Z and Implications for Counseling

Slameto Satya Wacana Christian University

[email protected]


Generation Z is a common name in the US and other Western countries for the group of people born from the second half of the through the late of the early 2010’s, a span of 15-20 years in the very late of the 20th Century and very early 21st Century. Gneration Z has behavioral and personality characteristics that are different from previuos . Characteristics of Generation Z are: 1) Fluent Technology, they are the “digital generation” who can acces the information as quickly and as easily possible, either for educational purposes or their interests in their daily lives. 2) Social, they are very intensely communicated with peers through various networking sites. They also tend to be tolerant to cultural differences and are very concerned with the environment. 3) Multitasking, are familiar with a variety of activities, read, talk, watch, or listen to music at the same time, wanting things to be done simultaneously and fast paced run. These characteristics have two opposite sides, provides benefits for themselves and their community, they can harm themselves and their environment. The presence of Generation Z has implications for and counseling, namely: 1) Teachers and counselors are to guide and facilitate their development and use technology appropriately and wisely. 2) Teachers and counselors are to develop a Learning-Centered Approach Model in order that students are able to understand complex and dynamic world phenomenon. 3) Teachers and counselors are to utlize Face Book to support the effectiveness of guidance and counseling services in school.

Keywords: Generation Z, Behavioral and Personality Characteristics, Teachers and Counselors

Generation Z Who is it? Budi, a new little boy 6 years with an agile turn on the laptop and open the favorite online gaming site. He played games with serious like adults watching the news. His eyes barely blinking and full concentration. Occasionally he shouted in excitement, sometimes also complain annoyed. Very exciting. Eventually he tired too. Finally he opened the site and watch his favorite cartoon Ultraman. Fun ... That phenomenon is happening around us today. It is not uncommon longer see small children can access the . They also are accustomed to using mobile devices to call or . Even using a variety of modern gadgets like mp3, digital camera, tablet pc and the like have become their daily lives. Small children is very different this time with the children in our times. In Generation Theory known until now there are five generations, namely: (1) Generation of , born from 1946 to 1964, (2) , born 1965- 1980, (3) Generation Y, born from 1981 to 1994. Generation Z, born 1995-2010, and (5) Alpha Generation, born from 2011 to 2025. Generation Z (also called iGeneration, Net Generation, or Generation Internet) born of generations X and Generation Y. They were born and raised in the digital era, with a variety of complete and sophisticated technology, such as: computers / laptops, Mobile, , PDAs, MP3 player, fuel, internet, and various other electronic devices. Since childhood, they already know (or may be introduced) and are familiar with a variety of sophisticated gadgets, which are directly or indirectly will affect the behavior and personality development. Taufiq Tuhana Andrianto in Jusuf AN (2011) estimates that in Indonesia will occur Generation Z boom around 2020. Generation Z (also known as Generation M for multitasking, Generation C for the Connected Generation, the Net Generation or the iGeneration) is a common name in the US and other Western nations for the group of people born roughly from the second half of the 1990s through to the late 2000s or early 2010's, a span of 15-20 years in the very late 20th and very early 21st Centuries. This generation is currently growing up in the 2010's decade, as children and younger teens, the which some citations show that the oldest members are entering adulthood as of 2012.

Characteristics Generation Z Generation Z has behavioral and personality characteristics that are different from previous generations. Some common characteristics of Generation Z are: 1. Fluent Technology. They are the "digital generation" which will be devoted adept and information technology and various computer applications. They can access the information they need quickly and easily, either for educational purposes or the interests of their daily lives. 2. Social. They are very intense communicate and interact with everyone, especially with peers through various networking sites, such as , , or via SMS. Through this medium, they can express what he feels and thinks spontaneously. They also tend to be tolerant of cultural differences and are very concerned with the environment. 3. Multitasking. They are familiar with a variety of activities in the same time. They can read, talk, watch, or listen to music at the same time. They want things to be done and fast paced run. They do not want things that are long-winded and convoluted. These characteristics have two opposite sides, could Positive provide benefits for themselves and or lingkungannya- or actually even negative that can harm themselves and their environment.

