New South Wales Elections 1999


Antony Green

Background Paper No 4/99 RELATED PUBLICATIONS

C 1997/98 NSW Redistribution: Analysis of Final Boundaries by Antony Green, Background Paper 4/98

ISSN 1325-5142 ISBN 0 7313 1655 X

August 1999

© 1999

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The Author

Antony Green is an Election Analyst with ABC-Television, and has worked for the ABC on every state and federal election coverage since 1989. He also writes regularly on electoral matters for the Morning Herald.

Antony studied at Sydney University, obtaining a Bachelor of Science in mathematics and computing, and a Bachelor of Economics with Honours in politics.

Antony has prepared a number of publications for the Parliamentary Library on different aspects on New South Wales electoral politics.

Information about Research Publications can be found on the Internet at: http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/gi/library/publicn.html CONTENTS

Introduction ...... 1

Legislative Assembly Election Summary of Legislative Assembly Results...... 5 Legislative Assembly Results by Electoral Division...... 10 Summary of Two-Party Preferred Results ...... 33 Regional Summaries ...... 40 By-elections 1995 - 1999...... 44

Legislative Council Election Summary of Legislative Council Result ...... 46 Detail of Legislative Council Primary Votes ...... 48

Summary of 1997-1998 Redistribution ...... 57

Distribution of Legislative Assembly Preferences by Party...... 60

The Impact of Optional Preferential Voting...... 68 Symbols .. Nil or rounded to zero * Sitting MP .... 'Ghost' candidate, where a party contesting the previous election did not nominate for the current election.

Party Abbreviations (blank) Non-Affiliated Candidates AFI Australians Against Further Immigration ALP Labor Party CDP Christian CEC Citizens Electoral Council COM Communist Party DEM DSL Democratic Socialist Electoral League ERP Euthanasia Referendum Party ES Earthsave IND Independents IP Re-elect Ivan Petch Peoples Envoy Ryde GOS Gun Owners and Sporting Hunters Party GRN The Greens LAW LIB NAN NAT National Party NBC No Badgerys Creek Airport NCP Non-Custodial Parents Party ONP Pauline Hanson's One Nation ORP OTH Others PF People First R2P Republic 2001 Party SEP Socialist Equality Party TCW Timbarra Clean Water Party UNI Unity VOP Voice of the People Party

Important Dates Issue of Writs Monday 8 March 1999 Close of Rolls Monday 8 March 1999 Close of Nominations Thursday 11 March 1999 Lodgement of Group Voting Tickets Friday 12 March 1999 How to vote registration Thursday 18 March 1999 Polling Day Saturday 27 March 1999 NSW Election 1999


This paper contains a summary of the 1999 New South Wales election. It contains details of voting for all Legislative Assembly districts, as well as primary votes for the Legislative Council. A summary of the 1998 electoral redistribution is also included to assist in understanding the results, and there are several tables analysing the distribution of preferences in the Legislative Assembly, and the impact of optional preferential voting.

For each Legislative Assembly electorate, full details of primary and two-candidate preferred votes are provided. Where appropriate, a two-party preferred count is also provided. (See note on two- candidate and two-party preferred vote below). The format and calculations used in the electorate results are as follows.

First Count: The votes shown for each candidate are the total primary votes received. Percentage votes are calculated as a percentage of the formal vote for each electorate. Swing is calculated by subtracting the percentage vote received by a party at the previous election (adjusted for the new electoral boundaries) from the percentage received at the current election. Where the parties contesting the district differ from the previous election, ‘ghost’ candidates (indicated by "....") have been included representing candidates not contesting the current election. As a result, all primary swings add to zero, subject to rounding errors.

Final Count: Represents the two-candidate preferred count after the final distribution of preferences in an electorate. All votes that did not indicate a preference to the two remaining candidates are included in the total listed as Exhausted. Two-candidate preferred percentages are calculated by dividing the two-candidate preferred vote by the votes remaining in the count, that is the formal vote minus the exhausted vote. Two-candidate preferred swings are shown compared to the previous election, adjusted for the redistribution. Where the party composition of the final two candidates differ from the previous election (e.g. Albury), a ghost candidate appears, and three swing figures are shown. A two- party preferred count is also provided in these electorates.

Two-Candidate versus Two-Party Preferred results

To win an electorate, a candidate must receive more than 50% of the vote after the distribution of preferences. This is carried out by successively excluding the candidate with the lowest primary vote, and distributing those votes as preferences to candidates remaining in the count. At the end of the count, the vote for the two remaining candidates is referred to as the 'two-candidate preferred count'.

In most electorates, this will also be the same as the 'two-party preferred' vote, representing the final distribution of preferences between candidates representing the Labor Party, and the Liberal and National Party Coalition. However, there were 10 electorates at the 1999 New South Wales election that did not finish with a two-party preferred count. In Bligh, Cabramatta, Keira and Tamworth, the two-candidate preferred count was between Labor and Independent candidates, in Albury and Manly between Liberal and Independent candidates, and between National and Independent candidates in Dubbo and Northern Tablelands. Cessnock finished as a contest between Labor and One Nation, and Marrickville a contest between Labor and the Greens.

In these electorates, the New South Wales Electoral Commissioner, Mr Ian Dickson, undertook an additional two-party preferred count for information purposes. These have been made available for the first time in this publication.

At the 1995 election, two party preferred counts were not available for the electorates of Bligh, Manly, Marrickville, Port Jackson and Tamworth. In the first four of these electorates, an estimate of two- party preferred count has been made. In Tamworth, there was no Coalition candidate in 1995, so the two-candidate preferred vote of Independent Tony Windsor has been used as the two-party preferred count.

1 NSW Election 1999

Two-Party Preferred Estimates in Tamworth

In 1995, Tamworth was not contested by a Coalition candidate, and the two-candidate preferred vote for Independent Tony Windsor has been used as the Coalition two-party preferred vote. However, a National Party candidate nominated in 1999, and very different two-party preferred swings are produced for Tamworth, depending on whether Tony Windor's two-candidate vote is used as the non- Labor two-party preferred vote, or the special distribution between the Labor and National Party candidates.

Throughout this publication, the distribution between Labor and the National Party has been used. However, this inflates the swing to Labor between the two elections, so the following tables compare the impact on regional totals of using the two different counts.

% Using Labor/Windsor Count % Using Labor/National Count Electorate/Region ALP Lib/Nat Swing ALP Lib/Nat Swing Tamworth 14.8 85.2 3.1 to Lib/Nat 45.2 54.8 27.4 to Labor Western Country 39.3 60.7 4.9 to Labor 42.6 57.4 8.2 to Labor Country 41.8 58.2 5.2 to Labor 43.1 56.9 6.5 to Labor Statewide 55.6 44.4 6.6 to Labor 56.0 44.0 7.0 to Labor

Corrections to Two-Party Preferred estimates for 1995 Election

In my publication "NSW Elections 1995" (NSW Parliamentary Library Research Service Background Paper 1995/4), I provided estimated two-party preferred results for Bligh, Manly, Marrickville and Port Jackson. When preparing a later publications on the 1998 redistribution, it became apparent that my estimates were not accurate. After making better assumptions about the distribution of preferences, I used the new estimates to calculate the redistribution.

For completeness, the new estimates for the four electorates on the old boundaries at the 1995 election are as follows.

1995 Electorate Old Estimate New Estimate Bligh LIB 10.3 LIB 3.4 Manly LIB 15.8 LIB 14.1 Marrickville ALP 24.0 ALP 26.8 Port Jackson ALP 21.6 ALP 23.7

As a result of these changes, the estimated statewide Labor two-party preferred vote rises from 48.8% to 49.0%.

Corrections to Redistribution Calculations

Full details of the 1997/98 redistribution were provided in my publication "1997/98 NSW Redistribution: Analysis of Final Boundaries" (NSW Parliamentary Library Research Service Background Paper 4/98). Following finalisation of the polling places to be used for the 1999 election, I made a number of minor adjustments to the figures originally published.

The corrected estimates for the new boundaries have been included in this publication, and can be found on Pages 57-59. These include the estimates of two-party and two-candidate preferred votes for electorates that contained parts of the five electorates that finished as two-candidate contests in 1995.

2 NSW Election 1999

By-Elections and Sitting MP Indicators

The redistribution calculations are based on the results of the 1995 election, and ignore by-elections. This includes the May 1996 Clarence by-election, which resulted in the Labor Party gaining the seat from the National Party. However, while the calculations have ignored the by-election, Mr Harry Woods has been shown as the sitting MP for Clarence.

An asterisk "*" is used to indicate any candidate who was a sitting Legislative Assembly MP. As a result, in the electorates of Heathcote, Maitland, Ryde and Strathfield, two candidates are shown as sitting MPs. In a number of other electorates, MPs are shown as sitting members of seats they did not represent before the election.

Details of MPs who retired or changed seats, along with the re-calculated margins in all seats can be found on pages 57-59.


All redistribution calculations have been performed by the author, by transferring booths to conform to the new electoral boundaries. All results for the 1999 election are based on results made available by the NSW State Electoral Office. However, responsibility for all calculations and omissions is taken by the author. Note that due to rounding errors, some tables do not add to exactly 100%.

Acknowledgements My thanks to the NSW Electoral Commissioner, Mr Ian Dickson, for all his assistance in providing the results of the state election. My particular thanks go to two members of his staff, Mr John Fullarton, and Ms Monica Floyd, for their assistance in providing and verifying the election results in computer readable format.

3 NSW Election 1999


Candi- Seats Party dates Won Change Votes % Vote Swing Labor Party 93 55 +9 1 576 886 42.21 +0.95 Liberal Party 77 20 -8 927 368 24.82 -8.02 National Party 23 13 -3 331 343 8.87 -2.23 Pauline Hanson's One Nation 88 .. .. 281 147 7.53 +7.53 Independents 73 5 +2 190 793 5.11 +0.42 Greens 81 .. .. 145 019 3.88 +1.31 Australian Democrats 75 .. .. 124 520 3.33 +0.48 Christian Democrats 42 .. .. 55 819 1.49 +0.05 Unity 28 .. .. 39 562 1.06 +1.06 Australians Against Further Immigration 63 .. .. 34 590 0.93 -0.18 Earthsave 14 .. .. 6 391 0.17 +0.17 Ivan Petch 1 .. .. 3 494 0.09 +0.09 Citizens Electoral Council 12 .. .. 3 416 0.09 +0.09 Democratic Socialist League 10 .. .. 3 404 0.09 +0.09 Outdoor Recreation Party 9 .. .. 3 341 0.09 +0.09 Non-Custodial Parents Party 20 .. .. 2 700 0.07 +0.07 No Badgerys Creek Airport Party 1 .. .. 1 196 0.03 +0.03 Timbarra Clean Water Party 4 .. .. 887 0.02 +0.02 Gun Owners & Sporting Hunters Pa 2 .. .. 885 0.02 +0.02 Euthanasia Referendum Party 3 .. .. 774 0.02 +0.02 Communist Party 1 .. .. 549 0.01 +0.01 Natural Law Party 5 .. .. 508 0.01 -0.20 Republic 2001 Party 1 .. .. 450 0.01 +0.01 Socialist Equality Party 2 .. .. 402 0.01 +0.01 People First 3 .. .. 387 0.01 +0.01 Voice of the People Party 1 .. .. 248 0.01 +0.01 Others ...... -1.90 Formal 732 . .. 3 736 079 97.49 +2.64 Informal 96 044 2.51 -2.64 Total Votes 3 832 123 93.12 -0.68

Seats Changing Hands Labor Party gains from Liberal Party (7) Georges River Maitland Menai Miranda Ryde South Coast Strathfield Labor Party gains from National Party (2) Murray-Darling Tweed Independent gains from National Party (2) Dubbo Northern Tablelands National Party gain from Liberal Party (1) Burrinjuck

NOTE: Clarence had been gained by Labor at a 1996 by-election

5 NSW Election 1999


Electoral First Preference Votes Informal Total District ALP LIB NAT ONP Other Votes Votes Roll Albury 6703 16374 .. 1731 13272 583 38663 41571 Auburn 24207 8031 .. 2536 5916 1581 42271 45150 Ballina 11071 .. 20391 .. 7470 805 39737 43298 Bankstown 26519 5755 .. 2327 4360 1840 40801 44744 Barwon 9554 .. 19994 7988 1500 669 39705 43149 Bathurst 20375 5394 6018 3020 5136 799 40742 42729 Baulkham Hills 13206 19737 .. 1825 6412 1016 42196 44571 Bega 12562 18253 .. 5200 3901 678 40594 43473 Blacktown 22714 8260 .. 3953 6570 1497 42994 45799 Bligh 12153 8140 .. .. 17771 883 38947 45282 Blue Mountains 18474 11464 .. 2777 8423 702 41840 44625 Burrinjuck 14580 6589 11574 4523 2351 672 40289 42787 Cabramatta 18859 3141 .. 1954 14325 1652 39931 43295 Camden 15888 18566 .. 3809 4204 1067 43534 46153 Campbelltown 21414 8353 .. 3630 5705 1133 40235 43012 Canterbury 22302 6686 .. 1114 9354 1783 41239 44741 Cessnock 21966 6003 .. 6462 5809 760 41000 43239 Charlestown 22300 9078 .. 4157 5211 878 41624 43689 Clarence 14524 7004 10019 4263 3592 594 39996 42363 Coffs Harbour 11970 .. 18043 4409 4720 692 39834 42709 Coogee 18901 12498 .. 910 5961 761 39031 43492 Cronulla 14123 18160 .. 3057 5084 892 41316 44412 Davidson 8583 23394 .. 1531 7081 837 41426 44616 Drummoyne 19253 13475 .. 1679 6894 1325 42626 45476 Dubbo 8016 .. 12597 7166 11794 756 40329 42678 East Hills 20146 7926 .. 4369 8466 1444 42351 44795 Epping 11937 17862 .. 1274 9443 660 41176 44490 Fairfield 23362 5629 .. 2929 6970 1911 40801 43865 Georges River 19548 15285 .. 2193 4450 972 42448 45286 Gosford 16720 18136 .. 2172 4714 824 42566 45985 Granville 22330 11631 .. 3599 2103 1489 41152 44216 Hawkesbury 10094 19202 .. 3777 7434 938 41445 44233 Heathcote 19274 12401 .. 3400 6045 784 41904 44122 Heffron 23492 7205 .. 1615 4758 1440 38510 42157 Hornsby 13966 16976 .. 1679 8694 982 42297 45519 Illawarra 20370 6492 .. 3576 9691 1160 41289 43600 Keira 18293 4527 .. 2678 14783 866 41147 43750 Kiama 20236 8936 .. 3765 8000 1018 41955 44281 Kogarah 19628 14226 .. 1752 5302 1308 42216 45576 Ku-ring-gai 8241 22708 .. 1416 7950 710 41025 44417 Lachlan 11385 .. 22798 5383 1813 854 42233 44521 Lake Macquarie 22821 9333 .. 5073 4412 898 42537 45039 Lakemba 24457 6588 .. 1487 6156 1463 40151 43470 Lane Cove 12911 19896 .. 1092 6082 958 40939 44607 Lismore 10779 5260 15238 .. 7630 725 39632 42271 Liverpool 26754 6773 .. 3546 2878 1682 41633 45093 Londonderry 19369 9877 .. 4406 5875 1494 41021 44248 Macquarie Fields 25223 8512 .. 3660 3346 1361 42102 45578 Maitland 18563 17729 .. 3452 3535 619 43898 45716 Manly 6705 15424 .. 1595 16082 869 40675 44004 Maroubra 23393 9523 .. 1926 4604 1187 40633 44129 Marrickville 21311 5351 .. 1661 11309 1370 41002 45834

6 NSW Election 1999


Electoral First Preference Votes Informal Total District ALP LIB NAT ONP Other Votes Votes Roll Menai 18048 15434 .. 3360 4905 1242 42989 45574 Miranda 16996 16099 .. 2842 3692 805 40434 42842 Monaro 12076 7521 8477 2855 7195 885 39009 42227 Mount Druitt 23812 6399 .. 3458 6261 1467 41397 44532 Mulgoa 21413 9772 .. 3569 5549 1555 41858 44706 Murray-Darling 16781 .. 13790 6238 1179 727 38715 42706 Murrumbidgee 13225 .. 22024 3378 1817 875 41319 44059 Myall Lakes 11922 .. 20841 5522 2308 701 41294 43712 Newcastle 21644 8208 .. 3468 7447 1101 41868 45039 North Shore 10888 20994 .. 867 6210 686 39645 44665 Northern Tablelands 3598 .. 13381 2770 19500 509 39758 42355 Orange 12878 .. 16566 5036 5385 824 40689 42982 Oxley 9548 .. 14187 7366 8007 770 39878 42546 Parramatta 21466 12023 .. 1953 4571 1094 41107 45193 Peats 20451 12803 .. 2767 4922 1040 41983 44549 Penrith 21467 10154 .. 3523 5192 1243 41579 44323 Pittwater 7938 20918 .. 1955 9396 897 41104 44626 Port Jackson 21582 7359 .. 735 10396 1390 41462 46377 Port Macquarie 10815 .. 22471 4832 1976 636 40730 43060 Port Stephens 18415 .. 9650 5247 7034 932 41278 43840 Riverstone 23148 10779 .. 3964 4268 1216 43375 46132 Rockdale 22258 11003 .. 2185 4386 1629 41461 44815 Ryde 18169 13853 .. 1023 8175 1151 42371 45383 Smithfield 25276 8924 .. 2352 3992 1483 42027 44952 South Coast 16543 16425 .. 4274 3943 757 41942 44769 Southern Highlands 13527 17614 .. 4055 4497 833 40526 43149 Strathfield 18386 13623 .. 1365 7683 1277 42334 46002 Swansea 21152 9712 .. 5469 5009 922 42264 44451 Tamworth 5029 .. 4701 2718 28182 520 41150 43606 The Entrance 19526 11404 3909 2861 3577 936 42213 44841 The Hills 10876 21954 .. 1606 8560 974 43970 47272 Tweed 17713 .. 16315 .. 6077 834 40939 44768 Upper Hunter 12450 .. 19307 5030 2491 756 40034 42206 Vaucluse 10244 20271 .. 791 6371 860 38537 43642 Wagga Wagga 10391 10032 9052 3147 6935 695 40252 43098 Wakehurst 11455 19278 .. 2684 6399 1219 41035 44123 Wallsend 24424 8265 .. 4878 4918 1061 43546 45751 Wentworthville 21250 11071 .. 2609 5550 1341 41821 44675 Willoughby 11262 20327 .. 895 7552 954 40990 44775 Wollongong 24713 6153 .. .. 8557 1368 40791 43467 Wyong 22606 11233 .. 4004 3930 1038 42811 45414 TOTAL 1576886 927368 331343 281147 619335 96044 3832123 4115059

7 NSW Election 1999


Electoral Percentage of First Preference Votes Informal District ALP LIB NAT ONP Other Votes Turnout Albury 17.6 43.0 .. 4.5 34.9 1.5 93.0 Auburn 59.5 19.7 .. 6.2 14.5 3.7 93.6 Ballina 28.4 .. 52.4 .. 19.2 2.0 91.8 Bankstown 68.1 14.8 .. 6.0 11.2 4.5 91.2 Barwon 24.5 .. 51.2 20.5 3.8 1.7 92.0 Bathurst 51.0 13.5 15.1 7.6 12.9 2.0 95.3 Baulkham Hills 32.1 47.9 .. 4.4 15.6 2.4 94.7 Bega 31.5 45.7 .. 13.0 9.8 1.7 93.4 Blacktown 54.7 19.9 .. 9.5 15.8 3.5 93.9 Bligh 31.9 21.4 .. .. 46.7 2.3 86.0 Blue Mountains 44.9 27.9 .. 6.8 20.5 1.7 93.8 Burrinjuck 36.8 16.6 29.2 11.4 5.9 1.7 94.2 Cabramatta 49.3 8.2 .. 5.1 37.4 4.1 92.2 Camden 37.4 43.7 .. 9.0 9.9 2.5 94.3 Campbelltown 54.8 21.4 .. 9.3 14.6 2.8 93.5 Canterbury 56.5 16.9 .. 2.8 23.7 4.3 92.2 Cessnock 54.6 14.9 .. 16.1 14.4 1.9 94.8 Charlestown 54.7 22.3 .. 10.2 12.8 2.1 95.3 Clarence 36.9 17.8 25.4 10.8 9.1 1.5 94.4 Coffs Harbour 30.6 .. 46.1 11.3 12.1 1.7 93.3 Coogee 49.4 32.7 .. 2.4 15.6 1.9 89.7 Cronulla 34.9 44.9 .. 7.6 12.6 2.2 93.0 Davidson 21.1 57.6 .. 3.8 17.4 2.0 92.9 Drummoyne 46.6 32.6 .. 4.1 16.7 3.1 93.7 Dubbo 20.3 .. 31.8 18.1 29.8 1.9 94.5 East Hills 49.2 19.4 .. 10.7 20.7 3.4 94.5 Epping 29.5 44.1 .. 3.1 23.3 1.6 92.6 Fairfield 60.1 14.5 .. 7.5 17.9 4.7 93.0 Georges River 47.1 36.9 .. 5.3 10.7 2.3 93.7 Gosford 40.1 43.4 .. 5.2 11.3 1.9 92.6 Granville 56.3 29.3 .. 9.1 5.3 3.6 93.1 Hawkesbury 24.9 47.4 .. 9.3 18.4 2.3 93.7 Heathcote 46.9 30.2 .. 8.3 14.7 1.9 95.0 Heffron 63.4 19.4 .. 4.4 12.8 3.7 91.3 Hornsby 33.8 41.1 .. 4.1 21.0 2.3 92.9 Illawarra 50.8 16.2 .. 8.9 24.1 2.8 94.7 Keira 45.4 11.2 .. 6.6 36.7 2.1 94.1 Kiama 49.4 21.8 .. 9.2 19.5 2.4 94.7 Kogarah 48.0 34.8 .. 4.3 13.0 3.1 92.6 Ku-ring-gai 20.4 56.3 .. 3.5 19.7 1.7 92.4 Lachlan 27.5 .. 55.1 13.0 4.4 2.0 94.9 Lake Macquarie 54.8 22.4 .. 12.2 10.6 2.1 94.4 Lakemba 63.2 17.0 .. 3.8 15.9 3.6 92.4 Lane Cove 32.3 49.8 .. 2.7 15.2 2.3 91.8 Lismore 27.7 13.5 39.2 .. 19.6 1.8 93.8 Liverpool 67.0 17.0 .. 8.9 7.2 4.0 92.3 Londonderry 49.0 25.0 .. 11.1 14.9 3.6 92.7 Macquarie Fields 61.9 20.9 .. 9.0 8.2 3.2 92.4 Maitland 42.9 41.0 .. 8.0 8.2 1.4 96.0 Manly 16.8 38.7 .. 4.0 40.4 2.1 92.4 Maroubra 59.3 24.1 .. 4.9 11.7 2.9 92.1 Marrickville 53.8 13.5 .. 4.2 28.5 3.3 89.5

8 NSW Election 1999


Electoral Percentage of First Preference Votes Informal District ALP LIB NAT ONP Other Votes Turnout Menai 43.2 37.0 .. 8.0 11.7 2.9 94.3 Miranda 42.9 40.6 .. 7.2 9.3 2.0 94.4 Monaro 31.7 19.7 22.2 7.5 18.9 2.3 92.4 Mount Druitt 59.6 16.0 .. 8.7 15.7 3.5 93.0 Mulgoa 53.1 24.2 .. 8.9 13.8 3.7 93.6 Murray-Darling 44.2 .. 36.3 16.4 3.1 1.9 90.7 Murrumbidgee 32.7 .. 54.5 8.4 4.5 2.1 93.8 Myall Lakes 29.4 .. 51.3 13.6 5.7 1.7 94.5 Newcastle 53.1 20.1 .. 8.5 18.3 2.6 93.0 North Shore 27.9 53.9 .. 2.2 15.9 1.7 88.8 Northern Tablelands 9.2 .. 34.1 7.1 49.7 1.3 93.9 Orange 32.3 .. 41.6 12.6 13.5 2.0 94.7 Oxley 24.4 .. 36.3 18.8 20.5 1.9 93.7 Parramatta 53.6 30.0 .. 4.9 11.4 2.7 91.0 Peats 49.9 31.3 .. 6.8 12.0 2.5 94.2 Penrith 53.2 25.2 .. 8.7 12.9 3.0 93.8 Pittwater 19.7 52.0 .. 4.9 23.4 2.2 92.1 Port Jackson 53.9 18.4 .. 1.8 25.9 3.4 89.4 Port Macquarie 27.0 .. 56.0 12.1 4.9 1.6 94.6 Port Stephens 45.6 .. 23.9 13.0 17.4 2.3 94.2 Riverstone 54.9 25.6 .. 9.4 10.1 2.8 94.0 Rockdale 55.9 27.6 .. 5.5 11.0 3.9 92.5 Ryde 44.1 33.6 .. 2.5 19.8 2.7 93.4 Smithfield 62.3 22.0 .. 5.8 9.8 3.5 93.5 South Coast 40.2 39.9 .. 10.4 9.6 1.8 93.7 Southern Highlands 34.1 44.4 .. 10.2 11.3 2.1 93.9 Strathfield 44.8 33.2 .. 3.3 18.7 3.0 92.0 Swansea 51.2 23.5 .. 13.2 12.1 2.2 95.1 Tamworth 12.4 .. 11.6 6.7 69.4 1.3 94.4 The Entrance 47.3 27.6 9.5 6.9 8.7 2.2 94.1 The Hills 25.3 51.1 .. 3.7 19.9 2.2 93.0 Tweed 44.2 .. 40.7 .. 15.2 2.0 91.4 Upper Hunter 31.7 .. 49.2 12.8 6.3 1.9 94.9 Vaucluse 27.2 53.8 .. 2.1 16.9 2.2 88.3 Wagga Wagga 26.3 25.4 22.9 8.0 17.5 1.7 93.4 Wakehurst 28.8 48.4 .. 6.7 16.1 3.0 93.0 Wallsend 57.5 19.5 .. 11.5 11.6 2.4 95.2 Wentworthville 52.5 27.3 .. 6.4 13.7 3.2 93.6 Willoughby 28.1 50.8 .. 2.2 18.9 2.3 91.5 Wollongong 62.7 15.6 .. .. 21.7 3.4 93.8 Wyong 54.1 26.9 .. 9.6 9.4 2.4 94.3 TOTAL 42.2 24.8 8.9 7.5 16.6 2.5 93.1

