Kun Annamária Preliminary study viewing the fl ora of the Upper Mureş hydrographic basin Kun Annamária RO-540361 Târgu Mureş, str. Măgurei 7/14, Romania,
[email protected] Abstract Th e Mureş is one of the most important rivers in the Tisa catchments area. Th e studied area’s surface is about 42 000 hectares and it lies on altitudes between 400-1470 m above sea level. Th is paper presents the taxons found until this moment in the area, comprising a list of taxons of 670 positions. Th e taxons are listed describing their life form, fl oristic element, ecological indexes and protection status. Th e analysis of the fl oristic elements shows that the area’s fl ora is char- acterized by the predominance of the Eurasian element. Th e Carpathian, Dacic, Balcanic and endemic species are about 3,15 %. Th e analysis of life forms shows a high percentage of hemicryptophytes, a fact, which is closely connected to the large surfaces of grasslands and the presence of the grass- layer in diff erent other habitats. Analyzing the ecological indexes, we can see that most of the species belong to the mesophytic (U3-3,5), micromesothermic (T3-3,5) and weaker acid-neutrophiluos (R4-4,5) categories. Key words: Mureş hydrographic basin, species-list. Introduction Th e Mureş River, with its 768 km length is the largest waterway in the Tisa catchment area. Its 30 000 km2 hydrographic area makes it one of the most important rivers of the Carpathian Basin. Its spring is to be found in the Hăşmaşu Mare Mountains, from where, through the Gheorgheni-basin, it gets between the volcanic mountains 63 Biologia | Acta Scientiarum Transylvanica, 15/1, 2007 (Harghita, Gurghiu, Călimani).