Cover_Winter 2013 12/10/2012 9:19 AM Page 1 Dædalus coming up in Dædalus:

The Common Good Norman Ornstein, William Galston, Amy Gutmann & Dennis Thompson, Mickey Edwards, Thomas Mann, Deborah Tannen, Dædalus Howard Gardner, Geoffrey Stone, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Andrew A. Hill, Leonard Wong & Stephen J. Gerras, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences Jeffrey Rosen, Michael Schudson, Andy Stern, Ralph Gomory & Winter 2013 Richard Sylla, Peter Dobkin Hall, and others

Immigration Douglas S. Massey, Rogelio Saenz & Karen Manges Douglas, Cristina Future,Winter 2013: The Alternative Energy vol. 2 & the Future Rodriguez, Marta Tienda & Susana Sanchez, Victor Nee & Hilary The Robert W. Fri The Scope of the Transition 5 of America Holbrow, Nancy Foner, Alejandro Portes & Adrienne Celaya, Audrey Alternative Hal Harvey, A Trillion Tons 8 Singer, Mary Waters & Philip Kasinitz, Helen Marrow, Michael Jones- Energy Franklin M. Orr, Jr. Correa & Els de Graauw, Charles Hirschman, Rubén Rumbaut, Richard Future, & Clara Vondrich Alba, Frank Bean & Jennifer Lee, and others vol. 2 Jon A. Krosnick Does the American Public Support Legislation & Bo MacInnis to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions? 26 plus New American Music, What Humanists Do, Challenges for a Naomi Oreskes The Collapse of Western Civilization: Rising China &c. & Erik M. Conway A View from the Future 40 Kelly Sims Gallagher Why & How Governments Support Renewable Energy 59 Thomas Dietz, Reducing Carbon-Based Energy Consumption Paul C. Stern through Changes in Household Behavior 78 & Elke U. Weber Roger E. Kasperson The Public Acceptance of & Bonnie J. Ram New Energy Technologies 90 Robert O. Keohane The Transnational Politics of Energy 97 & David G. Victor Dallas Burtraw The Institutional Blind Spot in Environmental Economics 110 Ann E. Carlson Designing a Durable Energy Policy 119 & Robert W. Fri Michael H. Dworkin, Rethinking the Scale, Structure & Scope Roman V. Sidortsov of U.S. Energy Institutions 129 & Benjamin K. Sovacool Rosina M. Bierbaum Energy in the Context of Sustainability 146 & Pamela A. Matson Stephen Ansolabehere Social Sciences & the Alternative & Robert W. Fri Energy Future 162

U.S. $13; Cherishing Knowledge · Shaping the Future Cover_Winter 2013 12/10/2012 9:19 AM Page 2 Book_Winter 2013_Shinner.qxd 12/10/2012 8:50 AM Page 1

Inside front cover: Clockwise from top left: A group of men install solar panels, © moodboard/Getty Images; a man uses a digital tablet to check energy levels in his home, © Monty Rakusen/Getty Images; a man installs ½berglass insulation in a wall cavity, © iStockphoto .com/tinabelle; a girl replaces an incandescent light- bulb with a compact fluorescent lightbulb, © Jeff Randall/Getty Images. Book_Winter 2013_Shinner.qxd 12/10/2012 8:50 AM Page 2

Robert W. Fri and Stephen Ansolabehere, Guest Editors Phyllis S. Bendell, Managing Editor and Director of Publications D Micah J. Buis, Associate Editor Erica Dorpalen, Assistant Editor

Board of advisers

Steven Marcus, Editor of the Academy

Committee on Studies and Publications Jerrold Meinwald and John Mark Hansen, Cochairs; Jesse H. Choper, Denis Donoghue, Gerald Early, Carol Gluck, Linda Greenhouse, John Hildebrand, Jerome Kagan, Philip Khoury, Neal Lane, Eric Sundquist; ex of½cio: Leslie Cohen Berlowitz

Dædalus is designed by Alvin Eisenman. Book_Winter 2013_Shinner.qxd 12/10/2012 8:50 AM Page 3

Dædalus Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences

The labyrinth designed by Daedalus for King Minos of Crete, on a silver tetradrachma from Cnossos, Crete, c. 350–300 b.c. (35 mm, Cabinet des Médailles, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris). “Such was the work, so intricate the place, / That scarce the workman all its turns cou’d trace; / And Daedalus was puzzled how to ½nd / The secret ways of what himself design’d.”–Ovid, Metamorphoses, Book 8

Dædalus was founded in 1955 and established as a quarterly in 1958. The journal’s namesake was renowned in ancient Greece as an inventor, scien- tist, and unriddler of riddles. Its emblem, a maze seen from above, symbol- izes the aspiration of its founders to “lift each of us above his cell in the lab- yrinth of learning in order that he may see the entire structure as if from above, where each separate part loses its comfortable separateness.” The American Academy of Arts & Sciences, like its journal, brings togeth- er distinguished individuals from every ½eld of human endeavor. It was char- tered in 1780 as a forum “to cultivate every art and science which may tend to advance the interest, honour, dignity, and happiness of a free, independent, and virtuous people.” Now in its third century, the Academy, with its nearly ½ve thousand elected members, continues to provide intellectual leadership to meet the critical challenges facing our world. Book_Winter 2013_Shinner.qxd 12/18/2012 2:14 PM Page 4

Dædalus Winter 2013 Subscription rates: Electronic only for non- Issued as Volume 142, Number 1 member individuals–$44; institutions–$123. Canadians add 5% gst. Print and electronic for © 2013 by the American Academy nonmember individuals–$49; institutions– of Arts & Sciences $136. Canadians add 5% gst. Outside the Unit- The Collapse of Western Civilization: ed States and Canada add $23 for postage and A View from the Future handling. Prices subject to change without © 2013 by Naomi Oreskes notice. & Erik M. Conway Why & How Governments Support Institutional subscriptions are on a volume- Renewable Energy year basis. All other subscriptions begin with © 2013 by Kelly Sims Gallagher the next available issue. The Transnational Politics of Energy Single issues: $13 for individuals; $34 for insti- © 2013 by Robert O. Keohane tutions. Outside the United States and Canada & David G. Victor add $6 per issue for postage and handling. The Institutional Blind Spot in Prices subject to change without notice. Environmental Economics © 2013 by Dallas Burtraw Claims for missing issues will be honored free of charge if made within three months of the Editorial of½ces: Dædalus, Norton’s Woods, publication date of the issue. Claims may be 136 Irving Street, Cambridge ma 02138. submitted to [email protected]. Members of Phone: 617 491 2600. Fax: 617 576 5088. the American Academy please direct all ques- Email: [email protected]. tions and claims to [email protected]. Library of Congress Catalog No. 12-30299 Advertising and mailing-list inquiries may be Dædalus publishes by invitation only and as- addressed to Marketing Department, mit Press sumes no responsibility for unsolicited manu- Journals, 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge ma scripts. The views expressed are those of the 02142-1315. Phone: 617 253 2866. Fax: 617 253 1709. author of each article, and not necessarily of the Email: [email protected]. American Academy of Arts & Sciences. Permission to photocopy articles for internal Dædalus (issn 0011-5266; e-issn 1548-6192) or personal use is granted by the copyright is published quarterly (winter, spring, summer, owner for users registered with the Copyright fall) by The mit Press, 55 Hayward Street, Cam- Clearance Center (ccc) Transactional Report- bridge ma 02142-1315, for the American Academy ing Service, provided that the per-copy fee of Arts & Sciences. An electronic full-text version of $12 per article is paid directly to the ccc, of Dædalus is available from The mit Press. 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers ma 01923. Subscription and address changes should be The fee code for users of the Transactional addressed to mit Press Journals Customer Ser- Reporting Service is 0011-5266/13. Submit all vice, 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge ma 02142-1315. other permission inquiries to the Subsidiary Phone: 617 253 2889; u.s./Canada 800 207 8354. Rights Manager, mit Press Journals, by com- Fax: 617 577 1545. Email: [email protected]. pleting the online permissions request form at Printed in the United States of America by _permissions. Cadmus Professional Communications, Science Press Division, 300 West Chestnut Street, The typeface is Cycles, designed by Sumner Ephrata pa 17522. Stone at the Stone Type Foundry of Guinda ca. Each size of Cycles has been separately Newsstand distribution by Ingram Periodicals designed in the tradition of metal types. Inc., 18 Ingram Blvd., La Vergne tn 37086, and Source Interlink Distribution, 27500 Riverview Center Blvd., Bonita Springs fl 34134. Postmaster: Send address changes to Dædalus, 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge ma 02142-1315. Periodicals postage paid at Boston ma and at additional mailing of½ces. Book_Winter 2013_Shinner.qxd 12/10/2012 8:52 AM Page 5

The Alternative Energy Future: The Scope of the Transition

Robert W. Fri

This issue of Dædalus expands a discussion that began in the journal’s Spring 2012 issue. That ear- lier volume focused on the persistent stalemate in energy policy and on steps that might nonetheless be feasible to make progress in the relatively short term. This issue takes a longer and larger view. Our discussion in the earlier volume began with the observation that since the time of the ½rst opec oil embargo, every American president has prom- ised to create a secure, clean, and affordable energy system. Unfortunately, every president has also come up short on his promise. The energy system is somewhat cleaner and considerably more ef½cient than it was in 1970, but it continues to rely heavily on fossil fuels–namely, oil, coal, and natural gas. The volume concluded that although some viable policies can usefully nudge the system away from fossil fuels, conditions do not now favor dramatic energy-policy initiatives. Developments since last ROBERT W. FRI, a Fellow of the American Academy since 2010, is a spring af½rm that stance and indeed seem to be Visiting Scholar and Senior Fel- providing a strong push in the opposite direction. low Emeritus at Resources for the In particular, America’s vast reserves of oil and nat- Future, where he previously served ural gas trapped in geologic shale formations are as President. He has also served as now accessible at highly competitive prices. Given Director of the National Museum this situation, it is hard to imagine that the next of Natural History and Deputy forty years will be much different than the last forty Administrator of both the Envi- unless more powerful policy goals than secure, ronmental Protection Agency and the Energy Research and Develop- clean, and affordable energy come into play. ment Administration. He is Chair Actively pursuing the mitigation of global warm- of the Academy’s Alternative Ener- ing that results from the accumulation of carbon gy Future project. dioxide and other greenhouse gases can be that

© 2013 by the American Academy of Arts & Sciences

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The Scope more compelling driving force, and in budget analogy applies because carbon of the this issue, we examine the profound con- dioxide, the chief greenhouse gas, is very Transition sequences of taking it seriously. Climate long lived; once it gets into the atmo- change can drive a fundamental transi- sphere, it stays there for decades, if not tion in the energy system because limit- centuries. Several studies, including one ing its effects means driving the emission in this volume, conclude that we have of greenhouse gases nearly to zero over used up a good deal of the emissions the span of a few decades. Doing so would budget already, and that to continue require sharply limiting the use of fossil emissions at current rates would absorb fuels on which more than 80 percent of the rest of it in a few decades–after today’s energy system depends. And that, which time the emission of greenhouse in turn, would set off a sweeping transi- gases would have to be essentially zero.2 tion of one of the most extensive, techno- Given the scale of the energy system, logically complex, and deeply embedded however, a few decades is not a very long elements of the nation’s physical infra- time to overhaul it to the point where it structure: the national energy system. emits essentially no greenhouse gases. To This is not news. Many careful analyses be sure, important scienti½c uncertain- of how to manage climate change have ties exist about the pace at which temper- documented the extent of the physical atures would increase for any given con- transition involved.1 But the essays in this centration of greenhouse gases in the issue focus instead on an equally profound atmosphere. But it is dif½cult to come up but less examined transition: that is, the with a high-probability scenario that far-reaching societal transition that must does not exhaust the emissions budget by accompany transformation of the physical roughly 2050. For this reason, dealing with energy system. The energy system is not climate change means changing the ener- simply a collection of autonomous pieces gy system with a speed that has rarely of plug-and-play technology. Rather, it is been seen in the past. an integral part of our individual lives, The associated societal change turns out influencing where we live and shop, to be hard as well. The contributors to shaping how we establish social networks, this volume discuss the role that public and molding countless other everyday opinion, opposition to change by incum- habits. Powerful industrial enterprises bent institutions, and scienti½c timidity exist to produce, transport, and use ener- all play in erecting barriers to forging a gy; often these market incumbents wield political consensus that responds appro- considerable political influence. And large priately to the climate challenge. The government bureaucracies at local, state, interplay of these forces is unusually com- national, and supranational levels have plex and is likely to prove Churchill right: evolved to monitor the system’s operation that America will do the right thing after and regulate its behavior. If the energy it has exhausted all the alternatives. system itself changes, then all these indi- Unfortunately, we’ll burn more of the vidual and institutional links to it will carbon budget while we wait. have to change, too. Once policy-makers agree to get on with it, however, they will have to deal A useful way to gauge the magnitude of with the dual challenge of changing the the task is to consider the budget for the behavior of both individuals and institu- quantity of greenhouse gases that can be tions to enable change in the energy sys- safely emitted into the atmosphere. The tem. Persuading people to change their

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ways is a notoriously dif½cult matter, period. We have little experience in Robert W. and for good reason. For example, despite designing durable policy frameworks of Fri compelling technical reasons to build this sort. Moreover, existing institutions nuclear power plants, fracture gas shale, will have to adapt to a new order. For erect windmills off Cape Cod, and spread example, climate policy will likely need solar panels across sacred tribal lands, to engage federal, state, and local govern- there are equally good societal reasons ments in a less hierarchical way than not to do so. And even when the technol- exists today. Finally, but crucially, the ogy is unobtrusive, individuals have to energy system is closely connected to learn to use it. Although that sounds sim- other natural systems that help sustain ple enough, consider the fact that most life on our planet, notably those involv- programmable thermostats installed in ing food and water, but others as well. homes across America are not currently Maintaining the sustainability of these programmed. The social sciences are systems is thus a constraint on changing beginning to contribute to our under- the energy system to meet the climate standing of how to encourage individuals challenge. to accept and then adapt to a new energy The authors in this issue take on the system, but much remains to be done. individual and institutional challenges The institutional challenges are, if any- facing the societal transition that any over- thing, more daunting. For example, the all energy transformation will require. failure of the Copenhagen climate summit We offer few de½nitive solutions because has demonstrated the dif½culty–maybe so many of these topics have received too even the impossibility–of striking a little attention. And so this volume con- global bargain to manage greenhouse gas cludes by framing a social science research emissions. However, a network of less agenda that would demonstrate incre- ambitious deals may suf½ce. The duration mental progress on the climate problem of the climate problem creates another in the near term while deepening our institutional problem. Because the task understanding of the fundamental insti- spans several decades, climate policy has tutional transition that must take place to be consistent yet flexible over that over the long term.

endnotes 1 For example, see America’s Energy Future: Technology and Transformation (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2009). 2 See also Limiting the Magnitude of Future Climate Change (Washington, D.C.: National Acad- emies Press, 2010), which applies the budget concept to domestic U.S. emissions.

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A Trillion Tons

Hal Harvey, Franklin M. Orr, Jr. & Clara Vondrich

Abstract: There is a consensus among scientists that stark dangers await in a world where the global mean temperature rises by more than about 2 degrees Celsius. That threshold corresponds to a collective human carbon emissions “budget” of around a trillion tons, of which half has been spent. This paper uses a new simulation model to look at strategies to stay within that budget, speci½cally assessing the impact of improvements in energy ef½ciency, aggressive deployment of renewables, and energy technol- ogy innovation. The simulations examine the timing of investments, turnover of capital stock, and the effect of learning on costs, among other factors. The results indicate that ef½ciency, renewables, and tech- nology innovation are all required to keep humanity within the trillion-ton budget. Even so, these measures are not by themselves suf½cient: changes in land use and a price on carbon emissions are also needed.

How much carbon can humans safely emit into the atmosphere? Climate scientists argue that a 2 degree Celsius (about 4 degree Fahrenheit) increase in global mean temperature is a threshold above which the probability of highly adverse conse- quences grows signi½cantly. Such an increase would correspond to roughly a trillion tons of total human- caused carbon emissions over time.1 If one trillion tons is humanity’s carbon budget, how much have HAL HARVEY is ceo of Energy Innovation: Policy and Technology we used so far? How fast will we emit the remainder llc and Senior Fellow for Energy under current trends? And what can we do to make and the Environment at the Paul- sure that we don’t bust the budget? son Institute at the University of To consider the relative contributions of different Chicago. variables, ClimateWorks, a foundation that supports FRANKLIN M. ORR, JR., is the public policies that mitigate climate change, and Keleen and Carlton Beal Professor its partners at Climate Interactive developed the in the Department of Energy Re- system-dynamics computer model En-roads sources Engineering and Director (Energy–Rapid Overview and Decision-Support of the Precourt Institute for Energy simulator). En-roads is a global model that assess- at Stanford University. es how changes in energy supply and demand might CLARA VONDRICH is Director affect emissions and, in turn, climate outcomes.2 It of Leadership Initiatives at the is designed to rapidly assess the impact of various ClimateWorks Foundation. policy scenarios on cumulative emissions by manip- (*See endnotes for complete contributor ulating variables as diverse as global gdp, energy biographies.) ef½ciency, innovation, carbon price, and fuel mix.

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The simulations underlying this essay En-roads allows us to investigate dif- Hal Harvey, emphasize the dynamics of the transition ferent options for remaining below the Franklin M. Orr, Jr. & to clean energy. Changes in energy sys- trillionth ton and gives a sense of how Clara tems take time because energy production long it will take for different actions, Vondrich relies on large, expensive infrastructure investments, and policies to reduce emis- that is slow to turn over. The oil economy, sions. The model accounts for the system- for example, entails a vast network for wide interactions among different energy exploration, drilling, transport, re½ning, options. For example, how would the ag- production, automobile manufacture, gressive pursuit of energy ef½ciency affect highway construction, and even human- the growth of renewable energy? How settlement patterns. Each of these ele- do technology learning curves change the ments cost hundreds of billions of dollars suite of options? Underlying the model is and took decades to build. The same is true an extensive study of factors such as con- for coal production and use. To transform struction delay times, progress ratios, these systems will take decades. price sensitivities, historic growth rates The world has spent more than half of of speci½c energy resources, and energy- the trillion-ton carbon budget. Current ef½ciency potential. trends suggest that, absent policy action, Note that En-roads is not a predictive we will exhaust the remaining half by model; its “results”–which, in this essay, about 2050.3 The reality of infrastructure are primarily a calculation of the year in “lock-in” and inertia in the global energy which carbon emissions from a given test supply mix further underscores how vital scenario cross the trillion-ton line–are it is to consider cumulative carbon emis- approximations only, accompanied by a sions over time, rather than assessing range of uncertainty. Instead, the model them solely on an annual basis. For is a scenario-builder that tests assump- instance, Figure 1 compares a business- tions about how prospective changes in as-usual (bau) trajectory with a scenario the global energy supply mix might affect in which future emissions remain flat. climate outcomes.4 The ½gure depicts both cumulative emis- sions and annual emissions. If we remain on a bau trajectory, we will In the bau case, emissions increase surpass the trillionth ton and the 2 degree annually and sail by the trillionth ton as Celsius benchmark–the threshold that early as about 2050. Conversely, one might scientists suggest is a dangerous one to expect that if emissions remain at current cross–around the middle of this century. levels and do not rise, the duration before The good news is that emissions in many we exhaust the budget would increase parts of the industrialized world have signi½cantly. Yet the flat-emissions sce- begun to flatten and even decline. The bad nario crosses the trillion-ton line just news is that surging carbon emissions in about a decade later! In other words, even China, India, and other rapidly industri- if all future demand growth from this point alizing countries do not yet show signs of forward were met by zero-carbon sources, we abating. By 2030, China’s annual carbon would still grossly overshoot the budget. This emissions are projected to be around 5 bil- ½nding highlights the reality that it is lion tons, compared to around 2.8 billion not enough for us to ramp down emis- in 2010. Left unchecked, and in light of sions or keep them flat: we must bring prevailing growth rates, China’s emissions them to very low levels over the next alone could overwhelm the carbon budget few decades. by the end of the twenty-½rst century.

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A Trillion Figure 1 Tons Two Carbon-Emissions Trajectories, 2010–2100

Cumulative Carbon Emissions

Annual Carbon Emissions

Source: All ½gures created by authors.

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Locking in carbon-emitting infrastruc- of 2 degrees Celsius–will be “locked in” Hal Harvey, ture is among the more serious threats of by existing power plants, factories, build- Franklin M. 7 Orr, Jr. & a bau world. Commercial and residential ings, and other long-lived infrastructure. Clara buildings have useful lives of several Today’s infrastructure decisions are thus Vondrich decades or more. Coal-½red power plants of crucial importance to long-term cli- remain online for up to sixty years.5 New mate change. Society sets structural pat- oil and natural gas pipelines could operate terns for future emissions every time a for a half-century. Once these investments highway, power plant, factory, or house is are made, the economic imperative is to built. That capital stock lasts ½fty to one use them. Any new zero-carbon energy hundred years or more–and every year, source must contend with this embedded contributes carbon to the atmosphere. capital stock. After coal plants are built, Furthermore, it is far more costly to repair their marginal costs of operation are rela- or retro½t any of these investments than tively small, so the competitive bar for to get them right in the ½rst place. The new technologies is high. duration of those investments, in light of The current flood of urban migration in the unforgiving mathematics of carbon the developing world offers a useful case accumulation, means that the window study of lock-in. China is experiencing the for making business-as-usual choices is greatest urban population boom in human closing fast. The iea’s point is that doing history. The United Nations estimates that this even for another half-decade locks in Chinese cities will add 231 million people a future nobody wants to see. by 2025 and another 186 million by 20506 –numbers roughly equal to the popula- However mundane it may seem, energy tions of Indonesia and Brazil, respectively. ef½ciency is a vital bridge to a low-carbon To prepare for this growth, Chinese lead- future. Ef½ciency improvements across ers plan to build at least one thousand the transportation, power, and industry new cities. sectors would slow or flatten the rise in Well-designed cities can slash waste, energy demand in the coming decades, reduce air and water pollution, and pro- thereby making the climate problem more vide appealing spaces for people to work, solvable. Aggressive pursuit of energy- shop, and socialize. Poorly designed cities ef½ciency solutions on the cutting edge of sprawl across the landscape, locking in engineering, technology innovation, and unsustainable patterns of energy use for thermodynamics would yield signi½cant decades. Without policy interventions, energy savings. Consider one example: If including tough building standards and a coal plant is 33 percent ef½cient (the regulations favoring compact develop- average in the United States), and an in- ment and low-carbon public transit, bau candescent lightbulb is 5 percent ef½cient, development is likely to embed a high- then the net conversion of energy to light is consumption pro½le that will be virtually about 1.65 percent. By contrast, a compact impossible to repair. Indeed, the Interna- fluorescent lightbulb (cfl, roughly 25 per- tional Energy Agency (iea) has warned cent ef½cient), powered by a combined- that without further action, by 2017 all cycle natural gas turbine (about 60 per- CO2 emissions permitted in its 450 Sce- cent ef½cient, using a lower-carbon fuel), nario–in which the atmospheric con- converts 15 percent of the energy to light– centration of carbon dioxide equivalents almost a tenfold increase. The correspond- (CO2e) stabilizes at 450 parts per million ing reduction in CO2 emissions per hour (ppm), resulting in an average warming of lighting is approximately 90 percent.

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A Trillion The next generation of light-emitting di- number of signi½cant challenges. For Tons ode lamps (leds) will garner even greater instance, “two-thirds of the investment energy savings.8 Indeed, the Department opportunity lies in developing countries, of Energy estimates that replacing regu- where consumers and businesses face a lar lightbulbs with leds could potential- variety of competing demands for their ly save 190 terawatt-hours annually, the scarce investment dollars.” In many sec- equivalent of lighting more than 95 mil- tors, ef½ciency standards may have to be lion homes or roughly 5 percent of total implemented to overcome market fail- U.S. electricity consumption in 2010.9 ures. Nevertheless, the global potential of Similar opportunities exist in virtually energy ef½ciency to cut carbon at a low every sector of the economy. Not surpris- cost is tremendous. ingly, a number of major studies have What does En-roads tell us about the found that energy ef½ciency measures are effect of aggressively pursuing energy a powerful tool for slashing emissions. ef½ciency? With regard to the global According to a study from the National economy, the model’s bau scenario as- Academy of Sciences and the National sumes an average annual decrease in Academy of Engineering, the technical energy intensity (energy used per unit of abatement potential for energy ef½ciency gdp) of 1.1 percent from 2010 to 2050.13 in the United States is large; moreover, its The globally aggregated En-roads model cost would be low–or negative, as energy does not allow for a manipulation of ef½- savings would outweigh the costs of new ciency improvements across individual technologies over time.10 The study found sectors or regions. Instead, by varying that U.S. energy use could fall below bau the energy intensity of gdp, the model projections by 17 to 20 percent in 2020, allows us to assess the impact of a highly and by 25 to 31 percent in 2030, provided ef½cient energy economy on the carbon that “energy prices are high enough to budget. motivate investment in energy ef½ciency, Figure 2 compares two energy-ef½ciency or if public policies are put in place that scenarios with a bau world: “ef½ciency” have the same effect.”11 (ee) and “ef½ciency plus” (ee+). The ee Globally, the prospects for energy ef½- scenario assumes an average annual im- ciency are bright. A report published by provement in energy intensity of roughly McKinsey & Company suggests that, with 2.5 percent between 2010 and 2050; ee+ reasonable investments in energy ef½cien- assumes an average annual improvement cy, the projected growth in global energy of roughly 3 percent. Sustained 2 to 3 per- demand could be halved by 2020.12 The cent improvements are plausible given a necessary investments of roughly $170 bil- bau energy-intensity improvement rate of lion annually would generate an average about 1.1 percent between 2010 and 2050; internal rate of return of 17 percent, with further, they are consistent with mitiga- total energy savings estimated at $900 bil- tion scenarios examined by other models. lion annually by 2020. The investment In both scenarios, cumulative carbon strategy would target only cost-effective emissions still increase but do so more opportunities, seeking ef½ciency improve- slowly relative to bau. In the ee scenario, ments across systems such as lighting, for example, annual emissions in 2050 are cooling, and heating in particular, as well about 42 percent less than in the reference as vehicles and industrial machinery. case. Although annual emissions bend The authors of the report caution that downward in both test scenarios, they their investment strategy would face a ultimately flatten and rise again. Why?

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Figure 2 Hal Harvey, Ef½ciency Test Scenarios, 2010–2100 Franklin M. Orr, Jr. & Clara Cumulative Carbon Emissions Vondrich

Annual Carbon Emissions

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A Trillion Ef½ciency measures provide large energy To further put these numbers in con- Tons savings in the near term, but these gains text, total global power-generating capac- are overwhelmed over time if population ity in 2011 was estimated at 5,360 gw. By and gdp growth continue unabated. the end of 2011, total renewable power The greatest reward in achieving either capacity worldwide exceeded 1,360 gw, of the high-ef½ciency scenarios is that up 8 percent over 2010. Renewables thus they cut the burden for new zero-carbon comprised more than 25 percent of total energy sources almost in half. Neverthe- global power-generating capacity and less, ef½ciency improvements alone are supplied an estimated 20.3 percent of not enough to avoid exceeding the budget. global electricity. Non-hydroelectric re- The ee scenario reaches the trillionth ton newables exceeded 390 gw, a 24 percent in approximately 2060; ee+ crosses that capacity increase over 2010. Total line about ½ve years later. While arguably installed capacity of non-hydroelectric modest, a ten- to ½fteen-year grace period renewables in 2010 was around 312 gw, provides needed flexibility in the low- just over 6 percent of the global total. Note carbon transition and is especially signi½- that intermittent renewable energy cant because it can be attained at low cost. resources are available only a fraction of the time, so nameplate capacity does not How much can existing and near-term directly translate into energy. Energy pro- renewable energy sources, such as solar duction is equal to nameplate capacity and wind, help? Renewable energy, ex- multiplied by the capacity factor (the cluding hydropower, is the fastest-grow- fraction of time plants or installations are ing source of electricity generation and is in operation), which can vary from about projected to account for up to a quarter 15 percent for solar photovoltaics in cli- of global electricity generation by 2035 mates that do not receive much sunlight (compared to less than 5 percent to- to up to 40 percent for offshore wind day).14 The eia predicts annual growth installations. Nevertheless, by 2035, re- rates averaging 3.1 percent between now newables are expected to account for and 2035. By contrast, coal-½red electric- about a third of global installed capacity ity generation is expected to grow at an and to generate between 15 and 23 percent average rate of 1.9 percent per year over of the world’s electricity.19 the same period.15 Some renewable energy technologies Recent growth rates are stunning: over are close to commercially competitive, the ½ve-year period from 2005 through including wind. Solar photovoltaics (pv) 2009, global renewable energy capacity are approaching the mark, while concen- grew at rates of 10 to 60 percent annually trated solar thermal power has some dis- for many technologies.16 While percent- tance yet to go. Aggressive deployment of age increases of this magnitude cannot renewables can make a big difference rel- be expected to last as the base for renew- ative to the carbon budget. Nevertheless, ables expands, the forward momentum with the possible exception of onshore is undeniable. In 2008, for the ½rst time, wind, these technologies still need to make more renewable energy than convention- substantial progress along the learning al power capacity was added in both the curve–dropping in price as their volume European Union and the United States.17 grows–to compete with incumbent fossil In 2010, renewables represented half fuel sources. of all newly installed electric capacity Evolving technologies, including most worldwide.18 renewable applications, have a high learn-

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ing rate compared to mature technologies Figure 3 compares emissions in these Hal Harvey, like coal.20 Solar pv has traditionally ex- test cases to bau, revealing a substantial Franklin M. Orr, Jr. & hibited an average learning rate of 20 per- divergence–at least in annual emissions. Clara cent, meaning that price drops by a ½fth In 2050, annual ren emissions are 20 per- Vondrich for every doubling of production.21 If cent below bau emissions; ren+ emis- these rates persist, a few more doublings sions are 31 percent lower. The difference of production capacity could result in cost is less striking in the cumulative emis- parity with fossil sources. Industry insid- sions view, where ren+ crosses the tril- ers suggest that solar pv is on track to be lionth ton less than a decade after bau. the cheapest energy source for many parts This delay is slight because the dis- of the world by the end of the decade.22 placement of fossil fuels by renewables is There are two caveats, however: solar minimal in the near decades. Scaling learning curves may be flattening23; and renewable technologies to meet global the cost of solar cells is only half of the energy needs remains a challenge even equation. The enclosure, glass cover, when prices become competitive. When mounting racks, junction boxes, and renewables enter the market at or below wiring–together called the balance of sys- the price of new coal (as they do in both tem–are now about half the cost of solar test cases), demand for coal declines only electricity, and their price decline may be marginally–a result of the embedded slower.24 infrastructure of fossil-fuel generating Nevertheless, both wind and solar prices sources. Turning over the capital stock of continue to decline. The solar industry has coal plants takes time. Moreover, cost is achieved manufacturing economies of not the only factor determining penetra- scale, and more ef½cient cells are being tion rates of a young technology. Scal- developed. The cost of wind energy is ability and regional differences in wind already close to competitive with new and solar resources, as well as intermit- gas and coal. According to ren21’s 2011 tency and the corresponding ½rming Global Status Report, the cost per kilowatt- requirements,28 also play a role. hour for onshore wind ranges from 5¢ to 9¢, for an average of 7¢/kWh.25 What other technology breakthroughs To examine the effect that an accelerat- might play a signi½cant role in the energy ed deployment of renewable technolo- transition ahead? Carbon capture and gies could have on the carbon budget, we storage (ccs) ½gures prominently in modeled the following two scenarios: many mitigation scenarios as virtually a sine qua non of remaining on a 450 ppm • Renewables (ren). The cost of energy from new renewables was assumed to pathway. However, progress has been slow be 60 percent below its 2012 price, in building the large-scale and capital- beginning in the same year. Such a dra- intensive demonstration projects needed matic decrease in price might come to test the viability of the technology over from an imagined technological break- its life cycle: that is, from combustion of through in R&D.26 the fossil fuel to the capture and storage of related emissions. In its 2012 report to • Renewables Plus (ren+). A 70 percent the Clean Energy Ministerial, the iea drop in cost was assumed beginning in notes that we can expect to see about ten 2012. We also added a 2 percent per year ccs plants operating by the middle of reduction in the barriers to electrifying this decade. But we will need about 110 the transport sector.27 more by 2020, the agency argues, in order

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A Trillion Figure 3 Tons Renewable Energy Scenarios, 2010–2100

Cumulative Carbon Emissions

Annual Carbon Emissions

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to keep global temperature rise below 2 price externalities associated with fossil Hal Harvey, degrees Celsius.29 fuels, including impacts on air quality, Franklin M. Orr, Jr. & Public ½nancing for ccs peaked in 2008 human health, and national security, Clara and 2009, when the technology received a among many other factors. Additionally, Vondrich boost as part of broader economic stimu- renewables are likely to have higher capi- lus programs.30 Nevertheless, much of the tal costs (but lower operating costs) than promised funding remains unallocated. conventional resources, which cost less up As of 2012, only 60 percent of the approx- front but require lifetime fuel purchase. imately $21.4 billion available to support Higher capital costs can limit ½nancing large-scale demonstration projects had for renewables. Financing also comprises been assigned to speci½c ventures.31 the biggest fraction of the levelized cost of Ongoing upheaval in the global market renewable energy, further undercutting will undoubtedly continue to squeeze competiveness with established fossil ccs budgets. Moreover, ccs is likely to sources. Any other new zero-carbon tech- remain underfunded in the absence of nology will likely face similar hurdles. strong and reliable policy signals, such as But let us adopt a techno-optimist’s a price on carbon. view and assume that a new energy game- ccs provides just one example of the changer arrives on the scene. This path- potential challenges facing any new breaking technology circumvents the prob- breakthrough technology. Our decades- lems noted above because innovations long experience with solar pv further have resulted in an energy source so cheap con½rms that, even after invention and that the new technology enters the market initial deployment, a technology often at half the price of coal. It is deployable at needs additional help to progress along scale and available for mass penetration its learning curve. Despite being com- around the globe. What is the impact of mercialized in the 1970s, and notwith- this game-changer on the carbon budget? standing its recent and striking price Speci½cally, we de½ned our New Tech- reductions, solar pv has yet to achieve nology (nt) scenario by the following global penetration rates of 1 percent. Cer- assumptions: tainly, a few more doublings of produc- • R&D efforts produce a zero-carbon pro- tion capacity and concomitant price totype in 2020; reductions could revolutionize the out- look for solar, but the sheer scale of the • Global deployment takes twelve years; transition means that this will take time. and

• The technology enters the market at half Our discussion is by no means a con- the price of new coal. demnation of renewables and other new energy-supply innovations. The above The nt case assumes that a new zero- examples merely underscore the intense carbon energy source, not yet conceived, pressure that innovations face as they try achieves mass global penetration slightly to gain a foothold in the market. In the more than twenty years from now. This case of renewables, this challenge is ambitious scenario exceeds by a wide mar- largely attributable to the fact that cheap gin the commercialization trajectories of fossil fuels are an entrenched and ubiqui- any large-scale energy technology existing tous part of our energy economy. Further today. For instance, in the renewables complicating matters is the uneven play- sector, wind power has only recently ing ½eld that results from the failure to achieved signi½cant rates of penetration

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A Trillion in some countries (Denmark, Spain, and energy supply over the course of each Tons Germany) where it has received heavy time period is determined by the relative public support–more than a half-century attractiveness of each supply type. Rela- after the ½rst grid-connected wind turbine tive attractiveness is a function of the was manufactured in 1951. Nevertheless, cost of each technology, which in turn is startling innovations are possible. influenced by learning, cost of nonrenew- The nt scenario circumvents the most able resources, suitability of remaining obvious hurdle to competitiveness– sites for renewable energy installations, namely, cost–by stipulating that the new and capacity for construction of new zero-carbon energy source enters the supply.32 As a result of this structure, market at half the price of coal. While market shares of a new technology may this strains credulity, it could be possible not correspond in the short term with if a carbon price were imposed or if what one might expect on the basis of deployment of the new technology were cost alone. declared a national or international prior- These assumptions about the energy ity. Again, our intent was to test assump- system imply that coal, oil, and gas will tions at the outer bounds of technical or continue to be burned for energy through- political feasibility to gauge the impact out the century. Even in scenarios where on the carbon budget. We found that the renewable energy or new technologies carbon emissions accumulated to date grow signi½cantly, drop in price, and renders the budget relatively insensitive dominate the market, fossil fuel energy to even very aggressive assumptions on continues to be inexpensive (recall that an energy game-changer. there is no price on carbon) and suf½cient- Figure 4 shows that annual nt emis- ly available to attract investment and use. sions are 11 percent below bau emissions Although reliance on fossil fuels is much in 2050, but crossing the trillionth ton is less than in the bau scenario, it is still delayed by less than a year (though the enough to prolong the increase of cumu- test case diverges more substantially from lative emissions. bau as time passes beyond the trillionth ton). At ½rst glance, the meager bene½ts The En-roads simulations discussed of the nt scenario are hard to understand. in this essay indicate the value of a diver- The assumptions are so radical that one si½ed portfolio of emissions-reducing would expect the needle to move much tools. No one tool suf½ces. Ef½ciency more sharply. In the long run, if a new alone, while curtailing demand, cannot technology is cheaper, we would expect it stand in for a low-carbon energy source. to take over, partly because of the learning Renewables are not powerful enough to curve dynamics, which amplify any ini- displace coal in the near term; we need tial cost advantage (cheaper equals more sustained investments and ef½ciency sales, which leads to more learning and measures to give them time to descend continued price reductions). However, the learning curve. A new technology this cycle is tempered by capital turnover; breakthrough, though a crucial long- even if the new technology is dominant term solution for global energy needs, as a share of investment in new capacity, requires several decades before it can replacing existing capital and achieving achieve suf½cient market penetration to dominance overall takes a long time. make a difference. For En-roads simulations, the frac- Estimated annual emissions do drop tional investment in various types of sharply in the individual scenarios. For ex-

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Figure 4 Hal Harvey, New Technology Scenario, 2010–2100 Franklin M. Orr, Jr. & Clara Cumulative Carbon Emissions Vondrich

Annual Carbon Emissions

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A Trillion ample, in 2050, ee+ emissions are 47 per- piece of the puzzle. Terrestrial sinks, for- Tons cent below bau, and ren+ emissions are ests, and plants have sequestered about a 31 percent below. Nevertheless, the impact quarter of human-driven carbon emis- on the cumulative budget is limited. The sions over time.35 Thus, deforestation in aggressive renewables test case buys only the Amazon, Indonesia, and the Congo a few additional years before we cross the Basin is a major threat, converting a mas- trillion-ton line. The nt scenario is also sive carbon-storage sink into a massive marginal, buying less than ½ve years carbon source. The draining and burning beyond bau. The impact discrepancy of peat bogs is another major global between annual and cumulative emissions source of CO2 emissions–indeed, the underscores the inadequacy of national third largest after burning fossil fuels emissions reduction schemes based on and deforestation. Unsustainable farming the “targets and timetables” approach. practices are also to blame. For instance, For instance, the United States has com- the carbon-rich grasslands and forests in mitted to 80 percent reductions relative temperate zones have been replaced by to baseline emissions in 2050. However, crops with a much lower capacity to unless this target is placed in the context sequester carbon. Aggressive policies are of cumulative emissions, the numbers are needed to arrest these developments and fairly meaningless: “[D]espite making further forestall the trillionth ton. reference to being guided by the ‘science’, The last missing piece is the interaction the [Copenhagen] Accord makes no of economic growth and coal. The sce- mention of cumulative emissions as the narios modeled in this essay reflect this scienti½cally credible framing of mitiga- relationship in the second half of the cen- tion. [Thus] the Accord still falls short of tury, when carbon emissions begin to acknowledging what the science makes grow after a period of steady decline. In absolutely clear–it is cumulative emis- the ee+ and ren+ scenarios, for example, sions that matter.”33 In other words, we annual emissions decline through the cannot emit willy-nilly until 2049 and then middle of the century only to rise again. slash emissions abruptly in 2050 and Why does this happen? Quite simply, the expect to be ½ne. Only cumulative emis- clean energy supply is overwhelmed by sions matter. growth, absent additional downward Nevertheless, we can delay emission of pressure on coal. If gdp continues to grow the trillionth ton much further by deploy- by 2 to 3 percent a year and coal remains ing a portfolio of actions. For instance, a cheap, ef½ciency gains and renewables serious ramp-up of renewables capacity will not keep pace with demand.36 A price coupled with an aggressive ef½ciency on carbon or an international deal on portfolio buys more than twenty years emissions reductions could alter this pic- relative to bau. Annual emissions in 2050 ture. Though policy options to achieve an are 57 percent less than bau, and the tril- ordered reduction of coal are manifold, we lionth ton is not emitted until sometime use the proxy of a carbon price in our ½nal around 2073. Combining the three most scenario below. aggressive scenarios–ee+, ren+, and Our ½nal scenario combines ee+, ren+, nt–is marginally better (see Figure 5).34 and nt with two new actions or policies: The combined scenario delays crossing a CO2 price of $35 per ton starting in 2025, the trillion-ton line by about a quarter- and a 50 percent reduction in emissions century–a good start, but not suf½cient. from land-use sectors and other more Land-use changes are also an essential short-lived greenhouse gases.

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Figure 5 Hal Harvey, Combination Scenarios, 2010–2100 Franklin M. Orr, Jr. & Clara Cumulative Carbon Emissions Vondrich

Annual Carbon Emissions

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A Trillion As Figure 5 shows, this scenario (“the carbon budget. We do not have time to Tons Suite”) holds cumulative emissions below waste if we are to avoid dangerous, irre- the trillionth ton throughout this century. versible climate changes for which mod- In 2050, annual emissions are 67 percent ern civilization is ill-suited to adapt. below bau. Speci½c components of the Indeed, the iea warns that we have ½ve Suite could be adjusted, of course. Use of years to get off the bau path. After that nuclear power (in place of coal) could point, the energy infrastructure we build reduce emissions associated with base- will start to lock in emissions-generating load electric power generation, and recent infrastructure that will push global changes in the availability of natural gas warming beyond 2 degrees Celsius. could also be explored. A more stringent Starting today, we can use existing land-use policy might be traded for a car- tools to begin a steady decline in emis- bon price. This thought experiment sim- sions at low cost. In coming years, renew- ply highlights that there is no single solu- able power will grow cheaper, while fossil tion: multiple measures are needed to fuel prices will adjust to future supplies keep humanity on a reasonable climate and competition from other resources. A trajectory. breakthrough innovation may well revo- lutionize the energy sector in ways we can The En-roads modeling exercise shows now only dream about. Programs and how rapid deployment of ef½ciency im- policies to foster advances can be pursued provements, renewables, and new tech- on a national, state, or local level; policy- nologies might impact the carbon budget makers and businesses at every level are over this century. Speci½cally, it con½rms empowered to take action now. The sce- that each component is necessary and narios examined here suggest that with none is suf½cient alone. Combined with a an aggressive and sustained effort, we can carbon price and effective land-use poli- push back the timetable for expending our cy, these three tools offer a challenging carbon budget and thus sharply reduce but credible path that stays within the the risks of surpassing the trillionth ton.

endnotes * Contributor Biographies: HAL HARVEY is ceo of Energy Innovation: Policy and Technol- ogy llc and Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment at the Paulson Institute at the University of Chicago. He is the founder of the ClimateWorks Foundation, where he previ- ously served as ceo. He is former Environment Program Director at The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and founder and past President of the Energy Foundation. An energy engineer, he has worked on energy policy in a dozen countries. FRANKLIN M. ORR, JR., is the Keleen and Carlton Beal Professor in the Department of Ener- gy Resources Engineering and Director of the Precourt Institute for Energy at Stanford Uni- versity. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment. His research focuses on understanding the physical mechanisms that control displacement performance in gas injection processes for oil recovery and storage of greenhouse gases. His work has appeared in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Energy Conversion and Management, and the Inter- national Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, among other publications. CLARA VONDRICH is Director of Leadership Initiatives at the ClimateWorks Foundation. She is an attorney with a background in international arbitration and energy policy. Previ- ously, she served as Counsel to the President’s Commission on the bp Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, focusing on ecological restoration and environmental justice. She also helped pre-

22 Dædalus, the Journal ofthe American Academy of Arts & Sciences Book_Winter 2013_Shinner.qxd 12/10/2012 8:52 AM Page 23

pare amicus briefs in support of state plaintiffs in the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Hal Harvey, American Electric Power v. Connecticut, which sought to hold major electric utilities liable for Franklin M. their contribution to climate change. Orr, Jr. & Clara Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Andrew Jones and Elizabeth Sawin of Climate Vondrich Interactive for their unfailing support and collaboration at all stages of producing this paper. 1 Myles Allen et al., “Warming Caused by Cumulative Carbon Emissions Towards the Tril- lionth Tonne,” Nature 458 (April 30, 2009): 1163–1166. Other carbon budgets have been pro- posed, depending on the “acceptable risk” stipulated for crossing the 2 degree Celsius threshold. For instance, Malte Meinshausen and colleagues propose a carbon budget of roughly 830 billion tons to assure a 50 percent chance of staying under 2 degrees Celsius. See Meinshausen et al., “Greenhouse-Gas Emission Targets for Limiting Global Warming to 2° C,” Nature 458 (April 30, 2009): 1158–1162. Despite these differences, the “need in principle for a cumulative limit near or below one trillion tonnes is generally accepted”; see Myles Allen et al., “The Case for Mandatory Sequestration,” Nature Geoscience 2 (2009): 813–814. 2 En-roads was created by Climate Interactive, Ventana Systems, mit Sloan School of Man- agement, and the ClimateWorks Foundation global research team. It is designed to comple- ment, not supplant, other more disaggregated models addressing similar questions, such as those in the Energy Modeling Forum’s emf-22 suite. En-roads relies on other models and Energy Information Administration (eia) projections for testing and data. It is based on the Ph.D. dissertations of John Sterman, Professor in the mit Sloan School of Management, and Tom Fiddaman of Ventana Systems. We wish to distinguish En-roads from the mit Emis- sions Prediction and Policy Analysis model (eppa), another simulation related to climate and energy. eppa was developed as part of mit’s Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change. En-roads is a system-dynamics (high-order nonlinear differential equa- tion) simulation; a more detailed description of En-roads methodology and assumptions is available at 3 Allen et al., “Warming Caused by Cumulative Carbon Emissions Towards the Trillionth Tonne.” See also Catherine Brahic, “Humanity’s Carbon Budget Set at One Trillion Tonnes,” New Scientist, April 29, 2009. But compare Meinshausen et al., “Greenhouse-Gas Emission Targets for Limiting Global Warming to 2° C.” 4 The En-roads model does not include full economic feedbacks. For example, it does not capture the effect of energy prices on the aggregate economy’s growth rate, or the effect of climate impacts on economic growth. The model is not suitable, therefore, for exploring optimal trade-offs between mitigation and climate adaptation. Further, the current version of En-roads does not explicitly include carbon capture and storage, the dynamics of invest- ment in and payoff from research and development, energy storage technologies, popula- tion, or labor. But it does include surrogates for each of these variables–namely, in its abil- ity to model generic new clean-energy technologies, technology learning curves, and gdp growth. 5 Estimates of the “useful life” of a coal plant vary from thirty to sixty years. Concerns about the conventional pollutants emitted by coal-½red power plants (sulfur and nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and mercury) have led to increasing pressure in some countries to shut down the worst offenders. Still, the large base of coal plants and the low marginal cost of operation mean that many will run for a long time. 6 United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs/Population Division, World Urbanization Prospects: The 2009 Revision (New York: United Nations, 2010), 12. 7 World Energy Outlook 2011 (Paris: International Energy Agency, 2011). 8 At the moment, cfls are more ef½cient than leds. Current led ef½cacy is around 50 lumens per watt (60 lm/W max for some high-end Japanese products), whereas cfls reach, at the most, 60 to 70 lm/W. cfls will likely remain the better choice for general lighting for another ½ve to ten years; leds are more likely to be used for specialty applications at ½rst.