9 NSW Election 1999


Albury Roll 41571 Ballina Roll 43298

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Glachan * LIB 16374 43.0 -6.9 Robertson DEM 1675 4.3 -0.1 Douglas IND 13272 34.9 +34.9 MacGregor IND 524 1.3 +1.3 O'Donnell ALP 6703 17.6 -9.9 Arnold TCW 390 1.0 +1.0 Smith ONP 1731 4.5 +4.5 Ward ES 523 1.3 +1.3 .... NAT 0.0 -10.4 Flower GRN 3333 8.6 -0.8 .... OTH 0.0 -12.2 Page * NAT 20391 52.4 -7.7 Gosper CDP 1025 2.6 +2.6 Final Count Dakin ALP 11071 28.4 +5.1 Glachan * LIB 17913 51.0 -16.3 .... OTH 0.0 -2.8 Douglas IND 17226 49.0 +49.0 O'Donnell ALP 0 0.0 -32.7 Final Count Exhausted 2941 7.7 Page * NAT 21790 62.0 -4.5 Dakin ALP 13347 38.0 +4.5 Two-Party Preferred Exhausted 3795 9.7 Glachan * LIB 20134 64.8 -2.5 O'Donnell ALP 10934 35.2 +2.5 Formal 38932 98.0 +0.8 Exhausted 7012 18.4 Informal 805 2.0 -0.8 Total 39737 91.8 Formal 38080 98.5 +3.2 Informal 583 1.5 -3.2 Total 38663 93.0 Bankstown Roll 44744

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Auburn Roll 45150 First Count Candidate Party Votes % Swing Ashe ONP 2327 6.0 +6.0 Barrett LIB 5755 14.8 -13.2 First Count Phillips SEP 239 0.6 +0.6 Yakup UNI 3021 7.4 +7.4 Stewart * ALP 26519 68.1 +6.4 Nagle * ALP 24207 59.5 -4.4 Walsh GRN 666 1.7 +1.7 Bentley DSL 378 0.9 +0.9 Botting DEM 751 1.9 -2.0 O'Connor ONP 2536 6.2 +6.2 Bastin AFI 315 0.8 +0.8 Borluk LIB 8031 19.7 -10.6 Meguid UNI 1551 4.0 +4.0 Johnson AFI 620 1.5 +1.5 Laurence CDP 838 2.2 +2.2 McDermott DEM 1148 2.8 +2.6 .... OTH 0.0 -6.5 Ash GRN 749 1.8 +1.8 .... OTH 0.0 -5.6 Final Count Barrett LIB 7062 19.8 -11.9 Final Count Stewart * ALP 28637 80.2 +11.9 Nagle * ALP 27158 74.3 +7.1 Exhausted 3262 8.4 Borluk LIB 9409 25.7 -7.1 Exhausted 4123 10.1 Formal 38961 95.5 +4.2 Informal 1840 4.5 -4.2 Formal 40690 96.3 +3.9 Total 40801 91.2 Informal 1581 3.7 -3.9 Total 42271 93.6

10 NSW Election 1999

Barwon Roll 43149 Baulkham Hills Roll 44571

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Dillon ALP 9554 24.5 -3.7 Ferrara DEM 2861 6.9 +6.2 Cooke CEC 415 1.1 +1.1 Merton * LIB 19737 47.9 -11.6 Johns ONP 7988 20.5 +20.5 Schultejohann ONP 1825 4.4 +4.4 Slack-Smith * NAT 19994 51.2 -6.1 Hay ALP 13206 32.1 +4.3 Graham DEM 1085 2.8 +2.0 Wong UNI 1336 3.2 +3.2 .... OTH 0.0 -13.7 Harris GRN 1315 3.2 +3.2 Marshall NCP 106 0.3 +0.3 Final Count King AFI 794 1.9 -6.4 Dillon ALP 10865 32.8 +1.3 .... OTH 0.0 -3.6 Slack-Smith * NAT 22224 67.2 -1.3 Exhausted 5947 15.2 Final Count Merton * LIB 21440 58.1 -9.8 Formal 39036 98.3 +3.4 Hay ALP 15439 41.9 +9.8 Informal 669 1.7 -3.4 Exhausted 4301 10.4 Total 39705 92.0 Formal 41180 97.6 +1.6 Informal 1016 2.4 -1.6 Bathurst Roll 42729 Total 42196 94.7

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Bega Roll 43473 First Count McGinnes IND 2348 5.9 +5.9 Candidate Party Votes % Swing Bray IND 348 0.9 +0.9 Rowe ONP 3020 7.6 +7.6 First Count Williams GRN 847 2.1 -3.6 Smith * LIB 18253 45.7 -12.8 Gurney ORP 493 1.2 +1.2 Paris IND 685 1.7 +1.7 Grivas DEM 660 1.7 +1.7 Freihaut GRN 1465 3.7 -3.1 Martin ALP 20375 51.0 +5.7 Boland ALP 12562 31.5 +3.4 Thompson NCP 100 0.3 +0.3 Innes ONP 5200 13.0 +13.0 Simpson CEC 149 0.4 +0.4 Redmond DEM 1751 4.4 +0.4 Ashton AFI 191 0.5 -2.5 .... OTH 0.0 -2.5 Wilson NAT 6018 15.1 -30.9 Berry LIB 5394 13.5 +13.5 Final Count Smith * LIB 20251 57.1 -6.4 Final Count Boland ALP 15186 42.9 +6.4 Martin ALP 22433 67.8 +17.2 Exhausted 4479 11.2 Wilson NAT 10630 32.2 -17.2 Exhausted 6880 17.2 Formal 39916 98.3 +2.0 Informal 678 1.7 -2.0 Formal 39943 98.0 +1.6 Total 40594 93.4 Informal 799 2.0 -1.6 Total 40742 95.3

11 NSW Election 1999

Blacktown Roll 45799 Blue Mountains Roll 44625

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count King DEM 3178 7.7 +7.7 Bell ES 619 1.5 +1.5 Sherwood AFI 1015 2.4 -0.2 Anderson AFI 378 0.9 +0.9 Bawden CDP 2377 5.7 +1.4 Buckley ONP 2777 6.8 +6.8 Holder LIB 8260 19.9 -10.8 Grigg CDP 1954 4.7 +0.8 Gibson * ALP 22714 54.7 -2.9 Scott LIB 11464 27.9 -0.6 Nixon ONP 3953 9.5 +9.5 Lear DEM 2944 7.2 +0.3 .... OTH 0.0 -4.8 Debus * ALP 18474 44.9 +7.4 Doust GRN 2528 6.1 +6.1 Final Count .... (Morris) IND 0.0 -15.8 Holder LIB 10987 30.6 -5.4 .... OTH 0.0 -7.4 Gibson * ALP 24861 69.4 +5.4 Exhausted 5649 13.6 Final Count Scott LIB 13997 38.2 -9.5 Formal 41497 96.5 +3.4 Debus * ALP 22623 61.8 +9.5 Informal 1497 3.5 -3.4 Exhausted 4518 11.0 Total 42994 93.9 Formal 41138 98.3 +1.5 Informal 702 1.7 -1.5 Bligh Roll 45282 Total 41840 93.8

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Burrinjuck Roll 42787 First Count Marguin UNI 621 1.6 +1.6 Candidate Party Votes % Swing Holdaway GRN 2245 5.9 -1.0 Moore * IND 14214 37.3 +5.7 First Count Upton TCW 128 0.3 +0.3 Tarlinton ONP 4523 11.4 +11.4 Duncan IND 280 0.7 +0.7 Cosgrove CEC 157 0.4 +0.4 Smith ALP 12153 31.9 +4.8 Fraser DEM 657 1.7 +0.4 Fussell LIB 8140 21.4 -10.8 Green GRN 1041 2.6 +0.8 Hatfield LAW 93 0.2 -0.1 Hodgkinson NAT 11574 29.2 +29.2 Trubridge ERP 190 0.5 +0.5 McManus ALP 14580 36.8 -3.7 .... OTH 0.0 -1.7 Newborne CDP 496 1.3 +0.3 Schultz LIB 6589 16.6 -38.7 Final Count Moore * IND 19636 59.8 -4.0 Final Count Smith ALP 13215 40.2 +4.0 Hodgkinson NAT 17160 51.2 +51.2 Exhausted 5213 13.7 McManus ALP 16343 48.8 +6.0 Schultz LIB 0 0.0 -57.2 Two-Party Preferred Exhausted 6114 15.4 Smith ALP 16528 61.7 +6.3 Fussell LIB 10254 38.3 -6.3 Formal 39617 98.3 +3.6 Exhausted 11282 29.6 Informal 672 1.7 -3.6 Total 40289 94.2 Formal 38064 97.7 +2.2 Informal 883 2.3 -2.2 Total 38947 86.0

12 NSW Election 1999

Cabramatta Roll 43295 Campbelltown Roll 43012

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Cornish ONP 1954 5.1 +5.1 Singh UNI 682 1.7 +1.7 Watson LIB 3141 8.2 -15.7 Kearney GRN 1383 3.5 +3.1 Hua DEM 505 1.3 -2.9 Franks AFI 968 2.5 -5.4 Lambert IND 5706 14.9 +14.9 Churchill NCP 235 0.6 +0.6 Meagher * ALP 18859 49.3 -16.7 Dawson ONP 3630 9.3 +9.3 Su UNI 5286 13.8 +13.8 Hawker LIB 8353 21.4 -10.1 Kremec AFI 241 0.6 +0.6 Freeman IND 798 2.0 +2.0 Luke CDP 634 1.7 +1.7 Knight * ALP 21414 54.8 +4.5 Grant GRN 461 1.2 +1.2 Dudley DEM 1639 4.2 +0.3 Chapman IND 1492 3.9 +3.9 .... OTH 0.0 -6.0 .... OTH 0.0 -5.9 Final Count Final Count Hawker LIB 9992 30.1 -9.0 Watson LIB 0 0.0 -28.1 Knight * ALP 23153 69.9 +9.0 Lambert IND 9555 31.1 +31.1 Exhausted 5957 15.2 Meagher * ALP 21144 68.9 -3.0 Exhausted 7580 19.8 Formal 39102 97.2 +2.9 Informal 1133 2.8 -2.9 Two-Party Preferred Total 40235 93.5 Watson LIB 5586 20.1 -8.0 Meagher * ALP 22211 79.9 +8.0 Exhausted 10482 27.4 Canterbury Roll 44741 Formal 38279 95.9 +5.6 Informal 1652 4.1 -5.6 Candidate Party Votes % Swing Total 39931 92.2 First Count Moss * ALP 22302 56.5 +1.5 Tzavellas IND 691 1.8 +1.8 Camden Roll 46153 Smith GRN 1662 4.2 +3.4 Nam IND 715 1.8 +1.8 Candidate Party Votes % Swing Robinson CDP 1122 2.8 +2.7 Shakir ONP 1114 2.8 +2.8 First Count Vanderwel AFI 184 0.5 +0.5 Kernohan * LIB 18566 43.7 -6.4 Dalrymple DEM 1137 2.9 -0.5 Sanchez ALP 15888 37.4 -0.6 Koutsouras IND 1973 5.0 +5.0 Powell GRN 1762 4.1 +1.2 Baini LIB 6686 16.9 -17.3 Rosso ONP 3809 9.0 +9.0 Wan UNI 1870 4.7 +4.7 Thompson NCP 172 0.4 +0.4 .... OTH 0.0 -6.5 Brazenall AFI 646 1.5 +1.5 Frawley IND 1624 3.8 +3.8 Final Count .... OTH 0.0 -8.9 Moss * ALP 25871 75.2 +13.5 Baini LIB 8542 24.8 -13.5 Final Count Exhausted 5043 12.8 Kernohan * LIB 20006 53.5 -2.2 Sanchez ALP 17393 46.5 +2.2 Formal 39456 95.7 +5.1 Exhausted 5068 11.9 Informal 1783 4.3 -5.1 Total 41239 92.2 Formal 42467 97.5 +1.8 Informal 1067 2.5 -1.8 Total 43534 94.3

13 NSW Election 1999

Cessnock Roll 43239 Clarence Roll 42363

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Coure LIB 6003 14.9 -13.8 Rooke GRN 1339 3.4 -0.1 Hickey ALP 21966 54.6 -4.3 York DEM 518 1.3 -1.7 Ryan GRN 2025 5.0 +3.6 Mathew ONP 4263 10.8 +10.8 Olsen IND 3784 9.4 +9.4 Day LIB 7004 17.8 +17.8 Burston ONP 6462 16.1 +16.1 Cansdell NAT 10019 25.4 -27.6 .... OTH 0.0 -11.0 Stanmore CDP 780 2.0 +2.0 McMurtrie IND 101 0.3 +0.3 Final Count Milner ES 151 0.4 +0.4 Coure LIB 0 0.0 -33.6 Tiffen TCW 152 0.4 +0.4 Hickey ALP 25813 72.6 +6.3 Behn IND 551 1.4 +1.4 Burston ONP 9719 27.4 +27.4 Woods * ALP 14524 36.9 +2.9 Exhausted 4708 11.7 .... OTH 0.0 -6.6 Two-Party Preferred Final Count Coure LIB 8908 26.1 -7.6 Cansdell NAT 16324 49.8 -8.6 Hickey ALP 25287 73.9 +7.6 Woods * ALP 16467 50.2 +8.6 Exhausted 6045 15.0 Exhausted 6611 16.8 Formal 40240 98.1 +2.8 Formal 39402 98.5 +1.6 Informal 760 1.9 -2.8 Informal 594 1.5 -1.6 Total 41000 94.8 Total 39996 94.4 (NOTE: Swings based upon 1995 state election result adjusted for the redistribution, not the 1996 Clarence Charlestown Roll 43689 by-election) Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count Coffs Harbour Roll 42709 Hunt IND 1409 3.5 +3.5 Candidate Party Votes % Swing Face * ALP 22300 54.7 -1.9 Craig LIB 9078 22.3 -5.0 First Count Boswell CDP 1190 2.9 +0.4 Fraser * NAT 18043 46.1 -7.0 Jacobi GRN 2612 6.4 +5.8 Ansted AFI 229 0.6 +0.6 Sinclair ONP 4157 10.2 +10.2 Sommer NCP 128 0.3 +0.3 .... OTH 0.0 -13.0 Erglis IND 271 0.7 0.0 Final Count Gardiner ONP 4409 11.3 +11.3 Face * ALP 24802 69.3 +5.5 Backman ES 362 0.9 +0.9 Craig LIB 10977 30.7 -5.5 Williams ALP 11970 30.6 +0.3 Exhausted 4967 12.2 Cairns GRN 1369 3.5 -1.9 Spencer DEM 2361 6.0 +6.0 Formal 40746 97.9 +3.2 .... OTH 0.0 -10.5 Informal 878 2.1 -3.2 Total 41624 95.3 Final Count Fraser * NAT 19749 58.3 -0.6 Williams ALP 14129 41.7 +0.6 Exhausted 5264 13.4 Formal 39142 98.3 +1.5 Informal 692 1.7 -1.5 Total 39834 93.3

14 NSW Election 1999

Coogee Roll 43492 Davidson Roll 44616

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Page * ALP 18901 49.4 +5.4 Golden ONP 1531 3.8 +3.8 Crow DEM 2180 5.7 +2.5 Humpherson * LIB 23394 57.6 -10.3 Junee LIB 12498 32.7 -6.6 Henderson DEM 2424 6.0 +0.5 Mullins ONP 910 2.4 +2.4 Ginges UNI 1116 2.7 +2.7 Black AFI 203 0.5 -1.6 Lawson ALP 8583 21.1 +6.2 Matson GRN 3578 9.3 -0.1 Weatherlake AFI 459 1.1 -2.7 .... OTH 0.0 -2.0 Ratcliffe CDP 1278 3.1 +2.3 Tuor GRN 1804 4.4 -0.9 Final Count .... OTH 0.0 -1.7 Page * ALP 22338 62.3 +6.8 Junee LIB 13539 37.7 -6.8 Final Count Exhausted 2393 6.3 Humpherson * LIB 25811 71.1 -7.1 Lawson ALP 10502 28.9 +7.1 Formal 38270 98.1 +2.3 Exhausted 4276 10.5 Informal 761 1.9 -2.3 Total 39031 89.7 Formal 40589 98.0 +1.3 Informal 837 2.0 -1.3 Total 41426 92.9 Cronulla Roll 44412

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Drummoyne Roll 45476

First Count Candidate Party Votes % Swing Poulos IND 404 1.0 +1.0 Manasserian ONP 3057 7.6 +7.6 First Count Day DEM 1148 2.8 -0.2 Ferguson ONP 1679 4.1 +4.1 Smith CDP 1015 2.5 +0.4 Murray * ALP 19253 46.6 +6.2 Docherty ALP 14123 34.9 +5.8 Doyle GRN 1807 4.4 -2.1 Power GRN 1885 4.7 +4.7 Mavin AFI 286 0.7 +0.7 Kerr * LIB 18160 44.9 -5.5 Andrews DEM 1806 4.4 +4.1 Feinbier AFI 632 1.6 -1.6 Paull IND 638 1.5 +1.5 .... OTH 0.0 -12.2 Lesslie IND 2357 5.7 +5.7 Phelps LIB 13475 32.6 -6.0 Final Count .... NAN 0.0 -12.9 Docherty ALP 16137 44.9 +5.2 .... CDP 0.0 -1.3 Kerr * LIB 19785 55.1 -5.2 Exhausted 4502 11.1 Final Count Murray * ALP 22118 59.4 +6.7 Formal 40424 97.8 +1.5 Phelps LIB 15117 40.6 -6.7 Informal 892 2.2 -1.5 Exhausted 4066 9.8 Total 41316 93.0 Formal 41301 96.9 +1.4 Informal 1325 3.1 -1.4 Total 42626 93.7

15 NSW Election 1999

Dubbo Roll 42678 Epping Roll 44490

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Neville ONP 7166 18.1 +18.1 Parker GRN 2319 5.7 +1.5 Phillips GRN 513 1.3 +1.3 Tink * LIB 17862 44.1 -13.7 Keough IND 1711 4.3 +4.3 Jacobs DEM 2638 6.5 -1.6 Mutton NAT 12597 31.8 -33.4 Yoo UNI 2171 5.4 +5.4 Mundine ALP 8016 20.3 -8.2 Bell AFI 461 1.1 -3.6 McGrane IND 8977 22.7 +22.7 Gurney ALP 11937 29.5 +5.2 Dunkerley DEM 593 1.5 +0.4 Ball ONP 1274 3.1 +3.1 .... OTH 0.0 -5.2 Nanelli CDP 1854 4.6 +4.3 .... OTH 0.0 -0.6 Final Count Mutton NAT 15344 49.98 -19.4 Final Count Mundine ALP 0 0.0 -30.6 Tink * LIB 20512 57.1 -9.6 McGrane IND 15358 50.02 +50.0 Gurney ALP 15434 42.9 +9.6 Exhausted 8871 22.4 Exhausted 4570 11.3 Two-Party Preferred Formal 40516 98.4 +1.6 Mutton NAT 17734 60.5 -8.9 Informal 660 1.6 -1.6 Mundine ALP 11566 39.5 +8.9 Total 41176 92.6 Exhausted 10273 26.0 Formal 39573 98.1 +3.0 Informal 756 1.9 -3.0 Fairfield Roll 43865 Total 40329 94.5 Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count East Hills Roll 44795 Tripodi * ALP 23362 60.1 -1.5 Vinnicombe ONP 2929 7.5 +7.5 Candidate Party Votes % Swing Ngo UNI 3419 8.8 +8.8 Rohan LIB 5629 14.5 -16.0 First Count Gutierrez GRN 839 2.2 +2.2 Moffat AFI 1369 3.3 -2.2 Hua DEM 662 1.7 -3.1 Carver IND 554 1.4 +1.4 Carey AFI 512 1.3 +1.3 Charlton GRN 919 2.2 +2.2 Cogger LAW 133 0.3 -1.6 Bounds ONP 4369 10.7 +10.7 Haroon CDP 1188 3.1 +3.0 Parker IND 4263 10.4 -1.5 Mackenzie NCP 87 0.2 +0.2 Ashton ALP 20146 49.2 -3.1 Aiken IND 130 0.3 +0.3 Meikle DEM 1003 2.5 +1.5 .... OTH 0.0 -1.2 Korovin LIB 7926 19.4 -8.7 Coppolaro ES 358 0.9 +0.9 Final Count .... OTH 0.0 -1.1 Tripodi * ALP 25891 78.3 +11.9 Rohan LIB 7163 21.7 -11.9 Final Count Exhausted 5836 15.0 Ashton ALP 22862 68.3 +6.7 Korovin LIB 10610 31.7 -6.7 Formal 38890 95.3 +4.5 Exhausted 7435 18.2 Informal 1911 4.7 -4.5 Total 40801 93.0 Formal 40907 96.6 +1.8 Informal 1444 3.4 -1.8 Total 42351 94.5

16 NSW Election 1999

Georges River Roll 45286 Granville Roll 44216

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count McFarlane AFI 850 2.0 -2.8 O'Connor ONP 3599 9.1 +9.1 Ficarra * LIB 15285 36.9 -8.9 Wadsworth AFI 724 1.8 +1.8 Greene ALP 19548 47.1 +6.5 Issa LIB 11631 29.3 -1.8 Tang IND 678 1.6 +1.6 Gillbank GRN 1379 3.5 +3.5 Celik UNI 847 2.0 +2.0 Yeadon * ALP 22330 56.3 -3.9 Konnecke ONP 2193 5.3 +5.3 .... OTH 0.0 -8.7 Kaye GRN 1237 3.0 +3.0 Bedwell IND 838 2.0 +2.0 Final Count .... OTH 0.0 -8.7 Issa LIB 13011 35.4 -0.4 Yeadon * ALP 23720 64.6 +0.4 Final Count Exhausted 2932 7.4 Ficarra * LIB 16763 43.7 -8.3 Greene ALP 21559 56.3 +8.3 Formal 39663 96.4 +4.1 Exhausted 3154 7.6 Informal 1489 3.6 -4.1 Total 41152 93.1 Formal 41476 97.7 +2.7 Informal 972 2.3 -2.7 Total 42448 93.7 Hawkesbury Roll 44233

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Gosford Roll 45985 First Count Candidate Party Votes % Swing Howden GRN 2146 5.3 +5.3 Bruggemann NCP 105 0.3 +0.3 First Count Rozzoli * LIB 19202 47.4 -14.0 Cohen ALP 16720 40.1 -0.1 Lawson ALP 10094 24.9 +2.7 Weckert GRN 1159 2.8 +2.8 Rutter DEM 1905 4.7 -3.1 McKenna IND 275 0.7 +0.7 Sheather IND 1887 4.7 +4.7 Hartcher * LIB 18136 43.4 -8.8 Dakin AFI 496 1.2 +1.2 Bailey CDP 1104 2.6 +2.6 Belling IND 895 2.2 +2.2 Penfold DEM 1413 3.4 -0.4 Saxiones ONP 3777 9.3 +9.3 Gelling AFI 288 0.7 +0.7 .... OTH 0.0 -8.7 Parker ES 475 1.1 +1.1 Baker ONP 2172 5.2 +5.2 Final Count .... OTH 0.0 -3.9 Rozzoli * LIB 21510 63.3 -8.5 Lawson ALP 12466 36.7 +8.5 Final Count Exhausted 6531 16.1 Cohen ALP 18262 47.7 +3.2 Hartcher * LIB 19984 52.3 -3.2 Formal 40507 97.7 +2.4 Exhausted 3496 8.4 Informal 938 2.3 -2.4 Total 41445 93.7 Formal 41742 98.1 +1.5 Informal 824 1.9 -1.5 Total 42566 92.6

17 NSW Election 1999

Heathcote Roll 44122 Hornsby Roll 45519

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Lowder ONP 3400 8.3 +8.3 Jansson ONP 1679 4.1 +4.1 McLoughlin ORP 382 0.9 +0.9 Douglas GRN 1554 3.8 +3.8 Lentern GRN 2300 5.6 -0.6 Swallow DEM 2012 4.9 -2.0 Stone * LIB 12401 30.2 -11.3 Howe IND 141 0.3 +0.3 McManus * ALP 19274 46.9 +3.4 Gallagher IND 1882 4.6 -7.4 Hughes AFI 506 1.2 +1.1 Cardamatis ALP 13966 33.8 +8.8 Holloway DEM 1379 3.4 +3.2 Meany IND 1925 4.7 +4.7 Bowen CDP 1351 3.3 -1.5 Mudgee AFI 363 0.9 -1.6 Tsui UNI 127 0.3 +0.3 Zhang UNI 817 2.0 +2.0 .... OTH 0.0 -3.8 O'Doherty * LIB 16976 41.1 -11.2 .... CDP 0.0 -1.3 Final Count Stone * LIB 14336 39.6 -8.0 Final Count McManus * ALP 21864 60.4 +8.0 Cardamatis ALP 17117 47.3 +11.0 Exhausted 4920 12.0 O'Doherty * LIB 19065 52.7 -11.0 Exhausted 5133 12.4 Formal 41120 98.1 +1.9 Informal 784 1.9 -1.9 Formal 41315 97.7 +1.5 Total 41904 95.0 Informal 982 2.3 -1.5 Total 42297 92.9

