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Business News Gaming for What does the Musikk er ein måte å puste på. fox say? – Frode Grytten

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Vol. 125 No. 38 October 25, 2013 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy News in brief

Military New faces in government The Norwegian Police Security Branch (PST) estimates that 30 – Norway’s new 40 persons may have left Norway in order to join the fighting in government Syria. “However, the number officially took may be higher,” said PST Chief Benedicte Bjørnland to TV 2. It is office last week the first time that PST has given an estimate on how many perons from Norway have joined the Lina Aas-Helseth civil war in Syria. It is estimated Royal Norwegian Consulate that many of those that leave belong to an extreme Islamistic group in Norway. Norway had its parliamentary (Norway Post) election last month, and for the first time in decades, the Norwegian Transportation government will be non-socialist Total sales of petroleum products for the next four-year term. ended at 824 million liters in Høyre (Conservative Party), September. This is 5 million Fremskrittspartiet (right-wing liters less than in September ) and Venstre (Lib- 2012 and equals a 0.8 percent erals) took over a center-left gov- decrease, Statistics Norway ernment and will rule as a minor- reports. Total sales of auto diesel ity government with the support of ended at 317 million liters, which center-right parties. is 12 million liters more than in Norwegian Prime Minister Photo: Thomas Haugersveen / Office of the Prime Minister September last year. At the same ’s new government. Solberg is in the front row, fourth from the left. time, sales of motor gasoline See > government, page 6 decreased by 4 million liters, ending at 110 million liters. Sales of motor gasoline and auto diesel combined made up almost Knask eller knep? 52 percent of the total sales of A record flight petroleum products. The average Halloween is gaining price for one litrer of motor 80 years ago, pilot Jimmie Mattern flew from gasoline was NOK 15.05; a NOK popularity in Norway 0.22 increase from September New York to Telemark nonstop in 23 hours 2012. One liter of auto diesel cost NOK 13.46; NOK 0.32 more Judith Gabriel Vinje than September last year. , Calif. (Norway Post) After an uncertain start in the 1990s, the American tradition of What’s inside? celebrating Halloween has started News 2 – 3 catching on in Norway. Business 4 Until recently, there were no

Research & Education 5 See > knask, page 15 Photo: Tine.no Opinion 6 – 7 Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Wages are dropping Roots and Connections 10 Obituaries & Religion 11 Soccer players in Photo courtesy of Bjørn Olsen Norway are being Arts & Style 12 Jimmie Mattern’s plane, a Lockheed Vega. In Your Neighborhood 13 paid less

Norwegian Heritage 14 Bjørn Olsen Denise Leland Sports 15 Skien, Telemark, Norway Norwegian American Weekly

