The daughter Mice are the stars A big night Shirley gave up In this laboratory for Big East page 11 .. page 4 page 15

Manchester, Conn. Rain today Sat., March 19, 1983 and tonight Single copy: 25C — See page 2 iManrl|ggtrr i« Mexico er in Beirut seeks debt aid to visit Marines;

Bv Mary Tobin , UPl Business Editor SI Mexico's 1,900 lender banks LX Z Friday received a telex from violence continues Finance Minister Jesus Silva Her­ zog asking additional delay in BEIRUT (UPI) — Former Pres­ national Force first arrived last leader Ayatollah Khomeini. 9 principal payments on the coun­ ident Carter arrived Friday in August. Lebanese Army Commander try’s more than $80 billion debt. Beirut, where he will visit with Western diplomatic sources Ibrahim lannous said those "be­ Bank officials said the telex U.S. Marines on alert after four said, however, that the attacks hind the attacks were hoping to requested a 90-day moratorium on days of attacks against the Multi­ might be coming from Lebanese discredit the presence of the principal payments: in effect an national Peace-keeping Force. Shiite Moselms who live in the Mutinational Force in Lebanon extension of the 120-day postpone­ Hand grenades were thrown at south of Beirut where some of the and show that the Lebanese army ment on principal payments on French troops in the latest assault. incidents have occurred. The cannot assume its responsibili­ debt falling due between Nov. 23, Marine officers hoped Carter’s Shiites are followers of Iranian ties.” state-run Beirut radio said. 1982 and March 23, 1983. visit with their 1,200-man conting­ “ My understanding is that the ent would help boost morale after moratorium pertains to public some men said they were uneasy patrolling Beirut following the Hussein lobbying sector debt only,” a banker said. “ And that it applies attacks in which five Marines were only to principal payments. wounded in a hand-grenade am­ “ ‘The main reason Mexico gave bush Wednesday. for the request was to give it time Carter, on a 10-day private for Palestine state to work out restructuring of Middle East tour, arrived in Beirut various segments of the public from Syria. Before visiting the By Saiid Rizvl followed the four hours of talks at debt,” he said. Marines, he met with Lebanese United Press International Mrs. Thatcher’s 10 Downing Street He said Mexico's intention has President Gemayel at the presi­ residence. been to separate various sectors of dential palace in the Beirut suburb LONDON — Jordan’s King Hus­ After the meeting with Mrs. its public debt, such as that of of Barbda. sein and a high-ranking Arab Thatcher, Hussein and the delega­ Metroleos de Mexicano, the state- In the latest attack on the delegation met Friday with British tion met Queen Elizabeth II at owned oil company, and work out Multinational Forces, two hand Prime Minister Margaret Buckingham Palace. each portion separately with the grenades were thrown by an Thatcher and called on Britain to The talks had been delayed banks. unidentified gunman at French support the creation of a Palesti­ several months because Mrs. nian state. Thatcher refused to receive an “The agreements would be mo­ troops before dawn in Beirut’s southeast suburbs, causing no In a luncheon speech, Hussein earlier Arab delegation that in­ deled on the overall restructuring said Britain was “ capable today of cluded Palestine Liberation Or­ agreement, but my unnderstand- injuries, a French military spokes­ man said. playing a major role in iending its ganization “ foreign minister” Fa- ing is that Silva Herzog told the support to the just cause of the rouk Kadoummi. bankers Mexico needs extra time “ Our men opened fire but the Palestinian people and enable Mrs. Thatcher said she could not to get aii the paperwork done on the gunman fled into the night.” the them to exercise their legitimate meet with PLO officials until the restructuring.” French spokesman said. right to seif-determination ... to group renounced violence and Earlier this month Silva signed a Unknown assailants also establish their independent state.” recognized Israel. loan agreement for $3 billion in wounded eight Italian soldiers in Hussein, leading the 10-member In a compromise, Kadoummi new ioans from 330 international attacks Tuesday and Thursday: Arab League mission, reminded was replaced by Walid Khalidi, a A U PI photo banks. Mexico was to make the Authorities did not say publiciy Britain of its historic role in the Palestinian schoiar and visiting first drawing of $1 billion on March who they believed was orchestrat­ Middle East and stressed its professor at Harvard University 14. HUSSEIN REVIEWS LONDON HONOR GUARD ing the concentrated wave of diplomatic weight in western Eu­ There has been speculation . . . He later met with Thatcher attacks, the worst since the Multi­ rope, according to diplomats who I’ leusp turn to page 10 Mexico would have to ask for additional loans this year. Some reports have put the amount of new money Mexico will need at $7 More U.S. aid called vital billion, a sum that would be . » difficult to raise considering the time it took to get agreement on the $3 billion loan. But bankers in New York, while Salvadoran makes pitch in Vermont conceding that Mexico probably will need additional money, told U PI that the figure is based on a set continued aid. WESTON, Vt. (UPI) — The El struggiing for Democracy. virtue of its aid had implicated a price too high in human lives — V of variables that one said “ gives Salvadoran ambassador to the U.S “ Your revolution is over 200 itself in the bioody insurrection. it’s a price too high in human “Each additional dollar of absolutely a worst case scenario, brought his plea for suppo'rt to years old and thriving,” Rivas- ” We still can see the images of- dignity.” American aid,” he said, “ trans­ Murphy's Law (anything that can the piles of bodies. We still hear the small town America Friday, but Gallont told more than 400 people Weston-, a picturesque town with lates into no more than additional go wrong will) would have to be stories of the massacres. We stili found rural Vermonters were crowded into a local playhouse. 621 residents, known chiefly for its agony for your own country.” operating in all segments of the hear how innocent women and more concerned with human rights “ Our revolution is less than three vacation home and nearby ski Rivas-Gallont.,^aid in El Salva­ world economy. children are killed,” said Brother violations than his government’s years old and struggling for areas, is one of 13 Vermont dor the rebels are determined to John Hammond of the Weston “ Obviously the price of oil is the struggle against leftist guerrillas. survival.” communities calling in recent destroy a government that won Priory. biggest variable,for Mexico, as it is Ambassador Ernesto Rivas- But participants in the Town years for an end to U.S aid to El popular support during U.S.- “ It was to tell our government for Venezuela,” the banker said. Gallont appealed to people in Meeting-style discussion did not Salvador. backed March 1982 elections. “ A lot of what happens in the debt Weston — who this month called appear convinced by his argu­ that we’ve had enough — that we “ It’s the people in my country picture this year, both positive and for an end to U .S. aid to ET Salvador ments. Speaker after speaker don’t want to be part of the Town Moderator Sam LIyod — a who have the right to decide the negative, will depend on what — by portraying his civil war-torn pointed to alleged human rights killing,” hesaid. “ The price we are 22-year veteran of Weston town future of my country,” he said. happens with oil.” country as a young United States vioiations and said the U.S. by paying to help your government is meetings — joined those opposing Budget up 11 % in Coventry

By Sarah E. Hall “ Some of our seven road trucks First hearing Herald Correspondent have 300,000 to 400,000 miles on them, and we haven’t replaced a A group Singing Seniors COVENTRY — Town Manager single one in four years.” visited the Bolton Demo­ 9 Charles F. McCarthy has submit­ ted to the Town Council a 1983-84 "1 can’t pretend we don’ t need cratic Town Committee Fri­ town budget totaling $7,300,319, up these things just because money day night to sing an alterna­ 11.3 p ercen t fro m c u rren t was not allocated for them last year,” said McCarthy. tive to "Yankee Doodle spending. Dandy" as the official state In addition, the general govern­ The increase, if approved by song of Connecticut. The town meeting, will swell the ment budget will rise by 5.9 current 27.9 mill rate to 30.7. percent, or $108,646, if McCarthy’s song, penned by an Essex budget is approved. Major in­ man, is called “We’re Proud “ It’s still a bare bones budget,” creases within this portion of the -f-'VD-i'.,.'---..- - claimed McCarthy Friday night. budget onclude $43,275 to beef up of Connecticut." Many at He noted that two-thirds of the police and fire department servi­ the town committee had not increase was attributabie to the ces, $20,865 for town welfare heard it before. $4,898,941 school budget, which the funding and added working hours Board of Education approved in for the assistant human services February. administrator, and $20,981 in the Herald photo bv Pinto Capital expenditures, up 24.9 “sundry” category,_ . mostly.for percent, or $155,080 from the hikes in employee health estimated 1982-83 budget, also insurance. account for a large part of the Civic and cultural services get a overall increase. This year as iast, $9789 boost in the proposed McCarthy is claimning that the ^uydget, with $5,200 going to the town sorely needs new highway Booth and Dimock library alone. trucks and improvements to the McCarthy has also proposed a A public works plant. funding increase of $8,774 for •‘Are we going to make our general adminstrative costs, in­ highway department a viable cluding 7,706 for a part-time entity or not?” asked McCarthy. secretarial aide in his own office. J 2 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., March 19. 1983 w iANCHESTER HERALD. Set.. March 19. 1983 - ■’> national weather service fOflCCAST U f P ilE iT 9 -1 S -S 3 apiOO 30.24 — News Briefing ‘ " -1 iiM— ir Your neighbors’views: ICOOL I Powerful quake -FAIR^ -M.77 Rape suspects v. n: Do you think Reagan is doing a good job of protecting the environment? released on bail hits New Guinea TEI»ER4'nX«* NEW BEDFORD, Mass. (UPI) - PORT MORESBY, Papua New Gui­ .1* - (Asked on Main Street, Manchester) Two suspects arrested in connection nea (UPI) — An earthquake called the with a gang rape of a 21-year-oId most powerful the world has seen in 18 months Friday rattled parts of Papua woman in a barroom, while authorities 'SVIO m i:- claim up to 20 patrons cheered them on, New Guinea. were released on bail Friday, officials Residents of Kabaul, on the eMtem u n W EM M K fOTOCAET t) said. tip of the island of New Britain 500 For period ending 7 p.m. EST March 19. ^ r t a g Released were Joseph Vieira, 26, of miles east of the Papua New Guinea Saturday, rain will be expected in the Southern Plains Pomfret, Conn., who is accused in the capital of Port Moresby, said their region, the North Atlantic Coast states, the Upper and rape, and Virgiiio Medeiros, 23, of New town shook for four or five minutes in Lower Great Lakes regions. There will also be snow Bedford, who is charged with l^ing an the quake recorded by U.S. experts at a over the Central Plains region. Elsewhere weather accessory. whopping 7.9 on the Richter scale. wUl remain fair in general. Maximum tem j^atures Authorities on Papua New Guinea On Thursday the four alleged rapists include; M. Boston 44, Chicago M, Da u 68, '1 i and the two men indicted as accesso­ measured the quake at a lower level, Denver 40 Duluth 37. Houston 72. Jacksonville 74, ries pleaded innocent in Bristol County between 6 and 7 on the scale. There Kansas City 40, Little Rock 62. Los Angeles 61. Miami Superior Court to the rape. Police say were no immediate reportsof casual­ 81, Minneapolis 36, New Orleans 71, New York 45, the woman was sexuaily abused fortwo ties or major damage from the tremor. Phoenix 69, San Francisco 59, Seattle 57, St. Louis 49 hours on a pool table March 6 while The officials said the quake was and Washington 51. about 15 other patrons stood by. centered at sea about 30 miles The remaining four defendants in the southeast of New Britain, a banana­ case were being held Friday in the shaped island that forms part of the County House of Corrections in lieu of Bismarck Archipelago and is situated bail ranging up to $200,000. east of New Guinea Weather The rape stunned the fishing town of 100,000 and women activists across the U P I photo state, prompting a gathering of 4,500 Stop using clay, MICHAEL MOULIN, Wil- LINDA GARCEAU, Man­ CHRIS FRITO, Windsor GEORGE R. ATKINS people in front of City Hall Monday to KAREN ZEE, East Wind- BILL TILLEY, Manches- MICHAEL LIPS, East MRS. CHARKLES KE SR., Manchester: “I don’t Today in history Today’s forecast Hartford: ”1' don’t know HLENBACH, Giaston- lington; “I don’t really chester; “Not with the Locks: “I think what protest the incident. sor; “No, I think he could ter; “I don’t think he’s Reagan’s doing stinks.I think he is. He’s backing Jurist William Jennings Dayton, Tenn. At the commission urges be doing a lot more. He doing a good job protect­ about the environment, bury: “I haven’t thought know what to say about appointment of James The victim, who has not been Occasional rain today with highs in the 40s. that. I think he couid be Watt as secretary of the don’t think he’s doing a big businesses' interest, identified, has filed a $10 million Bryan was born March 19, conclusion of the trial, he seems to be for the ing the environment. I but I know he's spending a .about it iately. I’ve been and big business doesn't WAYNE, N.J. (UPI) - The Consu­ Southeast winds 15 to 20 mph. Scattered showers lot of money on more too busy.” doing a better job of interior. He’s sure no very good job.” lawsuit against the owner of Big Dan’s tonight with lows 35 to 40. Winds becoming westerly 10 wealthy people.” think he’s more con­ want to have anything to 1860 in Salem, III. He sat was taken ill and died a mer Products Safety Commission cerned with building up nuclear weapons, and I keeping an eye on it.” environmentalist." Tavern and a bartender. The bar in a Friday urged schools and consumers to to 15 mph. Sunday, clearing in the morning. Highs 50 do with the environment.'' predominantiy Portuguese section has for this portrait in Nash­ few days later on July 26, the arms race, trying to think that’s crazy.” immediately cease using a modeling to 55. compete with other voluntarily handed in its iicense and ville en route to the 1925. clay found to contain asbestos follow­ closed down. famous Scopes trial in ing a complaint by the parent of a Extended outlook nations.” Edward Harrington, attorney for 7-year-oid child. defendant Daniel Silvia, 26, said the “The commission is concerned that woman, described as 21 and the mother Extended outlook for New England Monday Common Cause Priest suspended children in schols where Fibro-Ciay is through Wednesday; . , . of two, had a “prior relationship" with used might be exposed to airborne his client and that the night of the rape Connectiicut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island; tallies PAC gifts In sex ed dispute asbestos in view of the powdered Chance of rain developing Monday and continuing Alternative for alcoholics open for business she had asked Silvia to take her to his composition of the product," the home. Tuesday. Clearing Wednesday. Highs in the upper 30s WASHINGTON (UPI) - Political NEWARK, N.J. (UPI) - A priest commission said in a statement re­ to mid 40s. Overnight lows in the 30s, except mostly in action committees contributed $4.2 suspended by his bishop for criticizing leased in Washington. the 20s Wednesday. Bv Paul Hendrie necessary, however, to meet build­ man, Dr. Robert K. Butterfield, Groucho Jury million to the 47 members of the House sex education in Catholic schools as Milton Bradley Co. of Springfield, Vermont; Chance of snow Monday, tapering off to Herald Reporter ing code regulations. For example, chairman of the emergency de­ Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs “pornographic” said Friday he viewed Mass., issued a recall for the clay late flurries Tuesday. Scattered flurries Wednesday. sliding glass doors had to be partment at the hospitai, and John deliberating Committee for their 1982 campaigns, a the incident as a clash between Thursday following reports that the Turning colder with highs in the 30s and low 40s. Take a tour of the 13-room removed — to everybody’s disap­ J. Suilivan, Democratic state Common Cause study reported Friday. ultra-liberalism and orthodoxy in the clay was still being used in the Overnight lows in the 20s. mansion on Williams Street in pointment — for the structure to central committee member. SANTA MONICA, Calif. (UPI) - The top 10 recipients according to the church. Lafayette Elementary School in Maine and New Hampshire; Mostly cloudy Glastonbury and you might think, operate as a halfway house. As always, money is a problem. Jurors deliberated for the third day study were: Rep. Fernand St. Ger­ The Rev. Paui Wickens, 52, associate Wayne. Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, rain likely south for a moment, that you’re strolling “Getting the furniture and Evans House raised a lot of money Friday in a $1 miilion suit against main, R-R.I., $93,050; Jerry Patterson, pastor at St. Venantius Church in with rain or snow north. Daily highs in the 30s with through a page in Better Homes things for it was a big project,” last year by raffling off a $100,000 former actress Erin Fleming, accused D-Calif., $79,660; Stan Parris, R-Va., Orange and a priest for 28 years, was overnight lows in the teens north and 20s south. and Gardens. added Evans. beach front house in Rhode Island. of exploiting and abusing Groucho $64,300; Bill McCollum, R-Fla., suspended by Newark Archbishop Blustery storm It might not occur to you that The concept behind Evans House This year, Evans House is co­ Marx for her financiai gain. $61,275; Bill Lowery, R-Calif„ $60,731; Peter Gerety for failing to cease “a you're visting a halfway house for is to provide a less expensive sponsoring a raffle with Manche- The nine-woman, three-man jury David Dreier. R-Calif., $57,600; Nor­ series of obstructionist tactics and soaks East Coast Kennefdy wants recovering alchoholics. But that’s alternative to hospitals. Counsel­ ter’s New Hope Manor, which --- <__ must decide whether to award the Bank man Shumway, R-Calif., $55,625; chailenges to the church authority.” exactly where you are. ing and other support is avaiiable serves girls with drug or alchohol The priest said he wili appeal the of America, executors of Marx’s George Wortiey, R-N.Y.. $44,670; Doug By United Press International pact in Ireland Here is Evans House, an inter­ to patients. problems. estate, the $400,000 it claims Miss Barnard, D-Ga., $42,050; and Stewart Thursday suspension, which bars him mediate step between detoxifica­ The philosophy of the Evans There are 250 prizes, including a Fleming swindled from Marx in gifts McKinney. R-Conn., $36,307. from celebrating mass, baptizing, A gusty storm buffeted the Atlantic WASHINGTON (UPI) - Expressing his "deep tion and the return to everyday life House therapy is to provide ciose two-bedroom condominum on and fees, and whether to make her pay hearing confessions, preaching and concern" over the violence in Northern Ireland, Sen. for young men struggling to Summit Street, a 1983 Toyota, performing marriages. Coast Friday with rains and gale-force patient-counselor sharing, so the $500,000 sought by the bank in Firm making winds that sent floodwaters surging Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., has joined 27 ofhis Senate recover from abuse pf alchohol. patient comes to recognize the televisions, stereos and vacations. penalties. over coastal roads. Winter socked the colleagues in seeking a negotiated settlemoit of that After lots of dreaming, planning, reality of the world around him and “We’re trying to support the Shortly before the start of delibera­ antibodies Brady, lawmen Midwest with a late-round punch of country's centuries of conflict. fundraising and renovation by deal with that world in a realistic communities we serve,” said tions Wednesday afternoon. Miss snow and freezing drizzle. In a resolution introduced in the Senate on St. civic leaders and citizens from the way. Diane Thomas of New Hope Fleming’s attorney, David Sabih, told NEEDHAM, Mass. (UPI) — A sue psychiatrist In the Gulf of Mexico, rescuers Patrick's Day, the senators also called on Americans Manchester and Glastonbury That's why Evans House was Manor, explaining that most of the reporters that Marx's longtime com- biotechnology firm, encouraged by overcame violent seas off the Louisi­ to “refrain from any action that contributes in any area, the place is open for located in a residential area. The prizes have been purchased from paiilon “might kill herself’ If she loses limited but successful testing, hopes its WASHINGTON (UPI) - White way to the violence. The path of the bomb and the business. It only has b ^ n open idea is that the responsibility of area merchants. the case, a remark that was widely ana coast before hooking a line to a patented process will lead to treatment House Press Secretary James Brady giant oil barge where 14 crewmen of a bullet leads only to the death of Irish men and wonten since February and will celebrate getting aiong with neighbors will Charles Sullivan, an Evans «6 reported by the media. of disease with human monoclonal and two others wounded by John W. sunken tugboat took refuge. and children into the grave of Irish dreams.” its “ Grand Opening,” to which the do more to encourage personal House director, said the goal is to It also Infuriated bank attorney J. antibodies — medicine’s so-called Hinckley in his attack on President California got a reprieve in its latest Assistant Democratic leader Thomas Foley, public is invited, on April 23. growth of the patients than isola­ raise $250,000 in the raffie and use Brin Schulman, who complained about “magic builets.” Heagan filed a $14 million suit Friday rainstorm, which was far weaker that D-Wash., introduced a similar measure in the House Evans House offers a four-to-six tion would do. $100,000 of that to pay the cost of the the statement Thursday to Superior Damon Biotech, a subsidiary of against the psychiatrist who treated forecasters predicted, but braced for Friday. month program for up to 12 people Evans House patients will be ' prizes. Court Judge Jacqueline Weiss. Damon Corp., says that for the first the troubled drifter before his arrest. at a time. The patients iive in the involved with the community as The drawing will be held on April Despite Sabih’s insistence that Schul­ another ex p ^ e d to hit Sunday. Storms time it has been able to develop enough The civil suit, filed in U.S. District so far this year have caused $590 house, along with two fuU-time well. Through lectures, panel 30 at New Hope Manor and the man was trying to restrict freedom of of the human antibodies to be useful. A Court in Denver, charged Dr. John J. staff members. They are housed winners will be announced that speech and the press, the judge agreed million damage and killed 21 people. discussions and video and fiim spokeswoman declined Friday, how­ Hopper Jr. of Evergreen, Colo., negli­ Another problem is that the state's three to a room in comfort that presentations, patients will help to evening at the Glastonbury Coun­ the statement was “deplorable,” then ever. to discuss the cost of such gently examined and diagnosed Hinck­ L ottery borders on luxury. educate the community about try Club. warned both attorneys “to control long, stormy winter is producing a huge production. She said it made feasible ley’s mental condition and failed to Sierra snowpack — )6 feet, more than A living room, with cushy alchohol abuse. The patients will Sullivan said the collaboration yourselves ... cool it, so to speak.” commercial use for experimental follow proper psychiatric treatment. couches and a piano, gives the with New Hope Manor is working The jury is deciding between two 2>/i times the normal amount — that enter the Alchoholics Anonymous health care trials. “Dr. Hopper knew or should have threatens to bring on ruinous floods in HARTFORD — The New Hampshire doll v lottery patients a place to relax and the program, so the treatment will not well. I conflicting views of Miss Fleming’s Monoclonal antibodies are derivejl.