July/August 2019 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5779 Kulanu Shabbat in the Park Join us for a fun Shabbat in beautiful Holliday Park surrounded by nature. Holliday Park 6363 Spring Mill Rd. July 12 at 6:15pm JULY and AUGUST EVENTS SCHEDULE


Monday, July 1 Sunday, July 14 Monday, August 5 Thursday, August 15 6:30pm - Lilith Salon 5:00pm - LAF Tribute to Benny 6:30pm - Lilith Salon 6:00pm - IHC Board Meeting Goodman concert Thursday, July 4 Thursday, August 8 Friday, August 16 Offices closed for Wednesday, July 17 5:30pm - Executive 1:00pm - LAF Picnic with Silver Independence Day 9:30am - Torah Talk Committee Meeting Linings 7:30pm - Choir Rehearsal Wednesday, July 10 Tuesday, August 13 Wednesday, August 21 9:30am - Torah Talk Thursday, July 18 12:00pm - Jewish Book Club 6:00pm - IndyChai Spiritual 6:30pm - Sisterhood Board 6:00pm - IHC Board Meeting Chevruta Meeting Wednesday, August 14 7:30pm - Choir Rehearsal Wednesday, July 24 9:30am - Torah Talk Friday, August 23 9:30am - Torah Talk 11:30am - LAF Dine Around 10:00am - LAF Slow Mass Thursday, July 11 7:30pm - Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm - Sisterhood Board 5:30pm - Executive Meeting Committee Meeting Friday, July 26 7:30pm - IndyChai Jewish Movie Night

The events listed here are only those already scheduled by this issue’s print deadline. For the most up-to-date listings, check the calendar at www.ihcindy.org, read your weekly update and check Facebook. If you have an event that you would like to be added to the calendar, please email [email protected].


SHABBAT -Korach: Num. 16:1-18:32 SHABBAT - Pinchas: Num. 25:10-30:1 SHABBAT - Vaetchanan: Deu. 3:23-7:11 Friday, July 5 Friday, July 26 Friday, August 16 5:30pm - Remembrance Service 5:30pm - Remembrance Service 5:30pm - Remembrance Service 6:15pm - Traditional Shabbat 6:15pm - Traditional Shabbat 6:15pm - Nefesh Shabbat Saturday, July 6 Saturday, July 27 Saturday, August 17 8:30am - Shabbat Morning Warmup 8:30am - Shabbat Morning Warmup 8:30am - Shabbat Morning Warmup 9:00am - Tanakh Study 9:00am - Tanakh Study 9:00am - Tanakh Study 10:30am - Shabbat Worship 10:30am - Shabbat Worship 10:30am - Shabbat Worship Bar Mitzvah of Ryan Silien Bat Mitzvah of Rachel Mintz SHABBAT - Matot-Masei: Num. 30:2-36:13 SHABBAT - Chukat: Num. 19:1-22:1 Friday, August 2 SHABBAT - Eikev: Deu. 7:12-11:25 Friday, July 12 5:30pm - Remembrance Service Friday, August 23 5:30pm - Remembrance Service 6:15pm - Traditional Shabbat 5:30pm - Remembrance Service 5:45pm - Early Oneg Shabbat Saturday, August 3 6:15pm - Traditional Shabbat 6:15pm - Traditional Shabbat 8:30am - Shabbat Morning Warmup Saturday, August 24 6:15pm - Shabbat in the Park 9:00am - Tanakh Study 8:30am - Shabbat Morning Warmup Saturday, July 13 10:30am - Shabbat Worship 9:00am - Tanakh Study 8:30am - Shabbat Morning Warmup Bar Mitzvah of Maxwell Nefouse 10:30am - Shabbat Worship 9:00am - Tanakh Study Bat Mitzvah of Sela Larman 10:30am - Shabbat Worship SHABBAT - Devarim: Deu. 1:1-3:22 Friday, August 9 SHABBAT - Re’eh: Deu. 11:26-16:17 SHABBAT - Balak: Num. 22:2-25:9 5:30pm - Remembrance Service Friday, August 30 Friday, July 19 5:45pm - Early Oneg Shabbat 5:30pm - Remembrance Service 5:30pm - Remembrance Service 6:15pm - Traditional Shabbat 6:15pm - Traditional Shabbat 6:15pm - Nefesh Shabbat Saturday, August 10 Saturday, August 31 Saturday, July 20 8:30am - Shabbat Morning Warmup 8:30am - Shabbat Morning Warmup 8:30am - Shabbat Morning Warmup 9:00am - Tanakh Study 9:00am - Tanakh Study 9:00am - Tanakh Study 10:30am - Shabbat Worship 10:30am - Shabbat Worship 10:30am - Shabbat Worship Bat Mitzvah of Maya Johnson

2 IHC KULANU JULY/AUGUST 2019 Tell & Kvell Mazel Tov: Debbi Kasper on the naming of her grandchildren: DeAnna Joanne Kasper (Meria Yochanna bat Melech) and Brian Ray Kasper (Barzilai Adin bar Melech), children of Derek and Tanna Kasper; and Olivia Elizabeth Wagner (Oshri Elisheva bat Shira), daughter of Shannon and Ryan Wagner. Scott Fox and Dori Chandler on the birth of their child. Our hearts go out to the following members who are in mourning: Dee (Ron) Bloom, daughter of Leonard “Lenny” Newman (d. May 20, 2019). Rachel (Steve) Gallagher, daughter of Harriet Greenwald; and Matthew, Aaron and Emily Gallagher, grandchildren of Harriet Greenwald (d. April 24, 2019). Lynn Giles, wife of Franklin “Frank” Giles II (d. April 21, 2019). IHC Community remembering Rosemary Kaplan (d. May 15, 2019). IHC Community remembering Marilyn Peachin (d. April 26, 2019). Fran Reed, wife of Richard “Dick” Reed (d. April 8, 2019). Cantor Janice Roger, mentee of Judith Karzen (d. April 25, 2019). Cathi Rubenstein, wife of Cliff Rubenstein (d. May 21, 2019). Marla (Douglas) Rubenstein, daughter of Seymour “Sy” Schwartz (d. April 21, 2019). Andrew “Andy” (Julie Wechter-Smith) Smith, son of Thomas Jefferson “Jeff” Smith; Jordan and Justin Smith, grandsons of Thomas Jefferson “Jeff” Smith (d. April 20, 2019). Jeannie (Mark) Stein, niece of Richard “Dick” Fine; and Daniel (Christin) Stein, great-nephew of Richard “Dick” Fine (d. April 4, 2019). Debbie (Douglas) Waldman, sister-in-law of Mary Garman; and Jospeh and Joshua Waldman, nephews of Mary Garman (d. May 24, 2019). Mazel Tov Ryan Silien will be called to the Torah on July 6, 2019. He is the son of Dan and Rachel Silien. He is a rising eighth grader at Carmel Middle School. In his free time, he greatly enjoys playing the cello. He loves reading and is happily consumed by a great book for hours on end. Ryan also loves traveling and seeing the sights of the world while experiencing various cultures.

Maxwell (Max) Lonnie Nefouse will be called to the Torah on Saturday, August 3, 2019. He is the oldest son of Tony and Mandy Nefouse and brother to Sam and Ari. Max will be a seventh grader at Zionsville Middle School this upcoming school year. Max enjoys playing hockey for Indiana Youth Hockey Association and has a love for reading.

Maya Johnson will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, August 10, 2019. She is the daughter of Jennifer Katz and James Johnson, and is the sister of Hannah Johnson. Maya will attend the 10th grade at Riverside High School in Indianapolis this fall. Originally from New York City, Maya lived in Omaha, Nebraska for seven years prior to moving with her family to Indianapolis last summer. Maya has played violin for eight years, and recently began studying piano. She enjoys reading, drawing, history and science. In 2018, Maya was the winner of the Westside Middle School Geography Bee in Omaha.