$1 = NOK 5.9159 Jomfruland Island is an elon- approximately 60 permanent resi- updated 10/21/2013 gated pebble rock island located in dents. Jomfruland is known for its In a consistent trend, the sal- the archipelago outside Kragerø, many white anemones that grow on ary for professional soccer players In comparison Norway and is Telemark’s south- the island. In fact, the filming of the in Norway has dropped. Soccer 9/21/2013 5.9323 ernmost municipality. Jomfruland Norwegian film “Kristin Lavrans- finance expert Tor Geir Kvinen 4/21/2013 5.8227 Photo: Wikimedia Commons Island is 7.5 km long and 1 km at Steffen Iversen is Norway’s highest 10/21/2012 5.9182 its widest and today it is home to See > flight, page 9 See > wages, page 15 paird professional soccer player. 2 • october 25, 2013 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Vil ha flere kvinner i jobb Middag på slottet Fant sensasjonell tohodet snok i Lier Selv om den avgåtte Torsdagsturen til Berthe Ramstad og stedat- (Frp) statsministeren gleder seg, teren ble minst dobbelt så spennende som de legger han ikke skjul på at hadde trodd. Da Ramstad og Thea Caroline håper blant annet å Myhre Øverdal (14) hadde gått noen hun- styrke barnevernet, avskjedsmiddagen med dre meter bak huset i Lier, oppdaget de en lokke guttene til å velge den rødgrønne gjengen blir verdenssensasjon, skriver Drammens Ti- spesiell dende. Over den steinete stien foran dem utradisjonelt og få flere slanget det seg en slettsnok med to hoder. VG – Den lå midt i gangveien, så jeg tok en minoritetskvinner ut i pinne og vippet den ut i terrenget. Jeg vet arbeidslivet i løpet av sin var sistemann inn på at mange slår dem i hjel, så jeg tenkte jeg tid som minister Slottet da kong Harald og dronning Sonja skulle hjelpe den litt på veien, sier Ramstad holdt avskjedsmiddag for den rødgrønne til VG. Da hun løftet opp slangen, så hun at regjeringen fredag kveld. begge hodene trakk seg tilbake. – Den var VG – Det blir nok kjempehyggelig. Det er helt frisk. Jeg lurte med en gang på om det Foto: Statsministerskontor / Flick alltid en spesiell stemning på Slottet, men ene hodet var dødt, men begge fungerte. Det Solveig Horne er barne-, likestillings- og inklud- – For meg er likestilling det samme som eringsminister i Solberg-regjeringen. det blir ekstra spesielt når det er avskjed- virket som det venstre hodet var sjef når de likeverd. Dette er viktig å få frem, og er godt smiddag, sa Stoltenberg. var på tur. Det var det som brukte tungen, formulert i regjeringsplattformen. Tidligere denne uken skrev Stoltenberg sier Ramstad. Reptilekspert Remi Andersen prostatakreft, mens noen kvinner må vente Denne regjeringen er veldig opptatt under på papiret der han ba Kongen om til- ved Akvariet i Bergen blir helt over seg da ni-ti år på et nytt bryst. Dette kan også være latelse til å gå av som statsminister. han får høre om slettsnoken. av likestilling, sier Barne-, likestillings- og et likestillingsspørsmål, sier Horne. Det er imidlertid langt fra første gang (VG) inkluderingsminister Solveig Horne til VG. Foruten et brennende engasjement for Hun tror ikke folk flest umiddelbart vil familiepolitikk og barnevernspolitikk, ser han spiser ved kongens bord. Obama ringte for å gratulere Erna oppdage de helt store forskjellene fra den også Horne frem til å jobbe med integre- Han har også vært på tilsvarende tilstel- ninger, både da han var miljøvernminister Norges nye statsminister snakket fredag et- forrige regjeringen. ringsspørsmål. Hun vil blant annet jobbe for termiddag med sin amerikanske kollega. – Vi vil føre en likestillingspolitikk få flere kvinner med minoritetsbakgrunn ut under Gro Harlem Brundtland og da han Temaet for samtalen var ifølge Solberg som i større grad setter søkelyset på univer- i arbeid. gikk av som statsminister etter valget i 2001. det økonomiske samarbeidet mellom de to sell likestilling, at alle er likeverdige. Det – Vi har i det siste sett at stadig flere – Det blir ofte veldig god stemning på landene og situasjonen i Syria. Dialogen vil ikke bare handle om likestilling mellom minoritetskvinner tar utdanning og høyere disse middagene, og en mer uformell stemn- mellom de to lederne ble annonsert på Sol- kjønnene, sier hun. utdanning, men ser samtidig at det er mange ing enn vanlig. Samtidig er det mye følelser bergs Facebook-profil. En av hennes me- Frp-ministeren mener den forrige minoritetskvinner som ikke kommer ut i ar- og mange fortellinger om hva vi har op- darbeidere fotograferte den nye statsminis- regjeringen har gjort mye bra for likestillin- beidslivet. Disse kvinnene er en kjemperes- plevd, sier han. Den fireretters middagen teren mens hun snakket med en av verdens gen i Norge, men mener «sosialistene» selv surs, og jeg vil jobbe for å få disse ut i arbeid, som blir servert, består av gravet elg med mektigste menn. – I formiddag fikk vi vite har definert hva likestilling skal handle om. sier Horne. tranebær til forrett, etterfulgt av røykt kveite at Obama gjerne ville ringe for å gratulere – Det er ikke sikkert likestilling for en Hun vil foreløpig ikke si noe om med løyrom og toast, oksebryst med byg- henne, sier Arvis Samland, som er kom- kvinne eller en mann er det samme i dag som konkrete tiltak for å få dette til å skje. grynrisotto, og avsluttes enkelt og greit med munikasjonsråder ved Statsministerens det var for ti år siden. For noen kvinner kan solbærdessert. kontor. Han beskriver kontakten som en English Synopsis: The new Minister of Children, likestilling i dag være å få de helsetjenestene English Synopsis: HM King Harald hosted a thank- «høftlighetssamtale» og forteller at det var Equality and Social Inclusion Solveig Horne wants de har krav på. For en mann er det ingen more minority women in the workforce, among other you dinner for the outgoing Red-Green Coalition gov- god tone mellom de to. «I dag ringte USAs problem å få rekonstruksjon etter å ha hatt goals. ernment, which Jens Stoltenberg attended. president Barack Obama for å gratulere meg som ny statsminister. Vi hadde en hyggelig samtale, der vi blant annet snakket om bety- dningen av det gode forholdet mellom Norge og USA, og om det sterke økonomiske sa- Frp kritisk Speil skal lyse opp Rjukan marbeidet. Vi snakket også om situasjonen i Syria, og om internasjonalt samarbeid om Christian Tybring-Gjedde En 100 år gammel idé klima og helse.» (Frp) ser ikke poenget med om speil i fjellsiden ble (VG) å frakte Syrias kjemiske til virkelighet. Nå kan Snøkaos på nordnorske veier våpen helt til Norge innbyggerne i Rjukan snart Fredag 18. oktober førte snøfall til at hauge- nyte sollys året rundt vis av biler kjørte ut på glatte veier i Troms, VG Nordland og Trøndelag. Lørdag kan veikao- Tybring-Gjedde, som sitter i utenriks- VG set spre seg ytterligere. Mange både store og og forsvarskomiteen, sier til Aftenposten. små veier i deler av Nord-Norge og Midt- At han håper regjeringen sier nei til å ta Norge ble fredag dekket av snø for første imot våpnene. – Jeg ser ikke poenget med – Det er et litt sykt prosjekt, men vi har gang denne høsten. Det ga som vanlig mye å frakte våpnene helt til Norge. Vi har så fått en helt enorm respons fra medier over trøbbel langs veiene. Ved 13.30-tiden kunne vidt meg bekjent aldri produsert kjemiske hele verden. Det er helt fantastisk, sier ord- Troms politidistrikt melde på Twitter at de våpen, og jeg stiller spørsmål ved hvorvidt fører Steinar Bergsland i Tinn kommune. hadde måttet hanskes med en rekke mindre Ideer om å fange bak Gaustatoppen trafikkuhell og problemer i trafikken. – Det vi har kompetanse til å destruere dem, sier har foreligget helt siden 1913. er et vanskelig føre, så kjør forsiktig, skriver Tybring-Gjedde. Norge er bedt om å ta imot Prosjektet blir omtalt som sprøtt og Foto: Wikimedia Commons politiet. Ifølge iTromsø kjørte flere vogntog 500 tonn med saringass, samt nær 50 tonn med sennepsgass. Det skal være halvparten noe som kunne vært hentet ut fra en Don- Sørvest for Rjukan og Vestfjorddalen reiser Gaustatop- seg fast på ulike steder i Tromsø fredag for- pen seg. middag, og også en buss og flere personbiler av al-Assads kjemiske våpenarsenal. ald Duck-stripe. Det hindret ikke ildsjelene kjørte av veien i området i løpet av dagen. Utenriksminister Børge Brende (H) i det som til nå har vært skyggenes dal hver Enkle kjøreforhold var det heller ikke i Salt- sier at Norge har forpliktet seg til å støtte vinter. flyttet til Rjukan for ti år siden og lanserte en og Nordland, og Avisa Nordland kan også FN-resolusjonen om destruksjon av Syrias På grunn av de høye fjellene rundt byen samme idé, begynte ting å skje. melde om traileruhell, en buss i grøfta og en kjemiske våpen, men poengterer at det kan blir sola borte fra slutten av september til – Det er jo et Donald Duck-prosjekt. rekke mindre trafikkuhell i distriktet. Ifølge gjøres på flere måter enn å gjøre selve job- mars. Sammen med tyske ingeniører fikk Det er ganske sprøtt, men når du tenker over Rana Blad skapte også store snømengder ben, blant annet ved økonomisk støtte. – Vi man bygd og montert tre enorme speil i fjell- det gir dette faktisk mange sideeffekter som fullstendig kaos på både E12 og E6, samt har satt ned en ekspertgruppe som i løpet siden over Rjukan sentrum. man kanskje ikke har sett før nå, sier Ander- i Mo i Rana sentrum. – Det har vært trav- av de kommende dagene skal gå igjennom Speilene roterer automatisk med sola sen. elt ja, oppsummerer operasjonsleder ved og vurdere om det er mulig å gjøre dette i og sørger for konstant lys på et område av – Vi regner med at det er mange som Helgeland politidistrikt, Egil Pettersen til Norge, sa Brende til NRK søndag kveld. torget. vil komme hit for å oppleve solspeilet. Det avisen fredag ettermiddag. Også Framtid Både USAs utenriksminister John Kerry Prosjektet har kostet fem millioner kro- er helt spesielt å stå i lyset nede på torget og i Nord, Vesterålen Online, Saltenposten, og president Barack Obama skal ha tatt opp ner, en god investering mener ordføreren. kjenne varmen, sier Bergsland. Hitra-Frøya, Namdalsavisen, Brønnøysunds spørsmålet da de fredag ringte henholdsvis – Det var litt motstand lokalt fram til Solspeilet åpnes offisielt 31. oktober. Avis, Fremover og Lofotposten kan melde Brende og statsminister Erna Solberg (H) speilene ble montert, men nå tror jeg at de Det er ventet presse fra hele verden til byen om glatte veier og utforkjøringer i områdene fleste støtter opp om dette, sier Bergsland. som er i ferd med å få en lysende attraksjon. mellom Troms og Trøndelag. for å gratulere med utnevnelsen av den nye Ideen om et solspeil strekker seg tilbake (VG) regjeringen. til da Rjukan var en travel industribygd. Da English Synopsis: Rjukan, a Telemark town sur- English Synopsis: The Progress Party is critical of manglet man gjennomføringsevne. rounded by tall mountains, will utilize large mirrors the idea of destroying Syria’s chemical weapons in to attract more sunlight in the normally shadowed Norway. Men da kunstner Martin Andersen city. Norwegian american weekly october 25, 2013 • 3 News Co-location? This week in brief “The Fox” phenomenon Crown Prince visits Norwegian forces in Co-location of Nordic Ylvis brings “The Fox” viral Gulf of Aden missions in New York could Crown Prince Haakon on the weekend hit song on tour in the U.S. of Oct. 20 visited the Norwegian frigate become a reality in 2018 “Fridtjof Nansen” which is on anti-pirate patrol in the Gulf of Aden. The Norwegian Lina Aas-Helseth Special Release frigate is command vessel for the NATO- Royal Norwegian Consulate Ministry of Foreign Affairs led Operation Ocean Shield, which is a naval force deployed to prevent attacks on international shipping by Somali pirates If you haven’t already heard, Norwegian Nordic countries working together in off the Horn of Africa. The Norwegian song duo and brothers Bård and Vegard New York City, N.Y. could become a reality Crown Prince said he was satisfied that the Ylvisåker, aka Ylvis, have taken over the in 2018 if developments go the way Norway operation is succeeding, and that he was pop culture around the world with their and the other Nordic foreign ministers are pleased to be able to see for himself how quirky yet catchy hit “The Fox.” hoping. the “Fridtof Nansen” was operating. The Surpassing 100 million viewers on “New York and Geneva, where the UN Crown Prince is himself educated in the YouTube last Tuesday, “The Fox” has been has its main offices, are obvious choices for Photo: Ylvis.com Norwegian Navy, and served as second in spreading like wildfire ever since it was co-location of the Nordic countries’ mis- Brothers Bård and Vegard Ylvisåker, also known command of a motor torpedo boat. released roughly a month ago. as Ylvis, are a Norwegian comedic duo that have sions. The Government will continue to (Norway Post / NRK) work for closer cooperation between the “The Fox” is the most streamed song in been performing on Norwegian TV for several years. Nordic countries and lower costs by sharing the U.S. with over 13 million plays over the Telethon: More than NOK 224 million course of seven days and is now number six premises,” said outgoing Minister of For- raised so far eign Affairs on Oct. 16. on the Billboard Top 100 Chart in the U.S the Top 10, and that was Take On Me by a-ha Sunday’s nationwide NRK TV telethon In March 2013, the Nordic foreign min- Billboard. 28 years ago, which made it all the way to in support of the Norwegian Institute of isters reiterated their strong political will for It’s Ylvis’ second week on the Top 10 the top. Billboard list, and before Ylvis, there is only Public Health had by Monday morning See > colocation, page 15 one other Norwegian band that has gotten on See > fox, page 6 netted more than NOK 224 million, a new record. This means that on average, each Norwegian has contributed NOK 44.42 Royals convene in support of the Norwegian Institute of Brende’s take on Syria Public Health, in what has been called the The King and the Crown world’s biggest charity drive, considering The new Foreign Minister the population. This is above the previous Prince were both present record from 2007. More than 100.000 makes a statement on at the opening of the Sami volunteers participated in the door to door Norway’s role in destroying Parliament drive. The money collected is earmarked for research into and the treatment of chemical weapons dementia. Special Release (Norway Post / NRK) The Royal House of Norway Norway Post Tougher for Swedish job seekers in “I hereby convene the Sámediggi to its Norway venerable task and commit its representa- So far this year, the Norwegian Tax The new Minister of Foreign Affairs, tives to work to the benefit of the Sami peo- Directorate has issued 85,000 tax cards Børge Brende, says a group of experts are ple and our nation,” said His Majesty The to Swedish job seekers in Norway. This is looking into how Norway can help in the de- King as he presided over the opening of the as many as the total for all of last year. A struction of Syria’s chemical weapons. 7th Sámediggi on October 15. high number of Swedes continue to come Norway has been asked to accept and His Majesty The King and His Royal to Norway in search of work, but now destroy half of Syria’s chemical weapons, Highness The Crown Prince were escorted the Norwegian labor market is becoming equal to between 300 and 500 tons of sarin, Photo: Wikimedia Commons by the plenary chair into the plenary hall, tighter for the Swedish job seekers. This according to an internal document from the Børge Brende, the newly appointed Minister of where the Royal Anthem was played at the is particularly true in areas for unskilled UN that NRK has allegedly gained access to. Foreign Affairs. labor, as well as within certain service Although Brende does not confirm the beginning of the official opening ceremony. After a musical performance by Marja branches, where competition is becoming content of the report, he emphasizes that tougher. at whether it is possible to do this in Nor- Helena Fjellheim Mortensson, the Sámedig- Norway has committed itself to support the (Norway Post / NRK) UN resolution concerning the destruction of way,” Brende says. The Minister explains gi Plenary Chair Jarle Jonassen gave his wel- Syria’s chemical weapons. that this was one of the topics when he met come speech. King Harald then performed “We have formed a group of experts that with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry last the official opening. in the coming days will go through and look See > brende, page 7 See > royals, page 15 Enjoy Norway all year long.

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • october 25, 2013 norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Børs: Week at a Glance (Oct. 21, 2013) Winners Losers Gaming for Norway Norsk Kr. 5.9159 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change DiaGenic 4.10 15.82% Norwegian Energy Co. 0.42 -70.6% Dansk Kr. 5.4519 Oceanteam Shipping 4.78 9.89% SeaBird Exploration 4.85 -9.35% Ravn Studio is the only Norwegian company licensed Svensk Kr. 6.3951 Frontline 14.3 8.33% Northland Resources 3.30 -9.09% to develop video games on all gaming platforms Norske Skogindustrier 4.29 6.72% Birdstep Technology 2.35 -7.11% Canadian $ 1.0297 Rocksource 1.15 5.50% Scana Industrier 1.63 -5.78% Euro 0.7308 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Be our friend on Facebook! Our Facebook page has over 1700 likes! Are you one of them? facebook.com/naweekly Headed south for the winter?

Call us to have your address change automatically to your winter address so you don’t miss a single issue of the Weekly!

Call Kelsey at (800) 305-0217 or [email protected] to set up Photo: Ravn Studio / Facebook your snowbird account. Stine Wærne and Tinka Town of Ravn Studio accept NHO’s award for entrepreneurship.

