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TEST Engineering & Management magazine’s pur- pose is to provide a forum for the exchange of state-of-the-art ideas and information among re- liability/qualification testing professionals who perform physical and mechanical testing and/or environmental simulation. We specifically seek to inform and educate our subscribers through technically bylined articles written by those who work hands-on in the field, and through material generated by the editorial staff. We seek to deal with areas of the physical and mechanical test- ing and environmental simulation test industry that are emerging, controversial, not sufficiently under- stood, and/or little-discussed, some at a tutorial level. In addition, we channel news of the industry and offer discussions of state-of-the-art test equip- ment and techniques. We direct our publication to test engineers, managers, scientists, executives, consultants, educators, technical marketers, test technicians, and service engineers whose work relates to physical and mechanical testing and environmental simulation itself, or the production of equipment, instruments, and/or components for such testing.

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Critical Analysis on Legal Aid Regulation for Marginal Community Based on Legal Language

Asri Wijayanti, Faculty of Law, University Muhammadiyah of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia. Sri Winarsi, Faculty of Law, Airlangga University, Indonesia.

Article Info Abstract: Volume 82 Business will grow rapidly if the atmosphere of legal relationship is conducive. A Page Number: 2806 - 2814 conducive legal relationship means no conflict. These conflicts are determined by Publication Issue: the certainty of the rule of law. A good rule of law is a rule that has legal certainty January-February 2020 and justice, formulated in proper legal language and not multi interpretation.

Misformulation of legal language can be a source of lack of legal protection. The aim of the study is whether there is a misformulation of legal language in the definition of legal aid which consists of legal services, free of charge, legal aid providers and legal aid recipients in Law 16/2011 from the point of language implementation of legal protection. This research is sociolinguistic by using descriptive analysis method toward regulation. The results of the research indicate Article History that there is a misformulation in the legal language, only for the poor community, Article Received: 14 March 2019 Revised: 27 May 2019 not the marginal community. Accepted: 16 October 2019 Publication: 18 January 2020 Keywords:legal aid, misformulation, legal language, legal assistance.

I. INTRODUCTION all areas is conducive. Conducive or harmonious Economical development covers many aspects [1] legal relationships are influenced by internal and such as economics, social, cultural, political, external factors. Internal factors that determine the security, technical and many others. Current conduciveness of a legal relationship is the good development can not only take place within a faith of the parties which are bound in those country's territory. The era of globalization has relationship. External factors are circumstances influenced the politics and policies of a country. beyond the parties such as social conditions and the Information is pivotal aspect in this era of rule of law. Supportive social conditions can have a globalization. The use of appropriate information positive. Another external factor is the rule of law. will be effective in addressing problems occur in the The rule of law that provides certainty is very society. [2] important in realizing a conducive legal relationship. Problems that occur from a legal relationship can A conducive or harmonious legal relationship can be caused by the rule of law. Principally, the rule of be interpreted as a legal relationship that has no law can be divided into two, individual and public. conflicts. The conflicts can be analyzed. The model The individual is the rule of law created by the of conflicts analysis includes their settings, processes parties. The legal rules of a public nature require the and implications. Conflicts settings include those in role of the State. the conflict area, their interests, needs and Any legal relationships in society will be objectives. While the conflicts process especially harmonious when there is no obstruction of law explaining the intensity, breadth and appearance of between parties who are bound in legal relationships the conflict. The implications of conflicts are not as well as in business relationships. Business will only for the political elite but for the people and they grow rapidly if the atmosphere of legal relations in are not only for transient, but also long-term impacts.

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 2806 January - February 2020 ISSN: 0193 - 4120 Page No. 2806 - 2814

Conflict occurs when one party commits to The lack or absence of legal protection causing the obstruct, oppress or force other party to accept his or community to be harmed or victimized. People who her opinion which then this party feels as if they have been impaired by rights that have been were defendants with the actions of the first party. protected by law may take legal action. Sometimes a Although they may resolve the conflicts, they often victim or person who has been harmed intentionally require a third party to resolve them. Besides, does not take any legal action. The main factor that conflict resolution efforts can be done through causes a person not to file a legal effort is due to the conflict resolution model. The nature of the conflict high cost of making legal efforts. Not everyone can resolution model is to transform conflict into equal afford the legal process. partnerships ", with the following steps: 1) Building The legal process can be carried out through legal trust, 2) Developing an Inter-Village Forest Forum effort. There are two ways to conduct legal efforts, (Forum Kehutanan Hutan antar Desa=FKAD), 3) namely non-litigation and litigation. Legal assistance Preparing a team of experts, 4) creating effective is needed by everyone who is experiencing a legal communication and 5) producing a mutual case but there are only few people who know free agreement of regulation. [3] Conflicts arising from a legal assistance [6]. legal relationship may be influenced by unclear legal The constitutional basis for legal aid is equality formula. The existing formulas in the body of the before the law for everyone (Article 28 D paragraph rule of law are unclear and uncertain. The rule of law (1) of the 1945 Constitution. Equality before the law or legal norm is vague (vague norm). For example, must be done by making the rule of law. in the field of civil law, in the legal rules relating to Humanitarian side must be considered that not every the granting a license on dental nurses. The multiple criminal violation must be punished by a prison interpretations point is on the term legal concepts sentence [7] regarding the licensing of dental nurses, functional The implementation of legal aid arrangements is positions in independent practice and licensing of Law number 16 of 2011 concerning legal aid. This self-employment. This interpretation indicates the provision provides free legal assistance to the poor. existence of legal uncertainty so that it can be Its implementation is carried out by the Ministry of concluded that there is no legal protection for dental Law and Human Rights through an accredited Legal nurses in carrying out independent practices. [4] In Aid Organization (OBH). Unfortunately, the administrative law, especially the financial implementation of Law 16/2011 in the community management of the village government level, there has not been maximized and not touched the root of are still multiple interpretations on the rule of law. In the problem. [8]. The contributing factors are the criminal law, the prohibition to file an appeal for a small amount of OBH; the inadequate cost of free verdict by the Public Prosecutor does not bringing in expert witnesses; abuse of certificate of provide the usual remedy to the free judgment and disability (SKTM) [9]; the difficulty of getting a eliminates the function of the Supreme Court as an copy of the news on the method of the suspect [10] appeal court against the free judgment so that there The implementation of Law 16/2011 in the is no fair legal certainty and the principle of equal community has not been maximized because of the treatment in the presence of law. [5] formulation of articles that lead to misformulation. A good rule of law is a rule that has legal certainty From the above description, there are problems and justice. The rule of law is formulated in proper that might raise such as: legal language and has no multi interpretation. The 1) Is theremisformulation of legal language in the fault of legal language formulation can be a source definition of legal aid, poverty, civil, criminal, and of lack of legal protection. administrative cases in Law 16/2011?

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 2807 January - February 2020 ISSN: 0193 - 4120 Page No. 2806 - 2814

2) In what aspects do the misformulation of legal A. Legal Language language in Law 16/2011? The study of legal language can not be separated 3) How do the implications of such from the logical and language approach. This study misformulationof legal language for the provision of is important for the process of legal dispute. legal protection for marginal community? Between logic and language both of them are a very important study in understanding the legal dispute. II. RESEARCH METHOD Logic is a basis of one's thought. The results of that Methods is the way or way taken by researchers in thought then poured into a form of language both conducting research. Method is etymologically spoken and written. The pouring of a legal thinking defined as the way or way of doing something. framework through the phase of reasoning should be [11]This term etymologically is the starting point to based on a variety of legal languages known as legal the final propositions in a particular field of concept. knowledge. [12]Research is a systematic, directed Logic comes from the ancient Greek word λόγος and purposive scientific activity. The data or (logos) which means the result of the reasoning information gathered should be relevant to the thought expressed through words and delivered issues. It means, the data should be related, to the through language. In Arabic it is known as mantiq point and appropriate. which means to say or speak. [15] Logic is a study This sociolinguistic legal research is using of thought (especially logical/logical process) and descriptive analysis method on regulations related to the formal object of logic is thinking /reasoning in legal aid. Legal research is a series of activities to terms of its accuracy.Poespoprojo formulates a logic conduct research on the law objects. Sociolinguistics as a collection of knowledge on a particular field that is the study of language characters, variation, is a unity arranged in a systematic way and provide a function, and use in a language interaction and justified explanation by showing the causes. [16] function in society. The purpose of sociolinguistics According to Alex Lanur, logic is the science and in the discussion of language literature is to provide the ability to think straight (accurately). Science is a an overview of the social conditions of a society collection of knowledge on a particular subject. This associated with their language. [13] Descriptive collection is a systematic unity as well as providing a analysis is a method in examining the status of a reliable explanation. Such an explanation occurs by group of people, an object, a set of conditions, a showing its causes. [17] Logic is a science of the system of thought or events at present. The purpose foundation and method for right thinking, as science of this descriptive study is to create a description, and art of reasoning and thinking accurately (the illustration or picture in a systematic, factual and science and art of correct thinking). accurate on facts, traits and relationships between Logic is a science of basic and method for phenomena under investigation. [14]From the thinking accurately. Thinking "correctly" that description it can be seen that this is sociolinguistic distinguishes right and wrong reasoning. The right study using descriptive analysis method on the criterion, right or wrong reasoning is basically an legislations. accountable explanation. Logic is a science where the material object is thinking (especially reasoning/ III. LITERATURE REVIEW reasoning process) and the formal object of logic is The study on the implementation of thinking/ reasoning in terms of its accuracy. Logic is misformulation of legal language in Law 16/2011 a priori reasoning. The logical truth can not be found against the protection of legal aid is divided into two and tested empirically but the truth is tested by the things, namely legal language and legal rules on common sense. The logical object according to legal aid in Law 16/2011. Muhammad Zainuddin, consists of:

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 2808 January - February 2020 ISSN: 0193 - 4120 Page No. 2806 - 2814

. Material object: reasoning / way of thinking; understand a rule of law or a rule of law system. . Formal object: law, principle; and Understanding the legal concept is also needed in . Products: thinking products (concept, efforts to apply and develop the law. If there is a proposition expressed in spoken or written form or legal provision, but the legal provisions are still gesture) vague or unclear, then a legal interpretation is required for the discovery of the law. If in a problem or case that is being faced by a judge and there is no legal regulation, then it can be a legal establishment. All efforts constitute an ars owned by a jurist. Or it The expression results of thought or the common can be said that legal proficiency can be achieved if sense to achieve truth is manifested in the form of one understands very well about the legal concept. language. Language basically consists of three Legal norms contained in the rule of law are forms; spoken, written, and sign language. Language written in the Articles of a rule of law in linguistics is always a form of thinking since by language we referred to as a sentence. According to JS Badudu, know the ideas ofthe speakers. There are several sentence can be seen from three types of levels, notions of language. In somes common dictionaries, namely functions, categories, and roles. First, the linguistics is defined as 'a scientific study of level of function divides the sentence of the subject, language'. The meaning of linguistics is“the predicate, and object, complement, and explanation. scientific study of language and its structure, Second, the category level divides the sentence into including the study of grammar, syntax, and word classes (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, phonetics. Specific branches of linguistics include pronouns, numbers, prepositions, conjunctions, sociolinguistics, dialectology, interjection, and articles). Lastly, the level of the role psycholinguistics,computational linguistics, divides the word into the types of behaviors comparative linguistics, and structural linguistics.” (agentive), direct or indirect object (objective), [18] beneficiary, place (temporal), comparative, tools Language is used as a communication tool. The (instrumental), conjunctions, prepositions, and function of the communication can then be translated exclamations (interjections). Those division types into other functions, for example as a tool to work can not be jumbled. A single sentence can be withother people or tools for self-identification. expanded. The forms of single sentence extension Language also serves as a tool of social integration include the extension of the subject, the predicate, and adaptation, as a means of social control. This the object, or the extension of the explanation. last function is more widely used for legal The basic principle in the sentence level must be socialization purposes as a first step in law considered in formulating a legal dispute. Moreover, enforcement efforts when establishing a legislation or clauses in the Accuracy is very important in the context of law agreement. The fact that frequently, the formulation enforcement efforts. The rule of law in linguistics of the clause of the agreement is in the form of has a function as a means of communication, so the compound sentence that consists of vague meaning formulation of norms that exist in the rule of law and less attention to the form of the extension of must be based on the provisions in linguistics. There sentence itself. is a demand for the conformity of the rule of law It needs a concern to analyze an appropriateness with language and logic. The goal is to achieve legal between the formulation of the Article and its certainty not to create multiple interpretations language. The process of reasoning is then needed. In legal study it is known as legal concept. It is a Thinking is any mental activity that helps to constructive and systematic concept used to formulate or solve problems, make decisions, fulfill

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 2809 January - February 2020 ISSN: 0193 - 4120 Page No. 2806 - 2814

the desire to understand, search for answers, and find Legal providers who receive or request payment meaning. [19]The study of legal language requires from legal aid recipients related to the case handled the role of logic in understanding the nature of are threatened with a maximum of 1 year in prison meaning, definition and decision. The concept is and / or a fine Rp. 50,000,000.00 (fifty million often called understanding. Definition is formulated rupiah). (Article 16 jo Article 19 jo Article 21 of into definitions, the analysis produces a verdict Law 16/2011). In legal point of view, the establishment of Legal aid recipient is a person / group of poor understanding in legislation is essential to regulate people who face legal problems and who cannot community behavior, so it must be made clearly to fulfill their basic rights correctly and independently them as well as what behavior is expected. As the (including the right to food, clothing, health care, consequencies, many regulations, prior to the actual education services, work and employment, and / or content of the arrangements, begun by limiting prior housing) (Article 1 number 1 jo notions of the meanings used. This is done by giving the definition of juridical terms used in those regulations in the form of understanding. To compile Article 4 paragraph (1) jo Article 5 of Law 16/2011). a definition, four conditions are required: Legal Aid Provider is the Minister who manages . It is not broader / narrower than the connotation government legal and human rights (Ministry of law of word defined; and human rights) conducted by Legal Aid. . does not use a defined word (circular / The object of legal aid is divided into three areas, tautologies); namely civil, criminal, and state administrative law, . does not use the negative form; and both litigation and non-litigation. Providing legal . does not create a confused explanation. aids including exercising power, accompanying, B. The legal rules on legal aid in Law 16/2011 representing, defending, and / or carrying out other legal actions for the legal benefit of the Legal Aid The definition of legal aid is the provision of legal (Article 4 of Law 16/2011). services by legal aid providers free of charge to recipients of legal assistance (Article 1 16/2011). IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The legal principles that underlie legal aid consist of The formulation of the rule of law must be proper justice (giving proportional rights and obligations); from the point of view of language and logic. equality before the law; openness to access to public Formulation of legal language in a legislation can be services; efficient use of the budget; effectiveness of seen from the formulation of Articles. The appropriate legal aid targets; and public formulation of the Articles is essentially a verdict accountability (Article 2 of Law 16/2011). derived from definition and understanding. There are three legal aid subjects: organizers, Embodied in the form of definiendum and definem. providers and recipients of legal aid. (Article 1 In a linguistic point of view, a rule must at least meet number 3 of Law 16/2011). Requirements for legal the subject and predicate. Legal Assistance is aid providers are to have a legal entity accredited by formulated in Article 1 point 1 of Law 16/2011 as the ministry of law and human rights; have a legal services provided by the Legal Aid for free to permanent secretariat or office; management board the Legal recipients. Analysis of the formulation of and work program (Article 8 of Law 16/2011). appropriate legal rules on the definition of legal aid Providers of legal aids can receive funds from the consists of legal services, free of charge, legal aid State Revenue and Expenditure Budget; Regional providers and legal aid recipients of Law 16/2011. Revenue and Expenditures Budget; grant or other.

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 2810 January - February 2020 ISSN: 0193 - 4120 Page No. 2806 - 2814

A. Legal Aid Providers be Commanditer Vennotschap (CV), Business Trade Legal aid providers are "legal aid organizations or (UD), Firma (Fa), Matschaap (Ma). The limitation of social organizations that provide legal aid services" the definition contained in Article 1 number 3 of (Article 1 number 3 of Law 16/2011). There are Law 16/2011 has the consequencies that individuals conditions for legal aid providers (Article 8 of Law and civil society lose their opportunity to be able to 16/2011). The analysis of the language aspects in do legal assistance. This is one of the factors why this article is limited to the functional level which legal aid has not been maximally felt by the poor. divides the sentence into the subject, predicate, B. Legal Aid Recipients object, complement, and explanation. Legal Aid recipients are formulated in Article 1 In a sentence that contains the understanding of number 2 of Law 16/2011 as persons or groups of legal aid providers, only divided into subjects and the poor. The word "poor" contains an abstract predicates. There is no object, complement and meaning and requires an interpretation. Authentic explanation. This sentence has two subjects namely interpretation of the word "poor" contains in the legal aid agencies and community organizations. provisions of Article 5 of Law 16/2011 that is While providing legal aid services is as a predicate. inability to fulfill basic rights properly and This single sentence is extended to subject and its independently. The word "basic rights" also contains predicate. The extended meaning of the subject is an abstract meaning which requires interpretation. having legal entity, accreditation, permanent office Basic rights are interpreted authentically as rights to or secretariat, a board of managementwhich aim to food, clothing, health care, education services, work provide restrictions. Implementation of such and business, and / or housing. Legal aid recipient is limitations means that not all of legal entities or a person / group of poor people who face legal social organizations can provide legal problems and who cannot fulfill their rights (Article assistance.Only legal entities accredited by Ministry 1 point 1 jo Article 4 paragraph (1) jo Article 5 of of Justice and Human Rights can do so. The Law 16/2011) extention object of "providing legal aid services" .Unlike the language point of view, based on the means has a legal aid program. From the two grammatical interpretation it can be seen that the extension of subject and predicate functions can be poor understanding by the Big Indonesian interpreted that a legal subject can perform legal Dictionary (KBBI) about the definition of the poor, assistance if it has an accreditation. Terms and that is not wealthy; all-incompetent (very low- conditions are required to be an accredited legal aid income)The Supreme Court defines the poor as an or social organization by conducting a series of incapable. In Perma no. 1 Year 2014 on Guidelines procedures to obtain accreditation status. for the Provision of Legal Services for There are 524 Accredited Legal Aid Institutions or Disadvantaged People in the Court. Organizations for the Period 2019-2021, 60 for the In relation to income, it has been regulated in Law East Java Region and 9 in the Surabaya City Region 13/2003 on manpower. The interpretation of a (Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of contrario over the poor is a decent income person. Its the Republic of Indonesia Number: M.HH- authentic interpretation contained in Law 13/2003. 01.HN.07.02 of 2018 concerning Institutions / Legal Every worker / laborer is entitled to income that Aid Organizations Who Have Passed Verification fulfills a decent living for humanity (Article 88 and Accreditation as Legal Aid Providers for the paragraph (1) of Law 13/2003). The definition of Period 2019 S.D. 2021) income that meets a decent livelihood is the amount The real implementation in the community, legal of income or income of the worker / laborer from his subjects may consist of individuals, civil societies, / her work so as to be able to adequately meet the legal entities and social institutions. Civil society can

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 2811 January - February 2020 ISSN: 0193 - 4120 Page No. 2806 - 2814

needs of the worker / laborer and his family which has not been maximally given to the poor who face includes food and beverages, clothing, housing, legal problems not including women, children, education, health, recreation and pension laborers, farmers, victims of environmental pollution (Elucidation of Article 88 paragraph (1) of Law of marginal communities. [24] In the city of 13/2003), housing, education, health, recreation, and Surabaya legal aid is not maximally felt by people old age pension (Elucidation of Article 88 paragraph with disabilities, workers, people who have the (1) of Law 13/2003).Minimum wage are in friction with water pumps in Keputih Surabaya. accordance with minimum wage requirements. The juridical evidence of a person designated as Minimum wages consist of: poor is by having a poor certificate (SKTM) from . minimum wage by province or regency / head of the village or officials of the same level at municipality; the residence of the applicant for legal aid (Article . the minimum wage by sector in the province or 14 paragraph (1) sub-paragraph c of Law 16/2011). district / city (Article 89 paragraph (1) of Law This multiple interpretation of "poor" resulted in the 13/2003). difficulty of marginal communities to obtain SKTM There is a prohibition on giving wages lower than as one of the requirements for obtaining legal aid. the minimum wage. Violation of this provision is C. Legal Service defined as a Legal Assistance is a legal service provided by the

Legal Aid for free to the Legal Aidee. Legal services

are also formulated in Article 1 number 3 of Law

16/2011 as Legal Aid services. The definition of criminal offense. The offense is punishable by legal services provided in Article 1 Sub-Article 2 of imprisonment of a maximum of 1 (one) year and a Law 18/2003 concerning Advocates is services maximum of 4 (four) years and / or a fine of at least provided by Advocates in the form of providing Rp 100,000,000.00 (one hundred million rupiah) and legal consultations, legal assistance, exercising a maximum of Rp 400,000,000.00 (four hundred power, representing, accompanying, defending and million rupiah) (Article 90 paragraph (1) in taking other legal actions for the client's legal conjunction with Article 185 of Law 13/2003). interests. The definition of poor is defined differently by the The litigation cost unit of the case is Rp. 8.000.000 Central Bureau of Statistics (Badan Pusat with the following details: Statistik=BPS) and the United Nations. BPS defines Criminal Civil State Cost poor as a poverty line.[21] Cases Cases Administrative value The poor parameter according to BPS is placed on Cases the average expenditure per capita per month under the Food Poverty Line / FPL (2,100 kilo calories per Stage of Stage of Stage of Rp. day) / or Non-Food Poverty Line / FPL (51 urban Lawsuit Lawsuit Lawsuit 2.000.000 commodities and 47 rural commodities. [20]The Court Court Court Rp. parameter of the poor according to the United Decision Decision Decision 3.000.000 Nations is having an income of less than US $ 1 per Level Level Level Stage I day of the United Nations Millennium Declaration in Stage I Stage I the resolution of the UN General Assembly 55/2 Court of Court of Court of Rp. dated 18 September 2000 concerning the UN Appeal Appeal Appeal 1.000.000 Millennium Declaration / MDG (A / RES / 55/2). Decision Decision Decision [22] This declaration was followed up in the Results Stage Stage Stage of the World Summit. [23] The provision of legal aid Court of Court of Court of Rp.

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 2812 January - February 2020 ISSN: 0193 - 4120 Page No. 2806 - 2814

Appeal Appeal Appeal 1.000.000 V. CONCLUSION Decision Decision Decision From the above description it can be concluded Stage Stage Stage that there is an error formulation of legal language in Review Review Review Stage Rp. the definition of legal aid which consists of legal Stage Stage 1.000.000 services, free of charge, legal aid providers and legal Total unit cost Rp. aid recipients on Law 16/2011 which resulted in not 8.000.000 maximally provision of legal assistance for marginal communities.The recommendation is that the Legal aid costs include the costs of the judicial revision of legal aid arrangements is accessible to process (also outside the court) in the general court, the marginal communities, both in the substance and religion and state administration. These costs do not procedure. Add the obligations of legal aid agencies include the stamp, tthe costs of the parties' calls, or advocates to provide free legal assistance to the notification of the contents of the lawsuit, group of marginal communities with minimum one confiscation fees, local inspection fees, witness / case per year. expert fees, execution costs, office supplies, copy of decisions, sending letters to the parties, archiving and filing and the need for court clerks. The amount ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS of this deduction is Rp. 750,000 per case. Thank’s for Ministry of Research, Technology and D. Free of Charge Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. Legal aid is legal services provided to the poor for VI. REFERENCES free. For the purposes of defense, a suspect or defendant who is punishable by imprisonment for a 1. M. S., "Study of Relationship of Social Support, maximum of 15 years and does not have legal Social Adjustment in the School Environtment and counsel is entitled to obtain legal assistance from an Academic Achievement of SMPIT Assyfa Boarding advocate appointed by the competent authority at all School Student in Subang, West Java," Jurnal levels of examinatio. The appointed advocate may Psikologi Undip, 10(2), p. 103–114, 2011. not refuse. They must provide legal consultation, 2. Mohd Fuad Mohd Salleh, Jamilah Othman, "The exercise power, represent, accompany, defend and Role of Sulh Employees in Settling Muslim Family take other legal actions. Advocates who receive or Conflicts," Jurnal Teknikal & Kajian Sosial, 7, pp. request money for legal aid cases will face a 37-48, 2008. maximum prison sentence of 1 (one) year or a 3. Harun, M. K., Dwiprabowo, H. , "Model of Land maximum fine of Rp. 50,000,000.00 (fifty million Conflict Resolution in “Kesatuan Pemangku Hutan rupiahs). Produksi” of Banjar Model," Jurnal Penelitian Sosial From the above description, it is noted that the Dan Ekonomi Kehutanan, 11(4), p. 265–280, 2014. results of the research indicate that there is a 4. Siregar, Irma Haida Yuliana, Endang Wahyati Y, misformulation in the legal language in the Djoko Widyarto JS.,, "Legal Protection for Dental definition of legal aid which consists of legal Care in Conducting Dental Health Care Services in services, free of charge, legal aid providers and Mandiri Practice," Soepra, 1(1), p. 87–101, 2015. recipients of legal aid in Law 16/2011. This 5. H. P. Setia, "Factors have become Obstacles in misformulation of legal language caused in a lack of Providing Free Legal Aid (Prodeo) in Criminal legal protection for marginal communities. Cases in District Courts in Samarinda," Dedikasi Jurnal Mahasiswa, 2(1), pp. 389-410, 2014. 6. K. P. Prayitno, "Restorative Justice in Indonesia

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 2813 January - February 2020 ISSN: 0193 - 4120 Page No. 2806 - 2814

(Philosophical Juridical Prespectives in Law Hukum, vol. 11, no. 3, 2011. Enforcement in Concreto)," Jurnal Dinamika 23. Iwan Wahyu Pujiarto Syafruddin Kalo, Eka Hukum, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 407-420, 2012. Putra, Edy Ikhsan, "The Implementation of Legal 7. H. P. Wiratraman, "Reconsidering The Oriental of Aid Providers is Associated With Law No. 16 of The Indonesian Legal Aid Movement," Veritas Et 2011 concerning Legal Aid," Usu Law Journal, vol. Justitia, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 466, 2016. 3, no. 2, pp. 87-96, 2015. 8. T. Y. Rahmanto, "“Pro Bono Publico” Legal Aid 24. S. Samandawai, Mikung: Persisting in Crush: A as an Alternative in Fulfilling The Right To Get Study of Marginal People in Tasikmalaya, Yayasan Justice in East Java Province," Jurnal HAM, vol. 6, Obor Indonesia, 2001. no. 2, p. 119, 2015. 9. S. Faddillah, " Implementation of Free Legal aid for Defendants Who Can not Be Affected at The Surakarta District Court," Rechtstaat , vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1-12, 2013. 10. S. Nasution, Research Methods, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2002. 11. B. J. Nasution, Legal Research Methods, Bandung: CV Mandar Maju, 2008. 12. A. Abdurrahman, "Sosiolinguistik: Theory, Role, and Function Of Literary Language Studies," LiNGUA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Dan Sastra 3(1), pp. 18-37, 2011. 13. M. Nasir, Research Metodology, Ghalia Indonesia, 1985. 14. Mundiri, Logic, Rajawali Press, 2000. 15. W. Poespoprojo, Logisc of Reasoning, Pustaka Grafika, 1999. 16. A. L. OFM, Logic at a Glance, Kanisius, 1983. 17. P. Matthews, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Linguistics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. 18. Lambertus, "The Importance of Practicing Critical Thinking Skills in Learning Mathematics in Elementary Schools," Forum Pendidikan, vol. 28, no. 2, p. 136–142, 2009. 19. "https://www.bps.go.id/Subjek/view/id/23". 20. "http://www.un.org/millennium/declaration/ares55 2e.htm". 21. "http://www.un.og/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=A/ RES/60/1". 22. E. Latifah, "Harmonization of Proverty Alleviation Policies in Indonesia Oriented to the Millenium Development Goals," Jurnal Dinamika

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 2814 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

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Kindly Note: The Research Papers for Jan/Feb 2020 Issues are under publication Process. The Publication Date is 29 February 2020.

Issue Summary:

Total Received Papers: 25,246 | Total Accepted Papers: 2210 | Total Rejected Papers: 23,036 | Acceptance Rate: 8.75%


Tunning of PID Controller for Paper Machine Headbox using Hybrid PSOABC Algorithm

Vishal Goyal, Vinay Kumar Deolia

01 - 11 | published: 2020-01-01

Modified Ant Colony Optimization and Dynamic Source Routing for Efficient Cluster Head Selection and Routing on Manet

Rakesh Kumar, Neeraj Varshney

12 - 17 | published: 2020-01-01

Tensor Factorization with Modified Artificial Bee Colony (MABC) Algorithm for Missing Value Imputation in Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Neeraj Varshney, Narendra Mohan

18 - 26 | published: 2020-01-01

An Improved Moth-Flame Optimization Algorithm Based Clustering Algorithm for VANETs

Rakesh Kumar, Diwakar Bhardwaj

27 - 35 | published: 2020-01-01

A Hybrid Resource Optimization Technique using Improved Fuzzy Logic Guided Genetic Algorithm for 5G VANETs

Diwakar Bhardwaj, Abhay Chaturvedi

36 - 44 | published: 2020-01-01

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 1/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Modified Convolutional Neural Network and Bat Optimization Algorithm Based Resource Allocation Over Cloud Computing

Rakesh Kumar, Abhay Chaturvedi

45 - 49 | published: 2020-01-01

Particle Swarm Optimization-Intruder Detection for Traffic Prediction over Wireless Sensor Networks

Shashi Shekhar, Neeraj Varshney

50 - 55 | published: 2020-01-01

Medical image Synthesis with improved Deep Convolutional Bi-Generative Adversarial Network Aided Genetic Algorithm

Neeraj Varshney, Narendra Mohan

56 - 63 | published: 2020-01-01

A Hybrid GA-SVM and Sentiment Analysis for Forecasting Stock Market Movement Direction

Shashi Shekhar, Neeraj Varshney

64 - 72 | published: 2020-01-01

A New Pediatric Age Assessment Using Cluster based Lightweight U-Net Architecture Multi-Scale Convolutional Network

Rakesh Kumar, Aasheesh Shukla

73 - 84 | published: 2020-01-01

An OMPGW Method for Feature Extraction in Automatic Music Mood Classification Using PSO- SVM

Shashi Shekhar, Vishal Goyal

85 - 93 | published: 2020-01-01

Improved Genetic Algorithm with Min-Min Approach for Efficient Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing

Shashi Shekhar, Rakesh Kumar

94 - 100 | published: 2020-01-01

Enhanced Artificial Neural Network with Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Detecting Distributed Denial of Service in Cloud

Shashi Shekhar, Neeraj Varshney www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 2/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

101 - 108 | published: 2020-01-01

Improved Bat Optimization Algorithm with Coverage Constrained Problems on Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

Abhay Chaturvedi, Vishal Goyal

109 - 115 | published: 2020-01-01

Whale Swarm Optimization Algorithm (WSO) to implement an Efficient and Enhanced Deep Neural Network based IDS for Cloud Environments

Neeraj Varshney, Abhay Chaturvedi

116 - 124 | published: 2020-01-01

New League of Banking in India with Small Finance Banks

Dr Mohana Krishna Irrinki

125 - 135 | published: 2020-01-02

Numerical Simulation of Thermal Performances of a solar PTC receiver using TRNSYS software

Mohamed Hajjaj, Abella Bouaaddi, Aumeur El Amrani, Choukri Messaoudi

136 - 142 | published: 2020-01-02

Blood Vessel Segmentation Methods for Diabetic Retinopathy

Rajesh S.R, E. Kanniga, M. Sundararajan

143 - 153 | published: 2020-01-02

Facilitating Aural-oral skills of Engineering Students through the Flipped Classroom

Dr. Sher Mohammed Khan, Dr. Shabana Thayniath

154 - 167 | published: 2020-01-02

Survey on IOT Security and Challenges of IoT Forensics

Asha Joseph, K. John Singh

168 - 173 | published: 2020-01-02

Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites and Various Combination of Reinforcing Materials

Niranjan Hugar, Ravish B V, Dr. B. Venkata Narayana, Dr. Thammaiah gowda

174 - 183 | published: 2020-01-02 www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 3/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Review on Neural Network based Techniques for Detection of Breast Cancer Cells

Gurudas V R., Dr. Shaila S G.

