B. V. Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and 2015 Information Technology, UTU

B. C. A (3rd Semester)

030010308: Advanced Web Design

Question Bank

Unit 1: Advanced Elements of Hypertext Markup Language Short questions: 1. What is the latest version of HTML? 2. What is the significance of the statement ? 3. What is a difference between

and elements? 4. Which element is used to display newspaper article? 5. Write HTML snippet code to display following output? Assignment submission data is 30/07/2015. 6. Which element is used to support 2D and 3D drawings? 7. What are the two attributes of element introduced in HTML5? 8. Which attribute is used to hides non-relevant elements? 9. State a difference between draggable and dragzone attributes. Give an example of it. 10. Write HTML5 basic document structure. 11. List at least six different values of type attribute of element which are introduced in HTML5. 12. Identify the element which displays an independent, self-contained content of a blog or magazine. 13. Which element is used to define a set of navigation links? Write a snippet code to show the use of such element. 14. Write the output of following snippet code:
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15. Which element is used to expand or collapse according to the requirement? Write a suitable example of it. 16. What is the difference between following two statements? Statement 1: The Board of Directors meeting is scheduled at . Statement 2: The Board of Directors meeting is scheduled at 10:30am. 17. Write snippet code to play audio which start again every time it is finished. 18. What is the significance of element? Briefly discuss subtitle and label attributes of it.

Long questions: 1. Write snippet code to play a video in muted mode which can be play or pause manually on web page. 2. State any four differences between HTML and HTML5. 3. Discuss any four new features of HTML5. 4. List and explain any four new elements introduced in HTML5 with suitable example of each. 5. Write snippet code to drag and drop a button on web page. 6. Explain multimedia elements with suitable example of each. 7. Briefly discuss the microdata attributes with suitable example. 8. What other advantages does HTML5 have?

Ms. Khushbu Patel 1

B. V. Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and 2015 Information Technology, UTU

9. What is the use of element in HTML5? Give an example of it. 10. Explain any four semantic elements with example. 11. What is the purpose of

elements? Write suitable example to show the use of both elements. 12. Explain all attributes of