Pax Christi Church September 6, 2020 - Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Encountering, becoming and sharing the Presence, Love and Peace of Christ Mike Zaccariello Mass I thank Father Sauer for allowing me to introduce myself to the Pax Chris and Saturday 5:15 pm * Peter and Paul community as your new deacon. I ask for your paence as I Sunday 9 am * 10:45 am * grow into this new ministry. To use Father Thè’s verbiage, several years ago, we * registraon NEEDED - sign were blessed with a “baby priest”. I pray that the same may be eventually said about up to receive emails: your new “baby deacon”. The Second Vacan Council defines the Order of as “a living icon of covid19response Christ the Servant within the Church.” As Father menoned in the bullen last week Livestreaming the epicenter of the deacon’s life is service: at Mass, in our parish cluster, and to the Watch on our YouTube channel world. or view an hour a er Mass A lile about me...My father is of Italian descent. My mother, who is sll alive, is  Sun. 7:30 am from the island of Okinawa, Japan. I have two younger brothers and two nephews.  Tues.-Fri. 8 am # According to my mother we were all supposed to be named “Chrisne Marie”. # - Public celebraon Stereotypically, Italians are described as passionate and emoonal folk whereas no registraon needed

Asians are touted as being more passive and accommodang. If that is the case, my Reconciliaon mother is more of Italian descent and my father is of Asian background. I am a cradle Saturdays 4-5 pm, Room Catholic. 7, Lower level or by My father spent 28 years Acve Duty, United States Army as a Non-commissioned appointment 282-8542 Officer. I spent most of my early years living overseas in Europe and Asia. Since high school, I have spent much of my me in the Midwest. I am currently in my 20th year Adoraon of United States Army Reserve service, hold the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and The Blessed Sacrament is funcon as a clinical psychologist. I have been forward deployed into a combat zone. in church. Our Adoraon In terms of secular vocaon, I have been involved in the mental health field for Chapel is currently closed. the last 30 years starng out as a social worker and now pediatric neuropsychologist. Our church is open I primarily work with families who have a child experiencing a significant or chronic Monday 11 am - 6 pm medical or neurological condion that may affect how they develop. We moved to Rochester in 2008 a er I accepted a posion as a staff consultant at Mayo Clinic. Tuesday-Friday I am married to the more famous Zaccariello at Pax Chris Parish, Lexi or Alexis. 8 am Mass & 11 am- 6 pm (Closed for cleaning 9-11 am) Lexi was born in Trinidad & Tobago, lived in England before seling in the Cleveland area. Lexi also served in the Peace Corps in Africa. She is a convert to Catholicism. Saturday - 5:15 pm Mass

Lexi is an extraordinarily talented visual arst, teaching at the Alternave Learning Sunday Center here in town. To be honest I believe that Lexi also truly embodies the spirit of 9:00 am & 10:45 am Mass diaconkia or service. She has been involved in numerous ministries at Pax Chris ranging from Parish Council, Confirmaon catechist, Proof catechist, choir member, and greeter. True to my Franciscan spirituality we have a great love of animals. We have never been blessed with biological children but have taken foster children into our home. We are the proud Pastor “foster” grandparents to three lile ones. We are blessed to Fr. John have connued contact with our foster girls. Sauer Lexi and I are truly humbled and thankful to be a part of this community and for your generosity. Be assured of our prayers. 507-282-8542 Mike Zaccariello th Pax et Bonum! (Peace and All Good) 4135 - 18 AVE NW Deacon Rochester, MN 55901

Public Celebraon of Mass In order to try and minister to as many people as possible, we offer three opons to parcipate in Mass.

1. Livestream Watch Mass on our YouTube channel. Sunday 7:30 am **NEW TIME** and daily Mass Tuesday-Friday at 8 am. 2. Livestream + Communion Watch the Sunday 7:30 am **NEW TIME** livestream Mass on your own device in the Pax Chris parking lot. Immediately a er Mass, enter church through the double glass doors and receive Communion. Reservaon not needed. 3. In-Person Mass Weekend: Saturday 5:15 pm or Sunday 9:00 or 10:45 am **NEW TIMES** Parishioners must register in advance An email registraon is sent the Tuesday . If you are not geng our emails, check your spam folder or sign up at Call the office if you don’t have email or internet. 507-282-8542. Daily: Tuesday-Friday 8 am All are welcome, reservaon not needed.