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A Trillion 9 America’s Energy Future Panel on Energy Ef½ciency Technologies, Real Prospects for Energy Tons Ef½ciency in the United States (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2010). 10 Ibid. 11 Ibid. 12 Diana Farrell and Jaana K. Remes, “How the World Should Invest in Energy Ef½ciency,” McKinsey Quarterly (July 2008). 13 The bau scenario includes an annual improvement in primary energy intensity of 1.1 percent per year from 2010 to 2050. This estimate is somewhat lower than the reference scenarios developed by the iea (approximately 1.8 percent per year from 2010 to 2050) and the eia (1.7 percent per year from 2007 to 2035); but it falls in the range of emf-22 reference scenarios (0.4 to 1.5 percent per year). See World Energy Outlook 2011; Energy Information Adminis- tration, International Energy Outlook 2010 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy, 2010), Appendix J, “Kaya Identity Projections”; Leon Clarke et al., “International Climate Policy Architectures: Overview of the emf 22 International Scenarios,” Energy Economics 31 (2009): S64–S81. 14 Energy Information Administration, International Energy Outlook 2011 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy, 2011), 86, Table 11. When hydropower is included, renewable sources already supply nearly 20 percent of global electricity generation. See ren21, Renew- ables 2011: Global Status Report (Paris: ren21 Secretariat, 2011). 15 International Energy Outlook 2011, 86. Note that coal-½red generation, which starts from a far higher base than renewables, still experiences cumulative growth of 67 percent during that time: from 7.7 trillion kilowatt-hours in 2008 to 12.9 trillion kWh in 2035. 16 ren21, Renewables 2010: Global Status Report (Paris: ren21 Secretariat, 2010), 15. 17 ren21, Renewables Global Status Report: 2009 Update (Paris: ren21 Secretariat, 2009), 8. 18 ren21, Renewables 2011: Global Status Report. 19 Compare World Energy Outlook 2011, 178. The iea’s report forecasts the share of generation from non-hydroelectric renewables to be 15 percent in 2035, under its “New Policies Sce- nario.” Also compare International Energy Outlook 2011, 86, Table 11. The eia’s report forecasts net electricity generation of renewables to be more than 23 percent. 20 Tooraj Jamasb, “Technical Change Theory and Learning Curves: Patterns of Progress in Ener- gy Technologies,” The Energy Journal 28 (3) (2007): 51–71. 21 See, for example, Technology Roadmap: Solar Photovoltaic Energy (Paris: International Energy Agency, 2010), 18. The iea notes that pv module costs have decreased at historical learning rates of 15 to 22 percent and, further, that balance-of-system cost reductions have kept pace. The iea assumes a prospective learning rate of 18 percent for the whole pv system on that basis. 22 Kees van der Leun, “Solar pv Rapidly Becoming the Cheapest Option to Generate Electricity,” Grist, October 11, 2011, -becoming-cheapest-option-generate-electricity. 23 David Keith and Juan Moreno-Cruz, “Is the Solar Photovoltaic Learning Curve Flattening?” Near Zero Technical Note, June 15, 2011, 24 The extent to which balance-of-system costs are falling is an open question, with some parties quite optimistic. For instance, the iea maintained that balance-of-system cost reductions have kept pace with the historical solar panel learning rates of roughly 20 percent. See Tech- nology Roadmap: Solar Photovoltaic Energy, 18. 25 ren21, Renewables 2011: Global Status Report, 33 at Table 1. (“All costs in this table are indica- tive economic costs, levelized, and exclusive of subsidies or policy incentives. Typical energy costs are under best conditions, including system design, siting, and resource availability.

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Optimal conditions can yield lower costs, and less favorable conditions can yield substan- Hal Harvey, tially higher costs.”) Franklin M. 26 Orr, Jr. & A 60 percent cost reduction in renewable energy is clearly extreme. We sought to push the Clara limits of technical feasibility for each test case to explore the ultimate impact on the carbon Vondrich budget. That even extreme assumptions, individually or in partial combination, failed to prevent crossing of the trillionth ton is sobering. 27 Changes in investment and policy that would make it easier to electrify transportation were modeled by removing barriers to smarter grids, better electric vehicles, and complementary infrastructure such as fueling, parts, and maintenance. 28 Firming refers to use of a dispatchable backup resource (hydroelectric power or natural gas) to supplement an intermittent resource in order to ensure that energy supply is suf½cient to meet demand. 29 Tracking Clean Energy Progress: Energy Technology Perspectives 2012: Excerpt as IEA Input to the Clean Energy Ministerial (Paris: International Energy Agency, 2010). The iea scenario suggests that we need to capture about 270 million tons (Mt) CO from the power and industry sec- ccs 2 tors in 2020. Meanwhile, the Global Institute notes that the CO2 storage capacity of the fourteen large-scale projects currently in operation or under construction is only about 33 Mt CO2 per year. 30 For instance, President Obama allocated $3.4 billion to ccs research development and deploy- ment programs as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009. Meanwhile, Europe established a ½nancing program under the Emissions Trading Scheme to support large-scale demonstration projects for ccs and other low-carbon energy technologies (the “ner 300” program, so called because it allocates 300 million allowances in the New Entrants’ Reserve of the eu Emissions Trading Scheme). 31 The Global Status of CCS: 2011 (Canberra, Australia: Global ccs Institute, 2011). 32 For details, see 33 Kevin Anderson and Alice Bows, “Beyond ‘Dangerous’ Climate Change: Emissions Scenarios for a New World,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 369 (1934) (January 13, 2011): 20–44. 34 This result is partially explained by market competition. A driving force in the scale-up of technologies is the “learning by doing” effect, whereby prices fall and investment becomes more attractive as installed capacity increases. When new technology and renewables grow simultaneously, neither accumulates an installed total as quickly. 35 Yude Pan et al., “A Large and Persistent Carbon Sink in the World’s Forests,” Science 333 (6045) (2011): 988–993. 36 These growth rates are used in En-roads simulations (and those in the emf-22 suite, for example). Whether they are realistic for the end of the century is an open question.

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Does the American Public Support Legislation to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions?

Jon A. Krosnick & Bo MacInnis

Abstract: Despite efforts by some congressional legislators to pass laws to limit greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the use of fossil fuels, no such laws have yet been adopted. Is this failure to pass new laws attributable to a lack of public desire for such legislation? Data from national surveys support two answers to this question. First, large majorities of Americans have endorsed a variety of policies designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; second, policy support has been consistent across years and across scopes and types of policies. Popular policies include fuel economy and energy-ef½ciency standards, mandated use of renewable sources, and limitations on emissions by utilities and by businesses more gen- erally. Support for policies has been price sensitive, and the American public appears to have been willing to pay enough money for these purposes to cover their costs. Consistent with these policy endorsements, surveys show that large majorities of Americans believe that global warming has been happening, that it is attributable to human activity, and that future warming will be a threat if unaddressed. Not surpris- ingly, these beliefs appear to have been important drivers of public support for policies designed to reform energy generation and use. Thus, it seems inappropriate to attribute lack of legislation to lack of public support in these arenas.

Recent years have seen a number of efforts in Congress to shift American energy generation away from fossil fuels and toward cleaner and renewable energy sources. For example, in early JON A. KROSNICK, a Fellow of the 2009, the Obama administration and members of American Academy since 2009, is Congress designed and enacted the American the Frederic O. Glover Professor in Recovery and Reinvestment Act, earmarking nearly Humanities and Social Sciences $80 billion in clean-energy investments. Projects and Professor of Political Science, included upgrading the national electricity grid to Communication, and Psychology improve ef½ciency; assisting and encouraging the at Stanford University. formation of clean-energy businesses through tax BO MACINNIS is a Visiting Scholar incentives; and investing in cleaner and more ef½- in the Department of Communi- cient forms of public transit, such as high-speed rail. cation at Stanford University. In June 2009, the House of Representatives (*See endnotes for complete contributor passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act, biographies.) which sought to place nationwide caps on green-

© 2013 by the American Academy of Arts & Sciences

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house gas emissions. This law targeted a nation. Interviews were done by tele- Jon A. 17 percent reduction of greenhouse gas phone using “random digit dialing” to Krosnick & Bo emissions from 2005 levels by 2020 and reach people with listed and unlisted tele- MacInnis an 83 percent reduction by 2050. It also phone numbers. In the early years, only mandated that 20 percent of American landline telephones were called. As the electricity be generated from renewable number of Americans reachable only by sources such as solar and wind power by cellular telephone increased, we altered 2020. The Senate did not vote on the Act, our approach to include both landlines so it was not adopted into law. Since then, and cell phones. The same question word- no signi½cant efforts have been made in ings were employed across the years to Congress, and leaders either have chosen allow for tracking trends in opinions over not to discuss the issue or have opposed time. Our survey research has been con- legislative efforts to facilitate development ducted collaboratively with news media of a new energy economy. organizations (for example, the Associated One possible explanation for this turn of Press, abc News, The Washington Post, Time events is lack of public support. According magazine, and New Scientist magazine) and to many observers, reduced use of fossil the nonpartisan think tank Resources for fuels and adoption of new technologies the Future. It has been funded by govern- would be costly for consumers and would ment agencies (for example, the National shortcut the process of recovering invest- Science Foundation, the Environmental ments already made in infrastructure to Protection Agency, the National Oceanic produce energy from conventional sourc- and Atmospheric Administration), a pri- es. At a time when the nation’s economy is vate foundation (the Electric Power struggling, it is easy to imagine that Amer- Research Institute), and academic institu- icans might not be willing to take such tions (Stanford University and The Ohio steps, so shifting legislative focus to other State University). Data collection has policy arenas might appear to reflect been done by a variety of survey research public will. ½rms, including Abt/srbi, Ipsos Public In this essay, we explore whether public Affairs, GfK, and tns, and The Ohio attitudes indeed discourage immediate State University’s Center for Survey movement toward a new energy economy. Research. We examine attitudes in four broad cate- gories: two on the consumption side, and According to our surveys, large majori- two on the supply side. The consumption ties of Americans have endorsed policies policies include setting higher standards to limit the amount of air pollution in for energy ef½ciency and taxing electricity general, and greenhouse gas emissions in and gasoline use in order to reduce con- particular, that U.S. businesses produce. sumption. The supply policies address the In October 1997, for example, 88 percent expansion of renewable energy sources of respondents said the U.S. government and the reduction of businesses’ emissions should limit the amount of air pollution of air pollution in general and of green- that U.S. businesses can produce; 91 per- house gases in particular. cent expressed this opinion in February We explore these issues using data 1998; and in June 2010, the ½gure was 86 from national surveys that we conducted percent. Although the technical meaning between 1997 and 2012. Each survey of air pollution does not refer to greenhouse involved a probability sample of Ameri- gases, we have learned over the years that can adults who were representative of the Americans view this term as including

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Public greenhouse gas emissions as well. When ment’s requiring or encouraging the Support for respondents were asked in June 2010 building of appliances that use less elec- Legislation to Reduce whether the U.S. government should limit tricity (82 percent) as well as building new Greenhouse the amount of greenhouse gases thought homes and of½ces that use less energy to Gas Emissions to cause global warming that U.S. busi- be heated and cooled (83 percent). These nesses can produce, 76 percent answered majorities shrank slightly between 2006 af½rmatively. This ½gure was 74 percent and 2010, shrank a bit more in 2011, and in late 2010 and 77 percent in 2012. rebounded in 2012. None of the policies When the question was phrased speci½- was ever opposed by a majority during cally with regard to emissions produced this time period. by utilities during electricity generation, Similarly huge majorities have favored similarly high proportions of Americans steps by the federal government to reduce endorsed limitations. In 2006 and 2007, the amount of greenhouse gas emissions 86 percent and 87 percent of respondents, generated when utilities produce electric- respectively, said the federal government ity. In 2006, 86 percent of respondents should reduce utilities’ emissions. This favored requiring utilities, or encouraging ½gure was slightly lower in 2009, mid- them with tax breaks, to reduce the 2010, late 2010, early 2012, and mid-2012: amount of greenhouse gases they emit 76 percent, 80 percent, 78 percent, 70 per- (see Figure 1). Also in that year, 87 percent cent, and 78 percent, respectively. favored tax breaks for utilities that pro- In the literature on public opinion, re- duce more electricity from water, wind, searchers have observed what has been or sunlight (see Figure 2). These majorities dubbed a principle-implementation gap. were maintained between 2006 and 2010 Whereas many people favor policies to and shrank somewhat after that. achieve an outcome (for example, racial One element of the American Clean integration of schools) in principle, vari- Energy and Security Act is a government ous speci½c policies to achieve that out- mandate that 20 percent of the nation’s come (such as busing children to schools electricity be generated from clean, in neighborhoods far from their homes) renewable sources by the year 2020. In a receive only low levels of support. Thus, 2010 survey, 69 percent of American endorsement of the goal may appear adults endorsed this notion, saying that disingenuous because no actual imple- the U.S. government should require all mentation methodology would be accept- utilities to generate at least 20 percent of able to the public. their electricity from water, wind, or This is not the case for emissions- solar power. reduction policies. In fact, according to During a more limited set of years, we our surveys, large majorities of Ameri- asked about two additional emissions- cans have favored government taking reduction policies that were endorsed by steps to promote higher energy-ef½ciency slightly smaller but nonetheless sizable standards in a number of arenas (see Fig- majorities. The first addressed the seques- ure 1). For example, in 2006, 84 percent of tration of emissions from burning coal. survey respondents wanted the federal Our survey question asked whether re- government to require by law, or encour- spondents favored or opposed the federal age with tax breaks, the building of cars government’s giving “tax breaks to com- that use less gasoline.1 This is clearly a panies that burn coal to make electricity huge number. Similarly sizable majorities if they use new methods to put the air of Americans that year favored govern- pollution they generate into underground

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Figure 1 Jon A. Percent of Respondents Who Said that Government Should Require or Encourage Krosnick Various Policies Designed to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 2006–2012 & Bo MacInnis

Figure 2 Percent of Respondents Endorsing Various Policies Designed to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 2006–2012

Source: Figures created by authors.

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Public storage areas instead of letting that air Americans endorsed a cap-and-trade sys- Support for pollution go up the smokestacks at their tem when it was described as follows: Legislation factories.” The proportion of respondents to Reduce The government would issue permits lim- Greenhouse supporting this policy was 64 percent in iting the amount of greenhouse gases com- Gas 2010 and 63 percent in 2012 (see Figure 2). Emissions panies can put out. Companies that did not The other policy addressed requiring or use all their permits could sell them to encouraging automobile manufacturers to other companies. The idea is that many produce cars that run completely on elec- companies would ½nd ways to put out less tricity. When we ½rst asked about such a greenhouse gases, because that would be policy in 2009, 64 percent of respondents cheaper than buying permits. Would you endorsed it, and that ½gure remained fair- support or oppose this system? ly constant through 2012 (see Figure 1). Other emissions-reduction policies have Respondents who initially expressed op- been notably less popular, favored by only position were then told: “A similar system minorities of Americans (see Figure 2). has been effective in reducing emissions For example, in 2006 just 41 percent of that cause acid rain. Knowing that it has respondents favored giving federal tax worked in that case, would you support breaks to companies to build nuclear or oppose a cap-and-trade system for power plants. And even fewer people greenhouse gases?” Once this informa- supported tax increases imposed on con- tion was given, support rose to 74 percent, sumers’ energy consumption simply to suggesting that some initial hesitation induce decreased consumption and with- was based on uncertainty about whether out stipulating a use for the ½nancial rev- the system would be effective. enues that would be generated. Speci½- In 2010, we asked a randomly selected cally, in 2006 only 19 percent of Americans half of the respondents about cap and favored increasing taxes on electricity to trade, but we described the program encourage people to use less of it, and slightly differently: only 31 percent favored increasing taxes The government would issue permits lim- on gasoline to do the same. Endorsement iting the amount of greenhouse gases com- of these policies remained at about the panies can put out. Companies that did not same levels between 2006 and 2012. use all their permits could sell them to other companies. Companies that need central piece of the American Clean A more permits can buy them, or these com- Energy and Security Act is an economy- panies can pay money to reduce the wide system in which the federal govern- amount of greenhouse gases that other ment sets a limit on the total amount of people or organizations put out. This will greenhouse gases that businesses can cause companies to ½gure out the cheapest emit and issues tradable permits to com- way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. panies restricting their individual emis- Would you favor or oppose this system? sions. Although Barack Obama and John McCain disagreed about many issues When asked this form of the question, during the 2008 presidential election 65 percent of respondents said they fa- campaign, they agreed that the federal vored the system. For another group of government should create such a “cap and respondents, the following was added to trade” system. the end of the question: “This type of During the months leading up to the permit system has worked successfully in 2008 presidential election, 59 percent of the past to reduce the air pollution that

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companies put out.” Of these individuals, permits. To explore whether disposition Jon A. 74 percent endorsed the system. Thus, of revenues affects people’s willingness Krosnick & Bo again, majority support was apparent, to endorse cap and trade, we tested the MacInnis and initial hesitation was apparently due appeal of a so-called cap-and-dividend in part to uncertainty about program program. Another randomly selected one- effectiveness. quarter of respondents in the March 2009 This conclusion was reinforced by survey were told about cap and trade but another, similar experiment. In March were not told about past effectiveness. 2009, among a nationally representative Instead, they were told: “All the money sample of Americans who completed sur- raised from selling permits would be veys online,2 one-quarter of the respon- returned to American taxpayers. A refund dents, chosen randomly, were asked to would be given on each income tax return vote for or against a cap-and-trade pro- ½led with the federal government.” Of gram in which the permits would be sold these respondents, 57 percent voted for to companies (instead of simply issued, cap and trade. This number is not sig- as speci½ed in the experiments described ni½cantly different from the proportion above). Fifty-six percent of respondents who endorsed the program without this voted for the program. This proportion information (56 percent), meaning that increased to 62 percent among another the transformation from “cap and trade” random subset of respondents who also to “cap and dividend” did not increase the read this additional information about public appeal of the policy.4 the program’s effectiveness: This conclusion was supported by results from another experiment we con- This kind of policy, where the government ducted in a 2008 Internet survey of a non- limits a certain type of air pollution and representative sample of volunteers. Some gives out permits to companies that they of the respondents (chosen randomly) can buy and sell, has worked successfully were provided a description of cap and in the past to reduce the amount of air pol- trade and were told that the permits would lution that companies put out. For example, be given away to companies. Another in 1990, the federal government passed a law group of respondents (also chosen ran- like this, called the Clean Air Act, which domly) was instead told that the permits caused companies to put out a lot less of would be auctioned. The proportion of the air pollution that causes acid rain.3 respondents endorsing cap and trade was One possible explanation for the slight- not signi½cantly different in the two con- ly lower levels of popularity observed in ditions; therefore, federal revenue gener- this survey is that the permits are de- ation did not seem to increase the appeal scribed as being sold rather than issued. of cap and trade. When described as being sold, respon- Interestingly, public reluctance to sup- dents might perceive the permits as gener- port cap and trade is driven in part by the ating revenue for the federal government, presence of a trading system in the policy. and presumably increasing the costs of We observed this phenomenon in a sur- goods and services to consumers given the vey conducted in April 2007 with a repre- pass-through of the expense to companies. sentative national sample of Americans In the above study’s description of the who completed surveys via the Internet. cap-and-trade program, respondents were Respondents were asked to evaluate two not told what would be done with the different policy approaches for reducing revenue generated through the sale of emissions from electricity generation

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Public and gasoline consumption by 5 percent sumption, and 28 percent favored taxes on Support for by the year 2020. The ½rst was a cap-and- gasoline to do the same. Identical ½gures Legislation to Reduce trade system, the second a less complex appeared among respondents who did Greenhouse system that simply capped emissions with- hear the introduction. Among respon- Gas Emissions out a permit-trading system. The percent dents who did not hear the introduction, of respondents endorsing the mandated 45 percent favored tax breaks to encour- cap was considerably higher than the per- age nuclear power plant construction, cent endorsing the cap-and-trade system. and this ½gure was 51 percent among peo- Thus, mandated emissions-reduction pol- ple who heard the added introduction, icies were the more popular option. not a statistically signi½cant difference (p = 0.44). Thus, global warming reduc- The survey questions measuring support tion did not make these unpalatable poli- for some of the emissions-reduction poli- cies any more appealing. cies outlined above described each policy Likewise, explicitly linking renewable without mentioning that the goal was to power use to global warming did not alter reduce future global warming. Speci½- the appeal of alternative energy. Among cally, respondents were asked: “For each respondents who did not hear the added of the following, please tell me whether introduction, 82 percent favored giving tax you favor or oppose the federal govern- breaks to utilities to produce more elec- ment doing it”; one of the named policies tricity from water, wind, and solar power. was to “give companies tax breaks to build This ½gure rose to 87 percent among peo- nuclear power plants.” Given that survey ple who heard the introduction, which, respondents may not have understood again, is not a signi½cant difference that such policies are intended to reduce (p = 0.17). The same trend appeared with future global warming, we speculated that regard to support for carbon sequestra- making such a link explicit could have tion: among people who did not hear the changed the distribution of responses. added introduction, 61 percent favored it, We explored this possibility in an whereas 70 percent of respondents who experiment embedded in our 2010 survey. did hear the introduction favored it Half of the respondents (selected random- (again, not statistically signi½cant). Thus, ly) were asked about ½ve policies (ranging it appears that linking these policies more from very popular to very unpopular) with explicitly to global warming did not no- no mention of global warming. For the tably alter their popularity. other half of the respondents, the intro- duction to the question sequence stated: One might imagine that the very limited “For each of the following, please tell me support for consumer taxes on gasoline whether you favor or oppose it as a way for and electricity is the result of public the federal government to try to reduce reluctance to pay for reductions in green- future global warming.” Thus, the primary house gas emissions. And perhaps, one purpose of each policy was made explicit. might speculate, public endorsement of Linking relatively unpopular consump- mandates and tax incentives to alter busi- tion taxes and the construction of nuclear ness practices has been so high because power plants to global warming reduc- survey respondents imagined that these tion had no impact on support for such policies would not cost them any money. policies. Among respondents who did not To explore this possibility, we conduct- hear the added introduction, 22 percent ed an experiment in our 2012 survey. A favored taxes on electricity to reduce con- randomly selected half of the respondents

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were asked to evaluate four of the most under way, we randomly assigned one- Jon A. popular emissions-reduction policies third of the respondents to be asked if they Krosnick & Bo using question wording that made no would vote for or against a law that would MacInnis mention of the increased consumer costs reduce air pollution by 85 percent by 2050 that were likely to result from the poli- and that would cost each household an cies. The other half of the respondents extra $75 per year on average. Sixty-six were asked the same questions, but the percent of respondents voted for this law. questions were preceded by the following Among randomly selected respondents introduction: “Each of these changes who were instead told that the annual cost would increase the amount of money that would be $150 per household, endorse- you pay for things you buy.” ment dropped slightly, to 58 percent. And Adding this introduction had no sig- among the remaining respondents who ni½cant impact on the distribution of re- were told that the cost would be $250 per sponses. For example, among the respon- year, support dropped to 41 percent. dents who did not hear the explicit refer- This pattern of price sensitivity was also ence to increased consumer costs, 74 per- evident in surveys we conducted with cent endorsed federal government efforts representative samples of residents in to increase automobile fuel-ef½ciency Florida, Maine, and Massachusetts in July standards. The ½gure was 70 percent 2010. Of the total respondents from the among people who were told about the three states, 63 percent voted for a law to effect on the price of consumer goods– reduce air pollution by 85 percent by not a signi½cant difference (p = 0.69). 2050, even if it cost individual house- Similarly, when asked about U.S. govern- holds an extra $75 per year on average. ment actions to lower the amount of Support dropped slightly to 53 percent greenhouse gas emissions that utilities among respondents who were told that release, 77 percent endorsed the policy the annual cost would be $150. And sup- when not told about price increases on port dropped further, to 48 percent, consumer goods, and 78 percent did so among people told that the cost would be when told about increases to consumer $250 per year. prices–again, an insigni½cant difference Similar price sensitivity was observed (p = 0.61). in an April 2007 survey. A nationally rep- Because the new question wording spec- resentative sample of American adults was i½ed neither how much people would asked about requiring electric utilities to have to pay in order to achieve emissions produce low-carbon electricity to reduce reductions nor the size of those reduc- greenhouse gas emissions by 5 percent tions, this approach to measuring respon- by 2020. A randomly selected subset of dents’ willingness to incur costs raised the respondents was told that the law would question of how people would respond if cost an extra $24 annually in increased given speci½c ½gures. To address this electricity costs, and 75 percent endorsed concern, we conducted between-subjects the law. This number was about the same experiments in which we asked questions (73 percent) among respondents who were that made both the costs and the bene½ts told that the price would be $120 per year, explicit. In these experiments, we observed and it dropped considerably, as we expect- the price sensitivity that economists ed, to 50 percent among people who were would expect to see. told that the annual cost would be $840. For example, in November 2010, after Was public willingness to pay suf½cient the current economic recession was well to cover the actual cost of the described

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Public emissions reduction? To answer this have revealed a willingness to pay a Support for question, we can apply the Turnbull cal- higher price if we had asked about that). Legislation culation method5 to our survey data to to Reduce Having assigned each respondent a Greenhouse calculate the nation’s willingness to pay willingness to pay, we can calculate the Gas for an 85 percent reduction in national Emissions average willingness to pay across all emissions by 2050. The Turnbull method Americans, which turns out to be $134. is designed to yield a lower-bound esti- We can then multiply this number by the mate of total willingness to pay. For total number of households in the nation example, using the data we collected in (117 million in 2010) to yield a total will- 2010, we can produce estimates based on ingness to pay for the country: $15.7 bil- the following logic: lion per year. • Sixty-six percent of respondents voted Is this ½gure enough to cover the costs in favor of the program at a cost of $75 of an 85 percent reduction in national per household. Because $75 was the emissions by 2050? The Environmental lowest price we asked about, the Turn- Protection Agency (epa) conducted an bull method assumes that everyone who analysis of the economic costs of the voted against the program at this cost American Power Act to achieve the miti- was willing to pay $0 (even though these gation goals of reducing greenhouse gas respondents might have revealed some emissions by 17 percent in 2020 and by 83 willingness to pay if we had asked them percent in 2050. The epa estimated that about a price between $0 and $75). the per-household cost would be between $79 and $146 (in 2005 dollars) if the Act • Because 58 percent of respondents voted were to be implemented, with a total cost for the program at a cost of $150, the between $10.8 billion and $20.2 billion Turnbull method assumes that 8 percent per year (in 2010 dollars).6 Using the 2010 of respondents (the difference between survey data, the lower-bound estimate of 66 percent and 58 percent) were willing total public willingness to pay ($15.7 bil- to pay $75 (even though maximum will- lion) is squarely within the epa’s range of ingness to pay among some or all of $10.8 billion to $20.2 billion. Thus, accord- these respondents might have been ing to this measurement approach, Amer- between $75 and $150). icans were willing to pay the price. • Because 41 percent of respondents voted for the program at a cost of $250, the Some opponents of the policies outlined Turnbull method assumes that 17 per- above have argued that, amid a national cent of respondents (the difference recession, this is not the time to incur between 58 percent and 41 percent) such costs. This argument has often been were willing to pay $150 (even though justi½ed by claims that reducing future maximum willingness to pay among global warming would hurt the nation’s some or all of these respondents might economy and eliminate jobs. But the high have been between $150 and $250). levels of support these policies have received in recent years suggest that this • Because $250 was the highest price we asked about, the Turnbull method argument has not been convincing to assumes that the 41 percent of respon- Americans. Indeed, our data offer direct dents who voted for the program at evidence consistent with that conclusion. that price were willing to pay no more Speci½cally, in mid-2010, only 20 percent than that price (even though they might of respondents surveyed said that taking

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actions to reduce future global warming described above is indeed a function of Jon A. would hurt the U.S. economy, and only 18 the desire to reduce future global warm- Krosnick & Bo percent said that doing so would reduce ing and its perceived likely effects. MacInnis the number of jobs around the country. In order for the latter assertion to hold, These numbers were nearly identical– one necessary precondition must be– 23 percent and 18 percent, respectively– and has been–met: in all the surveys we in late 2010. In fact, in mid-2010, a major- have conducted dating back to the 1990s, ity of respondents (56 percent) said that large majorities of Americans have said taking actions to reduce future global they believe that the planet has been warming would have a positive effect on gradually warming over the last hundred the U.S. economy, and 50 percent said that years; that if such warming has been efforts to reduce warming would create occurring, it has been caused by human jobs and increase employment nation- activity; and that, if unchecked, global wide. These numbers were 53 percent and warming will be harmful to people now 48 percent, respectively, in late 2010. and in the future and will be a serious The same beliefs have been expressed problem for the nation and the world. with regard to state economies. In late According to each of the surveys con- 2010, only 19 percent of respondents said ducted between 2006 and 2012, more that U.S. efforts to do something about than three in four Americans said they global warming would reduce the num- believed that the world’s temperature has ber of jobs in their state, and only 21 per- probably been going up for the past hun- cent said that doing so would hurt their dred years: 85 percent in 2006 and 84 per- state’s economy. A plurality, 45 percent, cent in 2007. The proportion dropped said that such actions would bring jobs to slightly to 80 percent in 2008, dropped a the state in which they lived, and 48 per- bit more the next year, later rose slightly, cent said that these actions would help and then dropped slightly once more. their state’s economy. Through all these small ups and downs, large majorities expressed belief in past The substantial public support we ob- warming. When asked whether future served for a range of policy approaches warming will occur if nothing is done to may result from a variety of considera- stop it, 75 percent responded af½rmative- tions. For example, support for using solar, ly in 2010, and 72 percent did so in both wind, and water to generate electricity 2011 and 2012. Likewise, large majorities might be driven by (1) a desire to limit found human activity responsible for American dependence on foreign nations warming: 80 percent in 2006, 83 percent for oil; (2) a desire to use unlimited in 2007, 78 percent in 2008, 69 percent in sources rather than relying on ½nite 2009, 75 percent in 2010, 72 percent in 2011, quantities of oil, coal, and natural gas; or and 77 percent in 2012. (3) a desire to reduce emissions of partic- When asked whether warming of ½ve ulate matter that result from burning degrees Fahrenheit over the next seventy- organic materials. Indeed, even support ½ve years would be good, bad, or neither for legislation explicitly intended to good nor bad, 64 percent said “bad” in reduce greenhouse gas emissions might 2007, followed by 61 percent in 2008, 54 be driven by a desire to rely on alternative percent in 2009, 59 percent in mid-2010, energy sources for reasons having noth- 56 percent in late 2010, and 53 percent in ing to do with global warming. However, 2012. When asked how much global warm- it is also possible that the policy support ing is likely to hurt future generations, 64

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Public percent said “a great deal” or “a lot” in native energy sources (see row 1, column Support for mid-2010, and 60 percent expressed this 3 in Table 1); and a 3.5 percentage-point Legislation to Reduce view in late 2010. Huge majorities said increase in public endorsement of emis- Greenhouse that global warming was a “very serious” sions-reduction policies (see row 1, col- Gas Emissions or “somewhat serious” national problem: umn 4 in Table 1). When we combined all 82 percent in 2006, 85 percent in 2007, 84 the energy policies together, for every 10 percent in 2008, 73 percent in 2009, 78 per- percentage-point increase in the public’s cent in mid-2010, 75 percent in late 2010, global warming greenness, we observed a and 79 percent in 2012. 1.8 percentage-point increase in public To explore whether beliefs about glob- endorsement of the policies in general al warming might motivate support for (see row 1, column 5 in Table 1). emissions-reduction policies, we estimat- ed the parameters of regression equations Taken together, the body of evidence (see Table 1). We constructed an index of that we have reviewed here paints a respondent “greenness” on global warm- compelling portrait of public opinion. ing using ½ve measures: namely, belief For years, most Americans have endorsed that global warming has been happening, a range of U.S. government policies that it has been caused by humans, that it designed to reduce greenhouse gas emis- will be bad, that it will be a serious prob- sions and have been willing to pay for the lem for the nation, and that it will be a implementation of such policies. To date, serious problem for the world. This index despite the national recession, most was normalized to be a continuous vari- Americans have apparently been uncon- able from 0 (the least green) to 1 (the most vinced that such policies would hurt the green). Measures of endorsement of emis- U.S. economy or their state’s economy. sions-reduction policies in four categories Certainly, some types of policies have were also constructed and normalized to appealed to very few Americans, includ- be continuous scores ranging from 0 (the ing consumer taxes designed simply to least endorsement) to 1 (the most en- reduce consumption, with no speci½city dorsement). Data from the mid-2010 and about the uses of the funds that would be late-2010 surveys were used to estimate raised by the federal government and no parameters because of the completeness indication of what level of emissions of the energy policy measures included in reductions would be achieved. But poli- those surveys. cies that involve either government man- As we expected, global warming green- dates or tax incentives to businesses have ness predicted support for emissions- proven very popular with the public, reduction policies in each of the four even when the ½nancial costs involved categories. For every 10 percentage-point are made explicit. Americans are not will- increase in the public’s global warming ing to pay an unlimited amount of money greenness, we observed a 1.5 percentage- for emissions reduction, and people do point increase in endorsement of policies manifest the price sensitivity that econo- for fuel economy and energy-ef½ciency mists would expect. But willingness to standards (see row 1, column 1 in Table 1); pay appears to be suf½cient to fund a a 2.5 percentage-point increase in public great deal of effort. endorsement of energy-consumption tax In light of our survey results, it seems policies (see row 1, column 2 in Table 1); unfair to blame the public for lack of leg- a 1 percentage-point increase in public islative progress in limiting greenhouse endorsement of policies related to alter- gas emissions. Indeed, public support for

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Table 1 Jon A. Greenness in Global Warming Beliefs as a Predictor of Energy Policy Support7 Krosnick & Bo Support for Each Category of Energy Policies MacInnis Energy Gas Alternative Support for Ef½ciency Consumption Energy Emissions All Energy Predictor Standards (1) Taxes (2) Sources (3) Reduction (4) Policies (5) Global Warming 0.15*** 0.25*** 0.10*** 0.35*** 0.18*** Greenness (0.04) (0.03) (0.04) (0.03) (0.02) Democrat 0.04 0.01 0.05** 0.04** 0.03** (0.02) (0.03) (0.02) (0.02) (0.01) Republican 0.01 -0.04 0.03 -0.01 0.00 (0.03) (0.02) (0.03) (0.02) (0.01) Liberal -0.03 0.11*** 0.00 -0.03 -0.00 (0.03) (0.03) (0.02) (0.02) (0.01) Conservative 0.03 -0.06** -0.01 -0.03 -0.01 (0.03) (0.03) (0.03) (0.02) (0.01) Female -0.03 -0.00 -0.04** 0.05*** -0.02* (0.02) (0.02) (0.02) (0.02) (0.01) Hispanic -0.08** 0.13*** 0.04 0.01 0.00 (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.03) (0.02) Black -0.09** 0.04 -0.00 -0.02 -0.04** (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.02) (0.02) High school -0.01 0.02 -0.01 -0.00 0.00 graduate (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.02) Some college -0.01 0.00 0.04 -0.01 0.01 (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.02) College 0.02 0.14*** 0.05 -0.01 0.05* graduate (0.03) (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.02) Age 25–34 0.05 -0.09** 0.01 -0.01 0.01 (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.03) (0.02) Age 35–44 0.05 -0.05 -0.01 -0.04 -0.00 (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.03) (0.02) Age 45–54 0.05 -0.09** -0.04 -0.06* -0.02 (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.03) (0.02) Age 55–64 -0.01 -0.03 -0.01 -0.11*** -0.03* (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.03) (0.02) Age 65 or older -0.04 -0.01 -0.05 -0.07*** -0.03* (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.03) (0.02) Midwest 0.00 -0.02 -0.02 -0.00 -0.00 (0.03) (0.03) (0.03) (0.02) (0.02) South -0.03 -0.03 -0.04 0.01 -0.02 (0.03) (0.03) (0.03) (0.02) (0.02) West 0.01 0.01 -0.05* 0.02 0.00 (0.03) (0.03) (0.03) (0.02) (0.02) November 2010 -0.00 0.04* -0.01 0.08*** 0.02** survey (0.02) (0.02) (0.02) (0.02) (0.01) N 2,001 2,001 2,001 2,001 2,001 R2 0.051 0.170 0.041 0.223 0.149

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Public such policies seems to be not only present another possibility is that legislators have Support for but prevalent–much more so than for been unaware of the magnitude of the Legislation to Reduce policies that the federal government cur- public consensus on these issues. We hope Greenhouse rently implements in many other arenas. that this essay helps U.S. leaders and the Gas Emissions Why, then, has legislative action been so American public to better understand limited with regard to reduction of green- prevailing opinions on emissions reduc- house gas emissions? One possibility is tion, and thereby to enhance the func- that legislators have thus far chosen to tioning of representative democracy in ignore the will of their constituents when this country. voting on legislation in this arena. But

endnotes * Contributor Biographies: JON A. KROSNICK, a Fellow of the American Academy since 2009, is the Frederic O. Glover Professor in Humanities and Social Sciences; Professor of Political Science, Communication, and Psychology; and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute at Stanford University. He is also a University Fellow at Resources for the Future. He was Co- Principal Investigator of the American National Election Studies and directs the Political Psychology Research Group at Stanford. He has coauthored or coedited several books on survey methodology, questionnaire design, and the psychology of political attitudes and behavior. His work has appeared in Public Opinion Quarterly, the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, and Climatic Change, among others. BO MACINNIS is a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Communication at Stanford Uni- versity. 1 When asked a different question in 2008, 78 percent of the public said that the federal gov- ernment should make fuel-ef½ciency standards for cars stricter than they were at that time. 2 The data were collected via the Face-to-Face Recruited Internet Survey Platform (ffrisp). Face-to-face recruiting was done with a national area probability sample of American house- holds that had been offered a free laptop (or its equivalent value in cash), high-speed Inter- net access at home (if the home did not have it already), and regular cash payments in exchange for completing monthly questionnaires for a year. The ffrisp began with one thousand panelists, who were recruited between June and October 2008. The data described here were collected during the sixth wave, initiated in March 2009. 3 One might wonder whether these ½ndings occurred simply because the survey question offered an argument in favor of cap and trade, not because of the speci½c nature of that argu- ment. We explored this possibility in an Internet survey conducted with a nonrepresenta- tive sample of research participants in 2008. Among a randomly selected subset of the respondents who were asked about cap and trade with no argument in favor of it, 41 percent voted for the program. Among a random subset of the respondents who were also told that economists had conducted much research showing that such a policy is the least costly way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, endorsement was not signi½cantly different: 46 per- cent. Another random subset of the respondents was instead reassured that the government could accurately monitor emissions and enforce the cap; endorsement was again about the same: 45 percent. But when the ½nal random subset of the respondents was told that cap and trade had worked effectively in the past, endorsement rose signi½cantly, to 54 percent. Thus, adding other arguments did not increase public support for cap and trade; only the effec- tiveness argument did so. These ½ndings also suggest that hesitation with regard to cap and trade was not driven by concerns about whether emissions can be monitored or whether cap and trade is truly the most desirable emissions-reduction method. 4 Among another one-quarter of respondents who were told about both the past effectiveness of cap and trade and that revenues would be returned to Americans, endorsement was 65

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percent–not signi½cantly different from the 62 percent of people who were told only about Jon A. effectiveness. These results reinforce the conclusion that the “cap and dividend” framing Krosnick does not enhance support. & Bo MacInnis 5 Bruce Turnbull, “The Empirical Distribution Function with Arbitrarily Grouped, Censored and Truncated Data,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B 38 (1976): 290–295. 6 To calculate this estimate, we ½rst took the lower bound of $79 in 2005 dollars, inflated it to 2010 dollars (to match the year of the survey) using an annual consumer price index of 3.4 percent–that is, $79 × 1.0345 = $93–and then multiplied $93 by 117 million households, yielding $10.8 billion for the lower bound. The upper bound of $20.2 billion is based on the per-household annual cost of $146. 7 * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01. Cell entries are coef½cient estimates (with standard errors given in parentheses) from ordinary least square regressions predicting policy support (coded to range from 0, the least support, to 1, the most support) among respondents to the June 2010 and November 2010 Stanford Global Warming national surveys, adjusting with sampling weights. Greenness is an index of global warming beliefs, including beliefs that global warming has been happening, that it has been caused by humans, that it will be bad, that it will be a serious problem for the nation, and that it will be a serious problem for the world. All other predictors were dichotomous variables. Omitted categories were: male, independent, moderate, non-Hispanic, white, age 18–24, less than high school graduates, and people in the Northeast.

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The Collapse of Western Civilization: A View from the Future

Naomi Oreskes & Erik M. Conway

Authors’ note: Science ½ction writers construct an imaginary future; historians attempt to reconstruct the past. Ultimately, both are seeking to understand the present. In this essay, we blend the two genres to imagine a future historian looking back on a past that is our present and (possible) future. The occasion is the tercentenary of the end of Western culture (1540–2073); the dilemma being addressed is how we–the children of the Enlightenment–failed to act on robust information about climate change and knowledge of the damaging events that were about to unfold. Our historian concludes that a second Dark Age had fallen on Western civilization, in which denial and self-deception, rooted in an ideological ½xation on “free” markets, disabled the world’s powerful nations in the face of tragedy. Moreover, the scientists who best understood the problem were hamstrung by their own cultural practices, which demand- ed an excessively stringent standard for accepting claims of any kind–even those involving imminent threats. Here, our future historian, living in the Second People’s Republic of China, recounts the events of the Period of the Penumbra (1988–2073) that led to the Great Collapse and Mass Migration (2074).

In the prehistory of “civilization,” many societies rose and fell, but few left as clear and extensive an account of what happened to them and why as the twenty-½rst-century nation-states that referred to themselves as Western civilization. Even today, two millennia after the collapse of the Roman and Mayan empires and one millennium after the end of the Byzantine and Inca empires, historians, NAOMI ORESKES is Professor of archaeologists, and synthetic-failure paleoanalysts History and Science Studies at the have been unable to agree on the primary causes of University of California, San Diego, those societies’ loss of population, power, stability, and Adjunct Professor of Geo- and identity. The case of Western civilization is dif- sciences at the Scripps Institution ferent because the consequences of its actions were of Oceanography. not only predictable, but predicted. Moreover, this ERIK M. CONWAY is a historian technologically transitional society left extensive of science and technology based in records both in twentieth-century-style paper and in Pasadena, California. twenty-½rst-century electronic formats, permitting (*See endnotes for complete contributor us to reconstruct what happened in extraordinarily biographies.) clear detail. While analysts differ on the details, vir-

© 2013 by Naomi Oreskes & Erik M. Conway

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tually all agree that the people of Western then-prevalent agricultural techniques Naomi civilization knew what was happening to such as growing rice in paddy ½elds and Oreskes & Erik M. them but were unable to stop it. Indeed, producing cattle as a primary protein Conway the most startling aspect of this story is source. just how much these people knew, yet how In the 1970s, scientists began to recog- little they acted upon what they knew. nize that human activities were changing the physical and biological functions of For more than one hundred years, phys- the planet in consequential ways–giving ical scientists1 in the Western world had rise to the Anthropocene Period of Geo- 2 known that carbon dioxide (CO2) and logical History. None of the scientists water vapor absorbed heat in the plane- who made these early discoveries was tary atmosphere. A three-phase Industrial particularly visionary: many of the rele- Revolution led to massive release of addi- vant studies were by-products of nuclear 3 tional CO2, initially in the United King- weapons testing and development. It dom (1750–1850); then in Germany, the was the rare man (in those days, sex dis- United States, and the rest of Europe crimination was still widespread) who (1850–1950); and ½nally in China, India, understood that he was in fact studying and Brazil (1950–2050). At the start of the the limits of planetary sinks.4 (Along with ½nal phase, some scientists recognized these ½ndings, scientists also highlighted that the anthropogenic increment of CO2 the phenomenon of market failure, a dis- could theoretically warm the planet, but cussion of which appears below.) Major few were concerned; total emissions research programs were launched and were still quite low, and in any case most new institutions created to acknowledge scientists viewed the atmosphere as an and deal with the issue. Culturally, cele- essentially unlimited sink. Through the brating the planet was encouraged on an 1960s, it was often said that “the solution annual Earth Day (as if every day were not to pollution is dilution.” an Earth day!), and in the United States Things began to change as planetary the establishment of the Environmental sinks approached saturation. Some effects Protection Agency formalized the con- occurred because of the extreme power cept of environmental protection. By the late of certain chemical agents even at very 1980s, scientists had recognized that con- low concentrations, such as organochlo- centrations of CO2 and other greenhouse rine insecticides (most famously the pes- gases were having discernible effects on ticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, planetary climate, ocean chemistry, and or ddt), and chlorinated fluorocarbons biological systems, threatening grave (cfcs). The former were shown in the consequences if not rapidly controlled. 1960s to disrupt reproductive function in Various groups and individuals began to ½sh, birds, and mammals; scientists cor- argue for the need to control greenhouse rectly predicted in the 1970s that the latter gas emissions and begin a transition to a would deplete the stratospheric ozone non-carbon-based energy system. layer. Other saturation effects occurred Historians view 1988 as the start of the because of the huge volume of materials Penumbral Period. In that year, scientists being released into the planetary environ- created a new hybrid scienti½c/govern- ment. These materials included sulfates mental organization, the Intergovern- from the combustion of coal as well as mental Panel on Climate Change (ipcc), CO2 and methane (CH4) from fossil fuels, to communicate relevant science and concrete manufacture, deforestation, and form the foundation for international

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The governance to protect the planet and its and heat waves began to intensify, but Collapse denizens. A year later, the Montreal Pro- these effects were discounted. Those in of Western Civilization: tocol to Control Substances that Deplete what we might call active denial insisted A View from the Ozone Layer became a model for an that the extreme weather events reflected the Future international framework to control green- natural variability, despite a lack of evi- house gases. In 1992, world nations signed dence to support that claim. Those in pas- the United Nations Framework Conven- sive denial continued life as they had been tion on Climate Change (unfccc) to pre- living it, unconvinced that a compelling vent “dangerous anthropogenic interfer- justi½cation existed for broad changes in ence” in the climate system. But there industry and infrastructure. Scientists was backlash. Critics claimed that the became entangled in arcane arguments scienti½c uncertainties were too great to about the “attribution” of singular events; justify the expense and inconvenience of however, the threat to civilization inhered eliminating greenhouse gas emissions, not in any individual flood, heat wave, or and that any attempt to solve the problem hurricane, but in the overall shifting cli- would cost more than it was worth. At mate pattern, its impact on the cryo- ½rst, just a handful of people made this sphere, and the increasing acidi½cation of argument, almost all of them from the the world ocean. United States, although in time, the argu- The year 2009 is viewed as the “last ments spread to Canada, Australia, and best chance” the Western world had to parts of Europe as well. In hindsight, the save itself, as leaders met in Copenhagen, self-justi½catory aspects of the U.S. posi- Denmark, to try, for the ½fteenth time tion are obvious, but they were not appar- since the unfccc was written, to agree ent to many at the time. Some nations used on a binding, international law to prevent inertia in the United States to excuse their disruptive climate change. Two years own patterns of destructive development. before, scientists involved in the ipcc Others tried but failed to force the United had declared anthropogenic warming States into international cooperation. to be “unequivocal,” and public opinion By the end of the millennium, denial polls showed that a majority of people– had spread widely. In the United States, even in the recalcitrant United States– political leaders–including the president believed that action was warranted. But of the United States, members of Congress, shortly before the meeting, a massive and members of state legislatures–took campaign (funded primarily by fossil fuel denialist positions. In Europe, Australia, corporations, whose annual pro½ts at and Canada, the message of “uncertainty” that time exceeded the gdps of most was promoted by industrialists, bankers, countries6), was launched to discredit and some political leaders. (Meanwhile, the scientists whose research under- a different version of denial emerged in pinned the ipcc’s conclusion.7 Public non-industrialized nations, which argued support for action evaporated; even the that the threat of climate change was president of the United States felt unable being used to prevent their development. to move his nation forward. The claims had little effect, though, Meanwhile, climate change was inten- because these countries produced few sifying. In 2010, record-breaking summer greenhouse gas emissions.)5 heat and ½res killed more than 50,000 By the early 2000s, dangerous anthro- people in Russia and resulted in over $15 pogenic interference in the climate system billion (in 2009 usd) in damages. The fol- was under way. Fires, floods, hurricanes, lowing year, massive floods in Australia

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affected more than 250,000 people. In tions; later they included threats, thefts, Naomi 2012, which became known in the United and the subpoena of private correspon- Oreskes & 8 Erik M. States as the “year without a winter,” dence. Then legislation was passed (par- Conway winter temperature records, including ticularly in the United States) that placed for the highest overnight lows, were shat- limits on what scientists could study and tered–something that should have been how they could study it, beginning with an obvious cause for concern. A summer the notorious “Sea Level Rise Denial Bill,” of unprecedented heat waves and loss of passed in 2012 by the government of what livestock and agriculture followed. The was then the U.S. state of North Carolina “year without a winter” moniker was (now part of the Atlantic Continental misleading, as the warm winter was Shelf )9 and the Government Spending largely restricted to the United States, but Accountability Act of 2012, which restrict- in 2021, the infamous “year of perpetual ed the ability of government scientists to summer” lived up to its name, taking attend conferences to share and analyze 500,000 lives worldwide and costing the results of their research.10 nearly $500 billion in losses due to ½res, Though ridiculed when ½rst introduced, crop failure, and the deaths of livestock the Sea Level Rise Denial Bill would and companion animals. become the model for the U.S. National The loss of pet cats and dogs garnered Stability Protection Act of 2022, which led particular attention among wealthy West- to the conviction and imprisonment of erners, but what was anomalous in 2021 more than three hundred scientists for soon became the new normal. Even then, “endangering the safety and well-being political, business, and religious leaders of the general public with unduly alarming refused to accept that the primary cause threats.”11 By exaggerating the threat, it was the burning of fossil fuels. A shadow was argued, scientists were preventing of ignorance and denial had fallen over the economic development essential for people who considered themselves chil- coping with climate change. When the dren of the Enlightenment. For this rea- scientists appealed, their convictions son, we now know this era as the Period were upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court of the Penumbra. under the Clear and Present Danger doc- It is clear that in the early twenty-½rst trine, which permitted the government century, immediate steps should have to limit speech deemed to represent an been taken to begin the Great Energy imminent threat. Transition. Staggeringly, the opposite Had scientists exaggerated the threat, occurred. At the very time that the urgent inadvertently undermining the evidence need for an energy transition became pal- that would later vindicate them? Certain- pable, world production of greenhouse ly, narcissistic ful½llment played a role in gases increased. This fact is so hard to the public positions that some scientists understand that it calls for a closer look at took, and in the early part of this period, what we know about this crucial juncture. funds flowed into climate research at the expense of other branches of science, not In the early Penumbral Period, scientists to mention other forms of intellectual were accused of being “alarmist” in order and creative activity. (It is remarkable to increase ½nancial support for their how little these extraordinarily wealthy enterprise, gain attention, or improve nations spent supporting artistic produc- their social standing. At ½rst, the accusa- tion; one explanation may be that artists tions took the form of public denuncia- were among the ½rst to truly grasp the

