1 ■ m m N D • Opinion 6 Give a Damn! E • Sports 9 GhreaCan! X • Crossword 15 • Classifieds 15 Page 6 WÊÈÊÊÊÈmn ^ TÊÊ. ? S WmAÌÌkmJM


DeùlvTuesday, November 14,1989 University Nexus of California, Santa Barbara One Section, 12 Pages Volume 70, No. 48 Measles Smite Another Five Students Monday By Larry Speer Staff Writer “Spending $35 to pre­ Student Health Service officials venía possible hospita­ are desperately seeking to quell lization is in my mind the outbreak of a potential mea­ sles epidemic after five new cases preferable to spending of the highly-contagious virus $4,000 to be hospital­ were diagnosed Monday. ized with a serious case Over 500 students Were vacci­ of measles.” nated at Student Health Service as employees worked long past nor­ mal closing hours in an effort to John Baumann curb further spreading of the dis­ director, Student ease. At least 300 students had Health Service been vaccinated last week, but it is estimated that at least 1,500 are yet to be status.” immunized. The combination measles, The most worrisome develop­ mumps, and rubella vaccine costs ment in the unfolding saga of mea­ $35 on campus, and although the sles at UCSB is its outbreak in San Santa Barbara County Health De­ Nicolas Residence Hall, accord­ partment has sought emergency ing to UCSB Student Health Ser­ aid from the state government to RICHARD O'ROURKE/Daily Naxus vice Director Dr. John Baumann. fight the outbreak, at this point no A male dormitory resident came free vaccines are on the way. The Party's Over down with the illness Monday, “Spending $35 to prevent a prompting Baumann to strongly possible hospitalization is in my Former Gaucho free safety Marc Necoechea contributes to the recycling cause in utge all San Nicolas residents to mind preferable to spending cleaning up the aftecmath of a successful homecoming weekend. be immediately immunized and granting them “first priority See SPREAD, p.4 A.S. Leg Council Seeks Extension of LRDP Review Period tors conceded to extend the part is that (it) was part o f... the tional weeks to give students time worked with the administration at By Tim HofTman public comment period on the intent” of the administration to to address concerns over the length on LRDP issues. Both have S tiff Writer plan by one week, to January 19, pick this schedule, he added. LRDP, which will serve as served this year as the two student after students complained the Lawrence believes the admi­ UCSB’s model for growth and de­ representatives on the campus Although members of Asso­ schedule conflicted with finals, nistration is possibly shortchang­ velopment through 2005-06. The steering committee for the plan, ciated Students Legislative Coun­ winter break and January ing students on the opportunity to LRDP outlines the construction and have assumed roles as disse­ cil hope to work closely with schedule adjustment. Council, discuss the LRDP, which is cur­ of 1.2 million additional assign­ minators of information for the UCSB administrators in planning however, is fighting for at least an rently scheduled to undergo alter­ able square feet of campus build­ rest of Council, Siojo said. the campus’s future, many believe additional seven-day extension. ations and be presented to the UC ing space with enrollment capped As to whether Council will not enough time has been allotted “It couldn’t have been sche­ Board of Regents for approval in at 20,000 students. serve an effective role in helping for student input on UCSB’s Long duled at any worse time,” March. Only two council members, In­ the administration draw up a cam- Range Development Plan. Representative-at-Large Wade Lawrence added he felt UCSB ternal Vice President James Siojo Last week, campus administra­ Lawrence said. “I think the sad could afford two or three addi­ and President Mike Stowers, have See REACTION, p.12

I______, LOOKING AHEAD ______- - - Census of I.V. The Future of California’s Higher Education Starts Door to By Jay Bennert International Study Focuses on Coping With underscores the need for “some Door for 1990 Staff Writer_____ serious changes in the goals, and especially funding, of education Mounting Enrollment and Future Expansion if California is to maintain its Federal Survey The following is the first in a current position,” of excellence, four-part series examining re­ an OECD spokesperson said. By Daniel H. Jeffers S tiff Writer______cent trends in the growth of Ca­ t c The major issue for The report, which examined lifornia public higher both public and private schools, education. California education said “the major issue for Califor­ Santa Barbara County will for the forseeable fu­ T. nia education for the foreseeable begin conducting a population While higher education in Ca­ K ture is achieving both future is achieving both equity census in Isla Vista this week to lifornia has been cited as a model V equity and excel­ ,-.rrrJ and excellence.” ensure the county’s share of for state participation in educa­ ‘The members of the OECD federal and state funding and tion, the quality of the system lence were concerned that California political representation by pro­ may be threatened because of fi­ First of a 4-part series had pulled out the rug from the viding check figures to com­ nancial limits, according to an humanities,” and urged the pare with the upcoming Fed­ international study. evidenced by the 1960 Master in which California colleges and adoption of state-wide guide­ eral Census. The seven-member Organiza­ Plan, according to UC Coordi­ universities work in conjunction lines resembling the National The Federal Census, which tion for Economic Cooperation nator of Special Projects Clive with industiy to promote re­ Endowment for the Humanities will be taken in April, 1990, and Development ssid Califor­ Condren, who attended the May search. ‘They were very inter­ “50 Hours” report, Condren will provide the basis for the al­ nia “leads die nation in talent, corueienGS in Paris where the re­ ested in how we raise money said. The NEH report, released location of federal and state resources, and facilities,” de­ port was presented. ■ihipugh the alumni and so on. in October, suggests that univer­ funding for social programs voted to higher education. The The OECD is made up of rep­ They are also inieiTSiCd *n how sities adopt a basic core curricu­ and education, as well as the OECD was particularly im­ resentatives from France, Italy, we related to industiy,” Condren lum emphasizing traditional lib­ statistics for all political pressed with the long range Japan, Norway, Spain, Sweden, said. eral arts coursework. Thé OECP districting. planning California has dedi­ and the United Kingdom. While the report commends The purpose of the county’s cated to higher education, as The report praised the manner the system in California, it also See GROWTH, p.8 See CENSUS, p.5 2 Tuesday, November 14,1989 HEADLINERS Daily Nexus