Rachel Barton Mintz will be called to the Torah on August 17, 2019. She is the daughter of Lindsey and Jason Mintz, the older sister of Maxine and Bernie, and the granddaughter of Adrienne and Michael Mintz and of Sandy and Doug Barton. Rachel will be in the seventh grade this Fall and is proud to have earned straight “A”s the past three years. She attended Westlane Middle School and is starting at Creekside Middle School in Carmel this Fall. She loves her summers at GUCI, which she’s been attending since Camp K’ton. Rachel enjoys singing and going to concerts, playing softball and spending time with friends and her dog, Ollie.

Sela Elizabeth Larman will be called to the Torah on August 24, 2019. She attends Park Tudor School where she is a rising eighth grader. Sela is the daughter of Philip and Wendalon Larman and sister of Liviya Larman. She is an avid reader and also enjoys playing tennis and lacrosse or relaxing with friends.

www.ihcindy.org 3 CLERGY CORNER

Rabbi Brett Krichiver; [email protected] The Personal and the Profound

It won’t come as a surprise to you that I have seen a lot of Bat Mitzvah ceremonies. Through seminary, at our congregations in Denver, Los Angeles and over nine years in Indianapolis, I estimate I have participated in as many as a thousand or more B’nai Mitzvah. A child seemingly grows two inches taller as they read from the ancient scroll. Parents share a moment of intimate pride and joy surrounded by a village of love. I have been moved every single time!

And yet it may also not come as a surprise that none of those experiences prepared me in the slightest for my own daughter’s Bat Mitzvah celebration in June.

Standing on our bimah with my own family, sharing in Sierra’s accomplishments with them and with many of you created a special moment I will never forget.

Mostly I will never forget how nervous I felt. Normally the and Cantor are fully in control, but the emotions of the day left me anything but “in control.” I am proud of Sierra every single day but was overwhelmed with pride on that day. I feel love (and express it) for her every single day but felt overwhelmed with love on that day. I feel extremely close to my daughter and my family, but we all felt overwhelmed with closeness on that day.

It is cliché to say I felt unprepared. Our kids grow up so fast. I know, and yet it is true. What might we say to them as parents on the bimah that will help them understand all that we hope for them? I spent most of that morning replaying scenes in my head of standing with baby Sierra in the hospital, marveling over her newly washed shock of dark brown hair, her tiny, paper-thin toenails and large, powerful lungs. It truly does seem like moments ago.

This is the magic of Jewish ceremony. I witness it often in events I share with your families, but something special was waiting for me on that Shabbat morning.

Every week as we arrive at IHC, Sierra runs off to find friends, to read a book in our library with Evelyn, or just to make herself comfortable in my office. She helps herself to a treat (or four) at Oneg Shabbat, where she will warmly greet those of you she has had the pleasure to get to know. She sees many friends she knows intimately from their time together at Goldman Union Camp, where she has spent most of her summers. She feels her Judaism as a rich stream of rituals, songs and relationships that flow through her and around her, embracing her and protecting her. That is what each of you has brought to our family, that is the magic we feel at IHC.

Our full weekend was a recognition of that magic. Yes, the music, the service and the Torah reading all went very smoothly. Sierra shared her Torah portion with her grandfather who read one Aliyah in honor of turning 83, which traditionally is considered the age for a “second Bar Mitzvah.” That will always be a special memory. But what made that Shabbat most special was the beautiful community of friends and family who surrounded us and lifted us up.

The overwhelming emotion that carried me through that weekend was gratitude. Not only gratitude for my dynamic, brilliant, beautiful girl and the incredible presence she brought to her Bat Mitzvah ceremony, but for each of you, who made the day what it was, a celebration of our community. Sierra is a product of that community, and that is the biggest blessing for me to witness. Thank you!


Evelyn Pockrass; [email protected] We hope you are enjoying your summer break from the more hectic routines that affect lives during most of the rest of the year. If you need any help in locating a book to read, or in researching a project with Jewish content, let us know and we will do our best to be of service to you. Temple Library is open as usual during the summer. We look forward to greeting all the Religious School families by mid-August and to welcoming Rabbi Roxanne Shapiro as the new Director of Lifelong Learning.


In the past, we have commented about award-winning books. This year, the Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature, presented annually on an alternate basis to emerging writers of fiction and non-fiction, went to Michael David Lukas, author of the novel The Last Watchman of Old Cairo. Three of the five finalists for the prize were authors of books the IHC Jewish Book Club discussed during the past 16 months. The two other nominees were Rachel Kadish for The Weight of Ink and Mark Sarvas for Memento Park. Each of us has our own likes and dislikes but certainly the stories that these authors have told have held interest for many readers. In the case of “Watchman,” Lukas created three stories that were woven together over a thousand year period and reflected the history and life of the respective time frame: the eleventh century, the late nineteenth century and the second half of the twentieth century. Lukas has taken us on a powerful journey to meet Ali, the fictional adolescent watchman of the Ibn Ezra , and to learn about the who were its leaders. In 1897, we get to meet historic figures such as those well-documented British twin sisters, Agnes and Margaret, who helped Rabbi Solomon Schechter bring treasured papers from the Cairo Geniza to Cambridge University. Then there is the contemporary narrator, Joseph al-Raqb, son of a Cairo-born Jewish mother and a Muslim father who was the last watchman and guardian of the geniza during the turbulent times of twentieth century conflicts in the Middle East. The legacy of being the synagogue watchman was handed down with pride as an honor over the ages among the al-Raqb family. The relationship between the Jewish community and the Muslim guardian was a respectful and understanding one even under trying circumstances. The author, who is an assistant professor of creative writing at San Francisco State University and has lived in Israel and in Egypt, carefully portrays the sights and sounds of the society in which each watchman lived as well as the characteristics of the people with whom he interacted. The reader wants to find out how the characters fared and what their connections were to one another over the years. There probably are favorite episodes for each reader, depending on which personalities have attracted one’s attention. The overall impression is that the history and sociology of life in Cairo (which was two cities at one time) is fascinating and exciting to explore. If you are able to read this work by Michael David Lukas, feel free to share your thoughts with us.

You always are welcome to come to the Temple Library. Read, browse, borrow!

TEMPLE LIBRARY JEWISH BOOK CLUB July Tuesday Looking Ahead August 13, 2019 No session SEPTEMBER 15: scheduled THE TATTOOIST OF HOUSE OF GOLD AUSCHWITZ by by Natasha Solomons Heather Morris

Meetings are at noon at IHC in Room 206. Read the book. Bring your lunch. Join the group for a lively discussion.

Questions? Contact Evelyn Pockrass, Librarian: 317.255.6647 x217 or [email protected].

www.ihcindy.org 5 SOCIAL JUSTICE

Marilyn Smith, Chair; [email protected]

“It is good and right that we reach into the river of despair and rescue people who are drowning. But there comes a time when you need to move upstream and see who’s throwing them in.” - Rabbi

IHC’s Mission Statement states that “Judaism must be a force to build a just world” and that IHC believes in “being a leader in advocating for Jewish values in the world.” In 2018, IHC became one of over 200 Reform congregations (and only the second in Indiana) to enter into a “Brit Olam” with the Religious Action Center (RAC) of . This covenant encourages congregations to step into deeper, more systemic social justice work in addition to charitable and social action programs. To discover what’s been happening “upstream,” an IHC delegation representing the IHC Board and Congregation, consisting of Rabbi Krichiver and IHC Social Justice Committee Members Alex Slabosky, Les Zwirn and Steve Bulloff recently attended the RAC’s 2019 Consultation on Conscience in Washington D.C., joining more than 1,200 attendees from across the U.S and Canada, as well as many more who participated online. The RAC’s three-day event was jam-packed with high-powered, inspiring social justice advocates and progressive political leaders discussing environmental justice, gun violence prevention, immigration justice, racial justice (including the rapid rise in Anti-Semitism), reproductive justice and voting rights. The Consultation ended with nearly 700 RAC delegates lobbying U.S. Representatives and Senators asking them to co-sponsor and support pending legislation pertaining to immigration and voting rights. Most importantly, the RAC conducted numerous workshops that trained us to transform our congregations and to construct social justice campaigns that will produce actionable results, making the Brit Olam pledge come alive. In the very near future, the IHC Social Justice Committee will be seeking input from the IHC Community at-large, as we enter into a focused social justice campaign to fulfil our renewed commitment to repair the world through acts of Tikkun Olam.