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The signi½cance of the changes that were tistics, the possibility that an observed Collapse occurring.12) However, by 2010 or so, it event could have happened by chance of Western Civilization: was clear that scientists had been under- was less than 1 in 20. Many phenomena A View from estimating the threat, as new developments whose causal mechanisms were physical- the Future outpaced early predictions of warming, ly, chemically, or biologically linked to sea level rise, and Arctic ice loss, among warmer temperatures were dismissed as other parameters.13 “unproven” because they did not adhere It is dif½cult to understand why humans to this standard of demonstration. did not respond appropriately in the early Historians have long argued about why Penumbral Period, when preventive this standard was accepted, given that it measures were still possible. Many have had no substantive mathematical basis. sought an answer in the general phenom- We have come to understand the 95 per- enon of human adaptive optimism, which cent con½dence limit as a social con- later proved crucial for survivors. Even vention rooted in scientists’ desire to more elusive to scholars is why scientists, demonstrate their disciplinary severity. whose job it was to understand the threat Just as religious orders of prior centuries and warn their societies–and who had demonstrated moral rigor through thought that they did understand the extreme practices of asceticism in dress, threat and that they were warning their lodging, behavior, and food–in essence, societies–failed to appreciate the full practices of physical self-denial–so, too, magnitude of climate change. To shed did natural scientists of the twentieth light on this question, scholars have century attempt to demonstrate their pointed to the roots of Western natural intellectual rigor through intellectual science in religious institutions. self-denial.14 This practice led scientists In an almost childlike attempt to de- to demand an excessively stringent stan- marcate their practices from those of older dard for accepting claims of any kind, explanatory traditions, scientists felt it even those involving imminent threats. necessary to prove to themselves and the Western scientists built an intellectual world how strict they were in their intel- culture based on the premise that it was lectual standards. Thus, they placed the worse to fool oneself into believing in burden of proof on novel claims, includ- something that did not exist than not to ing those about climate. Some scientists in believe in something that did. Scientists the early twenty-½rst century, for exam- referred to these positions as “type I” and ple, had recognized that hurricanes were “type II” errors, and established protocols intensifying, but they backed down from designed to avoid type I errors at almost this conclusion under pressure from their all costs. One scientist wrote, “A type I scienti½c colleagues. Much of the argu- error is often considered to be more seri- ment surrounded the concept of statistical ous, and therefore more important to signi½cance. Given what we now know avoid, than a type II error.” Another about the dominance of nonlinear sys- claimed that type II errors were not errors tems and the distribution of stochastic at all, just “missed opportunities.”15 So processes, the then-dominant notion of a while the pattern of weather events was 95 percent con½dence limit is hard to clearly changing, many scientists insisted fathom. Yet overwhelming evidence sug- that these events could not yet be attrib- gests that twentieth-century scientists uted with certainty to anthropogenic cli- believed that a claim could be accepted mate change. Even as lay citizens began only if, by the standards of Fisherian sta- to accept this link, the scientists who stud-

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ied it did not.16 More important, political This changed around the year 2000, when Naomi leaders came to believe that they had more Canada’s government began to push for Oreskes & Erik M. time to act than they really did. The irony development of huge oil sand deposits in Conway of these beliefs need not be dwelt on; sci- the province of Alberta. While these entists missed the most important oppor- deposits had been mined intermittently tunity in human history, and the costs that since the 1960s, the rising cost of conven- ensued were indeed nearly “all costs.” tional oil had made sustained exploita- tion economically feasible. The fact that By 2012, more than 365 billion tons of 70 percent of the world’s known reserves carbon had been emitted into the atmo- were in Canada explains the govern- sphere since 1751. Staggeringly, more than ment’s new denialist position on climate half of these emissions occurred after change: in 2011, Canada withdrew from the mid-1970s–that is, after scientists had the Kyoto Protocol to the unfccc.20 built computer models demonstrating Under the protocol, Canada had commit- that greenhouse gases would cause warm- ted to cut its emissions by 6 percent, but ing. Emissions continued to accelerate its actual emissions increased more than even after the unfccc was established: 30 percent during this period.21 between 1992 and 2012, total CO2 emis- The massive increase in shale gas led to sions increased by 38 percent.17 Some a collapse in the price of natural gas, driv- of this increase was understandable, as ing out nascent renewable energy indus- energy use grew in poor nations seeking tries everywhere except China. Then the to raise their standard of living. Less United States implemented laws forbid- explicable is why, at the very moment ding the use of biodiesel fuels–½rst by the when disruptive climate change was military, and then by the general public– becoming apparent, wealthy nations dra- undercutting that emerging market as matically increased their production of well.22 Bills were passed to restrict the fossil fuels. The countries most involved development and use of other forms of in this enigma were two of the world’s renewable energy, maintaining the lock richest: the United States and Canada. that fossil fuel companies had on energy A key turning point was 2005, when the production and use.23 U.S. Energy Policy Act exempted shale gas How did these wealthy nations–rich drilling from regulatory oversight under in the resources that would have enabled the Safe Drinking Water Act. This statute an orderly transition to a zero net-carbon opened the floodgates (or, more precisely, infrastructure–justify the deadly expan- the wellheads) to massive increases in sion of fossil fuel production? Certainly, shale gas production.18 U.S. shale gas pro- they fostered the shadow of denial that duction at that time was less than 5 trillion obscured the link between climate change cubic feet (Tcf, archaic imperial units) per and fossil fuel production and consump- annum. By 2035, it had increased to 13.6 tion. They also entertained a second delu- Tcf. As the United States expanded shale sion: that natural gas from shale could gas production and exported the relevant offer a “bridge to renewables.” Believing technology, other nations followed. By that conventional oil and gas resources 2035, total gas production had exceeded were running out (which they were, but 250 Tcf per annum.19 at a rate insuf½cient to avoid disruptive In the late twentieth century, Canada climate change), and stressing that natu- was considered an advanced nation with ral gas, when combusted, produced only a high level of environmental sensitivity. half as much CO2 as coal, political and

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The economic leaders persuaded themselves creased social pressure on areas less sub- Collapse and their constituents that promoting ject to those hazards. In poor nations, of Western Civilization: shale gas was an environmentally and conditions were predictably worse: rural A View from ethically sound approach. portions of Africa and Asia were already the Future This line of reasoning, however, ne- experiencing signi½cant depopulation glected three crucial factors. First, fugitive from out-migration, malnutrition-induced methane emissions–CH4 that escaped un- disease and infertility, and starvation. Still, burned into the atmosphere–greatly sea level had risen only 9 to 15 centimeters accelerated warming. (Again, scientists around the globe, and coastal populations had foreseen this phenomenon, but their were mainly intact. predictions were buried in specialized Then, in the Northern Hemisphere journals.) Second, the argument presup- summer of 2041, unprecedented heat posed that net CO2 emissions would fall, waves scorched the planet, destroying which would have required strict restric- food crops around the globe. Panic tions on coal and petroleum use.24 Third, ensued, with food riots in virtually every and most important, the sustained low major city. Mass migration of under- prices of fossil fuels, supported by con- nourished and dehydrated individuals, tinued subsidies and a lack of external coupled with explosive increases in insect cost accounting, undercut ef½ciency populations, led to widespread outbreaks efforts and weakened emerging markets of typhus, cholera, dengue fever, yellow for solar, wind, and biofuels (including fever, and, strangely, aids (although a crucial liquid biofuels for aviation).25 medical explanation for the latter has Thus, the bridge to a zero-carbon future never been forthcoming). Surging insect collapsed before the world had crossed it. populations also destroyed huge swaths The bridge to the future became a bridge of forests in Canada, Indonesia, and Brazil. to nowhere. As social order broke down, governments The net result? Fossil fuel production were overthrown, particularly in Africa, escalated, greenhouse gas emissions in- but also in many parts of Asia and Europe, creased, and climate disruption acceler- further decreasing social capacity to deal ated. In 2001, the ipcc had predicted that with increasingly desperate populations. 26 atmospheric CO2 would double by 2050. The U.S. government declared martial law In fact, that benchmark had been met by to prevent food riots and looting, and the 2042. Scientists had expected a mean glob- United States and Canada announced that al warming of 2 to 3 degrees Celsius; the the two countries would form the United actual ½gure was 3.9 degrees. Though orig- States of North America in order to begin inally merely a benchmark for discussion resource-sharing and northward popula- with no particular physical meaning, the tion relocation. The European Union doubling of CO2 emissions turned out to announced similar plans for voluntary be signi½cant: once the corresponding northward relocation of eligible citizens temperature rise reached 4 degrees, rapid from its southernmost regions to Scandi- changes began to ensue. navia and the United Kingdom. By 2040, heat waves and droughts were While governments were straining to the norm. Control measures such as water maintain order and provide for their peo- and food rationing and Malthusian drills ple, leaders in Switzerland and India–two had been widely implemented. In wealthy countries that were rapidly losing sub- countries, hurricane- and tornado-prone stantial portions of their glacially sourced regions were depopulating, putting in- water resources–convened the First

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International Emergency Summit on Cli- an Monsoon. As crop failures and famine Naomi mate Change, organized under the rubric swept across India, IaICEP’s most aggres- Oreskes & Erik M. of Uni½ed Nations for Climate Protec- sive promoter now called for its immedi- Conway tion (the former United Nations having ate cessation. been discredited and disbanded over the IaICEP was halted in 2047, but a fatal failure of the unfccc). Political, busi- chain of events had already been set in ness, and religious leaders met in Geneva motion. It began with termination shock: and Chandigarh to discuss emergency that is, the abrupt increase in global tem- action. Many said that the time had come peratures following the sudden cessation to make the Great Energy Transition. of IaICEP. Once again, this phenomenon Others argued that the world could not had been predicted, but IaICEP advocates wait the ten to ½fty years required to alter had successfully argued that, given the the global energy infrastructure, much less emergency conditions, the world had no the one hundred years it would take for choice but to take the risk.29 In the follow- atmospheric CO2 to diminish. In response, ing eighteen months, temperature rapid- participants hastily wrote and signed the ly rebounded, regaining not just the 0.4 Uni½ed Nations Convention on Climate degrees Celsius that had been reduced Engineering and Protection (unccep), during the project but an additional 0.6 and began preparing blueprints for the degrees. This rebound effect pushed the International Climate Cooling Engineer- mean global temperature increase to ing Project (iccep). nearly 5 degrees Celsius. As a ½rst step, iccep launched the Whether it was caused by this sudden International Aerosol Injection Climate additional heating or would have hap- Engineering Project (IaICEP, pronounced pened anyway is not known, but the ay-yi-sep) in 2042.27 IaICEP had wide- greenhouse effect then reached a global spread support from wealthy nations tipping point. By 2050, Arctic summer ice anxious to preserve some semblance of was completely gone. Scores of species order, poor nations desperate to see the perished, including the iconic polar bear, world do something to address their the dodo bird of the twenty-½rst century. plight, and frantic low-lying Paci½c Island While the world focused on these highly nations at risk of being submerged by ris- visible losses, warming had meanwhile ing sea levels. accelerated a less visible but widespread IaICEP began to inject submicrometer- thawing of Arctic permafrost. Scientists size sulfate particles into the stratosphere monitoring the phenomenon observed a at a rate of approximately 2.0 teragrams sudden increase in permafrost thaw and per year, expecting to reduce mean global CH4 release. Exact ½gures are not avail- temperature by 0.1 degrees Celsius annu- able, but the estimated total carbon release ally from 2042 to 2062. (In the meantime, from Arctic CH4 during the next decade a substantial infrastructural conversion may have reached over 1,000 gigatons, to renewable energy could be achieved.28) effectively doubling the total atmospher- Initial results were encouraging: during ic carbon load.30 This massive addition of the ½rst three years of implementation, carbon led to what is known as the Sagan temperature decreased as expected and the effect (sometimes more dramatically phaseout of fossil fuel production com- called the Venusian death): a strong pos- menced. However, in the project’s fourth itive feedback loop between warming and year, an anticipated–but discounted–side CH4 release. Planetary temperature in- effect occurred: the shutdown of the Indi- creased by an additional 6 degrees Celsius

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The over the 5 degree rise that had already sea level rise or indirectly from other Collapse occurred. impacts of climate change, including the of Western Civilization: The ultimate blow for Western civiliza- secondary dislocation of inland peoples A View from tion came in a development that, like so whose towns and villages were overrun the Future many others, had long been discussed but by eustatic refugees. Dislocation con- rarely considered as a serious threat, at tributed to the Second Black Death, as a least not in the twenty-½rst century. Tech- new strain of the bacterium Yersinia pestis nically, what happened in West Antarctica emerged in Europe and spread to Asia was not, in fact, a collapse. The ice sheet and North America. In the Middle Ages, did not fall in on itself, and it did not hap- the Black Death killed as much as half the pen all at once. The collapse was more of a population of Europe; this second Black rapid disintegration. Post hoc failure Death had similar effects.32 Disease also analysis shows that extreme heat in the spread among stressed nonhuman popu- Northern Hemisphere disrupted normal lations. Although accurate statistics are patterns of ocean circulation. This sent scant because twentieth-century scientists exceptionally warm surface waters into did not have an inventory of total global the southern ocean, which destabilized species, it is not unrealistic to estimate the ice sheet from below. As large pieces of that 60 to 70 percent of species were driv- ice shelf began to separate from the main en to extinction. ice sheet, removing the bulwark that had There is no need to rehearse the details kept the sheet on the Antarctic mainland, of the human tragedy that occurred; every sea level began to rise rapidly. schoolchild knows of the terrible suffer- Social disruption hampered scienti½c ing. Survivors’ accounts make clear that data-gathering, but some dedicated indi- many thought the end of the human race viduals–realizing the damage could not was near; had the Sagan effect continued, be stopped–sought, at least, to chronicle warming would not have stopped at 11 it. Over the course of the next decade, degrees. However, when a key species of approximately 90 percent of the ice sheet lichen evolved to use atmospheric CO2 broke apart, disintegrated, and melted, more ef½ciently,33 this adaptation, coupled driving up sea level approximately three with a fortuitous shift in Earth’s orbit, meters across most of the globe. Mean- reversed the warming trend. Survivors in while, the Greenland Ice Sheet, long northern inland regions of Europe, Asia, thought to be less stable than the Antarctic and North America, as well as inland and Ice Sheet, began its own disintegration. high altitude regions of South America, As summer melting reached the center of were able to begin to regroup and rebuild. the Greenland Ice Sheet, the east side The human populations of Australia and began to separate from the west. Massive Africa, of course, were wiped out. ice breakup ensued, adding another two meters to mean global sea level rise.31 To the historian studying this tragic Analysts had predicted that a ½ve-meter period of human history, the most sea level rise would dislocate 10 percent astounding fact is that the victims knew of the global population. Alas, their esti- what was happening and why. Indeed, they mates proved low: the reality was closer chronicled it in detail precisely because to 20 percent. Although records for this they knew that fossil fuel combustion was period are incomplete, it is likely that 1.5 to blame. Historical analysis also shows billion people were displaced around the that Western civilization had the techno- globe, either directly from the impacts of logical know-how and capability to effect

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an orderly transition to renewable energy, and other petrochemicals); tertiary indus- Naomi yet the available technologies were not tries whose products relied on inexpensive Oreskes & 34 Erik M. implemented in time. As with all great fossil fuels (especially automobiles and Conway historical developments, there is no easy aviation); and ½nancial institutions that answer to the question of why this catas- serviced their capital demands. Maintain- trophe occurred, but key factors stand out. ing the carbon-combustion complex was The thesis of this analysis is that Western clearly in the self-interest of these groups, civilization became trapped in the grip of so they cloaked this fact behind a network two inhibiting ideologies: namely, posi- of “think tanks” that issued challenges to tivism and market fundamentalism. scienti½c knowledge they found threat- Twentieth-century scientists saw them- ening.35 Newspapers often quoted think selves as the descendants of an empirical tank employees as if they were climate re- tradition often referred to as positivism– searchers, juxtaposing their views against after the nineteenth-century French those of university-based scientists. This philosopher Auguste Comte, who devel- practice gave the public the impression oped the concept of “positive” knowledge that the science was still uncertain, thus (as in, “absolutely, positively true”)–but undermining the sense that it was time to the overall philosophy is more accurately act.36 Meanwhile, scientists continued to known as Baconianism. This philosophy do science, believing, on the one hand, held that through experience, observation, that it was inappropriate for them to and experiment, one could gather reliable speak to political questions (or to speak knowledge about the natural world, and in the emotional register required to con- that this knowledge would empower its vey urgency) and, on the other hand, that holder. Experience justi½ed the ½rst part if they produced abundant and compel- of the philosophy (we have recounted how ling scienti½c information (and explained twentieth-century scientists anticipated it calmly and clearly), the world would the consequences of climate change), but take steps to avert disaster. the second part proved less compelling. Scientists, to their credit, recognized Although billions of dollars were spent on some of the dif½culties they were facing, climate research in the late twentieth and and were grappling with how to commu- early twenty-½rst century, the resulting nicate their knowledge effectively.37 knowledge had little impact on the crucial While they were making some headway, economic and technological policies that a large part of Western society was reject- drove the continued use of fossil fuels. ing that knowledge in favor of an empiri- A key attribute of the period was that cally inadequate yet powerful ideological power did not reside in the hands of those system. Even at the time, some recognized who understood the climate system, but this system as a quasi-religious faith, rather in political, economic, and social hence the label market fundamentalism. institutions that had a strong interest in Market fundamentalism–also known maintaining the use of fossil fuels. Histo- as free market fundamentalism, neoliber- rians have labeled this system the carbon- alism, laissez-faire economics, and laissez- combustion complex: a network of powerful faire capitalism–was a two-pronged ideo- industries comprised of primary fossil fuel logical system. The ½rst prong held that producers; secondary industries that societal needs were served most ef½ciently served fossil fuel companies (drilling and in a free market economic system. Guid- oil ½eld service companies, large construc- ed by the “invisible hand” of the market- tion ½rms, and manufacturers of plastics place, individuals would freely respond

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The to each other’s needs, establishing a net conceptions of the desirability of weak Collapse balance between solutions (“supply”) and political governance.38 In Europe, the of Western Civilization: needs (“demand”). The second prong of German philosopher Karl Marx argued A View from the philosophy maintained that free mar- that an inherent feature of the capitalist the Future kets were not merely a good or even the system was the concentration of wealth best manner of satisfying material wants: and power in a ruling class that siphoned they were the only manner of doing so off the surplus value produced by workers. that did not threaten personal freedom. Industrialists not only employed workers The crux of this second point was the under brutal and tyrannical conditions belief that marketplaces represented dis- (the nineteenth-century “satanic mills”), tributed power. Various individuals mak- they also corrupted democratic processes ing free choices held power in their hands, through bribery and extortion, and dis- preventing its undue concentration in torted the marketplace through a variety centralized government. Conversely, cen- of practices. A powerful example is the trally planned economies entailed not just development and expansion of American the concentration of economic power, railroads. Supply of these “roads to no- but of political power as well. Thus, to where” was heavily subsidized, and the protect personal liberty–political, civic, demand for them was manufactured at the religious, artistic–economic liberty had expense of the native peoples and natural to be preserved. The philosophy, called environment of the American West.39 neoliberalism, hearkened back to the liber- Marx’s analysis inspired popular leaders alism of the eighteenth- and nineteenth- in many nation-states then in existence– century Enlightenment, particularly the for example, Russia, China, Vietnam, works of Adam Smith, David Hume, John Ghana, and Cuba–to turn to Commu- Locke, and, later, John Stuart Mill. React- nism as an alternative economic and social ing to the dominant form of Western gov- system. Meanwhile, the capitalist United ernance in their time–that is, monarchy States abolished slavery and made adjust- –these thinkers lionized personal liberty ments to remedy power imbalances and in contrast to control by unjust and arbi- losses of liberty due to the concentration trary despots. At a time when some polit- of wealth. Among other reforms, the fed- ical leaders were imagining alternatives to eral government introduced antitrust laws despotic monarchy, many viewed the ele- to prevent monopolistic practices, estab- vation of individual rights as a necessary lished worker protections such as prohi- response. In the late eighteenth century, bitions on child labor, and introduced a these views influenced the architects of progressive income tax. By the early the American Republic and the early, “lib- twentieth century, few could argue that eral” phase of the French Revolution. Even capitalism in its theoretical form was a then, however, such views were more functional social and economic system: idealistic than realistic; slavery persisted the failures were too obvious. Intellectuals in the United States, and in Europe, the came to see the invisible hand, akin to the French Revolution collapsed in a wave of hand of God, as the quasi-religious notion violence and the restoration of autocratic that it was. The Great Depression of the rule under Napoleon Bonaparte. 1930s–from which Europe and the United In the nineteenth century, power became States emerged only through the central- concentrated in the hands of industrial- ized mobilization of World War II–led ists (the “robber barons” of the United scholars and political leaders to view the States and elsewhere), challenging liberal idea of self-regulating markets as unwork-

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able. After the War, most non-Communist or necessary forms of intervention in the Naomi states became “mixed” economies with a marketplace, such as progressive taxation Oreskes & Erik M. large degree of individual and corporate and environmental regulation, and human- Conway freedom as well as signi½cant government itarian interventions, such as effective involvement in markets, including exten- and affordable regimes of health care and sive systems of taxes, tariffs, subsidies, birth control. and immigration control.40 Neoliberalism was developed by a Communism, which had spread through- group of thinkers–most notably, Austrian out Eurasia and to some parts of Africa Friedrich von Hayek and American Milton and Latin and South America, was reveal- Friedman–who were particularly sensi- ing even worse failures than capitalism. tive to the issue of repressive centralized Communist economies proved grossly government. In two key works, von Hay- inef½cient at delivering goods and ser- ek’s Road to Serfdom and Friedman’s Cap- vices; politically, early ideas of mass italism and Freedom, they developed the empowerment gave way to tyrannical crucial “neo-” component of neoliberal- and brutal dictatorship. In the Soviet ism: the idea that free market systems Union under Joseph Stalin (1878–1953; were the only economic systems that did ruled 1941–1953), tens of millions died in not threaten individual liberty. purges, forced collectivization of agricul- Neoliberalism was initially a minority ture, and other forms of internal vio- view. In the 1950s and 1960s, the West lence. Tens of millions died in China as experienced high overall prosperity, and well during the “Great Leap Forward”– individual nations developed mixed the attempt by (Mao Zedong, 1893– economies that suited their own national 1976; ruled 1949–1976) to force rapid cultures and contexts. Things began to industrialization.41 shift in the late 1970s and 1980s, when Following World War II, the specter of Western economies stalled and neoliber- Russian Communism’s spread into East- al ideas attracted world leaders searching ern (and possibly even Western) Europe for answers to their countries’ declining –thus affecting U.S. access to markets economic performance, such as Margaret and stoking fears that the West could sink Thatcher in the United Kingdom and back into economic depression–led the Ronald Reagan in the United States. United States to take a strong position Friedman became an advisor to President against Soviet expansion. Conversely, the Reagan; in 1991, von Hayek received the Soviet Union’s desire to control its west- Presidential Medal of Freedom from ern flanks in light of historic vulnerabili- President George H.W. Bush.43 ty led to the political occupation and con- The end of the Cold War (1989–1991) trol of Eastern Europe. The resulting was a source of celebration for citizens Cold War (1945–1989) fostered a harshly who had lived under the yoke of oppres- polarized view of economic systems, with sive Soviet-style governance; it also ignit- “communists” decrying the corruption of ed a slow process of overdue reforms in the capitalist system and “capitalists” the First People’s Republic of China. But condemning the tyranny and violence in for many observers in the West, the Soviet Communist regimes.42 Perhaps because Union’s collapse gave rise to an uncritical of the horrible violence in the East, many triumphalism, proof of the absolute supe- Western intellectuals came to see every- riority of the capitalist system. Some went thing associated with Communism as evil, further, arguing that if capitalism was a even–and crucially for our story–modest superior system, then the best system

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The was capitalism in its purest form. While it These physical scientists were chief Collapse is possible that some academic economists among the individuals and groups who of Western Civilization: and intellectuals genuinely held this view, tried to warn the world of climate change, A View from it was industrialists and ½nanciers, who both before and as it happened. (In recog- the Future perceived large opportunities in less reg- nition of, and gratitude for, what they tried ulated marketplaces, who did the most to to achieve, millions of survivors have spread and promote it. As a result, the taken their names as middle names.)44 In 1990s and 2000s featured a wave of addition, social scientists introduced the deregulation that weakened consumer, concept of “late lessons from early warn- worker, and environmental protections. ings” to describe a growing tendency to A second Gilded Age reproduced concen- neglect information. As a remedy, they trations of power and capital not seen promoted a precautionary principle, whereby since the nineteenth century, with some of early action would prevent later dam- the accumulated capital used to ½nance age.45 Yet the idea of managing energy think tanks that further promoted neo- use and controlling greenhouse gas emis- liberal views. Most important for our sions was anathema to the neoliberal purposes, neoliberal thinking led to a economists whose thinking dominated at refusal to admit the most important limit this crucial juncture. Thus, no planning of capitalism: market failure. was done, no precautions were taken, When scientists discovered the limits and no management ensued until it was of planetary sinks, they also discovered disaster management. market failure. The toxic effects of ddt, Discerning neoliberals acknowledged acid rain, the depletion of the ozone layer, that the free market was not really free; and climate change were serious problems interventions were everywhere. Some for which markets did not provide a advocated eliminating subsidies for fossil spontaneous remedy. Rather, government fuels and creating “carbon” markets.46 intervention was required: to raise the Others recognized that certain interven- market price of harmful products, to tions could be justi½ed. Von Hayek him- prohibit those products, or to ½nance the self was not opposed to government inter- development of their replacements. But vention per se; indeed, as early as 1944, because neoliberals were so hostile to he rejected the term laissez-faire as mis- centralized government, they had, as leading because he recognized legitimate Americans used to say, “painted them- realms of government intervention: selves into a corner.” The American peo- “The successful use of competition as the ple had been persuaded, in the words of principle of social organization precludes President Reagan, that government was certain types of coercive interference with “the problem, not the solution.” Thus, cit- economic life, but it admits of . . . and izens slid into passive denial, accepting even requires [others],” he wrote. In his the contrarian arguments that the science view, legitimate interventions included was unsettled. Lacking widespread sup- paying for signposts on roads, preventing port, government leaders were unable to “harmful effects of deforestation, of shift the world economy to a net carbon- some methods of farming, or of the noise neutral energy base. As the implications and smoke of factories,” prohibiting the for market failure became indisputable, use of poisonous substances, limiting scientists came under attack, blamed for working hours, enforcing sanitary condi- problems they had not caused but merely tions in workplaces, controlling weights documented. and measures, and preventing violent

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strikes.47 Von Hayek simply (and reason- anticipatory action, neoliberals did more Naomi ably) believed that if the government was than expose the tragic flaws in their own Oreskes & Erik M. to carry out such functions, and particu- system: they fostered expansion of the Conway larly if doing so selectively limited the free- very system of government that they dom of particular groups or individuals, most abhorred. then the justi½cation for intervention Today, we remain engaged in a vigorous should be clear and compelling. Given intellectual discussion of whether, now the events recounted here, it is hard to that the climate system has ½nally stabi- imagine why anyone in the twentieth lized, decentralization and redemocratiza- century would have argued against gov- tion may be considered. Many academics, ernment protection of the natural envi- in the spirit of history’s great thinkers, ronment on which human life depends. hope that such matters may be freely Yet such arguments were not just made, debated. Others consider that outcome they dominated the discussion.48 wishful, in light of the dreadful events of the past, and reject the reappraisal that As the devastating effects of the Great we wish to invite here. Evidently, the Collapse began to appear, the nation- Penumbra falls even today–and likely states with democratic governments– will continue to fall for years, decades, and both parliamentary and republican–were perhaps even centuries to come. at ½rst unwilling and then unable to deal with the unfolding crisis. As food short- ages and disease outbreaks spread and sea level rose, these governments found themselves without the infrastructure and organizational ability to quarantine and relocate people. In China, the situation was somewhat different. Like other post-socialist nations, China had taken steps toward liberaliza- tion but still retained a strong, centralized government. When sea level rise began to threaten coastal areas, China rapidly built new inland cities and villages and relocated more than 250 million people to higher, safer ground.49 The relocation was not easy; many older citizens, as well as infants and young children, could not manage the transition. Nonetheless, sur- vival rates exceeded 80 percent. To many survivors–in what might be viewed as a ½nal irony of our story–China’s ability to weather disastrous climate change vindicated the necessity of centralized government, leading to the establish- ment of the Second People’s Republic of China and inspiring similar structures in other, reformulated nations. By blocking

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The endnotes Collapse NAOMI ORESKES of Western * Contributor Biographies: is Professor of History and Science Studies at the Civilization: University of California, San Diego, and Adjunct Professor of Geosciences at the Scripps A View from Institution of Oceanography. Her publications include The Rejection of Continental Drift: Theo- the Future ry and Method in American Earth Science (1999), Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming (with Erik M. Conway, 2010), and Science on a Mission: American Oceanography from the Cold War to Climate Change (forthcoming). Her latest project is Assessing Assessments: A Historical and Philosophical Study of Scienti½c Assessments for Environmental Policy in the Late 20th Century (with Dale Jamieson and Michael Oppenheimer). ERIK M. CONWAY is a historian of science and technology based in Pasadena, California. His publications include Blind Landings: Low-Visibility Operations in American Aviation, 1918–1958 (2006), Atmospheric Science at NASA: A History (2008), and Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming (with Naomi Oreskes, 2010). Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Richard Heede of Climate Mitigation Services for his help in accessing relevant data on fossil fuel production and greenhouse gas emis- sions, and Kim Stanley Robinson for providing inspiration. 1 For convenience, I use the historical categories of physical science and physical scientists, rec- ognizing the Western convention at that time of studying the physical world in isolation from social systems. I also use the nation-state terms of the era. For the reader not familiar with the physical geography of Earth prior to the Great Collapse, the remains of the United Kingdom can be found in present-day Englascotland; Germany in the Nordo-Scandinavian Union; and the United States and Canada in the United States of North America. 2 3 Ronald Doel, “Constituting the Postwar Earth Sciences: The Military’s Influence on the Envi- ronmental Sciences in the usa after 1945,” Social Studies of Science 33 (2003): 535–666; Naomi Oreskes, Science on a Mission: American Oceanography from the Cold War to Climate Change (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, forthcoming). 4 A notable exception was the futurist Paul Ehrlich, whose book The Population Bomb (New York: Ballantine Books, 1968) was widely read in the late 1960s but was considered to have been discredited by the 1990s. 5 China took steps to control its population and convert its economy to non-carbon-based energy sources. These efforts were little noticed and less emulated in the West, in part because Westerners viewed Chinese population control efforts as immoral, and because, in the short run, greenhouse gas emissions were increasing dramatically in China. However, by 2020, China’s emissions were falling rapidly. Had other nations followed China’s lead, the histo- ry I am recounting here might have been very different. On the various forms of Chinese population control, see Susan Greenhalgh, Just One Child: Science and Policy in Deng’s China (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008). 6 At the time, most countries still used the archaic concept of a gross domestic product, a measure of consumption, rather than the Bhutanian concept of gross domestic happiness to evaluate well-being in a state. 7 8 Michael Mann, The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines (New York: Columbia University Press, 2011). A less known but crucial incident was the seizing of scien- ti½c notes from scientists who had documented the damage caused by the 2011 bp Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Though leaders of the scienti½c community protested, scientists yielded to the demands, thus helping set the stage for further pressure on scientists from both govern- ments and the industrial enterprises that governments subsidized and protected. See http://

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9 Seth Cline, “Sea Level Bill Would Allow North Carolina to Stick Its Head in the Sand,” U.S. Naomi News &World Report, June 1, 2012, Oreskes & -level-bill-would-allow-north-carolina-to-stick-its-head-in-the-sand. One comedian at the Erik M. time made a satire of the law; little did he know what impact it would later have. See Conway Stephen Colbert, “The Word–Sink or Swim,” The Colbert Report, June 4, 2012, http://www 10 Government Spending Accountability Act of 2012, 112th Cong., 2012, H.R. 4631, http:// 11 Hansen et al. v. United States, 1025 U.S. 722 (2032). Hansen was deceased when the case reached the Supreme Court, nine years after the original conviction. In a speech following the ruling, co-defendant Kevin Trenberth stated, “There is nothing good to be said about this decision, except that I am relieved that James Hansen is not here to witness it”; http://www.independentscienti½ 12 The most enduring literary work of this time is a science “½ction” trilogy by an American writer; see Kim Stanley Robinson, Forty Signs of Rain, Fifty Degrees Below, and Sixty Days and Counting (New York: Spectra Publishers, 2005–2007). Sculptor Dario Robleto also “spoke” to the issue, particularly species loss; his material productions have been lost, but a response to his work is recorded in Naomi Oreskes, “Seeing Climate Change,” in Dario Robleto: Survival Does Not Lie in the Heavens, ed. Gilbert Vicario (Des Moines, Iowa: Des Moines Art Center, 2011). Some environmentalists also anticipated what was to come, notably the Australians Clive Hamilton and Paul Gilding. Perhaps because Australia’s population was highly edu- cated and living on a continent at the edge of habitability, it was particularly sensitive to the changes under way. See Clive Hamilton, Requiem for a Species: Why We Resist the Truth about Climate Change (Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 2010),; and Paul Gilding, The Great Disruption: Why the Climate Crisis Will Bring On the End of Shop- ping and the Birth of a New World (New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2010). 13 For an electronic archive of predictions and data as of 2012, see ~mhs119/Temperature/T_moreFigs/. An interesting unpublished paper found in the translocated archives of the University of California, San Diego, addresses the issue of under-prediction; see Keynyn Brysse et al., “Climate Change Prediction: Erring on the Side of Least Drama?” paper submitted to Global Environmental Change, 2012. Whether this paper was ever published–or read–is unknown. 14 David F. Noble, A World Without Women: The Christian Clerical Culture of Western Science (New York: Knopf, 1992); Lorraine Daston and Peter L. Galison, Objectivity (Cambridge, Mass.: Zone Books, 2007); Rebecca Herzig, Suffering for Science: Reason and Sacri½ce in Modern America (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2005); and Naomi Oreskes, “Objectivity or Heroism? On the Invisibility of Women in Science,” OSIRIS 11 (1996): 87–113. 15 Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway, Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Climate Change (New York: Bloomsbury, 2010), chap. 5, esp. 157 n.91–92. See also Aaron M. McCright and Riley E. Dunlap, “Challenging Global Warming as a Social Problem: An Analysis of the Conservative Movement’s Counter- claims,” Social Problems 47 (2000): 499–522; Aaron M. McCright and Riley E. Dunlap, “Cool Dudes: The Denial of Climate Change among Conservative White Males in the United States,” Global Environmental Change 21 (2011): 1163–1172. 16 Justin Gillis, “In Poll, Many Link Weather Extremes to Climate Change,” The New York Times, April 17, 2012, -warming-to-extreme-weather-poll-says.html. 17 Tom A. Boden, Gregg Marland, and Robert J. Andres, “Global, Regional, and National Fossil- Fuel CO2 Emissions,” Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (Oak Ridge, Tenn.: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2011),

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The 18 Sarah Collins and Tom Kenworthy, “Energy Industry Fights Chemical Disclosure,” Center for Collapse American Progress, April 6, 2010, of Western .html; Jad Mouawad, “Estimate Places Natural Gas Reserves 35% Higher,” The New York Times, Civilization: June 17, 2009, A View from the Future .html?_r=1. 19 20 Emil D. Attanasi and Richard F. Meyer, “Natural Bitumen and Extra-Heavy Oil,” in Survey of Energy Resources, 22nd ed. (London: World Energy Council, 2010), 123–140. 21 David W. Schindler and John P. Smol, “After Rio, Canada Lost Its Way,” Ottawa Citizen, June 20, 2012, 22 -seeing-red/. 23 “Georgia Power Opposes Senate Solar Power Bill,” The Augusta Chronicle, February 18, 2012, -solar-power-bill. 24 For statistics on continued coal and oil use in the mid-twentieth century, see U.S. Energy Infor- mation Administration, International Energy Outlook 2011 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy), 139, Figures 110–111, 25 On twentieth- and twenty-½rst-century subsidies to fossil fuel production, see http://www,3746,en_2649_37465_45233017_1_1_1_37465,00.html; and John Vidal, “World Bank: Ditch Fossil Fuel Subsidies to Address Climate Change,” The Guardian, Sep- tember 21, 2011, -fuel-subsidies. 26 “Canada, Out of Kyoto, Must Still Cut Emissions: U.N.,” Reuters, December 13, 2011, http://; Adam Vaughan, “What Does Canada’s Withdrawal from Kyoto Protocol Mean?” The Guardian, December 13, 2011, -kyoto-protocol; James Astill and Paul Brown, “Carbon Dioxide Levels Will Double by 2050, Experts Forecast,” The Guardian, April 5, 2001, 2001/apr/06/usnews.globalwarming. 27 Acknowledgments to update.aspx. 28 IaICEP was sometimes called the Crutzen Project after the scientist who ½rst proposed the idea in 2006. See Paul Crutzen, “Albedo Enhancement by Stratospheric Sulfur Injections: A Con- tribution to Resolve a Policy Dilemma?” Climatic Change 77 (2006): 211–219, http://www See also Daniel Bodansky, “May We Engineer the Climate?” Climatic Change 33 (1996): 309–321. For a similar project that engendered heated public opposition in the early twentieth century, see http://www 29 Andrew Ross and H. Damon Matthews, “Climate Engineering and the Risk of Rapid Climate Change,” Environmental Research Letters 4 (4) (2009), 4/4/045103/. 30 Ian Allison et al., The Copenhagen Diagnosis: Updating the World on the Latest Climate Science (Sydney: University of New South Wales Climate Change Research Centre, 2009), esp. 21; Jonathan Adams, “Estimates of Total Carbon Storage in Various Important Reservoirs,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 31; content/105/38/14245.short. 32 Philip Ziegler, The Black Death (London: The Folio Society, 1997).

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33 Remarkably, this possibility was imagined by the science ½ction writer Kim Stanley Robinson. Naomi 34 Oreskes & Amory Lovins, Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era (White River Erik M. Junction, Vt.: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2011). Conway 35 Oreskes and Conway, Merchants of Doubt. 36 For an example of this characteristic, see Justin Gillis, “Rising Sea Levels Seen as Threat to Coastal U.S.,” The New York Times, March 13, 2012, science/earth/study-rising-sea-levels-a-risk-to-coastal-states.html. Note how Gillis frames the evidence, ½rst stating that “the handful of climate researchers who question the scienti½c consensus about global warming do not deny that the ocean is rising. But they often assert that the rise is a result of natural climate variability.” He then quotes Myron Ebell, who was not a climate researcher, but an economist and paid employee of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a think tank that was heavily funded by the carbon-combustion complex and com- mitted to market fundamentalism. See 37 Richard Somerville, The Forgiving Air: Understanding Environmental Change (Washington, D.C.: American Meteorological Society, 2008); Stephen H. Schneider, Science as a Contact Sport: Inside the Battle to Save the Earth’s Climate (Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Press, 2009); Gavin Schmidt and Joshua Wolfe, Climate Change: Picturing the Science (New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2009); James Hansen, Storms of My Grandchildren (New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2010); Burton Richter, Beyond Smoke and Mirrors: Climate Change and Energy in the 21st Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010); Mann, The Hock- ey Stick and the Climate Wars. For an analysis of scientists’ dif½culties in dealing ef½caciously with public communication media, see Maxwell T. Boykoff, Who Speaks for the Climate? Mak- ing Sense of Media Reporting on Climate Change (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011). 38 For want of space, I have omitted a discussion of slavery. Suf½ce it to say that this was both a contradiction to the liberal ideal of personal freedom and a violation of free markets. 39 Richard White, Railroaded: The Transcontinentals and the Making of Modern America (New York: W.W. Norton, 2011). 40 Scholars noted that even nineteenth-century markets were not free. See Ha-Joon Chang, Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism (New York: Blooms- bury, 2008); and Ha-Joon Chang, 23 Things They Don’t Tell You about Capitalism (New York: Bloomsbury, 2012). 41 Dennis Tao Yang, “China’s Agricultural Crisis and Famine of 1959–1961: A Survey and Comparison to Soviet Famines,” Comparative Economic Studies 50 (2008): 1–29. 42 Here, the terms capitalist and communist appear in quotes to acknowledge that neither system was either purely communist or purely capitalist. 43 George H.W. Bush, “Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom Awards,” November 18, 1991. 44 Another irony of this period is that Friedrich von Hayek had great respect and admiration for the scienti½c enterprise, seeing it as a companion to “free” enterprise capitalism. By fos- tering commerce, von Hayek suggested, science and industry were closely linked to the rise of capitalism and the growth of political freedom; this view was shared by mid-twentieth- century advocates for an expanded role of government in promoting scienti½c investigations (see Naomi Oreskes, “Science, Technology, and Free Enterprise,” Centaurus 52 [2011]: 297– 310; and John Krige, American Hegemony and the Postwar Reconstruction of Science in Europe [Cambridge, Mass.: mit Press, 2006]). However, when environmental science showed that government action was needed to protect citizens and the natural environment from unin- tended harms, the carbon-combustion complex began to treat science as an enemy to be fought by whatever means necessary. The very science that had led to U.S. victory in World War II and dominance in the Cold War became the target of skepticism, scrutiny, and attack. Science, of course, was also the subject of attack in Communist nations, although for dif- ferent reasons. See, for example, David Joravsky, The Lysenko Affair (Chicago: University of

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The Chicago Press, 1986); and Nils Roll-Hansen, The Lysenko Effect (Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Collapse Books, 2004). of Western 45 Civilization: The precautionary principle was a formal instantiation of what was often thought of as com- A View from mon sense, reflected in the nineteenth-century European and American adages, “A stitch in the Future time saves nine” and “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Yet this traditional wisdom was swept away in neoliberal hostility toward planning and an overcon½dent belief in the power of markets to respond to social problems as they arose. One of the ironies of the Penumbral Period is that the discipline of economics–rooted in the ancient Greek concept of household management (oikos, or “house,” and nomos, or “laws” or “rules”)–failed to speak to the imperative of a managed transition to a new energy system. See Late Lessons From Early Warnings: The Precautionary Principle, 1896–2000 (Copenhagen: European Environment Agen- cy, 2002), 46 On twentieth- and twenty-½rst-century subsidies for fossil fuel production, see http://www,3746,en_2649_37465_45233017_1_1_1_37465,00.html; and Vidal, “World Bank: Ditch Fossil Fuel Subsidies to Address Climate Change.” 47 Friedrich August von Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, Text and Documents: The De½nitive Edition, ed. Bruce Caldwell (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007), 87. 48 Yet another paradox: Classical liberalism was centered on the idea of individual liberty, and in the eighteenth century most individuals had precious little liberty–economic or other- wise. But by the mid-twentieth century this situation had changed dramatically: slavery was formally outlawed in the nineteenth century, and monarchies and other forms of empire were increasingly replaced by various forms of “liberal” democracy. In the West, individual freedoms–both formal and informal–probably peaked around the time von Hayek was writing, or shortly thereafter. By the end of the twentieth century, Western citizens still held the formal rights of voting, various forms of free thought and expression, and freedom of employment and travel. But actionable freedom was decreasing, ½rst as economic power was increasingly concentrated in a tiny elite, who came to be known as the “1 percent,” and then in a political elite propelled to power as the climate crisis forced dramatic interventions to relocate citizens displaced by sea level rise and climatic de-inhabitation, to contain con- tagion, and to prevent mass famine. So the development that the neoliberals most feared– centralized government and loss of personal choice–was rendered essential by the policies that they had helped put in place. 49 For estimates of populations at or near sea level at the turn of the twenty-½rst century, see Don Hinrichsen, “The Coastal Population Explosion,” in The Next 25 Years: Global Issues, pre- pared for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Coastal Trends Workshop, 1999,; and

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Why & How Governments Support Renewable Energy f f Kelly Sims Gallagher

Abstract: Many countries have adopted comprehensive policy frameworks to support renewable energy, but the United States has not adopted any consistent and stable policies at the national level to foster the use of renewable energy. This essay explores why some nations (Germany, China, and Denmark) and certain U.S. states (Colorado, Texas, and Ohio) have developed robust policies for the deployment of renewable energy. My aim is not to evaluate the speci½c policy mechanisms that countries and states have chosen, but rather to shed light on the underlying societal factors that contributed to each government’s decision to enact the policies in the ½rst place. I explore four factors that could influence a government’s decision to adopt favorable policies for renewable energy: (1) economic motives; (2) a high endowment of renewable resources and/or a low endowment of nonrenewable sources; (3) the political system; and (4) cultural factors and attitudes.

f Many countries have adopted comprehensive pol- icy frameworks to support renewable energy, lead- ing to a rapid scale-up of these technologies.1 One hundred and nine countries have enacted some form of policy regarding renewable power, and 118 coun- tries have set targets for renewable energy.2 In con- trast, the United States has not adopted any consis- tent and stable set of policies at the national level to foster the use of renewable energy. There is no fed- KELLY SIMS GALLAGHER is an eral carbon tax, no nationwide cap-and-trade system Associate Professor of Energy and for carbon, and no long-term incentive mechanism Environmental Policy at Tufts Uni- for renewable energy generation. Federal support for versity’s Fletcher School, where R&D she is also Director of the Energy, renewable energy has consisted mainly of and Climate, and Innovation Program production tax credits. In this essay, I explore why in the Center for International some nations and certain U.S. states have developed Environment and Resource Policy. robust policies for the deployment of renewable Her publications include China energy while the United States as a whole has not. Shifts Gears: Automakers, Oil, Pollu- The U.S. production tax credit for renewable en- tion, and Development (2006) and the edited volume Acting in Time on ergy, ½rst introduced in 1992, has repeatedly expired Energy Policy (2009), as well as and then been extended. It has led to a boom-and- numerous journal articles and pol- bust cycle that inhibits long-term investments. Ac- icy reports. cording to Jeff Immelt, chairman and ceo of Gen-

© 2013 by Kelly Sims Gallagher

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Why & How eral Electric, “The current energy markets Local initiative is no doubt valuable, Governments don’t favor cleaner technology or low but it also brings disadvantages. First, the Support Renewable carbon. . . . No business will invest when diversity of state-level approaches adds Energy there is no certainty. . . . If we’re serious complexity for businesses that have to about transforming our energy markets, study individual policies and develop we must send the right signals and create separate business models for each state. demand for the technologies that solve Such complexity increases not only trans- these problems.”3 While many technolo- action costs for businesses but also ½nal gies could contribute to an alternative ener- electricity prices for everyone. Second, be- gy future in the United States, including cause some states have no policies to foster energy ef½ciency, nuclear energy, and car- renewable energy, a “free rider” problem bon capture and storage, I concentrate here has emerged. Those states may bene½t on renewable energy. from lower sulfur dioxide and particulate Absent a consistent national approach, emissions as a result of their neighbors’ thirty-nine U.S. states (including the Dis- policies, without shouldering any of the trict of Columbia and Puerto Rico) have effort or cost.6 Third, the lack of a national enacted policies to foster renewable ener- framework increases regulatory uncertain- gy. The mechanism most widely used by ty for investors: in many states, renewable states, the Renewable Portfolio Standard energy incentives are created through (rps), is a set of performance requirements executive orders that a newly elected gov- calling for utilities to supply a minimum ernor could retract.7 Lastly, jurisdictional amount of their electricity from renewable inconsistencies between states inhibit resources (measured in absolute or rela- the fungibility of recs, thereby diminish- tive terms). Figure 1 shows which states ing the economic ef½ciency of the rps. A have mandatory standards for renewable larger market for recs–ideally a single energy, as opposed to those with volun- national market–would allow renewable tary goals. energy to be produced in locations where Reflecting the diversity of the nation, renewable resources are most abundant no two states have an identical rps. The and where it is most cost-effective.8 state-level policies differ in the percent- Thus, there is a tension between, on the age of renewable energy that must be one hand, the value of local initiative and, achieved, in the de½nition of renewable, on the other, the bene½ts of greater co- and in their enforcement mechanisms.4 herence that a national policy framework Some states have created a commodity might provide. To probe how this tension called Renewable Energy Certi½cates might be resolved, I will examine both (recs) as a means to implement the port- international and U.S. state-level case folio standard. recs, which usually rep- studies where comprehensive policies to resent 1 megawatt hour (MWh) of energy encourage renewable energy have been produced from renewable resources, can adopted. My aim is not to evaluate the spe- be sold and purchased.5 A utility that does ci½c policy mechanisms that countries and not produce renewable energy to comply states have chosen, but rather to shed light with the applicable rps can purchase on the underlying societal factors that con- recs from generators of renewable elec- tributed to each government’s decision to tricity. Because of the differences in rpss enact the policies in the ½rst place. I ex- from state to state, there is no nationwide plore four factors that could influence a rec market, and recs can be traded across government’s decision to adopt favorable states in only a few cases. policies for renewable energy: (1) eco-

