59 Annual Budget

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59 Annual Budget en l BE ~~Ar-h Ar1 7~~~~~~~ ' XIr B Y ~~~~~~· NEWSPAPER OF THE UNDERGRADUATES OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY VOL.I LXXVIII NO. 48 CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, FRDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1958 5 CENTS theI importance of being nobody ... I A ctivities T o Get 846 631 For 1958- 59TeAnnual Budget A budget totaling $46,631 has been awarded the MIT Undergraduate Association for the year 1958-1959. Approved last month by the Finance Board, the new budget showed increased allotments to activities to the tune of $7,000 over last year's expenditures. The overall allotment to the Association is slightly lower than last year, however, due to a decrease in the number of undergraduate students this year, each of whom contributes $13 as part of his general fee. Yet despite this decrease in total allotments, a reserve fund has been substantially supplemented so as to meet rising costs and infiationary trends, since the $13 donation per student will continue in effect despite spiralling prices. $23,930 Awarded Activities Activities were awarded a total of $23,930. Of these, Technology Community Association received $11,000; Insti- tute Committee and its various sub-committees received $14,180; while$9,500 went into reserves for various purposes, such as travel funds and capital equipment purchases. Activities had requested $42,374, but found themselves with $4,264 trimmed off by the Finance Boalrd. The board, after careful consideration in each case, grants monies to activities on the basis of their operation's benefit to the MIT ie.e,e. cummings (he spells it that way!) reading his highly confroversial poetry to a nearly community as a whole, according to Chuck Staples '59, Chairman. full house at Kresge Auditorium Monday evening. The Student Union Committee's re- quest was cut slightly since the Board I felt that the building of a student CambridgeSkyline Objeet of MIT, JPY SW Voting Marked by II-Run union was not close at hand, and the full worth of the convention wvas not enjoyed by the undergraduates. Also ttlavavardPlot;PreliminariesBegsun Election ; Classes' Minorrties Ron shaved was Beaver Key's request for freshmen teamni-feedings money. It Harvard and MIT have joined forces committee, composed of a representa- In last week's elections, ten seniors eral more members if they wish: and five juniors were officially elected was felt that, while freshman teanim- with some folrwvard-thinking Cam- tive from MIT, one from Harvard, and Peter Burieson ........ Phi Gamma Delta are a very wvorthwhile activ- to the '59 Senior Week and '61 Junior feedings hridgei citizens to overcome the local three leading Cambridgites. The hun- John Disbrow.............. Phi Delta Theta ity, the additional expense was not Prom Committees, :respectively. housingI problernm-and to improve the dred-unit dwelling will be open to the Dorsey Dunn .......... Lanmbda Chi Alpha as beneficial to the Undergraduate decrepitI appearance of the city's general public, but special considera- Because of his position last year Association as it was to IMIIT in gen- rivelfront acreage. The solution, pro- tion will be given Harvard and fMIT as Junior Representative to Senior Ira Jaffe .................... Alpha Epsilon Pi Miss Marla Moody .............. Bele y Hall eral, since many of the teams played posed largely is an attempt to prod faculty and students. The units will Week Committee, Rich Simons, Llmb- are prep schools. The Board urged the City Fathers to similar action, will largely be two-bedroom, $150 per da Chi Alpha, will serve as a member Editorial that Beaver Key take steps to obtain bein the form of an eleven-story-plus- month apartments, similar to those of the SW Committee. Although tra- For years, as in our national elec- additional funds from the AA, or di- penthouse apartment building on. the at 100 Memorial Drive. The dwellers dition has automatically made the rectly from the Institute. Chalrles River across from the Har- will have to supply an equity, but previous JRSWC the chairman of the tions, it has been the custom for vot- ers to avoid the polls en election day. Greater Reserve Funds vard Business School. this, combined with the payments on group, Simons has deferred the dubi- Included in the increased reserves For a student group, the MIT men The "New MIT" the mortgage, will result in a sizeable ous honor to another member of the is a $3,500 contingency fund available The new building, which is now in kickback on their fedelral income tax, group who will be chosen at the first (and women) have set in past elec- tions, particularly this one, what are to newly formed activities; a $3,000 :he preliminary planning stages, will, because of the interest involved. meeting. Those elected were: capital expenditures fund, existing along with the two twelve-story Har- Rather than paying rent, they will be John Christie .............. Phi Delta Theta probably record lows in voting-and aspiring for elective offices.'