THE SPORT OF ROWING To the readers of The Amateurs it from you. In addition, if you find any typos in this This is the third installment on row2k of chapter, or if you have any questions, com- my retelling of our American Iliad, the story ments, suggestions, corrections, agreements, of the U.S. men’s scullers of 1984, first told disagreements, additional sources and illu- by David Halberstam in his best-selling strations, etc. please email me at the address book, The Amateurs. below. Your continuing input will be an This draft chapter recounts the events of essential contribution to what has always the spring of 1984. In the coming week, we been intended to be a joint project of the will see the saga to its conclusion from the rowing community, so please contribute. If rowers’ perspectives. you and I end up finally disagreeing on some relevant point or another, I will be The following .pdf is in the format in- thrilled to present both alternatives so the tended for the final printed book. It is from readers can decide for themselves. the fourth and final volume. All my contact info is at my website. I will also be at the World Rowing Coaches’ I need you! Conference in London in January. Or you can email me anytime at: I have results and TV footage of the Sunday finals in Lucerne in 1984, but I am
[email protected]. still looking for the results of the Saturday Many thanks. heats and finals. If anybody has that infor- mation, I would be most grateful to receive TThhee SSppoorrtt ooff RRoowwiinngg AA CCoommpprreehheennssiivvee HHiissttoorryy bbyy PPeetteerr MMaalllloorryy VVoolluummee IIVV PPlluuss ÇÇaa CChhaannggee ddrraafffttt mmaannuussccrriiippttt OOcctttoobbeerr 22001100 THE SPORT OF ROWING 141.