Houston TX 1986
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FIFTY--FIRST ANNUAL MEETING 1 __[5___ 11.:.1 The Jewish Federation of Greater Houston The Jubilee Year of the Jewish Houston, the Jewish Federation has Letter to the Federation of Greater Houston has entered a new phase in its relationship found us not only remembering the with its Project Renewal neighborhood accomplishments of the past, but ac in Israel, Yoseftal. Now that we are no Community tively planning for a bright Jewish longer actively raising funds for capital future in our own community and for projects, our relationship is concen Jewry around the world. trating on "people-to-people" activities, As we celebrated our 50th Anniver sharing expertise, and continuing sary, we paid tribute to our leaders needed social programs. whose foresight made Houston into Next year, Israel will celebrate its the vibrant Jewish community it is 40th year of existence. We can take real today. We are truly fortunate that this pride in our record of support for community continues to produce Israel's ongoing and necessary social ser such leadership. vices: absorbing immigrants, aiding the The 1987 United Jewish Campaign, sick and elderly, providing a second swimming against the tide of Houston's chance for troubled youth, fostering economic realities, was able to achieve Israel's agricultural "miracles". $7.3 million in pledges, a total which The trickle of Jewish emigration from reflects an outstanding effort by cam the Soviet Union is slowly increasing. paign volunteers. The Soviet regimes declared policy of Our recently-completed Demographic "glasnost:' openness, has given the Study, a collection of detailed data refusenik community a glimmer of about our community, will permit the hope. It is our responsibility to answer Federation and the Jewish community this hope by keeping the issue high on as a whole to make better and more the agenda in dialogue between informed decisions that will affect American and Soviet leaders. services and programs in the greater It is because we have worked together Houston area. hundreds of dedicated volunteers, the Reflecting the Federation's role Federation's professional and clerical as a coordinator and facilitator in staff, and the leadership of our com- the Jewish community, the Board munal agencies that we have been of Trustees recently established a able to achieve so much. We are Synagogue Relations Committee which grateful for these efforts. In the year will work with the leadership of area ahead, may our goals be even higher congregations on issues of common and may we achieve even more! interest. This new initiative will supple ment our ongoing efforts to enhance Harold Raizes our support for and cooperation with President Houston's many fine Jewish social service agencies. Hans Mayer Looking beyond the confines of Executive Director presented a series of sessions for prin Fiftieth Anniversary cipals and supervisors of Jewish schools Highlights • The Jewish Federation celebrated 50 designed to improve their skills in years of service to the Houston Jewish working with teachers. This was the community with a week of activities of the Year first such regional conference hosted h culminating in a Golden Jubilee Gala, the Bureau in Houston. December 11, 1986. The Gala featured • A Jewish Professionals Institute was a salute to all past presidents and established to provide courses with executive directors and a speech by Jewish content on a regular basis for former Speaker of the U.S. House of staff of Houston Jewish agencies. Representatives, Thomas P. "TiP" • A consultant provided by the World O'Neill, Jr.; it attracted about 1500 Zionist Organization Department of people. Education and Culture was engaged • A major gifts dinner for the United by the Bureau for one day per week JeWish Campaign that same evening, to teach about the Hebrew language featuring Tip O'Neill, was attended by and Israel. nearly 200 people. • The "Celebration of Jewish Ufe in Houston" included publication of a commemorative book chronicling 50 Community Relations Committee years of Federation activity and • The Safam concert on behalf of achievements. Soviet Jewry, held on Dec. 7, 1986, • The Gala also marked the premiere of attracted over 1300 people. The event "Celebrate! Jewish Ufe in Houston;' a was co-sponsored by over thirty videotaped presentation about the organizations and congregations. Jewish community of Houston today. • Participants in the 1987 Business & Professional Mission to Israel, among them Congressmen Tom Delay and Mac Sweeney, will spend ten days on : Allocations specially designed tour and will meet • Federation's Board of Trustees initiated with Israeli political, civic and a program of modified budgeting for all economic leaders. beneficiary