GDR Names New Premier Aircraft Company Is Fined Navy Doesn’t Know How As Thousands Hold Rally $5.2 Million for Espinoage It Shelled Helpless Civilians BERLIN (AP) — Parliament chose a leading reformer ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — The Boeing Co. pleaded DESERT CENTER (AP)— The Navy was trying to de­ as premier today, and more than 200,000 East Germans guilty, Monday, to two felony charges of illegally obtain­ termine Monday how two of its jets strayed outside a marched in Leipzig to demand free elections from a gov­ ing secret Pentagon budget documents and agreed to pay target range and bombed public land, forcing campers to ernment that already has been pressured into granting more than $5.2 million in fines and restitution. dodge shrapnel and dive for cover, authorities said. them free travel. Before accepting the plea worked out between the Jus­ The A-6 bombers, on a routine training mission from Parliament also for the first time elected a non­ tice Department and Boeing, U.S. District Judge TS. Ellis the Naval Air Facility in El Centro, dropped a dozen communist as its speaker. III grilled lawyers for nearly a hour about whether “the 500-pound bombs on this remote desert area 150 miles The demonstrators, gathered in the city that has become penalty is appropriate to what I consider to be a serious vi­ southeast of Los Angeles, said Mike Ray, a spokesman for the focus for protests against the East German leadership, olation of the law.” the El Centro base. demanded die Communist Party abolish its monopoly on Ellis also criticized Boeing’s decision not to send “A motor home camped in the area received minor power. “someone here to act responsibly as officer of the com­ damage and one civilian received a minor abrasion, but West German television newscasts estimated the num­ pany” for what the judge termed “a very serious breach of did not seek medical aid,” Ray said. ber of protestors at between 200,000 and 300,000. security discipline.” The protest came after a weekend in which East Ger­ At one point, Ellis said he was considering scheduling The incident was the latest of several that have plagued mans by the millions exercised their new freedom to another proceeding “so that the court can impose sen­ the Navy over the past two weeks — another accidental travel, a right granted by the government to counter an ex­ tence in the presence of an officer.” bombing, a fatal ship collision, a deadly plane crash odus of emigres to the West. Instead, he ordered Boeing’s board chairman and chief aboard an aircraft carrier, a fire at sea and two cases in­ East Berliners today began returning to their jobs after executive officer, Frank Shrontz, to write a letter express­ volving sailors who fell or were washed overboard. four days of frenzied celebrations at the newly opened ing remorse and acceptance of corporate responsibility for Berlin Wall, and officials said fewer than 1 percent of the crime. those who crossed into the West during the weekend The company pleaded guilty to felony counts of unau­ Bridges’ Accuser Sentenced chose to stay in West Germany. thorized conveyance of government documents. The charge carries a maximum fine of $10,000. An individual convicted of the crime could be sentenced up to 10 years in To Three Years Probation prison. Jury Trials In USSR Show LOS ANGELES (AP) — The man who testified he helped former “DifPrent Strokes” star Todd Bridges at­ The Times Are A Changin’ tack a drug dealer was placed on three years’ probation Gloved One Goes to Circus Monday as part of a plea bargain arrangement with MOSCOW (AP) — Soviet courtrooms, falling in line prosecutors. with President Mikhail S. Gorbachev’s drive to create a With Child Cancer Victim In exchange for his testimony against Bridges, Harvie law-based society, will begin holding trials by juiy in cases Eugene Duckett, 31, pleaded no contest to being an acces­ where the defendants are accused of crimes that carry 15 NEW YORK (AP) — Singer Michael Jackson spent an sory after the fact in the shooting of Kenneth Clay. years’ imprisonment or the death penalty, according to evening at the circus with a 4-year-old leukemia victim Duckett was sentenced to probation by Superior Court Tass. whose father earlier triggered a court-ordered manhunt Judge Gary Klausner. Currently, judges decide cases without juries. when he spirited the child away from chemotherapy Bridges, 24, was acquitted last week of attempted mur­ Gorbachev, a lawyer by training, has repeatedly called treatment. der and attempted voluntary manslaughter. The Superior for strengthening the independence of the courts to pre­ Darian Pagan of Brooklyn, and his family spent Satur­ Court jury deadlocked on an assault with a deadly weapon vent the kind of interference by politicians that led to ab­ day evening in Santa Monica, Calif., with Jackson, 31, count. " * ' uses in the past. courtesy of a Long Island-based charity, New York News- Prosecutors were to decide Nov. 21 whether to seek day said in Monday’s editions. another trial on the assault charge. Under Stalin’s bloody terror campaign in the 1930s, for Jackson, his shoulder-length hair in curls, wore a black Prosecutors contended Bridges shot Clay eight times on instance, three judge panels often convicted innocent de­ hat and a black jacket with black-sequined cuffs and Feb. 2 inside a South Central Los Angeles cocaine "rock” fendants as being “enemies of the people” and sentenced epaulets. house. Duckett testified he was smoking cocaine with them to death. “He’s shy, just like me,” said the reclusive entertainer. Bridges and was present when Clay was shot. Another change included in the legislation approved “It makes me proud that this is his dream. I’m happy to ful­ Bridges, best known for his role as Gary Coleman’s Monday is that defense lawyers will participate in cases fill it.” older brother in the "DifPrent Strokes” television series starting with the preliminary investigation. “It’s part of my gift to make everybody happy and to from 1978 to 1986, was freed on $25,000 bail last week. He bring joy to everyone, especially children like this,” Jack- had been held in lieu of $1 million bail during the trial. son said. “My dream is to do a tour and see all the world’s Crazy Aussie Trys To Kill children, all the hungry kids. Imagine that,” he said. Barker Kicks Off Crusade GoriUa In Melbourne Zoo Baby Bell Ends Strike And To Cease Killing of Critters MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) — A man shouting “I’ve come to kill a gorilla!” jumped into an enclosure at Will Meet Strikers’ Terms LOS ANGELES (AP) — Television game show host Melbourne Zoo on Monday and attacked a 220-pound Bob Barker kicks off the Christmas gift-buying season by primate before officials locked him in a cage, a zoo spokes­ WASHINGTON (AP) — NYNEX Corp. and its two taking his animal fights crusade to New York’s swank person said. unions have reached agreement on the framework of a Fifth Avenue for a march against furriers. new contract that could end a bitter 100-day strike, the Barker said Monday he will lead the Nov. 24 demon­ The man kicked and punched Betsy, an adult female, president of one of the unions said Monday. stration sponsored by Trans-Species Unlimited in an ef­ who screamed in fear while protecting itself and a 5-year- Morton Bahr, president of the Communications Work­ fort to publicise the group’s objections to killing animals old male named Mzuri, said spokesman Judith Henkey. ers of America, said a formal announcement would be for use by the fur industry. The attacker, identified only as a man in his 20s from made later Monday in NYNEX’s home state of New York. “Recent statistics show that fur sales are off from 45 per­ Tasmania, jumped down a 15-foot enclosure and started NYNEX, through its subsidiaries New YorkTelephone cent to 50 percent from three years ago while synthetic fur attacking the animals, she said. and New England Telephone, provides phone service in sales are on the rise,” he said. “Fur manufacturing firms in “They were genuinely frightened and screaming in most of the Northeast. the New York area alone have gone from a high of 800 in fear,” Ms. Henkey said. “He kicked and punched Betsy CWA, representing 40,000 NYNEX workers, and the 1979 to 300 today.” and snatched a plastic toy from Mzuri, saying he had come International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, which to kill a gorilla.” bargains for another 20,000 employees, struck against the Barker, whose CBS-TV show ‘The Price is Right” is in She said the man, who suffered minor injuries from his company more than three months ago, resisting the com­ its 18th year, has led the protest against animal abuse in jump, apparently had a history of mental illness. He was pany’s attempt to shift health insurance costs to workers. entertainment, particularly the alleged mistreatment of under observation at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. Bahr said the unions had successfully fought off those chimpanzees during filming of the movie “Project X.” Betsy sustained a small cut on her arm. attempts in reaching agreement on the company-wide as­ “I would like to see all animals out of entertainment, but The episode ended when a zoo worker enticed the pri­ pects of the contract. Bahr, in an announcement to the of course that’s not going to happen. So we must provide mates into a night pen. The man tried to follow and was AFL-CIO convention, said local issues remained to be re­ the protection for these poor creatures that are exploited locked in another pen until police arrived. solved but said the strike should be over in a week. for man’s diversion,” Barker said. Weather The Daily Nexus is published by the Press Council and partially funded through Daily Nexus the Associated Students of the University of California, Santa Barbara on weekdays during the school year, weekly in.summer session. Editor in Chief Amy Collins You see, putting Carrick at point guard is like... is like Editorial Matter — Opinions expressed are the individual contributor's. Managing Editor Jason Spievak Editorial opinions expressed in the Daily Nexus do not necessarily reflect those of making Julia Child your head waitress, like asking Nor-’ Layout/Design Editor Scott Lawrence UCSB, its faculty or student body. All items submitted for publication become the man Mailer to write cliffnotes for Frank McConnell News Editor MicheRe Ray property of the Daily Nexus. Assistant News Editor K k n K a s h novels, like demoting Barbara Uehling to a tenured Advertising Matter — Advertising matter printed herein is solely for in­ Campus Editor J e n n y O g a r formational purposes. Such printing is not to be construed as a written or implied psych professor. You don’t tamper with Talent to fill a Assistant Campus Editors j Joel Brand, Jeff Solomon sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises or County Editor j Maxwell C. Donnely hole (or have we forgotten the lesson of Paul Molitor?). ventures by the Daily Nexus. Assistant County Editor Dan Jeffers The Daily Nexus subscribes to the Associated Press and is a member of the UC So Coach Pimm should leave him be and instead start... Opinion Edito« Chris Ziegler Wire Service. Assistant Opinion Editor i Christopher Scheer Jay Finnecy at point guard! He’s quick, tough, a bom Copy Editor Amanda Purcel Phoner. News Office 961-2691 leader, tenacious as heck and he’ll never give up a losing Sports Editor V T o m N e ls o n Editor-in-Chief 961-2695 Assistant Sports Editor C ra ig W o n g cause. Of course, he’ll have to shoot better than 53 per­ Advertising Office 961-3828 Science Editor Ben Sullivan The Daily Nexus follows the University of California's anti-discrimination codes. cent from the line, but hell! What’s good for thé freeze is Features Editor A d a m M oss Inquiries about these policies may be directed to: Raymond Huerta, Affirmative Photo Editor Tony Pollock good for the chSiSS, so they say mon. Action Coordinator, phone (805) 961-2089. Assistant Photo Editor i Genevieve Field TUESDAY Second Class Postage paid at Santa Barbara CA Pr*ct Q“ jce publication No Artsweek Editor ' Doug AreNanes USPS 775-300. High 72, low 43. Sunrise 6:31. Sunset 4:57. Friday Magazine Editor Jeffrey C. Whalen Special Sections Editor ^M a il subscrin*£'s can be pUrcbased through the Daily Nexus., Thomas M. WEDNESDAY Illustrations Editor oiorke Communications Building, P.O. Box 13402, Santa Barbara, CA 93107. High 73, low 44. I meant pies! AP Wire Editor Printed by the Goleta Sun. World Outlook Editor Peter Hemsch Not hoi, jo t a bunch of serbo-creations Daily Nexus Tuesday, November 14,1989 3 Community Issues Addressed SPORTS INJURY CLINIC Dr. Brisby, the only nationally certified Athletic Trainer/Chiro- By IVRPD and Leg Council practor in the Tri-Counties, will give you a free individual exam IVRPD Board member and recommendation for your in­ By Scott Kuhn jury. Every Tuesday Evening Reporter______Mike Boyd agreed that “Horrible things 6:30-7:30. LAFCO’s reasons for deny­ Roundtrip from Los Angeles happen on Del ing the ballot were not just At a landmark joint meet­ San Francisco $ 58 BjerMng Chiropractic financial. “No members of DR.BRISBY 5710 Hollister Ave. Playa every Honolulu $ 899 ing Thursday night, the Isla the Board of Supervisors 967-0441 Vista Recreation and Parks weekend and this supports I.V. cityhood, be­ New York $ 998 District Board of Directors ordinance has cause it would give us self- Costa Rica $ 370 and Associated Students London $ 490 JL helped cut down determination,” Boyd Legislative Council met to aigued. Tahiti $ 059 “The Monster Chicken Burrito has twice discuss their mutual con­ on some problems, Rio $ 850 the fiber & half the fat compared to cerns on the quality of life in so I am in favor of Mark Chaconas, Third Auckland $1095 Isla Vista. District Supervisor Bill Sydney $1135 their B.S. (Burrito Supreme) The question of how to it.” Wallace’s staff assistant, de­ Nairobi $1070 improve governmental rep­ Michelle Koskella fended the supervisors ac­ Johannesburg $1300 - Art Gilbert resentation in Isla Vista was A.S. Off-Campus Rep. tions, and said the goal of Restrictions apply. Other Professor of Nutrition, UCSB of top priority for several self determination could be worldwide destinations available achieved by other means. We can do everything by mail!. present at the forum. Many Call fo r a FREE members of the IVRPD IVRPD board members vol­ “Bill Wallace is in favor of would like to see re­ unteered to serve on the joint Goleta and I.V. city­ student travel establishment of the Isla committee. hood,” Chaconas said. ca ta lo g ! Vista Community Council, Isla Vista cityhood, an Proposals to limit a now-defunct elected issue which has long been noise disturbances have Council Travel 10-member body which tied to the IVCC, was also long been the subject of cri­ 14515 Ventura Btvd. #250 once represented the com­ discussed as a means of im­ ticism in Isla Vista, and sev­ SHERMAN OAKS,CA 91403 munity. The IVCC, which proving local representa­ eral at the meeting voiced 800 served as an advisory body tion. “With cityhood, we disapproved of the concept to the county government, could get our fair share of of such an ordinance while 888-8786 was disbanded in 1983 county resources,” A.S. Chaconas noted many in when the county and uni­ President Mike Stowers the community feel some­ versity withdrew their fund­ said. Attempts at gaining thing must be done to con­ ing from the council. cityhood for Isla Vista have trol noise. Keep Tour Eyes Not surprisingly, funding been made three times, but Numerous complaints once again dominated dis­ each time the county’s about amplified music in cussion of the IVCC. A ma­ Local Agency Formation I.V. have been received by jor concern of re­ Commission denied a ballot Wallace’s office, Chaconas establishing the council was initiative on the issue, pri­ said. “Right now I am re­ the $25,000 cost of conduct­ marily due to the financial searching the possible spe­ ing an election. The Isla difficulties they believe a cifications of the ordinance Vista’s turnout in the Nov. 7 City of Isla Vista would face. and feel this community election, approximately five Some community mem­ forum is ideal for gaining re­ percent, was mentioned as bers and officials, however, sident input,” he said. evidence of potential prob­ believe cityhood proposals Many took advantage of lems an IVCC election have been denied for politi­ this opportunity to provide for could face. cal reasons. “Even though such input. “Disturbing the A consensus was reached 25 percent of registered I.V. peace (laws) seem to be COUPON FREEB/RD'S to form a committee which voters signed petitions for adequate to keep order, and TUESDAY would further investigate cityhood in 1983, (LAFCO) as long as we enforce the the possibility of re­ would not let it get on the current laws already on the every other week establishing the IVCC. Two ballot,” IVRPD General in the Nexus ! Hie tastiest, healthiest food around. members of A.S. and two Manager Glen Lazof said. See JOINT, p.8 Monday through Friday

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1uw vtuHA/se pHt ajfyct Tti/r^d- x kwtVvj APM®Wf£H THfc Sru p Æ> 'WOODSTOCK'S |T H e k 6 S -SOHC T-asTHU^^s HteAJb T=flouwY /y Côkj WMSMT £VfeN R€AL - r ife cr-TVŒ. 1 |HiuL-e,iu-Y w rnv /\ BUT <4 CtÆy JBf I t AT/ûKi 6 re Ç /r~ e S T ' ÖOW T/pA£fcJ c p i Z Z A presents... llk x i'B r^e U <9teT*rUft) ours rte t~h/s ou yî with IrzUNfMIfr T'»*JAfeî> ir.j 9ESCMtiAtsr/eA% s THE FAB SIDE By GARY LARSON nyà£At> j m k ? ^ this n r n e M * mméi r m h a n {uBkT im c \ ad bwrur V Q ^rw J^i AfcoiUffc. ? g Ane b up tue s/rrH all- MV M i6 ü r BDVS* Ü