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Figure 1 Kelly Sims U.S. States with Renewable Portfolio Standards (mandatory) or Goals (voluntary) Gallagher



AK Standards

HI Goals

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration (based on the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Ef½ciency, January 2012).

nomic motives; (2) a high endowment of In the late 1990s, a center-left coalition renewable resources and/or a low endow- of the Social Democrats (spd) and the ment of nonrenewable sources; (3) the Green Party enacted various policies to political system; and (4) cultural factors reduce carbon emissions and increase the and attitudes. (I discuss only the ½rst two share of renewable energy in Germany. factors in the case studies involving U.S. These policies endure, in a modi½ed form, states.) To simplify matters, I focus on still today. Passed into law in 2000, the the electricity sector. Renewable Energy Sources Act (eeg) is the centerpiece of renewable energy pol- Germany, Denmark, and China have icy in Germany. It provides for a feed-in made tremendous efforts at the national tariff, a mechanism that guarantees gen- level to catalyze and support the develop- erators of renewable energy the payment ment and deployment of renewable ener- of ½xed prices per kilowatt-hour (kWh). gy in their countries. Similar to the United The tariff was scheduled to be reduced States, all three nations relied heavily on over time to account for decreasing costs, coal at one point (indeed, China still does). but once an installation is commissioned While Germany and China are large indus- the price of that respective year is guar- trial economies, Denmark is much smaller. anteed for ½fteen or twenty years.9 The

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Why & How feed-in tariff is part of an overall policy energy technologies, ranging from large Governments framework that promotes renewable en- industrial players that install offshore wind Support Renewable ergy and energy ef½ciency in Germany, and turbines to small-scale installers of solar Energy that is embedded in eu-wide policies such panels on rooftops. The policies have also as a cap-and-trade system for carbon.10 bene½ted farmers using residual biomass After the 2011 nuclear accident in Fuku- to produce electricity as well as farmers shima, nowhere outside of Japan was the who provide land for solar panels and wind political fallout felt more keenly than in turbines. Jürgen Trittin, former German Germany. The center-right coalition of Environmental Minister, has argued that the Christian Union (cdu/csu) and Free the success of renewable energy is in part Democrats (fdp) agreed on a set of new because “[e]specially in rural areas . . . peo- policy measures to achieve the Energiewende ple understood that renewable energies can (or energy transition), which includes constitute an additional source of rev- targets to produce at least 35 percent of enue.”17 Germany’s renewable energy in- Germany’s electricity with renewable re- dustry has therefore reached a critical size, sources by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050.11 which in turn makes it opportune for pol- As of mid-2011, Germany generated 20 per- iticians along the entire political spectrum cent of its electricity from renewable re- to support it. sources.12 Resource Endowment. Germany is not Economic Motives. A major driver for alter- blessed with optimal conditions for re- native energy in Germany today is the newable energy. Given existing technol- perception that renewable energies are ogies and energy demand in 2010, Ger- an engine for economic growth and job many could technically cover 128 percent creation, but this was not initially the case. of its electricity consumption with renew- As of 2011, 382,000 people in Germany ables.18 Overall, the renewable energy po- worked in the renewable energy sector.13 tential for electricity is around 9.7 MWh/ The scale-up of renewable energy and en- capita/year.19 Germany has virtually no ergy ef½ciency has created attractive busi- oil reserves and only small proven natural ness opportunities for smaller companies gas reserves, but it does have considerable such as Enercon, a producer of wind tur- reserves of coal, with 4.7 percent of global bines, as well as diversi½ed industrial play- proven reserves. In 2011, Germany had ers such as Siemens. Siemens claims that net imports of 76.2 billion cubic meters as of 2011, it generated more than 40 per- of natural gas, making it a major gas im- cent of its entire sales revenue with its porter.20 Germany’s high dependence on “Environmental Portfolio,” which consists foreign gas resources has certainly moti- mainly of renewable energy and energy- vated policy-makers to support renewable ef½cient technologies.14 Renewable energy energy for electricity. But given that coal technologies are now among Germany’s reserves are readily available, dependence fastest growing export segments.15 Ac- on foreign gas cannot fully explain Ger- cording to Hans-Josef Fell, a member of many’s enthusiasm for renewables. the German Bundestag for the Green Party, Political System. In Germany, federal and “80 percent of the wind turbines produced state governments are usually formed as in Germany are exported; there you can a coalition between different parties. The see the reward that you can get if you take seats in the Bundestag (the directly elect- a pioneering role.”16 In addition, the pol- ed legislative body) are assigned in pro- icies have created opportunities domesti- portion to the party vote after accounting cally for companies that install renewable for constituency representatives. This sys-

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tem has allowed the Green Party to play lives.24 Furthermore, compared to the Kelly Sims an important role in shaping German United States, Germany is a less individu- Gallagher energy and environmental policy. Found- alistic society.25 This lower degree of indi- ed in 1980, the Green Party entered the vidualism might create a higher tolerance Bundestag for the ½rst time in 1983, win- for policy measures that lead to higher ning 11 percent of the vote by 2009. The levels of government intervention, such as party’s competition for votes has in- taxes on energy and subsidies for renew- duced established parties, in particular the able energies. These factors suggest that center-left spd, to adopt environmentally German culture may indeed have had a friendly positions. Thus, Germany’s multi- strengthening influence on the develop- party system, with a legislature elected by ment of renewable energy policies in that means of proportional representation, has country. allowed “green” positions to gravitate to- ward the center of the political spectrum. Denmark began to promote a transition According to Hermman Scheer, a former to renewable energy in the mid-1970s as member of the Bundestag for the spd part of a strategy to shift away from its and one of the architects of the eeg, “[A] heavy reliance on coal. Early support mech- decisive factor for the success of the eeg anisms included a national certi½cation was that the spd, a big party, could be program for wind turbines, investment turned around.”21 subsidies, and mandatory grid connec- Cultural Factors. Renewable energy enjoys tions for decentralized energy generation. widespread support among the German Renewable energy was scaled up rapidly population. In a 2011 survey, 90 percent of in the 1990s, driven by ½nancial incentives Germans advocated a more rapid scale- including a feed-in tariff established in up of renewable energy, with 73 percent 1992 and policies that enabled communi- in favor of renewables even if it meant ties to bene½t directly from wind energy increased electricity costs.22 Renewable development.26 In the late 1990s, the energy is viewed as the least bad among growth of renewable energy in Denmark energy options in a country where nuclear slowed signi½cantly. In 1999, the Danish power enjoys only tepid support. Wind government expected that the eu would energy is widely accepted, but solar photo- ban feed-in tariffs and therefore switched voltaic (pv) energy is more controversial from the feed-in model to a system for because some Germans believe that they trading green certi½cates. This transition should not subsidize a technology that is largely failed because complicated transi- not well suited to Germany, which has poor tion rules took years to implement and solar insolation. Drawing a connection be- led to signi½cant uncertainty for inves- tween support for renewable energy and tors.27 In 2001, a newly elected conserva- German culture is dif½cult and runs the tive government abolished many support risk of stereotyping, but research does indi- mechanisms for renewable energy, lead- cate that Germans tend to feel threatened ing to stagnation in wind development by uncertain outcomes and thus have cre- until 2007.28 ated beliefs and institutions to avoid un- Since then, two important cross-party knowns.23 In the context of environmental “energy agreements” between the govern- or security threats, Germans may be will- ment and opposition parties have created ing to act in a precautionary manner with- consistent support for renewable energy. out knowing the exact consequences that In 2008, an agreement was reached that environmental threats would have on their ½xed the goal of 20 percent share of renew-

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Why & How ables in total gross energy consumption a global market share of 12.7 percent.37 Governments by 2011, guaranteed prices for renewable The Danish state has a 79.96 percent own- Support Renewable energy, and established a compensation ership stake in Dong Energy, the nation’s Energy scheme and participation model for local largest energy company. populations.29 In March 2012, a new target A remarkable feature of the Danish ex- was established by the Danish Parliament: ample is the direct economic participation to achieve 100 percent of total energy of individuals in the development of wind consumption (that is, electricity, heating, power. Cooperatives were a critical form and transport) with renewable energy by of ownership, particularly from the 1970s 2050.30 No other energy agreement in Den- to the early 2000s. They were enabled by mark has received broader parliamentary legislation that restricted the ownership support (171 out of 179 seats).31 The goal of turbines to people who resided in close is for wind to supply 50 percent of Den- proximity to the wind turbine sites.38 In mark’s electricity by 2020. (Wind current- 2001, 175,000 households and farmers ly provides 25 percent of total electricity.)32 owned 80 percent of all wind turbines in The agreement covers a comprehensive Denmark, but as of 2008, co-op ownership range of measures to achieve these goals, had fallen to 20 percent due to increasing including a commitment to build 1 giga- turbine sizes that necessitate much higher watt (gw) of offshore wind capacity and levels of investment and new legislation ½nancial support for the development of that no longer requires shareholders to new energy technologies (for example, reside in the vicinity of the turbine.39 wave energy).33 Because local ownership has been an Economic Motives. Support for renewable important factor in garnering support for energy in Denmark has been closely tied wind energy, the Danish government cre- to industrial policy. With the announce- ated new policy measures in the 2008 en- ment of the 2012 energy agreement, Martin ergy agreement to revive local participa- Lidegaard, Minister for Climate, Energy, tion. The measures include the possibility and Building, said, “Denmark will once to purchase turbine shares, a guarantee again be the global leader in the transi- fund for local cooperatives, and a compen- tion to green energy. This will prepare us sation scheme for local residents.40 for a future with increasing prices for oil Resource Endowment. Another factor that and coal. Moreover it will create some of can explain the motivation for Danish the jobs that we need so desperately, now policy-makers to foster renewable energy and in the coming years.”34 According to is the excellent potential for renewable en- the central government, the Danish clean- ergy in the country. Denmark has a renew- tech sector already accounts for 100,000 able energy potential for electricity of up jobs, a signi½cant number for a population to 28.6 MWh/capita/year, with the great of only 5.6 million.35 Renewable energy majority coming from wind resources.41 technology has become a major export In principle, wind power could cover cur- for Denmark, with energy equipment rent levels of electricity consumption many (mostly wind technology) accounting for times over.42 At the same time, Denmark 11 percent of total exports.36 The contin- has only a moderate endowment of oil and uous support for wind power has resulted natural gas.43 In 1973, when the ½rst oil in internationally renowned success sto- crisis occurred, Denmark was 90 percent ries, most notably Vestas, the world market dependent on foreign oil, and its economy leader in wind turbines. Vestas entered the was badly damaged as a result. Through wind turbine industry in 1979 and now has aggressive measures since then to improve

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energy ef½ciency and boost domestic off- world. In 2010, China invested $51 billion Kelly Sims shore production, Denmark is now a net (usd) in clean energy.48 Most of China’s Gallagher exporter of oil and gas.44 environmental policies are implemented Political System. With the exception of the to achieve targets set by the central gov- unfavorable regulatory environment in the ernment in its ½ve-year plans. In the 12th early 2000s, there has been consistent sup- Five Year Plan, for the period 2011 to 2015, port for renewable energy in Denmark. the government set ambitious targets for The political system is characterized by a renewables, for “nonfossil” fuels, for car- multiparty structure, whereby many par- bon intensity, and for energy intensity.49 ties are represented in the parliament at To reduce the resource intensity of China’s any one time. Parties need only 2 percent economy, the central government enacts of the vote to obtain a seat in the Danish some national-level policies and then as- parliament, the Folketing. Several of the signs partial responsibility to provinces current parties are known for their com- and municipalities to achieve the targets.50 mitment to environmental protection. Be- China’s support for renewable energy was cause of the large number of parties in the greatly enhanced in 2005 with passage of Folketing, Danish governments are often “The Renewable Energy Law of the Peo- formed as coalition administrations. For ple’s Republic of China.”51 The law created more than a century, no single party has four mechanisms to promote renewable ever held a majority.45 Danish politics energy: (1) a national renewable energy therefore requires formulation of con- target; (2) a mandatory connection and sensus across parties. These attributes of purchase policy; (3) a feed-in tariff system; the political system have contributed to and (4) a cost-sharing mechanism, includ- relatively stable support for renewables. ing a fund for renewable energy develop- Cultural Factors. Attitudes in Denmark ment.52 have long been supportive of renewable Apart from large hydropower, solar pv energy development. As early as the 1890s, and wind energy play the biggest role in the Danish scientist Poul la Cour played a China. The growth of the wind energy in- pioneering role in the development of wind dustry was amazingly swift: in 2010, China turbines; today, wind energy in Denmark became the largest wind power market in is part of the social landscape.46 Energy terms of annual capacity increase and total generation is decentralized and close to cumulative installed capacity.53 In the case the end user, even in the capital city of of solar pv, only a small fraction of the Copenhagen. Wind turbines, which have Chinese pv module production has been been around the country for centuries, installed domestically, with most products are visible everywhere and are perceived going to Germany, the United States, and as a natural part of the landscape. Another Spain. But China has created the Golden factor that might explain the success of Sun demonstration project and, in 2011, renewable energy in Denmark is an em- announced a feed-in tariff to encourage bedded long-term orientation in Danish domestic installation of solar pv.54 De- society that is more pronounced than in spite its dependence on coal, China is tak- the United States or Germany.47 ing signi½cant steps to foster alternative forms of energy. China is full of energy contradictions. Economic Motives. In an April 2012 speech, It is the largest coal producer, the largest China’s Premier Wen Jiabao said, “Green- emitter of carbon dioxide, and also one ing of the economy is not a burden on of the largest clean energy investors in the growth; rather, it is an engine that drives

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Why & How growth and an effective means to achieve from few external challenges. Party leaders Governments sustainable development.”55 As of 2011, are rotated around China to govern prov- Support Renewable four of the ten largest manufacturers of inces and cities, so there is less regional Energy wind turbines were Chinese companies.56 political strength than in most countries. Similarly, ½ve of the top ten manufactur- The key challenge in Chinese energy policy ers of solar pv cells were headquartered has not been in the passing of laws and reg- in China.57 China’s wind power industry ulations but rather in their implementation. (power generation and turbine manufac- Indeed, the central government has often turing) generated an average of 40,000 di- issued progressive targets, regulations, and rect jobs annually between 2006 and 2010 rules, only to ½nd it dif½cult to persuade and is expected to generate 34,000 jobs and incentivize local governments to im- annually between 2011 and 2020.58 China’s plement them. China’s population size, renewable energy industry has reached a local competitive pressures, and limited scale large enough to contribute directly enforcement capacities conspire to make to global price reductions, further incen- policy implementation a huge challenge.63 tivizing domestic deployment of renew- Still, the government has successfully used able energy. incentives to spur the development and Resource Endowment. China has a moder- deployment of renewables in China. ate endowment of renewable energy re- Cultural Factors. As with other countries, sources, mostly in wind energy and large it is dif½cult to generalize about Chinese hydropower.59 Its renewable electricity culture, but one factor that might help potential is up to 6.1 MWh/capita/year,60 explain China’s large investment in renew- signi½cantly lower than the Danish poten- able energies is a pervasive long-term ori- tial. Including biomass, solar thermal, and entation in Chinese culture.64 The Chinese geothermal energy, China could possibly people have a strong awareness of their meet its entire domestic energy demand country’s long history, and they also ap- with renewables.61 In terms of nonrenew- pear to have unusual patience about the able resources, China’s main endowment future–manifest in their willingness to is coal, with 13.3 percent of global reserves; invest in long-term outcomes. The Chinese yet China’s reserve-to-production ratio have an extremely high savings rate, for is only thirty-three years, indicating that example, which is equal to approximately China either needs to ½nd alternatives to 50 percent of gdp. This cultural predilec- coal or bear the energy-security risks of tion coupled with the Communist Party’s becoming a massive coal importer. China tradition of planning could partially ex- has poor remaining endowments of oil and plain the Chinese government’s ability to gas, quickly becoming a major importer develop a long-term renewable energy plan of both.62 China is now the second largest and to make relatively large and steady oil importer in the world after the United investments in renewable energy. States. Political System. China’s single-party sys- Since the late 1990s, Colorado, Texas, and tem, its “socialist market” economy, and Ohio have each adopted strategies to man- its long traditions of planning and indus- ufacture and/or deploy renewable energy. trial policy have facilitated the rapid build- Politically, these states range from inde- up of its solar pv and wind energy indus- pendent to conservative, yet they have em- tries. The one-party system requires exten- braced renewable energy. sive internal consensus-building among In 2004, Colorado became the ½rst U.S. elite Communist Party leaders but suffers state to adopt an rps by ballot initiative.

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The rps was subsequently extended in Texas ½rst adopted an rps in 1999, when Kelly Sims 2007 and 2010. The current rps requires George W. Bush was governor. The stan- Gallagher investor-owned utilities to provide 30 per- dard required an additional 2,000 mw of cent of their retail electricity from renew- renewable energy capacity to be installed able resources, while cooperatives and mu- by 2009. The current standard requires nicipal utilities must provide 10 percent of 5,880 mw of renewable energy capacity by their electricity from renewable resources 2015 and 10,000 mw by 2025, although the by 2020.65 In February 2012, Colorado gen- 2025 standard had already been reached as erated 15.4 percent of its electricity from of 2009. The rps is binding for all investor- renewable resources.66 owned utilities and voluntary for all mu- Economic Motives. In a national radio nicipal and cooperative utilities.70 As of address, former Colorado Governor Bill February 2012, Texas had the highest wind Ritter remarked, “At a time when concern energy capacity installed in the United about our economy is growing and Amer- States. Texas is a particularly interesting ican families are struggling with high case because policies in support of renew- energy costs, [we] have proposed policies able energy were not enacted to counter that will take advantage of renewable climate change. In fact, Texas policy- energy resources. . . . In Colorado, we call makers avoided framing support for wind this the New Energy Economy. By creat- energy as an environmental effort.71 Texas ing a 21st century energy policy, we are Governor Rick Perry, who describes him- creating jobs, revitalizing the economy, self as a climate change skeptic and rejects protecting the environment and helping federal carbon regulations, had other mo- secure our nation’s energy future.”67 This tivations to support renewable energy strong-willed push for renewable energy development. has indeed attracted U.S. and foreign re- Economic Motives. Governor Perry has newable energy companies to Colorado. made diversi½cation of the energy indus- Vestas, the Danish wind company, oper- try in Texas one of his top priorities. In a ates four manufacturing plants in Colo- 2010 talk, he asked: “Is it wind? solar? rado. It employs around 1,700 people and biomass? clean coal? next generation nu- has invested $1 billion in the state. Other clear? My answer is four simple words: companies that supply Vestas, including all of the above. That’s exactly the strategy Hexel and Bach Composites, have fol- we’re pursuing in Texas, and it’s working lowed.68 Therefore, support for renew- which shouldn’t surprise anyone because able energy is viewed as interconnected Texas knows energy.”72 President Obama with economic development. later adopted Governor Perry’s popular Resource Endowment. Colorado has signi½- “all of the above” rhetoric. The Texas eco- cant renewable and fossil fuel energy re- nomy relies heavily on the energy sector, sources. The state is particularly rich in na- and renewable energy is simply seen as one tural gas, holding 8.5 percent of total U.S. new building block within the energy reserves.69 The state also contains vast coal industry. In the course of the rapid scale- reserves and produces more than it needs up of wind capacity, various wind energy for its own electricity generation. In ad- companies, including ge, have established dition, Colorado is rich in renewable re- manufacturing facilities in the state.73 sources, providing excellent opportunities Wind energy has also garnered support in for energy generation from both fossil rural Western Texas, where most of the fuels and renewables. wind parks have been built. In rural areas, wind energy provides struggling farmers

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Why & How with an additional source of income, cre- one of the largest vertically integrated Governments ates jobs, and raises local tax revenues. solar companies in the world, has its U.S. Support R&D Renewable Landowners, provisioning their land for manufacturing facilities and its major Energy the wind turbines, usually receive a sign- activities in Ohio. In the wind energy sec- ing payment as well as royalties based tor, Ohio-based companies have become on the amount of electricity produced.74 leading component suppliers for turbine Thus, renewable energy–wind, in partic- manufacturers. Businesses have retooled ular–has evolved into a considerable their facilities and trained their work- source of jobs and revenues in Texas. forces to produce components like bear- Resource Endowment. Texas has the largest ings, gears, or composites for the wind wind energy potential in the United States. energy industry.79 Interestingly, actual Despite its position as a national leader in deployment of wind and solar technolo- terms of oil and gas reserves, Texas has gies in Ohio has lagged other states. Only historically imported coal from Wyoming very recently, after the enactment of Ohio’s to supply its coal-fueled power plants.75 rps, has Ohio begun to catch up, growing its wind capacity by an amazing 950 per- Ohio enacted an rps in 2008, requiring cent in 2011 (admittedly from a very low investor-owned utilities to provide 25 per- base). With a current capacity of around cent of their electricity from alternative 100 mw, Ohio has 300 mw capacity of energy resources by 2025. In this case, wind energy under construction and “alternative energy” includes not only re- 3,683 mw in queue.80 These developments newable energy technologies but also clean are creating opportunities for companies coal and advanced nuclear power. Of this to plan, build, and maintain wind parks. 25 percent, at least 12.5 percent must come Resource Endowment. Ohio has a low en- from renewable resources and at least dowment of oil and gas but relatively large 0.5 percent from solar energy.76 Ohio is coal reserves. Despite its coal endowment, far from reaching this target: as of Feb- Ohio imports about two-thirds of its coal ruary 2012, only 1.7 percent of total elec- demand from other states. In terms of tricity in the state came from renewable renewables, Ohio possesses vast resources resources.77 of onshore and offshore resources. Wind Economic Motives. Ohio has repositioned speeds offshore over Lake Erie achieve the itself as a manufacturer of renewable en- highest energy-potential classi½cation.81 ergy technologies in an effort to transform Ohio also has onshore wind resources that the Rust Belt into a Green Belt. Ohio- alone could generate 13.2 MWh/capita/ based companies are successfully lever- year of electricity.82 aging their traditional competencies and infrastructure to develop and produce All these examples reveal that economic world-class solar pv technologies, for motives played an important role every- example. Building on existing expertise in where. The resource endowment had a glass and plastic ½lm manufacturing to strong influence on policy decisions in support the automotive industry, Ohio some cases (for example, Texas) but can- today hosts important solar companies. not explain the extent of motivation in The city of Toledo is now a hotspot for other cases (Germany, for instance). The solar technology R&D and commercial- degree of dependence on foreign sources ization in part because the University of of energy, coupled with domestic resource Toledo decided to support research in the endowments, better explains the motiva- ½eld of alternative energy.78 First Solar, tion to aggressively pursue renewable en-

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ergy. The structure of the political sys- amount of solar and wind in the Ameri- Kelly Sims tems in Germany, Denmark, and China can energy portfolio mainly because these Gallagher facilitated the enactment of renewable en- technologies are perceived to reduce en- ergy policies, but in different ways. The vironmental harm at the local level and parliamentary systems in Germany and because they are perceived to be relatively Denmark allow for the direct participa- affordable. They write, “Attitudes about tion of “green” parties, although in nei- global warming have weak or no correla- ther case have these parties ever gained tion with attitudes about which fuels we majorities. Instead, they have developed use to generate electricity in the United compromises with other parties that led States.”83 Their ½ndings illuminate the to policies favorable to renewables. China cases of Colorado, Texas, and Ohio, where and Denmark both have strong state- factors other than climate change moti- owned energy companies. This ownership vated action. structure forces these ½rms to comply with the will of the government, but the The case studies provide insight into the ½rms may have special political influence underlying societal drivers that motivate during policy formation that could limit policy-makers to adopt comprehensive the shift to renewables. In Denmark’s case, policies in support of renewable energy. Dong Energy has become enthusiastic Approaches by other countries or indi- about renewable energy even though the vidual states cannot serve as a blueprint majority of its current production is based for the United States: the policies emerged on fossil fuels. In China, the enterprises in the speci½c economic, social, and polit- owned by the central government are pre- ical contexts of each case. Comparing the dominantly based on fossil fuels, with most United States to examples of what has of the renewable energy ½rms either pri- worked elsewhere can, however, serve two vately owned or owned by the local gov- purposes. First, one can identify which mo- ernment. Culture and attitudes appear to tivating factors are lacking at the national play an important role in Germany and level in the United States. Second, learn- Denmark especially, but also in China. ing from the experience of other govern- In the U.S. states considered here, it ap- ments, including at the state-level in the pears that Colorado’s and Texas’s histor- United States, could inform the design of ical experience with energy industries may a U.S. national policy framework. With have contributed to an understanding of these two purposes in mind, I conclude the opportunities and a readiness to diver- by examining each of the four factors in sify the industry. Also, these two Western the U.S. context. states have a cultural tradition of self- Economic Motives. One striking similarity reliance and independence, so renewable across all the case studies is the impor- energy may be attractive in these respects. tance of economic interests in motivating Figure 2 summarizes the importance of the country and state governments to support factors in supporting the adoption of re- renewable energy policies. Why, then, has newable energy policies in each country the United States at the federal level not or state. By analyzing surveys of Ameri- realized suf½cient economic interest to cans conducted between 2002 and 2010, enact legislation, even though thirty-nine Stephen Ansolabehere and David Konisky U.S. states have implemented an rps have examined why Americans support and/or goals? The most striking contrast renewable energy. They ½nd that 75 per- between the United States at the national cent of Americans want to increase the level and all the cases is that beyond wish-

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Why & How Figure 2 Governments Level of Supportive Influence of Selected Factors on Renewable Energy Policy Support Renewable Energy Resource Country/State Economic Motives Endowment Political System Cultural Factors Renewable Moderate energy is pillar of potential for System allowed Uncertainty Germany German (export) renewables; high green party to avoidance fosters industry coal endowment exert influence renewable energy

Renewable Very high energy is pillar of potential for Consensus Wind energy is Denmark Danish (export) wind; moderate politics provides part of “social fossil fuel stable policies landscape” industry resources Renewable Moderate Centralized Long-term energy industry wind and solar system allows orientation China is of strategic resources; high fast enactment of fosters renewable importance coal endowment policies energy Colorado strives Colorado is rich to excel in the in fossil fuel Colorado “new energy and renewable n.a. n.a. economy” resources Best wind Interest in resources in Texas diversification United States; n.a. n.a. and rural net importer of development coal

Home to many Good wind and PV producers solar resources; Ohio and wind high coal n.a. n.a. component endowment suppliers

Very high High Medium Low Very low

Source: Qualitative analysis by author.

ful thinking about creating “green jobs,” ment in the United States is that you can little effort has been made to determine either mitigate climate change or grow the the direct economic bene½ts of renewable economy. Such debate is by no means un- energy for ordinary Americans. Also, one precedented, even in Germany and Den- cannot help but notice that the renewable mark. And a certain degree of skepticism energy industry is very small compared about the promise of the “green economy” to the fossil fuel industry in the United is appropriate. Not every policy that sup- States, so the political strength of the ports renewable energy will directly stim- renewable energy industry is tiny by ulate economic growth, especially if the comparison. It is worth noting that this government cannot stay the course; and was also the case at the beginning of the even if it does, the jobs, economic spillover, transition from coal to wind in Denmark, and revenue bene½ts remain uncertain. and it is still the case in China. The recent Often the number of jobs in the renew- surge of unconventional natural gas pro- able energy industry is cited to prove its duction in the United States has also over- positive impact on the economy. While shadowed (or competed with) growth in these employment ½gures might serve as renewable energy. a crude indicator, they are insuf½cient to Opponents portray government regu- describe the impact that support for re- lations that support renewable energy as newable energy has on economic develop- harmful to the economy. A common argu- ment, especially because these industries

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are subsidized by tax- or ratepayers and production tax credits has fallen short of Kelly Sims there is always an opportunity cost for providing the market consistency needed Gallagher investment. In Europe, the net economic to foster a strong U.S. renewable energy impact is calculated as a function of the industry. price difference between renewables and A second lesson from the case studies is fossil fuel generation (which changes over that the economic participation of local time due to learning and economies of populations appears to be critical to garner scale), the extent to which technologies widespread and sustained popular support. are produced domestically and exported, The examples from Denmark, Germany, and spillover effects to other economic and Texas have shown that the decentral- sectors. For Europe, this net economic ized nature of renewable energies has the impact has been estimated to be slightly potential to stimulate local economies, positive.84 Thus, even without accounting especially in rural areas. The extent to for society’s health and environmental which local communities can participate bene½ts, economic welfare appears to be in renewable energy development depends better off with public support for renew- on the ability of local communities to par- able energy than without. ticipate in the construction, operation, and There is also evidence in Germany, Den- ownership of renewable energy projects. mark, and China that domestic incentive Projects that involve local ownership are mechanisms for renewable energy deploy- currently very rare, constituting, for exam- ment increase national companies’ like- ple, only 2 percent of the wind capacity lihood to export products and compete installed in the United States.86 Develop- globally. The emergent industrial cluster ment of U.S.-speci½c models for local in each country appears to promote inter- ownership or participation in the market ½rm learning and positive spillovers for might generate broader support for renew- the economy. This outcome is consistent able energy in the United States. Mecha- with earlier ½ndings that local rivalry and nisms that have been applied successfully demand conditions can foster innovation in Denmark, such as issuing shares in wind and productivity in an industry.85 But sup- parks, could serve as a starting point for port for certain industries (that is, indus- policies that are suitable in the U.S. con- trial policy) is not the norm in the United text. State ownership of energy ½rms is States. From the case studies, one can ob- almost unimaginable in the United States, serve a positive feedback cycle between but there is a robust tradition of rural elec- economic motives and renewable energy tricity cooperatives that could be used to policies. Renewable energy deployment build local support. incentives are initially necessary to correct Resource Endowment. America’s resource for market failures and create the demand endowment helps explain the lack of a na- needed for the renewable energy indus- tional move toward renewable energy for try to prosper. Once such industries have electricity generation. The United States grown, this market support can be ratch- has the largest coal reserves worldwide, eted down and business interests will with 27 percent of global reserves.87 With emerge to reinforce the support for renew- the unconventional natural gas resources able energy. Hence, the ½rst lesson for the that have become economically feasible United States is that a predictable and to recover, the United States is estimated stable incentive mechanism for domestic to have 482 trillion cubic feet of “new” gas electricity generation would be helpful. resources, much larger than its remain- The repeated expiration and renewal of ing conventional resources of 273 trillion

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Why & How cubic feet.88 The United States could there- there have been periods when one party Governments fore be completely independent in elec- has controlled all three institutions. Recall Support Renewable tricity generation based on fossil fuels if also that thirty-nine U.S. states have man- Energy it chose to do so. On the other hand, the aged to enact renewable energy policies. United States also has abundant renewable One could even argue that the U.S. political energy resources. Several studies have system, requiring strong majorities, should shown that wind resources alone exceed promote compromises that are more sta- the total projected demand for electricity ble than in parliamentary system, whereby in the United States.89 Especially in the one party in control of the executive Southwest, there are also excellent con- branch and legislature pushes through a ditions for solar energy. policy on its own. With its exceptional renewable resourc- In the United States, because two Sena- es, the United States has a natural potential tors are elected per state, those states with to become a leader in renewable energy smaller populations have a larger voice in despite its large fossil resources. Other the Senate than they do in the House. countries with less favorable conditions During past congressional debates about for renewable energy deployment, such as energy and climate change, the Senate Germany or China, have enacted far more proved to be the greater obstacle to pas- ambitious policies. The only practical pol- sage of major legislation because coal, oil, icy implication that can be derived from or gas states could exercise their influence my analysis is that those technologies that to a greater degree than they could in the are most suitable to the local conditions House. Moreover, the United States has should be pursued, rather than ½ghting only two main political parties, which have against comparative advantage. A national become increasingly polarized. As in the policy framework would support renew- United States, Germany and Denmark able energy in regions that are most appro- elect representatives to parliament on a priate for the respective technology, and constituent basis, but the key difference therefore would be more economically is that there is a second vote for the party, attractive. which determines the representation of Political System. Some have argued that the different parties in the parliament. the U.S. political system is less conducive Where more parties exist, there seems to to the formation of effective renewable be greater policy compromise on energy energy policies at the national level. topics. China is a one-party state, so it does According to one argument, there is often not have to compromise with other polit- one party controlling one house of Con- ical parties; but it does have to achieve gress and another controlling the presi- consensus within the party elite. A key dif- dency and/or the other house of Congress, ference is that this consensus-building is leading to stalemate.90 Another argument not done publicly. is that the incumbent fossil fuel ½rms in Cultural Factors. In countries like Ger- the United States are so strong politically many or Denmark, cultural factors appear that they can prevent any major changes to have aided the enactment of renewable to current policies. While both of these energy policies. By comparing the United issues may reinforce dif½culties in achiev- States to such countries, one notices three ing a national framework and may slow the cultural factors that may have held back process, they fall short as an explanation national policy formation in the United for inactivity at the national level over such States. First, U.S. society has a more pro- a long period of time, especially given that nounced belief in the “free market,” lead-

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ing to greater resistance to government complexity, instills uncertainty, and inhib- Kelly Sims intervention in the market. Second, there its opportunities to optimize resource allo- Gallagher is a deeply ingrained expectation in the cation. A national framework would have United States that abundant and cheap to recognize the value of local forces in energy should be available just as it has creating renewable energy supply through always been. Third, there is much less en- utilization of local renewable resources, vironmental concern about climate change as well as the need for local communities in the United States than in most other to bene½t through ownership opportuni- countries. Only a thin majority in the Unit- ties and improved local environmental ed States believes that climate change is conditions. Such a policy would be a sig- already happening, and U.S. public opin- ni½cant departure from the preemptive ion on climate change has become more nature of many prior federal regulations. polarized along conservative/liberal lines A national policy framework would need and by party af½liation.91 Yet Americans to be designed to provide stability and pre- are very supportive of clean energy on dictability, but this does not mean that other environmental and public health renewable energy would need to be sub- grounds. sidized forever. Supportive deployment In summary, the lessons from these policies could be scheduled to rise and cases suggest that it is possible to develop fall over time. The main selling points for a national policy framework to spur clean a national policy should be improved eco- energy in the United States. Barriers to de- nomic growth, jobs, and competitiveness, veloping renewable energy markets should as well as reduced local air pollution, im- be removed because the current patch- proved public health, and enhanced energy work of state-level approaches creates security.

endnotes 1 I gratefully acknowledge the research assistance of Lasse Eisgruber, who also provided German translations. 2 ren21, Renewables 2012: Global Status Report (Paris: ren21 Secretariat, June 2012), http://www 3 American Energy Innovation Council, (accessed May 25, 2012). 4 Richard Schmalensee, “Evaluating Policies to Increase Electricity Generation from Renew- able Energy,” Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 6 (1) (Winter 2012): 54–55. 5 David John Frenkil and David Yaffe, “Renewable Energy Certi½cates: A Patchwork Ap- proach to Deploying Clean Technologies,” Journal of World Energy Law and Business 5 (1) (2012): 1–3. 6 William Reisinger, “Federal and State Renewable Portfolio Standards: Conflict or Harmony?” The University of Toledo Law Review 41 (4) (2010). 7 Ibid. 8 Schmalensee, “Evaluating Policies to Increase Electricity Generation from Renewable Energy,” 61; Frenkil and Yaffe, “Renewable Energy Certi½cates.” 9 Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, http://½les/pdfs/allgemein/application/pdf/eeg_2012_verguetungsdegression_bf .pdf (accessed November 15, 2011).

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Why & How 10 Ralph Buehler et al., “How Germany Became Europe’s Green Leader: A Look at Four De- Governments cades of Sustainable Policymaking,” The Solutions Journal 2 (5) (October 5, 2011). Support Renewable 11 Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, http:// Energy½les/pdfs/allgemein/application/pdf/eeg_2012_informationen_faq_bf .pdf (accessed November 15, 2011). 12 Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, http:// (accessed November 15, 2011). 13 Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, “Beschäf- tigung durch erneuerbare Energien in Deutschland: Ausbau und Betrieb heute und morgen, erster Bericht zur Bruttobeschäftigung,” March 14, 2012, http://www.erneuerbare-energien .de/½les/pdfs/allgemein/application/pdf/ee_bruttobeschaeftigung_bf.pdf (accessed May 14, 2012). 14 _portfolio.pdf (accessed May 14, 2012). 15 Michael Mehling, “The Ecological Tax Reform in Germany,” Tax Notes International 26 (2000): 871–878. 16 Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien, “Die Geschichte des Erneuerbare Energie Gesetzes,”½lm -die-geschichte-des-erneuerbare-energien-gesetzes.html (accessed May 14, 2012). 17 Ibid. 18 Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, “Erneuer- bare Energien in Zahlen,” January 2012, loads/doc/2720.php (accessed May 14, 2012). 19 Calculations based on data from ibid. 20bp, Statistical Review of World Energy 2012, Id=7500&contentId=7068481. 21 Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien, “Die Geschichte des Erneuerbare Energie Gesetzes.” 22Germanwatch, “Forsa-Umfrage zum Energiegipfel am 15. April: Grosse Mehrheit will beschleunigten Atomausstieg mit mehr Klimaschutz verbinden,” http://www.germanwatch .org/presse/2011-04-12.htm (accessed May 14, 2012). 23 See the website of Professor Geert Hofstede, who has conducted a comprehensive study of how national and organizational culture interacts with workplace values; http://geert (accessed May 14, 2012). 24 Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen and Jim Skea, Acid Politics: Environment and Energy Policies in Britain and Germany (New York: Belhaven Press, 1991), 276. 25 26 Niels Meyer, “Renewable Energy Policy in Denmark,” Energy for Sustainable Development 8 (1) (2004): 25–36. 27 Miguel Mendonça et al., “Stability, Participation and Transparency in Renewable Energy Policy: Lessons from Denmark and the United States,” Policy and Society 27 (2009): 387. 28 Meyer, “Renewable Energy Policy in Denmark”; Karl Sperling et al., “Evaluation of Wind Power Planning in Denmark–Towards an Integrated Perspective,” Energy 35 (2010): 5445. 29 Agreement between the Government (Liberals and Conservatives), Social Democrats, Dan- ish People’s Party, Socialist People’s Party, Social Liberals and New Alliance on Danish Energy Policy for the Years 2008–2011, -and-energy-policy/Documents/Energy%20Policy%20Agreement%2021%20Feb%2008 _½nal.pdf (accessed May 15, 2012).

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30 Danish Energy Agency, “Danish Climate and Energy Policy,” Kelly Sims policy/danish-climate-and-energy-policy/Sider/danish-climate-and-energy-policy.aspx Gallagher (accessed May 15, 2012). 31 Danish Energy Agency, “New Danish Energy Agreement: 50% of Electricity Consumption from Wind Power in 2020,” sider/20120328newdanishenergyagreement.aspx (accessed May 15, 2012). 32 Danish Energy Agency, “Danish Climate and Energy Policy.” 33 Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Building, dk Energy Agreement, March 22, 2012, %20UK%201.pdf (accessed May 15, 2012). 34 Danish Energy Agency, “New Danish Energy Agreement.” 35 Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Building, “Green Regional Development,” http:// green_regional_development/Sider/Forside.aspx (accessed May 16, 2012). 36 Danish Energy Agency, “Energy Technology–11% of Total Danish Goods Exports,” http:// 37 “Gamesa Back in Wind Top-Five as ge Drops Out–Analysts,” March 7, 2012, http://www (accessed May 15, 2012). 38 Frede Hvelplund, “Innovative Democracy and Renewable Energy Strategies: A Full Scale Experiment in Denmark 1976–2010,” in Energy, Policy, and the Environment: Modeling Sus- tainable Development for the North, ed. Maria Järvelä and Sirkku Juhola (New York: Springer, 2011), 91. 39 Mendonça et al., “Stability, Participation and Transparency in Renewable Energy Policy,” 384. 40 Sperling et al., “Evaluation of Wind Power Planning in Denmark,” 5448. 41 Data based on Wen Liu and Henrik Lund, “Comparative Study of the Potential of Renew- able Energy Sources and Solutions between Denmark and China,” paper presented at Joint Actions on Climate Change, Aalborg, Denmark, 2009. 42 The Danish Government, “Energy Strategy 2050,” February 2011, 18. 43 bp, Statistical Review of World Energy 2011, .do?categoryId=9037130&contentId=7068669 (accessed May 15, 2012). 44 International Energy Agency, “Oil and Gas Security: Denmark” (Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2011). 45 (accessed May 15, 2012). 46 Meyer, “Renewable Energy Policy in Denmark.” 47 (accessed May 15, 2012). 48 “2010 Clean Energy Investment Hits a New Record,” January 11, 2011, http://www.renewable -record (accessed May 15, 2012). 49 12th Five Year Plan of the People’s Republic of China, trans. Delegation of the European Union in China,½ve-new-plan -the-full-english-version.html (accessed May 16, 2012). 50 Kelly Sims Gallagher and Joanna Lewis, “China’s Quest for a Green Economy,” in Environ- mental Policy: New Directions for the Twenty-First Century, ed. Norman J. Vig and Michael E. Kraft, 8th ed. (Washington, D.C.: cq Press, 2012), 326–327. 51 National People’s Congress, “The Renewable Energy Law of the People’s Republic of China,” 2005,

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Why & How 52 Sara Schuman, “Improving China’s Existing Renewable Energy Legal Framework: Lessons Governments from the International and Domestic Experience,” white paper, Natural Resources Defense Support Council, October 2010, 12–13; National People’s Congress Stand ing Committee, “China Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Law Decision,” 2009, 26/content_1533217.htm. 53 Gallagher and Lewis, “China’s Quest for a Green Economy,” 332. 54 Solarbuzz, “China Outlines Terms for National pv Feed-in Tariff,” August 1, 2011, http:// (accessed May 16, 2012). 55 Speech by H.E.Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, at Stockholm+40–Partnership Forum for Sustainable Development, April 25, 2012, http:// (accessed May 15, 2012). 56 “Gamesa Back in Wind Top-Five as ge Drops Out.” 57 pv Tech, “npd Solarbuzz: Top-10 pv Cell Producers in 2011,” January 23, 2012, http://www (accessed May 15, 2012). 58 Worldwatch Institute, “Green Economy and Green Jobs in China: Current Status and Poten- tials,” July 2011, (accessed May 15, 2012). 59 Liu and Lund, “Comparative Study of the Potential of Renewable Energy Sources and Solu- tions between Denmark and China.” 60 Data from ibid. 61 Ibid. 62 bp, Statistical Review of World Energy 2012. 63 Gallagher and Lewis, “China’s Quest for a Green Economy,” 326–327. 64 (accessed May 27, 2012). 65 Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Ef½ciency (dsire), “Colorado Renewable Energy Standard,” 66 U.S. Energy Information Administration, “Colorado Energy Fact Sheet,” last updated May 17, 2012. 67 Of½ce of the Governor of Colorado, “Colorado Climate Action Plan,” 2008, http://rmc.sierra (accessed May 24, 2012). 68 “Vestas Surges after Denmark Says Won’t Block Possible Chinese Bids,” The Denver Post, April 17, 2012, -says-wont-block-possible (accessed May 25, 2012). 69 U.S. Energy Information Administration, “Colorado Energy Fact Sheet.” 70 dsire, “Texas–Incentives/Policies for Renewables & Ef½ciency,” 71 Miriam Fischlein, “Policy Stakeholders and Deployment of Wind Power in the Sub-National Context: A Comparison of Four U.S. States,” Energy Policy 38 (2008): 4429–4439. 72 See .html, November 1, 2011 (accessed May 25, 2012). 73 American Wind Energy Association, “Wind Energy Facts: Texas,” May 2011, http://www (accessed May 25, 2012). 74 Adam Paul Blair, “Wind Energy and Rural Development–A Case Study of West Texas,” Rural Futures Lab, Rural Policy Research Institute, 2012, 20. 75 U.S. Energy Information Administration, “Texas Energy Fact Sheet,” last updated May 17, 2012.

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76 dsire, “Ohio–Incentives/Policies for Renewables & Ef½ciency,” Kelly Sims Gallagher 77 U.S. Energy Information Administration, “Ohio Energy Fact Sheet,” last updated May 17, 2012. 78 Frank Calzonetti et al., “Building Both Technology-Intensive and Technology-Limited Clus- ters by Emerging Research Universities: The Toledo Example,” Applied Geography 34 (2012): 265–273. 79 Ohio Department of Development, “Ohio: We Make Wind Work,” http://www.wind.ohio .gov (accessed May 26, 2012). 80 American Wind Energy Association, “Wind Energy Facts: Ohio,” January 2012. 81 U.S. Energy Information Administration, “Ohio Energy Fact Sheet.” 82 National Renewable Energy Laboratory, “Estimates of Windy Land Area and Wind Energy Potential, by State, for areas >= 30% Capacity Factor at 80m,” February 4, 2010, http://½lter_detail.asp?itemid=2542 (accessed May 23, 2012). 83 Stephen Ansolabehere and David M. Konisky, “The American Public’s Energy Choice,” Dædalus 141 (2) (Spring 2012): 68. 84 EmployRES–Employment and Growth Impacts of Sustainable Energies in the European Union, The Impact of Renewable Energy Policy on Economic Growth and Employment in the Euro- pean Union (Brussels: Directorate-General for Energy and Transport in the European Com- mission, April 2009), 0064/Temis-0064479/17802.pdf (accessed May 24, 2012). 85 Michael E. Porter, “Competing Across Locations: Enhancing Competitive Advantage through a Global Strategy,” in Michael E. Porter, On Competition (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 1998). 86 Michael Slattery et al., “State and Local Economic Impacts from Wind Energy Projects: Texas Case Study,” Energy Policy 39 (2011): 7932. 87 bp, Statistical Review of World Energy 2011, .do?categoryId=9037130&contentId=7068669 (accessed May 15, 2012). 88 “Big Supplement to Supply,” Financial Times, April 23, 2012. 89 Blair, “Wind Energy and Rural Development,” 8. 90E. Donald Elliott, “Why the U.S. Does Not Have a Renewable Energy Policy,” Research Paper 433, John M. Olin Center for Studies in Law, Economics and Public Policy, Yale Law School, 4–5. 91 Elke Weber and Paul Stern, “Public Understanding of Climate Change in the United States,” American Psychologist 66 (4) (May–June 2011): 322.

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Reducing Carbon-Based Energy Consumption through Changes in Household Behavior

Thomas Dietz, Paul C. Stern & Elke U. Weber

Abstract: Actions by individuals and households to reduce carbon-based energy consumption have the potential to change the picture of U.S. energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions in the near term. To tap this potential, however, energy policies and programs need to replace outmoded assumptions about what drives human behavior; they must integrate insights from the behavioral and social sciences with those from engineering and economics. This integrated approach has thus far only occasionally been implemented. This essay summarizes knowledge from the social sciences and from highly successful energy programs to show what the potential is and how it can be achieved.