agencies as a response to a • The second annual six-part Leadersh United Jewish Campaign affected by Seminar on the Middle East examined Houston's current economic downturn. different aspects of Middle Eastern • The Allocations Committee imple politics. Guest speakers included Mero mented the Unifonn Family Income Benvenisti, Ze:ev Chafets, Bernard Le" Scale, used by beneficiary day schools and Steven Spiegel. to standardize the amount of financial • Participants in the Community aid for which families are eligible. Relations Committee Hispanic-Jewish • Over 7 committees, composed of 150 Leadership Dialogue attended a volunteers, took part in the annual mariachi Mass and an interfaith Sedel budget and allocations process. on behalf of Soviet Jewry. • Jewish community leaders met, und" CRC auspices, with such public figure Bureau of Jewish Education as Congressmen Mike Andrews, Bill • 1987 Pilgrimage is the largest ever: Archer, Mickey Leland and Mac Sween 82 participants from seven area and labor activist Cesar Chavez. congregations. • The CRC helped to coordinate a • The Leadership Conference on growing number of trips by Houstonia Major Issues in Jewish Education, a "first" to the Soviet Union to visit and for Houston, brought together lay encourage Jewish refuseniks. leaders from all segments of the Jewish community for 15 hours of intensive discussions on planning for The Endowment Fund Jewish education. • In the past year, the Endowment • The Southwest Staff Development Fund of the Jewish Community of Conference, co-sponsored by the Bureau Houston has achieved a major increa, of Jewish Education, the Jewish in contributed assets, as well as Educators Council and Jewish Educa substantially increasing its number of tion Service of North America, individual Supporting Foundations, Philanthropic Funds and Restricted the help of the Morris and Frieda Wolf Funds. Foundation, will enlarge its Senior • Two Endownment Fund seminars on Adult Day Care program. the changes in the tax laws, sponsored by many of the Jewish Federation beneficiary agencies, were successful and United Jewish Campaign well attended. • More than 800 volunteers helped • The Endowment Fund set new highs raise a total of $7,300,000 for the 1987 for both the number" of allocations and campaign, despite Houston's current the sum of those funds distributed to depressed economy. the Jewish Federation and its • Parlor meetings for major gift divi beneficiary agencies in the past year. sions with guest speakers Alan "Ace' • Several committees of the Endow Greenberg and Maurice Hatchwell ment Fund, including the Investment, Toledano raised over $3-million. Development and Professional Educa • A new Young Professionals Division tion Committees, were actively engaged for singles ages 21-35 provided its own in establishing important programs and programming as well as sharing several operating procedures. educational events with the Young Leadership Division. Outreach • The Physicians Division held a major • West Houston Jewish Educaton Series gifts event featuring comedian Henny sponsored by the Federation, the Bureau Youngman; 110 attended. of Jewish Education, the Jewish • The UJC made a special effort for Community Center/West Houston, and outreach/new gifts during Super the West Houston Jewish Presidents Sunday/Super Week. The annual Council offered a variety of courses of phone-a-thon raised more than Jewish interest. $600,000. • Coffees in West Houston provided • Women's Division Leadership Skills residents with a chance to meet with Workshops provided useful information Federation leadership on an informal and a chance to meet other community basis. leaders. Over 50 women took part. • North Houston, West Houston, and the Bay Area hosted noted actress Other Rosina Fernhoff, who presented one of • A council of presidents of Houston her thought-provoking one-woman Jewish women's organizations was plays in each community. reconvened under the auspices of the Women's Division. Planning • The Walk for Israel, revived after a • Federation's 1986 Demographic Survey two-year hiatus, attracted over 500 was completed; it presented detailed people to raise money for Houston's data about the Houston Jewish Project Renewal neighborhood, YoseftaL community that will aid community This was the first time that three planning for the future. organizations - the Bureau of Jewish • Two beneficiary agencies, B'nai B'rith Education, the Jewish Community Hillel in Houston, and Seven Acres Center, and Houston B'nai B'rith Jewish Geriatric Center, worked with Hillel - coordinated the event. Federation's Planning Committee to • The Federation's Board of Trustees expand their growing programs. Hillel initiated a Synagogue Relations Com will establish a permanent home to mittee which will work with