Mvdr. Natália Hvizdošová, Phd. Mudr. Zuzana Kováčová
MVDr. Natália Hvizdošová, PhD. MUDr. Zuzana Kováčová ABDOMEN Borders outer: xiphoid process, costal arch, Th12 iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS), inguinal lig., mons pubis internal: diaphragm (on the right side extends to the 4th intercostal space, on the left side extends to the 5th intercostal space) plane through terminal line Abdominal regions superior - epigastrium (regions: epigastric, hypochondriac left and right) middle - mesogastrium (regions: umbilical, lateral left and right) inferior - hypogastrium (regions: pubic, inguinal left and right) ABDOMINAL WALL Orientation lines xiphisternal line – Th8 subcostal line – L3 bispinal line (transtubercular) – L5 Clinically important lines transpyloric line – L1 (pylorus, duodenal bulb, fundus of gallbladder, superior mesenteric a., cisterna chyli, hilum of kidney, lower border of spinal cord) transumbilical line – L4 Bones Lumbar vertebrae (5): body vertebral arch – lamina of arch, pedicle of arch, superior and inferior vertebral notch – intervertebral foramen vertebral foramen spinous process superior articular process – mammillary process inferior articular process costal process – accessory process Sacrum base of sacrum – promontory, superior articular process lateral part – wing, auricular surface, sacral tuberosity pelvic surface – transverse lines (ridges), anterior sacral foramina dorsal surface – median, intermediate, lateral sacral crest, posterior sacral foramina, sacral horn, sacral canal, sacral hiatus apex of the sacrum Coccyx coccygeal horn Layers of the abdominal wall 1. SKIN 2. SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE + SUPERFICIAL FASCIAS + SUPRAFASCIAL STRUCTURES Superficial fascias: Camper´s fascia (fatty layer) – downward becomes dartos m. Scarpa´s fascia (membranous layer) – downward becomes superficial perineal fascia of Colles´) dartos m. + Colles´ fascia = tunica dartos Suprafascial structures: Arteries and veins: cutaneous brr. of posterior intercostal a. and v., and musculophrenic a.
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