Heffron Roll 42157 Illawarra Roll 43600 Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing First Count Dobson AFI 952 2.6 +2.6 First Count Keyte GRN 1992 5.4 -2.7 Hughes CDP 2759 6.9 -0.1 Grusovin * ALP 23492 63.4 +4.1 Jordan LIB 6492 16.2 -9.1 Taylor ONP 1615 4.4 +4.4 Bartholomew DEM 2017 5.0 -3.6 Mendelssohn DEM 1476 4.0 +3.0 Perrott DSL 336 0.8 +0.8 Green DSL 338 0.9 +0.6 Mason IND 1850 4.6 +4.6 Canessa LIB 7205 19.4 -6.6 Saliba ALP 20370 50.8 -8.3 .... OTH 0.0 -5.3 Andersen GRN 1865 4.6 +4.6 Green AFI 656 1.6 +1.6 Final Count Prsa ONP 3576 8.9 +8.9 Grusovin * ALP 25478 76.1 +6.3 Blayney NCP 208 0.5 +0.5 Canessa LIB 7998 23.9 -6.3 Exhausted 3594 9.7 Final Count Jordan LIB 8554 27.2 -5.1 Formal 37070 96.3 +2.9 Saliba ALP 22848 72.8 +5.1 Informal 1440 3.7 -2.9 Exhausted 8727 21.7 Total 38510 91.3 Formal 40129 97.2 +3.7 Informal 1160 2.8 -3.7 Total 41289 94.7

18 NSW Election 1999

Keira Roll 43750 Kogarah Roll 45576

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Curtis ONP 2678 6.6 +6.6 Chan IND 1039 2.5 +2.5 Nederkoorn IND 1385 3.4 +3.4 Witheridge LIB 14226 34.8 -10.6 Gozzard ES 855 2.1 +2.1 Kanak GRN 1301 3.2 +3.2 O'Neill CDP 1375 3.4 -0.9 Ison CDP 838 2.0 +0.5 Akhurst LIB 4527 11.2 -15.9 Crompton IND 368 0.9 +0.9 Campbell ALP 18293 45.4 -12.8 Uzunoski UNI 1244 3.0 +3.0 Hamilton AFI 313 0.8 +0.8 Peniazev NCP 40 0.1 +0.1 Martin IND 10855 26.9 +26.9 Jones ORP 235 0.6 +0.6 .... DEM 0.0 -5.6 Burton ALP 19628 48.0 +1.9 .... GRN 0.0 -4.8 Whalen AFI 237 0.6 -0.3 Baird ONP 1752 4.3 +4.3 Final Count .... OTH 0.0 -6.1 Akhurst LIB 0 0.0 -32.4 Campbell ALP 19821 57.9 -9.7 Final Count Martin IND 14390 42.1 +42.1 Witheridge LIB 15784 42.5 -6.9 Exhausted 6070 15.1 Burton ALP 21381 57.5 +6.9 Exhausted 3743 9.1 Two-Party Preferred Akhurst LIB 8635 27.9 -4.5 Formal 40908 96.9 +2.2 Campbell ALP 22294 72.1 +4.5 Informal 1308 3.1 -2.2 Exhausted 9352 23.2 Total 42216 92.6 Formal 40281 97.9 +2.9 Informal 866 2.1 -2.9 Total 41147 94.1 Ku-ring-gai Roll 44417 Candidate Party Votes % Swing

Kiama Roll 44281 First Count Ayres CDP 1698 4.2 +2.8 Candidate Party Votes % Swing O'Farrell * LIB 22708 56.3 -10.1 Webeck ONP 1416 3.5 +3.5 First Count Ryder LAW 100 0.2 +0.2 Collier DEM 1363 3.3 +3.2 Halliday DEM 3769 9.3 +1.4 Brown ALP 20236 49.4 -7.1 Chehoff AFI 379 0.9 +0.3 Murray AFI 472 1.2 +1.2 Burke GRN 2004 5.0 +1.4 Mifsud LIB 8936 21.8 -9.9 Butland ALP 8241 20.4 +7.2 Kadwell CDP 1774 4.3 +4.2 .... OTH 0.0 -6.8 McLeod IND 1234 3.0 +3.0 Bradley GRN 3157 7.7 -3.9 Final Count Orr ONP 3765 9.2 +9.2 O'Farrell * LIB 25298 70.0 -8.3 Butland ALP 10826 30.0 +8.3 Final Count Exhausted 4191 10.4 Brown ALP 23048 67.7 +3.1 Mifsud LIB 10995 32.3 -3.1 Formal 40315 98.3 +1.3 Exhausted 6894 16.8 Informal 710 1.7 -1.3 Total 41025 92.4 Formal 40937 97.6 +3.4 Informal 1018 2.4 -3.4 Total 41955 94.7

19 NSW Election 1999

Lachlan Roll 44521 First Count Harcourt-Norton DEM 3665 9.2 +3.8 Candidate Party Votes % Swing Rindermann AFI 357 0.9 +0.3 Orme GRN 2060 5.2 +2.2 First Count May ONP 1092 2.7 +2.7 Armstrong * NAT 22798 55.1 +10.5 Powe ALP 12911 32.3 +8.5 Reid ONP 5383 13.0 +13.0 Chikarovski * LIB 19896 49.8 +1.2 Lord ALP 11385 27.5 -4.0 .... NAN 0.0 -14.8 Mulligan DEM 1124 2.7 +0.6 .... OTH 0.0 -4.0 Durrant GRN 689 1.7 +1.7 .... LIB 0.0 -21.2 Final Count .... OTH 0.0 -0.5 Powe ALP 15846 42.6 +4.9 Chikarovski * LIB 21379 57.4 -4.9 Final Count Exhausted 2756 6.9 Armstrong * NAT 24940 66.3 -1.0 Lord ALP 12680 33.7 +1.0 Formal 39981 97.7 +1.2 Exhausted 3759 9.1 Informal 958 2.3 -1.2 Total 40939 91.8 Formal 41379 98.0 +3.6 Informal 854 2.0 -3.6 Total 42233 94.9 Lismore Roll 42271

Lake Macquarie Roll 45039 Candidate Party Votes % Swing

Candidate Party Votes % Swing First Count Dhu CDP 1426 3.7 +3.7 First Count Canales IND 311 0.8 +0.8 Boulton AFI 912 2.2 +2.2 George NAT 15238 39.2 -19.2 Payne LIB 9333 22.4 -8.8 Corkill GRN 3784 9.7 +8.4 Gourlay CDP 1370 3.3 +3.3 Thorpe ES 300 0.8 +0.8 Johnson ONP 5073 12.2 +12.2 Howard LIB 5260 13.5 +13.5 Hunter * ALP 22821 54.8 -6.1 Bell ALP 10779 27.7 +3.4 Blyth GRN 2130 5.1 +5.1 Ward TCW 217 0.6 +0.6 .... DEM 0.0 -7.8 Wunsch DSL 322 0.8 +0.8 Final Count Walsh DEM 1270 3.3 -0.3 Payne LIB 11134 30.8 -4.1 .... OTH 0.0 -12.4 Hunter * ALP 25065 69.2 +4.1 Final Count Exhausted 5440 13.1 George NAT 19293 58.5 -5.8 Formal 41639 97.9 +3.3 Bell ALP 13675 41.5 +5.8 Informal 898 2.1 -3.3 Exhausted 5939 15.3 Total 42537 94.4 Formal 38907 98.2 +2.0 Informal 725 1.8 -2.0 Lakemba Roll 43470 Total 39632 93.8

Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count Moody AFI 1079 2.8 +2.8 Iemma * ALP 24457 63.2 +4.5 Newman DEM 1181 3.1 +0.7 Abou-Ghaida ONP 1487 3.8 +3.8 Hawatt LIB 6588 17.0 -14.7 Coorey IND 3896 10.1 +10.1 .... OTH 0.0 -7.2 Final Count Iemma * ALP 26536 74.7 +10.0 Hawatt LIB 8998 25.3 -10.0 Exhausted 3154 8.2 Formal 38688 96.4 +3.8 Informal 1463 3.6 -3.8 Total 40151 92.4 Lane Cove Roll 44607

Candidate Party Votes % Swing

20 NSW Election 1999

Liverpool Roll 45093 Macquarie Fields Roll 45578

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Barker LIB 6773 17.0 -12.1 Knowles * ALP 25223 61.9 +5.2 Lynch * ALP 26754 67.0 -3.3 Field AFI 1044 2.6 -2.1 Coleman AFI 839 2.1 +2.1 Allen IND 824 2.0 +0.6 Costa UNI 1662 4.2 +4.2 Lang DEM 1226 3.0 +2.9 Sanders NCP 151 0.4 +0.4 Thompson NCP 252 0.6 +0.6 Henshaw CEC 226 0.6 +0.6 Horton ONP 3660 9.0 +9.0 Smith ONP 3546 8.9 +8.9 Rowell LIB 8512 20.9 -11.3 .... OTH 0.0 -0.7 .... OTH 0.0 -4.8 Final Count Final Count Barker LIB 7666 21.4 -8.0 Knowles * ALP 26705 73.5 +10.5 Lynch * ALP 28153 78.6 +8.0 Rowell LIB 9620 26.5 -10.5 Exhausted 4132 10.3 Exhausted 4416 10.8 Formal 39951 96.0 +7.8 Formal 40741 96.8 +4.0 Informal 1682 4.0 -7.8 Informal 1361 3.2 -4.0 Total 41633 92.3 Total 42102 92.4

Londonderry Roll 44248 Maitland Roll 45716

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Anderson * ALP 19369 49.0 -6.6 Lawler CEC 359 0.8 +0.8 Burke ONP 4406 11.1 +11.1 Blackmore * LIB 17729 41.0 -6.7 Bailey IND 1026 2.6 +2.6 Harper ONP 3452 8.0 +8.0 Conolly LIB 9877 25.0 -8.7 Taylor ORP 518 1.2 +1.2 Holmes NCP 185 0.5 +0.5 Kerslake CDP 610 1.4 +1.4 Phillips CDP 1407 3.6 +1.7 Price * ALP 18563 42.9 -0.6 Gelling AFI 611 1.5 +1.5 Lantry DEM 766 1.8 -1.2 Kingsley GRN 1341 3.4 +3.4 Davis GRN 1282 3.0 -2.9 Cassidy DEM 1305 3.3 -3.5 .... OTH 0.0 -1.9 Final Count Blackmore * LIB 19347 49.0 -1.9 Final Count Price * ALP 20102 51.0 +1.9 Anderson * ALP 21145 64.9 +3.3 Exhausted 3830 8.8 Conolly LIB 11436 35.1 -3.3 Exhausted 6946 17.6 Formal 43279 98.6 +2.3 Informal 619 1.4 -2.3 Formal 39527 96.4 +2.8 Total 43898 96.0 Informal 1494 3.6 -2.8 Total 41021 92.7

21 NSW Election 1999

Manly Roll 44004 Marrickville Roll 45834

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Stitt ORP 347 0.9 +0.9 Brown ONP 1661 4.2 +4.2 de Montfort ALP 6705 16.8 +1.2 Kenyon DEM 3425 8.6 +4.0 Wong UNI 337 0.8 +0.8 Overend ERP 279 0.7 +0.7 Jones LIB 15424 38.7 -6.2 Morris LIB 5351 13.5 -1.3 Barr IND 12005 30.2 -4.0 Tadros IND 989 2.5 +2.5 Howells DEM 1004 2.5 -0.4 Roberts GRN 4662 11.8 +5.1 Ecroyd AFI 335 0.8 +0.2 Bhattacharyya DSL 443 1.1 +0.2 Lambert GRN 2054 5.2 +5.2 Refshauge * ALP 21311 53.8 +7.1 Ferguson ONP 1595 4.0 +4.0 The UNI 904 2.3 +2.3 .... OTH 0.0 -1.7 Hallett CDP 607 1.5 +1.2 .... NAN 0.0 -25.1 Final Count .... OTH 0.0 -0.9 Jones LIB 16553 48.7 -1.9 Barr IND 17408 51.3 +1.9 Final Count Exhausted 5845 14.7 Morris LIB 0 0.0 -25.2 Roberts GRN 9394 28.5 +28.5 Two-Party Preferred Refshauge * ALP 23524 71.5 -3.4 de Montfort ALP 12069 40.6 +4.0 Exhausted 6714 16.9 Jones LIB 17671 59.4 -4.0 Exhausted 10066 25.3 Two-Party Preferred Morris LIB 6835 20.6 -4.6 Formal 39806 97.9 +1.1 Refshauge * ALP 26389 79.4 +4.6 Informal 869 2.1 -1.1 Exhausted 6408 16.2 Total 40675 92.4 Formal 39632 96.7 +3.0 Informal 1370 3.3 -3.0 Maroubra Roll 44129 Total 41002 89.5

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Menai Roll 45574 First Count Hassan UNI 991 2.5 +2.5 Candidate Party Votes % Swing Faulkner LIB 9523 24.1 -9.3 Corben DEM 1292 3.3 +0.4 First Count McEwen ONP 1926 4.9 +4.9 May IND 1235 3.0 +3.0 Carr * ALP 23393 59.3 +2.2 Mayne DEM 1216 2.9 +2.9 Paton AFI 312 0.8 +0.7 Hutton ONP 3360 8.0 +8.0 Bastable GRN 2009 5.1 -1.3 Thomas LIB 15434 37.0 -8.0 .... OTH 0.0 -0.1 Megarrity ALP 18048 43.2 +1.9 Wardle AFI 711 1.7 -2.3 Final Count McGoldrick GRN 1743 4.2 +4.2 Faulkner LIB 10867 30.1 -6.3 .... OTH 0.0 -9.7 Carr * ALP 25293 69.9 +6.3 Exhausted 3286 8.3 Final Count Thomas LIB 17044 45.8 -6.1 Formal 39446 97.1 +2.3 Megarrity ALP 20166 54.2 +6.1 Informal 1187 2.9 -2.3 Exhausted 4537 10.9 Total 40633 92.1 Formal 41747 97.1 +1.6 Informal 1242 2.9 -1.6 Total 42989 94.3

22 NSW Election 1999

Miranda Roll 42842 Mount Druitt Roll 44532

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Nettle GRN 1612 4.1 +4.1 Reddy DEM 1517 3.8 +3.6 Collier ALP 16996 42.9 +6.0 Nolan GRN 1148 2.9 +2.9 Hickman DEM 1460 3.7 +0.7 Wyness CDP 1812 4.5 +0.1 Remy ONP 2842 7.2 +7.2 Williams ONP 3458 8.7 +8.7 Eastwood AFI 620 1.6 -2.2 Green LIB 6399 16.0 -7.6 Phillips * LIB 16099 40.6 -7.5 Toal UNI 1133 2.8 +2.8 .... OTH 0.0 -8.3 Girvan AFI 651 1.6 +1.6 Amery * ALP 23812 59.6 -7.0 Final Count .... OTH 0.0 -5.1 Collier ALP 19002 52.3 +7.5 Phillips * LIB 17353 47.7 -7.5 Final Count Exhausted 3274 8.3 Green LIB 8322 24.2 -3.7 Amery * ALP 26038 75.8 +3.7 Formal 39629 98.0 +1.4 Exhausted 5570 13.9 Informal 805 2.0 -1.4 Total 40434 94.4 Formal 39930 96.5 +3.7 Informal 1467 3.5 -3.7 Total 41397 93.0 Monaro Roll 42227

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Mulgoa Roll 44706

First Count Candidate Party Votes % Swing Webb NAT 8477 22.2 -35.8 Swift ONP 2855 7.5 +7.5 First Count Keegel IND 145 0.4 +0.4 Hedges R2P 450 1.1 +1.1 Marjason LIB 7521 19.7 +18.9 Mathews ORP 403 1.0 +1.0 Moore GRN 1809 4.7 -2.9 Horton GOS 711 1.8 +1.8 Durst ALP 12076 31.7 +5.2 Beamer * ALP 21413 53.1 -1.2 Fragiacomo IND 419 1.1 +1.1 Grant GRN 791 2.0 +2.0 Pangallo IND 4822 12.6 +12.6 Lawson PF 188 0.5 +0.5 .... OTH 0.0 -7.0 Owen DEM 1282 3.2 +0.7 Putra ONP 3569 8.9 +8.9 Final Count Mewett NBC 1196 3.0 +3.0 Webb NAT 15175 50.2 -16.1 Carey AFI 407 1.0 +1.0 Durst ALP 15047 49.8 +16.1 Owens NCP 121 0.3 +0.3 Exhausted 7902 20.7 Bourne LIB 9772 24.2 -13.5 Formal 38124 97.7 +2.0 .... OTH 0.0 -5.5 Informal 885 2.3 -2.0 Final Count Total 39009 92.4 Beamer * ALP 22993 67.6 +8.9 Bourne LIB 11029 32.4 -8.9 Exhausted 6281 15.6 Formal 40303 96.3 +1.8 Informal 1555 3.7 -1.8 Total 41858 93.6

23 NSW Election 1999

Murray-Darling Roll 42706 First Count McKenzie GRN 4062 10.0 -2.7 Candidate Party Votes % Swing Gaudry * ALP 21644 53.1 -3.7 Criticos IND 899 2.2 +2.2 First Count Cook SEP 163 0.4 +0.4 Kersten NAT 13790 36.3 -15.6 Brooks ONP 3468 8.5 +8.5 Black ALP 16781 44.2 -1.2 Bisgrove DEM 1802 4.4 +4.4 Boyd CEC 246 0.6 +0.6 Brookman UNI 101 0.2 +0.2 White NCP 141 0.4 +0.4 Chaston CEC 77 0.2 +0.2 Burton DEM 792 2.1 +2.1 Williams LIB 8208 20.1 -8.6 McKinnon ONP 6238 16.4 +16.4 Payne DSL 343 0.8 -0.9 .... OTH 0.0 -2.7 Final Count Final Count Gaudry * ALP 24925 72.4 +5.5 Kersten NAT 15002 45.8 -7.7 Williams LIB 9510 27.6 -5.5 Black ALP 17765 54.2 +7.7 Exhausted 6332 15.5 Exhausted 5221 13.7 Formal 40767 97.4 +2.6 Formal 37988 98.1 +4.4 Informal 1101 2.6 -2.6 Informal 727 1.9 -4.4 Total 41868 93.0 Total 38715 90.7

North Shore Roll 44665 Murrumbidgee Roll 44059 Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing First Count First Count Skinner * LIB 20994 53.9 -8.2 Ramsay DEM 1546 3.8 +3.8 Padgett DEM 3121 8.0 -1.3 Mulloy ONP 3378 8.4 +8.4 McDonald ALP 10888 27.9 +7.8 Pittavino ALP 13225 32.7 -3.4 Kelly ONP 867 2.2 +2.2 Stroobants CEC 271 0.7 +0.7 Bell GRN 2743 7.0 -0.8 Piccoli NAT 22024 54.5 -9.5 Dedman AFI 346 0.9 +0.2 Final Count Final Count Pittavino ALP 14269 38.0 +1.9 Skinner * LIB 22495 62.3 -8.0 Piccoli NAT 23261 62.0 -1.9 McDonald ALP 13624 37.7 +8.0 Exhausted 2914 7.2 Exhausted 2840 7.3 Formal 40444 97.9 +4.3 Formal 38959 98.3 +1.6 Informal 875 2.1 -4.3 Informal 686 1.7 -1.6 Total 41319 93.8 Total 39645 88.8

Myall Lakes Roll 43712

Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count Tuffy ALP 11922 29.4 +2.0 Turner * NAT 20841 51.3 -3.6 Deeney ONP 5522 13.6 +13.6 Gill GRN 1717 4.2 -2.0 Spragg AFI 591 1.5 -4.9 .... LIB 0.0 -4.7 .... OTH 0.0 -0.4 Final Count Tuffy ALP 13314 37.1 +4.3 Turner * NAT 22531 62.9 -4.3 Exhausted 4748 11.7 Formal 40593 98.3 +3.0 Informal 701 1.7 -3.0 Total 41294 94.5 Newcastle Roll 45039

Candidate Party Votes % Swing

24 NSW Election 1999

Northern Tablelands Roll 42355 Oxley Roll 42546

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Webeck ONP 2770 7.1 +7.1 Williams DEM 1089 2.8 +2.8 Chappell * NAT 13381 34.1 -18.7 Cavanagh GRN 1495 3.8 -2.5 Cooper DEM 1092 2.8 +2.6 Argent ALP 9548 24.4 -5.2 Schultz GRN 719 1.8 +1.8 Stoner NAT 14187 36.3 -24.4 Keogh IND 360 0.9 +0.9 Parkinson IND 2011 5.1 +5.1 Torbay IND 17329 44.2 +25.0 Green IND 2726 7.0 +7.0 Lawrence ALP 3598 9.2 -14.9 Henderson IND 686 1.8 +1.8 .... OTH 0.0 -3.7 Willey ONP 7366 18.8 +18.8 .... OTH 0.0 -3.4 Final Count Chappell * NAT 14482 40.6 -24.0 Final Count Torbay IND 21162 59.4 +59.4 Argent ALP 12687 42.0 +6.6 Lawrence ALP 0 0.0 -35.4 Stoner NAT 17503 58.0 -6.6 Exhausted 3605 9.2 Exhausted 8918 22.8 Two-Party Preferred Formal 39108 98.1 +1.8 Chappell * NAT 18063 67.7 +3.1 Informal 770 1.9 -1.8 Lawrence ALP 8612 32.3 -3.1 Total 39878 93.7 Exhausted 12574 32.0 Formal 39249 98.7 +3.0 Informal 509 1.3 -3.0 Parramatta Roll 45193 Total 39758 93.9 Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count Orange Roll 42982 Copping LIB 12023 30.0 -10.9 Wright GRN 1063 2.7 +2.7 Candidate Party Votes % Swing Cogger LAW 101 0.3 -0.3 McCarthy UNI 1426 3.6 +3.6 First Count Butler AFI 360 0.9 +0.9 Cox IND 1793 4.5 +4.5 McMahon NCP 84 0.2 +0.2 Turner * NAT 16566 41.6 -19.7 Cooksley ONP 1953 4.9 +4.9 Taylor ALP 12878 32.3 +3.0 Harrison * ALP 21466 53.6 +5.6 McKenzie DEM 1059 2.7 +1.3 Byrne DEM 1280 3.2 -1.4 Nixon ONP 5036 12.6 +12.6 Moon DSL 257 0.6 +0.6 McLennan CDP 1305 3.3 +0.2 .... CDP 0.0 -5.9 Watts GRN 1228 3.1 +3.1 .... OTH 0.0 -5.0 Final Count Copping LIB 12915 35.5 -11.0 Final Count Harrison * ALP 23472 64.5 +11.0 Turner * NAT 19041 56.3 -10.8 Exhausted 3626 9.1 Taylor ALP 14765 43.7 +10.8 Exhausted 6059 15.2 Formal 40013 97.3 +2.8 Informal 1094 2.7 -2.8 Formal 39865 98.0 +2.3 Total 41107 91.0 Informal 824 2.0 -2.3 Total 40689 94.7

25 NSW Election 1999

Peats Roll 44549 Pittwater Roll 44626

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Guo UNI 193 0.5 +0.5 Boydell ALP 7938 19.7 -0.1 Andrews * ALP 20451 49.9 -2.3 Vlug NCP 135 0.3 +0.3 King AFI 461 1.1 +1.1 Bristow CDP 1088 2.7 -0.3 Prest ONP 2767 6.8 +6.8 Brogden * LIB 20918 52.0 -8.5 Spencer CDP 1104 2.7 +2.7 Sonza ES 414 1.0 +1.0 Lacey GRN 1194 2.9 +2.9 Dimond DEM 4719 11.7 +7.3 Wales LIB 12803 31.3 -7.4 Ockenden GRN 2604 6.5 -3.8 Purcival ES 372 0.9 +0.9 Whitmore AFI 436 1.1 +0.6 Preece DEM 1598 3.9 +3.9 Cuthbertson ONP 1955 4.9 +4.9 .... IND 0.0 -9.1 .... OTH 0.0 -1.5 Final Count Final Count Andrews * ALP 22397 61.3 +3.6 Boydell ALP 10523 31.2 +1.5 Wales LIB 14114 38.7 -3.6 Brogden * LIB 23201 68.8 -1.5 Exhausted 4432 10.8 Exhausted 6483 16.1 Formal 40943 97.5 +2.5 Formal 40207 97.8 +1.7 Informal 1040 2.5 -2.5 Informal 897 2.2 -1.7 Total 41983 94.2 Total 41104 92.1

Penrith Roll 44323 Port Jackson Roll 46377

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Harris-Ball IND 309 0.8 +0.8 Nori * ALP 21582 53.9 +0.9 Thompson NCP 108 0.3 +0.3 Burvill LAW 81 0.2 +0.2 Eykamp ONP 3523 8.7 +8.7 Druery PF 119 0.3 +0.3 Edwards GRN 1230 3.0 +3.0 Malliate NCP 67 0.2 +0.2 Grim-Reaper IND 238 0.6 +0.6 Lennane IND 2944 7.3 +7.3 Hooper IND 114 0.3 +0.3 Ryde GRN 3159 7.9 +7.5 Broderick IND 129 0.3 +0.3 Doherty CPA 549 1.4 -2.6 Lo Po * ALP 21467 53.2 +5.4 Vescio ONP 735 1.8 +1.8 Villa DEM 933 2.3 -0.5 Furness DEM 2993 7.5 +4.2 Morris AFI 366 0.9 +0.9 Loschiavo GOS 174 0.4 +0.4 Grigg CDP 1425 3.5 -0.2 Huxley LIB 7359 18.4 0.0 Fowler LIB 10154 25.2 -15.5 Carman DSL 310 0.8 +0.8 Rogers ES 340 0.8 +0.8 .... NAN 0.0 -20.4 .... OTH 0.0 -5.0 .... CDP 0.0 -0.8 Final Count Final Count Lo Po * ALP 23235 66.7 +12.4 Nori * ALP 25904 75.1 +1.6 Fowler LIB 11592 33.3 -12.4 Huxley LIB 8567 24.9 -1.6 Exhausted 5509 13.7 Exhausted 5601 14.0 Formal 40336 97.0 +1.6 Formal 40072 96.6 +0.4 Informal 1243 3.0 -1.6 Informal 1390 3.4 -0.4 Total 41579 93.8 Total 41462 89.4