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Look for our wonderful Photogs ADMINISTRATION, FACULTY, & STAFF: SLIPPERY m It's your turn too! WHEN WET In front of the UCen, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Also- Now’s your chance to purchase the 712 page 1990 La Cumbre for only $20.00 Daily Nexus Tuesday, November 14,1989 5

Lecturers Discuss Colombia, Weapons Labs Three panelists will lead a discussion entitled “Colom­ lecture entitled “The Role of the Weapons Labs in the bia and the News Media: Images and Realities,” starting Nuclear Arms Race.” Tues. Nov. 14 at 4:00 p.m. in the Multicultural Center today, focusing LabWatch, a student organization which monitors Campbell Hall on how the “real” Colombia has become “hidden” be­ UC involvement in the weapons labs, is one of the hind the recent headlines of drug wars and bombings. group’s sponsoring DeWitfs lecture, according to Lab- 7»9*11 p.m. The panelists include Jose de J. Naranjo, a native Col­ Watch member Robert Simes. $3.00 ombian and Associate Vice-President of Prudential- The group hopes DeWitt’s basic message — that the Bache, Diana Jaramillo, former Colombian Consul in weapons labs contribute to the arms race by constantly Spons. by Men's Water Polo Los Angeles, whose father was an official in the Medellin promoting and selling new weapons—will lead students area and Rafael Buitraco, a journalist from La Opinion. to question UC involvement with the laboratory, espe­ cially since the review process by which UC involvement The M ulticultural Center At 7 p.m. in the Multicultural Center, Hugh DeWitt, in the labs is mandated is scheduled to come up for re- ■ theoretical physicist at the UC-controlled Lawrence newal in 1990, Simes said. Colombia & The News Media: Livermore Laboratory for the past 32 years, will deliver a — Larry Speer Images and Realities Panel Discussion

CENSUS: County Begins Count of Isla Vista Continued from p.l For example, rather than effort is to help the Federal “They want to get a body count, but the established county employ­ Census locate housing units ees conduct the preliminary that they would not be able whole survey is confidential, they don’t census, new people have Tuesday, November 14/4:00 p.m/FREE to locate because of the lim­ ask personal questions been hired, Rose said. Fed­ itations of the mail-in Lynn Ito eral laws prohibit divulging UCSB M ulticultural Center method, and to identify campus outreach coordinator information collected on in­ Presented by the UCSB Multicultural Center in cooperation areas of population that are dividuals by the census, and with the Office of International Students and Scholars and more difficult to enumerate, to date that confidentiality the Global Peace and Security Program. explained Mike Powers, an such as Isla Vista, according $200,000, is small when has never been violated, she For more information call the Area Planning Council to Maty Rose, a consultant compared to the potential explained. UCSB M ulticultural Center at 961-8411. representative. to the Local Census Out­ gain in federal and state “Isla Vista and down­ reach Program. fimding, Rose said. Each The census takers will be town Santa Barbara have “What the county is do­ person identified in the cen­ in the Isla Vista area for the more non-familial type ing is a random (door to sus translates into roughly next three weeks, Rose said. households,” Powers said. door) sample.... It depends $2,500 in county funding, They have already been “Those groups have a lower on the area of the county; she said. “If they identify working two-and-a-half response to the census.” it’s based on areas with the 1,750 people who would weeks in the northern part The county will also form least information or the not be counted otherwise, of the county so that the in­ a Local Complete Count largest turnover,” Rose said. (that would bring in) $4.4 formation can be gathered Committee "to help public­ “The federal census is con­ million — about a 22 to one and processed in time for Less Than 2 Miles From Campus ize and ensure participation ducted for the most part by return, and that’s really very the federal census in April. * Desks in Every Room (in the federal census) mail.” conservative.” The county’s survey will • Friendly Staff among members of the edu­ Rose said the county will ask how many people are in • Free Color TV cational community, ethnic do a local audit on the infor­ One reason residents may each household, if and how * Solar Heated Swimming Pool groups, labor, and the busi­ mation collected, and if the not return their census they are related, and where • Free Local Calls ness community,” Powers forms sent out by the federal forms is fear that confiden­ the individuals are actually * Complimentary Morning Coffee said. The committee will cenius are not returned tiality of census information housed, explained Campus ENJOY AFFORDABLE LODGING also help determine what from households identified will be broken. People who Outreach . Coordinator areas of the community are by the county’s door to door may have immigration or Lynn Ito. being missed by the census. effort, then there is some ba­ zoning problems often have $39.w plus tax There was controversy sis for telling the Federal such concerns, but the “They want to get a body - single occupancy - over the accuracy of census Census to review the results county is taking steps to en­ count, but the whole survey taking methods in the 1980 of those efforts. sure that no information on thing is totally confidential, census, especially in high The county’s investment individual citizens is they don’t ask personal 9 6 7 - 5 5 9 1 turnover or crowded areas in this census, about Visa * Mastercard • American Express • Accepted disseminated. questions,” Ito said. C

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i^y% »-y m -y “He who cannot lovemustleamto flatter” M M ■ M I I f l I Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Give a Can for Celia Murtaugh