— kiiown that Hinckley posed a danger to the spring. Connecticut dally lottery number Friday was 8178. large dining room, with soft end after the stay at Evans House. “We’re not used to everything character — one saying she provided fromA m a A hybridoma, A a hybrid created___ a. . ^ kby / .. himself i r and ■ others______andi was______capable_ * of number drawn Friday MONTPELIER, Vt. — The wall-to-wall carpeting and a large being so well organized," he joked. loving and life-saving aid and compan­ A blustery storm swamped the East Vermont dally lottery THE FACILITY serves a 17- scientists combining an “immortal attempting a poliical assassination, was 195. The Play Four number Friday was 445. table, provides a comfortable ionship to the ioneiy Marx in his final Coast from New York to Florida. Tidal number was 1280. town area that includes Manches­ cell” with another that produces the and Dr. Hopper negligently failed to flooding surged over the North Carol­ PROVIDENCE. R.l. — The place to share a meal. ter. Much of the work to make the If you have an old photo you’d like years, the other complaining that she disease-fighting antibody. The hybri­ warn law enforcement officials of such Rhode Island dolly l o t t ^ to see appear in the Manchester ina coastline with as much as 18 inches LEWISTON, Maine — The number Friday was 6444. The “THE.HOUSE was in goodshape project a reality has involved exploited the old man, alienating him doma is able to keep reproducing itself fact,” the suit charged. Herald, submit old photos to Focus Harald photo bv Hendrie from his family and cheating him out of ofg water covering 'some highways. Maine dolly lottery number “4-40 Jackpot" numbers , when we got it,” said William Manchester residents. For exam­ and provide specific antibodies Hopper could not be readied for More than an inch of rain doused Cape Friday was 317. drawn Friday were 04-11-01- ’ Evans, the bearded Manchester ple, the Evans House Board of Editor Adele Angle. Photos, which his money. indefinitely. CONCORD, N.Y. — The 12wlth a lockpot of $25,255. comment. Hatteras. native who is director of the Directors includes Manchester will be run in the “Recognize These EVANS HALFWAY HOUSE HAS MANY MANCHESTER BACKERS facility bearing his name. people like Theodore R. Cum­ Faces?” column, will, of course, be He said a lot of renovations were mings, Democratic town chair­ ret.rned. . .. treats recovering alchoholics right in the community class for handgun users Calendar Bolton man is sentenced Today is Saturday, March 19, the 7Sth day of 1983 with 287 to follow. By Ruth Yc jngblood agrees, but “we have to look at what’s best forthe The moon is moving toward its first quarter. Charter Revision Commission, 7:30 p.m., Tonw for having sold marijuana United Pre International “The worst thing possible is for family as a whole.” The morning stars are Mercury, Jupiter and Manchester Clerk's Office, Town Hall. Saturn. The experts disourage people from depending Monday Town Clerk, 7 p.m.. Town Office Building. A Bolton man arrested in the Jeffrey Buckler, 28. of 131 Police described the operation CHELMSFORD, Mass. — It may not be legal, someone to own a gun who does exclusively on the safety catch — a mechanism The evening stars are Venus and Mars. Internal Revenue Service tax return workshop, 6-9 Tax Collector, 7 p.m.. Town Office Building. mid-October bust of alleged Charter Oak St., was sentenced on as sophisticated. The members but Police Chief Raymond McKeon insists that if that stops the trigger from firing. Those bom on this date are under the sign of Pisces. p.m.. Town Hall bearing room Assessor, 7 p.m.. Town Office Building. Manchester-area drug dealers was two counts of violation of proba­ first would obtain bona fide pres­ you want to buy a gun you’ve got to prove first that not know how to use it. It’s like Explorer David Livingstone was bom on this date in Eight Utilities District Board of Directors, 7 p.m., criptions by going to local doctors “Even with the safety on, a sudden jolt could Wednesday given a 18-month suspended sent­ tion, one count of attempt to obtain you can handle it. make the gun fire,” McCusker said. “The safety 1813. Jurist William Jennings Bryan also was bora on District fire house ence Thursday in Manchester drugs under false pretenses and and complaining of pain. Then they When Priscilla Hadley received a handgun for having a bomb and not knowing March 19, in 1860. Planning & Zoning Commission, 7 p.m., Lincoin School Building Com'mittee, 7:30 p.m.. Room 18, would adjust the prescriptions, is like the horn of a car. It helps but won't High School. ‘ Superior Court. one count of driving under the Christmas, she wonder^ if she’d ever muster the absolutely prevent an accident.” On this date in history; conference room Patrick J. Carroll, 24, of 3 Cider influence. making phony ones, copy them, courage to fire it. when it’s going to go off.” In 721 B.C., according to the Roman historian Thursday and have them filled at local Since most home accidents occur while Board of Education special meeting, 7:30 p.m., 45 N. WIC, 1 p.m.. Board Room, Town Hall. Mill Road, Bolton, was also given The sentence totals 15 months; a “I’m not interested in blowing anydne away,” cleaning guns, the officers note that in normal Ptolemy, Babylonian astronomers noted history’s Schooi St. three-years probation and fined three months sentence given on the pharmacies. she said, “but women shouldn’t be crippled with “We re not trying to discourage people from shooting situations, only occasional cleaning of first recorded eclipse — an eclipse of the moon. Tuesday $1,020 after pleading guilty to one drunk driving charge will be They allegedly had a member fear at the prospect of using a gun.” purchasing guns,” McKeon said. “What we want the barrel is necessary. In 1917, the U.S. Supreme Court ru M the Adamson Advisory Board of Health, 4:45 p.m., Lincoln Center count of sale of marijuana. served concurrent with sentences stationed at a phone booth on Her apprehensions were dispelled by Chief to do is prevent unnecessary tragedies from The gun should only be given a thorough Act was constitutional. It provided for an eight-hour Gold Room Bolton Carroll was arrested in an given on the other three charges. Hartford Road so that a suspicious McKeon’s attempts to protect his community happening.” cleaning when it has been exposed to mud, sand, work day on American railroads. Pitkin Glass Committee, 7:30 p.m., Lincoln Center operation carried out by Manches­ Manchester police disclosed’'iir’'^T7harmacist, when wanting to from needless deaths. rain or snow, when moisture has formed on the In 1920, the Versailles Treaty esteblishing the conference room Monday ter and state police beginning Oct. January that Buckler, arrested on check if the prescription was good, In a comprehensive home firearm programs, THE HOME Firearms Responsibility course, metal parts or the gun has been stored uncovered League of Nations was rejected Iw the United States' Wednesday Town Clerk, 7 p.m.. Town Hall. 20. In all, 38 suspected narcotics the narcotics charge in December, would dial the number on the he has made it tough to obtain licenses and is run by three officers and a civilian expert on for a long time, they said. Senate. i Dispatch protocol committee (EMS council sub­ Tax Collector, 7 p.m.. Town Hall. dealers were arrested — 28 the was part of an alleged narcotics prescription thinking it was a educating owners about their responsibilities as guns, focuses on ammunition, identifying and “People are walking a tightrope of disaster In 1^ , all men In uie United States between the committee) , 7 p.m., Lincoln Center Gold Room Assessor-Building Official, 7 p.m.. Town Hall. night of Oct. 21 and the early dealership that was using phony doctor’s office. owners of a lethal weapon. operating firearms and the responsibilities of an when they own a gun without knowing how to ages of 45 and 64 — about 13 mUlion — were ord er^ to Democratic subcommittpe, 7:30 p.m., Town Hali Board of Finance, 7:30 p.m.. Community Hall. morning hours of Oct. 22. The prescriptions to obtain drugs that Massachusetts requires guns to be licensed owner. handle it," McCusker said. register with draft boards for non-military duty. • conference room Thursday arrests capped a year of under­ were then sold on the streets to Resident set (with a mandatoty one-year jail term for Then it’s out to the range for practical Curricuium and Instruction Committee, 7:30 p.m., violation) but requires no practical knowledge Mrs. Hadley, accompanied by her 19-year-old Board of Education, 8 p.'m.. Center School Library. cover surveillance by state and drug users. experience. daughter, had no qualms about going to the • WilUam Jennings Bryan said, Manchester High School local police. Three other persons were ar­ for study abroad and experience with handguns as a prerequisite “It’s about time the public was educated by a One of the members of what for obtaining a license. shooting range and firing a 22- caliber revolver „ ““Ablest of all the land, when clad in the armor Thursday rested in connection with the ANDOVER — Shaaron Sides, of police department about the safe handling of after the classroom explanations. 01 a righteous cause, is stronger than all the hosts of Bicentennial Bandshell Committee, 4 p.m.. Town ,olice called a broken forged- alleged ring, which w^s based on McKeon found that intolerable. firearms in the home,” McKeon said, “because error. Here's where to write Cider Mill Road and now a senior, “I believe in my constitutional right to bear Haii hearing room p, “scription drug ring was sent­ Spruce Street. ' at Florida State University, has “My God, a driver’s license isn’tissued without that's where most of the accidents happen. IRS workshop, 6-9 p.m.. Town Hail hearing room Here’s where to write for advice from the enced in Manchester Superior a suitability test.” he said, “while a license for a arms,” Mrs. Hadley said. 'T never fired a gun Police said the ring was taking in been accepted into a program “The worst thing possible is for someone to own before, but the course gave enough information Judge’s hours, probate court, 6:30 p.m. syndicated advice columnists featured in the Court Thursday to one year in about $2,500 a week by selling gun doesn’t stipulate that the potential owner a gun who does not know how to use it. It’s like through which she will spend six for me to feel comfortable.” ------Saturday Manchester Herald: prison on narcotics and violation of percodan and dilaudid, controlled weeks touring European know anything about using one.” having a bomb and not knowing when it’s going to IRS workshop, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.. Town Hail hearing probation charges. In Chelmsford, noone obtains a firearms gooff." ilanrhpBtpr Hrrald • Dear Abby — Abigail Van Buren, P.O. Box pain killers. countries. license without passing an intensive written AL UNGER, the gunsmith teaching the use of room 38923, Hollywood, Calif. 90038. Sgt. Ray McCusker, director of the program, firearms at the range, said his students handle exam and demonstrating the safe use of guns at said his primary emphasis is on the safety basics Richard M. Diamond, Publlaher • Dr. Lamb — Dr. Lawrence Lamb, M.D., P.O. the police range. the gun initially without ammunition. "The gun is Box 1551, Radio City Station, New York. N.Y. Skate party “because accidents show that we can’^ assume loaded after any fear of handling the weapon rnomaa J. Hooper. General Manager Andover DISCOVER McKeon said the tests could be challenged in anything.” dissipates,” he said. 10019. being planned LACE court, but insisted, “those are my minimum McCusker stresses that a gun should be kept • Dr. Blaker — Dr. Karen Blaker, Ph.D., P.O. THAT SPECIAL He also finds women are often better students' USPS 327-500 VOL. Oil, No. 143 Monday BOLTON - Tjrfe high standards of suitability, and I stand by them.” He empty and pointed in a safe direction in case of Box 475, Radio City Station, New York, N.Y. than men. PublltDw) dally tacapi Sunday Uaison Committee, 7 p.m.. Nurse’s Office, Town school senior class is is satisfied they are “stopping irresponsible accidental discharge. Suggoatad carriar rotas ara 7 Day Fly/Driva Incl. Air. u r. “Women have tremendous manual dexterity and cartain holidaya by tha 10019. sponsoring a skate party people from obtaining firearms.” “Even though it was left unloaded, someone $1.20 waakly. $5.12 lor ona Town Council, 7; 30 p.m. — Board Room, Town Hall. 6 Night W b. Tax. a S/C From *698 W- and are anxious to learn. Men who have had some Manchaatar PubUaliing Co., Tuesday. 6;30to9p.m., at But he’s worried about those who obtained else,,your wife or husband, may have become 1 4 month, $15.35 for thraa moniha. licenses before his restrictions were imple­ training years ago tend to assume they are better Bralnard Piaca, Manchaatar, $30.70 lor ala montha and $61.40 Skate Fantasy on Broad 8 Day Charter Incl. Air. hotala. frightened and put ammunition in,” he tells the than they are,” he said. Conn. 0S040. Sacond claaa lor ona yaar. Mall rstaa ara Street in Manchester. mented more than a year ago in his comfortable poalaga paid al Manchaatar Tranalera From *399 class of new and veteran gun owners. Veteran gun users are impressed by the course. avallaMa on roquaat.' Admission is $2 in ad­ town of 32,000. “Someone living alone may want to leave a gun Conn. POSTMASTER: Sand ad- Two Coventry teenagers booked Plus 15% The only solution, he said, was to offer free, “Every town should have a program like this," 10 tha Manchaatar vance, and $2.50 at the 14 Day Eacortad Tour, Inc. Air. let Clau » loaded, but firearms and ammunition must be H a ra ld . p.o. Boa 591 To ploos a daaaHlsd or display S/C day-long cou-ses for those already owning or said Benjamin Moseley, a retired deputy sheriff. advartlsamani, or to rapon a door. There will be $1 kept out of the reach of youngsters, preferably out “It's particularly beneficial for those who know Manchaatar. Coon. 06040. extra needed for skate Oaluxo HoMa. B/F S Dliaior, Cabaret Dln- considering purchase of a gun. of sight and in separate compartments that are nawa bam story or piclurs Idas. nothing about guns and those who have forgotten caS 643-2711. Qflloa hours ara rental. Tickets can be n r Show. Blvor Crulao. iodloval Banquet Alarmed by National Safety Council statistics locked.” To aubacrlba. or to raport a after complaint of loud noise From*! pp. dbl which showed 1,900 accidental firearms deaths what they once knew. ri:ii The encroachment was remedied swiftiy — and bottom of the bay. quahogs remain in plentiful supply. “ They only thing for your appointment 1— illegaiiy — by a handful of vigilante fishermen fearful Quahoggers are independent businessmen. Their we have left out there now are quahogs. If we lose that, HOMI nvnovoiHi _ _ oooi of competition from transplanted New Yorkers. Other offices are small wooden enclosures, called "dog­ we ain’t got nothing left,” he said. MV. problems that plague Rhode Island’s $40 million a houses," providing but a measure of protection from year shellfishing industry won’t go away so quickly. the elements as they claw the bay’s bottom for clams. Today, 3,000 people are licensed to buUrake 643-12621 Pollution, overfishing, poaching and a damaging 649-3589 ,)ACK BERTRAND It’s back-breaking work, but most say they wouldn’ t hardshell clams from Rhode Island waters. The “ The Place For Antiques” H ill Is Slog $ SIMP image probiem sparked by an wide outbreak of do anything else. number is up nearly 10-fold from a decade ago. High stomach illness in upstate New York linked to Rhode " I t ’s one of those things. You’re your own boss, but unemployment has forced many men to scrape a A ..i? . CliK’Gll86llkl8l ^ .Sppriafiainf in V'ines Island shellfish threaten an industry rich in history you still work like you’re punching a timeclock," said living from the bay. and tradition that generates much-needed revenue. THE^^\nni|U0 OLCOTT PACKAGE STORE Those problems have united state officials and MERCURY I Z / I S 654 CENTER ST. MANCHESTER, CT. shellfishermen — traditionally a fiercely independent Pine Shopping Plaza breed — in an effort to ensure the survival of a state industry that supplies the nation with one-quarter of d i s c o u n t l i q u o r S T O R E its hardshell clams. MARKETpiace Ih The Maeehaatar AtoM Phone 4^18-2798 Steven Fougere, chief of enforcement for the state Fenwood Manor On* at MsnchMtsr’s U r g « l 8sl«:llont 01 Flgursl Cw sm lci In NO SERVICE CHARGE Department of Environmental Management, said Stock. Our Volumn Saves You Money. 100'e 01 Speclele. 811 i^inSL* Manchesti^ B Master Charge end Vise Accepted recent events — including a rash of stomach ailments Antiques* t R u b le s Auition tser> ThuisdA^ Ni|hi ai 7 OiR M I rcle-Check... _____ lmut.m«Nvp^>ah4» and vuU«ti>Nk Utuev K • lor • HolaU • Mrlhwa • ataamthlp* linked to tainted shellfish — may have "been at' • re$i Home with 24-hour nursing supervision I hrMedCkeduCBkMietetlMJ^^^^^ J blessing in disguise. Manchaatar “ The magnitude of. the sicknesses (caused by • in patient/out patient physical therapy clams) has been the awakening factor for the Custom Kitchen (Senter M IM T-M AN PRINTING business,” he said. 423 CENTER 8T.«MANCHE8TER 648-1777 "In the industry, people now are saying, ’Look, K-iUihen A Bathroom RamodeUng we’ re ignoring these people who go to market with bad • a full range of rehabilitation and home COMPUTC raMTMG $ l»PYMG SERVia clams and it’s hurting us ali. It’s my livelihood and I health care services Visit Our Showroom A t ...“Our Pleasure Is Serving You LOW COST PRINTING have to protect it.’’’ WHILE YOU WAIT (PHOTO READY) Little has changed in the industry since the 25 Olcott StrMt *26 of your advertising budget spent for Narragansett Indians scratched the fertile bottom of • conveniently located in a country setting NSMSS IWDS«ST«TIOI«y«iM« STINK Narragansett Bay for the clams and oysters (hat lie in Mon. - Sat. 9 - 5:30 its rich silt. The name the Indians gave their succulent .Thurt. till 0 PM this space (or *13 for half of this space) Serving you at Ro-Vic, Roger^ ment. Stop in and see our lovely •SEE US FOR ENGRAVED NAME PLATES •TRY OUR NEW 3-M BOND COPIERI • therapeutic aiets under the direction of a gourmet chef Jan, Marsha and Gene. We showroom or call us. W e’re here to will bring your business wonderful M 9-7S44 carry a complete line of fine paper serve you. WELCOME WAGON Directions; exposure every weekl If interested, and plastic goods, plus party OSTRINSKY, INC. WANTS TO VISIT YOU' Sheldon Road runs between 643-5879 643-5735 Just engaged? New parent? Serving the Manchester & Greater Hartford Area TARLE PADS favors and decorations. All 731 PARKER ST . MANCHESTER Moved? I’d like to visit you with Oakland Street (Rte. 83) and • 3 9 * » call Monday 643-2711 Display Adver­ packaged in small and large quan­ usetui gifts and information. I’ll Parker Street in North also bring cards you can re­ Custom Made To Your tities at wholesale prices for your Table Size and Shape deem lor more gilts at local home parties and noliday needs. Manchester. GALL US FIRST! 565 Vernon St. 643-5151 (Price Itrawn Is tor tablat up to tising Department. , 50 FT. T R U C K S C A L E businesses. It's a friendly visit 38x48. Larger tables slightly higher) Ro-Vic also has cleaning Hours. Daily 8 A.M.-5 P.M. to help you get answers about Manchester A A LICENSED PUBLIC WEIGHTS town, goods and services. All chemicals and maintenance equip Sat. 8 A.M. - 3 P.M. ^ ^ DEALERS IN IRO N , METALS. PAPERS tree to you A Division of Crestlield Convalescent Hoi nSE ^ At Hone Service 649-4300 \ 0 J I Call Sue - 643-9632 •washable •aatlafactlon guaranteed L .vlANCHESTER HERALD, Sat . March 19, 1983 - 6 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Sat., March 19, 1983

