Phillips Phonograph: Vol. 22, No.24 January 26,1900

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Phillips Phonograph: Vol. 22, No.24 January 26,1900 VOL. X X II. PHILLIPS, MAINE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2G, 1900. NO, 24 H O T EL S AND CAMPS. HOTELS AND C AM P S iS P O R TS M E N’S SU P P LIES- SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES. HOTELS AND C A M P S . [HOT ELS AND C A M PS. Vakni m Po n d . L a k e M e g a n t ic , Qu e . ___Lake View Farm. C ottageJ on Varnnm pond. Frank M urray’s Lake House, on the lake shore, Situated near the best tro u t an d salm on fish­ ft short drive from the club house on the Spi­ ing in this vicinity. B oats an d guides fu r­ der, offers ail modern inducements to the nished. Parties m et at tra in in F arm in g to n . sporting public. Messenger service for re­ Telephone 2-30. ceipt and dispatch of telegrams, messages, When you make the next D. C. AVERiLL & So n , Temple, Me. etc. Electric lights and telephones, iirst-class cuisine and accommodation. The Lake ; winter examination of your House boat, run solely for the W i n c h e s t e r s convenience New York Cit y . of Club Housem se gueguests, is available at any hour, Ashland House. * T eam s me e t all tr;tins, baggageba aecotmnoda- tion on boat and teams;, passengers prefer­ Corner 4th Avenue an d 24th stre e t. A m eri­ ring the road route provided with carriages, double or single. Sporting parties, going or FISHING . ROD can and European plans. returning, will be wise in making Murray’s Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells* Rooms, per 'kiy, $1.00 a n d u p w a rd s. Lake house their temporary headquarters.' Remember the Landlocked Salmon and square-tailed, “Le a d e r ” loaded with Smokeless powder and “N ew At P h i l l i p s . speckled, genuine Brook Trout to be found in the Via Bingham . Comfort Cottage. Brook fishing. Pure water. Riv a l ” loaded with Black powder. Superior to all waters of the No hay fever. Headquarters for commercial Carry Pond Camps. travelers. Lunches will be delivered at the other brands for If you want moose, deer and other smaller station to those who telephone irom Farm­ ington. Dinners are served at the Cottage on game come to my cam ps. G uides fu rn ish e d arrival of trains going to and from the UNIFORHITY, RELIABILITY AND if desired. Shot a t gam e g u a ra n te e d . P a r ­ Rangeley Lakes and Dead River region. RANGELEY LAKES tridges very plenty. D eer a t ev ery po in t. Trains stop thirty minutes. Team from tlie louse carries passengers .to a«*d from the . AND . Hen r y J . La n e , Bingham, Me. -otise free of charge. STRONG SHOOTING QUALITIES. W. E. M il l e t t , Prop’r, Phillips, Me. Rangeley L a k e s . Winchester Shells are for sale by all dealers. Insist u p o n Camp Bemis and Birches. Via R a n g e l e y . Bemis. terminus of Rumford Falls & Range- Dead River Pond Camps. F Ishing, Hunting. having them when you buy and you will get the best. DEAD RIVER REGIONS. ley Lakes II. R. Two train s daily. S team ers Sim on Oa k e s , Rangeley, Alt1. connect to all points on the lakes. Birches GO' issix miles distant on Student’s Island. Cosy log cabins, open tires at both places afford comfortable hom es for the sum m er fo r ladies Via Ra n g e l e y . Via. SANDY RIVER, PHILLIPS & RANGELEY, and gentlemen. Excellent ttshing close at Kennebago Lake House, on th shore of Ken- MOOSE QUESTION DISCUSSED. tainly not increasing. Something must band. Send for circular. nebago lake. The best 11 y fishing in the he done if desirable heads are to be ob­ Capt. F. C. Ba r k e r , P rop’r., Bemis, Me. FRANKLIN & MEGANTIC RAILROADS. country every day in th year. High altitude. tained in the future. A close time is At Erro l, N. II. No hay fever. Pure water. Game in abun Ought There to Be a Close Time Stage connections at Dead River Station for Stratton and Eustis; at Carra- Umbagog House. (lo< <1 accommodations. Near dan ce. R ic h a r d s o n B r o s ., Proprietors. the surest and quickest way to accom­ basset for Flagstaff and Lower Dead River and Eustis, connecting with all trains fishing grounds. O. C. Bu m fo rd , Pm