I have this friend, James, who is a serious advocate for those who are “deprived,” for lack of a better word, of a roof over their head and enough food to quell the pangs of hunger. It is not as if he is on some soap box preaching to me daily that it is my responsibility to give them my dinner or even my bed, but he cannot help but express a few con­ cerned words about my lack of in­ terest in the subject. I have tried to explain to him that understand there is a definite homeless problem in our community. It is veiy difficult to deny it as I regularly walk by An- isq’ Oyo’ Park in the morning and the Leprechaun is there, waving hello. I agree there needs to be something done about the problem, but “Jeez, James, how am I sup­ posed to help these people when the two interacting,i they don’t want to be helped?” human beings. Ths So anyway, we had just finished a between the two wei cappuccino at a trendy cafe down minutes ending on a ‘ on State Street when we had an ex­ a “take it easy.” James perience! We began walking down few paces away a: the street and I looked ahead to no­ walking as if noth tice a homeless man curled in a pened. I felt as if tl doorway of a closed shop. Against what I could do to h his ear he held a small beat-up answered. Talking at 1970s-style transistor radio which few moments later 1 produced muffled voices undiscer- what James said al nible to us. As we came closer, the towards the alleviatic man unfurled himself and began to ity problems (such i yell and scream about something homelessness, care j which I tuned out. I think it was illiteracy, etc.), begii something like "... — Ryan just ing my philosophy ol DREW MARTIN/Daily Nexus struck out—5,000.” I looked down not as fortunate as m and redirected my steps away from tude which expresse him, while at first unnoticeably to reciprocity between Time to Break the Connection me, my friend did not follow. In­ Reaffirming my n stead I heard James begin asking exchange and recipi Initiative. him about some baseball team and members of the comr E d ito ria l It is long time Livermore physicists like Hugh some pitcher. I turned around and ution to some of soci Every single nuclear warhead ever produced in Dewitt who have blown the whistle on just such saw James conversing with this man was an article in a like they were old friends. In­ reach Newsletter by America was designed and engineered under the deceptions by the weapons labs. But Dewitt, who trigued, I walked over and watched The article focused c aegis of the University of California. We have a is giving a free lecture at 7 p.m. tonight at the Multi­ monopoly. From Hiroshima and Nagasaki to the cultural Center, goes further. He notes that the tests of Bikini Atoll, from MX to the Cruise; all of weapons labs go beyond merely supplying the the actual explosive mechanisms were made at Los needs of American defense but instead actively A Legacy of Black Alamos and Lawrence Livermore Laboratory contribute to the arms race by promoting and sell­ under UC control. ing new types of nuclear weapons and also do ev­ Jay Garrett Cosby, Michael Jord It gives the UC slogan “Let There Be Light” a erything possible to obstruct the attainment of erson. Some of| th whole new meaning. sensible arms control treaties. This raises a crucial know, and some yoi Omega Psi Phi Fraternity was the list is so long it’s From the beginning its connection with the U.S. question: should the University of California be founded Friday evening, November list them all. nuclear program has put UC in an ethically com­ actively involved in sustaining the Cold War in a 17th, 1911, on the campus of How­ We the members promised position. On the one hand a university period with such a wondrous potential for peace? ard University in Washington D.C. Phi Fraternity, Inc., supposedly dedicated to ideals of pure research, The Star Wars fiasco happened for the same rea­ It was incorporated October 14th, promote and educati free and vigorous debate and intellectual indepen­ son the labs are incompatible with university go­ 1917. ity about Black he Omega Psi Phi was the first Black and culture have ine dence found itself — pushed by war-time exigen­ als: secrecy and a lack of internal debate allowed fraternal organization founded on a cies — running an institution conducting military lab policy to be manipulated to suit the ambitions Black campus. Alpha Phi Alpha research, repressing internal debate and shaping of fund-hungry scientists and populist presidents. was the first Black fraternity, government policy. This attitude has been allowed to continue by a las- founded in 1906, followed by The government was in effect renting the good saiz faire UC which has maintained little control Kappa Alpha Psi in early 1911. These two organizations were name and brain power of UC in exchange for mo­ over the labs. founded on campuses of white in­ ney and facilities. Thirty-five years after the Man­ stitutions. At the time there was a hattan Project, the value of this relationship has It is time to rethink the weapons labs. The vast need for unification among Black ended. In 1990 the labs’ contract will come up for majority of physicists work on defense related pro­ men in the Black community as renewal. The UC Regents should reject it, thereby jects. With thousands of warheads already lying at well as in Black institutions. Many Black institutions were run by showing they understand the value of an indepen­ the ready and environmental problems clearly the white administrations because dent university. world’s number one threat, our focus must change. many of these institutions received The weapons labs thrive on massive defense Perhaps the weapons labs should be converted funding from white programs, an addiction which has driven lab lead­ into scientific research centers focusing on con­ philanthropists. ership to the lure of the Big Lie. Scandals in the structive nuclear issues such as safe nuclear waste Oscar Cooper, Frank Coleman and Edgar Love, along with a fa­ past year have rocked Lawrence Livermore. For­ disposal. But if the labs remain weapon centers culty member, Ernest Everett Just, mer assistant director Roy Woodruff admitted af­ UC must cut its ties and let the military build their set out to form an organization to ter leaving Livermore that the labs had consis­ own damn bombs. unify Black men in their communi­ tently exaggerated the potential of Reagan’s The Berlin Wall came down this week. Maybe ties and institutions. In spite of all enormously expensive Strategic Defense the UC weapons labs should be next these positive factors the oiganiza- tion would provide for Black men, the administration at Howard Uni­ versity opposed its existence for D oon esb u ry BY GARRY TRUDEAU fear that it would become a Black militant organization. But with a W HAT ARB YOU never-ending determined effort the D A D ? IS POING HERE ? CONVENTIONS I SEE. UH...SURE! N IC E TO MAR/HERE fraternity grew stronger and was T H A T YOU? I THOUGHT OH...RIGHT! UJELL, ARENT MARK, THIS MEET IS M Y S E C ­ eventually recognized. YOU DJENTTO IT MUST YO UG OING IS...UH... YOU, R E T A R /! I As a result of our determined UH... A CONVENTION HAVE BEEN c TO IN T R O - M A R T ! M A R Y MARY. M E A N , M Y MARK? IN SAN DIEGO! CALLED /st, PUCE ME? JONES! BANKER! never-ending effort to become a OFF! YE A H , M Y recognized organization, we be­ BANKER! came identified with the bull dog, because of its image of stubborn, te­ nacious behavior. These qualities have been instilled in every one of our members and are evident in the great leaders Omega Psi Phi has produced: Jesse Jackson, Benjamin Hooks, Langston Hughes, Earl Graves, Charles Drew, Carter G. Woodson, Ernest E. Just, Bill Tuesday, November 14,1989 7 The Reader’s Voice or Hunger, Homelessness how never seem to help lecture hall as large as our situation much. Im­ Campbell Hall, it is often society are mine, yours, James’, and Sorry proving relations is not a difficult enough to con­ everyone else’s, and so now we single-sided coin, we need centrate without the have to do something about it. The Editor, Daily Nexus: your help too. added noise of some in­ canned food drive this week is a Last week, on Nov. 2 ,1 Joey and Sym, as a ges­ considerate student’s foundation of our education into read an article in The ture of no hard feelings, music in my ear. If you the hunger and homeless situation Readers Voice section of the “brothers” of Phi would, do everyone a fa­ which surrounds us in Santa Bar­ the Nexus. It was Sigma Kappa cordially in­ vor and listen to your bad bara County. addressed to the vite you to any one of our music elsewhere. No­ We can begin by thinking about “brothers” of Phi Sigma dinners served nightly. We body cares whether or not the shelters in Santa Barbara filled Kappa and pertained to feel that after sharing a you have the money to buy to capacity with some waiting in the Animation Festival meal with us, you might a Discman, or admires you line wondering if they will get a shown the previous Satur­ look at us in die proper for listening to “New Age” warm meal and shelter from the day night. I am fundraiser perspective. Please feel music; what most of us cold. There are nearly 100 social chair at PSK and would free to RSVP on the house care about is the lecture, service agencies which are served like to apologize for the phone or stop by Room A otherwise we wouldn’t be by the Santa Barbara Food Bank mistake in our advertising. to let me know when you there. We are entitled to I was under the impression will be coming. the right to listen to a lec­ that the movie ordered MIKE JACOBY ture we paid for without We must reevaluate was “The Second Anima­ being unnecessarily dis­ our attitudes of those tion Celebration” and was turbed. When your right not informed until the Hey You! inhibits the rights of many zvho have and those night of the showing that others, it should not be ex­ who have not, and real­ the advertising (submitted Editor, Daily Nexus: ercised. If you must come K4 BEN PEABODY/ Daily Naxut ize the solution lies in by APC as well as PSK) To the person in Philo­ to lecture and spend your racting, simply, as two all too often the word help denotes was incorrect. Once again, sophy 3 on Monday, Nov. time doing something else, lgs. Ths conversation a one-way relationship, the givers the creation of a ho­ I apologize for the 3 who found it necessary read the paper or a book, : two went on for a few who give to those in need. The word mogeneous society. misunderstanding. to listen to his “Discman” you have that right. You ing on a “goodbye” and need itself has been stripped of all Therefore, we must Now I would like to ad­ during the lecture: Why do do not have the right to y.” James then met me a other meaning aside from poverty. dress the rest of the rebut­ you even bother to come disturb others. Maybe, as away and continued We must understand that all of us move away pom the tal to Sym Colovos and to class? If you spend the the Bush/Quayle pin on if nothing had hap- experience some form of need, be it idea of “help” towards Joey Pierron — the two entire time listening to your backpack suggests, t as if the question of integrity, self-esteem, friendship, the idea of “exchange.” who wrote the article. music, how can you pos­ your time would be better 1 do to help was finally etc. We must reevaluate our atti­ Joey and Sym, I sym­ sibly hear or understand spent not in lecture, but at hiking about the man a tudes of those who have and those pathize with your feelings what the lecturer has to a Young Republicans ts later I realized that who have not, and realize the solu­ and over 12,000 families who bene­ about being “shafted.” I say? I will say that you do meeting. « said about working tion lies in the creation of a ho­ fit from Christmas Unity. This too feel shafted, as do my have a certain right to do MIKE WISE alleviation of commun- mogeneous society. Therefore, we canned food drive, sponsored by “brothers.” You see, we what you want in lecture. s (such as hunger and must move away from the idea of the Associated Students Commun­ also share the same emo­ Many other students pass ss, care for the elderly, “help” towards the idea of “ex­ ity Affairs Board, will represent a tions as you. We are also the time by reading the Fitting In not any “smarter” or any e.), begins with chang- change.” “The greatest portion of step by the UCSB community tow­ Nexus, other books, or ab- Editor, Daily Nexus: >sophy of helping those the word ‘exchange’ is ‘change.’ So­ ards building an equal relationship more “devious” than the sently staring into space. next person either. So just what do I have to late as myself to an atti- cietal change begins with one-on- amongst its diverse members. As However, your “right,” do in order to become part expresses exchange or one relationships that make a dif­ the great social worker Dorothy As a greek member, I when weighed against the can assure you that greeks of the ‘in crowd’ at Cafe between one another, ference in both people’s lives,” Julia Day said, “We have all known the rights of the rest of the Roma? ng my new attitude of Scatliff wrote. Like James speaking are always being advised class, simply does not long loneliness and we have SCOTT BRADFORD id reciprocity amongst to the man on State Street, we can learned that the only solution is by school officials and matter. the community as a sol- only aid in the solution of societal love, and that love comes with com­ other such members of the What I (and I suspect le of society’s problems problems by interacting with the munity.” Give a damn, give a can! neighborhood to improve many others) object to is Nexus Eds Freaks cle in a Campus Out- people who live with those prob­ Celia Murtagh is a Christmas Un­ relations with non- the fact that you disturb Christopher and Chris are ¡letter by Julia Scatliff. lems. We have to beginby admitting ity Key Volunteer for the A.S. greeks. However, we are many of those around you having a party this Friday, bcused on the fact that to ourselves that the problems in Community Affairs Board. constantly at odds against with your music. If I could Nov. 17, for everyone who this larger community, and hear the music seven or has had a letter or column sarcastic articles such as eight seats away, I can ima­ printed this quarter. It will yours and the article writ­ gine how disturbing it was be at the Nexus office, be­ ck American Accomplishments ten on “Greek Art” some­ for those near you. In a ginning at 3 p.m.