Richard M. Diamond, Pubiiahar John Denver puts stars on skis for television special Dan Fitts, Editor wood pals at his national pro-am shouiders with their sports heroes. Vanatta. Alex Qirelli, City Editor A bunch of the “ Hill Street Blues A smiling Denver watched his Bv Vernon Scott tournament. It remains one of the Hotels, such as Harrah's with the The names of leading skiers, of Gang” — Charles Haid, Betty fellow celebrities risk their necks ^OPINION United Press International most respected links events in the Denver ski classic, take part in course, are not as familiar as those Thomas, Jim Sikking, Ed Mari- on a snowy day earlier this week putting the package together. of tennis and golf stars. That is one naro and Barbara Bossom — also and said, “ I don’t think there’s a world. — HOLLYWOOD - Singer John Andy Williams, Bob Hope, Dinah Indeed, Denver’s skiing pals at­ reason Denver started his ski give good accounts of themselves. better way to have fun.” Denver’s Celebrity Ski Classic this Shore and Glen (Campbell went on tended his show at the hotel the classic. Perhaps the most outstanding Denver is among the most recent weekend offers viewers a chance to sponsor golf tourneys. Charlton night before the races. performers running the Heavenly stars to lend his name to a sports “ Skiing is an under-publicized to see movie-TV stars and sports Heston initiated the AM F Head Just as the nation’s top golfers, celebrities take pratfalls on the Valley slalom course, hard by spectacular. from Nicklaus to Palmer, partici­ sport,” the singer said. "World Ja ck Celebrity sports events were Director’s Tennis Tournament last slopes. Lake Tahoe, are David Soul, Susie pate in the Crosby tourney, so do class racers are barely known, if at Bono, Gerald McRaney, John pioneered by another singer- year. . all, in this country. races Anderson ^ The Saturday afternoon NBC The mixture of professional some of the world’s top skiers head ' Davidson and Geoffrey Lewis. sportsman, Bing Crosby. As part help bring attention to them. Fleshing out the nucledr * ' sports special also will provide athletes and stars draws crowds the celebrity teams at Tahoe. But the biggest crowd pleaser is owner of the Del Mar race track Washington viewers with some surprisingly and sponsors. Sports manufactur­ Among the hotshot skiers in­ good skiing from Denver himselL retired welterweight champion back in the 1930s, Crosby brought "But the real reason lor celeb­ Merry-Oo-Round ers help defray costs and often volved in Denver’s sixth annual Sugar Ray Leonard who, on only movie folk and racing together. rity sports classics is to bring a along with Barbi Benton, David present participants with sports snow carnival were Cory Murdock, Editor's note: Edward J. Treaty negotiations, the United ing a freeze. For example, his second day on skis, gamely took Forty-two years ago Der Bingle, bunch of people together for fun in _ Bimey, Tim Mathison, Parker equipment and clothing as stars Hans Hinterseer, Franz Weber, Markey, a congressman from States could confidently detect which of many worthy negotiat­ more spills in five minutes than in an ardent golfer, first played host a sport they enjoy. For the clandestine warhead production Stevenson, Jan-Michael Vincent enjoy the opportunity to rub Alain Cousineau and Lonny Massachusetts, is one of the Soviet testing of nuclear ing strategies should be pursued and Meredith Baxter. his entire ring career. to great golf pros and his Holly­ ieaders of the national move­ warheads. in achieving a freeze? ment to freeze the nuclear arms to pose any significant military threat to the The production of strategic Should we, as some arms race. United States, the Soviets would need to missiles, bombers and subma­ control analysts have sug­ Safety produce thousands more bombs — and rines is easy to monitor simply gested, look for a quick agree­ Bv Rep. Edward J. Markey because the systems are too ment on what can easily be Saturday TV that production would eventually stick out large to hide from our satellites. frozen — such as testing and Not only is now the best time That leaves production of deployment of missiles and Chief problems, discovers that being 8 - News/Sports/Weather 8 - M O V IE: Up In Sm oke' A to freeze nuclear weapons, it like a sore thumb. nuclear warheads. While the bombers — then use this as a Still the Beaver' may not be so man sells his soul to the devil to 10:15A.M. 8 - Sign Off may be our last. warheads may be easy to hide, a confidence-building measure to 7:00 A.M. bad after all. Jerry Mathers. Tony win in horse racing, then renigs a 'star' fyi (£ ) - Captain Kangaroo 8 ~ Media Watch Dow, Barbara Billingsly. 1982. 8 - Pelicula; 'La Barca Sin on his end of the deal Huntz Hall, Can we implement a.freeze? significant quantity of the fis­ negotiate a more comprehen­ Pescador' Stanley Clements. Byron Foulger (D - World Tomorrow 10:30 A.M. Saturday CD - Love Boat A mind Of course we can. The question that verifying a freeze does not often can be used in conven­ sionable material put in them sive freeze and reductions? 8 - MOVIE; Airplane!' A 1957 C£) - My Three Sons CD (D - The Dukaa reader foresees happiress for we should be asking now is not pose the technoiogical hurdles tional roles, are not as easy to isn’ t. Should we pursue a quick herself, a man expects too much strange assortment of passen­ 4:00 A.M. WASHINGTON - Although she d D - N e w s CD- D r . W h o gers sets out for Chicago on a "Can we freeze?” but "What is critics claim. verify as strategic and theater Production of weapons-grade freeze by shrinking SALT limits from his son and an older couple " Sign Off has had some bad publicity for CS) - Dr. Snuggles 8 - HBO Rock: Blondie This First Lady Nancy Reagan creates havoc for Julie. (R) (60 plane and the only experienced CD the best way to freeze?" Already the United States has systems. But verification of nuclear material is a complex we already have on strategic pilot has a fear of flymg Robert 8 - News Update using a government chauffeur to ( 9 ) - Sports Look New Wave' group performs all makes a guest appearance bn min.) (Closed Captioned) The freeze resolution before the national technical means of tactical weapons is certainly process requiring a number of systems and by closing SALT’S of their hits. Hays. Lloyd Bridges, Rpliert 0 - Festival of Faith NBC s DIFF’RENT STROKES. 8 - News Update , Stack. 1960. 4:15A.M. drive her to the hairdresser, Nancy 8 - Style With Elea Klenach Congress calls for a mutual and verification (spy satellites, lis­ feasible. large and highly visible facili­ loopholes, then negotiate a ® - Pink Panther Show Saturday. March 19. She visits 8 @S) - M am a's Family An old CD - MOVIE; For Those Who Steorts, chairman of the Consumer ® - MOVIE: 'Charlie Chan: verifiable freeze on the produc­ tening posts and radar) which The United States, for exam­ ties, such as enrichment plants more comprehensive 8 l 8 - Gary Coleman Show Arnold (Gary Coleman) after flame shows up to rekindle a rom­ Think Young’ A wealthy youmj 63) - News/Sports/Weather The Castle in the Desert' Weird Product Safety Commission, has ( 8 - Visitando las Estrallas En- ance with Mama. playboy falls in love with a penni tion. testing and deployment of have been established as a ple, monitors closely all Soviet and plutonium production agreement? reading a story he wrote for a happenings in a desert castle en­ & - Johnny Quest trevistas informales se desarrol- less girl James Darren, Pamela shown little distaste for starring at newspaper 8 - Campeon Sin Corona tice Charlie Chan to solve the nuclear warheads, missiles and result of the SALT negotiations land and sea forces; intelli­ reactors. Or, should we attempt to ( 8 - Ring Around the World lan en casa de los artistas. Hector Tiffin 1964 press conferences announcing ac­ about drug abuse at his school. mystery Sidney Toler, Arinen Carrillo. 9:15P.M. 8 - MOVIE; Nighthawks' A other delivery systems, fol­ and which can verify the testing gence officials know which The Soviets could probably reach immediately an informal, 8 Faith for Today Whelan 1942 tions that show the agency is doing Mrs. Reagan then visits the 8 - Freeman Reports New York City cop is (iitted lowed by major reductions in and deployment of strategic forces actually have nuclear get away with producing a few across-the-board freeze with ® - Jetsons 8 - MOVIE: 'Mystery of the its job of protecting the public. Million Dollar Hockey Puck' school to speak about the dan­ 12:30 A.M. against a European terrorist look both sides' arsenals. nuclear missiles and other missions because of the special bombs undetected but that the Soviet Union on deploying 9:30P.M. imj for publicity throuijfi 7:30 A.M. T w o men must deal with detec­ gers of drug and alcohol abuse. CD - All In the Family 8 - HBO Rock: Blondie This bloodshed Sylvester St«allone Verification is a major factor delivery systems,, such as training and equipment those would add little to their current new nuclear weapons— a sort of CSD - Bullwinkle tives and the Montreal Canadians CHECK USTJNQS FOR EXACT TIME . But when she can’t be present to 'New Wave' group performs all (11) - Best of M idnight Specials Billy Dee Williams. Ruujer Hauer in implementing this resolution. bombers. forces require. stockpile o f about 25,000 negotiator’s pause — so those hockey team in order to smuggle take credit for the agency’s fff) > Get Smart diamonds out of Canada. of their hits. 8 - Flash Gordon 1981 Rated R Critics claim it's the major warheads. > aspects of the arms race that CD - To Be AnrKHinced watchdog activities, Steorts ap­ 8 - Ask the Manager 8 - Teachers Only Michael 8 - Money Week 8 - Freeman Reports hangup. The United States can also AS FOR NUCLEAR war­ For the clandestine warhead nose the most immediate (H ) - Pink Panther Show is upset when he finds thai he is' parently is less enthusiastic about (E) - Cross Country Ski School 8 - MOVIE: Mandingo’ The 4:30A.M. heads, their deployment on attracted to one of his students seemy side of life on a slave verify Soviet deployment and production to pose any signifi­ danger can be held in check 0 1 > Sports Probe g® - MOVIE: The Odd Angry publicity. That, at any rate, is the 11:00 A.M. 8 ) - Screening Room breeding plantation is depicted BUT AN EXAMINATION of strategic systems is being veri­ cant military threat to the - Star Trek Cartoon Shot' Australian volunteers m testing of intermediate-range while a freeze and reductions James Mason. Perry King, Susan inference to be drawn from a CD CD - Bugs Bunny/Road Vietnam confront their situation (1) the weapons to be covered missiles and delivery systems. fied largely through SALT- United States, the Soviets would treaty is hammered out? ® ) - Sports Review 10:00P.M. George 1976 Rated R stinging internal memo written by Runner Show - Crossfire with humor Graham Kennedy, by a freeze, (2) the verification The Reagan administration established verification of the need to produce thousands more There are a number of - Sports Billy pet Otter with him to the Scottish 3:15P.M. CD - New s (Commissioner Sam Zagoria. CD 8 - Mork ft Mindy/ highlands where he intends to be­ (8 - Great Whodunit 12:45 A.M. Bryan Brown, Jolin Jarrall 1980 capabilities the United States delivery vehicles that carry (8 " The Jetsons Laveme ft Shirfey/Fonz Hour 8 - Week In Review CD ® - Fantasy Island demonstrated this capability — bombs — and that production options. come a writer. When the otter is (8 - Newsmakers 8 " MOVIE: 'Escape From 4;45A.M. has in place or could easily put 8 - Viewpoint on Nutrition CD - All Star Wrestling killed, his offspring turns up to re­ 3:30P.M. CD - Country Jamboree N e w York’ A fallen hero gets a inadvertently, no doubt — by them. And through seismologi- would eventually stick out like a My is that in implement­ 8 ) - Jeffersons 8 - M O V IE: 'Th e Tender Trap' TH E P O IN T at issue was - Momingtown new the writer's inspiration. Bill 8 - Outer Limits second chance when he tries to in place, and (3) the level of publicizing every time the So­ cal monitoring systems already sore thumb. ing a freeze, the opportunities 8 - Hee Haw CD - Pro Bowlers Tour Cov­ 8 ) - Together in Concert; Pete A footloose Now York bacfielor is Travers. Virginia McKenna. Peter erage of the $ 120,(XX) King Louie 8 “ News/Sports/Weather rescue the President of the United whether a full-dress press confer­ 8 - Road to Los Angelas Seeger and Arlo Guthrie fair game for the tender traps ol monitoring confidence needed viets put an SS-20 into place. in place or agreed to by both for reaching an agreement far 8:00 A.M. Jeffrey. ***. 1969. Open IS presented from the King States Kurt Russell Rated R ence should have been held to 8 - News Update 8 8 ' Monitor the city's marriage minded to detect militarily significant Tactical nuclear missiles and sides in the nearly concluded 'YES, THERE are other de­ outweigh the technical C3D C£) * /Olive Com edy 8 - Happy Days Again Louie West, Overland Park, KS. 7:00P.M. women , • Debbie Show 8 - MOVIE: ‘Guys and Dolls' 1:00 A.M. publicize the recall of 230,000 (8 6 ^ - Incredible Hulk and 8 - MOVIE: 'Nobody's (90 min.) Reynolds, Celeste Holme 1955 violations of a treaty, reveals delivery vehicles, because they Comprehensive Test Ban tails to flesh out in implement­ problems. CD - Agronsky ft Co Nathan Detroit's floating crap- CD - Sanford and Son garden tillers manufactured by the ry ) ~ Laughtoons Spiderman Perfekt' Three friends seek com­ 8 - Style With Elsa Klensch CD " Welcome Back Kotter game may sink if gambler Sky CD - MOVIE: 'Great Northfield Roger Corp. of Kankakee, 111., and CE) 8 - Super Friends (8 - Nova 'City of Coral.' To­ pensation for a rar accident. 8 ) ‘ John Denver Celebrity Ski Masterson wins his bet that he night's program takes a look at a Gabe Kaplan, Robe.. Klein. 1981. CD - Sha Na Na Minnesota Raid' Jesse James retailed by Sears Roebuck. fff) - Christophers Classic can thaw an icy Salvation Army and Cole Younger team up to rob Kite season coral reef. (60 min.) [Closed Cap­ Rated PG. ' CD ® - Muppet Show lass. Frank Sinatra, Marlon dD - Cartoon Festival tioned) - MOVIE; Northwest the biggest bank west of the Mis­ 6T0S ©'SS* Rwwofon (8 - Newsmakers Passage’ The adventures of an CD - Saint Brando, Jean Simmons. 1955. sissippi Cliff Robertson. Robert Guest editorial The commission found that the (S) - NCAA Basketball 8 ) - Hoy M ism o Anfritiones 8 - MOVIE: 'Guys and Dolls' expedition searching for a mythi­ 8 - Boxeo jiere again Championship: First Round • fjj) - Dance Fever Duvall 1972 HUtMe tiller — sold under the names Guillermo Ochoa, Lourdes Guer­ Nathan Detroit's floating crap- cal Northwest passage. Spencer Game 13 rero y Juan Do sal presentan este 8 - ESPN SportsCenter 8 - MOVIE: A Little Sex' A CD - MOVIE: 'Lemora, the Lady Roto-Spader, Sears and Craftsman game may sink if gambler Sky Tracy. Robert You''g, Ruth Hus­ swinging newlywed finds it hard Dracula' A fefnale vampire cap ^NEW YORK , (I’PIl •» - ( 8 - Scholastic Sports Acad. programs de asuntos publicos 8 ) > Sports Probe Masterson wins his bet that he sey. 1940. to give up women until his new tures a notorious gangland figure “ Don t fly yoUT Kite in U K — had caused at least 31 serious preaentando noticias y variada in- can thaw an icy Salvation Army - Little Rascals 8 - Brady Bunch bride comes up with sexy lessons of the 20's in order to lure his r a i n .” SUys ii COns.UITICM You could call injuries, including broken legs and formacion. lass. Frank Sinatra, Marlon 4:00 P.M. ' & - NevA/Sports/Weather - News Update of her own. Tim Matheson, Kate young daughlej^ to her William safely expert, as severe cuts, and resulting in seven 8 - Three Stooges Brando, Jean Simmons. 1955. 8 ' USFftG Classic Coverage Capshaw, Edward Herrmann Witton, Lesley Gilb. Cheryl Smith e i a - Flintstone Funnies of the third round is presented 8 ) - Soledad Serie dramatica (6 ) - Business of Management - Earth. Sea ft Sky 1982 1973 the winds of March signal leg or foot amputations. The 8 ) -M OVIE: 'TheTer>derTrap' from New Orleans. LA. (2 hrs.) Libertad Lamarque the return of the kite 8 - Wild Kingdom 8 - Exchange 8 ) - Dance Fever injuries occurred when the garden­ A footloose New York bachelor is 11:15A.M. 8 “ Hardy Boys/ Nancy Drew (8 - Glen Campbell Show it un-American 8 - MOVIE: 'Silent Running' season. fair game for the tender traps of 8 - Sports 8 - M»A*S*H 10:30P.M. . (8 - News Update ers’ legs were caught in the tiller’s A botanist in space tends special - News Update Dan Tureotl. director of the city's marriage*minded ( 8 - Madam e's Place rear-mounting tires when the 11:30 A.M. gardens in the hopes of re­ 8 - MOVIE: The Beasts Are 8 - At the Movies CD - Black News F.W. Woolworth’s Quality Editor’s note: On Saturdays the women. Frank Sinatra, Debbie of course. Rep. Abercrom­ machine was locked in reverse. Reynolds. Celeste Holme. 1955. 8 - MOVIE: 'The Legend of planting them on earth when it O n the Street' Animals escape 7:15P.M. (3j) 8 - Independent Network 1:15A.M. Assurance Laboratory. Manchester Herald reprints edi­ the Lone Renger' When the Cav­ can again sustain plant life. Bruce from a wildlife preserve causing News bie’s solution to the auto - Sesame Street 8 - Sports Saturday CD - MOVIE: 'Hitler's Last Ten gyyg warning is sound. torials from other New England The safety commission deter­ endish gang sets out to kidnap Dern, Cliff Potts. 1972 havoc in a nearby town as ran­ 8 - Not Necessarily The Days' industry’s problems is not - Teatro Fantastico Ulysses S. Grant, the Lone Ran­ (B ) - MOVIE: 'The General Died gers try to preserve the beasts New s This show promises to be although kites are rarely newspapers. This is from the 7:30P.M. 8 - People N o w W ith Bill mined that Roper and Sears had . ® - Olden Days Coat ger and Tonto ride to the rescue. A t D aw n' The intriguing tale of a and police struggle to protect the everything the current news is considered potentially Connecticut Business Times. exactly what w e’d call the people. Carol Lynley, Dale Robi­ CD - Eyewitness Magazine Tush been remiss in reporting the ’ 8 - Carrascolendas Klinton ^ilsb u ry , Jason Ro- soldier of fortune who aids the not dangerous toys. bards, Michael Horae. 1981. nette. 1978. CD - All In the Family fair solution. For one thing, injuries in a timely fashion, and Chinese people in their revolution 8 - Sports Probe 1;30A.M. He recalls only one ease 1 8:30A.M. Rated PG. against the feudal warlords in pre- ( 8 ■" Mi Colonial La Esperanza (D - Muppet Show it’s not fair to all of the THIN6 Roper was fined $175,000 for the CD • Carter Country in which a conimerdally "Buy American.” That’s (S ) (£ ) - Pandamonium 8 - Sports Week Wortd W ar II China. A fine drama 8 - MOVIE: Airplane!' A 8 - Solid Gold 11:00P.M. M W r set against a fascinating historical ® - Independent Network made kite was found to he Americans who are em­ violation — the third-largest civil y ® - My Three Sons 8 - Business of Management strange assortment of passen­ 8 ) - Sports Look ( D ( 3 ) d ) O ) @S) ® - New s N ew s the slogan Detroit auto manu­ background. Screenplay by Clif­ gers sets out for Chicago on a a safety hazard. ployed in importing, distri­ penalty in the commission’ s his­ 3 ) 8 - Pac Man/Little ford Odets. Gary Cooper. Akim 8 ) - As School Match Wit ( B - M O V IE: 'Hucksters' A ve 8 - Sunday at the King's 12:00P.M. plane and the only experienced teran returns to the advertising He said the kite, a long, facturers would like to see tory, as Zagoria’s memo notes. Rascals/Richle Rich Tamiroff. 1936. House buting, marketing, selling, CD CD - NCAA Basketbeli pilot has a fear of flying. Robert ( 8 - Nil Secretaria Situacior field but rejects the business on silvery, dragon-shaped tattooed on our brains. And GD - Apple Polishers Championship Tournament To­ 2:00P.M. Hays, Lloyd Bridges. Robert comica acerca de los sucesos the grounds of principles Clark (8 - America's Top Ten and repairing foreign cars. The two companies subse­ day's program features coverage Stack. 1980. acaecidos en una oficina. design of aluminized My­ many people wquld like you to (S ) - Sport Billy - Six Million Dollar Man Gable. Ava Gardner. Deborah 8 - MOVIE: ‘Pray TV' A young of three games in the second CD lar, was withdrawn from These people are just as quently agreed to a massive, 8 - MOVIE: 'Kill and Kill 8 - MOVIE; The Fly' Wild (8 “ At the Movies Kerr 1947 minister struggles to choose be­ believe it is your patriotic round. (6 hra., 30 min.) (5 ) - Laveme and Shirley atoms cause a man's head and tween the conventional church the market after it was American as you and I, and well-publicized recall campaign, Again' A martial ans champion (8 - Barney Miller duty to buy American-made must save a Nobel Prizewinning CD - Big Valiev 8 - Scholastic Sports Acad. arms to become the shape of a CD - Paul Hogan and a ministry of the airwaves found lo conduct which would provide tiller owners fly, while a fly becomes the head 8 - Welcome Back Kotter John Ritter, Ned Beatty. Madolyn they deserve equal treatment chemist from the hands of a de­ - A B C W eekend Special All 8 - MOVIE: 'Jade Claw' A 8 - Odd Couple electricity. products. One of these people. CD of the man Al Hedison. Patricia - Sign Off (O - MOViE: 'Taiaa Buiba' The ferent personalities together in in the 1924 Olympics Ian Charle- MIDNIGHT Wright — he of the pixie counte­ ous progress.” Above all, Meese d ) - Or. Who • 8 - MOVIE; 'Final Assign­ SHOMWAT: ■ — ties, Tom Wicker reproached me Zagoria wrote. was an C o .u c k s , in the 16th century, the Australian wilderness. W il­ son. Ben Cross. Dennis Christo­ 12:00 A.M. Berry's World ® - Oftf Tim e Ooepel liam Holden, Ricky Schroder. m ent' The chance meeting of a presents 1:3S-3:30-S:1$'7;3S-9;S0-11:45 nance and the sailplane eyebrows insisted, citing recent polls. Presi­ gently for misquoting him, so I will opportunity to help prevent fiirtber light for treodom from Poland's pher. 1982. Rated PG. ■ (9 - NCAA Beiketbell domination. Yul Brynner, Tony Rated PG. televison correspondent and a C£) - All Star Wrestling ANNHTOFMPMVISATION — and my old sparring partner dent Reagan has “ given people a 8 - Are You Anybody? Russian journalist leads to roman­ refrain from making any direct serious injury, proposed well in Chempkm»hip; Firet Rouml - Curtis. Christine Ksufmsnn. (9 - Tim a O ut Theater Today's (£ ) - Championship Wrestling March 24— 26 HIGHROAD Tom Wicker, who is no slouch in sense of hope for the future.” Oeme 14 8 ) - Festival of Faith tic intrigue. Michael York. Gene­ attributions to Tom. But I got the advance by conscientious staff, 1962. programs are 'White Heat' and (S i - NCAA Beskatball Tickets; $3.50/$2.50 True enough, no doubt, but it was ^ - MOVIE: ’Abroerl Witt 'Weekend Athlete.' (60 min.) vieve Bujold. TO CHINA the eyebrow department himself. distinct impression that he is (H) - At the Moviae ( 8 “ Buck Rogers Championship: First Round • Call prepared as to product and loca­ • T w o Vanke' Tw o laethernecks in 8 - MOVIE: 'Sleeper' A - SHOWN ATi- The encounter took place at the painfully clear that whatever, he - Gymnaatlca: USGF Singla 8 - News Update 8 - Naws/Sports/Weather Best Friday Game braced for a second-term bid by tion and accepted by the compan­ Ennlond both vie lor the affec (9 contemporary Rip Van Winkle 649-1061 1.20-3:25-5:20-7 30-9:40-11:35 I Elimination Championahl^: Kennedy Institute of (Government, has done for Americans as a whole, • tibns of the same ..i.lgirl. VA/illittrrWilliam 8 - MOVIE: 'Ryan's 8 -MOVIE; 'The Tender Trap' turns the year 2173 into a slap Reagan (which Meese, by the way, ies involved — and it was lost. The Man's Final Bendix. Dennis O'Keefe, Helen Daughter' The willful daughter of A footloose New York bachelor is stick carnival. W oody Allen, Di­ on what used to be called Boylston Mr. Reagan bad failed to give the a tavern keeper during the 1916 openly predicted), and wouldn’tbe chance to alert possible future Walker. 1944. IS ) - Nawa/Sporu/Wsattar fair game for the tender traps of ane Keaton, John Beck. 1973. SOPHIE'S students on hand that night much Irish uprising weds a mild school the city's marriage-minded DDSs, DMDs, DCs, DVMs, JDs, MDs Street when I carried my green felt at all surprised to see him win victims was sacrificed because of S I - Wrestling ( 8 - Juke Box Saturday Night & - Wrestling teacher, has an affair wrih a women. Frank Sinatra, Debbie CHOICE » satchel of law books along it in the “ sense of hope for the future.” A again. the convenience of the Chairman ” 8 - News Update & - Earth. Baa li Sky , shellshocked British major and is Reynolds. Celeste Holme. 1955. 8:30 P.M. Welcome Wayon oito.s uisi„ieei advertising ------SHOWN AT:— years after World War II but which Harvard audience’s favorite noise condemned by the town as an in­ For me, the evening’s most Footnote: After first offering a 8 - MOVIE: 'The BeasU Are W - Palicula: 'Qua Vlana Mi 8 - Sneak Previews Co-hosts 8 - 1983 Golden Globe to professionals in the medical, dental, 1:15-4:15-7:15-10:15 former. Sarah Miles. Robert Mit­ has now, I discovered, been of disapproval nowadays is a loud, O n the Street' Animals escape Marido' Neal Gabler and Jeffrey Lyons health-care, legal and animal-care fields. memorable moment came when 1^ ludicrous "N o comment” to my chum. Trevor Howard. Christor Aw ards from a wildlife preserve causing IS - What About Woman take a look at what's happening ONE DARK NIGHT (PG) | ennobled as Kennedy Street. The sibilant hiss (whatever became, I pher Jones, John Mills. 1970 8 - Voice of Faith Our service effectively reaches individuals pointed out, apropos the tissue of SMociate Tony Capaccio, commis­ havoc in a nearby town as ran­ at the movies. audience consisted of several wonder of the robust boo?), andttw 0 - W arttM ip in the privacy of their homes and is In 1:40 3:40-5:35-10:10-11:55 “ Reegnnwnlcs," that ui 8 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., March 19, 1983 Writer says daytime dramas last bright light on TV Weekday TV Bolger prefers egg