Dori Chandler; [email protected] Whether you seek to practice Tikkun Olam or simply save some money on energy costs, now is a good time to put solar panels on your roof.

Judaism teaches us to respect our world and our bodies, and solar energy helps keep our world clean. The federal solar tax credit of 30% is due to decrease and then end over the next three years, but is still available in 2019. IHC’s Adamah Initiative supports solar power and recommends that you join the Indianapolis Solar Co-op, which brings individuals together to save money on installing solar panels.

Joining the Solar Co-op costs nothing, doesn’t oblige you to anything, and lets you, if you choose, take advantage of the bulk rate negotiated by the Solar Co-op. You can learn about the Co-op online and/or in person at either of two public meetings.

The deadline for joining the current Solar Co-op is July 31. If you have questions, feel free to contact IHC member Andy Arenson at [email protected] or 317.679.4669.

To see more about the Indianapolis Solar Co-op, visit their web page: https://www.solarunitedneighbors.org/co-ops/indiana/indianapolis-solar-co-op/

Public Meetings: Saturday, June 22 Wednesday, June 26 1:00pm 6:30pm Visit the Hoosier Interfaith Dugout Bar Indianapolis Public Library Power and Light Facebook 621 Virginia Avenue Irvington Branch page for more details and Indianapolis, IN 46203 Large Meeting Room to RSVP. 5625 E Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46219 6 IHC KULANU JULY/AUGUST 2019 SISTERHOOD Amy Isaacs, IHC Sisterhood President; [email protected] Looking for a gift? Come shop at the Sisterhood Gift Shop!

SUMMER Gift Shop Hours (Memorial Day - Labor Day) Wednesdays: 10:00am - 2:00pm Fridays: 5:15pm - 6:00pm

BROTHERHOOD Neal Ginsberg, IHC Brotherhood President; [email protected] Brotherhood continued our support for all areas of IHC this spring by supporting the NFTY Spring Kallah, May Tot Shabbat, and Cantor Marer’s installation Oneg Shabbat. Brotherhood also helped celebrate the end of the religious school year with an ice cream sundae bar and helped to honor this year’s confirmation class by presenting each confirmand with a personalized gift. Finally, Brotherhood has awarded the 2019 Marcia Goldstein Brotherhood scholarship to a deserving IHC Senior. Many thanks to those who have contributed to our scholarship fund. As the weather warms up for summer, Brotherhood will be hosting outings to the Indianapolis Indians, as well as other fun family-friendly activities. Please stay tuned to email and Facebook for more details.

If you have not yet joined Brotherhood, it is never too late. Please go to https://ihcindy.org/ihcindy.org/who_we_are/brotherhood for more information or email any questions to [email protected].

www.ihcindy.org 7 EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER

Taryn Fartouh, ECC Director; [email protected]

The IHC Early Childhood Center is committed to giving toddlers through kindergartners varied and rich opportunities for growth and development. We believe in providing an atmosphere of love, learning and play, which is greatly enhanced by our Jewish values. We also have a dedicated commitment to diversity among our ECC families and our staff. Registration has begun for the 2019-2020 school year. If you are interested in finding out more about the curriculum or would like to schedule a tour, please email Taryn Fartouh at [email protected] or call 317.254.2186.


Matthew Hastings, Youth Coordinator; [email protected]

My name is Matthew Hastings, and I am the new Youth Coordinator here at IHC. I am excited to get started working with the various youth groups at the Temple and community wide. We already have some fun events planned, and I look forward to working with our parent committees to continue to grow our youth programming. I can’t wait to get started! Here are some dates to save on your calendar in the next few months, but stay tuned for many more.

August 7 - IFTY Kickoff Party August 25 - Small Chai, Rishonim, and JIFTY Kickoff Party @ IHC After Religious School September 8 - JIFTY Event September 14 - Rishonim Shabbaton September 15 - Small Chai Event September 20 - 22 - Midwest Mesibah (IFTY) September 30 - Rosh Hashanah Retreat (GUCI)

Note: Everyone enrolled in Religious School is automatically enrolled in Youth Groups, but we accept non-Religious School students as members as well. Email Matt for more information: [email protected].

See the back page for a complete schedule of High Holy Day events and services.


Rabbi Roxanne Shapiro, Director of Lifelong Learning; [email protected]

A note from Rabbi Roxanne:

Summer has begun, and we are already well underway with preparations for the next school year! Enjoy the summer, but make sure you have the important information below to be ready for August and the start of school.

I am delighted to be focusing on the Jewish education offerings at IHC. I believe that Jewish education can be meaningful, thought-provoking and engaging. I look forward to working with you to make sure that you, our learners of all ages, are finding the path in Jewish education that fits for you. We have learned from informal educational experiences like youth group and camp that one of the things that matters the most is the sense of community. When we are “present” – physically and emotionally – we start to build community. And community -- that feeling of belonging -- is of great importance. I look forward to getting to know each of you and becoming a part of the IHC community! Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] or 317.255.6647 x213. L’shalom, Rabbi Roxanne

Mark your calendars for the First Day of Religious School

RELIGIOUS SCHOOL August 18 – Religious School (K-7) • Opening Day of Religious School at IHC • Join your child for t’filah (worship) in the sanctuary during the first 15 minutes of Religious School that begins at 9:00am. • Following t’filah students will go to their classrooms. Parents should stay in the sanctuary for an informational welcome with Rabbi Roxanne Shapiro, Director of Lifelong Learning. August 25 – Religious School & Derech Torah September 1 – Labor Day / No Religious School or Derech Torah September 8 – Religious School & Derech Torah September 15 -- Religious School & Derech Torah September 22 -- Religious School & Derech Torah September 29 – Erev Rosh Hashanah / No Religious School or Derech Torah


All Derech Torah registration materials have been emailed. If you did not receive an email please contact Barbara Chapman ([email protected]) so we can get your correct email information. Most of our Derech Torah correspondence comes via email. All registration materials and calendars are available on the website - ihcindy.org under the tab of Lifelong Learning and then selecting Derech Torah. If you do not have email or access to the web, stop by the Education Office and Barbara will print off a package for you. Classes are filling up so if you have not sent back your materials please do so soon. Our Parent-Student Orientation is scheduled for August 21 at 6:30pm. Students will receive their full schedules and lab fees are due at that time. If anyone has any questions regarding the program or classes, do not hesitate to contact Debbi Kasper, Derech Torah Coordinator - [email protected]. Important Dates: • Wednesday, August 21, 6:30pm – Parent-Student Orientation and class schedules • Sunday, August 25, 10:30am - Sunday classes begin • Wednesday, August 28, 6:30pm - Wednesday classes begin Be sure to work on your expectation opportunities. Don’t forget to sign up at least one time to be a Shabbat Greeter. Simply sign up on IHC’s website to volunteer or email Barbara Chapman at [email protected].

When attending Shabbat worship at IHC remember to sign in for Derech Torah credit. The attendance sheet is located at the front desk.

www.ihcindy.org 9 SMALL GROUPS

Upcoming IndyChai Events Welcome to LAF – Life After Fifty – IHC’s social program for the “more mature” members of the congregation, ages Jewish Movie Night 50+. Our goal is to provide you – whether Friday, July 26, 6:00pm single, married, divorced or widowed

– an opportunity to connect with other Join your favorite group of adults congregants by building on existing in their 20s and 30s for a movie friendships and encouraging new ones. For night! Stay tuned for details about more information, contact Marcia Goldstein, what we’ll be showing. LAF Coordinator: [email protected].