184 - 191 | published: 2020-01-02

Segmentation Based Mixture for Submerged Image Augmentation and Color Image

Jothimani .S, Suganya .A

192 - 198 | published: 2020-01-02

Picture enrichment Techniques using Ultrasound Images for Gastric Disease Recognition

Suganya .A, Jothimani .S

199 - 205 | published: 2020-01-02

Standard Agricultural Drone Data Analytics using KNN Algorithm

S. Meivel, S. Maheswari

206 - 215 | published: 2020-01-02

Smart Irrigation System

Mrs. V. Jamuna, Mrs. T. Abirami

216 - 220 | published: 2020-01-02

Assessing Green Human Resource Management Practices in Higher Educational Institute

Mr. Subhadeep Mukherjee, Dr. Soumendra Bhattacharjee, Ms. Nabanita Paul, Ms. Urvashi Banerjee

221 - 240 | published: 2020-01-02

Monte Carlo Geant4 Simulations of Protons Lateral Deviation in Liquid Water

N. Zahar, D. Benchekroun, M. Krim

241 - 243 | published: 2020-01-02

Emperical Exploration of Public Sector Undertaking in Petroleum Industry: Perils and Prospects

Mahnaz Khan, Dr. B. K . Dixit

244 - 250 | published: 2020-01-02

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 4/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites and Various Combination of Reinforcing Materials

Niranjan Hugar, Ravish B V, Dr. B. Venkata Narayana, Dr. Thammaiah gowda

251 - 261 | published: 2020-01-02

Reflection of Remittances on Advancement of REM & ICTs sectors in developing countries

Qasem Hamouri

262 - 271 | published: 2020-01-02

Ergonomic Workplace: An analysis based on Gender and Employee Wellbeing

Dr. Rajini .G, Gomathi .K

272 – 283 | published: 2020-01-02

Voltage and Current Harmonic Mitigation using Fuzzy logic Controller Based UPQC for Power Quality Improvement

Nakka. Maheshbabu

284 - 293 | published: 2020-01-02

Quality of Service Optimization of Ultrasound Video Streaming over LTE Network

Panjavarnam B.

294 - 299 | published: 2020-01-02

Multimedia Transmission in Cognitive Radio Networks with Efficient QoS

Mr. B. Appoon

300 - 305 | published: 2020-01-02

Critical Successful Factors Affecting Adoption of E-Health System in Developing Countries

Ahmad Tawfig Al-Radaideh, Malik Bader Alazzam

306 - 316 | published: 2020-01-02

A weighted TF-IDF Uni-Gram Model for Automated Feature Extraction in Multi – Dimensional and Unstructured Big Data

A. Jebamalai Robinson, Dr. V Saravanan

317 - 329 | published: 2020-01-02

Efficient Error Correction Codes for Multiple-cell Upset in SRAM www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 5/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management A. Kaviya, G. Sivapriya

330 - 336 | published: 2020-01-02

Investigation of Over the Counter (OTC) Pharmaceutical Brands Preferred by New Age Indian Women

Dr. G. Madhumita, Dr. G. Rajini, Dr. B. Subisha

337 - 348 | published: 2020-01-02

Work Life Rhythm: Understanding the Sinusoidal Waves of Liveliness

S. Sriram, Dr. G. Rajini

349 - 352 | published: 2020-01-02

Regional Health Promotion: Health Care Development and Improvement of Health Care System

Shvets Yu. Yuriy

353 - 362 | published: 2020-01-02

Assessing Work Life Balance among Saudi Arabian Working Women – A Descriptive Study on Selected Employees

Dr. Heyam Abdelrahman Al Mousa, Joharah Alzuwaed, Dr. Rima H Binsaeed

363 - 375 | published: 2020-01-02

Modelling Energy Consumption of Freight Road with MLR

Ech-Chelfi Wiame, El Hammoumi Mohammed

376 - 386 | published: 2020-01-02

An Efficient Stock Market Prediction Using Data Mining

G. Vijaya Kumari, B Vamsi Krishna, K. Anusha, D Harika

387 - 392 | published: 2020-01-02

Attitudes of Managers in the Knowledge Private University towards the impact of Human Capital in Achieving Competitive Advantages

Zana Majed Sadq, Hazhar Omer Mohammed, Bestoon Othman, Vian Sulaiman Hama Saeed

393 - 401 | published: 2020-01-02

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 6/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Traffic Heterogeneity Aware Fuzzy Logic Based Clustering Protocol to Maximize the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks

Harmeet Singh, Manju Bala, Sukhvinder S Bamber

402 - 412 | published: 2020-01-02

The Uses of Connected Objects and Their Influence on the Customer Experience

Badr Machkour, Ahmed Abriane

413 - 422 | published: 2020-01-02

Influence of Transverse Flat Baffles on Heat Transfer Augmentation in a Confined Rectangular Channel

K. D. Jaganathan, M. Sivasubramanian

423 - 434 | published: 2020-01-02

Constitutional Rights of Women in India

Gitima Talukdar

435 - 442 | published: 2020-01-02

Emerging Economies and Women: Wealth Management Preferences and Practices in India

V. Mary Jessica, Richa Pandey

443 - 454 | published: 2020-01-02

Lung Cancer Detection using Neural Network and Content Based Image Retrieval

Rejiram. R, Kanniga. E, Sundararajan. M

455 - 460 | published: 2020-01-02

A Study on the Influence of Sustainability Related Factors on the Online Purchase Decisions of Customers

Alex Nero, Dr. Sreedhara Raman

461 - 476 | published: 2020-01-04

Identifying Cultural Factors Affecting the Consumer Buying Behaviour in Retail Industry

Aman Raj, Nikitha Sharma, Diya Manoj, Dr. Rupesh Kumar M

477 - 491 | published: 2020-01-04

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 7/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Employment of Hearing Impaired: A construct of concerns, complacencies and compromises

Ruth Mathews, Anu Varghese

492 - 499 | published: 2020-01-04

Climate Change Management-Some Insights from a Recent Debate

Dr. Naseer Mohammed Jaffer, Dr. Amalanathan, Divya Nair, Imon Chakraborty

500 - 507 | published: 2020-01-04

Local Solutions for Global Problems: Pro Nature Organic Foods Private Limited, Bangalore: An Experimental Study

Manjeera Vutukuri, Dr. Vedha Balaji, Dr. Sreedhara Raman

508 - 524 | published: 2020-01-04

Increasing Under Utilised Data in India: Opportunities and Challenges

Varun Shivhare

525 - 532 | published: 2020-01-04

Adoption of “Shariah” Compliant Financing-Based Crowdfunding Platform by Smes: A Case Study on Beehive

Wajeeha Ali

533 - 545 | published: 2020-01-04

Impact of Credit Risk Management on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Mauritius

Hoolash Vikrayansh, Megat Abdullah Megat Mahmud, Ng Hui Chen

546 - 559 | published: 2020-01-04

The Barriers of Digitalization in Malaysia: Perceptions from Small and Medium sized Enterprises

Lakshmi Chaitanya Datti, Mudiarasan Kuppusamy, Haslina Hashim

560 - 565 | published: 2020-01-04

Chinese Tourists’ Intention to Visit Malaysia as a Destination of Choice for Medical Tourism

Haiyun Hou, Dr. Ravindra Kumar, Munieleswar Raju

566 - 574 | published: 2020-01-04

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 8/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management A Study on the Factors Influencing Cryptocurrencies Emergence on the Banks in Malaysia

Sharafunnisa Binti Ebramsha

575 - 602 | published: 2020-01-04

The Factors Affecting Liquidity Risk of Commercial Banks in Malaysia

Yeoh Sze Jia, Ng Hui Chen, Gunaseelan AL Kannan

603 - 616 | published: 2020-01-04

Effect of Workplace Incivility on Employee Engagement: A Quantitative Study amongst Service Employees engaged in the Public Health Care, Mahé, Seychelles.

Beverly Anna Quilindo, Jugindar Singh Kartar Singh, Noraini Binti Ahmad

617 - 627 | published: 2020-01-04

Profiling the travel-related behaviours of Malaysian outbound tourists’ selection criteria for choosing a tour package

Yuan Tian, Chia Kei Wei, Yang Hai Jing, Benjamin Chan Yin Fah

628 - 636 | published: 2020-01-04

A Proposed Model of Electronic Mail Communication: Content Marketing Channel among Generation Y

Ashkan Nikandish, Irina Kheleva, Benjamin Chan Yin-Fah, Poon Wai Chuen

637 - 652 | published: 2020-01-04

The Critical Success Factors of Professional Networking Sites’ Adoption by University Students

Waqas Ahmed Khan Afridi, Haslina Hashim

653 - 673 | published: 2020-01-04

A Pilot Study of Professional Networking Sites Adoption by University Students

Waqas Ahmed Khan Afridi, Haslina Hashim

674 - 681 | published: 2020-01-04

Effectiveness of Digital Marketing on Building Brand Equity in the FMCG Industry

Sadia Kamal, Waqas Ahmed Afridi, Haslina Hashim

682 - 693 | published: 2020-01-04

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 9/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Foreign Direct Investment and Bank Performance in Uzbekistan

Diana Shamuratova, Patricia Rayappan

694 - 705 | published: 2020-01-04

A Study on Factors Influencing Cross-Border Tourism among Bruneians

Mohammad Amir, Munieleswar , Ravindra Kumar

706 - 714 | published: 2020-01-04

Emotional Intelligence in Small and Medium Entreprises: Exploring its Effect on Ambidextrous Behaviours and Firm Performance

Poon Wai Chuen, Benjamin Chan Yin-Fah, Chia Kei Wei, Teh Choon Jin

715 - 726 | published: 2020-01-04

Financial Barriers and Market Barriers a Quantitative Study on Entrepreneurial Intention among Female in Yemen

Shrooq Mohammed Muharram, Ibiwani Alisa Binti Hussain

727 - 734 | published: 2020-01-04

Go-Jek Company: Go-Jek’s Rise to Dominating Indonesian’s Markets and Southeast Asean

Novieta Indah Prananda, Benjamin Chan Yin Fah, Lim Li Chen, Poon Wai Chuen

735 - 743 | published: 2020-01-04

Job Stress, Co-Worker Support, Role Expectation Conflict and Work-Life Balance Among Working Women: A Quantitative study on Multinational Companies in Vietnam

Mai Thuy Duong, Mai Thuy Duong, Ibiwani Alisa Hussain, Anusuiya Subramaniam

744 - 749 | published: 2020-01-04

Investigating Customers’ Online Purchasing Intention towards Foreign Products in Qingdao, China

Li Xiao Yan, Wong Huey Wern, Benjamin Chan Yin Fah, Han Kok Siew

750 - 759 | published: 2020-01-04

Research on Innovative Path of News Visualization Communication Based on Java Technology

Luwei Xu, Qingyun Wang, Benjamin Chan Yin Fah

760 - 764 | published: 2020-01-04

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 10/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Student and Web-Learning Satisfaction in Henan, China

Xiong Li, Benjamin Chan Yin Fah

765 - 771 | published: 2020-01-04

Predictive and Sentiment Analysis on Factors Influencing E-Commerce Growth in Economies

Joan Leonard Mushi, Haslina Hashim

772 - 778 | published: 2020-01-04

Factors Influencing Life Insurance Consumption in Malaysia

Chong Yee Voon, Hafinaz Hasniyanti Hassan

779 - 791 | published: 2020-01-04

Factors Influencing Property Investment Decision among Professional Employees in Malaysia

Nurul Natasha Binti Nasron, Hafinaz Hasniyanti Hassan

792 - 809 | published: 2020-01-04

The use and Effectiveness of Social Media towards Wedding Cultural Diversity Knowledge: A Study of the Wedding Vendors in Bali, Indonesia

Virgie , Rahilah Ahmad, Rohizan Ahmad

810 - 824 | published: 2020-01-04

A study on the influence of corporate social responsibility on investors investment behavior in public limited companies in Pakistan.

Ariba Moiz, Kahyahthri Suppiah

825 - 835 | published: 2020-01-04

The Influence of Place Attachment Dimensions on Pro-Environmental behaviour intention among Local Tourists in Mahe, Seychelles

Georges Yazmeen Mary Christie L, Thanam Subramaniam

836 - 842 | published: 2020-01-04

A Cohort Based Mortality Forecast in England and Wales with Application of K-Nearest Neighbor Classification for Causes of Death

Sak Guo Bin, Raja Rajeswari Ponnusamy

843 - 854 | published: 2020-01-04 www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 11/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Factors Preventing the Adoption of International Audit Standards in Uzbekistan

Sultanova Madinabonu, Kahyahthri Suppiah, Azrina Binti Ahmad

855 - 867 | published: 2020-01-04

The effectiveness of a university internship programme: Student perspectives of stakeholder roles and responsibilities

A. Zunaid, J.J. Turner, N. Jiang

868 - 883 | published: 2020-01-04

Factors Affecting the Intention to Adopt MMT: An Empirical Study among M-Pesa Customers in Kenya

Khadidga Ayed Mohammed, P. Pathmanaban A/L C.M. Pappayah

884 - 890 | published: 2020-01-04

Determinants of Debt Behavior. A quantitative study among Generation Y individuals in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Kholmatova Jamilakhon, Jugindar Singh Kartar Singh, Anusuiya Subramaniam, Subaashnii Suppramaniam

891 - 904 | published: 2020-01-04

Factors that Influence the Chinese Companies Listing on the oversea market

Yang Ziyi, Azrina Ahmad

905 - 916 | published: 2020-01-04

Leadership Styles and Educators’ Commitment in Private Universities in Malaysia

Simran Kaur, Jasminder Kaur a/p Harbindar Jeet Singh, Jugindar Singh a/l Kartar Singh, Shailaja Kumar

917 - 930 | published: 2020-01-04

Effects of Adapted Class Wide Peer Tutoring on Students’ Achievement and Perception towards Learning Mathematics in Asia Pacific University, Malaysia

Sireesha Prathi Gadapa, Rajasegeran Ramasamy

931 - 939 | published: 2020-01-04

Relationship between Celebrity Endorsement of Fashion Clothing and Consumer Buying Behavior among Muslim Women: Empirical Evidence from Lahore, Pakistan

Sana Ahmed Noon, Ayesha Ahmed Noon, Jugindar Singh Kartar Singh www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 12/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

940 - 953 | published: 2020-01-04

To Investigate the Relationship between Reinsurance activities and the Financial Performance of General Insurance Company in Malaysia

Nurul Amira Binti Mohamad Azman, Khor Lian Peng, Zawatil Isyqi Binti Mokhtar

954 - 968 | published: 2020-01-04

Travelers’ Choice of Airline

Liza Binti Azizun Rahman, Mutia Anggeraini Binti Khalid, Kumaresu AL Murugasu@Murugesi

969 - 973 | published: 2020-01-04

Impact of Social Media Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Cosmetic Products among Female Students in Asia Pacific University, Malaysia

Mamoona Hamid, Ihtisham Ullah, Ravindra Kumar Perumal, Benjamin Chan

974 - 986 | published: 2020-01-06

Impact of Foreign Exchange Exposure on Non-Financial Firms in India

Vikneswaran S/O Manual, Salman Abdussalam

987 - 1004 | published: 2020-01-06

Corporate Governance as a Tool to Overcome Financial Distress

Vikneswaran Manual, Afrah H. Khalfan Al Tawqi

1005 - 1027 | published: 2020-01-06

Determinants of Share Price: A Case of Automobile Industry in Malaysia

Vikneswaran S/O Manual

1028 - 1038 | published: 2020-01-06

The Impact of Credit Risk Management, Bank Size and Origin of Bank on Commercial Bank Performance

Vikneswaran S/O Manual

1039 - 1061 | published: 2020-01-06

Local Community Participation in Sustainable Ecotourism Development At Bagan Sungai Burung, Perak

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 13/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Lee Lin Wei, Shazali Johari, Sheena Bidin, Thoo Poh Yee Lee Lin Wei

1062 - 1077 | published: 2020-01-06

Can A University Address The Graduate Skills Gap? An Analysis of a Business Schools’ Preparation of Graduates for Employment in Malaysia

J. J Turner, Sharif. S. Pahlevan, R. Rasiah, H. I. Hussain, V. Guptan

1078 - 1087 | published: 2020-01-06

Enhancing User Experience via Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Real Estate Industry

Md. Rabbi Khan, Chandra Reka Ramachandiran

1088 - 1098 | published: 2020-01-06

“Procurement Fraud in the Construction Industry- the Nigerian Public Private Partnership (PPP) Dilemma”

Abubakar Murnai Umar, Geetha A. Rubasundram

1099 - 1108 | published: 2020-01-06

Disrupting Fraud: Auditing In the Digital World – A Block chain Perspective

Moez Mustafa, Geetha A. Rubasundram

1109 - 1118 | published: 2020-01-06

Cloud Accounting: A Risk Mitigation Perspective

Syed Abdullah Shah, Geetha A. Rubasundram

1119 - 1128 | published: 2020-01-06

An Empirical Research on the Impact of Sexual Harassment, Gender Inequality, and Gender Stereotype towards Job Satisfaction among Female Employees

Anith Kumar Nantha Kumar, Thilageswary Arumugam, Mudiarasan Kuppusamy, Juginder Singh

1129 – 1159 | published: 2020-01-06

Disrupting the Mind of the Fraudster: A Management’s Perspective

Mohammad Fahad, Geetha A. Rubasundram

1160 – 1169 | published: 2020-01-06

Bribery & Corruption: A Comparative Study between Malaysia, USA and South Korea www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 14/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Ahmed Faris Faroog, Geetha A. Rubasundram

1170 – 1180 | published: 2020-01-06

Component based Development Methodology for Real time Applications

Vasumathi Devi Majety, GL Sravanthi, K. Chandrakala, Dr. E. Laxmi Lydia

1181 - 1186 | published: 2020-01-06

Health Care Protection and Empowerment of Internet of Things (IoT) through Big Data

E. Laxmi Lydia, A. Sampath Dakshina Murthy, Ch. Usha Kumari, N. Arun Vignesh, T. Padma

1187 - 1196 | published: 2020-01-06

Energy Efficient with load balancing Bee Ad-Hoc Routing Protocol for Manet

U. Srilakshmi, D. Yakobu, G. Jose Moses, P. Anusha, Dr. E. Laxmi Lydia

1197 - 1207 | published: 2020-01-06

Transformation in the Teaching-Learning Process of Engineering Education

Dr. E. Laxmi Lydia, Dr. Ch. Kannam Naidu, Dr. K. Vijayakumar, G. Jose Moses

1208 - 1214 | published: 2020-01-06

A Classification Model using improved Hybrid Genetic Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm based on Separability-Correlation Measure

B Renuka Devi, N. Sharmili, K. Vijaya Kumar, G. Jose Moses, Dr. E. Laxmi Lydia

1215 - 1223 | published: 2020-01-06

Applicational Achievement of K-Means Algorithm among Apache Spark and Map Reduce

E. Laxmi Lydia, G Sandhya, Hima Bindu Gogineni, Guvvu Pavani Latha, N. Sharmili

1224 - 1231 | published: 2020-01-06

Apache Hadoop for processing image files using Sequence file

Dr. E. Laxmi Lydia, Hima Bindu Gogineni, Ravva Ravi, G Sandhya, G. Jose Moses

1232 - 1244 | published: 2020-01-06

Mechanical Response of Caprine Muscle under Compression at Varying Strain Rates

Somnath H. Kadhane, Hemant N. Warhatkar

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 15/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

1245 - 1252 | published: 2020-01-07

Different Types of Spatiotemporal Classifier and Their Efficiency for Human Gestures

Vishal Kumar Goar, Manoj Kuri, Pawan Tanwar

1253 - 1262 | published: 2020-01-07

Role of Leadership in Entrepreneurial Development: An Empirical Study

Shaifali Garg, Kartik Ramdas Patil, Kirti Agarwal

1263 - 1271 | published: 2020-01-07

Addressing the Precedence of Challenges in Management Education in Indian Context, Part I

Vivek Kr. Pathak, Blesson Sabu, Swathi B V, Akshaya M

1272 - 1285 | published: 2020-01-07

Influence of Anthropogenic Factor on Freshwater Fish Population and Human Health in Yakutia

Matvey Matveevich Tyaptirgyanov, Viktoria Matveevna Tyaptirgyanova, Tatiana Matveevna Tyaptirgyanova

1286 - 1295 | published: 2020-01-07

From Bootstrapped to Half a Billion Dollars- Lessons from the Unusual Case of Zoho

Thomason Rajan

1296 - 1307 | published: 2020-01-07

Advances in Peer to Peer Lending: An Evidence from India

Nitin Balwani, Sriti Smaraki Mohanty, Shrestha Banerjee, Abhishek Ghosh, Namrata Nanda, Rajendra Kumar Sinha

1308 - 1326 | published: 2020-01-07

Leadership and Success: A Cross-Cultural Study

Nina Jacob, S. Sowmya, Y. Manmitha Reddy, M. Vikrant, Namrata Nanda

1327 - 1339 | published: 2020-01-07

Strength of Reactive Powder-Ferrocement Slabs under Static Load

Mazin B. Abdulrahman, Alyaa A. Al-Attar, Muyasser M. Jomaa'h

1340 - 1348 | published: 2020-01-07

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 16/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Precedence of Debiasing Techniques on Decision Making Process: A RIDIT Approach

Ramalakshmi V, Vivek Kumar Pathak, Goutham Behera

1349 - 1357 | published: 2020-01-07

Empirical Investigation of Influencers of Employee Turnover from Indian Perspective, Part I

Vivek Kr. Pathak, Pravesh Soti, Pankaj Singh, P Darsha Surendran

1358 - 1370 | published: 2020-01-07

Impact of Digital Transactions on Indian Economy: Pre and Post Demonetization

Parameshwar H. S., Sweta Das, Sayan Mukherjee, Ruma Saha, Siddharth Misra

1371 - 1382 | published: 2020-01-07

Managing Management Graduates’ Give Back Intentions: An Empirical Study, Part II

Vivek Kr. Pathak, Nilanka Chatterjee, Swathi B V, Madan Thapa, Leo Stanley S

1383 - 1399 | published: 2020-01-07

Mobile Marketing with QR Code: An analysis using Technology Adaption Model

Githa S Heggde, Nandini Jaladi, Naresh Reddy Boravelly, Siddharth Misra, Asit K Barma

1400 - 1409 | published: 2020-01-07

Evolution of Automation in Wealth Management: A Study of Asian Countries

Charmi Shah, Limaye Kailash Rajendra, Priyanka Gupta, Namrata Nanda

1410 - 1423 | published: 2020-01-07

Impact of FDI Inflows on Bilateral Trades between Brics Nations

Mafruza Sultana, Srimanta Patra, Ananya Das, Neemkar Chiranjeevi, Siddharth Misra

1424 - 1434 | published: 2020-01-07

Efficient Frontier and Perception of Investors: A Risk Analysis

Premasundara Iyengar, Gullapudi Sai Vamsi, Lakshmi Niranjani VG, Harshitha HS, Siddharth Misra, Mohammed Iqbal

1435 - 1443 | published: 2020-01-07

Foreign Labor Migration Control in Russian Regions using Multicultural Barometer (The Case of the Republic of Karelia, Russia) www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 17/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Pitukhina Maria, Pitukhin Eugene, Tolstoguzov Oleg, Kulakova Lyubov

1444 - 1454 | published: 2020-01-07

Design of e-law Consult to Protect Teacher in Central Java Indonesia

Maryanto , Toebagus Galang Windi Pratama, Ika Menarianti, Achmad Buchori

1455 - 1463 | published: 2020-01-07

Development Education Game Based VAR (Virtual Augmented Reality) in Kindergarten Semarang City

Eem Kurniasih, Lusi Rachmiazasi Masduki, Yuli Haryati

1464 - 1470 | published: 2020-01-07

Development of Game Education Basic Virtual Augmented Reality in Geometry Learning

Sunandar , Noviana Dini Rahmawati, Arif Wibisono, Achmad Buchori

1471 - 1479 | published: 2020-01-07

Design of the Magic Book Math Media Based on Augmented Reality

Achmad Buchori, Dina Prasetyowati, Wijayanto

1480 - 1489 | published: 2020-01-07

Design and Implementation of a Smart Door Lock System Using Openvino

Kollu Nimshi

1490 - 1508 | published: 2020-01-07

Reinventing Higher Education Institution toward 4.0 industry era: Modelling Entrepreneurial University in Indonesia

Eko Sakapurnama, Martani Huseini, Pantius D Soeling

1509 - 1515 | published: 2020-01-07

Reformulating Innovation Strategy for the Indonesian State-Owned Pawnshop in the Disruptive Era

Adhikara Joshua Sutisna, Eko Sakapurnama, Martani Huseini

1516 - 1524 | published: 2020-01-07

The Trajectory of PT. Pegadaian (Persero) as the Indonesian State-Owned Enterprise in www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 18/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Industrial Revolution 4.0

Andreas Togi Lamsihar, Eko Sakapurnama, Martani Huseini

1525 - 1534 | published: 2020-01-07

The Challenges in Research Commercialization Lessons from Bandung Institute of Technology Indonesia

Yuni Mutia Astiti, Eko Sakapurnama, Martani Huseini

1535 - 1542 | published: 2020-01-07

Work Characteristics of Work Motivation and Effect on Manager's Productivity in the Pt. Perkebunan Nusantara (Persero)

Togu Harlen Lbn. Raja, HD. Melva Sitanggang

1543 - 1549 | published: 2020-01-07

Deduplication - Encrypted Single Instance Data Storage in Community Cloud

K. Karuppasamy, I. Mettildha Mary, M. Priyadharsini, S. S. Sugantha Mallika

1550 - 1558 | published: 2020-01-07

Wideband High Gain Antenna Array with Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures for Mutual Coupling Reduction

Ananda Rao. Nelapati, Sekhar. M

1559 - 1564 | published: 2020-01-07

Compact Circular Polarized Stacked Patch Antenna for IRNSS and GLONASS Applications

Sekhar. M, E. Kusuma Kumari

1565 - 1571 | published: 2020-01-07

Wideband Reconfigurable Polarization and Beam Sweeping Antenna for Satellite Applications

Sekhar M, Kusuma Kumari E, Rama Devi D

1572 - 1581 | published: 2020-01-07

Development Education Game Based VAR (Virtual Augmented Reality) In Kindergarten Semarang City

Eem Kurniasih, Lusi Rachmiazasi Masduki, Yuli Haryati

1582 - 1588 | published: 2020-01-07

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 19/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

A Neural Network Model for Financial Performance Prediction: The Case for Road Works in Bahrain

Saraa Naseer Kadhim, Kadhim Raheim Erzaij

1589 - 1599 | published: 2020-01-07

Flexural Behavior of Slender Reinforced Concrete Beams with Openings

Muyasser M. Jomaa’h, Saad R. Ahmed, Baraa T. Kamel, Ibraheem J. Karim

1600 - 1608 | published: 2020-01-07

Innovative Marketing Strategies for Promotion of Seasonal Crops in India

R. Murugesan, R. Venkatesh Kumar, K. Ravindran

1609 - 1615 | published: 2020-01-07

An Evaluation of Open Systems on Organizational Climate towards Heavy Vehicles Body Building Industry

V. Balaji

1616 - 1622 | published: 2020-01-07

Effect of Heat Transport Fluid and Influence of Gravity Assistance in Heat Pipe Induced in Concentric-Tube Shell Assisted Heat Exchanger

P. Ramkumar, M. Sivasubramanian, P. Rajesh Kanna, P. Raveendiran, Narayanan Selvapalam

1623 - 1638 | published: 2020-01-07

Measuring Employees Propensity Among Labour Union Members: Development And Validation Of A Scale

Amal Tom Jose, K. N. Jayakumar

1639 - 1648 | published: 2020-01-07

Empirical Research on the Relationship between Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty at the Cinema. Evidence from Vietnam.