clowns; the humor is not from th » to television menu Bv Frederick Waterman said, and the soap operas had to 20 years old, and I was pretty hard 5:00 P.M. Written tor UPl adjust. to cast. character, as on ’Bilko,” ’ he said, 5:00 A.M. 0 - Festival of Fahh ® - Electric Compeny CD - Tom Cottia Up dots 0 - 'You!' Mag. for Woman ’"The demands aren’t put on the - Tattia Talas 0 - Leave It to Beaver CD - Bamay Miller NEW YORK (UPl) — Ray Bolger, who dances “ All the old agonies Just aren’t “ My entire background was ir> QD - sign On/N«wa 0 - rilntatonaa 10:00A.M. CD writers or actors today because the 3 -R h o d a 0 - Una Umosna da Amor CD - Six Million Dollar Man just as blithely now, at 79, as he did in the 1948 ” ORLEANS, Mass. — Andrew going to hold an audience," he theater, I wanted to stay in it some ® -V a r ie d Progtariia 0 0 - T o d a y CD - Hour MagazlTM said.' way, and I had an inkling that actors aren’tthere—they havethe 3 - USA Movie Serie dramatica en la cual se eri- QE) - Paopla'a Court Broadway nnusical, “ Where’s Charley," will star Russell's television writing career ® - Sparta Ravlaw 0 - Batman CD - WdcotiM Back Kottar vuelven romance, intriga y cri­ stretches back from today's popu­ perhaps I could write. I had talent but not the training,” he 3 - Living Faith 3 - u ttia House on tha Pralria next week in a children's television special. Thus began the adventure- 3 - To Be Announeod (6 ) - SaaartM Stroat - New 826.000 Pyramid men. Liliana Abud, Jose Arfonso. said. CD 3 - Voice of Faith He will play an egg. lar “ General Hospital" back to the mystery plots and updated story­ learned how to use the lan ^age 7:30 A.M. CD-Couplaa 3 - Motria 0 - Magic of Oil Painting classics "Sergeant Bilko," “The lines, he said, like the “ General but what you have to have is the “ Before, people came out of 5:30 A.M. ® - Taka 2 3 - Ltttta House “ 1 loved the idea and I thought maybe there B ) - Varied Program* (D - Jim Bakker CD - Romper Room 3:00 P.M. Honeymooners." With regret, he Hospital" characters Luke and gift of the storyteller. Without that vaudeville and from the stage wit)i. 3 - Varied Programs ® - Newswatch might be a new trend to something sweet and 3 - Pink Panthor Show 3 - Variad Programs sees daytime dramas as the Laura being “ on the run” in a you are pretty much up against a vast experience, and when they got GD - Morning Strotch CD CD - Guiding Light 3 (S) - Mr. Rogers' simple and nice and delightful," hesaidof his role 3 - ESPN SportaCantar 3 - Jutt Man rem a in in g b rig h t lig h t in long-running plotline patterned blank wall. up in front of an audience they had ® - bidopondtm Notwotk 3 - Undardos CD 0 - General Hospital Neighborhood as the voice of “ Uncle Amos," a rotund ei------3 - Marcua Walbv, M. D. this grand, grand confidence. IWWS 3 - Soooby Doo 3 - Sonya CD - Ironside 0 - El N irw de Papal Avemuras Humpty-Dumpty who tells tall tales to a barnyard television. after Alfred Hitchcock's "39 “ It is that storytelling gift, 3 - Family Faud “ If they had their own television ® - MonoyUtw 8:00 A.M. 3 - N aw a 0 - Tom ft Jarry and Friends en la vida de un nino y sus contec- full of animated creatures in the nationally “ In terms of stones, acting and Steps.” sharpened by 35 years of writing, - Saaama Straat toa con las diferentes personas - All-Day Moviaa 3 directing, daytime is far superior The variety and length of Rus­ that I ’m selling now,” he said. show they said, ’I want it this way,* 3 - Jim Bakkor 3 - Tom li Jarry and Filsnda 3 0 - Sonya que compran su periodico. syndicated “ Peter and the MaBit\Egg.'' because they knew exactly what 3 - Instructionel Programs 12:30 P.M. In Bolger's book, “ sweet aifd simple and nice to nighttime. What we do can't be sell's writing .ureer was recog­ He Joked that a story consultant 5:45 A.M. 3 - ESPN SportaCantar 0 - Scooby Doo (3 - WKRP In Cincinnati compared to the trash that's on at nized by Boston University, which "persuades a lot of people that he they were marketing,” he said. 3 - Buga, Porky & Frionda 0 - Manana Sara Otro DIa CD CD - Young and tha 0 - Afternoon Break and delightful" are not the atjicctives of record (X )-8 lg n O n Raatlaaa 3 - Charlie's Angela But that had its price, too. 0 - Facta of Ufa for television and movies th e^ days. night, which is now Just a lot of car recently requested his papers to be knows more about a given subject 3 - CapuNna 0 0 - Fantasy 3 - M ora Real People „ While writing for Jackie Glea­ 6:00 A.M. CD - Midday -- Bill Boggs He has trod the boards of show business since wrecks and murders," he said. kept at the school. than they do, and when you’ve got 3 -Porky Pig 0 - W ahons 3 - Andres Calssta La lierna CD ® 8 - Varied Programa CD 3 - Ryan's Hope Russell, 67, was hired in 1977 as Along with having won three them totally convinced, they come son’s variety show, Russell and the 3 - Mr. Rogers' Neighbor­ 0 - Educational Programa historia de una huerfana en busca 1922 when he earned $37.50 a week and had to buy de 8U madre y de su verdadera 5:30 P.M. story consultant for “ General Emmy awards (for “Sergeant and consult with you b^ause they other writers would give “ The CD - Now Zoo Ravuo hood 10:30 A.M. 3 - N a w s his own costumes. He said there are neither Great One” more than a hundred CM) - CBS Early Morning Nawa 3 3 - Saarch For Tomorrow identidad. Andrea del Boca, Ana CD 3 - N ew s decent writers nor decent plays now and he Hospital," and is responsible in Bilko,” “ The Honey mooners” and have some problems.” 8:30 A.M. CD - All In tha Family Maria Picchio, Alberto Argibay. Jokes; he’d discard them all and CD 3 - ABC Nawa This (D 3 - M 'A 'S 'H great part for the show's shift in “ The Senator"), Russell has writ­ One of the problems in television 1:00 P.M. 0 - Starsky and Hutch blamed it all on computers. Morning CD - Flintatonoa CD - Child's Play 3 - Extranos Caminos stories and tone which resulted in ten four novels, a Broadway he can’t do anything about is “ the with five minutes to air time, they CD 3 - a h M y Children “ The man who wrote — he thought and thought Q ) - Joa Franklin Show CD - Varied Programa CD - You Asked For It (0 - French Chef 3 - Bob Newhart Show its phenomenal current success. musical (“ Bravo, Giovanni” ) and insipid situation comedies,” he would be riding up in the elevatqr CD 3 - M ovie and thought until he discovered the word that just 3 - Bualnoas Timas on ESPN 3 - Groat Space Coaatar 0 - Variad Programs 3:30P.M. m - Electric Company “ When I was young I remember numerous radio scripts. said. with him trying to come up with 3 -7 0 0 Club seemed to perfectly fit the situation and it made 'A butirwu newt briafing for ax- 3 - Lot PoMvocaa ( 0 - Andy Griffith 0 - Scooby Doo ■) my mother listening to the agony But he didn't intend to be a “ They’ve got to have a laugh new Jokes. 3 3 - Days of Our Live* the readers think," Bolger said. “ Now we don't actithrat.' (The 7 :(X)arT) program 3 - Cartoon Fostival 0 0 - Sale of tha Century 0 - FlinUtonee and miseries of radio soap operas writer. It was his second career track because what they are doing “ He’d be walking towards the la a repeal of 6:(X)am) (60 min.) 3 - Instructional Programs 5:45 P.M. think. We go to the computer.” 3 - Saaama Street 0 - Carter Country while she did her ironing, and then choice. isn’t funny. Just short scenes that stage saying, ’Okay, now give me 0 ^ 3-2-1, Contact 3 - Electric Company The loss of human spontaneity, he said, has UPl photo 0 - Mundo Latino Jesse Lo- moving her ironing board in front “ I did quite a bit of acting and require pratfalls, or they bring an four more,’ and we would really be ® - 9:00 A.M. 11:00A.M. sada y Sonia Vorhauer son los an­ 0 - Over Easy been felt in every division of the arts. sweating. But that’s what he loved, fritiones de este prtograma de . “ If we don’t have literature, we don’t have TELEVISION WRITER ANDREW RUSSELL of the TV when television began,” made some money at it,” said the elephant into the apartment. ) - AS-Day Moviaa CD - Richard Simmons (D - Price la Right he recalled. That’s not a comedian being funny. the constant challenge of Just asuntos publicos nacionates pre­ 4:00 P.M. plays," he said. "W e don't have entertainment, tall, very slight Russell. “ But I ’ve l- H a a H h F M d CD 3 - I Love Lucy CD - Hour Magazine sentando entrevistas, noticias, . . . at his home in Orleans, Mass. winging it," Russell recalled. • CD ~ Jsffarsons music or lyrics, Wedon'tevenhavepoetry. We’re But life is different now, Russell been the same weight since I was “ The performers are Just being 6:30 A.M. CD - Tom Cottia Up Cloas CD - Price la Right deportes y un segmanto desde 3 -D o n a h u o Hollywood titulado ‘En Pantalla'. CD “ Wonder Woman going to be like the robots that have taken over the CBS Early Morning CD CD - Love Boat 0 - Educational Programs CD - Movie motion-picture business. 2 ^ ® CD - Straight Talk CD - Tic Tac Dough CD “ Rodcfprd Files TV channels “ Television especially, because it chews up so f P - Popqyq 3 - Great Space Coaster 3 - Candid Camera 1:30 P.M. CD ~ In Saarch of..., WFSB, Harttord (CBS) much material, has an even greater problem.” (S ) - AdvqnturM of Mr. Mpgoo 3 - Variad Programa 3 - Varied Programs CD CD - As the World Turns Sunday TV 0 - Pink Panther Show 11 WNEW. New York Bolger. who does most of his dancing now- for 0 - TonnoMM Tuxodo 3 - Calliopo Childran'a 3 - Woman's Day USA 0 - Sunday at the King's WLNE, New Bedford (CBS) Programs 0 - Alive ft Weill senior citizens who he exhorts to keep their minds 0 - Earfy Today 3 - Merv Griffin House {) WTNH, New Haven (ABC) 3 - Maas 0 - Tom ft Jerry WOR, New York alive and stay out of rocking chairs, will lend his 0 - Variad Programs 3 3 - Wheel of Fortune (2® - Varied Programs I) ® - Daywstch 0 - Newsline jp EntartaInmanI A Sport. voice to the Romeo Muller-scripted special in 0 - Rompar Room 3 - Dick Van Dyke . 1:45 P.M. 9) Home Box Office various television markets throughout the week graphical comedy-drama is about ® - El Oriental Nielsen. 1956. 3 - Sesame Street 3 - Entertainment Tonight 6:00 A.M. the man considered to be the 7:00 P.M. 3 - Leva Boat CD - N ew s } W H C T. Hertford (3® - 2nd Annual Legendary 6:45 A.M. 0 - Sesame Street I WATR* Wstsrbury (NBC) of March 21, but the role may well be his last. - Kidsworid world's greatest magician. Tony d) (S) - 60 Minutaa 3 - Match Game 0 10:00 P.M. Pocket Billiard Stars (D -N a w a 2:00 P.M. ) CsbIs Nows Network The man who, in 1939, danced his way down the - Truman Taylor Curtis. Janet Leigh, Torin - RIplav'i Believa It or iS® - F-Troop 11:30 A.M. 3 - Conflictos de un Medico CE) (S) 3 CD CD - Trapper John. M.D. ) WWLP. Springfield (NBC) Thatcher 1953. IS) - News Update (B)-Waathar CD - Chico and the Man Yellow Brick Road playing the Scarecrow to Judv CS) - New York Report Sunday Not Tonight's program features a 9:30 A.M. CD - Vou Asked For It 3 - Eight Is Ertough ) CInomsx real-life Jekyil and Hyde, bizarre CD ' N ew s 0 - Faith for Today CD 0 - Ona Ufa to Uva Garland's Dorothy in “ The Wizard of Oz" simply - I Dream of Jeannie CE) - Oral Roberts 7:00 A.M. 3 - Odd Couple (j® - Bewitched ) WEDH, Hertford (PBS) pets and the scientific fraud 0D - Independent Network CD - Lsvama and Shirley 0 - Magic Garden doesn't see anything worth doing dramatically d l) - Return To Planet Of Apes News 1:15A.M. CD CD ~ CBS Momkig Nawa 3 - Coronation Street 0 ) - Little House on the Prairie I W VIT, Now Britain (N B C ) (S ) - Pony's People In Sports known as the 'Piltdown Man.' (R) CD - Make Room For Deddy ) W 8BK. Boston any more. (60 min.) ® - Paopis N o w W ith Bill 0 - Ara You Anybody? ® - MOVIE: 'Coach' Trouble - Superman (1® - NBA Basketball: Chicago S -W o r k T a Qraataat Cartoon m - I Love Lucy 0 0 - H h M an ) W QQB, Springfield (A B C ) at Saatda Tush 0 - I Love Lucy develops when a woman is hired - News/Sports/Weather Gloria (Sally Struthers) tries CD - Madisop Square Garden 0 - Flipper 0 - H oy M ism o Anfritiones 4:30 P.M. ) WQBY. Springlleld (PBS) by mistake to coach a boy's bas­ (3D - MOVIE: 'I Ought To Ba in CD 0 - Good Morning Guillermo Ochoa. Lourdes Guer­ 0 - N a w s D a y (S ) “ Oral Roberts and You to comfort Dr. Adam s (Burgess (Si - NBA Baikatball: 1:30 A.M. CD ' Three's Compeny ketball team. Cathy Lee Crosby, Pictures' A jobless screenwriter Amarica 0 - Voice of Fahh rero V Juan Do sal presentan este - Another World Programs soon on Channel Meredith) when her pay-as-you- Philadelphia at Detroit CD - Eyewitness Magazine 0 0 Michael Biehn, Keenan Wynn. (S ) - Sesame Street finds himself reluctantly rediscov­ ( D - Jimmy Swaggart 0 - 7 0 0 Club programa de asuntos publicos CD ~ Movie 24, Hertford, art also soon on go policy at the clinic triggers a (S ) - News Update - New s 0 ) - Nuava York Ahora Channol S3, Norwich. 1978 Rated PG (g) - Club PTL ering love and faith. Walter Mat­ CD 0 - La Buarta Vlbra Programa presentando noticias y variada in- GD - H a f^ Days Again , series of com plications on ( S ) * Voyagers! Phineas tries . 0 - Tom ft Jarry formacion. Channels 11, 14, 21 and 23 To report news items in Bolton, Andover and - Public Affairs d® “ World Tomorrow thau, Ann-Margret, Dinah CD 0 - ABC News de ejercicios con sua anfitriones 2:30 P.M. 0 1 - Dr. Babe Patten to rescue Lawrence of Arabia and Manoff. 1982 Rated PG. ( B - Bualnaaa Timaa on ESPN ara r#csiv#d only by cable (SD - N ew s Update ( 0 - Electric Company ! GLORIA, airing Sunday. March 0D - Independent Network Stefanie y Fho Gkon. 0 - IndaparMtent Network • CD CD - Caphol Coventry, call or write Richard Cody at The Jeffrey encounters Thomas Edi­ ‘A buaineaa nows briefing for ex- Nawa ' 0 - Pink Panther Show television subscribors. 20 on C B S . 3 - CNN HiadUna New. New s 3 - Morning Stretch CD - World's Greatest C^oon Manchester Herald, Herald Square, P.O. Box 591, ® - Glen Campbell Show 9:30 A.M. son (R) (60 min.) acubvaa * (The 7:00am program 3 - CHiPs Patrol CHECK LISTINOS FOR EXACT TIME 3 - Nawa/Sporta/Waathar (3® - living Fahh is ■ ropaai of 6:00am) (60 min.) 0 - Daytime 12:00 P.M. Show Manchester, in' 06040; telephone 643-2711. @ - M O V IE: Marco Polo, Jr.' CE) - Com m ent 3 - MOVIE: ‘Fiddler On the 0 ) . Odd Couple Marco sets out for Xanadu where Roof' Tevye trys to marry off his 3 - MOVIE: “Tha Boyt in 0 0 - Sign Off 0 - AKva ft WaUI 0 - Beverly HIHbUlias (D CD CD 3 - N ew s 0 - Krofft Superstars • - MOVIE: 'Amazing he rescues Princess Shining (E) daughters amid social upheaval in Company C' This wartime drama Spiderman' 0 - M O V IE: ‘Never So F e w ’ A Moon to fulfill a legendary pro­ Czarist Russia. Topol, Norma follows the experiences of five W W II guerilla fighter must battle phecy Voices of Bobby Rydell. C5) - Point of View Crane, Leonard Frey. 1971. young Marines in Vietnam. Stan the Army brass as well as the OUR PEOPLE Shaw, Andrew Stevens, Michael I ’M NOT 6 0 M 6 T O ] ’ NOW USTEN ' BUT YOU'RE THE Arnold Stang. dD - Josie and the Pussycats Rated G. enemy after he attacks Chirtese HAVE PECIPEO ASTRO Lembeck. 1978. Rated R. BE PART OF ANY HERE, EOy... PERFECT M4N FOR BRIDGE 6;15A.M. d® - George Jones: With a @1 • Return of the Great renegades. Frank Sinatra, Gina w EAR6AIN! THE JOB, M0BE&. THEY ALREAOy 3 - MOVIE: 'Tickat to Lollobrigida. Peter Lawford. - Sports Week Little From His Friends Tammy W hales HAVE A 6000 Wynette, Waylon Jennings and Heaven' An unhappy man is sed­ 1960 CANPIPATE. GRAPH ( S ) *■ Soledad Serie dramatica. uced into thinking that member­ 6:30 A.M. other country stars join George Libertad Lamarque. 0 - Despedida Heckart. 1954. ship in a religious cult will be his dD - Captain Kangaroo for this country music get- ^ - How To With Pete 3 - Riak/Marriago together d® - Fraggle Rock Visit the ® - Starsky and Hutch 'ticket to heaven.’ Nick Mancuso, CE) - Ask the Doctor world of Fraggle Rock underneath ( S ) - M O V IE: ‘Traaaure laland' ( 3 ) ' Embajedores de la M usica Meg Foster, Saul Rubinek. 1981. ; . n i ' Whimsical hand slams d® - Voice of Faith Programa musical presentando la ( S ) - All Creatures Great aruf 1:45 A.M. TV < V o u r d i) - Candid Camera the basement of an eccentric in­ A young boy finds a map for hid­ Small - Batman ventor. musica y el folklore de Colombia. 10:30 P.M. ( 3 ) d ) 3 - Sign Off d2) - Ski School den treasure and has a run-in with was spirited, indeed. Most of b irth d ay @ ) - Evans and Novak ® - MOVIE: ‘Cruy Over Long John Silver. Wallace Beery, - Women's Kemper Open 7:15P.M. CD - Sports Extra 3 - Flint the time Blast wound up - Insight Jackie Cooper, Lionel Barrymore. Coverage of the final round is pre­ (5 ) ~ Sports Sunday @ ) - Day of Discovery Horses' The Bowery Boys are in­ 0D - Ffom the Edhor'a Desk 2:00 A.M. going down at soiiie-dTnRIled - Style With Elsa Klensch 1934 sented from the Royal Kaanapali NORTH S-IMS March 20.1983 troduced to racing The Bowery (1® - Ovation Today's programs spade contract /with the @ - MOVIE: Forbidden Boys, 1951 Golf Club, Maui. HA. (2 hrs.) 7:30 P.M. (3) d) - CBS Nawa ♦ A Restrictions which impeded ® - Wild Kingdom 1:30 P.M. are 'Ride on Stranger: Peace in Nightwatch Games' A 5-year-old girt be­ ® - MOVIE: On the Right CD - Outdoor Life ¥9 64 defense taking their four your progress will not be evi­ - Ring Around the World comes obsessed with the rituals (S ) - Sports Weekend Review CS) 3 $ - U S FL FootbaU: Team s our Tim e,' 'Edge of the Cold: The Track'A ten-year-old orphan dis­ (3D ~ At The Movies Dominant Male* and 'The Fame (3D - It's Your Business ♦ A9B54S1 aces. But a few South play­ dent in the coming year Some ® - Davey/Goliath 9 of death after seeing her family IS ) - Enfoque to be Announced plays amazing abilities to pick - Fraggle Rock Visit the Islands.’ (2 hrs.) (3® - ESPN SportsCanter 4 6 3 ers struggled unsuccessfully fresh and interesting associa­ killed Brigitte Fossey, George * Pre-Season Baseball: winners at the race track. Gary (3® IS» - Newsmakers (3D world of Fraggle Rock underneath I f . , at six hearts. tions are in store for you 6:45 A.M. Poujouly. (Dubbed in English) vs. New Coleman, Maureen Stapleton, ® - Jastara 0® - MOVIE: Quest for Fire' W E S T E A S T (S ) > American Gov't Survey the basement of an eccentric in­ The king of diamonds was PISCES (Fab. 20-March 20) If ® ) - Sacred Heart 1952. York Mats Norman Fell. 1981. The p ^ p ie of the Ulam tribe have ventor. ^® - Ask the Manager 4 Q 6 5 4 2 4KJ109I7 (2® - Celebrate 12:00 P.M. learned the value of a fire, but not always led. South would ruff making a major purchase 7:00 A.M. (S) - Money Week ( 3 - MOVIE: -The Blue Max' how to make one. Ron Perlmart, YOU BETTBt IT*9 SIMPLE,GUZ! TH' / SOUNPS PLAUSIBIE.. NOTHIN’ MUCH, \HEY, THAT'S, YEAH, t KNOW.. ¥ J 8 T 2 today, don't pay the first price - Grandes Series 11:00 P.M. Y ' J U S T a diamond, and after noting - Ken Cc^land @ - MOVIE: ‘Case of CD ' Face the State During World W ar II a young Ger­ Rae Dawn Chong, Everett McGill. REALLY... JUST 1 WHAT I DO f BUT IT'S MUCH ♦ K(jJ6 ♦lO C£) 2:00 P.M. CD GD CD (St ® - News BCnAMTHIE OOMSRE98 fe A CT0>y ( WFWT gO, THEY TO, L O S T M E the 4-1 break, would aban­ that's asked even if you feel it’s Mukkinese Battle Horn' “ Opportunity Knocks man aviator competes for the 8:00 P.M. 1962. Rated R. SIT AROUND AN' ) NOW. ALL.', MORE IMPOR­ T95 4 K Q J 7 4 CE) - This Is the Life CD "OONGRESS* OF FOLKS ELECTED V OtJCE THEVy?E T H E R E worth it Bargain a bit for better (S ) ~ World Tomorrow ® - MOVIE: 'Coach' Trouble coveted 'Blue Max’ flying award CD-Off the Set THING TO Ml j BVTH* reOPLE-TO PASS LAM15 ANPy SV M VSILBl, T A N T W HEN don diamonds and try to get CD “ Or. Robert Schuler develops when a woman is hired CD CD - Archie Bunker's Piece ( 0 - Sports Update S O U T H terms. 1983 predictions for ( £ - Newark Reality with other members of his squad­ Archie tries to help Barney after CD - Madame's Place A C M N iO O P f ' RB>RESSJT'EM! s t u f f ; TH''OONOMSS/ e O M E - two club ruffs. He couldn’t - Miracle Revival Hour d® - SportsCenter Plus by mistake to coach a boy's bas­ ron. George Peppard, James Ma­ DX O 3 E S rr)r r r ~ J W H B 7 E I 43 Pisces are now ready Send $1 (lD - Robert Schuller he gets laid off., (3D - Odd Couple 0 - MOVIE: The Disappear­ since West was always able - MOVIE: 'The Great ketball team. Cathy Lee Crosby. son. Ursula Andress. 1966. ance* An assassin’s wife myster­ ¥AKQ167i3 to Astro-Graph. Box 489, (S ) - Future Sport 10:00 A.M. d® - Stars in the Fast Lane Dick to score his jack of trumps. M uppet Caper' The muppets act Michael Biehn. Keenan Wynn. (6 ) - Country Music Jubiloe CD 0® - Festival of Faith iously vanishes and the killer-for^ ♦ 7 Radio City Station. N Y 10019 CE) - Suixlay Morning Van Dick hosts this affectionate Actually, six hearts was O ) - Sunday Cartoon Express as a trio of reporters trying to 1978 Rated PG hire finds that the friends are Be sure to state your zodiac look at the automobile and its • Women in Crisis 4 A 10 8 2 Cl® - Festival of Faith CE) ~ Sunday Mass solve a major jewel theft. Charles “ Sunday at the King's 4:15 P.M. more dangerous than the ene­ unbeatable after the dia­ sign. Send an additional $2 for (3® place in amencan society. (60 - Sports (S ) - Tom ft Jerry Grodin, Diana Rigg, Jack Warden. House ® - Health Weak IS) mies. Donald Sutherland, David Vulnerable: North-South mond opening, but we really (SS - W.V. Grant min.) 3 (SZ) - Sign Off the NEW Astro-Graph Match­ ® - MOVIE: In the Hay' Rated G. - MOVIE: 'Tha Ohoat and Hammings, John Hurt. ' Dealer West can’t fault the South players maker wheel and booklet (S ) - News/Sports/Waather 4:30 P.M. ® ~ NIatt Houston Matt Mrs. M uir' A lonely widow finds CD 3 - SIN- Tasit Oaportiva x 3 - Sign Off who missed the winning fine. Reveals romantic combinations (S ) -* News Update d® * Scholastic Sports Acad, helps a friend who has been ac­ ® > Jimmy Swaggart peace, and material for a best­ (iS - MOVIE; The Great Race' N o rU East South - Chalice of Salvation - Sunday at the King's cused of murder. (60 min.) 3 - Indapandant Networic South would lead a low and compatibilities for an - MOVIE; The Man Who d® selling book, when she falls in A storybook hero and a villain News 2:30A.M. Pass ! ♦ 4 ¥ House who futilely tries to best him, are heart after ruffing a small signs. Would Be K in g 'T w o soldiers of ® - Nuestra Familia love with the ghost of an old sea CD - Chronicle ® - MOVIE; Atom Age 4 4 5 ¥ 5 4 6 ¥ rivals in an auto race that spans diamond with the trump 10. ARIES (March 21-April 19) Be fortune con their way to the @ ) - News/Sports/Weether captain. Rex Harrison, Gene Tier­ 11:30P.M. Vampire' A badly scarred entefr Pass Pass (S ) - Sacrifice of the Mass ® - Wall St. Journal Rap. the first to call attention to any throne of a remote Eastern king­ ney, George Sanders. 1947. three continents. Jack Lemmon, - Larry King Show tainer is healed by a mad sciea- M i West could do nothing better (2 l - Twilight Zone CD GD (@ - MOVIE: Chariots of Fire' Tony Curtis, Natalie W ood. 1966 0® - MOVIE; 'An American than to take his jack and mistakes you make today if dom Sean Connery, Michael ® - News Update CD - David Susakkid tist. Albert Luao, Susanne Loret. Caine, Christopher Plummer. Tw o dissimilar runners compete S® - Making It Count @ ) - Evans and Novak Werewolf in London' Two 1961 lead back his eight. Howev­ you're honest about yoi-r in the 1924 Olympics. Ian Charte- (3 ) - Foro 41 (3) - MOVIE: -Tha Man Who American students, backpacking CD - Jerry Reed arKi Special 1975 Rated PG 3 - M O V IE: 'N ever Bo F e w ' A 3 - U.S. Mpina Skiing IF I FOraSET TO 6ENP er, South would now be in errors others will help cie:* son, Ben Cross, Dennis Christo­ W ould Be King' T w o soldiers of on thb English moors, are vi­ Friends K JENNVLU.' IT M U e r xYCXIVE LE T things up rather than embar­ - World Tomorrow pher 1982 (3 - What About Women fortune con their way to the W W II guerilla fighter must battle ciously attacked by a wierd Championships ' HER A VALENTINE AGAIN Opening lead: 4 K control. He would win with 0D - Hor»aymoonara A\EAN y o u \ BYGONES rass you (3) - MOVIE: 'A Nightingale throne of a remote Eastern king­ the Arm y brass as weH as the beast. David Naughton, Jenny 0 - Money Weak VOU'RE FINALLV dummy’s nine and ruff ® > Kenrteth Copeland ® - Jetscms AREN'T/WAI / BE NEXT YEAR, IM LEAVING TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Sang In Berkeley Square' An dom Sean Connery, Michael enemy after he attacks Chinesi Agutter. Rated R. S ) - Inside Business SMIUNG.' another diamond high. Then - Heritage Comer - Rex Humbard ex-con, now night custodian of a renegades. Frank Sinatra. Q m 3:00 A.M. ANV/WDRB.' ' BYGONES.' Your budget is not too elastic Came, Christopher Plummer. ® - You! Spring Speciall The 03) - Entertainment This W eek .•tfr Lollobrigida, Peter Lawford By Otwrald Jacoby it would be back to dummy at this time, so put a damper 7:15A.M. (S I - Business of Management prestigious British bank, receives 1975. Rated PG. best of spring fashion, from ba­ ® - Pelicule; *Aai es Buenos d ) - MOVIE: Fighting Father an offer he cannot refuse Richard 1960 Dunne* Some troublesome boys and James Jacoby with the trump six for a on excessive spending CED- New s 10:15A.M. @ ) - Country Music JubHee thing suits to evening gowns, is Alraa' Jordan. David Nivan, Elke Som­ @ 1 - 3 0 0 MHIonas Anfitriones presented. (60 min.) are put under the care of an un­ third diamond ruff. The last Reverse the procedure and fig­ mer. (3) - MOVIE: 'Handle with 7:30 A.M. (S ) - Cooking/Kerr Paca Galbadon y Kiki Ledgar pre- 0 -M O V IE : 'StreetcarNamed derstanding and sympathetic three diamonds would now ure ways to accummulate Cere’ A bigamous trucker rom­ (3® - Voice of Faith Oeaka' Tha last brave struggle of Today's hand looks like (2® - M r. Rogers' Neighbor­ 131 - MOVIE: ‘Tlw Longast sentan este programa de varie- priest. Pat. O'Brien, Darryl Hick­ be good. The ace of spades resources. CE) - My Neighbor's Religion ances both of his wives and a ® - Wild. Wild West Blanche du Bots to hold onto her pure whimsy. It would be hood Day' The story of Allied invasion dad musical producido en man. Myrna Dell. 1948. GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) If CS) “ Time for Timothy prostitute. Paul LeMat, Candy faded southern gentility despite except that it appeared in an womd be an dntry and the of Normandy during World War Espana. (6 ) - Nawa/Sports/Waathar 3 - N B A Baakatball: 10:30 A.M. Clark, Charles Napier. 