26 NSW Election 1999

Port Macquarie Roll 43060 Riverstone Roll 46132

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Dachs AFI 606 1.5 +1.1 Hawkins GRN 1522 3.6 +3.6 Riordan ALP 10815 27.0 -2.8 King AFI 838 2.0 +2.0 Oakeshott * NAT 22471 56.0 +3.1 Aquilina * ALP 23148 54.9 -0.3 Muldoon CEC 151 0.4 +0.4 McIntyre LIB 10779 25.6 -9.5 Andersons GRN 1219 3.0 -2.1 Peacock DEM 1908 4.5 -1.7 Sara ONP 4832 12.1 +12.1 Pettitt ONP 3964 9.4 +9.4 .... OTH 0.0 -11.8 .... CDP 0.0 -3.5 Final Count Final Count Riordan ALP 11990 33.4 -4.6 Aquilina * ALP 25188 67.2 +7.2 Oakeshott * NAT 23919 66.6 +4.6 McIntyre LIB 12316 32.8 -7.2 Exhausted 4185 10.4 Exhausted 4655 11.0 Formal 40094 98.4 +2.2 Formal 42159 97.2 +2.9 Informal 636 1.6 -2.2 Informal 1216 2.8 -2.9 Total 40730 94.6 Total 43375 94.0

Port Stephens Roll 43840 Rockdale Roll 44815

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Stevenson GRN 2237 5.5 -1.0 Johnson IND 818 2.1 +2.1 King CEC 449 1.1 +1.1 Jones IND 651 1.6 +1.6 McCann IND 1073 2.7 +2.7 Chung DEM 1087 2.7 -1.9 Robinson NAT 9650 23.9 +23.9 Taylor GRN 1191 3.0 +3.0 Dover CDP 1930 4.8 +0.9 Thompson * ALP 22258 55.9 +2.9 Boyd DEM 1345 3.3 +0.4 Kaloudis LIB 11003 27.6 -11.4 Bartlett ALP 18415 45.6 -6.5 Ryan IND 172 0.4 +0.4 Conway ONP 5247 13.0 +13.0 Gelling AFI 339 0.9 +0.9 .... LIB 0.0 -34.5 Cardillo NCP 128 0.3 +0.3 Citton ONP 2185 5.5 +5.5 Final Count .... OTH 0.0 -3.3 Robinson NAT 12421 37.7 -2.6 Bartlett ALP 20495 62.3 +2.6 Final Count Exhausted 7430 18.4 Thompson * ALP 23930 66.5 +8.7 Kaloudis LIB 12042 33.5 -8.7 Formal 40346 97.7 +3.5 Exhausted 3860 9.7 Informal 932 2.3 -3.5 Total 41278 94.2 Formal 39832 96.1 +2.6 Informal 1629 3.9 -2.6 Total 41461 92.5

27 NSW Election 1999

Ryde Roll 45383 South Coast Roll 44769

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Petch IP 3494 8.5 +8.5 Smith ALP 16543 40.2 +10.1 Mathews ORP 232 0.6 +0.6 Ellis * LIB 16425 39.9 -3.9 Plumb DEM 1551 3.8 -2.1 Bowen AFI 479 1.2 +1.2 Shaw GRN 1098 2.7 +1.2 Bange GRN 2086 5.1 -0.1 Salmon PF 80 0.2 +0.2 Ryan CDP 1378 3.3 +0.9 Paton AFI 276 0.7 -1.6 Warn ONP 4274 10.4 +10.4 Watkins * ALP 18169 44.1 +7.4 .... OTH 0.0 -18.6 Photios * LIB 13853 33.6 -13.2 Knight IND 184 0.4 -1.1 Final Count Gao UNI 1260 3.1 +3.1 Smith ALP 18651 50.5 +5.1 King ONP 1023 2.5 +2.5 Ellis * LIB 18276 49.5 -5.1 .... OTH 0.0 -5.4 Exhausted 4258 10.3 Final Count Formal 41185 98.2 +2.4 Watkins * ALP 20813 56.6 +10.8 Informal 757 1.8 -2.4 Photios * LIB 15961 43.4 -10.8 Total 41942 93.7 Exhausted 4446 10.8

Formal 41220 97.3 +2.0 Southern Highlands Roll 43149 Informal 1151 2.7 -2.0 Total 42371 93.4 Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count Smithfield Roll 44952 Styles IND 983 2.5 +2.5 Taylor NCP 147 0.4 +0.4 Candidate Party Votes % Swing Butler DEM 1225 3.1 -0.2 Seaton * LIB 17614 44.4 -9.8 First Count Lavis AFI 464 1.2 +1.2 Robertson LIB 8924 22.0 -11.0 Clarke ONP 4055 10.2 +10.2 Vega GRN 1265 3.1 +3.1 Brown ALP 13527 34.1 +4.5 Dutton ONP 2352 5.8 +5.8 Clark GRN 1678 4.2 -1.9 Scully * ALP 25276 62.3 +2.6 .... OTH 0.0 -6.8 Haroon CDP 1341 3.3 +3.2 Nelson AFI 430 1.1 +1.1 Final Count Poularas DEM 956 2.4 -4.2 Seaton * LIB 19209 55.7 -5.9 .... OTH 0.0 -0.6 Brown ALP 15289 44.3 +5.9 Exhausted 5195 13.1 Final Count Robertson LIB 9916 27.2 -9.3 Formal 39693 97.9 +1.9 Scully * ALP 26525 72.8 +9.3 Informal 833 2.1 -1.9 Exhausted 4103 10.1 Total 40526 93.9 Formal 40544 96.5 +4.8 Informal 1483 3.5 -4.8 Total 42027 93.5

28 NSW Election 1999

Strathfield Roll 46002 Tamworth Roll 43606

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Angel ORP 460 1.1 +1.1 Windsor * IND 28182 69.4 +2.0 Peterson CDP 1117 2.7 +2.1 Mandel-Hayes ONP 2718 6.7 +6.7 Cheung VOP 248 0.6 +0.6 Barry ALP 5029 12.4 -4.0 Wu UNI 2273 5.5 +5.5 Cox NAT 4701 11.6 +0.9 MacCarthy * LIB 13623 33.2 -14.9 .... OTH 0.0 -5.6 Zeitoun ONP 1365 3.3 +3.3 Soulos GRN 1374 3.3 +1.3 Final Count Divola AFI 204 0.5 +0.5 Windsor * IND 32288 85.2 +3.1 Roper DSL 207 0.5 +0.5 Barry ALP 5597 14.8 -3.1 Garrett DEM 1800 4.4 -0.6 Exhausted 2745 6.8 Whelan * ALP 18386 44.8 +4.9 Two-Party Preferred .... OTH 0.0 -4.4 Barry ALP 11456 45.2 +27.4 Final Count Cox NAT 13867 54.8 -27.4 MacCarthy * LIB 15225 41.6 -11.2 Exhausted 15307 37.7 Whelan * ALP 21387 58.4 +11.2 Formal 40630 98.7 +2.4 Exhausted 4445 10.8 Informal 520 1.3 -2.4 Formal 41057 97.0 +2.4 Total 41150 94.4 Informal 1277 3.0 -2.4 (NOTE: See comment on two-party preferred result in Total 42334 92.0 Tamworth on Page 2)

Swansea Roll 44451 The Entrance Roll 44841

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Gorgievski GRN 2038 4.9 +4.9 Cantwell ONP 2861 6.9 +6.9 Wiltshire LIB 9712 23.5 -6.7 McBride * ALP 19526 47.3 -0.3 Walls DEM 1671 4.0 +4.0 Alterator GRN 936 2.3 +2.3 Gardnir ONP 5469 13.2 +13.2 Oates AFI 323 0.8 -4.3 Wood CDP 1300 3.1 +3.0 Browning DEM 1167 2.8 -0.8 Orkopoulos ALP 21152 51.2 -1.5 Graham NAT 3909 9.5 +9.5 .... OTH 0.0 -17.0 Walker LIB 11404 27.6 -13.0 Coulter ORP 271 0.7 +0.7 Final Count Russell CDP 880 2.1 -1.0 Wiltshire LIB 11803 33.4 -5.9 Orkopoulos ALP 23507 66.6 +5.9 Final Count Exhausted 6032 14.6 McBride * ALP 21292 59.7 +5.7 Walker LIB 14365 40.3 -5.7 Formal 41342 97.8 +2.6 Exhausted 5620 13.6 Informal 922 2.2 -2.6 Total 42264 95.1 Formal 41277 97.8 +1.9 Informal 936 2.2 -1.9 Total 42213 94.1

29 NSW Election 1999

The Hills Roll 47272 Upper Hunter Roll 42206

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Houssos ALP 10876 25.3 +4.5 Easey CEC 670 1.7 +1.7 Fitzpatrick ONP 1606 3.7 +3.7 Connor ALP 12450 31.7 +0.8 Chung GRN 1178 2.7 +2.7 Lawn ONP 5030 12.8 +12.8 McAuliffe DEM 2963 6.9 +0.5 Paxton CDP 626 1.6 +1.1 Baker AFI 423 1.0 +0.4 Strachan GRN 1195 3.0 +3.0 Gregory CDP 2262 5.3 +5.3 Souris * NAT 19307 49.2 -16.4 Richardson * LIB 21954 51.1 -17.7 .... LIB 0.0 -2.3 Chan UNI 1734 4.0 +4.0 .... OTH 0.0 -0.7 .... OTH 0.0 -3.5 Final Count Final Count Connor ALP 13880 39.5 +8.1 Houssos ALP 13300 35.3 +10.0 Souris * NAT 21250 60.5 -8.1 Richardson * LIB 24352 64.7 -10.0 Exhausted 4148 10.6 Exhausted 5344 12.4 Formal 39278 98.1 +4.8 Formal 42996 97.8 +1.6 Informal 756 1.9 -4.8 Informal 974 2.2 -1.6 Total 40034 94.9 Total 43970 93.0

Vaucluse Roll 43642 Tweed Roll 44768 Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing First Count First Count Weiner GRN 3797 10.1 +1.0 Penhaligon IND 2584 6.4 +6.4 Patch ALP 10244 27.2 +4.6 Henderson DEM 945 2.4 +2.4 Collings DEM 2269 6.0 +2.8 Tabart GRN 2013 5.0 +0.7 Ford ONP 791 2.1 +2.1 Beck * NAT 16315 40.7 -0.6 Zylber ERP 305 0.8 +0.8 Hollis ES 535 1.3 +1.3 Debnam * LIB 20271 53.8 -6.9 Newell ALP 17713 44.2 +16.4 .... OTH 0.0 -4.4 .... (Hurley) IND 0.0 -22.9 Final Count .... OTH 0.0 -3.7 Patch ALP 12903 37.5 +5.0 Final Count Debnam * LIB 21486 62.5 -5.0 Beck * NAT 17500 47.4 -4.8 Exhausted 3288 8.7 Newell ALP 19402 52.6 +4.8 Exhausted 3203 8.0 Formal 37677 97.8 +1.6 Informal 860 2.2 -1.6 Formal 40105 98.0 +2.0 Total 38537 88.3 Informal 834 2.0 -2.0 Total 40939 91.4

30 NSW Election 1999

Wagga Wagga Roll 43098 Wallsend Roll 45751

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Booth NAT 9052 22.9 +19.7 Murray CDP 1752 4.1 +4.1 Jerrick ONP 3147 8.0 +8.0 Thompson ONP 4878 11.5 +11.5 McPherson ALP 10391 26.3 -6.8 Schroeder CEC 246 0.6 +0.6 Campbell IND 1650 4.2 +4.2 Moroney GRN 2920 6.9 +1.7 Graham DEM 1071 2.7 +2.5 Piddington LIB 8265 19.5 -12.6 Dale IND 4214 10.7 +10.7 Mills * ALP 24424 57.5 -5.3 Maguire LIB 10032 25.4 -29.7 .... OTH 0.0 -8.4 Final Count Piddington LIB 9957 27.4 -6.2 Final Count Mills * ALP 26380 72.6 +6.2 McPherson ALP 13500 42.5 +5.3 Exhausted 6148 14.5 Maguire LIB 18297 57.5 -5.3 Exhausted 7760 19.6 Formal 42485 97.6 +4.3 Informal 1061 2.4 -4.3 Formal 39557 98.3 +2.8 Total 43546 95.2 Informal 695 1.7 -2.8 Total 40252 93.4 Wentworthville Roll 44675

Wakehurst Roll 44123 Candidate Party Votes % Swing

Candidate Party Votes % Swing First Count Allan * ALP 21250 52.5 +0.9 First Count Jonsson CDP 1819 4.5 +0.5 Hampel AFI 1172 2.9 -4.0 Chin UNI 972 2.4 +2.4 Hatten GRN 2644 6.6 +5.1 Merton LIB 11071 27.3 -9.0 Nelson ONP 2684 6.7 +6.7 Filipczyk GRN 1093 2.7 +2.7 Hazzard * LIB 19278 48.4 -7.3 Hutchinson ONP 2609 6.4 +6.4 Stokes ALP 11455 28.8 +1.3 O'Leary AFI 534 1.3 -2.3 Russell DEM 2583 6.5 +1.0 Rutledge DEM 1132 2.8 +1.1 .... OTH 0.0 -2.8 .... OTH 0.0 -2.8 Final Count Final Count Hazzard * LIB 21225 60.8 -4.1 Allan * ALP 22631 65.4 +7.7 Stokes ALP 13713 39.2 +4.1 Merton LIB 11969 34.6 -7.7 Exhausted 4878 12.3 Exhausted 5880 14.5 Formal 39816 97.0 +1.6 Formal 40480 96.8 +2.6 Informal 1219 3.0 -1.6 Informal 1341 3.2 -2.6 Total 41035 93.0 Total 41821 93.6

31 NSW Election 1999

Willoughby Roll 44775 Wyong Roll 45414

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Brasch ALP 11262 28.1 +4.9 Nelson AFI 730 1.7 +1.7 McGuire DEM 3048 7.6 -0.8 Hastie ES 810 1.9 +1.9 Collins * LIB 20327 50.8 -9.2 Holten ONP 4004 9.6 +9.6 Markuse ONP 895 2.2 +2.2 Hopkins CDP 1191 2.9 +2.9 Aukim ES 277 0.7 +0.7 Mott DEM 1199 2.9 +2.5 McCallum AFI 321 0.8 -3.6 Lamb LIB 11233 26.9 -13.0 Brown GRN 2090 5.2 +3.8 Crittenden * ALP 22606 54.1 -5.2 Wong UNI 1816 4.5 +4.5 .... OTH 0.0 -0.4 .... NAN 0.0 -1.6 .... IND 0.0 -0.9 Final Count Lamb LIB 12873 34.5 -5.8 Final Count Crittenden * ALP 24398 65.5 +5.8 Brasch ALP 13965 38.9 +7.7 Exhausted 4502 10.8 Collins * LIB 21891 61.1 -7.7 Exhausted 4180 10.4 Formal 41773 97.6 +3.9 Informal 1038 2.4 -3.9 Formal 40036 97.7 +2.3 Total 42811 94.3 Informal 954 2.3 -2.3 Total 40990 91.5

Wollongong Roll 43467

Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count Yue UNI 652 1.7 +1.7 Russell DEM 2185 5.5 +4.5 James AFI 1274 3.2 +3.2 Luvera DSL 470 1.2 -0.3 Markham * ALP 24713 62.7 +3.4 Dickenson GRN 2557 6.5 -3.4 Latz CDP 1419 3.6 +0.7 McInerney LIB 6153 15.6 -8.7 .... OTH 0.0 -1.0 Final Count Markham * ALP 26996 78.7 +8.3 McInerney LIB 7315 21.3 -8.3 Exhausted 5112 13.0 Formal 39423 96.6 +4.3 Informal 1368 3.4 -4.3 Total 40791 93.8

32 NSW Election 1999


Electoral 2PP Votes 2PP Percent District ALP Lib/Nat ALP Lib/Nat Swing Albury 10934 20134 35.2 64.8 2.5 to Labor Auburn 27158 9409 74.3 25.7 7.1 to Labor Ballina 13347 21790 38.0 62.0 4.5 to Labor Bankstown 28637 7062 80.2 19.8 11.9 to Labor Barwon 10865 22224 32.8 67.2 1.3 to Labor Bathurst 22433 10630 67.8 32.2 17.2 to Labor Baulkham Hills 15439 21440 41.9 58.1 9.8 to Labor Bega 15186 20251 42.9 57.1 6.4 to Labor Blacktown 24861 10987 69.4 30.6 5.4 to Labor Bligh (1) 16528 10254 61.7 38.3 6.3 to Labor Blue Mountains 22623 13997 61.8 38.2 9.5 to Labor Burrinjuck 16343 17160 48.8 51.2 6.0 to Labor Cabramatta 22211 5586 79.9 20.1 8.0 to Labor Camden 17393 20006 46.5 53.5 2.2 to Labor Campbelltown 23153 9992 69.9 30.1 9.0 to Labor Canterbury 25871 8542 75.2 24.8 13.5 to Labor Cessnock 25287 8908 73.9 26.1 7.6 to Labor Charlestown 24802 10977 69.3 30.7 5.5 to Labor Clarence 16467 16324 50.2 49.8 8.6 to Labor Coffs Harbour 14129 19749 41.7 58.3 0.6 to Labor Coogee 22338 13539 62.3 37.7 6.8 to Labor Cronulla 16137 19785 44.9 55.1 5.2 to Labor Davidson 10502 25811 28.9 71.1 7.1 to Labor Drummoyne 22118 15117 59.4 40.6 6.7 to Labor Dubbo 11566 17734 39.5 60.5 8.9 to Labor East Hills 22862 10610 68.3 31.7 6.7 to Labor Epping 15434 20512 42.9 57.1 9.6 to Labor Fairfield 25891 7163 78.3 21.7 11.9 to Labor Georges River 21559 16763 56.3 43.7 8.3 to Labor Gosford 18262 19984 47.7 52.3 3.2 to Labor Granville 23720 13011 64.6 35.4 0.4 to Labor Hawkesbury 12466 21510 36.7 63.3 8.5 to Labor Heathcote 21864 14336 60.4 39.6 8.0 to Labor Heffron (1) 25478 7998 76.1 23.9 6.3 to Labor Hornsby 17117 19065 47.3 52.7 11.0 to Labor Illawarra 22848 8554 72.8 27.2 5.1 to Labor Keira 22294 8635 72.1 27.9 4.5 to Labor Kiama 23048 10995 67.7 32.3 3.1 to Labor Kogarah 21381 15784 57.5 42.5 6.9 to Labor Ku-ring-gai 10826 25298 30.0 70.0 8.3 to Labor Lachlan 12680 24940 33.7 66.3 1.0 to Labor Lake Macquarie 25065 11134 69.2 30.8 4.1 to Labor Lakemba 26536 8998 74.7 25.3 10.0 to Labor Lane Cove 15846 21379 42.6 57.4 4.9 to Labor Lismore 13675 19293 41.5 58.5 5.8 to Labor Liverpool 28153 7666 78.6 21.4 8.0 to Labor Londonderry 21145 11436 64.9 35.1 3.3 to Labor Macquarie Fields 26705 9620 73.5 26.5 10.5 to Labor Maitland 20102 19347 51.0 49.0 1.9 to Labor Manly (1) 12069 17671 40.6 59.4 4.0 to Labor Maroubra 25293 10867 69.9 30.1 6.3 to Labor Marrickville (1) 26389 6835 79.4 20.6 4.6 to Labor

33 NSW Election 1999


Electoral 2PP Votes 2PP Percent District ALP Lib/Nat ALP Lib/Nat Swing Menai 20166 17044 54.2 45.8 6.1 to Labor Miranda 19002 17353 52.3 47.7 7.5 to Labor Monaro 15047 15175 49.8 50.2 16.1 to Labor Mount Druitt 26038 8322 75.8 24.2 3.7 to Labor Mulgoa 22993 11029 67.6 32.4 8.9 to Labor Murray-Darling 17765 15002 54.2 45.8 7.7 to Labor Murrumbidgee 14269 23261 38.0 62.0 1.9 to Labor Myall Lakes 13314 22531 37.1 62.9 4.3 to Labor Newcastle 24925 9510 72.4 27.6 5.5 to Labor North Shore 13624 22495 37.7 62.3 8.0 to Labor Northern Tablelands 8612 18063 32.3 67.7 3.1 to Lib/Nat Orange 14765 19041 43.7 56.3 10.8 to Labor Oxley 12687 17503 42.0 58.0 6.6 to Labor Parramatta 23472 12915 64.5 35.5 11.0 to Labor Peats 22397 14114 61.3 38.7 3.6 to Labor Penrith 23235 11592 66.7 33.3 12.4 to Labor Pittwater 10523 23201 31.2 68.8 1.5 to Labor Port Jackson (1) 25904 8567 75.1 24.9 1.6 to Labor Port Macquarie 11990 23919 33.4 66.6 4.6 to Lib/Nat Port Stephens 20495 12421 62.3 37.7 2.6 to Labor Riverstone 25188 12316 67.2 32.8 7.2 to Labor Rockdale 23930 12042 66.5 33.5 8.7 to Labor Ryde 20813 15961 56.6 43.4 10.8 to Labor Smithfield 26525 9916 72.8 27.2 9.3 to Labor South Coast 18651 18276 50.5 49.5 5.1 to Labor Southern Highlands 15289 19209 44.3 55.7 5.9 to Labor Strathfield 21387 15225 58.4 41.6 11.2 to Labor Swansea 23507 11803 66.6 33.4 5.9 to Labor Tamworth (2) 11456 13867 45.2 54.8 27.4 to Labor The Entrance 21292 14365 59.7 40.3 5.7 to Labor The Hills 13300 24352 35.3 64.7 10.0 to Labor Tweed 19402 17500 52.6 47.4 4.8 to Labor Upper Hunter 13880 21250 39.5 60.5 8.1 to Labor Vaucluse (1) 12903 21486 37.5 62.5 5.0 to Labor Wagga Wagga 13500 18297 42.5 57.5 5.3 to Labor Wakehurst 13713 21225 39.2 60.8 4.1 to Labor Wallsend 26380 9957 72.6 27.4 6.2 to Labor Wentworthville 22631 11969 65.4 34.6 7.7 to Labor Willoughby 13965 21891 38.9 61.1 7.7 to Labor Wollongong 26996 7315 78.7 21.3 8.3 to Labor Wyong 24398 12873 65.5 34.5 5.8 to Labor State-wide Totals (2) 1805365 1420965 56.0 44.0 7.0 to Labor

Footnotes (1) - Swing based on estimate of two-party preferred result from 1995 (2) - See Page 2 for comment on the two-party preferred result in Tamworth

34 NSW Election 1999


Winning Candidate Defeated Candidate Electorate Party Vote % Party Vote % Albury LIB 17913 51.0 IND 17226 49.0 Bligh IND 19636 59.8 ALP 13215 40.2 Cabramatta ALP 21144 68.9 IND 9555 31.1 Cessnock ALP 25813 72.6 ONP 9719 27.4 Dubbo IND 15358 50.02 NAT 15344 49.98 Keira ALP 19821 57.9 IND 14390 42.1 Manly IND 17408 51.3 LIB 16553 48.7 Marrickville ALP 21311 71.5 GRN 9394 28.5 Northern Tablelands IND 21162 59.4 NAT 14482 40.6 Tamworth IND 32288 85.2 ALP 5597 14.8

35 NSW Election 1999

LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY : ELECTORATES RANKED BY TWO-PARTY PREFERRED VOTE Electorate Margin Electorate Margin Labor Seats (55) Tweed 2.6 Bankstown 30.2 Miranda 2.3 Cabramatta (18.9 vs IND) 29.9 Maitland 1.0 Marrickville (21.5 vs GRN) 29.4 South Coast 0.5 Wollongong 28.7 Clarence 0.2 Liverpool 28.6 Fairfield 28.3 Liberal/National Seats (20/13) Heffron 26.1 Davidson 21.1 Mount Druitt 25.8 Ku-ring-gai 20.0 Canterbury 25.2 Pittwater 18.8 Port Jackson 25.1 Northern Tablelands (IND HELD) 17.7 Lakemba 24.7 Barwon (NAT) 17.2 Auburn 24.3 Port Macquarie (NAT) 16.6 Cessnock (22.6 vs ONP) 23.9 Lachlan (NAT) 16.3 Macquarie Fields 23.5 Albury (1.0 vs IND) 14.8 Smithfield 22.8 The Hills 14.7 Illawarra 22.8 Hawkesbury 13.3 Wallsend 22.6 Myall Lakes (NAT) 12.9 Newcastle 22.4 Vaucluse 12.5 Keira (7.9 vs IND) 22.1 North Shore 12.3 Maroubra 19.9 Ballina (NAT) 12.0 Campbelltown 19.9 Murrumbidgee (NAT) 12.0 Blacktown 19.4 Willoughby 11.1 Charlestown 19.3 Wakehurst 10.8 Lake Macquarie 19.2 Dubbo (IND HELD) 10.5 East Hills 18.3 Upper Hunter (NAT) 10.5 Bathurst 17.8 Manly (IND HELD) 9.4 Kiama 17.7 Lismore (NAT) 8.5 Mulgoa 17.6 Coffs Harbour (NAT) 8.3 Riverstone 17.2 Baulkham Hills 8.1 Penrith 16.7 Oxley (NAT) 8.0 Swansea 16.6 Wagga Wagga 7.5 Rockdale 16.5 Lane Cove 7.4 Wyong 15.5 Bega 7.1 Wentworthville 15.4 Epping 7.1 Londonderry 14.9 Orange (NAT) 6.3 Granville 14.6 Southern Highlands 5.7 Parramatta 14.5 Cronulla 5.1 Port Stephens 12.3 Tamworth (IND HELD) 4.8 Coogee 12.3 Camden 3.5 Blue Mountains 11.8 Hornsby 2.7 Bligh (IND HELD) 11.7 Gosford 2.3 Peats 11.3 Burrinjuck (NAT) 1.2 Heathcote 10.4 Monaro (NAT) 0.2 The Entrance 9.7 Drummoyne 9.4 Independent Seats (5) Strathfield 8.4 Dubbo (vs NAT) 0.02 Kogarah 7.5 Manly (vs LIB) 1.3 Ryde 6.6 Northern Tablelands (vs NAT) 9.4 Georges River 6.3 Bligh (vs ALP) 9.8 Murray-Darling 4.2 Tamworth (vs ALP) 35.2 Menai 4.2

