Official Gazette
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TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE EAST AFRICA AND UGANDA PROTECTORATES. Published under fye anthovity of Dis Qatesty’s Gommissioners, Vol. 1X.—No. 176.] NAIROBI, MARCH 1, 1907. [PRICE 3 ANNAS. TABLE OF CONTENTS. HAST AFRICA PROTECTORATE. PAGE Diseases of Animals Ordinance 1906, Proclamation under... we .. 68 Newspaper Registration Ordinance 1906, Notice under... vee .. 68 Tenders for supplies to the Mombasa Jail, invites vee _ .. 70 >» » Nairobi _,, yee a _ .. 70 Customs Returnsfor January 1907 . Lee ee ww. 5 Wakf Commissioners Regulations 1900, Erratum -in Lee wee v.71 Arrivals . vee _ wee vee .. 71 PostOffice opened at Gondokoro wee Le vee Le .. U1 UGANDA PROTECTORATE. Transfer of Headquarters of the Uganda Police ... ve Le a. 74 Licences issued in the Nile Province . 71 Comparative Statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the period ended November 30th, 1906 . wee a .. «602 Ledger Balance sheet as m November 30th, 1906. wee vee .. 408 Customs Returns for December 1906... we vee wT: UGANDA RAILWAY. Lake Steamers, Notice re aes we wee Lee tee .. 69 GENERAL. H. E. Greetham, Probate notice in the Estate of see a ... 68 Haji Ehmi bin Faia, __,, »»» oo bees 68 & 69 .Philloo, son of Khana, ,, bee . 69 “Chatter Singh, son of Lehna Singh, Probatenotice in the Estate of ... .. 69 Ram‘ Saran, Probate notice in the Estate of bee vee vee ... 69 eT! WaTa nce at MPawhaea - - TR 68 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE March 1, 1907 EAST AFRICA PROTECTORATE. Proclamation. Under the Diseases of Animals Ordinance 1906. Whereas cases of Cattle disease have been reported in the Provinces of Jubaland and Tanaland I hereby declare the aforesaid Provinces to be an infected area within the meaning of the Diseases of Animals Ordinance 1906. Nairobi, | F. J. JACKSON February 23rd 1907. Acting Commissioner. Notice. The Newspaper Registration Ordinance I906. REGISTRATION OF BOOKS. In exercise of the power conferred upon me by Section 10 of the Newspaper Registration Ordinance 1906 I hereby direct The Registrar of the High Court to be the Officerto receive books under the above Section. Nairobi, F. J. JACKSON 18th February, 1907. Acting Commissioner. IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE EAST AFRICA PROTECTORATE AT MOMBASA. | PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION. ADMINISTRATION CAUSE No. 2 oF 1907. Notice or Grant or LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION oF THE ESTaTE oF H. H, GREETHAM DECEASED. Pursuant to an order of the High Court of the Hast Africa Protectorate at Mombasa. granting Letters of administration in the estate of the late H. EH. Grerruam deceased, who died at Makindu on the 14th day of January 1907 all creditors and others having claims upon the estate of the above-named deceased are required to send in writing the particulars of their debts, claims, or demands, to Mr. C. Greetham P. O. Box No. 28 Nairobi administrator appointed by the Court on or before the 31st day of March 1907. Mombasa, J. W. BARTH February 13th, 1907. Judge, H. M. High Court of H. A. IN THE ADDITIONAL SPECIAL COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF MASAILAND, UKAMBA PROVINCE. In THE MATTER oF THE Estate or Hast Exar Brn Fara Decraszep. NOTICE is hereby given that onthe 15th day of March 1907 I propose to appoint. Ismail Bin Faia, brother of Haji Elmi Bin Faia deceased, to be the Wasi of the Estate of the late Haji Elmi Bin Faia, a Somali; if any person wishes to object to the proposed appointment he must give menotice of his objection before the expiration of this notice. February20th, 1907. E. R. LOGAN Assistant Collector, Presiding over the Additional Special Clave fan tbh. Mt 8 he March 1, 1907. - THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 69 | {IN THE TOWN MAGISTRATH’S COURT AT NAIROBI. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION. CAUSE No. 72 or 1906. In roe Estare or Hast Eimt Bin Fara peceasep, Late or Narrosi. NOTICE is hereby given that the Letters of Administration in the Hstate of the late Haji Elmi Bin Faia who died at Nairobi on the 26th day of April 1906, which were granted to Ismail Bin Faia, brother of the said Haji Elmi Bin Faia deceased, on the 8th day of August 1906, have been revoked. E. R. LOGAN February 20th, 1907. District Delegate. Notice. Iy tHe Estate or Puitnoo Son or Kuana, InptAN SHOP-KEEPER, WHO DIED AT Nakuru, oN THE 297TH June 1906. All creditors and others having claims upon the Estate of the abovenamed deceased are required to send in writing the particulars of their claims, debts or demands to the District Delegate, Nairobi, on or before the 10th March 1907. Nairobi, E. R. LOGAN 25th February, 1907. District Delegate, Nairobi. Notice. In tHe Estare or Cuartar Sincx Son or Luana SineH, wo prep at Narrost, ON THE 