1977. the badgenng of her brother-in- m important pair game some slam would score. you are the spokesperson CE) - Insight II. Richard Burton, John Wayne, S ® ^ ® - CHiPa Ponch and Bruce Philadelphia at Detroit today for a group, you'd better CE) - T V Mass Henry Fonda. 1962. 2:1SP.M. 4:45 P.M. law is depicted m this award win­ 10 years ago. 'The bidding (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN ) CE) - Jack Van Impe are assigned to escort tw o wit­ ning film. Vivien Leigh, Marion 0 - Surulay at tha KirM'a be sure the plans are well coor­ “ That's The Spirit ( C 3 - w id e W ofM of Bpocts d® *■ McDon. Teen Sports- CE) ® - Sports America @ ) - Sport* Weak nesses who are due to testify in Brando. Kim Hunter. 1951. House dinated or things may get out Los Angeles. (60 min.) Scerte dD Pink Panther Show 12:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 5:00P.M. 0 - Larson Sunday Night 0 - News/Sporta/Waathar of hand ( S - K o i a k © ) - Gala of Stars Beveiiy 0 - MOVIE; 'I Ought To Be in (S ) - Newsmaker Surulay - Greatast Sports Legends d ) - MOVIE: -Blood Allay' An CANCER (Juna 21-July 22) CD SiHs and James Levine host this 3 - MOVIE; -Tha Neon 3:30A.M. 'iW JPyNtA YK TMR»g 0 6 PN t TMO Pictures' A jobless screenwriter @ ) * Electric Company - Those Amazing Animals Although others may promise ■ MOVIE: 'Banjo Hackett' American merchant marine cap­ CE special which features perform- Calling' A woman runs away finds himself reluctantly rediscov­ CD (0 - Grand Champiooa E to be of assistance today, (2® - Misa Tele Dominco Don Meridith stars in the title role tain escapes from the Red (O) - MOVIE; -Charade- A arKes by renowned stars of op­ from an unhappy marriage and ering love and faith. Walter Mat­ Chinese John Wayne, Lauren Ba­ finds love with another man. Lee CtSMvpkmsMp Tannia CROSSWORD you’d be wise not to bank too thau. Ann-Margrei, Dinah as an itenerant horse trader and woman discovers her murdered era, dance and symphonic music. (3) - MOVIE: It Ain't Hay' call, Anita Ekberg. 1955, Gram, Gig Young. Denise Nicker­ 0 - MOVIE; 'Funeral Home' A heavily on their support Be Manoff 1982. Rated PG. free spirit w ho-w ith his 9 year husband's cronies are looking for (3 hrs.) old orphaned nephew Jubal (Ike (S ) - Stylo With Elia Klensch a large sum of money he has hid­ son. 1971 young woirian investigates ready to fend for yourself d® - Insight - MOVIE: 'CharioU of Fire' - Tom & Jerry Eisenmann)-pursues the villain­ den. Cary Grant, Audrey Hep­ 3 strange occurences at her gran0- (S ) - Business of Management T w o dissimilar runners compete 11:45 P.M. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) You II (S ) “ Big Story ous horse thief Sam Ivory (Chuck 3:00 P.M. burn, James Cobum. 1964 moiher’s Victorian funeral home. READER'S ACROSS 9 Actor Ferrer Answer to Previous Puzzle in the 1924 Olympics. Ian Charle- get others to go along with Connors) and tries to avoid (D - MOVIE: 'A Man Called 3 - MOVIE; Shoot tho Moon' Kay Hawtry, Barry Morse. 1982. to Indefinite per­ @ ) ** New Jersey Hisparto 10:45 A.M. d S - Faatival of Faith son. Ben Cross, Dennis Christo­ Y 5 ? ------CMV N your ideas more readily today it marrying a pretty widow (Jennifer Sledge' A gunman and his co­ A family goes through trying per­ DIGEST ( 3 - Jew ish Life pher 1982. 3:45 A.M. 1 Ogled sons you don't oversell what you - What About Women Warren). Anne Francis and Slim horts a fortune in gold from ® - Nawa/Bports/Wasthsr iods of separation and c h a ^ . 7 Citrus fruit 11 Not one have to offer. Play it low-key. - MOVIE; On the Right 11:00 A.M. Pickens co-star. 1976. a prison James Gamer. Dennis & - Flight to Survival Albert Finney. Diane Keaton. 3 - MOVIE: 'U Cage Aux N P Hv A sr\ 3 - NHL Hockey: Boston at Karen Allen. 1982. Rated R. Folles II’ A nightclub owner and ( p l .) 12 Strike VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sapt. 22) This Track' A ten-year-old orphan dis­ CS) - Jerry Falwell CD - Cape Verde Today Weaver. Claude Akins. 1971. New York Rangers 13 Keep current 19 Common newt plays amazing abilities to pick 5:30 P.M. his lover are on the run from an is the day to try to get more out ® - Tannia: W C T M unich Cup 12:00 A.M. 14 Heretofore (2 winners at the race track Gary CD - Issues CD - High School Bowl . ® - MOVIE: 'Advanturaa of 8:30 P.M. international spy ring. Ugo To g - 21 Docile of your head than you d o out of ‘83 from Munich, West CD - Bany Fartwr nazzi, Michel Se^auN. Rated R. wdi.) 22 Songs of Coleman, Maureen Stapleton, CD - Make Peace With Nature d® -* Top Rank Boxing from Germany - Final tha WUdsmssa Family Part II’ G D ~ Gloria When Gloria mis­ your wallet. Don t buy things Norman Fell 1981 Atlantic City, NJ A pioneer family has more adven- takenly adminsters CPR to a QD - Lany King Show 3 - MOVIE: The Boys in 15 Thinking praise that you can't get on your own (3D ~ Three Stooges (3® - 'You!' Mag. for Woman 16 Chief ore of ® - Momingtown O - Greatest Sports Legends . tures with life in the wilds. Rated client, the man decides to sue the 3 - CNN Hoadlino Now. Company C This wartime drama 23 Style of type terms. d® - 2nd Annuel Legendery G Today's program features Secre­ (S )' News Update dinic. (R) follows tho experiences of five lead 24 Sails LIBRA (Sapt. 23-Oc1. 23) You 8:00 A.M. Pocket Billiard Stars ® - Nowa/Spona/Woathor young Marines in Vietnam. Stan 17 Pod vegetable tariat (2® - Santo Domingo Invita ® - Newsmaker Sunday CD - N B A BaskatbaU; N e w 25 Cross are the only one who ts likely to d® - Braingames This show is a 3 - MOVIE: 'Tho G n o k Shaw, Andrew Stevens. Michael 18 Beverages CE) - Barrio (S ) “ Crossfire (2® - No Toca Boton Jaraay at Mitwaukea TrtAVtS J-IT inscription be impressed by your grandi­ cross between a video game amd Tycoon' A turbulent love devel­ Lembeck 1978 Rated R. W- - - 20 Place CE) Jimmy Swaggart 3:15P.M. 26 Babylonian ose ideas today Keep this in a game show (3) - Meet The Press 6:00 P.M. (3D - Memories with Lawrence ops betvfeen one of the world's 21 Pursue (2 CE) - Confluence ( ^ - Media Watch W elk wealthiest men arid t)ia widow of 4:00A.M. deity mind before laying it on too (3® - Southwest Championship' (2® - Lawmakers CD CD 3 (3) 3 - Newt wd>.) ® - Muy Especial a U.S. president. Anthony Quinn. ® - News Update 29 Metallic thick. CE) - Celebration/Eucharist W restling @ ) •> Reino Selvaje 3:30P.M. 24 Joked . 42 Literary 48 Diminuttve suf­ CS) - M O V IE : For P o ts't Sake' Jacqueline Bisset, Raf VaHone sound SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) It s CE) - Dr. Cho (S )' News Update Q® - MOVIE: I Ought To Be in 4:15 A.M. VEAH.IT ^ 27 Pert of fix ® > Welcome Back Kottar A woman borrows money from a 9:00 P.M. 1978. m i- tfLKWoiH&y m ii C f 30 Largs deer composition not in your best interest to Pictures' A jobless screenwriter loan shark to send her husband to ® - Madia Watch COriTNCB infinitive d l) - Frederick K. Price (S ) “ Memories with Lawrence CD 3) - Jaffersona 0 - Excher>ge Ip U 49 Troublesome count on funds today which are W alk 1:00P.M. finds himself reluctantly rediscov­ college Barbara Streisand, Mi­ ABOUT ■ 28 Break the seal 43 Urns d® - Tennis: W CT Munich Cup CD “ Ashford and Simpson 31 Aerie plant not in hand. The timetable you - N C A A Basketball ering love and faith. Walter Mat­ chael Sarrazin, Estelle Parsons. 32 Idiotic 44 Faith 9 'B3 from Munich. West @ - MOVIE: Fiddler On the CD CD Video The popular recording 33 Food fish healer Championship Tournament thau. Ann-Margret, Dinah 1974. 12:15A.M. MARCH I 33 Grin 5 1 Insect egg established may not be com­ Germany • Firtal Roof' Tevye trys to marry off his group performs some of their 37 Did cat's work Roberts Manoff 1982 Rated PG 3 - MOVIE: Tho Sensuous 34 Tots 53 Lincoln's patible with the cash flow - Little Rascals daughters amid social upheaval in CD - Make It Real d ) - CBS New. best-loved hits in this hour long 38 Time zone (3® - Co-Ed Meg Griffin hosts this Nurse' A registered nurse is Disney special 35 Hunks of hair 45 Beside (prefix) „|cknatne SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dac. Czarist Russia. Topol, Norma - M O V IE: 'After the Fox' An CD - Road to L.A. video. (60 min.) hired to take care of an aging aiTfOfi (S ) -- News/Spofis/Weather CD weekly teen magazine. 36 Window part (abbr.) 21) Your judgment could be Crane. Leonard Frey. 1971. ^dkan mastermind plans a rob- count. Ursula Andress, Jack Pal- 47 Metal fastener 54 Trouble S2) - Robert Schuller Rated G. ' 3 - Bridashaad Ravisitsd 3) 3 - A B C Thaatra-The Face HOLLYWOOD (UPl) - 37 Legislator 41 Highway questionable today in respect ^bery during the filming of a movie. ( ^ - Big Story of Rage. ‘ Rape victims take part in ance. 1976. Rated R. - M O V IE: 'Forfaidden to your present course ol (2® ® - Sesame Street Peter Sellers. Victor Mature. Britt 3 Disney Studios is produc­ 39 Anxiety (Ger.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 9 10 1 1 12 l2® * Supersoccer 3 1 - That's Hollywood an experimental therapy progrwn ' Ekiand. 1966 Alliance' A famous Victorian 12:30 A.M. ing a new TV special with 40 Wore action. Kid yourself and you M (2® - El Ministerio de Jimmy - Cite con Colombia @ - Vanishing Giants love story of the poets Elizabeth in which they talk with rapists. Starring George Dzundza. Dianne 0® - Int'l Surfing Chempion- the Disney-like title, "B e­ 43 Toy 13 U have to retrace your steps -• Swaggart Presents (3 - Adelante dD - Candid Camera Barrett and Robert Browning, and 4:00 P.M. West and Luke Reilly. (2 hrs.) ship Coverage of the Duka 46 Baieball CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) (2® - Oral Roberts and You d® - Ovation Today s programs her father's jealousy. Norma lieve You Can ...And You ® - Conversation With... (3 ) - Ovation Today's programs (Closed Captioned) Kahamamoku Championship is events 15 te Be careful today not to volun - Jim Bakker are The Romantic Rebellion Shearer. Fredric March. Charles presented. Can!,“ an hour-long show (ID * American Gov't Survey are The Romantic Rebellion; Laughton. 1934 Cft - Vaar in Tennis 47 U u a needle teer lor anything unless you are Francisco Goya,' 'Galapagos; introductlng new attrac­ 17 15 19 20 d ® - Latinos Francisco Goya,' Galapagos: 0 - OvaSofi Today's programs SO Planet sincere Others will take you at 11:15A.M. The Enchanted Islands.' In the 3 - Naws/Sporu/Waathar O - To Be Announced Mouth of the Dragon: Facing the The Enchanted Islands,' ‘In the era 'The Romantic RetMHion: tions and rides in Disney­ 52 Canonized 1| ■ your word and expect you to 8:30 A.M. 21 23 CD - MOVIE: 'Tarzen's New Dragon' and 'David Swan.' (2 Mouth of the Dragon: Facing the 3 - American ChaUanga IS)' News Francisco Goya,' 'Galapagos: land’s Fantasyland. woman (Fr.) d o what you say you will CE) - Portuguese Around Us Adventure' Tarzan joins an expe­ Dragon' and David Swan.' (2 The Enchamed Islands,’ 'In the t hrs.) - MOVIE; -Tha Jericho ® - MOVIE: 'Special SuNatin' 55 Heavy apar AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fab. 19) 3 Featured in the show, to 24 25 25 27 26 29 30 31 ’ Eighth Day dition searching for the®amous hrs.) A group of nuclear protestors Mouth of the Dragon: Facing the CE) (3 ) " Incredible Hulk MHo' A young man carving a life be telecast April 21 by lOO V A 4 ^ Y D O J Y TH A f LL. BE THE OAV/ SB Wear off The values ol an enterprise lost Goddess Herman 'Bruce sentence competes for a place on threaten to blow up Charleston. Dragon' and ‘David Swan.' (2 1 ■ CE) - Day of Discovery Q® - Voice of Faith 57 Scheduled 32 with which you're toying may Bennett' Brix. Ula Holt 1936 (S ) - News/Sports/Weather SC. unless warheads stored in hrs.) stations across the coun­ Vtau I (SET A NOSEBLEB? IF the Olymptc team. Peter Strauss, 58 Barked be somewhat Inllated. but this (2® - Bugs Bunny & Friends (2® ' MOVIE: 'Queen of the the area are deactivated. Ed Flan­ I OTANP ON TIPPY-TOES. 1 ■ 1 ” (S) - Health Week (S i “ St. Patrick's Day Parade Richard Lawson, Roger E. Moa- 0 - Evening at the Improv try, will be Heather N A e r v ? Stardust Ballroom' A lonely wi­ ley. ders. Gail Strickland, Roxanne 34 doesn't mean that it should be (2D * Crossfire ® « American Playhouse Who ® - Style With Elsa Klensch O’Rourke, the little girl . DOWN 11:30 A.M. dowed grandmother and a mar­ Han. 1963. WHY CONT 1 1 1 completely discarded (2® - Robert Schuller: The Hour Am I This Time?' An actor and a ried mailman meet and fall in love 6:30 P.M. 3 -S lg n O f f kidnapped by ghosts in 3 9 (NEWSPAPEH ENTEttPRISE ASSN I of Power (Closed Captioned) CD ~ Face the Nation actress in a small town play fall in 3 - MOVIE: 'Paari' Part 1 'i O l i C O W B at a local dance hall. Maureen Sta­ CD - CBS Newi 3 - Wall St. Journal Rap. Steven Spielberg’s “ Pol- V 1 Hump ■ 1 (2$) - Robert Schuller CD ** This Week with David love (R) (60 min ) (Closed Cap­ pleton, Charles Ourning, Michael 9:15 P.M. tergist" thriller. pcmi, 2 Smalliword 40 * t <2 Brinkley tioned) Brandon. 1975. d ) - N a w s - Jewish Heritage 3 - Fraaman Raporta 1:00 A.M. Along (or the ride is FOSTER? 3 Novelitt 1 (D - Rex Humbard - Newt Update d ) 3 - ABC News Ferber L. 47 45 49 Trlompli ol mind over C3) - Agronaky and Company comedian Morey Amster­ 9:00 A.M. dD - MOVIE: The Time of (S ~ Pelicule: 'El Amor Tiane 3 - ESPN SportaCantar 9:30 P.M. 4 Traitor (al.) matter: m in g able to con­ @ ; MOVIE: 'Miracle In tha (S ) - Confluanco 5 0 51 5Z S 3 54 (E ) ~ Up Front Their Lives' T w o Revolutionary Cara de Mujer' Rain' This love story concerns dam, surrounded by such 5 Arrival-time vince yoorself you’re havtpg 3 - Inside Bualnau QD Q D - Nayvtiart When George - MOVIE; 'FortMdan * Wonderama W ar patriots arrive as ghosts in (St - MOVIE: ‘A Star la Born' tw o lonesome people who meet is ridiculed after ha lapons a LJFO. (X) Disney characters as uata (abbr.) porterhouse steak while CE) 3 3 - N B C Naw a A profetaor and him 55 55 the year 1946 Abbott and Cos­ An unknown girl rises to star­ in the rain during W W II and build Dick comes to his dsfense. Ptanst' - Sunday Morning daughtsr are rsacuad after 20 Mickey and Minnie Mouse 6 Rivar deposit shoveling-in batter-dipped CE) tello. Marjorie Reynolds. Binnie dom Judy Garland, James Ma­ a love that lasts forever. Jane 6:45 P.M. 0 D-P m jI Anka and Snow White and the 7 Muiical term 57 55 grease bits at the fast food 3 ) - M O V IE: 'Houdini' This bio Barnes 1946 son. 1955 Wyman, Van Johnson, Eileen years on tho planet Altake. W al- (S) - NBA Tonight ter Pidgeon, Anne Francis. Leslie Seven Dwarfs. 8 Dele /T foundry...' (i® - ESPN SporUCantar M AIMOa 1

MANCHESTER HERALD, Sat., March 19, 1983 - 1 1 1 0 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., March 19^ 1»B3

- •^1 Obituaries C EPA official j Loul* J. Botticello FOCUS/ People Louis J. Botticello, 52, of 52 Russell St., Manchester, died Friday at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center, Hartford. says his boss] He was born Jan. 3, 1931, in Hartford and had been a Manches­ ter resident since 1943. Andy He was self-employed as a farmer in the East Hartford area. He was a member of St. James pressured hirri Sochi's happy Church of Manchester. He is survived by two brothers, Syndicated Daniel Botticello of Manchester By Robert Sangeorge in the draft rep ort. ; Columnist and Harry Botticello of West ■ ___ • United Press International “ Due the tone of the converse* though she grew up barely knowing her famous mom Hartford; five sisters, Mrs. Isabel tions, I don’t believe I had any Gionfriddo of East Hartford, Mrs. , WASHINGTON An Environ­ chance to express my opinions,’! Carmella Gionfriddo of Coventry, mental Protection Agency official, said Adamkus. “ He (Hernandez) tucked under a coltish body. Mrs. Concetta Hildebrand of Glas­ in explosive congressional testim­ wanted to know who was working By Marilyn Beck "W e don’t relate as a parent tonbury, Mrs. Celia Barniak of ony, said Friday acting EPA chief on it (the study). He angrily Syndicated Columnist Taking and as a child," she says, "But Manchester and Miss Columbia John Hernandez pressured him to denounced our work as trash.” , as close girlfriends. We talk Botticello of Manchester: and change a report blaming dioxin Adamkus added that Hernandez, HOLLYWOOD - She grew up i \ about everything. She’s so several nieces of nephews. pollution on Dow Chemical Co. “ in very, very strong language hardly knowing her mother, yoi'ng in the way she thinks, in Funeral services will be Monday Valdas Adamkus, administrator discredited the scientific qualifica* never knowing what it was to her optimism, herspirit. She’s a at 9:15a.m. at the Watkins Funeral of EPA’s Midwest regional office tions of the people working on the d stand have a conventional family life, remarkable woman," Home, 142 E. Center St., Manches­ ‘ a in Chicago, said Hernandez tele­ report.” Hernandez then told to seek — and receive — Did she never feel resentment ter, with a mass of Christian burial phoned him three times in June Adamkus he had given the draft parental direction. She was that her mother refused to allow at 10 a.m. at St.James Church. 1981 seeking to soften the report, report to Dow and that the Chicago forced, at an early age, to fall herself to be encumbered by the Burial will be in St. James and in one conversation “ angrily office should discuss it with them. on lines back upon her own resources, to responsibilities of motherhood Cemetery. Six congressional subcommit­ find friends who would serve as denounced our work as trash.” and was not there to provide Friends may call at the funeral " I was disturbed and almost tees and the FBI are investigating a surrogate family. emotional support during those home Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 distraught,” by Hernandez’ ac­ the E P A ’s handling of the $1.6 There are people who’ll get in And yet, in spite of all that — formative years? That she p.m. billion Superfund toxic waste clea­ or because of it — the 22-year- tions, Adamkus said. any line they see just on the theory didn’ t have the benefit of the nup program. Hernandez was old daughter of Shirley Ma- Mildred E. Early His testimony before a House that there must be something mother-child bonding, which energy and commerce subcommit­ named acting administrator cLaine and Tokyo-based Mildred “ Mickey" E. (Musick) worth getting at the other end of it; experts are now saying is so March 9 when Anne Burford producer-businessman Steve Early, 53, of 25 Hebron Road, tee directly contradicts Hernan­ then there are people who won’t vital to the development of the dez’ statements earlier thi8 week resigned under fire. ., Parker considers herself ’’one Bolton, died Friday at her home. stand in line for 10 minutes if young? She was the wife of Jack E. UPI photo that he merely asked EPA scienU of the luckiest people in the there’s a pot of gold waiting there Early. She was bom Oct. 17, 1929, ists to review (heir work and that world.” "It never occurred to me to for them. in Akron, Ohio, and had been a he did not know what deletions Sachiko (Sachi) Parker looks resent it. 1 just grew up feeling resident of Bolton for 32 years. On the track were made from the sensitive I like the idea of self-discipline — and acts — remarkably like that she had her career, that it Iron - that comes when some lines are Before her retirement in De­ study. the mother with whom she only was natural that I never had a cember 1982, she was a teacher and John Hill (left) and Casey Bathel, wearing only pajamas and no shoes Two EPA scientists also told the voluntarily formed. When people became re-acquainted a year conventional homelife.... head librarian at the Manchester members of the Illinois Department of when he walked away from the Hope panel of the enormous pressure get one behind the other so they and a half ago. High School, where she had been Conservation Law Enforcement, use Living and Learning Center. The dogs they felt to change the report — move forward in an orderly way Her mannerisms, her candor, AT THE MOMENT she's employed since 1951. particularly to eliminate their vowing her speech patterns are so dividing her time between her instead of pushing and shoving to bloodhounds to track a 12-year-old tracked the boy's scent to an area of Shirley MacLaine that one is at She was a member of the Bolton conclusion that "D ow ’s discharges the front like pigs at a trough, this mother’s Malibu home and the Congregational Church, the Na­ farmland more than two miles east of the represented the major source, if first taken aback: then swept up retarded boy lost for two days. Police is a civilized procedure. Most lines apartment she shares with tional Education Association, the center. not the only source” of the in the warmth generated by the actor David Weininger, whom said Kevin Sales of Chicago was aren’t voluntary, though, and I Connecticut Education Associa­ pollution in two rivers near Dow’s young woman who now seeks to she describes as "the wonderful battle hate them. tion, the Manchester Education Midland, Mich., plant. become a star in her own right. man I love,” Association, the Connecticut State They said they were forced to The people who make you stand ’T m a very happy person: I She has no desire for any Library Association and the review the study "line by line” (U PI) — Iran Friday branded in line to get something assume always have been, I guess,” she more foreign adventures, "1 Women’s Club of Manchester. Mailer worries over trial with Dow officials, who even OPEC’s $5-a-barrel oil price cut that their time is more important notes. And, indeed, every state­ couldn’ t live in Japan again, I Besides her husband, she is argued with them about the title of “ illegal” because it did not partici­ than yours ment she makes only serves as have wonderful memories of survived by her mother, Mrs. R. the draft report. pate in the decision and vowed td It is preposterous the length of further proof that Sachi has my childhood there; the pine Burke (Blanche) Musick of Akron, In dramatic remarks at the end fight the “ treachery” of the time some Americans stand in line developed the knack of perceiv­ trees, the lakes. Sometimes I Ohio: one son, Timothy B. Early, of the three-hour hearing, subcom­ ing life from the vantage point of investigative reporter cartel’s Persian Gulf Arabs that to do business at a bank these days. get so homesick for it I cry. But at home; three dauyhters. Miss Jill mittee Chairman John Dingell, led the campaign for lower price£ of the optimist. after being here, where eve­ Airline ticket counters aren’t Early of Cambridge, Mass., Miss D-Mich., called the E P A Chicago Oil traders in London said Irad ” I was left alone a lot,” she ryone is so open, I just couldn’t much better. Robin Early and Miss Patricia By Jon Fleming University o( Pennsylvania and Stratton tailed to show up for a officials "courageous” for coming mounted the broadside attack oq says, not as a complaint, but as j ' l go back to a place where Early, both at home; one sister, United Press International might not be able to testify later. pre-trial conference in August, the forth. He told them if they are OPEC to justify discounts of $2 a These organizations are saving a statement of fact. ” I lived all everyone is so, well, Mrs.Lois Takatch of Chagrin But Judge Coward I. Vignoux government moved to take posses­ questioned or harassed about their barrel that it wou Id soon offer on its themselves money by not having over the world, and whatever I diplomatic.” Novelist Norman Mailer said Falls, Ohio: and several nieces and refused to allow any interruption of sion of the farm. testimony by their superiors at oil. j enough help. They borrow what wanted to do was fine. I never But she says, "The closest Friday the drug conspiracy trial of nephews. i The U.S. Attorney’s office an­ EPA, they should inform him Britain, under intense pressure they save from all the rest of us in had much direction, and that friend I ’ve ever made is my his friend Richard L. Stratton the prosecution, upholding U.S. Funeral services will be Monday Attorney Richard S. Cohen’s argu­ nounced Thursday that it had immediately. from customers to knock as muco was good, because everything I mother. You know a mother is could set a precedent for deciding the form of the tin>e they steal at 1; 30 p.m. at the Bolton Congre­ ment that allowing Mailer to seized the property. Speaking to reporters after­ as $2 a barrel off its North Sed did was my choice.” someone who’ ll never go how far a reporter can go to get a while we stand on one foot and then gational Church. Burial will be in testify at this point would be "W e’re discussing various ways ward, Dingell said it is "stiil to crude to compete with OPEC’s new away." story about “ hairy” criminal the other. Bolton Center Cemetery. Friends and means to recover something early” to say whether the informa­ prices, said it would not reduce its IT WAS her parents’ choice, But didn't she? activitira. “ extremely detrimental" to the Standing in line to be entertained may call at the Holmes Funeral government’s case. from it,” Mailer said. tion will be turned over to the oil by more than 75 cents a barrel) when Sachi was an infant, that "Not really," responds Sachi, " I t ’s a crucial question for seems like a particularly dumb Home, 400 Main St., Manchester, The key government witness Justice Department for possible Analysts said the British position they lead separate lives. And so without missing a beat. "N ot in reporters, especially investigative Mailer said later he wasn’t sure from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. if he would return next week. thus far in the trial was a convicted criminal prosecution. should help stabilize world oil thing to do. I ’m not so interested in their daughter spent her earli­ a special way, I knew she was reporters," Mailer said during an Memorial donations may be made drug dealer who said Stratton Adamkus said it was clear to him prices and reinforce the Organiza!