HOUSE ..... JVo. 336.

Bill accompanying the petition of Joseph C. Randlett for legislatic r to increase the efficiency of the militia. Military Affairs. Januai 7 21.]

Commonwealth of iHassacljusctts.

In the Year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Two,


To establish the Rank of Certain Officers of the Militia. Tie it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

1 Section 1. Section one of chapter one hundred anc a

r 2 eighty-eight of the acts of the } ear nineteen hundred if 3 hereby amended by striking out the words “ first lieuten- -4 ant,” in the thirty-sixth line, and inserting in place thereof

the : 5 word captain ; and by striking out the wordf 6 “ first lieutenant,” in the forty-third line, and inserting 7 in place thereof the word ptain as to read as

8 follows : 9 Section 1. Section tw enty-six of chapter three hun- sixty-seven 10 dred and of thc acts ot the year eighteen ninety-three 11 hundred and is hereby amended by striking 2 RANK OF OFFICERS —MILITIA. [Jan.

12 out all to and including the word “ drummers,” in the 13 thirteenth line, and inserting in place thereof the follow-

-14 ing : Section 26. To each regiment of infantry there 15 shall be one colonel, one lieutenant colonel, three majors, 16 and a staff, to consist of one surgeon, with the rank of 17 major; one regimental adjutant, one quartermaster, one 18 paymaster, who shall he the mustering officer, and one

19 assistant surgeon, each with the rank of captain ; one as- -20 sistant surgeon, one inspector of rifle practice, one com- -21 missary of subsistence, and three battalion adjutants, 22 each with the rank of first lieutenant; and one chaplain. 23 There shall also be a non-commissioned staff', as follows: 24 one regimental sergeant major, one quartermaster 25 sei'geant, one commissary sergeant, one paymaster ser- -26 geant, one hospital steward, one drum major, one chief 27 bugler, and three battalion sergeant majors, who shall 28 hold the same relative rank attached to similar positions 29 in the army. There shall also be allowed 30 to each regiment two color sergeants, one orderly, to 31 rank as private, and sixteen drummers, to be enlisted

32 and mustered as drummers, so as to read as follows ; 33 Section 26. To each regiment of infantry there shall 34 be one colonel, one lieutenant colonel, three majors, and 35 a staff, to consist of one surgeon, with the rank of major; 36 one regimental adjutant, one quartermaster, one pajmias- -37 ter, who shall be the mustering officer, and one assistant 38 surgeon, each with the rank of captain; one assistant 39 surgeon, one inspector of rifle practice, one commissary 40 of subsistence, and three battalion adjutants, each with 41 the rank of first lieutenant; and one chaplain. There

42 shall also be a non-commissioned staff, as follows : one 43 regimental sergeant major, one quartermaster sergeant, 44 one commissary sergeant, one paymaster sergeant, one 45 hospital steward, one drum major, one chief bugler, and 1902.] HOUSE —No. 236. 3

46 three battalion sergeant majors, who shall hold the same 47 relative rank attached to similar positions in the United 48 States army. There shall also be allowed to each regi- 49 ment two color sergeants. one orderly, to rank as pri- 50 vate, and sixteen drummer to be enlisted and mustered 51 as drummers. To each icparate battalion of cavalry 52 there shall be one major and a staff, to consist of one 53 surgeon, with the rank of major, one adjutant, one quar- -54 termaster, one paymaster, who shall be the mustering 55 officer, one inspector of rifle practice and one assistant 56 surgeon, one veterinary surgeon, each with the rank of 57 captain, and one chaplain. There shall also be a non-

-58 commissioned staff, as follows : one sergeant major, 59 one quartermaster sergeant, one hospital steward, one 60 chief bugler and two guidon sergeants. To each sepa- -61 rate battalion of artillery there shall be one major, and a 62 staff, to consist of one surgeon with the rank of major, 63 one adjutant, one quartermaster, one paymaster, who 64 shall be the mustering officer, and one assistant surgeon, 65 one veterinary surgeon, each with the rank of captain, 66 and one chaplain, and whenever a vacancy shall occur in 67 the position of assistant surgeon of the battalion of ar- -68 tillery or the battalion of cavalry, the office of said assist- t-69 ant surgeon shall be abolished. There shall also be 70 a non-commissioned staff, as follows: one sergeant 71 major, one quartermaster sergeant, one hospital steward, 72 one chief bugler and two guidon sergeants.

1 Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage