Author: Raymond F. Dubois, Senior Adviser the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C

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Author: Raymond F. Dubois, Senior Adviser the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C Author: Raymond F. DuBois, Senior Adviser The Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C. DOD PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS REQUIRING SENATE CONFIRMATION Current as of September 1, 2015 EXPLANATORY CODES A = appointed and confirmed B = Intent to Nominate Publicly Announced or Nomination in Senate (note that most of these positions also have an official designated as "Acting" or "to perform the duties", while the nomination is pending) C = Vacant, but with an official serving as the "Acting", designated "to perform the duties" of the position, or heading the organization as the Principal Deputy, while awaiting action on nomination and confirmation Code A Code B Code C Date of Last Action I Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter Conf. 02/12/15 II Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work Conf. 4/30/14 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE Direct Report Officials III Deputy Chief Management Officer* Peter Levine Conf. 05/23/15 IV Stephen C. Hedger Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs Stephen C. Hedger (PDASD/LA) Nom. 05/20/15 IV General Counsel of the Dept. of Defense Robert S. Taylor (PDGC) IV Inspector General of the Dept. of Defense Jon T Rymer Conf. 09/17/13 IV Director, Operational Test & Evaluation J. Michael Gilmore Conf. 09/21/09 IV Director, Cost Assessment & Program Evaluation Jamie M. Morin Conf. 06/25/14 *To transition to Under Secretary of Defense for Business Management and Information (USD/BM+I) as of February 1, 2017. Executive Level II. PL 113-91 Carl Levin and Howard P. "Buck" McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 Acquisition Officials II Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Frank Kendall III Conf. 05/24/12 III Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for A,T & L Alan Estevez Conf. 10/30/13 IV Asst. Secretary of Defense for Logistics And Materiel Readiness David Berteau Conf. 12/16/14 IV Asst. Secretary of Defense for Acquisition Katrina McFarland Conf. 05/24/12 IV Asst. Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering Alan R. Shaffer Stephen P. Welby (PDASD/R&E) Nom. 03/19/2015 Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and John Conger IV Environment (PDUSD/I&E) IV Asst. Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense Programs Andrew Weber Conf. 05/8/09 Policy Officials III Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Christine Wormuth Conf. 06/19/14 IV Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Brian McKeon Conf. 07/28/14 IV Asst. Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security Thomas Atkin (PDASD/HDGS IV Asst. Secretary of Defense for Special Ops & LIC Michael D. Lumpkin Conf. 11/14/13 IV Asst. Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Elissa Slotkin Elissa Slotkin (PDASD/ISA) (PDASD/ISA) Nom. 07/30/15 IV Asst. Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs David Shear Conf. 07/17/14 IV Asst. Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans, and Capabilities Robert M. Scher Conf. 12/16/14 Comptroller Officials III Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) & Chief Financial Officer Mike McCord Conf. 06/12/14 IV Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) John Conger Nom. 03/3/15 Intelligence Officials III Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Marcel Lettre Marcel Lettre (PDUSD/I) Nom. 08/5/15 IV Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Marcel Lettre Conf. 10/31/13 Personnel and Readiness Officials III Brad Carson (U/S Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Brad Carson Army) Nom. 07/07/15 IV Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Dr. Laura J. Junor Conf. 07/31/14 IV Asst. Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Jonathan Woodson Conf. 12/22/10 IV Richard Wightman Asst. Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (PDASD/RA) Nom. 03/18/15 IV Asst. Secretary of Defense for Readiness & Force Management Stephanie Barna (PDASD/R&FM) Code A Code B Code C Date of Last Action DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY II Secretary of the Army John McHugh Conf. 09/16/09 III Patrick Murphy (Nominated Conf. 2/12/14 Under Secretary of the Army Brad Carson 08/5/15) Eric Fanning (06/6/15) IV Asst. Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs Debra Wada Conf. 9/17/14 IV Asst. Secretary of the Army for Civil Works Jo-Ellen Darcy Conf. 08/7/09 IV Asst. Secretary of the Army for Installations and Env. Katherine Hammack Conf. 06/23/10 IV Asst. Secretary of the Army for Financial Management and Comptroller Robert M. Speer Conf. 11/20/14 IV Asst. Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology Heidi Shyu Conf. 10/4/12 IV General Counsel of the Department of the Army Alissa M. Starzak Rob Park (PDGC) Nom. 01/13/15 Code A Code B Code C Date of Last Action DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY II Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus Conf. 05/18/09 III Thomas W. Hicks (DUSN/DCMO) Under Secretary of the Navy IV Asst. Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, and Acquisition Sean Stackley Conf. 07/28/08 IV Asst. Secretary of the Navy for Installations and Environment Dennis V. McGinn Conf. 08/01/13 IV Asst. Secretary of the Navy for Financial Management and Comptroller Susan Rabern Conf. 08/01/13 IV Asst. Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Anne Rathmell Davis Reserve Affairs Franklin R. Parker (PDASD/M&RA) Nom. 03/26/15 IV General Counsel of the Department of the Navy Paul L. Oostburg Sanz Conf. 03/4/10 DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE II Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James Conf. 12/13/13 III Under Secretary of the Air Force Lisa Disbrow (ASAF/FM&C) IV Asst. Secretary of the Air Force for Gabriel Camarillo (Nominated Manpower and Reserve Affairs Daniel Ginsburg 04/15/15) Conf. 07/6/09 IV Asst. Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management and Comptroller Lisa Disbrow Conf. 06/24/14 IV Asst. Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition William LaPlante Conf. 02/12/14 IV Asst. Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Environment, and Logistics Miranda Ballentine Conf. 09/11/14 IV General Counsel of the Department of the Air Force Gordon Tanner Conf. 09/16/14.
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