Dam Tri Cuong

1649 - 1657 | published: 2020-01-07

Impact of Advertisements on Consumer Behaviour Towards Cosmetics Products in Tiruchirappalli City

S. Pandian

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 20/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

1658 - 1664 | published: 2020-01-07

The Effect of Physical Environment and Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention at the Cinema in Vietnam

Dam Tri Cuong

1665 - 1674 | published: 2020-01-07

Internal Environment and Entrepreneurial-Venture Performance of Large Scale Enterprises (LSES) in Enugu, Nigeria

Happiness Ozioma OBI-ANIKE, Chikodili Nkiruka OKAFOR, Bamidele S. ADELEKE

1675 - 1684 | published: 2020-01-07

Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance of Agro Processing Firms in Nigeria: Moderating Effect of Environmental Dynamism and Organizational Structure

Anthony Obiora Ude, Kingsley Tobechukwu Eze, Chriscato Ikechukwu Ameke

1685 - 1696 | published: 2020-01-07

IoT Based Integrated Home Security and Electrical Appliances Control System

Veerakumar. P, G. Jegadeeswari, C. Nayanatara

1697 - 1700 | published: 2020-01-07

Improvement of Power Quality in Low Voltage Distribution Grids

D. Lakshmi, S. Prathiba, G. Jegadeeswari, M. Balamurugan

1701 - 1705 | published: 2020-01-07

Characterisation of Big Data Research in Applications of Health Care

R. K. Padmashini, N. Durai Murugan

1706 - 1711 | published: 2020-01-07

Financial News Analysis for Moroccan Stock Trend Predictions

El Bousty Hicham, Krit Salah-Ddine

1712 - 1717 | published: 2020-01-07

The Impact of Workers’ Remittances on the performance of Jordanian Financial Market

Qasem Hamouri, Omar Alshrydeh

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 21/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

1718 - 1730 | published: 2020-01-07

Rise of Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) in the State Politics of Assam

Mahan Borah

1731 - 1738 | published: 2020-01-07

An Examine on Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Viable overall Accomplishment of Indian Pharmaceutical Sector

K. A. Keerthi Prabu

1739 - 1749 | published: 2020-01-07

Financial Investment Behaviour of Customer Their Level of Satisfaction

A. Muthukrishnan

1750 - 1754 | published: 2020-01-07

Mediating Effect of Attitude towards Change on the Relationship between HRM Practices and Employee Commitment to Job and Organization with Reference to Hotels in Chennai

Dheera. V. R, Jayasree Krishnan

1755 - 1770 | published: 2020-01-07

Integration of Wind Energy System in Shipboard using Frequency converter

R. Elavarasi, V. Karthikeyan, D. Padma Subramanian

1771 - 1774 | published: 2020-01-07

An Empirical Study on Search Engine Optimization Effecting on Purchase Intention in E- Commerce: The Evidence From Vietnam

Nguyen Thi Van

1775 - 1780 | published: 2020-01-07

Security and Privacy Preserving for Patient’s E-Health Care Applications

A. Sonya, G. Kavitha, C. Dinesh Kumar

1781 - 1786 | published: 2020-01-07

MPPT with Fuzzy Logic Controller Based Approach for Constant Power Generation in Solar photo Voltaic Systems

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 22/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Musbah Mohammed, Manish Kumar Srivastava

1787 - 1793 | published: 2020-01-07

Optimal Path in Wireless Ad hoc Network (WANET) and Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET)

C. Mohammed Gulzar, K. Samson Paul, Bushra Tahseen

1794 - 1798 | published: 2020-01-07

Impact of Perceived Public Relation on Customer Loyalty with Moderating Role of Brand Image

Sasmita Pattnaik, Uma Sankar Mishra

1799 - 1806 | published: 2020-01-07

Evolving Ensemble Classifier for Mining Data Stream with Concept Drift

Nalini Nagendhiran, Lakshmanan Kuppusamy

1807 - 1820 | published: 2020-01-07

The Effect of Training and Communication on Work Motivation and Its Implications in Performance of Public High School Teachers in Cirebon City

Mahfud Mahfud, Wawat Hermawati, Endang Pujiastuti

1821 - 1828 | published: 2020-01-07

Hydraulic Characteristics of Square Labyrinth Weirs with Sharp or Semi-Circular Crest

Ruqiya Abed Hussain, Fadya Saadi Klak

1829 - 1838 | published: 2020-01-09

Innovative Changes in Architecture of Small and Medium Cities

Murtazaeva Rakhbarkhon Khamidovna, Tukhtabaeva Dilafruz Ergashevna, Mirzahamdamova Dildora Zafarovna, Boykuzieva Guzalkhon Khudoyberdievna, Esanov Alisher Olimovich

1839 - 1843 | published: 2020-01-09

Family And Marriage Ties in Central Asia

Kholikova R.E, Tillakhodjaeva X.D., Gaipnazarova S.E.

1844 - 1850 | published: 2020-01-09

The Portrait of a Socially Active Woman: Moral and Ethical Qualities and Leadership Characteristics www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 23/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Nishonova Nodirakhon Rayimjonovna, Esanov Alisher Olimovich, Hasanov Rakhmonali, Utanova Umida Agzamhodzhaevna

1851 - 1859 | published: 2020-01-09

Aspect Based Sentimental Analysis on Mobile Review Using R Programming

Neeru , Vishal Shrivastava

1860 - 1863 | published: 2020-01-11

A Novel CBIR System Based on Combination of HSI - Color moment and Gabor Filter

Yogendra Singh Rathore, Vishal Shrivastava

1864 - 1871 | published: 2020-01-11

Detection of the Flower from Field Image using Morphological Technique

Ruman Kumari, Vishal Shrivastava

1872 - 1877 | published: 2020-01-11

The Impact of Primary Exports Problems on Jordanian Economic Growth

Qasem Hamouri, Mohammad Al-Battainah

1878 - 1886 | published: 2020-01-11

Customer’s View on Booking Microstay Services Online in Hotels

TR. Kalai Lakshmi, S. S. Rau, Rai Rake Setyawan

1887 - 1890 | published: 2020-01-11

Structure Equation Modeling of Factors Affecting Export Performance of Weaving Sector of Pakistan

Allah Dad, Asif Mahbub Karim, Nadia Farhana, Oo Yu Hock

1891 - 1904 | published: 2020-01-11

The Impact of E-Recruitment – An Empirical Study on A Multi-National KPO Unit Located In Chennai

Smitha K Ghanta, D. A. R. Subrahmanyam

1905 - 1910 | published: 2020-01-11

Impact of Demographics, Social Capital and Participation in Income Generating Activities (IGAs) on Economic Empowerment of Rural Women in Bangladesh www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 24/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Aysha Akter, Mohammad Imtiaz Hossain, Md Reaz, Thahamina Bagum, Mosab Tabash, Asif Mahbub Karim

1911 - 1924 | published: 2020-01-11

Understanding the Concept of Knowledge Acquisition through International Ventures in Algeria: A Proposition for Future Studies

Tamma Elhachemi, Abd. Rahim b. Jaguli, Oussama Saoula, Elkheloufi Abderrahmane, Emir Moumene Benabid, Rabah Seddaoui

1925 - 1942 | published: 2020-01-11

Implementation of a Solar Pumping Test Bench Controlled by Speed Variator

Elmostafa Aitiaz, Khalid Assalaou, Lahoussine Elmahni

1943 - 1949 | published: 2020-01-11

Recursive and Non Recursive Algorithms to Traverse Non Linear Data Structures

B. Madhuravani, K. Sai Prasad, N. Chandra Sekhar Reddy

1950 - 1956 | published: 2020-01-11

Towards A Better Understanding of the Antecedents of Knowledge Acquisition and Its Outcome: A Two-Fold Proposed Framework

Tamma Elhachemi, Oussama Saoula, Elkheloufi Abderrahmane, Emir Moumene Benabid, Rabah Seddaoui

1957 - 1971 | published: 2020-01-11

The Barriers in Lean Healthcare Implementation

M D Mohd Amran, Fatihhi Januddi, S. Nuraina, A.W. Mohamad Ikbar, S. Khairanum

1972 - 1981 | published: 2020-01-11

Role of Compressed Sensing Based Image Sensor for Smart Surveillance Applications

T. Sasilatha, Karthickmanoj. R, K. Balamurugan, P. Ezhilarasi, S. Arun

1982 - 1985 | published: 2020-01-11

Valuable Vitality Remote Perceiving in Cloud IoT

T. Sasilatha, M. Parameswari, P. Ezhilarasi, S. Balaji, S. Arun

1986 - 1992 | published: 2020-01-11

Assessment of Gamma Radiation Dose Rate Associated With Artisanal Goldmine Sites at Northern Zamfara State, Nigeria www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 25/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management N. N. Garba, R. Nasiru, C. M. Odoh, M. A. Saleh

1993 - 1996 | published: 2020-01-11

Harvesting Energy from an Exhaust System using High Temperature Thermoelectric Material

Sirajeldeen Saleh Ali Ahmidina, Fadhilah Mohd Sakri, Abd Rahim Mat Sarip

1997 - 2002 | published: 2020-01-11

Detection of Chemicals using Fiber Optic Microfluidic Sensor

Liew Mun Ngar, Mohd Firdaus Kamuri, Zurina Zainal Abidin

2003 - 2008 | published: 2020-01-11

Finding an Alternate Access Route from Ikire to Gbongan, Osun State, Nigeria using Geospatial Techniques

Amoo Nureni Babatunde, Adebayo Quadri Akolade

2009 - 2014 | published: 2020-01-11

Foresight-Based and Locality-Aware Task Setup for Complementing Video Transcoding over Deep Learning Clustering

S. Madhumitha, S. Ashwini

2015 - 2019 | published: 2020-01-11

Randomized Security Patrolling for Link Flooding Attack Detection

Nagulapati Yashwanth Reddy, MS. S. Vijayalakshmi

2020 - 2023 | published: 2020-01-11

Garbage Monitoring Using IoT

Balabadhara Pavan Kumar, Ms. P. Malathi

2024 - 2027 | published: 2020-01-11

Smart Irrigation System using IoT

Shaik Ali, G. Padmapriya

2028 - 2030 | published: 2020-01-12

Smart Garbage Management System using IoT

K. Revathi, G. Padmapriya www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 26/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

2031 - 2033 | published: 2020-01-12

An Information System for Counting People

G. Bhavani Reddy, M. Aruna, B. Arthi, G. Padmapriya

2034 - 2036 | published: 2020-01-12

Intelligent Personal Assistant – An Android Assistant Requisite

M. K. Chetan, K. Anitha

2037 - 2039 | published: 2020-01-12

Social Viral Check Integrative Removal of Rumours and Vulgar Social Postings

G. Pavan Tejeswar, Karthik Elangovan

2040 - 2042 | published: 2020-01-12

Sales Prediction Using Machine Learning

P. Pavan Reddy, B. Arthi

2043 - 2046 | published: 2020-01-12

Performing Secured Range Search on Uncertain Data Outsourced in IoT

P. Gnanendra Prasad, Uma Priyadarsini

2047 - 2049 | published: 2020-01-12

Customized Network Security for Bank Services using Cloud Abstract

D. Kusuma Kamali, S. Ashwini

2050 - 2053 | published: 2020-01-12

A Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption Scheme using Cloud

K. Jyothi Priya, S. Ashwini

2054 - 2059 | published: 2020-01-12

Effective Combination of Biclustering Mining and Adaboost Learning for Breast Tumor Analyzation

Kumudha , P. Shanmuga Prabha

2060 - 2063 | published: 2020-01-12

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 27/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

ODI Cricket Winning Team Prediction by Finding the Best Accuracy based on Machine Learning Classification

R. Guna Sekar, P. Shanmuga Prabha

2064 - 2068 | published: 2020-01-12

Integrated Cloud Data Storage and Attacks Diagnosis Using Big Data

Chaitanya Sai Gajula, D. Mahalakshmi

2069 - 2072 | published: 2020-01-12

Development of Secure Transport System Using VANET

R. Senthamil Selvan, R. S. D. Wahidabanu, B. Karthick, M. Sriram, R. Karthick

2073 - 2078 | published: 2020-01-12

Integration of ISO 45001 and Project Management Institute’s Project Management Body of Knowledge in Construction Project Management

Nhakhorn Somchit, Syuhaida Ismail, Mohamad Syazli Fathi, Sa’ardin Abdul Aziz

2079 - 2086 | published: 2020-01-12

Incorporation of Medical Equipment Planning in Healthcare Facility Construction Project: A Review

Maizatul Akmal Abdul Muttlib, Syuhaida Ismail, Mohamad Syazli Fathi, Mohd Amran Shafie

2087 - 2093 | published: 2020-01-12

Effect of Grinding Process on Physical Properties of Torch Ginger Puree

Khai Wenn Seah, Norazlin Abdullah, Norhayati Muhammad

2094 - 2098 | published: 2020-01-12

Supplier Selection Antecedents in Furniture Manufacturing Industry Using Analytic Hierarchy Process

Chin Yi Lin, Rohaizan Ramlan, Rohayanti Hassan, Siti Sarah Omar

2099 - 2103 | published: 2020-01-12

An Exploration on Recycling Paper Education in Gaming Based For Integrated With Augmented Reality Technology

Nur Syahela Hussien, Zahidah Abd Kadir, Roslinawati Jaafar, Wan Ahmad Amirul Asyraf Wan Muhd Nazmi

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 28/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

2104 - 2107 | published: 2020-01-12

Upper Aero Digestive Tract Cancer: A Detailed Exploration Using Computer Vision Techniques

Prabhakaran M, Malathy C., Uma Pratheebha U

2108 - 2119 | published: 2020-01-12

Third Party Logistics Relationship (TPLR) Success Factor: Operational Perspective

Nor Aida Abdul Rahman

2120 - 2126 | published: 2020-01-12

Exploration of the Multidimensional Phenomenon of Identity

Victoria Kytina, Elizaveta Khamraeva, Natalia Kytina, Svetlana Elnikova

2127 - 2132 | published: 2020-01-12

Text Summarization Using Machine Language

S. Monisha, B. Arthi

2133 - 2136 | published: 2020-01-12

Extracting Word Embeddings from Tweets To Identify Groups of Interest and Hijackers in Demonstation

E. Rishitha, B. Arthi

2137 - 2141 | published: 2020-01-12

Intrusion Detection System Using Deep Learning

K. Lokeshwari, R. Senthil Kumar

2142 - 2145 | published: 2020-01-12

Plant Disease Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning Algorithms

P. Meghana, S. Vijayalakshmi

2146 - 2149 | published: 2020-01-12

Artificial Intelligence for Diabetes Management and Decision Support

S. Muzeer, K. Malathi

2150 - 2155 | published: 2020-01-12

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 29/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Android Travel Guide using Hybrid Platform

Chopparapu Gopala Krishna Prasad, L. Ramaparvathy

2156 - 2158 | published: 2020-01-12

Android Web Browser using Cross Platform

Narapareddy Gari Ravalika, L. Rama Parvathy

2159 - 2161 | published: 2020-01-12

Automatic Leaf Disease Identification and Classification using Image Processing and Python

B. Siva Prakash, S. Magesh

2162 - 2165 | published: 2020-01-12

Indian Vowels based Evaluation of First Fundamental Frequency and its Variant Bandwidths

Praveen. K. B, B. Siva Kumar

2166 - 2171 | published: 2020-01-12

Rational Selection for Strategic Improvement Initiative: A Confirmatory Model

A.W. Mohamad Ikbar, S. Khairanum, M. D. Mohd Amran, H. Sallaudin, Y. Noor Anim Zanariah

2172 - 2179 | published: 2020-01-12

Sensor Based Application for IOT

P. Kirubanantham, M. Vijayakumar, N.A.S. Vinoth

2180 - 2188 | published: 2020-01-12

Complement Connected Majority Neighborhood Number

I. Paulraj Jayasimman, J. Joseline Manora

2189 - 2191 | published: 2020-01-12

Relationship between the Neighborhood Polynomial and Majority Neighborhood Polynomial of a Graph

I. Paulraj Jayasimman, J. Joseline Manora

2192 - 2194 | published: 2020-01-12

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 30/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Real Time Monitoring and controlling of Boiler Drum Parameters Using Internet of Things (IoT)

C. Gnanavel, P. Sathish Khanna, M. Rajavelan

2195 - 2198 | published: 2020-01-12

An OFDM Sub-carrier Number Estimation Method Based on Novel Distance

Kanne Naveen, Shekar Yedunuri, M. Anand

2199 - 2203 | published: 2020-01-12

Optimal Pilots channel estimation algorithm for MIMO-OFDM

Shekar Yedunuri, Kanne Naveen, M. Anand

2204 - 2209 | published: 2020-01-12

Design of Parallel Pipelined DIF- FFT Architecture

Surya P, Arunachala Perumal C, Dhilip Kumar S, Manikandan K

2210 - 2213 | published: 2020-01-12

Structure and Implementation of Women Safety Framework Based on IoT Technology

N. Shilpa, B. Swetha, M. Anand

2214 - 2218 | published: 2020-01-12

Methodical Approaches to the Formation of Accounting and Analytical Providing of Economic Safety of Business Entities

Elena Vladislavovna Korolyuk, Alklych Magomedovich Alklychev, Svetlana Viktorovna Solonina, Kobilzhon Hodzhievich Zoidov, Zafar Kobiilzhonovich Zoidov

2219 - 2225 | published: 2020-01-13

Substantiation of Economic Effectiveness of Investment Projects

Khlynin Edward Valentinovich, Korovkina N. I, Zolkina A. A

2226 - 2232 | published: 2020-01-14

The Role of Shariah Micro Financial Institution In Reducing Poverty

Eni Setyowati, Siti Aisyah Tri Rahayu

2233 - 2241 | published: 2020-01-16

Modeling Simulation of BLDC Motor and HEV Motor System Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 31/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management (ANFIS) Inference Algorithm

KVNS Pavan Kumar, S. Prakash

2242 - 2249 | published: 2020-01-16

Soret and Dufour effects of electrical MHD Nanofluid with Higher order Chemical reaction

S. Jagadha, Degavath Gopal, N. Kishan

2250 - 2259 | published: 2020-01-16

Design of Narrowband Patch Antenna for Security Systems

Riyaz Khan

2260 - 2263 | published: 2020-01-16

Algorithms for Calculating Eigen Values of Differential Operators with Unsmooth Potential on A Projective Plane

Olga Torshina, Elena Moskvina, Yuliya Somova, Mars Khayrullin, Elizabeth Dick, Svetlana Arslanbekova, Hodak Sergey, Andrey Goncharov, Maria Belousova

2264 - 2272 | published: 2020-01-16

Routing Protocols in Internet of Things: A Survey

Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Amol Dhumane

2273 - 2280 | published: 2020-01-17

Managing Supply Chain in VUCA World


2281 - 2284 | published: 2020-01-18

Analysis and Design of Multiband Antenna Using Modified Geometry

Laxmi Prasad Mishra, Mihir Narayan Mohanty

2285 - 2289 | published: 2020-01-18

Modeling Intelligent Health Care Using Multi-Agent System

Lokanath Sarangi, Mihir Narayan Mohanty

2290 - 2302 | published: 2020-01-18

An Empirical Study of Customer’s Choice of Wealth Management Services & their Relationship www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 32/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management with the Demographic Variables

Lalat I Misra

2303 - 2308 | published: 2020-01-18

An Investigation into Forensic Accounting as a Tool to Manage Fraud in India

Bibhuti B Pradhan

2309 - 2312 | published: 2020-01-18

An Empirical Study of Bitcoin Pricing using an Evolutionary Framework

Samuka Mohanty, Rajashree Dash

2313 - 2322 | published: 2020-01-18

Modified Lightweight AES Based Two Level Security Model for Communication on IoT

Binod Kumar Pattanayak, Seeven Amic

2323 - 2330 | published: 2020-01-18

Assessment of Quality, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions of Attendees at the International Street Food Festival, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Lalat Indu Misra, Ansuman Samal, Bibhuti Bhusan Pradhan

2331 - 2343 | published: 2020-01-18

Performance Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks under Wormhole Attack

Gurpreet Singh, Jaspreet Singh, Bharti Duhan

2344 - 2353 | published: 2020-01-18

Electric Vehicle: A Path to India’s Prosperity

Renu Sharma, Bibekananda Jena, Sonali Goel

2354 - 2357 | published: 2020-01-18

Employee Training Creating Growth of Hotel Industry in India: The Mediating Role of Employee Performance

Uma Sankar Mishra, Smita Sucharita Mohapatra, Shibani Pattanayak

2358 - 2366 | published: 2020-01-18

Rheological Portrayal of Zinc Ore and Iron Ore Minerals www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 33/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Mohmmad Younus Pasha

2367 - 2376 | published: 2020-01-18

Mesoporous Nickel Silicate@gold Nanoparticles: An Excellent Plasmonicphotocatalyst for Photo-Generation of H2 by Visible Light

Satyaranjan Mohanty, Pradeepta Babu, Brundabana Naik

2377 - 2383 | published: 2020-01-18

NBTI Studies in GaAs p-MOSFETs

Sanghamitra Das, Tara Prasanna Dash, Suprava Dey, Chinmay Kumar Maiti

2384 - 2390 | published: 2020-01-18

Performance, Combustion & Emission Analysis on Diesel Engine Utilizing Diethyl Ether as a Fuel Additives

C. Sethi, P. P. Patnaik, D. N. Thatoi, S. K. Acharya

2391 - 2408 | published: 2020-01-18

Random Discrete Dopant Induced Variability in Gate-All-Around Si-Nanowire FETs

Suprava Dey, Sanghamitra Das, Tara Prasanna Dash, Chinmaykumar Maiti

2409 - 2418 | published: 2020-01-18

Road Condition Classification for Driver Assistance System

Dharitri Tanaya Sahoo, Mohan Debarchan Mohanty, Mihir Narayan Mohanty

2419 - 2425 | published: 2020-01-18

A Study on the Compensatory Consumption-Review of Literature

Bibhuti B Pradhan

2426 - 2429 | published: 2020-01-18

A Study on the Blue Ocean and Red Ocean Strategies Adopted By Different Organisations- Review of Literature

Bibhuti B Pradhan

2430 - 2433 | published: 2020-01-18

Automatic Vehicle Guiding System www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 34/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Gurkirat Singh Bhatia

2434 - 2439 | published: 2020-01-18

Automotive Safety Ignition Mechanism

Farman Khan

2440 - 2443 | published: 2020-01-18

Blended Learning System

Parminder Singh

2444 - 2447 | published: 2020-01-18

Branch Line Directional Coupler with Ultra Wide Bandwidth

Harbinder Singh

2448 - 2452 | published: 2020-01-18

Controlling Scheme of Remotely Connected Micro Hydro Power Plant

Rachna Manchanda

2453 - 2456 | published: 2020-01-18

Design and Evaluation of Multi-level Height Adjusting Trolley

Sanjeev Sharma

2457 - 2463 | published: 2020-01-18

Design and Development of Electric Power Weeder

Sachin Mohal

2464 - 2468 | published: 2020-01-18

Design and Implementation of Industrial and Home Automation System with Secured Communication

Praveen Singla

2469 - 2476 | published: 2020-01-18

Digitalized Healthcare on Palm: An Android Application

Vinay Bhatia

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 35/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

2477 - 2480 | published: 2020-01-18

Face Identification and Verification using Histogram Based Approach in Spatial Domain

Gagan Jindal

2481 - 2483 | published: 2020-01-18

Impact of Cyber Risks from Internet of Things

Amitabh Sharma

2484 - 2487 | published: 2020-01-18

IOT based Water Quality Supervising by Employing MQTT Technique: An Overview

Sachin Majithia

2488 - 2492 | published: 2020-01-18

Real Time Parallel Architecture in VLSI using Microcontroller

Ramanpreet Kaur

2493 - 2497 | published: 2020-01-18

Removal of Ghost Artefacts for HDR Image

Sumit Kumar

2498 - 2504 | published: 2020-01-18

System of Lock Security based on Android Platform by using PAN

Milanpreet Kaur, Milanpreet Kaur

2505 - 2510 | published: 2020-01-18

Medical Tourism in India

Vishal Soni, Monika Gupta, Rajnish Shukla

2511 - 2515 | published: 2020-01-18

A Review of Factors Associated with Medical Tourism Industrial Management

Monika Gupta, Rajnish Shukla, Vishal Soni

2516 - 2520 | published: 2020-01-18

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 36/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Management of Significant Factors Involved in Medical Tourism

Rajnish Shukla, Vishal Soni, Monika Gupta

2521 - 2525 | published: 2020-01-18

Approaches for Recycling and Managing Waste

Vishal Soni, Monika Gupta, Rajnish Shukla

2526 - 2530 | published: 2020-01-18

Demonstration of Industrial Management Methods

Monika Gupta, Rajnish Shukla, Vishal Soni

2531 - 2534 | published: 2020-01-18

Integrating the Solar and Wind Energy System Using Solid State Transformer

D. Chandrakala, K. V. Thilagar, S. Vijayakumar, K. Mala

2535 - 2540 | published: 2020-01-18

Accidents Preventing Smart Helmet Using EEG Sensor

G. V. Chidambarathanu, D. Fathema Farzana, J. Gowrishankar, S. R. Srinivasan

2541 - 2547 | published: 2020-01-18

A Study on the Factor Influencing a Buyer to Purchase Branded Apparel Online

Sasanka K Mishra

2548 - 2551 | published: 2020-01-18

An Assessment in the Green HRM Practices and Environmental Sustainability- A Review of Literature

Bibhuti B Pradhan

2552 - 2555 | published: 2020-01-18

An Empirical Study on the Purchase Intention of Green Products in India

Priyabrata Pattanaik

2556 - 2566 | published: 2020-01-18

An Assessment of Quality of Relationship with hotels’ performance in India www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 37/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Bibhuti B Pradhan

2567 - 2580 | published: 2020-01-18

Fast and Efficient Elimination of Malachite Green Dye by Activated Carbon Derived from Fresh Water Micro Algae: Kinetics and Thermodynamic studies

Sayed Amreen, Suresh Kumar Dash, Lopamudra Mohanty, Sudarsan Sahoo

2581 - 2593 | published: 2020-01-18

Impact of Organisational Justice of Satisfaction of Hotel Employees

Priyabrata Ray

2594 - 2597 | published: 2020-01-18

Integrating ICT in Business Operations of Hotel Industry for Competitive Advantages Leading to Higher Organizational Performance

Swagat Praharaj, Bibhuti Bhusan Mishra, Uma Sankar Mishra

2598 - 2603 | published: 2020-01-18

Market-Orientation and Its Impact on Organisational Performance Small-size Service Provider

Sarat K Samal

2604 - 2607 | published: 2020-01-18

Measuring the Service Quality in B Schools-An Exploratory Research

Soubindra K Padhi

2608 - 2613 | published: 2020-01-18

MB Dye Removal by Adsorption and Photo-Degradation using Modified (Mobil Composition of Matter No 41) MCM-41

Lopamudra Mohanty, Suresh Kumar Dash, Lizarani Biswal, Sadhana Pradhan

2614 - 2621 | published: 2020-01-18

Lateritic Soil Stabilization for Roadway using Bamboo Leaf Ash - A Natural Material

Priyanka Sarma, Rahila Jan, Sandeep Singh

2622 - 2627 | published: 2020-01-18

Single Axis Solar Tracking System and Dual Axis Solar Tracking System www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 38/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Shrikant Vaishnav, Nitin Mishra, S. R. Awasthi

2628 - 2632 | published: 2020-01-18

The Concept of Reasoned Action and its Impact of Intention to Shop on M-Commerce

Bibhuti B Pradhan

2633 - 2638 | published: 2020-01-18

Ultrasonic Levitation by Employing FPGA Controller

Kanika Jindal, Rajesh Kumar, Jitendra Kumar Saroj

2639 - 2642 | published: 2020-01-18

What Factors Influencing Indian to Purchase Organic Food

Sarat K Samal

2643 - 2646 | published: 2020-01-18

Alleviating Congestion By Load Curtailment Using PSO

D. Fathema Farzana, G. V. Chidambarathanu, J. Gowrishankar

2647 - 2654 | published: 2020-01-18

Clustering Customer Basing On Attitude towards Organised Retail Footwear

Manoranjan Dash, Ayasakanta Mohanty, Preeti Y Shadangi

2655 - 2661 | published: 2020-01-18

Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicle

Prashant Mankotia, Harpreetkaur Channi

2662 - 2665 | published: 2020-01-18

An Optimized Artificial Neural Network for Epileptic Seizure Detection

A. Phareson Gini, M. P. Flower Queen

2666 - 2677 | published: 2020-01-18

An Unreliable Retrial Queue with Instant Feedback and Working Vacation

M. Varalakshmi, S. Saritha, E. Mamatha, P. Rajadurai

2678 - 2681 | published: 2020-01-18

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 39/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Priority Retrial Queue with Re-Service and Working Breakdown Services

P. Rajadurai, A. S. Priyavarshini, V. Siva Priya, D. Narsimhan

2682 - 2684 | published: 2020-01-18

An M/G/1 Retrial Queue with Working Vacation under N Policy

P. Rajadurai, V. Sivapriya, A. S. Priyavarshini, M. Sundararaman

2685 - 2687 | published: 2020-01-18

Retrial G - Queue with Phase Types of Service and Immediate Feedback

S. Saritha, E. Mamatha, M. Varalakshmi, P. Rajadurai, A. S. Udayavarshini

2688 - 2691 | published: 2020-01-18

Fuzzy Logic Controller for Three level- NPC Inverter to Modified DTC SVM of Induction Motor

Y. Laxmi Narasimha Rao, G. Ravindranath

2692 - 2697 | published: 2020-01-18

Three Way Access Control Using Biometrics and Data Mining Algorithm

D. Venkata Subramanian, C. K. Keerthana, A. Shivapriyadharshini, Shree Gayathiri

2698 - 2709 | published: 2020-01-18

Supervised Learning Algorithms and Evaluation Metrics in Machine Learning

Bharath Ganji, Riyaz Hussain Shaik, Satya Prakash G

2710 - 2717 | published: 2020-01-18

Hardware Implementation of Polar Codes for very Short Length Messages

G. Aparna

2718 - 2723 | published: 2020-01-18

MIMO-OFDM Using Error Correcting Codes

G. Krishna Reddy, G. Merlin Sheeba

2724 - 2732 | published: 2020-01-18

Hexagonal Fractal Antenna for 5G Applications www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 40/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Soujanya. M, G. Srivalli, VSSN Srinivasa Baba

2733 - 2737 | published: 2020-01-18

Lung Cancer Detection from Computed Topography Images using Marker controlled Watershed

Ankitha Rathi, Ch.Usha Kumari, Swapna Raghunath, Tejashwini Neela

2738 - 2743 | published: 2020-01-18

Image Encryption and Decryption using Chaotic Bit level Pixel Permutation

Tejashwini Neela, Ch. Usha Kumari, Swapna Raghunath, Ankitha Rathi

2744 - 2751 | published: 2020-01-18

Hybrid Beamforming for 5g and Cognitive Radios


2752 - 2765 | published: 2020-01-18

Survey on Localization Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks

M. Krishna Monika, N. Arun Vignesh, Asisa Kumar Panigrahy, Ch. Usha Kumari

2766 - 2772 | published: 2020-01-18

Economic Dispatch of Thermal Units: A Comparison of PSO and JAYA Algorithms

Mukesh Kumar Shah, K. R. Niazi, Nikhil Gupta, Anil Swarnkar

2773 - 2777 | published: 2020-01-18

Design of Hybrid Full Adder using Full Swing and Non-Full Swing XOR XNOR Gates

P. Malini, S. Kokila, M. Karthiga, G. Naveen Balaji

2778 - 2787 | published: 2020-01-18

Detour Domination Number of More Graphs

P. Shanthi, K. Palani, A. Nagarajan

2788 - 2792 | published: 2020-01-18

A Witness Oriented Secure Location Provenance Modelling for Location Proofs

E. Soumya, Pramod Kumar Poladi, Vahini Siruvoru

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 41/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

2793 - 2797 | published: 2020-01-18

Evaluation of Machine Learning Models for Credit Scoring

Ramesh Cheripelli, Kovvuri Ramya Sri

2798 - 2805 | published: 2020-01-18

Critical Analysis on Legal Aid Regulation for Marginal Community Based on Legal Language

Asri Wijayanti, Sri Winarsi

2806 - 2814 | published: 2020-01-18

Automated Motivational Agent Framework for a Greener Lifestyle Behavior Change

Napoleon M. Cacanindin, Sony E. Valdez

2815 - 2822 | published: 2020-01-18

Metamorphosis An Action-Adventure Shooter Game

Cybele Daphne B. Gorre, Ma. Ymelda C. Batalla, Karl Louis V. Manansala, Jack Harvey B. Imperio, Paul Gilbert V. Maglaya, Catherine Joy G. Mayuga