36 NSW Election 1999

LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY : ELECTORATES RANKED BY TWO-PARTY SWING AGAINST LABOR Primary 2-Party Primary 2-Party Electorate Swing Swing Electorate Swing Swing Port Macquarie -2.7 -4.6 Oxley -5.3 +6.6 Northern Tablelands (2) -14.8 -3.1 Drummoyne +6.2 +6.7 Granville -3.9 +0.4 East Hills -3.2 +6.7 Coffs Harbour +0.3 +0.6 Coogee +5.4 +6.8 Lachlan -4.0 +1.0 Kogarah +1.9 +6.9 Barwon -3.7 +1.3 Auburn -4.4 +7.1 Pittwater -0.1 +1.5 Davidson +6.2 +7.1 Port Jackson (1) +1.0 +1.6 Riverstone -0.3 +7.2 Maitland -0.6 +1.9 Miranda +6.0 +7.5 Murrumbidgee -3.4 +1.9 Cessnock (2) -4.3 +7.6 Camden -0.6 +2.2 Murray-Darling -1.1 +7.7 Albury (2) -9.9 +2.5 Wentworthville +0.9 +7.7 Port Stephens -6.6 +2.6 Willoughby +4.8 +7.7 Kiama -7.1 +3.1 Cabramatta (2) -16.7 +8.0 Gosford -0.1 +3.2 Heathcote +3.4 +8.0 Londonderry -6.6 +3.3 Liverpool -3.2 +8.0 Peats -2.4 +3.6 North Shore +7.7 +8.0 Mount Druitt -7.1 +3.7 Upper Hunter +0.8 +8.1 Manly (1) (2) +1.1 +4.0 Georges River +6.5 +8.3 Lake Macquarie -6.1 +4.1 Ku-ring-gai +7.2 +8.3 Wakehurst +1.3 +4.1 Wollongong +3.4 +8.3 Myall Lakes +2.0 +4.3 Hawkesbury +2.7 +8.5 Ballina +5.0 +4.5 Clarence (3) +3.0 +8.6 Keira (2) -12.8 +4.5 Rockdale +2.9 +8.7 Marrickville (1) (2) +7.1 +4.6 Dubbo (2) -8.1 +8.9 Tweed +16.4 +4.8 Mulgoa -1.2 +8.9 Lane Cove +8.5 +4.9 Campbelltown +4.5 +9.0 Vaucluse (1) +4.6 +5.0 Smithfield +2.5 +9.3 Illawarra -8.3 +5.1 Blue Mountains +7.4 +9.5 South Coast +10.1 +5.1 Epping +5.2 +9.6 Cronulla +5.8 +5.2 Baulkham Hills +4.3 +9.8 Wagga Wagga -6.8 +5.3 Lakemba +4.5 +10.0 Blacktown -2.9 +5.4 The Hills +4.5 +10.0 Charlestown -2.0 +5.5 Macquarie Fields +5.2 +10.5 Newcastle -3.7 +5.5 Orange +3.0 +10.8 The Entrance -0.3 +5.7 Ryde +7.5 +10.8 Lismore +3.4 +5.8 Hornsby +8.7 +11.0 Wyong -5.2 +5.8 Parramatta +5.5 +11.0 Southern Highlands +4.5 +5.9 Strathfield +4.9 +11.2 Swansea -1.5 +5.9 Bankstown +6.4 +11.9 Burrinjuck -3.7 +6.0 Fairfield -1.4 +11.9 Menai +1.8 +6.1 Penrith +5.4 +12.4 Wallsend -5.3 +6.2 Canterbury +1.5 +13.5 Bligh (1) (2) +4.8 +6.3 Monaro +5.2 +16.1 Heffron (1) +4.1 +6.3 Bathurst +5.7 +17.2 Maroubra +2.2 +6.3 Tamworth (1) (2) -4.0 +27.4 Bega +3.4 +6.4

Footnotes (1) - 2-party preferred estimate for 1991 (2) - Uses 2-party preferred count for 1995 (3) - By-election ignored '+' indicates a swing to Labor, '-' a swing against Labor.

37 NSW Election 1999

LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY : SWING BY ELECTORATES RANKED IN PRE-ELECTION MARGIN Primary 2-Party Primary 2-Party Electorate (Margin) Swing Swing Electorate Swing Swing Labor Seats Liberal/National Seats Marrickville (24.8) +7.1 +4.6 Maitland (0.9) · -0.6 +1.9 Port Jackson (23.6) +1.0 +1.6 Menai (1.9) · +1.8 +6.1 Mount Druitt (22.0) -7.1 +3.7 Georges River (2.0) · +6.5 +8.3 Cabramatta (21.9) -16.7 +8.0 Tweed (NAT 2.2) · +16.4 +4.8 Liverpool (20.6) -3.2 +8.0 Strathfield (2.7) · +4.9 +11.2 Wollongong (20.4) +3.4 +8.3 Murray-Darling (NAT 3.5) · -1.1 +7.7 Heffron (19.8) +4.1 +6.3 Ryde (4.2) · +7.5 +10.8 Bankstown (18.4) +6.4 +11.9 South Coast (4.6) · +10.1 +5.1 Illawarra (17.7) -8.3 +5.1 Keira (17.6) -12.8 +4.5 Miranda (5.3) · +6.0 +7.5 Auburn (17.2) -4.4 +7.1 Gosford (5.5) -0.1 +3.2 Newcastle (16.9) -3.7 +5.5 Camden (5.7) -0.6 +2.2 Wallsend (16.4) -5.3 +6.2 Burrinjuck (7.2) · -3.7 +6.0 Fairfield (16.4) -1.4 +11.9 Clarence (NAT 8.4) · +3.0 +8.6 Cessnock (16.4) -4.3 +7.6 Coffs Harbour (NAT 8.9) +0.3 +0.6 Lake Macquarie (15.2) -6.1 +4.1 Cronulla (10.2) +5.8 +5.2 Lakemba (14.7) +4.5 +10.0 Southern Highlands (11.6) +4.5 +5.9 Kiama (14.6) -7.1 +3.1 Port Macquarie (NAT 12.0) -2.7 -4.6 Granville (14.2) -3.9 +0.4 Lane Cove (12.3) +8.5 +4.9 Blacktown (14.0) -2.9 +5.4 Wagga Wagga (12.8) -6.8 +5.3 Charlestown (13.9) -2.0 +5.5 Manly (IND HELD)) +1.1 +4.0 Maroubra (13.6) +2.2 +6.3 Bega (13.6) +3.4 +6.4 Smithfield (13.4) +2.5 +9.3 Hornsby (13.7) +8.7 +11.0 Macquarie Fields (13.0) +5.2 +10.5 Murrumbidgee (NAT 13.9) -3.4 +1.9 Londonderry (11.6) -6.6 +3.3 Lismore (NAT 14.3) +3.4 +5.8 East Hills (11.6) -3.2 +6.7 Oxley (NAT 14.6) -5.3 +6.6 Canterbury (11.6) +1.5 +13.5 Nthn Tablelands (NAT 14.6) · -14.8 -3.1 Campbelltown (10.9) +4.5 +9.0 Wakehurst (14.8) +1.3 +4.1 Swansea (10.7) -1.5 +5.9 Monaro (NAT 16.3) +5.2 +16.1 Riverstone (9.9) -0.3 +7.2 Ballina (NAT 16.5) +5.0 +4.5 Wyong (9.7) -5.2 +5.8 Epping (16.7) +5.2 +9.6 Port Stephens (9.7) -6.6 +2.6 Orange (NAT 17.1) +3.0 +10.8 Mulgoa (8.7) -1.2 +8.9 Myall Lakes (NAT 17.1) +2.0 +4.3 Rockdale (7.8) +2.9 +8.7 Lachlan (NAT 17.3) -4.0 +1.0 Wentworthville (7.7) +0.9 +7.7 Albury (17.3) -9.9 +2.5 Peats (7.7) -2.4 +3.6 Vaucluse (17.5) +4.6 +5.0 Coogee (5.4) +5.4 +6.8 Baulkham Hills (17.9) +4.3 +9.8 Bligh (IND HELD) +4.8 +6.3 Barwon (NAT 18.4) -3.7 +1.3 Penrith (4.3) +5.4 +12.4 Upper Hunter (NAT 18.5) +0.8 +8.1 The Entrance (4.0) -0.3 +5.7 Willoughby (18.8) +4.8 +7.7 Parramatta (3.5) +5.5 +11.0 Dubbo (NAT 19.4) · -8.1 +8.9 Drummoyne (2.7) +6.2 +6.7 North Shore (20.2) +7.7 +8.0 Heathcote (2.4) +3.4 +8.0 Pittwater (20.3) -0.1 +1.5 Blue Mountains (2.2) +7.4 +9.5 Hawkesbury (21.8) +2.7 +8.5 Kogarah (0.7) +1.9 +6.9 The Hills (24.6) +4.5 +10.0 Bathurst (0.6) +5.7 +17.2 Davidson (28.2) +6.2 +7.1 Ku-ring-gai (28.3) +7.2 +8.3 Tamworth (NAT 32.2) -4.0 +27.4

Footnotes : · indicates a seat that changed party status at the 1999 election. '+' indicates a swing to Labor, '-' a swing against Labor.

38 NSW Election 1999


Electoral 2PP Votes 2PP Percentage Category (No. of seats) ALP Lib/Nat ALP Lib/Nat Swing Marginal Labor (9) 200756 122275 62.1 37.9 9.3 to Labor Safe Labor (13) 295037 155471 65.5 34.5 7.1 to Labor Very Safe Labor (24) 611144 217992 73.7 26.3 6.5 to Labor Total Labor (46) 1106937 495738 69.1 30.9 7.3 to Labor

Marginal Liberal (9) 177335 159959 52.6 47.4 6.2 to Labor Safe Liberal (3) 47769 56154 46.0 54.0 5.6 to Labor Very Safe Liberal (16) 215278 348347 38.2 61.8 6.9 to Labor Total Liberal (28) 440382 564460 43.8 56.2 6.7 to Labor

Marginal National (2) 37167 32502 53.3 46.7 6.3 to Labor Safe National (2) 26119 43668 37.4 62.6 2.2 to Lib/Nat Very Safe National (12) 154707 242805 38.9 61.1 5.5 to Labor Total National (16) 217993 318975 40.6 59.4 4.8 to Labor

NOTES Seats with a margin less than 6% are classified as Marginal. Seats with a margin between 6% and 12% are classified as Safe. Seats with margins greater than 12% are classified as Very Safe. All seats classified by their margins based on 1995 election election results, adjusted for the redistribution, though the results in the table are for the 1999 election. By-election have been ignored. The three electorates held by Independents, Bligh, Manly and Tamworth, have not been included in the analysis.

39 NSW Election 1999


The following tables summarise the election result for different regions of the state. All electorates have been classified into three broad regions, Sydney, Hunter/Illawarra and Country. These regions are further subdivided as follows.

Country Seats (25)

North Coast (8) Ballina, Clarence, Coffs Harbour, Lismore, Myall Lakes, Oxley, Port Macquarie, Tweed

Southern Country (7) Albury, Bega, Burrinjuck, Monaro, South Coast, Southern Highlands, Wagga Wagga

Western Country (10) Barwon, Bathurst, Dubbo, Lachlan, Murray-Darling, Murrumbidgee, Northern Tablelands, Orange, Tamworth, Upper Hunter

Hunter/Illawarra (12)

Hunter Valley (8) Cessnock, Charlestown, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, Newcastle, Port Stephens, Swansea, Wallsend

Illawarra (4) Illawarra, Keira, Kiama, Wollongong

Sydney (56)

Central Coast (4) Gosford, Peats, The Entrance, Wyong

Inner-City (9) Bligh, Coogee, Drummoyne, Heffron, Maroubra, Marrickville, Port Jackson, Strathfield, Vaucluse

North Shore (14) Baulkham Hills, Davidson, Epping, Hawkesbury, Hornsby, Ku-ring-gai, Lane Cove, Manly, North Shore, Pittwater, Ryde, The Hills, Wakehurst, Willoughby

Southern Suburbs (9) Canterbury, Cronulla, Georges River, Heathcote, Kogarah, Lakemba, Menai, Miranda, Rockdale

Western Suburbs (20) Auburn, Bankstown, Blacktown, Blue Mountains, Cabramatta, Camden, Campbelltown, East Hills, Fairfield, Granville, Liverpool, Londonderry, Macquarie Fields, Mount Druitt, Mulgoa, Parramatta, Penrith, Riverstone, Smithfield, Wentworthville

40 NSW Election 1999

COUNTRY SEATS Enrolled 1076792 WESTERN COUNTRY Enrolled 430991

Party Seats Won Votes % Swing Party Seats Won Votes % Swing Labor 5 298015 30.1 -0.2 Labor 2 113291 28.5 -2.9 Liberal 4 110466 11.2 -2.6 Liberal .. 5394 1.4 -1.1 National 13 317784 32.1 -8.9 National 5 151176 38.0 -13.6 One Nation .. 100904 10.2 +10.2 One Nation .. 48727 12.3 +12.3 Democrats .. 20513 2.1 +1.1 Democrats .. 7951 2.0 +1.4 Greens .. 29539 3.0 +0.1 Greens .. 5191 1.3 +0.7 Others 3 112619 11.4 +0.4 Others 3 65655 16.5 +3.2 Labor 2PP 358252 43.1 +6.5 Labor 2PP 138291 42.6 +8.2 Lib/Nat 2PP 473123 56.9 -6.5 Lib/Nat 2PP 186012 57.4 -8.2 Formal 989840 98.2 +2.7 Formal 397385 98.2 +3.3 Informal 18149 1.8 -2.7 Informal 7289 1.8 -3.3 Total Votes 1007989 93.6 Total Votes 404674 93.9 (NOTE: See comment on two-party preferred result (NOTE: See comment on two-party preferred result in Tamworth on Page 2) in Tamworth on Page 2)

NORTH COAST Enrolled 344727 HUNTER/ILLAWARRA Enrolled 531862

Party Seats Won Votes % Swing Party Seats Won Votes % Swing Labor 2 98342 31.1 +2.8 Labor 12 254897 51.8 -4.6 Liberal .. 12264 3.9 +3.3 Liberal .. 94436 19.2 -11.6 National 6 137505 43.5 -10.9 National .. 9650 2.0 +2.0 One Nation .. 26392 8.3 +8.3 One Nation .. 48225 9.8 +9.8 Democrats .. 7858 2.5 +1.1 Democrats .. 11149 2.3 -0.2 Greens .. 16269 5.1 .. Greens .. 26885 5.5 +0.6 Others .. 17653 5.6 -4.6 Others .. 46372 9.4 +3.9 Labor 2PP 115011 42.0 +3.9 Labor 2PP 285749 68.8 +4.9 Lib/Nat 2PP 158609 58.0 -3.9 Lib/Nat 2PP 129556 31.2 -4.9 Formal 316283 98.2 +1.9 Formal 491614 97.7 +3.2 Informal 5757 1.8 -1.9 Informal 11583 2.3 -3.2 Total Votes 322040 93.4 Total Votes 503197 94.6

SOUTHERN COUNTRY Enrolled 301074 HUNTER VALLEY Enrolled 356764

Party Seats Won Votes % Swing Party Seats Won Votes % Swing Labor 1 86382 31.3 +0.4 Labor 8 171285 51.8 -3.8 Liberal 4 92808 33.6 -12.0 Liberal .. 68328 20.7 -12.0 National 2 29103 10.5 +0.5 National .. 9650 2.9 +2.9 One Nation .. 25785 9.3 +9.3 One Nation .. 38206 11.5 +11.5 Democrats .. 4704 1.7 +0.5 Democrats .. 5584 1.7 .. Greens .. 8079 2.9 -1.0 Greens .. 19306 5.8 +1.8 Others .. 29311 10.6 +2.2 Others .. 18485 5.6 -0.5 Labor 2PP 104950 45.0 +6.9 Labor 2PP 190563 67.0 +4.8 Lib/Nat 2PP 128502 55.0 -6.9 Lib/Nat 2PP 94057 33.0 -4.8 Formal 276172 98.2 +2.5 Formal 330844 97.9 +3.1 Informal 5103 1.8 -2.5 Informal 7171 2.1 -3.1 Total Votes 281275 93.4 Total Votes 338015 94.7

41 NSW Election 1999

ILLAWARRA Enrolled 175098 INNER-CITY Enrolled 402391

Party Seats Won Votes % Swing Party Seats Won Votes % Swing Labor 4 83612 52.0 -6.3 Labor 7 168715 47.9 +4.7 Liberal .. 26108 16.2 -10.8 Liberal 1 97445 27.6 -7.2 One Nation .. 10019 6.2 +6.2 One Nation .. 10682 3.0 +3.0 Democrats .. 5565 3.5 -0.5 Democrats .. 17241 4.9 +2.3 Greens .. 7579 4.7 -1.8 Greens .. 24623 7.0 +0.8 Others .. 27887 17.3 +13.1 Others 1 33883 9.6 -3.6 Labor 2PP 95186 72.8 +5.3 Labor 2PP 198338 64.3 +6.4 Lib/Nat 2PP 35499 27.2 -5.3 Lib/Nat 2PP 109888 35.7 -6.4 Formal 160770 97.3 +3.6 Formal 352589 97.1 +2.0 Informal 4412 2.7 -3.6 Informal 10493 2.9 -2.0 Total Votes 165182 94.3 Total Votes 363082 90.2

SYDNEY Enrolled 2506405 NORTH SHORE Enrolled 627301

Party Seats Won Votes % Swing Party Seats Won Votes % Swing Labor 38 1023974 45.4 +2.5 Labor 1 156231 27.5 +5.1 Liberal 16 722466 32.0 -9.9 Liberal 12 272523 48.0 -10.0 National .. 3909 0.2 +0.2 One Nation .. 23219 4.1 +4.1 One Nation .. 132018 5.9 +5.9 Democrats .. 38263 6.7 +0.7 Democrats .. 92858 4.1 +0.7 Greens .. 27613 4.9 +2.1 Greens .. 88595 3.9 +2.1 Others 1 49594 8.7 -2.0 Others 2 190805 8.5 -1.5 Labor 2PP 195637 39.3 +7.6 Labor 2PP 1161364 58.7 +7.4 Lib/Nat 2PP 301811 60.7 -7.6 Lib/Nat 2PP 818286 41.3 -7.4 Formal 567443 97.8 +1.6 Formal 2254625 97.1 +2.5 Informal 12851 2.2 -1.6 Informal 66312 2.9 -2.5 Total Votes 580294 92.5 Total Votes 2320937 92.6

SOUTHERN SUBURBS Enrolled 400838 CENTRAL COAST Enrolled 180789 Party Seats Won Votes % Swing Party Seats Won Votes % Swing Labor 8 176634 48.6 +3.9 Labor 3 79303 47.8 -1.8 Liberal 1 115882 31.9 -10.6 Liberal 1 53576 32.3 -10.5 One Nation .. 21390 5.9 +5.9 National .. 3909 2.4 +2.4 Democrats .. 8608 2.4 +0.6 One Nation .. 11804 7.1 +7.1 Greens .. 12931 3.6 +2.8 Democrats .. 5377 3.2 +1.3 Others .. 27835 7.7 -2.5 Greens .. 3289 2.0 +2.0 Labor 2PP 196446 60.1 +8.2 Others .. 8477 5.1 -0.4 Lib/Nat 2PP 130647 39.9 -8.2 Labor 2PP 86349 58.5 +4.5 Formal 363280 97.1 +2.5 Lib/Nat 2PP 61336 41.5 -4.5 Informal 10878 2.9 -2.5 Formal 165735 97.7 +2.4 Total Votes 374158 93.3 Informal 3838 2.3 -2.4 Total Votes 169573 93.8

42 NSW Election 1999

WESTERN SUBURBS Enrolled 895086

Party Seats Won Votes % Swing Labor 19 443091 55.0 -0.5 Liberal 1 183040 22.7 -10.1 One Nation .. 64923 8.1 +8.1 Democrats .. 23369 2.9 .. Greens .. 20139 2.5 +2.3 Others .. 71016 8.8 +0.1 Labor 2PP 484594 69.3 +7.6 Lib/Nat 2PP 214604 30.7 -7.6 Formal 805578 96.6 +3.4 Informal 28252 3.4 -3.4 Total Votes 833830 93.2

43 NSW Election 1999

BY-ELECTIONS 1995-1999

Clarence 39919 Pittwater 40585 (25 May 1996: Resignation of Ian Causley) (25 May 1996: Resignation of Jim Longley) Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Woods ALP 18030 51.3 +17.1 Dimond DEM 4694 14.1 +9.8 Wrightson DEM 1415 4.0 +1.0 Smith IND 1591 4.8 +4.8 Sharman GRN 1049 3.0 -0.6 Brogden LIB 16772 50.4 -10.6 Knight NAT 14662 41.7 -11.3 Bristow CTA 960 2.9 -0.2 … OTH 0.0 -6.2 Cairns GRN 2344 7.0 -4.1 Sargent ALP 4429 13.3 -5.7 Final Count Woodger AAFI 2502 7.5 +7.5 Woods ALP 19280 55.7 +14.0 … OTH 0.0 -1.5 Knight NAT 15352 44.3 -14.0 Exhausted 524 Final Count Dimond DEM 10409 35.0 +35.0 Formal 35156 98.7 +1.8 Brogden LIB 19346 65.0 -5.8 Informal 451 1.3 -1.8 Sargent ALP 0.0 -29.2 Total 35607 89.2 Exhausted 3537 Formal 33292 98.4 +2.2 Orange 39500 Informal 548 1.6 -2.2 (25 May 1996: Resignation of Gary West) Total 33840 83.4 Candidate Party Votes % Swing Southern Highlands 40345 First Count (25 May 1996: Resignation of ) Turner NAT 16884 48.7 -11.3 Cianfrano IND 2299 6.6 +3.8 Candidate Party Votes % Swing Sullivan ALP 15489 44.7 +14.8 … OTH 0.0 -7.2 First Count Butler DEM 2155 6.1 +1.5 Final Count Chappell CTA 763 2.2 -0.5 Turner NAT 18011 52.6 -13.8 Duncan IND 1493 4.2 +4.2 Sullivan ALP 16232 47.4 +13.8 Seaton LIB 10565 29.9 -24.7 Exhausted 429 Yeo ALP 8862 25.1 -7.5 Formal 34672 98.6 +2.6 Hodgkinson NAT 11530 32.6 +32.6 Informal 495 1.4 -2.6 … GRN 0.0 -5.7 Total 35167 89.0 Final Count Seaton LIB 16933 52.4 -8.0 Yeo ALP 0 0.0 -39.6 Hodgkinson NAT 15400 47.6 +47.6 Exhausted 3035 Formal 35368 98.0 +1.8 Informal 712 2.0 -1.8 Total 36080 89.4

44 NSW Election 1999

Strathfield 38157 Sutherland 44222 (25 May 1996: Resignation of Paul Zammit) (20 Dec 1997: Resignation of Chris Downy) Candidate Party Votes % Swing Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count First Count Peterson CTA 1460 4.7 +4.7 Hunt IND 557 1.5 +1.5 Meagher GRN 1323 4.2 +4.2 Druery ORP 780 2.1 +2.1 Timbrell ALP 10484 33.7 -6.7 Harris IND 396 1.1 +1.1 Hill IND 298 1.0 +1.0 Lentern GRN 1710 4.7 +4.7 MacCarthy LIB 15772 50.7 -2.8 Copeland CDP 1804 4.9 +0.9 Newman DEM 1793 5.8 +0.8 Woodger AAFI 1567 4.3 +4.3 … OTH 0.0 -1.2 Hawkins ALP 12674 34.5 -2.8 Moore IND 530 1.4 +1.4 Final Count Stone LIB 16687 45.5 -5.4 Timbrell ALP 12522 41.8 -2.3 … OTH 0.0 -7.8 MacCarthy LIB 17462 58.2 +2.3 Exhausted 1146 Final Count Hawkins ALP 14752 43.8 +0.2 Formal 31130 97.7 +3.1 Stone LIB 18950 56.2 -0.2 Informal 744 2.3 -3.1 Exhausted 3003 Total 31874 83.5 Formal 36705 98.1 +1.7 Informal 702 1.9 -1.7 Port Macquarie 42422 Total 37407 84.6 (30 Nov 1996: Resignation of Wendy Machin) Candidate Party Votes % Swing

