Communism and Socialism

Communism and Socialism are two that have changed and revolutionized .

Communists and Socialists began with the idea of societies in which everyone is equal.

German economist, condemned for robbing workers of skills and independence.

Marx believed in ownership of to alleviate driven companies.

Communist system supported classless or egalitarian where everyone works to their ability and receives according to need.

Communism became associated with Marxist while socialists came to represent a in gradual progression to egalitarian society.

In 1017, the Czar of Russia was overthrown. A Marxist , Vladamir Ilyich Lenin and the Bolshevik party came to power creating the first communist .

In 1928, came to power in the new Union and rid the Russian country of private ownership.

Stalin began a program of terror known as the . His secret police arrested millions of and a totalitarian regime emerged.

In 1947 American president Truman announced the which was designed to contain communism.

Vocabulary: Utopia- Ideal commonwealth where citizen live in perfect conditions Capitalism- Free Communism- economic theory of of and organization of labor for common advantage. Socialism-economic theory of organization where production and of goods is collectively owned and distributed equally. The government often plans and controls this type of economy. - middle class of society - labor class of society Egalitarian society-, work according to ability, receive according to need