Individuals and households make many decisions that are critical in shaping our energy future. As cit- izens, people favor some policies and oppose others, support some candidates for elective of½ce and not others, write op-eds, comment on blogs, and other- wise engage in political action. They attempt to influence decisions that help determine which kind THOMAS DIETZ is Professor of Environmental Science and Policy, of local, state, federal, and international policies are Sociology, and Animal Studies at adopted, and such policies in turn shape the energy Michigan State University. system of the future. People sometimes engage in more direct politics by organizing to support or PAUL C. STERN is a Senior Scholar with the Board on Environmental oppose proposed technological changes, especially Change and Society at the National the siting of new facilities. For example, the use of Research Council of the National nuclear power in the United States stopped expand- Academies. ing in the 1980s largely as a result of massive public 1 ELKE U. WEBER is the Jerome A. opposition to new nuclear power plants. Current Chazen Professor of International proposals for developing wind power facilities Business at Columbia Business often face serious local opposition, as do efforts to School and Professor of Psycholo- develop unconventional shale gas deposits and to gy and Earth Institute Professor at implement smart electrical grids and smart home Columbia University. metering.2 (*See endnotes for complete contributor Such political actions are critically important to biographies.) the energy futures of democracies. We focus here,

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however, on the decisions made when ignore household choices. But for policy Thomas individuals and households act as con- purposes, it makes sense to subdivide Dietz, Paul C. sumers. These consequential decisions are energy use according to who makes the Stern & diverse: selecting a car and deciding when choices about energy use, because poli- Elke U. to use it, how to maintain it, and how to cies are intended ½rst of all to influence Weber drive it; buying and using appliances; and decision-makers. If we classify energy use modifying and using the basic space and in this way, household decisions that water heating and cooling systems of directly affect energy consumption– dwellings. In some cases, these are “non- choices about personal transportation, decisions,” in that actions are taken with- appliance purchase and use, or home out much conscious reflection. Often heating and cooling, for instance–are when reflection does occur, it takes no very consequential. A conservative esti- account of energy use per se or is based mate suggests that these decisions account on poor understanding of the energy for more than 30 percent of U.S. CO2 consumption and related (for example, emissions and a comparable amount of climate) consequences of choices and ac- overall energy use.4 tions. We limit our discussion to decisions In policy circles, prices are believed to that directly affect energy use. Many other dominate household energy decisions. consumer decisions, such as food choices This assumption follows from the stan- or residential location, also have immense dard economic model of consumer deci- consequences for the energy system, al- sions. If price drives decisions, then though these are harder to analyze. The changing energy prices is a logical energy- energy consequences of a dietary choice, policy strategy; higher prices driven by for instance, depend on not only the food an energy tax or a cap-and-trade policy chosen but how and where it was pro- would drive consumption down in a pre- duced and processed. Some quantitative dictable way for all decision-makers. But estimates of the carbon emissions impacts a substantial body of research shows that of consumer food choices are beginning this “prices only” model is not suf½cient to appear; they suggest that at least in Eu- to explain real world choices by either rope, these emissions approach the mag- households or companies. Economists nitude of those from direct energy use.3 who consider energy consumption have In this review, we stick to simpler cases, acknowledged this problem and label it where the actions taken have direct and the energy ef½ciency gap.5 Households and easily identi½able impacts on energy use. businesses do not make investments in energy ef½ciency that would yield highly The important role of individual and competitive rates of return. For that mat- household decisions in the trajectory of ter, they often fail to take actions–reduc- our energy future is sometimes over- ing unnecessarily hot water temperatures, looked in discussions of energy policy. for example–that would cut their ener- Analyses of energy use based on the eco- gy expenditures at no cost whatsoever. nomic sectors where use occurs (for exam- Clearly, energy consumers do not always ple, in electricity generation, agriculture, behave as simple versions of economic or transportation) typically suggest that theory would predict. The result is a gap residential sector uses constitute only between the behavior that would make about 5 percent of U.S. CO2 emissions. economic sense to energy consumers and Such small numbers have probably led the behavior that is actually observed. many researchers and policy-makers to The size of the gap is particularly large

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Reducing with investments that would reduce future? To answer these questions, we Carbon- household energy use and CO emissions. draw from social science research, espe- Based Energy 2 Consumption Thus, policies that only increase energy cially efforts to understand the effects of through prices will not be suf½cient to steer the policies and programs on household deci- Changes in Household energy future toward more ef½ciency; sion-making. By learning lessons from Behavior indeed, they will not even come close to the most successful behavioral-change being suf½cient. programs of the past, it is possible to The effects of ½nancial incentives to design new programs that can be highly encourage home energy ef½ciency vary effective in making household energy use by at least a factor of ten, depending on more ef½cient. how those incentives are structured and A starting point for any energy policy is implemented.6 A similarly large variation to focus on decisions that can have sub- occurs when incentives are provided for stantial impact. The overall impact of a the purchase of hybrid cars and vans.7 potential decision is the product of three State sales-tax exemptions increased pur- factors. One is the amount of change in chases seven times as much per dollar of energy consumption that will take place incentive than did the federal income-tax with more ef½cient practices: that is, the credit. This difference shows that it is technical potential of energy savings for not just the potential costs and savings the household that adopts the new tech- that matter, but also how they appear to nology or practice. A second factor is the decision-makers. We do not always notice number of households that could make opportunities, we do not take the time to the change. Some homes are already well evaluate our options carefully, and our weatherized, some drivers already carpool mental calculations do not always match or operate highly ef½cient vehicles, and the best practices of accounting. To close many water heaters are set at an optimal the energy ef½ciency gap, we have to temperature. These two factors–the tech- design programs for the ways real people nical potential and the size of the target make choices, not for the formally ration- population–set an upper bound on what al decision-makers of economic theory. a policy or program might achieve, not a The design and implementation of policy realistic goal. interventions must account for the full A third factor, much neglected in energy range of human motivation and the ways policy analysis, is the likelihood that a people process information about options, household will make the change that a costs, and bene½ts. Policy design needs to policy or program encourages. The pro- consider that people use cognitive short- portion of households that will change in cuts, for example, and that they use differ- response to a well-designed policy has ent mental accounts for different kinds of been called the plasticity of the behavior.9 costs and bene½ts.8 For example, shifting household trips from individual drivers to carpooling has What drives household decision-mak- substantial technical potential (energy ing about energy consumption and choice savings per trip shifted from individual of energy-using technologies? How are cars to a shared trip) and could possibly costs and bene½ts interpreted and bal- be adopted by a large number of house- anced, and what other factors matter? holds. But we know that this is a very dif½- How can we deploy what we know about cult behavior to change. Home weather- the influences on household decisions to ization also has large technical potential help shape a more sustainable energy and could bene½t many homes, but un-

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like carpooling, change in this behavior directed at adoption have to work only Thomas has been achieved in large proportions of once, while policies directed at use have Dietz, Paul C. households by well-designed programs. to work continuously. Intermediate cate- Stern & Plasticity is not an inherent attribute of gories of behavior, such as getting home Elke U. particular human choices; rather, it de- heating and cooling systems tuned or Weber pends on context. A useful estimate of checking tire pressure, need to be re- plasticity for a choice in a particular tech- peated periodically but infrequently, and nical, economic, and regulatory context tend to have relatively low raer values. can be provided by the most effective The most attractive targets for house- non-coercive policies or programs for hold behavioral change involve adoption influencing that choice. Only by assessing of household technologies that reduce the product of technical potential, number fossil energy consumption, including of eligible households, and behavioral building weatherization, motor vehicles, plasticity can we determine if a behavior heating and cooling systems, and major is a reasonable target for policies intended appliances. These are not the choices that to reduce energy consumption or green- most households think of ½rst when they house gas emissions.10 consider ways to save energy.13 Instead, Thomas Dietz and colleagues were able most people tend to think of behaviors to estimate the plasticity as well as the that are easy to recall, and these tend to be technical potential and size of the target frequently repeated behaviors. They also populations for seventeen household overemphasize the potential of these be- energy-ef½ciency actions.11 The list in- haviors to save energy, relative to actions cluded such items as home weatheriza- that are harder to recall and especially to tion, line-drying of clothes, carpooling, actions that involve invisible factors in and trip chaining. By multiplying the energy use: for example, upgrading wall technical potential of each household insulation, replacing water heaters hidden change, the number of households eligi- in basements, or perhaps tuning up cars ble to take the action, and the proportion and furnaces.14 The behaviors that ½rst of households that have made the change come to mind–the daily use of energy- under well-designed policies or programs, consuming household equipment–can Dietz and his team estimated the Reason- be changed by well-designed interven- ably Achievable Emissions Reductions tions, but the impact achieved by these (raer).12 Generally, the actions with the interventions has never approached what highest raer values, and thus the most has been achieved by well-designed, inte- promising targets for policies intended to grated programs directed at upgrading shape a more sustainable energy future, household technologies. are those that involve the adoption of more ef½cient equipment rather than those Efforts to encourage increased house- that involve the use of equipment. This hold energy ef½ciency should begin with may reflect the fact that we know more a careful analysis of reasonably achiev- about how to encourage the one-time able reductions. Analysis of technical adoption of new equipment than we do potential for reductions is necessary, but about how to change behaviors that must it is by no means suf½cient. Behavioral be repeated regularly to achieve savings. plasticity must be examined as well, rais- It certainly reflects the fact that once more ing a number of questions about house- ef½cient equipment is adopted, the savings hold decision-making: are usually locked in; in a sense, policies

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Reducing • Do households have a reasonable under- Weatherizing a home requires an ini- Carbon- standing of the energy use and energy tial investment even if the economic Based Energy Consumption savings associated with various activi- rate of return is favorable, and ½nding a through ties and technologies? Studies show trusted and skilled contractor is chal- Changes in Household that people typically make substantial lenging. Adjusting tire pressure is awk- Behavior errors in estimating energy use and ward and dirty, and requires ½nding a potential energy savings in the house- ½lling station with a working air pump. hold.15 They tend to overestimate the Resetting the thermostat on a home effect of actions that have little impact– space conditioning system or a water commonly repeated actions, in partic- heater takes little time and effort, and ular–and underestimate the effect of has no ½nancial cost. behaviors that have great impact. Of course, the purpose of policies to • Is the behavior that needs to change a reduce fossil energy use is to overcome one-time ½x, as in buying a new appli- these dif½culties. The key question is, ance or setting the temperature of a how much change can effective policies water heater? Or does it require daily and programs bring about? Experience, action, such as air-drying clothes or summarized by the raer estimates, indi- carpooling? If the latter, how conscious cates that some kinds of behavior have are the decision-makers of the actions proven much more dif½cult to change on they are taking? a large scale than others. In addition, pro- grams to reduce household energy use • Do choices involve a bundle of charac- have varied greatly in effectiveness, both teristics that matter to consumers as across types of actions and across pro- much or more than energy use? Car- grams with the same behavioral goals. pooling is different from driving alone Estimates of plasticity across seventeen in many ways, while the only notable household actions range from 90 percent differences between a high- and a low- for home weatherization to 15 percent for ef½ciency water heater are the differ- carpooling and trip chaining.16 Substan- ences in initial cost and energy con- tial variation also arises across types of sumption. programs for a single behavior. In the • Do those who take the actions bene½t case of home weatherization, while the from them? In rental housing, for ex- most effective programs were able to ample, if the renter pays the utility bills, secure a 90 percent participation rate, little bene½t accrues to the landlord programs that were not well designed from spending extra money on weath- achieved less than 10 percent uptake, even erization or high-ef½ciency appliances. with the same ½nancial incentives.17 The most effective interventions imple- • Do changes require breaking old habits ment ½ve design principles in addition to or undertaking actions that are unfa- targeting actions that will have the great- miliar? Setting back a thermostat is a est impact.18 First, for many actions with simple action that nearly everyone high raer, ½nancial incentives are essen- knows how to do. Furnace tune-ups tial, even though they are not suf½cient by may be unfamiliar to those who do not themselves. Steps like home weatheriza- do them regularly. tion and equipment upgrades, whatever • Are substantial up-front investments their long-term bene½ts, can have up-front of time, money, and effort required? costs that are daunting to many house-

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holds. A substantial ½nancial incentive can But it was a very well-designed program Thomas get households to pay attention to a choice in terms of how easy it was for a consumer Dietz, Paul C. that it had not previously considered feasi- to use it; the car retailer completed the Stern & ble and may also help signal the desirabili- paperwork, and consumers collected the Elke U. ty of the action if the incentive is offered by incentive with no extra effort when they Weber a trusted source. The size of the incentive traded in their old vehicles. In contrast, may be less important than the fact that it tax rebates on home energy-ef½ciency is large enough to open up consideration. improvements involve multiple steps: Second, the program has to be smartly picking a qualifying improvement that communicated. Providing information makes economic sense, ½nding a con- effectively may not mean depending on tractor, making sure the work is done mass advertising. We should consider properly, keeping track of the paperwork when the information will be useful for to document the improvement, ½ling making decisions. We are bombarded extra forms on a tax return, and so on. with information and ignore most of it. Fifth, quality assurance is essential. The But a reminder about the value of car tune- United States and many other countries ups at the gas pump is likely to have more have good systems for quality assurance impact than a public service announce- for mass-produced consumer goods like ment on evening television. Word of motor vehicles and appliances. There are mouth through people’s informal social government mandated recalls of faulty networks was critical to the outstanding products at manufacturers’ expense, which success of the Hood River, Oregon, energy- assures consumers that product defects ef½ciency program of the early 1980s, as will be rare, and there are independent discussed below.19 consumer organizations that publicize Third, information must be accurate and their assessments of the products. For come from credible sources. Admonish- home improvements, the system is not so ments about the value of smoke detectors good, largely because the products and come from ½re departments, a credible services are individualized. Some solar source in most communities. But we are energy companies have tried to provide likely to be skeptical of flyers from home quality assurance as part of their business improvement contractors telling us how plans, as we discuss below. much energy we can save if we hire their Each of these design features is impor- services. It is much easier to provide tant individually, but their combined accurate and credible information about effect is critical. For example, a ½nancial the energy attributes of mass-produced incentive may take the form of a sales-tax items such as motor vehicles and appli- subsidy on the purchase of a hybrid vehi- ances than about individualized products cle, or a rebate on income tax. Even if the and services like home weatherization. dollar amounts are the same, the sales-tax For this reason, a record of results from rebate is likely to have far greater impact independent energy audits can be an for several reasons. First, it results in a important element of credibility for change to the “bottom line” that the pur- weatherization programs. chaser sees immediately, rather than a Fourth, simple processes lead to adop- change in some future tax bill or refund. tion, complex processes often do not. The This makes it more desirable to consum- Cash for Clunkers rebate for trading in an ers who tend to discount future rewards old car was not exemplary for the amount very substantially.21 Second, the income- of enhanced fuel ef½ciency it achieved.20 tax rebate requires additional paperwork

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Reducing and the effort of remembering to do the The communication element of pro- Carbon- paperwork in the future, while the sales- gram design can be enhanced by engaging Based Energy Consumption tax refund paperwork is processed by the social norms, which can be powerful for through car dealer during the sale. In addition, encouraging certain kinds of behavioral Changes in 22 Household because sales taxes are regressive, reduc- change. For example, Opower is a com- Behavior ing them provides a larger incentive to pany that helps utilities reduce household those who are most likely to be influenced energy use with strategies based on social by ½nancial costs. science understanding of household deci- The potential for combining these de- sion-making, including the influence of sign features is illustrated by the Cash for norms. It provides detailed feedback to Clunkers program, which combined a siz- households, including comparisons of able ½nancial incentive–about 30 percent their energy consumption to that of their of the price of a low-end new vehicle– neighbors. This information induces indi- with strong marketing by manufacturers viduals to compare themselves to others; and with features that reduced the level those who are above the community aver- of effort involved in capturing the incen- age tend to reduce consumption.23 To dis- tive. And the program involved a product courage those who are below average from whose quality is easy for consumers to adjusting up, Opower uses other feedback, evaluate. Potential can also be seen in the such as a smiley face icon, to encourage business plans of some private companies continued low consumption.24 More re- that offer power purchase agreements search is needed to know whether these for residential solar energy installations. effects will persist over time, but there is These companies install solar collectors some evidence that invoking norms does on a home and provide quality assurance produce persistent changes.25 In addition, by insuring the homeowner against dam- the experience of the Hood River project age from the installation and guaranteeing suggests that social norms can help influ- under contract to provide a predetermined ence people to make expensive invest- amount of power per year for many years ments to reduce fossil energy consump- at a preset price. The company simpli½es tion, but this requires more extensive the process by doing the considerable social interaction and discussion. The mu- paperwork required to take advantage of nicipal utility in Hood River employed a available federal, state, local, and utility team of sociologists to design a communi- incentives and to provide connectivity to cation element of the program that relied the utility grid. The ½nancial bene½t to on existing neighborhood and communi- the homeowner, which may be consider- ty organizations to spread the word. This able, is easily calculated and guaranteed effort, together with a sizable incentive by contract. and other program features, led to major energy-ef½ciency retro½ts in almost 90 There are many ways these general prin- percent of the homes in the city. To our ciples manifest themselves in the design knowledge, the Hood River approach has of policies and programs. In the follow- not been replicated elsewhere to influ- ing paragraphs, we offer some examples ence investments in residential ef½ciency and describe the social science underlying or renewable energy. them. The discussion gives a sense of how Research in both laboratory and ½eld substantial changes in the energy system settings shows that people tend to main- could be brought about at low to moder- tain current behavior. While this stability ate cost through effective program design. could be an obstacle in getting people to

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start conserving energy, it also may mean tions were found.30 Some have expressed Thomas that behaviors that promote ef½ciency concern that households undertaking a Dietz, Paul C. will endure once they are started. The fact few actions to reduce energy consump- Stern & that consumers make many decisions tion will become more profligate in other Elke U. habitually, and thus relatively automati- forms of energy consumption. Others Weber cally, helps explain the weak short-term have argued that household and individ- response to price signals alone; but it also ual actions to cut fossil energy use might argues for the importance of instilling good reduce effort expended on political and energy-use habits early on, and thus for policy changes.31 This concern is consis- targeting educational initiatives to the tent with the idea that people have a ½nite young.26 Desirable current behavior can pool of worry: increased concern about also be signaled in ways that do not re- one issue reduces concern about other duce choice options, for example in pro- issues.32 The single-action bias–that is, grams that establish ef½ciency as a default, the propensity to take only a single action such as those that allow utility customers to alleviate a concern, even in situations to choose energy sources and make the where a broader set of remedies might more expensive green (rather than the cur- be called for–also points to such a ten- rent brown) providers of electricity the dency.33 However, the exact opposite is source if no choice is made.27 Such use of also plausible: that those who start down default choices has been shown to be a path of reduced energy use with small effective because, like a habit, it achieves initial steps become committed to further a desired goal without requiring much steps, and that those who are making per- information-processing.28 sonal changes to protect the environment Technologies that reduce fossil energy will demand the same of government and use are not adopted simply because of other organizations. At present, we lack their technical advantages or their eco- strong evidence about which of these ef- nomic bene½ts. Many other factors influ- fects is dominant for the kinds of energy- ence decision-making, and in many cases, ef½ciency actions that will have the most energy consumption never rises to the level impact in U.S. households.34 of consideration in making a decision. This is particularly the case for many home im- The potential for household choices to provements that have major impacts on reduce fossil energy consumption is energy consumption but that are under- substantial. The estimate we have used– taken with the intent of providing ameni- 7 percent reduction in U.S. greenhouse gas ties, often out of emotional motivation.29 emissions–is conservative in two regards. The hidden market for energy improve- First, it is based on estimates of plasticity ments as amenities (for example, solar col- from the best programs that have been lectors, in some communities) provides examined in the literature. But almost no opportunities for using emotional mo- program has drawn on our full under- tives to affect high-impact energy choices. standing of effective program design. There is debate about how single energy Future programs could produce much actions might affect overall household higher adoption rates than have been impacts on fossil fuel use. The economist observed in the past. Second, the 7 per- William Stanley Jevons once observed cent estimate is based only on existing, that increased ef½ciencies in the useful “on the shelf” technology and does not work produced by coal technologies led include emerging energy-ef½ciency tech- to increased uses of coal as more applica- nologies (for example, heat pump heating

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Reducing and cooling or led lighting), residential should be paid to policies that engage Carbon- renewable energy technologies, or tech- when equipment turns over–that is, to Based Energy Consumption nologies that will emerge in the near fu- timely evocation of goals related to en- through ture. In addition to advances in the engi- ergy savings or amenity production– Changes in Household neering of energy-ef½ciency technology, for ½nancial, environmental, or other Behavior we will need to take advantage of existing reasons. The city of Davis, California, for and future advances in the social science example, has had rules that include energy- of policy design and delivery. New insights ef½ciency standards as part of building from social science will help create envi- sale requirements for more than thirty ronments that support both active and years.37 When a house is bought or sold, passive decisions: for example, using the costs of upgrading energy-ef½ciency environmentally and ½nancially desirable features is usually a small fraction of the no-choice default options, priming longer price, and thus is not burdensome. The time horizons and long-term goals, or costs in such a program could be included describing and framing choice options to in the mortgage, with a lower ½nancing match household concerns. In turn, we rate than for typical home improve- will minimize choices that do not optimize ments. Further, home buying is a transac- either individual or collective welfare.35 tion that already involves a substantial As noted above, one of the biggest amount of paperwork that is usually han- obstacles comes from programs that are dled by a professional realtor or attorney overly complex and require substantial paid to do so, and professional home in- paperwork. We suspect that these prob- spections are nearly always required. So lems arise from demands for detailed the certi½cation of energy standards does accountability. For example, in the 1980s, not add much complexity to the transac- three ½nancial grant programs for energy- tion. To give another example, most peo- ef½cient home improvements in the ple replace home water heaters when the United States offered a median subsidy of previous heater fails. Consumer choice is 77 percent and achieved participation of often limited to what the plumber has 4 percent of eligible households per year. on the truck. So an incentives program In Canada and Europe, ½ve similar pro- might be designed to encourage the grams offered a median subsidy of 50 per- plumber to supply high-ef½ciency units. cent and achieved a participation rate of Standards may be the simplest way to do 8 percent per year. The most likely expla- that, although standards have their own nation for this difference is that all the complex dynamics.38 Undoubtedly, there U.S. programs and none of the others are other potential points of intervention required a home energy audit as a pre- that can be identi½ed by thinking care- condition for receiving the grant.36 The fully about when and how households audit arguably reduced fraud, but also make decisions and about their motives reduced participation. Program designers for choice. would do well to compare relative risks Although the potential for reducing fos- and bene½ts. If onerous procedures are sil energy consumption through house- required to prevent fraud, then the costs hold decisions is immense, it can be real- in time and the tepid response to pro- ized only through effective programs. grams should be weighed against the sav- Such programs need to build on under- ings from fraud prevention. standing of household choice processes, Given the importance of increasing and this understanding must be rooted in equipment ef½ciency, more attention behavioral and social science that goes

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far beyond current assumptions about theory and methods to use for more effec- Thomas rational and deliberative information tive design and implementation of policies Dietz, Paul C. use. Much of this understanding exists. targeting fossil energy use. Stern & Our current challenge is to put existing Elke U. Weber

endnotes *Contributor Biographies: THOMAS DIETZ is Professor of Environmental Science and Policy, Sociology, and Animal Studies at Michigan State University, where he is also Assistant Vice President for Environmental Research. His publications include Human Footprints on the Glob- al Environment: Threats to Sustainability (edited with Eugene A. Rosa, Andreas Diekmann, and Carlo C. Jaeger, 2010), Public Participation in Environmental Assessment and Decision Making (edited with Paul C. Stern, 2008), and New Tools for Environmental Protection: Education, Infor- mation, and Voluntary Measures (edited with Paul C. Stern, 2002). PAUL C. STERN is a Senior Scholar with the Board on Environmental Change and Society at the National Research Council of the National Academies; he is also a Professor II at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. His publications include Public Participa- tion in Environmental Assessment and Decision Making (edited with Thomas Dietz, 2008), Deci- sion Making for the Environment: Social and Behavioral Science Research Priorities (edited with Garry D. Brewer, 2005), and Environmental Problems and Human Behavior (with Gerald T. Gardner; 2nd ed., 2002). ELKE U. WEBER is the Jerome A. Chazen Professor of International Business at Columbia Busi- ness School and Professor of Psychology and Earth Institute Professor at Columbia Univer- sity, where she is also Codirector of the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions. Her work has recently appeared in the journals Nature Climate Change, Nature Neuroscience, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Psychological Science, and American Psy- chologist, among others. She coedited Conflict and Tradeoffs in Decision Making (with Jonathan Baron and Graham Loomes, 2001). 1 Eugene A. Rosa and William R. Freudenburg, “Nuclear Power at the Crossroads,” in Public Reactions to Nuclear Power: Are There Critical Masses? ed. William R. Freudenburg and Eugene A. Rosa (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press/American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1984), 3–37. 2 Eli Kintisch, “Out of Site,” Science 329 (5993) (2010): 788; Denise P. Ferguson and Michael F. Smith, “No Frackin’ Way: Activism in the Marcellus Shale Region,” in Business Research Yearbook: Business and Global Social Responsibility, ed. Margaret A. Goralski and H. Paul LeBlanc III (International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2012), 497–504; David C. Lineweber, “Understanding Residential Customer Support for–and Opposition to–Smart Grid Investments,” The Electricity Journal 24 (2011): 92–100; Ann Cavoukian, Jules Polonetsky, and Christopher Wolf, “SmartPrivacy for the Smart Grid: Embedding Privacy into the Design of Electricity Conservation,” Computer Science 3 (2010): 275–294. 3 Alejandro D. González, Björn Frostell, and Annika Carlsson-Kanyama, “Protein Ef½ciency per unit Energy and per unit Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Potential Contribution of Diet Choices to Climate Change Mitigation,” Food Policy 36 (2011): 582–570; M. Berners-Lee, C. Hoolohan, H. Cammack, and C. N. Hewitt, “The Relative Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Realistic Dietary Choices,” Energy Policy 43 (2012): 184–190. 4 Michael P. Vandenbergh, Paul C. Stern, Gerald T. Gardner, Thomas Dietz, and Jonathan M. Gilligan, “Implementing the Behavioral Wedge: Designing and Adopting Effective Carbon Emissions Reduction Programs,” Environmental Law Review 40 (2010): 10547–10554. 5 Adam B. Jaffe and Robert N. Stavins, “The Energy-Ef½ciency Gap: What Does It Mean?” Energy Policy 22 (1994).

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Reducing 6 Paul C. Stern, “Household Energy Use in a Political Context,” Marriage and Family Review 9 Carbon- (1985): 15–27; Paul C. Stern, Elliot Aronson, James Darley, D. H. Hill, Eric Hirst, Willett Based Energy Kempton, and Thomas J. Wilbanks, “The Effectiveness of Incentives for Residential Energy Consumption through Conservation,” Evaluation Review 10 (1986): 147–176. Changes in 7 Kelly Sims Gallagher and Erich Muehlegger, “Giving Green to Get Green? Incentives and Household Consumer Adoption of Hybrid Vehicle Technology,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Behavior Management 61 (2011): 1–15. 8 Elke Weber and Eric J. Johnson, “Psychology and Behavioral Economics Lessons for the Design of a Green Growth Strategy,” Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development/Unit- ed Nations Environment Programme/World Bank, 2012, http://www.greengrowthknowledge .org/Pages/Events.aspx. 9 Richard York, Eugene Rosa, and Thomas Dietz, “Bridging Environmental Science with Envi- ronmental Policy: Plasticity of Population, Affluence, and Technology,” Social Science Quar- terly 83 (2002): 18–34. 10 Paul C. Stern, “Contributions of Psychology to Limiting Climate Change,” American Psychol- ogist 66 (2011): 303–314. 11 Thomas Dietz, Gerald T. Gardner, Jonathan Gilligan, Paul C. Stern, and Michael P. Vanden- bergh, “Household Actions Can Provide a Behavioral Wedge to Rapidly Reduce U.S. Carbon Emissions,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (2009): 18452–18456. 12 Ibid. 13 Willett Kempton, Craig K. Harris, Joanne G. Keith, and Jeffrey S. Weihl, “Do Consumers Know ‘What Works’ in Energy Conservation?” Marriage and Family Review 9 (1985): 116–133. 14 National Research Council, Energy Use: The Human Dimension (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 1984). 15 Kempton et al., “Do Consumers Know ‘What Works’ in Energy Conservation?”; Shahzeen Z. Attari, Michael L. DeKay, Cliff I. Davidson, and Wändi Bruine De Bruin, “Public Percep- tions of Energy Consumption and Savings,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (37) (2010): 16054–16059; Thomas Dietz, “Narrowing the us Energy Ef½ciency Gap,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (37) (2010): 16007–16008. 16 Dietz, “Narrowing the us Energy Ef½ciency Gap.” 17 Stern et al., “The Effectiveness of Incentives for Residential Energy Conservation.” 18 Paul C. Stern, Gerald T. Gardner, Michael P. Vandenbergh, Thomas Dietz, and Jonathan M. Gilligan, “Design Principles for Carbon Emissions Reduction Programs,” Environmental Science and Technology 44 (13) (2010): 4847–4848. 19 Eric Hirst, “Cooperation and Community Conservation: The Hood River Community Con- servation Project” (Oak Ridge, Tenn.: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1987); Thomas A. Heberlein, Navigating Environmental Attitudes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012). 20 Shoshannah Lenski, Gregory A. Keoleian, and Kevin M. Bolon, “The Impact of ‘Cash for Clunkers’ on Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Life Cycle Perspective,” Environmental Research Letters 5 (4) (2012): 044003+8. 21 Bernd Figner, Daria Knoch, Eric J. Johnson, Amy R. Krosch, Sarah H. Lisanby, Ernst Fehr, and Elke U. Weber, “Lateral Prefrontal Cortex and Self-Control in Intertemporal Choice,” Nature Neuroscience 13 (2010): 538–539. 22 Robert B. Cialdini, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (1984; New York: HarperCollins, 2007); Thomas Dietz, “The Art of Influence,” Nature 479 (2011): 176; P. Wesley Schultz, Jessica M. Nolan, Robert B. Cialdini, Noah J. Goldstein, and Vladas Griskevicius, “The Constructive, Destructive, and Reconstructive Power of Social Norms,” Psychological Science 18 (2007): 429–434; Robert B. Cialdini, “Crafting Normative Messages to Protect the Environment,” Psychological Science 12 (2003): 105–109.

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23 Hunt Alcott, “Social Norms and Energy Conservation,” Journal of Public Economics 95 (2011): Thomas 1082–1095. Dietz, Paul C. 24 Schultz et al., “The Constructive, Destructive, and Reconstructive Power of Social Norms.” Stern & 25 Elke U. Paul J. Ferraro, Juan Jose Miranda, and Michael K. Price, “The Persistence of Treatment Weber Effects with Norm-Based Policy Instruments: Evidence from a Randomized Environmental Policy Experiment,” American Economic Review 101 (3) (2011): 318–322. 26 Nikolaos Zografakis, Angeliki N. Menegaki, and Konstantinos P. Tsagarakis, “Effective Edu- cation for Energy Ef½ciency,” Energy Policy 36 (2008): 3226–3232. 27 Daniel Pichert and Konstantinos V. Katsikopoulos, “Green Defaults: Information Presenta- tion and Pro-Environmental Behaviour,” Journal of Environmental Psychology 28 (2008): 63–73. 28 Isaac Dinner, Eric J. Johnson, Daniel G. Goldstein, and Kaiya Liu, “Partitioning Default Ef- fects: Why People Choose Not To Choose,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 17 (4) (2011): 332–341. 29 Charles Wilson, “Supply Chain Contributions to the Household Wedge,” in Facilitating Cli- mate Change Responses: A Report of Two Workshops on Insights from the Social and Behavioral Sci- ences, ed. Paul C. Stern and Roger E. Kasperson (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2010), 37–40. 30 Richard York, “Ecological Paradoxes: William Stanley Jevons and the Paperless Of½ce,” Human Ecology Review 13 (2) (2006): 143–147. 31 Andrew Szasz, Shopping Our Way to Safety: How We Changed from Protecting the Environment to Protecting Ourselves (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2007). 32 Elke U. Weber, “Experience-Based and Description-Based Perceptions of Long-Term Risk: Why Global Warming Does Not Scare Us (Yet),” Climatic Change 70 (2006): 103–120. 33 Elke U. Weber, “Perception and Expectation of Climate Change: Precondition for Econom- ic and Technological Adaptation,” in Psychological Perspectives to Environmental and Ethical Issues in Management, ed. Max Bazerman, David Messick, Ann Tenbrunsel, and Kimberly Wade-Benzoni (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1997), 314–341. 34 John Thøgersen and Tom Crompton, “Simple and Painless? The Limitations of Spillover in Environmental Campaigning,” Journal of Consumer Policy 32 (2009): 141–163. 35 Daniel G. Goldstein, Eric J. Johnson, Andreas Herrmann, and Mark Heitmann, “Nudge Your Customers Toward Better Choices,” Harvard Business Review 86 (12) (2008): 99–105; Eric J. Johnson, Suzanne B. Shu, Benedict G.C. Dellaert, Craig Fox, Daniel G. Goldstein, Gerald Häubl, Richard P. Larrick, et al., “Beyond Nudges: Tools of a Choice Architecture,” Marketing Letters 23 (2) (2012): 487–504. 36 Stern et al., “The Effectiveness of Incentives for Residential Energy Conservation.” 37 Edward L. Vine, Solarizing America: The Davis Experience (Washington, D.C.: Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies, Energy Project, 1981). 38 Lawrence Busch, Standards: Recipes for Reality (Cambridge, Mass.: mit Press, 2011); Rachael L. Shwom, “A Middle Range Theorization of Energy Politics: The U.S. Struggle for Energy Ef½cient Appliances,” Environmental Politics 20 (5) (2011): 705–726.

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The Public Acceptance of New Energy Technologies

Roger E. Kasperson & Bonnie J. Ram

Abstract: In the wake of ominous results about the impending path of climate change, and with gasoline prices hovering around four dollars per gallon, the 2012 presidential and congressional campaigns are full of claims and counterclaims about the transformation of the U.S. energy system. Although much discussion has centered on the need for new energy technologies, this debate as yet has been narrow and limited. Meaningful deployment of any technology will raise questions of public acceptance. Little is known about how diverse publics in the United States will respond to the advent of new energy sources, whether they involve a “second renaissance” for nuclear power, a dash to embrace hydraulic fracking for oil and natural gas, or emerging prospects for renewable energies like wind and solar power. Yet public acceptance will determine the outlook. Adding further complication is the growing debate about tradi- tional energy sources and the extent to which a fossil fuel–based energy system should continue to be central to the American economy. This essay explores the issues involved in public acceptance of stability and change in the U.S. energy system. We conclude with several recommendations for gaining a greater understanding of the public acceptance quandary.

In the United States, new technology promising to solve the nation’s sundry problems seems to be everywhere, and nowhere more than in the energy sector. Amid an economic downturn and rampant unemployment, the vision of new technologies beckons. The nuclear dream appears in the new guise of a “second nuclear renaissance,” which offers a safer and more acceptable technology as well as the prospect of decentralized nuclear reac- ROGER E. KASPERSON, a Fellow tors operating at a community or neighborhood of the American Academy since scale. In the search for a bridge to an energy system 2004, is Research Professor and without fossil fuels, shale gas has burst into the Distinguished Scientist in the energy arena as a salvation with nearly unlimited George Perkins Marsh Institute at supply and the potential to reduce greenhouse gas Clark University. emissions relative to coal. Meanwhile, renewable BONNIE J. RAM is President of energy sources–especially wind and solar power– llc Ram Power . are touted as long-term solutions for achieving low- (*See endnotes for complete contributor carbon and, eventually, low-cost energy options for biographies.) the future. Accordingly, the race is on to ensure that

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the needed technology will be there. Some needed technology or application; rather, Roger E. observers have even espoused technolog- the primary consideration will be whether Kasperson & Bonnie J. ical solutions through geoengineering to the social dimensions of what is at heart a Ram deal with past and accumulating carbon social-technical system are in place. emissions in the atmosphere. Not all of these are new technologies, The socio-technical system involves however; some are new applications of multiple social issues. To begin, public existing or old technologies. Windmills attitudes toward technology have shifted have abounded for several centuries, but in the United States. As Ann Carlson and their scale and size have shifted dramati- Robert Fri note in their essay for this issue, cally. Currently, offshore wind technolo- past energy transformations created an gies are in the early stages of deployment.1 economic value that was captured by the Fracking involves new processes for liber- market–a key condition for overcoming ating natural gas from shale formations, the dif½culty of changing a socio-technical but established technologies have largely system. But in the twenty-½rst century, been the instruments used to capture this public values for energy security and low- energy source. Even the exploration of carbon portfolios are externalities not decentralized nuclear plants has drawn captured by the market.2 In previous de- largely from existing technology, with new cades and during the past century, public deployment oriented at a different scale. sentiment favored technology, which was Issues surrounding public acceptance are seen as part of the American prospect. not simply about the adoption of new and But in recent years, perhaps as American unfamiliar technology; they also arise in society has become more wealthy (if response to new applications of familiar increasingly unequal and security con- technology. This is not surprising, as tech- scious), sentiment has shifted against nological processes do not always proceed new technology and novel technological along a smooth curve. Uncertainty plays applications. Publics are increasingly a major role in how technology adopters suspicious and hypercritical. And where and various policies respond to what are experience is meager and few deploy- likely unfamiliar risks. Therefore, uncer- ments have occurred, supporting institu- tainty also plays a major role in public tions have yet to emerge and regulatory response. Lack of experience inevitably systems are often embryonic. Even pro- contributes to large and multiple uncer- fessional organizations may still be quite tainties when new technologies and novel limited. applications appear. Given that few new However, no problem is more stark or deployments have occurred, data are often troublesome–yet extremely important– scarce. While modeling is intrinsic to the than that of public acceptance. We know characterization of emerging bene½ts and from past risk studies that there is often a risks, the models are often early in devel- marked divergence between expert scien- opment and have parameters that are still ti½c assessment and public perceptions. rudimentary and incomplete. What may At one time, it was largely believed that be termed “deep uncertainty,” or limited publics are ignorant, and that the gap could knowledge of the basic phenomena, may best be narrowed by more education– be a more major problem. Rapid and ef- still a favorite solution of many experts. fective diffusion of a new socio-technical Yet subsequent studies have revealed con- approach will not be determined by a clusively that publics are not irrational; unidimensional focus on developing the indeed, they can rank risks in an orderly

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The Public and consistent manner.3 But it is also nology, uncertain risks, and contending Acceptance clear that the general population assesses values. Various reports from the U.S. Na- of New Energy technologies and applications differently tional Research Council (nrc) have high- Technologies than experts do. Individuals consider, for lighted stakeholder participation as a example, ethical issues that may be in- central element in a well-orchestrated volved, the trustworthiness of managers, policy of seeking public acceptance for and the adequacy with which they have new policy or technology solutions. For been consulted and decisions made. example, in its influential report Under- Complicating the risk issues are the standing Risk, the nrc emphasized deliber- uncertainty and complexity of new energy ative processes as central in “developing technologies. Thus, nothing is more cen- the understanding required to inform tral than public acceptance. Where the decisions.”4 Recent reports on public par- rubber meets the road in the deployment ticipation, including the nrc’s Science and of new facilities, energy or otherwise, is Decisions, have reaf½rmed and expanded in the siting process. We have discovered these views.5 that general attitudes toward renewable Internationally, major assessments of energy facilities–such as wind, solar, geo- global environmental risks, such as those thermal, and biomass facilities–may be conducted by the Intergovernmental benign and supportive. Once a location is Panel on Climate Change and the Millen- chosen, however, it is not unusual for new nium Ecosystem Assessment, have recog- concerns to surface. In simplistic and fre- nized widespread stakeholder participa- quently misleading terms, this effect is tion as essential to addressing environ- often referred to as the nimby (“Not in mental threats, new and old. Even in My Backyard”) syndrome: that is, the idea remote villages in China, India, and sub- that people ostensibly object to any risk Saharan Africa, studies have called for when it is in their backyard and not greater local involvement in decisions someone else’s. This pretext is, in fact, a made at higher levels of government that well-honed means of blaming the victim, affect residents’ lives and security. Many whereby de½ciencies in the risk-commu- experts believe that broad stakeholder nication or public-participation process- participation will increase public accep- es are blamed not on the manager or the tance, leading to ongoing decisions that process but on concerned local residents. are better informed and more sensitive to This phenomenon is part of a larger, self- local conditions, that limit the power of serving indictment of so-called unedu- elite interests, and that assure greater cated publics that do not automatically implementation of needed projects and accept the technical assessments and development. assurances of the managers, whatever the The stakeholder-involvement impera- de½ciencies in the process. On the other tive abounds with allusions to democratic hand, there are challenges presented by ideals and the positive outcomes expect- vocal minorities opposing certain sites and ed to result from such exercises. Implicit new technologies that would otherwise throughout is the notion that broad pub- provide bene½ts to the larger community. lic involvement is the principal route to improved decision-making, especially Stakeholder involvement is being ad- when the risks are controversial and dis- vocated as a means to improve public puted. Expected outcomes, it is claimed, acceptance and developmental decisions, include increased trust in experts and de- particularly those involving complex tech- cision-makers, greater consensus among

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publics and between science and politics, rently in short supply, this vital resource Roger E. reductions in conflict and controversy, may not be anywhere near the levels Kasperson & Bonnie J. greater public acceptance of preferred needed to support major changes in the Ram solutions, and increased ease of imple- energy system, which would necessarily mentation. From this perspective, it is not involve changes to institutional norms, surprising that public involvement is individual behavior, cost and pricing, and becoming routinized as a standard com- social values. ponent of risk deliberations. At the same Social trust is a complex, multidimen- time, a host of consulting institutions have sional concept. Competence, predictabil- emerged to exploit a new, lucrative oppor- ity, and caring are all part of the picture, tunity: providing the analytic support that sometimes in consonance and at other environmental and energy managers need times in conflict.7 On the one hand, for to include the public in energy decisions. example, early release of risk information But the impediments to deploying new demonstrates that a manager is open and energy technologies are formidable, per- caring. On the other hand, if the informa- vasive, often underestimated, and well tion is found in subsequent studies to be beyond issues of stakeholder involve- flawed and/or misleading, then ques- ment. Perhaps it is only natural to expect tions of competence are likely to emerge, the ready acceptance of new energy tech- resulting in distrust rather than trust.8 nologies. After all, observers increasingly Those at risk must believe in the high sci- point to the historical embrace of coal enti½c quality of the analyses that man- technologies, which led to the casual re- agers provide. Thus, managers’ interac- moval of mountaintops, health-threaten- tions with stakeholders, particularly risk- ing air pollution, and widespread environ- bearers, are always fraught with potential mental damage to lakes and streams in social trust concerns. It is not easy to be Europe and the United States. But it is now open, to communicate information in a well known that publics often respond to timely manner, and to show high compe- risks in different ways than technical tence at the same time. experts. And given changing attitudes Where does social trust come from? toward technology in the United States, This issue adds to the complex world of there appear to be historical differences energy management and decision-making. as well.6 New risks often involve percep- It is often assumed, for example, that if a tions of dread and severity among publics, manager behaves in a trustworthy fash- reflecting a basic tendency of laypeople ion, greater social trust will result. But to assess risks using a different, often this may not be the case.9 While personal broader framework than experts use. As a experience with particular institutions or result, new risks in the mix of energy op- managers can lead to greater social trust or tions can generate concerns that are not distrust, the long-term erosion of social likely to be assuaged by information and trust in the United States implies that such assurances from experts and managers. con½dence is built and lost systemically. Evidence suggests that deployment of Making matters worse is the long- new technology in the U.S. electric power term decline in social trust in the United industry will need to proceed under con- States. Social trust provides the essential ditions of high distrust. Indeed, trust in lubricant, especially the base of support- corporations, particularly the coal, nuclear, ing public values, needed to usher in a oil, and gas industries, is at an all-time low concert of changes. With social trust cur- (as the bp oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico

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The Public and the Fukushima Daiichi disaster make cal interests. In addition, the acceptability Acceptance clear). Levels of trust with regard to sev- of risk varies according to the magnitude of New Energy eral other key actors, such as Congress of perceived bene½ts and whether the Technologies and the mass media, are also at historic risks are voluntary or involuntary.11 The lows.10 There is little reason to believe assessment of public values is a critical that substantially greater social trust will task that requires a sustained commit- soon appear, whatever the urgency of en- ment from energy managers, extending ergy security and global climate change. far beyond scienti½c assessment. Complicating this paucity of social trust is a broad set of value-based and ethical To win greater public acceptance, and concerns that arise in the dissemination to draw social-science thinking into that and adoption of new energy technologies, process, calls for major efforts in capacity- including issues of environmental pro- building. Precious little social-science tection, democratic values and processes, expertise exists to address risk assessment and poverty reduction. Energy technolo- and public-acceptance processes at the gies are not value neutral; all entail vary- federal, state, or local level. Earning public ing combinations of distributional and acceptance is seen primarily as a job for generational equity issues–speci½cally, advertisers and public relations of½cials. who reaps the bene½ts and who bears the With the relevant government agencies risks and burdens? For example, the pro- largely staffed by engineers, biophysical posed Keystone xl pipeline would pose scientists, and lawyers, and with a hiring risks along its transit route from Alberta, process that tends to reproduce existing Canada, to the Gulf of Mexico for the expertise, social scientists are unlikely to bene½t of energy consumers throughout be recruited anytime soon. This gap in the United States. Geothermal energy expertise only compounds the challenges carries localized risks but bene½ts broader to understanding how individuals and regions. Fracking has similar distribu- social institutions behave in a social-tech- tional issues and may entail generational nical system. Indeed, the most dif½cult problems as well. To the extent that solar problems in the deployment of new solu- and wind technologies contribute to tions and technologies are rooted in reducing climate change, the bene½ts are social issues and public perceptions that global as well as national. These issues are are dif½cult to change. often largely implicit rather than openly One of the more immediate challenges discussed. Yet questions of equity need to is the outmoded U.S. energy grid. Tripar- be explicitly raised and addressed, and the tite in structure, the national grid varies public processes used to do so will signi½- in regional performance and cost charac- cantly influence stakeholder response. teristics. Future utility-scale energy facil- The importance of risk communication ities, such as wind and solar, may be sited highlights the problem of determining far from the energy grid and prospective “acceptable” or “tolerable” risk. Technol- markets, raising public acceptance and ogy managers frequently assume that equity problems. Modernization and ex- judging whether the risks are too great and pansion of this grid, whether for existing thus must be reduced is only a matter of fossil fuels or renewable energy sources, biophysical science. This is not the case: will be vital to a robust public acceptance experience and comparative analyses strategy. have established that evaluating risk nec- Transforming the U.S. energy system essarily involves public values and politi- will require widespread adoption of an

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alternative vision of how energy should cials–at each stage. Evaluation should Roger E. be generated, delivered, and consumed. be seen as a key element in mid-course Kasperson & Bonnie J. Therefore, the goal of public acceptance corrections and adaptive management. Ram requires as much attention as developing Building greater social-science capabil- the needed technology. In order to achieve ity in risk-management assessment is a a low-carbon technology transformation pressing need that requires extraordinary and a flow of new applications, several measures. Long-term initiatives should major issues must be addressed: be established to develop the social-sci- • Early efforts, through surveys and inter- ence capacity now lacking in government views, must be undertaken to de½ne a and private agencies at all levels. Efforts baseline of public concerns, values, and should include the establishment of perceptions of risks. speci½c hiring and training processes, special research programs, and analyses • A national commitment to an alterna- of pressing needs. tive energy future must be established, While there is no assured process for with supporting justi½cation in terms of achieving public acceptance of new ener- climate change and energy security.12 gy technologies and applications, and • Collaborative approaches to assessment although greater stakeholder participa- and decision-making are essential, par- tion does not always lead to better deci- ticularly in a context of meager social sion-making, working toward these ob- trust. Low levels of social trust will re- jectives is crucial. Meeting the existing quire empowerment of those who host regulatory requirements of the National the facility and bear the risks. Environmental Protection Act, among others, does not guarantee the adoption • Public acceptance of new energy facili- of new energy technologies and applica- ties at particular sites will require a tions. Probabilities for success improve consent-based approach rather than greatly with serious attention to, and the imposition of risk by outside deci- investment in, achieving public accep- sion-makers. tance. This issue cannot be left to the end • Active public involvement can provide of the process and whatever budget a means to monitor facility performance scraps remain.13 and impacts on the community and lo- cal ecology. If risks are underestimated and facility performance does not meet regulatory standards, provisions should be in place to allow local of½cials to petition for or effect closure of the facility.

• Evaluation, jointly arranged by the de- veloper and the host community, should be ongoing throughout the stages of development–namely, planning, con- struction, operation, and decommis- sioning. This assessment should involve rigorous peer review–designed by ex- perts, regulators, and state and local of½-

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The Public endnotes Acceptance ROGER E KASPERSON of New * Contributor Biographies: . , a Fellow of the American Academy since Energy 2004, is Research Professor and Distinguished Scientist in the George Perkins Marsh Institute Technologies at Clark University. His current projects focus on developing strategies to bridge the gap between science and practice; formulating a conceptual framework for incorporating sus- tainability into European environmental policy; and creating improved methods for ana- lyzing and managing highly uncertain risks. His publications include The Social Ampli½cation of Risk (edited with Nick Pidgeon and Paul Slovic, 2010), Facilitating Climate Change Responses (edited with Paul C. Stern, 2011), and Integrating Science and Policy: Vulnerability and Resilience in Global Environmental Change (edited with Mimi Berberian, 2011). BONNIE J. RAM is President of Ram Power llc and has thirty years of experience in planning and directing multidisciplinary technical projects. She focuses on climate change, environ- mental management, and siting and deployment of gigawatt-scale renewable power in North America, Europe, and China. Currently, she also serves as Associate Director and Senior Research Scientist at the Center for Carbon-Free Power Integration at the University of Delaware, where she is leading an R&D effort related to offshore wind-energy technology. Her publications include “Assessing Integrated Risks of Offshore Wind Projects: Moving Towards Gigawatt-scale Deployments,” Wind Engineering (2011); and An Integrated Risk Framework for Gigawatt-scale Deployments of Renewable Energy: The Wind Energy Case Study (2010). Acknowledgment: We wish to express our appreciation to the Marsh Institute at Clark Uni- versity for its support. 1 Walter Musial and Bonnie Ram, “Large-Scale Offshore Wind Power in the United States: Assessment of Opportunities and Barriers,” nrel/tp-500-40745 (Golden, Colo.: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2010). 2 See Ann E. Carlson and Robert W. Fri, “Designing a Durable Energy Policy,” in this issue. 3 Paul Slovic, Baruch Fischhoff, and Sarah Lichtenstein, “Rating the Risks,” Environment 2 (3) (1979): 19–29, 36–39; Paul Slovic, Baruch Fischhoff, and Sarah Lichtenstein, “Facts and Fears: Understanding Perceived Risk,” in Societal Risk Assessment: How Safe is Safe Enough?, ed. Richard C. Schwing and Walter A. Albers, Jr. (New York: Plenum, 1980). 4 National Research Council, Understanding Risk: Informing Decisions in a Democratic Society (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 1996). 5 National Research Council, Science and Decisions: Advancing Risk Assessment (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2009). 6 Slovic, Fischhoff, and Lichtenstein, “Rating the Risks”; Slovic, Fischhoff, and Lichtenstein, “Facts and Fears,” in Societal Risk Assessment, ed. Schwing and Albers. 7 Roger E. Kasperson, “Siting Hazardous Facilities: Searching for Effective Institutions and Processes,” in Managing Conflict in Facility Siting, ed. S. Hayden Lesbirel and Daigee Shaw (London: Edward Elgar, 2004), 13–35. 8 Ibid. 9 Roger E. Kasperson, Dominic Golding, and Jeanne X. Kasperson, “Trust, Risk and Democrat- ic Theory,” in Social Trust and the Management of Risk, ed. George Cvetkovich and Ragnar Löfstedt (London: Earthscan, 1999), 22–44. 10 Ibid. 11 Chauncey Starr, “Social Bene½t vs. Technological Risk,” Science 165 (1969): 1232–1238. 12 Beyond Technology: Strengthening Energy Policy through Social Science (Cambridge, Mass.: Ameri- can Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2011). 13 Paul C. Stern and Roger E. Kasperson, eds., Facilitating Climate Change Responses: A Report of Two Workshops on Knowledge from the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2010).

