doi:10.12741/ebrasilis.v10i2.607 e-ISSN 1983-0572 Publication of the project Entomologistas do Brasil Creative Commons Licence v4.0 (BY-NC-SA) Copyright © EntomoBrasilis Copyright © Author(s) and Systematic / Taxonomia e Sistemática Description of two new species of Palpomyia Meigen (Diptera: ) from the Brazilian Amazon

Registered on ZooBank: Palpomyia amazonensis sp. nov.: Palpomyia lanceolata sp. nov.:

Jessica Feijó Almeida¹, Emanuelle de Sousa Farias¹, Ronildo Baiatone Alencar² & Felipe Arley Costa Pessoa¹

1. Instituto Leônidas e Maria Deane-ILMD/FIOCRUZ-AM. 2. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa da Amazônia-INPA.

EntomoBrasilis 10 (2): 118-112 (2017)

Abstract. Two new Amazonian predaceous midge of the genus Palpomyia, from the distincta group, were described based on male specimens. This genus is an important bioindicator of aquatic environments. The immatures of Palpomyia amazonensis sp. nov. and Palpomyia lanceolata sp. nov. were collected with ovitraps and reared in laboratory until adulthood. Both new species are similar with Palpomyia guyana Clastrier, 1992 and Palpomyia turnbowi Grogan et al., 2013 but differs from Palpomyia versicolor Macfie, 1939, the unique species described in Brazilian Amazon until now. With the description of these new species we increase to three the representative species of the distincta group in the Brazilian Amazon and to 32 the number of Brazilian species of Palpomyia.

Keywords: Predaceous midges; Male; Palpomyia amazonensis; Palpomyia lanceolata; Taxonomy.

Descrição de duas novas espécies de Palpomyia Meigen (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) da Amazônia brasileira

Resumo. Duas novas espécies de insetos predadores e bioindicadores da qualidade da água do gênero Palpomyia, grupo distincta, são descritas e ilustradas baseadas em espécimes machos. Os imaturos das espécies Palpomyia amazonensis sp. nov. e Palpomyia lanceolata sp. nov. foram coletados em armadilhas ovitrampas e criados em laboratório até adultos. Ambas novas espécies são semelhantes a Palpomyia guyana Clastrier, 1992 e Palpomyia turnbowi Grogan et al., 2013 e diferem de Palpomyia versicolor Macfie, 1939, única espécie do grupo distincta descrita na Amazônia Brasileira. Com as duas descrições, foram aumentadas para três o número de espécies para a Amazônia e 32 para o Brasil.

Palavras-Chave: Insetos predadores; Machos; Palpomyia amazonensis; Palpomyia lanceolata; Taxonomia.

iting midges of the genus Palpomyia (Culicomorpha: quality and the trophic structure of the zoobenthos in an Ceratopogonidae) are small predaceous Diptera. environment (Re m m 1976; Gr o g a n & Wi r t h 1979). The Palpomyia According to Bo r k e n t & Sp i n e l l i (2007), this genus is genus are widely distributed, with 281 species recognized characterized by elongated flagellum, at least 2.5 times longer worldwide, 51 reported to Neotropical Region and 30 to Brazil. than the breadth of the head; a stouter thorax not dorsally In Brazilian Amazon Region only four species were recorded: flattened; wing membrane with 2 radial cells and a poorly Palpomyia oliveirai Lane, 1947; Palpomyia pseudolacustris developed anal lobe; fore femur with stout spines and hind Dippolito & Spinelli, 1995 and Palpomyia versicolor Macfie, femur not swollen. Palpomyia is divided into four groups: 1939 to state of Rondônia and Palpomyia paraensis Lane, distincta, flavipes, tibialis and lineata. The distincta group 1960 to state of Pará. (Bo r k e n t 2016; Sa n t a r é m & Fe l i p p e -Ba u e r presents sternite 8 with prominent setose lobes arising from 2016). To r r e i a s et al. (2013) were the first to document the anterolateral margins at females. The males has gonocoxite with presence of the genus in the state of Amazonas, without species setose mesoventral lobe and parameres divided or fused, with identification. rounded tips. In this paper two new species of Palpomyia from Brazilian These midges are important because the immature specimens Amazon Region are described and illustrated based on male are usually common inhabitants of aquatic and semiaquatic specimens. environments and can be used as bio-indicators of both water

Edited by:  Corresponding author: Funding agencies: William Costa Rodrigues Emanuelle de Sousa Farias  Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado

