Evening Star. (Washington, DC). 1936-10-28 [P B-18]
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NVCSTM1NT PROPERTY WANTED. HOUSES FURNISHED. AND THE MAYAN CAVE $5,000 TO INVE8T IN BUSINESS 'Centime*.) TARZAN '] ! roperty; central location, not over $50 — j2m2S£2^m TAKOMA PARK 8EMI-BUNGALOW. 5 GODD^S^^ T" r7> JJ«S. oo: from owner only. Address Box 48-R. rooms, bath; also sleeping room 2nd floor; tar office. -*< garage in basement, a.m i.; near but line, stores, schools; also rent unfurnished. Phone Bhenherd 2518 evenings. LOTS FOR SALE. WOODRIDGE — SIX-ROOM. DETACHED JUSTNESS LOT. BLADENSBURG PIKE. new. hougt. completely furn., practically 10x150. a.m.l.. $0,500: will build store and • m i., oil heat: $80. Call Potomac 5P45-J. lat. Also :i:i lota. Kenilworth nib Md.; BETHE8DA, MD-BIX .ROOM HOUSE. or all. $850. Call Met. 4757; night*. Urge yard with lruit tree,; oil burner. Greenwood 2232. 20- Frltldalre- newly painted and decorated. 3EAUTIFUL HOME DORSEY. SITES. $750. ALONG $00 month. Call MRS. O. I. dt. Vernon Blvd.. overlooking PotomaO 0:30 p.m- Wisconsin 2813 after _ ilver. Easy terms. Can arrange finance CHEVY CHASE D C..—NEAR 31st AND or building home. Address Box 20-M. Nebraska ave.--Three bed rooms. bath*, 5tat office. .2 oil finished attic: elec, refrigeration, r5-Fr.BuL.DINO LOT. NEAR AND com- 22nd burner: 2-car built-in garage; house Junker H1U rd. n.e.; $1,200. Wise. 4810. pletely furnished. NVE8TIGATE THIS BARGAIN. BEV- + PHILLIPS * CANBY. INC. 'ral lots. 75x135. in beautiful residential 1012 15th St. N.W. Nstlonsl 4000._ lection in Montgomery County, on con- Chevy chase, md — s-room house: crete street with no assessment, only $1.- 4 bed rooms. 3 bsths: furn.. newly deco- loo each. Adjacent lots selling at $1,400 oil rated; two porches, two-car garage: ind $1,800 each. The few left will soon heat. $225. Wisconsin 5507.__ >e sold. Act quickly if interested. Other 227 ROSEMARY. CH. CH.. MD —8 LARGE ots at $350 up. Shepherd 4310. rms excellent condition: nicely furn.; new V BEAUTIFUL IXJT. Hoxl2o FT.. NORTH oil burner: rent reduced. Wise. 405.._ >f Bethesda. Md.. near school and bus. RD. ro start development we are ready to go a 1308 GRACE CHURCH ong way with some one who will build a SILVER SPRING. MD. rice home at once. LOUI8 P SHOEMAK- • rooms, bath, h.-w.h.. garsse-$01.50 ER. 1710 K st. n.w. National linn WEAVER BROS., INC.. BUILDING LOT. 54x110 FT ON BLAD- Washington 0486, tnsbur* rd. one square from Sears Roe- Bldg._District buck's; will sell, rent or build to suit 4 tenant. Phone Georgia 4030 after 5 pm. HOUSES FUR. OR UNFJJR. PRE-DEVELOPMENT SALE OF BEAUT1 NEAR 5th AND RANDOLPH STS. — 7 lul home sites on the Mount Vernon Boule- r,rS"z:v. xrK.f'V.-.••fi0:. > vard: 4 bed rooms, nicely furn.: elec, re- R^lrv: prices from $500: highly restricted. rooms. FEATURE Por further burner: $75 unfurn.. $85 fUNITED ■YNDICATE;_Inr Information call WELLING- frigeration. oil TON furn. For Inspection call Georgia 3414. ESTATES. INC., 220 Southern Bldg., where was not the saurlans. was and like a side-wheel National 1278. As the passengers of the capsized kayuka tumbled Tarzan cast a hasty glance about him to see Tarzan himself neglected by George paddling puffing called CONGRESS were was most needed. Ula and George were In two of the spiny creatures did him the honor r>ver packet. “Don't worry about me," he HEIGHTS—$700. HOUSES UNFURNISHED. helplessly into the water, startled alligators his aid fact, 75x103. both by of him for a meal. But he kept well out back, “I rabbit's foot.” At that moment Building site facing Govt 3 PIERCE MILL RD.. MT. PLEA8- aroused from their sluggishness. Their great, fangy already striking out toward shore, pursued fancying got my park $80—2024 blocks from Nichols ave See Mr. Lawton. rooms, both attic. sure strokes the of reach. He would deal with them, he deter- Tarean drew abreast of the alligator pursuing Ula. ant. facing park—7 jaws opened hungrily, tails lashed the water, and alligators, and now with swift, ape their ADELBERT W. LEE. garage; vacant. OWNER. Pot, 19.10._ in Ula as to 1343 the armored swam to the man sought to Intercept the beast which was pur- mined, when and if he had succeeded saving But he prepared to attack, the beast whirled H St. N.W_District 4«<>n.__ ROOMS, hideous, reptiles greedily 520 TAYLOR ST. N.W—5 the Dale. devour him! bath; rent. $07.50. Apply 532 Taylor feast. suing girl. FOR PARKING STORES. In nearby suburb, on heavily traveled FOR. HOUSES FOR HOUSES FOR SALE. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE. artery; lot flfixHO to alley; also aultabla 233 S ST. N.E.