Rasmus Falck Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU Oslo, Norway Independent Insurance Broker Long-Term Health Care Insurance This year the new managing director In 2002 the game industry was non- at the Confederation of Norwegian Enter- existant in Norway. The two entrepreneurs Should you consider it? prise, Kristin Skogen Lund, gave the orga- worked mostly at night and on the weekends Call me for honest straightforward advice. nization’s Entrepreneurship Award to the and were looking after the children during (206)362-5913 two founders behind Ravn Studio. She has the day. They felt like Night Ravens. Night a background from the University of Oregon Ravens came to Norway in 1990. These www.obergltc.com 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155 in Eugene where she did her undergraduate volunteers show that they care by walking work with distinction. According to the jury, around in the city in groups at night during the female entrepreneurs have combined the weekends. Visible in their yellow jack- LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: knowledge and experience that have given ets they believe this will prevent violence, Certified Public Accountant Small businesses Norway a creative and innovative product thereby the name of the company. (206)789-5433 Individuals for the export market. At the award ceremo- Stine Wærn is the CEO and by now ex- 221 1st Ave. W. Ste. 400 Specialized Assistance ny the CEO and owner Stine Wærn said this ecutive producer of a number of major Nor- Seattle, WA 98119 was a fantastic inspiration and co-founder wegian game projects. She is also politically and creative leader added that this moment active in lobbies to raise the standing of the enters the history of games as an important creative industry. She graduated from the MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE milestone. Norwegian School of Management special- Ravn Studio is an independent game de- izing in personnel management and entre- velopment studio based in Drammen estab- preneurship. attorneys and counselors at law lished in 2002. Today the company is made Tinka Town (as the name indicates, she up of 15 people with a wide range of experi- has a Canadian husband) has been creative Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, ence. The staff comes from studios such as director and manager of a number of major Funcom, Starbreeze, Platinum Interactive, Norwegian game projects. She is educated in commercial transactions and estate planning. Warthog Games and has published games media and communication from the the U.S. for Pan Vision, Segasoft, Caprino Video and has worked in interactive media since Games, Wivendi Universal, Warner Broth- the early nineties. 2501 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 ers and others. The studio is the only Nor- The company’s focus is creating quality Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 wegian company licensed to develop on all driven titles which are fun to play for kids the major gaming platforms: Nintendo Wii age six and up. Their internal technology is and DS, Sony PSP, Play Station 2 and 3, and available on all platforms setup with multi- Xbox 360. In 2010 they won the Gullstikka threading and cross platform support at its LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. award for best children’s game with “Flåk- core. Ravn Studio is simply one of Scandi- lypa Grand Prix.” navia’s top game developers! Sales and Service Business News & Notes

Norway Heats Up as Wealth Fund Nears $1 5.5 percent of mainland gross domestic prod- Trillion: Nordic Credit uct. That leaves Solberg’s administration with Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK Norway’s incoming Prime Minister Erna Sol- 54 billion kroner to spend before it breaches phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 berg will have no shortage of cash for her cam- the nation’s fiscal policy rule. “It actually fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 paign promises. The question is: how much leaves some room for extra spending, especial- does she dare use? The Labor government, ly given the recent weakness in the Norwegian which resigned Oct 16., presented what it economy,” said Bernt Christian Brun, a chief called a “cautious” budget, saying it would use strategist at Danske Bank A/S in Oslo. “You [email protected] 135 billion kroner ($22 billion) of Norway’s could even argue that a counter cyclical budget 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 oil wealth to plug deficits next year, equal to would be somewhat more expansionary.” (Bloomberg) norwegian american weekly october 25, 2013 • 5 Research & Education Stories from the Heart of America

