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DePaul University

A Very Potter Musical PR Plan Created for Broadway In

Haley Carmichael Final Project Stewart Public Relations - PRAD 255 11 March 2015

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Situation………………………………………………………………….3 Objectives………………………………………………………………..4 Target Audience…………………………………………………………4 Strategy…………………………………………………………………..5 Tactics……………………………………………………………………5 Calendar and Timetable……………………………………………...6 – 8 Budget……………………………………………………………………8 Evaluation………………………………………………………………..8 References………………………………………………………………..9

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Haley Carmichael Stewart Public Relations – PRAD 255 11 March 2015 Final Project Plan Outline Situation: is a commercial theatre company that presents touring shows in five beautiful theatres across downtown Chicago. They have been a part of the scene since 2000 and are well known for their pre-Broadway productions and for bringing beloved Broadway shows home to the Midwest! Broadway in Chicago often partners with hospitality and tourism organizations to further promote theatre and culture in Chicago. Their next project is a limited run of ! A Very Potter Musical is a musical parody of several of the beloved novels by J.K. Rowling. The musical was originally produced and performed in April of 2009 at the University of Michigan. Soon after it’s premiere, a video of the performance was put up on YouTube and became a viral video sensation, being viewed over 11 million times to this day. The producing group also wrote a sequel show A Very Potter Sequel and A Very Potter 3D: A Very Potter Senior Year. A Very Potter Senior Year was performed at the Harry Potter convention LeakyCon in August of 2012. wrote the music and lyrics for the show as well as starred in the title role of the young wizard himself. Since the original production, Criss has gained celebrity status through his role on popular TV show Glee. A Very Potter Musical has never been professionally staged before. However, the original cast returning for the show is an advantage. The limited run of this show is also an advantage, as it presents a sense of urgency to audiences to “see it before it’s gone!”. This campaign will be challenged by the time span that has elapsed since the YouTube video’s viral status and research will need to be done regarding its current popularity. This campaign will also be challenged by the popularity of the Harry Potter franchise being less prevalent since the release of the last movie in 2011.

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Objectives: • Sell tickets to a limited engagement run of A Very Potter Musical • Make people aware that the original cast will be performing • Position the Broadway Playhouse at Water Tower Place as an intimate and exciting venue for A Very Potter Musical

Target Audience: Our target audience is geographically located in urban and suburban cities. We are hoping to reach audiences in Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and other parts of the Midwest. We chose this geographic audience because Chicago is one of the main urban cities within the Midwest and therefore can attract tourists who are not necessarily looking to travel too far or fly to their destination. Additionally this allows us to partner with hotels and restaurants and create a tourism package for the city of Chicago as a vacation destination close to home. Females and males are both part of our target audience. We chose this because females and males both attend theatre on a fairly equal basis. Additionally, the Harry Potter franchise has attracted both males and females so the production of A Very Potter Musical would be of interest to both genders. We are also targeting audiences with an education level of at least high school. This is due to some slight adult humor in the production. Additionally, our target audience age is from 18 to 35. This age range increases the likelihood that the audience member will have a good deal of exposure to the Harry Potter franchise, as the first novel came out in 1997. This age range is also more likely to be involved in popular culture and therefore attracted to this production. Our target audience has also ideally seen at least two or more professional theatre productions, therefore having some exposure to theatre. We would achieve this target by researching previous Broadway in Chicago ticket buyers and looking at what productions they had seen in addition to advertising near and in other artistic venues.

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Strategy: To promote Broadway in Chicago’s limited run of A Very Potter Musical with original cast through a spring communications campaign featuring public relations tactics that will position the show as an exciting and once-in-a-lifetime event that celebrates theatre, Chicago, and the new-age classic Harry Potter.

