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SEPTEMBER 19, 1963 THE TORRANCE HERALD 47 notive Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive AUTOMOBILES Automotive ~~~ I* Automotive * Automotive BILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES 1 AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES For Sal* 190 For Sole 190 For Sol* 190 For Sal* 190 For Sal* 190 For Sale 190 For Sale 190 For $ ! 190 Per fiobw&on EXECUTIVE- FINAL WEEKS NOW IS THE TIME FOR THE SMART BUYER TO REALLY SAVE!! COUPES SEDANS NOW ALL STATION WAGONS AND TRANSPORTATION CARS '63 Corvair Monza '61 Buick Special USED CARS TRUCKS '55 Ford Coupe V8 Stick '55 Mercury 9-Pass. Wag. '299 *1799 $1799 REDUCED $599 '62 Pontiac Grand Prix '57 Chevrolet Bel Air '58 Ford Retractable Hdtp. $2999 $999 200 '61 Pontiac Safari Wagon '599 '60 Mercury, Factory Air OR MORE $2399 '59 Olds Holiday Coupe '54 Olds Holiday Coupe LOW AS '57 Rambler Cross Country $399 *1399 '1499 5S Financing Available $699 9 '62 Pontiac Hardtop Sedan NAME YOUR '52 Ford Coupe. Stick '58 Chev. Deluxe Coupe FACTORY Ain OWN '59 Chev. Parkwd. 4-D. Wg. '199 $899 '2599 Down & '1399 '60 Pontiac Venture Hdtp. '58 Pontiac Hardtop Coupe '58 Pontiac Star Chief H.T. LEATHER INTERIOR '59 Dodge V2-Ton Pic I'-up $999 Payments '499 '1899 '1099 Transportation Cw» B»M A* 50 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM-EVERY USED CAR CARRIES OUR 12 MONTHS OR 12,000 MILE WARRANTY 20340 Hawthorne Blvd. NEW CARS, FR 1-3521 - USED CARS, FR 1-3525 Open Sunday YOUR TORRANCE NEW PONTIAC DEALER VALUABLE COUPON CHEVROLET '63 STINO RAY CORViTTE $100.00 DISCOUNT $2495 WITH THIS COUPON '62 IMf ALA 2-OR. HARDTOP ON ANY OF THESE $1995 CARS LISTED '61 IMPALA 2-OR. HARDTOP $1895 '61 BH AIR STATION '54 Buick Hardtop Coupe, stick thitt ............... WAS $129.95 NOW $ 29.95 WAGON '52 Buick 2-Door Hardtop, ITG974 ........................... WAS $139.95 NOW $ 39.95 $1495 NOW $ 89.95 '59 IMPALA HARDTOP '53 Buick 4-Door KIE030 ............................................. WAS $189.95 AMI '54 Ford 2 Door .......................................................... WAS $195.95 NOW $ 95.95 $»9S '55 Pontioc .............................................................. WAS $229.95 NOW $129.95 '58 BROOKWOOD 9-PASS. WAGON '50 Chevrolet Station Wagon ...................................... WAS $249.95 NOW $149.95 Here '56 Oldi 4-Door Hardtop, ISH551.............................. WAS $349.95 NOW $249.95 O'LIARY AUTO '53 Chevrolet 4-Door .............................................. WAS $249.95 NOW $149.95 SALES '52 Chevrolet 2-Door .................................................... WAS $159.95 NOW $ 59.95 238TH ST. & Tom Roady DODG '56 Chevrolet 2-Door Hardtop, QHT416.................... WAS $599.95 NOW $499.95 HAWTHORNE BL. '55 Chevrolet Stick, 6-cylinder .................................... WAS $599.95 NOW $499.95 TORRANCE GARDENA 16611 S. VERMONT DA 3-9911 NOW $259.95 (1 Blk No. Poc. Cst. '56 Mercury 4-Door, all power .................................... WAS $359.95 Hwy.) '56 Plymouth Convertible ....................................... WAS $399.95 NOW $299.95 Brand Ntw '63l Public Notice '59 Plymouth 2-Door, 6-cylinder ............................... WAS $599.95 NOW $499.95 PRIVATE PARTIES WANTED '52 Dodge Pick up Truck .......................... WAS $329.95 NOW $229.95 Valiant ... $1865 McAlistcr- TO TAKE THE FOLLOWING UNITS Poeschl Ford '58 Chevrolet Impola 2-Door Hardtop ...................... WAS $999.95 NOW $899.95 ALL CREDITS ACCEPTED $20 WILL DELIVER Plymouth $1995 '55 Pontioc 2-Door Hardtop ....................................... WAS $299.95 NOW $199.95 McAlister- 61 LANCER 4 DOOR If no •fOI CHEVROLET 4.door .edin .