Tales from the Oil Patch by Larrie Wanberg

“Culture” is a vital element in the suc- Most media sources balance stories pe- cesses or challenges of oil development in riodically with heart-warming up-beat sto- the Bakken Oil Patch. ries of human interest. Diversity in values and approaches to In communities, inherent values in different ways of doing things is playing out people or organizations can tilt perceptions in the media – in print, on the radio and in either way and perception is reality in behav- visual media on TV, documentary films and ioral science terms. social media. Cultural conflicts usually come in pairs, Photo: Lars Wanberg Defined by dictionary.com, culture is such as old versus new, status quo versus The author re-visits his Uncle Ole’s homestead where he and his brother worked summers as college “the quality in a person or society that arises change, or our way or the highway. students and saw the Clarence Iverson Well #1 “come in” on the horizon in 1951. from a concern for what is regarded as ex- Understanding the complexities of the cellent … the behaviors and beliefs charac- ecology issues in the Bakken Field requires today will be shaped by their experience in teristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age multi-dimensional ongoing research studies challenge of hearing birdsong through the a rapid growth environment that transforms group.” and tested applications. industrial racket of engine brakes, drilling into their adult years. Coming from a career In the Bakken Field, value judgments One form of simple research is to sam- rigs, pumping units, and howling flares… in the healing sciences, and now practicing from diverse cultural groups are being made ple questions in an opinion poll. Another is the night sky lit by the eerie glow of never- to become a journalist that documents in- in every day conversations in coffee circles, to pick a slice of time and tally stories in a ending flaring and minimizing the Northern tergenerational heritage, the long-range hu- social gatherings, community meetings, and broad range of media sources as to whether Lights, planets and stars.” man ecology impacts are yet uncertain and in the media and on the Web. or not the stories are informative and knowl- In a Fargo Forum article on October today’s youth will be the judge. How can one distil what the deep truths edge-building, inducing emotion by docu- 19th, a reporter outlined an excellent review I was reassured about the future of di- are objectively for opportunities versus chal- menting problems, or inspiring one to “take of how PR professionals from oil companies verse cultures at Høstfest recently when lenges in the “Oil Patch,” when media, itself, sides” in action – to either support growth or and the N.D. Petroleum Council work to children from a wide range of diversity were can have its biases for what is newsworthy as focus on challenges. overcome misinformation, combat misper- connected “hands-on” and interactively by opposed to human impact going on silently Some samples from a broad range of ceptions, and educate public understanding. Statoil support of “Heroes” to promote un- day-to-day that for some cause despair, for media can add perspective. All have viewpoints. Change often derstanding of Indigenous cultures – the others new found wealth. Front page or feature news in print me- brings clashes of opposing cultures or biased Sami from North Norway and American The deep truth comes collectively from dia tends to report standout events, such as a perceptions. Indians from North Dakota. The five-day knowledge and education, which are ex- recent photo of a farm combine stopped in a For me as a retired educator and re- event, which outreached into the schools, is plained through established scientific facts, wheat field by a local oil leak in a pipeline. searcher of cultural value orientations, I lean a worthy model to pursue to gain visual un- demonstrating new technologies, and under- A New York Times article on October toward getting the deeper facts from profes- derstanding of diversity in cultures. standing the complexities of human ecology. 17 headlined, “In North Dakota, New Con- sional Trade Magazines and attending inter- Perhaps knowledge of advanced tech- Fact is the oil development in North Da- cerns over Mixing Oil and Wheat,” with a active seminars within trade shows, where nologies used in energy development can kota is basically good for the area, the state theme reading “more oil means more drill- leaders and experts are open to discussion. be paralleled in communication tech-tools and the Union in relations to global needs. ing, resulting in tons of waste that is putting Although admittedly biased at times, experts that bring the deep truths onto the screens of However, It seems that public relations is key cropland at risk and raising doubt among are open to dialogue and discussion of pros smart phones in the hands of today’s youth to how oil development is perceived and be- farmers that these two cash crops can con- and cons. and tomorrow’s leaders. lieved by the populace, how media slants its tinue to coexist.” My greatest concern is how children stories to emphasize facts or fears, how dra- On the editorial page, readers and lead- matic stories over shadow positive outcomes ers speak out about their perspectives. A that don’t “sell” or compel the consumer- farmer from New Town express lament in public in a way that might add to knowledge a “Letter to the Editor” in the October 18th or understanding of a “big picture.” Grand Forks Herald, writing in part “the Connect with us! Friend us on Facebook. Find us on Twitter. facebook.com/naweekly twitter.com/naweekly Life may not come with guarantees—but life insurance can Life insurance isn’t just about protection. It’s about looking Headed south for the winter? forward to the future, and knowing there are guarantees.* Learn how permanent life insurance can help you reach your financial Call us to have your address goals and help supplement your retirement income. change automatically to your Life may be filled with uncertainties—but your financial future doesn’t have to be. winter address so you don’t Contact a financial representative or visit Thrivent.com/life today. miss a single issue of the Weekly! * Guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Assumes all required premiums are paid. Certain guarantees do not apply to Variable Universal Life insurance. Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. For Call Kelsey at (800) 305-0217 or additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. This is a solicitation for insurance. A Thrivent Financial representative may contact you. Thrivent Financial representatives are licensed [email protected] to set up insurance agents/producers. your snowbird account. 27832NAWA R10-13 Appleton, Wisconsin • , Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) 727052 6 • october 25, 2013 norwegian american weekly opinion < government From page 1 An opinion column about current issues in Norway of eight years, Jens Stoltenberg – leader of Join the conversation! the Labor Party (Arbeiderpartiet) – submit- On the EDGE ted his resignation on Oct. 14, and left office two days later for Erna Solberg, leader of the It’s up to you and me Conservative Party (Høyre), to take over as By Christy Olsen Field the new Prime Minister of Norway. Last Friday, U.S. president Obama called Solberg to congratulate her. Accord- Last week, I was at an alumni net- continue to change. Instead, you define ing organizations, museums, choirs and ing to a post on Solberg’s Facebook page, working event where I was introduced to a what it means to be Norwegian as an in- more. Most of them, if not all, are non- they talked about the strong relationship the man who was under consideration to join dividual, as a family, and as a community. profits, and they need individual donors to U.S. has with Norway, economic collabora- the national board of a prestigious Scan- Here are a few ways that we can build help keep the doors open and their event tion, as well as the situation in Syria, climate dinavian organization. Enthusiastically, he a stronger Nordic community together: calendars full. Even if you don’t have a change and health. said, “I’d really like to get together with 1) Teach traditions to younger gen- personal connection to a Scandinavian or- Solberg and her government already you to talk about how we can build better erations. This holiday season, dust off ganization, you can still make an impact. have their hands full, and one of the first connections in the Scandinavian commu- your griddle, find a turner, and make lefse. Consider making a gift to a grant-giving things they will do is to go over the budget nity. There are so many different groups, Haven’t made it before? Turn to Google organization, a national association or a that former Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg but they don’t really work together. I just or a friend and learn a new recipe and college with a Scandinavian Studies pro- proposed before he left office. don’t want this community to disappear.” technique. Or consider adding some new gram, as these organizations help shape In addition to that, each council member I know what he means. Norwegian traditions to your life – go on the next generation of Scandinavian en- has their own projects to fulfill. I grew up in a family with strong a Sunday afternoon tur (hike), check out thusiasts through education. Former Finance Minister Sigbjørn John- connections to our Norwegian-American the latest Norwegian crime novel. Check As a reader of this newspaper, you sen (Labor Party) met the press on budget heritage. We saw ourselves as Norwegian to see if Norwegian classes are offered in take an active part in celebrating what it day last week. Johnsen said he had a good first, and American second. But it wasn’t your area – you might be surprised by the means to be Norwegian – the Norwegian “red-green” [socialist] budget in the direc- until I went to college that I actually heard availability. American Weekly will celebrate its 125th tory. Norwegian language for the first time, or 2) Buy things from Scandinavian anniversary of continuous publication in “This is a budget for labor, welfare and tried those glorious heart-shaped waffles stores, even if it has a high price tag. This 2014, and it’s all because of people like justice,” Johnsen said. served with sour cream, jam and brown one is very important to me. Scandinavian YOU who subscribe, write articles, or ad- When asked if it will be a strict budget, cheese, or even learned much of Norway’s stores carry imported items from Norway vertise. Johnsen had this to say: history. and the Nordic region. You might pay The extensive network of Nordic or- “Yes, it is a budget that is adapted to the After graduating with a degree in more money, but every dollar you spend is ganizations in the U.S., Canada and Nor- economic situation in Norway. It is going Scandinavian Studies, the Nordic com- a vote of confidence that being Norwegian way exists because there are enough dedi- well in Norway, and that means that we must munity is where I have spent my career (or Scandinavian) matters. My local gro- cated people find it worthy of time, energy be cautious with the use of oil money. But it for the past five years. My days are filled cery store sells ekte gjetost (that heavenly and money to keep them going. Collabo- is a good budget that is pointing forward.” with Nordic culture and folks who cherish brown cheese) and excellent pickled her- ration is the key: When we truly support Among the things that the new govern- these things. So many times I have heard, ring for a few dollars less than the Scan- each other by attending events, donating ment promises is to cut taxes and enforce “My kids or grandkids don’t care about dinavian shop up the street, but I make a our time and money, and sharing our love stricter controls on immigration. The gov- this stuff.” conscious decision to spend my money at of Norway, we don’t need to worry about ernment will also allocate NOK 53 million Their frustration is palpable, and the Scandinavian store because it’s impor- this community disappearing. We’re all in to security in the courts and higher wages to completely understandable – it hurts when tant to me that it stays in business. My life this together. public prosecutors. other people don’t place the same value on and my community would feel emptier Solberg is bringing with her 18 minis- identity, heritage and culture as you do. without it. ters to sit with her in the new government; 11 I can assure you that the younger gen- 3) Go to Scandinavian events. from Conservative and 7 from Progress With eration cares. A lot. Are you a member of your local Sons or Christy Olsen 9 female ministers and 9 male ministers, the But they need to know why heritage Daughters of Norway lodge? When was Field works in Devel- government maintains the gender balance. (and the practice of it) is important to you the last Scandinavian bazaar or festival opment at the Nordic Here is the new government: and to them, and why it’s worth their time. you went to? Bring a friend, your grand- Heritage Museum in Prime Minister: Ms. Erna Solberg Celebrating Norwegian-ness goes kids (or grandparents!), your neighbor. Seattle, Wash. Prior Minister of Finance: Ms. far beyond lutefisk and Vikings. It’s more Your presence is important. You’d be to the museum, she Minister of Local Government and than the Constitution Day parade on May amazed just how many Norwegian-Amer- worked at the Norwe- Modernization: Mr. 17 or a Norwegian sweater. Traditions and icans can come out of the woodwork for gian American Weekly, Minister at the Office of the Prime the keeping of them remind us of our iden- these events! serving as managing editor 2010 – 2012. Minister, also Chief of Staff at the Office of tity and bring us together in a community. 4) Support Scandinavian organiza- A graduate of Pacific Lutheran University, the Prime Minister: Mr. Vidar Helgesen The definition of what it means to be Nor- tions. Over 900 Norwegian-American or- Christy is actively involved in the Norwe- Minister of Transport and Communi- wegian is fluid – it has changed since our ganizations exist in the U.S., from lodges, gian-American community in the Pacific cations: Mr. Ketil Solvik-Olsen relatives came over, whether it was four bygdelags, dance groups, language camps, Northwest with strong ties in the Midwest Minister of Foreign Affairs: Mr. Børge generations or a decade ago, and it will festival organizers to business network- and East Coast. Brende Minister of Culture and Church Af- The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is fairs: Ms. Thorhild Widvey not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. Minister of Fisheries, also minister for the coordination of Nordic affairs: Ms. Elisa- < fox beth Aspaker From page 3 Last week, Ylvis performed live on Late costume barely fits, it’s comedic! It is safe Minister of Climate and the Environ- Night with Jimmy Fallon and The Today to say that the collected effects of the music ment: Ms. Kristine (Tine) Sundtoft show with Carson Daly, and did the whole video is what makes the song. It’s no wonder Ylvis is already popular in Norway, Minister of Trade and Industry: Ms. shebang – costumes, sounds and quirky it’s popular” Plagge said. and has been for long time – however, with Monica Mæland dances – in front of millions of viewers. As far as the saying What does the their hit “The Fox,” they have gotten global Minister of Children, Equality and Many say that that “The Fox” is so bad Fox say is concerned, Jørgen Thue, Ylvis attention, but cannot stress enough that Social Inclusion: Ms. Solveig Horne that it is good, and critics are saying that it manager for the Ylvis brothers’ production the song was all made in wit. The brothers Minister of Health and Care Services: has captured the zeitgeist. company Concorde, said in an interview are doing it for the comedy and under no Mr. Bent Høie Wolfgang Plagge, a music professor at with VG last week that they have requested circumstances did they even imagine that Minister of Labor and Social Affairs: the Norwegian Academy of Music, said in to trademark “YLVIS” and “What does the “The Fox” would become such a hit. Mr. an interview with Norwegian newspaper VG fox say.” “We want to protect our name and “It started off as a joke,” Vegard said Minister of Justice and Public Secu- (Verdens Gang) that one of the successes to exploit it commercially. We want to take in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres after rity: Mr. “The Fox” is its use of imagery in the music control and make sure it does not get out of performing on the Ellen DeGeneres Show a Minister of Petroleum and Energy: video. “The choice of imagery combined hand,” Thue said. few weeks ago. “It never meant to turn into Mr. with the outrageous and gibberish lyrics is According to Thue, the Ylvis brothers such a hit. Stargate, a Norwegian production Minister of Defense: Ms. Ine Marie Er- what makes this song so successful,” Plagge have received many inquiries when it comes company based in Oslo, needed a favor and iksen Søreide said in an interview with VG. to the use of the phrase. we returned it, resulting in this song.” Minister of Agriculture and Food: Ms. “The totality of the imagery and the Due to this, the paperwork to the rights “We were supposed to write something comedic element of adults walking around to the trademark is being processed in order else, but it ended up being about a fox. We Minister of Education and Research in animal costumes for children is just to secure the rights to advertise worldwide, thought we had messed up completely,” Mr. Torbjørn Røe Isaksen too much. The elephant is precious – the starting with T-shirts and other clothing. Bård added. norwegian american weekly october 25, 2013 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue Publisher NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity or length. Managing Editor Kelsey Larson [email protected] Assistant Layout Editor Correction: in the Oct. 11 and 18th edition of very much. We were married for 57 years. the Norwegian-American Geneology Cen- Harry Svenkerud [email protected] the Norwegian American Weekly, the Calen- His subscription to the Norwegian ter and Naeseth Library in Madison, Wisc. dar of Events incorrectly listed prices for the American Weekly is running out. While I do which collects Norwegian heritage books, Advertising lutefisk dinner in Yakima, Wash. The correct not speak Norwegian, I do understand most such as bygdebøker. Drew Gardner [email protected] prices are $19 for adults and $10 for kids. of it and can read it. I have been reading your Good luck finding a home for your hus- Subscriptions paper and would like to continue receiving band’s collection, and I’m so glad that we John Erik Stacy [email protected] it. still have you on board as a subscriber. Keep Contributing Editors My husband has a lot of Norwegian us updated! Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Editor’s note: books he collected over the years. Our chil- Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Carla Danziger McLean, Va. Last week, we printed an article in Røn- dren do not speak it and his brother in Nor- Sincerely, Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. ningen Ramblings about the Falstad Center way does not want them since he has col- Editor Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. and their interview project. Here is that in- Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. lected all those books too. Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway formation again with a new contact person We had talked about it before he passed Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland should you have a story to share. on and we thought it might be a good idea to Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. ask the Norwegian department at UCLA if Dear Editor, Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. An opportunity for you to share your story: they were interested. Then I thought about It was a real pleasure to read the “Behind Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. The Falstad Center – interview project you. Do you have an idea? I would like them the Scenes” article about Norsk Høstfest by Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. “The Falstad Center wishes to get in to go somewhere, where they get the most Larrie Wanberg. It really got me thinking. It Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. touch with people who were imprisoned in Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. use, like a library, maybe? takes an embracing look at what’s happen- Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. German camps in Norway during WWII. Right now I have most of them in boxes. ing there in the Heart of America, in North Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. “As a national memorial site and cen- Hope to go through them in the near future Dakota and at it’s huge Scandinavian folk Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. trer of Human Rights the Falstad Center and maybe kind of catalog them. festival. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. documents and communicates WWII prison- Wanberg does not isolate Norsk Høst- Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. er history. So far about 200 interviews have Sincerely, fest from what’s happening in the State of David Moe Sun City, Calif. been made with former Falstad prisoners. Inge Thorsen North Dakota. The thriving ‘Oil Patch’ Bak- Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. This spring the center has initiated a na- Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. ken field; this year’s link to Norway’s Statoil; Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. tional and international interview project, in the annual tribute to skiing legend,Sondre Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. order to collect memories of both Norwegian Norheim; the very welcome bow to the na- Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. and foreign prisoners. It’s important to pre- tive American community in the Turtle Mark Treleaven-Jones Wales, U.K serve these memories for future generations, Dear Inge, Mountains to the north; and, notably, the Sunny Gandara N.Y. and thus to increase the knowledge of life I’m sorry to hear about your husband’s embracing of Sami culture in the Tromsø CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American behind barbed wire and of the camp system passing. How brilliant that he has left behind Hall venue are all mentioned. No, he did not Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment established by the German Nazis in Norway. such a legacy with his collection. forget the Scandinavian-American Hall of about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • “Former prisoners who wish to share Depending on the subject matter of the Fame induction ceremony! Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to their memories are asked to contact the Fal- books, I think it is a great idea to contact A well-cut diamond has 52 facets to en- edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print stad Center.” UCLA or other universities with the offer. hance brightness. Wanberg points out that submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, Contact person: Arne Langås, telephone Other universities with Norwegian or Høstfest truly offers visitors multi-faceted or not suited for publication in this newspaper. (+47) 74 02 80 50, e-mail: arne.langas@fal- Scandinavian studies departments in the experiences. And that it’s a festival in a host • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of stadsenteret.no U.S. include the University of , state of many faces. Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication Text taken from the Falstad Center web- the University of Wisconsin: Madison, Pa- If you haven’t yet read it, do. It’s in the of those views is not an endorsement of them. site: www.falstadsenteret.no cific Lutheran University, St. Olaf College, Oct. 11th issue. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials Luther College, University of North Dakota, should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian University of Minnesota, University of Cali- Sincerely, American Weekly is published weekly except fornia: Berkely, Concordia College, and Rolf Kristian Stang the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August Dear Editor, many others that I am probably forgetting! New York, N.Y. by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please My husband, Thomas Thorsen, passed As far as libraries go – again, depend- send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE away on July 3rd of this year. I miss him ing on the content of the books – there is Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: US $59 Domestic, US $79 to Canada, US $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. < brende SINCE MAY 17, 1889: From page 3 Formerly Norway Times whether it is possible to assume a role in this, cals that can be used to make gas. Western Viking & Washington Posten the minister says. “This makes it a lot easier, but also saf- week. Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten There are several ways to support the The price for the operation is unknown, er, to transport and destruct the weapons,” og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota UN resolution, Brende explains. What is but Norway will most likely not have to pick says Bjørn Are Johnsen, expert on chemical Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven crucial is to get the weapons out of Syria and up the entire bill. Most likely, Syria’s chemi- weapons at the Norwegian Defense’s Re- NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. have them destructed. Norway is evaluating cal weapons are not prepared gas, but chemi- search Institute. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • october 25, 2013 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Holiday hors d’oeuvre Find us online: www.marinamarket.com Feature your favorite Scandinavian crackers with this Home of the Licorice Shrine savory pumpkin and brown cheese recipe for Halloween! with over 300 licorices! Marina Market 18882 Front Street • Poulsbo, WA 98370 Phone: (888) 728-0837 • Fax: (360) 779-4315 email: [email protected] We stock all your favorite treats and hard- to-find items from Scandinavia!