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The Transnational Politics of Energy

Robert O. Keohane & David G. Victor

Abstract: Creating effective energy policy is hard, in part because it often requires effective international coordination. For most salient energy-related issues–such as control of the emissions that cause global climate change or the building of stockpiles to make oil supplies more secure–international coordination is inherently dif½cult. Solutions lie in making these problems more manageable by working in small groups of relevant countries; successful cooperation also hinges on ½nding incentive-compatible commit- ments that align, to the extent feasible, with national interests and are focused on areas where coopera- tion will yield tangible joint gains. The outcomes of such cooperation efforts are likely to be decentralized complexes of networked institutions rather than integrated, hierarchical treaties that govern a coherently de½ned issue-area.

For countries to deal successfully with energy issues, they must engage in international coopera- tion. This requires being strategic in selecting issues to address. Although domestic politics undoubtedly takes center stage in formulating energy policy, energy markets and environmental problems have both become global. As a result, any nation’s actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions meaningfully, to secure reliable energy supplies, or to stabilize energy prices will be affected by the actions of many other countries. International considerations raise hurdles ROBERT O KEOHANE . , a Fellow in the formulation of effective national policies, but of the American Academy since they can also create opportunities. In this essay, we 1983, is Professor of Public and In- ternational Affairs in the Wood- explore when such opportunities can arise, how row Wilson School at Princeton some hurdles to effective international coordination University. can be cleared, and how analysts and policy-makers should think about the design and impact of inter- DAVID G. VICTOR is a Professor in the School of International national regulatory frameworks. We argue that the Relations and Paci½c Studies at structure of international cooperation on some the University of California, San energy problems, such as climate change, is prone to Diego, where he also serves as deadlock. But by recrafting these problems–usually Director of the Laboratory on by making them “smaller” and focusing on the areas International Law and Regulation. where national interests are better aligned for (*See endnotes for complete contributor international cooperation–participating countries biographies.) can avoid an impasse.

© 2013 by Robert O. Keohane & David G. Victor

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The Trans- In the ½rst volume of this two-volume causes for optimism, this volume echoes national special issue of Dædalus, editors Robert Fri the pessimistic message of volume 1. Politics of Energy and Stephen Ansolabehere ask, “Why is It would be gratifying to report that the creating energy policy so hard?”1 Focus- situation in other countries looks more ing on the United States, they identify a promising, and there are indeed some number of reasons, three of which could glimmers of hope. The European Union be summarized as follows: is in principle committed to reducing emissions by 80 percent by 2050; there is 1. Most important, the U.S. public does more support in most of the European not want to pay more for energy even Union for vigorous action on climate though full social-cost pricing is key to a change–and, therefore, on energy–than coherent energy policy. elsewhere in the world.2 But Europe is 2. In particular, the U.S. public does not declining as an economic force, account- put signi½cant weight on global warm- ing now for only about one-½fth of the ing as a driving force for policy regard- world’s commercial energy consump- ing choice of fuels and energy technolo- tion.3 China and India are rising forces in gies. energy (and most other matters of inter- 3. Finally, the competitive and intensely national importance). Together, these two polarized state of U.S. politics means countries account for at least half of the that no policy elite can develop and likely growth in energy consumption and impose a coherent energy policy with- global warming emissions over the next out facing the impossible task of appeal- three decades. If the advanced, industri- ing to extreme positions while also alized countries continue to struggle with retaining enough centrist support to economic stagnation as well as meeting achieve policy passage. limits on emissions, the share of growth in emissions from these and other emerg- The problems are not principally about ing economies will be even greater.4 Both a lack of scienti½c knowledge, and they India and China (especially China) have cannot be recti½ed with research. Instead, aggressive national programs to address the problems are political and, as the ½rst some aspects of energy use, such as the volume makes clear, apparently intrac- need to cut local pollution and raise ener- table. Action can be taken at the margin. gy ef½ciency; nonetheless, independent For example, the Obama administration national action is unlikely to add up to an recently imposed new regulations that effective global response on any of the make the construction of new coal-½red major energy issues requiring internation- plants in the United States very unlikely al coordination. Neither China nor India while also creating strong incentives to integrates its oil stockpiles with the Inter- shut down a large fraction of the existing national Energy Agency (iea) system, (mainly older) coal-½red plants. Overall, and both have signaled wariness about however, as volume 1 suggests, the politi- entering into binding international agree- cal forces needed for major changes in ments on climate change. U.S. energy policy are not in place. This second volume, which also focuses pri- marily on the United States, devotes much International cooperation is essential attention to the underlying behavioral and for an effective global response to energy institutional forces that drive decision- and climate change issues, but true inter- making and choice. While there are some national coordination is inherently dif½-

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cult to organize. Because there is no world plex transnational coordination on topics Robert O. government, effective collaboration must such as radio frequencies, language, and Keohane & David G. involve states, multilateral institutions, the design of navigational equipment, Victor and those ½rms and non-state actors that but these rules raise few dif½cult political play important roles in an issue-area. Such issues because interests usually converge cooperation does occur, most notably in around a focal point that provides the trade through the World Trade Organiza- basis for a solution. Often these focal tion (wto), in development through the points simply reflect the path blazed by World Bank, and on monetary issues–at early, large adopters. When distribution- least when crisis concentrates the minds al issues loom large, however, problems of elites and publics–through the Inter- become more dif½cult: wrangles over national Monetary Fund and Group of 20 “who pays” are familiar. (G-20). But with respect to energy and Also important is whether the bene½ts in climate change, cooperation has been question accrue to those who take action. halting at best. Participants are more likely to invest in Under favorable conditions, coopera- cooperation when its bene½ts accrue only tion emerges because there are tangible to them than when nonparticipants also joint gains to be reached, such as bene½ts bene½t. When bene½ts can be appropri- from international trade. In economic ated, actors can employ reciprocity to terms, as long as the status quo lies below generate cooperation because one party’s the Pareto frontier, arrangements can be cooperative actions are contingent on re- made that bene½t all parties–provided ciprocal moves by others. If the sequence that agreements are reliably crafted and of moves extends inde½nitely into the enforced. In such situations, cooperation future, and if the prospective bene½ts to emerges not out of harmony but from the each party are substantial, the reputations discord that has hitherto prevented par- for credibility that develop can lead to ties from capturing these potential joint sustainable cooperation.6 Leadership is gains. Discord in such situations adverse- also more likely to be forthcoming when ly affects the interests of all participants, potential leaders see that they can appro- generating mutual desire for policy coor- priate bene½ts from their actions. dination that all crucial players ½nd By focusing on these two dimensions of preferable to what would otherwise cooperation problems–that is, the degree ensue.5 Our task in this essay is to apply of conflict of interest and whether bene½ts the logic of international cooperation to accrue to cooperating states or are more energy questions. In many respects, there widely diffused–we can generate expecta- is little that is “new” about energy. The tions about the relative dif½culty of solv- fundamental challenges to and opportu- ing different energy-related problems at nities of political action within and among the international level. Table 1 provides a countries are familiar. useful stylization of the various coopera- Conditions for cooperation at the glob- tion problems. When there are few distri- al level vary by the nature of the problem. butional issues and private goods are Problems that are close to pure coordina- involved, we expect relatively easy coop- tion problems–with minimal conflicts of eration on a voluntary, decentralized basis interest–are relatively easy to solve. For between parties that will bene½t (upper example, establishing common rules that left-hand quadrant). In contrast, when all aircraft will follow as they fly through severe distributional issues and public different national airspaces involves com- goods are in play, as in the lower-right

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The Trans- Table 1 national Four Basic Problem Structures: Prospects and Strategies for Cooperation Politics of Energy Cooperation Focuses on Cooperation Focuses on Private Goods Public Goods

Low Conflict over Distribution Harmony: Least severe Hegemonic cooperation: of Gains and Losses challenges for cooperation; Soluble when a large country soluble when parties know obtains a large enough share of their interests the bene½ts that it is willing to invest in cooperation that bene½ts all

High Conflict over Distribution Iteration: Soluble with repeated Entrenched discord: Most of Gains and Losses play severe challenges; dif½cult to solve unless problem is broken down into smaller units where harmony, iteration, or hege- monic cooperation strategies are available

Source: Table created by authors.

quadrant of Table 1, cooperation is very time, can promote cooperation (Table 1, dif½cult. No single actor or small set of lower-left quadrant). actors has incentive to bear the costs and Table 1 shows that the prospects for risks of cooperation; potential leaders do cooperation (and the appropriate institu- not step in because they fear having to tional design) depend on the “problem pay disproportionately for revealing their structure.” The two dimensions shown preferences for action. in Table 1 are not the only possibilities; The off-diagonal boxes in Table 1 repre- problems vary in many other ways, such sent intermediate situations, in which as whether costs and bene½ts are proxi- cooperation is conditional on some other mate or far into the future. However, this variable. If the goods are public but rela- simple framework is a useful ½rst step in tively inexpensive to provide–keeping analysis. Applied to international energy distributional issues relatively minor–a problems, the framework in Table 1 re- single participant or small group may veals why some problems have garnered ½nd it worthwhile to bear the expense of cooperation while others fester. Table 2 providing the public good (Table 1, upper- applies that framework to some major right quadrant). In this scenario, the energy-related issues that have inspired hegemonic actor or small group bene½ts, efforts at international coordination. In on balance, even after paying the costs; the following sections, we illustrate how others get a free ride. Finally, if goods are the problem structure affects the degree private but distributional issues are pro- of cooperation on each set of issues, and nounced, devising institutions that pro- then draw some implications for policy. mote repeated play, in which no actor makes huge unconditional commitments Cooperation is easiest in areas marked by and con½dence is slowly built up over harmony because countries already have an

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Table 2 Robert O. Energy Issues by Problem Structure Keohane & David G. Victor Cooperation Focuses on Cooperation Focuses on Private Goods Public Goods

Low Conflict over Distribution Harmony: Example: phaseout Hegemonic cooperation: of Gains and Losses of fossil fuel subsidies agreed Example: coordinated manage- by the G-20; agreements to ment of international oil market, “transfer” technology including strategic oil stockpiles, through the iea

High Conflict over Distribution Iteration: Example: investment Entrenched discord: Example: of Gains and Losses in deploying new energy tech- constructing an effective global nologies through U.S.-China regime for climate change or bilateral energy partnership energy

Source: Table created by authors.

incentive to make needed changes in poli- on grounds that they helped promote cy. Nonetheless, many of these cases look welfare in rural, poor populations, had like instances of international cooperation, become politically entrenched. But even in which agendas are set for international in these cases, governments were mobi- talks, diplomats and political leaders lized and making progress in changing meet and wrangle over texts, and agree- policy.8 In the large energy-producer ments are forged. But underlying those members of the G-20–notably in Russia, overt efforts at cooperation is a problem and to some degree Saudi Arabia–sub- structure that almost guarantees success. stantial market-oriented (and subsidy- Consider the G-20’s 2009 agreement to reducing) energy-reform efforts were phase out fossil fuel subsidies.7 Many under way. (The world’s biggest users of countries were already far along in the fossil fuel subsidies–Iran and Venezuela process of removing subsidies for con- –were conveniently not members of the ventional fossil fuel technologies and G-20, and their subsidizing behavior re- redirecting those subsidies toward new mains unswayed by the G-20’s proclama- energy technologies–notably, renew- tions.) The politics for signi½cant (if not ables. A large amount of research had complete) subsidy reform were aligned documented the harmful ½scal and envi- within nearly all the major G-20 nations.9 ronmental effects of these subsidies and Conversely, if the G-20’s subsidy reform had shown that where subsidies promot- agenda had included other topics on ed consumption of imported fuels, they which the countries did not already agree also degraded national energy security. –such as realigning subsidies for renew- By the time the G-20 took up the matter, able energy or nuclear power–the pros- the various national policy efforts were pects for bold international agreements far from complete. In India, for example, would have been dim. large subsidies for kerosene and electric Even in these cases of harmony, inter- power, which had originally been justi½ed national cooperation is not automatic;

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The Trans- active efforts at cooperation are often Meanwhile, an array of changes in national needed. For example, international agree- national policy and economic growth is Politics of G Energy ments such as the 2009 -20 deal can making technology transfer easier. Since generate common knowledge of com- the late 1980s, barriers to trade in prod- mitments and help lock collective gains ucts with high intellectual property con- into place, preventing backsliding.10 tent have plummeted because states have They can reduce the costs of transactions viewed it as advantageous to open trade, –for instance, by creating a focal point within or outside the wto. For example, for future cooperation. Work on fossil a sweeping set of reforms in India in the fuel subsidies could beget reforms on early 1990s reduced or removed barriers other types of subsidies. (As governments, to importing foreign energy technologies. besieged by ½scal austerity, start reform- As a result, Indian manufacturers of these ing renewable power subsidies on their technologies have been forced to become own, the prospects for international co- more competitive, foreign suppliers now operation on these subsidy reforms will have new markets in India, and new rise as well.11) Visible success in an im- power plants in India are signi½cantly portant area of policy can signal to coun- more ef½cient than the older vintages.13 tries that are not members of the cooper- (Higher ef½ciency means lower emissions ative effort–in the case of fossil fuel sub- as well as lower use of fuel, reducing the sidies, that includes most major energy danger of national shortages of coal and exporters–that reforms are both needed dependence on large coal imports.14) and feasible. The sharp uptick in economic growth in Problems that seem intractable, whether all the major developing economies, at because they have severe distributional least until recently, has also boosted de- implications, involve public goods, or mand for trade in technology and focused both, often become much easier to man- governments on the national policies age as a result of exogenous changes in needed to keep energy use in check. policy, technology, or other circumstances. All these changes have made technology For example, consider the issue of technol- transfer much easier. This progress has not ogy transfer: that is, the overt (by gift or erased the regular theatrical discussion of with concessional funding) transfer of technology transfer in global environmen- hardware and intellectual property from tal talks, but it has led markets to transfer rich industrialized countries to developing much more technology. A problem with countries. Ever since the New Interna- the characteristics of discord was trans- tional Economic Order of the 1970s, most formed into one that much more closely international talks on energy and envi- approximates harmony. ronmental issues that include developing countries have also involved contentious Turning to the off-diagonal boxes in diplomacy on technology transfer. Every Tables 1 and 2, we now consider the two major international environmental treaty kinds of cooperation known as hegemonic crafted from the 1980s to the present has cooperation and iteration. The most visible included different obligations for indus- historical example of multilateral coop- trialized and developing countries; in eration on energy–the iea’s efforts to many cases, such as in the ozone layer ac- coordinate large oil consumers and man- cords, special funds have helped countries age oil markets–arose largely as a result on both sides of the rift ½nd common of hegemonic leadership by the United ground and engage in collective action.12 States. In the wake of the ½rst oil shock,

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the large oil consumers saw a compelling establishing the iea.16 Once created, the Robert O. need to join forces. Given that oil is a fun- institution has endured even as U.S. eco- Keohane & David G. gible commodity, unilateral action by one nomic power (in relative terms) has Victor consumer (for example, hoarding) can be waned. Whether the iea can endure the harmful to other major consumers, while rise of new economic powers remains to concerted action (for example, the coor- be seen. Both China and India are large dinated ½lling and release of oil stock- oil importers, and thus both gain from piles) can improve the welfare of the col- effective coordination of stockpiles and lective. Cooperation of this type aims to management of the oil market; but both provide public goods but does not face also have strong incentives to accept a free severe distributional barriers. At the time, ride. China, in particular, faces strong in- all the large oil importers were already ternal pressures to seek security through cooperating on other economic issues unilateral actions–namely, special deals through the Organisation for Economic that “lock up” supplies for China, import Co-operation and Development (oecd). quotas, and a national system of oil stock- Thus, they assigned the task to a new piles that is large yet whose purpose and agency created within the oecd: the operation are shrouded in secrecy. iea.15 Looking at the lower-left box in Tables The second oil shock (in 1979) revealed 1 and 2, iteration can help yield coopera- that the mechanisms the oil importers tion in areas where the parties might dis- had created did not work well in a crisis, agree about the allocation of bene½ts and compelling the iea to tighten its proce- costs but are able to internalize the gains dures and strengthen its systems for from cooperation. In such settings, coun- intergovernmental cooperation. Since tries will cooperate if they are con½dent then, no oil shocks of that severity have that the other side will not defect. While occurred–in part because large changes there are many ways to boost con½dence, in the oil markets and the elimination of one of the most reliable is through itera- most price controls and quota systems tion. Past cooperation becomes a reliable have made market signals more effective signal that more cooperation is possible, in encouraging the private sector to and the prospect of future interaction stockpile and adjust behavior in line with focuses minds on long-term gains rather fundamentals. The few tests of the system, than short-term opportunities to defect. such as in the aftermath of Hurricanes Joint investment agreements are an Katrina and Rita in the United States example. Solving most energy problems (which knocked out a large fraction of requires new technologies, and most U.S. oil-re½ning capacity), suggest that energy technologies are capital-intensive the system is truly cooperative and rea- and ½xed to the ground. Most intellectual sonably effective. property also requires high up-front costs Hegemonic leadership took a problem and a long time horizon for pro½tability. marked by strong incentives for countries As a result, a large fraction of internation- to defect and made cooperation more like- al investment disputes concern energy ly. While all consuming countries stood to technologies such as power plants. Yet gain from coordination, the largest con- cooperation produces huge gains because sumer (the United States) was positioned it raises overall levels of investment to reap the largest bene½ts. Thus, the Unit- (which generally leads to more secure and ed States had a strong incentive to incur less polluting energy systems). Moreover, most of the costs and risks associated with a larger international market gives inno-

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The Trans- vators more installations on which they pable that ordinary people begin to worry national can test new ideas that, through learning, intensely about it. Politics of Energy yield technological change. Iteration is With respect to energy, the distribution- one of the logics behind bilateral invest- al problems are even more serious. A rise ment treaties (bits), and it is also the in the price of oil, while good for produc- logic that inspires the U.S.-China bilateral ers, is bad for consumers. The situation is innovation and investment talks. not zero-sum because both sides have an interest in relative stability. That stability “Energy” intersects with many other might, in fact, arise through iteration– issue-areas, including climate change; such as current efforts by oil suppliers and thus, there are often calls for coherent users to improve the quality of data about international arrangements to manage the oil market–were the conflicts over these problems. In light of the framework distribution not so large and the economic presented in this essay, it is not surprising consequences of energy supply so highly that a coherent international regime does diffused. But interests diverge sharply. not exist for either energy or climate The interests of oil producers, reflected in change, let alone both of them together. the Organization of Petroleum Exporting In a word, these issue-areas fall into the Countries (opec), and those of consum- lower-right box of Tables 1 and 2: discord. ers, reflected in the iea, are often at odds Understanding why there is no such with one another. Consumers want secu- regime for climate change helps explain rity of supply, price stability, and relatively the absence of an energy regime as well. low prices. The producers are divided be- International regimes–institutions with tween price hawks and relative moderates, legally binding rules–are formally con- such as Saudi Arabia, which value stability structed by elites who represent state in- more highly; but their joint preference, terests as they conceive them. A coherent certainly, is for higher prices than con- climate change regime on the model of the sumers prefer. And some producers want Kyoto Protocol would impose large sover- to retain the “oil weapon” to put pressure eignty costs on states by committing them on consuming countries with respect to to carbon emissions targets far into the other issues, such as political relationships future. Adhering to these targets would be in the Middle East. very expensive in economic terms, and As a result of these centrifugal political leaders who took action would capture forces, efforts in the contemporary world almost none of the material bene½ts. to construct integrated regimes that limit Limiting climate change is a public good the extent of climate change and assure because CO2 emissions affect Earth’s cli- the supply of energy have failed. Instead, mate–a public good that is available to there is in each issue-area a regime complex: (and potentially tarnished by) all peoples. a loosely coupled set of speci½c regimes, Making matters worse, future generations as depicted for climate change in Figure 1. would be the major bene½ciaries, but pres- The most important reason for the emer- ent generations would pay the cost. It is gence of a regime complex rather than a dif½cult to imagine either democratic or coherent regime lies in the nature of state authoritarian leaders paying signi½cant interests as described above: that is, due costs during their terms of of½ce for the to intense distributional conflict and high sake mostly of people yet to be born in uncertainty, incentives for states to make other countries, unless the prospect of cli- commitments are low. Yet both broad mate change becomes so severe and pal- issue-areas present opportunities for

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Figure 1 Robert O. The Regime Complex for Managing Climate Change Keohane & David G. Victor

Boxes show the main institutional elements and initiatives that make up the climate change regime complex. Elements inside the oval represent forums where substantial efforts at rule-making have occurred, focused on one or more of the tasks needed to manage the diversity of cooperation problems that arise with climate change; elements outside are areas where climate rule-making requires additional, supporting rules. Guide to acronyms used in the ½gure: Asia-Paci½c Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (app); bilateral investment treaty (bit); Convention on Biological Diversity (cbd); Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modi½cation Techniques (enmod); Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (fao); General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (gatt); Global Environment Fund (gef); Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (ipcc); intellectual property rights (ipr); multilateral development bank (mdb); Major Economies Forum (mef); Post Conflict Fund (pcf); United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (unfccc); World Trade Organization (wto). Source: Reprinted from Robert O. Keohane and David G. Victor, “The Regime Complex for Climate Change,” Perspective on Politics 9 (1) (March 2011): 10.

greater convergence on particular issues, states, and in which iteration over time or for smaller “clubs” to act. Remarkably, enables cooperation to emerge and sus- for example, the European Union has tain itself: that is, issues that fall into the made signi½cant commitments to take upper half and lower-left cell of Table 2. deep action.17 The result is a regime com- plex rather than a coherent regime or the The emergence of a regime complex absence of agreement altogether. rather than an integrated, comprehensive In other words, discord helps explain regime on issues such as energy and cli- why there is no coherent, integrated mate change should not lead us to despair. regime for climate or energy and why, On the contrary, policy-makers who seek instead, “complexes” of institutions have more effective limitation on the magni- emerged in both areas. Progress is being tude of climate change can use regime made on issues that pose few conflicts of complexes to their advantage. And the interest, are dominated by one or a few availability of a regime-complex policy

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The Trans- strategy suggests that countries most markets through the cdm. Yet studies national committed to doing something about suggest that, due to poor administration, Politics of Energy energy issues should reflect on how to perhaps two-thirds or more of cdm cred- take advantage of the flexibility and its issued do not represent bona ½de adaptability of regime complexes, inso- reductions in emissions. Despite this real- far as the more coherent approach of an ization, it is proving very dif½cult to ½x international regime remains unavailable. the cdm. The complex and highly politi- One potential advantage of regime cized nature of decision-making within its complexes lies in the faults of integrated un-based administrative system as well regulatory systems that are already ap- as the unfccc and the Kyoto Protocol parent in the United Nations Framework have precluded meaningful reform. Convention on Climate Change (unfccc) While institutional monopolies have and the Kyoto Protocol. It is dif½cult to dysfunctions, a regime complex can be too design effective regulatory systems in the fragmented. Components may conflict context of a multiplicity of cooperation with one another in ways that yield grid- problems, a broad and shifting distribution lock rather than innovation; the lack of of interests, extreme uncertainty about hierarchy among speci½c regimes can which measures governments are willing create critical veto points; and forum- and able to implement, and ambiguity shopping can lead to a “race to the bot- about how to craft viable linkages. When tom.” Various crises in the energy regime regimes are constructed, therefore, they complex over the years–notably the oil are likely to be unwieldy–a product of price surges associated with the 1973 to political compromise. But the dif½culty 1974 Arab state oil embargo and the Iran- of renegotiation will lead participants to Iraq war, particularly from 1979 to 1980– cling to existing institutions, which take disrupted consumer markets.18 We are on monopoly characteristics. For example, not arguing that regime complexes are the broad coalition of developing countries necessarily better than other institution- –the Group of 77 and China–lambasted al forms. Instead, we view them as likely attempts led by rich countries to work in outcomes in areas such as energy and cli- small groups and outside the unfccc mate, where grand issue-wide efforts at process during the run-up to the Copen- international cooperation are likely to hagen conference, despite mounting evi- yield discord. In the linked issue-areas of dence that the formal sessions were mak- energy and climate change, an integrated ing little progress. regime might be attractive as the most The dysfunctions of the unfccc mo- legitimate institutional form, but efforts nopoly are especially evident in the Kyoto to craft such a regime face enormous Protocol’s Clean Development Mecha- political and organizational barriers. The nism (cdm), a system for encouraging result of efforts to construct such systems low-emission investments in developing in these issue-areas will be gridlock and countries. Over the long term, engagement only weak substantive commitments. A with developing countries is essential; it is more loosely coupled system is inevitable. mathematically impossible to reach deep If governments and non-state actors cuts in world emissions of warming gases seeking more effective management of without these countries’ participation. climate change and energy issues behave The main compensation mechanism for strategically, they can use fragmented enticing developing countries to partici- institutions to their advantage. A broad pate has been linkage to emission credit topic such as “climate change” or “energy”

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consists of many detailed areas for inter- outlined in Tables 1 and 2 and seize oppor- Robert O. national cooperation, including the reform tunities to design programs consciously Keohane & David G. and eventual elimination of most fossil built on hegemonic power and iteration. Victor fuel subsidies; the creation of incentives for private investment in new low-emis- Domestic policy choices with respect to sion technologies, such as renewables, energy and its externalities depend heavily nuclear, and natural gas; and reforms to on the potential for successful internation- existing institutions such as the cdm. al cooperation. Without ambitious global Decentralized institutions can be more agreements and processes for detailed pol- inviting for leader countries that wish to icy coordination, many potential actions take action on one or more of these topics (such as raising the price of carbon) are yet ½nd the full agenda daunting. For such likely to be politically infeasible within reasons, elsewhere we have argued that individual countries because they will regime complexes, if managed well, offer create competitive disadvantages. Even at least two distinct advantages over ef- innovative countries–such as the eu forts to create single, integrated regimes: nations acting on climate change–will be flexibility across issues and adaptability wary of adopting national measures that over time.19 impose costs much greater than what can Dispersed institutions also have disad- be justi½ed through international coop- vantages, including multiple opportuni- eration. Wise energy and climate change ties for manipulation, a proliferation of policy hinges on what sorts of interna- veto points, and gridlock as well as the fact tional agreements are viable. that it is time-consuming and costly not We have argued that the feasibility of to have a single set of rules. Therefore, potential international agreements de- proposals for speci½c elements, such as pends on problem structure as indicated new clubs, that would further fragment in Tables 1 and 2, which emphasize con- climate institutions should be carefully cerns over access to public goods and the assessed relative to whether they would severity of distributional issues. Directly enhance the overall performance of the tackling issues that involve both public regime complex. Whether the prolifera- goods and severe distributional issues– tion of different forums working on these which, unfortunately, include core issues issues is an asset or liability depends on of energy and climate change–is likely to how these dispersed efforts are coupled.20 be futile. But this conclusion is not a recipe Yet thinking about regime complexes for inaction. Instead, it suggests the need rather than simply focusing on the Kyoto to identify elements within those broad climate change regime can open up inter- topics where the problem type is more esting possibilities for policy action. For amenable to cooperation, where basic har- example, it may be possible to address non- mony of interests or hegemonic power CO2 contributors to climate change, such and iteration can be brought to bear. as black carbon, methane, lower atmos- For countries to deal meaningfully with pheric ozone, and industrial gases such as energy issues over the next decade, they chlorofluorocarbons (cfcs) and hydro- must engage in international cooperation. fluorocarbons.21 Thus, while taking care To do so successfully, they will need to be to ensure that the regime complex does strategic in choosing the issues they will not become dysfunctional, climate policy- address. makers should look for additional actions that are feasible within the framework

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The Trans- endnotes national ROBERT O KEOHANE Politics of * Contributor Biographies: . , a Fellow of the American Academy since 1983, Energy is Professor of Public and International Affairs in the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University. A member of the National Academy of Sciences, he has served as Editor of Inter- national Organization and as President of the International Studies Association and the American Political Science Association. His publications include Power and Interdependence (with Joseph S. Nye, Jr., 1977), Designing Social Inquiry: Scienti½c Inference in Qualitative Research (with Gary King and Sidney Verba, 1994), and Power and Governance in a Partially Globalized World (2002). DAVID G. VICTOR is a Professor in the School of International Relations and Paci½c Studies at the University of California, San Diego, where he also serves as Director of the Laboratory on International Law and Regulation. His publications include Climate Change: Debating America’s Policy Options (2004); Natural Gas and Geopolitics: From 197o to 2040 (edited with Amy M. Jaffe and Mark H. Hayes, 2006); and Global Warming Gridlock: Creating More Effec- tive Strategies for Protecting the Planet (2011), which The Economist named one of the best books of the year. 1 See Robert W. Fri and Stephen Ansolabehere, “The Alternative Energy Future: Challenges for Technological Change,” Dædalus 141 (2) (Spring 2012): 5–9. 2 Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Econom- ic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: A Roadmap for Moving to a Competitive Low Carbon Economy in 2050 (Brussels: European Commission, August 3, 2011). 3 Statistical Review of World Energy 2011 (London: bp, 2011). 4 World Energy Outlook 2011 (Paris: International Energy Agency, 2011). 5 Robert O. Keohane, After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1984). 6 Robert Axelrod, The Evolution of Cooperation (New York: Basic Books, 1984). 7 G-20, Leaders’ Statement: The Pittsburgh Summit, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 24–25, 2009, 8 Rahul Tongia, “The Political Economy of Indian Power Sector Reforms,” in The Political Econ- omy of Power Sector Reform: The Experiences of Five Major Developing Countries, ed. David G. Victor and Thomas C. Heller (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 109–174; and Navroz K. Dubash and Sudhir Chella Rajan, “Power Politics: Process of Power Sector Reform in India,” Economic and Political Weekly 36 (35) (September 1–7, 2001): 3367–3387, 3389–3390. 9 David G. Victor, Untold Billions: Fossil-Fuel Subsidies, Their Impacts and the Path to Reform–The Politics of Fossil-Fuel Subsidies (Geneva: Global Subsidies Initiative of the International Institute for Sustainable Development, October 2009). 10 For a general discussion of this point with respect to international institutions, see Keohane, After Hegemony. 11 David G. Victor and Kassia Yanosek, “The Crisis in Clean Energy: Stark Realities of the Renewables Craze,” Foreign Affairs 90 (4) (2011): 112–120. 12 Elizabeth R. DeSombre and Joanne Kauffman, “The Montreal Protocol Multilateral Fund: Partial Success Story,” in Institutions for Environmental Aid, ed. Robert O. Keohane and Marc A. Levy (Cambridge, Mass.: mit Press, 1996), 89–126. 13 Anshu Bharadwaj, Rahul Tongia, and V. S. Arunachalam, “Whither Nuclear Power? Energy Implications of the U.S.-India Nuclear Power Deal,” Economic and Political Weekly 41 (12) (2006): 1203–1212. 14 David G. Victor and Richard K. Morse, “Living with Coal: Climate Policy’s Most Inconvenient Truth,” Boston Review (September/October 2009).

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15 Wilfrid L. Kohl, “Consumer Country Energy Cooperation: The International Energy Agency Robert O. and the Global Energy Order,” in Global Energy Governance: The New Rules of the Game, ed. Keohane & Andreas Goldthau and Jan Martin Witte (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 2010), David G. 195–220. Victor 16 Robert O. Keohane, “The International Energy Agency: State Influence and Transgovernmen- tal Politics,” International Organization 32 (4) (Fall 1978): 929–951. 17 The nature of the problem structure makes us skeptical about the sustainability of these pro- d posed cuts, absent reciprocal action by other major emitters. 18 opec revenues quadrupled between 1972 and 1974 and increased by more than 50 percent between 1978 and 1980. See Jeffrey Colgan, Robert O. Keohane, and Thjis van der Graaf, “Punctuated Equilibrium in the Energy Regime Complex,” Review of International Organiza- g tions 7 (2012): 117–143, Table 4. 19 For this argument, see Robert O. Keohane and David G. Victor, “The Regime Complex for Climate Change,” Perspective on Politics 9 (1) (March 2011): 14–16. 20 In the climate change issue-area, such forums are indicated in Figure 1 and include the G-20 Major Economies Forum (mef), various technology and investment partnerships, and private sector and nongovernmental initiatives. In the energy area they include, in addition to opec and the iea, organizations such as the International Energy Forum and the International Renewable Energy Agency. See Keohane and Victor, “The Regime Complex for Climate Change”; and Colgan, Keohane, and van der Graaf, “Punctuated Equilibrium in the Energy Regime Complex.” 21 David G. Victor, Charles F. Kennel, and Veerabhadran Ramanathan, “The Climate Threat We Can Beat: What It Is and How to Deal With It,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2012); and Towards an Action Plan for Near-Term Climate Protection and Clean Air Bene½ts, unep Science- Policy Brief (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 2011).

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The Institutional Blind Spot in Environmental Economics

Dallas Burtraw

Abstract: Economic approaches are expected to achieve environmental goals at less cost than traditional regulations, but they have yet to ½nd widespread application. One reason is the way these tools interact with existing institutions. The federalist nature of governmental authority assigns to subnational govern- ments much of the implementation of environmental policy and primary authority for planning the in- frastructure that affects environmental outcomes. The federalist structure also interacts with the choice of economic instruments; a national emissions cap erodes the additionality of actions by subnational gov- ernments. Even the flagship application of sulfur dioxide emissions trading has been outperformed by the venerable Clean Air Act, and greenhouse gas emissions in the United States are on course to be less than they would have been if Congress had frozen emissions with a cap in 2009. The widespread application of economic tools requires a stronger political theory of how they interact with governing institutions.

At least among economists, one often-heard la- ment is that those who develop and implement envi- ronmental policy rarely follow economic advice.1 Economics also has something to say about the ef½- cient stringency of environmental policy, but most economists readily appreciate that ef½ciency, such as it is measured, is just one among many criteria to be considered. However, after a policy goal is estab- lished, economists typically feel con½dent that eco- nomic approaches to environmental policy can help achieve the goal at less cost, which should be good for everyone. DALLAS BURTRAW is the Darius Why then are economic methods not the central Gaskins Senior Fellow at Resources tools for implementation of environmental policy? for the Future. His research focuses One reason may be that these tools have been de- on the costs and bene½ts of both veloped in an intellectual laboratory that, for the environmental and economic reg- most part, is free from consideration of institutions ulation in the electricity sector. His that influence how they will be used. These institu- work has recently appeared in Energy Policy, Climate Change Eco- tions include the agencies that implement regula- nomics, and the Journal of Environ- tions, the broader legal structure of business and mental Economics and Management, government, and existing regulations. Economic au- among others. thors sometimes argue that sweeping away existing

© 2013 by Dallas Burtraw

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prescriptive standards in favor of econom- ings, but the advantages are not likely to Dallas ic tools would yield more cost-effective be embraced until there exists a stronger Burtraw results, which is possible. Many other in- political theory of how they interact with terested parties believe that con½dence in institutions on national and subnational this outcome requires full consideration levels. of the broader institutional setting. Eco- nomic methods may not work exactly as The straightforward axiom that incen- anticipated, in part perhaps because insti- tives affect behavior leads economists to tutional influences are not addressed in emphasize how various policy designs most economic writing. To resolve this might provide incentives with intended issue, economic discourse must incorpo- as well as unintended consequences. Con- rate a more sophisticated understanding sider, for example, the introduction of a of institutions (broadly de½ned) than is standard that mandates ef½cient technol- usually achieved. ogy for new capital purchases. Such stan- In this essay, I consider three institu- dards are prevalent, ranging from fuel ef½- tional relationships that strongly influence ciency standards for new vehicles to per- how economic tools can be used in envi- formance standards for new power plants, ronmental policy. One such institution is and their motivation is clear: it is typical- the federalist nature of governmental au- ly less expensive to adopt ef½cient (non- thority, especially with respect to issues polluting) technology at the time some- central to the management of the environ- thing is ½rst built than to try to improve ment and natural resources. Arguably, its performance in the future. If capital has economic instruments may not provide a long lifetime, the consequence of a tech- adequate incentives for behavioral re- nology choice may have long-term envi- sponses by subnational authorities that are ronmental consequences. Unfortunately, responsible for infrastructure planning. such a policy is likely to raise the initial A second issue is how this federalist cost of new investment, providing an in- structure interacts with the economic centive to delay investment and extend the alternatives of cap and trade versus emis- life of existing capital. This result is per- sions fees; an emissions cap eliminates the verse because new investment, even if it additionality of subnational efforts, which lacks state-of-the-art technology, is likely could have an important effect on local to be more ef½cient than existing capital. initiatives. Third, another core institution Consequently, the emissions standard is the venerable Clean Air Act. I conclude might actually cause emissions to increase, by comparing the effectiveness of econom- at least in the short run. ic instruments versus regulation under The dilemma for regulators in this case the Act in the context of mitigating emis- is how to promote the adoption of state- sions of sulfur dioxide and greenhouse of-the-art technology without providing gases. Even compared to the flagship ex- incentives for deviant or unintended re- ample of sulfur dioxide trading, regulation sponses. Economists have an answer: use under the Act has done more to achieve prices to provide incentives for investors emissions reductions since 1990, and to align their actions with social interests. greenhouse gas emissions in the United In principle, a set of prices that accurately States are on course to be less than they reflects the damage from various invest- would have been if Congress had enacted ment choices, including the continued op- cap and trade in 2009. Economic tools eration of an existing facility, will accom- offer the promise of substantial cost sav- plish just that. But honestly, after provid-

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The Institu- ing a recommendation like that, econo- such as labor and new capital investment tional mists like me often feel our work is done. move to jurisdictions that are less expen- Blind Spot in Environ- We offer guidance that is logical and com- sive and/or provide better services, which mental pelling. Why does it not just happen? provides an economic incentive for ef½- Economics One obvious answer is that the status cient government. Similarly, when facing quo has its own constituency. In any con- a national emissions price, a locality has text, a change in the rules will create losers the incentive to choose a cost-effective re- who will act to obstruct such a change. sponse. But the myriad layers of institu- More deeply, though, existing rules and in- tional authority mean that the response stitutions strongly affect our ability to im- of individual bureaus may not be ef½cient plement new ideas. Although sometimes or timely. Local of½cials will face a trade- institutions can be painfully recalcitrant, off between price signals and the local it might be useful to think of them as the preferences of incumbent consumers and watchtowers that protect the precedents businesses. Generally, local regulatory in- and values of previous social decisions. stitutions are organized to modify the in- A relevant core institution is the federal fluence of price signals, not to transmit or structure of governance in the United amplify them. For instance, in land-use States. Most economic analysis focuses on planning, private parties are expected to national policy within a uniform model respond assertively to the pro½t motive, of governance and implicitly assumes the and local regulators are expected to mod- harmonization of climate policies at the erate and channel that motive to the ben- subnational level. However, harmoniza- e½t of the entire community, including tion is not guaranteed; the design and im- incumbent residents in particular. plementation of policy in a federal union To understand this issue, especially in will diverge in important ways from pol- the context of climate policy, requires con- icy in a unitary government. Economic sideration of what state and local govern- advice built on the assumption of a uni- ments do. Local governments conduct a tary model of governance may not achieve variety of functions with substantial envi- the expected outcome in a federal system ronmental consequences that federal au- because of interactions with policy choices thorities could not possibly provide based made at the subnational level, and because on the information available to them.2 choices at the subnational level are so im- For example, local authorities decide the portant to the success of the policy. Most alignment of streets and building foot- economic analysis suffers from a lack of prints and implement building standards understanding of how price incentives that affect heating and cooling needs; they are transmitted to markets through levels determine land use and transportation sys- of government. For instance, the way in tems that influence where people live in which environmental prices would prop- relation to their work. The sum of these agate through and provide incentives for subnational activities pervasively shapes the consumers and producers of electric- the long-lived infrastructure that will con- ity varies importantly among states that strain our options to address issues such have regulated cost-of-service versus com- as climate change for decades into the petitive electricity markets. future. The influence on the global climate, We have even less understanding of how in the aggregate, is profound. price signals under a national policy di- rectly affect other layers of government. Some of the models of economic ap- There is evidence that mobile resources proaches to climate policy consider the

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role for subnational economic policies, people discount the likely effectiveness Dallas such as cap and trade or emissions fees at of economic prescriptions such as prices? Burtraw the state level, but virtually all ignore the Instead, polling shows that the public holds planning function at the subnational level.3 a general preference for regulatory ap- The implicit assumption is that in the face proaches in constructing climate policy.4 of mobile capital and households, the price One can anticipate that economic forces signal will ef½ciently influence economic will ultimately influence local tastes in behavior throughout the economy. How- planning functions. The dif½culty is that ever, local planners and policy-makers may one may have to wait for prices to rise respond slowly or only partially to the high enough and persist long enough to direct incentives of price signals stemming evoke changes in infrastructure invest- from the national emissions-quantity ment, and then wait decades longer for constraint. The primary concern of their new infrastructure to take shape broadly. constituents is likely the preservation of If one’s concern is climate change, the the status quo and protection of values process may feel like too long of a wait associated with existing land use. Perhaps because, in the meantime, local decisions surprisingly, in the local planning process using conventional planning tools con- it is typically developers and builders who tinue to lay the foundation that constrains take the role of innovator, and they often society’s options for decades to come. encounter substantial friction at the local Legal scholar Holly Doremus and econo- planning department. Indeed, an individ- mist Michael Hanemann have argued that ual homeowner who wants to introduce a price signal created by a national cap- innovative architecture or align a house and-trade policy is not salient enough to differently to maximize solar gain is likely induce all the behavioral changes neces- to encounter stiff resistance if that design sary to achieve the desired emissions re- detracts from the neighborhood norm. ductions in an ef½cient and timely man- Compound layers of agency exist be- ner.5 They explicitly invoke a federalist tween national-level policy, fuel markets, model calling for price-based policies at and local decision-makers. Information the national level to be joined to regulato- asymmetries between multiple layers of ry policy that would be developed by sub- government imply that a cost-effective out- national authorities. come is dependent on decentralized poli- cies and behavior such as could occur on Leaving aside whether subnational lev- a subnational level. Hence, state and local els of government are responsive to price governments are uniquely positioned to signals in the market in a timely way, there implement many aspects of an overall cli- are other aspects of the economic pre- mate strategy. The institutional question scription for national environmental pol- is whether a price signal would provide icy that typically do not anticipate how incentive for these governmental actors those signals are transmitted and received to do so. or what incentives they provide. A per- Unfortunately, we do not know much sistent parlor question in economic think- about how responsive local authorities will ing is the relative advantage of cap and be to a modest market signal associated trade versus an emissions tax. For the most with the introduction of pollution prices; part, economic advice considers the two modest changes in fuel prices have not approaches fairly equivalent, with nuanced prompted much response in most juris- issues favoring one or the other policy in dictions. Is it surprising, then, that many the face of uncertainty about bene½ts or

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The Institu- costs.6 The answer to this question almost the actions of subnational units of gov- tional never addresses the influence of each in- ernment are determined by the change in Blind Spot in Environ- strument within a federalist system of gov- prices. However, if prices are not perfectly mental ernance. However, the two approaches are salient, then the ability of policy to pro- Economics dramatically opposed when it comes to vide incentives to subnational levels of gov- transmitting incentives to affect behavior ernment is important. A tax instrument by subnational levels of government. at the national level would have strong ad- Under an emissions cap, because maxi- vantages over cap and trade in this regard. mum emissions are ½xed at the national This example illustrates that new ideas level, the actions of subnational govern- are usually not born fully formed and can ment cannot affect the overall level of emis- have their own unanticipated outcomes. sions. Although described as an emissions Few advocates of a cap-and-trade program cap, such a policy is also effectively an have anticipated that this approach is likely emissions floor because any effort to reduce to diminish greatly the incentives for local emissions by one entity, including state innovation in climate policy. Whether this and local governments or private parties, characteristic is a disadvantage or not de- does not affect the overall level of emis- pends on one’s point of view, but the fact sions.7 With an emissions cap, efforts to that it is generally unappreciated in eco- reduce emissions by one party make pos- nomic discourse could legitimately cause sible additional emissions by another party. many advocates to favor more traditional The emissions floor undermines the in- approaches over new and untested ones. centive for state and local governments to adopt measures unilaterally that may con- Traditional approaches to regulation tribute to local emissions reductions be- under the Clean Air Act are disparaged by cause leakage of emissions to other juris- many economists for their inef½ciencies. dictions would be 100 percent. In effect, But for environmental advocates, a remark- a cap-and-trade program at the national able attribute of the Act is that it provides level preempts efforts to achieve addition- a safety ratchet promoting incremental en- al emissions reductions at the local level. vironmental progress without backsliding. In contrast, the same issues do not arise Perhaps surprisingly, this is evident even under a national emissions fee. A jurisdic- where economic approaches have osten- tion with a greater willingness to pay for sibly had their greatest influence–the emissions reductions could adopt ancil- innovation of emissions allowance trad- lary measures that would result in addi- ing for sulfur dioxide. Indeed, the sulfur tional reductions. Unlike under a quanti- dioxide trading program is trumpeted for ty constraint, net reductions in emissions providing a cost-effective implementa- can be achieved. tion of substantial reductions in emissions Economic advice typically has not con- and is the leading example of the use of sidered the interaction of policy design at economic instruments in environmental the national level with the incentive or policy.8 need for subnational action. If one be- The trading program was statutorily cre- lieves prices to be perfectly salient and ated in the Clean Air Act Amendments of that the national government can set the 1990 and led to cost reductions of roughly optimal policy, there is no role for sub- 40 percent compared to traditional ap- national action; one effectively embraces proaches under the Clean Air Act.9 How- a unitary model of government. After a ever, the program had what literally be- goal is established at the national level, came a fatal flaw: namely, an inability to

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adjust to new scienti½c or economic in- duce emissions to 2.3 million tons per Dallas formation. Though information current in year. (The Cross State Air Pollution Rule Burtraw 1990 suggested that bene½ts of the pro- would have lowered them to 2.1 million gram would be nearly equal to costs,10 by tons per year, but that rule was overturned 1995 there was strong evidence that bene- by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.) ½ts were an order of magnitude greater With these changes, the emissions con- than costs.11 Today the Environmental Pro- straint under the 1990 Clean Air Act tection Agency would argue that bene½ts amendment has become irrelevant, and are more than thirty times the costs.12 the price of those tradable emissions Unfortunately, to change the stringency of allowances has fallen from several hun- the program requires an act of Congress, dred dollars a ton to near zero. at least according to the D.C. Circuit The sulfur dioxide cap-and-trade pro- Court.13 The Act locked in the emissions gram is the flagship example of the use of cap, and despite several legislative initia- economic instruments in environmental tives to change the stringency of the trad- policy. However, since its adoption in 1990, ing program, none have been successful.14 although the sulfur dioxide trading pro- The failure to amend the statute is em- gram gets most of the credit in textbooks, blematic of the limitation of legislative more than half of the emissions reduc- actors to ½nely manage scienti½c infor- tions that have and will occur are due to mation, a role that is usually left to expert regulation. Without the Clean Air Act in agencies. If the nation’s fate with respect place, the flagship program in emissions to sulfur dioxide emissions were left to trading would have left unrealized sub- Congress, tens of billions of dollars in ad- stantial bene½ts to public health and the ditional environmental and public health environment. costs would have been incurred in the last few years and into the future. Fortunately, The sulfur dioxide experience highlights the inability of Congress to act was back- a central controversy in contemporary stopped by the regulatory ratchet of the proposals to use price-based approaches Clean Air Act that triggers a procession of (cap and trade or an emissions fee) to miti- regulatory initiatives based on scienti½c gate greenhouse gas emissions in the Unit- ½ndings that have been effective in shap- ed States: that is, the possible preemp- ing investment and environmental behav- tion of the Clean Air Act. In general, there ior in the electricity sector. are redundant mechanisms and overlap- The sulfur dioxide cap-and-trade pro- ping regulations under the Act, a struc- gram was intended to reduce sulfur dioxide ture sometimes referred to as “belts and emissions from power plants from antic- suspenders.” If one mechanism fails, an- ipated levels of 16 million tons per year to other mechanism can ½ll in. With adop- 8.95 million tons per year by 2010. How- tion of the sulfur dioxide trading program, ever, evidence based on integrated assess- many economists (including me) clam- ment suggests an ef½cient level would be ored initially that other regulations under just over 1 million tons per year.15 In the the Act were unnecessary, inef½cient, and absence of legislative action, regulatory raised costs; but ultimately they deliv- initiatives have taken effect and driven ered substantial public health and eco- emissions from power plants to 5.157 mil- nomic bene½ts. What would be the fate lion tons, as measured in 2010. By 2015, the of the Act under national climate policy? Clean Air Interstate Rule and the Mercury The most prominent proposal, H.R. 2454 and Air Toxics Standard will further re- (also known as the Waxman-Markey Bill),

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The Institu- was introduced in the 111th Congress, have occurred with H.R. 2454 also, but tional passing in the House but not in the Sen- because the emissions cap is an emissions floor, Blind Spot in Environ- ate in 2009. It not only would have insti- they would not directly result in equiva- mental gated a system with 100 percent leakage lent emissions reductions. Instead, the Economics for subnational efforts to reduce emis- price of emissions allowances would fall. sions, effectively preempting those efforts Indirectly, there may have been a smaller (as discussed above); it would have pre- purchase of international offsets and the empted speci½c aspects of the Clean Air realization of more emissions reductions Act as well. Representatives Waxman and onshore, but to an important extent the Markey have recently proposed an alter- emissions reductions would be crowded native price-based policy in the form of an out by lower allowance prices, making emissions fee to address climate concerns; it less costly to emit elsewhere in the other commentators have suggested that economy. Additional policies to reduce such a proposal might be more likely if it greenhouse gas emissions that may still included preemption of greenhouse gas have occurred under H.R. 2454, such as regulation under the Clean Air Act.16 increased fuel economy standards and The possibility raises several questions. California’s emissions reduction goal, Would a national price on greenhouse gas would similarly be crowded out by lower emissions make the Clean Air Act’s au- allowance prices under a greenhouse gas thority to regulate greenhouse gases irrel- cap-and-trade program. evant? How do the two approaches com- What will happen given the legislative pare with respect to climate goals? Could defeat of H.R. 2454? The Clean Air Act re- the slow ratchet of the Clean Air Act re- gime remains in place, and three factors gime achieve emissions reductions as great contribute to emissions reductions under as could be achieved under a price-based this regime. First, substantial impacts have policy? In fact, it appears it might. come from subnational policies that would The Energy Information Administra- have effectively been preempted by 100 tion’s (eia) modeling of H.R. 2454 pro- percent leakage under a national emissions jects U.S. emissions in 2020 to be about cap. California’s goal embedded in state 10.2 percent below 2005 emissions levels. law requires emissions reductions of 80 (The year 2005 was the benchmark year million metric tons annually in 2020, for emissions covered under H.R. 2454.) equivalent to 1.3 percent of benchmark About 40 percent of these reductions emissions at the national level. Reductions would contribute to the emissions bank in other states, including the emissions cap under cap and trade and would reappear for the nine-state Regional Greenhouse in later years as actual emissions, leaving Gas Initiative, would be additional. Sec- permanent emissions reductions within ond, in its technical documents, the Envi- the United States of about 6 percent below ronmental Protection Agency has iden- the benchmark. The contribution of off- ti½ed opportunities at existing stationary sets, from both within and outside the sources to be pursued under the Clean Air United States, would have made up the Act totaling approximately 7.2 percent of difference between emissions reductions benchmark emissions.17 It is uncertain in the United States and President Obama’s whether these reductions will be fully Copenhagen commitment to make reduc- realized, but the legal and institutional tions in the neighborhood of 17 percent. dominoes are in place for this to occur. Reductions in the electricity sector aris- Further, in the transportation sector, the ing from greater use of natural gas would 2007 vehicle standards were included

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in the eia’s baseline projections for H.R. purchase of international offsets. Global Dallas 2454, but the 2011 standards, which take emissions may have been lower with pas- Burtraw effect in 2017, will achieve additional sage of H.R. 2454, but, surprisingly, in the reductions of approximately 200 million domestic economy they likely would metric tons by 2020, or 4.3 percent of have been more than will occur under the benchmark emissions. H.R. 2454 did not Clean Air Act regime.18 preempt the portion of the Clean Air Act addressing mobile source standards or Perhaps with the exception of econo- the ability of California to set its own mists, the enthusiasm of advocates for emissions reduction goal, so these poli- H.R. 2454 was not an endorsement of emis- cies might have emerged even if H.R. sions pricing per se; rather, it was sup- 2454 had become law. However, much of port for an overall limit on emissions and these emissions reductions would have the legislative certainty of emissions reduc- been crowded out by emissions increases tions. The pathway under the Clean Air elsewhere, resulting in little change in Act remains uncertain, and is not likely to domestic emissions given the overall be as ef½cient as would a national price on national cap. carbon, but it remains effective. The com- Finally, there is the influence of secular parison invites a more circumspect con- trends in the economy, including not only sideration of the trade-offs in the potential the recession but, more important, the creation of a new price-based institution reduction in natural gas prices that has for regulating greenhouse gases and ad- resulted in a shift away from coal for elec- dressing other environmental challenges. tricity generation and the increasing in- Economic advice for the design of envi- fluence of energy ef½ciency investments ronmental policy emphasizes cost effec- in reduced demand. These developments tiveness, a criterion that is centrally im- have led to additional reductions of 3.3 portant in facing the most challenging percent, compared to 2005 levels. Total re- environmental issue of our time, climate ductions by 2020–accounting for changes change. A virtue of economic approaches due to subnational policy, regulatory ac- is that they are typically simple and, in tions under the Clean Air Act, and advan- principle, cost effective. However, for eco- tageous secular trends–are on track to nomic advice to reach its full influence yield emissions reductions of 16.3 percent requires consideration of the role of in- relative to 2005 levels. stitutions and their complexity that deter- The anticipated emissions reductions mines how economic policies will ulti- under the Clean Air Act regime exceed mately function. The success of economic those reductions within the United States prescriptions for environmental policy that would have occurred under cap and depends on a new round of sophisticat- trade. It is noteworthy, to be sure, that the ed thinking about institutions and how comparison ignores the contribution of they interact with the policy tools at our emissions reductions abroad through the disposal.

endnotes 1 I gratefully acknowledge the ½nancial support provided by the formas project–Human Cooperation to Manage Natural Resources and the research assistance of Matthew Woerman. I am indebted to William Shobe for collaboration in developing many of these ideas.