First Count Barrett IND 11920 32.2 +32.2 NOTE Smith SHO 2528 6.8 +6.8 The sitting members for Burrinjuck, Monaro and Kooy IND 412 1.1 +1.1 Swansea resigned in late 1998, but by-elections were Rogers IND 74 0.2 +0.2 not held before the state election. Farrugia IND 603 1.6 +1.6 Russell GRN 1919 5.2 0.0 Hutchinson AAFI 2273 6.1 +6.1 Oakshott NAT 17293 46.7 -5.9 … ALP 0.0 -29.9 … OTH 0.0 -12.3 Final Count Barrett IND 15268 45.1 +45.1 Oakshott NAT 18559 54.9 -6.8 … ALP 0.0 -38.3 Exhausted 3195 Formal 37022 98.6 +2.2 Informal 536 1.4 -2.2 Total 37558 88.5

45 NSW Election 1999


Seats Change Party (Group) Votes % Vote Swing Quotas Won from 91 Labor Party (AE) 1 325 819 37.27 +2.02 8.20 8 -1 Liberal/National Party (AW) 974 352 27.39 -11.10 6.03 6 -4 Pauline Hanson's One Nation (AM) 225 668 6.34 +6.34 1.40 1 +1 Australian Democrats (Y) 142 768 4.01 +0.80 0.88 1 .. Christian Democratic Party (BR) 112 699 3.17 +0.16 0.70 1 .. The Greens (Q) 103 463 2.91 -0.84 0.64 1 +1 John Tingle - The Shooters Party (BZ) 59 295 1.67 -1.17 0.37 .. .. Progressive Labor Party (N) 56 037 1.58 +1.58 0.35 .. .. Marijuana Smokers Rights Party (B) 43 991 1.24 +1.24 0.27 .. .. (A) 35 712 1.00 +1.00 0.22 1 +1 Unity (AX) 34 785 0.98 +0.98 0.22 1 +1 Country Summit Alliance (BS) 31 771 0.89 +0.89 0.20 .. .. Registered Clubs Party (F) 27 564 0.77 +0.77 0.17 .. .. Gun Owners & Sporting Hunters (J) 25 106 0.71 +0.71 0.16 .. .. Country Party (S) 19 819 0.56 -0.04 0.12 .. .. What's Doing? Party (BW) 18 318 0.51 +0.51 0.11 .. .. A Better Future for Our Children (M) 15 800 0.44 -0.84 0.10 .. .. Franca Arena Child Safety Alliance (AT) 13 788 0.39 +0.39 0.09 .. .. Three Day Weekend Party (AK) 12 003 0.34 +0.34 0.07 .. .. Australian Family Alliance (AD) 11 824 0.33 +0.33 0.07 .. .. Young Australians Caring (D) 11 090 0.31 +0.31 0.07 .. .. Austs Against Further Immigration (BN) 10 881 0.31 -1.34 0.07 .. .. Gay and Lesbian Party (C) 10 446 0.29 +0.29 0.06 .. .. Against Promotion of Homosexuality (AF) 9 118 0.26 +0.26 0.06 .. .. Australian Small Business Party (BE) 8 998 0.25 +0.25 0.06 .. .. Animal Liberation Party (BM) 7 844 0.22 +0.22 0.05 .. .. Democratic Socialists (BG) 7 638 0.21 -0.04 0.05 .. .. Speranza: Hope for Better Health (AB) 7 637 0.21 +0.21 0.05 .. .. The Four Wheel Drive Party (AV) 7 547 0.21 +0.21 0.05 .. .. Outdoor Recreation Party (BK) 7 264 0.20 +0.20 0.04 1 +1 Riders' and Motorists' Party Inc (P) 7 027 0.20 -0.29 0.04 .. .. Kevin Ryan - Drug Reform (AC) 6 844 0.19 +0.19 0.04 .. .. The Seniors Party (AL) 6 565 0.18 -0.65 0.04 .. .. Jobs for Everyone - Futures for all (R) 6 522 0.18 +0.18 0.04 .. .. Marine Environment Conservation (K) 6 185 0.17 +0.17 0.04 .. .. Wilderness Party (BH) 6 097 0.17 +0.17 0.04 .. .. Stop Banks Exploiting Australians (H) 5 931 0.17 +0.17 0.04 .. .. Aust. Ind. Coalition for Political Integ. (BL) 5 650 0.16 -1.54 0.03 .. .. Fair Tax Party (BQ) 5 209 0.15 +0.15 0.03 .. .. Help Disabled People (AA) 5 056 0.14 +0.14 0.03 .. .. Mick Gallagher for (X) 5 008 0.14 +0.14 0.03 .. .. NSW Ratepayers Party (E) 4 982 0.14 +0.14 0.03 .. .. Womens Party/Save the Forests (BF) 4 740 0.13 +0.13 0.03 .. .. Australia First (AN) 4 709 0.13 +0.13 0.03 .. .. Make Billionaires Pay More Tax! (AU) 4 672 0.13 +0.13 0.03 .. .. Euthanasia Referendum Party (BO) 4 553 0.13 +0.13 0.03 .. .. Care For Us Party (L) 4 472 0.13 +0.13 0.03 .. .. G.Bigot People Before Politics (AO) 4 463 0.13 +0.13 0.03 .. .. Hospitals, Education, Law, Privacy (AS) 4 424 0.12 +0.12 0.03 .. .. Earthsave (AY) 4 070 0.11 +0.11 0.03 .. ..


46 NSW Election 1999

Seats Change Party (Group) Votes % Vote Swing Quotas Won from 91 People Against Paedophiles (CB) 3 934 0.11 +0.11 0.02 .. .. Independent Community Network (BP) 3 890 0.11 +0.11 0.02 .. .. Abolish State Governments! (U) 3 853 0.11 -0.12 0.02 .. .. A Fair Go for Families (BV) 3 650 0.10 +0.10 0.02 .. .. Communist Party of Australia (V) 3 391 0.10 +0.10 0.02 .. .. Voice of the People (BJ) 3 260 0.09 +0.09 0.02 .. .. Citizens Electoral Councils (I) 3 227 0.09 +0.09 0.02 .. .. Natural Law Party (O) 3 212 0.09 -0.08 0.02 .. .. Give Criminals Longer Sentences (BA) 3 145 0.09 +0.09 0.02 .. .. Responsible Drug Reform (AH) 3 138 0.09 +0.09 0.02 .. .. Republic 2001/People First (AI) 3 076 0.09 +0.09 0.02 .. .. Outside Syd. Newc. Wollongong (W) 2 927 0.08 +0.08 0.02 .. .. Responsible Gambling Party (G) 2 906 0.08 +0.08 0.02 .. .. No Nuclear Waste Dumps Party (AP) 2 552 0.07 +0.07 0.02 .. .. Motor Vehicle Consumer Protection (BI) 2 209 0.06 +0.06 0.01 .. .. No Privatisation People's Party (BB) 2 084 0.06 +0.06 0.01 .. .. No Badgerys Creek Airport (AZ) 2 002 0.06 +0.06 0.01 .. .. Esposito (Ind) (AG) 1 984 0.06 +0.06 0.01 .. .. Anti-Corruption Party (Z) 1 865 0.05 +0.05 0.01 .. .. Non-Custodial Parents Party (BY) 1 825 0.05 +0.05 0.01 .. .. Elect the President (T) 1 720 0.05 +0.05 0.01 .. .. Australians for a Better Community (BX) 1 679 0.05 +0.05 0.01 .. .. (AJ) 1 510 0.04 +0.04 0.01 .. .. Our Common Future Party (BD) 1 465 0.04 +0.04 0.01 .. .. Kanan (Ind) (BC) 1 235 0.03 +0.03 0.01 .. .. Hotel Patrons Party (CA) 1 188 0.03 +0.03 0.01 .. .. Reform Parliamentary Super (AR) 1 108 0.03 +0.03 0.01 .. .. Community First Party (AQ) 1 027 0.03 +0.03 0.01 .. .. Timbarra Clean Water Party (BT) 871 0.02 +0.02 0.01 .. .. Tennants Have Rights (BU) 804 0.02 +0.02 0.00 .. .. Ungrouped candidates 801 0.02 +0.02 0.00 .. .. Other candidates .. .. -6.36 ...... Formal 3 557 762 92.83 -1.06 Informal 274 594 7.17 +1.06 Total Votes 3 832 356 93.13 -0.67 Quota 161 717

47 NSW Election 1999

DETAILS OF LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ELECTION GRP PARTY/CANDIDATE Votes % Vote Quotas % Ticket A Reform the Legal System 35712 1.00 0.22 93.1 Ticket Votes 33259 0.93 Breen, Peter (Elected 20) 2310 0.06 Drakeford, Vere 143 B Marijuana Smokers Rights Party 43991 1.24 0.27 91.4 Ticket Votes 40194 1.13 Matthew, Jeremy 3592 0.10 Smith, Jamie 205 0.01 C Gay and Lesbian Party 10446 0.29 0.06 88.0 Ticket Votes 9196 0.26 Blessing, Martin 1067 0.03 Shaw, Ros 183 0.01 D Young Australians Caring for our 11090 0.31 0.07 93.1 Future Ticket Votes 10324 0.29 Delaney, Kristy 677 0.02 Graham, Daryn 89 E NSW Ratepayers Party 4982 0.14 0.03 94.1 Ticket Votes 4688 0.13 Tolhurst, Ewan 247 0.01 Shaw, Brian 47 F Registered Clubs Party 27564 0.77 0.17 91.9 Ticket Votes 25338 0.71 Costello, David 1811 0.05 Cowan, Stephen 71 Lockwood, Joanna 212 0.01 Langford, Alan 51 Peter, Allan 45 Parker, Steve 36 G Responsible Gambling Party 2906 0.08 0.02 91.8 Ticket Votes 2669 0.08 Le Rade, Marea 199 0.01 Hickson, Jim 38 H Stop Banks Exploiting Australians 5931 0.17 0.04 88.6 Group Ticket Votes 5253 0.15 Burns, Gary 623 0.02 Davis, Michael 55 I Citizens Electoral Councils 3227 0.09 0.02 94.5 Ticket Votes 3051 0.09 Butler, Robert 151 Collins, Glenys 25 J Gun Owners & Sporting Hunters Rights 25106 0.71 0.16 95.5 Ticket Votes 23965 0.67 Downey, Phillip 1086 0.03 Koulouris, Con 55 K Marine Environment Conservation Party 6185 0.17 0.04 90.6 Ticket Votes 5601 0.16 Thomas, Dave 550 0.02 Jones, Sorel 34 L Care For Us Party 4472 0.13 0.03 98.0 Ticket Votes 4384 0.12 Gliksman, Michael 73 Nicholls, Shane 15

48 NSW Election 1999

DETAILS OF LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL RESULT (Continued) GRP PARTY/CANDIDATE Votes % Vote Quotas % Ticket M A Better Future for Children 15800 0.44 0.10 95.4 Ticket Votes 15079 0.42 Bridgman, Karen 664 0.02 Mackenzie, Erica 57 N Progressive Labour Party 56037 1.58 0.35 98.5 Ticket Votes 55171 1.55 Woldring, Klaas 744 0.02 Clarke, Jacklyn 122 O Natural Law Party 3212 0.09 0.02 89.8 Ticket Votes 2884 0.08 Carr, Tim 302 0.01 Price, Sandy 26 P Riders' and Motorists' Party Inc 7027 0.20 0.04 90.7 Ticket Votes 6377 0.18 Foster, Phillip 604 0.02 Taffa, Paul 46 Q The Greens 103463 2.91 0.64 87.1 Ticket Votes 90068 2.53 Rhiannon, Lee (Elected 18) 12117 0.34 Sperling, Karla 287 0.01 Russell, Susie 212 0.01 Burgess, Cathy 186 0.01 Oquist, Ben 97 Dobbie, Leeza 61 Lam, Keelah 51 Fitzgerald, Paul 134 Isherwood, Kathleen 250 0.01 R Jobs for Everyone - Futures for All 6522 0.18 0.04 96.6 Ticket Votes 6297 0.18 Thorp, Peter 199 0.01 Keaton, Jane 26 S Country Party 19819 0.56 0.12 97.6 Ticket Votes 19350 0.54 Hedges, Stephen 433 0.01 Hedges, Kylie 36 T Elect the President 1720 0.05 0.01 93.0 Ticket Votes 1600 0.04 Carpenter, Sidonie 110 Carpenter, Ian 10 U Abolish State Governments! 3853 0.11 0.02 81.6 Ticket Votes 3144 0.09 Consandine, Peter 654 0.02 Trompf, Sharon 29 August, John 26 V Communist Party of Australia 3391 0.10 0.02 84.9 Ticket Votes 2878 0.08 Bailey, John 474 0.01 Bassil, Dorothy 39 W Outside Newcastle Sydney Wollong Party 2927 0.08 0.02 94.8 Ticket Votes 2775 0.08 McPherson, Andrew 136 McPherson, Sally 16

49 NSW Election 1999

DETAILS OF LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL RESULT (Continued) GRP PARTY/CANDIDATE Votes % Vote Quotas % Ticket X Mick Gallagher for Australia 5008 0.14 0.03 89.9 Ticket Votes 4504 0.13 Gallagher, Patrick 437 0.01 Mawson, John 67 Y Australian Democrats 142768 4.01 0.88 88.4 Ticket Votes 126237 3.55 Chesterfield-Evans, Arthur (Elected 17) 14078 0.40 Gavagnin Newman, Amelia 516 0.01 Baird, Matthew 398 0.01 Disney, Simon 171 Endean, Betty 179 0.01 Clifford, Pam 171 Pollnitz, Aysha 142 Harcourt-Norton, Ruth 97 Cousins, Sonia 779 0.02 Z Anti-Corruption 1865 0.05 0.01 94.3 (Insurers,Lawyers,Politicians) Ticket Votes 1759 0.05 Allen, Tony 102 Jacups, Graham 4 AA Help Disabled People 5056 0.14 0.03 93.0 Ticket Votes 4702 0.13 Bradley, David 338 0.01 Bilton, Donald 16 AB Speranza, Hope for Better Health NSW 7637 0.21 0.05 96.5 Ticket Votes 7373 0.21 Humphrey, Tony 208 0.01 Hutchence, Kell 38 Woods, Tony 18 AC Kevin Ryan - Drug Reform 6844 0.19 0.04 89.2 Ticket Votes 6103 0.17 Ryan, Kevin 728 0.02 Gleeson, Newton 13 AD Australian Family Alliance 11824 0.33 0.07 90.1 Ticket Votes 10657 0.30 Tudehope, Damien 1014 0.03 Fowler, Mary-Louise 60 Florio, Marc 56 Keppie, Colleen 15 Patterson, Denis 22 AE Labor Party 1325819 37.27 8.20 98.5 Ticket Votes 1306409 36.72 Shaw, Jeffrey (Elected 1) 13636 0.38 Della Bosca, John (Elected 4) 1137 0.03 Obeid, Edward (Elected 6) 157 Burnswoods, Jan (Elected 8) 346 0.01 Macdonald, Ian (Elected 10) 353 0.01 Hatzistergos, John (Elected 12) 265 0.01 Burgmann, Meredith (Elected 14) 866 0.02 Tsang, Henry (Elected 15) 722 0.02 Fazio, Amanda 118 Robertson, Christine 200 0.01 Plowman, Glenys 59 Catanzariti, Tony 822 0.02

50 NSW Election 1999

DETAILS OF LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL RESULT (Continued) GRP PARTY/CANDIDATE Votes % Vote Quotas % Ticket Steer, Naomi 108 Brassil, Katherine 110 Hatcher, Julie 511 0.01 AF Aust's Against Promotion of Homosexuality 9118 0.26 0.06 96.3 Ticket Votes 8783 0.25 Andrews, Malcolm 327 0.01 Toso, Dominic 8 AG Independent 1984 0.06 0.01 93.3 Ticket Votes 1851 0.05 Esposito, June 132 Hutton, Margaret-Anne 1 AH Responsible Drug Reform for Australia 3138 0.09 0.02 96.9 Ticket Votes 3042 0.09 Heath, Simon 91 Cole, Michael 5 AI Republic 2001/People First 3076 0.09 0.02 89.1 Ticket Votes 2741 0.08 Druery, Glen 262 0.01 Simmonds, Claire 19 Scrogie, Christopher 7 Hales, Patricia 3 Mahoney, Bridget 6 McClure, Glen 8 Minale, Robert 0 Bucciarelli, Paride 4 Papandrea, Marea 3 Simonds, Clive 2 Salmon, Kylie 4 Lawson, Linda 3 Di Pietro, Nick 5 Murphy, Susan 3 Gabrielle, Antonio 6 AJ Reclaim Australia 1510 0.04 0.01 97.7 Ticket Votes 1475 0.04 Smith, Rod 34 Clarke, Noel 1 AK Three Day Weekend Party 12003 0.34 0.07 96.1 Ticket Votes 11536 0.32 Henry, Irene 434 0.01 Morgan, Rubina 33 AL The Seniors Party 6565 0.18 0.04 96.3 Ticket Votes 6324 0.18 Vessey, Mervyn 222 0.01 Spencer, Lesley 19 AM Pauline Hanson's One Nation 225668 6.34 1.40 94.4 Ticket Votes 213024 5.99 Oldfield, David (Elected 3) 11968 0.34 Burston, Brian 241 0.01 Ross, Jason 83 Deeney, Carol 170 Booth, Mark 182 0.01

51 NSW Election 1999

DETAILS OF LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL RESULT (Continued) GRP PARTY/CANDIDATE Votes % Vote Quotas % Ticket AN Australia First 4709 0.13 0.03 97.6 Ticket Votes 4594 0.13 Ritherdon, Jeffery 100 Willson, Greg 15 AO (Godfrey Bigot) People Before Party Politics 4463 0.13 0.03 81.0 Ticket Votes 3613 0.10 Bigot, Godfrey 842 0.02 Jones, Allan 8 AP No Nuclear Waste Dumps Party 2552 0.07 0.02 93.8 Ticket Votes 2394 0.07 Crisp, Gordon 148 Corcoran, Terry 10 AQ Community First Party 1027 0.03 0.01 97.1 Ticket Votes 997 0.03 Smith, Michael 21 Chidzey, Maria-Elena 9 AR Reform Parliamentary Superannuation Party 1108 0.03 0.01 92.8 Ticket Votes 1028 0.03 Moran, Peter 73 Moran, Sue 7 AS Hospitals, Education, Law, Privacy 4424 0.12 0.03 96.5 Ticket Votes 4268 0.12 McBride, William 143 Rooney, Mary-Rose 13 AT Franca Arena Child Safety Alliance 13788 0.39 0.09 82.3 Ticket Votes 11343 0.32 Arena, Franca 2424 0.07 Lancaster, Judith 18 Alexander-Fisher, Beverley 3 AU Make Billionaires Pay More Tax! 4672 0.13 0.03 94.6 Ticket Votes 4418 0.12 Aitken Rasink, Kate 225 0.01 Barlow, Lucinda 29 AV Four Wheel Drive Party 7547 0.21 0.05 97.4 Ticket Votes 7353 0.21 Thompson, Bruce 187 0.01 Sanzari, Frank 7 AW Liberal/National Party 974352 27.39 6.03 98.3 Ticket Votes 958078 26.93 Forsythe, Patricia (Elected 2) 12480 0.35 Gardiner, Jenny (Elected 5) 783 0.02 Ryan, John (Elected 7) 474 0.01 Lynn, Charlie (Elected 9) 243 0.01 Moppet, Doug (Elected 11) 232 0.01 Harwin, Don (Elected 13) 96 Hansen, Greg 217 0.01 Blume, Rod 257 0.01 Cusack, Catherine 253 0.01 Pearce, Greg 114 Cleary, Cathy 131 Dennison, Tony 331 0.01 Arkwright, Juliet 93 Worthington, John 213 0.01

52 NSW Election 1999

DETAILS OF LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL RESULT (Continued) GRP PARTY/CANDIDATE Votes % Vote Quotas % Ticket Smith, Toby 357 0.01 AX Unity 34785 0.98 0.22 96.5 Ticket Votes 33557 0.94 Wong, Peter (Elected 19) 1120 0.03 McGuid, Sam 23 Kemp, Sarah 24 Jacobs, Alan 38 Valenza, Ramona 23 AY Earthsave 4070 0.11 0.03 89.1 Ticket Votes 3626 0.10 Raynor, Brandon 407 0.01 Spicer, Simon 37 AZ No Badgerys Creek Airport Party 2002 0.06 0.01 91.9 Ticket Votes 1839 0.05 Outzen, Brad 154 Outzen, Julie 9 BA Give Criminals Longer Sentences 3145 0.09 0.02 95.6 Ticket Votes 3008 0.08 Beskin, Geoff 132 Palasty, George 5 BB No Privatisation People's Party 2084 0.06 0.01 88.0 Ticket Votes 1834 0.05 Bargashoun, Samir 249 0.01 Sangari, Nuha 1 BC Independents 1235 0.03 0.01 96.3 Ticket Votes 1189 0.03 Kanan, Joseph 36 Shen, Victor 10 BD Our Common Future Party 1465 0.04 0.01 69.9 Ticket Votes 1024 0.03 Caldiclott, Helen 420 0.01 Stewart, Jennie 3 Rankin, Genevieve 18 BE Small Business Party 8998 0.25 0.06 97.3 Ticket Votes 8759 0.25 Leigh-Jones, Matthew 224 0.01 Blasonato, Catherine 15 BF Womens Party/Save the Forests 4740 0.13 0.03 93.5 Ticket Votes 4432 0.12 Lambert, Rebecca 244 0.01 Hulbert, David 18 Scott, Helen 19 Hulbert, Martina 27 BG Democratic Socialists 7638 0.21 0.05 95.0 Ticket Votes 7259 0.20 Nichols, Dick 313 0.01 Jarvis, Helen 66 BH The Wilderness Party 6097 0.17 0.04 95.8 Ticket Votes 5839 0.16 Bawden, Henry 244 0.01 Smith, Colin 14

53 NSW Election 1999

DETAILS OF LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL RESULT (Continued) GRP PARTY/CANDIDATE Votes % Vote Quotas % Ticket BI Motor Vehicle Consumer Protection Party 2209 0.06 0.01 98.0 Ticket Votes 2164 0.06 Galati, Anthony 42 Stace, Diane 3 BJ Voice of the People Party 3260 0.09 0.02 97.8 Ticket Votes 3189 0.09 Wu, Spencer 66 Farcell, Ginette 3 Allen, John 1 Hu, Chang 1 BK Outdoor Recreation Party 7264 0.20 0.04 92.7 Ticket Votes 6734 0.19 Jones, Malcolm (Elected 16) 494 0.01 Simcox, Joanne 22 Mathews, Ron 14 BL Aust. Ind. Coalition for Political Integrity 5650 0.16 0.03 98.5 Ticket Votes 5565 0.16 Burton, Rodney 74 Cordiner, Graeme 11 BM The Animal Liberation Party 7844 0.22 0.05 95.6 Ticket Votes 7499 0.21 Yorke-Goldney, Donald 324 0.01 Hopson, David 21 BN Australians Against Further 10881 0.31 0.07 93.5 Immigration Ticket Votes 10175 0.29 Woodger, Edwin 674 0.02 Kitson, David 32 BO Euthanasia Referendum Party 4553 0.13 0.03 89.7 Ticket Votes 4083 0.11 Heinrichs, Jane 453 0.01 Piol, Gregory 17 BP Independent Community Network 3890 0.11 0.02 92.1 Ticket Votes 3582 0.10 Sheehan, Maire 226 0.01 Arnold, Pam 34 Brown, Helen 24 Reymond, Michael 24 BQ Fair Tax Party 5209 0.15 0.03 92.1 Ticket Votes 4800 0.13 Reid, Jim 382 0.01 Ashmore, Mara 13 Coroneo, Andrew 6 Spitzer, Sam 8 BR Christian Democratic Party ( 112699 3.17 0.70 89.6 Group) Ticket Votes 101003 2.84 Nile, Fred (Elected 21) 11401 0.32 Walker, Peter 93 McLennan, Graham 42 Webster, Alisdair 93 Hume, Kevin 67

54 NSW Election 1999

DETAILS OF LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL RESULT (Continued) GRP PARTY/CANDIDATE Votes % Vote Quotas % Ticket BS Country Summit Alliance 31771 0.89 0.20 91.5 Ticket Votes 29063 0.82 Wearne, John 2170 0.06 Brennan, Ros 273 0.01 Hegedus, Andrew 44 Braund, Claire 59 Hayes, Janet 49 Marsh, John 27 Harris, Robert 31 Botfield, Peter 27 Kelly, David 28 BT Timbarra Clean Water Party 871 0.02 0.01 84.8 Ticket Votes 739 0.02 Corowa, Robert 108 Stevens, Natalie 24 BU Tenants Have Rights 804 0.02 0.00 90.4 Ticket Votes 727 0.02 Kilgour, Kylie 68 See, Cecil 9 BV A Fair Go For Families 3650 0.10 0.02 97.8 Ticket Votes 3571 0.10 Wright, Steven 74 Uttley, Michael 5 BW What's Doing? Party 18318 0.51 0.11 79.4 Ticket Votes 14540 0.41 Fenech, Mario 3753 0.11 Prosser, Jacquie 25 BX Australians for a Better Community 1679 0.05 0.01 97.9 Ticket Votes 1643 0.05 Todd, Adam 30 Brook, Suzanne 6 BY Non-Custodial Parents Party 1825 0.05 0.01 88.9 Ticket Votes 1623 0.05 Thompson, Andrew 196 0.01 Flynn, Angela 6 BZ John Tingle - The Shooters Party 59295 1.67 0.37 94.3 Ticket Votes 55929 1.57 Pirie, Jim 3127 0.09 Franich, Rodney 34 O'Connell, Suzanne 42 Bourke, Robyn 33 Berry, Grahame 22 Nikesitch, Peter 11 Ostini, Greg 18 Whelan, Colin 15 White, Craig 11 Baker, Arthur 18 Stewart, Don 35 CA Hotel Patrons Party 1188 0.03 0.01 95.6 Ticket Votes 1136 0.03 McHolme, Brett 45 0.00 Robinson, Dennis 7

