The Body of Messiah Contents Issue 74, 2015 Antoine Lévy “Supersessionism and Messianic Judaism”: A response to Matthew Levering Daniel C. Juster The Identity of the Church: The Body of the Messiah S. H. R. Ben-Haim How Jewish Should the Messianic Movement Be? Andreas Johansson Book Review: Through My Enemy’s Eyes: Envisioning Reconciliation in Israel-Palestine, by Salim Munayer & Lisa Loden Sam Rood Book Review: The Jewish Gospel of John: Discovering Jesus, King of All Israel, by Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg David Serner From the Israeli Scene: Knives for Peace Mishkan Published by Caspari Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies © 2015 by Caspari Center, Jerusalem Editorial Board Rich Robinson, PhD Richard Harvey, PhD Judith Mendelsohn Rood, PhD Raymond Lillevik, PhD Elliot Klayman, JD Elisabeth E. Levy David Serner Sanna Erelä Linguistic editor and layout: C. Osborne Cover design: Heidi Tohmola ISSN 0792-0474 Subscriptions: $10/year (2 issues) Subscriptions, back issues, and other inquiries:
[email protected] Mishkan A FORUM ON THE GOSPEL AND THE JEWISH PEOPLE ISSUE 74 / 2015 Introduction Dear readers, We are happy to present this year’s second online issue of Mishkan. In this issue you can read about supersessionism and Messianic Judaism, the identity of the church and the body of Messiah. We also ask, “How Jewish should the Messianic movement be?” And as always, you will find book reviews and reflections on life in Israel. We at the Caspari Center wish you a Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year 2016, each according to his or her choice and tradition.