—DETACHED CORNER: HOUSES UNFURNISHED. HOUSES SALE. SAI.E. for auto show room, theater, chain stores, w H I COLE- j __(Continued-)_ $ r.. b.. h.-w.h.; $70 month. ___(Continued.) _(CwBtlnncd.) ————J——— I ___HOUSE^_FOR_SALL_=__^ etc.: price. $15,000: owner will trade for man. 101 o Eye st, n.w. Met. 3888._ BURLEITH. 1 ACRES 7-RM. HOUSE PLENTY SHADE. Income property. Call MR DREW Met. 6-room house with FIRST OFFERING :i miles of District. S.E. Md. $4 000; easy BUNGALOW AT 114 SHEPHERD ST. 2204 DECATUR PL. N.W., ^Beautiful new stone residence located *5.050—All-brick •ifc-.’T. F ELIOT MIDDLETOaN. 205 In- in porch, heeted; new-house condi- terms, Adams 3827. vestment CHEVY CHASE. MD.—Frig daire 22nd 8t„ Between R and S. >n Isrse grounds: contstns fl Urge bed klassrd 6 Left of Theie NO. 1 WORTHINGTON __ Building. •He- metal cash And Only DRIVE matic heat, detached aarage. large lot: Im- A desirable house in select neighborhood: ■ooms and 3 baths, library and butler s tion. detached garage: *500 *8.850. Call MR. COVINGTON. Corner Western Are. and Worthington mediate occupancy: will sell. Inspect, or 4 bed rooms, 2 baths: entirely redecorated: jantry: only JO minutes downtown. For *5u per month. New brick house, 8 rms., 2 baths. 2 N.E. WASHINGTON. 8terlln» 8554. Drive call Wisconsin 4842._ all modern appointments: open lor in- ippointmenl. call MR. SAMS, Cleveland __ HOMES BEAUTIFUL AI.L-BKICK HOME-1 kitchens, insulated furred walls large Fast-growing section, suitable for flats 21)* light basement built-in garage, nice lawn, 14th N.W—DESIRABLE. 0 LARGE spection; Immediate possession. 4923. _ QUAUTY master bedrooms and 2 handsome tile or apartments: will sell cheap for quick 4008 MT. PLEASANT BARGAIN. beautiful residential section; concrete rooms, automatic heat. elec, refrigeration, ENGLISH STUDIO TYPE hatha and shower. Spacious livinr buyer. Call MR. GUIFFRE Met. 2827. Out of a Whole Block street; worth #0.000; sacrifice for lmme- enrage; $7.2.50 per mo. E. W. BAILEY. OUR AVAILABLE UNITS Md.—Here's the home Bed room and dinint room, pantrr and F. ELIOT MIDDLETON. 205 Investment (8.950—Suburban 4 Rooms—$9,250. diate gale. Shepherd Adams _ —different, which you have longed kitchen; 2 open fireplaces, finished attic. 4310._ 4788.___ offer a limited as to 22 Feet Wide. Building^_ 3 PORCHES, variety lor. Lovely new home with most 2-ear built-in aaraae, lavatory on first j TAKOMA PARK. 'MD. PETWORTH—0 ROOMS. bed room Beautiful Colonial brick home, contain- floor, In basement: h.-w.h : $o..iiO. interesting floor plan: 5028 3rd St. N.W. eitra large rlosets throughout. *0 250; $500 cash. 315 Holly ave. New. APARTMENT HOUSE SITE* bath, toilet and In- rooms; all bed rooms Geo, 048.1. size, price location. and bath on flrst floor; 2 other Jng 7 large, light, airy Thoroughly In'ulgted and furred walls, detached brick bungalow: 5 rooms, mod- Downtown: «lx75: *2 per foot: first ROGER MOSS. Dist. 3121, screened sleeping porch; EXHIBIT HOME bed rooms and bath, electric are private, with slate roof, automatic heat and refrig- ern: unusual kitchen large attic 2-car. commercial; corner. Address Box 475-P, 8-ROOM HOUSE. A M.I.. WITH formation these electric refrigerator. 2-car LARGE. regarding kitchen, oil burner, built-in ga- oil burner, large eration. Highest elevation, overlooking built-in garage: h -w h ; lot 60x133: ‘a Star «*W tn porches, heated lot. elevation; Six Room*—Two Bath* office_ glassed and screened if rage and an acre ot land, high brick garage on rear of high city and Virginia. Very reasonable block school. BUILDER 3»_ rarage. in beautiful Marietta Park n.w.: listings will be furnished elevgtion, affording unsurpassed near lJUh and Park rd. Unusual circum- Built-In G*r*te price and terms. $00 per one of the best $300 CASH—$50 MONTH. NORTH NEBRASKA AVE., large front side and back yards: view ol surrounding community. stances make this property Large club-recrea- — Drive out I only. write or MR. Large S-r. bungalow: h.-w.h.. oil burner, West 42nd st. nw: wonderful location; month: inspection by appointment you call, phone Really it's worth investigating. buys of the year. To inspect, call tion room, modern I Man. Ave. to Westmore- evenings. Cleve. elec, hardwood floors fireplace ga- unsurpassed surroundings. Call for infor- H M. SMITH. Cleve. 3441; Call National 1439 'til II p m. for PARKER. Ran.1olphj#45.t. any time._ cabinet kitchen: I and Circle, turn right l I bath. B. F. SAUL CO., 1 rage. Close to churches, schools and trans- I mation. ___ appointment. Electrolux refrlger- tquare. 2443._ REAL ESTATE $5 50(1. ERVIN REALTY CO. SAMUEL S SPRUCE. S.E. NEARBY VIRGINIA.