55 NSW Election 1999

DETAILS OF LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL RESULT (Continued) GRP PARTY/CANDIDATE Votes % Vote Quotas % Ticket CB People Against Paedophiles 3934 0.11 0.02 95.9 Ticket Votes 3771 0.11 Piechocki, John 142 Ireland, Graham 21 Ung Ungrouped 801 0.02 0.00 0.0 Ivor F 205 0.01 Lang, Chris 181 0.01 Watson, Eddy 31 Wright, Michael 44 Miller, Bob 238 0.01 Dixen, Mark 102

Formal Votes 3557762 92.83 96.2 Informal Votes 274594 7.17 Total Votes 3832356

Quota 161717

56 NSW Election 1999


The following notes summarize the status of the 93 electorates drawn by the 1997/98 Electoral Districts Commission. All estimates are based on re-allocating booth results from the 1995 election to the new electorates. By-elections have been ignored in the analysis. These are amended figures, the original version of the figures having been published in “1997/98 NSW Redistribution: Analysis of Final Boundaries” by Antony Green, NSW Parliamentary Library Research Service Background Paper, No 4/98

State of Parties Labor Liberal National Others Total Result of 1995 Election 50 29 17 3 99 Estimate on new Boundaries 45 28 17 3 93 Including Clarence by-election 46 28 16 3 93

Abolished Electorates (10)

Name Margin Notes Ashfield ALP 15.2 MP Paul Whelan contested Strathfield Broken Hill ALP 4.7 MP Bill Beckroge retired Ermington LIB 7.8 MP Michael Photios contested new seat of Ryde Gladesville ALP 0.4 MP John Watkins contested new seat of Ryde Gordon LIB 30.3 MP Jeremy Kinross retired Hurstville ALP 9.6 MP Maurice Iemma contested Lakemba Murray NAT 27.6 MP Jim Small retired Northcott LIB 18.6 MP Barry O'Farrell contested Ku-ring-gai St Marys ALP 18.9 MP Jim Anderson contested Londonderry Waratah ALP 24.1 MP John Price contested Maitland

New Electorates (4)

Name Margin Notes Hornsby LIB 13.7 Contested by Ku-ring-gai MP Stephen O'Doherty Murray-Darling NAT 3.5 Vacant Ryde LIB 4.2 Contested by Ermington MP Michael Photios and Gladesville MP John Watkins Wentworthville ALP 7.7 Contested by Blacktown MP Pam Allen

Re-Named Electorates

New Name Old Name New Margin Old Margin Notes Epping Eastwood LIB 16.7 LIB 14.2 Heathcote Bulli ALP 2.4 ALP 11.3 Also contested by Sutherland MP Lorna Stone Macquarie Fields Moorebank ALP 13.0 ALP 12.8 Menai Sutherland LIB 1.9 LIB 6.4 MP Lorna Stone contested Heathcote Mulgoa Badgerys Creek ALP 8.7 ALP 0.1 Tweed Murwillumbah NAT 2.2 Nat 2.1

57 NSW Election 1999

Continuing Electorates

Name New Margin Old Margin Notes Albury Lib 17.3 Lib 16.3 Auburn ALP 17.2 ALP 17.4 Ballina Nat 16.5 Nat 17.4 Bankstown ALP 18.4 ALP 16.2 MP Doug Shedden retired. Contested by Lakemba MP Tony Stewart. Barwon Nat 18.4 Nat 20.1 Bathurst ALP 0.6 ALP 1.0 MP Mick Clough retired Baulkham Hills Lib 17.9 Lib 17.5 Bega Lib 13.6 Lib 13.7 Blacktown ALP 14.0 ALP 10.6 MP Pam Allen contested Wentworthville, contested by Londonderry MP Bligh Ind 13.7 Ind 5.5 Estimate only. Old margin against Liberal Party, new estimated margin against the Labor Party Blue Mountains ALP 2.2 ALP 2.5 Burrinjuck Lib 7.2 Lib 9.9 MP Alby Schultz contested 1996 Federal Election. No by-election held. Cabramatta ALP 21.9 ALP 21.2 Camden Lib 5.7 Lib 2.6 Campbelltown ALP 10.9 ALP 11.8 Canterbury ALP 11.7 ALP 11.7 Cessnock ALP 16.4 ALP 13.1 MP Stan Neilly retired Charlestown ALP 13.9 ALP 14.2 Clarence Nat 8.4 Nat 8.3 Held by Labor MP Harry Woods following a 1996 by-election Coffs Harbour Nat 8.9 Nat 8.7 Coogee ALP 5.4 ALP 6.1 Cronulla Lib 10.2 Lib 9.8 Davidson Lib 28.2 Lib 22.8 Drummoyne ALP 2.7 ALP 2.2 Dubbo Nat 19.4 Nat 18.0 MP Gerry Peacocke retired East Hills ALP 11.6 ALP 10.7 MP Pat Rogan retired Fairfield ALP 16.4 ALP 17.1 Georges River Lib 2.0 Lib 8.0 Gosford Lib 5.5 Lib 5.5 Granville ALP 14.2 ALP 14.5 Hawkesbury Lib 21.8 Lib 18.5 Heffron ALP 19.8 ALP 18.8 Illawarra ALP 17.7 ALP 20.5 MP Terry Rumble retired Keira ALP 17.6 ALP 13.9 MP Col Markham contested Wollongong Kiama ALP 14.6 ALP 12.2 MP Bob Harrison retired Kogarah ALP 0.7 ALP 1.5 MP Brian Langton retired Ku-ring-gai LIB 28.3 LIB 19.0 Lachlan Nat 17.3 Nat 22.4 Lake Macquarie ALP 15.2 ALP 14.8 Lakemba ALP 14.7 ALP 18.7 MP Tony Stewart contested Bankstown. Contested by Hurstville MP Lane Cove Lib 12.3 Lib 20.2 Lismore Nat 14.3 Nat 13.7 MP Bill Rixon retired Liverpool ALP 20.6 ALP 19.1

58 NSW Election 1999

Name New Margin Old Margin Notes Londonderry ALP 11.6 ALP 15.3 Contested by St Marys MP Jim Anderson. MP Paul Gibson contested Blacktown Maitland Lib 0.9 Lib 4.1 Also contested by Waratah MP John Price Manly IND held IND 0.4 MP Peter Macdonald retiring. Estimated two- candidate Liberal vote 50.7% Maroubra ALP 13.6 ALP 13.8 Marrickville ALP 24.8 ALP 26.8 Miranda Lib 5.3 Lib 6.7 Monaro Nat 16.3 Nat 16.2 MP Peter Cochran retired before the election. No by-election held Mount Druitt ALP 22.0 ALP 16.7 Murrumbidgee Nat 13.9 Nat 10.2 MP Adrian Cruikshank retired Myall Lakes Nat 17.1 Nat 18.4 Newcastle ALP 16.9 ALP 16.1 North Shore Lib 20.2 Lib 19.2 Nthn Tablelands Nat 14.6 Nat 13.7 Orange Nat 17.1 Nat 16.4 Oxley Nat 14.6 Nat 14.8 MP Bruce Jeffrey retired Parramatta ALP 3.5 ALP 9.2 Peats ALP 7.7 ALP 8.4 Penrith ALP 4.3 ALP 2.8 Pittwater Lib 20.3 Lib 20.8 Port Jackson ALP 23.6 ALP 23.7 Port Macquarie Nat 12.0 Nat 11.7 Port Stephens ALP 9.7 ALP 9.0 MP Bob Martin retired Riverstone ALP 9.9 ALP 10.6 Rockdale ALP 7.8 ALP 11.2 Smithfield ALP 13.4 ALP 13.7 South Coast Lib 4.6 Lib 4.6 Sthn Highlands Lib 11.6 Lib 10.4 Strathfield Lib 2.7 Lib 6.0 Also contested by Ashfield MP Paul Whelan Swansea ALP 10.7 ALP 10.5 MP Jill Hall contested 1996 Federal election. No by-election held. Tamworth Ind 32.2 Ind 34.8 Also used as 2-Party estimate The Entrance ALP 4.0 ALP 4.1 The Hills Lib 24.6 Lib 25.3 Upper Hunter Nat 18.5 Nat 19.0 Vaucluse Lib 17.5 Lib 15.4 Wagga Wagga Lib 12.8 Lib 10.7 MP Joe Schipp retired Wakehurst Lib 14.8 Lib 12.9 Wallsend ALP 16.4 ALP 12.5 Willoughby Lib 18.8 Lib 20.0 Wollongong ALP 20.4 ALP 20.1 MP Gerry Sullivan lost pre-selection. Contested by Kiera MP Col Markham. Wyong ALP 9.7 ALP 8.7

Two-Candidate Preferred Estimates

Name New Margin Old Margin Notes Bligh ALP 5.4 LIB 3.4 Manly LIB 13.4 LIB 14.1

59 NSW Election 1999


The tables on the following pages provide summaries of the distribution of preferences for One Nation, Australian Democrat and Green candidates. The distribution of preferences from Labor, Liberal and National Party candidates are also shown for the small number of electorates where this was required.

Each table groups together electorates depending on which party candidates are excluded, and to which final combination of parties the preferences were distributed. The analysis concentrates on the last distribution of preferences where votes are distributed to the final two candidates. However, several tables look at the second last distribution, at the point where three candidates remained in the count.

In all tables, electorates are grouped by the number of candidates contesting the electorate, and at what point the candidate's preferences were distributed. As well as percentage preferences flows to other parties, the percentage primary vote received by the excluded candidate is shown. Where more than three candidates contested an electorate, the total percentage vote for previously excluded minor party candidates is shown, along with the party affiliation of the main candidates excluded. Average distributions of preferences are shown for each party, and for each number of candidates contesting.

Averages are calculated by adding together the percentages, and dividing by the number of electorates. This gives the same weight to each electorate, irrespective of the size of the primary vote received by the excluded party. An alternative method would have been to add together the actual votes distributed in the group of electorates, and then calculate the percentages. However, this would give the greatest weight to the electorates where the minor party received its highest votes, though in general, the difference in the two calculation methods would be minor.

Note that in all electorates with more than three candidates, the preferences flows of the excluded party will be affected by the distribution of preferences from previously excluded candidates. The preference flows are calculated on all votes held by a candidate at the point where they were excluded, meaning the percentages will be based on both the excluded candidate's primary votes, as well as any votes received as preferences from other candidates. So for instance, in the tables of Australian Democrat preferences, the flow of preferences to Labor may include some primary votes for Green candidates, that were transferred to the Democrat candidate at a previous count.

60 NSW Election 1999

Distribution of One Nation Preferences (Labor / Liberal finish) % Preferences flowing to Primary % Vote of Electorate Labor Liberal Exhaust % Vote Other Candidates 6 Candidates, One Nation distributed fourth Granville (5 cands) 21.7 29.9 48.4 9.1 5.3 AFI,GRN Bega 19.0 26.3 54.7 13.0 9.8 IND,GRN,DEM Blacktown 19.9 21.8 58.3 9.5 15.8 DEM,AFI,CDP Charlestown 22.5 21.4 56.1 10.2 12.8 IND,CDP,GRN Lake Macquarie 22.0 20.1 58.0 12.2 10.6 AFI,CDP,GRN Miranda 26.5 23.7 49.7 7.2 9.3 GRN,DEM,AFI Riverstone 19.8 21.5 58.7 9.4 10.1 GRN,AFI,DEM South Coast 18.7 22.9 58.4 10.4 9.6 AFI,GRN,CDP Swansea 18.6 19.5 61.9 13.2 12.1 GRN,DEM,CDP Wallsend 15.5 18.8 65.8 11.5 11.6 CDP,CEC,GRN Average (9) 20.3 21.8 58.0 7 Candidates, One Nation distributed fifth Camden 16.9 19.8 63.3 9.0 9.9 GRN,NCP,AFI,IND Liverpool 20.8 16.9 62.3 8.9 7.2 AFI,UNI,NCP,CEC Macquarie Fields 19.3 20.5 60.2 9.0 8.2 AFI,IND,DEM,NCP Menai 18.0 26.5 55.5 8.0 11.7 IND,DEM,AFI,GRN Smithfield 16.5 17.6 65.9 5.8 9.8 GRN,CDP,AFI,DEM Wyong 16.8 23.8 59.4 9.6 9.4 AFI,ES ,CDP,DEM Average (6) 18.0 20.8 61.1 8 Candidates, One Nation distributed sixth Cronulla 24.3 22.4 53.3 7.6 12.6 IND,DEM,CDP,GRN,AFI Georges River 23.7 28.1 48.2 5.3 10.7 AFI,IND,UNI,GRN,IND Kiama 17.5 15.5 67.0 9.2 19.5 DEM,AFI,CDP,IND,GRN Maitland 16.3 24.8 58.9 8.0 8.2 CEC,ORP,CDP,DEM,GRN Mount Druitt 17.4 25.4 57.2 8.7 15.7 DEM,GRN,CDP,UNI,AFI Southern Highlands 15.3 21.5 63.2 10.2 11.3 IND,NCP,DEM,AFI,GRN Wentworthville 10.1 9.5 80.4 6.4 13.7 CDP,UNI,GRN,AFI,DEM Average (7) 17.8 21.0 61.2 9 Candidates, One Nation distributed seventh Bankstown 20.5 32.4 47.1 6.0 11.2 GRN,DEM,UNI,3 others Campbelltown 16.3 23.2 60.5 9.3 14.6 UNI,DEM,GRN,3 others East Hills 22.1 27.3 50.6 10.7 20.7 DEM,GRN, 4 others Gosford 18.0 35.5 46.4 5.2 11.3 DEM,GRN, 4 others Hawkesbury 14.4 23.6 62.0 9.3 18.4 DEM,GRN, 4 others Heathcote 19.4 22.3 58.3 8.3 14.7 DEM,GRN,UNI,3 others Londonderry 16.8 16.9 66.4 11.1 14.9 DEM,GRN, 4 others Peats 22.5 20.6 56.9 6.8 12.0 DEM,GRN,UNI,3 others Average (8) 18.7 25.2 56.0 10 Candidates, One Nation distributed eighth Illawarra 16.0 13.7 70.2 8.9 24.1 DEM,GRN,CDP,4 oths Parramatta 21.1 21.3 57.6 4.9 11.4 DEM,GRN,UNI,4 others Rockdale 19.9 23.4 56.8 5.5 11.0 DEM,GRN, 5 others Average (3) 19.0 19.5 61.5 11 Candidates, One Nation distributed ninth Kogarah 16.8 28.5 54.7 4.3 13.0 GRN,CDP,UNI, 5 oths 12 Candidates, One Nation distributed tenth Mulgoa 14.9 13.7 71.4 8.9 13.8 DEM, GRN, 7 others 13 Candidates, One Nation distributed eleventh Penrith 18.1 13.2 68.7 8.7 12.9 DEM,GRN, 8 others Overall Average (37) 18.7 22.0 59.3

61 NSW Election 1999

Distribution of One Nation Preferences (Labor / National finish) % Preferences flowing to Primary % Vote of Electorate Labor National Exhaust % Vote Other Candidates 5 Candidates, One Nation distributed third Barwon 12.1 23.8 64.1 20.5 3.8 CEC,DEM Lachlan 15.1 31.4 53.4 13.0 4.4 DEM,GRN Murrumbidgee 17.8 25.9 56.4 8.4 4.5 DEM,CEC Myall Lakes 13.9 24.0 62.1 13.6 5.7 GRN,AFI Average (4) 14.7 26.3 59.0 6 Candidates, One Nation distributed fourth Murray-Darling 8.2 14.3 77.5 16.4 3.1 CEC,NCP,DEM Port Macquarie 12.6 24.2 63.2 12.1 4.9 AFI,CEC,GRN Upper Hunter 17.3 26.8 55.9 12.8 6.3 CEC,CDP,GRN Average (3) 12.7 21.8 65.5 7 Candidates, One Nation distributed fifth Orange 15.5 23.3 61.2 12.6 13.5 IND,DEM,CDP,GRN 8 Candidates, One Nation distributed sixth Oxley 14.3 27.1 58.6 18.8 20.5 DEM,GRN,IND(3) Port Stephens 14.7 20.6 64.8 13.0 17.4 DEM,GRN,CDP, 2 oths Average (2) 14.5 23.8 61.7 9 Candidates, One Nation distributed seventh Coffs Harbour 13.0 23.4 63.7 11.3 12.1 DEM,GRN, 4 others Overall Average (11) 14.0 24.1 61.9

Three-Way Distribution of One Nation Preferences (Labor / Liberal / National) % Preferences flowing to Primary % Vote of Electorate Labor Liberal NationalExhaust % Vote Other Candidates 8 Candidates, One Nation distributed fifth Burrinjuck 12.6 8.1 23.0 56.3 11.4 5.9 CEC,DEM,GRN,CDP 9 Candidates, One Nation distributed sixth The Entrance 18.2 8.6 10.1 63.2 6.9 8.7 DEM,GRN,CDP, 2 oths 11 Candidates, One Nation distributed eighth Clarence 13.1 12.2 17.9 56.8 10.8 9.1 DEM,GRN, 5 others 12 Candidates, One Nation distributed ninth Bathurst 20.6 12.0 14.4 53.0 7.6 12.9 DEM,GRN, 6 others Overall Average (4) 16.1 10.2 16.3 57.4

Three-Way Distribution of One Nation Preferences (Labor / National / Independents) % Preferences flowing to Primary % Vote of Electorate ALP NAT IND Exhaust % Vote Other Candidates 4 Candidates, One Nation distributed first Tamworth 8.0 7.5 34.8 49.7 6.7 7 Candidates, One Nation distributed fourth Dubbo 7.6 20.5 15.3 56.6 18.1 2.8 GRN,DEM Northern Tablelands 4.0 16.9 31.1 47.9 7.1 4.6 DEM,GRN Average (2) 5.8 18.7 23.2 52.3 Overall Average (3) 6.5 15.0 27.1 51.4

62 NSW Election 1999

Distribution of Australian Democrat Preferences (Labor / Liberal or National finish) % Preferences flowing to Primary % Vote of Electorate Labor Lib/Nat Exhaust % Vote Other Candidates 6 Candidates, Australian Democrats distributed fourth Lane Cove 52.9 20.4 26.7 9.2 8.8 AFI,GRN,ONP North Shore 51.1 21.0 27.9 8.0 10.2 ONP,GRN,AFI Average (2) 52.0 20.7 27.3 8 Candidates, Australian Democrats distributed sixth Baulkham Hills 34.1 27.6 38.3 6.9 13.1 ONP,UNI,GRN,NCP,AFI Blue Mountains 60.6 16.4 23.0 7.2 20.1 ES ,AFI,ONP,CDP,GRN Davidson 35.3 27.4 37.3 6.0 15.2 ONP,UNI,AFI,CDP,GRN Ku-Ring-Gai 43.6 23.4 33.0 9.3 13.9 CDP,ONP,GRN, 2 oths The Hills 37.3 21.9 40.8 6.9 16.8 ONP,GRN,AFI,CDP,UNI Willoughby 46.2 20.4 33.4 7.6 13.5 ONP,ES ,AFI,GRN,UNI Average (6) 42.9 22.8 34.3 9 Candidates, Australian Democrats distributed seventh Pittwater 33.0 18.7 48.3 11.7 16.5 GRN,ONP,CDP, 3 oths Overall Average (9) 43.8 21.9 34.3

Three-Way Distribution of Australian Democrat Preferences (Labor / Liberal / One Nation) % Preferences flowing to Primary % Vote of Electorate ALP LIB ONP Exhaust % Vote Other Candidates 6 Candidates, Australian Democrats distributed third Bega 47.1 17.1 6.5 29.4 4.4 5.4 IND,GRN Blacktown 25.1 26.6 6.0 42.2 7.7 8.2 AFI,CDP Riverstone 34.0 20.3 6.3 39.5 4.5 5.6 GRN,AFI Average (3) 35.4 21.3 6.3 37.0 7 Candidates, Australian Democrats distributed fourth Macquarie Fields 30.0 11.5 10.6 47.9 3.0 5.2 AFI,IND,NCP Wyong 36.0 20.0 5.6 38.5 2.9 6.5 AFI,ES ,CDP Average (2) 33.0 15.7 8.1 43.2 9 Candidates, Australian Democrats distributed sixth Campbelltown 30.9 17.3 7.3 44.5 4.2 10.4 UNI,GRN,AFI,NCP,IND Gosford 38.1 20.6 4.8 36.6 3.4 7.9 GRN,IND,CDP,AFI,ES Peats 40.2 15.6 6.0 38.2 3.9 8.1 UNI,AFI,CDP,GRN,ES Average (3) 36.4 17.8 6.0 39.8 10 Candidates, Australian Democrats distributed seventh Parramatta 39.8 13.1 4.3 42.8 3.2 8.2 GRN,UNI, 4 others Rockdale 31.2 9.7 3.3 55.8 2.7 8.3 GRN, 5 others Average (2) 35.5 11.4 3.8 49.3 12 Candidates, Australian Democrats distributed ninth Mulgoa 28.0 12.9 6.6 52.5 3.2 10.6 GRN, 7 others Overall Average (11) 34.6 16.8 6.1 42.5

63 NSW Election 1999

Three-Way Distribution of Australian Democrat Preferences (Labor / National / One Nation) % Preferences flowing to Primary % Vote of Electorate ALP NAT ONP Exhaust % Vote Other Candidates 5 Candidates, Australian Democrats distributed second Barwon 23.9 21.5 7.9 46.6 2.8 1.1 CEC Lachlan 29.6 24.8 10.4 35.2 2.7 1.7 GRN Murrumbidgee 23.2 16.1 13.5 47.2 3.8 0.7 CEC Average (3) 25.6 20.8 10.6 43.0 6 Candidates, Australian Democrats distributed third Murray-Darling 53.8 26.9 1.4 18.0 2.1 1.0 CEC,NCP 9 Candidates, Australian Democrats distributed sixth Coffs Harbour 39.8 17.2 3.4 39.6 6.0 6.0 AFI,NCP,IND,ES ,GRN Overall Average (5) 34.0 21.3 7.3 37.3

Distribution of Green Preferences (Labor / Liberal or National finish) % Preferences flowing to Primary % Vote of Electorate Labor Lib/Nat Exhaust % Vote Other Candidates 6 Candidates, Greens distributed fourth Coogee 59.0 13.0 28.0 9.3 8.6 DEM,ONP,AFI Vaucluse 44.8 14.5 40.7 10.1 8.9 DEM,ONP,ERP Wakehurst 35.0 23.7 41.3 6.6 16.2 AFI,ONP,DEM Average (3) 46.3 17.1 36.6 7 Candidates, Greens distributed fifth Heffron 40.3 11.3 48.3 5.4 11.8 AFI,ONP,DEM,DSL Maroubra 40.1 15.6 44.3 5.1 11.5 UNI,DEM,ONP,AFI Average (2) 40.2 13.5 46.3 8 Candidates, Greens distributed sixth Ballina 40.7 13.0 46.4 8.6 10.6 DEM,CDP, 3 others Epping 46.2 21.0 32.8 5.7 20.7 DEM,UNI,AFI,ONP,CDP Wollongong 35.8 15.3 49.0 6.5 15.2 UNI,DEM,AFI,DSL,CDP Average (3) 40.9 16.4 42.7 10 Candidates, Greens distributed eighth Newcastle 46.4 10.8 42.8 10.0 16.8 ONP,DEM,UNI, 4 oths 12 Candidates, Greens distributed tenth Port Jackson 46.0 8.7 45.2 7.9 19.9 ONP,DEM, 7 others Overall Average (10) 43.4 14.7 41.9

64 NSW Election 1999

Three-Way Distribution of Green Preferences (Labor / Liberal / One Nation) % Preferences flowing to Primary % Vote of Electorate ALP LIB ONP Exhaust % Vote Other Candidates 5 Candidates, Greens distributed second Granville 34.3 12.5 4.9 48.3 3.5 1.8 AFI 6 Candidates, Greens distributed third Charlestown 36.2 12.2 7.2 44.4 6.4 6.4 IND,CDP Lake Macquarie 32.8 10.6 7.4 49.2 5.1 5.5 AFI,CDP Miranda 39.1 13.4 6.7 40.8 4.1 5.2 DEM,AFI South Coast 48.4 9.7 5.1 36.8 5.1 4.5 AFI,CDP Swansea 32.6 19.3 7.1 41.0 4.9 7.2 DEM,CDP Wallsend 29.4 11.1 5.7 53.9 6.9 4.7 CDP,CEC Average (6) 36.4 12.7 6.5 44.3 7 Candidates, Greens distributed fourth Camden 25.9 14.3 6.9 52.9 4.1 5.8 NCP,AFI,IND Menai 44.0 10.8 8.3 36.9 4.2 7.6 IND,DEM,AFI Average (2) 35.0 12.5 7.6 44.9 8 Candidates, Greens distributed fifth Cronulla 34.4 12.9 6.4 46.4 4.7 7.9 IND,DEM,CDP,AFI Georges River 39.9 13.2 6.0 40.9 3.0 7.7 AFI,IND,UNI,IND Kiama 36.1 10.3 6.5 47.1 7.7 11.8 DEM,AFI,CDP,IND Maitland 38.7 15.2 5.3 40.8 3.0 5.2 CEC,ORP,CDP,DEM Southern Highlands 36.5 10.9 5.9 46.7 4.2 7.1 IND,NCP,DEM,AFI Average (5) 37.1 12.5 6.0 44.4 9 Candidates, Greens distributed sixth Hawkesbury 33.7 21.2 4.3 40.9 5.3 13.1 NCP,DEM,IND,AFI,IND Heathcote 44.4 10.4 4.6 40.6 5.6 9.1 ORP,AFI,DEM,CDP,UNI Londonderry 24.9 14.3 9.5 51.3 3.4 11.5 IND,NCP,CDP,AFI,DEM Average (3) 34.3 15.3 6.1 44.3 11 Candidates, Greens distributed eighth Kogarah 36.5 14.0 1.8 47.6 3.2 9.8 CDP,UNI, 5 others 13 Candidates, Greens distributed tenth Penrith 33.7 6.7 4.6 55.0 3.0 9.8 DEM,CDP, 7 others Overall Average (19) 35.9 12.8 6.0 45.3