Article History:  [email protected] do Amazonas  Received: 09.v.2016 Accepted: 04.vii.2017 119 Description oftwonewspeciesPalpomyiaMeigen(Diptera:… The larvae were collected with ovitraps ( Brazil. Amazonas, of State Municipality, Figueiredo Presidente reared from larvae collected in the rural settlement of Rio material Pardo, from obtained were herein described individuals The otrmda ecvto. oooie tagt 22 times tapering curved, short, gonostylus 2B); (Figure margin external 2.2 straight, longer than broad, Gonocoxite with broad mesoventral lobe bearing setae on excavation. posteromedian deep long, than broader times 2.5 9 sternite setae; apical with elongated, slender, gradually cerci 9 apex; subtriangular tergite distally, tapering 2A): (Figure Genitalia brown. Abdomen: brown. 1 infuscated, veins slightly dark brown, 2 membrane 1H) (Figure Wing 1G). (Figure tooth basal inner without equal-sized, small, claws setae; ventral without 5 arcuate; slightly tibia fore unarmed; femora hind mid, 1F), (Figure spines ventral 14-15 with swollen femur moderately fore brown; brown, pale tarsi dark and femora tibiae apically, 1E): paler slightly (Figure Legs setae. large four with portion, apical on darker brown, scutellum setae; prealar large strips; medio-apical anterior tubercle (Figure 1D), covered with short setae, with five conspicuous than chaetotaxy: Thorax 1C). width (Figure brown dark broader both shape, comma and in margin, slightly portion, posteriorsubmedian anterior in the bands strip lateral until two continuous are that bands, strip medio-apical two with brownish, Scutum brown. Thorax: 1B); palpalratio1.8. (Figure one distal than smaller being one proximal segment, of portion inmiddle pits sensory well-defined two with 3 segment brown; Palpus setae. 9 with Clypeus 1.2. (11-13/1-10) ratio antennal sized; equal 12-13 11; than longer considerably 12-13 cylindrical; elongated, 11–13 flagellomeres subspherical; short, ommatidia. five of diameter 2–10 flagellomeres base; at pale brown, flagellomeres: Antenna by separated, widely Eyes 1A). (n=1): male the of Description well-defined a with subrectangular circular membraneprojectionintheapex.Femaleunknown. aedeagus cleft; with portion shallow apical lanceolate, subapical fused, four parameres with projections; tip, pointed to tapering gonostylus lobe, mesoventral broad with gonocoxite spines; ventral 14–15 with swollen moderately femur fore tubercle; anterior with scutum distincta Diagnosis: (ILMD/LEDTA) Fiocruz,Amazônia. Laboratório de Ecologia e Doenças Transmissíveis da Amazônia Deane/ Maria e Leônidas Instituto in deposited were holotypes descriptions Species images. of terminology morphological the use final the (Leica obtain to microscope used was 4.0 optical an to Montage Auto program The Germany). Frankfurt, DMTM1000, coupled UK) Cambridge, (SynopticsTM, system digital a using micro-photographed were by proposed key the following done was identification genus The microscope following on phenol-balsam, mounted in and slides dissected then alcohol, 70% in instars collected in the field. The emerged adults were preserved temperature (25 containers with water small and in fed kept with were fish foodlarvae (TetraMin The conditions. laboratory in reared st Palpomyia ; wing length 1.2 mm, width 0.45 mm; costal ratio 0.70. Halter B t n e k r o ru wt te olwn cmiain f characters: of combination following the with group S & The only Neotropical species of species Neotropical only The

amazonensis Materil ndehods o i l l e n i p C), for nearly two weeks, due to different larval Figures 1A-H;2A-E 20) Te igotc characteristics diagnostic The (2007). Results Feijó,Farias,Alencar&Pessoa nov. nd radial cell 1.7 times longer than

Head: dark brown (Figure brown dark Head: W S h t r i J i l l e n i p o k a & b & B

