59 Pontiac Catalina 4-Dr. Hardtop...$2095

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59 Pontiac Catalina 4-Dr. Hardtop...$2095 fag* D-6 THE PRESS Wednesday, December 13, 1961- Automobiles for tale 200 Autemebil for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobiles for sal* 200 Automobiles for Sale 20j .. sobiles for Sale 200 Automobile)* for S 200 Automobiles for tale 200 Automobilts for Sale 20i DOLMAN PONTIAC MUST Public Notice CLOSEOUT Home of ALL LEFTOVER '61 FINANCE LIQUIDATION Wide Track Ponliac STOCK OF DISSOLVED MANHATTAN BEACH CAR DEALER FORDS Offers SAVE THE HOTTEST USED 4 DAY SALE OF 45 CARS UP TO PONTIACS AT END OF SALE, ALL CARS UNSOLD GO UP FOR LICENSED ING SALE, BUT CARS WILL BE GUARANTEED IN SATISFAC- \ DEALER BIDDING. EXAMINE THIS LIST OF CARS. THEN EX­ TORY OPERATING CONDITION (UNLESS SOLD AS IS) OR Of '1500 AMINE THE CARS. CARS WILL BE CLEARLY MARKED AND CAR MAY BE RETURNED OR EXCHANGED. PRICED BELOW BLUE BOOK. NO DEMONSTRATIONS DUR­ Year-End Sale Prices Cars Stored at 505 Pacific Coast Highway and 715 5th St., Hermosa Beach 1420 Cobrillo '60 Pontiac Convertible............. .$2795 LOOK FOR THE BIG DODGE SIGN AS STORAGE SALES AREA BELONGS TO NEWCASTLE DODGE Ave. Lot ' Pull powtr, Includlnt »owar saat and window*, radio, tiaatar, automatic and whlta aldawallt. Newcastle Dodge personnel will be on hand to arrange financing open to clear best offers and to clear credits with finance offi­ Thli beautiful rad finish It offttt by a ntar ntw whit* top. and to accept trade-ins if necessary. Titles will be guaranteed by cials. This is NOT an auction. No one will bid against you. YOU Newcastle Dodge and Pacific Acceptance Co. Please, no tele­ PAY ONLY THE MARKED PRICE OR YOUR ACCEPTED OF­ '58 MGA phone calls, during sale as dealers' phone lines must be kept FER, WHICHEVER IS LOWER. ROADSTER '56 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 4-DOOR 8 '55 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON '59 FORD RANCHERO lua Book Whola Salt »4W Blua Book RaUil $*4J Bluo Book Wholoialo U3S Bluo Book Rotall »»4$ Bluo Book Wholosal* 11275 Blu* Book Retail S1SIO Black with confratting red In­ terior. Radio, heater, wire Liquidation Sale ..........._.....$425 Liquidation Sale ................. $685 Liquidation Sale ......... .$1175 wheels. 59 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2-DR. HDTP. We» $1599 Save) $400 '59 Pontiac Bonneville 2-Dr. Hardtop.. .$2395 '53 BUICK HARDTOP COUPE '56 CHEVROLET HARDTOP Bluo Book Wholesale $1575 Bluo Book Rotall «OM Bltm Book Wholaiala S'JS blua BoaX R«t«ll «»« Bluo Book Wholatala $72£-Bluo Book Rotall «fll Automatic, radio, haatar, tlntad latt, powar (tacrlng, powtr brakes and whlta tldawalli. I to Liquidation Sale .............$1685 PULL PRICI chooM from. Ona a 2-tona fold and whlta, tha othar an Immaculata sreen. Liquidation Sale ............. $145 Liquidation Sale ....._...._.....$675 '59 DODGE ROYAL 4-DOOR 50 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN 8 2-DOOR 54 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR Blu* Book Whol**al* SI225 Blu* Book R*tall I14M '59 Pontiac Catalina 2-Dr. Hardtop... .$2195 tlua Book Whotosala ITS Blua Book Rtail tIN Bluo Book Wholotolo MSo Bluo Book Rotall fttl Liquidation Sale .........-..$1250 Gold In color that It |u«t Ilka naw. All ha axtrat you can mink of on ttilt ona. Automatic, '1199 radio, naatar. It'* loadadl Liquidation Sale ....................$50 Liquidation Sale _........$225' 67 DODGE CONVERTIBLE Blu* Book Wholoulo S475 Bluo Book Rotall t*M '54 RAMBLER STATION WAGON '54 FORD WAGON '59 Pontiac Catalina 4-Dr. Hardtop... .$2095 Blu* Book WholOMl* *m Blu* Book Hatall S4M Bluo Book WholoMlo II JO Bluo Book Rot* 11 tui Liquidation Sale ....._..,. ......$750 59 Pull power, automatic, radio, haatar and white tldewallt. 