University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository UNM Weekly 1921 UNM Weekly 1920-1923 1-7-1921 U.N.M. Weekly, Volume 023, No 15, 1/7/1921 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "U.N.M. Weekly, Volume 023, No 15, 1/7/1921." 23, 15 (1921). unm_weekly_1921/1 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the UNM Weekly 1920-1923 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in UNM Weekly 1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. •\ I FOUR n " , ', '\ ·u·'·N·. ' .~ 't.f.. 'WI'.EICLY , ki\OWII.' Mr. B~teman Ia a gradua.f!l !I ·'r :[, . :: engineer ;ond a member. of th\l Sig• ·rna Cbl fraternity. : ,I '' " ·l : .. ~ ' ·, ~ 'i ,... 1 ·Miss Rebecca Ho·rner Is In the city visiting friends. ·MI~s Horner will &nritty ~rnub a11ntl}:es BRING UP THOSE ·\ ' be remembered bY host~ of friends ._ GRADES _, FOR'YOUNG MEN . i\ND MEN .WHO STI'.Y YOUN!i at the UniV'!rstty, ,... M. ____ 1 r- r.. : N. WEEKLY:'f < 'l' I PUBLISIIED BY 'tHE STUDENTS OF 'l'HE UNlVERSITX QF NEW MEXICO :"' ':i 'I Francia· Pi ,.Kappa Alpha, Turn~;, -:::::;: ..-- I Ia leo.ving toi' hlij ·home In VIrginia I, Varsity Stud~nts :this week. Mr. Turner does not ex Vol. XXIII ALBUQUERQUE, NEW Mt:X-~0, FRIDAY, J,ANUARY 7, 1921 Number 15 ! . I I '~ pect to be back next ~\lJllester.