hael Jordan, Eric Dick­ our founders week a program cele­ Black achievements, trees through­ ie of them you may brating “A Legacy of Black Excel­ out campus will be decorated with some you may not, but lence.” These events will mark the ribbons in a tribute to the people > long it’s impossible to beginning of an annual event. history has forgotten. Along with Save PIE, ESL, English 2B H. j ^ The week will begin with a film, the ribbons will be a card and on nembers of Omega Psi “Black Achievements in American this card will be a name of one of the the ultimate goal of the complete elimina­ ity, Inc., in an effort to Histoiy,” which will be shown on forgotten people and their contri­ SCORE tion of these programs, as well as the Engl­ d educate the commun- Monday in Chem 1179 at 8 p.m. butions to American society. ish writing program as a whole. Don’t be llack heritage, history and will be followed by a discus­ Tuesday there will be a candle­ We are appealing to you as the commun­ misinformed! have incorporated into sion. As a part of the promotion of light vigil at 6 p.m. in Storke Plaza. ity of UCSB for your support in maintain­ In Januaiy 1989, UCSB’s writing prog­ We will sing and say prayers in re­ ing our students’ quality of education. ram was evaluated by an External Review membrance of our people in South Specifically there are three aspects of the company. The administration simply disre­ Africa who are suffering from the English writing program that concern us: garded this highly favorable evaluation, de­ oppressive Apartheid government. the Program of Intensive English, English spite its recommendations to continue and Candles will be provided. as a Second Language and English 2B. As it expand the numbers and kinds of PIE and Wednesday a step dance perfor­ is widely known, English writing and read­ ESL services not only on this campus, but mance will be at 12 noon in Storke ing skills are critical for students’ success in also on others as well. These recommenda­ Plaza. all academic fields and everyday life. If this tions reconfirmed the needs which the Thursday, another film, “The university is truly committed to quality Program of Intensive English had detailed Black American Dream,” will be education and academic excellence, then in its self-assessment and generally sup­ shown in Chem 1179 and will also these writing programs must be maintained ported the solutions proposed therein. PIE be followed by a discussion. Both in order to ensure success among UCSB and ESL must be maintained and staffed by movies are free to the public. students. experienced lecturers who are the most de­ Friday at noon in Storke Plaza Currently, the UCSB administration has dicated, best trained and overall consis­ we will give speeches in honor of already begun to reduce the Freshmen En­ tently effective instructors of writing. our founders who have made tre­ glish requirement from three to two If the UCSB administration, with its mendous contributions to America, courses by not securing the adequate fund­ “commitment to diversity and retention of as well as our fraternity. This will be ing for English 2B. Please, allow us to state students,” is not willing to uphold its followed by a reception at the this in terms of student reality. The Provost stance “in word and deed” to providing Multicultural Center, where there and Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs quality education, then we feel that, by its will be refreshments. (David Sprecher and Gordon Hammes) own actions it is not only misplacing priori­ As some may know, there have have reduced/restricted the funding of En­ ties and jeopardizing its own reputation, been numerous unfortunate racial glish 2B, in order to convince (coerce) the but also endangering the students’ futures. incidents which have occurred due Faculty Senate to drop 2B as a require­ If you feel that this is as critical an issue to the lack of education on ethnic ment, said Hammes at a staff assembly as we do, give your support by coming out awareness. Many of these racial in­ meeting Nov. 2, 1989, thus forcing the to the SAVE PIE, ESL and ENGLISH. 2B cidents which have occurred in the Academic Senate to reduce the Writing re­ rally today in Storke Plaza, from noon until greek community have been due to quirement by one class, and alleviating 1:30 p.m. If you cannot make the rally, the lack of sensitivity to our African these students of this administrative- please indicate by signing some of the peti­ culture. We would, as an Afro- created problem. tions and by getting the word out to all of American organization, like to The Provost is also planning to replace your friends. All correspondence should be clear the air and start a new life. In experienced lecturers with unqualified TAs sent to the Associated Students Main Of­ an effort to prevent such incidents who have not been adequately trained. The fice, 3rd floor of the University Center, in from occurring again, we have or­ proposed changes will result in over­ the Commission on Minority Affairs’ box. ganized “A Legacy of Black crowded classes taught by unqualified If you need more information about this Achievements,” and would be teaching assistants who are unable to pro­ issue please feel free to contact Michael pleased to have your attendance at vide the personal attention that the stu­ Chester and Allison Tom at 961 -2566 in the these events. These events are not dents need. The administration is also re­ Associated Students Main Office, or Raf­ exclusively for greeks; everyone is commending that students satisfy the ferty Atha and Kris Peterson at 961-2139 in welcomed. Freshmen English requirement over the the Student Lobby Annex office. fay Garrett is a member of Omega summer at a community college or through Thank you for your support. Psi Phi Fraternity and a junior a rushed summer session here at UCSB. EMIUANO CAMPBELL/Daily Nexus majoring in sociology and Black They have already begun the process of dis­ A.S. Student Commission On Racial studies. mantling and absorbing PIE and ESL, with Equality 8 Tuesday, November 14,1989 Daily Nexus immediately. source, Baumann said. SPREAD Five UCSB students have While seven cases are POLICE NEWS contracted the virus since “probably” the result of Gunpoint Robbery 22 and 35, fled on foot. Continued from p.l its introduction to the local contact with the UCLA stu­ $4,000 to be hospitalized area by a UCLA student in A 28-year-old female Goleta resident dent, one case seems to be Arrest in Murder Case with a serious case of mea­ Isla Vista for the Halloween independent of the others. was robbed and threatened by four male sles. Everything is really re­ weekend. Two other local “We will most likely be see­ suspects at an automatic teller machine in A 1990 red Plymouth Blazer reported lative,” Baumann said. residents, the nurse who or­ ing more cases of measles Goleta Sunday night, according to De­ missing from the Hope Ranch residence One of the other cases iginally treated the UCLA because of this second prim- puty Rachel Ikola of the Santa Barbara where the fatal stabbing of Noreen De diagnosed Monday in­ student at a local clinic, and ary source,” Baumann said. Sheriff's Department. Martino took place Sunday morning was volved a student employee a Brooks Institute student The suspects approached the woman, found in Laguna Niguel, in Orange of the University Faculty who came into contact with “Ideally everyone should who was performing a transaction at the County. Club. In a memo sent to the him, have also contracted be immunized, but we will Home Federal Bank on North Fairview in An unidentified male suspect has been club immediately after the the infection. not be able to administer the Goleta, at approximately 7:30 p.m. taken into custody by the Orange County diagnosis, Baumann ad­ vaccine to more than 800 They threatened to rape her, but did Sheriff’s Department, according to Santa vised anyone who may have The eight cases diag­ students Tuesday and 800 not. One of the suspects drew a revolver Barbara Sheriff’s Dept. Sgt. Jan Bullard. come into contact with the nosed so far do not all stem students Wednesday,” he and withdrew an undisclosed amount of The suspect was driving the vehicle when employee to be vaccinated from the same primary said. money from her account, Ikola said. The he was involved in a traffic accident in the suspects, described as two Black males car yesterday at approximately noon. and two Latino males between the ages of — Sandy Chuck Public Invited to Hear Symphony JO IN T : Representation Discussed R ehearsal Continued from p.3 are very cooperative and nance is more of an annoy­ books, there is no need for a even let us play one or two ance than anything else, and new ordinance,” IVRPD more songs.” that it is unfairly directed Board member Bruce Mur­ Another controversial and enforced against the doch said. issue is the county ordi­ Isla Vista population. “I Some also voiced the be­ nance prohibiting open miss not being able to pop lief that an ordinance would containers of alcohol on the open a beer on the way detract from a traditional streets of Isla Vista. IVRPD home from work, and I feel cultural aspect of Isla Vista: board member Lisa Roths- that the county discrimi­ live musical performances. tein believes the county­ nates against I.V.,” Lazof “Live bands are part of the wide ordinance should be said. in Limbo beauty of I .V. They are what put to the I.V. voters. The Boyd suggested the make I.V., I.V.,” A.S. Rep- ordinance, which went into groups in favor of the policy BY JOHN PATRICK SHANLEY at-Large Jerelyn Johnson effect in 1987, is set to expire “do nothing and the county said. on March 1, 1990. will renew the ordinance,” NOVEMBER 9-11 Isla Vista Foot Patrol Sgt. The opinions expressed but UCSB Dean of Students NOVEMBER 14-18 Fred Olguin said conditions at the meeting reflected the Leslie Lawson said it would which have contributed to rift which has existed since be helpful if A.S. and STUDIO THEATRE considerations of an ordi­ the introduction of the ordi­ IVRPD came out in support nance have improved. “We nance, some believing it of the ordinance as groups, 8 PM - NO LATE SEATING Varujan Kojian, Music THIS PLAY CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE have a much better rapport serves a valuable function, to demonstrate to students Director of the Santa with live bands this year — others viewing it as an in­ that positions on the issue Barbara Symphony, and the only problems this year fringement of rights. have been taken. the UC Santa Barbara have been the slam dancing "Horrible things happen Other issues were on the ACCIDENTAL Department of Music on Del Playa every weekend agenda for the meeting but invite you to an that is associated with some bands,” he said. and this ordinance has were not discussed because DEATH of an Orchestra Rehearsal at helped cut down on some of time limitations. These 7:30 pm Isla Vista band member Wednesday, November 15 Joe Zero agreed. “It used to problems, so I am in favor of maintenance issues will ANARCHIST Lotte Lehmann Concert be the Foot Patrol would it,” A.S. Off-Campus Rep­ lead off a proposed January Hall, University of come up, shine a flashlight resentative Michelle Ko- 12, 1990 meeting of the BY DARIO FO California, Santa Barbara. in your face and say ‘shut skella said. IVRPD and Legislative ADAPTED BY RICHARD NELSON Meet the Conductor the fuck up,’ but now they Some believe the ordi- Council. 7:00 to 7:20 pm NOVEMBER 16-18 students preparing for col­ that “without some loosen­ NO ADMISSION CHARGE lege teaching should be fully ing up of the Gann situa­ GROWTH underwritten.” tion, California isn’t going OLD LITTLE THEATRE Continued from p.l However, OECD’s main to be able to meet its goals 8 PM - NO LATE SEATING also cited faculty represen­ concern with California for meeting the states’ tation and financing as two higher education was its higher education de­ BOX OFFICE 961 -3535 central problems facing funding dilemma. “It is im­ mands,” Condren said. higher education in perative that stable financ­ The Gann limit is an DEPARTMENT OF DRAMATIC ART California. ing and more clearly articu­ amendment to the state UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Echoing concerns lately lated governance be assured constitution passed in 1979 SANTA BARBARA. CALIFONRIA tPerfectionl! expressed throughout the so that the energies of the which links growth in the state, the OECD reports system can be directed to state budget to inflation and there is a "clear need for the educational issues cost of living increases. Any substantial numbers of linked to equity and excel­ ‘excess state revenue above underrepresented minority lence,” the study states. that level must be returned teachers.” The report points out the to the taxpayers under the “(Faculty members) detrimental effects of Cali­ Gann limit. Currently, an trained to provide a sustain­ fornia’s trend towards plac­ amendment slated to go on ing environment should ing the financial burden on the June 1990 ballot, State closely mentor underrepre­ the student. “In 1983, a new Constitutional Amendment sented college students be­ $50 per semester student 1, would overturn the Gann ginning in the freshman fee, or tuition was instituted limit allowing California to year,” frie report concluded. (in California community rovide more funding for In addition, in order to colleges). Possibly as a re­ igher education. Without achieve these faculty diver­ sult ofthe fee... enrollments an increase in state funding, sity goals and promote high sagged 11 percent the next university and college stu­ quality instruction at file year.” dents may continue to pay university level, “the costs At the Paris conference, th e prjce of fiscal of graduate education for the members concluded shortcomings.


THE MOST MUSIC IN THE MORNINGS WEEKDAYS 6-10 AM Daily Nexus SPORTS Tuesday, November 14,1989 9 AIA Cornin’ To Town Vs. V-Ball Brooms BuUdogs in Fresno; Basketball NCAA Berth Could Be in the Mail By Steve Czaban fourth place finish in the four blocks) continued to Big West, allowing them to Staff Writer be an improving and in­ At the ’Dome host the first round game. creasingly intimidating The Athletes in Action Santa Barbara led 3-1 to force in the middle. will be UCSB’s opponent in About the only thing the start game one before go­ “Our kills are more ba­ tonight’s exhibition basket­ UCSB women’s volleyball ing on to win 15-10, but lanced and so is our of­ ball game at 7:30 p.m. at the team had to worry about fell behind 10-3 in the sec­ fense because we have Thunderdome. But fans Saturday night in Fresno ond and finally 7-3 in the more hitters,” Gregory shouldn’t be deceived by was avoiding a major let­ third. An easy looking said. “We’re using both AIA’s 1-6 record. The down following two match on paper, but not so setters (Stephanie Cox evangelical group of ath­ “near-wins” at home last on the court and LeAnn Skowronski) letes, including some former week against #1 ranked “Overall, it was a hard and I want to get (6-2 OH) pros, has played a rather Hawaii. match to play because of Julie Pitois in the match at tough group of NCAA cus­ By its record, the Fresno the travel,” Head Coach crucial times to make a tomers including Geoige- State Bulldogs (10-17, Kathy Gregory said. “We block and then be ready to town, LSU and Indiana. 3-13) have been tame didn’t play a poor match, hit a ball for a side out.” The game will be the first pooches this year. And we just didn’t play to our Four Gauchos regis­ time Gaucho Head Coach with a three-game sweep ability. We seriously could tered double-digits in kills Jerry Pimm will have to against FSU earlier this have been in trouble and — Ryan (15), Nancy choose a starting five and year, the Gauchos weren’t the second game and Young (14, .423), Maria will also be the premiere of likely to believe any “Be­ then been down in the Reyes (13, .135) and the new ticket distribution ware of Dbg” signs. third game. The good LeAnna Hebert (11, .161) system. Pans wanting to at­ By mounting come­ points were that we came — which helped to offset tend the game can pick up a backs in the final two from behind and that our the 20 kill performance of ticket with a current reg. games, UCSB (19-12, freshmen Tina (Van Loon) FSU MB Lesli Lopes. card today between noon 10-6) once again swept and Kristie (Ryan) are and 4 p.m. at Harder Sta­ Fresno State by scores of playing well.” UCSB will close out the dium. Fans will be allowed 15-10,15-13, and 15-12 to Offensively, Ryan led regular season with three to pick up two tickets—one unofficially secure an MUTSUYA TAKENAGA/ Daily Nexus Santa Barbara with 15 matches at home; UC Ir­ with their reg. card and one NCAA playoff berth with kills (.273) to up her team vine on Wednesday, Long with a friend’s card. I GOT IT! — UCSB's Nancy Young and the only three games remain­ leading total to 403, the Beach State on Saturday KCSB (91,9) FM will Gaucho volleyball team took it to the Fresno ing in the season. More im­ highest ever by a fresh­ and non-conference op­ broadcast the game at 7:30 State Bulldogs Saturday night. Young con­ portantly, the win should man. Meanwhile, Van ponent Loyola Mary- p.m. tributed to the road sweep with 14 kills. assure the Gauchos a Loon (8 kills, no errors, mount next Monday. — Tom Nelson Gaucho Women Polo Tops Fresno; Work Over Brits Road Gig No Fun