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The Institu- 2 William Shobe and Dallas Burtraw, “Rethinking Environmental Federalism in a Warming tional World,” Climate Change Economics 3 (4) (December 2012). Blind Spot 3 in Environ- Roberton C. Williams III, “Growing State-Federal Conflicts in Environmental Policy: The mental Role of Market-Based Regulation,” Journal of Public Economics 96 (11–12) (2012): 1092–1099. Economics 4 Brent Bannon, Matthew DeBell, Jon A. Krosnick, Ray Kopp, and Peter Aldhous, “Americans’ Evaluations of Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions,” June 2007, http://woods; accessed June 18, 2012. 5 Holly Doremus and W. Michael Hanemann, “Of Babies and Bathwater: Why the Clean Air Act’s Cooperative Federalism Framework Is Useful for Addressing Global Warming,” Arizona Law Review 50 (2008): 799–834. 6 Martin L. Weitzman, “Prices vs. Quantities,” The Review of Economic Studies 41 (1974): 477–491. 7 Dallas Burtraw and William M. Shobe, “State and Local Climate Policy under a National Emissions Floor,” Discussion Paper 09-54 (Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, 2009); Lawrence H. Goulder and Robert N. Stavins, “Challenges from State-Federal Interactions in U.S. Climate Change Policy,” American Economic Review 101 (2011): 253–257. 8 Gabriel Chan, Robert Stavins, Robert Stowe, and Richard Sweeney, “The SO2 Allowance- Trading System and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990: Reflections on 20 Years of Policy Innovation,” National Tax Journal 65 (2) (2012): 419–452. 9 Curtis Carlson, Dallas Burtraw, Maureen Cropper, and Karen Palmer, “SO2 Control by Elec- tric Utilities: What are the Gains from Trade?” Journal of Political Economy 108 (6) (2000): 1292–1326. A. Denny Ellerman, Paul L. Joskow, Juan-Pablo Montero, Richard Schmalensee, and Elizabeth M. Bailey, Markets for Clean Air: The U.S. Acid Rain Program (New York: Cam- bridge University Press, 2000). 10 Paul R. Portney, “Economics of the Clean Air Act,” The Journal of Economic Perspectives 4 (4) (1990): 173–181. 11 Dallas Burtraw, Alan J. Krupnick, Erin Mansur, David Austin, and Deirdre Farrell, “The Costs and Bene½ts of Reducing Air Pollutants Related to Acid Rain,” Contemporary Economic Policy 16 (1998): 379–400. 12 Lauraine G. Chestnut and David M. Mills, “A Fresh Look at the Bene½ts and Costs of the U.S. Acid Rain Program,” Journal of Environmental Management 77 (3) (2005): 252–266. 13 North Carolina v. epa, 531 F.3d 896 (D.C. Cir. 2008). 14 Dallas Burtraw and Sarah Jo Szambelan, “U.S. Emissions Trading Markets for SO2 and NOx,” in Permit Trading in Different Applications, ed. Bernd Hansjürgens, Ralf Antes, and Marianne Strunz (New York: Routledge, 2010). 15 Spencer Banzhaf, Dallas Burtraw, and Karen Palmer, “Ef½cient Emission Fees in the U.S. Elec- tricity Sector,” Resource and Energy Economics 26 (3) (2004): 317–341; Nicholas Z. Muller and Robert Mendelsohn, “Ef½cient Pollution Regulation: Getting the Prices Right,” American Economic Review 99 (5) (2009): 1714–1739. 16 Ted Gayer, “Linking Climate Policy to Fiscal and Environmental Reform,” in Campaign 2012: Twelve Independent Ideas for Improving American Public Policy, ed. Benjamin Wittes (Washing- ton, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2012). 17 Dallas Burtraw, Art Fraas, and Nathan Richardson, “Greenhouse Gas Regulation under the Clean Air Act: A Guide for Economists,” Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 5 (2) (2011): 293–313. 18 Dallas Burtraw and Matt Woerman, “U.S. Status on Climate Change Mitigation,” Discussion Paper 12-48 (Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, 2012).

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Designing a Durable Energy Policy

Ann E. Carlson & Robert W. Fri

Abstract: Although the U.S. energy system seems to resist the changes necessary to meet today’s chal- lenges related to energy security and climate change, the system has gone through massive change several times since 1850. A major driver in each of these earlier transitions was an economic value, such as mobility, that markets could capture. Because environmental and security values are public goods, chang- ing today’s energy system will require a policy that creates a market signal reflecting these values. How- ever, it is also necessary to craft a policy framework that is both durable over a long time period and able to adapt to new information as it becomes available. This essay examines some of the possible attributes of a durable and adaptable policy. The discussion is necessarily preliminary because relatively little for- mal research exists on this topic. However, even a preliminary examination suggests that considerations of policy durability could affect the choice between a carbon tax and a cap-and-trade system.

Since the early 1970s, U.S. policy has sought to create an energy system–both for transportation and for electricity–that is cleaner and more secure than the one we have without signi½cantly raising energy prices. We have made some progress, espe- cially in reducing by about half the energy intensity of the economy (that is, the amount of energy needed to produce a unit of gdp) and in reducing emissions of conventional pollutants.1 Even so, the National Research Council recently estimated that available technology could reduce energy consump- tion by a third.2 Moreover, despite the emergence ANN E. CARLSON is the Shirley Shapiro Professor of Environmen- of electric vehicles and biofuels, our transportation tal Law at the ucla School of Law, system still depends on petroleum for over 95 per- where she is also Faculty Director cent of its fuel. This dependence exposes our econ- of the Emmett Center on Climate omy to variations in world oil prices over which we Change and the Environment. have little control. More than 83 percent of our over- ROBERT W. FRI, a Fellow of the all energy system still uses fossil fuel; this is better American Academy since 2010, is than the 93 percent dependence on fossil fuel in 1973, a Visiting Scholar and Senior Fel- although the emergence of nuclear power accounts low Emeritus at Resources for the for most of the improvement.3 Fossil fuels not only Future. create greenhouse gas emissions, but also impose (*See endnotes for complete contributor signi½cant health costs on the economy through the biographies.) emission of conventional pollutants, despite consid-

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Designing a erable improvements resulting from the dramatic change in the energy system Durable federal Clean Air Act.4 over the last forty years. Each of the past Energy Policy We have a long way to go until we have system transformations created an eco- the energy system that we say we want. nomic value that the market readily cap- Fundamentally changing the energy sys- tured. If we wanted to ride the rails or cross tem is no simple task because this system the ocean using steam power, we could is more than a collection of easily replaced buy a ticket. When we wanted to live in hardware. Rather, it is deeply embedded the quiet suburbs while still working in in both the physical and social infrastruc- town, we bought a car. Heating, cooling, ture of the nation.5 The petroleum, trans- and light were ours by merely paying the portation, and electric systems are not only utility bill. But today’s goals of energy se- technological but also social; their opera- curity, cleanliness, and affordability are dif- tion requires behaviors on which modern ferent. The ½rst two are public goods that life has become utterly dependent. One certainly have value, but it is a value might also suggest that the energy system external to the market. Affordability–that is deeply embedded in the nation’s polit- is, a lower energy bill–is captured in the ical infrastructure. market (and through government policies Despite these dif½culties, the energy sys- to keep prices low), but its effect is to tem has at various stages in our history drive the energy system toward reducing undergone fundamental change. Thus, in cost rather than introducing new technolo- 1850, wood produced 90 percent of the gies that are cleaner and more secure. energy in the United States. By 1910, coal ran 90 percent of the energy system. And Creating the technological change need- by 1950, oil and natural gas were the fuels ed to transform the energy system is a of choice for two-thirds of U.S. energy complicated process. However, the ab- production. It is worth noting that each sence of change-induced economic value of these major transitions evolved over is a crucial problem, for history suggests about six decades.6 that such value has been a necessary But these transitions involved more if not suf½cient condition to promote than simply fuel substitution. In each change. Indeed, its presence works in two case, a crucial condition was that a tran- ways: ½rst by sustaining change during sition in fuel was accompanied by new a long period of system transformation, technology, and together these two ele- and second by driving the development ments created new economic value.7 of technology that makes the transforma- Thus, the steam engine using coal as a tion affordable. With regard to the ½rst fuel made industrialization and steam effect, economist Robert Heilbroner char- transportation possible. Oil coupled with acterizes economics as the “force ½eld” the internal combustion engine created that enables the steady progression of tech- not just automobiles but a mobile socie- nology on many fronts.9 In his view, tech- ty. And electricity generated by a variety nology can alter the material condition of of fuels produces clean and convenient human existence. If the change has value light, comfort, and communication. Elec- and can be priced in the market, the eco- tricity has also been responsible for an nomic system effectively transmits the extended surge in total factor productiv- price signals necessary to sustain the in- ity in the U.S. economy.8 cremental technological improvements This brief history provides an important that, over time, lead to a life that is in some insight into the inability of policy to effect sense “better.”

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Joseph Bower and Clayton Christensen, ing of the role of economic value in creat- Ann E. both scholars of business administration, ing technological change suggests that suc- Carlson & Robert W. explore the second effect of economic cessful policy must have two other attri- Fri value: the emergence of new technology.10 butes beyond ef½ciency and environmen- Disruptive technological change has been tal effectiveness. First, it must sustain the goal of huge government investments change over a long time period–decades, in new energy technology over the past in the case of the energy system. Thus, any four decades. More often than not, how- policy to promote the transition of our en- ever, disruptive technological change re- ergy economy must be durable. Second, sults from unexpected value creation it must be structured in a way that drives rather than technological breakthrough. the incremental changes that create tech- Bower and Christensen argue that tech- nological disruption, taking into account nology that appears to be disruptive usu- future economic, environmental, and tech- ally enters an existing market as an incre- nological shifts that we can only begin to mental improvement to an existing prod- imagine. Thus, long-term policy must also uct. But once established in this routine build in flexibility to allow our regulatory application, it becomes apparent that the structure to adapt to new information. new technology also makes possible new In focusing on durability and flexibility applications or markets. Thus, magnetic as important components of transforma- disk storage for mainframe computers tional energy policy, we do not mean to became smaller in incremental steps, but suggest that these criteria are more im- at some point became small enough to portant than environmental outcomes and make personal computers possible. Past cost-effectiveness. We mean simply to fo- transitions in the energy system appear to cus on criteria that have received less atten- have followed a similar path. For exam- tion in the debate over which policy instru- ple, electricity was originally introduced ments would help us transition to a cleaner as a substitute for gas lighting using direct energy system. So how do we design pol- current from Edison’s Pearl Street Station icy that is both durable and flexible? in New York City. But then alternating cur- rent emerged as a preferred technology for We have never embarked on a policy transmitting electricity over long distances. speci½cally intended to transition our en- Next, alternating current made possible the tire energy system to new fuel sources or electric motor, which created new values fundamentally new ways of operating. Yet throughout the economy. such a transition is required in order to What should we make of this history as reduce greenhouse gas emissions to near we struggle to develop a policy that deliv- zero by mid-century, the level necessary ers clean, secure, and affordable energy? to stabilize the climate. We do, however, One lesson is that because our goals are have at least some models that have pro- public goods, we should ½nd a way to cre- duced dramatic shifts in the internaliza- ate a market price for them; this would tion of pollution externalities through the encourage the most ef½cient allocation Clean Air Act (caa), which contains both of resources for producing those goods. traditional “command and control” mech- Accordingly, we agree with the over- anisms as well as market-based schemes whelming majority of economists who for reducing pollutants. From the forty- argue that internalizing the cost of energy year experience of the caa as well as other insecurity and environmental harm is a programs and policy areas, we can draw crucial policy goal.11 But our understand- lessons about how to craft policy that is

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Designing a adaptable yet long-lasting and about the because a tax on carbon may likewise be Durable pitfalls to avoid. subject to erosion over time. Energy Policy One measure of durability is whether a By contrast, policies that create a polit- program not only remains on the books ical constituency seem to fare better over but continues to have real effect long after the long run. The success of the Acid Rain its passage. By this de½nition, much of the Trading Program (adopted as part of the caa is durable. It passed in 1970 and was 1990 amendments to the caa), for exam- amended in both 1977 and 1990, but its ple, may have something to do with the fact principal provisions–regulating pollutants that emitters of sulfur dioxide (which leads from automobiles and establishing and im- to the formation of acid rain) were award- plementing National Ambient Air Quality ed valuable allowances that they could Standards through a system of coopera- use to meet their compliance obligations tive federalism–remain in effect. More- or could sell or bank to use or trade in over, the most innovative part of the 1990 future years.14 Those allowances became amendments, the creation of a cap-and- valuable currency, and to repeal the pro- trade program to regulate the pollutants gram would eliminate their value. that cause acid rain, not only remains in Of course, creating a value by imple- effect but has been strengthened and menting an allowance-based program pre- expanded. sumes that the political will existed to cre- Though this measure of durability–that ate the program in the ½rst place. But once is, merely remaining in effect–may seem created, the program’s value may help modest, other expansive programs adopt- resist attack on the underlying policy. For ed with great fanfare have done less well example, California’s Global Warming So- by this measure. For instance, Congress lutions Act, which seeks to roll back green- eviscerated almost all the provisions of the house gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020, sweeping Tax Reform Act of 1986, which survived an initiative to halt its implemen- repealed many exemptions and loopholes tation largely because the campaign against while lowering tax rates, by reopening the initiative was funded by the green the loopholes.12 And the Freedom to technology industry that has emerged in Farm Act of 1996, which was designed to California partially in response to the leg- phase out farm subsidies, has met a simi- islation. Experience with the caa’s trad- lar fate.13 ing program suggests that coal-burning According to public policy scholar Eric utilities might become supporters of an Patashnik, one important predictor for allowance-based program once their oppo- whether a policy will remain durable is sition to the mere existence of the program the degree to which the policy creates a has been overcome. And producers of re- political constituency for its continua- newable energy and other innovative tech- tion. With respect to taxes, there is little nologies to reduce emissions may also pressure to resist opening up new loop- favor the continuation and even the holes while a great deal of pressure–from strengthening of programs that make car- industry bene½ting from the breaks– bon emissions more expensive (and hence exists to repeal their closure. The same is increase demand for their products). true for the cutting and subsequent re- That is not to say that the development instatement of farm subsidies. This expe- of a political constituency in favor of gov- rience should signal caution in putting a ernment policy is the only important market price on carbon externalities gen- variable in determining whether the pol- erated through the burning of fossil fuels, icy will be durable. It is simply to note that

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the lack of such a constituency may lead Lazarus, is for agencies to be provided Ann E. to a policy’s demise while the presence of with self-½nancing so that they can build Carlson & Robert W. a constituency may help ensure its success. and maintain suf½cient staf½ng levels Fri And again, in thinking about how to con- and insulate themselves from annual struct a policy that prices the greenhouse budget debates.16 gas externalities created by burning fossil In short, for a policy to remain durable fuel, past experience suggests that a cap- across many decades it may need an orga- and-trade program may prove more dura- nized political constituency to ensure that ble over time than a tax on carbon emis- it remains in effect. Cap and trade as well sions. as traditional regulation may fare better More traditional environmental regu- on this score than taxes. Additionally, the latory approaches have also proved dura- agency responsible for programmatic im- ble at the federal level. Despite signi½cant plementation needs suf½cient staf½ng to congressional opposition since the mid- succeed. 1990s to various provisions of the caa, for example, no part of the statute has been Though durability is important, it is by repealed. It is unclear exactly why the caa no means suf½cient to stimulate the long- has remained so durable, but one reason term transformation we seek in the energy may be its success in producing measura- system. Indeed, policies may sometimes ble improvements in clean air across the be durable simply because they are weak country. Another reason may be that var- or ineffectual and thus generate little oppo- ious presidential administrations have used sition. Durability over time may be espe- their administrative discretion to ease in cially likely for policies that remain in place stringent new regulatory requirements with little change. To produce innovative rather than imposing them with no notice. transformation in our energy system, then, A third reason may be that an environ- durability needs to be accompanied by pro- mental constituency has developed, pro- cesses of evaluation that allow regulators viding resistance to repeal efforts. and/or policy-makers to impose changes However, it is worth noting the obvi- to the regulatory system in the face of new ous: simply because a statute remains in information. With respect to climate effect does not mean that the statute is change in particular, although there is environmentally effective. Several provi- near consensus on the fact that human- sions of the Clean Water Act, for example, induced warming is occurring, there is saw little to no implementation effort for signi½cant uncertainty about a number of decades, and observers have documented dimensions of the problem, including how numerous and sometimes egregious vio- much warming will occur by when; how lations of the Act across the country that fast the global economy will grow over have gone unenforced.15 The hazardous the course of the next several decades; air pollutant provisions of the caa result- and what innovations in clean energy will ed in virtually no pollutants being regu- develop and at what cost. As more infor- lated until Congress stepped in and altered mation becomes available about each of the statutory scheme. These examples re- these issues, regulatory mechanisms that veal that in order for a policy to be both provide flexibility can incorporate the new durable and effective, the agency respon- information in order to achieve environ- sible for its implementation needs suf½- mental, reliability, or economic goals. cient staf½ng to do its job. One sugges- Policy mechanisms to promote flexibil- tion, put forth by law professor Richard ity can take a number of forms. They can

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Designing a be triggered automatically once certain mitting the banking of allowances for use Durable events occur. They can require mandatory in future years, for example, emitters can Energy Policy review by an implementing agency on a purchase allowances at a time when prices regular basis. They can be built directly are relatively low in order to use them in into a statute. And of course, a legislative future compliance periods when allow- body can always amend enabling legisla- ances might otherwise be more expensive. tion to respond to new information. Systems can also establish allowance price One clear concern about the long-term reserves, whereby regulators set aside a transformation of our energy system is portion of allowances that they can make cost uncertainty. On the one hand, policy- available only if allowance prices reach a makers may fear that a shift to cleaner predetermined level.18 The new California energy sources will cost more than origi- cap-and-trade program establishes such nal estimates due to higher-than-expected a reserve.19 A more controversial mecha- compliance costs for greenhouse gas emit- nism includes establishing a safety valve ters. On the other hand, initial compliance that permits the government to issue costs may actually be too low to spur the more allowances in the event that allow- technological innovation necessary to re- ance prices reach a certain level; the down- duce emissions to near zero over the course side of such a mechanism is that overall of the century. Designing flexible policy emissions rise if new allowances are re- mechanisms to respond to ½nancial un- leased, unless emissions in future years certainty in either direction can help avoid are cut more dramatically.20 these extremes. But ½nancial uncertainty can create problems in the other direction as well if The European Union, members of the one of the goals of a cap-and-trade sys- Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and tem is to spur innovation. When allow- the state of California have all adopted ance prices fall too low, incentives to inno- variations of cap and trade, and even vate disappear. Indeed, the problem of China is considering implementing city- too-low allowance prices has plagued the level cap-and-trade programs. Given the two operational greenhouse gas cap-and- dominance of cap and trade as a policy trade programs, the European Union’s choice for reducing greenhouse gases, we European Trading System (ets) and the focus here on ways that cap and trade Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. The can incorporate mechanisms to protect latter is a relatively modest program re- against ½nancial uncertainty in both direc- quiring only minimal emissions reductions tions. If, for example, exogenous events and involving a relatively small portion create large upward pressure on allowance of the U.S. electricity sector; so the ex- prices, thereby increasing the overall cost pectations that it would spur technologi- of compliance with greenhouse gas emis- cal innovation were never large. But the sions reduction, a number of mechanisms European Union’s ets has seen prices in could help alleviate that pressure. Creat- the allowance market fall rather dramati- ing a large enough market for allowances cally, prompting many critics to com- would provide one such means; others plain that the system is failing. The state include allowing for the banking of allow- of Bavaria, in Germany, has just announced ances, holding some allowances in reserve, that it will no longer trade allowances allowing for a multiyear compliance pe- through the system given the glut of allow- riod, and promoting transparency and ances on the market and the consequent consistency in implementation.17 By per- lack of trading.21 Prices have plunged 60

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percent in the last year due to both slow of not only keeping prices from falling Ann E. economic activity and an accumulation of too low to stimulate innovation but also Carlson & Robert W. allowances as a result of declining energy achieving additional environmental bene- Fri use.22 Prices peaked at around $30 per ½ts through lower emissions. Researchers allowance prior to the recession and are at Resources for the Future have suggest- now hovering around $9.23 If the cap- ed that imposing what they term a “soft and-trade system had been designed to price collar”–with both an allowance account for the possibility of a massive reserve and a price floor–“could provide economic slowdown, the low-end price considerable assurance about cost while volatility could have been mitigated. preventing the possibility that emissions Before suggesting possible means to could spiral out of control.”25 Interest- mitigate low allowance prices, it is worth ingly, though, the current cap-and-trade noting that the ets has in fact accom- schemes, including that of California, in- plished its environmental goal of cutting clude only the allowance reserve, not the greenhouse gas emissions to the level of price floor. the cap. The ets has met the cap not only through the reduced demand for energy If a principal concern about cap-and- caused by the recession but also through trade programs to reduce greenhouse gas real emissions cuts.24 Yet as economist emissions is allowance price volatility in Robert Stavins has pointed out, the ets both directions, a major concern of a car- system has failed in the ancillary goal of bon tax is instead whether it will achieve stimulating technological innovation. its environmental objectives. One advan- One could view the ets, then, as success- tage of a carbon tax over cap and trade is ful to date in achieving its environmental that policy-makers can set the “price” of objectives but unsuccessful in stimulat- compliance by choosing the tax rate and ing the technological change necessary to base. Thus, concerns about large fluctua- transition to a much cleaner energy sys- tions in the cost of compliance inherent tem over the next thirty to ½fty years. in cap and trade do not exist with a car- And given the oversupply of allowances bon tax. A disadvantage of a carbon tax, on the market combined with provisions however, is that it can be dif½cult to pre- that permit the banking of allowances for dict what environmental outcome will use in future compliance periods, the po- occur based on the tax rate and base cho- tential for innovation going forward is sen. By contrast, a cap-and-trade system low absent any changes to the ets. chooses the desired level of emissions Cap and trade could, however, be de- reductions and then lets the trading sys- signed to include flexible mechanisms to tem determine the cost of compliance. anticipate dramatic drops in allowance In theory, a tax and a cap-and-trade sys- prices. There are at least two possible ap- tem work in the same way: by pricing proaches. One is essentially the opposite environmental externalities into the cost of the allowance mechanism described of producing energy. With a tax, though, above, under which allowances are held policy-makers must choose what cost of in reserve and released only if allowance compliance (the tax) they believe will prices escalate to a certain level. Instead, achieve a desired level of environmental if allowance prices drop below a prede- compliance. If they are wrong because termined level, the regulator would auto- they underpredict the cost of compliance matically remove allowances from the by setting the tax rate too low, emissions market. Such a floor would have the effect will be higher than desired because emit-

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Designing a ters will choose to pay more in taxes rather caa requires the Environmental Protec- Durable than pay to reduce emissions. If, instead, tion Agency to review its National Ambi- Energy Policy they underpredict the cost of compliance ent Air Quality Standards–set for major by setting the tax rate too high, they will pollutants–every ½ve years and revise achieve greater emissions reductions be- them if necessary to protect public health cause emitters would likely choose to and welfare. Although it has not always reduce emissions rather than pay the tax. met this statutory deadline, the agency has Given the politics of tax debates, it seems nevertheless revised the standards on a safe to predict that policy-makers would number of occasions. A carbon tax–or be more apt to set taxes too low–resulting any regulatory policy to reduce greenhouse in lower emissions reductions than desired gas emissions–could include such a reg- –than they would be to set taxes too high. ulation-forcing mechanism that requires Therefore, if taxes are adopted to achieve the regulator to revise the cap periodical- long-term emissions reductions, just as ly based on new information about cost, cap and trade needs to include mecha- environmental progress, and/or techno- nisms to constrain price volatility, a tax logical advances. system should incorporate mechanisms to constrain environmental volatility. We have attempted to provide examples These mechanisms could include, for ex- of past efforts to incorporate both flexibil- ample, automatic triggers that increase ity and durability into regulatory schemes the carbon tax rate in the event that the and have suggested means to do so in a tax is not suf½ciently high to achieve an cap-and-trade or tax system to regulate emissions target, or that decrease the tax greenhouse gases. But our efforts are only rate if emissions decline by an amount preliminary. Scholarship and policy- greater than predicted. Or a tax scheme making to achieve a long-term transition could provide authority to an agency to to a clean energy economy have frequently evaluate environmental outcomes and ad- focused on environmental outcomes and just the tax rate in the event that those cost-effectiveness with less attention paid outcomes are not being met. These sug- to the need for adaptable, yet long-lasting, gestions, though, are politically contro- policies. There is a robust debate, for exam- versial and highlight why a cap-and-trade ple, about whether a carbon tax or cap and system may retain political support more trade is the superior instrument to achieve easily than a carbon tax. our desired environmental outcomes and Finally, under either a cap-and-trade to do so cost-effectively. In our view, system or a carbon tax, we may gain new however, less attention has been paid to information about the level of emissions whether a tax or a cap-and-trade system is reductions necessary to slow climate more likely to be durable or flexible. We change or about whether we are regulat- think that cap and trade may be superior ing the appropriate pollutants. If our ini- on both fronts, but our conclusions are tial assumptions prove to be wrong, we very preliminary. Our broader aim is to will want a means to incorporate new in- focus attention on, and stimulate conver- formation into whichever system we have sation about, the importance of durability chosen for regulating the price of carbon. and flexibility in transitioning our energy One approach that forces regulators to system–a dramatic transformation that take into account new information about will be achieved without the endogenous environmental progress is modeled on a market changes that accompanied our mechanism included in the caa. The earlier energy history.

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endnotes Ann E. ANN E CARLSON Carlson & * Contributor Biographies: . is the Shirley Shapiro Professor of Environmen- Robert W. tal Law at the ucla School of Law, where she is also Faculty Director of the Emmett Center Fri on Climate Change and the Environment. Her work has appeared in the California, Michigan, Northwestern, and UCLA Law Reviews and the Harvard Journal on Legislation, among others. Two of her articles have been selected for republication in an annual compilation of the best environmental law articles of the year. She is a coauthor of Cases and Materials on Environ- mental Law, 8th ed. (with Daniel A. Farber and Jody Freeman, 2010). ROBERT W. FRI, a Fellow of the American Academy since 2010, is a Visiting Scholar and Se- nior Fellow Emeritus at Resources for the Future, where he previously served as President. He has also served as Director of the National Museum of Natural History and Deputy Admin- istrator of both the Environmental Protection Agency and the Energy Research and Devel- opment Administration. He is Chair of the Academy’s Alternative Energy Future project. 1 2 Committee on America’s Energy Future, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and National Research Council, America’s Energy Future: Technology and Trans- formation (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2010). 3 U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2011 Annual Energy Review (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy, 2011), Tables 2.1b–2.1f; calculation by authors. 4 Committee on Health, Environmental, and Other External Costs and Bene½ts of Energy Pro- duction and Consumption and National Research Council, Hidden Costs of Energy: Unpriced Consequences of Energy Production and Use (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2010). 5 Ruth Schwartz Cowan, A Social History of American Technology (New York: Oxford University Press, 1997). 6 Vaclav Smil, Energy Transitions (Santa Barbara, Calif.: Praeger, 2010). 7 Vaclav Smil, Energy in World History (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1994). 8 Sam H. Schurr, Calvin C. Barwell, Warren D. Devine, Jr., and Sidney Sonenblum, Electricity in the American Economy: Agent of Technological Progress (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1990). 9 Robert L. Heilbroner, “Technological Determinism Revisited,” in Does Technology Drive His- tory: The Dilemma of Technological Determinism, ed. Merritt Roe Smith and Leo Marx (Cam- bridge, Mass.: mit Press, 1994). 10 Joseph L. Bower and Clayton M. Christensen, “Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave,” Harvard Business Review, January–February 1995. 11 For a review of the economic argument, see Joseph B. Aldy and Robert N. Stavins, “Using the Market to Address Climate Change: Insights from Theory and Experience,” Dædalus 141 (2) (Spring 2012). 12 Eric M. Patashnik, Reforms at Risk: What Happens After Major Policy Changes Are Enacted? (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2008). 13 John Ikerd, “New Farm Bill and U.S. Trade Policy: Implications for Family Farms and Rural Communities,” 2002, 14 Patashnik, Reforms at Risk. 15 See the series from The New York Times, “Toxic Waters,” -waters. 16 Richard Lazarus, “Super Wicked Problems and Climate Change: Restraining the Present to Regulate the Future,” Cornell Law Review 94 (2009): 1153.

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Designing a 17 For an analysis of the ways in which the design of California’s cap-and-trade system for Durable greenhouse gases promotes price stability, see Bowman Cutter, M. Rhead Enion, Ann Carlson, Energy and Cara Horowitz, Rules of the Game: Examining Market Manipulation, Gaming and Enforce- Policy ment in California’s Cap-and-Trade Program, Emmett Center on Climate Change and the Envi- ronment, ucla School of Law, August 2011, 24–43. 18 Harrison Fell, Dallas Burtraw, Richard Morgenstern, Karen Palmer, and Louis Preonas, Soft and Hard Price Collars in a Cap-and-Trade System: A Comparative Analysis, Resources for the Future Discussion Paper, June 2011, 2. 19 Ibid., 40. 20 Harrison Fell and Robert Morgenstern, Collaring Price Volatility in a Carbon Offset Mar- ket (Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, March 15, 2010), Publications/WPC/Pages/Collaring-Price-Volatility-in-a-Carbon-Offset-Market.aspx. 21 Reuters, “German Bourse Scraps eu Carbon Emissions Trading,” May 22, 2012, http://www 22 Ibid. 23 Robert Stavins, “Low Prices a Problem? Making Sense of Misleading Talk About Cap-and- Trade in Europe and the usa,” http://www.huf½ -a-problem-maki_b_1461501.html. 24 Ibid. 25 Fell et al., Soft and Hard Price Collars in a Cap-and-Trade System.

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Rethinking the Scale, Structure & Scope of U.S. Energy Institutions

Michael H. Dworkin, Roman V. Sidortsov & Benjamin K. Sovacool

Abstract: This essay notes some of the key institutions created in the twentieth century for the purpose of delivering energy in North America. Those institutions are being challenged by a combination of stresses in three interconnected areas: reliability, economics, and environmental sustainability. The essay argues that these three stresses create an “energy trilemma” requiring institutional reform. We suggest that new and modi½ed institutions can best be understood if we evaluate them along three dimensions: institutional scale, structure, and scope. We consider real-world examples of recent institutions in light of each of these dimensions and note both successes and concerns that those factors illuminate. We conclude by noting that some institutional changes will be organic and unplanned; but many others, including responses to climate change, will bene½t from conscious attention to scale, structure, and scope by those engaged in designing and building the energy institutions needed in the twenty-½rst century.

“Men work together,” I told him from the heart, “Whether they work together or apart.” –Robert Frost, “The Tuft of Flowers,” A Boy’s Will (1913)

MICHAEL H. DWORKIN is Pro- People act in many ways. Occasionally we act fessor of Law and Director of the alone. More often, we act together, because, as Institute for Energy and the Envi- Aristotle said, humans are indeed social animals.1 ronment at Vermont Law School. Some group actions–and most individual ones– ROMAN V. SIDORTSOV is a Se- have short-lived effects. Other mutual actions are nior Global Energy Fellow at the organized, enduring, and extraordinarily effective. Institute for Energy and the Envi- These cases usually involve organizations, called ronment at Vermont Law School. institutions, that coordinate and maximize the effec- BENJAMIN K. SOVACOOL is a tiveness of individual actions. Over time, however, Visiting Associate Professor at institutions often take on their own lives, beyond Vermont Law School, where he those of the people acting within them. Eventually, manages the Energy Security and the institutions may be so rooted in past crises that Justice Program in the Institute for they no longer ½t emerging needs. We can see this Energy and the Environment. phenomenon now, in the institutions that our (*See endnotes for complete contributor grandparents developed to deal with our nation’s– biographies.) indeed, our entire continent’s–energy needs.

© 2013 by the American Academy of Arts & Sciences

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Rethinking In the United States, those institutions Those functions, and the institutions the Scale, were characterized by: providing them, worked well (at least for Structure & Scope of America) in the postwar world of the • an energy system with two broad wings, U.S. Energy 1950s and 1960s. They met the funda- one based on lightly regulated delivery Institutions mental test of “½tness” by matching the of energy for transportation through scale, scope, and structure of institutions liquid fuels, and the other based on to those of the problems they addressed.2 closely regulated delivery of even larg- However, in the decades since then, er amounts of energy in the form of energy institutions have come under electricity; increasingly dif½cult strains in at least • an energy supply for transportation that three strategic areas. The ½rst of these is came to rely on petroleum purchased reliability, as measured against both acci- through international markets–with dental and deliberate security challenges. easy transport on a global scale and an The second is ½nancial, with a long-term assumption of stable patterns of users trend of increasing burdens on gross and suppliers–supported by major national product and individual house- governmental subsidies and prefer- holds. And the third is environmental, with ences, but with price regulation only in rising concerns about toxic substances the rarest of circumstances; (such as mercury) and the role of energy production as the prime source of the • an energy supply for light, heat, cooling, greenhouse gases that are driving global and power that is dependent on electric climate change. grids combining large, centralized elec- Major institutional change will be tric power plants with bottleneck required to meet the closely interrelated transmission systems; challenges of this “energy trilemma.”3 • control systems that coordinated gen- Some of those changes will arise unex- eration and transmission through a pectedly, without planning and through pyramidal architecture for the opera- organic processes that may be painful for tional control, dispatch, and delivery of us all; others may come more readily if power with a primary emphasis on reli- we can think in organized ways about the ability; institutional transformations we expect and desire. In that effort, it is useful to • the ½nancing of central-station power organize our thoughts in terms of the scale, plants through long-term bonds, as val- structure, and scope of the ways in which ued by Wall Street ratings analysts; institutions behave. • a primary reliance on investor-owned This will be a decades-long process of utilities that attracted private investors “continual improvement” extending far who expected decades of technological beyond what can be discussed within the stability to yield long-term, low-risk bounds of this essay; but to help begin revenues; and the process, we offer here some examples of both theoretical concepts and practi- • a regulatory structure that limited both cal steps that may be useful. Our sugges- excessive returns and easy entry of new tions are aimed at the low-hanging fruit: retail competitors, and that recognized that is, the relationships that already both local and national concerns exist and the approaches that have through state and federal regulatory already been adopted in different sectors. agencies. In calling them examples, we mean to

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focus on them as illustrating emergent institutions that craft rules shaping Michael H. trends in each area, not as assertions behavior. At its most elemental level, Dworkin, Roman V. about the many changes that will actually governance is about deciding who can do Sidortsov be needed. One example is spatial, deal- what, who will monitor it, and how rules & Benjamin ing with scale; a second is structural, are modi½ed and changed over time.6 The K. Sovacool blending public and private enterprises; term refers to “any of the myriad process- and the third is jurisdictional, arguing es through which a group of people set that energy institutions must have the and enforce the rules needed to enable scope to address climate change. that group to achieve desired outcomes.”7 Currently, our energy systems are usual- Both public and private bodies have cre- ly conceived of as multiple entities, each ated institutions to carry out governance nested within a tidy jurisdictional hierar- functions. Traditionally these have been chy. This is in many ways similar to the nested vertically, with neighborhoods “pyramidal structure” of the telecommu- operating below cities, which operate nications system managed by at&t from below states/provinces, which operate the 1920s until its breakup in the 1970s. below national institutions.8 Within its The breakup of that system-network scope, and at its scale, each provides a architecture was the result of antitrust variety of services (such as education, litigation and consent decrees, but its national defense, and administration of a underlying cause was technological inno- currency).9 vation.4 When that physical architecture Although much research and dialogue became outmoded, so did the monopolis- continues to emphasize what these gov- tic control structure. As Peter Huber stated ernment actors do, in recent decades in a 1987 report on the telephone industry: scholars have begun to address gover- nance that occurs outside of traditional The old pyramid, with all its mass in the structures at scales ranging from families center, is being transformed into a geodesic and ½rms to nations and intergovernmen- dome, with a profusion of nodes and links tal organizations. Polycentrism is a term unknown in the older architecture, connect- with many meanings. In the context of ed around the outside. at&t undoubtedly institutions of governance relating to recognized this clearly when it agreed to energy, it describes the concepts identi½ed surrender the heart of its old network for by the late Nobel laureate Elinor Ostrom. permission to participate fully in building She uses polycentric to refer to the self- the new one.5 organization of citizens into multiple au- The energy sector would bene½t from a thorities at many scales simultaneously.10 similarly networked structure, as the The notion of polycentric governance slowly emerging architecture of a “dis- evolved out of discussions of governance tributed network” suggests. As that hap- related to public goods, common-pool pens, traditional institutions of control resources, and collective action problems. will need radical change or replacements. Polycentrism emphasizes that sharing of power among numerous scales of gov- Before we delve into the details of how ernance must be seamlessly managed, U.S. energy institutions ought to be re- resulting in a “polycentricity” or “nested- formed, we should clarify what we mean ness” that involves multiple authorities by the terms governance and polycentrism. and overlapping jurisdictions. It can also Governance, broadly considered, refers stipulate that different energy institutions to how humans make decisions and form be harmonized to the geographic scale of

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Rethinking the particular energy problem at hand. access to the power grid and operate the Scale, This criterion is similar to the “matching wholesale electricity networks.13 Federal Structure & Scope of principle” in environmental law, which Energy Regulatory Commission (ferc) U.S. Energy states that governance structures need to orders 888 and 889 also encouraged the Institutions be “matched” to the speci½c type of threat: creation of operators such as the Midwest for instance, pollution of a river would Independent Transmission System Oper- require a governance regime encompass- ator and pjm Interconnection. These ing all states and communities along that operators coordinate electricity supply river basin; local groundwater threats and high-voltage transmission across would by contract need only a governance wide geographic regions to maximize regime at the city or municipal level.11 delivery; ensure suf½cient reserves and When applied to the debate over U.S. backup power; and enable ½rms to buy, energy policy, relying on a polycentric lens sell, and trade electricity on spot markets. has helpful implications regarding the In an important sense, they provide the appropriate scale of institutions and their vital governance functions for electricity responsibilities. For a problem like col- issues that we call “too large for states lecting data on energy-related pollution and too small for a nation.” from mercury, particulate matter, nitro- Energy issues that correspond to world- gen oxide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon wide problems are best treated at the dioxide, a national system is far prefer- scale of global ½rms and institutions. able to a local one. It makes little sense to Subsidies for fossil fuels are one example, have every state, city, or town measure particularly in the transportation sector. carbon dioxide emissions, track the car- Total subsidies are dif½cult to pin down, bon intensity of fuels, determine their but one independent review estimated health effects, identify a safe level of that in 1999, energy subsidies existed in emissions, and design cost-effective policy more than one hundred countries and responses. Such a system is inef½cient, amounted to a whopping 21.1 percent of and having many pairs of eyes spread all energy prices, in essence subsidizing across the country is more likely to result more than one-½fth of global energy con- in anomalies than if regulation is concen- sumption. The reviewers calculated that trated in just one location.12 subsidies for fossil fuels and energy ex- However, issues at the scale of electric ceeded $331 billion in 2000 and that sub- utilities (which span individual states) sidies for road transportation amounted and transmission operators should be to $1,180 billion–a total of $1.5 trillion in treated as regional concerns. The best 2000, or $1.9 trillion in today’s dollars.14 examples here are existing regional trans- At the level of individual states or coun- mission operators (rtos) and indepen- tries, subsidy reform would be ineffective dent system operators (isos). The Energy because the market effects of subsidies Policy Act of 1992 greatly enhanced U.S. from other countries would continue to electricity restructuring, a term that gener- hide true global energy costs. Climate ally refers to the introduction of retail change presents a similar problem. Indi- competition and the unbundling of elec- vidual countries have little incentive to tricity assets into distinct generation, cut emissions without reductions from transmission, and distribution entities. other countries because those acting ½rst Worried about reliability issues, groups may suffer higher energy costs and may of electric utilities pooled together to risk losing economic activity to countries form rtos and isos to ensure equal without emissions caps.

