Name : Discover New York ! (All numbered links can be found at for easy access )

Look at the map [1] : • Where is NYC ? (name of the State) ......

• What is the capital of the state ? ......

• Color in blue the state on the map ® • Put a star ( ) to show .

• Give the 4 nicknames [2] of New York City : - ...... - ...... - ...... - ......

• How many people live in New York City : ......

• Write the names of the 5 boroughs [3] in the correct place on the map ®

• What are the 3 important airports [4] of the city ? ...... …......

Type the words on Google Images [5] : Legend the pictures with the correct numbers: 1. Liberty Island 7. The 2. World Trade Center 8. 3. 9/11 Memorial 9. 4. The United Nations 10. The Flatiron 5. The Building 11. 6. Wall Street • The World Trade Center was destroyed in 2001. The place was first called [6] …...... … (the answer is in the page’s title) before being remembered as the 9/11 Memorial.

• The most famous NYC monument [7] is : ...... Help : All answers are in paragraph 1 and in the table under the photo. Designer / Sculptor Offered to the USA Situated / Located The woman is ... Date on the tablet by ... on ...

• What is the high est (tallest) building/ [8] in NYC ? ...... • Height of the building (feet / meters) : ...... • Number of floors : ...... • Number of elevators/lifts (click on the name of the monument) ? : ......

• Are the streets in [9] parallel (//) or perpendicular (+) to the avenues ? ...... • What is the exception ? ...... • What can you see [10] there ? ......

• What is particular about the street names [11] in NYC ? …......

• What color are taxis in NYC [12] ? ………………………………………….

• What does the photo represent [13] ? ...... • What sort of museum is it [14] ? (Look at the subtitle) ...... • Now, complete the list with the names of the different buildings and places (explore the map [15] )

1. …......

2. …......

3. …......

4. …......

5. …......

6. …......

7. …......

8. …......

9. …......

10. …......

11. …......

12. …......