7/13 Ko Bibliography: Books, Publications, and Other Media

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7/13 Ko Bibliography: Books, Publications, and Other Media Bibliography: Books, Publications, and Other Media Related to Multiple Births Revised July, 2013 This bibliography is compiled and maintained by Multiples of America also known as the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, Inc., as a resource for those interested in multiple-birth related literature. Neither Multiples of America (MOA) nor its Board of Directors can take any responsibility for the opinions expressed in these products or publications, nor do these opinions necessarily reflect the opinion of MOA or its Board of Directors. MOA does not endorse any of these products and publications, except those produced specifically by MOA. Some non-fiction and fiction books are available in local libraries or local bookstores. Some are out of print but may be located in bookstores specializing in used or out of print books or from internet booksellers. Section I. BOOKS/BOOKLETS (by Clubs & Other Multiple-Birth Related Organizations) Section II. NONFICTION BOOKS Section III. POETRY & CARTOONS Section IV. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN Section V. AUDIO VISUALS Section VI. CLUB MANAGEMENT Section VII. FICTION Section VIII. SUBSCRIPTION PUBLICATIONS Section I. BOOKS/BOOKLETS BY CLUBS/MULTIPLE-BIRTH RELATED ORGANIZATIONS Source information written and published by clubs or individuals for clubs/organizations. Contact each individual/club/organization for price and postage/handling information. Current addresses for the following organizations publishing books/booklets are given once at the beginning of this section: AMBA (Australian Multiple Birth Association, Inc.): AMBA, PO Box 105, Coogee NSW 2034 Australia CSMB (The Center for Study of Multiple Birth): CSMB, 333 East Superior Street, Suite 464, Chicago, IL 60611 MBC (Multiple Births Canada/Naissances Multiples Canada): Multiple Births Canada, 494 Deancourt Cres., Orleans, ON K4A 3G3 Canada www.multiplebirthscanada.org MBF (The Multiple Births Foundation): The Multiple Births Foundation, Hammersmith House, Level 4, Queen Charlotte's & Chelsea Hospital, Du Cane Road, London W12 0HS England UK MOA (Multiples of America also known as National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, Inc.): MOA, 2000 Mallory Lane, Suite 130-600, Franklin, TN 37067-8231 POMBA (Parents of Multiple Births Association of Canada) - see MBC 7/13 ko TAMBA (Twins and Multiple Births Association): TAMBA Office, Hitherbury House, 97 Portsmouth Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4YF England UK www.tamba.org.uk Please check the MULTIPLE LINKS page for web sites for organizations listed in the bibliography. BEREAVEMENT/LOSS OF MULTIPLE (Publications are listed at the end of Section I.). Books/booklets that are no longer available may be found in some club libraries or in bookstores specializing in used books or from internet booksellers. Breastfeeding Twins, Triplets or More (booklet) TAMBA, England Breastfeeding Twins, Triplets, and Quads: 195 Practical Hints for Success (1985) Donald M. Keith, Louis G. Keith, M.D., Sheryl McInnes, The Center for Study of Multiple Birth, Chicago Care of Twin Children, The: A Common Sense Guide for Parents (1978; Rev. 1984) Rosemary Theroux, R.N., and Josephine Tingley, R.N., ed. Donald M. Keith and Louis G. Keith, M.D., The Center for Study of Multiple Birth, Chicago Double Vision (1987 booklet) Arizona State MOMO, c/o Laurie Shaw, 6331 W. Turquoise, Glendale, AZ 85302 Exceptional Pregnancies: A Survival Guide to Parents Expecting Triplets or More (2000) Kathleen S. Birch and Janet L. Bleyl, The Triplet Connection, PO Box 99571, Stockton, CA 95209 Exceptional Pregnancies: A Survival Guide to Parents Expecting Twins (2000) Kathleen S. Birch and Janet L. Bleyl, The Triplet Connection, PO Box 99571, Stockton, CA 95209 Expecting Marvelous Multiples: A Guide for Multiple Pregnancy, Birth, and Caring for More than One Newborn (1994 booklet; Rev. 1999) Marvelous Multiples, Inc., PO Box 381164, Birmingham, AL 35238 Expecting More Than One (booklet) TAMBA, England Feeding Twins, Triplets and More (1999 booklet) Margie Davies and Jane Denton, The Multiple Births Foundation, England Finding Our Way - Life With Triplets, Quadruplets and Quintuplets (2001) ed. Suzanne Lyons, foreward Cecile Dionne, Triplets, Quads & Quints Association, 2968 Nipiwin Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5N 1X9 For Two Please (1958 booklet) Main Line MOTC, c/o Dolores Simasek, 178 West Tally-Ho Turn, Glen Mills, PA 19342-2205 Gemini: The Psychology and Phenomena of Twins (1983 reprint) Judy W. Hagedorn, Ph.D., and Janet W. Kizziar, Ph.D., The Center for Study of Multiple Birth, Chicago (first edition, 1974, Droke House/Hallux, Anderson, SC) Guide for Mothers with Twins (booklet) Judi