Spiritual Chevruta To sign up for events, go to the IHC website and click on the white Wednesday, August 21, 6:00pm and orange rectangle on the right. You can also contact Barbara Chapman at [email protected] to make a reservation. We had such a great time at our first Spiritual Chevruta that we’re doing it again! Everyone is welcome to join us for an Sunday, July 14, 5:00pm evening of good old-fashioned Talmudic debate. Topics vary, Free concert at Zionsville Lions Park but no preparation is necessary. “A Tribute to Benny Goodman” Gather starting at 5:00; concert starts at 7:00. Bring your lawn chair and dinner to enjoy while visiting with LAFers before the concert begins. Parking is available close to the gazebo where the concert will take Mitzvah Stitchers Need(le)s You! place. Do you quilt, sew, crochet or knit? If yes, IHC’s Mitzvah Stitchers Wednesday, August 14, 11:30am invites you to join us. For more than six years, we have made “Dine Around” lunch at Steak & Shake, Nora lap quilts, scarves, hats, and much more to help those in our The last “Dine Around” at Steak & Shake was such a success that we’ve scheduled another one. An inexpensive meal complete with community. The Stitchers are a close knit group of women terrific company! and men who come together Sunday mornings (during Religious School) and one Tuesday evening a month to foster INTERFAITH PROGRAMING WITH community and create items to give away. ST. ELIZABETH SETON “SILVER LINING” GROUP LAF has established a wonderful connection with Seton parishioners If you are not a crafter, you can still help! Mitzvah Stitchers and all who come to our joint events have a delightful time. gratefully accepts yarn, washable fabric, and notions to use Friday, August 16, 1:00pm for our work. Picnic at Founder’s Park, 11675 Hazel Dell, Carmel Bring your own lunch or contact Marcia to order a box lunch from us: To learn more about Mitzvah Stitchers or make a donation [email protected]. of materials (or money), please contact either Enid Zwirn at [email protected] or Cantor Janice Roger at Friday, August 23, 10:00am [email protected]. “Slow Mass” with Father Ted Rothrock, St. Elizabeth Seton, 106th & Haverstick This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the mass and how and why it’s constructed the way it is. Father Ted will offer background and information in a “slow,” informative manner. Those who attended the last program came back raving about it - some of our Catholic hosts said they learned much they hadn’t known before! If you would like to carpool from IHC, please let Marcia know.

JEWISH TRAVEL Life After Fifty is planning two outstanding travel opportunities. We are gathering names of those who are interested in these experiences.



If you are interested in either of these opportunities and haven’t put your name on our list, contact Marcia to do so at [email protected]. Small Group Contacts Sometimes our congregation can feel a bit large. Join a small group! Make it feel smaller. Adamah (Earth) Initiative IHC Softball Team LAF (Life After Fifty) News & Nosh Tanakh Study Dori Chandler Rick Goldstein Marcia Goldstein Donna Segal Brandon Hale [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Caring Community IndyChai (20s & 30s) Lilith Salon 65th Street Klezmorim Torah Talk Norm Sider Denis Kurmanov Andrea Burnett Shawn Goodman Sharon Baldwin [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

IHC Community Choir Jewish Book Club Mitzvah Stitchers Social Justice Cantor Aviva Marer Evelyn Pockrass Cantor Janice Roger Marilyn Smith [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

10 IHC KULANU JULY/AUGUST 2019 We thank the following people for ensuring the Jewish future of Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation by becoming a Life & Legacy donor:

Anonymous (4) Lynda & Evan Goodman Marilyn Smith & Andrew McSheffery Gayle & Jerald Ancel Melanie & Oren Gottlieb Joan & Nathan Miller Elaine & Gerald Arffa Rachel & Benjamin Greenfield Jason Mintz Betsy Backe Judith & Chester Hastings Susan & Jack Moss Shirley Backer* Janie & Thomas Herman Helen & Ronald Newmark Barb* & Steve* Bailie June Herman Gladys Nisenbaum* Beverly & Robert Baker Carolyn & Harold Hiser Dorit & Gerald Paul Mary Ruth Barnard Francine* & Roger Hurwitz Eloise Paul Barbara & Michael Blickman Lainie & Steven Hurwitz Susan & Ronald* Popp Toby & Sol* Blickman Amy & Dwayne Isaacs Franklyn Prickett Connie* & Stanley Braun Susan Jacobs Becky & Mark Ristow Bea Hersch Cahn Emily & Brian Kahn Harriet & Joseph Rodenberg Susan & Peter* Cahn Joan* & David* Kahn Janice & Brandon Roger Linda & Louis Cantor Dana & Marc Katz Francine* & Gabriel Rosenberg Karen & Charles Cohen Karen & Mitchell Katz Jane* & Maurel* Rothbaum Tina & Bradley Cohen Gaye & Michael Kerschner Lisa & Larry Sablosky Daniel Cook Andrew Kleiman Caryl Shideler Sally A. Cook David Kleiman Norman Sider Be remembered forever at IHC with Sara & Brian Cox Marge Klein* Florence & Gregory Silver Miriam & David Dant Tami & Rabbi Brett Krichiver Helaine & Robert* Simon a gift in your will, trust, retirement Judie & Thomas Doehrman Caroline & Gregory Kroot Michael Skolnick Patricia Freeman Dorson Natalie & Martin Kroot Marcella & Alex Slabosky plan or life insurance. To find out & Roland Dorson Jacqueline Larman Cynthia Yosha-Snyder & Roger Snyder Sonja Kantor & Henry Efroymson Joanne & Roger Lenke Judith & Theodore Sosin more or to let us know you have Herbert Falender* Florence Leviton* Alana* & Daniel Spitzberg Myra & Donald Fisher Lynn Levy Sarah Freeman & Ian Stewart already done so, please contact Laurie & Edward Freeman Barbara & Marks* Levy Frances* & Philip* Stiefler Barbara* & Irving* Freeman Louise & Jerry Litwack Betty & Morton Tavel Dan Silien at 317.255.6647. Susan & Robert Garelick Betti Kahn Lurie* Charlene & Sid* Tuchman Rhonda Gerson-Hurwitz David Lurvey Carly & Larry Turow & Chad Gerson Amelia Cook Lurvey* Carol Weiss Dorothy Gitlin* Diane Lutz Masha & David Wiener Christianne & Kenneth* Glasser Shirley & Gerald Mansbach Marcia & Marvin Goldstein Flo Mary & Thomas Mantel