2823 - 2826 | published: 2020-01-18

An Architectural Model on Employment Opportunities as Aftercare Program

Neriza V. Bustillo, Thelma D. Palaoag, Joseph Kristian B. Reyes

2827 - 2832 | published: 2020-01-18

Compressive Strength of Concrete Retrofitted by Fiberglass - Reinforced Polyethylene Terephthalate EthyleneVinyl Acetate with varying thickness

Guillermo O. Bernabe, Orlean G. Dela Cruz, Joseph Raniel A. Bianes

2833 - 2838 | published: 2020-01-18

Design of Honey Collecting Machine from Beehive Powered by Solar

V. Gowrishankar, A. Vinotha, A. Vishnuprriya, R. Arun, S. R. Aijay

2839 - 2843 | published: 2020-01-18

Strong Multiplier Structure Execution on FPGA With Variable Latency

V. Remya, S. Rajalakshmi, G. C. Jagan, J. Brittopari

2844 - 2848 | published: 2020-01-18 www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 42/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

A Proposed New Multilevel Inverter Topology and its Design Using MATLAB/Simulink

Lipika Nanda, Priyesh Bharti, Aryadhara Pradhan, Sanhita Mishra, Lipsa Priyadarshini

2849 - 2853 | published: 2020-01-18

Effect of Al2O3 Nano filler on Mechanical Behaviour of Hybrid Polymer Composite-A Taguchi Approach

Dilip Kumar K, Shantharaja M, Ravindra

2854 - 2862 | published: 2020-01-18

Hybrid Algorithm for Denoising of Vibrocardiographic Signals Using Savitzky Golay Filter and Hilbert-Huang Transform

A. Anto Spiritus Kingsly, J. Mahil, N V Ratnakishor Gade

2863 - 2870 | published: 2020-01-18

Resource Scheduling Policy using Population based Metaheuristic Search along with Firefly Caching Policy in Cloud Environment

Mamatha C M, Gururaj Murthugudde

2871 - 2881 | published: 2020-01-18

Quantum Computing: A Brief Introduction to the Emerging Technology and Its Engineering Paradigm

Sachin Aralikatti

2882 - 2886 | published: 2020-01-18

Performance Evaluation of Existing Interference Mitigation Techniques under Designed Interference Environment

Shilpa Vikas Shinde, Santosh S. Sonavane

2887 - 2895 | published: 2020-01-18

Study of Metal Oxide (ZnO) Nanostructure based Chemical Sensor

Suresh Kumar Dash, Suryasnata Dash, Jyoti Prakash Kar

2896 - 2901 | published: 2020-01-18

Testing of Long Run Association between Crude Oil and Gold Commodities: An Empirical study in India www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 43/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Rajesh R, A. Satya Nandini

2902 - 2906 | published: 2020-01-18

Slopes Stability Analysis Using the Plaxis 2D Program and Taylor’s Stability Equation

Vinod B R, P. Shivananda, A B Ragavendra, Rakesh M, Pallavi S

2907 - 2910 | published: 2020-01-18

An Interpretation of Applicability of Balanced Scorecard and Performance of it Companies in Bengaluru City

S. Shalini, S. Venkatesh

2911 - 2917 | published: 2020-01-18

Sustainable Practices in Organic Apparel Industry

Prachi Mishra, G. Devakumar

2918 - 2929 | published: 2020-01-18

Enhancing Group of Business Formation and Development Relating Habitual Women Entrepreneurs

T. Rekha Kiran Kumar

2930 - 2935 | published: 2020-01-18

Optimized PM2.5 Predictive model using Time Series by Genetic Algorithm Based Long Short Term Memory Networks

S. Geetha, K. Thurkai Muthuraj

2936 - 2940 | published: 2020-01-18

A Novel Approach for QoS and Security Using Data Mining Techniques

Shaik Nazeer, A N K Prasannanjaneyulu

2941 - 2948 | published: 2020-01-18

Exploring the Factors of HR Analytics Competency and its Impact on Business Outcomes

Gayathri R, Revathy Shivashankaran

2949 - 2960 | published: 2020-01-18

A Design of Threshold Logic Flip-Flops for Minimizing Power, Leakage and Area of Standard www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 44/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Cell ASIC

T. Archana, S. Praveenkumar

2961 - 2966 | published: 2020-01-19

Vehicular Framework Estimation Using Controller Area Network

P. Harshitha, S. Chithra, Srigitha. S. Nath

2967 - 2971 | published: 2020-01-19

Improved Companding Technique with Different Modulation Schemes for Better Papr in of DM Systems

A. Hema Malini, M. Selvi

2972 - 2977 | published: 2020-01-19

Design and Simulation of MEMS Based Electrothermal Micro Mirror for Optical Switching

K. Anitha, P. Mahiz Mathi, T. Aravind, S. Ramya

2978 - 2983 | published: 2020-01-19

Energy Efficient Trust Analysis System for Dynamic Cloud Environment

G. Nalinipriya, Ramani Kannan, K. G. Maheswari

2984 - 2990 | published: 2020-01-19

Integration of Software Components with Moodle Platform for Efficient Virtual Learning

K. Dinakaran, M. Kumar, P. Valarmathie

2991 - 2996 | published: 2020-01-19

Government of India Schemes in A Single App Using Voice Interface

Indumathy D, Dhinesh N D, Elakkiya M

2997 - 3000 | published: 2020-01-19

Intelligent Control for Vehicle Tracking, Accident Prevention and Safety

M. Joly, P. R. Hinoj

3001 - 3006 | published: 2020-01-19

Release Behavior and Degradation Research of Controlled-Released Urea Encapsulated in Starch-Alginate Hydrogel www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 45/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Siew Wei Phang, Lee Tin Sin, Soo-Tueen Bee

3007 - 3015 | published: 2020-01-19

Training Video Data for Semantic Content Extraction in Surveillance using Tensorflow

A. Manju, P. Valarmathie

3016 - 3024 | published: 2020-01-19

Gravitational Search Algorithm based Real Power Loss Minimization using Ideal Region of Facts Devices

R. Mathi, S. Jayalalitha

3025 - 3033 | published: 2020-01-19

A Heuristic Research on Detecting SuspiciousMalware Pattern in Mobile Environment

G. Maria Jones, L Ancy Geoferlaand, S Godfrey Winster

3034 - 3041 | published: 2020-01-19

Prediction Of Skin Cancer On Skin Lesion Images

R. Meenakshi

3042 - 3049 | published: 2020-01-19

Using Social Media for predictive Data Analytics in Productivity increasing Decision-Making Process

G. Nalinipriya, B. Balamurugan, S. Karthikeyan

3050 - 3057 | published: 2020-01-19

Reasarch on Load Distribution of Different Involute Spline Clearance

Noor Zafirah Abu Bakar, Lee Chong Ghee, Hazlan Meera Hussain

3058 - 3068 | published: 2020-01-19

Effect of Blue Green Algae on Plant Growth and Improving Soil Quality

Priyanka Tomar, Harsh Thakur, J. S. Sudarsan, S. Nithiyanantham, M. G. Prathap

3069 - 3073 | published: 2020-01-19

A Novel Control Scheme for Variable Load Drive Systems with Reinforcement Learning

Reynato Andal Gamboa, Aravind CV, Gowthamraj R www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 46/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

3074 - 3081 | published: 2020-01-19

Modeling of Closed Loop ZVS Double Boost DC-DC Converter

R. Senthilkumar, G. Mageswaran

3082 - 3092 | published: 2020-01-19

A Cloud based Scalable Web Server for ISP using WEFGO Algorithm

M. Shobana, P. Senthil Kumar

3093 - 3103 | published: 2020-01-19

Optimized Real Time 3-D Feature Map Generation with Unmanned Aerial Systems

Swee King Phang, Syed Zeeshan Ahmed, Mohamed Redhwan Abdul Hamid

3104 - 3112 | published: 2020-01-19

Improving the Quality of Online Education through Virtual and Augmented Reality

K. Dinakaran, K. D. Thirumal, P. Valarmathie, M. Suresh

3113 - 3118 | published: 2020-01-19

Sparse Channel Estimation in MM - Wave Hybrid MIMO systems

Nazeerunnisa , Madhavi Tatineni

3119 - 3127 | published: 2020-01-19

Iot Enabled Smart Farming System For Disables Using Raspberry Pi3 And Sensors

M. L. Ravi Chandra, B. Varun Kumar, A. Siva Sankar

3128 - 3133 | published: 2020-01-19

Reconfiguration of Nodes Using Mpsoc for Fault Tolerant in Smart Network

M. Sirin Kumari, D. Vijaya Kumar

3134 - 3140 | published: 2020-01-19

Robust Feature Based Automated Multi-View Human Action Recognition System Using Machine Learning

M. Mahalakshmi, M. Dayanidhy

3141 - 3147 | published: 2020-01-19

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 47/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Design and Implementation of Battery Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Power Quality Issues in Domestic Grid

P. Sundaramoorthi, V. Prasannamoorthy, R. Kathiravan

3148 - 3152 | published: 2020-01-19

A Wheel Chair Movement Control

Y. Aruna Suhasini Devi

3153 - 3156 | published: 2020-01-19

Access of Delay And Power Consumption using Differentfull Adder S in 180nm and 45nm Technology

Raveendrababu Pakala, M. Nagaraju Naik

3157 - 3162 | published: 2020-01-19

Implementation Of High Speed Built In Self-Test Architecture For Testable Uart

M. Radha Rani, Fazal Noorbasha

3163 - 3167 | published: 2020-01-19

Design of 8TSram Using Finfet Technology

C. H. Neelima, T. Ravinder, D. Sudha

3168 - 3171 | published: 2020-01-19

Power Quality Mitigation & THD Reduction using STATCOM for Renewable Energy System

P. Sundaramoorthi, V. Prasannamoorthy, R. Kathiravan

3172 - 3175 | published: 2020-01-19

Classification of Hyper Spectral Images Using Hierarchical Guidance Filtering

L. Ramya Krishna, S. Vyshali

3176 - 3180 | published: 2020-01-19

Design And Performance Analysis of High-Speed Blowfish Cryptosystem

G Rajesh Kumar, Mohiul Islam, G. Prasanna Kumar

3181 - 3186 | published: 2020-01-19

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 48/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management A Technical Research on UAV for Object Detection

Merugu Suresh, Nida Fathima

3187 - 3194 | published: 2020-01-19

WT-DCT domain based image watermarking technique using SVM

Mohiul Islam, G. Rajesh Kumar, Abdul Subhani Shaik, Rabul Hussain Laskar

3195 - 3200 | published: 2020-01-19

Rectangular Patch Antennas with H-Slot for WLAN and Wi-Max Applications

Anil Santi, Srilaxmi. P, K Rama Rao

3201 - 3207 | published: 2020-01-19

Design and Research onLow Power SRAM using Adiabatic Technique with 180nm and 90nmTechnology

Srilaxmi. P, T. Swapna Rani, Anil. S

3208 - 3213 | published: 2020-01-19

Low Power 4 Bit Flash Adc Using Multiple Selection Method In 45nm

J Nageswara Reddy, V. Padmanabha Reddy, G. Karthik Reddy

3214 - 3223 | published: 2020-01-19

Priority Retrial Queues with J Working Vacations

M. Sundararaman, D. Narasimhan

3224 - 3227 | published: 2020-01-19

Accentuating Oman Traffic Using Big Data Analytics by Excavating Weblog & Social Networking Data

Mohammed Faisal, Mallak Al-Abri, Shurooq Al Yahyai

3228 - 3233 | published: 2020-01-20

Factors Affecting on E-Logistic: Mediating Role of ICT & Technology Integration in Retail Supply Chain in Malaysia

A. K. Mahbubul Hye, Mahadi Hasan Miraz, Kamal Imran Mohd Sharif, Mohamad Ghozali Hassan

3234 - 3243 | published: 2020-01-20

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 49/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Educational Wind Tunnel for the Sports Aerodynamics

G. Nallavan

3244 - 3247 | published: 2020-01-20

Experience and Practical Results of Marmorized Limestone Reserves Re-Evaluation

Kalimulla Murzahanov, Sergei Khokhlov, Yuriy Vinogradov, Semen Sokolov

3248 - 3252 | published: 2020-01-20

Breaking News as a Factor Influencing Media Personale

Sugandha Shekhar Thakur, Sachin Sinha, Hamid Saremi

3253 - 3259 | published: 2020-01-20

QOS Aware Multicast Routing Protocol using Reliability based Pruning Technique

Joshua Reginald Pullagura, D Venkata Rao

3260 - 3277 | published: 2020-01-20

Solid Waste Management- A Study on Residents Attitude and its Influence on Behavioural Intention

S. Preetha, S. Subhashini, S. Iswarya

3278 - 3284 | published: 2020-01-20

Composition of Coastal Waste in Ambon Bay Waters

Jusmy D. Putuhena, N. C. Tuhumury, Aryanto Boreel, A. J. Hehamahua

3285 - 3295 | published: 2020-01-20

Model for Career Development Information System Information and Communication Technology based on Expert Systems in the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Kasman Kasman, B. H. Hayadi

3296 - 3299 | published: 2020-01-20

The Effect of Personality, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Stress toward Hospital Nurses Performance in Bengkulu City

Nurhasanah , Agus Riyanto, Deltari Novitasari

3300 - 3306 | published: 2020-01-20

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 50/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management A Study on the Properties and Leachability of Fired Clay Bricks Incorporating with Gypsum Waste

Nurul Nabila Huda Hashar, Aeslina Abdul Kadir, Shahin Ishamuddin, Nur Jannah Abdul Hamid, Azini Amiza Hashim, Noor Amira Sarani, Mohd Ikhmal Haqeem Hassan

3307 - 3311 | published: 2020-01-20

Method of Cleaning the Piston-Cylinder Engine Part of the Internal Combustion Engines of Agricultural Equipment

A. A. H. Al-Maidi, Yu. V. Rodionov, A. E. Lomovskikh, S. V. Borisov, D. V. Nikitin, D. Yu. Muromtsev

3312 - 3320 | published: 2020-01-20

Marketability Dimensions of University Graduates for various Professions in Saudi Arabia: A study of Alkharj Governorate

Ahmed Suhail Ajina, Tarek Tawfik Yousef Alkhateeb, Saji George

3321 - 3330 | published: 2020-01-20

Review of Recycling Processes with Respect to Carbon Emission and Waste Management

Abdulsalam A. Matlob, Fawzi Habeeb Jabrail, Rahmah Abdulsalam Attallah

3331 - 3340 | published: 2020-01-20

Design Security System based on Arduino

Lubab H. Albak, Arwa Hamed, Raid Rafi Omar Al-Nima

3341 - 3346 | published: 2020-01-20

The Role of Educational Institutions in the Improvement of Engineering Education in Thailand: Mediating Role of Student’s Motivation

Sakapas Saengchai, Watcharin Joemsittiprasert, Kittisak Jermsittiparsert

3347 - 3358 | published: 2020-01-20

The Effectiveness of Blended Learning Approaches towards Achievement in Programming Skills of Secondary Students’: A Case Study

Jamilah Hamid, Norraihan Rosman, Saira Banu Omar Khan

3359 - 3367 | published: 2020-01-20

Efficiency Comparison of Network Simulators

Maan Y Anad Alsaleem, Dhafer Sabah Yaseen, Samahfakhri Aziz

3368 - 3371 | published: 2020-01-20 www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 51/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Spatio-Temporal Distributions of Ante-natal Care Utilization and Hospital Deliveries in Jigawa North-West Senatorial District

Muhammad Abdulkadir, Ruslan Rainis

3372 - 3378 | published: 2020-01-20

Flah Floods Modelling in an Arid Zone Based on Remotely Sensing Data and GIS Application

Ashammari Eissa Zaidan, Ruslan Rainis, Azimabint Abdurrahman

3379 - 3385 | published: 2020-01-20

A Botnet Taxonomy and Detection Approaches

Zahian Ismail, Aman Jantan, Mohd. Najwadi Yusoff, Muhammad Ubale Kiru

3386 - 3408 | published: 2020-01-20

Combined ANFIS Method and Internet of Things (IoT) to Control and Supervise The Outdoor Panels Condition

M. Rheza, M. Afiqi, Afif Zuhri Arfianto, E. Julianto, R. A. Adhitya, Matt Syaiin, V. Y. P. Ardhana, Ari Yudha Lusiandri, A. Bousbaine, D. Harmanto

3409 - 3415 | published: 2020-01-20

The Histopathology of the Mouse Brain as a Toxic Effect of Inhalation Exposure to Prallethrin and D-Phenothrin Mixture

I Santiasih, H S Titah, E Julianto, J Hermana

3416 - 3422 | published: 2020-01-20

Education 4.0: Android-based application for Teaching English to Polytechnic Students

D. A. Utari, A. Z. Arfianto, L. E. Puspandari, E. Julianto, Eko Supriyanto, Dody Hidayat, Muhamad Nasir, A. Bousbaine, D. Harmanto

3423 - 3429 | published: 2020-01-20

Operability and Sea worthiness Analysis of Passenger Ship using Motion Simulation

I Putu Sindhu Asmara, Sumardiono , Beta Dena Qowima, Hariyanto Soeroso, Eko Julianto, A Bousbaine, D. Harmanto

3430 - 3434 | published: 2020-01-20

Use of Aloe Vera and Moringa Oleifera as Biocoagulant in Palm Oil Industry

Adhi Setiawan, Dara Puspitasari, Tanti Utami Dewi, Tarikh Azis R, Eko Julianto

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 52/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

3435 - 3439 | published: 2020-01-20

Nourishing Organizational Performance through Engineering Education: Mediating Role of Open Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights Protection

Chayanan Kerdpitak, Kittisak Jermsittiparsert

3440 - 3451 | published: 2020-01-20

Influence of Engineering Education and Integrated Quality & Environmental Management on Quality, Firm and Environmental Performance

Chayanan Kerdpitak, Kittisak Jermsittiparsert

3452 - 3463 | published: 2020-01-20

Bridging Engineering Education with Lean Manufacturing through Teamwork, Awareness of Lean Information and Employee Involvement

Chayanan Kerdpitak, Kittisak Jermsittiparsert

3464 - 3475 | published: 2020-01-20

Human Resource Development and Success of Engineering Procurement Construction Project: What Role Engineering Education and Human Resource Competency can play?

Sakapas Saengchai, Watcharin Joemsittiprasert, Kittisak Jermsittiparsert

3476 - 3487 | published: 2020-01-20

Is Engineering Education Inevitable for Design Creativity? Mediating Role of Creative Components and Behaviors

Kittisak Jermsittiparsert, Parinya Siriattakul, Chutipan Sutduean

3488 - 3498 | published: 2020-01-20

The Attitude of Graduation Students towards the Engineering Education: Mediating Role of Financial Condition

Kittisak Jermsittiparsert, Jutamat Sutduean, Chayongkan Pamornmast

3499 - 3510 | published: 2020-01-20

School Facilities as a Potential Predictor of Engineering Education Quality: Mediating Role of Teaching Proficiency and Professional Development

Mohammad Dawabsheh, Ahmad Mustanir, Kittisak Jermsittiparsert

3511 - 3521 | published: 2020-01-20

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 53/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Role of Entrepreneurial Motivation towards the Entrepreneurial Intentions among Engineering Students: A Mediated Moderated Research Framework

Kittisak Jermsittiparsert, Jutamat Sutduean, Chutipan Sutduean

3522 - 3533 | published: 2020-01-20

Social Problems of the Russian Arctic’s Mono-Towns: How to Resolve Them?

Vera Samarina, Elena Korchak, Tatiana Skufina, Aleksandr Samarin

3534 - 3545 | published: 2020-01-20

Measuring and increasing the added value of the Marketed products

Agus Supandi Soegoto Dedi Sulistiyo S, Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto

3546 - 3552 | published: 2020-01-20

Seismic Analysis of Torsional Irregularity in Multi-Storey Symmetric and Asymmetric Buildings

Manish A Kewalramani, Zubair I Syed

3553 - 3558 | published: 2020-01-20

Numerical study of Combustion Characteristic, Performance and Emissions of a SI Engine Running on Gasoline, Ethanol and LPG

Mohanad Aldhaidhawi, Muneer Naji, Kassy A. Subhi

3559 - 3565 | published: 2020-01-20

Wood Chipping Concrete Strength improved by using a Plastic Waste Materials

Fadya Saadi Klak, Muyasser M. Jomaa′h, Ruqiya Abed Hussain

3566 - 3573 | published: 2020-01-20

Juvenile Justice System –For Juvenile Offenders below the Age of Sixteen ‘16’ – An Indian Perspective

Praveen Vasam

3574 - 3580 | published: 2020-01-20

Leadership Competence of State Universities and Colleges

Dr. Sarah A Galang

3581 - 3595 | published: 2020-01-20

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 54/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management How ‘Healthy’ Is Health Care Industry in Information Disclosures: Revisiting Evidences in India

Rupali Khanna, Bhupinder Pal Singh Chahal

3596 - 3608 | published: 2020-01-20

Fostering Oman Tourism using big data Analytics by Mining Weblog and Social Networking Data

Sanjai Gupta, Safa Mohsin Hamed Al Busaidi, Hanaa Fadhil Al Hinaai, Huria Khalfan Harith Al-Busaidi

3609 - 3620 | published: 2020-01-20

A Critical Review and Future Perspective of Hydrate Mitigation Technologies

Bhalchandra Shingan, P. Vijay

3621 - 3628 | published: 2020-01-20

An Energy Efficient Routing Method for Improving Network Lifetime with Proper Uniform Routing Strategies in Wireless Sensor Networks with Centered Base Station

T Venu Madhav

3629 - 3637 | published: 2020-01-20

Analysis the Application of an Inclusive Financial Policy of Bank and Financial Technology Companies

Sri Herliana, Qorri Aina, Acip Sutardi, Nur Lawiyah

3638 - 3647 | published: 2020-01-20

Sustainable Consumption Behavior among Generation Y & Z in Jakarta Area

Magdalena Lestari Ginting, Devanny Gumulya

3648 - 3656 | published: 2020-01-20

Effects of Proactive Personality, Transformational Leadership and Perceived Organizational Support on Employee Creativity: The Role of Work Meaning as a mediating variable

Suryandari Istiqomah, Asri Laksmi Riani, Sarwoto Sarwoto

3657 - 3676 | published: 2020-01-20

Achieving a Competitive Advantage and Supply Chain Performance by Supply Chain Practices

Sarwoto , Heru Purnomo, Suryandari Istiqomah, Adnan Effendi

3677 - 3702 | published: 2020-01-20

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 55/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Brand Equity is mediated in Influencing Purchase Intentions on E Commerce

Angga Febrian, Cinthia Annisa Vinahapsari

3703 - 3710 | published: 2020-01-20

Culture as Moderating Effect on Perceived Enjoyment that Affect Customer Attitude to Accept Toy and Equipment Renting for Children

Devanny Gumulya

3711 - 3726 | published: 2020-01-20

Destination Personality and Destination Image; their Impacts on Competitiveness and Destination Sustainability

Yasri , Erni Masdupi, Mia Ayu Gusti, Rizni Aulia, Tri Andriani, Astra Prima Budiarti

3727 - 3737 | published: 2020-01-20

Waste Management by Garut Youth Movement, Indonesia

Ikeu Kania, Dini Turipanam Alamanda, Pupung Pundenswari, Abdullah Ramdhani

3738 - 3745 | published: 2020-01-20

Explore Relationship Marketing of a Coffee Shop Industry to Customer Retention in Garut – Indonesia

Wati Susilawati, Intan Tenisia Prawita Sari

3746 – 3755 | published: 2020-01-20

Increased Marketing Performance of Batik SMES through Product innovation Capability, Niche Market Mastery and Adaptation of Future Changes

Sudarwati , Wisnu Untoro, Ahmad Ikhwan Setiawan, Intan Novela Qurrotul Aini

3756 - 3767 | published: 2020-01-20

The Analysis of Business Vulnerability in Rice Supply Chain in the Flood Prone Areas

M. Farid Wajdi, Muzakar Isa, Liana Mangifera

3768 - 3779 | published: 2020-01-20

The Problem of Maximizing the Benefits from the Financing of Housing Construction for the Population and Society

Sergey Laptev, Mariia Ermilova

3780 - 3790 | published: 2020-01-20 www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 56/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Entrepreneurial Characters in Food Clusters in a Developing Country; a Preliminary Case Study of Pojok Cimahi in Indoensia

Donald Crestofel Lantu, Sri Herliana, Mia Rosmiati, Qorri Aina, Nur Lawiyah

3791 - 3797 | published: 2020-01-20

Analysis of Provincial Convergence in Indonesia in 2001-2017

Asih Sriwinarti, Wahyu Dwi Artaningtyas, Jamzani Sodik

3798 - 3810 | published: 2020-01-20

Optimizing Public Assets Utilization: Empirical Evidence from Yogyakarta Local Government in Indonesia

I Ketut Nama, Sri Suharsih, Rini Dwi Astuti, Astuti Rahayu

3811 - 3820 | published: 2020-01-20

Problems and Prospects of Public and Private Sector Bank Customers to Avail Home Loans

P. Venkaiah Babu, K. L. Sravani Kumari, D. Satish Babu, SK. Muzeer

3821 - 3834 | published: 2020-01-20

Lifetime and Performance Enhancement in WSN by Energy-Buffer Residual Status of Nodes and the Multiple Mobile Sink

Amairullah Khan Lodhi, M. S. S Rukmini, Syed Abdulsattar, Shaikh Zeba Tabassum

3835 - 3845 | published: 2020-01-20

Corporate Governance, Organizational Slack, and Sustainability Report Disclosure with Mediation Financial Performance

Fatimah Nurrahmah, Falikhatun , Salamah Wahyuni

3846 – 3860 | published: 2020-01-20

Corporate Social Responsibility towards Investors’ Wealth: An Empirical Evidence from Agricultural Sector in Indonesia

Astrie Krisnawati, Dwi Harni

3861 - 3868 | published: 2020-01-20

Determinant of Financial Restructuring of Financially Distress Firms in Indonesia

Sri Dwi Ari Ambarwati, Tulus Haryono, Bambang Hadi Nugroho www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 57/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

3869 - 3879 | published: 2020-01-20

Corporate Role with Government in Preparing Industrial Human Resources Competency

Ahmad Darmawi, Darsono , Drajat Tri Kartono, Sapja Anantanyu

3880 - 3898 | published: 2020-01-20

Social Accounting in the Small Medium Enterprises

Lisa Kartikasari, Sutapa

3899 - 3908 | published: 2020-01-20

Conventional and Sharia Financial Performance Cooperation in Indonesia

Sohidin , Djuminah

3909 - 3927 | published: 2020-01-20

Role of Financial Inclusion towards Growth & Sustainability in Indian Economy: With Special Reference to role of Information Technology & Other Intermediaries

Abhishek Tripathi, Shuchi Gupta

3928 – 3935 | published: 2020-01-20

A Systematic Review on the Various Approaches used for Achieving Energy Consumption in Cloud

Rishu Gulati, S S Tyagi

3936 - 3953 | published: 2020-01-20

Survivability of Aqua Marine Products in Fish Ponds through Water Quality Evaluation Using Machine Learning Algorithm

Lester G. Loyola, Luisito L. Lacatan

3954 - 3960 | published: 2020-01-21

Perceived threats in Plastic money use and dealing with simple utilize action and security endeavours in India

Nandita Sikari, K. Harikrishnan

3961 - 3965 | published: 2020-01-21

Elements of Medical Tourism in India -A Microscopic Analysis

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 58/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management K. S. Beena, D. Venkatrama Raju

3966 - 3976 | published: 2020-01-21

Perceived Suggestions for Improving the Effective Functioning of Krishi Vigyan Kendra

Niruban Chakkaravarthy Dhanasekaran, Balakrishnan T

3977 - 3979 | published: 2020-01-21

Work Life Balance of Women Nurses in Corporate Hospitals in Chennai

D. Panimalar, A. Shameem

3980 - 3983 | published: 2020-01-21

Exploring Artificial Intelligence for HR in VUCA Times

Patoori Bhanu Prakash, Lalitha P S

3984 - 3987 | published: 2020-01-21

An Investigation in to the Influence on HR Planning on Organizational Effectiveness with Respect to it Firms in Chennai

A. M. Selvaraj, J. Rengamani

3988 - 3991 | published: 2020-01-21

Financial Performance of Mahindra Finance

S. Poongavanam, R. Vettriselvan, K M Ashifa, K. S. Swapna, Antony Jesu Rajan FSA

3992 - 3996 | published: 2020-01-21

Martial Arts and its Impaction Empowering Woman: With Reference to Karnataka State

Prajwal .V, Sriranjini S

3997 - 4001 | published: 2020-01-21

Material Flow Evaluation Mathematical Model for Layout Re-design

Rahul Kumar Gautam, Aruna A, Sudharsanam K

4002 – 4009 | published: 2020-01-21

Material Flow Integration Evaluation Model considering Automation at Manufacturing Shop Floor

Rahul Kumar Gautam, Aruna A, Sudharsanam K www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 59/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

4010 - 4015 | published: 2020-01-21

Resource Sharing and Business Convenience in Smart Manufacturing

Saharsh Oswal, Jeyanthi Subramanian

4016 - 4021 | published: 2020-01-21

CMOS Technology based Improved Architecture for Efficient Video Coding using Deblocking Filter

Burgoji Santhosh Kumar, Sudhir Kumar Sharma

4022 - 4026 | published: 2020-01-21

An Empirical Study on Young Pilgrimage Tourists’ Satisfaction with Special Focus on the Golden Temple, Vellore

K. Vidhya, V. Selvam

4027 - 4035 | published: 2020-01-21

Stress: A Blessing in Disguise Stress is an Opportunity to have an Introspection to Identify the Real Self!