- having a second-hand good time est years being transported there. And we’ re so close now. ’ ’ impromptu news conference out­ While he refused to discuss his to the American Cancer Society or arranged a series of marijuana from the telephone discussions tion of Petroleum Exporting Coun­ that I ’m going to stand in line to see back and forth from Japan, side U.S. District Court. "In possible testimony. Mailer appar­ m the Manchester High School and cocaine deals that were that Hernandez was ordering — tries’ four-day- old agreement td a show or a movie. (I’ve always where Parker headquartered, extreme cases, you go to some ently referred to Stratton when he I# SH WOULD SACHI have felt Library. carried out by a network of rather than suggesting — that slash its benchmark crude to $29 a been very suspicious of anything to whatever part of the world uncomfortable had she been pretty hairy places.” said investigative reporters must Card of Thanks walk a fine line between observer underlings. changes desired by Dow be made barrel to avert a price war. called “ fun-filled.” ) Shirley happened to be as she cast in ‘Terms of Mailer appeared in federal court pursued her career. I would like to thank Dr. Shaki- hoping to testify on behalf of and participant when researching This comes to mind because, SACHIKO PARKER LOOKS AND TALKS LIKE HER MOTHER Endearment’?" bai, all the nurses at Manchester ’’When I was 5, I moved Stratton before the government criminal activities. unlikely as it seems, I ’ve just been "A re you kidding? I would Memorial Hospital and all the permanently to Tokyo and lived . . . Shirley MacLaine’s daughter wants to be an actress finishes presenting its case. "W e’re in a tough business. How to Disneyworld near.Orlando, Fla. have loved working with mom,” people who sent cards and flow­ far do you go to get a story?” with my father until I was 12, she giggles. Ira London, a attorney President Reagan was just there ers during my illness. jjler said. when I was sent to boarding representing Stratton, said Mailer 1 ^ Would she object to her Elizabeth Gagnon too, to visit the new Epcot Center. school, first in Switzerland, then Her relationship with her Hollywood, I ’d never become an would be lecturing next week at the SUiatton was indicted with 13 cooking dinner at her home one mother using her influence to others following a drug bust in Considering I'd never heard the in England,” says Sachi. "A ll mother didn’t really begin until actress. And now here I am.” night, and she said, ’Want to get Sachi a role in another In Memoriam Sanford, Maine, a year ago that word "Epcot” until two weeks ago, during my teens, I ’d spent my Sachi was 20, and decided to play some games?’ And we movie? In loving memory o f John Ea- M&S MINI MART vacations with French or Ger­ make a stopover in America on netted $1.2 million worth of mari- my consciousness of it now is high. SHE MAKES her professional started doing some improvisa- “Not on your life! I’d be fano who passed away March 19, Hussein ju a ^ a n d hashish. 119 SPRUCE STREET MANCHESTER man families — because it was the way home to Tokyo from acting debut next weekend in tional skits. I loved doing them grateful; I ’d be thrilled. I don’t 1975. Paris, where she had been Continued from page I Tohen has described Stratton as KEVIN & CATHY MACKENZIE, PROPS. DISNEYWORLD IS divided into just too far for me to return to The Beverly Hills Playhouse — and she told me, ‘Whatyou’re have a hangup about that.” Japan.” working as an interpreter. who is pro-PLO but not a member of the key figures in a two parts, each attracting roughly prodilftion of ’’Pastorale” di­ doing is acting. That’s what Or about Anything else, it Every day in some small way. OPEN MON.-SAT. 7-9 SUN. 8-9 She developed the knack, ” I thought it would be nice to of the group. jspiracy to smuggle drugs into rected by Susan Dietz — and is acting is all about.’ ” seems. She 'com es off as a Memories of you come our the same size crowds. The Magic born of need, td make those visit my mother — and I ’ve been The wrangle over the mission’s England and Canada.Ida determined that acting will Since that evening her mother remarkably happy, fulfilled, way. Kingdom is the older part and is families her family, to reach out here ever since,” she says, then Time and years roll swiftly by. make-up soured Britain’s relations AiT'Skpiring novelist, Stratton become her life-time work has become her best friend, she well-adjusted young woman — pure entertainment for children from an early age and cultivate adds with a giggle, ” I always But love and memories never with the Arab world until the claims ne- was researching a ” It all started during that points out, as she sits in a pink which has to say something and adults who like to go along with close friendships. used to say I ’d never go to die. compromise was agreed upon. fictional account of the interna­ PRING FEVER SALE visit to my mom, when we were jogging suit, her long legs about something. them. It has all kinds'of spooky The mission to London sprang tional drug trade, but did not join Sadly missed by. from the Arab summit in Morocco any conspiracy. rides, roller coasters and inventive Mother, Father, last September where Arab lead­ The manuscript of the novei, FEATURING entertainment for children. There Brother and Sisters ers adopted the so-called “ Fez entitled. “ Drug War,” has been isn’t anything dirty or in any way plan’’ supporting a Palestinian submitted to a New York sexy ih the whole show. state. publisher. Epcot, which stands for Experi­ The Arab plan also implicity “ I wouldn’ t guarantee that it’s FRESH - WHOLESOME Filene's never smelled so awful mental Prototype Community of Reogon going to be published, but it’s a recognized Israel’s right to exist, Tomorrow, is more like a World’s pretty good W k ,” said Mailer, a I am standing in the middle of Putting it, well, mildly, Andrew notice other bargain hunters giv­ head out for a restaurant. providing that security of all states Fair. in the region be guaranteed by the two-time Ptilitzer Prize winner. GUIDA DAIRY PRODUCTS Filene’s basement, sorting smells like a barnyard, ing us a wide berth. It is always fun to visit Boston to It has six major industrial U.N. Security Council. Mailer met Stratton about 10 through a pile of sweaters. I am his guest. I don’t want to Exactly the diplomatic phrase I catch up on Andrew. To see where exhibits and eight buildings re­ defends The 10-member delegation ar­ years ago when both were living on The $24.95 one I ’m crazy for isn’ t insult the host. use I can’t remember, "Andrew, college is taking his personality Cape Cod. They bought a horse IMOGENIZED MIU GALIONS ONLY n .8 0 presenting private or government rived Thursday on the delayed my size. There are few women There must be an explanation for YOU SMELL HORRIBLE, ” is this month. final leg of an Arab League effort farm together in 1978 in Phillips, exhibits by foreign countries. It lOFAT MIIK GAUONS alive in New England who have this, I think. Is this another phase probably close. Along with horses, his latest love to raise the Palestinian issue with Maine, which is where Stratton ONLY n .6 5 also has ’’The American never found anything in Filene’s. the kid is going through? " I t ’s horse sweat," he says, is his computer ethics teacher. budget world leaders, particularly Britain was arrested iast March. Adventure.” Stratton used the house as ORANGE JUICE Vi GAILON ONLY <1.09 I ’m one of them. However, I ’ve The family weathered the beaming. "From brushing Computer ethics, can you stand and the four other permanent Epcot attracts an older, more collaterai to get out on bail when never been to Boston without moustache phase: we survived the horses.” Then, with a mixture of it? When 1 was in school I had WASHINGTON (UPI) — Presi­ members of the Security Council. sophisticated crowd, although "so­ .COCA-COLA giving the place another try. safari shirt phase and we just patience and pride, Andrew tells crushes on biology teachers. Eng­ dent Reagan, setting up a budget phisticated” is relative because no CHECK OUT OUR He sneaks up behind me and barely escaped the judo phase. me his latest phase. lish teachers. Andrew has a crush battle’ with House Democratic one very sophisticated is apt to go Woman in stable condition [2 UTER BOTTLE*1.19 throws his arms around me, This must be another phase, I My brother is into horseback on his computer ethics teacher. leaders, strongly condemned the to the place. It appeals to people to 1984 Democratic budget plan Fri­ startling several nearby bargain think. The not-taking-a-bath-all- riding. Big. Between classes at Between the second and third BOLTON — An Andover woman Hill Road, Andover, suffered a ALL NEW DELI!! whom the word "sophisticated” is day and called it is "a declaration hunters. semester phase. He’s probably Northeastern University, he works glass of wine, he lets me in on a was in stable condition Friday at head injury in the 12:35 a.m. crash, pejorative. of war ... I'm not going to sit still Hartford Hospital after suffering Andrew, my youngest brother^ tolerantly follows behind me for an into Marxism and sunflower seeds, at a stable. In return, he is allowed little secret, courtesy of his compu­ state police and a hospital spoke- People stand in line to buy their for.” injuries in a bizarre double­ man said. has always been a believer in the hour or so as 1 hunt down the too, I think. to ride horses for free. ter ethics teacher. Saying it is “ a dagger aimed IPEPSI-COLA tickets, they stand in line to get on a accident on Hebron Road early Police said Ms. Psokalas was dramatic entrance. Elusive Great Bargain. My nose takes it (or about 10 And having hands that smell like “ In 20 years we’re going to run straight at the heart of America’s Friday that started when the car 2 UTER BOTTU GERMAN STYtE bus or the monorail, they stand in driving her car southbound on the *1.19 He is a college kid. I ’m the big In about four minutes my nose minutes more. horse you-know-what is a badge of out of renewable energy resour­ rebuilding program,’’ Reagan she was driving rolled over, line for an hour to see a 25-minute road when she lost control, sister, blowing into town for a tells me there’s something terribly Around about budget blouses honor. ces," he says. urged Republicans and Democrats authorties said today. swerved left and then right, hit a BOiOGNA $1 .3 9 show, they stand in line to get quick visit. We agree to meet at wrong with the way my brother and business suits, all tolerance I gently steer him toward the "As long as we don’t run out of to defeat the $863 billion plan when Joyce Psokalas, 27, of Boston dirt bank and rolled over something to eat, and then they Adele’s favorite store, and he smells. systems fail. Especially when I nearest washroom, and then we wine,” I say smiling. it comes up for a full House vote stand in line to go to the bathroom. next week. LAYS LEAN - RARE CO O O It is safe to say that anyone who The plan approved by the House Reading M.09 Budget Committee would cut $9.3 POTATO CHIPS ROAST BEEF goes to Disneyworld will spend billion from the president’s pro­ study 1983-Year of the Bible more time standing in line than P t^ filC ' doing anything else. posed $30 billion increase in slated Name: Joseph H. Brooks Because most of the people who defense spending, pump $26 billion to be spiritually minded Age: 41 C O V E N T R Y more into non-defense programs go there are those Americans who Occupation: police captain — In March and is life and peace ROYAUCE CREAM and raise $30 billion in taxes, SATURDAY ONLYil tolerate lines well, they don’t seem Address: Manchester presumably by repealing the 10 April some of the to mind. There’s some grumbling Favorite restaurant: The Colony of Vernon percent income tax cut scheduled high school’s MARCH 19th about the lines, but most people Favorite food: Italian Grade 9 students v^oal. ^ 2 « 3 9 for July 1. AU seem to think the exhibits are Favorite beverage: milk "The budget committee of the will be partici­ How firm a foundation FREE CARNATION TO 1st 10( worth waiting for. Favorite hobby: horseback riding House, controlled by the liberal pating in a read­ Ye saints of the Lord Sports participation: slow pitch softball wing of the Democratic Party, has ing study, con­ LADY SHOPPERS AND FREE I was more interested in the Roots for: Patriots just come up with a truly danger­ ducted by Ms. is laid for your faith GRADE "A' people than the exhibits. You'd Ideal vacation: all expenses paid tour of the ous budget proposal/’ Reagan told Regina Chatel, COFFEE TO EVERYONE ALL DAY have to say the people were in His excellent Word. United States at my leisure reporters at the White House. currently Bol­ middle-America at its best. They JUMBO Best way to relax: spend time with my wife and "The so-called Jones (Rep. ton’s reading were clean, simply dressed and son James Jones, D-Okla.) proposal is consultant, who doz. intelligent. is on leave work­ Christian Video Center EGGS 95< Favorite actress: Goldie Hawn a declaration of war against the SUPER DEALI! They were having a quiet good common sense principles that are ing on a Ph.D. in Favorite song: " I believe in You’ ’ by Don Williams for rental of Christian Teaching Video cassettes time. They didn’t seem to demand Music: country Western now rebuilding / merica. reading at the much. I know them well. They Favorite book: "The Onion Field” by Joseph " I ’m not going to sit still for a University of Wambaugh proposal that makes a huge Connecticut. W E ACCEPT FRESH LEAN think television news ought to say Favorite store: Regal’s Men’s Shop Inc increase in taxes, guts our defense The study will more that’s good about America. Pet: Poodle called Queenie program, repeals many over the examine the re­ FOOD STAMPS HAMBURG n .49 I would say without a doubt that overdue welfare reforms that we lationship be­ FavorU i \ in Manchester: Wickham Park !l3 ibles & Books if Disneyworld is the kind of Car: 1978 Ford have enacted, and adds an incredi­ tween the direc­ entertainment you enjoy, you'll tions given to I K .1 ‘ ' f l-'i r ,1 )( ) III! I -.1 Favorite color: blue ble $181 billion in domestic spend­ enjoy the kind of entertainment ing to what we’ve proposed,” he students before Favorite TV show: "Barney Miller” available at Disneyworld. said. oral reading. I 840 Main St. • Downtown Manchester | Favorite quotation: "N o man stands so tall as StrCGLB ill illif ^Ci«iC-$ . when he stoops to help a child ” 12 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Sat., March 19, 1 ^ vi.vNf'HESTER HERALD, Sat., March 19, 1983 - 13 Senior News Engagements Reader tells how to handle patients in chemotherapy Medication check planned by pharmacists

DEAR ABBY: When I Editor’s note: this column 4220; Nadine Malcom, Gaily, 786; Dom Anasta- PINOCHLE SCORES BOWLING SCORES Men: Hi single — Ed sandwich, buttered veget­ Italian bread, cream puff. DEAR ABBY: I’ve had It prepared by the staff of 3780; Bill Cooper, 3610. MARCH 16 Thursday: Ham slices, cancer and have been on hear women complain be­ sio, 773; Joe Garibaldi, MARCH 15 Yourkas, 215; Hi triple — ables, cranberry sauce, cause their husbands the Manchester Senior 764; Betty Jesanis, 760; Annette Hillery, 607; Jim Stockpole, 540. tropical fruit. candied sweet potatoes, chemotherapy for a year Center. It appears In the PINOCHLE SCORES and a half. I’d like to pass snore, it saddens me be­ Arvid Peterson, 758; Bob Bill Stone, 590; Joe Gari­ Women: Hi women’s Tuesday: Minestrone French style green beans, cause both my father and Manchester Herald on MARCH 14 Ahem, 748; Peter Casella, baldi, 582; Paul Ottone, MENU F O R T H E soup, hot dog on a bun, apple ring, golden cake on some tips to the general Wednesdays and Satur­ WEEK: tapioca. public to help them deal Dear Abby my wonderful husband of 746; Gert McKay, 739; V! 580; Dom Anastasio, 579; single — Ida Cormier, with peaches. 16 years snore, so I've had days. Fritz Wilkinson, 840; Dion, 735; Anne Fisher, Sam Schors, 569; Ruth 199; Hi women’s triple — Wednesday: Sheilswith Friday: Pea soup, tuna with cancer patients. Harold Hinson, 795; John Monday: Hot turkey Ninety percent of the Abigail Van Buren 35 years to think about By Joe Olmlnico 731. Search, 564. Ida Cormier, 474. meat sauce, tossed salad. boat, dessert. people I’ve dealt with this. Activities Specialist A snoring husband is have been great. Here’s Greetings: the other 10 percent: God’s gift to a wife. It is People who wait until audible testimony that he Seniors are reminded they have an audience, is with you. He is not'in a about “Brown Bag Day” parents' birthplace ever cold grave, he is not sick scheduled for March 21 then ask in a sorrowful "miracles.” from 1 to 3 p.m. On this voice, “How are you, People who tell you since I was a child.) in the hospital, and he is My parents have been not in another woman’s day we will have pharma­ dear? Your color looks about all their relatives cists here at the Center to ^ F terrible." (I took this who died of cancer and dead for over 25 years. bed Can I be punished for this He is right there. With analyze your medications from one woman for sev­ how much they suffered. as well as any precautions eral weeks before yelling, I’ve wanted to write this lie? What do I have to do if you! DOUBLE COUPONS “I’m fine! And don't ever I want this falsehood If you love him, it will be that go with them. REDEEM MANUFACTURERS' CENTS-OFF COUPONS FOR DOUBLE THEIR for ages. Even if you don’t a comfort to you. If you This affair is sponsored k lEC$tElWl>BEE#gEKIft*BfEWI8WE<0>>»»yailTB»»4Bb«E*f ask me again! ’’ She never print it, I feel better now. corrected on my delayed ^ BE^OEyB»Etl$ltBll| >ElEW<^EEb. program. FnesH Vocalists Sunday w eddings Remember this is our Beef Liver .. 69* SEEF R0-BONELESS BEEF CHUCK-BONELESS Even loud singing won't cover biggest fund raiser and Chicken Breasts (ASP 1-LB. PRO. 1.99) -g OQ Rib Eye Steaks Top Blade Steaks 1” FRESH dfCASTS 1.4« LB.) helps supplement our Ann Page Sliced Bacon ilt 1*’ NO SUGAR ADDED (BEEF 1-LB. PKG. 1.99) .g q a meals program. Perdue Chicken Legs at Second Church ' (BEEF 1-LB. PKG. 1.39) -g -y q Kahn’s Sliced Bacon Kahn’s Jumbo Meat Franks Pauline has informed us FRESH ROASTBIO CMCKENB-C TO 7 LBS. that there are still open­ A&P Meat Franks P’ QUICK FROZEN FRESH OCEAN PERCH FILLET 2.39 LB. ^ at% the growling of her stomach Perdue “Oven Stiiffers” ALL VARtrriES-THIN SUCEO a A&P Flounder Fillets Fresh Pollock Fillets The Second Congregational Church of 38S N. Main ings for the popular Wild­ 2.S«t. I St. will present tenor Wes Garrison and soprano Carol wood trip scheduled for FRESH A&P Luncheon Meats L pkq*. QUICK FROZEN-6READE0 CENTER SUCEO /<%1A Chicken Livers phg. O’Neill in a concert of favorite vocal music Sunday at high cost of everything June 19 to 23. The price of A&P Fish C ^es Fresh Cod Steaks .b 2*’ 7 p.m. at the church. DEAR DR. LAMB: I the trip is $183. For need your help. My stom­ these days, we don’t want Garrison has performed with the Chicago Lyric to take them just to be further details you may Opera and is soloist at the First Church of Christ in ach growls. It is so loud contact Pauline at 643- that one Sunday when the taking them, but we would West Hartford. Ms. O’Neill has performed locally. like to know should we 1711. Accompanist will be Herbert Chatsky, minister of congregation was stand­ Your Health Golfers are reminded jtWE FARA# ing and singing loudly my take them, and if so which about our annual golf COS music at Second Congregatiopnal Church. ones. Tickets are |2. stomach went at it. There meeting scheduled for was a couple in front of us Lawrence Lamb, M.D. Monday at 7 p.m. here at Light n’ Lively and the wife turned to her DEAR READER: If the Center. Elections of The Salad BarsJlSlSt^ FRESH NUTRmOUS BUNCH CARROTS OR Lender’s husband, giggled and you are truly eating a officers, dues, green fees, Yogurt asked if his stomach had balanced diet with an and format will be dis­ Bunch Beets or Kohlrabi Bagels adequate variety of foods CMSP CRUNCHY-f RESH BUNCH Births just growled. cussed. This meeting is EGO, PLAIN OR ONION I have tried everything. from each of the four mandatory for the roster Kale or Dandefion I tried drinking a lot of by gas passing through means carbonated drinks, basic food groups, you do will be drawn up from U.S. N0.1-NUTRITIOUS RUSSET not need vitamins. Knofla, William Frederick, son of Mr. and Mrs. milk, hoping to coat my liquid in the small intes­ these may be part of your those present. Baking Potatoes l»!!: stomach. I tried eating tine or through a narrow problem. Nervous tension However, many people If you cannot make it SUGAR SWEET-NUTRITIOUS Jeffrey F. Knofla of Houston, ’Texas, was born Feb. 17 do not eat a balanced diet. in Houston. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and crackers. I don’tsmokeor opening. can increasee the activity please contact the Center. Golden Yams In that case, any of the PICK-YOUR OWN! U.S NO. 1 - ALL PURPOSE Mrs. , Roy F. Knofla of Westport. His great- take drugs but I do drink Noises are more apt to of the small bowel. That As a special treat Paul fpkgs. lots of liquids. It growls occur when you have an also contributes to the relatively low-cost daily Dutelle will be showing Yellow O ^ o n s X grandparents are Mrs. Frederick Knofla of Manches­ vitamin preparations CALIFORNIA LARGE • JUICY ter and Mrs. Russell T. Corcoran, also of Manchester. anytime, whether I am increased amount of gas. problem. And that can the movies of the golf U.S. FANCY 6 EXTRA FANCY hungry or have just eaten, This is somewhat differ­ also contribute to swal­ such ‘ as One-A-Day will swings of all last year’s Sunkist Lemons lowing air. provide all the vitamins CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS Junibu Red Rome Apples 2>bc^l I'ro/fii Spi'dals Paterson, Robert Nathan, son of Donald and Bonnie morning or night. ent from large bowel gas members. • U.S. N0.1-2V4" MN.