Generation Z Seven Core Personality Traits and , best known for Reviews their book Rising: The Next Great Generation (2000), identified the following seven core personality traits of the Net Generation's peer personality. 1) Special: The first members of the Millennial generation were born in the early 1980s as children of the subset of Boomer parents labeled "yuppies." Boomer dads started out by involving Themselves in the childbirth process; Attended childbirth courses and they were present at the births of Reviews their children. With the end of the Cold War, the national political focus was shifted to enhancing the development of children through educational systems. Enrichment programs such as Head Start Became popular during this time. 2) Sheltered: Parents and authority figures have this generation sheltered from harm. Efforts Reviews These have ranged from the Innocuous "Baby on Board" signs to the serious school safety changes made in the post-Columbine era (Debard, 2004; Howe & Strauss, 2003). Millennial generation Reviews their parents are concerned about children's safety and lobby for measures such as v-chip for television sets, metal detectors and security guards in schools, and spy cameras to monitor Reviews their babysitters. Younger students from the Millennial Generation are comfortable with significant parental involvement in their safety, the which is the opposite of the Gen Xers' experience. 3) Confident: Members of the Millennial Generation exude optimism and expect to hear good news (Debard, 2004; Lancaster & Stillman, 2002). Millennial generation teenagers believe that they (and their children) will be Able to Achieve the American Dream. They believe it is Easier to be a kid today than in their parents' time. They say they are optimistic about Reviews their chances of Obtaining good jobs, and many believe they will be more financially successful than Reviews their parents (Strauss & Howe, 2006). 4) Conventional: The Boomer parents of the Millennial generation rebelled against the conventional attitudes of Reviews their own parents. Members of the Millennial generation have a stronger connection to Reviews their parents and have Returned to more conventional values. Strauss and Howe (2006) report that Millennial generation teenagers and young adults are more Likely than any generation in history to share Reviews their parents' values. Debard (2004) says that members of the Millennial generation have learned to go along to get along, and they prefer not to take risks or be out of compliance with social rules. The Boomers defined social rules for the Millennial generation and they have had the power and resources to support Reviews those who Followed Reviews These rules. Codes of conduct, proper dress, and high-stakes proficiency testing are typical experiences of members of the Net Generation (Debard, 2004). 5) Team-oriented: In contrast to the disconnectedness of Generation X, the millennial generation members are connected to each other more than any previous generation. Millennial students like to congregate from, whether in person, on cell phones, or on the Internet (Debard, 2004). They seek out technology that helps them stay connected, such as instant messaging and social networking Web sites like Facebook. Teachers have capitalized on the idea of students Influencing each other in positive ways by having them work in groups and on academic teams. Academic teamwork is so common that Millennial generation students prefer to work in teams on academic projects individually Because they feel less pressure (Debard, 2004). 7) pressured: In addition to having an achievement focus, members of the Millennial generation feel pressure to perform (Debard, 2004). They believe that Reviews their long-term success hinges on the choices they make today; to them, success comes from a combination of planning and effort. In this sense, Millennial generation students feel a lot of pressure to do well on their exams and in other forms of evaluation (Strauss & Howe, 2006). High school students are aware that getting into college requires more than just good grades, so they fill with Extracurricular activities Reviews their schedules. and anxiety are common traits of Millennial generation college students (Terry, Dukes, Valdez, & Wilson, 2005). The percentage of college students who Reported and anxiety in "the last school year" on the American College Health Association (ACHA) National College Health Assessment survey Increased steadily from 2000 to 2005 (American College Health Association, 2006). In 2000, 16% of students experiencing depression Reported in the previous school year and 7% Reported experiencing anxiety while in 2005, the figures were 21% and 14%, respectively. Debard (2004) Believes this anxiety is due to the fact that the Millennial generation Boomers Reviews their push children to succeed to show how good Reviews their parenting skills are and for Reviews their own sense of accomplishment.

About Generation Z Characteristics Members of Generation Z are today's middle school, high school and college students, and they are transforming the demographics of higher education enrollment in the United States. They are the most ethnically and racially diverse college group in history (Coomes & Debard, 2004; Terry, Dukes, Valdez, & Wilson, 2005). The 2000 Census found that just over 31% of Generation Z are from minority racial and ethnic backgrounds, and this percentage is growing. Nearly three quarters of all current and undergraduates are defined as "nontraditional" by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the which means they have at least one of the following characteristics: "(1) delayed enrollment, (2) attend part-time , (3) work full time, (4) are financially independent, (5) have dependents, (6) are single parents, or (7) lack a high school diploma "(Oblinger, 2003, p.38).