www.ihcindy.org 11 TEMPLE DONATIONS Temple General Funds TEMPLE GENERAL FUND Memory of Harriet Greenwald PRAYER BOOK FUND Jim Maierson Tracy Safron Honor of Sam Rubin’s Bar Mitzvah Brent Hege Memory of Max Nelson Lynda Arnberg Honor of IHC Staff and Congregants Diane Lutz Memory of Irvin Rheins Second Presbyterian - Footsteps of Dana & Marc Katz Donna & Jerry Segal Faith Class IHC Board of Directors Honor of Reyna Stark’s Bat Mitzvah Nancy Joseph CARING COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS Owen Gray Memory of Harriet and Bill Greenwald Memory of Irvin Rheins Honor of Evelyn Pockrass’ Many Years of Service Linda Gaskill Jane Morrison Robin & Rick Weiss Memory of Esther Kaufman Honor of birth of granddaughter Zoe Libby Goble Marilyn & Jeff Bercovitz Memory of Beatrice Mustin Shander Youth Projects Funds Honor of Special Birthday of Natalie Kroot Anita & Howard Harris SPITZBERG/BASSLER/ARNOLD YOUTH FUND Helen & Ron Newmark Memory of Samuel Rosenblatt Memory of Larry Berns Memory of Todd Pearson Roger Hurwitz Karen Jacobson & Jimmy Stewart Joyce Fivel Memory of Lois Baker Memory of Bobbe Rosenfield Robert Baker DR. MORRIS STONER RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Nancy & Gene Bate Memory of Lois Ackerman Memory of David Dansker Memory of Irvin C. Rheins Helen & Ron Newmark Anita Dansker Nancy Brandi Memory or Frank Giles Shawn & Bob Deitch THE CANTOR JANICE L. ROGER MUSIC FUND Laura Rich Boyewsky Susan & Jack Hugenberg Robert Baker Memory of Rosemary Kaplan Elaine Eckstein & Eugene (Buddy) Wilson Honor of Installation of Cantor Aviva Marer Barbara & Cliff Chapman Leslie & David Morgan Anita Dansker Carolyn & David Budd Honor of Samuel Sanchez’s bassoon MAX STRASHUN TEMPLE TOTS Susie &Steve Knowles & Family performance at Carnegie Hall Memory of Fran Hurwitz Barry Miller & Family Joseph Rabb Linda Falender Carolyn & John Lanigan Memory of Jordan Leibman Memory of Todd Pearson Diane Lutz Elaine & Bob Sandy Linda Falender Denise Blanche Memory of Larry Berns Rochelle & Edward Cohen Memory of Fran Hurwitz Marian & Marc Aronstam Susan & Frank Miroff Eloise Paul & Bill Lee Memory of Jules Heisler Memory of Freda Dumes Dr. Martin Miller Evelyn Heisler Anita Dansker Diane Lutz Memory of Marilyn Peachin Memory of Jacob “Jack” Liebman Patricia Freeman Dorson & Roland Elaine Sandy Karen Jacobson & Jimmy Stewart Dorson Memory of Harriet Greenwald Memory of Seymour “Sy” Schwartz Helen & Ron Newmark Jan & Ernie Glaser Rochelle & Edward Cohen Memory of Larry Berns Memory of David Himm Memory of Max Nelson Judy Levy Anita Dansker Rochelle & Edward Cohen Betsy & Jim Backe Memory of Josef Vorsovsky YAHRZEIT MEMORIAL & CEMETERY FUND Rachael & Nathan Voldman Memory of Lev Weinstock Conf irmation Projects Funds Memory of Leyb Voldman Valentina & Sasha Greenberg KROOT FAMILY AWARD Rachael & Nathan Voldman Memory of Dorothy Gorshel Honor of Sarah Wolf Wedding Memory of Frank Giles Thelma Feldman Rita & Bob Berman Wendy & Bill Cohen Memory of Lawrence Feldman Memory of Max Nelson Carolyn Leeds Thelma Feldman Beverly & Gerald Klapper Susan & Marvin Mitchell Memory of Joseph Dansker Linda & William Riggs Anita Dansker Karen Jacobson & Jimmy Stewart Memory of Todd Pearson Library and Archives Fund Debby & Murray Passo Debbi Kasper Elliott Yolles Memory of David Nelson JOSEPH CANTOR LIBRARY Denise Nelson - CSO Architects, Inc. Libby Goble Memory of Larry Berns Gail Shiner Memory of Harriet Greenwald Dodie Stein Leanne & Bill Malloy Lawrence Greenwald Memory of Joseph Flummerfelt Mary Anne Matelic Memory of Max Nelson Dodie Stein Leah Bricker Rita Berman Memory of Frank Giles Rita & Rick Weinstein Memory of Rose Klein Terry Mumford Diane Lutz Helen and Ron Newmark Patricia Freeman Dorson & Roland Memory of George Mendlovitz LIBRARY BIRTHDAY BOOK CLUB Dorson Helen and Ron Newmark Honor of Rebecca Steingold Memory of Seymour “Sy” Schwartz Memory of Sadie Mendlovitz Lisa Brown, Mark Steingold & Melinda Marvel Helen and Ron Newmark Noah Steingold Memory of Joseph Flummerfelt Memory of Bert Newmark Betsy & Jim Backe Helen and Ron Newmark Patricia Freeman Dorson & Roland Memory of Max Mandel Dorson Helen and Ron Newmark Memory of Marilyn Peachin Gloria & Lyle Rosenzweig OUTDOOR BEAUTIFICATION/HARVEY GADDIE Erin Peachin FUND Patricia Freeman Dorson & Roland Memory of Alice Gumbiner Dorson Bobby & Lenny Rubenstein Marilyn & Jeff Bercovitz 12 IHC KULANU JULY/AUGUST 2019 TEMPLE DONATIONS

Adult Education Funds Clergy Funds MANTEL FAMILY THEATER, CULTURAL ARTS AND SENIOR RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY EDUCATION Susan Mitchell; Shawn Goodman; Andrew Smith; Memory of Max Nelson Rhonda Berns; Brotherhood; Cookie & Jerry Kraft Robert Baker Honor of Bea Fink’s Unveiling DAVID & ETHEL ROSENBERG EDUCATION Elaine and Leon Fink Memory of Jordan Leibman Honor of Sam Sanchez Joan Leibman Joseph Rabb Honor of Joseph Klineman’s Bar Mitzvah Dorothy & Alan Klineman Social Justice Memory of Dick Reed Fran Reed CHEVRAT CHESED – CARING COMMUNITY Memory of Rose Nickbarg Memory of Max Nelson Dolores Hanna Amy & Dwayne Isaacs Memory of Jacob “Jack” Liebman JoAnn & Joel Salon INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY NETWORK Memory of Irvin Rheins Speedy Recovery of Cliff Rubentstein Ken Kaplan Patty & Gary Goodman Joy Rheins Susan & Jack Moss SHELLEY SHANE SOCIAL ACTION Memory of Todd Pearson Memory of Todd Pearson Judy & Harvey Himelstein Karen Jacobson & Jimmy Stewart Memory of Frank Giles Lynn Giles PILLOWCASE PROJECT Jeannie & Mark Stein Memory of Richard “Dick” Reed Lisa & Larry Sablosky David Williams Amy & Dwayne Isaacs Memory of Harriet Greenwald SECOND HELPINGS Bobby & Lenny Rubenstein Memory of Jacob “Jack” Liebman Rachel Gallagher & Family Renee & Jerry Bergstein Memory of Seymour “Sy” Schwartz Jeannie & Mark Stein Marla & Douglas Rubenstein Memory of Fran Hurwitz Renee & Jerry Bergstein ASSOCIATE RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY Memory of Jordan Leibman The Wesleyan Church Renee & Jerry Bergstein Honor of Joseph Klineman’s Bar Mitzvah Memory of Irvin C. Rheins Dorothy & Alan Klineman Melinda Marvel Memory of Jack Hecht Linda Elliott Michael Sanders Memory of Max Nelson Memory of Fran Rosenberg Betty Calderon Gabe Rosenberg

