
Sarah Churchill by Sir

Sarah Churchill

Sarah Churchill playing cards with Sarah Churchill by Sir Godfrey Lady Fitzharding Barbara Villiers by Kneller Sir Godfrey Kneller

Letter from Mrs Morley to Mrs Freeman Letter from Mrs Morley to Mrs Freeman

1 05/08/2019

Marlborough ice pails possibly by Daivd Willaume, British Museum

The end of Sarah on a playing card as Anne gives the duchess of Somerset John Churchill 1st Duke of Sarah's positions Marlborough by John Closterman after

John Churchill by Sir Godfrey Kneller John Churchill by Sir Godfrey Kneller

2 05/08/2019

John Churchill by the studio of John John Churchill Michael Rysbrack, c. 1730, National Portrait Gallery

John Churchill in garter robes John Churchill by Adriaen van der Werff

John with Colonel Armstrong by Seeman

Marlborough studying plans for seige of Bouchain with engineer Col Armstrong by Seeman

3 05/08/2019

Louis XIV by Hyacinthe Rigaud

Nocret’s Family Portrait of Louis in Classical costumes 1670

Charles II of Spain artist unknown

Louis XIV and family by Nicholas de Largillière

Philip V of Spain by Hyacinthe Rigaud Charles of Austria by Johann Kupezky

4 05/08/2019

James Fitzjames D of Berwick by Eugene of Savoy by Sir Godfrey unknown artist Kneller

Blenheim tapestry

Marshall Tallard surrendering to Churchill by Churchill signing despatches after Blenheim by Robert Alexander Hillingford

5 05/08/2019

Note to Sarah on the back of a tavern bill

Sir John Vanbrugh by Sir Godfrey Kneller

Castle Howard

Playing card showing triumph in

Blenheim Palace

6 05/08/2019

Admiral Byng by Jeremiah Davison Ship Model Maritime Museum 54 guns

Louis swooning after Ramillies

Cartoon of 1706

Pursuit of French after Ramillies by Louis Laguerre

7 05/08/2019

Thanksgiving service after Ramillies Oudenarde by John Wootton

Oudenarde on a playing card

Malplaquet by Louis Laguerre

Malplaquet tapestry at Marlbrook s'en va t'en guerre Blenheim

8 05/08/2019

Marlborough House Marlborough House

Secret Peace negotiations 1712 Treaty of Utrecht 1713