S. Sasikumar, Sajan M. George

4036 - 4039 | published: 2020-01-21

Linking Attitude and Achievement in Chemistry

Donabel Ariza Dumelod

4040 - 4043 | published: 2020-01-21

Classroom Assessment Profile of Teachers in Cauayan City, Philippines

Genalyn L. Capelo

4044 - 4048 | published: 2020-01-21

Off-the-shelf Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) features for Automatic Face Quality Prediction

Nabila Saiyed, Shikha Nema, Akanksha Joshi

4049- 4056 | published: 2020-01-21

A Deep Learning based Facial Emotion Recognition System

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 60/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Bevish Jinila .Y, Shyamal Shankar .S, Ajitha .P, Sivashangari .A

4057- 4061 | published: 2020-01-21

Cloud Computing Challenges and its Implications

Vipin Khattri, Sandeep Kumar Nayak

4062- 4066 | published: 2020-01-21

Development of Renewable Energy Technologies in Federal Republic of Nigeria Current Status Problem and Prospects

Usman Hassan, Utkarsh Awasthi, Nafiu Adamu Isah Romo, Shrish Bajpai

4067 - 4076 | published: 2020-01-21

Enhanced security in Image Steganography using Raspberry pi

Sowmiya. R, Umamakeswari. A

4077 - 4083 | published: 2020-01-21

Experimental Investigations of Performance of Lateral Flow Sand-Bed Filters for Wastewater Treatment

Anoop Nr. Singh, Akshit Mittal

4084 - 4090 | published: 2020-01-21

Determination of Densities of Some R4NI Salt Solution in Isopropyl Alcohol-DMF Mixtures and Study the Nature of Ionic Interactions from Apparent Molar Volume Data at 313.15K

Indu Saxena, Rikkam Devi, Vijay Kumar, Jaya Tripathi

4091- 4101 | published: 2020-01-21

Echo Cancellation System with Dual Adaptive Filter and Effect of Multiplication Factor in LMS Algorithm Weight Equation

Janak Kapoor, G. R. Mishra, Manish Rai

4102- 4108 | published: 2020-01-21

Performance Analysis of PEM Fuel Cell for different Atmospheric conditions

Anand K Gupta, Utkarsh Kanth, Abhishek Rai, Mohammed Aslam Husain

4109 - 4113 | published: 2020-01-21

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 61/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Harnessing Anisotropy in Nanoparticles: Current Strategies and Applications

Tahira Khatoon, Vishal Singh Chandel, Sachin Tripathi, Navshad Alam

4114 - 4131 | published: 2020-01-21

Performance Evaluation of Low Power Adiabatic Techniques

Shipra Upadhyay, Amit Kumar Pandey, Shailendra Kumar

4132 - 4137 | published: 2020-01-21

Lemon Peel Activated Carbon: An Efficient Adsorbent for Removal of Textile Dye from Aqueous Solution

Mohammad Azam, Minaxi B. Lohani, Abdul Rahman Khan, Qazi Inamur Rahman, Geeta R. Lohani

4138 - 4145 | published: 2020-01-21

Machine Learning in Healthcare Industry: Tools and Techniques

Neha Singh, P. K. Chaurasia

4146 - 4150 | published: 2020-01-21

Optimal Allocation and Sizing of Sustainable Energy Resources in a Radial Distribution System using Particle Swarm Optimization

Kundan Kumar, Lokesh Kumar Yadav, Puneet Joshi, Sanjay Agrawal, Medha Joshi

4151- 4157 | published: 2020-01-21

Bandwidth Allocation Schemes for Cognitive Radio Network

Manish Kumar Dixit, Arun Kumar Singh, Saurabh Dixit

4158 - 4167 | published: 2020-01-21

Performance Analysis of Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant in Integral University- Lucknow Campus, Uttar Pradesh-India

Talat Zahra, Faraz Yusuf Khan, Shrish Bajpai, Imran Ullah Khan

4168 – 4172 | published: 2020-01-21

Performance Analysis of Grid-connected WRIG using Combined Input Voltage Control and Slip Power Control Schemes

Farhad Ilahi Bakhsh, Md. Tabrez

4173 - 4177 | published: 2020-01-21

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 62/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Influences of Requirement Change on Software Failure

Syed Adnan Afaq, Md. Faisal

4178 - 4184 | published: 2020-01-21

LEACH based Clustering Technique in Wireless Sensor Network

Akhilesh Panchal, Rajeev Kumar, Arun Kumar Singh

4185 - 4188 | published: 2020-01-21

Computational Simulation - Design & Analysis functionality of Grid Connected (GC) Photo- Voltaic (PV) System

Preeti Tripathi, Imran Khan

4189 - 4195 | published: 2020-01-21

Optimization by Crowning Piston and Protection of Sleeve by application of Heat Resistant insulation in super finishing Lathe Attachment

Sayyad Layak B., Ch. Sanjay., Satya Devi A

4196 - 4200 | published: 2020-01-21

Transient Thermal Observation for Casting of Assembly of Aluminum Alloy with Sand Mold & Mullite Mold

Rahul Shukla, Amit Medhavi, Raghuvir Kumar, Abhishek Kumar Pandey

4201 - 4209 | published: 2020-01-21

E(Kl3m4,5) and E(L3mxm4,5) Auger Electron Kinetic Energies for 21 ≤ Z ≤ 30

Desh Deepak Tewari, Garima Misra, U. D. Misra

4210 - 4215 | published: 2020-01-21

A Critical Investigation of Routing Protocol for WSNs

Ved Prakash, Suman Pandey, Sohit Shukla

4216 - 4222 | published: 2020-01-21

Solar Tracker: An Essential Need of Solar Photovoltaic Energy Generation System

Faizan A. Khan, Syed. H. Saeed, Saifur Rahman, Ahmad F Minai

4223 - 4226 | published: 2020-01-21

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 63/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Technical analysis of Stocks listed on NSE using Machine Learning

Abhishek Rai, Manas Shukla, Ankur Chokhani, Kiran Gawande

4227 - 4233 | published: 2020-01-21

Measuring the Brand Personality Dimensions of Modest Fashion Industry in Malaysia

Ami Suhana Menon, Muhammad Shahrin Hashim, Muhammad Asyraf Hasim

4234 - 4240 | published: 2020-01-21

Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with Back-Propagation Algorithm Forecasting Model and Spatiotemporal Visualization for Forestland Rehabilitation

Jehan D. Bulanadi, Gilbert M Tumibay, Mary Ann F. Quioc

4241 - 4250 | published: 2020-01-21

Singkonet: Vending Machine for Internet Library Services

Kelvin Kris C. Gonzales

4251 - 4255 | published: 2020-01-21

Relevance of Blank’s Customer Development Model in Selected Cases of Market-Oriented R&D Commercialization in Malaysia

Baharudin Kadir, Mohd Farid Shamsudin, Indok Nurul Hasyimah Mohd Amin

4256 - 4259 | published: 2020-01-21

Market-Oriented R&D Commercialization at Research Universities in Malaysia – Insights from Selected Cases

Baharudin Kadir, Amran Md. Rasli, Aniza Othman

4260 - 4263 | published: 2020-01-21

Licensing Approach to R&D Commercialization among Government Research Institutes in Malaysia – Lessons from Selected Cases

Baharudin Kadir, Mohd. Farid Shamsudin

4264 - 4266 | published: 2020-01-21

Solar-Powered Soil Nutrient Detector for Rice Field

Arvin N. Natividad, Luisito L. Lacatan

4267 - 4276 | published: 2020-01-21

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 64/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Mathematical Thinking towards Efficient Approach to Problem Solving

Genalyn L. Capelo

4277 - 4280 | published: 2020-01-21

The Digital Transformation Obstacles in Implementing Emerging Technologies with in Higher- Education Institutions in Indonesia

Richardus Eko Indrajit, Basuki Wibawa

4281 - 4286 | published: 2020-01-21

The Influence of Social Media Richness on the Consumer Intention to Purchase

Muhamad Shahrin, Ami Suhana Menon, Rosni Ab. Wahid, Muhammad Asyraf Hasim, Norwani Mohd Nazari

4287 - 4291 | published: 2020-01-21

Haptic and Tactile Sensing Methods for Master-Slave System in Medical Robotics

Seema , Jasbir Singh Saini, Sanjeev Kumar

4292 - 4296 | published: 2020-01-21

IoT Based Smart Energy Meter using Node MCU

Rohit Anand, Aman Mishra, Rajat Gupta

4297 - 4301 | published: 2020-01-21

Deep Metric Learning-based Face Recognition Pipeline with Anti-spoofing on Raspberry-Pi Single-Board Computer

Rohit Anand, Abhishek Mann, Kundan Sharma

4302 - 4308 | published: 2020-01-21

Design as a Tool to Reduce Energy Loss Due to Heat Gain in Hospitals in India: An Approach to Sustainability

Preeti Chauhan

4309 - 4321 | published: 2020-01-21

Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Fulfill Consumer Power Demand in Smart Grid

Manju J R, Manjula R B, Varalakshmi Suresh

4322 - 4328 | published: 2020-01-21

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 65/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Multi-Document Abstractive Text Summarization through Semantic Similarity Matrix for Telugu Language

D Naga Sudha, Y Madhavee Latha

4329 - 4335 | published: 2020-01-21

Strategies Based On Semantics and Pragmatics: Dealing With Text Completion Questions and Sentence Equivalence Questions in GRE

Pothapragada Sasi Ratnaker, Vijaya Babu Palukuri, A. Suresh Babu

4336 - 4343 | published: 2020-01-21

Design and Performance Evaluation of Gate-All- Around Nanowire FET at Sub-7nm Technology Node

D Rashi Chaudhary, M. W. Akram

4344 - 4351 | published: 2020-01-21

Experimental Study of Geopolymer Concrete by Addition of Nano-Silica and Steel Fiber

A S Kumar, M Eswar Kumar Yadav, P R Kishore, Nitesh Kumar Yadav

4352 - 4357 | published: 2020-01-21

Protein-Protein Interaction for Neuraminidase Enzyme using Graph Theory Software (Cytoscape)

A. Akil Nivetha, V. Jeyanthi

4358 - 4362 | published: 2020-01-21

An Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Mixed Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete

A. S. Swetha Sri, P. Ravi Kishore, K Swathi, P Urmila

4363 - 4367 | published: 2020-01-21

Feministic Concern of Bishnu Rabha in his Non-Fictional Works

Jayanta Pathok

4368 - 4373 | published: 2020-01-22

Questions Classification According to Bloom’s Taxonomy using Universal Dependency and Word Net

Thing Thing Goh, Hassan Mohamed, Nor Azliana Akmal Jamaludin, Mohd Nazri Ismail, H. S. Chua

4374 - 4385 | published: 2020-01-22 www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 66/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Historical and Architectural Studies of Masjid Warisan Kampung Parit Melana in Alor Gajah, Melaka

Suhana Johar, Noraziah Mohammad, Mohd Farid Mohamed, Toh Lai Fun, Shahril Ezral Bin Shahril Izuan

4386 - 4394 | published: 2020-01-22

An Empirical Outlook of “E-Tailing Products” Pricing Strategies

Dhinushiya. B, R. Jeyapoornima

4395 - 4400 | published: 2020-01-22

A Study on Accident Rates in Tamilnadu Using R

C. Sunitha, Asha Priya B, Lavanya S

4401 - 4407 | published: 2020-01-22

Highlighting the Core Concepts of Clustering Techniques by Examining Its Algorithm

J. Lekha, S. Kowsalaya, K. Akshaya, S. Fayas Rahiman, P. S. Vishal

4408 - 4412 | published: 2020-01-22

A Study on Production and Evaluation of L-Asparaginase Obtained From BACILLUS SUBTILIS

Senthil Kumar Jeyaraj, Baby Shakila Parimelazhagan, Vishnu Priya Kalimuthu, Varshini Sivaram, Agalya Perumal

4413 - 4416 | published: 2020-01-22

Relationship Intensity of Transformational Leadership towards Tutoring Efficiency among Emotionally Intelligent Teaching Professionals Working In Self-Financing Institutions

Lakshmipriya Soundararajan, P. Rajan

4417 - 4424 | published: 2020-01-22

When IoT Meets Blockchain: Challenges in Distributed Consensus

Sunitha. C, Christina J, Vigneswar J

4425 - 4434 | published: 2020-01-22

A New Technique for Finding Optimal Person for an Appurtenant Position

K. Ponnalagu, G. Hemaa Nandhini, S. Naveen Kumar

4435 - 4440 | published: 2020-01-22

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 67/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Negative Impact of Social Media among Higher Secondary School Children

P. Sumitha Shalini, Krishna Das, K. R. Murugan

4441 - 4446 | published: 2020-01-22

A Study on Determining the Buying Habits of the Customers of Organized Retail Outlets in Coimbatore City

S. Subha, Priyamvadha. S. J, Rajarajeswari. M, Shanmugalakshmi. M

4447 - 4451 | published: 2020-01-22

A Study on Level of Customer Satisfaction Regarding the Products and Services Provided By the Organized Retail Outlets in Coimbatore City

S. Subha, N. Kathirvel

4452 - 4456 | published: 2020-01-22

Mathematical Study of Emphysema and Its Complications Using the Homotopy Perturbation Method

Gowri. P, Hari Prasath. R. K, Sowmiya. S, Renie. C

4457 - 4463 | published: 2020-01-22

A Study on Efficacious Patron in CIBIL

K. Nalini, N. Nanthini, C. B. Godwin

4464 - 4469 | published: 2020-01-22

Cancer Cell Detection Using ANN and Deep Learning Method: A Survey

M. Sowmiya, G. Sumalatha, L. R. Bhavanandhan, S. Naveen

4470 - 4474 | published: 2020-01-22

Bolstered Method for the Remedy of Brain Tumor by the Usage of Uncertain Technique

Mounika. P, Preethi. K, Abinaya. D, Suganthi. G

4475 - 4478 | published: 2020-01-22

A Survey on Optimization Techniques in Voice Disorder Classification

N. A. Sheela Selvakumari, V. Radha

4479 - 4485 | published: 2020-01-22

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 68/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

A Study on Consumer Perception towards Internet as a Marketing Tool

N. A. Ancy Simi, J. Sowdhasri, P. Devakumar

4486 - 4491 | published: 2020-01-22

Soil Chemistry of Erravagu Sub-basin of Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh

Naga Raju Kola, Babu Rao Gudipudi

4492 - 4498 | published: 2020-01-22

A Novel Approach to Prevent Black hole Attack in MANET

Nandhini. S, Jeen Marseline K. S

4499 - 4502 | published: 2020-01-22

Super Fibonacci Graceful Labeling of Friendship and Windmill Graph

Umamaheswari. K, Nandhini. V, Sujitha. C, Devisindhu. S

4503 - 4506 | published: 2020-01-22

Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle Using LeucasAspera Plant Extract and Its Antimicrobial Activity on Lyocell Fabric

P. Jayashri, N. Gayathri, T. Anusha

4507 - 4512 | published: 2020-01-22

Calculating the Cancer Gene Expression Data Using Radial Basis Function and Neural Network: A Survey

R. Dhivya, G. Sumalatha, M. Swathinayaki, P. Sharon Silviya

4513 - 4515 | published: 2020-01-22

Secure Routing In Wireless Sensor Network

R. Swetha, R. Adhilakshmi, C. Bharathi, G. Shree Shylu

4516 - 4521 | published: 2020-01-22

Voice Equalization and Amplification for Effective Audio in the Cellular Conference Call

R. Ragavi, V J. Rajakumar, B. Mukeshkumar, G. Shanmugagopalan

4522 - 4525 | published: 2020-01-22

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 69/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management A Study on Impact of Celebrity Endorsement towards Selected FMCG Products with Special Reference to Coimbatore City

R. Sudha, V. T. Dhanaraj

4526 - 4531 | published: 2020-01-22

Survey on a Hybrid Routing Protocol in Ad-Hoc Networks

R. Surya Prabha, Deepa. M

4532 - 4539 | published: 2020-01-22

Penetration of Technology to Virtual Reality in Artificial Intelligence and Its Challenges

Reshmi. S, Jawahar. S, Ahamed Johnsha Ali. S

4540 - 4545 | published: 2020-01-22

A Comparative Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Online and Traditional Shopping With Special Reference to Coimbatore City

S. Devi Kalyani, T. Harini Nivetha, R. Nancy Merlin

4546 - 4552 | published: 2020-01-22

Touchless Touchscreen Technology

S. Dhiviyaa, A. V. Anuja

4553 - 4556 | published: 2020-01-22

The Comparison of Bio-oil Production from Sugarcane Trash, Napier Grass, and Rubber Tree in The Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor

Ilham. Mufandi, Wasakorn. Treede, Piyapong. Singbua, Ratchaphon. Suntivarakorn

4557 - 4563 | published: 2020-01-22

Microclimate Monitoring System for a Home Greenhouse as Part of ESP32

Amantur Umarov, Murat Kunelbayev, Maxatbek Satymbekov, Gulzat Turken, Bagila Alimbayeva, Kulbarchin Imanzhanova, Laura Duisembayeva

4564 - 4573 | published: 2020-01-22

Design of an Embedded Detection System Based -Convolutional Neural Network for Swine Status and Health Assessment

Ryann A. Alimuin, Elmer P. Dadios, Shearyl U. Arenas

4574 - 4580 | published: 2020-01-22

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 70/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

A Proposed Solar Panel to operate Computer Laboratory of Messiah’s Angel Learning School

Rhonnel Paculanan, Elizalde Duran, Daniel Dellosa

4581 - 4585 | published: 2020-01-22

Cloud Solution with Optimal Document Indexing For Program Evaluation System

Jasmin D. Niguidula, Ronaldo A. Juanatas

4586 - 4592 | published: 2020-01-22

A Proposed Structured Of Solar Panel with Logical/Computer Network for Jirehnet Software Company

Janice Pola D. Congzon, Ali A. Naim, Rommel L. Dorin

4593 - 4599 | published: 2020-01-22

Ideal Crop Recommendation Module

Ashwini R, Akhila M, Archana R Hegde, Sahana J, A B Rajendra

4600 - 4607 | published: 2020-01-22

Analysis and Detection Of Black-Hole Attack In MANET Using AOMDV Routing Protocol

B. S. Ashwin Prabhakar, R. Lalitha, B. Akilashree, V. Ajitha

4608 - 4612 | published: 2020-01-22

Prediction of Oilseeds production in India using ARIMA Model

N Bharath, S V Sangeetha, L Rubine

4613 - 4617 | published: 2020-01-22

Application of Balance Scorecard in Police Organization: A Literature Review

Monica Kapuria, Sunita Balani, Masood Siddiqui

4618 - 4628 | published: 2020-01-23

A Continuous Decision Based Multi Kernel Median Filter For Noise Removal on Brain MRI Images

V. P. Gldis Pushparathi, M. Sudha, D. Jasmine David, K. Anbazhagan, S. Ezra Vethamani

4629 - 4633 | published: 2020-01-23

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 71/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Advanced Driver Alert System for Ambulance Passby

Kanthimathi M, Somesh Sharma S

4634 - 4637 | published: 2020-01-23

4A PMSG based Flexible Input WECS for Grid using Power Converter and MFT Device

Nandha Gopal.J, S. Muthukaruppasamy, K. Rajeswari, P. Duraipandi, N. Priya

4638 - 4644 | published: 2020-01-23

Increasing the Life of AISI/SAE 1020 HSS Tools Using Cryogenic Treatment

Karthikeyan S, Prasannakumar S, Deepak R, Kalyanasundaram R, Shameer D

4645 - 4650 | published: 2020-01-23

Exploration of IOT based Intelligent Traffic Management System

Iwin Thanakumar Joseph S, C Sorna Chandra Devadass, Arul Xavier V M, Mythily M

4651 - 4658 | published: 2020-01-23

Distributed Storage Architecture and Hadoop Framework Tools for Crunching Big Data in Clustered Processing System

Ramalingam. M, Prabhusundhar. P, Azhaharasan. V, Prabahari. R

4659 - 4664 | published: 2020-01-23

Weight Based Transition Algorithm for IPv4 to IPv6 Inter Communications

B. I. D. Kumar, Vasanth G

4665 - 4671 | published: 2020-01-23

Design of Distributed CMS Using Intelligent Computing Mechanisms

Jayachandiran U, Srinivasan K

4672 - 4675 | published: 2020-01-23

Optimal Tilt Angle and Spacing for Rooftop Solar PV System in Hot Humid Climate-A Case Study

Bibekananda Jena, Renu Sharma

4676 - 4684 | published: 2020-01-23

Affordable Diagnostic Infused Thermal Incubator www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 72/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management K. Mala, K. V. Thilagar, D. Chandrakala, S. Vijayakumar, U. Om Ezhilan

4685 - 4691 | published: 2020-01-23

Concept of Waste And Management Of Waste

Deepal Mehrotra

4692 - 4698 | published: 2020-01-23

Development of Product Lifecycle Management for the Industrial Growth

Priyanka Rawal

4699 - 4702 | published: 2020-01-23

Optimization of Manufacturing Process using DFMA

Priyanka Nema

4703 - 4706 | published: 2020-01-23

Introduction to New Age Digital Marketing

Diwakar Shukla

4707 - 4710 | published: 2020-01-23

Job Satisfaction for Employees in an Organization

Ruchi Sharma

4711 - 4719 | published: 2020-01-23

Kaizen Technique for SME’S and MSME’S

Rajesh Kumar Yadav

4720 - 4725 | published: 2020-01-23

Modern Road and Traffic Conditions and Economic Interpretation

Vivek Khare

4726 - 4733 | published: 2020-01-23

Repercussions of the Shift in Global Economic Power

Vivek Khare

4734 - 4738 | published: 2020-01-23

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 73/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Skills Required At the Front Office in Hospitality Sector

Nafees Haider Naqvi

4739 - 4743 | published: 2020-01-23

Subaqueous Information Transmission Based On Li-Fi Technology

Dileep Kumar Singh

4744 - 4748 | published: 2020-01-23

The Diffusion Connection between Media, Gender and Power in Rural India

Ranu Tomar

4749 - 4753 | published: 2020-01-23

Wireless Solar Charging System for Mobile Phones

Dileep Kumar Singh

4754 - 4757 | published: 2020-01-23

Suicide Avoidance System Based On Ceiling Fan

Senthilkumar D, Prakash J, Devibalan K, Relin Francis Raj J

4758 - 4759 | published: 2020-01-23

9SAFE – Secure Authentication in Federated Environment using CEG Key Code

B. Murugeshwari, K. Sudharson, S. P. Panimalar, M. Shanmugapriya, M. Abinaya

4760 - 4765 | published: 2020-01-23

Optimization and Analysis of Micro Needle

S. Sunithamani, D. Guru Prasad Reddy, G. Tarunkumarreddy, K. Reshma

4766 - 4769 | published: 2020-01-23

Analysis of MEMS Based Capacitive Pressure Sensor

S. Sunithamani, M. Sowmya, K. Avinash, T. Venkateshwara Reddy

4770 - 4774 | published: 2020-01-23

Real Time Tracking of Fire Fighters Using IOT Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 74/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management S. Vijayakumar, K. V. Thilagar, D. Chandrakala, K. Mala

4775 - 4779 | published: 2020-01-23

Rotor Fault Analysis in Doubly Fed Induction Generator Using Wavelet Analyser

P. Vinoth Kumar, P. Ranjith Krishna, Thummala Ravikumar

4780 - 4789 | published: 2020-01-23

E-Commerce Performance in Tourism - An UTAUT2 Perceptive

Kishore Raaj Suresh, Muneeswaran R

4790 - 4801 | published: 2020-01-23

Inevitability of Entrepreneurial Skills in Technology Enabled Education among Engineering Students in Chennai

Dr. J. Rengamani, Dr. A. Shameem

4802 - 4807 | published: 2020-01-23

Heritage Tourism with Special Reference to Tamil Nadu

I. M. Karthikeyan, Reeba Reji

4808 - 4814 | published: 2020-01-23

A Compendium of Revelation on the Impact of Tourist’s Arrival on the Foreign Exchange Earnings in India

S. Sridevi, Dr. S. Chandramohan

4815 - 4818 | published: 2020-01-23

Examining the Effect of Positive Affectivity on Altruism among the Star Hotel Employees; The Role of Perceived Organizational Support

Rohini S Nair, Dr. V. Sivakumar

4819 - 4825 | published: 2020-01-23

A Study on the Awareness and Openness of Tourists towards Sustainable Tourism Practices in Chennai City

Dr. A. Martina, Dr. M. Vidya

4826 - 4832 | published: 2020-01-23

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 75/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management A Study on Insight of Customers towards Medical Tourism in Tamil Nadu

K. P. Karthilingam

4833 - 4840 | published: 2020-01-23

A Study on Effect of Marketing Mix Components on Sustainable Development of Tourism in South Tamil Nadu

K. P. Karthilingam

4841 - 4845 | published: 2020-01-23

Marketing Strategies in Promoting Medical Tourism in India

K. S. Beena MTA, Dr. D. Venkatrama Raju

4846 - 4851 | published: 2020-01-23

A Research on Fatigue Factors affecting the Indian Mariners working on Merchant Ships

G. Balasubramani, Dr. J. Rengamani

4852 - 4857 | published: 2020-01-23

A State of Art on Security Issues and Countermeasures in IoT

C. Santhosh Kumar, K. Vishnukumar

4858 - 4862 | published: 2020-01-23

Role of Human Resource in Development of Indian Hospitality & Tourism Industry

Mr. Ashwin Pande, Dr. J. Bhavani

4863 - 4866 | published: 2020-01-23

Vitality of Workplace Spirituality for Organizations

Baskar B, Dr. Indradevi R

4867 - 4873 | published: 2020-01-23

Procedures for Translation and Validation of the Instrument

Binoy Thomas, P. Subhashree

4874 - 4881 | published: 2020-01-23

Denied Human Rights of Unorganised Women Construction Workers

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 76/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Mrs. Deepa Rajesh, Dr. D. Rajasekar, Dr. R. Vettriselvan

4882 - 4889 | published: 2020-01-23

Socio Economic Conditions of Unemployed Graduates in Udumalpet Taluk, Tirupur District

Dr. R. Rajini

4890 - 4896 | published: 2020-01-23

Corporate Identity: Relevance in Transformation of Logos in FMCGs

Dr. Bhanu Sree Reddy

4897 - 4905 | published: 2020-01-23

The Problems Associated with Coffee Growing Sector in Kodagu District

Kunjamma M R, Ms. Sunayana N

4906 - 4911 | published: 2020-01-23

Handling Disruptive Technology in Industry – A Strategic Advance in Today’s Business Practices

Geetha R, Dr. Bhanu Sree Reddy D

4912 - 4919 | published: 2020-01-23

Psychological Issues and Challenges of Women Fish Vendors

Dr. V. Hemanthkumar, Dr. D. Rajasekar, Dr. R. Vettriselvan

4920 - 4925 | published: 2020-01-23

An Investigation into the Influence on HR Planning on Organisational Effectiveness with Respect TOIT Firms in Chennai

Dr. A. Shameem, Dr. J. Rengamani

4926 - 4931 | published: 2020-01-23

Problems Faced by the Tourism Industry in Andaman and Nicobar Islands – A Factor Analysis

Indu Dung Dung, Dr. S. Rajamohan

4932 - 4938 | published: 2020-01-23

Sentiment Analysis on Government Scheme Tweets using LSTM

Mrs. Jayalakshmi.V, Dr. M. Lakshmi, Mr. S. V. Mahadevan

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 77/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

4939 - 4945 | published: 2020-01-23

Machining Parameter Optimization of Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites using Artificial Intelligence

M Elango, K Annamalai

4946 - 4949 | published: 2020-01-23

Sustainable Evolution of Medical Tourism in India: Strategies and Challenges

Dr. V. Sivakumar, Dr. S. PandiSakthi, PR. Saranya, S. Mahesh

4950 - 4953 | published: 2020-01-23

Role of Cooperatives in Reducing Farmers Suicides” – By taking TSS Sirsi

Ms. Meghana N, Ms. Sunayana N

4954 - 4960 | published: 2020-01-23

A Framework for Content Management System for Effectiveness of Web Applications

Apriana Toding, K. Shankar, E. Laxmi Lydia, Miftachul Huda, Satria Abadi

4961 - 4967 | published: 2020-01-25

Secure Data for Wireless Sensor Network using Detection Malcious Node Method

Oudani Hassan, Krit Salahddine, Karimi Khaoula, Elmaimouni Lahoucine

4968 - 4982 | published: 2020-01-25

Definition and Features of Rural Marketing Strategies for Encourage Development in Rural Areas

Abdul Samad, Reza Salima, E. Laxmi Lydia, Elihami , K. Shankar

4983 - 4988 | published: 2020-01-25

Comparative Review of Code Clone Detection Tools and Techniques

Neha Saini, Sukhdip Singh

4989 - 4997 | published: 2020-01-25

Fundamental Concept of Managerial Economics: A Business Advancement of Today and Tomorrow Management

Salmiah , Thomson Sebayang, M. Mozart B. Darus, K. Shankar, E. Laxmi Lydia

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 78/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

4998 - 5003 | published: 2020-01-25

Spillover Effect between Stock and Currency Markets: An Empirical evidence from Developed and Developing Economies

Rabia Luqman, Rehana Kousar, Mariashams Khakwani, Shanza Tabasum

5004 - 5020 | published: 2020-01-25

Analysis of the Reality of Forecasting Corporate Default Using Non - Financial Indicators - A Suggested Model

Layla Naji Majeed Al Fatlawi

5021 - 5034 | published: 2020-01-25

Independent Board, Earnings Management, and Audit Quality

Sri Wahyu Agustiningsih, Djuminah , Djoko Suhardjanto, Rahmawati , Aminul Amin

5035 - 5045 | published: 2020-01-25

Adding my Automatic Refrigeration System for Break System of Aircraft

Yousif Khudair Abas Aljubori

5046 - 5050 | published: 2020-01-25

Banking Model of Customer Satisfaction in Indonesia

Udin Ahidin, Pranoto Pranoto, Dadang Kurnia, Rini Alfatiyah

5051 - 5064 | published: 2020-01-25

Conceptualising Subaltern Politics in India: A Theoretical Framework

Phulmoni Das

5065 - 5073 | published: 2020-01-25

Theoretical Education vs Practical Education

Muhamad Riyad, Cipta Pramana, Munakib , Andino Maseleno

5074 - 5081 | published: 2020-01-25

The Effect of Democracy on GDP in OECD Countries

Marselina , Senna Enzovani

5082 - 5086 | published: 2020-01-25 www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 79/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Budget Allocation of Employee Costs Based on Job Satisfaction Dimensions

Retno Ryani Kusumawati, Guli , Indra Sulistiana, Warsino , Retika Najmamulat Asih

5087 - 5100 | published: 2020-01-25

The Effect of Strategic Performance Measurement System and Service Strategy on a Firm’s Performance

Wuri Septi Handayani, Lindrianasari , Yuliansyah Yuliansyah, Rindu Rika Gamayuni

5101 - 5111 | published: 2020-01-25

A Special Representation of Fibonacci polynomials

Vipin Verma, Mannu Arya

5112 - 5115 | published: 2020-01-25

The Effect of Digital Payment to Millennial Consumer Purchase Decisions

Agus Kusnawan, Andy , Eso Hernawan, Diana Silaswara, Tjong Sefung

5116 - 5129 | published: 2020-01-25

The Model of Operating Service and Delivery Performance

Dewi Indriani Jusuf, Nandan Limakrisna

5130 - 5135 | published: 2020-01-25

The Model of Financial Banking in Indonesia

Pranoto , Udin Ahidin, Ali Maddinsyah

5136 - 5143 | published: 2020-01-25

Modeling and Strategy of Marketing Antecedent to Enhance Consumer Loyality on Batik Cloth

Feby Febrian, Granit Agustina, Rakhmia Nalibratawati, R Dewi Pertiwi, Sri Endah Nurhayati

5144 - 5148 | published: 2020-01-25

Determination of Structural Poverty in Rural Areas: Indonesian Case

Imron Rosyadi, Hadri Kusuma, Iva Faizah, Muhammad Iqbal Fasa, Suharto

5149 - 5160 | published: 2020-01-25

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 80/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Inclusive Classes: How Do Pupils in Such Classes Perform in Comparison with Non-Inclusive Ones?