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Photo: Tine.no 5311 Phinney Avenue North • Seattle, WA 98103 Try pairing Scandinavian crackers and brown goat cheese with this savory pumpkin dip for a Norwe- (206) 781-7400 • www.norsehome.org gian twist on the American holday.

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1 (8 oz.) brick cream cheese, softened 3 green onions, thinly sliced Don’t forget about our Facebook 1/2 cup shredded Norwegian brown cheese 1/2 tsp. seasoned salt 1/2 cup pumpkin puree 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon page! 1/4 cup chopped toasted pecans www.facebook.com/naweekly

Stir all ingredients together using a wooden spoon or an electric mixer until combined. Serve garnished with more brown cheese and green onions if desired, or cover and refriger- Attention, Lutefisk Lovers! ate until use. Tip: you can substitute cheddar cheese if you are not a brown cheese fan, or try Do you have a lutefisk dinner coming up this fall? Jarlsberg for a different Norwegian touch! Contact us with the event information for our event calendar! Serve with your favorite Scandinavian crackers. You can pick up the popular Wasa brand at your local grocery store (usually) or stop by a nearby Scandinavian imports store Email [email protected] or call (800) 305-0217. for more options. Though Wasa is a Swedish company, the brand is also popular in Norway! norwegian american weekly october 25, 2013 • 9 Travel

< flight From page 1 datter” was shot on the island of Jomfruland simply due to the great white anemones area. In the summer, Jomfruland is an incredible tourist spot for boaters and there are daily ferries to the island as well. Yours truly has submitted proposals for an informational sign to be set up at Jomfruland Island regard- ing Jimmie Mattern landing here during Pen- tecost, on June 4, 1933.

A world event on Jomfruland in 1933 Pentecost had come to Jomfruland on June 4, 1933. It was not often that something happened on Jomfruland during those days, but on this particular day people on the is- land could spot a plane circling at a low al- titude over the island with the intent to land. The pilot had decided to land on the pebble ridge between Skadden and Løkstad. He was obviously not familiar with the roll- ing stones on Jomfruland. Dagfinn Aasvik, 13, and Arne Løkstad, 10, were just outside Skadden in a pram when the plane landed. It leaped across the stones before it stopped. The boys rowed to shore and ran across the island to the plane. Photo courtesy of Bjørn Olsen “There were two boys who had arrived Jimmie Mattern and his Lockheed Vega on the island of Jomfruland in 1933. In this picture, you can barely make out the heavily pebbled beach of Jomfru- by the plane before us, Erling Johansen and land, which could have easily been Mattern’s downfall. Fredrik Mostad, who had shot crows in the area,” says Arne Løkstad. None of the boys understood what the the south coast, heading north. When he ap- man was saying. He was certainly not from proached Kragerø, the gas tanks were nearly Norway. The pilot had a map in his hand empty and he had to land – quickly. and tried to make himself understood, and He tried to land on Kalstad, Kragerø, in some way he managed to say that he was but fortunately he decided not to. There were American. After a while, farmer Hans Løks- swamps in Kalstad and that could have gone tad arrived, but he could not understand the horribly wrong, says Arne Løkstad. language either. Mattern later recalled that when he The pilot was aware of his whereabouts, came across Jomfruland, he thought that the which he had found out after having flown Skadden area was a sandy beach, and he then along the Norwegian coast for a while. landed. He noticed something different when he landed. It was a miracle that the small Finding someone who could speak English single-engine Lockheed plane did not tip Dagfinn and Arne ran to the Ho- over and crash. There were only a few minor vedgården (the main farm) to get Jens Søre, damages. The left wheel had been punctured, who had just arrived from America after be- the monitor of the tail wheel was clamped to- ing there for several years. gether and the left wing had a minor damage. “He knows English,” the boys thought. Photo courtesy of Bjørn Olsen Jens Søre borrowed his brother’s horse, Made contact with Horten Backup was called in order to get assis- The pilot and some Jomfruland residents help hitch horses up to the plane – the only way to pull the Anker, and went straight to the plane, while damaged plane to the other side of the island. the boys ran after. tance from Horten. A plane carrying a repair “After a while, the others who knew man and parts from the flying boat station and 31 minutes. English came as well, including director Wi- was sent to Horten. Jens Søre, who was a me- Now he had flown from New York to borg,” says Arne Løkstad. chanic, helped as best he could. He patched Jomfruland in 23 hours, a distance of 4,200 Now, the American pilot James (Jim- the one wheel that had been punctured and miles (6720 km). mie) J. Mattern could tell his story. Jimmie managed to repair some of the minor dam- On Monday June 5, 1933, one of Amer- Mattern had started in New York, 12 p.m. ages to the plane before the mechanics from ica’s largest news papers, the “New York Norwegian time on June 3, bound for Paris. Horten came to Jomfruland. Evening Journal,” could bring the news of 23.5 hours later he made an emergency land- The plane was pulled by horses over Jimmie Mattern’s flight from New York to ing on Jomfruland. to the other side of the island with the help Kragerø as being the longest non-stop flight of the residents of Jomfruland. Planks were that had been made worldwide, and that it Had encountered severe storms placed under the wheels so that they could broke all previous records listed, such as: Along the way, Mattern had entered a easily take the plane over the rocks and all Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh: From severe storm center with dense fog, light- the way down the grassy slope at Kullhavna Roosevelt Field, L.I. to Le Bourget, Paris. ning and thunder. He had frantically tried to by Løkstad. May 20 – 21, 1927; 3,600 miles in 33 hours get out of the storm center by diving from Mattern remained on Jomfruland for and 29 minutes. 2,000 meters (6560 ft) to avoid the fog. He few hours because he did not get clearance Amelia Earhart Putnam: From Harbor had heard a crack in one of the wings while to land on Kjeller due to the fact that land- Grace, N.F. to Culmore (near Londonderry he got into a severe icing area. Ice was at- ing lights had not been installed at the air- in Ireland). May 20 – 21, 1932; 2,065 miles taching itself on the wings that were about port. Mattern stayed overnight at director in 13 hours and 30 minutes. to be completely covered in ice, but luckily Wiborg’s lodge. At 3 a.m., Mattern was once Captain James A. Mollison: From Port- he came into a warmer air layer and the ice again in the Lockheed ready to take off. marnock, Ireland to Pennfield Ridge. Note: disappeared. In this storm area, the plane The first from east to west solo flight. Au- had gone off course and when he was closer Had several world records gust 18 – 19, 1932; 2,400 miles in 30 hours to land, he thought it was Scotland. As the Jimmie Mattern was no stranger to the and 15 minutes. plane approached the coast, he realized that public. He had already set several world re- he had come to the west coast of Norway. cords in long-distance flying. He had previ- From the book Telemark i norsk luftfart- ously flown across the Atlantic in 10 hours shistorie (“Telemark in Norwegian Aviation Thought it was a sandy beach and 50 minutes, a distance of 2,000 miles. History”) by Bjørn Olsen. For more infor- He began flying south and passed both He had also flown from New York to , mation about this story or the book, email Photo courtesy of Bjørn Olsen and Kristiansand, and followed a distance of 4,106 miles and spent 29 hours Bjørn at [email protected]. American pilot Jimmie Mattern made an unex- pected visit to Telemark, Norway in 1933. 10 • october 25, 2013 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections Norwegian American Weekly Government Photo of the Week Puzzles with Sölvi Dolland

Photo submitted by Tom and Mary Ann Eggerud The photo is of the grandchildren of Ardis & Elroy Dragsten. Michael & Tommy Barcia. Jennifer Dragsten, Nikki Barcia, & Valerie Dragsten. They visited Norway amd spent time in the home where their great-grandfather Peder Dragsten was born.

Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with photo credit and a caption.

Solution on page 15 Ole and Sven went fishing one day in a rented boat and were catching fish like crazy. Ole said, “We better mark dis spot Community Connections so ve can come back tomorrow and catch more fish.” Sven then proceeded to mark Gratulerer med Dagen! the bottom of the boat with a large ‘X.’ Ole asked him what he was doing, and Sven told him he was marking the spot Happy birthday / so they could come back to catch more fish. Ole said, “Ya big dummy, how do engagement / etc! ya know ve are going ta get da same boat tomorrow?” Ole and Lena Your name and America’s favorite Norwegians! special message here! 28. oktober Anna Tweed Northfield MN Gunnar Jevne Healdsburg CA Kurt Alfred Andersen Stroudsberg PA For more information, Orlin “Swede” Knutson call us at (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. 29. oktober Laurie Loken Benbrook TX 25. oktober Bernard Donahe Salem OR 30. oktober Albert Gunderson Spokane WA Nancy Tuznik La Porte IN Eirik Lirhus LaCosta CA Clara M Magnussen Berkeley CA Lillian Heggem Highfill Seattle WA Linda Marie Herset Kila MT Caroline Lucas St. Paul MN Barbara Soderstrom Brookings OR Marit Johnson Cape Carteret NC Anita H. Kinberg East Islip NY Headed south for the winter? Carl S. Hoveland Athens GA 31. oktober Call us to have your address 26. oktober Erik Molbach East Greenbush NY change automatically to your Christine Husaby Cannon Falls MN Virginia Rasmussen Shoreline WA winter address so you don’t Erling Kolseth Lilleaker Norway miss a single issue of the Nora Weltzin Viroqua WI Want to see your birthday in the Norwegian American Weekly? Weekly! 27. oktober Olga Shrake Yakima WA Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. Kim Heitz Everett WA com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one Call Kelsey at (800) 305-0217 or Berit Rolland Mukilteo WA month in advance. [email protected] to set up Anna Dahl Shiels Pelham NY NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed Kim Heitz Pensacola, FL away? Please notify us! your snowbird account. norwegian american weekly october 25, 2013 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years In Loving Memory in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Thomas Thorsen June 13, 1931 – July 3, 2013 Don’t Laugh