By Craig Wong In 78-71 Victory Staff Writer______By Jonathan Okanes Staff Writer Ever get this feeling at one of those Tuesday-Thursday classes? You’re bored our of your mind and keep looking at the clock waiting for the hour and fifteen minutes to pass. prog •ress n 1: a forward movement; a In a way, the UCSB water polo team has been keeping an gradual betterment; or 2 : what’s already eye on the calendar, waiting for Saturday, November 18th beginning to show in the UCSB women’s at about 1 p.m.. That’s when a frustrating season will come basketball team after one game — Friday to an end in a home match against UC Irvine. night’s win over the English National Santa Barbara won its Friday match-up with Fresno State Team, 78-71 at the Events Center. 10-7 before a Campus Pool crowd and then proceeded to re­ ‘This English National Team would’ve vert back to its 1989 form, dropping a Big West contest at beaten us last year by 25 points,” UCSB Long Beach State (13-7) and a Westwood meeting versus Women’s Head Basketball Coach Mark UCLA (11-4). French said. “So, we’ve made a lot of The #9 Gauchos (10-17 overall, 3-6 Big West) cruised by progress and I’m really happy about that.” the Bulldogs on Friday, spotting a 2-0 lead and reeling off And things can only get better for the eight unanswered goals en route to the victory. Ed Weldon, young Gauchos, who are hoping to im­ John Hinderaker, Jason Likins and Carl Swan paced the at­ prove on last year’s 9-19 season. Led by tack with two goals each but the big guy in the pool was goa­ talented sophomores Erika Kienast and lie Mike Day who racked up 14 saves. The junior made sev­ Barbara Beainy, UCSB’s dominance in eral spectacular stops, including a block of a four-meter the open court proved to be just too much penalty shot which kept FSU from slicing the Gaucho lead for the bigger and more inside-oriented to three in the fourth quarter. squad from Great Britain. Another big advantage UCSB had was in the man-up de­ “That’s a very typical difference be­ partment. Santa Baibara drew 12 ejections and connected tween American and European teams — on seven power play opportunities to account for the bulk the ability to play well in transition,” of its scoring. French said. “I hadn’t suspected that we But on the road against Long Beach on Saturday and would be that effective in transition. That UCLA on Sunday, eveiything disappeared. was one of the pleasant surprises for us.” “It was our inability to prepare ourselves and go out ag­ Both squads battled through a tur­ R IC H A R D O 'R O U R KE /D aH y N gressively for games on the road,” Head Coach Pete Snyder nover and foul-filled first half, in which said. “Both these games we spotted big leads.... We just both teams’ half-court offenses left some­ G IM M E THAT — UCSB forward Erika Kienast snags one of don’t seem to play as nearly as well on the road.” thing to be desired. And while the her game-high 13 rebounds. The Gauchos opened the '89-90 The #5 49ers smoked UCSB in the first half 7-2 and campaign with a 78-71 victory over the English National traded scores to win it by six. Versus UCLA, the Gauchos See BRITISH, p.10 Team. See STRETCH, p.10

Presents... FREE MEMBERSHIP $1 OFF ANY RENTAL 6545 Pardall Rd„ CALVIN Isla Vista, CA & HOBBES OF $5 OR MORE 968-6059 By Bill Watterson w/today's comic li- IV New Isla Vista Location! 6578 Trigo Student Discount I • Fast, professional service I • Bicycles by Trek, Univega, Giant, Ritchey 'M iJM -: 1 • Full lifetime warranty on all new bikes I EVEN IF I TRTTO JUMP TO YOU'D THINK TVUS WOULD BE % UMM„. NOTHING ELSE FEEL THE FLOOR., I LAND BACK THE PIPE OF THING WED LEARN Opera A ir Bicycles I 5 UP. JUST ME. IMIS IS ON TUE CEIUNG/ W ABOUT IN SCIENCE CLASS, . Open 9-8 M-F, 9-6 Sat. & Sun. 968-5571 VERI STRANGE. PERSONAL 6RAVWÍ MUST I BUT NO, WE LEARN ABOUT a HAVE REVERSED POLARITY/ \ Bring in this ad for FREE PATCH KIT CIRRUS CLOUDS. Limit one per customer-expires Nov. 28, 1989 / m m N 10 Tuesday, November 14,1989 Daily Nexus