Resuming Parish Life

How the world has changed in the last 5-6 months! The staff and leadership at Pax Chris have been taking a gradual, safe, systemac approach to resuming parish life acvies. We priorized the following areas: 1. Mass and sacraments - We are back to our regular weekend Mass schedule and sacraments that were cancelled this spring have been rescheduled. Private ceremonies for First Communion families were Sat. Aug. 29 and will be also Sat. Sept. 19. Private Confirmaon Masses are Fri. Oct. 2 and Fri. Oct. 9. Please keep these children and youth in your prayers. 2. Children and Youth Faith Formaon - We are in the process of planning an 8 week in-person session to begin the end of September. We also plan to offer an online component for those more comfortable with that opon. More details can be found at:

From Bishop Quinn, “The obligaon to aend Sunday Mass remains dispensed unl further noce.”

We care deeply for our parishioners, and cannot offer a 100% safe opon to aend Mass. Persons over 65 or with preexisng condions are strongly encouraged to not aend a public celebraon of the Mass. Prayer & Liturgy

Sunday Gospel Reflecon - Mahew 18:15-20 Readings for the Week 1 Corinthians 5:1-8 Monday Psalm 5:5-6, 7, 12 September 7 Luke 6:6-11 Micah 5:1-4a or Romans 8:28-30 Tuesday Psalm 13:6ab, 6c September 8 Mahew 1:1-16, 18-23 1 Corinthians 7:25-31 Wednesday Psalm 45:11-12, 14-15, 16-17 September 9 Luke 6:20-26 Thursday 1 Corinthians 8:1b-7, 11-13 September 10 Psalm 139:1b-3, 13-14ab, 23-24 Luke 6:27-38 In our world of social Friday 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22b-27 distancing, how do September 11 Psalm 84:3, 4, 5-6, 12 you sll gather with Luke 6: 39-42 others? Do you feel God in your midst? Saturday 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 September 12 Psalm 116:12-13, 17-18 Luke 6:43-49 Sunday Sirach 27: 30 – 28: 7 September 13 Psalm 103: 1-2, 3-4, 9-10, 11-12 (8) Twenty-fourth Romans 14:7-9 Sunday in Mahew 18:21-35 Ordinary Time

Mass Intenons All Masses are public except 7:30 am Sunday.

Monday, September 7: No daily Mass Tuesday, September 8: 8:00 am* Bob Streit † Wednesday, September 9: 8:00 am* Dean Tulledge † Thursday, September 10: 8:00 am* Peter McDonald † Our studies have gone virtual! Friday, September 11: 8:00 am* Marjorie Gunderson † Saturday, September 12: 5:15 pm Artner family Upcoming Sunday Gospel Sunday, September 13: Lectio divina method 7:30 am* Pax Chris parishioners  Monday 6:30 pm 9:00 am Bob Stricke †  Tuesday 9:30 am  Wednesday 7 am 10:45 am Dave Kulzer †

Old Testament † Deceased

Study from the Institute of * Livestream Mass Contact Joyce Lehman to get the online link to join us! [email protected] Time, Talent & Treasure Bl. Chiara Young Women's Group Bible Study Kickoff 2020 Catholic Ministries Appeal Friday, Sep. 11, 7-8pm th Pax Chris donaons Cooke Park, 722 -7 St NW, Rochester as of August 19 We are excited to kick off a new year of Bible studies Goal: $103,900 103,900 and small groups for the Bl. Chiara Young Women's Received: $84,502 Group! Join us for an outdoor gathering with coffee, 81.33% treats, and fellowship. Contact Dana for more info. Donors: 222 84,502 77,925 Through your support, the Catholic Ministries Appeal funds diocesan-led ministries throughout the 20 counties of southern Minnesota. 51,950

Thank you for providing opportunities to thousands of people to draw closer to Christ 25,975 because of your generosity.

If you haven't already contributed, please return your CMA pledge card or give online.

Donaons above our CMA goal will go toward a new lower level parking lot.

Lighter Side An atheist was spending a quiet day fishing when To receive the bulletin via email each week: suddenly his boat was aacked by the Loch Ness  Communications, Bulletins, follow the link through monster. In one easy flip, the beast tossed him and his “Parishes Online” boat high into the air. Then it opened its mouth to  Click on the “Subscribe” button swallow both. Weekly bulletin inserts and a As the man sailed head over heels, he cried out, list of our advertisers are also on online!

“Oh, my God! Help me!” At once, everything froze in place and, as the atheist hung in mid-air, a booming voice came down from the clouds, “I thought you didn’t believe in me?” Lost and Found “Come on, God, gimme a break!” the man pleaded. Please check out the table in the Gathering Area for “Two minutes ago, I didn’t believe in the Loch Ness Lost and Found items. Remaining items will be monster either! ©LPi donated to charity on Sept. 8.