Cipta Pramana, Munakib , Muhamad Riyad, Andino Maseleno

5161 - 5168 | published: 2020-01-25

Gateway Based Inter Cluster Flooding Scheme (GICFS) for Effective Data Transmission in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

S. Mahima, N. Rajendran

5169 - 5178 | published: 2020-01-25

Cost Optimization Methods for Computational Time and Storage Space using Compression and Crypto-Graphical Techniques for a File in the Cloud

S. Sandhya Rani, Challa Narasimham

5179 - 5185 | published: 2020-01-25

Genetic Algorithm with Chaotic Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm for Discrete Wavelet Transform based Secret Sharing Cryptography Model

A. Sivasankari, S. Krishnaveni

5186 - 5198 | published: 2020-01-25

An Effective Web Page Personalization model using Weighted Clustering and Improved Whale Optimization Algorithm

A. Vaishnavi, N. Balakumar

5199 - 5212 | published: 2020-01-25

The Phenomenon of Apprenticeship and Its Role in Developing Systems of Education

Muhamad Riyad, Cipta Pramana, Munakib , Andino , Amin Nurita Fajar Astuti, Ratna Prilianti, Himmah Taulany, Sri Tanti Rahmayani

5213 - 5225 | published: 2020-01-25

Preschool Education: Knowledge or Social Skills

Munakib , Muhamad Riyad, Cipta Pramana, Andino Maseleno

5226 - 5236 | published: 2020-01-25

A Machine Learning Approach for Credit Card Fraud Detection

Mohammad Gandhi Babu, Pravin Kshirsagar, Boyini Mamatha, Pranav Chippalkatti

5237 - 5244 | published: 2020-01-26

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 81/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Sentiment Analysis of Amazon Product Reviews using Machine Learning

K. Ashok Kumar, C. Jagadeesh, Pravin Kshirsagar, Swagat. M. Marve

5245 - 5254 | published: 2020-01-26

High Performance Oil Resistance in Nitrile Rubbers

J Renuka

5255 - 5260 | published: 2020-01-26

Does Sustainability Performance Affect the Financial Performance of Indian Companies?

Aishwarya Krishnaswamy, Lakshmi Padmakumari, G. Balasubramanian

5261 - 5274 | published: 2020-01-26

Network of Supply Chain in Uncertainty Condition and Disturbances of Suppliers (Case Study: The Steel Supply Chain)

Hossein Jannatifar

5275 - 5288 | published: 2020-01-26

A Study of Analyzing Customer Satisfaction in Using Business Correspondent Model & Its Role in Financial Inclusion

Daya Dhar Raj Srivastava, Amit Kumar Sinha, Sarveshvar Pande

5289 - 5301 | published: 2020-01-26

Edge Vertex Prime Labeling of Union of Graphs

M. Simaringa, S. Muthukumaran

5302 - 5311 | published: 2020-01-26

QoS Driven Network Traffic Management and Cognitive Networks

Manjusha Nambiar P V, Mohammad Azhar, Rishika Yadav

5312 - 5315 | published: 2020-01-26

India’s Rise as an Emerging Economy and the Impact on her Consciousness

Luke G Christie, Savariah Xavier Y C, Ralph Thangaraj

5316 - 5324 | published: 2020-01-26

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 82/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Identifying Dimensions Effect of E-WOM on Consumer Preference while using Tourism Mobile Apps

M. Uma Devi, Suneel Sankala

5325 - 5336 | published: 2020-01-26

Study of the Lipid Oxidation for Shelf – Life Prediction of Mayonnaise using Arrhenius Equation

Nguyen Thi Truc Loan

5337 - 5345 | published: 2020-01-26

Presenting an Effective Human Resources Adjustment Model in Islamic Azad University Iran (Case Study: Mazandaran Province)

Changiz Mohammadizadeh, Mojtaba Tabari, Asadollah Mehrara, Mohammad Reza Bagherzadeh

5346 - 5350 | published: 2020-01-26

A Critical Note on E-Commerce in India: Challenges and Solutions

K K Ramachandran, K K Karthick

5351 - 5355 | published: 2020-01-26

Design and validation of certain process algorithm of ITIL Implementation in IT Industries in India

Ras Bihari Dayal, Rahul Chandra Kushwaha

5356 - 5366 | published: 2020-01-26

The Effect of Behavioral Biases on Retirement Planning

Bhoomika Trehan, Amit K. Sinha

5367 - 5377 | published: 2020-01-27

Job Rotation Strategy: Does It Serves as Pathfinder for Achieving Sustainability of Transport Companies in Nigeria?

Kenechukwu T. Nwatoka, Vincent A Onodugo, Ann Ogbo, Olayinka A. Abiodun

5378 - 5388 | published: 2020-01-27

Real Time Communication between Nodes using Lorawan for Emergency alert in Elevator

Anupriya , C Rama Krishna, Ajay Kumar

5389 - 5393 | published: 2020-01-27

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 83/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Fluidity characteristics of LM6/graphite particulate composite

Sharath Kumar R, Sarada B. N, P. L. Srinivasa Murthy, Abhishek

5394 - 5401 | published: 2020-01-27

Automated Plastic Bottle Recycling Machine

P. Marish Kumar, K. A. Indu Sailaja, J. Lydia, D. Suganya

5402 - 5408 | published: 2020-01-27

Power Quality Analysis for Electric Vehicle Charging and its Mitigation Strategies

Abhishek Saxena, K. Deepa

5409 - 5418 | published: 2020-01-27

D2d Communication Security Lightweight Cryptographic Approach: Critical Survey

Ajith Kumar V, K Satyanarayan Reddy

5419 - 5432 | published: 2020-01-27

Digital Clock in Regional Language

Atul Oak, Mohit Gujar, Sanjay Singh Thakur

5433 - 5436 | published: 2020-01-27

An Intelligent and Smart Parking Spot Detection

Sunil Bhutada, B. Samitha

5437 - 5441 | published: 2020-01-27

Optimal Protection Coordination of over current Relays in DG System with Solid State Fault Current Limiters

V. S. Vakula, I. V. S. N. Praneetha, G. Sandeep

5442 - 5449 | published: 2020-01-27

Role of Building Internal Capabilities in Managing Change

Vandana , Aditi Khandal

5450 - 5453 | published: 2020-01-27

Attendance Monitoring System www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 84/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Harshada Rajale, Sanjay Singh Thakur

5454 - 5458 | published: 2020-01-27

Measurement of Heart Rate Variability with Optical Homodyne Detection Technique

Jyoti Gondane, M. S. Panse

5459 - 5463 | published: 2020-01-27

A Review of Formal Verification Methodologies for HDL Designs

V. Uma, Ramalatha Marimuthu

5464 - 5468 | published: 2020-01-27

Performance Comparison of Conventional Neural Networks and Deep Learning Network For Cervical Cancer Diagnosis

Chandra Prabha R, Seema Singh

5469 - 5477 | published: 2020-01-27

A Predictive Analysis of Communication Protocols on Various Transmission Media using Ns2

Mythili S, Kalamani M

5478 - 5484 | published: 2020-01-27

Object Detection Techniques Using Deep Learning: A Survey for Real-Time Applications

Nalini C. Iyer, Tejas Arlimatti, Raghavendra M. Shet, Preeti P, Bhagyashree K

5485 - 5493 | published: 2020-01-27

Analysis on Devanagari Text Generation by Using Machine Learning Techniques

Vajid Khan, Yogesh Kumar Sharma

5494 - 5500 | published: 2020-01-27

An Improved Classification Algorithm for Content Based Image Retrieval using Fuzzy and Genetic Optimization

C Ramesh Babu Durai, G Sai Prashanth

5501 - 5511 | published: 2020-01-27

Design and Implementation of a Low Cost, High Speed, High quality Talking Keyboard for Blind Students www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 85/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management K. V. B. Chandrasekhar Rao, Yamani. Kotipalli

5512 - 5515 | published: 2020-01-27

Power and Performance analysis using Multibit Technology

Manjunatha Visweswaraiah, Dr. Somashekar K.

5516 - 5522 | published: 2020-01-27

Election Canvassing Notification and Candidate Details System using Web and Mobile app

Devamani N D, Nandini Prasad K. S, Paritosh Tripathi

5523 - 5527 | published: 2020-01-27

Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of Online Advertising in Enhancing Consumers’ Purchase Intention among Young Adults in Malaysia

Izian Idris, Serena Lim Kai Xin, Siti Suhana Alias, Arman Ahmad

5528 - 5536 | published: 2020-01-27

The Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on Millennials’ Consumption

Izian Idris, Siti Suhana Alias, Arman Ahmad, Christine Wong Mei Kee

5537 - 5544 | published: 2020-01-27

Waste Analysis and Characterization, Knowledge and Practices of Students at Isuc: Basis for Solid Waste Management Planning

Bondee L. Peñaflor, Daniel C. Jacinto

5545 - 5559 | published: 2020-01-27

Organizational E-Learning Readiness in a State University in Northern Philippines: Inputs for Refining Instructional Quality

Billy S. Javier

5560 - 5569 | published: 2020-01-27

Integrating Artificial Neural Network and Smartbot on the Development of an E-learning Platform

Gemma M. Pangilinan, Mary Ann F. Quioc, Luisito L. Lacatan

5570 - 5575 | published: 2020-01-27

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 86/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Microcontroller-Based Soil Nutrients Analyzer for Plant Applicability using Adaptive Neuro- Fuzzy Inference System

Paquito G. Fernando Jr., Luisito L. Lacatan

5576 - 5581 | published: 2020-01-27

Leadership Capability and Performance of the Socio Cultural Affairs Officers of the State Universities and Colleges (SUCS) In Region2, Philippines and Its Implication to Education

Irmalyn R. Alejandro

5582 - 5592 | published: 2020-01-27

The Relationship of IQ among Project Managers with Oil and Gas Project Success

Khairul Azizan Suda, Kamran Shavarebi, Nazatul Shima, Nazatul Shima Abdul Rani

5593 - 5598 | published: 2020-01-27

Development and Evaluation of Co-CAMP: A Platform for Co-curricular Activities Management for Students

Fernandino S. Perilla, Alvin R. Malicdem

5599 - 5606 | published: 2020-01-27

A Research Study by Delphi Technique in School Counseling

Sheikh Muhamad Hizam, Ananda Devan Sivalingam, Gholamreza Zandi

5607 - 5615 | published: 2020-01-27

Comparison on Smart Cities Features from Different Countries

Nazatul Shima Abdul Rani, Ibtessam Boubekeur

5616 - 5621 | published: 2020-01-27

The Relationship of Emotional Quotients of UNIKL TEKNOPUTRA Alumni entrepreneur on Business Performance

Nazatul Shima Abdul Rani, Haniza Ahmad, Zulkifli Saidun

5622 - 5627 | published: 2020-01-27

A Review on the Importance/Roles of Business Intelligence in Telecommunication Industry

Chahhoub Fatimazahra, Nazatul Shima Abdul Rani

5628 - 5631 | published: 2020-01-27

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 87/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Proposed Framework on Public and Private Partnership for Smart Cities Growth in Malaysia

Nazatul Shima Abdul Rani, Ibtessam Boubekeur

5632 - 5639 | published: 2020-01-27

Utilizing Smart Space Technology for Precision Agriculture

Harold R. Lucero, Francis Balazon, Luisito L. Lacatan

5640 - 5648 | published: 2020-01-27

Programming Competencies of Filipino Information Technology Students: Inputs to Improving Instructional Processes

Julieta B. Babas

5649 - 5656 | published: 2020-01-27

Tem_357 Harnessing the Power of Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics with Parallel Computing

Hoe Min, Bong Chin Wei, Jamal Ahmad Dargham

5657 - 5664 | published: 2020-01-27

Malware Predictor using Machine Learning Techniques

Jaevier A. Villanueva, Roben Juanatas, Luisito L. Lacatan

5665 - 5674 | published: 2020-01-27

Manufacture of Fly Ash Based Coagulants for Use in Water Treatment

Goitseone Baby Maila, Freeman Ntuli, Tumeletso Lekgoba

5675 - 5681 | published: 2020-01-27

Effectiveness of Using Milled Moringa Oleifera Seeds as a Disinfectant in Waste Water Treatment

Mpho Edwin Tsie, Freeman Ntuli, Tumeletso Lekgoba

5682 - 5685 | published: 2020-01-27

Effectiveness of Using Milled Moringa Oleifera Seeds as a Natural Coagulant in Waste Water Treatment

Mpho Edwin Tsie, Freeman Ntuli, Tumeletso Lekgoba

5686 - 5690 | published: 2020-01-27

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 88/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

The Effect of Modulation Index in THD of Transformer less Inverter

Alawi Al-hasani, M. Abouelela, Saad Alghuwainem, Abdullah M. Al-Shaalan, Yahya Bakhuraisa

5691 - 5697 | published: 2020-01-27

Optimization of Own Electricity Usage with Electricity Supply from Solar Cells at Darajat Geothermal Power Plant

Brendy Chandra Supian Atmodjo, Rinaldy Dalimi

5698 - 5704 | published: 2020-01-27

Design of an Autonomous Controlled and GPS-guided: Experimental Small-Scale Prototype

Farhan Aizuddin, Wan Rahiman

5705 - 5715 | published: 2020-01-27

Integrating Artificial Neural Network and Smartbot on the Development of an E-learning Platform

Gemma M. Pangilinan, Mary Ann F. Quioc, Luisito L. Lacatan

5716 - 5721 | published: 2020-01-27

Budgetary Slack on SOEs in Bandung-Indonesia: The intervening Effect of Information Asymmetry on Participative Budgeting and Budgetary Slack

Carolina Y, Kenisah M. L., Rapina

5722 - 5727 | published: 2020-01-27

Torque Ripple Reduction in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor using Predective Control Scheme

R. Vidyalakshmi, C. Anandha kumar, Dr. K. Gaayathry

5728 - 5733 | published: 2020-01-28

Survey of Bio-Inspired Techniques based on System Resource Usage in Intrusion Detection

Inadyuti Dutt, Samarjeet Borah, Indrakanta Maitra

5734 - 5738 | published: 2020-01-28

What are the factors to successful implementation of Smart Government Services in Developing Countries?

Majed Kamel Al-Azzam, Malik Bader Alazzam

5739 - 5749 | published: 2020-01-28 www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 89/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Software Bugs Identification and Prediction Approaches and their Interrelationships with Levels of Inheritance: An Empirical Analysis

Varuna Gupta, Tarun Kumar Singhal

5750 - 5755 | published: 2020-01-28

Impact of Foreign Direct Investment Policy on Business of Indian Private Sector Banks

Sahila Chaudhry, Rakesh Kumar

5756 - 5761 | published: 2020-01-28

Engineering Education Industry: Challenges and Strategy to Overcome These

Shiv K. Sharma, Deepti Sharma

5762 - 5769 | published: 2020-01-28

Evaluation of Sustainability of Singareni Collieries Company Limited using Triple Bottom Line Approach

Dr. Suresh Chandra Ch

5770 - 5776 | published: 2020-01-28

Artificial Intelligence in Finance and Accounting


5777 - 5779 | published: 2020-01-28

A Study of Job Satisfaction on Construction workers at Chennai

Dr. R. Jayam, P. Annakili

5780 - 5783 | published: 2020-01-28

Impact of Modern ICTs’ usage on Agricultural Productivity: An Application of Modified TAM

Dr. Pooja Jain, Dr. Rekha

5784 - 5793 | published: 2020-01-28

A study on the determinants of career choices and career breaks among women professionals in the IT sector

Shalini Acharya, Narendra H.M, Seema Sambargi

5794 - 5800 | published: 2020-01-28 www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 90/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Emotional Intelligence: Self Control, A Way to Create Feel Good Environment at Workplace

Dr. Ankita Saxena

5801 - 5807 | published: 2020-01-28

Managing Multicultural Teams in a VUCA Business Environment

Uma Devi Ananth, Nirmala M., Sumangala Talur, Seema Sambargi

5808 - 5813 | published: 2020-01-28

Sharpe’s Single Index Model: An Approach of Building Optimal Portfolio

Anurag Singh, Saurabh Singh

5814 - 5818 | published: 2020-01-28

Mergers & Acquisitions in Pharmaceutical Industry, a Challenge in VUCA World

Kanika Dhingra, Sheeba Kapil

5819 - 5831 | published: 2020-01-28

Volatility of Digital Technology Enabled Learning through Social Media: Educators’ Apprehensions

Genimon V Joseph, Kennedy Andrew Thomas

5832 - 5839 | published: 2020-01-28

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence and its Effects on Stress and Job Satisfaction Levels of Hospitality Employees in the UDUPI District

Naresh P. Nayak, Sudhakar D. Nayak, Narayan B. M. Prabhu, Keya Bakshi, Shahid Ummer

5840 - 5848 | published: 2020-01-28

Closed Loop Design based Resonant Continuous input Current with ZVS Dc-Dc Boost Converter

M. Vijaya Santhi, G. Anil

5849 - 5853 | published: 2020-01-29

Synthesis and Characterization of Nano Cerium Dioxide Particles Reinforced with Magnesium Metal Matrix Particles and its Application

Mohammed Fahad, B. Bavanish

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 91/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

5854 - 5860 | published: 2020-01-29

Millennium Modern Women in Girish Karnad’s Play Yayati

M. P. Ganesan

5861 - 5865 | published: 2020-01-29

A Survey on Effectiveness of Video Assisted Learning in Enhancing Knowledge Competencies for Teachers

K. Paavizhi, Ar. Saravana Kumar, K. R. Balamurugesh

5866 - 5872 | published: 2020-01-29

Spotting the Errors Acquisition in Second Language Learning

D. Suruthi

5873 - 5876 | published: 2020-01-29

Fintech Revolution and Factors Affecting Trading Preferences among Retail Investors in the Post Digitization Era of the Stock Market

T. Shirmila, Pooja R

5877 - 5883 | published: 2020-01-29

Transparent ZNO Thin Films Grown by Spin Coating Methods for OPTO-Electronic Applications

Divya G, Lekshmi Gangadhar, K. Shreekrishna Kumar

5884 - 5887 | published: 2020-01-29

Influence of Various Sintering Processes on Cenosprhere added Copper Composites

Pragnya Pradeep, Aravind Rao M. Y, Seetharamu S

5888 - 5894 | published: 2020-01-29

Technology Innovations in Personal Loan Processing to Salaried Class Customers

Vijayasarathi V, Velmurugan G

5895 - 5897 | published: 2020-01-29

Transformation in Business Practice with Reference to Store Environment in Textile Chain Stores on Customer Perspective

R. Sathya, V. Murugesh

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 92/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

5898 - 5901 | published: 2020-01-29

Effect of Psycholinguistic Strategies in Developing Comprehensive Reading Competency of the Students at Upper Primary Level

M. Parimala Fathima, SV. Ulagammai, M. Sanmuga Revathi, A. Syed Mohamed

5902 - 5909 | published: 2020-01-29

A Study on Dynamic Relationship between Indian Gold Price and Sensex

S. C. B. Samuel Anbu Selvan, Ram Raj G

5910 - 5915 | published: 2020-01-29

The Impact of Environmental Concern and the Perception towards Sustainable Green Lifestyle Practices among Youth with Special Reference to Chennai

Shirmila T, Hannah Frederick

5916 - 5921 | published: 2020-01-29

Statutory Provisions of Employees Health and Safety Measures of Food Industry with Special Reference to Bakery Foods, Madurai, Tamilnadu

K. G. Nalina, B. Palanivelrajan

5922 - 5927 | published: 2020-01-29

Fostering Workplace Spirituality: A New Development Model

D. Anbugeetha, B. Nandhini

5928 - 5932 | published: 2020-01-29

Innovations and Societal Outlook

V. Suganya

5933 - 5934 | published: 2020-01-29

Impact of Investors’ Attitude towards Investments

E. Anand Kumar, S. Ramar, P. Prema

5935 - 5939 | published: 2020-01-29

Crm and 4 P’s of Marketing

S. Chandrasekar, S. Selvakumar

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 93/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

5940 - 5943 | published: 2020-01-29

Analysing the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Approaches among the College Students - A Benchmark for Sustainable Development

S. Srividhya, M. Vidya

5944 - 5951 | published: 2020-01-29

Employee Welfare of Differently Abled Persons with Special Reference to Public Sector and Private Sector Banks

T. Shirmila, Udhaya Rekha R

5952 - 5958 | published: 2020-01-29

An End-To-End Model for Sensor Node Localization, Routing and Security in Wireless Sensor Networks

Masthan Ali A. H, Ali Ahammed G.F, Reshman Banu

5959 - 5969 | published: 2020-01-29

Ant Colony Optimization for Intractable Problems: A step by step Approach

Bijaya Kumar Nanda, Satchidananda Dehuri

5970 - 5975 | published: 2020-01-29

Functional Response and Predation Potential of Hyperaspis Campestris (Herbst 1783) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on Opuntiae Cochineal Dactylopius Opuntiae (Hemiptera: Dactylopiidae) in Morocco

Mohamed El Aalaoui, Rachid Bouharroud, Mohamed Sbaghi, Mustapha El Bouhssini, Lahoucine Hilali

5976 - 5985 | published: 2020-01-29

Discovery of Customer Behavior with Data Mining in E-Commerce

J. Umamaheswari, R. Gokulakrishnan

5986 - 5995 | published: 2020-01-29

Load Side Management (LSM) for Solar PV household System

Mohammed Jawad Al-Nakhli, M. Abouelela

5996 - 6002 | published: 2020-01-29

Designing Damn Vulnerable Operating System (DVOS) for Cyber Security Teaching & Learning www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 94/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Muhammad Nabil Bin Zainuddin, Shafiza Mohd Shariff

6003 - 6010 | published: 2020-01-29

The Success of Accounting Information Systems Observed from Individual and Organizational Factors

Rapina , Yenni Carolina, Santy Setiawan, Currye Maria, Mita Puspita

6011 - 6016 | published: 2020-01-29

Motion Controlling of a Four Wheels Vehicle Basing on an Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (Anfis)

Israa R. Shareef, Iman A. Zayer

6017 - 6023 | published: 2020-01-29

Smart Parking Management System in Malaysia

Munaisyah Abdullah, Muhammad Izzat Bin Abdul Razak, Abbas Bin Jamibollah

6024 - 6030 | published: 2020-01-29

Student Entrepreneurs’ Intention to Adopt Social Media as a Business Platform: A Sri Lankan Study

Samsudeen Sabraz Nawaz, Kaldeen Mubarak

6031 - 6045 | published: 2020-01-29

Traits of Outsourcing Bigdata in V’s Term with Safe Secure Cryptosystem

A. Neela Madheswari, R. S. D. Wahida Banu, R. Menaka

6046 - 6050 | published: 2020-01-29

3D CNNs for Pose Classification Using KB Dataset

M. Arulselvi

6051 - 6055 | published: 2020-01-29

Scheduling Workflows with Reduced Energy Consumption for Big Data Applications

V. Seethalakshmi, V. Govindasamy, V. Akila

6056 - 6070 | published: 2020-01-29

Short Term Load Forecasting Using LSTM Neural Networks www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 95/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Venkates Warlu Gundu, Sishajp Simon

6071 - 6076 | published: 2020-01-29

Secure Transmission of Medical Information by Adopting Blockchain Data Hiding Technique in Channel Coding

Babu Illuri, Deepa Jose, B. Rammyaa, R. Rajmohan

6077 - 6082 | published: 2020-01-29

Blockchain-based Agricultural Supply Chain Management System in Malaysia

Munaisyah Abdullah, Zahin Asyraf Mazlan

6083 - 6088 | published: 2020-01-29

Decision-Making Framework using Interpretive Structural Modeling (Ism) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (Ahp) Methods: Millennials & Sustainable Consumption

Vijay Kumar Jain, Pankaj Kumar, Praveen Dube, Prigya Rawat

6089 - 6098 | published: 2020-01-29

A Fixed Point Theorem on complete Partially Ordered Cone 2-Metric Spaces using Generalized control Function

R. Aruna, R. Hemavathi

6099 - 6105 | published: 2020-01-29

Effects of Social Media on Students’ Collaborative Learning Using Technology Acceptance Model

K. Ramprathap, M. Ramesh Kanna

6106 - 6112 | published: 2020-01-29

Banana Fibre as Alternative Thermal Insulation and Comparison with Conventional Thermal Insulation in Buildings

Shobha R, Vinod BR, Vivek Vedant, Pawan Bhatia

6113 - 6119 | published: 2020-01-30

Adjunct Octagonal Array Token Petri Nets

S. Kuberl, Anshu Murarka

6120 - 6126 | published: 2020-01-30

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 96/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Generation Z’s learning Preferences: Implications for Work Organizations in United Arab Emirates

Iftikhar Ahmed Khan, Ahmed Hamoud Al-Shibami

6127 - 6142 | published: 2020-01-30

Machine Learning Application to Predict the Length of Stay of type 2 Diabetes Patients in the Intensive Care Unit

Carol Anne Hargreaves, Chow An An Cherie

6143 - 6163 | published: 2020-01-30

Performance Characteristics of Tfet over Mosfet, Dg-Mosfet and Finfet

Anjani Devi N, Ajaykumar Dharmireddy, Sreenivasa Rao Ijjada

6164 - 6170 | published: 2020-01-30

Thermodynamics Analysis of ORC for Heat Recovery from Decomposition of Phosphogypsum

M. Alla, M.L. El Hafyani, S. Zouggar, E. K. Gharibi

6171 - 6176 | published: 2020-01-30

Distribution of Sensor Nodes for Detection of Energy Holes using Local Sensor Distribution Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks

Chinmaya Kumar Nayak, Satyabrata Das

6177 - 6182 | published: 2020-01-30

Post Purchase Behaviour on Purchase Intentions through Social Media

G. Kanagavalli, U. Arumugam, R. Vijayalakshmi, G. Lingavel

6183 - 6188 | published: 2020-01-30

Feedback Design of a Mimo System using State Space Model

A. Anilet Bala, Sidhant Saxena, Juili Gore, Jayanta Ghosh

6189 - 6194 | published: 2020-01-30

Popular Attacks on Product Modeling, Fault Detection of IoT Layers and its Countermeasures, Security Requirements and Open Issues

E. Sandhya, Annapurani. K

6195 - 6204 | published: 2020-01-30

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 97/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Sustainable Firm Value and Financial Performance – A Study on the Indian Automobile Industry

Stella Mary, Kavita Mathad

6205 - 6210 | published: 2020-01-30

Consumers’ Adoption of Online Food Ordering Services in Tier-Ii Cities: An Empirical Analysis

Savitha Nair, Elangovan N

6211 - 6219 | published: 2020-01-30

Design and Analysis of PSS and SVC Controller using Crossover GSA Approach

Channu Lal, K. Balachander

6220 – 6227 | published: 2020-01-30

Dominator Coloring of Central and Middle Graph of Closed Helm Graph

T. Manjula, R. Rajeswari

6228 - 6232 | published: 2020-01-30

Energy Efficient Measures in Textile Mill

K. Balachander, A. Amudha, M. Venkatesan, A. Nagamani Prabhu, R. Sundar

6233 - 6239 | published: 2020-01-30

Breast Cancer Prognosis with Apache Spark Random Forest Pipeline

Timmana Hari Krishna, C. Rajabhushanam

6240 - 6244 | published: 2020-01-30

Conflation Methods in Stemming Algorithm

Jennifer. P, A. Muthukumaravel

6245 - 6250 | published: 2020-01-30

An Ensemble Model of Data Mining Approach for Enhancing the Performance of Diabetes Mellitus Diagnosis

S. Hemalatha, T. Kavitha, T. M. Saravanan, K. Chitra

6251 - 6257 | published: 2020-01-30

Market Efficiency of Agricultural Commodity Futures Market in India www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 98/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Mohanamani. P, V. M. Sangeetha, Thilagavathi

6258 - 6265 | published: 2020-01-30

Augmentation of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Earth Digger Service Centre by Using DMAIC Integrated Triz Methodology

P. Muraleedharan, V. R. Muruganantham, S. Elancheran, A. Rajesh, M. Kalidas

6266 - 6275 | published: 2020-01-30

Enrichment of Fault Features by Forming Ml Hypothesis

P. Patchaiammal, R. Thirumalaiselvi

6276 – 6288 | published: 2020-01-30

Augmentation of Low Voltage Ride Through in AC Microgrid using Fault Current Limiting Function of Supercapacitor

Pretty Mary Tom, Belwin Edward J

6289 - 6298 | published: 2020-01-30

The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction

R. Velusamy, S. Chandramohan

6299 - 6302 | published: 2020-01-30

Performance Analysis of Stock Prediction by PLANN Techniques

G. Sundar, K. Satyanarayana

6303 - 6313 | published: 2020-01-30

Banking Sector Reforms in India – A Critical Analysis

M. Javed Kalburgi, Devika Rani P., Mohammed Farzana Begum

6314 - 6320 | published: 2020-01-30

Regression Model Accuracy Measurement and Evolution for Sample Data for Hybrid Solar and Wind Power

Ravirajsinh S. Vaghela, Siddharth Joshi

6321 - 6326 | published: 2020-01-30

Relationship among Brand Equity Determinants: The Moderating Role of Product Involvement www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 99/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management S. Vijay Mallikraj, Subburaj Alagarsamy

6327 - 6330 | published: 2020-01-30

Sustenance of Customers through Innovative Banking Practices with Special Reference to E- Banking Kiosks

D. Kanakavalli, A. Hilary Joseph

6331 - 6334 | published: 2020-01-30

Customer Perception towards the Digital Transformation in Banking Industry with Special Reference to Madurai City

S. C. B. Samuel Anbu Selvan, N. Vivek

6335 - 6340 | published: 2020-01-30

Impact of Job Satisfaction on Job Performance of Software Professionals: An Empirical Study of Bengaluru City

N. Srinivas Kumar

6341 - 6348 | published: 2020-01-30

Effect of Fines on Peak Friction Angle and Critical Friction Angle

Arivazhagan R, Xavier Vedha Rayan B. S, Abinanda N. R, Swathi. K, Premalatha. K

6349 - 6361 | published: 2020-01-30

Effective Prediction of Vertebral Column Pathologies Using Ensemble Classifiers

K. N. Nithya, P. Suresh

6362 – 6369 | published: 2020-01-30

Implementation and Analysis of Wifi VOIP using Raspberry pi

Kanchan Dhote, Kartik Ingole

6370 - 6372 | published: 2020-01-31

Advances of RF Mems for 5 G Technology

Shreya R Pande

6373 - 6376 | published: 2020-01-31

Demographic Segmentation’s impact on Consumer Perceptions towards Digital Payments www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 100/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management System Post Demonetization

Snehal Godbole

6377 - 6385 | published: 2020-01-31

Customer Perception Online Food Delivery Sector

Sunita N. Dhote, Ritwik C. Joshi, Satyajit S. Uparkar

6386 - 6394 | published: 2020-01-31

An Assessment of Factors Differentiating Perceptions towards Job Satisfaction among Male & Female Employees

Sushant Waghmare

6395 - 6399 | published: 2020-01-31

Optimized Localization of Wireless Sensor Nodes with RSSI in Wireless Sensor Networks