GLEANERS FOOD BANK CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY Memory of Irvin Rheins Temple Sisterhood Craig Silverman Honor of Cantor’s Installation Memory of Frank Giles Judi & Chet Hastings Caryl Shideler Donna & Jerry Segal Mary & Harold Smith Honor of Joseph Klineman’s Bar Mitzvah Memory of Harriet Greenwald Dorothy & Alan Klineman Dee Cooler Speedy Recovery of David Bellman Memory of Marilyn Peachin Irene & Andy Engel Carolyn Leeds Memory of Rose Csillag Irene & Andy Engel Memory of Joe Star IHC Foundation Funds Irene & Andy Engel Memory of Frank Giles FOUNDATION GENERAL FUND Lynn Giles Memory of Marilyn Peachin Memory of Milt Nidety Joan & Nathan Miller Karla Yale Memory of Harriet Greenwald Memory of Harriet Greenwald Joan & Nathan Miller Fran Lazerov Memory of Max Nelson Memory of Seymour “Sy” Schwartz Joan & Nathan Miller Marla & Douglas Rubenstein Memory of Max Nelson Dorit Paul

www.ihcindy.org 13 YAHRZEIT These we remember... JULY/AUGUST 2019


07/01/1967 Joseph Ackerman 07/10/1984 Jerry Paskoff 07/17/1987 Marcia Levine 07/24/1981 Celia Zimmerman 07/01/1977 Samuel Fisher 07/10/1988 Bessie Robbins 07/17/1990 Louis Logan 07/24/2008 Myron Zwick 07/01/1982 Samuel Goldman 07/10/1941 Arthur Rose 07/17/1973 Lawrence Mayer 07/25/2015 Irving Chandler 07/01/1988 Amalie Lion 07/10/2008 Stephen Winn 07/17/1991 George Perla 07/25/2015 Willard Comer 07/01/1979 Albert Oshrin 07/11/2010 Shoshana Bronicki 07/17/1954 Benjamin Shapiro 07/25/1982 Leo Friedman 07/01/1958 Adella Teixler 07/11/2000 Patsy Cohen 07/17/1986 Herman Vaprin 07/25/2001 Jeanne Hirsch 07/01/1974 Gussie Tesser 07/11/1924 Hannah Dee 07/17/1984 Samuel Wolfson 07/25/1975 Hymie Holowitz 07/01/1969 Pessia Tokar 07/11/1986 Beatrice Fisher 07/18/1955 Sol Bodner 07/25/2008 Richard Kaplan 07/02/2009 Rosa Aronchik 07/11/1978 Benjamin Garelick 07/18/1998 Herschel Cohen 07/25/2009 Gloria Nelson 07/02/1983 Morris Epstein 07/11/2015 Mary Harrington 07/18/1968 Milton Ettinger 07/25/1979 Samuel Winograd 07/02/1997 Hattie Feldman 07/11/1986 Leo Kammen 07/18/1946 Morris Ressler 07/26/1997 Miriam Adolph 07/02/1977 Harry Goldberg 07/11/2010 Debra Maudlin 07/18/1963 Doris Shane 07/26/1945 Joseph Ehrenwald 07/02/2015 Olga Hindman 07/11/1981 Dorothy Michaels 07/18/2002 Joseph Wiener 07/26/1964 Jean Goodman 07/02/1992 Ralph Olsen 07/11/2015 Marvin Nickbarg 07/19/1934 Samuel Ancel 07/26/2012 Molly Jacobs 07/02/1998 Dorothy Schlesinger 07/11/1989 Leopold Oesterreicher 07/19/2002 Jack Bulloff 07/26/1991 Mack Katz 07/02/1952 Hermine Shapiro 07/11/2015 Spencer Rising-Moore 07/19/1988 Robert Fruehman 07/26/2009 Walter Moos 07/02/1964 Gassie Solomon 07/11/1991 Kathe Rothholz 07/19/1961 Rose Jaffe 07/26/1957 Bess Perk 07/03/2001 Margaret Apostle 07/12/1996 Ben Fink 07/19/1970 Mary Linde 07/26/1984 Phil Rosentraub 07/03/1970 Rosa Borodaty 07/12/1965 Joseph Garmel 07/19/2011 Goodman Miller 07/26/2007 Albert Schierhorst 07/03/1975 Irene Frey 07/12/1983 Celia Helford 07/20/1948 Morris Dee 07/26/1999 Adele Silver 07/03/1999 Richard Hertz 07/12/1963 Milton Jaffe 07/20/2013 Tom Heslin 07/26/2016 Clyde Sussman 07/03/1940 Goldie Kramer 07/12/2014 Rose Rosen 07/20/2006 Richard Jacobs 07/27/2007 Ben Broock 07/03/2000 Mel Micon 07/12/1988 James Ruekberg 07/20/2004 S Carroll Kahn, Jr 07/27/2012 Jean Dover 07/04/1948 Sigmund Asher 07/12/2009 Arnold Satz 07/20/1988 Erna Lindauer 07/27/2001 Ronetta Kahn 07/04/2011 William Gershman 07/12/2013 Margie Shane 07/20/2013 Carleen Paul 07/27/2001 Sydell Lewis 07/04/1990 Suzanne Greenberg 07/12/2008 Barbara Sicanoff 07/20/1992 Boris Rabin 07/27/2005 Dorothy Mantel 07/04/1939 Sidney Netzorg 07/13/2012 Louis Heilbrun 07/21/1988 Anthony Berk 07/27/1979 Anna Mell 07/04/2016 Louis Schabler 07/13/1991 Philip Lasley 07/21/1995 Madeline Creech 07/27/2000 Philip Pecar 07/04/1949 Mary Snellenberg 07/13/2016 Louis Lemberger 07/21/1964 Sarah Goldberg 07/27/2002 Ruth Rosenberg 07/04/1999 Claudia Talesnick 07/13/1970 Esther Paris 07/21/2007 Dorothy Krieger 07/27/1989 William Stein 07/04/1965 Rose Talesnick 07/13/2007 Marlene Pollack 07/21/1988 Melanie Weiss 07/27/1986 Lev Veygman 07/05/2001 Marjorie Cohn 07/13/1944 Pauline Ressler 07/22/2012 Mary Holloway 07/28/1972 Jacob Hays 07/05/2000 Fredric Fogle 07/13/1985 Meyer Smith 07/22/1999 Bertha Immerman 07/28/1991 Herbert Larman 07/05/2106 Edith Garfield 07/13/2008 Ann Warshawsky 07/22/1990 Emmanuel Meyer 07/28/1984 Harry Lazerov 07/05/2008 Esther Schwartz 07/14/2013 Jacob Cohen 07/22/1976 Saul Rabb 07/28/1996 Bernard Sosin 07/05/2013 Michael Waldman 07/14/1974 Joseph Druker 07/22/2003 Lester Rosenthal, Jr. 07/28/1969 Jodi Wrubel 07/06/2006 Tina Byrd 07/14/2001 Richard Falender 07/22/1979 Harry Rubenstein 07/29/2008 Gloria Baerncopf 07/06/2001 Carol Fihn 07/14/2005 Adlah Grossman 07/22/2016 David Scheer 07/29/1992 Charles Efroymson, Sr. 07/06/1932 Solomon Koby 07/14/1981 Ida Kappelman 07/23/1992 Arthur Cassell 07/29/2002 James Feeney 07/06/2013 Leo Lisker 07/14/2001 Robert Rose 07/23/2004 Roz Chall 07/29/1979 Irving Rockmore 07/06/2007 Shirley Schachter 07/14/2006 Vivian Weinberg 07/23/1965 Emanuel Fihn 07/29/1996 Stephanie Seleman 07/06/1974 Morris Silver 07/14/2014 Edward Wormser 07/23/2009 David Friedlander 07/30/1948 Bert Jaffe 07/07/1983 Abe Bartick 07/14/1975 Harold Yalowitz 07/23/1938 Abe Jacobson 07/30/1930 Lina Janovsky 07/07/1985 William Caplan 07/15/2011 Monroe Alt 07/23/1994 Hyman Kulback 07/30/1987 Eugena Kantina 07/07/1965 James Careskey 07/15/2012 Mary Appel 07/23/1991 Louis Rapoport 07/30/2009 Wendy Mossler 07/07/1992 Selma Cowan 07/15/1997 Harry Asher 07/23/1982 Manuel Segal 07/30/2014 Rose Rappaport 07/07/2013 Jonathan Dworkin 07/15/2018 Alice Blumenthal 07/23/2012 Roy Snedegar 07/30/1998 Janet Rothbard 07/07/1986 Maurice Weisberger 07/15/1967 Ruth Brodey 07/23/1968 Sarah Vaprin 07/30/2002 Percy Segal 07/08/1999 Leslie Baker 07/15/1960 William Hantman 07/23/1996 Genevieve Wolf 07/30/2000 Roger Sergeant 07/08/1993 Judith Feldman 07/15/2008 Bernice Simon 07/24/1955 Frank Bodner 07/31/2002 Andrew Bartick 07/08/1934 Clara Joseph 07/16/2002 Betty Greenberg 07/24/2009 Harry Chaifetz 07/31/1992 Lillian Cutler 07/08/1990 Mortimer Mann 07/16/2001 Julia Ratzman 07/24/1987 George Citizen 07/31/2013 Charles Epstein 07/08/1995 Sofiya Peysekhman 07/16/1985 Carl Solomon 07/24/2005 William Cohen 07/31/1931 Morris Fishman 07/08/1987 Samuel Richman 07/17/2003 David Baerncopf 07/24/2016 Gertrude Joseph 07/31/1998 Lisl Fruehman 07/08/2012 Betty Vinson 07/17/2017 James Fishman 07/24/1935 Esther Krinsky 07/31/1994 Rachel Gitsis 07/08/2007 William Wechter 07/17/2011 Elizabeth Friedmann 07/24/1954 Rebecca Levine 07/31/1935 Moses Goldberg 07/09/2000 Inga Beiman 07/17/1991 Perry Goldstein 07/24/1988 Regina Mendelson 07/31/1982 Rosalyn Rifkin 07/09/1987 Thelma Medias 07/17/1961 Sophie Hersh 07/24/1980 David Nelson 07/31/2005 Albert Simon 07/09/1941 Arthur Rose 07/17/1990 Harold Jaffe 07/24/1977 Herman Schuchman 07/31/2004 Fyodor Zamorsky 07/10/2016 Shirley Cohen 07/17/1994 Sylvia Lefkovitz 07/24/2011 Edward Sigalow 07/10/1976 Meyer Efroymson 07/17/1987 Charles Levine 07/24/1999 Dennis Silverstein