¥ou ask for the purpose of supplying eligible yard dormitories recently proposed paying off a mortgage. As a result, Mike Drew ......................Delta Upsilon groups on campus with funds neces- for the same general location, mark after a certain number of years, they for facts? About 125 seniors and 275 Bob Keene ........................ Delta Upsilon juniors, both out of classes of close sary for the acquisition of capital the beginning of an architectural rev- will own the apartment. During the assets; a $1,000 good will and service olution in Cambridge, which may in interlude, if they so desire, they can Ai Kniazzeh ............Phi Gamma Delta to 900, bothered to go to the polls. While SW took ten and JP took five fund, set up to include items which the future see a thorough revamping sell their apartment and get back the Kent Kresa are not legitimate requests under Ins- ofthe MIT river frontage. According equity. George Langford ............Delta Upsilon candidates, little more than these commn By-Laws but at the same time to Malcolm Rivkin, the Institute's ill Hank Siltanen ................Delta Upsilon same numbers applied for the offices, are a benefit to the MIT Community; Planning Officer, cost estimates for Roger Travis ........................ Phi Kappa including write-ins. The students at a $2,500 loan fund for Tech Show the "new MIT" should be ready this ($2,000) 'and Glidelr Club ($500) and weekend; if so, architects Will prob- Osuting Cflub Iljuly Chris Ward ...................Delta Upsilon the Institute, I realize, are too busy to worry about these minor details a travel expense fund of $1,000. ably begin work next week on a scale Glenn Zeidelrs .............. Phi Delta Theta According to Chuck Staples, the in- model which will include, besides the On Katadin Climb A sixth member of the JP Com- of democracy-as possibly are the crease in money available to the vari- existing buildings, the proposed living mittee will be chosen when the class members of the group that planned ous activities should considerably units, academic and administration the thoroughly fouled-up elections, strengthen their functions, make them buildings, parking facilities, student Takes Long Resuee elects its new prexy, since one of his e.g. names that appeared on the bal- more significant to the MIT under- union, etc. Tragedy marred MIT O u t i n g duties is JP Chairman. The JP elected lots that should not have been there. graduate, and increase their value to Rough sketches and cost estimates Club's annual Thanksgiving climb at group, listed below, can choose sev- the commnunity. are being made at the present time Mt. Katahdin, Maine, when Bill Mis- These elections did only decide mem- for the new apartment building, and koe '60, slid and tumbled over 100 bers of social committees of sorts, but plans for this also should be begun feet down a steep headwail onto Annual TCA Charity they did, nevertheless, conform to the WINTER SPORTS ,ext week if the preliminaries are rocks below, breaking his pelvis and norimal lackadaisical pattern. MIT re- See pages four and five for pre- approved by the five-man steering sustaining kidney injuries. Drive Starts Dec. 9; views of MIIT winter athletics plus The club had arrived at Chimney quires study and hard work-but an on-the-spot account of the var- Pond, elevation 2,900 feet, on Thanks- there's more to living than simply sity cagers' resounding opening Individualism Must giving day, setting -p a base camp Slipstick Reveals All following one's profession. game victory- over Bo w d o i n, there. On a bright, clear Friday Wednesday night. I On December 9, 10, and 11, T.C.A. News Director IGo Says Moscow I[n molrning the party set out for the lepresentatives will be calling on peak via "Saddle Trail". A four-inch Techmen to give to the annual T.C.A. EducationalI Revamp layer of snow coated the ground. Charities Drive. Solicitors for the The accident occurred during the de- four charities selected will be aided h plroposed "reform" of Soviet ed- scent to camp after reaching the ·by a "Slide rule" in Building 10 which ucationi aims at stamping out indi- 5,260-foot summit of the mountain. will denote progress towards the $7,- ridualism and non-confomanity among The geology major had been aid- 600 goal. Soviet youth, according to Radio Lib- ing novice climbers as they negoti- The seven-foot slipstick, to be pre- eration, which broadcasts Western ated an ice covered headwall cling- sented to the living group making the ing to a 200-foot rope. As the last II!Propaganda around the clock to all largest per capita contribution, con- novice climber traversed the ice cov- t PartsI of the Soviet Union, in Russian tains scales providing the vital sta- and 17 other Soviet languages, from ered face to a safe snow patch, Mis- tistics of any coed.
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