Three-Way Distribution of Green Preferences (Labor / National / One Nation) % Preferences flowing to Primary % Vote of Electorate ALP NAT ONP Exhaust % Vote Other Candidates 5 Candidates, Greens distributed second Myall Lakes 32.0 14.1 2.9 51.0 4.2 1.5 AFI 6 Candidates, Greens distributed third Port Macquarie 33.3 12.1 4.4 50.1 3.0 1.9 AFI,CEC Upper Hunter 23.9 22.6 5.1 48.4 3.0 3.3 CEC,CDP Average (2) 28.6 17.4 4.7 49.3 8 Candidates, Greens distributed fifth Port Stephens 26.7 19.5 6.1 47.7 5.5 11.9 CEC,IND,CDP,DEM Overall Average (4) 29.0 17.1 4.6 49.3

65 NSW Election 1999

Distribution of Labor Party Preferences (Labor / Liberal finish) % Preferences flowing to Primary % Vote of Electorate LIB IND Exhaust % Vote Other Candidates 4 Candidates, Labor Party distributed second Albury 17.1 52.2 30.7 17.6 4.5 ONP 9 Candidates, Labor Party distributed seventh Manly 7.9 55.2 36.9 16.8 14.2 DEM,GRN,ONP, 4 oths Overall Average (2) 12.5 53.7 33.8

Distribution of Labor Party Preferences (National / Independent finish) % Preferences flowing to Primary % Vote of Electorate NAT IND Exhaust % Vote Other Candidates 7 Candidates, Labor Party distributed fifth Dubbo 10.7 52.7 36.6 20.3 20.9 ONP,GRN,DEM Northern Tablelands 9.5 56.9 33.6 9.2 11.7 ONP,DEM,GRN Average (2) 10.1 54.8 35.1 Overall Average (2) 10.1 54.8 35.1

Distribution of Liberal Party Preferences (Labor / National finish) % Preferences flowing to Primary % Vote of Electorate Labor National Exhaust % Vote Other Candidates 8 Candidates, Liberal Party distributed sixth Burrinjuck 7.2 58.2 34.6 16.6 17.4 ONP,DEM,GRN, 2 oths Monaro 5.4 61.5 33.1 19.7 26.4 ONP,GRN,IND(3) Average (2) 6.3 59.9 33.8 10 Candidates, Liberal Party distributed eighth Lismore 6.7 54.9 38.4 13.5 19.6 DEM,GRN, 5 others 11 Candidates, Liberal Party distributed ninth Clarence 5.2 64.6 30.3 17.8 19.9 DEM,GRN,ONP, 5 oths 12 Candidates, Liberal Party distributed tenth Bathurst 5.4 56.8 37.7 13.5 20.4 DEM,ONP,GRN, 6 oths Overall Average (5) 6.0 59.2 34.8

Distribution of Liberal Party Preferences (Labor / Independent finish) % Preferences flowing to Primary % Vote of Electorate ALP IND Exhaust % Vote Other Candidates 8 Candidates, Liberal Party distributed sixth Keira 14.3 41.8 44.0 11.2 13.0 ONP,ES,CDP,AFI 9 Candidates, Liberal Party distributed seventh Bligh 6.8 50.5 42.7 21.4 8.6 GRN,UNI,4 others Overall Average (2) 10.5 46.2 43.3

66 NSW Election 1999

Distribution of Liberal Party Preferences (Labor / One Nation finish) % Preferences flowing to Primary % Vote of Electorate ALP ONP Exhaust % Vote Other Candidates 5 Candidates, Liberal Party distributed third Cessnock 36.1 24.7 39.2 14.9 14.4 GRN,IND Overall Average 36.1 24.7 39.2

Distribution of National Party Preferences (Labor / Liberal finish) % Preferences flowing to Primary % Vote of Electorate Labor Liberal Exhaust % Vote Other Candidates 7 Candidates, National Party distributed fifth Wagga Wagga 12.7 61.1 26.1 22.9 25.5 ONP,IND,DEM,IND 9 Candidates, National Party distributed seventh The Entrance 10.3 50.2 39.5 9.5 15.6 ONP,GRN,DEM,3 oths Overall Average (2) 11.5 55.7 32.8

Distribution of National Party Preferences (Labor / Independent finish) % Preferences flowing to Primary % Vote of Electorate ALP IND Exhaust % Vote Other Candidates 4 Candidates, National Party distributed second Tamworth 7.2 64.4 28.4 11.6 6.7 ONP Overall Average 7.2 64.4 28.4

67 NSW Election 1999


Since 1981, New South Wales elections have been conducted using Optional Preferential Voting (OPV). For a formal vote, voters must indicate a valid first preference for one candidate, but the indication of further preferences is not required.

At the 1999 New South Wales election, there was a large increase in the vote for minor parties and independents, along with an increase in the percentage of these votes that exhausted preferences before reaching the final two candidates in each electorate. This is shown clearly in Table 1, which shows the total distribution of preferences in all two-party contests between Labor and the Liberal- National Party coalition, though excluding three-cornered contests. (This data is not available for the 1981 and 1984 elections.)

Table 1: Overall Distribution of Minor Party preferences Avge Candidates No. of Non-Major % of Preferences Election per Electorate Electorates % Vote to ALP to Lib/Nat Exhausted 1988 3.4 92 9.5 30.5 39.0 30.5 1991 4.4 84 13.3 35.9 30.7 33.4 1995 4.6 94 13.1 38.9 30.2 30.9 1999 7.9 76 21.6 25.3 19.7 55.0 NOTE: Excludes electorates that were three-cornered contests between Labor, Liberal and National Party candidates, or where only one of these parties were present at the final count, that is where independents finished first or second. As a result, the above % Non-Major vote is for selected electorates, NOT the whole state.

While the rise in both minor party vote and exhausted preferences probably reflects voter dissatisfaction with the major parties, there were two specific factors that increased the number of exhausted preferences. The first was the 7.5% vote for One Nation, and that party's decision not to direct preferences to any of the three major parties. (See tables on pages 61-62). The second is the substantial increase in candidates. In 1999, there were twice as many candidates as in 1988, at an election with 16 fewer electorates. In 1988 there were two electorates with eight candidates, while in 1999, there were 54 electorates with eight or more candidates.

But the percentage of exhausted preferences also increased in three-cornered contests between the Labor, Liberal and National Parties, as shown in Table 2. Two methods have been used to calculate the percentage preference flows. Method 1 calculates the flow as a percentage of all votes distributed at the point where the Liberal or National Party candidate was excluded. However, this may inflate the number of exhausted preferences in 1999 compared to earlier elections, as it includes votes received as preferences from minor parties. In 1988, four of the six three-cornered contests involved no minor party votes, while all contests involved minor parties in 1999. To try and exclude this effect, Method 2 calculates the flows as a percentage of the primary vote of the candidate excluded, effectively assuming all votes received as preferences from minor parties exhausted at the final distribution of preferences.

Table 2 : Distribution of Coalition Preferences in 3-Cornered Contests 3-Cornered Method 1 : % preferences Method 2 : % Preferences Election Contests to ALP to Lib/Nat Exhausted to ALP to Lib/Nat Exhausted 1981 1 10.0 83.3 6.7 10.0 83.3 6.7 1984 1 9.7 84.5 5.8 10.0 87.8 2.2 1988 6 11.2 79.2 9.6 11.6 82.4 6.0 1991 2 9.6 68.1 22.3 10.5 74.6 14.9 1999 7 7.8 59.1 33.1 8.8 66.9 24.3 NOTE: This table has been calculated by adding votes transferred rather than averaging percentages. For that reason, figures for 1999 may differ from preference distribution tables on pages 66-67. 1981 and 1984 figures for only three-cornered contests where preferences were distributed.

The question arises from this discussion as to whether it is possible to quantify if a candidate or party was advantaged or disadvantaged by the operation of optional preferential voting compared to what would have occurred under compulsory preferential voting.

68 NSW Election 1999

To win an election under compulsory preferential voting (CPV), a candidate must receive more than 50% of the formal vote after the distribution of preferences. However, under optional preferential voting (OPV), a candidate needs only 50% of the vote remaining in the count, that is, the formal vote less exhausted votes. Effectively, every vote whose preferences exhaust during the distribution of preferences is excluded from the total votes remaining in the count. By cutting the number of votes in the count, the candidate with the highest primary vote comes closer to 50% of the vote, without actually receiving any preferences.

In most cases, by simple mathematics and with no assumptions about the flow of preferences, OPV tends to assist the candidate with the highest primary vote. Every exhausted vote cuts the number of votes available to the second candidate to catch the leading candidate, before the leading candidate reaches 50% of the vote.

Table 3 on the following pages attempts to construct a measure of advantage for the operation of OPV compared to CPV. The first four columns labelled "2CP as a % of Formal vote" show the 2- candidate preferred vote for each finishing candidate, and the number of votes exhausted during the distribution of preferences, but expressed as a percentage of the formal vote. Winning candidates are indicated in bold, and any electorate won with less than 50% of the formal vote is indicated with "***". Parties that lost a seat after leading on the primary vote are indicated with a "·".

In trying to construct a possible result under CPV, these columns define the upper and lower bounds on the CPV 2CP%. Under CPV, the Exhausted column would be zero. If the winning candidate under OPV received no preferences from these exhausted votes, then their CPV 2CP% would be the same as under OPV, setting the lower bound. If they received all the exhausted votes as preferences, then their CPV 2CP% would be the OPV 2CP% plus the Exhausted %.

To explain by example, in Auburn, if under CPV all the exhausted ballot papers had shown preferences to the Liberal candidate, the Labor candidate's 2CP% would have remained at the 66.7% shown in the table. If the 10.2% of exhausted votes had all shown preferences for Labor, then the 2CP% would have been (66.7% + 10.2%) = 76.9%.

Assuming that under CPV voters would not have changed their primary votes (a likely assumption apart from a possible increase in informal voting), some assumption needs to be made about in what proportion the exhausted preferences would have been split between the final two candidates under CPV. The assumption adopted in Table 3 is to assume that all exhausted preferences would have distributed to the final two candidates in the same proportion as the votes that did indicate preferences.

The next four columns labelled "% Preferences received" show the relevant total distribution of all minor party preferences in an electorate. The three columns of preferences to parties show the preferences received as a percentage of votes with preferences. The final column shows the exhausted preferences as a percentage of all primary votes for candidates other than the final two candidates.

The final three columns in the table are used to define whether a party receives an advantage under OPV. The column labelled 2CP% is calculated in the usual way, by dividing the two-candidate preferred vote by the number of votes remaining in the count. The column labelled "Compulsory 2CP Prediction" is calculated as explained in the previous paragraph, by distributing all exhausted preferences in the same proportion as the preferences that were distributed. The final column "Advantage" subtracts the prediction from the 2CP%. A positive figure means the winning candidate was advantaged by OPV, a negative figure that they were disadvantaged.

To explain these columns by again referring to Auburn. If the 48.8% exhausted preferences were distributed in the same proportion as votes with preferences, that is 68.2% to Labor and 31.8% to Liberal, then the predicted Labor (or winning candidate) 2CP% would have been 73.7%. Under this model, the advantage the Labor candidate would have received is (74.3% - 73.7%) = +0.6%.

In 71 of the 93 electorates, the winning candidate turns out to have been advantaged by OPV. In five of the electorates where the winning candidate was disadvantaged (Burrinjuck, Dubbo, Manly, Monaro, Wagga Wagga), the winning candidate did not lead on the primary vote, meaning that in 76 of the 93 contests, the candidate leading on primary votes received an advantage from OPV.

69 NSW Election 1999

In the seven electorates where parties were disadvantaged by more than 1%, (Bligh, Burrinjuck, Dubbo, Manly, Monaro, Northern Tablelands, Wagga Wagga) the flow of preferences to the disadvantaged candidate was more than 69%. In other words, the disadvantage has been created by the loss of these strong flows of preferences. Significantly, three of these electorates saw three- cornered contests where there was a loss of preferences between the Liberal and National Party candidates, and the other four saw Independents receiving strong flows of preferences from excluded Labor or Liberal candidates.

There were five electorates where the winning party was advantaged by more than 4% (Bathurst, Cabramatta, Clarence, Keira, Marrickville). Each was won by the Labor party in contests where the flow of preferences was strongly against Labor. In these cases, the exhaustion of preferences has been to the advantage of winning candidate by cutting the number of preferences flowing to the second candidate.

The results in the electorates of Albury, Clarence and Dubbo show most clearly how optional preferential voting assists the candidate with the highest primary vote. In both Albury and Clarence, if all exhausted preferences had distributed in the same proportion as votes that did show preferences, then the winning candidate would probably have lost. In both cases, the large number of exhausted preferences meant that there were not enough votes available for the second finishing candidate to overhaul the leading candidate after the distribution of preferences. Conversely, in Dubbo, the winning Independent candidate only just managed to win the electorate, the task of overhauling the leading National Party candidate on preferences made more difficult by the large number of exhausted preferences.

The measurements of advantage and disadvantage shown in Table 3 must be treated with caution, because it is based on assumptions about the distribution of exhausted preferences that cannot be tested. However, they do support the assumption from theory that in most cases, optional preferential voting works to the advantage of the candidate and party with the highest primary vote in any electorate.

70 Table 3 : Analysis of the Impact of Optional Preferential Voting 2CP as % of Formal Vote % Preferences received Compulsory 2CP Electorate ALP Lib/Nat IND Exh ALP LNP IND Exh 2CP % Prediction Advantage Albury *** .. 47.0 45.2 7.7 .. 28.0 72.0 34.9 51.0 49.2 +1.8 Auburn 66.7 23.1 .. 10.1 68.2 31.8 .. 48.8 74.3 73.7 +0.6 Ballina 34.3 56.0 .. 9.7 61.9 38.1 .. 50.8 62.0 59.7 +2.3 Bankstown 73.5 18.1 .. 8.4 61.8 38.2 .. 48.8 80.2 78.7 +1.5 Barwon 27.8 56.9 .. 15.2 37.0 63.0 .. 62.7 67.2 66.5 +0.6 Bathurst 56.2 26.6 .. 17.2 30.9 69.1 .. 50.8 67.8 61.5 +6.4 Baulkham Hills 37.5 52.1 .. 10.4 56.7 43.3 .. 52.2 58.1 56.6 +1.6 Bega 38.0 50.7 .. 11.2 56.8 43.2 .. 49.2 57.1 55.6 +1.6 Blacktown 59.9 26.5 .. 13.6 44.1 55.9 .. 53.7 69.4 65.9 +3.4 Bligh 34.7 .. 51.6 13.7 16.4 .. 83.6 44.6 59.8 63.0 -3.3 Blue Mountains 55.0 34.0 .. 11.0 62.1 37.9 .. 40.3 61.8 61.8 .. Burrinjuck *** · 41.3 43.3 .. 15.4 24.0 76.0 .. 45.4 51.2 55.0 -3.8 Cabramatta 55.2 .. 25.0 19.8 37.3 .. 62.7 55.3 68.9 62.6 +6.3 Camden *** 41.0 47.1 .. 11.9 51.1 48.9 .. 63.2 53.5 52.9 +0.5 Campbelltown 59.2 25.6 .. 15.2 51.5 48.5 .. 63.8 69.9 67.1 +2.8 Canterbury 65.6 21.6 .. 12.8 65.8 34.2 .. 48.2 75.2 74.0 +1.2 Cessnock 64.1 .. 24.2 11.7 54.2 .. 45.8 39.9 72.6 70.5 +2.2 Charlestown 60.9 26.9 .. 12.2 56.9 43.1 .. 53.0 69.3 67.8 +1.5 Clarence *** 41.8 41.4 .. 16.8 23.6 76.4 .. 44.5 50.2 45.7 +4.5 Coffs Harbour 36.1 50.5 .. 13.4 55.9 44.1 .. 57.7 58.3 56.4 +1.9 Coogee 58.4 35.4 .. 6.3 76.8 23.2 .. 34.8 62.3 63.2 -0.9 Cronulla *** 39.9 48.9 .. 11.1 55.3 44.7 .. 55.3 55.1 53.9 +1.2 Davidson 25.9 63.6 .. 10.5 44.3 55.7 .. 49.7 71.1 69.5 +1.6 Drummoyne 53.6 36.6 .. 9.8 63.6 36.4 .. 47.4 59.4 59.8 -0.4 Dubbo *** .. · 38.8 38.8 22.4 .. 30.1 69.9 49.3 50.0 54.5 -4.5 East Hills 55.9 25.9 .. 18.2 50.3 49.7 .. 57.9 68.3 65.0 +3.3 Epping 38.1 50.6 .. 11.3 56.9 43.1 .. 42.6 57.1 55.5 +1.6 Fairfield 66.6 18.4 .. 15.0 62.2 37.8 .. 59.0 78.3 75.9 +2.4 Georges River 52.0 40.4 .. 7.6 57.6 42.4 .. 47.5 56.3 56.4 -0.1 Gosford *** 43.7 47.9 .. 8.4 45.5 54.5 .. 50.8 52.3 52.4 -0.2 Granville 59.8 32.8 .. 7.4 50.2 49.8 .. 51.4 64.6 63.5 +1.1 Hawkesbury 30.8 53.1 .. 16.1 50.7 49.3 .. 58.3 63.3 61.1 +2.3 Heathcote 53.2 34.9 .. 12.0 57.2 42.8 .. 52.1 60.4 60.0 +0.4 Heffron 68.7 21.6 .. 9.7 71.5 28.5 .. 56.4 76.1 75.7 +0.5 Hornsby *** 41.4 46.1 .. 12.4 60.1 39.9 .. 49.5 52.7 51.1 +1.6

71 (See text on pages 68-70 for explanation of table) 72

Table 3 : Analysis of the Impact of Optional Preferential Voting (Continued) 2CP as % of Formal Vote % Preferences received Compulsory 2CP Electorate ALP Lib/Nat IND Exh ALP LNP IND Exh 2CP % Prediction Advantage Illawarra 56.9 21.3 .. 21.7 54.6 45.4 .. 65.8 72.8 68.8 +4.0 Keira *** 49.2 .. 35.7 15.1 30.2 .. 69.8 54.5 57.9 53.8 +4.2 Kiama 56.3 26.9 .. 16.8 57.7 42.3 .. 58.6 67.7 66.0 +1.7 Kogarah 52.3 38.6 .. 9.1 52.9 47.1 .. 53.1 57.5 57.1 +0.4 Ku-Ring-Gai 26.9 62.8 .. 10.4 50.0 50.0 .. 44.7 70.0 68.0 +2.1 Lachlan 30.6 60.3 .. 9.1 37.7 62.3 .. 52.2 66.3 65.9 +0.4 Lakemba 68.6 23.3 .. 8.2 46.3 53.7 .. 41.3 74.7 72.4 +2.3 Lake Macquarie 60.2 26.7 .. 13.1 55.5 44.5 .. 57.4 69.2 67.4 +1.8 Lane Cove 39.6 53.5 .. 6.9 66.4 33.6 .. 38.4 57.4 55.8 +1.6 Lismore *** 35.1 49.6 .. 15.3 41.7 58.3 .. 46.1 58.5 58.5 .. Liverpool 70.5 19.2 .. 10.3 61.0 39.0 .. 64.3 78.6 76.8 +1.8 Londonderry 53.5 28.9 .. 17.6 53.3 46.7 .. 67.6 64.9 62.9 +2.0 Macquarie Fields 65.5 23.6 .. 10.8 57.2 42.8 .. 63.0 73.5 71.8 +1.8 Maitland *** 46.4 44.7 .. 8.8 48.7 51.3 .. 54.8 51.0 50.8 +0.2 Manly *** .. · 41.6 43.7 14.7 .. 17.3 82.7 47.2 51.3 55.9 -4.6 Maroubra 64.1 27.5 .. 8.3 58.6 41.4 .. 50.3 69.9 69.0 +0.9 Marrickville 59.4 .. 23.7 16.9 31.9 .. 68.1 49.2 71.5 64.8 +6.7 Mount Druitt 65.2 20.8 .. 13.9 53.7 46.3 .. 57.3 75.8 72.7 +3.1 Menai *** 48.3 40.8 .. 10.9 56.8 43.2 .. 54.9 54.2 54.5 -0.3 Miranda *** 47.9 43.8 .. 8.3 61.5 38.5 .. 50.1 52.3 53.0 -0.8 Monaro *** · 39.5 39.8 .. 20.7 30.7 69.3 .. 45.0 50.2 54.2 -4.0 Mulgoa 57.1 27.4 .. 15.6 55.7 44.3 .. 68.9 67.6 65.7 +1.9 Murrumbidgee 35.3 57.5 .. 7.2 45.8 54.2 .. 56.1 62.0 61.4 +0.6 Murray-Darling *** 46.8 39.5 .. 13.7 44.8 55.2 .. 70.4 54.2 52.9 +1.3 Myall Lakes 32.8 55.5 .. 11.7 45.2 54.8 .. 60.6 62.9 61.9 +0.9 Newcastle 61.1 23.3 .. 15.5 71.6 28.4 .. 58.0 72.4 72.3 +0.1 North Shore 35.0 57.7 .. 7.3 64.6 35.4 .. 40.1 62.3 60.3 +2.0 Northern Tablelands .. 36.9 53.9 9.2 .. 22.3 77.7 42.2 59.4 61.1 -1.7 Orange *** 37.0 47.8 .. 15.2 43.3 56.7 .. 58.1 56.3 56.4 -0.1 Oxley *** 32.4 44.8 .. 22.8 48.6 51.4 .. 58.0 58.0 56.5 +1.5 Parramatta 58.7 32.3 .. 9.1 69.2 30.8 .. 55.6 64.5 64.9 -0.4 Peats 54.7 34.5 .. 10.8 59.7 40.3 .. 57.6 61.3 61.2 +0.2 Penrith 57.6 28.7 .. 13.7 55.1 44.9 .. 63.2 66.7 65.1 +1.6 Pittwater 26.2 57.7 .. 16.1 53.1 46.9 .. 57.1 68.8 65.3 +3.5 Port Jackson 64.6 21.4 .. 14.0 78.2 21.8 .. 50.3 75.1 75.6 -0.4

(See text on pages 68-70 for explanation of table) Table 3 : Analysis of the Impact of Optional Preferential Voting (Continued) 2CP as % of Formal Vote % Preferences received Compulsory 2CP Electorate ALP Lib/Nat IND Exh ALP LNP IND Exh 2CP % Prediction Advantage Port Macquarie 29.9 59.7 .. 10.4 44.8 55.2 .. 61.5 66.6 65.4 +1.2 Port Stephens 50.8 30.8 .. 18.4 42.9 57.1 .. 60.5 62.3 58.7 +3.6 Riverstone 59.7 29.2 .. 11.0 57.0 43.0 .. 56.5 67.2 66.0 +1.1 Rockdale 60.1 30.2 .. 9.7 61.7 38.3 .. 58.7 66.5 66.1 +0.5 Ryde 50.5 38.7 .. 10.8 55.6 44.4 .. 48.3 56.6 56.5 +0.1 South Coast *** 45.3 44.4 .. 10.3 53.2 46.8 .. 51.8 50.5 50.8 -0.3 Southern Highlands *** 38.5 48.4 .. 13.1 52.5 47.5 .. 60.7 55.7 54.6 +1.1 Smithfield 65.4 24.5 .. 10.1 55.7 44.3 .. 64.7 72.8 71.1 +1.7 Strathfield 52.1 37.1 .. 10.8 65.2 34.8 .. 49.1 58.4 59.1 -0.7 Swansea 56.9 28.5 .. 14.6 53.0 47.0 .. 57.6 66.6 64.6 +2.0 Tamworth 13.8 .. 79.5 6.8 12.2 .. 87.8 37.0 85.2 85.4 -0.2 The Entrance 51.6 34.8 .. 13.6 37.4 62.6 .. 54.3 59.7 56.7 +3.0 The Hills 30.9 56.6 .. 12.4 50.3 49.7 .. 52.6 64.7 62.8 +1.9 Tweed *** 48.4 43.6 .. 8.0 58.8 41.2 .. 52.7 52.6 53.1 -0.5 Upper Hunter 35.3 54.1 .. 10.6 42.4 57.6 .. 55.2 60.5 60.2 +0.3 Vaucluse 34.2 57.0 .. 8.7 68.6 31.4 .. 45.9 62.5 59.8 +2.7 Wagga Wagga *** · 34.1 46.3 .. 19.6 27.3 72.7 .. 40.6 57.5 60.5 -3.0 Wakehurst 34.4 53.3 .. 12.3 53.7 46.3 .. 53.7 60.8 59.0 +1.8 Wallsend 62.1 23.4 .. 14.5 53.6 46.4 .. 62.8 72.6 69.9 +2.7 Wentworthville 55.9 29.6 .. 14.5 60.6 39.4 .. 72.1 65.4 64.7 +0.7 Willoughby 34.9 54.7 .. 10.4 63.3 36.7 .. 49.5 61.1 58.5 +2.5 Wollongong 68.5 18.6 .. 13.0 66.3 33.7 .. 59.7 78.7 77.1 +1.6 Wyong 58.4 30.8 .. 10.8 52.2 47.8 .. 56.7 65.5 64.0 +1.4

73 (See text on pages 68-70 for explanation of table)