Thomas Thorsen was born on June 13, tending classes. When God told Abraham that he and were surprised by the fact that I still be- 1931 in Oslo, Norway. He and his younger In 1963 they adopted their son, Steven. A his wife Sarah would have a son, he fell on lieved. One fellow, who was two years brother, Carl Johan, grew up in a loving fam- year later Thomas starting teaching engineer- the ground and laughed. Abraham was one ahead of me in school, went so far as to ily with their parents Nicolai Olaf Thorsen and ing at El Camino College. A few years later the hundred years old, and Sarah was ninety give me a book entitled, “Why I am Not Gunvor Christine Thorsen. family moved to Inglewood where they adopt- nine at the time. Sarah also laughed to her- a Christian” by Bertrand Russell. He was His education, there, consisted of elemen- ed their daughter, Tanya. After ten years there, self when she heard the news, and so God sure that once I read it I, too, would laugh tary school, high school and a year at a techni- they moved to their present home, of 38 years, named their child Isaac, which means “he at the promises of God and see just how cal institute. He experienced the years of the in Rancho Palos Verdes. laughs.” ridiculous they were. German occupation of Norway during WWII Thomas stayed at El Camino for 35 years It comes naturally for people to laugh In the Genesis account of Abraham and served in the Norwegian army for the com- and eventually also taught mathematics. He pulsory one year with the occupation troops in had a heart attack in 1995 and retired in 1999. at the promises of God. It just doesn’t and Sarah’s laughter, God responds to Schleswig Holstein, during 1950-51. The children got married and the family got seem possible that such things can be them with the words, “Is anything too He came to Seattle, Wash. in June of 1953, bigger. They now have five grandchildren. true. They are so outlandish and wonder- hard for the Lord?” This question needs when he had just turned 22, to attend the Uni- For ten years after Thomas retired, he and ful that laughter seems like a fitting way to be asked whenever we think that one versity of Washington. He earned a B.S. in Inge did a lot of traveling until in 2010 he was to respond to them, once we allow them of God’s promises doesn’t apply to us. We 1955 and an M.S. in 1956 in mechanical en- diagnosed with Parkinson’s dementia, although to register in our minds. People of every know that there is nothing in all creation gineering. we believe it started a lot earlier. He died at generation have responded to the Gospel that is impossible with God. We know that While in Seattle, he met Inge. They got home on July 3, 2013, with his family around in this way. They have been unable to be- we can go through life with the assurance married in 1956. In 1958 they moved to Cali- him. lieve and accept it as true. that just as God fulfilled His promise to fornia and lived in a small apartment in West He was a wonderful, loving husband, fa- I can remember my first year in col- Abraham, so too will He fulfill His prom- Los Angeles. Thomas got a job working as a ther, grandfather and brother. He is greatly lege being confronted by students who ises to us. research engineer at U.C.L.A. while also at- missed.

Robert T. “Bob” Bjorgum The Scandinavian Hour November 18, 1918 – September 7, 2013 Celebrating over 50 years on the air!

Robert, son Robert enjoyed fishing and hunting, es- KKNW – 1150 AM of Albert T. and pecially pheasant hunting with his wife Gen- Inga (Arneson) evieve and was introduced to a life long hobby Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Bjorgum, was of rock hunting by his brothers-in-law Paul and Streaming live on the internet at: born on Nov. Ralph Nelson. He was very generous with his 18, 1918, on the time, active with Rotary, downtown business- www.1150kknw.com farm in Dane men, United Way fund drives and volunteering Prairie Town- at Fourth Avenue United Methodist Church, ship outside of the River Bend Nature Center and the Senior Funeral Home Fergus Falls, Center. Robert was Grand Marshall at the 2012 SOlie and Crematory Minn. He mar- Memorial Day Parade. In his 90’s he started a ried Genevieve Norwegian Club in Faribault that quickly be- Honoring • Caring • Serving Doris Nelson came the Scandinavian Club because a few 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 on June 22, Swedes, Danes and Finns wanted in on the fun. 1941, in Fergus Falls. Robert had a 41-year He visited family farms in Norway in 2003 and career with the F.W. Woolworth Company in- again in 2007. cluding many years as manager of the Wool- Robert is survived by his sons Bruce (Jen- Be our friend on Facebook! worth Store in Faribault, Minn. World War II nifer) Bjorgum of Rochester and Gregory (Les- interrupted this career. Robert was drafted in lie) Bjorgum of Steamboat Springs, Colo.; five Our Facebook page has over 1700 likes! Are you 1942, completed basic training in and grandchildren, Samuel Bjorgum, Mali (Jason) one of them? facebook.com/naweekly Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, Doles, Scott, Andrew, and Brett Bjorgum; two Georgia, and then learned of and joined the great-grandchildren, Kadin Olivia Doles and 99th Infantry Battalion (Separate) Norwegian- Logan Mitchell Bjorgum; one sister-in-law, American “Viking Battalion” in Camp Hale, Ida Mae Bjorgum of Fergus Falls, Minn.; and Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church Colo. After winter survival and ski training, the many nieces, nephews and other relatives. His 99th traveled to England in 1943, landed on a wife Genevieve, his parents, a sister Francis Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke Normandy Beach in June 22, 1944; Robert was and three brothers, Kermit, Harold and Melvin The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in for Norwegians, wounded in France and returned home several Bjorgum preceded Robert in death. Scandinavians to gather and celebrate Norwegian traditions. During our search for a new pastor, we welcome guest preachers! We welcome you to our warm and friendly family of months later. Among other awards he received Bob was a wonderful, generous and members. Please visit us soon! the Norwegian WWII paraticipation medal thoughtful family man and community mem- Deltagermedaljon on May 28, 2011, in a cer- ber. His kind soul will be missed by all who November 2013 emony in Washington, D.C., and has been ap- knew him. proved for the French Legion of Honor Medal Visit boldtfuneralhome.com for informa- Nov. 10 Norwegian Liturgy w/ Holy to be awarded posthumously. tion and guestbook. Communion / Pastor Mark Lund Nov. 17 Norwegian Liturgy / Pastor David Langseth Changing your address? Nov. 23 Taste of Norway / Bazaar, 10 a.m. Nov. 24 English Service w/ Holy Communion / It’s easy! Email [email protected] with Pastor Al Bergh your old and new address, or call (800) 305-0217. All services are at 11 a.m. unless otherwise noted. 2614 North Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647 • (773) 252-7335 • www.minnekirken.org 12 • october 25, 2013 norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Congratulations Tokheims! Calendar of Events A 40-year love affair carved in stoneware What’s going on in your neighborhood? Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. dren 5 – 12, and under 5 free. Lutefisk, Lutefisk, Lefse, & Meatball Dinner meatballs, boiled potatoes with cream Nov. 9 gravy, coleslaw, homemade lefse, cran- Placentia, Calif. berry relish, prune pudding, coffee/tea. Forty years of making stoneware – Solbakken Lodge #6-64, North Orange Ignore the risk – try lutefisk! Don’t miss wow! Why would someone choose this art County, Calif. will be hosting its annual the Grieg Lodge scholarship sale and form as a life-long career, especially when Lutefisk, Lefse, and Meatball Dinner bucket raffle! Shop in the Ballroom on that choice reflects a Nordic motif? For on November 9th at the Roundtable in Lutefisk Sunday. Choose from an incred- Gene Tokheim it was natural. His paternal Placentia, Calif. Live music, crafts ba- ible variety of new and gently used items grandparents came from the Tokheim farm zaar, and raffle are also to be enjoyed. with a Nordic twist, also creations made in Odda, Hordaland County, in Norway, Call (562) 596-0004 or email jimand- by the artists of the lodge. All proceeds considered the center of Hardanger land- [email protected] for more in- from the sale & bucket raffle benefit the scape. Today the Tokheim farm is run by a formation. Grieg Lodge Scholarship Fund. How cousin who oversees an apple orchard with to reserve your seat: Option 1 – online the breathtaking Hardanger fjord as its back- Minnesota ticketing – the easiest and instant confir- drop. Nordic American Thanksgiving Breakfast mation of seating: http://www.norsehall. “Grandpa immigrated to Thor, Iowa,” Nov. 26 org/lutefisk. Option 2 – Call Edna Ko- said Gene. “And, then, my father, Olaf, Bloomington, Minn. roch, (503) 656-1945 or Jennifer Jardee- moved to Clarkfield, Minnesota, married The mission of the NATB is to bring to- Borquist, (503) 493-7434 for reservation my mom, Harriet Nelson, and it’s there I gether people of Nordic heritage and to and payment information. was raised. I attended Southwest State Uni- offer thanks for the privileges of free- versity where I studied art with an emphasis Photo courtesy Tokheim Stoneware dom, faith, family and friends. Sons of washington on ceramics and sculpture.” It also was at The Tokheims’ teacher Magne Holter’s designs Norway founded the NATB in 1985. 14th Annual Nordic Fest Southwest State that he met a charming, red- (he designed the Kon Tiki museum display) were very influential in helping them see the links be- This year’s program includes, Master of Nov. 9 haired, Irish lass named Lucy O’Laughlin. Langley, Wash. It’s no surprise that she was an art education tween traditional folk art and modern Scandina- Ceremonies Don Shelby, David Ander- vian design. Here, one of their original designs Join the Daughters of Norway, Ester major and that their mutual love of art turned son, President of St. Olaf College, Brad based on this inspiration. Hewitt, President and CEO of Thrivent Moe Lodge #39 on beautiful Whidbey into a life-long love affair. Financial, Ann Svennungsen, Bishop Island for our 14th Annual Nordic Fest! “I fell in love with Scandinavian folk dic-inspired stoneware, rather than Asian, of the Minneapolis Area Synod of the Taking place from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. art,” Lucy said. “I have always admired me- which was the trend in the 60s and 70s and ELCA and the St. Olaf Choir conducted at South Whidbey High School, 5675 dieval design as well as modern Scandina- overdone. “Obviously, Nordic was the right by Anton Armstrong. Event takes place Maxwelton Rd. We invite everyone to a vian design. I really like primitive tapestries choice with my background,” laughed Gene. at the DoubleTree Hotel Ballroom, 7800 festival of Nordic culture with lots of fun and the symbols on primstavs. I eventually 2. Second was Karen Jensen of Mi- Normandale Blvd., Bloomington. Call for the whole family! Discover all your found that the old was a natural bridge to lan, Minn., world-renowned rosemaler. Her (612) 821-4640 or email: astoltenberg@ favorites at the Norsk Kafé, tantaliz- modern Scandinavian design, so I began in- designs inspired the Tokheim Christmas ale sofn.com. ing baked goods in our Bakeri, exciting tegrating them into our stoneware and into bowls of which only 100 are produced annu- shopping and a fun Butikk, along with my paintings. ally and have become collector items. New York demonstrations, lively music and more! Gene began Tokheim Stoneware in 3. Finally, Vesterheim Norwegian Norwegian Christian Home and Health Lots of free parking! $1 donation, age 12 1973, and Lucy joined him in 1975 when American Museum opened their minds to Center 110th Anniversary Gala and under free. Don’t miss it! they married. They both agree that their art new ideas. They were awestruck by the beau- Nov. 7 style had three major influences: tiful design captured in Norwegian wood Brooklyn, N.Y. Gingerbread House Workshop 1. First was Franz Allbert Richter carvings, specifically the acanthus influence, At the Brooklyn Marriot at the Brooklyn Nov. 16 who worked on the Tokheim farm in Clark- which encouraged them to take wood de- Bridge, 333 Adams St. 6:30 p.m. Our fa- Bothell, Wash. field. He had studied Sami tradition with signs and transfer them to their stoneware. cility is celerating the 110th anniverssary Saturday, November 16, 2013 from former University of Minnesota Profes- After 16 years of successfully creating of our inception. We are honoring several 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Our instruc- sor and Vesterheim Director Marion John unique stoneware, the Tokheims earned an tor, Alice Blandin, will demonstrate the Nelson. Richter pointed Gene toward Nor- individuals. The Lifetime Achievement See > congrats, page 13 Award will go to O. Magnus Thompson. technique of building your own unique He is a past chairman of the board of di- small or large Gingerbread House. Ba- rectors for NCHHC. Community Service sic materials are provided. Bring your Award: Martin J. Golden, N.Y. State Sen- own ideas and decorating condiments. ator. Performing Arts Award: Sonja E. Small House $10 to Bothell Members Dalen. Business and Commerce award: $15 to non-members. Large House $15 Keith Lumberg, FDR Services Corp. Our to Bothell member $20 to non-members. guest speaker will be Geir O. Pedersen, Pre-registration and payment required by Norway’s ambassador to the United Na- November 4, 2013. Please contact Sel- tions. Our event chairman is Torry Bern- ma Snaring at (425) 385-2144. tsen, president and CEO of Independent Bank Group. For more information send LutefiskD inner and Concert an email to Penelope Mandel at pman- Nov. 10 [email protected] or call (718) 306-5660. Seattle, Wash. 5 p.m. social hour, 6 p.m. dinner: Nor- Oregon wegian Male Chorus of Seattle lutefisk Annual Lutefisk Dinner dinner with a mini concert by the cho- Nov. 10 rus, too! Raffle drawing after the dinner. Portland, Ore. Tickets are $20, children under 12 free. Reserved seatings at 12 Noon, 2 p.m., Leif Erikson Hall, 2245 NW 57th Street, 4 p.m., and 6 p.m.: Annual Lutefisk and Seattle WA 98107. Limited seating. Buy Meatball Dinner at Grieg Lodge 2-015, your tickets from chorus members or call Norse Hall, 111 NE 11th Avenue, Port- (206) 783-1274 for reservations or leave land. Tickets on sale now! Seating is a message. limited and last year’s dinner sold out early. Price is $22 for adults, $10 chil- Photos: Leslee Lane Hoyum Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 Left: Lucy admires the symbolism on Norwegian primstavs, ancient Norwegian calendar sticks, and to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! translates them to modern design. In this case she has designed and painted a colorful montage carved by Gene. Right: Gene begins the stoneware process by throwing clay onto his man-powered Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. potter’s wheel. norwegian american weekly october 25, 2013 • 13 In your neighborhood History from NAHA Home for sale – Long Island, N.Y. Lakefront Home w/ Studio Apt, Long Island, N.Y., 11961. Swim, fish, boat. 2 The director of the Norwegian-American Historical Bedr. up plus apt. down. Great mom / daughter! Close to East End wineries, Association in Northfield, Minn. visits Clinton, Wash. beaches. Hike / cross country ski 1 block away. Yours for $359,000! Call Ellen:(631) 929-3485