Venkata Reddy Adama, Ranjit V Bobate, G. M. Asutkar

6400 - 6404 | published: 2020-01-31

Application of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) for Data Acquisition System

Yaseer Phyrose, Devendra Deshmukh, Prashant D. Kamble, Rajesh G. Bodkhe

6405 - 6411 | published: 2020-01-31

Dynamics of Selection of Management Institute with Special Reference to Students and Parents: A Study of Mumbai Metropolitan City

Arti Sharma, Priyanka Vijay, Hiresh Luhar

6412 - 6420 | published: 2020-01-31

The Influence of Social Power, Inspirational Motivation, Idealized Influence and Attribute Charisma on Manager’s Leadership Effectiveness

Syukrina Alini Mat Ali, Erne Suzila Kassim, Aida Shekh Omar

6421 - 6428 | published: 2020-02-01

Users Experience with VR System: Current State and Development Directions

Hwei Teeng Chong, Chen Kim Lim, Kian Lam Tan

6429 - 6436 | published: 2020-02-01

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 101/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Measuring the Trend of the Research on Social Media in SMEs: A Bibliometric Evaluation

Mohd Hisham Mohd Sharif, Aidi Ahmi, Khairina Rosli

6437 - 6446 | published: 2020-02-01

Strengthening Railway Stability In Indonesia

Septiana Widi Astuti, Muhammad Adib Kurniawan

6447 - 6451 | published: 2020-02-01

A Multimodal Deep Neural Network for Human Breast Cancer Prognosis Prediction by Multi Dimensional Data

C. Mohan Deepu, D. Shiny Irene

6452 - 6458 | published: 2020-02-01

Big Data Analytics for Crime against Women in the state of Tamil Nadu

D. Usha, K. Ganesan

6459 - 6462 | published: 2020-02-01

Design and Implementation of the Smart Door Lock System

G. Navya Jyothi, P. Anjali

6463 - 6467 | published: 2020-02-01

Entropy Based Hybrid Sampling Model

Kamepalli Divya, R. Beaulah Jeyavathana

6468 - 6471 | published: 2020-02-01

Blood Cell Image Classification based on CNN Algorithm

B. Venkatasrilekha Chowdary, R. Beaulahjeyavathana

6472 - 6475 | published: 2020-02-01

Screening Cell Phone Data in the PC Using Firebase

S. Nikhil, R. Beaulah Jeyavathana

6476 - 6478 | published: 2020-02-01

A Framework for Securing Public Key Encryption based on Twin – Server Cryptography

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 102/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management G. Varun, R. Beaulah Jeyavathana

6479 - 6483 | published: 2020-02-01

Communication and Authentication for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

Sayyad Irfan, R. Beaulah Jeyavathana

6484 - 6486 | published: 2020-02-01

Secure Data Sharing in Cloud Storage

P. Charan Tej, M. Aruna

6487 - 6491 | published: 2020-02-01

A Genomic Information Systems Perspective using Machine Learning and Big Data

E. Koushik, M. Aruna

6492 - 6496 | published: 2020-02-01

Privacy in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

Kotha Akhil, Uma Priyadarsini. P.S

6497 - 6500 | published: 2020-02-01

An Innovative Deep Combination Prescriber Engine based on Auto-Encoder with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps

Janani. N, D. Shiny Irene

6501 - 6506 | published: 2020-02-01

Point of Interest Suggestions based on Collaborative Filtering Approach

M. D. Kavipriyaa, D. Shiny Irene

6507 - 6511 | published: 2020-02-01

Web Notice Board using Raspberian PI and Internet of Things

Vommi Chaitanya, S. Stewart Kirubakaran

6512 - 6514 | published: 2020-02-01

Rule-Based Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Medical Higher Cognitive Process

K. S. S. Preetham, D. Shiny Irene

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 103/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

6515 - 6517 | published: 2020-02-01

Patterning of Cyber Attacks and Analysis of Breaches

P. Yellareddy, K. Karthik

6518 - 6524 | published: 2020-02-01

Text to Image Generation using Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks

N. Himachalapathy Reddy, Uma Priyadarsini P. S

6525 - 6528 | published: 2020-02-01

Multi Traffic Scene Detection based on Machine Learning Algorithm

Seethi Nanda Kishore Reddy, S. Vijayalakshmi

6529 - 6532 | published: 2020-02-01

Attendance System Using Face Detection

Manjusri Mahalakshmi. P, G. Padmapriya

6533 - 6535 | published: 2020-02-01

Privacy of Medical Big Data in Healthcare Cloud Using Fog Computing Facility with Stegno and Cryptography

Charan Sai, S. Stewart Kirubakaran

6536 - 6539 | published: 2020-02-01

Privacy Preserving Social Media Publishing For Personalized Ranking Based Recommendation

K Sai Shashank, Sybi Cynthia J

6540 - 6543 | published: 2020-02-01

Location Prediction Techniques for Twitter Data

U. Satish Kumar, M. Raja Suguna

6544 - 6547 | published: 2020-02-01

Query Adaptive Small Object Search using Object Proposal and Shape-Aware Descriptors

Balagani. Vaishnavi, P. Malathi

6548 - 6551 | published: 2020-02-01

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 104/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Microscopic Image Processing System for Detecting Dengue Affected Blood Samples

Ramakrishna M M, V. Karthikeyan

6552 - 6556 | published: 2020-02-01

Twitter Data Preprocessing for Sentimental Analysis

P. Amaresh, M. Raja Suguna

6557 - 6560 | published: 2020-02-01

Text Classification for News Group using Machine Learning

P. Srinivasa Bhargav, K. Anitha

6561 - 6565 | published: 2020-02-01

An Improved Prediction on Consumer Purchase Intension Using Social Media Datas

Kiran Kumar. C, Vinod. D

6566 - 6572 | published: 2020-02-01

An Enhanced Optimization Technique to Implement Dino Game using Machine Learning Techniques

Amara Roshini Roy, M. Nalini, D. Shiny Irene

6573 - 6577 | published: 2020-02-01

Neural Network to Recognize Handwritten Character and Text Detection

Avishek Chakraborty, M. Nalini

6578 - 6581 | published: 2020-02-01

A User Centric Machine Learning Framework for Cybersecurity Operations Centre

N. Sita Ramudu, M. Nalini

6582 - 6587 | published: 2020-02-01

To Improve Performance of Number Guesser Neural Network by using Tensorflow and Deep Learning

K. Pavankalyan, M. Nalini

6588 - 6592 | published: 2020-02-01

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 105/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management A General View on Identifying Anti-Communal Tweets during Debacles Situation

L. Maheswara Reddy, Tabitha R.

6593 - 6596 | published: 2020-02-01

Predictive Measure of Diabetes for Early Detection using Data Mining Approaches

A. S Pawan Kalyan, R. Senthil Kumar

6597 - 6600 | published: 2020-02-01

A Two Factor Key Authentication for End to End Decryption

T. Vijay Kumar, Sybicynthia. G

6601 - 6604 | published: 2020-02-01

Crime Rate Prediction using Supervised Machine Learning

Maram Reddy Vishnoi, J. Rene Beulah, M. Nalini

6605 - 6610 | published: 2020-02-01

Synergistic Enhancement of Power System Security using Real Coded BBO based Security Constrained Optimal Generation Dispatch

M. Manoj Kumar, A. Allirani, V. Sundaravazhuthi

6611 - 6621 | published: 2020-02-01

Ideal Setting of FACTS Devices for Voltage Stability Improvement Utilizing Flower Pollination Algorithm

V. Sundaravazhuthi, A. Alli Rani, M. Manoj Kumar

6622 - 6628 | published: 2020-02-01

Semantic-Based Compound Keyword Search over Encrypted Cloud Data

Mallireddy Teja Sankar, P. Malathi

6629 - 6632 | published: 2020-02-01

Handwritten Text Recognition Using Machine Learning

Kasturi Madineni, V. Prasanna

6633 - 6639 | published: 2020-02-01

A Study on Efficient Route Search on Road Network www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 106/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management B. Pavan Kumar Reddy, M. Raja Suguna

6640 - 6644 | published: 2020-02-01

Productive Recovery from Data Encrypted By Elements with Cloud

Shaik Afshad Basha, Shri Vindhya

6645 - 6648 | published: 2020-02-01

Text Mining and Sentimental Analysis on Comments using Machine Learning and NLP

Dharmapuri Saivamshi, V. Karthick, S. Magesh

6649 - 6652 | published: 2020-02-01

Effective Analysis and Classification of News with Progressive Rating System

Yellampally Samyuktha, V. Karthick, S. Magesh

6653 - 6655 | published: 2020-02-01

A Research in Modeling and Predicting Cyber Hacking Breaches

I. Keerthi Krishna, V. Karthick, S. Magesh

6656 - 6658 | published: 2020-02-01

Patron Focused Ecommerce Site with AI Chatrobot

M. Sukumar, S. Ashok Kumar

6659 - 6662 | published: 2020-02-01

Data Integrity Auditing Without Private Key Storage for Secure Cloud Storage

Vulchi Somu Sundar Varma, Sabitha R

6663 - 6666 | published: 2020-02-01

Breast Cancer Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning

S Kesavan, G. Charlyn Pushpa Latha

6667 - 6670 | published: 2020-02-01

Blockchain: A Panacea for Healthcare Cloud -based Data Security and Privacy

R. Surya, G. Charlyn Pushpa Latha

6671 - 6676 | published: 2020-02-01

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 107/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

A Review on Image Based Classification of Waste Material

C. Priyanka, P. Sriramya

6677 - 6681 | published: 2020-02-01

Provision of Security to Images using Triple Des Algorithm

Chow Dam Bhavan, Sashi Rekha

6682 - 6685 | published: 2020-02-01

Face Recognition for Monitoring Gamers Behaviour and Parent Alerting System

Putta Naveen Kumar, Sashi Rekha. K

6686 - 6689 | published: 2020-02-01

Game on Check: Integration of Face Emotion and Tactile Recognition to Monitor user Behaviour Alerting Parents in Case any Emergency While Playing Game

P. Krishna Chaitanya, M. Aruna

6690 - 6695 | published: 2020-02-01

Third Eye Two Wheeler: Accident and Malt Detection in Bluetooth Enabled Smart Helmets with Load Monitoring for Motorbikes

M. Sai Kumar, M. Aruna

6696 - 6701 | published: 2020-02-01

Vote from Home: Effective in House Voting and Verification using Blockchain Implementation

Ganesh Prudhvi J, Sabitha R

6702 - 6707 | published: 2020-02-01

Creation of Dashboard using ASP.Net

G. Yasasvi, Uma Priyadarshini P.S

6708 - 6711 | published: 2020-02-01

User Behavior Tracking and Detection and Finding the Attacker

Thatigotla Ashok Kumar Raju, S. Vijayalakshmi

6712 - 6715 | published: 2020-02-01

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 108/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Sepsis Analysis Using Machine Learning

M. Poornima, G. Padmapriya

6716 - 6719 | published: 2020-02-01

Identification of Foreground Moving Targets Between Each Video Frame and Two Different Image in Single Frame

Hridya Venugopal, Mary Subaja Christo, Uma Priyadarsini

6720 - 6724 | published: 2020-02-01

Retrieve Data from the Web Images using Machine Learning

K. Sivakumar, Pramila

6725 - 6727 | published: 2020-02-01

Chikungunya Analysis and Classification in India using Data Visualization

Ch. V. S. M. Sudheer, Shri Vindhya

6728 - 6732 | published: 2020-02-01

Estimating the Selection of DDOS Security Administrations

Y. Manisai, Uma Priyadarsini P.S

6733 - 6736 | published: 2020-02-01

Integration of Digital Certificate and Overall Behavioural Analysis using QR and Smart Contract

M. Sravan Reddy, J. Rene Beulah

6737 - 6742 | published: 2020-02-01

Heart Disease Prediction Using ECG Signal Classification

K. Pranay Kumar, S. Ashok Kumar

6743 - 6747 | published: 2020-02-01

Clinical Guidelines in Medical Science Using Data Science Techniques

D Praveen, Shri Vindhya

6748 - 6751 | published: 2020-02-01

Rainfall Prediction Using Regression Analysis Techniques www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 109/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management B. Venkata Sai Kiran, K. Malathi

6752 - 6755 | published: 2020-02-01

Sentiment Emotions Scoring for Apple Mobile Tweets

R. Vijayalakshmi, A. Kalaivani

6756 - 6763 | published: 2020-02-01

Searchable Encryption and Access Control in Cloud Environment

S. Venkata Varaprasad, Karthik Elangovan

6764 - 6767 | published: 2020-02-01

A User Centric Data Protection Method for Cloud Storage Based on Invertible DWT

P. Uooha, Aishwarya

6768 - 6772 | published: 2020-02-01

Hand Written Characters Recognition Using Deep Learning

G. Pavan, J. Rene Beulah, M. Nalini

6773 - 6777 | published: 2020-02-01

Predicting Missing Items in Shopping Carts using Machine Learning

I. Vinay Kumar Reddy, R. Senthil Kumar

6778 - 6781 | published: 2020-02-01

Exploring the Mediating Effect of Organizational Inertia on the Relationship of Turnaround and Organizational Performance Framework: A Proposed Framework

Muhammad Suhaimi Mohd Yusof, Abd Rahim Romle

6782 - 6789 | published: 2020-02-01

Developing a Utilisation of WAQF Property and Governance Framework by Mutawalli

Selamah Maamor, Hasyeilla Abd Mutalib, Suraiya Hashim, Norazlina Abd Wahab, Zairy Zainol, Mohd Saharudin Shakrani

6790 - 6797 | published: 2020-02-01

Do Muslim Aware on WAQF?

Selamah Maamor, Hasyeilla Binti Abd Mutalib

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 110/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

6798 - 6802 | published: 2020-02-01

Electrical Transmission Line Fault Detection and Classification using Convolution Neural Networks and Support Vector Machine

D. Baskar, P. Selvam

6803 - 6808 | published: 2020-02-01

Temporal Pattern Classification on Password Restate: A Significant Observational Analysis

K. Sivaranjani, D. Shiny Irene

6809 - 6814 | published: 2020-02-01

Application of Path Analysis of the Effect of Macroeconomic Conditions to the Share Prices of PT AKR Corporindo TBK

Fajrin Satria Dwi Kesumah, Nairobi , Mustofa Usman, Edwin Russel

6815 – 6828 | published: 2020-02-03

Dynamic Modeling and Forecasting Stock Price Data by Applying AR-GARCH Model

Edwin Russel, Fajrin Satria Dwi Kesumah, Rialdi Azhar, Nairobi , Mustofa Usman

6829 - 6842 | published: 2020-02-03

Government Policy in the Case of Provision of Commercial Bank Loans based on Business Fields per Sumatra Region

Syarief Makhya, Khoirin Nisa, Siska Diah Ayu Larasati, Suripto , Suprihatin Ali

6843 – 6851 | published: 2020-02-03

Antecedents of Perception of Organizational Politics: An Investigation in Vietnam

Pham Thu Trang, Nguyen Le Ngoc Son, Dang My Linh

6852 - 6869 | published: 2020-02-03

Examining The Effects of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: A Case of Vietnamese Commercial Banks

Nguyen Hoai Nam, Pham Thu Trang

6870 - 6876 | published: 2020-02-03

Economic Determinants of Carbon Dioxide Emissions: A Proof of the Environmental Kuznet Curve Hypothesis in Asia www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 111/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Zulfa Emalia, Resha Moniyana, Murniati

6877 - 6885 | published: 2020-02-03

Unleashing the Potential of Globalization to Bring Sustainable Prosperity in the Selected Asian and African Countries: Panel Least-Squares Analysis

Arif Darmawan, Muhamad Vicki Faldi

6886 - 6897 | published: 2020-02-03

Analysis of Wholesale Price Indexes with the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) Approach

Khoirin Nisa, Warsono , Rima Nugrahiya Putri, Widiarti , Edwin Russel

6898 - 6913 | published: 2020-02-03

Vector Auto-Regression Approach: Relationship between Production Output of Manufacturer Industry and FDI

Lies Maria Hamzah, Ukhti Ciptawaty, Edwin Russel, Fajrin Satria Dwi Kesumah

6914 - 6924 | published: 2020-02-03

Economics Sustainability of Soybean Supply Chain: Empirical Evidence of System Dynamics Malang Regency

Rizka Aidina Putri, Retno Astuti, Bambang Dwi Argo

6925 - 6939 | published: 2020-02-03

Accounting Learning for Non-Accounting, an Experimental Study for Creative Industry and MSMEs

Pigo Nauli, Neny Desriani

6940 - 6951 | published: 2020-02-03

Design and Analysis of an Aircraft Wing Structure

Bharath A, Keshav Kumar E, Sreehari V M, Ravikumar B

6952 - 6958 | published: 2020-02-03

Regression Analysis for the Compressive Strength of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete

Anita Jessie. J, Santhi. A. S.

6959 - 6967 | published: 2020-02-03

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 112/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Development of a Fuzzy Model in Plasma Transferred Arc Welding using Cobalt based Hard Facing Alloy

D. S. Balaji, K. Umanath, S. Prabhakaran, V. Kurinji, P. Gopi

6968 - 6976 | published: 2020-02-03

Geological and Mathematical Analogy of Reservoir and Polymer Structures

Yuri Evgenievich Katanov, Vadim Mihailovich Aleksandrov, Alik Kayumovich Yagafarov

6977 - 6991 | published: 2020-02-03

Analysis of Exhaust Gas Behavior for Small Scale Solid Propellant Motors (Static Test) using Gaussian Plume Dispersion

V. Kurinji, R. Rajkumar, S. Prabhakaran, K. Umanath, D. S. Balaji

6992 - 6998 | published: 2020-02-03

Modeling of Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) in Matlab

Asheesh Rajbhar, Lokesh Kumar Yadav, Puneet Joshi, Sanjay Agrawal

6999 - 7007 | published: 2020-02-03

Supply Chain Management, Optimization and Forecasting Techniques

Atyeh Mohammed Alzhrani

7008 - 7014 | published: 2020-02-03

Outsourcing Human Resource Functions and their Impact on Organizational Performance

Atyeh Mohammed Alzhrani

7015 - 7032 | published: 2020-02-03

Strategic Management of the Tourism Sector in Saudi Arabia

Atyeh Mohammed Alzhrani

7033 - 7041 | published: 2020-02-03

Statement of the Effectiveness of the Exchange Rate in the External Balance

Thamer Abduil, Aaly Kadhum

7042 - 7062 | published: 2020-02-03

Multi-objective Optimization on Abrasive Water Jet Machining of AA6082 using Teaching www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 113/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Learning Based Optimization

C. Joel, T. Jeyapoovan

7063 - 7068 | published: 2020-02-03

Analysis of Influencing Parameters on CI Engine Performance Fuelled by Waste Plastic Oil and Ethanol Blends Using Taguchi Method

Padmanabhan S, Prabhakaran S, Balan K N

7069 - 7077 | published: 2020-02-03

A Review on Hard Coating by Means of Thermal Spray Process

K N Balan, N. Prakash, U Yashvanth, S Jenoris Muthiya, Cheri V Dinesh Kumar, Kanuri Dundivinayaka Sai, CH Sai Abhishek

7078 – 7086 | published: 2020-02-03

Preserving Privacy and Optimizing Performance by setting Multi-Level Access Restrictions using VPD Policies with Locks

H. Lakshmi, K. Nageswara Rao

7087 - 7098 | published: 2020-02-03

Rethinking Annual Performance Evaluation: Indian Steel Sector Scenario

B. K. Surya Prakahsa Rao, N. Anjaneya Sharma, B. Hari Babu

7099 – 7109 | published: 2020-02-03

Privacy-Preserving Content-Based Image Retrieval in Cloud Computing With EMD

Veeramalai Sankaradass, Karthikeyan. P, Umanath. K, Dhivya. M, Porselvi. G, Aishvarya. S

7110 – 7121 | published: 2020-02-03

Bio Caryota Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites: A Study on Fracture Toughness Mode I

S. Vijayakumar, K. Palanikumar

7122 – 7130 | published: 2020-02-03

Bio Caryota Chopped Fibre Reinforced Polyester Composites: Evaluation Vibration Analysis

S. Vijayakumar, K. Palanikumar

7131 - 7139 | published: 2020-02-03

Diabetes Retinopathy Disease Detection using Convolution Neural Network www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 114/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Anil N. Rakhonde, Pravin R. K Shirsagar, Swagat M. Marve

7140 - 7147 | published: 2020-02-03

Education Character of Learning Values from Ideas to Actions

Suprani , Apri Wahyudi

7148 - 7154 | published: 2020-02-03

Fourth Industrial Revolution and Management 3.0: Conditions for the Transformation of Higher Education

Selyanskaya G. N., Isaeva K. V., Busalov D. Yu.

7155 - 7163 | published: 2020-02-03

A User Oriented Software Reliability Model


7164 - 7168 | published: 2020-02-03

Firm Behavior, an Engineering Business Tool for a Better Brand Value in all Sectors

Samer Ajour El Zein, Carolina Consolacion-Segura, Ruben Huertas-Garcia

7169 - 7178 | published: 2020-02-03

The Role of Organizational Culture in Mediating the Influence of Organizational Resources to Organizational Performance (Empirical Study at Puskesmas Kelurahan in DKI Jakarta Province)

Agung Solihin

7179 - 7190 | published: 2020-02-03

Informal Business Financing Through People Business Credit Program: Evidence in Indonesia

Rudy Badrudin

7191 - 7200 | published: 2020-02-03

Competence and Performance Appraisal on Job Satisfaction

Kartono , Ramlah Puji Astuti, Citra Faathir Widiana

7201 - 7209 | published: 2020-02-03

Mapping and Assessment of MSMEs as Capacity Business Enhancement

Karsinah , Prasetyo Ari Bowo, Azhana Othman, Phany Inneke Putri www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 115/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

7210 - 7217 | published: 2020-02-03

Work-Life Balance of Employees in Punjab State Power Corporation Limited: A Reliability and Descriptive Analysis

Surinder Paul Sondhi, Vikram Sandhu

7218 - 7223 | published: 2020-02-03

Smart Application Possibilities in Supply chain Management: The Role of IoT

M. Krithika, Jainab Zareena

7224 - 7229 | published: 2020-02-03

Technology Embracement and Etailer Approbation in Cyberspace Retailing

R. Nithya, K. Selvavinayagam

7230 - 7235 | published: 2020-02-03

The Role of the Tourist Attractions Factors in Improving Urban Ecotourism (Algeria & Jordan)

Sawsan Khreis, Pr. Foued Benghadbane

7236 - 7248 | published: 2020-02-03

Xossa (God) in the Traditional Belief of Wolaitta

Henok Yonas Alambo, Sishir Kummar Tripathy

7249 - 7257 | published: 2020-02-03

Pyrolysis Tool Prototype for Conversion of Plastic Bag Waste to Liquid Fuel

Elfidiah , Kgs A Roni, Rosyidah

7258 - 7266 | published: 2020-02-03

The Impact of Internal Marketing on Employee Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction with the Mediating Role of Service Quality: A Vietnamese Bank Case

Nguyen Viet Lam, Nguyen Ngoc Quang, Nguyen Thai Ha, Nguyen Thu Lan

7267 – 7278 | published: 2020-02-03

Transformational Rector Leadership in Building Achievement Motivation and Lecturer Performance

Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 116/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

7279 - 7290 | published: 2020-02-03

Quality Control Measures: With reference to ATC Beverages Pvt ltd.

Sindhu. R, Rampilla Mahesh

7291 - 7297 | published: 2020-02-03

A Study on impact and Acceptance of Implementation of Digital India app based Payments Schemes

Nithesh Naik, Dasharathraj K Shetty, Maitri Manjunath, Sushmitha Pai, Sidharth

7298 - 7304 | published: 2020-02-03

A Study of Impact of Cultural Dimensions on ATM User Experience

Dasharathraj K Shetty, Namesh Malarout, Prajual P J, Nithesh Naik

7305 - 7316 | published: 2020-02-03

Fuzzy Geometric Programming Approach to Food Supply Chain Model

W. Ritha, A. Theresal Jeyaseeli, I. Antonitte Vinoline, J. Merline Vinotha, Nivetha Martin

7317 - 7324 | published: 2020-02-03

The Optimal Ordering Policy of the Retailer in Diverse Commercial Atmosphere with Permitted Delay in Payments

I. Antonitte Vinoline, W. Ritha, J. Merline Vinotha, Nivetha Martin

7325 - 7332 | published: 2020-02-03

Qi Men Dun Jia Project Management: Timeless Recipe behind Successful Projects

Jennel R. Cheng

7333 - 7340 | published: 2020-02-03

The Status of Germ Line Gene Therapy: An Analysis from an Islamic Ethical Perspective

Zakiah Samori, Fadilah Abd Rahman

7341 - 7358 | published: 2020-02-03

Leading towards Islamic Tourism City by Managing the Sensitivity of Society: A Case Study of Terenggganu

Zulaipa R., Mohammad Aizat J., Hanifah M.F.H., Rafeah S.

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 117/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

7359 - 7366 | published: 2020-02-03

Current Status of Copyright Recognition of Korean Teachers

Chulhyun Lee

7367 - 7375 | published: 2020-02-03

Comparison of the Feature-Based Combiner to Bagging and RSM using Artificial Data

Fuad M. Alkoot

7376 - 7381 | published: 2020-02-03

Modelling and Simulation Flight Dynamic Terminal Air Defense Missile

Evy S Setiawan, Romie O Bura, Yoni H Yogaswara

7382 - 7387 | published: 2020-02-03

An Assessment of the Hospitality and Tourism Talent Cultivating Mode in Nigerian Federal Polytechnics

Gabriel Unuagbo Yesuf

7388 - 7393 | published: 2020-02-03

Analysis of Linguistic Features and Speech Acts in Report Card Comments

Heherson Castro Tolentino

7394 - 7406 | published: 2020-02-03

Early Warning Detection System for Fire Disaster Using Virtual Instrumentation With Labview and Arduino

Hendrianto Husada, Samsurizal

7407 - 7411 | published: 2020-02-03

Analysis and Management of Fraud in Nigerian Banking Industry: Stakeholders’ Perspectives

Akinadewo Israel S., Akinkoye Ebenezer Y.

7412 - 7423 | published: 2020-02-03

Credit Default Swap as an instrument for risk management

Mariusz Tomczyk

7424 - 7428 | published: 2020-02-03 www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 118/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Fairness Improvement in Internet of Things Networks implemented by IEEE 802.11ah Standard

Motahareh Naghzali, Mehri Mehrjoo, Mahdi Kazeminia

7429 - 7435 | published: 2020-02-03

Collectable Loyalty Programmes: An Investigation into the use of Embedded Messages to invite a Culture of Collecting in the South African Grocery Retailer SPAR’s Angry Birds Programme

Mikaela Oosthuizen

7436 - 7443 | published: 2020-02-03

Theory of Practice: A Conceptual Framework for Livelihoods of Households with People Living With HIV/AIDS in Kaduna, Nigeria

Suleiman Mohammed Saeed, Dusadee Ayuwat

7444 – 7452 | published: 2020-02-03

Entrepreneurship and Business

Muhammad Abdul Rauf

7453 - 7463 | published: 2020-02-03

Organic Carrier-Based Inoculant of Bacillus and Azotobacter Consortium

Reginawanti Hindersah, Mieke Rochimi Setiawati, Betty Natalie Fitriatin, Indyra Rahmadina, Rara Rahmatika Risanti

7464 - 7470 | published: 2020-02-03

Scientific and Business Networks as a Stimulator of Eco-Innovations Diffusion in Small and Micro-Enterprises

Robert Kuceba, Marcin Zawada

7471 - 7479 | published: 2020-02-03

The “substance over the form”. Evidence on the Italian Leasing Accounting after the EU Regulation 2017/1986

Roberta Provasi

7480 – 7485 | published: 2020-02-03

The Development of Russian and Chinese Economy under "One Belt and one Road Initiative

Sanches Shayda Margarita Tania www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 119/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

7486 - 7489 | published: 2020-02-03

Partial Purification and Biochemical Characterisation of a Novel Thermos Table Extracellular Lipase from Serratia Marcescens SCL1 Isolated from Medicinal Waste

Shaikh Rajesh Ali, Syeda Sagufta Sultana, Sisir Rajak, Ratnadip Mondal, Sibani Sen Chakraborty

7490 - 7503 | published: 2020-02-03

Design an Auxiliary Device of Power Rehabilitation System for the Patients Interest

Ching-Sung Wang, Wei-Di Chen, Yi-Chen Zhou

7504 - 7506 | published: 2020-02-03

Ultra filtration of Waste Water Containing a Mixture of Yeast and Bentonite by Organic Hollow Fiber Membrane

Tataru Laurentiu, Nedeff Valentin, Barsan Narcis, Mosnegutu Emilian, Panainte-Lehadus Mirela

7507 - 7511 | published: 2020-02-03

Certain Identities on Class one Infinite Series

Vidya H. C.