p.r. For Term ot Years? plish this end, but I would not advocate to and from Boston. Backboards connect at Eustis for Tim Pond, Round Moun­ tain Lake, Chain of Ponds, Megantic Preserve, King and Bartlett; at Rangeley In Dead R iv e r Re g io n . On Mo o se look m eg uk Tie L a k e . this action ou account of the immense for Loon Lake, Kennebago, Seven Ponds and Megantic Preserve. Hotel Blanchard. Hunting, Fishing. J. S. Mooselookmegruntic House, Sportsmen Give Tlieir Opinions loss to the state by the large falling off Maps and information about Hotels and Camps, Furnished on application to OrRKKLL, Proprietor, Stratton, Me. situated in the heart of the best fishing of visiting sportsmen during a close district of the Rangeley hikes. The hotel is on the Subject. F. N. BEAL, Phillips, Me. FLETCHER POPE, Redington, Me. At F l a g s t a f f . 2,000 feet above sea level and buy feTer is tim e. Lake House and Camp. Camp is reached from The replies to our question in regard hotel by boat. Great hunting. Moose and guaranteed to he absolutely unknown. My experience of the past nine seasons Supt. 5 . R. R. R. Gen. Man’g ’r. P. & R. R. R. deer seen daily. Address, from November until May, T h e o to a close time on moose came in so fast s. c. D ru m : Li.. F staff, Mi in the state make me believe that it L. 1’a g e , Proprietor Senate Cafe, W ashington, that we think it best to begin the pub­ Q. M .VOSE, Kingfield, Me., Supt. F. & 1*1. R y. I>. C, After May 1, Haines’ Landing, Me. would bo to the best interest of all con­ At W ilso n ’s M il l s , M e . lication of them at once. They will be cerned to make a very short open sea­ to** Aziscohos House. $1.50 nay. $7 to $10 w eek. continued through the two special Licensed guides furnished. F r e d F l in t , P r’r. At R a n g e l e y La k e s . son, say of two weeks, the last week in Bald Mountain Camps. sportsmen’s show numbers. October and the first in November. Via Ra n g eley . thing knows that they can take care of Accommodations for forty people. The PR ESEN T LAW O. K. This would draw the moose hunters and time on moose in Maine for a term of The Seven Ponds. famous Middle Grounds, are within a stone’s themselves. They move from one place jears?” I answer yes. As long ago as throw of these camps; Shark Grounds, Stony Boston, U. S. A., Jan. 19, 1900. at the same time greatly reduce the risk Batter, good tty fishing. Little Mud Pond, Big to another from year to year as the cli­ 1893, a law was passed th a t no beaver Mini Pond, Kcnnebago River, all within easy to the moose. T. C. Phelps. distances. Steamers pass the the camps daily. In answer to your question “Ought mate changes. They like deep snows. should be killed or destroyed for a Terms satisfactory. i there to be a close time on moose in H. C. McCormack. period of four years. The reason given E. B. W h o r f f 'H aines Landing, Me. Maine for a teim of years?” much can CLOSE TIME ADVISABLE. for the law was that those valuable fur be said pro and con by the public, but Boston, Mass., Jau. 19, 1900. WHALES QUESTION EASIER. At P h il l ip s . bearing animals were liable to become Phillips Hotel. The place for dinner. it seems to me the guides and coru- From what I can learn from people in Boothbay Harbor, Me., Jan. 19, 1900. extinct in Maine. In 1897, the tim e was F . S. Vin in g , Prop’r, Phillips, Me. | mission are in closer touch with this Maine aud from my own experience In reply to your question “Ought further extended for a period of six COPLEY SQUARE HOTEL, ! matter than we who are dubbed sports there, I siould think it very advisable there to be a close time on moose in years in which no beaver were to be Huntington Ave. and F.xeter St.. or liunters, and that they are the ones to have a close time on moose for a Maine for a term of years?” will say killed or destroyed. The last legisla­ Bo s t o n , m a s s . ! to answer the question by amending the periotl of years. If there is not some­ ture in repealing the old statute in rela­ Three minutes walk fiom new Back Bay that I do not feel competent to answer S tations of Boston & A lbany an d N.
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