Solveig Lee The Scandinavian Cultural Center at Mt.Vernon, Wash. Pacific Lutheran University hosts Jackie Henry, Director of the Nor- wegian-American Historical Association Dr. Kristian Harpviken (NAHA), made the trip west from St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn., to meet- mem Director of the Peace Research Institute of Oslo bers, as well as others interested in Norwe- gian history. On Sept. 14, Ms. Henry spoke “Norway’s Peace eNgagemeNt: aPProaches, at D/N Este Moe Lodge #39 at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Clinton, Wash. She told of achievemeNts, aNd deeP dilemmas” the latest happenings at NAHA, and provid- ed her audience with a background of the or- Wednesday, November 6th, 2013 ganization – a wonderful resource – the larg- est archives of material related to Norwegian Reception at 6pm American immigration in the U.S. NAHA preserves and makes available for research Talk at 7pm more than 1,700 collections containing let- ters, diaries, photographs, business and free aNd oPeN to the Public! church records, clippings as well as a variety Photo: Solveig Lee Jackie Henry, NAHA Administrative Director and of manuscripts that document immigration Newsletter Editor reads excerpts from “From www.plu.edu/scancenter (253) 535-7349 experience. She handed us a bibliography America to Norway.” of items focusing on the Pacific Northwest. Books published are received by members. the 14th annual Jackie Henry chose to read excerpts butter. Each topic lends color to the lives of from NAHA’s latest publication, “From our ancestors! America to Norway, Norwegian-American Members have already received this book that sells for $50. Next year, another Scandinavian Fair Immigrant Letters 1838-1914, Vol. 1,” edited by the Daughters of Norway Nellie Gerdrum Lodge #41 and translated by Orm Øverland. One’s heri- volume will be published. tage includes more than the place of birth, Lovers of Norwegian history enjoy the place of death, relatives, and occupa- NAHA’s publications. At present, they are Saturday, november 2, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. tions. For the family historian, these immi- re-issuing some earlier works (1931 – 36 that hampton Inn’s Fox hall (I-5 exit #258) in Bellingham, Wa grant experiences in the New Land written in are out of print). letters from the are a treasure. We will have our Bakery and Cafe with lunch available, Nordic gifts and To contact NAHA, write to the address The voyage from Norway to America, their crafts, hourly drawing and entertainment. Admission $1, age 12 & under free! given below: strong sense of faith, advice to use when pre- Questions? Contact ellen at (360) 592-4065 paring for emigration, illnesses, farming in Norwegian-American Historical Association America, the language barrier, births of chil- 1510 St. Olaf Avenue dren, what to take for clothing to America, Northfield, MN 55057 the Gold Rush, the death of a sibling, the price of corn, wheat, or maybe a pound of Or visit http://www.naha.stolaf.edu.

< congrats From page 12 carves the designs. Then it needs to air dry for five more days when I put it into the kiln at a low heat of 1400 degrees Fahrenheit. international reputation and in 1989 were in- The items are then brought into the studio vited to teach at Rauland Akademiet, which where we stain and glaze them. Actually, is situated at the foot of the Rauland Moun- the glaze is a type of glass. Then it’s back to tains near the Hardanger plateau. For 10 the kiln to a fire of 2350 degrees Fahrenheit. months they lived the Norwegian lifestyle Items are cooled for two days and then they and, according to Lucy, “We truly appreci- are ready for the consumer.” As one can see, ated the love Scandinavians have for their the process takes time. homes and how they are a focal point of Housed in a converted chicken coop beauty, warmth and charm.” with a new studio and loft, the Tokheims’ Teaching was only one part of the Nor- business is a delight to visit. Nestled on the wegian experience. Gene learned knife mak- Lac Qui Parle County prairie near Dawson, ing. Since then, his knives have been exhib- Minn., their cottage industry speaks volumes ited in shows at the University of Minnesota, about its owners. From the rosemaled inte- the Folk Art Museum in New York City and rior of the outhouse to the ancient carving the Hedmark Museum in Hamar, Norway. style and iron work replicated on the front He also won the Gold Medal in knife making door of the showroom to the sleek and clean during the national competition at Vesterhe- lines of the studio, one sees how skillfully im Museum. the Tokheims have preserved old Scandina- So, once a design is determined, how vian design while blending it with today’s. do the Tokheims produce their exquisite Tokheim Stoneware is truly a labor of love. stoneware? Gene describes it as a multi- step process. “First I throw the clay on my, Tokheim online is found at http://www. please note, non-electric pottery wheel,” tokheim-stoneware.com. Celebrate Token- stated Gene emphatically.” After I have cre- ism Stoneware’s 40th anniversary by visiting Thanks for reading the Weekly! ated the basic form for my object, whether their holiday sale Nov. 21 – 23, or just drop it is a bowl, plate, cup or pitcher, I air dry it Questions? Comments? in and say hi. overnight. Next I cut a foot or handle. Lucy Write to the Editor at [email protected] 14 • october 25, 2013 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner Prestigious award NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS Three-volume set of Martin Ulvestad Norwegian heritage books wins a national historical award

With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the col- lections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad.

Dei tre kongsdøtrene i The three princesses in the berget det blå mountain so blue

