Jacl Kpot Plant E Era!
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1 / - ' -V ' ift'*',I* i T " ' I V . '^ i :: u t o j i ' e j i r ? '• «WolghiM P rte .0, , lHM ar< W ir o l W^lgMolot •MAaolln ■ ;i;, y Haim b u f^ger sallessisizlin’hWt l A M E «ur9*r Bvrt*'r Ikirgof p«rounca ! ArcticIcOieU C * ttountTntyBorflT-. _______ tV 4.Qb».' Uct. aa:as\ A tWWPOM I m 18- 4.7 ot._ a.»ei. t4.tr .,. • i ; H . ________________ L BzpAVEMORRISSEY__ • burger as king. cFicwV con Uils { U a tls tl c ^ JttSupof . ------- --------------• - TtoefrNewB writer ■ ' ‘ McDonaTd's'alone scHsiapprbxlmalclybnc ai ' PepaBia BurBtf ________ $ U 0 lo i. 9.0ox. ~ 9 J 8 * " ~ - billion burgers every foufour ^ five months. ~5Utoito k t t Inn TWIN FAIXS - Is Uicrc i pcric Since its "Horatio McAljAlger" beginning in HowbuntwBOf_________ >1.38 4.38 ei., _ 9.0 01. 2t.60< ’ r imburgerT* th e 1900s. M cD onald'sB hash grown In to o Bura«raor Port iy.80« - • AAlotdependsonyourtastebuds. ll - giant which has now slicilic ed off a solid 19.6 ■ -B ssi^!bU P>d(»r >1.05 to i. ^ ButB ut Uie search for perfection Is oneimost mc per cent of Uie total fasti foodf( m arket. J_______ 301. ^ • Am'cincricdns undertake with relish. LsL ast irtof PounJof______ 1»* *-?8 01. _ 4ir.some 50 billion hamburgers wc ■ Durgor King andd D a iry Q u e e n . Oiick*ckonTlfflo J and 4,9 per c e n t of Ug torBorntufnT >1.3t ' Hci.. 4.801. IO.**- gobbl>bbicd up In Uic United S tate s - a figu[jgure respectively, comer 5,3 ai year. Uiesam'emarket. Counfrinfrylpttli^ e xpccted p o lo rise to 51 billion this yet T»b»f^f >1.08 4.101.• . 2-8 ox- a i . w w v I l a t's com pared wlUi a y c a riy cccon- In Twin Falls burgerr sales& are sizzling. — ryOoMti m ption of 16 billion hot dogs. M cDonald's rep o rts it soldso "in cxccss of eraiUi.U f farflof_________4.toi. 1.8 ox. 1».SV if Just 50.000" hamburgers dur:luring June. Arctic o«po) 9 ^ 1 ThntTh. works oul to an overage of Ji toi Grill' abou» u t 250 ham burgers and 80 ho t dcdogs Circle sold “approximateatciy 23;ooo" In th e • , 0>a»<»oOw>B^r9w »M8 7.10ot. v>-** ] ’ [ _____ c aitcn tc i lastyQar.by_cycry man. .wwflonmand a pcrtod. and DairyIry Queen re c o rd e d Ooi^ViIdonOrkittl* mtwroor - .7 JS o « .- childiiid in Uie counlry. ...... burgersalcs';i>ciween25.25and30tJiousnnd"--vV Hamtw — - ___ g Ot Its tw o locations Uic sasnm r e m o n lh .' ' o™*"*sund Round “ - , SStatistics t a on antiacid sales during IE Holl|> PiPoutidor________>1.50 ».8l)oi.u 4.8 ox. I5 .7 f a r'c c nno t available. .. Twin F a lls llst.s n populationpo of Ju st HolidoIldoyinn - ,. rHSyrol TliisTil staggering consumption of burgcirg c rs under 25.000 pcrsoris. mburgtr >1.00 6.2Sof.t. 7 * ii. 16.00’ r , ; IS been increasing cach year for soisome on effort to locatec UUie bcsl burger In ------------ iBlg.Boy >1.10 7.10oi.I. a.JOox. ^ timTie. e, Hamburgers currenUy accountnt Ifor fails, Ihe Times-esNcws tills week p e r ccnt of tlie beef A m ericans c a tlc ca a c h surveyed num erous food*idcstabiisliments. — ■;— i K, 40 pe tU H lo k y 70' 4.7Sot.t. 1.78 01. -- 14.74* y efar a r — a ft^re beef industry expertsts ssay At cach. hamburgersr s w ere p u rc h a se d . , ..■’,^.'.*11 weiglicd and com pared.'d. The welglit of the i)onoldi V T w illrill rise to 50 or60 p e rc e n t by 1960. I Mac______________ aO’ >.5001. 2.80BX.’ 12.31' ' ,y bite n'cat In thc burger andm d Uic cost o f th c ^ ' BuBurger purchases also take a liefty b :Oonaldi ■ ' V ' Intoto ■total restaurant’ sales. Last yeara r i$43 bu rg er p e r ouncc w ero iieured.fig KmbufB*r 35’ «*•X. U o i . ; ♦-2V • , , • - billloIllon worUi o fliu rg e rs slid a cro ssB fcfood Wille nol a completecte survey of every — Ima Cirt counlunters - accounting for 56 p«r ccntent of reslaurant in Twin Falls,ils, the following lis t Hcmbimbuffltr 7V *-8 oi.i _ 2.'8ax. 17.84* -■ m ual sales in re sta u ra n ts a n d fcfood prtsents many of thee ia re a ro s la u ra n ts R»d^Stoor s - ------ ANOTHE’HER BITE OF