Everything about Generation Z Students Today, we live in a postponed generation. They push the button on responsibility. While they are good at multitasking, they may find it harder to have old- fashioned, face-to-face conversations. With each new generation, 1) Becomes more valuable time, 2) expectations of convenience matter, 3) the demand of work intensifies meaning, 4) the hunger of options grows, 5) increases the sense of entitlement, 6) the need for speed and space goes up. other facts about generation z students: a generation about "me", an "unreal" reality, "do not talk, just text me", "lol", "omg", instant minded, impatient, independence / freedom, ambitious, "digital natives", multi-taskers, smarter and more business savvy, want to do things on their own, 60.2% want to Become an authority in their field. The use of technology can not be prevented anymore. So many benefits and services that can be obtained by using digital technology. We can not possibly go back to the analog era let alone to the stone age. Only parents and teachers need to remind their children not to be immersed in the virtual world eddies dangerous. They can not be forbidden to use the internet or gadget. They should be given an understanding of what is good and bad. The most important and most effective filters are not using a specific software but the filter that comes from within ourselves. They should be given knowledge about the negative effects of pornography, cyber bullying or addiction to online games. In addition, they also have to be given alternative activities that are positive and useful in the real world. So that their time is not spent in the virtual world. Let's save the younger generation! Henry (2011) in his article published in Wikimu, saying that because they are fluent with digital technology, they are very suitable to work in large companies, companies that are able to provide modern facilities. But they will be in trouble if asked to manage a piece of land, with irrigation facilities, and enough money capital. Because that is in their minds are computers, laptops and mobile phones, not livestock, fisheries and agriculture. Merurut Tuhana Taufiq Andrianto, as presented by Jusuf AN in his article titled "The Future of Children" Generation Z "that children tend to decrease in verbal communication, tend to be egocentric and individualistic, tend to want results fast-paced, all-instant, and the easy-paced, impatient, and do not appreciate the process. Intellectual intelligence (IQ) they may be growing well, but their emotional intelligence so obtuse. Meanwhile, Choiron (2011) highlighted the danger of the tendency of the Z generation love listening to music through earphones, which can cause traffic accidents and impaired hearing.

What Implications for Education and or Counseling? The presence of Generation Z with all its characteristics are very complex carries its own implications for education, including: 1. We do not want a generation that stutters technology and we also do not expect the technology held by the "wrong people". Therefore, teachers and counselors should be able to guide and facilitate so that children can grow and develop in accordance with its time and attendance can utilize technology appropriately and correctly. Not forbid them to become his generation, but the most important is the effort membelajarkan they can live well for Adjustment. 2. In the study, Generation Z kids tend to like things that are applicable and enjoyable. Learning methods developed must be able to accommodate the tendency of ways to learn at their disposal, one of them through a learning-centered approach Model (PBM) is learning that using the model, the device is constructed and system dynamics simulation to produce a diverse presentation to help students develop an understanding of the phenomenon complex and dynamic (Milrad, et al, in Hazrul Iswadi, 2012). 3. To accommodate the tendency of child-mediated Generation Z in social online, Bukik (2012) offers a creative thinking about "Twitter for Education: Creativity jump-start". Mentioned, that the tweets are not just memorizing lessons but it is a challenge to create a lesson. Tweeted process itself is an effort to create an understanding of the building. The brain is not passive, it is active in the discovery and creation. Active brain is a sign of actual learning. Meanwhile, Akhmad Sudrajat (2009), initiated on FaceBook Counseling in Schools, which is the core of efforts to utilize FaceBook presence to support the effectiveness of guidance and counseling services in schools. Of course there are many other things that need to be considered in the process of generation Z child's education, which essentially boils down to appropriate educational services and the right to empower and cultivate children's generation Z, in it requires awareness and wise attitude of the educators in the face of children generation Z.

Source https://akhmadsudrajat.wordpress.com/2012/10/05/generasi-z-dan-implikasinya- terhadap-pendidikan/ http://teammates.org/postsecondary/files/2011/07/Generation-Z-iY- Characteristics.pdf. http://www.brucemayhewconsulting.com/index.cfm?pagepath&id=20209 http://www.elderlyjournal.com/generation/generation-z/Characteristics-Of- Generation-Z.html http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/breaking/10386535/world-of-worry-for-net- teens/