-CRISP JUIC* I feel the pressure build that many people com­ I’m sending you The your body could possibly Next Thursday we will Mel-o-bit Sharp M.4S _ 39 Greenwood Paterson of Mercer Island, Wash., was need. Each such pill con­ Jumbo Size (se’s) A $ 1 bom March 2 in Seattle University Hospital. His up in my stomach, then it plain about. It is usually Health Letter 6-8, Control­ watch Mary Dunphy dem­ Cheese Shces M cIntosh growls ending with a from air you swallowed or ling Gaseousness for tains the recommended onstrating the art of belly A&P maternal grandmother is Mrs. Bonnie Greenwood of daily dietary allowance Navel Oranges X Apples ' 2 . * 1 Vermillion, Ohio. His paternal grandparents are Mr. trickling noise. Then the from gas liberated in the more informatiion. Oth­ dancing. Last year this Orange Juice pressure builds up again. stomach. The reaction of ers who have gas prob­ (RDA). A&P Shredded Mozzarella ^ 59^ and Mrs. Neil Paterson, 104 Baldwin Road. His program was quite popu­ |9 9 BIROS EYE-mOIVUMJALLV FROZEN maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Georgiana Root I’m a 21-year-old female, carbonate with acid in lems can send 75 cents for lar so please attend to 3quw1 CT Kitty Litter 5-feet-8 and weigh 135 your stomach may cause this issue with a long, These amounts were set Hood Orange Juice lug J Broccoli Spears of Vermillion, Ohio. His paternal great-grandmother view a most artistic form cn k:k e n . t u r k e y o r b e e f ^ is Mrs. Barbara Paterson of Springfield, Mass. pounds. I jog two miles a the release of large vo­ stamped, self-addressed by a group of nutritionists of dancing. day, play tennis and rac- lumes of carbon dioxide. envelope for it to me, in and other scientists based H ood Sour Cream Diamond Walnut Meats X 3^’ Ann Page Meat Pies 3 X^ The following Thursday FAMN.YS1ZE Forde, Lindsay Russell, daughter of Richard H. and quetball. I'm in school and It is absorbed from the care of this newspaper, on the best available John Churilla, a fellow Ellen R. Forde of Simsbury, was bom March 4 at St. it is hard to concentrate small intestine but in the P.O. Box 1551, Radio City knowledge. This is more senior who just recently Parkay Soft Margarine Diamond Walnut Meats X 2^^ Aunt Jemima Waffles AArs. Charles House meantime may cause than the minimum ^ETS ^ ^ S TO U F FE ^ . . • Spiiwch Soutn*. 12-0*. Francis Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. when you are worried Station, New York, N,Y. returned with his wife lilCn^kC * NoodiMRomaoott, 12«*. and Mrs. Donald Russell of Topsfield, Mass. Her about when your stomach such symptoms. 10019. amount too. The only from a safari in Kenya, Sorrento Ricotta Green Giant Corn 2 X. 8 5 LPiaiICa •PoU»OMAuOf»uUn.11.fro*. pl«g. 99* people needing more than paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. will start growling. What What can you do? Avoid will be on hand for a slide MEDIUM Forde of 224 Main St. She has a brother, William, 19 can I do? anything that contributes DEAR DR. LAMB: My the amounts provided in presentation of Kenya. Sorrento Mozzarella quart J 3 9 House-AAulcahv to forming acid in your husband and I are in mid such preparations are Green Giant Peas 2 85* Kraft Mayonnaise months. Knowing John personally, I DEAR READER: The stomach and avoid coffee, life and in good health. We those with some medical I assure you this will be a C ottage Cheese X," cont. - Mary-Jane Mulcahy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. technical name for such tea and all carbonated hear our friends speak of problem and they need a Chimin Bath Tissue 6 P’ Nalesnik, Daniel Andrew, son of John A. and Laura Matthew D. Mulcahy of fa st Hartford and grand­ program you will never Mrosek Nalesnik, of Glastonbury, was bom March 1 noises is borborygmus drinks. Since you drink the vitamins they take, physician, not just a vi­ forget. I kaltli kV, lUaiitN ,\ids FRESH CRMPY daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Tedford of 30 and the noise is produced lots of liquids, if that some quite a few. With the tamin pill. at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal Glenwood St.; Manchester, and Charles House, son of The Circuit Breaker 40*0FFLAKL ^ te Line Potato Chips X 99* grandparents are George and Judith Mrosek of 109 Mr. and Mrs. Louis House III of South Glastonbury, Program is in need of HOMESTYLE OR MUSHROOM ^^Dock Fillets Waranoke Road. His paternal grandfather is John r £ j s m » ‘ volunteers. Any individu­ Signal Mouthwash were married Feb. 26 at South United Methodist CONOmONEROR Pampers 99 Ragozzino Spaghetti Sauce X 7 9 Ocean Perch Fillets Nalesnik of South Hadley, Mass. He has a brother, Church, Manchester. als interested are urged to nuMCUT Fo Ho Shampoo R|ADY TO S P ^D -A S S O R TED FLAVORS Matthew John, 22 months. The Rev. Laurence Hill of South United performed contact Diane Wick at D kpers Cod Steaks M 647-3092. OjtLETTE-aSFOBMU Bet^ Crodfer Frostings "X 99* FMOHLOHOaLAND the double ring ceremony. The bride was given in ForTb* Scheinberg, Christopher Paul, son of Mark and Lastly, performers in Good News Razors UYER-ASSORTEOVARIETKS Cherrystone Clams marriage by her father. Mrs. Maureen Ciochini of tUXaiUM-STRBNQTH Cascade Detergent Dithwathw nviH nn»T <» THi acAao8t Joanne Roto Scheinberg of 144 S. Main St., was born Glastonbury, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. our variety show are Bietty Cromer C ^ e Mixes '‘X 59* Boned Shad March 4 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His reminded that there is a Anadn-S-'^X MMCV Bridesmaids were Rosalie Montano of East Hartford, S0*OFFLAn. Ivory Liquid Detergent BETTY CROCKER maternal grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. D.F. Roto of Mrs. Kathleen Jacobs of Manchester, sister of the rehearsal today, from 6.4^. 129 Date Nut Mix 139 Extra Large Shrimp Eastford. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and bride, and Heidi Earl of South Glastonbury. Katie 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Aim Toothpaste*^ tuba Mrs. L. Scheinberg of West Babylon, N.Y. Mulcahy was flower girf. Craig House, brother of the groom, was best man. BRIDGE SCORES: Ushers were Chris Packard of South Glastonbury, Sol Cohen, 5120; Jack brennan, Andrew Timothy, son of Timothy and Matthew J. Mulcahy of East Hartford, brother of the Spring Owen, 4700; Tom Regan, Sandra Szczygiel Brennan of 195 Union St., was born bride, and John Shenstone of South Glastonbury. 4600; Annette Hillery, C hocolate March 2 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His William House of Sebec, Maine, was ring bearer. forecast C abots B aked G lenrock maternal grandfather is William Szczygiel of 110 After a reception at Vito’s Birch Mountain Inn in Lyness St. His paternal grandparents are Mary and LIOAL NOTICE OiipQ)okies Bolton, the couple went on a northern ski trip. They Elaine Sampson, left, and TOWN OF MLTON Vermont Cheddar M acaroni & C heese C ooked H am Edward Brennan of Enfield. He has a sister. Meghan are making their home in South .Glastonbury. Mary, 2. Barbara Ross model Notice It hereby olven that the Reolttrars of Voters will some of the fashions to be hold 0 lestlon to complete o C 99 49 seen at a spring dessert prellmlhorv list of voters on Sullivan, Christopher William, son of William E. Tuesday, March 29,1983 from lb. 1 ? lb. fashion show Wednesday 9:00 A .M . to S:00 P.M . In the and Cassandra Vincent Sullivan of South Windsor, Thoughts Fireplace Room of the Com­ was bom March 3 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. at 8 p.m. at the Manches­ munity Holl, 222 Bolton Cen­ In Sion ILikt lot I nulls ter Rood. The session will be ( liirso Shop Ddi Shop His maternal grandmother is Mrs. Phyllis Rubin of 6 ter Country Club. The held per Sec. 9-35 of the Conn. r Bmce Road. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. The Bible says, “Let everything that hath breath show is sponsored by the General Stotutues. 8” Lattice Apple Pie S : r > Edward Sullivan of East Greenwich, R.I. praise the Lord.” (Psalms 150:6). Many people think ' Doted at Bolton, Conn., this Mozzarella Cheese Tuna Noodle Casserole 2^ Imported Bavarian C heese » 2” of praise as an expression of the emotions when we are Manchester auxiliary of 17th day of March, 19K3 llvl J . Cannon H ooiestyfeW hihyi^ .0,69* feeling like doing it. Actually praise is commanded Child and Family Services Joan E. Dixon Giganti Provokme Shrimp Egg Rolls 2.» 79* Nunes, Paul Joseph, son of Gregory Mark and and is an act of the will. It is always in order to praise Inc. Fashions are by Reolstrar of Voters Genoa Salami 3^’ Jamie Lynn Angeloni Nunes of 45 Server St., was born 031-03 the Lord. And where better to do this than in the house Arnoldeens of Manches­ ^Torpedo Rofc March 7 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His of God. Vj)omestic Gorgonzola VyChicken Chow M ein maternal grandparents are Mr.and Mrs. Domenic ter and Second Serve of LEOAL NOTICE VjV lortadelia Cheese______Happy is the church which has a people obedient to TOWN OF BOLTON Angeloni of 45 Server St. His paternal grandparents the above command. The spirit of praise has a way of Vernon. Pat Forstron will are Joan Collar of Manchester and Bernie Nunes of Notice Is hereby given that Hartford. establishing an uplifting spirit of worship. be commentator and aux- the Board of Admissions of iliary members will Eleefors will be In session at PRiCEt EFFECTIVE MARCH MTN THRU MARCH MTH. IMS. the Community Hall, 222 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT SALES AND TO CORRECT TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. ITEMS FOR SALE NOX AVAILAtLE TO WHOLESALE OR RETAIL DEALERS. Rev. Neale McLain model. The show is open Bolton Center Rood, on the Firestone, Elise Jill, daughter of Edward and Lynn Manchester Church of the Nazarene following days: „ to the public. For tickets Saturday, March 26, 1983 Mackler Firestone of Glastonbury, was born March 5 from 9:00 A.M . fo 1:00 P.M. at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal call 649-7878. Saturtoy, April 2,1983 from 9:00 A.M . to 1:00 P.M. tor the grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Saul Mackler of purpose of admitting those Springfield, Mass. Her paternal grandmother is Mrs. persons qualified to become Morris Firestone of 27 Coburn Road. She has two College notes electors. Qualifications ore: appli­ CALDOR SHOPPING CENTER brothers, Matthew, 6, and Gregory, 3. cant must be a U .5. citizen, be 18 years of age and be a AAakes dean's list resident of Bolton. Nathan, Rebecca Lynn, daughter of James and Dated at Bolton, Conn., this Hedy Frankel Nathan of 3 Brian Drive, Bolton, was 17th day of March, 198J. Debra Jezouit, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred llvl J. Cannon bom Feb. 25 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her Jezouit of 134 Henry St., has been named to the dean’s Joan E. Dixon Registrars of Voters BURR CORNERS, MANCHESTER maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. David list for the fall semester at George Washington Catherine K. Lelner Frankel of Norwalk. Her paternal grandparents are University, Washington, D.C. Tawn Clerk Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nathan of 109 Adelaide Road She is a 1982 graduate of Manchester High School. 0304)3 U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., March 19, 19^ ..NCHESTER HERALD, Sat., March 19^ 198J1 - 1 5 ^AAACC News* Local basketball years in review Our Big MACC Day approaches SPORTS Page 16

Editor’s note: this column is prepared by the and Robbers basketball game! Tom Tierney and of the biggest fun events put on by MACC and we FURNITURE BANK: To Sandy Finnegan and Manchester Area Conference of Churches. > the Rev. Dale Gustafson of Emanuel Lutheran urge you to bring your entire family. Come cheer Bonnie Legg. , . „ Church have again done a wonderful job as on your local Cops and Clergy. CLOTHING BANK: To Mr. and Mrs. M.F. coordinators. Many thanks must also go to Jim Haberern, M.L. Massaro. Alice P. Evans, Gail Syracuse rips AAorehead State Projects Genesis and Re-entry have been By Elaine Stancllffe Morelowitz, our coach and chief of antics. This running an experimental soup kitchen in their LaBrie, George E. Stewart. The Manchester Prolect Genesis Coordinator year’s game is being held in the gym of East office at 64 Church St. The kitchen is open to the Junior Women’s Club, Marilyn Miller, The Saint Catholic High School. public on weekdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. In the Vincent De Paul Society of St. Jam w R.C. HARTFORD (U PI) — Senior half. At 6 p.m. the all-star youth players from eight first 22 days of operation we have served a total of Church, Beth Healy, Mrs. Anthony Galeota. Mrs. guard Leo Rautins scored a Rautins, who connected on 11 Sunday is Big MACC Day. Please plan on church teams forming the Manchester Interfaith 54 meals to 18 different people, including a little Eldridge, Helen Marsh, Mrs. Varnum J. Abbott game-high 21 points, including 17 straight shots during one stretch of joining us for worship and great entertainment. Church League will begin the festivities. The 2-year-old. MACC’s emergency food pantry has J r„ Dahlia Leal, John L. in the first half, Friday night to the first half, helped the Orange­ At 4 p.m. the Conference is sponsoring an main event begins at 7:30 p.m. with John supplied food. Borgonier, Doris Gorsch. Mrs. Daniel W. la ii, power Syracuse to a 74-59 victory men build leads of 12 points in the ecumenical Lenten service at Emanuel Lutheran Hawthorne coaching the Cops team. Clergy We have also been supported by generous Sr., James Bruce Green, Igor Gladki, Mrs. John over Morehead State in the first first half and 19 in the second. Maher, Joseph A. Prignano, Patricia Wilson, Church, 60 Church St. The Rev. Burton D. Strand, members on the Robbers team will include monetary donations from Concordia Lutheran round of the NCAA East Regional. Syracuse’s Erich Santifer fin­ Mrs. John Goiangos and special thanks to Nancy pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church, will be Father Richard Lamore of St. James, Rev. Church and St. James Church to purchase Syracuse will meet Ohio State, ished. the game with 19 points. guest speaker. We promise you excellent music. James Meek of Community Baptist, Rev. Ernie supplies. Special thanks also go to Joan Russell, Assistant Manager of D 4 L Stores at the 19-9, in the second round on Manchester Parkade for arranging a donation of Junior guard Guy Minnifield had Members of the choirs of Community Baptist, Harris, the Protestant chaplain at Manchester O’Loughlin, Anita Cunningham and other ano­ Sunday. • - eight of his 12 points in the first half a much needed clothing rack. Emanuel Lutheran, North United Methodist, St. Memorial Hospital, Rev. Mark Larsen, formerly nymous donors who have provided us with food Southwestern Louisiana, the na­ for Morehead State, which ended Bartholomew's. St. James, St. Mary’s Episcopal of Community Baptist and now of Willington, and cooking utensils. EMERGENCY SHELTER: To Elaine Hol­ tion’s leading independent with a comb and Shirley Paglucca for providing the season at 19-11. Earl Harrison and Salvation Army will combine talents to sing Rev. Dale Gustafson of Emanuel Lutheran, Steve If you know of anyone who could benefit from 22-6 record, played Rutgers, a 22-7 scored a team-high 17 points for the Earwig, intern minister at Emanuel Lutheran under the direction of P. melvin Lumpkin, the this service, please tell them about us! blankets and linens. entry from the Atlantic 10 Confer­ Eagles from the Ohio Valley and Tom Galley of Trinity Lutheran in Vernon. organist and choir master of Emanuel Lutheran ence, in the night’s second game at Confernce. Church. Lay persons on the Robbers team include Bob THANK YOUS SPECIAL PLEA the Hartford Civic Center. Also included in the servipe will be a flute solo Standley and David Carpenter of Emanuel Rautins missed only five of his 15 Syracuse is 21-9 and seeded sixth by Kathleen Labadorf of Columbia and a sacred Lutheran, and Francis Bouchard of South United EM ERGENCY PAN TR Y: To South United The Emergency Shelter is in dire need of shots from the field during the in the East. The Orangemen, who dance number by members of St. James Church. Methodist Church. Methodist Church, 8th District Auxiliary, Bolton volunteers to staff the shelter. If you are game and connected on eight of 11 averaged nearly 85 points per A free will offering will be taken for the charitable In addition to a lively group of cheerleaders, we Methodist Church, Esther Brandwein, Viking interested in volunteering for this project, kindly field-goal attempts and added a game this season, are making their activities of MACC. We invite you all to attend. will have food and drinks offered by the youth Bakery, Helen Brazauskas, Janet Lamontagne, call the MACC Department of Human Needs at for his i7-point first 13th post-season appearance. And now — an annual favorite: MACC's Cops group of Concordia Lutheran Church. This is one Evelyn Brass and six anonymous donors. 646-4114, or 649-2093. Thank You. Knicks continue Calendar on winning trail Concert for Cornerstone Revivaltime to air LANDOVER, Md. (U PI) - Washington and Ricky Sobers 9 UPl photo Revivaltime, the international radio voice of the North Mountain Wind, a six-piece ensemble, will Bernard King scored 22 points and added 20. Louis Orr scored 13 for Assemblies of God, will be heard on W INF Radio perform at a benefit concert for the Cornerstone BILL ROGERS LINES UP PUTT Bill Cartwright added 21 to lead the the Knicks. Christian School Friday at 7:30 p.m. at the Church of New York Knicks to their eighth beginning Sunday at 9 a.m. . . .-as golfer moved into tie for lead New York, 36-30, won for the 22nd UPI photo The half-hour broadcast will feature the Revival­ the Nazarene, 236 Main St. straight victory Friday night, a time in its last 26 games. Washing­ time Choir and Musicians and the Rev. Dan Betzer. The concert will include contemporary Christian 106-100 decision over the Washing­ ton, losing for the fourth time in the Calvary Church of South Windsor is the area music and Ed and Donna Dubaldo, inspirational ton Bullets. last five, fell to 29-36 and dropped SYRACUSE’S GENE WALDRON (33) HEADED OFF sponsoring church. Christian recording artists. Six straight Washington points five games behind Atlanta for the . . . by Morehead State's Jeff Tipton at Civic Center The public is invited. Refreshments will be served. cut New York’s nine- point lead to final playoff spot in the NBA Here’s Nazarene’s week Donations will benefit the Cornerstone Christian Hayes and Rogers 100-97 with less than two minutes Eastern Conference. 55-.. School. remaining. But Ernie Grunfeld hit King scored 13 points in the third The following events are scheduled at the Church of a 15-foot jumper with 59 seconds quarter as New York hit on 12 of 19 the Nazarene for the coming week: left to push New York’s lead to Mass of Chrism shots to take an 84- 77 lead into the Celtics end skid Monday — 11:30 a.m., the Cornerstone Christian share links lead' 102-97. final quarter. School chapel service with Rev. Mike Wiles. Pastors in charge of liturgy will be designating Jeff Ruland, the game’s leading Tuesday — 2 p.m., service at Crestfield Convales­ three families from each parish to recieve holy oils at scorer with 30 points, hit a layup Cartwright scored all 15 of his cent Home: 3 p.m., service at Vernon Manor. a Mass of Chrism Monday at the Cathedral of St. NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - Mark “ Overall, it was a good, solid with 20 seconds left to cut the lead first-half points in the opening trimming Nets Wednesday — 6 p.m., children’s caravan; 7 p.m.. Joseph in Hartford. Hayes chipped in a birdie on the round,” he said. ” It’s been a while to 102-99, but Grunfeld clinched the period to guide the Knicks to a 29-23 Chancel Choir rehearsal: 7:30 p.m.. prayer and praise final hole Friday to place him in a since I ’ve played well. It’s encou­ win with two foul shots in the final lead. King’s jumper with 3:07 left service. tie at 8-under- par 136 with Bill raging to be playing well. I feel like 11 seconds. in the half gave New York its BOSTON .(UPI) — Larry Bird more. The Nets trailed by as many Friday — 7:30 p.m.. North Mountain Wind Evening prayer at Concordia Rogers for the lead after two I ’m on top of it pretty good.” Greg Ballard scored 21 points for largest lead of the game, 53-41. scored 23 points and teamed with as 25 points in the fourth quarter. appearing in concert, church sanctuary. The following events are scheduled at Concordia rounds of the $400,000 New Orleans Rookie Tze-Chung Chen of Tai­ Quinn Buckner and Kevin McHale McHale finished with 19 points - J ~ '> Lutheran Church for the coming week: Open. pei, Taiwan shot a 68 Friday to to trigger a first- quarter surge while Buckner added 17 and Rockathon at Center r ^ U - : Monday — 7 p.m., stewardship committee, church Rogers, 31, took an early lead in secure the No. 2 spot. His interpre­ Friday night as the Boston Celtics Gerald Henderson 13 for the ■r • room. ; the second day of play on the ter and caddy, David Chen, said if snapped a four-game losing streak Celtics. Darryl Dawkins had 19 The folllowing events are scheduled at Center Tuesday — 6:45 p.m., catechetics classes in 7,080-yard; par-72 Lakewood Coun­ the rookie wins the New Orleans King and Austin with a 116-103 victory over the New points for New Jersey, which Congregational Church for the coming week: educational wing; 8 p.m., basketball practice in try Club course, but Hayes hit a hot Open, he will participate in the Jersey Nets. rested most of its .stars in the fourth Monday — 6:30 p.m., Grace group, Robbins Room .^ ^ -J' Kaiser Ball. streak and drove in five birdies for Tournament Players Champion­ Bird, who sat out the fourth quarter, while Albert King had 15 Tuesday — 3; 30 p.m.. Pilgrim Choir., choral room; Wednesday — 6: lSp.m.,children'schoir rehearsal; a 32-36—68 to pull even. ship in Ponte Vedra, Fla. quarter, had eight of his points in and Buck Williams 13. 5:30 p.m., confirmation, Robbins Room; 6:30 p.m., 6 p.m.. Lenten supper; 7 p.m.. Lenten service of Hayes, 33, of Edmond, Okla., “ He feels excited about (second Slims winners the first period when the Celtics sacred dance. Federation Room; 6:30 p.m., "The evening prayer with actor Norman Dietz; 8 p.m., was tied for the lead with Jay Haas p la c e )in te rp re te r Chen said. “ If took command. He had six points Georgetown 68-63 Miracle of You,’’ Carrier Room. ^ "a: * ‘ and rookie Curt Byrum after the he wins, we’ll rearrange his whole and McHale five in the 14-2 spurt Concordia Choir rehearsal. LOUISVILLE, Ky. (UPI) - Wednesday — 7:30 p.m.. Chancel Choir, choral first round Thursday. schedule. Otherwise, he’ll go BOSTON (U PI) - Billie Jean University, but the competition which gave Boston a 33-21 lead late Thursday — 9:30 a.m., Bible discovery group; 1:30 Seven-foot center Pat Ewing room. ' " I actually played more solid home. We need the rest.” moves to Boston Garden for the in the quarter. Buckner had 12 p.m.. Golden Age group in church room. King and tournament favorite scored 19 points and grabbed 11 Thursday — 6 p.m.. Meal in the Upper Room, today than I did yesterday,” Hayes Tracy Austin scored straight- set final two rounds beginning Satur­ points in the period. Grouped two strokes behind the rebounds Friday night to lead sanctuary and Woodruff Hall. Vf/ said. “ I had a pretty good feeling victories Friday night to advance day. The semifinals pair King New Jersey, which had moved to leaders at 6-under-par 138 were 20th-ranked Georgetown to a 68- 63 Friday — 7 p.m., senior high youtli Rockathon. Witnesses plan memorial about today. I feel good about my to the semifinals of a $150,000 against fourth seed Sylvia Hanika within three games of the second- Herald photo by Pinto Byrum, David Edwards, Haas and victory over Alcorn State in NCAA putting. Most of the putts I ’ve hit women’s tennis tournament. and Austin against third seed place Celtics, never got closer than Members of the Manchester congregation of Roger Maltbie, who had the best Midwest Regional action in Free­ A have gotten where I wanted them Wendy Turnbull. six points the rest of the game. The Jehovah’s Witnesses have planned a memorial round of the day, a 66. King defeated Kathy Horvath, dom Hall. Lasagna dinner at South to.” 17, of Largo, Fla., 6-4, 6-3 by Nets fell behind 70-53 at halftime. