PO Box 150, LeIcester, LE5 4DS Email:
[email protected] The ""atlonal Council of Gurdwaras is a non-profit making organisation for all Gurdwaras in the United Kingdom. It wa. e.tabU.hed in September 2003 at last year's National Sikh Convention and was .... nll.lln re.ponle to the UK Government's desire for more organisations to represent Sikh grass- rC!911 opInIon. The first and only Sikh Political Party in the UK Oliver Letwln MP, Shadow Home Secretary speaking at the National Sikh Convention in September 2003 laid: Page ~Imentioned eariler that the announcement of the establishment o( the Sikh Federation is good new. (or Sikhs and good news for Britain. Similarly your other two announcements today concerning the establishment o( the National Council o( Gurdwaras snd the new Sikh Advisory Group are both positive developments. You Bra showing 8 determination to aot as a cohesive foroe. You ara bringing the SIkh community together to ensure that you are best placed to worl< with the grain of political and .oe/allnstltutlons In this country." All Gurdwaras In the United KJngdom are automatically members of the National Council of Gurdwarel. Gurdwara. become full members on paying their annual sub&erlptlon, otherwise they remain assocl.l. members. At presant the National Council of Gurdwaras represants some 235 Gurdwaras in the UK The National Counell of Gurdwaras alms to represent the Sang at on all relevant matters Involving the UK Government that directly impact on Gurdwaras and the Sangat. Some of the events and campaign. InvolVIng the