28TH, DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1906. All creditors and others having claims upon the Estate of the above-named deceased are required to send in writing the particulars of their claims, debts or demands to the District Delegate, Nairobi, on or before the 10th, day of March 1907. Nairobi, E. R. LOGAN 26th February, 1907. District Delegate, Nairobi. Notice.oe In tax Estate oF Ram SaRAN, WHO prep at Nairosi, oN THE Llta pay or JuwE 1906. All creditors and others having claims upon the Estate of the above-named deceased aro required to sead in writing the particulars of their claims, debts or demands to the District Delegate, Nairobi, on or before the 10th day of March 1907. Nairobi, H. R. LOGAN 27th, February 1907. District Delegate. Uganda Railway. Notice. Lake Sieamers. Public Notice is hereby given that the next Round trip steamer will leave Port Florence on or about the 6th March Sailing via Karungu and Shirati. The vessel should reach Port Florence on the return journey on or about 15th idew. By Order Traffic Manager’s Office | - A. E. CRUICKSHANK Nairobi. 25th February, 1907. Traffic Manager. 70 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE . March 1, 1907. Tenders. - Tenders are invited for supplies for the Mombasa Prison from Ist April 1907 to 31st March 1908 as under :— Schedule. To be supplied monthly :— 12 Gislas of matama in gunny bags each Gisla of 360 lbs. net quantity. 8 bags Halwa Rice each bag » 160 ,, 5, ” 5 99 wheat 3° 23 29 185 39 22 7 6 2 dhall ” 3 ” 175 289 o Chiroko eee ote 2,000 > 99 ” Maize (Indian corn)... _ .. 1,000 ,, ,, , 14 Tings sim sim oil each tin of 386, ,, ” 14 Cases best American Kerosine oil each case contaming ... 2 tins 1 Case Condensed milk containing ... bee . 48,4, Jeyes fluid... wee we wee ... 10 gals. net Tenders with samples, which should be in sealed covers, addressed to the Deputy Super- intendent of the Jail, wiil be opened on the 12th March 1907. The Deputy Superintendent does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender and the decision of the Superintendent of the Jail shall be final in all matters concerning thereunto. The persons whose tenders are accepted willbe required to sign an agreement particulars of which can be obtained from the undersigned. H. M.’s Prison, T. A. GRAY Mombasa, February 20th, 1907. Deputy Supdt. of Jail. Notice. Tenders are invited for the supply of the following articles for the Nairobi Civil Gaol from the 1st April to 80th September 1907. Schedule. Monthly Supplies :— Maize (Non Native) about ... 6,000 Ibs. Red Beans... eee .. 2,000 ,, Flour (Wheat) _ vee 500 ,, Salt (Rock) wee kas 100 ,, Ghee (local) . Lee 100 ,, Kerosine Oil (American) ve 4 cases Soap wes wee ves 8 Boxes Other Requirements :-— Blankets . vee 100 Ground Sheets (4 X14) vee 10 Maize Crusher 1 Brooms (Bass without handles) |. 12 Brooms (Soft » yy) eae 6 Whitewash brushes... bee 6 Axes ise eee 4 Buckets (zine) wee Lee 12 Baths (zine) .. ove eee 2 Lime wee wee wee 15 Bags Drilling wee ae ve 600 Yards Thread bes wis bes 10 Dozen Hurricane lamps bes 6 Uniforms (Khaki for Wanders) Knickers bese wee 109 Tunies bee ise wise 50 Fez caps wis wes bee 45 Putties wee wee oe 50 Tenders with samples which should be in sealed covers, addressed to the Superintendent of the Gaol, will be opened on the 21st day of March. The Superintendent does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender. The persons whose tenders are accepted will be required to sign an agreement particulars of which can be obtained at this Office, FoeSd Aea an wr rN AN March 1, 1907. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE , 71 Post Office Notice. It is hereby notified for general information that a Post Office was opened at Gondokoro (Nile Province) on she 17th of January last. The immediate payment of Money Orders at Gondokoro must_be conditional upon the necessary cash being in the hands of the Collector or Postmaster. Large amounts of cash are not ordinarily kept at the station and payment of Money Orders (especially those for consider- able sums) may be subject to delay unless adequate previous notice has been given. General Post Office, Ss. B. GOSLING Mombasa, 26th February, 1907. Acting Postmaster General Hast Africa & Uganda Protectorates. Erratum. “Official Gazette” of September 1oth 1900 p.2 Wakf Commissioners Regulations Section 8 lines 2 and 3. For ‘Commissioner’ read ‘ Commissioners.’ East Africa Protectorate Arrivals. | From leave or Date of Date of Date of arrival Name in full, Folio. Rank. on 1st leaving at Mombasa or Appointment England. |Embarkation. Kilindini. Robert Philipps Thomas | 1 Veterinary Officer Ist appointment 2nd Feb. ’07 4th Feb. 07 24th Feb. ’07 Harold Leon Chevens J Insp. of Police o” 2nd Feb. ’07 4th Feb, ’07 24th Feb. ’07 UGANDA PROTECTORATE. Notice. It is hereby notified for general information that the Head Quarters of the Uganda Police were transferred to Kampala on the 1st of February 1907.