Palpomyia et al. et M r e i v e r a th

s (2009). The (2009). tarsomeres n o t ® 1969) and ), at room (1968). in the in sp. rd

oe gnsyu cre, aeig itly o one tip; pointed to distally tapering curved, mesoventral slender gonostylus with lobe; gonocoxite spines; ventral 19–20 with swollen greatly femur fore tubercle; anterior with scutum distincta Diagnosis: in locality type its after named Amazonas State,Brazil. is species This Etymology: (1 male),ovitraps,F.A.C.Pessoacollector. Figueiredo, Rio Pardo (1º48`S 60º19´W), 01-IV-2005, 0001-43 Type material: Male holotype, Brazil, Amazonas State, Presidente Presidente Figueiredo,AmazonasState–Brazil. type-locality: its in only distributed is species This Distribution: Female: Unknown. projection circular apically. membranous well-defined with middle in tapering slightly apex, straight with sclerotized, portion distal microthrichia, dense length; total of 0.35 to extending arch basal straight, arms basal with covered surface ventral long, than broader slightly subrectangular, 2E) (Figure Aedeagus recurved; portion. apical truncated, in cleft shallow Y with apodemes round apex bulbous, portion sclerotized basal distal area; internal median with shaped sclerotized, fused, heavily 2D) (Figure lanceolate, Parameres 2C). (Figure projections tip subapical rounded four with presenting tip, pointed to distally urcaglr sihl bodr hn og vnrl surface ventral long, than broader 4C) slightly (Figure Aedeagus subrectangular, portion. middle from process extending lateral bifid, apex; round with processes ventromedial with bulbous, two portion distal lanceolated, truncated, apodemes fused, basal area; 4B) median shaped Y (Figure sclerotized internal with sclerotized, Parameres heavily tip. pointed to distally tapering curved, short, gonostylus margin; external on setae bearing lobe, mesoventral slender with broad, than 2 longer straight, Gonocoxite excavation. posteromedian deep long, than broader times 2.2 9 sternite setae; apical with gonocoxite, gradually 9 tergite tapering distally, rounded apex; cerci slender, 4A): extending beyond (Figure Genitalia brown. Abdomen: costal ratio0.72.Halterbrown. 1.85 times longer than 1 2 brown, dark veins infuscated, slightly membrane 3H) (Figure Wing 3G). (Figure tooth inner basal without sized, arcuate; 5 spines (Figure 3F), mid, hind femora unarmed; fore tibia slightly ventral 19–20 with swollen greatly femur fore brown; pale tarsi and tibiae apically, pale slightly femora hind mid, brown; dark setae; prealar large six scutellum brown, with four large setae. with Legs (Figure 3E): femora pilose, moderately 3D), (Figure tubercle anterior pattern conspicuous with specimen, mounted definite slide in without 3C) (Figure Scutum Brown. Thorax: (Figure 3B);palpalratio1.2. one distal than larger being one proximal segment, of portion brown; 3 elongated, Palpus setae. 16 with Clypeus 0.80. 11–13 (11-13/1-10) ratio antennal subspherical; of short, cylindrical; 12-13 considerably longer than 11; 12-13 equal sized; diameter brown; 2–10 uniformly by flagellomeres separated flagellomeres Antenna widely ommatidia. Eyes three brown. dark 3A): (n=1). male the of Description aedeagus bifid; extending to¾oftotallength.Femaleunknown. process lateral projection membranous amorphous by covered subrectangular, process, ventromedial two presenting bulbous portion distal lanceolate, fused, parameres Palpomyia ru wt te olwn cmiain f characters: of combination following the with group rd th segment with two well-defined sensory pits in middle tarsomeres without ventral setae; claws small, equal-

lanceolata The only Neotropical species of species Neotropical only The Figures 3A-H;4A-C Feijó,Farias,Alencar&Pessoa st ; wing length 1.35 mm, width 0.47 mm; Head: dark brown (Figure brown dark Head: e-ISSN 1983-0572 Almeida Palpomyia nd radial cell radial et al. sp. nov. in the in (2017) Maio - Agosto 2017 - EntomoBrasilis 10 (2): 118-122






Figure 1. Palpomyia amazonensis sp. nov. male. A. Head; B. Palpus; C. Thorax (dorsal view); D. Anterior tubercle of scutum; E. Fore, mid and hind legs (left to right); F. Fore femur ventral spines; G. Claws of 5th mid tarsomere; H. Wing.