L ost F ound X-Country Gets Run Over at Regionals FOUND-Denim Jacket in North HaU 1127 Thu Nov 9 at 5:00 pm, Call Pilar at 9684)114 to claim______Men Finish 11th, Women Place 14th at Fresno Venue; Dolan, Triplett Pleased FOUND - Maccessories - Call & describe. 968-1451.______overall in 32:25. Other UCSB finishers included: Ted LOST: Black scuba mask with By Melissa Lalum Brown (33:13,60th), Mike Brown (33:15,61st), Brett Koh­ prescription lens pool area 114 call S t a f f W rite r______ler (33:21, 63rd), Bill Aronson (33:51, 74th), Damian Ca- Jim 685-7701 reward.______pozzola (34:12, 75th) and Don Patti (34:37, 78th). LOST - Black cat w/white paws & chin, male. Looks like Sylvester t. Fresno has never been known for its cool temperatures or “This was the kind of team I had always hoped to coach,” Cat. Gone since 10/23 wearing 2 desirable weather, and Saturday both the men’s and wo­ Dolan said. “We gave a strong performance by placing third collars 8 mos. If found call Ray 685- men’s cross country teams came into close contact with this in conference even after losing our number one, two, three, 2396 ______uncontrollable phenomena. Both teams put in sluggish per­ six, and seven runners from last year. I feel very good with LOST: Cal Soccer Jacket #13 IV or formances at the NCAA District 8 Regionals; the men all of this season’s runners coming back next year.” Bikepaths - Please Return Call This was the last race for four UCSB women racers: Hart­ Heather 562-8672______placed 11th out of 14 teams and the women finished 14th LOST: Red Janado Back- out of a field of 18. laub, Christine Meis, Kim Gluckman and Heather Poehler. pack/Classic 40 notes and Polsci 1 “It was hot and smoggy there,” said seniorToni Hartlaub. The Gauchos will also be missing Megan Riker, their num­ notes and books (may be stolen) “Maybe that’s what caused our times to be slower, the race ber two runner, next season. Riker was removed from the REWARD! CALL 968-0556 started at 11:30 which is two hours later than when we’re team after the Big West Conference finals three weeks ago. used to beginning. But all in all we ended the season on a Even if Riker had run Saturday the Gauchos wouldn’t Special N otices good note.” have finished well as Washington, the top team of the day, READ YOUR WEEKLY While the weather may have been an excuse for the wo­ scoring 75 points. UCI followed closely with 83, aided by HOROSCOPE? men’s performance, the men most likely would not have Bufly Rabbitt’s top time of 16:53. UCSB scored 356 points Why not go deeper? Order a per­ placed any higher as UC Irvine’s tenth place finish topped and its highest finisher, Cathy Norbutas, placed 58th in sonal Astrological chart with 15-20 UCSB by 80 points. 18:49. Other places and times included: Hartlaub (18:58, pages of interpretation. Send $15, 65th), Meis (19:15, 74th), Cashion (19:30, 78th), Mary Name, Address & Birth Info: Date, “It was a little warm,” said men’s Head Coach Pete Do­ City, & Time to Pacific Rim lan. “The conditions weren’t ideal, but I don’t think that Deitz (19:35, 81st), Gluckman (19:47, 85th) and Poehler Research PO Box 2326 Dept 4 Goleta would have made a difference with how we finished.” (19:59, 91st). CA 93118. If Birth time unknown, The top five male racers of the day came from Oregon, al­ Accuracy reduced______lowing the Ducks to amount just 15 points, and clinch a “We were a little flat emotionally after our seventh place berth to the nationals along with the University of Washing­ finish at conference,” said women’s Head Coach Jim Trip­ FREE lett “Overall I’m pleased with the way our season prog­ ton which placed second, scoring 84 points. Oregon’s Brad WHITEWATER Hudson crossed the finish line first in 30:36. The Gauchos’ ressed and our accomplishments, we took the program as top racer of the day was Toby Freeboum who placed 42nd far as it could go.” KAYAKING World class kayaker Bob Mcdougall will Swimming Bounces Back as Bakersfield, BRITISH share his descent of the Continued from p.9 Rio Paucartambo in Northridge KO’d in Dual Meet Massacre Gauchos were scoring Peru points oft the fast break, the Thursday, Nov 16th Fault was to the Bay Area tively while the women English were kept in the It couldn’t have been 7pm Phelps 3515 better timing for the UCSB last month. won by scores of 68-37 game by 5-7 center Amanda swimming and diving Using a jumbled lineup, and 83-12. Spry’s 12 first half points. team. in which most of the ‘This was really good ATTENTION-HIRING! Govern­ for us because it gave us a However, Kienast, who ment jobs your area. $17,840-$69,485 After two tough open­ Gaucho swimmers com­ grabbed a game-high 13 re­ Call 1-602-838-8885 EXT R 4249 ing meets against West peted in events that they chance to try to refocus FRESHMAN-SOPHOMORES: Sc­ and re-intensify,” Wilson bounds, took care of that in Coast powers UCLA and usually don’t, UCSB Head the second half as she suc­ holarship Available-Write: SEAS, USC respectively, the Coach Greg Wilson saw added. “The one thing I Inc, PO Box 640454 San Francisco, cessfully shut down Spry CA 94164______Gauchos more than wel­ his team roll over Cal- wanted out of this with some tough inside de­ State Northridge on Fri­ (weekend) was to get back Open Air Bicycles 6578 Trigo comed a couple of Divi­ fense. Spry finished with Check Out Our New Store sion II squads to Campus day and topple Cal-State the same level of intensity only 16 points, shooting 2-8 Best Selection of Parts Pool last weekend, and Bakersfield on Saturday. that we had against UCLA from the field in the second and Accys. in Isla Vista______proved to be about as good The men won by scores of — and we did just that.” half. REWARD FOR INFO REGAR­ 72-39 and 68-45 respec­ — Jonathan Okanes DING AN a host as the San Andreas ACCIDENT ON OCT 14,19891 Tow- Things looked like they truck hit pedestrian on Saba do might become a little rocky Tarde at 11:00 p.m.). Please call for the Gauchos when Thomas H Edwards Esq. 963-4311 freshman point guard Cori P ersonals Close picked up her fourth foul with 14:10 left to go in HANDSOME GUY SEEKS SAME 18 TO 28 ONLY. BI OR STRAIGHT the game and had to leave ONLY! BRIGHT BUDDY FOR FUN the contest. However, & FRIENDSHIP. I’M 6’, BLONDE. Beainy moved to the point DESCRIBE YOU! P.O. 1042, S.B. guard position and scored 93102 ______13 of her game high 21 Yoo H oo points in the second half. H APPY 21ST “I like that kind of game BIRTHDAY — in the open court,” Beainy said. “I think that MONTY!! Remember me? Party hard and I’m a much better player have a great one! when I can see the whole Love, Nancy court; see what’s happen­ ing. I feel like I have more RUSH GROUP #25 options when it’s spread out IT’S REUNION TIME! MEET AT GIOVANNIS WED 11X15 AT 4:30 like that.” SEE YA! LAURA F.______TO MY ROOMIE TINA FRENCH HAPPY BIRTHDAY! YOU’RE FINALLY LEGAL! LETS RAGE Hey, it’s getting close to that time THIS WEEKEND. LOVE YOUR STRETCH ROOMIE-ANJ______Continued from p.9 again, The Daily Nexus’ Holiday fell apart as the Bruins H elp W anted pretty much backstroked to $100 daily processing phone orders the victory, thanks to Alex at home for publishing co. People Special — Santa’s Bag. Rousseau who poured in call you to order. 9664)262______Come write, draw or otherwise design your holiday greetings eight goals. Contrary to Fri­ to your UCSB family! We supply the borders, you fill in the day, the 6-on-5 opportuni­ DRUM CORPS ties drowned with Santa INSTRUCTOR blank! Barbara. Instructor required for active young “We were 7 of 12 against performing drum corps. Saturdays Santa’s Bag greetings will be published in our last two 10am - 12pm. Call CRUZ STUDIO - Fresno but in the first half of 964-1590 (9am - 3pm) issues of Nexus, the Holiday Gift Guide and the Holiday Photo that game and our games on Issue. Saturday and Sunday, we didn’t make our 6-on-5s,” Give to the One price — $10 — includes your ad in both issues in this Snyder said. ‘This mental homeless & receive special section, Dec. 1 and Dec. 4. thing comes in. We had such a high percentage at $50.00 off most OR.. . If you want to send a holiday message but just don’t have the funds... home and then we draw Stanley H. Kaplan Courses Christmas Personals blanks on the road.” The Stanley H. Kaplan $2.50* for 3 lines!! “On Saturday, Kyle Kopp Educational Center is DEADLINE FOR BOTH (LBSU’s leading scorer) just raising it's course prices worked us,” Gaucho Ryan effective December 1., 1989, TUESDAY, NOV. 28 at 5 PM Todd said. “We weren’t but you can take advantage pressing well and they got of our current prices plus the ball to him.... Against receive a $50.00 discount Come see Santa’s Elves UCLA, Alex Rousseau off one of our programs if scored eight goals against you bring in THREE cans under Storke Tower for more information us. We were down 5-0; we of food for the homeless. played terrible. FO R M ORE (available 8-5 Mon-Fri) “I hope we get fired up (for the UC Irvine game). INFORMATION ♦This price is for Christmas Personals only. No commercial ads accepted. Ads will appear in Santa’s Bag on Especially the seniors who CALL 685-5767 December 1 and December 4! are playing their last game.” Daily Nexus CLASSIFIEDS Tuesday, November 14,1989 11 FOR SALE W RED 10 SPEED Male roommate needed for Winter GOOD CONDITION ALMOST RALLY FOR quarter only. Share room in El Nido PARTY Strip Oh Grams BSEMH PARERS NEW! |90 OR BEST OFFER. CALL Apt. Call 9659546 LV MSG______Charter the "HARBOUR QUEEN” M/F Exotic Dancers 1 19^78 to choose from — *R subjects QUALITY 49 Pass Max-Cocktails-Music-Fun I SavsTtme and Improve Your Grades! LISA A. 962-9571______NEEDED 1 F roommate to share .______966-0161 ______Enjoy A Sunset Cruise With Friends lOrdsrCetalog Today with Vise/MC or COO Must sell Trek 950 bike, exit, con­ EDUCATION room on D.P Apartment. $285 Call CAPT. DON’S SB HARBOR dition like new 9475 obo. Call ^^213-477-8226% Find out whv writing prog­ p/month. 968-5016______969-5217 I Or, rush 12 00 to: Research Assistance Carolina 562-8720, ______M eetings 11322 hlaM A rt « 0 6 SN Los Aflgms. CA 90025 rams such as PIE, ESL, and N/S M needed to share large bdrm USED & new off road & road bikes. Custom rOscarchalsoavaiUM»—amoves ENGLISH 2B are being great place, clean on 6500 block PRE-LAW MEETING dismantled!! Instantaneous repairs daily 8:306, DP. Great view, close to campus WEDS NOV 15 8PM across from Union 76- 968-3338 TUXEDOS TUESDAY Call 9650047 Lvemsg.______UCEN #2 ONE OR 2 F/NS. $ 250/MONTH TO DISTRICT ATTORNEY______FREE DETAILS How to make the in Goleta! NOVEMBER 14 SHARE BEDR. IN FURN. 2 BEDR. money you want at home, PRE-LAW MEETING M usical I nst. NOON 2 BATH. APT. ON SABADO TARDE GUARANTEED. SASE Kennedy WEDS NOV 15 8PM FOR WINTER & SPRING QTR, Publishing 734 Fairview, Sierra STORKE PLAZA UCEN n CRATE 8 ch. PA Powered Mixer-350 ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS, Madre.CA 91024 ______1 Student DISTRICT ATTORNEY______Watts rms. $475/OBO Call 685-5612 In Conjunction with the BEACH, SHOPS. CLEAN, AT­ ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATION Fun, independent job persons over askforEric International Student Week TRACTIVE BUILDING. Discounts! MEETING TODAY SH 1431 12PM 21 yrs old needed to sell roses. Must (Nov 13-181______CALL OWNERS 968-5586 IN REP FROM MARK DAUBERMAN have own car. Exc. pay-Inq. at 966- EVENING.______3767______P ets Supplies AND FREE PIZZA AND SODA. One bedroom available for 1 or 2 683-2144 GREAT MONEY! CASH EVERY Free to good home-11 mo. old dog, R esumes room mates in a spacious, clean 2 NIGHT Flexible hours, discounts on imported from India. Trained, bedroom/2 bath apartment. Great “JUST RESUMES” Tux & Tails A d I nformation pizza-The Ultimate student job licensed, spayed. 968-5777 Lylin location, cool roommates. $300 each. Written, Designed, Typed, Printed. Deliver for Domino’s Rent negot. Call «857144______225 N. Fairview CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE Pizza of Goleta, it’s fun! JCSB Discounts, MC Visa Ac­ Own room in great house in Ellwd. PLACED UNDER STORKE Applications accepted in person at cepted. Services O ffer ed Beach (Goleta) $300/m. Start now TOWER Room 1041 S a.m .6 p.m., Domino’s Pizza 1 Day Service. Call Kim 569-1124 or begin, of Winter 1/4. Joe6857703 Monday through Friday. PRICE IS 185 S. Patterson 683-1155 Computers $3.65 for 3 lines (per day), S3 spaces ROOMMATE WANTED FRIENDLY APT.- 3 SOCIAL GUYS PC-XT COMPATIBLE W/PRIN per line, 50 cent* each line Tired of the Same 01’ thereafter. PD9 CALL 6852913, REASONABLE TER. CALL 6836988______Give a Damn, HAIR-DON’T? Professional RENT______No phone ins. Ad must be ac­ Give a Can, Let SERGE “ DOO” You! Call 685- companied by payment. 7928. One FREE “COIF” WX this Resum e URGENT! Need IF to share a clean, BOLD FACE TYPE is 60 center per and get a sticker!! coupon.______spacious 1 br. apt in IV. Furnished lg line (or any part of a line). Service closet. $295/mo NO SECURITY!!! M usicians W anted Treat yourself to the best tan!! Best Lease Take Over. Call 685-0532 Sticker Day results, best rate guaranteed. Ham - Wanted-serious bassist for thrash 14 POINT Type Superior Qual­ WANTED ASAP 1 N/S MALE for 9pm. SUN TIME TANNING band to start Winter Quarter GBH Tues, Nov. 14 great 2br-2ba fum Picasso apt. is $1.20 per line. 5858 Hollister Ave. 967-8983. DK’S etc. Call Doug/Niek 9686917 Donate a can at ity, w/Lndry and pool. Only $2S0/mo. Josh 9686595______10 POINT Type is $.70 per the UCen, Reasonable line. WNTD: IF N/S to shr rm in 2br/2ba Dave's Market, T ravel R ates E ntertainment RUN THE AD 5 DAYS IN A ROW, DP apt. own parking space! Fun GET THE 5th DAY FREE. I.V. Market. roomies, like to study & party. Call ROUND-TRIP AIR TKT- 24 hr/7 day-800- CAPTAIN DAN’S SAILING DEADLINE 4 p.m., 2 working days Lucky's & Vons Wendy or Wendi 6851445______SACRAMENTO. Thanksgiving, Nov CRUISES Full Day $50. Evening $25. prim* to publication. Spons. by A.S. 22-Return Nov 26.562-1474______545-0808 FAX YOU MAY HOVE NOTICED THAT ISLAND WEEKEND $100. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY — $6.75 per Comm. Aff. Board SKI JACKSON HOLE! 714-736-1717 UNIQUE 5STORY SHINGLED PRIVATE CHARTERS (6 persons column inch, plus a 25 percent 10 days $90 HOUSE AT THE QUIET END OF max) $200/day. CHANNEL ISLAND surcharge. good until 7/90 PASADO. You’re in luck—an 7 day special, Dec. 17-23 - $1000 (4 DEADLINE NOON, 2 working days CALL NOW! Megan 6854523______R ides amazing single room is available in per, max). 962-4871.______prior to publication.______MANICURIST WANTED. PART- Dec. Slightly expensive, but you’re TIME. CALL THE NAIL BUFF 964- worth it. This place will enchant you- ovies Need ride South from SB to Irvine, 2627 ASK FOR DANA ______M Nov. 23 or 24. Will share expènses. -come and see for yourself. Call us: EURYTHMICS MCAT Instructor. National Test Call Nikki at 968-2663 9686123. We’d love to talk to you. F Nov. 20/22 TKTS.,Great Seats also Prep Co Part-time, rewarding. 685- Prf ____ ' McCartney, LAKERS, etc. 5767______(818)965-4521______F or R ent Part Time assembly work, Monday- G reek M essages Friday, 8:30-12:30 OR 12:30-4:30. 3 N/ S Females want to share our Simply Seductive Nice atmosphere. Call 569-1959. 2bd Sunny Saba do Dpx with you, Congratulations ROBIN Enticing Entertainment POST-ELECTION PART-TIME Start Jan 1st. Call 968-0235. 6700 RICHARDSON and TOM SHINODA- For B-Days, F rat Parties or anyl POLITICAL Block.______Greek week was a'great success! occasion. M/F Exotic Dancers,! CAMPAIGNING $6-$10/hr photos. 644-9600______| 2 BDM 2 BTH NEW CPTXPNT, FLEXIBLE Tues. Nov. 14 SUPER CLEAN, CLOSE TO UCSB. HOURS, CALL 687-6225______AVAIL. DEC. OR JAN. MAKE PRIVATE OWNERS NEED HELP Campbell Hall PLANS NOW 968-7023.______FOR SMALL REPAIRS, PAINTING 4 Roommates needed for 2br 2ba AND SOME GARDENING IN I.V. 7*9*44 p.m: - apartment on 65 block of Sabado for AND GOLETA-ABOUT 10 TO IS DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE W & S Qtr. Furnished new frig, cable HOURS PER WEEK. A SMALL $3.00 Edited by Trade Michel JafTe free & Dec. paid for! $1000 total. Call PICK-UP IS A MUST. START AT $8 9 Spons. by 6858500.______a______ACROSS DOWN 34 Oarsman's boat PER HOUR NET. CALL 968-5586 54 Hibernate Men’s Water Polo 1 Thick slice of EVENING. ______NEEDED IF to share clean, quiet 2 1 Stole second 36 Western Indian 57 Baseball’s story apt. 1 1/2 bath, 2bedrooms bread base WAITPERSONS NEEDED MR C’S 38 Harvest Slaughter w/3F $250M in IV Call Jenn 968-1720 PIZZA-Magnolia shopping center. 5 Pro — 2 Moon goddess 39 Columnist 58 Nureyev, to 964-4874. Some days/ some evenings- One room for rent in a cool house on 9 Prejudice 3 Islands off Bom beck friends Apply Now.______the First block of Sabado Trde, 13 Sensational Galway 41 Certain 59 Andean Indian Perfect for a couple, call 968-8360 WANTED 5 people that want to 15 Satanic 4 Lotto's relative fisherman 60 Atlantic make 5 to 10 K per month working 16 “— in a 5 Guns a motor 42 Soars in the air crossers, for for National marketing firm. Call R oommates while...” 6 Latin greeting 47 Garb short 968-4239. ______■ 17 Rain or shine 7 Hue 49 Vaults 61 ”— of the WINTER QUARTER JOBS 1 F N/S to share room in large quiet 19 Arthur of tennis 8 Church features 51 Sultry D'Urbervilles” The kithen production unit of UCen apt 2 bd/lba w/two other studious fame 9 Tropical snake 52 One of the 63 Type measures Dining Services has many positions girls. 245/m, 150 dep. starting Dec. 20 Perils 10 Highly amused Santas 65 Weaken open. Duties, hours, and pay rates 11. Call Kristin or Linda 6857076. Big 21 Faucet 11 Pined vary. Apply Student Personnel Kitchen & Living______23 Bandleader 12 Ovules Office located 1st floor, adjacent to ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: If roommate needed to sublease own Weems 14 Partners of Barbershop______room on DP for winter quarter only. R 0 T c I MA ID E D 0 M E 24 Hockey's cleaners Call 968-9312______ARI A A l l LE N 1 D Bobby 18 Printer’s 1 N/F neded to share 2bdrm apt CAP P u ic c lT 0 F END F or S ale 25 Grand — , Mich. mistakes w/lF2m on Picasso from 1/986/90 EN I s q UEA K Y only 8212.50/mo. Call 6850070 now. 27 Perform a 22 Old hat 1 1 , Imagewriter Clone: New Olympia, Christy 26 Merry young I N UL S.U u NA 2yr wraty, $375 obo. Call 963-0949 (w) $291 on DP? Must see, 6782 DP H. 30 PGA’s Snead PI Z z E I THER 9636696(h)______-__ Need 2 M/F for Wint. & Spring. New girls SE ii 32 Property of 27 Barbecue E DI NT 0 L E SKI ASPEN FOR CHRISTMAS! carp., paint, and fum. Joe & Dave ¡I [ 1 1 1 6852323______value skewer LI P ■ SIQ U I W T SULA Roundtrip ticket FOR SALE, , T yping $350 OBO Call Michelle 685-6023 2 F N/S NEEDEED for D.P. apt. 33 Partners of 28 Cattle, to a poet T 0 PI MUSED FR ET ASAP. Very fun, extremely clean needles 29 Well-heeled A-l Typing S TY M I E l S E M 0 L 1 NA roommates. $315/mo. all utilities 35 Drawn tight 31 Fountain 968-1872 A ADE A utos for Sale ind. Call 6856964 L lM liB i Reasonable Rates______37 Stravinsky’s drinks MIT T EM TI ED P "Le — du 32 Bikini, U 74 TOYOTA COROLLA new lo-pro COSBY’S SECRETARIAL SVC. 2 F roommates 2 share 2 bed/2 bath, Printemps” for one AB U T ■ T ETTI U C C 1 N E tire Eagle rims, tape deck, a/c, rblt. $1.85 page DS/Resumes $12 6500 block, Sabado. Low rent, 40 One way not to NIN E | 0 T H E R E DDA eng. Looks & runs good Randy 685- Laser Printing parking, washer/dryer. ASAP Call Y SE IR HON 2377______42 Aero Camino, Ste 103 6854845 6857288______be seen? 3\ ED1 0 0 R 1983ISUZU PICK-UP 5 spd. HELP! 1 F N/S for special IV house 43 Giggle 11/ 14/89 Longbed. Tapedeck. Great shape. Dissertations, term papers, w/4 women, quiet nbrhd, good 44 Inform $1600 or BO. 6406403______resumes- Laser printed-Connie-964- karma guaranteed, share room, low 45 Line made by i 2 è ¿ r ~ 10 11 12 7281______68 Cutl Olds $450 V8 PS PB AC rent, etc, etc. Ask 4 Cassidy 562-8410 sewing ' • ■ \ 13 AM/FM/CASS Runs fine but ugly EXPERT typing & LASER 46 Raines and shape call Karl 562-6486 EVE______printing -rush jobs- student Cinders ■ * papers, resumes, theses, etc. Disks 17 18 : 74 VW BUS RUNS GREAT! $2300 48 Like Capp s avail. We check grammar, punct, Good tires, new cooler, seals, Air/c. Abner ¿6 21 spelling, etc. 964-3303 1 JT" Minor dings, nds paint-tch up, 685- 50 Watering place B-R WORD PROCESSING ■ 8882______51 Shakespearean ‘81 VW JETTA DSL- SNRF, AM/FM tragedy 1 w a rn - PDQWORD 28 29 CASS, 60 mpg on frwy, $2500 firm, 5 31 PROCESSING SPECIALISTS Fast, Friendly 53 — Plaines, III. spds, engine rebuilt 100K, Chris 968- ■ 1 - Term Papers - Resumes - 55 Numero — 33 s r 7951______Academic Work. Superior Quality, 56 Road map abbr. Yogurt & ■ ■ ■ * ‘83 FORD ESCORT WAGON , Reasonable Rates. 24hrs/ 7 day Fast 58 Pragmatic 40 STICK 43K, EXCELLENT CON- Reliable Service. 800-545-0808 FAX person _ DITION, 968-7187 only $2,800______44 714-736-1717. ______Ice Cream 62 Colliery 86 Jeep CJ7 V6, low milage, winch, ■ ■ ■ 1 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST 64 Hanging fire 46 hrd/sft top, pullout JVC, chrme rim, NO JOB TOO SMALL OR LARGE Delivery 66 Entry in a list no dents, very clean. $9500 obo. 968- Ü * * ■ PICA OR ELITE 51 52 9799______67 Highway 53 964-7304 only from 68 Religious '87 NISSAN SENTRA SE COUPE, 5$ 56 57 0 ) 61 LOADED, LIKE NEW $5900, 961- groups Word Proccessing/ Editing/ 69 “— of Wine and ■ 5697,735-6898 AFTER 5PM______Typing/ Resumes/ Laser Printing LICKITY 67 Roses”: 1962 by Exper. Professional. Sigma Svc. ■ 967-2530______SPLIT film 66 B icycles 70 Catch sight of Wordprocessing/Typing (4.50 minimum) : 71 Football ploy CANNONO ALE RACING BIKE Resumes-Papers-Disk Setup * m ■ Shimano 10S W/look Pedals No Job Too Small or Too Large 9 6 8 -1 7 7 4 ACCU-WRITE (Sue) 964-8156 Call Mike 685-5788 $475______©1989 Los Angeles Times Syndicate 11/ 14/89 12 Tuesday, November 14,1989 Daily Nexus