7 to choota from. Oold flnl»it on ona. Liquidation %Sale ..... ...._....$!85 Liquidation«Sale ... ... ....$ 175 '56 OLDSMOBILE 2-DOOR HARDTOP Ford Tha athar I* whlta and has factory air conditioning and I* prlcad llffhtly hlfhar. Bluo Book Wholesale MSO Bloo Book Rotall mi CUSTOM "300" '56 FORD 8 STATION WAGON '55 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN Liquidation Sale _..._...._.....$575 SEDAN Bluo Book Wholaiala M7»~Bluo Book MofBll S104I Bluo Book Wholatala (215 Blu* Book Rotall MM Liquidation Sale '56 PONTIAC 4-DOOR Partfomatle, r a d I e, haatar, Liquidation Sale ............... $875 ................$185 Blu* Book Wholesale 1)75 Blue Book Retail tSM whltawalle. Pamovs Oalaxla roof Una. '51 BUICK 2-DOOR HARDTOP RIVIERA '57 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE WAGON Liquidation Sale _...._...$287 Bluo Book Wholatala sieo Blwo Book Hatall «2M Bluo Book WholoMlo Ml»-Blu* oak Rotall 111 IS '53 BUICK Wee $149f Reduced $400 Liquidation Sale ..................$175 Liquidation Sale ___...$875 Blue Book Wholesale Slip Bluo Book Retail »Jtt NOW ONLY Liquidation Sale ................._..$87 '58 Pontiac Star Chief 2-Dr. Hardtop.. .$1495 56 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON '60 VALIANT Automatic, powar steering, power brakai, radio, haatar and whlta Idawall*. Oun metal tray Bluo Book Bluo Book WhoUtal* $1)00 Bluo Book Rotall SUM '60 PLYMOUTH WAGON finish with matching original Interior. , Wholtialo MIS Bluo Book Retail $W Liquidation Sale Blue Book Wholesale fUSo Blue Book Retail WIN '1099 Liquidation Sale. ..................$585 ..............$ 1387 Liquidation Sale .......... $1850 '55 Pontiac Star Chief Coupe ......... .$595 56 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE '59 FORD THUNDERBIRD '59 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR Powar window*, power teat, powar Hearing, powar brakes, automatic, radio, haatar and whlta Bluo Book Wholasala S725 Bluo Book Rotall MU Blu* Book Wholaiala S2S2S-BIU* Book R*tail SM2S Blue Book Wholes*!* WO Blu* Book Rotall S127B tidewallt. Oraen and whlta with matching Interior. This car Is loaded In everything but price. Liquidation Sale ................ $787 Liquidation Sale ........... $2625 Liquidation Sale ..*............$983 '59 BMW 55 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR '59 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON '59 PLYMOUTH FURY CONVERTIBLE '55 Pontiac Convertible.............. .$595 Bluo Book Wholoialtf MW Blua Book Rolail S7M Bluo Book Wholoialo «1325 Bluo Book Ratal) SU4« Blue Book Wholesale $1450 Blue Book Retail IWS Pull power with alt the extra* you need for driving enjoyment. Surprise the family. Ideal SEDAN second car. Liquidation Sale ................ $387 Liquidation Sale .......... $1375 Liquidation Sale ............. $1505 Ideal family transportation. Many mile* * gallon. These Are Just a Few of the Cars 30 OTHER TRANSPORTATION CARS ALSO AVAILABLE AT THIS SALE FULL SALE PRICE You'll Find Priced Right in Your Budget at PRICES RANGE FROM $15 TO $1EO '399 DOLMAN PONTIAC 700 SOUTH LA BREA AYE., INGLEWOOD '54 Chevrolet ORchard 4-7769 ORegon 8-4689 CARL'S Pay Day Payments Open Sundays MOTORS 4 DOOR STATION WAGON Presents To Fit Your Purse V-l, nowergllde, radio, heater, tutone, whltewell*. Vary clean. The 1962 Was $1099 Reduced $400 SALE PRICE '699 CHRYSLER Newport 4-DOOR SEDAN KENNETH'S 1962 CLASSIC DELUXE 2 DOOR SEDAN 5* Ford STOfcK NUMBER 21-A PAIRLANB Because t DOOR SEDAN Portfomatlc, r a 4 I a, heater, You'll Find As low Delivered whltewatle. Nona finer at this tow price. As 2195 Here Was $199 Save $400 WHEELS WE HAVE A FEW 19el RAMBLER SUPER 4 DOORS SALE PRICE 2964 Radio, herter, plus other factory equipment. You Can At low at ................................. .. .