Golden Rule Golden Rule Golden Rule Golden Rule
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The The The The Golden Rule Golden Rule Golden Rule Golden Rule CHRISTIANITY “In every- CHRISTIANITY “In every- CHRISTIANITY “In every- CHRISTIANITY “In every- thing, do to others as thing, do to others as thing, do to others as thing, do to others as you would have them do you would have them do you would have them do you would have them do to you; for this is the to you; for this is the to you; for this is the to you; for this is the law and the prophets.” law and the prophets.” law and the prophets.” law and the prophets.” Jesus Matthew 7:12 Jesus Matthew 7:12 Jesus Matthew 7:12 Jesus Matthew 7:12 JUDAISM What is hateful to you, JUDAISM What is hateful to you, JUDAISM What is hateful to you, JUDAISM What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. This do not do to your neighbor. This do not do to your neighbor. This do not do to your neighbor. This is the whole Torah; all the rest is is the whole Torah; all the rest is is the whole Torah; all the rest is is the whole Torah; all the rest is commentary. Hillel, Talmud, commentary. Hillel, Talmud, commentary. Hillel, Talmud, commentary. Hillel, Talmud, Shabbat 31a HINDUISM This is Shabbat 31a HINDUISM This is Shabbat 31a HINDUISM This is Shabbat 31a HINDUISM This is the sum of duty: do not do to the sum of duty: do not do to the sum of duty: do not do to the sum of duty: do not do to others what would cause pain others what would cause pain others what would cause pain others what would cause pain if done to you. Mahabharata if done to you. Mahabharata if done to you. Mahabharata if done to you. Mahabharata 5:1517 BUDDHISM Treat not 5:1517 BUDDHISM Treat not 5:1517 BUDDHISM Treat not 5:1517 BUDDHISM Treat not others in ways that you yourself others in ways that you yourself others in ways that you yourself others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful. The Buddha would find hurtful. The Buddha would find hurtful. The Buddha would find hurtful. The Buddha Udana-Varga 5.18 ISLAM Not Udana-Varga 5.18 ISLAM Not Udana-Varga 5.18 ISLAM Not Udana-Varga 5.18 ISLAM Not one of you truly believes one of you truly believes one of you truly believes one of you truly believes until you wish for others until you wish for others until you wish for others until you wish for others what you wish for yourself. what you wish for yourself. what you wish for yourself. what you wish for yourself. The Prophet Muhammad, The Prophet Muhammad, The Prophet Muhammad, The Prophet Muhammad, Hadith CONFUCIANISM One Hadith CONFUCIANISM One Hadith CONFUCIANISM One Hadith CONFUCIANISM One word which sums up the basis of word which sums up the basis of word which sums up the basis of word which sums up the basis of all good conduct…loving-kindness. all good conduct…loving-kindness. all good conduct…loving-kindness. all good conduct…loving-kindness. Do not do to others what you do Do not do to others what you do Do not do to others what you do Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself. not want done to yourself. not want done to yourself. not want done to yourself. Confucius Analects 15.23 BAHA’I Confucius Analects 15.23 BAHA’I Confucius Analects 15.23 BAHA’I Confucius Analects 15.23 BAHA’I FAITH Lay not on any soul a load FAITH Lay not on any soul a load FAITH Lay not on any soul a load FAITH Lay not on any soul a load that you would not wish to be that you would not wish to be that you would not wish to be that you would not wish to be laid upon you, and desire not for laid upon you, and desire not for laid upon you, and desire not for laid upon you, and desire not for anyone the things you would not anyone the things you would not anyone the things you would not anyone the things you would not desire for yourself. Baha’u’llah, desire for yourself. Baha’u’llah, desire for yourself. Baha’u’llah, desire for yourself. Baha’u’llah, Gleanings. Gleanings. Gleanings. Gleanings. The Golden Rule is present in The Golden Rule is present in The Golden Rule is present in The Golden Rule is present in some form in almost every world some form in almost every world some form in almost every world some form in almost every world religion. The concept behind the religion. The concept behind the religion. The concept behind the religion. The concept behind the Golden Rule—treating others the Golden Rule—treating others the Golden Rule—treating others the Golden Rule—treating others the way you would like to be treated - way you would like to be treated - way you would like to be treated - way you would like to be treated - is the basis of empathy and pro- is the basis of empathy and pro- is the basis of empathy and pro- is the basis of empathy and pro- social behavior. Imagine a world social behavior. Imagine a world social behavior. Imagine a world social behavior. Imagine a world where everyone followed the where everyone followed the where everyone followed the where everyone followed the Golden Rule in their interactions Golden Rule in their interactions Golden Rule in their interactions Golden Rule in their interactions with others. Abuse would be with others. Abuse would be with others. Abuse would be with others. Abuse would be eradicated and all children would eradicated and all children would eradicated and all children would eradicated and all children would experience right relationships. experience right relationships. experience right relationships. experience right relationships. The Roman Catholic Diocese of The Roman Catholic Diocese of The Roman Catholic Diocese of The Roman Catholic Diocese of Grand Island strives to create a Grand Island strives to create a Grand Island strives to create a Grand Island strives to create a safe environment for children safe environment for children safe environment for children safe environment for children characterized by Respect, characterized by Respect, characterized by Respect, characterized by Respect, Responsibility and Caring. Responsibility and Caring. Responsibility and Caring. Responsibility and Caring. Almost 7,000 children and Almost 7,000 children and Almost 7,000 children and Almost 7,000 children and youth and over 2000 adult youth and over 2000 adult youth and over 2000 adult youth and over 2000 adult volunteers and staff devote time volunteers and staff devote time volunteers and staff devote time volunteers and staff devote time each year to learning what it each year to learning what it each year to learning what it each year to learning what it means to follow the Golden Rule. means to follow the Golden Rule. means to follow the Golden Rule. means to follow the Golden Rule. Respect Recognizing that all Respect Recognizing that all Respect Recognizing that all Respect Recognizing that all people are created in God’s image people are created in God’s image people are created in God’s image people are created in God’s image and that everyone is deserving of and that everyone is deserving of and that everyone is deserving of and that everyone is deserving of dignity. Treating others the way dignity. Treating others the way dignity. Treating others the way dignity. Treating others the way you would like to be treated. you would like to be treated. you would like to be treated. you would like to be treated. Showing reverence toward others. Showing reverence toward others. Showing reverence toward others. Showing reverence toward others. Responsibility Doing the right Responsibility Doing the right Responsibility Doing the right Responsibility Doing the right thing even when no one is watch- thing even when no one is watch- thing even when no one is watch- thing even when no one is watch- ing. Doing the right thing when ing. Doing the right thing when ing. Doing the right thing when ing. Doing the right thing when everyone else is watching. everyone else is watching. everyone else is watching. everyone else is watching. Owning up to one’s behavior Owning up to one’s behavior Owning up to one’s behavior Owning up to one’s behavior without blaming/making excuses. without blaming/making excuses. without blaming/making excuses. without blaming/making excuses. Caring Showing empathy. Caring Showing empathy. Caring Showing empathy. Caring Showing empathy. Looking out for the best interest Looking out for the best interest Looking out for the best interest Looking out for the best interest of others. Doing things for the of others. Doing things for the of others. Doing things for the of others. Doing things for the common good. Meeting others’ common good. Meeting others’ common good. Meeting others’ common good. Meeting others’ needs. Giving support through needs. Giving support through needs. Giving support through needs. Giving support through prayer and action prayer and action prayer and action prayer and action .