<»h down pay |2I.«1 mo. and JkH-Alr. If ne caih down. |,..y I960 PLYMOUTH a»uma contract balanca of 117.10 me. 4 aaauma contract '54 Cadillac 4-Door ..................................................... WAS $499.95 NOW $399.95 Poeschl Ford Chrysler $2964 1,146. baurna of II,in. in LVIOKRC. 4 DOOR AU- '49 PLYMOUTH station wan- '56 FORD Country Sedan sta IOMATIC TRANSMISSION. on If n r wn pjy |a>.»7 tion Wagon. If nu c»r,h down '55 Ford 2-Door Stick ................................................... WAS $199.95 NOW $ 99.95 TAKB OVtR PAYMENTS. contract bal- pay »22W rno. * auuma tun'. ,ALL CREDIT MANAGER. tract balanca of HZ!>. $1999 oor hardtop 1962 MONZA ca.h down pay W2 «0 mo. 'M THUNDIRBIRO Hardtop. and aaaumo contract balanci If no coin down |uy t2rj.80 a Your New Dealer 11.280. DISCOUNT AUTO CENTER Our Lew Ov«rh««(J 'M PLYMOUTH f.Door Hard. >*v*> you ill top. If no cash down, pay 121.02 62 PLYMOUTH Fury 2 doo par ntract hardtop. If no caih down, p.iy 1103 W. PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY Drive I MUM and » f »7«». Kt.60 mo. 4 aaaurno contract 6* FORD Fairlan. MO 2-door HARBOR CITY DA 6-0982 Your New Dealer 'C balanc* of 11,875. 9 Hardtop. If no caah down, pay 'M CHRYSLER Imparlal Con. WE CARRY OUR OWN CONTRACTS 1IPO Paoif'i CO..M H.VX I22.C1 ptr mo. and attaint con vartibla. If no cath down. iuy 1200 AVALON BLVD tract balanct of *810. (37.60 A auuma corit '&* PLYMOUTH Belvedtra 4- balanca ot |1,77<> ALL CARS UNDER $100 CASH WILMINOTON TB»-*I»1 door. If no ca»h down, pay »I«.M par mo. and aiauma «on- 11 CHEVROLET Impala tract balance of Ml!. door Hardtop If no caah d '63 DART, fully aqulppad. If pay 131.40 mo. and an '6ti fllEVY Noir.ail cu.toln contract balance of »i»J6. Many xxiru. Uav» pliunt no caih down, pay KB 70 month 68 BUlo Limited J-dr. hanl- i'SO (rilKV. Wonrlv Waion. II 'II OOHVAlR 4-rtoor Now rf «-M47-AXt*r pin. * auume contract balance ef 'SI FORD 4.door If no caih i an. I in.k. payment*. For 4e- Clossitied Ads down pay 112.60 mo. and aa- , HIM ittll KH 3-b4Uti. tuma contract balanca of 17(3. a'lid ma'ke "I'av'iii'iil". "*'i Need a job, a '«2 CHEVROLET la 4- tttt'ltlnX Interior. taila call KH 1' i«Ui> door hardtop. If no caih d '57 FORD Convartibia If n 57 Hlmlubakw" Station W^on.. place to live, a car ? pay W2.50 mo. * ainurna caih down pay $2080 rno. anu ;67 cilKVKOI.rT 4-Poor I PAY AutmimUi- tianamlwtun. radio. Ucnkf tract balajice of 12. OM. atiunia contract balanca of (0*7. nSlto *')!,'»('"'"' M8r*»n'(i' lifuti-r. Real nk«. $19 and Place a "Wanted" FOR INFORMATION ON FINANCING U..U1U nil Kll 2-h«Ot> paMiicui. fur datalla OFF! ad for action Ill-Ill!, llllj 'i 61 lrn|,ali."S|».rl f 1uu|)>'.~ Aiit<r _KR a rH"li Ilydra-Valli-, i) paaaoiiMin Coll The Sunset Agency FR 2-3013 main: tmnmnuilon radii; aud II MONZA 4-*pMd*atlrbj FA 8-4000 Klctll«tit trauauorttllun. Call Hnal .-,,.»u na.,.- >nd nuika ln*t«r. Puwar atwiilnf. U9 aJid faVfor. 11 am or tftar 7:aU Mvmanla. Kur U«talla call make pa>yiii»nla. for dotatla FA 8-4000 p in TE 4-6880. MR. TERRY Kll ^ S4i)S mil Kll 2-K4(H>.