Congressional Record—Senate S4965
June 4, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4965 IN MEMORY OF RICHARD SYLBERT To the Congress of the United States: ticide Tolerance’’ (FRL7178–5) received on ∑ In accordance with the provisions of May 30, 2002; to the Committee on Agri- Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I rise to culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. reflect on the rich life and memory of section 13, Public Law 806, 80th Con- gress (15 U.S.C. 714k), I transmit here- EC–7282. A communication from the Prin- Richard Sylbert, an admired and tal- cipal Deputy Associate Administrator of the ented production designer, whose work with the report of the Commodity Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- made a tremendous impact on the en- Credit Corporation for the fiscal year ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- tertainment industry and on the lives ending September 30, 2000. titled ‘‘Change in Disease Status of Estonia with Regard to Rinderpest and Foot-and- of so many. GEORGE W. BUSH. THE WHITE HOUSE, June 4, 2002. Mouth Disease’’ (Doc. No. 01–041–2) received At the age of 73, Richard Sylbert died on May 31, 2002; to the Committee on Agri- f on March 23, 2002 of cancer in Woodland culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Hills, CA. Richard, through his re- MEASURE REFERRED EC–7283. A communication from the Acting markable creativity and imagination, General Counsel of the Department of De- The Committee on Armed Services fense, transmitting, a draft of proposed legis- helped bring more than 40 stories to was discharged from further consider- the screen, including ‘‘Chinatown,’’ lation relative to interest payments on stu- ation of the following measure which dent loans for service in the Armed Forces; ‘‘Dick Tracy,’’ ‘‘The Graduate’’ and was referred to the Committee on Com- to the Committee on Armed Services.
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