Då soldaten fekk vita dette, slo han When the soldier learned of this he let gamlingen laus or stokkeklemma, og the old man out of the log-vise, and the old han var ikkje sein om å by velleva. Si- man was not slow in bidding farewell. Later Special Release dan kom kapteinen og løytnanten heim, the captain and the lieutenant came home Astri My Astri Publishing og då dei fekk høyra kvar kongsdøtrene and when they heard where the princesses var, tok dei med seg ei korg og alle dei were they took with them a basket and all reip som fanst, og gjekk til haugen alle the rope they could find, and went up to the Norwegians in America, their History publisher, Martin Ulvestad, were discovered tre. knoll, all three of them. and Record, 3-volume-set English transla- during the process of both transcribing from Der skar dei fyrst laus torva, og ne- First they cut off the turf, and below tion of 100-year-old Martin Ulvestad books Dano-Norwegian Gothic script and translat- dunder fann dei ei svær steinhelle, som this they found a huge stone slab, which in the winner of a national award. ing into English his oversized 100-year-old- dei berre så vidt greidde lyfta av. Så they only just managed to lift off. Then they The following team consisting of one books. Thousands upon thousands of Nor- skulle dei til å mæla kor djupt det var had to measure how deep the hole was. They transcriber, two translators and two editors wegians, who immigrated to America from ned. Dei skøytte både to og tre gonger, then joined two or three ropes together, but won the prestigious (2012) G. K. Haukebo 1825-1913, were contained in Ulvestad’s men måtte skøyta i hop alt dei hadde found they had to join all the ropes they had Heritage Resource Award for Historical Em- 1,379 pages originally published in 1907 and før reipet nådde til botnar. before it reached the bottom. phasis for the following Ulvestad 3-volume- 1913. The data included pioneers living in 41 set: states and 500 counties in the USA, 6 Cana- Kapteinen ville fyrst i vegen. — The captain wanted to go first. — When “Norwegians in America, their History dian provinces and emigrating from 1,700 lo- Men når eg rykkjer i reipet, må de svin- I tug the rope, you must hurry yourselves ta dykk og draga meg opp att, sa han. and Record: A translated version of the 1907 cations in Norway. In Ulvestad’s own words, and pull me straight up, he said. It was both and 1913 Nordmændene i Amerika, deres he described how he compiled the Norwe- Det var både mørkt og stygt nedigjen- dark and awful on the way down, and sud- Historie og Rekord.” gian-American pioneer data by sending out nom, og rett som det var, stod kalde denly there was a gush of cold water up Written by Martin Ulvestad. 163,000 small books and pamphlets along vasspruten om øyro på han. Dermed around his ears. With this, he became terri- Translated into English by Olaf Tronsen with 450,000 circulars and forms to the early vart han livredd og tok til å rykkja i fied and began tugging the rope. Kringhaug (Vol 1) and Odd-Steinar Dybvad immigrants and their families. By Ulvestad reipet. Well, then the lieutenant wanted to try, Raneng (Vol 1, 2, 3). compiling a series of personal information, Ja, så ville løytnanten freista, men but it did not go much better with him. He Transcribed from Gothic script by Ben- he clarified why divulging personal records det gjekk ikkje stort likare med han. Vel had come through the gushing water, but jamin Keith Huntrods. would strengthen the Norwegian-American han var komen gjennom vassflaumen, then he saw the flickering light from a fire Edited by Margit Nysetvold Bakke (Vol immigrant history. fekk han sjå ljose logen i gapet under in the gaping hole below him, he became 1) and Deb Nelson Gourley (Vol 2, 3). Published by Deb Nelson Gourley, Astri For more information see ad below or seg, og så vart han fælen og måtte gjera frightened and had to turn back as well. My Astri Publishing. visit the Astri My Astri Publishing website at vendereis, han med. Glad var han då He was so happy when he was back up top han kom opp på jorda att. Several forewords, prefaces and leaflets, http://www.astrimyastri.com. again. written and signed by Norwegian author and Så sette soldaten seg oppi. Han let Then the soldier set off. He quickly det stå til gjennom vatn og eld, heilt til went through the water and the fire, right han kom til botnar. Der var det så mørkt till he came to the bottom. It was so dark at han såg ikkje neven for nasen. Men that he could not see his hand in front of his til sist fekk han sjå ei lita glime langt, nose. Finally he saw a little glimmer far, far langt borte. Den gjekk han etter, og då away. This he followed, and it soon began tok det snart til å ljosna. to lighten. Då han kom ut, stod det ei gullsol When he came out, there was a golden på himmelen der, og det var både ljost sun up there in the heavens, and it was both og vent, liksom i den rette verda. Fyrst bright and beautiful like it was in the real møtte han ein svær buskap, med kyr world. First he met a great herd of cattle, så feite og gilde at det skein av dei, og with cows so fat and beautiful that it shone då han var framom dei, kom han til eit from them, and when he was past them, he stort, gildt slott. came to a large and beautiful palace.

Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. • www.astrimyastri.com norwegian american weekly october 25, 2013 • 15 Sports < wages From page 1 Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League forced to implement some heavy cutbacks, especially on the players’ wages. results Standings says this is a natural adjustment for the clubs In 2008, there were over 30 players 10/18 Sarpsborg 3 – 2 Brann Tippeligaen PLD PTS based on the total deficit of 144 million kro- earning over two million kroner in annual in- 1. Strømgodset IF 27 56 ner this year. There has been a decrease in come. The highest paid soccer player at that 10/19 Tromsø 4 – 3 Viking 2. Rosenborg BK 27 56 attendance and sponsorship revenues since time was Rosenborg’s Steffen Iversen, who 10/19 Start 0 – 1 Rosenborg the late 2000s so the wage decrease comes earned seven million kroner a year. Now, 3. FK 27 45 as no big surprise. as of 2012 there are only 17 players earn- 10/20 Hønefoss 0 – 1 Molde 4. Viking FK 27 43 Norwegian Toppfotball figures show ing over two million, with Erik Huseklepp 5. Molde FK 27 41 10/20 Ulf 2 – 4 Odd Grenland that the average attendance in 2007 was and Tore Reginiussen on top earning around 6. Ålesunds FK 27 40 about 10,500 while 2013 attendance aver- 5.9 million. On average, the 30 highest-paid 10/20 Sogndal 1 – 2 Vålerenga 7. Odd Grenland 27 36 ages were 6,777. Since the tax rolls for 2012 players are earning around 250,000 million 8. SK Brann 27 35 were announced October 11, clubs were less than in 2008. 10/20 Haugesund 3 – 2 Lillestrøm 9. Lillestrøm SK 27 33 10/20 Ålesund 0 – 1 Strømsgodset 10. Vålerenga Fotball 27 33 < colocation 11. IK Start 27 32 From page 3 At the same time, the Nordic countries Next matches Oct. 25 12. Sogndal IL Fotball 27 30 are looking into the possibility of sharing 13. 27 30 premises in New York. Co-location of the 14. Tromsø IL 27 28 closer Nordic cooperation. Work on shar- Nordic countries’ consulates general and 15. Sarpsborg 08 FF 27 27 ing premises between two or more Nordic missions to the UN could be a reality as soon countries is already underway at five mis- as 2018. To read more about football in 16. Hønefoss BK 27 25 sions: Yangon, Islamabad, Hanoi, Dhaka and Work has begun to remove technical and Reykjavik. Further clarification is expected security obstacles so that Nordic co-location Norway, visit www.uefa.com during the course of 2014. will be possible all over the world. “The prime ministers of Norway and The NB8 Agreement between the Nor- Denmark opened a joint embassy office in dic and Baltic countries regulates costs in Myanmar last year. The Swedish authorities cases where one country leases office space < knask ils and spirits during the night. By disguis- are also now represented at the office in Yan- from another, and has made it easier to enter From page 1 ing themselves, they hoped that they could gon. This is Nordic cooperation in practice,” into agreements on co-location of existing avoid being carried away at the end of the said Mr. Eide. missions. pumpkins (of any size) in Norway. Pump- night. This explains why witches, goblins kins – gresskar in Norwegian – weren’t in- and ghosts remain the most popular choices troduced until 2000. And now, production for the costumes. < royals exceeds 1,000 tons a year. From page 3 But for centuries before that, there was It’s becoming more common for house- the Yule or Christmas version of “trick or holds to have a carved jack-o-lantern outside treating” in Norway, with Julebukkers – “The Sámediggi plays an important their doors and for children to dress in cos- people wearing often grotesque masks and role in shaping our shared community. The tumes and go trick-or-treating. costumes – traipsing door to door, collecting efforts of the Sámediggi have helped to Some observers say it all started when goodies. The Julebukk (Yule goat) tradition safeguard and enhance the position of Sami Norwegian school children would catch a originated in Norway back when the pagan culture, language and society,” said King Halloween episode of their favorite car- population worshiped Thor, the god who Harald, who also praised the Sami artists and toon. Parents and teachers would explain traveled in his chariot drawn by two goats. cultural performers for the valuable part they that Americans celebrate Halloween by go- Yule is the pagan celebration of the play in strengthening the Sami identity. ing door to door collecting free candy and Winter Solstice. This Yule – not Halloween The King’s speech was followed by wearing monster costumes. It wasn’t long – is the night Norwegians would ward off the welcome speeches on behalf of the before the combination of costumes and can- ghosts that came back to life on the longest (Norwegian Parliament), the Sami Parlia- dy lured Norwegian children to add a “new” night of the year, a night when the darkness ment of Sweden and the Sami Parliament of holiday tradition. Instead of “trick or treat,” is filled with fear instead of joy. Finland. The opening ceremony concluded Norwegian kids say “knask eller knep” or Whatever its origin, the belief in the with “Sámi soga lávlla,” the Sami national Photo: Sametinget / Flickr “digg eller deng” yearly reappear- anthem. HM King Harald and Sami Parliament President when the door is ance of the dead Sven-Roald Nystø in 2000 at the opening of the The Sámediggi is an elected assembly opened. But ac- lived on until the new building. that represents the Sami people in Norway. cording to recent 19th century in Thirty-nine members of parliament are elect- media reports, Norway. Accord- ed from seven constituencies every fourth treatment of the Sami people and paving the some Norwe- ing to this belief, year. The first Sámediggi was opened on 9 way for Sami efforts to safeguard and devel- gian kids take the the ghosts of one’s October 1989 by King Olav V. The opening op their language, culture and society. “trick” part too lit- ancestors returned ceremony is held every fourth year; today’s The Sámediggi Building in Karasjok erally, with egging to the homestead. marks the seventh consecutive opening. was officially opened by King Harald on and other forms of And so at Yule- The purpose of the Sámediggi is to Nov. 2, 2000. The building houses the ple- vandalism becom- tide, food and strengthen the political position of the Sami nary meetings of the democratically elected ing more com- drink was brought people and promote Sami interests in Nor- Sami assembly as well as the administration mon, especially out for the nisse, way, contributing to equal and equitable for the Sámediggi in Norway. the houses that who were be- ignore the holiday. Photo: Wikimedia Commons lieved to come out Although no Details from 1872 painting “Åsgårdsreien” by Norwe- Puzzle Solution of their graves, country celebrates gian artist Peter Nicolai Arbo. From page 10 Norwegian American Weekly hungry and thirs Halloween like the ty. U.S., the holiday had Irish beginnings. Celts Feared even more throughout Northern Organization of the Week celebrated it as Samhain – All Hallows’ Eve Europe was the Asgårdsreia, the Wild Ride, – when the dead were said to revisit the mor- a horde of the living dead coursing through tal world. The celebration marked the end of the night skies. Mortals getting in their path Scandinavian busineSS Summer and the start of the Winter months. Club of B.c. could be kidnapped and brought to the land During the 8th century the Catholic of the dead. Odin was usually considered the Burnaby, B.C., Canada Church designated the first day of November leader of the rampaging pack, but in Norway as All Saints Day. However, it wasn’t until the leader was a woman. 6540 Thomas St. the 1920s that Norwegians observed All Hal- Burnaby, B.C. V5B 4P9 With the people haunted by fears of the lows’ Eve by lighting candles in the family supernatural powers swirling about them, graveyard, according to Kathleen Stokker of Ph: (604) 294‑2777 Yule in old Norway was far more terrifying Luther College in Decorah, Ia. Fax: (604) 294‑5932 than any Halloween monster movie. None- The tradition of wearing costumes also theless, Halloween seems to be catching on dates back to Celtic times. Celtic Druids in Norway, with or without a goat’s head For the full list of organizations, would disguise themselves as spirits and mask. The spooky spirits of the 21st century visit noram.norway.com/organizations devils in case they encountered other dev- want their knask eller knep. the COPENHAGEN Hearthstone JUST GOT A BIT CLOSER New Route from San Francisco

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