Pax Chris office Also, the office has a collecon of various keys that Labor Day Holiday Hours have been found. Please call if you are missing some! Friday, Sept. 4 Tony, Tony, 8:30 am - noon look around. Monday, Sept. 7 Something’s lost closed and must be found! A Note from Fr. Sauer In this weekend’s second reading from St. Paul’s Leer to the Romans we hear: “Love is the fulfillment of the law.” Noce that Paul says, “love.” What Jesus and St. Paul are telling us is that we have to love even those individuals who get on our nerves or rub us the wrong way. And if we love them then we will treat them with acceptance and respect. Somemes, loving our neighbors can seem like a simple thing. When they speak the same language, worship the same God, vote for the same candidate and shop in the same store, it is easy to love our neighbors. A er all, their choices proclaim them to be worthy as well as wise. Loving neighbors who are mirror images of ourselves is a commandment we can all embrace. Jesus told his disciples: “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” This statement of Jesus seems prey innocent. But, if we look at the implicaons of this reality, suddenly the perspecve changes. The tradion of the Church tells us that it means that Jesus is very close to us, that he is sing in the pew next to you - and you thought it was your husband, wife, son, daughter, friend. It means that when we greet each other, we greet Christ, when we serve each other, we serve Christ; when we join hands with one another, we join hands with Christ. But it also means that when we hurt each other, we hurt Christ; when we sin against one another, we sin against Christ; when we speak harshly to one another, we speak harshly to Christ. See what I mean? What appears to be a comforng statement by Jesus is not so simple. Jesus is presenng us a different and difficult way of living. Jesus tells us today that at the root of all our acons must be love - and love is not always easy. But love is necessary because if we do not love we will be changed. When our fears and our anger and our hatred get the best of us then we do not act as the disciples of Jesus are called to act. We give in to suspicion of those who differ from us, we allow polical discourse to become inflamed. We begin to see the world as “us versus them.” We might ask ourselves how we should proceed in a polical season fraught with tension. The Church asks us to apply some basic principles of social jusce to each situaon. These principles become the framework in which we work out the complicated policy responses. And there can be room for disagreement on that level. But there can be no disagreement that we are called to love. Even the way of fraternal correcon that Jesus outlines in today’s Gospel is rooted in love and a desire for the good of the other. once said: “I really only love God,” she said, “as much as I love the person I love the least.” I know that I Learn about the United States Conference of personally have a lot of work to do. But if we are aenve to Catholic Bishop’s “Civilize It” iniave this our call as Chrisans, we strive to follow his commands, to elecon season. fulfill his will for us. This should be our heart’s desire: to endeavor every day to fear less—and to love more. vong-and-polics-as-a-catholic

Diocese of Winona-Rochester

Annual Marriage Anniversary Mass Sunday, September 13 2:00 pm Holy Spirit Parish, 5455 50th Ave NW, Rochester

In order to keep you and your spouse safe, we are Watch the livesteam asking that ONLY the celebrang couple aend the Mass. An anniversary cerficate will be given to each couple . Register at: DioceseofWinona event-details/670 You may also aend online register and DioceseWinonaRochester/ a liturgy aid will be sent via e-mail. James M. Gores D.D.S. Ranfranz & Vine MACKEN ASHLEY’S Margaret S. Scott D.D.S. Lucy M. Meyer, D.D.S. FUNERAL HOME Aimee C. Sims, D.M.D. Funeral Homes A bank that shares your values. Quality and Comfort is Our Concern Since 1909 New Patients Always Welcome Corner of 18th Ave. & 55th St. N.W. 24 West Silver Lake Dr. 5421 Royal Place N.W. Trendy, Unique Gifts (507) 285-3700 Broadway at Silver Lake 282-1075 2950 41st St. N.W. 252-5000 282-8222 289-3600 Adamson LOCK-AWAY Father Son Hyundai • Lincoln • Dodge Chrysler • Jeep • Ram STORAGE Realty Team North West 507.254.8680 289-4004 (507) 282-9867 (507) 287-0054 Gary Niichel 4800 Highway 52 N 5220 Broadway Ave N 2505 Hwy 14 West Rochester, MN 55906 Rochester, MN 55901

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Charles E. Praska D.D.S., M.S., P.A. Parishioner Orthodontics TMJ Orthopedics th 15 7 Ave NW • 288-8844 $3 OFF any Signature Cake or Pie Ted W. Smith (excludes Petite Cakes & Cupcakes) 3228 6th Ave NE #A Rochester, MN 55906

BUS: 507-252-4640 3780 Marketplace Dr Nw [email protected] • Plu# 28 11/30/20 2650 S Broadway Ave, Apache Mall For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • Pax Christi, Rochester, MN A 4C 02-0112