Figure 2. Palpomyia amazonensis sp. nov. male. A. Genitalia; B. Mesoventral lobe of the gonocoxite; C. Apex of gonostylus; D. Parameres; E. Aedeagus. covered with microthrichia, basal arms straight, basal arch Etymology: This species is named after the Latim word for lance, extending to 0.35 of total length; distal portion with rounded in reference to its lance-shaped parameres. apex; membranous, amorphous projection covering almost ¾ of total length of structure. Taxonomic discussion. The species described herein P. amazonensis and P. lanceolata belong to distincta group. Both Female: Unknown. species are morphologically similar by general coloration of body, subretangular aedeagus, basal arms and bulbous shape of Distribution: This species is distributed only in its type-locality: distal portion of parameres, basal arch of aedeagus. Despite the Presidente Figueiredo, Amazonas State – Brazil. similarities, the new species described herein can be distinguished by many characteristics. In P. amazonensis the clypeus has 9 Type material: Male holotype, Brazil, Amazonas State, Presidente setae, antennal ratio 1.2 and palpal ratio 1.8 while in P. lanceolata Figueiredo, Rio Pardo (1º48`S 60º19´W), 01-IV-2005, 0001-44 the clypeus has 16 setae, antennal ratio 0.80 and palpal ratio 1.2. 120 (1 male), ovitraps, F.A.C. Pessoa collector. The fore femur of P. amazonensis is moderately swollen with 14- 15 ventral spines while in P. lanceolata is greatly swollen with 19-

e-ISSN 1983-0572 121 by absence of the mesoventral lobe of the gonocoxite and hyaline The apex. the in cleft the and quadrangular aedeagus absence of arrow-shaped apex. Besides that, tibia, fore arcuate an presenting lanceolata P. ( in and side external central the amazonensis P. 90 than Grogan has basal apodemes of parameres similar to lanceolata P. are different, to species new both in parameres the of part distal the addition, In while in apex the to only limited and rounded is membrane aedeagus the the characters of genitalia. To by distinguished be also can species new Both spines. ventral 20 Description oftwonewspeciesPalpomyiaMeigen(Diptera:… G Figure 4. legs (lefttoright);F.Forefemurventralspines;G.Clawsof5 3. Figure o r P. amazonensis P. g n a et al. o

P. lanceolata , forming a tip in the central external side, whereas in whereas side, external central the in tip a forming , et al. et Palpomyia lanceolata Palpomyia lanceolata Palpomyia , 2013, however, in this species they are curved more E has projections in apical portion. Both new species new Both portion. apical in projections has resembles 2013). The species The 2013). P. amazonensis h aoee ae es uvd ih o i in tip no with curved less are apodemes the C for presents 18-20 spines in the femur and a and femur the in spines 18-20 presents for F this membranous projection is amorphous. P. guyana P. C apmi guyana Palpomyia sp.nov.male. sp. nov. male. A. Head; B. Palpus; C. Thorax (lateral view); D. Anterior tubercle of scutum; E. Fore, mid and hind and mid Fore, E. scutum; of tubercle Anterior D. view); (lateral Thorax C. Palpus; B. Head; A. male. nov. sp. P. amazonensis possesses a shallow cleft, while in specie differs both new species new both differs specie P. lanceolata P. Palpomyia amazonensis Palpomyia G A. Genitalia;B.Parameres;C.Aedeagus,am-amorphousmembrane. Palpomyia turnbowi P. guyana the projection is of they are straight are they lsre, 1992 Clastrier, D is similar th midtarsomere;H.Wing. and A A de To FAPEAM for a scholarship granted by the Project “Diversidade to Palpomyia of increase species Brazilian of number we the 32 to and Amazon species Brazilian the new of species these representative the of three description the With et al. ( species) new both in (fused separated parameres and in (straight tip like cap- a with new aedeagus the of portion in distal slender femur very the fore species) in (only femora all in spines ventral of presence the species), new both in (brown thorax blackish the ( region Amazon al. Brazilian the in recorded group versicolor ( aedeagus of apex the in membrane 95, u cn e itnuse fo bt nw pce by species new both from distinguished be can but 1995), Culicoides 1995). H Macfie, 1939 is the only species fromthe only species the is 1939 Macfie, . Dpea Crtpgnde d arvl d Rio de agrovila da Ceratopogonidae) (Diptera: Acknowledgement s P. amazonensis P. B and round in round and C a l s r e i r t e-ISSN 1983-0572 distincta B 1992). Almeida ru i the in group P. lanceolata P. D Palpomyia et al. o t i l o p p i D distincta o t i l o p p i (2017)

et )

Maio - Agosto 2017 - EntomoBrasilis 10 (2): 118-122

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Suggestion citation:

Almeida, J.F., E.S. Farias, R.B. Alencar & F.A.C. Pessoa, 2017. Description of two new species of Palpomyia Meigen (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from the Brazilian Amazon. EntomoBrasilis, 10 (2): 118-112. Available on: doi:10.12741/ebrasilis.v10i2.607 122

e-ISSN 1983-0572