UCSB STUDENTS REACTION: No Time for Adequate Response Continued from p.l keep the facility. pus plan both students find Off-Campus Rep Mi­ Cheadle Hall ceui agree “(Administrators) won’t specifically say chelle Koskella stated that Plan early for UCSB upon, Siojo said he does see that... they will stick to 20,000 students. future parking and the cam­ SUMMER SESSIONS 1990 A.S. taking “an active role” pus commute has not been in discussions. However, he They never want to be the one to give you sufficiently discussed, as said A.S. will have many a definite yes’ or ‘no.’” well. Because the LRDP Is there a course you need for issues to tackle in the short Shawnie 'Ochoa proposes that parking struc­ discussion time provided. A.S. Leg Council Off-Campus rep. tures be erected on the peri­ summer? During the Nov. 8 Leg phery of the campus and on Council meeting, council current bike path sites, We would like your suggestions, passed a resolution asking informally last week when larly overlooked. “(Admini­ UCSB would become a strators) won’t specifically bring them to Cheadle Hall 1317 for one more week of public Assistant Chancellor of “park-and-walk” campus, hearings for student and Budget and Planning say th at... they will stick to Koskella said. or phone 961-2047. public comment on the Robert Kuntz answered 20,000 students. They never “That really concerns me LRDP. Council members questions concerning the want to be the one to give as a woman,” Koskella said. themselves say the time is plan at the Council meeting. you a definite ‘yes’ or ‘no’,” “It’s not very safe to either necessary because they plan Leg Council then formed an she charged. ride your bike or walk to serve as a strong voice for ad-hoc committee to review During the presentation, across campus” at night, she their constituents in work­ the LRDP and attend future several council members said. Koskella and others at eOUPOH TUESDAY ing with the administration. Campus Development Plan rallied to protect the UCSB the meeting said the univer­ “Hopefully (A.S.) can workshops to further dis­ Greenhouse project, lo­ sity needs to show a com­ What a concept! raise enough concern about cuss the plan’s future cated behind Storke Field— mitment to providing in­ this and get enough people Nullifications. an area which the LRDP creased security to match its motivated to do some­ Still, some council mem­ slates as a potential site for planned growth. thing,” Off-Campus Rep bers were less than im­ future student housing, one Siojo noted that parking LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED! Greg Bass said. Bass and pressed with the answers. Greenhouse worker con­ and faculty housing are Bring Us Any Competitor's A d other council members have Kuntz provided to their tended during the meeting. issues Council needs to exa­ an d W e Will said they still know little ab­ questions. “He kept skirting Although Kuntz said mine, especially since the BEAT THEIR PRICE! out the LRDP, and need the issues,” Off-Campus there was no “current plan” LRDP often does not speci­ time to study the univer­ Rep Shawnie Ochoa said. in the LRDP to remove or fically answer those con­ W e Will Order Any C D from Anywhere In the World! sity’s proposals to adequ­ Ochoa said her concerns relocate the Greenhouse cerns itself. NO EXTRA CHARGE!!! ately represent students. with future student popula­ project, many were left un­ “The (LRDP) is so ambi­ Top 100 Always on Sale Council discussion with tion growth and over­ convinced with the admi­ guous that it is no plan at all the administration began enrollment were particu­ nistration’s commitment to in many ways,” Siojo said. NEW RELEASES Always on Sale WI w asn’t rubbing it in-1 just wanted Eddie to know Cash Paid For Your Used CD's. Tapes & LP's the score of last night’s game.”

f i t a DC err'iD cl89 N. FAIRVIEW &TAP£ STORE g o l e t a 6 8 3 -2 2 7 2 (IN FAK V IEW CENTER)


I On the Relationship o f Mino and Hatter

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