08/01/1987 Sol Bergstein 08/08/1952 Ruth Medias 08/16/1982 Kiefer Lazarus 08/24/2013 Stanley Craig 08/01/1985 Ruth Eddis 08/08/1973 Maurice Newman 08/16/2013 Phyllis Netzorg 08/24/2005 Carol Finkel 08/01/1930 Moritz Janovsky 08/08/2014 Joan Ossip 08/16/2018 George Owens 08/24/1952 Melvin First 08/01/1987 Max Lieberman 08/08/1912 Hannah Rosen 08/16/2015 Bradford Pearl 08/24/2018 Estelle Gaster 08/01/1991 Rose Nortman 08/08/2015 Harry Stein 08/16/2003 Sylvia Stavitsky 08/24/2009 Richard Glasser 08/01/2013 Carolyn Perlman 08/08/2017 Fred Steingold 08/16/2007 Judy Upman 08/24/1970 Mose Levenstein 08/01/1975 Rose Rosner 08/08/1975 Esther Tolmach 08/17/1990 Folkert Anema 08/24/2007 Jason McCune 08/01/2000 Gloria Sunwald 08/09/1988 Katherine Langman 08/17/2010 Eric Bram 08/24/1959 Rose Simon 08/01/1965 Hyman Taylor 08/09/1998 Jacob Nelson 08/17/1966 Max Braunstein 08/25/1997 Ruth Cahn 08/01/1998 Debbie Zukof 08/09/1970 Jeno Stern 08/17/1955 Jacob Friedman 08/25/1987 Gary Garelick 08/02/1954 Jacob Dee 08/09/2001 Anne Wohlmuth 08/17/1979 Albert Krauthamer 08/25/2002 Sara Golderg 08/02/1936 Toby Fettner 08/09/1974 Blanche Wolf 08/17/1980 June Lerner 08/25/1983 Robert Helford 08/02/2005 Joe Gerson 08/10/1928 Adolph Biccard 08/17/1997 Howard Mass 08/25/1983 Donald Loganofsky 08/02/2000 Janet Harris 08/10/1975 Charles Cohen 08/17/1987 Grace Nefouse 08/25/1978 Samuel Mantel 08/02/1993 Natalie Joseph 08/10/1988 Lottie Cooper 08/17/1983 Herman Nides 08/25/2006 Arnold Patterson 08/02/2013 Leo Miller 08/10/1973 Sara Kolodin 08/17/1970 Leo Paul 08/26/1994 Harriett Borman 08/02/1963 Charlotte Schiff 08/10/2014 Isadore Mirkin 08/17/1983 Edith Poller 08/26/1978 Lena Cohen 08/02/1992 Esther Silberman 08/10/1961 Sidney Rice 08/17/1981 Henry Schahet 08/26/2009 Micki Cooley 08/03/2001 Alfred Cahn 08/10/1996 Israel Simon 08/17/1999 Beverly Schiff 08/26/1981 Henry Fleck 08/03/2014 Esther Cavannaugh 08/10/2015 Mayme Tavel 08/17/1997 Kathryn Zander 08/26/2012 Becky Levin 08/03/2010 Arthur Cohen 08/11/1997 Sam Eisenberg 08/18/2017 Elizabeth Goldsmith 08/26/1990 Beatrice Mantel 08/03/1981 David Dlott 08/11/1987 Florence Goldberg 08/18/1994 Daniel Goodman 08/26/2007 Ruth Nassau 08/03/1992 Elliott Fuldauer 08/11/1979 Ralph Helms 08/18/1969 Morris Jaffe 08/26/1961 Harry Oshrin 08/03/1980 Sidney Greenberger 08/11/1990 Gladys Hurwitz 08/18/2001 Ann Katz 08/26/2013 Don Rogowski 08/03/1975 Mabelle Hendleman 08/11/1970 Charles Karsch 08/18/1996 Richard Katz 08/26/2012 Sheldon Siegel 08/03/1991 Morris Hillman 08/11/1937 Paul Paul 08/18/1984 David Kempler 08/26/1989 Rita Stark 08/03/1965 David Krieger 08/11/2009 Dorothy Rabinowitz 08/18/1998 Gertrude Layton 08/26/1967 Louis Wolf 08/03/2010 Arthur Mitlak 08/11/2007 Tillie Sussman 08/18/2018 Edis Parkans 08/26/1967 William Wolf 08/03/1990 Ethyl Morse 08/11/1967 Ruth Yosha 08/18/1993 Frances Segal 08/26/2015 Shirley Wormser 08/03/2001 Pearl Shonfield 08/12/2016 Emma Borinstein 08/19/2009 Pearl Agriss 08/27/2011 Sallie Barrett 08/03/1983 Alda Speicher 08/12/2016 Lisa Borinstein 08/19/2014 Donald Bogar 08/27/1997 Frida Fishova 08/03/2016 Charles Sydney 08/12/2016 Luke Borinstein 08/19/1987 Sophie Bogar 08/27/2017 Asher Hyatt 08/03/1995 Mitchell Tavel 08/12/2015 Bill Duncanson 08/19/1997 Ralph Doehrman 08/27/1977 Isaac Perlstein 08/04/1993 Carol Behr 08/12/1971 Kenneth Goldstein 08/19/2006 Deborah Downs 08/27/1963 Anna Sugarman 08/04/2007 Hilda Bergstein 08/12/2005 Susan Leibow 08/19/1942 Jacob Goodman 08/27/2005 Bailee Terman 08/04/2015 Mark Braun 08/12/1972 Maurel Rothbaum 08/19/1988 Harry Kaufman 08/27/2004 Edna Weiner 08/04/2006 Irving Cohen 08/12/1948 Abraham Spasser 08/19/1999 Ernest Mayer 08/28/1983 Sophie Blieden 08/04/2014 Bonnie Goodman 08/12/1963 Rebecca Stoner 08/19/1979 Dena Schoenberg 08/28/1999 Esther Fogel 08/04/2000 Ella Katona 08/12/1981 Daniel Wolf 08/20/2014 Walter Bellman 08/28/1962 Morrie Gumbiner 08/04/1982 Fannye Levy 08/13/2010 Bob Barcheck 08/20/1972 Sidney Ehrenwald 08/28/1970 Alex Levinsohn 08/04/2011 Robert Markus 08/13/1933 Rose Bassler 08/20/2005 Helen Engelberg 08/28/1966 David Lowensohn 08/04/1999 Nathan Nisenbaum 08/13/2009 Sarah Cohen 08/20/2003 Ida Kelber 08/28/1997 Marvin Rubner 08/04/1962 Jake Schneider 08/13/1992 Marie Efroymson 08/20/1980 Herbert Klineman 08/28/1969 Abe Saperstein 08/04/1962 Harry Solomon 08/13/1991 Rose Foster 08/20/1950 Jeanette Shonfield 08/28/2004 Dora Simon 08/04/1948 Sarah Spasser 08/13/2002 Judy Foster 08/20/2002 Louis Skolnick 08/29/1984 Emmanuel Burman 08/04/1966 Harry Stadler 08/13/2008 Robbie Greenberger 08/20/1998 Andrew Stein 08/29/2012 Ronald Cottman 08/04/1983 Frances Whitson 08/13/1974 Sidney Josephson 08/21/1985 Robert Bodner 08/29/1962 Augusta Dee 08/04/2004 Ernest Winter 08/13/1986 Louis Levy 08/21/1955 Manuel Freeman 08/29/2010 Lillian Fox 08/05/1984 Richard Law 08/13/1942 Max Mayer 08/21/1970 Selma Herman 08/29/1943 Edward Kahn 08/05/1967 Isadore Rosenfield 08/13/2015 Loretta Rose 08/21/1972 Samuel Koby 08/29/1992 Morris Kerschenblat 08/05/1987 June Sussman 08/14/2014 Steve Ancel 08/21/2001 Janet Koppelson 08/29/1984 Ernest Roth 08/06/2018 Morris Bank 08/14/1978 Abe Borinstein 08/21/2005 Milton Law 08/29/1992 Rodney Shepherd 08/06/1995 Donald Bell 08/14/1981 Marcus Borinstein 08/21/1918 Helen Medias 08/29/2001 Belle Simon 08/06/1977 Zelda Epstein 08/14/2000 George Bremen 08/21/1956 Minnie Roth 08/30/1991 Mildred Cohen 08/06/1974 Albert Goldhamer 08/14/1991 Steve Gavin 08/21/1973 Miriam Schwartz 08/30/2006 Gertrude Foster 08/06/1997 Harvey Kahane 08/14/1934 Henry Kahn 08/21/1995 Robert Wides 08/30/2005 Evelynne Fuldauer 08/06/2005 Lee Leventhal 08/14/1967 Marcus Simon 08/21/2008 David Zoll 08/30/1982 Fred Gerber 08/06/1957 A. Mantel 08/14/1999 Christopher Walsh 08/22/2001 Mindie Bailie 08/30/1998 Inge Hauschild 08/06/1927 Ethel Roth 08/14/1999 Anne Zwirn 08/22/2012 Kim Barcheck 08/30/1996 Matilda Hurwitz 08/06/1974 Celia Segal 08/15/1927 Adolf Bildstein 08/22/1991 David Broxmeyer 08/30/2004 Hy Jacobs 08/06/2017 Rosadelle Spanier 08/15/2018 Charles Butcher 08/22/2005 Bess Goldstein 08/30/1994 Eugene Kaplan 08/06/2018 Brenda Tobin 08/15/2014 Barbara Cohn 08/22/2017 Betsy Lutz 08/30/1999 Mona Levy 08/07/1966 Harry Cohen 08/15/1991 Eugene Fishman 08/22/2006 Bette Lyons 08/30/2002 Max Mandel 08/07/1958 Renate Eckman 08/15/1977 Frances Guggenheim 08/22/2011 Casey Ribicoff 08/30/2002 David Mustin 08/07/1973 Lena Glass 08/15/2000 Jack Ladin 08/22/1994 Esther Rosenberg 08/30/1992 Mary Reath 08/07/1937 Mollie Glick 08/15/1989 Harry Mark 08/23/1982 Justin Gould 08/30/2015 Stella Winkelman 08/07/1993 John Hiser 08/15/2012 Helen Rohde 08/23/2005 Robert Grow 08/31/2004 Al Booth 08/07/2008 Phyllis Jordan 08/15/1997 Morris Rothbard 08/23/2004 Norman Kahn 08/31/1988 Carolyn Brinkley 08/07/2013 Inge Levenbach 08/15/1983 Elizabeth Rudick 08/23/1996 Rhea Krulewitch 08/31/1981 Susan Cohen 08/07/1985 Charlie Scheffler 08/15/1952 Augusta Selig 08/23/2012 Robert Lowe 08/31/1985 Mollie Guntman 08/08/2006 Eleanor Alexander 08/15/2018 Carolyn Winn 08/23/2012 Anita Lowe 08/31/1931 Samuel Henry 08/08/2001 Maureen Crespo 08/16/1971 Joseph Dee 08/23/1993 Jane Schloss 08/31/1974 Katy Lazerov 08/08/1992 Howard Kraner 08/16/2011 Raymond Goodman 08/23/2011 Starter Schreibman 08/31/2016 Frances Rothschild 08/08/1999 Melvin Lobb 08/16/2004 Phyllis Himelstein 08/23/2005 Marguerite Stewart 08/08/1988 Rachel Lowe 08/16/2016 Gene Klein 08/23/1948 Edward Traugott

