1963-05-16, [P ]
'IW' Thundery, May It, 1989 AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES MAKE US... ~ I SONNY” Thompson Is One Of Extra! Extra! THE DODCE BOYS 1963 FORD GALAXIE 500 P-H-F-F-F-T! XL CONVERTIBLE Automatic in floor console. HIGH PRICES ARE "OUT THE WINDOW' nl Really loaded! Really a gem I prove power steering and brakes FULLY EQUIPPED CO1CO bucket seats, radio, heater. Turquoise white top. NOT STRIPPED ______ white walls. A steal! ORIG- AT TROTTER FORD ‘THE INAL PRICE $3887. FULL SIZE '63 DODGE SEDAN ECONOMY PRICES ARE DCOGE OUR $59 Down — Bank Rote Financing ECONOMY PRICES Al PR CE $2995 I BUYS 36 Months to Pay Includes automatic transmission, fresh heater and defroster, directional signals, elec- monper ving 1958 DESOTO 2-Door Hardtop. Power steering, power LOW-LOW V^ I960 DODGE Convertible. Power steering, C19QK radio, heater, new white wall tire» . .. brakes, white wall tires, ggRe PREVAIL ON OUR OVER 100-CAR SELECTION 19S9 OLDS "88" 4-Door. Power steering and brakes, automatic ....... 9OUG hydramatic, radio, heater and Cl 1 OO 1959 PONTIAC Bonniville 4-Door Hardtop. Power steer $50 s20(h white walls . ....... _ ............ ... ..................A A99 ing and brakes, 29,000 £ f AAA 1959 DODGE Custom Royal Convertible. Swivel_ seats, actual miles _______ _______________ power steering, radio, heater. ~ 1961 DODGE 4-Door. Automatic, radio OF NEW A one owner beauty .$1199 and heater, white wall tires . ....... .......... $1499 1960 DODGE 2-Door Hardtop. Automatic, C 1 AOO 1959 STUDEBAKER Wagon. Stick shift. A-1 USED CARS radio and heater DluUU Reel economy ........ ..... ... .............. .............. $795 1960 FALCON.
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