«» .... Vi* vw price '499 Only at STEAL HUNT RAMBLER 57 Plymouth LOOK AT THESE THE CAR FOR YOU ON TERMS YOU LIKE CUSTOM SUBURBAN SUPER SAVINGS 4 DOOR DRIVE 3 MILES . SAVE $300 STATION WAGON 1949 Chevrolet CARL'S MOTORS ON THE NEW RAMBLER OP YOUR CHOICE V-«, push button drive, radio, 1961 Chevrolet heater, tutone whltewalls. CHRYSLER - IMPERIAL - PLYMOUTH - VALIANT 2 Door Sedan 2 Door Sedan SQC Wee $1299 Save $400 Full Price Full Price 93 1200N. Avalon Wilmington PULL PRICI . 402-500 W. Anaheim WILMINGTON TE 5-6646 1955 Chevrolet 1955 Chevrolet TE 5-3131 Open Eves, 'til 9 p.m. Open Evenings end Sunday* 1699 >or SEedon S4QC Sport Coupe Pric. Vll!f 0 Full Price '645 if Easy Terms 1956 Chevrolet 1953 Ford Gledhill Chevrolet + Anything of Convertible Station Wagon Service Specials Full Price '795 Full Price '345 Value Taken in Have Your Car "Winterized'' Now! Trade 1955 Ford 1955 Nash v Chevrolet Owners Check These: 2 Door Sedan SOQC Rambler SOQC Complete $COO DON'T **< Full Price ........... 033 Full Price ...................... 099 BRAKE JOB _________.... V mo. VELS 1954 Oldsmobile 98 1953 Oldsmobile MOTOR 51C75 Hardtop Coupe S4QC Holiday Coupe SOQC OVERHAUL __-______.- V mo. GO IN CIRCLES Full Price 093 Full Price ..................... £93 PAINT $COO FORD SCORES MORE TO CHOOSE FROM JOB ............ ........................... .........._....,............ V mo. A PRESS 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE Expert mm Torn nee Blvd. (on approved credit) i WANT-AD BODY AND FENDER KENNETH CHEVROLET Repair TO BUY TO SELL TO TELL All Work Guaranteed "Good Value Used Cars" Call DA 5-1515 534 N. Hawthorne Blvd. os 9-2388 Hawthorne NO MONEY DOWN A Courteous Ad-Taker Carton Specials Include All Parts and Labor Will Be Glad to ^ Help You 4F 1420 CobriMo OOOD TRANSPORTATION can - 49's 53's. 19 and take over bal­ GLEDHILL ance Call National Auto Liqui­ Torronct To Place Your Torrance Press dators, PK 9440*. CHEVROLET FA 8-5014 CHIVY*. Auto or stand- 304 E. Anaheim Wilmington Classified Ad Call DA 5-1515 ard, * or I. Large selection. Call National Auto Liquidators, TE 4-3491 Come in Today inc., Phone M 3-1*04. frj^Action Want Ads-The Torrance Press -DA 5-1515 * f.
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    PAGE FOUR THE DILLON. MONTANA, DAILY TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1957 WISDOM NEWS Mrs. Rasmussen DELL N E W S PLEASE NOTIFY • Mrs. Mary CoHrell Hosts P arty. • Mrs. Joe .Dowling TRIBUNE IF District 4 Selective Mrs. Hans Rasmussen was hos­ William Fleming and children of PAPER MISSED i Women's Club tess at a pinochle party in her Richmond, Utah and Mrs, Orca Subscribers to the Tribune home Tuesday when prizes were Swaggerty of Lima spent Sunday will confer a favor on the Trib­ Meeting Held won by Mrs. Ed Glassey, first, at the Otto Lohr home. une rpanagement If they will Music Concert Miss Carolyn Tucker, second and Mrs. Lee Martinell and Mrs. notify us immediately when the a traveling prize, Mrs.. Chris Ras­ The Wisdom Women’s Club held William Rule took the pupils of the carrier boys or postoffice fail its last meeting for the year 1956- mussen, consolation, Mrs. Harold Dell school, including grades one Piano, Instrumental Jand Vocal Numbers 57 Tuesday. Plans were made for Nelson, traveling prize and a mid­ to deliver the paper; If a boy through four to Armstead Thurs­ misses once and we are not the 43rd anniversary birthday din­ dle prize, Mrs. Len5 Smith. The day to the speech clinic. ner of the Club May 5. The mem­ card playing was followed by a notified it encourages him to College Auditorium^-— 8:00 p. m. bers of Ruth Circle will prepare birthday party for Mrs. Earl Wil­ Miss Connie Clark, daughter of be careless in deliveries. It is ley.
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