 1116. maple, Amana freezers; the lowest prices and brand-new. Revere. 8-mm.: cost S260. sell range, Glenwood, tabie-top; mirror; per- tion for 4-bedroom house; Includes elec, GUITARS. Olbson Hawaiian electric. Epi- Jannsen. etc. Terms and an allowance not new mode! but very good condition. size 10. black wool • easiest terms. STANDARD TIRE 4c BAT- for $200; owner larger set. Tele- CLOTHING—Lady's, fect. WILHIDE. 1363 Pa. ave. s.e. refg.; house available about Oct. 5: in phone Spanish electric, large Eplphone am- getting blano. Phone Republic 6212. 5150; also garden umbrella and baby car* suit, red and grey In Din stripe, black taf- TERY CO.. 10th and H sts. n.e. Open • phone Sun. after 7 p.m.. EM. 2428. DINETTE SET, 7-piece, walnut, excel, good n.w. location. TA. 2937. plified, bass fiddle. WO. 8504. KITTS. 1330 G st. n.jr. —12 rlage. 2 chaise longues. NO. 3670. feta tnllned suit, blouses, bags. WO. 8153. every eve. 'til 4) p.m. LL 2983. LI. 8741. own rm. sofa and — double bed. GUN. high standard semi-automatic pis- MOVIE FANS, take and protect your PIANO-ACCORDION. 120-bass, Ambassa- REFRIGERATOR Kelvinator. 8 cu. ft* —13 cond.. *100; liv. set, 2 FURNITURE Divan, maple dor (Italian chairs. *150. VI. 5256. —7 FRIGIDAIRE, excellent condition; tell rea- complete: dinette set. gateleg table; rea- tol, model H-A, long barrel, $50. Vic- movie films with the excellent equipment make), in case, perfect cond., motor just overhauled. S50. CO. 2563. CLOTHING—Young man's sport coats <3> sonable. • Pa. ave. S150- Dm® DINETTE SET. light oak. $30: wardrobt WO. 0161. sonable. 5729 19th. N. Arl. CH. 66231 tor 7513. and supplies of BRENNER, 983 oojy PAWNBROKERS EX- REFRIGERATOR. 7-ft. Apex, motor recent* size 38; like new. Price, $10 each FRONT DOOR V JOINT, for builder: A-l GUN, 16-gauge, double barrel. Hunter MOVIE PROJECTOR, 16-mm.. Eastman, CHANGE, 1100 H it. n.e. ly overhauled, good cond. WO. 8558. trunk. *26. unused; new Standard Encyclo. solid birch bedrm. RA. 6076. cond.; size l3/4"x3'2"x6'6Va"; reasonable. FURNITURE—Modern special. 28,T barrel, modified and full choke perfect cond.. only $85. DIXIE PAWN- PICTURE FRAMES (150), with glm and REFRIGERATOR Universal. 6 cu ft., good $25; French bike. So. Chestnut * suite complete with inner-spring mattr. mats, all CLOTHING, men's: cutaway. Palm Beach, 7* WI. 3863. with recoil pads: excel, cond.: $50. CH. BROKERS EXCHANGE, 1100 H st. n.e. sizes, collectively or separately. condition. 550; bargain for quick sale. ?edia,140. and box spring; like new. Call TA. 2696. be seen * /all suits. 44 long-stout; lady's beaded eve. FROZEN FOOD CABINETS, commercial 7172. —7 MOVIE PROJECTOR, 8-mm. Kodascope. by appointment. Phone Ap. WO. 9365. DINETTE SUITE. 6-piece, table. 4 chairs, and domestic, greatly reduced prices. 20- FURNITURE—3-pc. living room set, $50; Can? dress, black coat. 18. WO. 0502. GUNS—H. S. .22 target pistol, extra clips, mod. 50. $37.50. NATIONAL PHOTO SUP- REFRIGERATOR. Kelvinator d* luxe. 6 cu. china cabinet, solid maple, good cond. cu-ft. domestic, $426. VETERANS ASSO- 3 bookcases, $15: desk. $5: dresser. $20; holster, like new. Mauser 3000 f**t: tood, used; CLOTHING—Pork Onion military uniform, $30. $45: .32 auto., PLY, 1909 Eye st. n.w., NA. 6476. ft., excel, cond.. 5100. NO. 4160. TE. *60. OR. 2663. CIATED, 1400 Ogden at. n.w.. HO. 7400. davenport table, $16; rug, $10; radio, $30; Beretta. .380. $25; Win. .22 auto, #200. Telephone DU. 4775 after 6 7* siae 14; complete outfit, cheap. Phone Chestnut with attach- REFRIGERATOR General Electric, new. —8 DINING ROOM FURNITURE—Duncar 0071. rifle, new. $20; NRA target range, $10. MULTIGRAPHS (2). printing PING-PONG TABLE, man's bicycle chilrs; 3318. 8H. 2048. also 5300; also gas stove, 525: rollaway bed. extension table FROZEN CUSTARD MACHINE, TaylorT re- FURNITURE — Bed davenport, chairs, Cftll WO 2478 ments and complete equipment. other household items; display case. woolen suits and Phyfe mahogany drop-leaf in- No dealers. $15: other miscellaneous Items. Call AD. CLOTHING—Lady's and duced price for prompt sale. VETERANS lamos. dinette set, tables, bed. chest of GUNS (2), ,22-callber model 62 MU8IC BOX. lovely antique mahogany RA. 4365. 12; Hudson seal coat; four chairs credenza bullet, *75 Winchester with 0232. dresses, sizes 16 and * ASSOCIATED, 1400 Ogden st. n.w„ HO. not available. case. laid with mother of pearl, $600. 25 PING-PONG TABLE AND SET. *20; old to tropics GL. 1786. drawers, mlsc. articles; apt. pump, in $30; ,22-callber Remington REFRIGERATOR 20 cu. ft. slxe. 3 year* perfect condition: moving 7400. —7 st. 1400, records of old-fashioned melodies included. floor-model elec. Victrola, *20; side- 2025 Eye n.w., Apt. 301; RE. automatic with Weaver scope. $50: 600 * mahog. old, In for a Man’s Tuxedo and cutaway suit, striped DINING ROOM FURNITURE—Table, FURS—Private sacrifices Hudson • Call evenings. TE. 3328. drum table, $7; mah-jong set good condition: excellent party Ext. 801. rounds of ammunition with each. Phone and racks. school kitchen. or Wed* trousers, size 36. 532 N. Thomas st., board. server, china closet (Adams repro- • SI2: small-slze crib and SH. 4772 Tuesday • seal cape. $30: fur $25; sizes 16- FURNITURE—Electric range, sofa, chairs, VL 8260, fit. 160. MUSKRAT COAT, $65. Call at 332 Emer- mattress, *7; 21- * 3. Phone CH. 4160. duction). *100. La Plata, Md„ 4811. 9* jacket. piece nesday. 8 to 11:30 a.m. Arlington, Va„ Apt. 18. Genuine beaver collar, muff, silver rugs. beds. 6608 Clarden rd„ Bethesda., GUNS—1 Ranger 16-gauge pump action son st. n.w. or telephony GE. 3804 be- hand-dec. china tea set, *15: 3 • handmade REFRIGERATOR Gen. Electric. 6 ft., ex* CLOTHING—Well-tailored dress suit, ex- DINING ROOM SET. 10-pleee; condltlor fox muff. LU. 4458. WI 6559 repeater shotgun. $36; 1 Mossberg Targo tween 2-6 p.m. Sunday. crasy quilts, $12 each: girl’s ice skates, size eellent condition: 5100. VI. 8260, Ext. 481. cellent material.
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