www.ihcindy.org 15 Phone 317.255.6647 Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation 6501 N. Meridian Street Fax 317.254.2187 Indianapolis, IN 46260 Rabbi’s Study 317.255.5612 Early Childhood 317.254.2186 Automated Line 317.254.2188 Website www.ihcindy.org

Rabbi Brett Krichiver Senior Rabbi Rabbi Scott Fox Associate Rabbi Cantor Aviva Marer Cantor Daniel Silien Executive Director Rabbi Roxanne Shapiro Director of Lifelong Learning Taryn Fartouh Early Childhood Center Director Evelyn Pockrass Librarian Cantor Janice Roger Cantor Emerita Marc Katz IHC Board President

Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation Kulanu is published 9 times per year by Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation at 6501 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260.

2019 High Holy Days Schedule of Services

Saturday, September 21 Wednesday, October 9 8:00pm - Selichot Program and Service 8:30am - Family Yom Kippur Service (led by IFTY) 8:30am - Yom Kippur Nefesh Service Sunday, September 29 11:00am - Yom Kippur Traditional Service 8:00pm - Erev Rosh Hashanah Service 1:00pm - Yom Kippur Study Sessions 3:00pm - Yom Kippur Afternoon Service Monday, September 30 4:00pm - Yizkor 8:30am - Family Rosh Hashanah Service 5:00pm - Neilah Service 9:30am - Rosh Hashanah Retreat @ GUCI 5:15pm - Yom Kippur Tot Service 11:00am - Rosh Hashanah Traditional Service Havdalah service immediately following 3:30pm - Tot Service the Neilah & Tot services.

Tuesday, October 1 Sunday, October 13 9:00am - Rosh Hashanah Second Day in the City 11:00am - Sukkot Celebration @ Indy Reads Sunday, October 20 Sunday, October 6 5:00pm - Simchat Torah Celebration 2:00pm - Kever Avot: Cemetery Services (Southside and Northside) Monday, October 21 10:30am - Festival Service with Yizkor Tuesday, October 8 6:15pm - Kol Nidre Early Service 8:30pm - Kol Nidre Late Service