Linney, TAMBA, England (out of print) 7/13 ko Handbook for Expectant Parents of Multiples (booklet) South African Multiple Birth Association (SAMBA) (www.samultiplebirth.co.za) Higher Order Multiples Booklet: A Guide of Support for Those who are Expecting or Raising Higher Order Multiples (Triplets or More) (2000 booklet) Jill Heink, MOA How Twins Grow Up (1987) Mary Rosambeau, TAMBA, England Magic of Multiples, The: Twins, Triplets or More on Old Picture Postcards (1990) Stella Blazier, Rachel Hudson, Mary Lowe, SB Publications, England (available from MBF and TAMBA) Managing Multiple Birth Families (Pre-natal--Postpartum): A Guide for Health Care Providers (1993 booklet) Charlette Hradek, MOA Managing Supertwins: Triplets, Quadruplets or More Elinor Davis, Twin Services Consulting, PO Box 10066, Berkeley, CA 94709 (out of print) Marvelous Beginnings: A Guide to Early Multiple Pregnancy (1998 booklet) Marvelous Multiples, Inc., PO Box 381164, Birmingham, AL 35238 Multiple Blessings: Birth Stories (1998 booklet) ed. Diane Kerr, Aiken Multiple Blessings Club, PO Box 382, Aiken, SC 29802, Attn: Christina McNeely Multiple Messages: a compilation written by The Jackson Mothers of Multiples (1997 manuscript) ed. Mary Moore Davis, Jackson Mothers of Multiples, c/o Naomi Fox, 5758 Kirkley Dr., Jackson, MS 39206 Multiples and Safety (1999 booklet) Multiple Births Canada (formerly POMBA) Multiples in School (1999 booklet) Multiple Births Canada (formerly POMBA) Multiples with Special Needs: Parent Handbook and Resource Guide (2000 booklet) Multiple Births Canada (formerly POMBA) No Two Alike (1966; Rev. 1993) ed. Marcia A. Bohnsack, L.P.N., and Barbara A. Calkins Nagucki, R.N., Ohio Federation MOTC, c/o Denise Zalewski, 13412 Thraves Road, Garfield Heights, OH 44125 (1966 edition by Beth Nurse and Alice Roberson) Not One But Two...The Joy of Twins (1974 booklet; Rev. 1986; Rev. 1996) MOTC Buffalo, c/o Sharon Witul, 395 Sunrise Blvd., Buffalo, NY 14221 Nourishing Marvelous Multiples: A Nutrition Guide for Multiple Pregnancy (1995 booklet) Marvelous Multiples, Inc., PO Box 381164, Birmingham, AL 35238 Nursing Your Infant Twins (2000 booklet) Multiple Births Canada (formerly POMBA) On Twins and Language: Idioglossia, Mutism and Other Problems 7/13 ko (booklet) The Twins Foundation, PO Box 6043, Providence, RI 02940-6043 Parenting Times Two (1994 booklet) Sonoma County MOM, PO box 9459, Santa Rosa, CA 95405 Parenting Triplets (1994) Pat Stewart, AMBA, Australia Parenting Twins (1995 Revised edition) Anne Corrigan, AMBA, Australia (The Patter of Four Little Feet (1975, Kay Whowell) no longer available) Placement of Multiple Birth Children in School: A Guide for Educators (1991 booklet; Rev. 2000) Linda H. Dreyer, (revised by Corliss Hubert, ed. Mary Adcock), MOA (2001, Study Guide as companion to booklet also available) Play for Twins, Triplets, or More (booklet) Phillipa Barton, TAMBA, England Relieving Twinshock: A Guide for Helping Families with Multiples (1996)Twin Services Consulting, PO Box 10066, Berkeley, CA 94709 (revised version of Help for Multiple Birth Families: A Service Providers Guide) Should Twins Be Separated in School? (1992 booklet; Rev. 2001) The Twins Foundation, PO Box 6043, Providence, RI 02940-6043 Single Parents of Multiples (2000 booklet) Multiple Births Canada (formerly POMBA) Singleton Siblings of Multiples, The (1998 booklet) Multiple Births Canada (formerly POMBA) Special Delivery: A Prenatal Guide for Families Expecting Twins, Triplets, Quads, or More (1994 booklet; Rev. 1996; Rev. 2000) Jill Heink, Kathy Keinath, Judy Lobo Ferry, Kentucky State Mothers of Multiples Organization, 3334 Mantilla Drive, Lexington, KY 40513 Special Delivery: The Handbook for Parents of Triplets, Quadruplets and Quintuplets (1998 booklet) Multiple Births Canada (formerly POMBA) Supertwins Guide Kathy Topping, TAMBA, England (out of print) Teenage Twins (1986 booklet) Kay Whowell, AMBA, Australia Ten Twins, The - See Books for Children These are our Children: Twins, Triplets and Down Syndrome Linda McDonald, AMBA, Australia Three, Four and More: A Study of Triplets and Higher Order Births (1990) Beverly Botting, Alison MacFarlane, Frances Price, HMSO Publications Centre, PO Box 275, London, England SW8 5D (also available from MBF and TAMBA) Toilet Training with Love: Singletons, Twins, Triplets (1983 booklet) Lucielle Jodoin, Multiple Births Canada (formerly POMBA) (out of print) 7/13 ko Triple Trouble, Triple Treat (1983 booklet) Sue Burch, Mary Fiebelkorn, c/o Sue Burch, 3075 Red Fox Circle, Colgate, WI 53017 Twice as Nice (1978 booklet) Anne Corrigan, Family Life Movement, Australia Twin Care Handout Collection Twin Services Consulting, PO Box 10066, Berkeley, CA 94709 (www.twinservices.org) Twin Care...In a Nutshell (1980 booklet; Rev. 1995) Massachusetts MOTA, Inc., c/o Gerry Zablasky,
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