The Encyclopedia of Gardening
THE ENCYCLOP/EDIA OF GARDENING. A DICTIONARY OF CULTIVATED PLANTS, ETC.,, GIVING IN ALPHABETICAL SEQUENCE THE CULTURE AND PROPAGATION OF HARDY AND HALF-HARDY PLANTS, TREES ANI" SHRUBS, ORCHIDS, FERNS, FRUIT, VEGE-TABLES, HOTHOUSE AND GREENHOUSE PLANTS, Etc., INCLUDING THEIR SPECIFIC "AND COMMON NAMES. BY |ANDERS, F.L.S.. F.R.H.S. (Knight 0/ Pip6t Glass 0/ the Royal Ordee of Wasa, Sweden), " Editor of "Amateur Gardening"and Farm and Garden' ; Author of "The Alphabet of Gardening," "Amateur's Greenhouse." "Vegetables and theirCultivation,""The Flower Cardan," Etc. THIRTEENTH EDITION. LONDON : W. H. " L. COLLINGRIDGE, 148 " 149/ AUersgate St.. E.G. COLLINGBIDGE, " L. W. H. Printers, Street. Aldersgate E.C. London, FOREWORDS edition of work Ix issuing this, a thoroughly revised a which has previously passed through twelve editions, and thus abundantly testified its value as a work of reference the culture of all the of on genera trees, shrubs, orchids, ferns, hardy plants,hothouse and greenhouse plants, and vegetables worthy of a place in British gardens, the Author the desires to express his gratitude to many time persons who have written to him from time to tc point out errors or omissions in past editions, and to saj- he that trusts every purchaser of this volume will find it an acceptable, useful and valued guide to the successful cultivation of plants grown in their gardens and green-houses. The Author begs to refer the Reader to the latter his portion of introductory remarks for information as to the general features of the work and the improve-ments made therein.
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