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ON HILLSTOWN ROAD observation of the death of Jesus on March 29 at 7 p m The Hoyas. 22-9, advanced to The following events are scheduled at South United Rogers, the 1981 PGA Player of The field was pared down to 74 rushing the net on strong place­ New Jersey opened the third at the Kingdom Hall, 647 Tolland Turnpike. Sunday’s second-round game Methodist Church for the coming week: the Year, ended the first round in a players for the two final days of the ments and forcing her opponent to quarter with eight straight points, The meeting is open to the public. There is no Pistons 103-99 against No. 17 Memphis State. Sunday — 12:15 p.m., lasagna dinner; 5 to 8 p.m., seven-way tie for the second spot. tournament, which will yield the try for winners. The victory but Boston responded with eight admission and no offering is taken. Iowa played Utah State in Friday UMYF fun night. Unitarians have tag sale He said he was very pleased with winner $72,000. The cut was made ensures that King will play Satur­ Lenten services at Emanuel PONTIAC, Mich. (U PI) - Kelly night’s second game for the right to Monday — 10 a.m.. Vineyards group: 7 p.m., youth his improvement. at even-par 144. day night at Boston Garden, where The Unitarian Society in Manchester will have its Tripucka scored 29 points, includ­ compete against No. 12 Missouri on choir; 7:30 p.m., women’s prayer and study, 337 W. The following events are planned at Emanuel she will be honored in a special annual tag sale today from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Discussion at meetinghouse ing 14 in the fourth quarter and Tennessee 57-56 Sunday. Middle Turnpike. Lutheran Church for the coming week: tribute. nine more in overtime Friday meetinghouse, 153 W. Vernon St. Four members of the Unitarian Universalist EVANSVILLE, Ind. (U PI) - Georgetown took the lead for Wednesday — 9:30 a.m., crafts group: 7 p.m., Sunday — 4 p.m., MACC ecumenical Lenten ” I didn’t want to be there and not night, to allow the Detroit Pistons Admission is free. Clothing, books, household goods Society East will discuss growing up Unitarian Dale Ellis scored 20 points and good at 42-40 darly in the second stewardship commission; 7:30 p.m.. Chancel Choir; service; 6 p.m.. Interfaith basketball game at East be playing. That would have been to come from behind and end a and attic treasures will be available. Catholic; 6:30 p.m., youth group meets for Cops and Sunday at 10:30 a.m. at the meetinghouse, 153 W. Adams in front Michael Brooks hit four free half. After two free throws by- teacher’s meeting; adult Bible study, 227 Spring St. pretty anti-climactic,” King said. four-game losing streak with a Vernon St. throws in the final 61 seconds to sophomore forward Bill Martin, Thursday — 6:30 p.m., junior choir; 7:30 p.m., Robbers game; 7:30 p.m., Cops and Robbers at East Austin beat Betsy Nagelsen, 26, 103-99 victory over the Milwaukee Musicians for the event will be Roland Chirico, lead Tennessee to a 57-56 victory Ewing completed Oj three-point board of trustees; UMW mission team. Catholic High School. of Capalua Bay, Hawaii 6-3, 6-3. Bucks. trumpet, and Charles Gigliotti, piano. Both are Friday night over Marquette in the play, including a turnaround Friday — 10 a.m., Al-Anon. Monday — 3:30 p.m., staff planning; 6:45 p.m., The taller and stronger Nagelsen Tripucka put the Pistons ahead Drama at Concordia scouts. professsors at Manchester Community College. at Hawaii golf first round of the NCAA Mideast jumper, during a nine-point spurt Saturday — 7 p.m., bowling party at Parkade could not equal the groundstrokes to stay with a three-point play with Nursery care will be provided. regional. which put the Hoyas up 47-40. Lanes. Actor-author Norman Dietz will bring his dramatic Tuesday — 10 a.m., Beethoven Chorus; 1:30 p.m., of the 20-year-old from Rolling 1:57 remaining in the overtime retelling of the life of Christ, ’The Jesus of Matthew, WeGals; 4p.m., Cherub and Junior choirs; 7:45 p.m., Hills, Calif., whose topspin lobs period. Another three- point play Claudia Circle. KAANAPALI, Hawaii (UPI) — the last LPGA tournament two Mark, Luke, John and Norman,’’ to Concordia stymied Nagelsen’s attempts at a by Terry Tyler with 1:28 to go gave Grant goes to churches Episcopalians celebrate Lynn Adams survived a string of weeks ago and ranks 11th in Lutheran Church Wednesday at 7 p.m. Wednesday — 11 a.m., worship and communion; serve- and-volley game. the Pistons a 101-97 lead and Bishop Frederick Darwent from the Church of bogeys on the back nine to finish earnings this year, was tied for The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving has Dietz’s presentation, told in contemporary lan­ noon, friendship group potluck; 6 p.m.. Cub Scouts; Austin was seeded second in the Tripucka sealed Detroit’s second 7:45 p.m., Emanuel Ch^ir. Scotland will be the celebrant in the opening service with a 2-under-par 144 Friday and second with Japan's Yuko Morigu- given a $30,000 challenge grant to the Capitol Region guage, is based on New Testament narratives. The tournament but became the favor­ win in nine games by sinking a pair Massimino knows to observe the 20Qth anniversary of the Episcopal take a one- stroke lead over six chi after the first round at 70, one Conference of Churches fund drive for a new chapel at story is told in much the same way as it might have Thursday — 10; 30 a. m., care and visitation; 11a.m., ite when top seed Andrea Jaeger of free throws with one minute to Diocese of Connecticut. The service is set for Friday other golfers after two rounds of stroke behind Jane Lock of the University of Connecticut Health Center. The been handed down by oral tradition 2,000 years ago. Lenten service; noon. Bible study with bag lunch; withdrew due to injuries. at 7 p.m. at Nonnewaug High School in Woodbury. the $200,000 Women’s Kemper Australia. go. $75,000 fund drive is now at $42,000. Dietz has performed at college campuses, theaters Manchester Community Services Council; 3:45 p.m.. The first five days of the The Right Rev. Arthur E. Walmsely, 12th bishop of Open. Lock, however, ballooned to a Contributions may be sent to the Capitol Region and churches all over North America. He is the author Belle Choir; 6:30 p.m., confirmation classes; 7:30 tournament were played at Boston about Lamar five Adams, who has yet to win on the 5-over 78 to finish the round at Hawks 97-73 Council of Churches, 30 Arbor St., Hartford, 06106. of "Fables and Vaudevilles and Plays” and “ The Life p.m., Rebecca Circle at Sally Lessard’s Connecticut, will deliver the sermon. The Right Rev LPGA Tour, appeared ready to 1-over 147 in a tie for 13th with Checks should be made to CRCC, Dempsey Chapel Guard and the Mermaid." Saturday — 5to7p.m., Boy Scout chicken supper; 8 Cyril M. Wismar, bishop of New England, and the Rutgers 60-53 HOUSTON (UPI) — The Lamar would miss the Lamar game with pull away from the field with a Kathy Postlewait. Fund. The public is incited to the program. p.m.. Alcoholics Anonymous at Luther Hall. 60 Reverends Clarence N. Coleridge and Bradford Cardinals may not be all that an ankle injury. That will move Church St. Moriguchi was grouped with RICHFIELD, Ohio (U PI) — Dan Hastings will in the celebration three-stroke lead coming in, but a known in some circles, but Rollie Stewart Granger to the point guard four others at 146 after her HARTFORD (UPI) - Clarence Roundfield, hitting on eight of 14 distraction led her to bogey three Massimino says he knows all about position. of the final four holes over the second-round 76. Tied with the Tillman and Brian Ellerbe com­ shots from the field, poured in 26 them and is not too happy about "Stewart will now have the wind-swept 6,182-yard Royal Kaa- Japanese player were this year’s bined for 20 points and Atlantic 10 points and Johnny Davis added 16 THE what he has found out. responsibility of not only getting leading money-winner Pat Brad­ champion Rutgers defeated Friday night to pace the Atlanta napali North Course. his shots but running, the offense Religious services ■IBLE Tied at 1-under 145 were Lauren ley, Stephanie Farwig, Hollis Southwestern Lousiana 60-53 Fri­ Hawks to a 97- 73 victory over the “ The press keeps telling me Stacy, and Susie McAllister. day night in the first round of the Cleveland Cavaliers. about Lamar being an unknown and picking up our defensive I SPEAKS Howe, Cathy Morse, Robin Walton, signals,” the coach said.” Judy Clark, Dale Eggeling, and The 148 group included Jan NCAA East Regionals. It was the 10th win in the last 13 team,” said the coach of the Stephenson, third on the money list The Scarlet Knights will meet St. gaines for the Hawks and the 73 Villanova Wildcats Friday, But ” My job will be to control the Prince of Peace Lutheran day school; 10:30 a.m., p.m.; Thursday, Theocratic Church, Pork and church Japan’s Atsuko Hikage. team and get the ball to the big Andover worship service; 7 p.m,, ev­ School (speaking course), botsky, cantor. Dr. Leon St. James Church, S94Moln “ I lost my concentration on the this year, while JoAnne earner John’s, the top seed, in the second points was the lowest scored by the they are not an unknown team. Church. Route 31 and North streets. Rev. Stephen K. Jac­ Wind, Rabbi Emeritus. Servi­ guys inside and see what we can River Road. Rev. W.H. ening service. 7 :» p.m.; Service meeting obson, Rev. Frederick D. St. Rev. Francis v. Kru- was another stroke behind. round Sunday. Cavs this season. They have beaten some very good First Congrtgoflonol Church ot the Assumption, (ministry training), 8:15 ces, 8:15 p.m., Friday and kowskl. Rev. Robert Bur­ 15th,” Adams said. “ Two guys do,” said Granger, who is averag­ Wllkens. pastor. 9 a.m., Sun- Moser, curate. 7:30 o.m.. 9:45 a.m., Soturday. I,know penned Defending champion Amy Al- teams. Church of Andovtr, Route 6. doy school; 10:15 a.m., wor­ Adams Street at Thompson p.m.; Sunday, Public Bible Holy Eucharist; 9 a.m., first, bank, Rev. Richard A. La- the following: •'rhlnge were hollering and I let it bother ing 18 points a game. ’T m just Rev. Richard H. Taylor< 9:30 Road. Rev. Edward S. Pepin, Lecture, 9:30 o.m.; Watch- Emanuel Lutheran more, team minister. Rev. cott, who had a near- disastrous 79 ” We are just a small Catholic ship service. second and fourth Sundays, Church, Church ond Chestnut vmich seemed so s l m ^ me. going to take what I can in the way a.m.. church school for all St. Mary Church. 1600Maln postor. Saturday masses at 5 tower Study, 10:25. Holy Communlonond church Edward J. Reardon. Satur­ et the egeofZSheveewey ” I never regrouped. It was a on opening day, checked in with a school outside of Philadelphia. We ages; 11 a.m.. worship, St. Father Jomes J. William­ and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday Zion Evangelical Lutheron streets. Rev. Dale H. Gustaf­ day masses at 4 and 4:30 of becoming terribly of shots. nursery care provided. masses at 7:30, 9, 10:30 and school; third Sunday, morn­ son, pastor; Stephen E. Far- stupid mistake on my part. It 74 to join the last group to make the only have 6,000 students and son. pastor. Mosses Satur­ Church (Missouri Synod), ing proyer; 11 a.m., first, se­ P.m.; Sunday masses at 7:30, complicated by the time ” I know I was impressed with day at 5:15 p.m.; Sunday 9:30 11:45. Cooper and High streets. wlg. Intern; the Rev. C. 9,10:30a.m., noon, and5p.m. one reaches SO." wasn’t the mark of a winner. I cut at 153. Sixty professionals and Lamar has 12,000 and we have to cond and third Sundoys, Holy Henrv Anderson, pastor Davis, Flores win the way their (Lam ar’s) guards Salvation Army, 441 Main and 10:45 a.m.; holydays, Rev. Charles W. Kuhl, pas­ (Tommunlon; fourth Sunday, thought I was In control, but I one amateur, NCAA champion come down here to Texas to play. Bolton 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. Confes­ St. Ma|. and Mrs. Arthur tor. 9 a.m.. Divine worship; morning prayer. Holy Com­ emeritus. 8:30a.m., worshlp; played so they will put pressure on Carlsan, 9:X a.m., Sunday 10:15 a.m. Sunday school and 9:45 a.m., church school, Kathy Baker, qualified for the final “ I don't think they are any more sions 4:30 to 5 p.m. munion every Wednesday at odult forum, Bible study, One’s view of an Issua wasn’t.” us.” Church of St. Mourico/ 32 Second Congregotionol schoal; 10:45 a.m., holiness Youth Forum. Holy Com­ 10 o.m. eeeme eo clear when he la Adams, who finished second in two rounds. unknown than we are." Hebron Road. The Rev. J. Church. Route 44A. Rev. meeting; 7 p.m., salvation munion first and third nursery; 11 a.m., worship, ol- meeting. Church (Assem­ ternotlve worship In chapel, young. It's so pleasant not Villanova, ranked llth and 9 Clifford Curtin, pastor. Sat­ David Jarvis. Interim minis­ Sunday. blies of God), 400 Bucklond Non-denendneBonel preliminary bouts to be cursed with seeing urday massat Sp.m.; Sunday ter. 9:45 a.m., church school, United Pentecostal Church el Christ, Lvdall nursery. BMe fnirespiuidsnoi sporting a 22-7 record this season, Church, 187 Woodbrldge St. Road, Rev. Kennefh L. Gus­ anot^r'e point of view, fw masses at 7:30. 9:15 and 11 grades nursery through 6; 10 and Vernon streets. Eugene tafson, pastor. 9:30 a.m., youree ouch breadth Introducea will meet Lamar Saturday in the a.m. a.m.. worship; 11 a.m., Rev. Marvin Stuart, minis­ Brewer and Steve Holt, min­ Concordia Lutheran Dicksan nets ter. 10 a.m., Sunday school; Sunday school; 10:30 a.m., Church (LCA), 40 Pitkin St. time consuming caution. ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (U PI) - ranked junior welterweight, ran second round of the NCAA Midwest Bolton United Methodist church school grades 7 isters. Sunday services: 9 worship, child-core and Rev. Burton D. Strand, pas­ tfitte iMiw Mudy Course, Light heavyweight Church. 1041 Boston Turn­ through adult, coffee and fel­ 11 a.m., morning worship; 4 a.m., Blble.closses,'! 10 o.m., Seventh-ranked John Davis, of his record to 48-1 Friday night with Regional. The Cardinals advanced p.m., evening worship; 7:30 nursery; 7:00 p.m., evening tor. I a.m.. Holy Commun­ 884LydeBBt tennis victory pike. Rev. Marlorle Hlles. lowship, confirmation class, worship; 4 «.m., vvorshlpp. service of praise and Bible ion, nursery; 9:15 a.m., Msnrhm si, CT 08040 • Huntington, N.Y., stopped Jerry a 10-round unanimous decision to the second round TJhursday night pastor. 9:30 o.m., church iunior choir rehearsal. p.m., biblestudy (Tuesday); Wednesday, T^p.m., Bible preaching. In matters controversial 7 p.m.. Ladles’ prayer Christian growth hour, My perception’s very fine: Martin of Philadelphia after nine over veteran Willie Rodriguez. with an unexpected 23-point deci­ school; 11 a.m,. worship ser­ First Congregotionol study. Nursery provided tor , NoTtk United Methodist nursery; 10:30 o.m.. Holy vice. nursery. Church of Coventry. 1171 (Thursday) t 7 p.m., Men's all services. Church, 300 Parker St. Ri­ { . l^ ^ y e o e e both s id e . Of rounds Friday night when the ring The fight, as the two light sion over Alabama. MUNICH (UPI) — Unseeded St. George’s Episcopol Main St. Rev. Bruce John­ prayer (Thursday); 7 p.m., First Church of Christ, Communion, nursery. chard W. Oupee, pastor. 8:45 Trinity Covenant Church, ^ ^ o n e that’s wrong and title won by Spinks doctor halted the bout because of a heavyweight bouts had been, was a “ I was impressed with Lam ar.” American Mark Dickson, who Yo()th service (Friday). Church. Boston Turnpike. son. pastor. 11 a.m., worship; Scientist, 447 N. Main St. and 10:15 a.m., worship, 302 Hackmatack St. Rev. cut deep inside Martin’s ear. preliminary to the light heavy­ said Massimino, who is finishing Rev. John C. Holllger. vicar. 9:30 a.m., church school in Presbyterian Church, 43 10:30 a.m., church service, adult Bible class, nursery, ousted world number one Czechos­ Spruce St. Rev. Richard Norman Swenson, 8 a.m., Davis, 177 pounds, ranked No. 7 weight championship fight be­ up his first decade as coach of the 10a.m., Fomlly Eucharist; 11 Church Lane House. Nursery Sunday school, and care tor coffee between services: worship; 9:25 o.m., Sunday Selling lovak Ivan Lendl from the $300,000 a.m., nursery program and care provided. Gray, pastor. 10:30 a.m., small children. started taking control once more in by the World Boxing Council, worship service, nursery, 10:15 o.m., church school, school; 10:25 a.m., coffee ATLANTIC CITY. N.J.(UPI) — tween World Boxing Association Wildcats. "We’re facing a very WCT tournament, knocked out coffee fellowship. Community Baptist nursery; 5:30to7p.m., Iunior and fellowship; II o.m., .-flits*'’ ■ '"•n, Ho- the later going. dominated the bout as Martin tried champion Michael Spinks and difficult task. They play probably Bolton Congregotionol 9:15 a.m., Sunday school; 7 Church, 585E. Center St. Rev. and senior high M Y F; 7:30to Items you Unbeaten Michael Spinks, using another seeded player Friday for a p.m.. Informal worship. worship. < Spinks, who was dropped in the to,bull his way to the inside. Davis, Church. Bolton Center Road, Manchester James I. Meek, minister. 9:15 8:X p.m., junior ond senior South United Methodist •uttering his height and reach advantage to WBC champion Dwight Braxton. one of the best man-to-man de­ place in the semifinals. ot the Green. Rev. R. Stanley St. John’s Polish Notlonol a.m., church school for all •JOD and hla would-h* Catholic Church, 23 Golway sacred dance groups. Holy Church, 1224 Main St. Dr. no longer inaximum efficiency, won the eighth round by a right to the body, however, countered with crisp Sacco, who is looking for a title fenses we’ll face all year. Dickson beat South African Eaton. Interim minister. 9:30 Goipil Hall, Center Street. ages, kindergarten through Communion first Sunday of Shepherd S. Johnson, Rev. continually looked to set up left combinations. o.m., worship service, St. Rev. Stanley M. Lancola, Grade 4 continuing during eoch month. SSSfcS’S .S'* World light heavyweight cham­ fight against WBC champion Le­ “ If I had to liken them to .. Kevin Curren, seeded number five, 10 a.m., breaking bread; pastor. 10:30 a.m., mass. Laurence M. Hill, pastors. 9 •poke It wea with ail the nursery, church school; 11 ;4S a.m., Sunday school; 7 the service; 10:30 o.m., Second Congregational and 10:45 a.m., worship; 9 need or pionship Friday night, scoring a hooks and right hands with the Light heqyyweight Jose Maria roy Haley, opened a deep gash over someone we have played this year, 7-6, 6-4 in a quarterfinal match. 10:45 a.m,. fellowship; ii p.m., oosoel meeting. St. Bartholomew’s Church, morning worship. Nursery Church, 385 N. Main St. The youm. Yet he woe onh, ever-present jab. Flores, ranked fourth by the World Rodriguez' right eye with a possi­ a.m., forum.^ 741 E. Middle Turnpike. Rev. provided. a.m., church school, nursery unanimous 15-round decision over I think they’re like Syracuse in our He joined fourth seeded Wojtek Full Gospel Interdenomi­ Rev. V. Joseph Milton, pas­ through grade 9; 10:45 a.m., partly right. A g V h e i^ At the same time, Braxton tried Boxing Association, stopped Dar­ national Church, 745 Main St. Martin J. Scholsky, pastor. Church ot the Ngiorene, tor. 10 a.m. worship service use Is Dwight Braxton in their title ble butt in the first minute of the conference (the Big East). They Fibak of Poland and American Bill Saturday mass at 5 p.m.: 234 Main St. Rev. Neale nursery and senior high POterklsrtorawWnthM to get inside but Spinks’ jab met nell Wigfall at 1:00 of the sixth fight and then opened a cut Rev. Philip P. Saunders. Sun­ Sunday masses at 8:30,10 and and church school; 11 a.m., class; 6 p.m.. United Metho­ can coma In no otherwov unification bout. have outstanding personnel. They Scanlon, seeded eighth, in the last Coventry day, 10.30 a.m., adult Bible McLain, senior pastor; Rev. fellowship hour. dist youth fellowship; 4 p.m., profitable o u a ra n - Spinks, the World Boxing Associ­ him time and time again. When round in a scheduled 10-round fight alongside his left eye early in the are extremely well coached, they four. study and Sunday school; 7 11:30 o;m. George Emmitt, minister ot- Center Cengregatlenol J j ^ o ^ t h a acoumulatlon St. Brldaet Church, 70Maln visitation and outreach. 9:30 S.O.S., 7:30 p.m., adult Bible ation champion, used a jack­ Braxton did get inside, he landed Friday night. seventh round. play defense as .well as anyone, Coventry Presbyterian p.m., worship service. Tues- St. Rev. Philip A. Sheridan Church, 11 Center st. Rev. study. The Pole had to fight for his Church. Route 44A and Trow­ dov at 7:30 p.m., special Bi­ a.m., Sunday school; 10:45 Newell H. Curtis Jr., senior to both hammer left jab throughout the with crisp left hook-right hand Flores battered Wigfall at will Sacco scored well throughout they’re patient and disciplined and and Rev. Emilio P, Padelll, a.m., worship, children's Church of Jesus Christ el victory, however, in a gruelling 2'/t bridge Road. Rev. Brad ble studies; Wednesday at ixntor; Rev. Robert J. Bills, Lotter Day Saints, 30 Wood- bout to keep the onrushing Brax­ combinations. throughout the sixth and had him .wit*’ -imbinati jns and rocked Evans, pastor. Sundoy. 9:30 7:30 p.m., worship service. co-postors. Soturday masses church and nursery; 7 p.m., those three ingredien' t ethem hour match against India’s Ra- at 5 and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday holhjiler of visitations; Rev. side St. Wayne S. Taylor, cowering on the ropes when Rodriguez with a flurry of punches a.m., worship; 10:45 a.m.. Prayer line, 445-8731, 24 evening service, nursery. Clifford O. Simpson, pastor bishop, 9:15 a.m., sacrament buyer and ton, the World Boxing Council very difficult to play regardless of mesh Krishnan that ended 6- 4, 3-6, Sunday school; 7 p.m., Bible hours. masses at 7:30, 9, 10:30 and Unltorlon Universalis! So­ emeritus. 10 a.m., worship Judge Tony Perez had it 144-141, referee Paul Venti jumped in to jo the head in the ninth round. noon. meeting; 10:15 a.m., Sunday titleholder, at bay. where they are from or who they 6- 2 . study and fellowship. Wed- Faith Baptist Church, 52 ciety, East, 153 W. Vernon St. service, church school. school and primary; 11:25 seller. ^auwioraiST judge Frank Cappuccino had it stop the onslaught. nesdoy, 7:30 p.m., prayer Lake St. Rev. James Bel- Jehovah’s Witnesses, 447 Rev. Arnold Westwood, min­ LydoN end Vemen BheeH Spinks piled up a lead in the early Rodriguez had blood streaming have been playing.” Scanlon ousted Israeli Shlomo Tolland Turnpike. Tuesday, Temple Beth Sholem, 400 a.m., priesthood and relief 144-141 and judge Tony Castellano Ubaldo Sacco of Argentina, the meeting. losov, pastor. 9:30 a.m., Sun­ ister, 10:30 a.m., service. E. Middle Turnpike. RobbI society. "1*«««-1BB8 going and allowed Braxton to get down both sides of his face at the , Massimino said he was ” 99 Glickstein 6-2, 2-6, 6-4 in a 2- hour Congregation Bible Study, 7 St. Mary’s Episcopal Richard J. Plavin, Ism-i -r^. had it 144-142, all for Spinks. World Boxing Council’s No. 1- inside in the middle rounds, but he final bell. percent sure” that Gary McLain match. •>!...NCHESTER HERALD, Sat., 'vlarch 19. 198.?- i: 16 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., March 19, 1983 RSox family members Palmer in top form Scoreboard W INTER HAVEN!, Fla.