7512 - 7523 | published: 2020-02-03

The Characteristics of Thin Film Bismuth Vanadium Oxide (Bivo4) Semiconductor Material as Anode for Electrolysis of Water

Achmad Walid, Sudjito Soeparman, Slamet Wahyudi, Mega Nur Sasongko

7524 - 7532 | published: 2020-02-03

Human Resources Development Factors toward the Employees’ Performance at the Local Secretariat Office of Malang City

Zainur Rozikin, Bambang Sugiyono Agus Purwono

7533 – 7544 | published: 2020-02-03

Effect of Tungsten Inert Gas Welding on Structure and Hardness of Austenitic Stainless Steel

Jozef Zajac, Michal Hatala, František Botko, Igor Olexa, Dávid Goldyniak

7545 - 7549 | published: 2020-02-03

Evaluation and Optimization of Route Network Using AHP

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 120/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Sachin S. Pund, D. R. Zanwar

7550 - 7559 | published: 2020-02-04

The Factors Affecting Green Consumer Behavior: Evidence from Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Rahayu Relawati, Bambang Yudi Ariadi, Bambang Sugiyono Agus Purwono

7560 - 7570 | published: 2020-02-04

Policy Engineering of Forest Fire Prevention in Indonesia

Saifullah , Sri Harini, Bambang Sugiyono Agus Purwono

7571 - 7576 | published: 2020-02-04

Value Added Tax Exemption Policy on Import of Solar Panel Machines in Indonesia

Titi Muswati Putranti, A. A. S. Saraswati, Milla S Setyowati, Indriani

7577 - 7586 | published: 2020-02-04

Experimental Understanding of Composite Fibers for Motor Cycle Brakes

Venugopal. S, Karikalan. L, Baburajan. M

7587 - 7589 | published: 2020-02-04

Research Scopes in Laser Based AM for Metals- An Ample Assessment

Avinash Malladi, K. Karunakaran

7590 - 7597 | published: 2020-02-04

Non Markovian Priority Queue for Existing Customer with Breaks in Call Center

B. Balamurugan, M. Mullai

7598 - 7610 | published: 2020-02-04

A Brief Study of Privacy-Preserving Practices (PPP) in Data Mining

Dhinakaran D, Joe Prathap P. M

7611 - 7622 | published: 2020-02-04

Application of DE for Least Cost GEP with Solar Power Plant

Karunanithi. K, K. Rajesh, S. Saravanan, V. Mahesh

7623 - 7628 | published: 2020-02-04

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 121/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

High Pressure Turbine Casing Expansion Measurements in Thermal Power Stations Using Smart Sensor

G. Sudha, G. Karthick Thyagesh, V. A. Prabhakaran, G. Pradeep Kumar, J. Dhilip Kumar

7629 - 7634 | published: 2020-02-04

Investigation on Effect of AlCrN & DLC Coated Carbide Tool in Machining of LM6 Aluminum Alloy

M. Kamatchihariharan, S. Thamilarasu, K. Ravi Kumar

7635 - 7644 | published: 2020-02-04

Cognitive Radio Based Construction Progress Monitoring in India

S. Selvakanmani, Pranamita Nanda, K. Balachander, M. Sumathi

7645 - 7651 | published: 2020-02-04

Production and Performance Enrichment of Biodiesel from Mustard Oil and Blend with Different Volume of Diesel

Navish Kumar, Dhanapal. P, Vijayan. S. N

7652 - 7657 | published: 2020-02-04

Performance Analysis of a Student during a Learning Management System using Classification Algorithms

Srinivasu Badugu

7658 - 7665 | published: 2020-02-04

Bessel Filter Based Blood Vessel Segmentation for Retinal Images

K. T. Ilayarajaa, E. Logashanmugam

7666 - 7674 | published: 2020-02-04

Studies Of Chemical Precipitating Agents Magnesium, Sodium And Calcium Oxide In Removal Of Chromium From Chrome Tan Liquor

Sathish Thangamuthu, Shanmugam Palanisamy, Subramanian Nallasamy, Gowri Shankar Velusamy

7675 - 7680 | published: 2020-02-04

Prediction of Potholes for PMGSY Roads in India

C. Makendran, M. Afzal Ali Baig, R. Dinesh Kumar, P. Arunarani, S. Sivaramakrishnan www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 122/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

7681 - 7690 | published: 2020-02-04

Insilico Studies on Protein Modified Graphene Oxide Sheets for Potential Biosensing Applications for Curcumin Metabolites

Nibedita Dey, Hritik Sharma

7691 - 7697 | published: 2020-02-04

Experimental of Resting on Heat Transfer Performance of the Heat Pipe through Leading-Edge for Aircraft Anti-Icing Applications

P. Mohanraj, R. Sridhar

7698 – 7710 | published: 2020-02-04

Numerical Simulation of Eulerian Approach to Heat Transfer Performance of DCCLHPs through Leading-Edge Aircraft for Anti-Icing Applications

P. Mohanraj, R. Sridhar

7711- 7721 | published: 2020-02-04

Conversion Prediction from Click-Stream: Modeling Market Prediction and Customer Predictability

B. Srinivasa Rao, B. Srividya

7722 - 7728 | published: 2020-02-04

An Approach For Als Patients To Control Home Appliances Using Beta Waves

K. Subhashini, Arjun Venkatesh B

7729 - 7733 | published: 2020-02-04

An Enhanced Authentication System based on Right Palm Vein and Iris Recognition

Siddique Ibrahim S. P., Sumathi T

7734 - 7741 | published: 2020-02-04

The Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat Level in Tourism Relations between India and Saudi Arabia

Ali A. Alalmai, A. Arun

7742 - 7747 | published: 2020-02-04

Determinants of Happiness among Women Employees in Spinning Industry www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 123/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Chandrasekaran. V, Samudhra Rajakumar. C

7748 - 7753 | published: 2020-02-04

Influence of Social Media Marketing on School Branding

Dileep Kumar Singh, Shailesh O. Kediya

7754 - 7759 | published: 2020-02-04

Environment Governance through Green Banking By Selected Commercial Banks in Karnataka

Ch. Raja Kamal, Vijay Kumar

7760 - 7766 | published: 2020-02-04

Thermal and Economic Optimization of Shell and Tube Type Heat Exchanger Using Genetic Algorithm

Haresh. A. Patel, Manish Pokharna

7767 - 7772 | published: 2020-02-04

Improved QoS for the Sensed Data in the Wireless Sensor Network through Customized Priority Scheduling Scheme

Hebziba Jeba Rani. S, Deepika. N

7773 - 7780 | published: 2020-02-04

Health Monitoring of Bridges using Wireless Sensor Nodes.

Sheetal Singh, Aaditya Kasbekar, Aneesh Dhespande, Shreevats Gadhikar, Dr. Kanchan Dhote

7781 - 7784 | published: 2020-02-04

An Improved Heuristic Approach towards Plant Layout Optimization

Prof. Sachin S. Pund, Dr. D. R. Zanwar

7785 - 7799 | published: 2020-02-04

Numerical Investigation of Variation of Combustion Efficiency of Scramjet Combustor with Change in Length of Wedge Shaped Strut Blunt End

Kumari Ambe Verma, Krishna Murari Pandey, Kaushal Kumar Sharma

7800 - 7806 | published: 2020-02-04

Design and Analysis of BIST Approach for 3D-Mesh Nocs Router Testing www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 124/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Dr. S. Karthikeyan, M. Navin Kumar, Dr. S. Sophia

7807 - 7812 | published: 2020-02-04

Surface Texture to Reduce Friction Coefficient

Manoj D. Nikam, S. P. Jadhav, S. D. Khetri, P. K. Sawant

7813 - 7818 | published: 2020-02-04

A Novel approach for Computing Congestion degree of Road Traffic using MapReduce Framework

Mr. Yogesh Golhar, Dr. Manali Kshirsagar

7819 - 7831 | published: 2020-02-04

Review of Various Image Segmentation Methods

Ms. Manisha Bhagwat, Dr. Asha Ambhaikar

7832 - 7837 | published: 2020-02-04

Virtual Telepresence Surveillance Vehicle

Paramjit Shankarprasad, Riya Mohan, Rushibha Adlak, Poorvi K. Joshi

7838 - 7843 | published: 2020-02-04

Combined K-Hierarchy Clustering to know the Buying Pattern of Customer and Provide Them with Freebies by Online Site for Future Shopping

Priyanka Desai, Bhavna Arora

7844 - 7853 | published: 2020-02-04

Optimization of lifetime Parameters of Multi-hope Wireless Sensor Network using Computational Intelligence Approach

Ranjit V. Bobate, Venkata Reddy Adama, Sagar R. Padhan, Dr. G. M. Asutkar

7854 - 7859 | published: 2020-02-04

Patanjali - A Transformation in Green Marketing

Shankar Guddad, Jayanth H, Veena Shankar Terdal

7860 - 7864 | published: 2020-02-04

The Question of Economic Choices-Startups: Service Sector Vs Product Sector www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 125/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Dr. Ruchi Goyal

7865 - 7871 | published: 2020-02-04

IOT based Cardio Vascular Signal Analysis using Discrete Wavelet Transform

Anhad Pal Singh, Bharat Gupta, Govinda .K

7872 - 7881 | published: 2020-02-05

Impact of E- Content on Achievement in Chemistry among Government Higher Secondary School Students

B. Murugesan, Dr. H. Deepa

7882 - 7886 | published: 2020-02-05

A Qualitative Analysis on Environmental Protection and Its Feasibility with Special Reference to a Selected Locality

Dr. A. Govindarajan, Dr. N. Kumar

7887 - 7891 | published: 2020-02-05

Loan Default Prediction using Machine learning Techniques

Himanshu Chawla, Bharat Gupta, Govinda .K

7892 - 7899 | published: 2020-02-05

Medical image Compression using Dwt Technique and its Optimization

Dr. K. Prabavathy, Mrs. P. Jeyanthi

7900 - 7906 | published: 2020-02-05

Deep Learning Concepts and Libraries Used in Image Analysis and Classification

K. Sai Prasad, Dr. S. Pasupathy

7907 - 7913 | published: 2020-02-05

To find the solution and predict model for logistics by Traveling Salesman problem using graceful labeling and nearest neighbor algorithm

Priyanka Bhalerao, Dr. Seema Bagora

7914 - 7922 | published: 2020-02-05

Intrapreneurship - The Emerging Paradigm to Innovation and Sustainability in an Emerging www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 126/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Economy

Ms. Sanjeela Mathur

7923 - 7935 | published: 2020-02-05

Computer Aided Diagnostic System for Detection and Classification of Skin Cancer

Akila Victor, Muhammad Rukunuddin Ghalib

7936 - 7946 | published: 2020-02-05

Early Detection of Autism using SVM Classifier

Mr. P. P. Janarthanan, Dr. V. Ashok, Dr. Muhammad Mahadi bin Abdul Jamil, Mr. Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab, Mrs. S. Sivaranjani

7947 - 7952 | published: 2020-02-05

Is Charity a New Tool of Branding?

Himanshu Chauhan, Dr. Hemraj Verma, Dr. Vijay Kumar Jain

7953 - 7960 | published: 2020-02-05

Meta Heuristic Kha – Cuckoo Search Optimization Algorithm For Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Network

R. Rajalakshmi, T.V. Ananthan

7961 - 7978 | published: 2020-02-05

Patients’ Perception towards the Digital Transformation in the Services of Multi Specialty Hospitals in Madurai City

Dr. S. C. B. Samuel Anbu Selvan, Mr. S. Mohamed Hussain

7979 - 7984 | published: 2020-02-05

Time Management and Relationship between Academic Performance scum Stress Level of postgraduate College Students: With Special Reference to Kanchipuram District

Dr. D. Kesavan, Dr. V. Vetrivel, Dr. K. Malarvizhi

7985 - 7993 | published: 2020-02-05

A Study on Customer’s Perception towards Green Washing with Special Reference to Cosmetic Products in Madurai

Dr. S. C. B. Samuel Anbu Selvan

7994 - 8000 | published: 2020-02-05

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 127/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Green Channel Counter,with Special Reference to SBI

M. P. Santhiya, R. Ramesh Palappan, Radhika .R

8001 - 8006 | published: 2020-02-05

Design and Validation of Organizational Beliefs Questionnaire (OBQ) (Case Study: Cultural Organizations of Isfahan)

Amir Keyvanara, Dr. Akbar Etebarian, Dr. Ali Rashidpour

8007 - 8026 | published: 2020-02-05

Improvement of Employee Performance through Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Justice, and Organizational Commitment

Nenah Sunarsih, Andriyansah

8027 - 8034 | published: 2020-02-05

Analysis of Legal Returns Related to Children's Pornography


8035 - 8043 | published: 2020-02-05

Determinant of Online Shopping Behavior in Indonesia

Minrohayati , Devi Ayuni, Andy Mulyana

8044 - 8056 | published: 2020-02-05

Improving the Performance of Chip Multi Processor using Nano Caching Scheme

R. Arun Prasath, R. Velmani, E. John Alex, G. Sudhagar

8057 - 8062 | published: 2020-02-05

Web Text Mining through Machine Learning for Information Classification and Pattern Analysis: A Review

M. Venugopal, Dr. V. K. Sharma, Dr. Kalpana Sharma

8063 - 8074 | published: 2020-02-05

Work Life Balance of Women Employees in Commercial Banks with Special Reference to Kumbakonam Town

Dr. S. Ezhilraji

8075 - 8080 | published: 2020-02-05 www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 128/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Policy Suggestions on Teacher Professional Development for Thailand: Assessment for Learning to Drive Education 4.0

Natcha Mahapoonyanont, Sally Hansen, Jenny Poskitt

8081 - 8089 | published: 2020-02-05

A Study on the Properties and Leachability of Fired Clay Bricks Incorporating With Gypsum Waste

Nurul Nabila Huda Hashar, Aeslina Abdul Kadir, Shahin Ishamuddin, Nur Jannah Abdul Hamid, Azini Amiza Hashim, Noor Amira Sarani, Mohd Ikhmal Haqeem Hassan

8090 - 8094 | published: 2020-02-05

Gases Emissions of Sewage Sludge Brick

Nurul Salhana Abdul Salim, Aeslina Abdul Kadir

8095 - 8101 | published: 2020-02-05

Performance Analysis of Frequency Tuned Microstrip Patch Antenna with DGS

Nelapati Ananda Rao, Siddaiah . P

8102 - 8108 | published: 2020-02-05

Work-Life Stress Management of Married Women Teachers from Government and Self Financing Colleges in Kerala

Aiswarya V Kumar, V. P. Velmurugan

8109 - 8117 | published: 2020-02-05

Topological Characterization of Protein-Protein Interaction via Implementing Large Scale Interaction Networks in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis H37Rv

Farah Deeba, Srinath Pandey, Gaurav Verma, Vinay Dwivedi

8118 - 8128 | published: 2020-02-05

A Dynamic Relationship between Us Dollar Exchange Rate and Indian Crude Oil Prices: An Empirical Analysis

Dr. Rupinder Katoch, Arpit Sidhu

8129 - 8136 | published: 2020-02-05

Evaluation of Dose in Gamma-Ray with White Light-Sensitive Phosphor Material in low www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 129/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Temperature

P. Rubalajyothi, A. Rajendran

8137 - 8150 | published: 2020-02-05

Measuring the Performance of Higher Education Institutions in India: A Bird’s Eye view of the National Institutional Ranking Framework

Devesh Nigam, M. P. Ganesh, Suvashisa Rana

8151 - 8160 | published: 2020-02-05

Is Psychological Contract a Predictor of Affective Commitment and work Alienation?

Simran Singh, Dr. Mamata Mahapatra

8161 - 8168 | published: 2020-02-05

Trends and Performance Measures of Electric Vehicles in Market

E. Elakkia, B. Nandini, M. Perarasi

8169 - 8174 | published: 2020-02-07

Analysis of PMSG based Variable Speed Micro Wind Turbine

S. Balamurugan, M. J. Suganya, P. Kavitha

8175 - 8179 | published: 2020-02-07

Effect of Augmented Reality Advertisements on Purchase Intention of Cosmetic Products

Jha Suchita, Joshi Sujata

8180 - 8189 | published: 2020-02-07

Evaluation of Energy Consumption in Construction

Priyanka N. Nikam, Satish M. Waysal

8190 - 8200 | published: 2020-02-07

Knowledge Management Practices and Organisational Performance in Manufacturing Companies

S. D. Uma Mageswari

8201 - 8212 | published: 2020-02-07

Design Various MPPT Controller for Solar PV Water Pumping System www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 130/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Manoj Kumar Sahu, Rashmi Rekha Dhal, Jagan Mohana Rao Malla, Sribatsa Behera

8213 - 8223 | published: 2020-02-07

Hybrid Deep Learning Model for Emotion Recognition using Facial Expressions: Channelizing Employee Productivity

Hemraj Verma, Garima Verma, Sushil Dixit

8224 - 8226 | published: 2020-02-07

Methodology for Digital Compression of Virtual Worlds using VRML

Dipak Vinayak Shirbhate, Dilip Sahebrao Ingole

8227 - 8231 | published: 2020-02-07

Treatment and Analysis of Industrial Effluent using Phycoremediation Technology

T. Murali Krishna, V. Sivasubramanian, K. Divya, J. Christina Shiny, S. Kalaivani

8232 - 8234 | published: 2020-02-07

Protection and Prediction of Crop Yield during Natural Calamities

M. Perarasi, B. Nandini, E. Elakkia, Syed Mohammed Ibrahim S D

8235 - 8240 | published: 2020-02-07

Cradle to Grave of Materials

A. Vijayalakshmi, M. Meena

8241 - 8245 | published: 2020-02-07

Study on LinkedIn-A Professional Networking Site for Career Opportunities among Students and Job Seekers

Sneha Mukherjee, Bhargavi D Hemmige

8246 - 8254 | published: 2020-02-07

The Effect of Printing Parameters on Scaffold Structure Using Low-cost 3D Printer

Nor Aiman Sukindar, Azib Azhari Awang Dahan, Nor Farah Huda Abd Halim, Shafie Kamaruddin, Mohd Hafis Sulaiman, Mohd Khairol Anuar Mohd Ariffin

8255 - 8263 | published: 2020-02-07

A Competent Model for Security and Privacy in IoT using Fog Computing www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 131/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management N. Musrat Sultana, K. Shirisha, S. Vijaya Lakshmi

8264 - 8271 | published: 2020-02-07

A Novel Technique for Extracting Radar Signal

S. Upendar, Niranjan Prasad

8272 - 8275 | published: 2020-02-07

Comparative Analysis of LEEAR, AFDP and ARPASC Routing Protocols in MANETs

A. Naveena, K. Rama Linga Reddy

8276 - 8281 | published: 2020-02-07

Sparse Representation for Image Restoration

D. Khalandar Basha, T. Venkateswarlu

8282 - 8288 | published: 2020-02-07

Navigation Alarm using Predictive User Location

D. Venkatasubramanian, Sharvesh .S, Gokul .P, Harish .K

8289 - 8294 | published: 2020-02-07

Mitigation of Harmonics for Residential Loads by Shunt Active Power Filter using SRF Theory

Ujwala Gajula, Y. Priyanka, Gouthami Eragamreddy

8295 - 8300 | published: 2020-02-07

An Autonomously Sleep, Listen and Transmit Scheduling Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks

Harshitha Giraboina, K. Sarada

8301 - 8306 | published: 2020-02-07

Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Multiple Antenna Based Cognitive Radio Network using an improved Energy Detector

Malothu Amru, Sake. Pothalaiah, R P Singh, Dayadi. Laksmaiah

8307 - 8311 | published: 2020-02-07

Performance Analysis of MIMO OFDM for QAM by using VBLAST MMSE Technique

M. Jyothsna www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 132/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

8312 – 8315 | published: 2020-02-07

Principal Component Analysis and Correlation Analysis on Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset

P. R. Anisha, B. Vijaya Babu

8316 - 8324 | published: 2020-02-07

A Secured Data Protection Mechanism for Cloud Storage System

D Roopa, P Kumaraswamy, G Roopa

8325 - 8329 | published: 2020-02-07

Microwave Band Pass Filter Design Realization in Micro strip Patch

Salai Thillai Thilagam.J, T. Sarath Babu, B. Siva Reddy, M. V. R. Vittal

8330 - 8334 | published: 2020-02-07

Diabetic and Kidney Disease Prediction in Human based on Their Age Group using C4.5 Decision Tree Algorithm in Python

Sibi R, Valarmathi V, Kavitha S K

8335 - 8342 | published: 2020-02-07

Secured Data Access Control Mechansim for Multiauthority Cloud Storage System

Srujana Sirimalla, T. Sampath Kumar, Sudheer Kumar Komuravelly

8343 - 8348 | published: 2020-02-07

Automation of Collective Opinion and Management of the Resulting Chaos, Examples

K. A. Pupkov, Ibrahim Fadi, Abu-nidzhim R.Kh.Y

8349 - 8354 | published: 2020-02-07

Urban Water Distribution Network Failure Prediction using Artificial Intelligence

Vinayak Patki, Shrikant Jahagirdar, Shriniwas Metan, Shalvi Deshmukh

8355 - 8362 | published: 2020-02-07

Diseases Classification with Genetic Algorithm for Support Vector Machine using Hadoop

Shrikant P. Akarte, G. R. Bamnote

8363 - 8370 | published: 2020-02-07

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 133/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Performance of Lead-Rubber base Isolated Building Structure in High Seismic Prone Region

Om Gomase, P. S. Pajgade, P. B. Waghmare

8371 – 8383 | published: 2020-02-07

Experimental Investigation on the Performance of Modified Evaporative Cooler

Sumit S. Kalmegh, Sumit S. Jamkar, Sachin S. Ingole

8384 – 8388 | published: 2020-02-07

Experimental Investigation of SiO2 Coating on the Performance of Solar Panel

Girish L. Allampallewar, Shashank B. Thakre

8389 – 8394 | published: 2020-02-07

Torsional Behavior of Multistorey Buildings with Different Structural Irregularities

V. V. Gupta, P. S. Pajgade

8395 – 8401 | published: 2020-02-07

Student Perception towards Educational Institution

NVJ Rao, Manabhanjan Sahu, Debasis Mohapatro, Jitendra Kumar Sahu

8402 – 8422 | published: 2020-02-07

Fractal Applications in Digital Mammogram Analysis for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer

V. Sivakumar, P. Shanmugavadivu, Vinesh Thiruchelvam

8423 – 8432 | published: 2020-02-07

Max Pooling Technique to Detect and Classify Medical Image for Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis

Booma P M, Vinesh Thiruchelvam, Julius Ting Seaa Ho

8433 – 8442 | published: 2020-02-07

Impact of Human Resource Accounting Practices on Support of Top Management in the Educational Institutions – Evidence from a Private University in Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Fatih Cura

8443 – 8448 | published: 2020-02-07

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 134/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management Analytical Study of the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Organizational Performance: A Case of Private Organizations of Kurdistan in Erbil

Karwan Talaat Rashid

8449 – 8459 | published: 2020-02-07

Face Reorganization through Student Attendance and Facial Expressions

N. Bhagya Laxmi, Y. Chittibab, R. Tulasi Ram

8460 – 8463 | published: 2020-02-07

Synthesizing Smart Watch Using OLED

Vandana Khare, P. Sandhya

8464 – 8468 | published: 2020-02-07

Speech Retrieval using STD

M. Mamatha, T. Bhaskar Reddy

8469 – 8472 | published: 2020-02-07

Orthogonal One Twenty Phase Sequence Sets Design Using MGA

ENV Purna Chandra Rao, S. P Singh

8473 – 8478 | published: 2020-02-07

An N-Gram Analysis Approach for Sharing of Authentication of Data Using Model Based Techniques

S. Praveen Kumar, Y. Srinivas, K. Bhargav

8479 – 8485 | published: 2020-02-07

Miniature UWB Antenna with Band Dispensation

B. Premalatha, MVS Prasad, MBR Murthy

8486 – 8492 | published: 2020-02-07

A Security Applicable with Deep Learning Algorithm for Big Data Analysis

Ramdas Vankdothu, Mohd Abdul Hameed

8493 – 8500 | published: 2020-02-07

Some Fixed Point Theorems with Applications by Using a Concept of Altering Distances www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 135/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management T. Kusuma, V. Ravindranath, A. Sree Rama Murthy

8501 – 8512 | published: 2020-02-07

Using Local Stories-Based Questions to Improve Mathematics Problem Solving in Middle School Students

Rasiman , Kartinah , Dina Prasetyowati

8513 - 8519 | published: 2020-02-07

The Effect of Competence, Professionalism, and Independence on Audit Quality

Bambang Leo Handoko, Yonathan Suryawan

8520 - 8527 | published: 2020-02-07

Vegetable Consumer Behavior in the Hydroponic Village of Surabaya City, Indonesia

Wiwik Sri Harijani, Sri Tjondro Winarno, Penta Suryaminarsih

8528 - 8535 | published: 2020-02-07

Motivational Affordances to Gamification in Workplace: A Literature Review and Proposed Framework

Dodi Setiawan Riatmaja, Mohammad Suyanto, Muafi , Wisnu Prajogo

8536 - 8559 | published: 2020-02-07

Financial Innovation: The Trend-Changing Facet of SME Competitiveness

Nikita Mehta, Mamta Brahmbhatt

8560 - 8564 | published: 2020-02-07

Meta-Analysis the Antecedents of E-Tourism in Iran

Belal Panahi, Javad Feyzollahi

8565 - 8573 | published: 2020-02-07

Organizational Justice Climate: Construct Measurement and Validation

Yuni Siswanti, Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono, Arif Hartono, Wisnu Prajogo

8574 - 8590 | published: 2020-02-07

Mimo Channel Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks

V. Kiruthika, B. Hemalatha, K. Pavadharni, V. Haritha www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 136/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

8591 - 8595 | published: 2020-02-08

Optimization of Effective Mcrobes for Soil Stabilization through Bacterial Calcite Precipitation

Arya C F, A. David Ravindran

8596 – 8605 | published: 2020-02-08

Effect of Samples and Frequent Visits on Acceptance of high Priced Prescription Drugs by Doctors: A Study

Silveira Cedric Thomas

8606 - 8610 | published: 2020-02-08

English Language: Facilitating Globalised Economy

Shuchi Srivastava

8611 - 8616 | published: 2020-02-08

Cross Cultural Consciousness in Bharati Mukherjee’s Jasmine

N. Jhansi, A. Subramanian

8617 – 8619 | published: 2020-02-08

Reclusion in the Works of Haruki Murakami

Varnika Raizada

8620 - 8623 | published: 2020-02-08

To Study the Understanding of Guests at Airport - A Case Study of Jaisalmer Airport, Rajasthan

Vincy Rana

8624 - 8632 | published: 2020-02-08

A New Three Phase Multilevel Inverter Topology with Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Algorithms

Suresh Kumar, K. Sri Gowri, S. Nagaraja Rao, B. M. Manjunatha, P. Rama Mohan

8633 - 8644 | published: 2020-02-08

Condition Monitoring and Life extension of Induction Motor

B. Koti Reddy

8645 - 8651 | published: 2020-02-08 www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 137/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Performance Analysis of Direct Torque Controlled Induction Motor using Artificial Neural Networks

J. Bhavani, Devika Uggirala, T. Nireekshana

8652 – 8656 | published: 2020-02-08

Prediction of Technical Education Student Performance using ARM

B. Raja Srinivasa Reddy, Bala Brahmeswara Kadaru, Ch. Suresh Babu, N. Siva Chintaiah

8657 - 8664 | published: 2020-02-08

Infinite Solutions on Ramanujan’s House Problem through C-Program

K. Subhashini, N. V. S. Gupta, T. Ramachar

8665 - 8667 | published: 2020-02-08

A New Approach for Effective Medical Image Retrieval

S. Vyshali, M. V. Subramanyam, K. Soundara Rajan

8668 - 8672 | published: 2020-01-08

Performance Analysis and Comparisons of AODV-RPL Routing Protocol in Low Power and Lossy Networks (LLN)

G. Chandana Swathi, Dr. G. Kishor Kumar, Dr. A. P. Siva Kumar

8673 - 8683 | published: 2020-01-08

Machine Learning Prediction Models Through the Performance Evaluation of Diabetic Classification: A Survey

G Vijaya Kumar, Patil Manogna K

8684 - 8695 | published: 2020-01-08

Three Phase Space Vector PWM Based Multilevel Inverter for Pumping Applications

K. Sri Gowri, M. Harsha Vardhan Reddy, G. Kishor, T. Bramhananda Reddy, T. Jagadeesh

8696 - 8705 | published: 2020-01-08

A Review on Image Enhancement Methods

K. Bala Chowdappa, Dr. C. Sreedhar, P.N.V.S Pavan Kumar

8706 - 8711 | published: 2020-01-08 www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 138/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Survey on VLSI Architecture for Lifting based Discrete Wavelet Transform in Image Processing Applications

K. Yugandhar, D. Venkata Sekhar, M. Kamaraju

8712 - 8717 | published: 2020-02-08

Investigations on Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining in Social Media Data

L. Sudha Rani, S. Zahooer-Ul-Huq

8718 - 8723 | published: 2020-02-08

Cognitive IoT: An Eco friendly Technology

M. Padma, N. Kasiviswanath, T. Manjula

8724 - 8727 | published: 2020-02-08

An Overview of Generation Enhancement in Wireless Communication Systems

Manju Bhardwaj, Akash Jaiswal, Abhishek Kumar Saxena, Ashiwini Haryan

8728 - 8735 | published: 2020-02-08

Air Quality Monitoring System: Predict Concentrations of Pollutants

Thota Sandeep Kumar Reddy, Konda Lavanya, Doddaga Subhash, Kotapuri Narasimhulu, Pichika Jayasri

8736 - 8740 | published: 2020-02-08

A Cognitive Approach to Improve the Quality of Service in NB-IoT

Madiraju. Sirisha, P. Abdul Khayum, Joseph Rajiv Kantheti

8741 - 8746 | published: 2020-02-08

Extraction and Classification of tumor in CT Liver Image

Munipraveena Rela, S. Nagaraja Rao, P. Ramana Reddy

8747 - 8753 | published: 2020-02-08

Reduction of Common Mode Voltage for 3-Level Inverter Fed DTC of open end Winding Induction Motor Drive

S. Sarada, N. Ravisankara Reddy, C. Ganesh

8754 – 8762 | published: 2020-02-08

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 139/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Attitude of consumer towards Green Marketing product to protect Environment for sustainable Development: A study with reference to Rayalaseema Region AndhraPradesh

P. Haripriya, G. Ujwala, Pradeep Yadav, Y V Sivareddy

8763 - 8767 | published: 2020-02-08

Iot based Smart Energy Meter and Monitoring Device

R. Ramanjan Prasad, G. Durgasukumar, C. Harinatha Reddy, K. Madhu

8768 - 8773 | published: 2020-02-08

Ocean Wave Energy- A Step Towards Recharging Batteries

Ravi Teja Chopparapu, M. Bala Chennaiah, G. Srivalli, Vignesh S, Dileep Kumar E, D Vishwa Datta, S Kartik Raju

8774 - 8780 | published: 2020-02-08

Design and optimization of Microstrip Patch Multi Band Antenna for Wireless Communication using Defected Ground Structure with Fractal geometry

Suresh Akkole, N. Vasudevan

8781 - 8788 | published: 2020-02-08

Power Optimized BCD adder Using Low Power Techniques

T. Subhashini, M. Kamaraju, K. Babulu

8789 - 8795 | published: 2020-02-08

An extended PPFCM- ANN Model for Telecommunication Customer Retention

J. Vijaya, Hussian Syed

8796 - 8801 | published: 2020-02-08

Dedicated Sensing Unit for Smart Light Switching in Energy Efficient Eco-Friendly Building

Vivek Bihari Shrivastava, Anil Kumar, M. A. Khan

8802 - 8812 | published: 2020-02-08

Iaas level Internet of Things based Aquaculture Data Monitoring System with Network Topology Analysis

Yadavalli Pavan Kumar, S. Sivaperumal

8813 - 8819 | published: 2020-02-08

www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/issue/view/7 140/141 2/9/2020 Vol 82: Jan/Feb 2020 | TEST Engineering & Management

Impact of Land use and Land Cover Change on Ecosystem Services-A Case Study of Nilawande Dam Catchment, Ahmednagar, India

Shyambhau G. Ban, S. S. Shahapure, Priyanka S Patil

8820 - 8826 | published: 2020-02-08

5G Network Design for Water Quality Monitoring using Agricultural IoT

T. C. Jermin Jeaunita, A. V. Kalpana, M. P. Karthikeyan

8827 - 8834 | published: 2020-02-08

An Automatic IVF Changer and Drip Rate Controller with Monitoring Of Vital Signs

V. Karthika, Nivethith K. S, Jenifer. A

8835 - 8839 | published: 2020-02-08

Application Engine using Blockchain Technology

A. Jasmine Gilda, A. Jeba Sheela, Sandra Johnson, T. Sethukarasi

8840 - 8844 | published: 2020-02-08

Job Satisfaction among Teachers Working in the Management Institute at Bhubaneswar, India

Sujit Kumar Acharya, Sulochana Dash, Niranjan Pani

8845 - 8852 | published: 2020-02-08

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