AMERICA’S; FFAVORITE / ™ ) « .d _ *.8 ox.,x. J o t. 10.77* .tabllshmcnts. selling hamburgers, __ Big_«• 7^ . h n mmburgcm b i account for'u lol oo ffi b e e f e a t e n ■ If-U ial'l^'l cnou^i to estabiiaiJl ttlie Here'sUielist.Pickyoiyo'ur fovorllcr ’ - ....................... - ’ 1 '^ -^ —-----— I Good monrning! It’s Suunday, July'24,1977 d p / ' 7 ^ \ / 7 • / /■ : - i/edther ^ r i t n t B f e i i Magic y^alieyey*s Home Netoipaper_ A P f Evonl«it{or H o t w / i t h 72nd Year. No. 276 Twin^in Falls, Idaho O w carrlordaiiyaryr p o s s i b l e s h o w e r s Ja c l l l s 4 — P a g e 1 0 kpot plante era!ish ki] HOI M tc- "? -y, AA’aglie f c V a l l e y ; , JACKPOT, Nev. - Two MiniVflnl-Cas.<iia couples " ■■-■X-'.1 ......... ?• ^ were killed Friday night whenhen Uiclr Ilglt air ‘ SECOND'h o CdupfP:T: P o lice '^ k a lone pSmlaH*! . craft cartwheclcd into tile grounround during a turn • , - who held up a Twin) FallsFa branch bank—the city's ' . moments qfter tnkcoff Just cast of the Jackpol > . ■ airstrip . s c c o n d b a n k h e i s t inI hih is s l t o r y . P a g e 17. C oroner J a y Snyder, Jackpot,pot, identified Uiem i .. a s J a n P e te r Kleiven, 3C, Burl-3urley. pilot of Uie > ■ ^5^ TAKING DIGS: MineVliners react negatively to Ih^' c ra ft; W s wife, Launa M. Kleivlieiven, 30; Warner } ' terror Secretary Cecil'ecil A ndrus’ policies of eii: :.'-<03£3 Frost, about 42, ond lils wifeeTamera Ta L, Frosl. - ‘ vironm entai protection.:ion. P a g e 17. M, H eybum . Snyder, wlio Ir JuslJuslicc of th c pcacc • ------------ot-Jaehpol-ond-ln-Uiot-cflpacit)Bcity-ai3(Hinndlcs— bjjM coroner duties, said he believeIcvcd ail ■ ' F A C I W G - D E M I S E3: : The1 W averly Hotel, Twin •InsLontly, tliree w ilh severe head -'NT-. .- Falls’ first perm anentJnt building,1 m ay be dismao- Rny Clark, Elko County dopuleputy tied. In today’s Idaho> MMa a g a z in e . Uie new (our p la c c P ip er Clierolicrokcc craslicd at £ ered a. watch from 10:40 p.m. Friday. Hc recovercc . -'r-.O ju the wreckage which had stoppcipped at - However, tlie crash was nol discoveredd unlll Ndtii t i o n a l aboulSa.m.Saturday. C lark sa id 11 appeared Uie plarplane taken ■ i ANCIENT BONES::S: A Florida marsh yields to thc souUi and was airborneomc Just before M bones and tools belicveiieved to be 5 ,(^ years old or cleared tlie end of tho rwwaiiway, a few 5 m o r e . P a g e 7 . hundred yards furtlier madee a Ilurn to Uic left. Clark said il appeared hc culll tooto< slmrp and hls ________ICfLttlngJilLj;(1l!gtlUI'iLSro*jn™ «nd._nippJng_Ujc_^^Ht^^ plane over. It cartwlieeled strikstriking thc ground i v i n g ^ ^ nnd bounced once bcforc comlnimlng to lop I' down aboul 1,100 feet from the Uic run- m ............................ way. Clark said all four, of the vievictim.<: strapped in th c lr scats. T he tv,-o i ^vo'm cn u-crc In l h e ~ ^ ^ ^ H ^ H she likes-— front seots ond Uie women Inn UieUic rear scats. He' " n sj|H X B S said all four werc dead wtiencn officersc arrived a c a d e m y , and hc also believed llicy dieddonimpact. on | ^ B b 3 B b T lie plane w as owned by Philhil Payne,P m a n ag e r - of a flying sct^icc in Buricy. ThoThc Im pacl to re thc r e g i m e n propeller from tlic plane, onee of thc wheels and R ^ H ajjfiS - . ripped Uic m otor from Uie fuseiajsciag. — P a g e 1 8 Clark said Klelven had filedled ai fliglit plnn to n ra jn l^ ^ y Ja ck p o t aboul 7:30 p.m . Fridayjay iand later callcd ^ -V - ( ' ' th c F ederal A viation Agency/ offoffice In B uriey to cancel it. He lold Payne hee plonnedpl; on “just flying around th c Buricy a re aQ for a w hile." DEPUTY SHERIFF]F RAY CLARK, JACKPOT,, D\INSPECTS SHATTERED UGiIGHT PLANE icialI a h o (Cootlnuedoop.U)).U) ...virtuoll;lily new PJpcr'C hcrokfc crnflliiflhcd 1,100 fceuifter takingg o€ f f STRIKES OUT: The'he IIdaho Suprem e Court rules : r - ^ : • — against teachers' strikesik e s . P a g e 3, It’s aI plesiosimurus srt w ar irages P ef o o | p le ^ Dese IY: -Cam todlan refugees say .