Tactics: • News/Press Releases: o Initial news release to announce the limited run of the show and its casting o Post-opening night news release detailing the success of the after party • Social Media Initiatives: o Have cast video blog about rehearsal process leading up to the show o Social Media contest asking participants to post a pic of their favorite Harry Potter memory to win two tickets to a performance o Vine contest asking participants to create a six second video of them singing their favorite lyrics from the musical for a chance to be part of a flash mob • Public Appearances: o Radio interview with director talking about challenges of rehearsal process o Media appearances by cast on Chicago news shows, talk shows • Special Events: o Flash Mob performance of “Goin’ Back to ” in Loop with Vine contestant winners o Special Harry Potter kick-off event following opening night with costume contests, pictures with the cast, themed food and drinks, and bands o Guerilla marketing effort where a sorting hat is set in downtown Loop and people pull flyers advertising the show out that come with a house sticker and coordinating colored flyer

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Calendar and Timetable:

Date/Deadlines Activity *June 1, 2016 through August 1, 2016 *Show will run every weekend Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday nights Mid January 2016 Plan for Harry Potter opening night special event Early February 2016 Write initial press release announcing cast and run dates Early February 2016 Write press release detailing Vine contest Early February 2016 Plan for Harry Potter opening night special event promotion Mid February 2016 Plan for guerilla sorting hat marketing Late February 2016 Get final approval for press release announcing cast and run dates Late February 2016 Finalize promotion plans for Harry Potter opening night special event Late February 2016 Get final approval for press release detailing Vine contest Early March 2016 Press release announcing cast and run dates sent to news outlets Early March 2016 Press release detailing Vine contest sent to news outlets Early March 2016 Plan for social media ticket contest Early March 2016 Write press release highlighting social media ticket contest Mid March 2016 Promotion for Harry Potter opening night special event begins Mid March 2016 Finalize press release highlighting social Carmichael 7

media ticket contest Mid March 2016 Arrange for radio show interview with director Mid March 2016 Vine contest begins April 1, 2016 Tickets for show go on sale Early April 2016 Press release highlighting social media ticket contest sent to news outlets Early April 2016 Social media ticket contest promotion begins Mid April 2016 Vine contest ends Mid April 2016 Finalize plans for guerilla sorting hat marketing Late April 2016 Vine contest winners announced Early May 2016 Cast begins video blogging Early May 2016 Send necessary press kit to radio station for director interview Early May 2016 Guerilla sorting hat marketing starts Mid May 2016 Rehearsals for flash mob begin May 1, 2016 Social media contest begins Mid May 2016 Radio interview with director Mid May 2016 Cast concludes video blogging Late May 2016 Flash mob of “Goin’ Back to Hogwarts” in Loop with Vine contest winners May 31, 2016 Social media contest ends and winners are announced June 3, 2016 Opening night and Harry Potter special event after party June 4, 2016 Write news release detailing opening night and Harry Potter special event after party June 7, 2016 Finalize news release detailing opening Carmichael 8

night and Harry Potter special event after party June 9, 2016 Press release detailing opening night and Harry Potter special event after party sent to news outlets

Budget: • Staff expenses • Print and media expenses • Special event expenses o Food o Band o Security o Talent o Decorations o Wait/kitchen staff o Street activity permits o Flash mob dancers/security

Evaluation: • Ticket sales o Successful if house is 60 – 75% full every night of the show • Media coverage and viewership on media appearances o TV ratings, radio show ratings, how many times releases are published in print or online by a source other than us • Post-show surveys sent to ticket buyers via email o Successful if 50% of recipients respond • Google analytics to track web hits • Social media likes, comments, retweets Carmichael 9

o Successful if social media posts gets at least 25% of viewers to like, favorite, or retweet post o Successful if at least 30% of followers create contest entries References: "About Broadway In Chicago." Broadway in Chicago. Broadway in Chicago, n.d. Web.

11 Mar. 2015. "Broadway Playhouse at Water Tower Place." Broadway in Chicago. Broadway in

Chicago, n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2015. Starkid Productions. "A Very Potter Musical." Starkid. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2015.