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Another complex energy issue requires through donations and voluntary contri- Michael H. forms of polycentric governance that butions. Dworkin, Roman V. address international maritime regions. In the 2008 program year, reeep part- Sidortsov For example, Barents 2020 is a joint nered with 44 governments, 180 private & Benjamin Norwegian-Russian health, safety, and organizations (such as banks, businesses, K. Sovacool environmental standards-setting project and other ngos), and six multilateral involving government agencies, oil and organizations (such as the United Na- gas ½rms, scienti½c and research institu- tions). The organization managed a €6.1 tions, and nongovernmental organiza- million ($7.8 million) annual operating tions (ngos) across the geographic scope budget distributed among 145 projects of the Barents Sea. These actors collabo- representing a total cumulative invest- rate to harmonize “common acceptable ment of €65 million ($83.4 million), most standards for safeguarding people, envi- of which was leveraged from reeep part- ronment and asset values in the oil and ners through equity ½nancing. Thirty- gas industry.”15 The founders of the proj- seven additional projects were in the ect concluded that the optimal way to works by late 2008 and early 2009. These mitigate the risks and overcome the chal- new projects included the promotion of lenges that are unique to the Barents Sea solar water heaters in Uganda, energy- marine area was to develop standards ef½cient lighting in India, rural biomass tailored speci½cally to the region. They development in China, renewable-energy formed an international body that ½nancing in Mexico, and assessment of matched in scale the regional problem the regulatory framework for renewable shared by two nations, and they created energy in Argentina.16 rules of conduct for every player–public In short, polycentrism suggests that or private–that operates in the region, some energy problems are best addressed regardless of nationality. by neighborhood, city, and state institu- At the other end of the scale, polycen- tions; others by state, regional, and fed- tric analysis can identify places where eral institutions. But again, at each scale a local and decentralized action is best. multitude of actors must be involved to For example, the Renewable Energy and ensure institutional diversity. Energy Ef½ciency Partnership (reeep) funnels investment into clean-energy A look at the structure of institutional projects in the developing world–but relationships can help us search for only at the local level. Established in 2002 improvements. In recent years, confronta- by a collection of regulators, businesses, tional tones have dominated media cov- banks, and ngos, reeep works to reduce erage of interactions between U.S. energy emissions, improve access to reliable and institutions and the industry. However, clean energy in developing countries, and that portrayal does not reflect reality. The promote energy ef½ciency. reeep funds government has cooperated with the energy-ef½ciency and renewable-energy energy industry in a number of ways. In projects that have the potential to be this section, we argue that U.S. energy widely replicated in many different institutions should do more to recognize, regulatory frameworks and in a variety strengthen, and expand the public-private of countries and energy markets. The partnership elements of their structures. organization receives its funding from Judging by the headlines, the U.S. gov- governments and a collection of banks, ernment seems to be engaged in perva- other ngos, and businesses, primarily sive conflict with large electrical utilities

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Rethinking and the fossil fuel industries. Consider the the large utilities that rely on coal-½red the Scale, following statement by the President and power generation, reacted to mounting Structure & Scope of ceo of the American Petroleum Institute, criticism of upcoming rules under the U.S. Energy Jack Gerard: Clean Air Act with a strike of her own. “I Institutions do very much believe that it’s time for us [The administration] has been restricting to get past this tired dance, where folks oil and natural gas development, leasing less inside this Beltway get paid a lot of often, shortening lease terms, and going money to say things that aren’t true slow on permit approvals–actions which about public health initiatives that this have undermined public support for the agency is charged by law with undertak- administration on energy. It is also increas- ing,” said Jackson in response to pressure ing or threatening to increase industry’s from industry lobbying groups.21 development costs through higher taxes, The point of these examples is not to higher royalty rates, and higher minimum assess the merits of arguments presented lease bids.17 by either side, but rather to highlight the Similarly, American Electric Power common assertions that government and (aep), an Ohio-based megautility, dedi- industry are in conflict with each other.22 cated a portion of the “Corporate Citizen- However, underlying the appearance of ship” section of its website to criticism of discord is a deeper truth: namely, that the Obama administration, particularly public and private energy institutions the Environmental Protection Agency have a long history of working together. (epa).18 A subsection entitled “What One entire energy sector, the nuclear Others Are Saying” contained twenty-two industry, was conceived, born, and taught news articles criticizing rules that have to walk in government labs, mines, and been and are being promulgated by the naval vessels. The transportation fuels epa under the Clean Air Act and Clean sector relies on the U.S. military presence Water Act.19 Interestingly, these “others” around the world to ensure reliable trans- unanimously agree that the results of the port of oil and gas. Both sectors, like other epa’s recent rule-making will signi½cant- energy industries, rely heavily on support- ly hurt the U.S. economy and lead to the ive tax policies and governmental grants. loss of as many as 1.4 million jobs. With Moreover, regulated companies com- sharply worded titles like “Go green, kill monly play a major part in shaping the jobs” and “The epa’s War on Jobs,” many regulations under which they operate.23 of the articles use a militarized tone in Public-private cooperation on energy expressing support for aep’s position. issues exists for several reasons. Perhaps Unsurprisingly, the government some- the most compelling is that many energy- times responds in a similar manner. For related technologies have grown so com- example, when the oil and gas industries plex that regulators simply cannot keep criticized changes in how permits are up with technological advances. Offshore issued following the bp Deepwater Hori- oil and gas exploration and extraction are zon oil spill, former Director of the Bureau good examples of such technological of Ocean Energy Management, Regula- advancement. Members of the National tion and Enforcement (boemre) Michael Commission on the bp Deepwater Hori- Bromwich called the industry’s accusa- zon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling stated tions “politically motivated” and “erro- in their 2011 report to the president that neous.”20 epa Administrator Lisa P. Jack- drilling the Macondo well was “a com- son, who became the primary target of plex, even dazzling, enterprise.” The

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authors also noted: “The remarkable use notice-and-comment procedures to Michael H. advances that have propelled the move to influence the regulations to which they Dworkin, 26 Roman V. deepwater drilling merit comparison with might be subject. Sidortsov exploring outer space.” Unsurprisingly, The National Technology Transfer and & Benjamin the commission recommended arming Advancement Act (nttaa) of 1995 lays K. Sovacool “those in charge of regulatory oversight” out, among other things, a system of with necessary technical expertise.24 research and development cooperation Failure to raise a red flag is not the only between the energy industry and the gov- problem created by a lack of technical ernment.27 It also directs federal agencies know-how. An overly cautious regulator to use technical standards developed by may shut down a promising new technol- voluntary consensus standards bodies, ogy because she simply does not under- except where “inconsistent with appli- stand it. For both reasons, the need for cable law or otherwise impractical.”28 technological expertise often presses par- Thus, the nttaa gives congressional ties to blur the line between public and endorsement to the practice of “recruit- private governance of energy projects. ing” outside authority in developing Government and industry cooperate in standards and regulations.29 The Of½ce of other ways. Research and development Management and Budget (omb) Circular support, government procurement, and No. A-119, “Federal Participation in the energy pilot programs all offer signi½cant Development and Use of Voluntary Con- bene½ts to private enterprises. According sensus Standards and in Conformity to the Congressional Budget Of½ce, fed- Assessment Activities,” which clari½es eral support for developing and produc- section 12 of the nttaa, represents yet ing energy technologies totaled approxi- another endorsement of this cooperative mately $24 billion in 2011.25 Federal, regulatory approach.30 In a 2010 report on state, and municipal governments have voluntary consensus standards and con- large vehicle fleets and real estate inven- formity assessment, Mary F. Donaldson tories, both requiring vast amounts of of the National Institute of Standards energy. Governments also have unique and Technology emphasized the follow- needs that at times can be met only with ing bene½ts of private-public partnership the technologies that have not penetrated in setting standards: the commercial market. For example, Federal investment in voluntary standards many municipalities have switched to development helps to provide sound tech- natural gas–powered buses. Thus, gov- nological underpinning to standards, speeds ernment procurement and trial programs the standards development process, and can accomplish perhaps the hardest task: enables the adoption of vcss [voluntary bringing a shiny prototype through to a consensus standards] to support agency commercially scalable product. missions. Furthermore, adoption of vcss Although sharply worded headlines for Federal agency use provides cost savings and remarks give the impression that to Federal agencies, the Nation’s businesses, both sides would have to build a relation- and the taxpayer through reduced injuries ship from scratch, a legal and regulatory and deaths, increased transactional ef½- framework for such cooperation already ciencies, reduced administrative burdens, exists. The Administrative Procedure Act and lower costs of products and services.31 (apa) of 1946 sets forth the process for federal agency rule-making, allowing the More recently, the Federal Energy Reg- public–including energy providers–to ulatory Commission (ferc) recruited

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Rethinking industry expertise to address concerns stated a senior mms employee: “We the Scale, raised by the widespread electricity never got positive cooperation from Structure & Scope of blackout that occurred in 2003. After the either industry or the Of½ce of Manage- U.S. Energy Energy Policy Act of 2005 granted ferc ment and Budget.”32 Institutions explicit authority to require mandatory The existing legal framework allows standards for reliability in the electric government agencies, including energy sector, the commission authorized a new institutions, to be creative in placing institution, the National Electric Reli- safeguards to prevent the cross-purposes ability Corporation (nerc), to coordinate regulator problem. For example, agencies industry expertise and develop speci½c do not always have to follow “the some- reliability standards and sanctions. what rudimentary rulemaking provisions In spite of these examples, some may of the apa.”33 Separation of functions view the possibility of closer cooperation among and within U.S. energy institu- between U.S. energy institutions and the tions and their structural units allows energy industry with skepticism. It is true private-public cooperation where it is that when regulators and the regulated are appropriate and bene½cial for both sides. close in every facet of their relationship, This approach can also block the indus- the lines between the two begin to blur. try from in½ltrating governmental over- Therefore, it is critical for energy institu- sight, permitting, and licensing functions tions to determine whether industry and allows agencies, departments, and cooperation is appropriate with respect civil servants to ful½ll their missions. to speci½c instances, areas, and functions. In this section, we have discussed A case in point is the failure of the Miner- research and development cooperation, als Management Service (mms) to pre- commercialization of new technologies, vent the bp Deepwater Horizon accident. participation in rule-making, and use of The mms was what the members of industry standards as possible avenues of the National Commission on the bp cooperation between energy institutions Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore and the industry. We also see a place in Drilling called in their Report to the Pres- this kind of cooperation for creative ideas ident a “cross-purposes regulator.” This –such as William Pedersen’s “regulatory means it was responsible for three distinct reform contracts”–provided that govern- and conflicting functions: resource man- mental institutions can always be distin- agement; revenue collection; and health, guished from regulated entities.34 In fact, safety, and environmental oversight. The the energy sector is not the only ½eld in authors of the report eloquently captured which players can be both governmental the biggest structural flaw of the mms: and regulated entities at the same time. “From birth, mms had a built-in incentive Consider, for example, the Port Authority to promote offshore drilling in sharp ten- of the States of New York and New Jersey sion with its mandate to ensure safe or the role of any telecommunications drilling and environmental protection.” utility exercising eminent domain over the As a result, the agency developed a very land of others. In the 1982 case Loretto v. close “cooperative” relationship with the Teleprompter Manahttan CATV Corporation, industry, the kind that led to one of the the U.S. Supreme Court declared that worst environmental and economic dis- apartment owners had to be compensated asters in the nation’s history. Cooperation if the state of New York required them to relative to safety, however, was virtually allow cable companies to run wires to nonexistent. “It was like pulling teeth,” their residential apartments. A year later,

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on remand, the Court of Appeals held Therefore, it is mandatory that U.S. en- Michael H. that the economic value of that compen- ergy institutions incorporate climate Dworkin, Roman V. sation could be set at a level too low to be change risks into the scope of their deci- Sidortsov worth collecting, typically a token $1 per sion-making, fundamentally altering & Benjamin building.35 how they weigh economic costs and K. Sovacool The Barents 2020 project (discussed bene½ts. above) is also instructive. After providing Climate change has been a topic of the initial funding, the Norwegian gov- global public discussion for more than ernment connected its standardization thirty years. However, in the United agencies with the project. It then helped States, it has gained serious governmental facilitate a coalition consisting of the consideration only in the last decade.38 domestic and international oil and gas Exxon Mobil, a longtime climate change industries, research institutions, and skeptic, softened its public position in ngos. Finally, the Norwegian govern- 2007.39 The Regional Greenhouse Gas ment and other Barents 2020 partners Initiative (rggi), the ½rst market-based persuaded the Russian government, program designed to decrease green- research institutions, and the oil and gas house gas emissions in the United States, industry to join as well.36 As a result, held its ½rst auction on September 25, Norwegian and Russian governments 2008.40 There was much public excite- were kept in the loop during the technical- ment surrounding the Fifteenth Confer- ly challenging standards-setting process. ence of the Parties (cop 15) that took The industry bene½ted from the scienti½c place in Copenhagen in December 2009. expertise of participating research insti- There, the U.S. delegation, led by Presi- tutions, as well as from the trust it gained dent Obama, played an active role in from government authorities and ngos, negotiating the Copenhagen Accord, a none of which were separated from the political agreement that served as a ½rst process by closed boardroom doors. step to the post-Kyoto regime.41 With the The successes of some public-private Waxman-Markey climate bill pending in cooperation and the potential for new Congress, it seemed that the United States creative ideas are dif½cult to disregard.37 was on the verge of signi½cant domestic U.S. energy institutions and the energy policy changes.42 industry should continue on the same Yet those changes never materialized. path, giving increased consideration to the The climate legislation died in the Senate, need for transparency and public under- and the 2010 midterm elections ended all standing of each party’s complex role. near-term prospects for its revival in the House of Representatives.43 cop 16 in A third factor, the jurisdictional scope of Cancun, Mexico, and cop 17 in Durban, an institution, is also helpful to consider. South Africa, garnered only a fraction of A prime example is the historic view of the media coverage that the Copenhagen climate change as merely an environmen- meeting received. The level of public tal issue. This outlook has contributed to awareness and concern about climate the failure of decision-makers to recog- change dropped as well. Americans now nize and mitigate the phenomenon’s eco- seem less certain than they were a decade nomic risks. Such risks are foreseeable ago about the accuracy of global warm- and, to some degree, manageable, espe- ing news coverage, about humankind’s cially if considered in the context of an role in causing global warming, and about institution’s goals and responsibilities. the scienti½c consensus on the issue.44

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Rethinking On the other hand, rggi appears to be analysis of the economic impacts of cli- the Scale, weathering the climate change policy mate change, the on the Eco- Structure & Scope of “chill” of the early 2010s. It held its six- nomics of Climate Change, in October U.S. Energy teenth auction on June 6, 2012.45 In terms 2006.51 The Stern Review noted that the Institutions of our three factors of scale, structure, economic cost of inaction can range from and scope, rggi may be a good example 5 percent to 20 percent of global gdp per of a new institution that is larger than a year.52 By contrast, the cost of reducing state but smaller than a nation, is struc- greenhouse gas emissions and avoiding tured by government to channel private related economic damage is estimated to investment, and has a scope that includes be around 1 percent of global gdp.53 both environmental and economic con- According to the report, the risks of cata- siderations. strophic damage can be signi½cantly The fact that climate change is no decreased if atmospheric greenhouse gas longer a front-page issue does not mean levels are stabilized between 450 and 550 54 that the problem itself has ceased to exist. ppm of CO2 equivalent. Moreover, the failure to address climate Unfortunately, the Stern Review’s rec- change ampli½es potentially grave risks ommendations have not been taken seri- for the struggling U.S. economy. Unfor- ously in most sectors of the U.S. economy, tunately, most Americans do not view cli- including the energy sector. Because the mate change as an economic issue. In energy sector is the economy’s driving fact, Gallup poll analysis of the “Most force, failure to take into account the eco- Important Problem” facing the nation nomic implications of climate change may does not list climate change as an eco- lead to dire consequences, not only for the nomic issue.46 The historic perception of sector itself, but for the entire economy. climate change as a predominately envi- Expanding the scope of institutional ronmental issue has slowed the response concerns turns a debate over sea-level rise to the problem.47 The framing of climate into a conversation about the economic change as an environmental, rather than risk of allowing the construction of large an energy, priority is also tied to the fact power plants near the coastline. This that it was meteorologists, climatologists, shift in perspective converts the high and environmental scientists who ½rst costs and uncertain bene½ts of mitigating sounded the alarm.48 In addition, calls climate change into the manageable costs for climate change mitigation, or even of mitigating climate change risks and mere acknowledgment of the problem, the palpable bene½ts of avoiding foresee- are often labeled “radical environmental- able economic, social, and environmental ism” by conservative politicians.49 damage. Therefore, by bringing the eco- Early attempts to reclassify climate nomic risks of climate change into the change as something more than an envi- scope of factors that an energy institution ronmental issue were made in the early should consider, the scale of the problem 2000s. In the 2003 Pentagon report “An can be adjusted to ½t the scale of the insti- Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its tution. This shift in perspective also has Implications for United States National the potential to humanize the impacts of Security,” authors Peter Schwartz and climate change, making them more visible Doug Randall described the national and visceral. The previously abstract security threats posed by rapid climate notion of “populations occupying low- change.50 British economist Nicholas lying coastlines” becomes indigenous Stern released the most comprehensive communities struggling with the intru-

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sion of saltwater in their wells; similarly, The roadmap identi½es the following Michael H. “percentage of gdp lost” becomes focus areas for incorporating climate Dworkin, Roman V. minority shop owners in New Jersey and change considerations: 1) strategy, policy, Sidortsov New York repairing hurricane-damaged and plans; 2) operations and training; 3) & Benjamin boardwalks, and “displaced populations” investments in capability and infrastruc- K. Sovacool becomes tribal refugees in the Maldives ture; 4) strategic communications and relocating their homes to higher ground. outreach; and 5) environmental assess- It may be an interesting and intellectual- ment and prediction. The ½nal focus area ly challenging exercise for economists to is especially noteworthy, as it lays out the dissect the aggressive assumptions made basis for incorporating climate change by the authors of the Stern Review.55 considerations into the scope of the U.S. After all, environmental economists Wil- Navy’s decision-making process. The liam Nordhaus and Robert O. Mendelsohn goal of the roadmap is “[t]o provide Navy somewhat infamously critiqued certain as- leadership and decision makers a science- pects of its methods concerning discount- based, comprehensive understanding of ing,56 demographics, extreme weather, the timing, severity, and impact of current and equity.57 However, it is simply impru- and predicted global environmental dent for U.S. energy institutions to ignore change on tactical, operational, and the economic risks noted in the report in strategic (climatic) scales.”60 relation to the energy subsector, even if For their part, insurance companies those risks cannot be precisely known or assess risk for a living. They, too, believe forecasted by economic models. that the scope of climate change is larger Treating climate change from the than an environmental concern. Among standpoint of risk assessment has been the ½rst private enterprises to place seri- embraced by the U.S. Navy and the insur- ous emphasis on the economic risks posed ance industry, entities that cannot be by climate change, many insurance com- described as “radically environmental,” panies no longer rely on individual efforts even by conservative pundits. In May to grapple with climate change risks; they 2010, the Department of the Navy have joined the industry-wide movement released the “U.S. Navy Climate Change ClimateWise.61 Established in 2007 by Roadmap.”58 In the opening paragraph of the Prince of Wales, ClimateWise now their report, the members of Task Force has more than forty members, including Climate Change unambiguously stated insurance giants such as Allianz, Aviva, the rationale for preparing the roadmap: Lloyd’s, Swiss Re, and Zurich.62 Chairman John Coomber, a member of the Swiss Climate change is a national security chal- Re’s board, captured the essence of the lenge with strategic implications for the ClimateWise mission in the following Navy. Climate change will lead to increased statement: tensions in nations with weak economies and political institutions. While climate Insurers everywhere should be using our change alone is not likely to lead to future industry’s core expertise to better under- conflict, it may be a contributing factor. stand and communicate the risks climate Climate change is affecting, and will con- change poses to our economic and social tinue to affect, U.S. military installations systems and to forge and promote solu- and access to natural resources worldwide. tions to bring those risks down to an It will affect the type, scope, and location of acceptable level. This independent review future Navy missions.59 demonstrates that insurers across the

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Rethinking world are indeed actively playing this role security, U.S. energy institutions should the Scale, in a variety of ways.63 view climate change as a threat to their Structure & mission of ensuring a reliable energy sup- Scope of By joining ClimateWise, members com- U.S. Energy ply. Similarly, as the insurance industry mit to the following principles. They must Institutions works to protect investments that can be 1) lead in risk analysis, 2) inform public susceptible to the economic risks posed policy-making, 3) support climate aware- by climate change, U.S. energy institu- ness among customers, 4) incorporate tions should work to protect their cus- climate change into investment strategies, tomers–and American society at large– 5) reduce the environmental impact of from investing in energy projects and their own businesses, and 6) report and be technologies that will become obsolete in accountable.64 The participating insurers the face of a changing climate. may act individually or collectively to It is encouraging to see more calls for “reduce the economy’s and society’s long- incorporating climate change risk into term risk from climate change, within the scope of energy decision-making. In the con½nes of a competitive market.”65 the last two years, Ceres, a promoter of Despite the obvious differences in each sustainable business practices, has issued entity’s reasons for incorporating climate a series of reports targeting climate change risks into their decision-making change risks in connection with the ener- processes, U.S. energy institutions have gy sector.66 One recent report, “Practic- much in common with the U.S. Navy and ing Risk-Aware Electricity Regulation: the insurance industry. Large coal-½red What Every State Regulator Needs to and nuclear power plants, oil pipelines, Know,” is particularly noteworthy. It pro- and unexplored offshore oil and gas ½elds vides an overview of risks associated are capital-intensive investments. They with investment in energy infrastructure, are economically attractive only if con- discusses the regulatory challenges of struction costs can be spread over time managing such risks, and outlines seven and reduced to competitive levels through critical strategies for making risk-aware the use of long-term ½nancings such as regulatory decisions. The report captures thirty-year bonds; to appreciate this the message of this essay: U.S. energy issue, imagine the rate effect of recover- institutions need to include climate ing the full cost of a $5 billion power plant change risks in the scope of their deci- in ten years of 10 percent annual deprecia- sion-making process; and moreover, this tion, rather than with thirty-plus years of must be done now in order to avoid eco- 3 percent annual depreciation. However, nomic losses in the near future.67 spreading cost recovery over a thirty-year period is rational only if one is sure that neither fundamental climate, nor basic We began by noting some of the key fuels, nor regulatory requirements, nor institutions created in the twentieth cen- access to huge quantities of water will tury for the purpose of delivering energy become problematic during those de- throughout North America. We observed cades. Utilities may be willing to gamble that these institutions are being challenged on those expectations, but their investors by a combination of stresses in three are unlikely to do so. areas: reliability, economics, and envi- Therefore, just as the U.S. Navy believes ronmental sustainability. As we have sug- that climate change implications will gested, the institutional reforms needed to compromise its ability to protect national address this energy trilemma can best be

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understood in terms of the scale, struc- issues as fundamentally different. The Michael H. ture, and scope of new and modi½ed costs of doing so have been profound, as Dworkin, Roman V. institutions. In considering real-world C. P. Snow illustrates in The Two Cultures Sidortsov examples of recently formed institutions, and a Second Look (1959).68 Conversely, & Benjamin we have noted both successes and con- the bene½ts of bridging the gap between K. Sovacool cerns that these three factors illustrate. Lord Snow’s two cultures may be vital. In In particular, issues of scale will pragmatic terms, key energy institutions increasingly call for polycentric organi- are hiring behavioral analysts to predict zations that interlace multiple interests and identify the factors that drive such rather than operate in simple hierarchies. things as energy demand, public respons- Thus, polycentrism offers a way forward, es to siting proposals, and climate change a way to connect the different levels, and denial.69 Similarly, the conceptual work a way to use the level of the household of Carnegie Mellon University’s program and the local community to ½nd solu- on Engineering and Public Policy is start- tions to regional and international chal- ing to produce helpful insights into behav- lenges. Issues of structure will require ioral responses to new energy policies. cooperation between public and private Some institutional changes will be sectors, signaling an increasing need to organic and unplanned, but many others clarify the distinctions between those will bene½t from conscious attention sectors. Issues of scope help explain both to scale, structure, and scope by those the failure of the energy sector’s respons- engaged in designing and building the es to climate change and the need to face energy institutions that the twenty-½rst that challenge. century needs. Those who are “present at The social science research cited above the creation”70 of energy institutions for a can help explain and improve the deliv- new energy world will do well to use those ery of energy services; indeed, there is concepts consciously as they face the age- real value in further research on these old tasks of “½tting” institutions to tech- topics. For a century or more, societies nological realities and of looking to the like ours have treated social and technical social sciences for guidance.

endnotes * Contributor Biographies: MICHAEL H. DWORKIN is Professor of Law and Director of the Institute for Energy and the Environment at Vermont Law School. He has been a litigator for the U.S. epa, a management partner in a telecommunications engineering ½rm, and a utility regulator. He served as Chair of the Vermont Public Service Board (1999–2005) and of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (naruc) Committee on Energy Resources and the Environment. He is a Director of the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (veic) and a Director of the Vermont Electric Power Company (velco). Pre- viously, he served as a Director of the Electric Power Research Institute and the American Council for an Energy-Ef½cient Economy. ROMAN V. SIDORTSOV is a Senior Global Energy Fellow at the Institute for Energy and the Environment at Vermont Law School. He teaches courses on oil and gas development and renewable energy in the distance learning program. He is also pursuing a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. His research focuses on legal and policy issues surrounding the transition to a low–fossil fuel economy and Arctic offshore oil and gas development with a special emphasis on the Russian Federation. He serves as a member of the U.S. Academic Team in the Energy Law Partnership of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Pres- idential Commission’s Energy Working Group.

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Rethinking BENJAMIN K. SOVACOOL is a Visiting Associate Professor at Vermont Law School, where he the Scale, manages the Energy Security and Justice Program in the Institute for Energy and the Envi- Structure & ronment. His research focuses on the barriers to alternative sources of energy supply, the Scope of politics of large-scale energy infrastructure, designing public policy, and building adaptive U.S. Energy Institutions capacity and resilience to climate change in the least-developed Asian countries. He has served in advisory and research capacities at the National University of Singapore, the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Electric Power Networks Ef½ciency and Security Program, and the Virginia Tech Consortium on Energy Restructuring, among others. He is the author or editor of twelve books and is a frequent contributor to Energy Policy, Energy & Environment, Electricity Journal, Energy, and Energy for Sustainable Development. 1 Aristotle, Politics, I. 2 For a seminal use of the concept of ½tness, see Stephen Breyer, Regulation and its Reform (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982). In that book, Breyer, then a professor of law and now a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, argues that regulation itself is inher- ently neither good nor bad, but that its merits turn on “regulatory ½t”: that is, a match between social problems and the response of regulatory institutions. 3 Use of the term energy trilemma is increasing. The earliest public use of which we are aware was in a 2005 series of lectures by Michael Dworkin. The term ½rst appeared in a published article three years later; see John A. Sautter, James Landis, and Michael H. Dworkin, “The Energy Trilemma in the Green Mountain State: An Analysis of Vermont’s Energy Challenges and Policy Options,” Vermont Journal of Environmental Law 10 (2008–2009): 477. 4 For an overview of recent patterns of institutional change caused by technological change, see Debora L. Spar, Ruling the Waves : Cycles of Discovery, Chaos, and Wealth from the Compass to the Internet (New York: Harcourt, 2001). 5 Peter Huber, The Geodesic Network: 1987 Report on Competition in the Telephone Industry (Wash- ington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, January 1987). 6 Elinor Ostrom, “Polycentric Systems for Coping with Collective Action and Global Environ- mental Change,” Global Environmental Change 20 (2010): 550–557. 7 Ann E. Florini and Benjamin K. Sovacool, “Who Governs Energy? The Challenges Facing Global Energy Governance,” Energy Policy 37 (12) (December 2009): 5239–5248. See also Ann E. Florini and Benjamin K. Sovacool, “Bridging the Gaps in Global Energy Governance,” Global Governance 17 (1) (January–March 2011): 57–74. 8 In theory, international entities can be seen as one hierarchical rank up from nation-states. In practice, however, no body larger than a nation-state–neither the Papacy, nor the Com- intern, nor the United Nations–has imposed its will on those beneath in ways that match the sustained and detailed impact that nation-states have had since their seventeenth-century origins in the Westphalian system (which invoked the concept of nation-states to end Europe’s Wars of Religion). 9 Benjamin K. Sovacool, “An International Comparison of Four Polycentric Approaches to Cli- mate and Energy Governance,” Energy Policy 39 (6) (2011): 3832–3844. 10 Ostrom, “Polycentric Systems for Coping with Collective Action and Global Environmental Change.” 11 Timothy Doyle and Brian Doherty, “Green Public Spheres and the Green Governance State: The Politics of Emancipation and Ecological Conditionality,” Environmental Politics 15 (5) (November 2006): 881–892. 12 Daniel C. Esty, “Revitalizing Environmental Federalism,” Michigan Law Review 95 (December 1996): 560. 13 The body of literature discussing rtos and isos is large, complex, and often contradictory. For a discussion focused on governance issues, see Michael H. Dworkin and Rachel Aslin

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Goldwasser, “Ensuring Consideration of the Public Interest in the Governance and Account- Michael H. ability of Regional Transmission Organizations,” Energy Law Journal 28 (November 1998): 543. Dworkin, 14 Roman V. Norman Myers and Jennifer Kent, Perverse Subsidies: How Tax Dollars Can Undercut the Environ- Sidortsov ment and the Economy (Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2001). & Benjamin K. Sovacool 15 Barents 2020: Assessment of International Standards for Safe Exploration, Production and Trans- portation of Oil and Gas in the Barents Sea, Final Report no. 2009-1626 (2009), 11. 16 Florini and Sovacool, “Who Governs Energy?” 17 petroleum/exploration/2012/may/api-says_administration.html?cmpid=EnlDailyPetro May172012&cmpid=EnlWeeklyPetroMay182012. 18 See The epa statutes criticized by aep include the Cross-State Air Pollutants Rule (csapr), the Regional Haze Program, the Hazardous Air Pollutants (haps) Rule, the Coal Combustion Residuals (ccr) Rule, and Sec- tion 316(b) of the Clean Water Act. 19 The section “What Others Are Saying,” which appeared on aep’s website (http://www.aep .com) as of July 4, 2012, has since been removed. 20 boemre served as an “interim” agency in the process of reorganizing the former Minerals Management Service (mms). After the Deepwater disaster, the mms was broken into two separate agencies, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (boem) and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (bsee). As the titles of the newly formed agencies suggest, the boem is charged with offshore resource management, whereas the bsee is responsible for health, safety, and environmental oversight. Bromwich was appointed in June 2010 to orchestrate the reorganization. See “boemre Director Delivers Final Speech Before Agency Reorganization,” press release (Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement, September 13, 2011), sec. 1 and 3. 21 Darren Samuelson, “The Environmental Protection Agency’s Lisa Jackson Swings Back at Critics,” Politico, October 6, 2010, 22 Bromwich made a convincing case in support of his response using data and real-life examples. See “boemre Director Delivers Final Speech Before Agency Reorganization,” sec. 3 and 4. For an assessment of the recent epa regulations, see also James E. McCarthy and Claudia Copeland, EPA Regulations: Too Much, Too Little, or On Track? (Washington, D.C.: Congres- sional Research Service, April 25, 2012), 23 Jody Freeman, “The Private Role in Public Governance,” New York University Law Review 75 (2000): 543, 639. 24 National Commission on the bp Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, Deep Water: The Gulf Oil Disaster and the Future of Offshore Drilling–Report to the President (Wash- ington, D.C.: Government Printing Of½ce, 2011), vii–viii. 25 Note that approximately $20.5 billion came in the form of tax subsidies and the remaining $3.5 billion in the form of direct spending. See Congressional Budget Of½ce, http://www 26 Public Law 79-404. 27 Public Law 104-113, sec. 2. 28 Ibid., sec. 12(d). 29 Freeman, “The Private Role in Public Governance,” 640. Government agencies use industry standards in a number of ways. For example, an agency may adopt a standard as part of a rule, use it as a basis for rule-making, or show strong deference to a standard. See http://

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Rethinking 30 As of this writing, omb Circular No. A-119 is being revised to conform the Circular’s termi- the Scale, nology to the nttaa and to increase its clarity and effectiveness. See http://www.whitehouse Structure & .gov/omb/fedreg_a119rev. Scope of U.S. Energy 31 Mary F. Donaldson, Thirteenth Annual Report on Federal Agency Use of Voluntary Consensus Institutions Standards and Conformity Assessment (Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Congress, August 2010), resources/nttaa_ar_2009.pdf. 32 National Commission on the bp Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, Deep Water, 55–57, 72, 76–78. 33 William F. Pedersen, Jr., “The Decline of Separation of Functions in Regulatory Agencies,” Virginia Law Review 64 (1978): 991, 1016. Note that courts, practitioners, and legal scholars have grappled with the interpretation of Section 5(c) of the apa on the “Separation of Func- tions” since the act was passed in 1946. See generally Kenneth Culp Davis, “Separation of Functions in Administrative Agencies,” part 2, Harvard Law Review 61 (1948): 612. 34 See, for example, William F. Pedersen, Jr., “Contracting with the Regulated for Better Reg- ulations,” Administrative Law Review 53 (2001): 1067, 1071. 35 458 U.S. 419 (1982); 446 N.E. 2d 428 (N.Y. 1983). 36 Barents 2020, 11, 12. 37 For example, the recently promulgated Safety and Environmental Management Systems (sems) rules incorporate by reference the American Petroleum Institute’s Recommended Practice for Development of a Safety and Environmental Management Program for Offshore Operations and Facilities (api rp 75). 38 David Hunter, James Salzman, and Durwood Zaelke, International Environmental Law and Pol- icy, 3rd ed. (New York: Foundation Press, 2007), 632. 39 In fact, Exxon Mobil was the last oil supermajor to do so. See Rick Pilz, “Exxon Mobil Takes First Steps to Accept Climate Change Science and Cut Funding of the Denial Machine,” Cli- mate Science Watch, January 22, 2007, exxon-mobil-takes-½rst-steps-to-accept-climate-change-science-and-cut-funding-of-the -denial-machine/. 40 41“Post Copenhagen Outlook: Discussion with Jonathan Pershing, U.S. Deputy Envoy for Cli- mate Change,” Center for International and Strategic Studies, January 14, 2010, http://csis .org/event/post-copenhagen-outlook. 42 H.R. 2454, 111th Cong. (2009–2010); American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, (accessed June 21, 2011). 43 Ibid. 44 .aspx. 45 The clearing price for a short ton of CO2 has decreased from $3.07 at the ½rst auction to $1.93 at the sixteenth auction. See 46 See Note that climate change does not appear on this list at all. The closest match, “Environment/pollution,” is listed as a non-economic problem. 47 Ibid. 48 The First World Climate Conference was organized by the World Meteorological Organiza- tion in 1979; Hunter et al., International Environmental Law and Policy, 667.

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49 See, for instance, Michael H. -bigger-couch. Dworkin, Roman V. 50 Peter Schwartz and Doug Randall, “An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications Sidortsov for United States National Security,” report prepared by the Global Business Network for & Benjamin the Department of Defense, October 2003. K. Sovacool 51 “Publication of the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change” (London: The National Archives, hm Treasury, October 30, 2006), 52 Nicholas Stern, Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change, prepublication draft (London: The Nation Archives, hm Treasury, October 2006), vii. 53 Ibid. 54 Ibid., viii. 55 See generally, , “The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change,” white paper, May 3, 2007, 56 Ibid., 9; Robert O. Mendelsohn, “A Critique of the Stern Report,” Regulation 29 (4) (Winter 2006–2007): 42–46. 57 Mendelsohn, “A Critique of the Stern Report,” 42, 44. 58 Admiral J. W. Greenert, “Navy Climate Change Roadmap,” memorandum for distribution, May 21, 2010. 59 Task Force Climate Change, “U.S. Navy Climate Change Roadmap” (Washington, D.C.: Department of the Navy, April 2010), 3, 60 Ibid., 3, 16. 61 62 63 ClimateWise Principles: The Fourth Independent Review 2011 (London: PricewaterhouseCoopers llp and ClimateWise, 2011), 3, -2011/ClimateWise%20Fourth%20Year%20Review%20-%20Summary%20Version.pdf. 64 Ibid., 4. 65 Ibid. 66 67 See Ronald J. Binz et al., “Practicing Risk-Aware Electricity Regulation: What Every State Regulator Needs to Know” (Boston: Ceres, April 2012), 1, 5, 31. 68 C. P. Snow, The Two Cultures and a Second Look (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1959). 69 This observation is based on Michael Dworkin’s personal experience as a member of the Boards of Directors of the American Council for an Energy-Ef½cient Economy and of the Elec- tric Power Research Institute. 70 The phrase is borrowed from former U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson, who used it to describe the conscious creation of institutions (such as the United Nations, nato, the Inter- national Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and the World Bank) that aided U.S. policy for a half-century following World War II. See Dean Acheson, Present at the Cre- ation: My Years in the State Department (New York: Norton, 1969). Acheson received the 1970 Pulitzer Prize in History for his book.

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Energy in the Context of Sustainability

Rosina M. Bierbaum & Pamela A. Matson

Abstract: Today and in the coming decades, the world faces the challenge of meeting the needs of a still- growing human population, and of doing it sustainably–that is, without affecting the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Energy plays a pivotal role in this challenge, both because of its impor- tance to economic development and because of the myriad interactions and influences it has on other crit- ical sustainability issues. In this essay, we explore some of the direct interactions between energy and other things people need, such as food, water, fuel, and clean air, and also some of its indirect interactions with climate, ecosystems, and the habitability of the planet. We discuss some of the challenges and potential unintended consequences that are associated with a transition to clean, affordable energy as well as opportunities that make sense for energy and other sustainability goals. Pursuing such opportunities is critical not just to meeting the energy needs of nine billion people, but also to meeting their other critical needs and to maintaining a planet that supports human life in the near and long term.

The term sustainability–widely used today in cor- porate, academic, government, nongovernmental, and community settings–is de½ned in multiple ways. In the corporate sector, sustainability typi- cally refers to the triple bottom line, or “three- legged stool,” that incorporates concern for the economy, the environment, and social equity into industrial or economic activities. In development ROSINA M BIERBAUM . , a Fellow circles, the term often describes a pattern of devel- of the American Academy since opment that “meets the needs of the present with- 2007, is Dean Emerita and Profes- sor of Natural Resources and Envi- out compromising the ability of future generations 1 ronmental Policy at the University to meet their own needs,” or that promotes human of Michigan. well-being while protecting and conserving the life support systems of the planet.2 Most biodiversity- PAMELA A. MATSON, a Fellow of the American Academy since 1992, conservation organizations embrace the strategy is the Chester Naramore Dean of that the International Union for Conservation of the School of Earth Sciences and Nature outlined in 1980 to integrate conservation the Richard and Rhoda Goldman and development objectives.3 Despite differences Professor of Environmental Stud- in these and other de½nitions, all share a common ies at Stanford University. concern: to maintain the planetary resources need- (*See endnotes for complete contributor ed to meet today’s needs as well as those of future biographies.) generations.

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No resource is more fundamental to the critical inter-linkages between energy Rosina M. human development and well-being than use and other key issues, such as food, Bierbaum & Pamela A. energy. Energy is a key ingredient of water, health, national security, and pres- Matson almost all aspects of human existence, ervation of ecosystem services. It also ex- from producing food, to accessing and amines what may be energy’s largest long- purifying water, to heating and lighting term challenge to sustainability: namely, homes, to transporting materials and its impact on climate change. The rapidly people, to creating the goods and tech- evolving sustainability challenges on the nologies that humanity has come to rely planet–driven by the speed of change in on. Therefore, human well-being depends population, consumption, infrastructure on sustainable, reliable, and enduring development, and climate change, among forms of energy. Yet for many, access to other factors–threaten to outpace the affordable energy remains an aspiration: capacity of human and natural systems to there are still billions of people worldwide adapt. Thus, transformation of global who do not have access to electricity and energy systems must be quick, and it must modern forms of energy, and as a result, commence immediately. This essay dis- energy is among the most frequently cusses these factors and calls for enhanced cited sustainability challenges.4 As popu- public and private support of technology lation growth combines with increased development worldwide, as well as for a consumption patterns, demand for ener- workforce trained to solve interdiscipli- gy services will rise sharply.5 Moreover, nary problems, in order to achieve revolu- access to reliable sources of energy–even tionary–not evolutionary–advances in in areas that have had access in the recent energy and progress toward sustainability past–is a growing concern. Signi½cant goals. technical, economic, and national secu- rity issues affect the availability of fossil Among the many interconnections fuels–namely, coal, oil, and natural gas– between energy and other resources, the that currently supply 82 percent of global nexus of energy and water is perhaps the energy and 85 percent of U.S. energy.6 most well studied and clearly document- The use of fossil fuels also has signi½cant ed.9 Energy is used to collect and pump environmental impacts, including the surface and groundwater; to transport and production of pollutants that affect the distribute water for multiple uses; to de- health of people and ecosystems from salinate seawater; to transport and treat local to global scales. wastewater; and to heat and cool water As a result of these burgeoning con- for industrial, commercial, and residential cerns, efforts are under way around the end use.10 Nearly one billion people do world to transform energy systems into not have access to clean water, and nearly something cleaner, more reliable, and two billion do not have access to sanita- affordable for all.7 This transformation is tion, so the demands for energy to help urgently needed, as global demand for provide these essential services will only energy will likely triple over this century.8 increase.11 How that energy is supplied and distrib- Water is also essential to many elements uted–and in what form–will determine of energy production. Among other uses, whether the next generation inherits a it is used to extract fuels and manage other sustainable planet. aspects of mining and geologic produc- This essay explores energy in the con- tion; for cooling in thermal electricity text of sustainability, focusing on some of generation (using coal, gas, nuclear, and

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Energy in the other fuel sources); for producing geo- currently exceeds recharge levels, and Context of thermal and hydrothermal energy; for because global water consumption dou- Sustainability scrubbing pollutants in coal-½red plants; bled between 1960 and 2000 and contin- and in the steam turbines of power ues to grow rapidly, the energy/water plants. In turn, contamination of surface nexus will require more integrated and water and shallow groundwater from the innovative planning to manage these sys- production of energy resources is one of tems in the coming decades.18 the most critical sources of water pollu- tion.12 Acid mine drainage from coal Energy and food production are like- mines has a long history of environmen- wise connected. Energy is critical to tal and health concerns, but newer tech- every step of the food supply chain,19 and nologies also raise concerns. Indeed, one food-related energy use across the cycle– of the most worrisome consequences of from production to use and disposal–is a hydraulic fracturing of shale for natural major and growing fraction of national gas production, which has recently sky- energy budgets. At the agricultural end of rocketed in the United States and else- this chain, energy is used to produce and where, is related to the large amounts of apply fertilizers; to pump and distribute water needed to carry out the fracturing irrigation water; to produce and apply process, as well as inadvertent contamina- pesticides; and to till the soil, harvest tion of surface water and shallow aquifer crops, and carry out other on-site manage- resources that can take place under poor ment practices. Among these, irrigation drilling practices.13 is often the most signi½cant consumer of The cautious good news is that ef½cien- energy. For example, a 2005 study estimat- cy of water use in traditional energy pro- ed that pumping groundwater for agricul- duction has been on the rise and is ex- ture represents one-third of annual energy pected to continue. In the United States, use in India; as a result, high-energy costs for example, the average amount of water can limit the use of irrigation pumping to withdrawn per kilowatt-hour of electrici- maintain and expand agriculture.20 Ener- ty production has decreased over the past gy use per “unit” output is much higher several decades. But because absolute for livestock systems than for cropping energy consumption has risen, the total systems because there are inef½ciencies amount of water consumed has also at several steps in the process. In 2008, increased.14 Some alternative energy ecologist David Pimentel and colleagues sources, such as solar photovoltaics and calculated that the fossil energy required wind, use relatively low amounts of water. to produce animal products consumed in Thus, diversifying the energy supply with the American diet accounts for 50 percent these alternatives will help reduce the of the nation’s total food-related energy water demand for energy production.15 demand.21 Some bioenergy sources, on the other Energy is used along the remainder of hand, use substantial amounts of water the food supply chain as well–from trans- in the growth, conversion, maintenance, portation, processing, and packaging to and harvesting of crops to produce fuels household food-related activities such as such as ethanol,16 raising concerns about travel for purchasing food, refrigeration, water shortages and the sustainability of freezer storage, and food preparation. Not biofuel energy production.17 surprisingly, given the close connection Given that more than one billion people between energy and food, rising energy live in river basin areas where water use costs lead to higher average food costs,

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and spikes in oil prices are related to spikes fossil fuel combustion–can reduce life Rosina M. in food prices.22 Many opportunities exist expectancy. Air pollutants, especially vol- Bierbaum & Pamela A. for improving the ef½ciency of energy use atile carbon and nitrogen oxides from Matson (and other resource use) in food produc- stationary and mobile sources, drive tro- tion, but as is the case with water, increas- pospheric ozone pollution, with impacts es in ef½ciency can easily be offset by on lung function as well as agricultural population growth and shifts to less- systems.28 Although exposure to air pol- ef½cient consumption patterns. To meet lution damages the health of everyone, the estimated 70 to 100 percent increase numerous studies have shown that cer- in food needed by 2050 to feed the grow- tain groups–for example, the elderly, ing global population, many analysts sug- children, and those with underlying dis- gest that we must radically change the ease–are at greater risk of being affected way food is produced, processed, stored, by air pollutants.29 and distributed. In addition, methods for About 40 percent of the global popula- eliminating waste must be found; 30 to tion–often the poorest–relies on dung, 40 percent of food is lost to waste in both agricultural wastes, and wood fuels for developing and developed countries.23 cooking and heating.30 Exposure to emis- Such goals can have signi½cant conse- sions from these fuels in the home extracts quences for energy as well as food and huge health care consequences.31 Beyond water.24 the direct health concerns, the fact that Despite the clear influence of energy on poorer individuals expend proportionally the production, distribution, and cost of more of their income on energy, despite food, until recently the food/energy con- using far less energy than the rich, leads to nection was not well understood. Mod- insecurity in critical areas such as health ern biofuels have been heralded for their care, education, and food.32 Moreover, be- contributions to energy security and for cause higher energy prices inflate the prices reductions in environmental costs from of almost all other goods and services (and fossil fuels; but many analysts suggest can account for up to 15 percent of total that, at least for ½rst-generation biofuels prices of food, textiles, lumber, paper, and like corn ethanol, the return on invest- other necessities), the poor suffer not just ment may not yield signi½cant net energy in access to energy under rising prices, but bene½ts or greenhouse gas reductions. At in access to other essential needs.33 the same time, the manufacture of corn Energy also plays a signi½cant role in ethanol competes for valuable land with national security. All the issues discussed activities such as food production and thus far (energy and water, energy and biodiversity conservation.25 Moreover, food, and energy and health), in addition some studies have found that food prices to issues such as population migration, may rise as a result of increased competi- energy acquisition, and energy diversi½ca- tion for land between food and biofuels.26 tion, are key determinants of both nation- al and global security.34 The energy tran- There is a long litany of health impacts sition can either reduce or enhance the associated with energy use. More than potential for conflict. In particular, the di- ½ve million premature deaths annually versi½cation of energy supplies and the are attributable to air pollution and other transition to alternative sources of energy energy-related effects.27 In most devel- is critical–as suggested by the staggering oped countries, exposure to particulates– of½cial estimates that the Pentagon has predominantly sulfates and soot from paid $40 to $400 per gallon of fuel (includ-

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Energy in the ing the cost to transport the fuel) to power to increase resilience to climate impacts. Context of a combat vehicle or aircraft in Afghan- Climate change poses great risks for a wide Sustainability istan.35 Ensuring that energy is readily range of resources and environmental available, sustainable, and resilient will systems, including freshwater resources, continue to be a key component of nation- agriculture and ½sheries, coastal environ- al and global security concerns.36 ments, and ocean and land ecosystems.38 For example, as the climate changes, dry The preceding sections illustrate some of places on the planet are expected to the most direct ways that energy choices become drier and subject to more severe affect our ability to meet other critical hu- drought, while wet places may experience man needs. Our energy choices also have increasing intensity of rainfall and asso- an impact on the life support capacity of ciated damages. Agricultural systems will the planet, including on our atmosphere face higher temperatures, which could and ecosystems (and the services they push certain crops out of historical pro- provide), and, perhaps most important, on duction zones; increased demand for climate–speci½cally, through the emis- water; and new disease vectors that could sions of greenhouse gases, principally disrupt production. Most models suggest carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide dramatic increases in the frequency of and particulates from combusting carbon- very hot temperatures,39 which could lead based fossil fuels. Climate change in turn to greater public health impacts from heat affects all components of human and nat- stress, increased demand for energy to ural systems, adding both complexity cool built environments, and greater risks and urgency to the search for sustainable of food shortages.40 energy solutions. A substantial body of The impact of climate change on the fre- evidence, accumulated through several quency and intensity of extreme weather decades of multidisciplinary research, events is of particular concern.41 During indicates that Earth’s global climate has the past several decades, the United States already warmed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit. has been subjected to a greater frequency Most of the warming can be attributed to of extreme weather.42 We have too often greenhouse gas emissions from the burn- seen how floods and droughts can affect ing of fossil fuels for energy as well as, to a global production of goods and services, lesser extent, emissions from land use thereby disrupting energy, water, and food and agriculture.37 The pace and magni- systems as well as global trade. Hurricanes tude of current changes are challenging Katrina and Rita, for example, shut down the historic tolerances of species and or suspended three-quarters of the more infrastructure; planning based on the cli- than four thousand offshore oil and gas mate of the past is no longer an option. platforms overseen by the U.S. Depart- Climate change is associated with a ment of the Interior.43 Moreover, recent broad spectrum of other changes, includ- droughts and floods in Pakistan and Thai- ing increases in extreme precipitation land have killed thousands, displaced events, more frequent hot spells, rising millions, and disrupted supply chains for sea levels, and shifts in ranges of crops, commodities as diverse as clothing, food, forests, and pests. The future severity of and computer hard disks.44 these and other impacts will depend on While strategies for achieving the sus- how much the climate changes, and that tainable production and supply of energy will depend on what humanity does both must seek to reduce greenhouse gas emis- to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and sions and climate change, they will also

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need to consider the energy system’s greenhouse gas emissions. A clean-energy Rosina M. resilience to climate-related impacts. transformation can go hand in hand with Bierbaum & Pamela A. Such efforts will be critically important other forms of sustainable development Matson across temporal and spatial scales; indeed, in developing countries.47 extreme events as well as slow-onset Whether developing countries embark events, such as sea level rise, can pose on a more sustainable development path serious challenges to the ability to meet will be heavily influenced by transition global energy demand. costs; higher-income countries must pro- International, national, and regional in- vide ½nancial and technical support. stitutions are, in many ways, ill-prepared Global cooperation will require more than to cope with current weather-related ½nancial contributions, however. Devel- disasters, let alone potential problems oping countries harbor the concern that such as a growing number of refugees integrating climate concerns with devel- fleeing environmental damages spawned opment decisions could erode existing by climate change.45 Concomitant with an development assistance or shift responsi- energy transition, society must improve bility for mitigation onto the developing natural resource management and pre- world. Enshrining a principle of equity in paredness/response strategies to deal regional or global deals would do much with future climatic conditions that will to dispel such concerns and generate be fundamentally different from those trust.48 Moreover, high-income countries experienced in the last hundred years. must bring their own indefensible energy footprints down to sustainable levels. Pursuing the energy transition in the A major concern of developing coun- context of sustainable development rais- tries is technology access. Innovation in es special challenges and opportunities. energy-related technologies remains con- Among these, equity among the more and centrated in high-income countries, al- less developed countries of the world and though developing countries are increas- trends in urbanization deserve special ing their presence. (For example, China is attention. Energy access across the planet seventh in overall renewable energy pat- is deeply uneven; the poorest on the ents, and an Indian ½rm is now the leader planet use about 5 percent of the energy in on-road electric cars.) In addition, de- consumed by the average U.S. citizen. veloping countries–at least the smaller or According to the World Bank’s Data Cata- poorer ones–may need assistance to pro- log, the United States used 7,000 kg of oil duce new technology or tailor it to their equivalent per capita in 2009. By compar- unique local circumstances. Internation- ison, India, China, South Africa, Ethiopia, al transfers of clean technologies have so and Bangladesh used 560, 1,700, 3,000, far been modest. They have occurred in, 400, and 200 kg of oil equivalent per capi- at best, one-third of the projects funded ta, respectively.46 However, many of the through the Clean Development Mecha- easiest and cheapest opportunities to re- nism, the main channel for ½nancing duce energy use, produce clean energy, investments in low-carbon technologies and reduce climate and other environ- in developing countries.49 mental changes can be found in develop- ing countries, where infrastructure has yet Meeting clean-energy objectives with- to be built, where there is potential to out detracting from other sustainability greatly improve ef½ciency of energy use, goals will require careful processes, tools, and where land-use practices can decrease and approaches for selecting among op-

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Energy in the tions and recognizing competing demands risks associated with accidents and stor- Context of for land, water, energy, and a variety of age of waste material.57 Sustainability ecosystem services in the face of a grow- We must also carefully consider how fu- ing population.50 Over the course of the ture energy choices affect our ability both last few decades, progressive degradation to mitigate and adapt to climate change. of the environment by human activities As noted above, the range of clean-energy has been increasingly well documented. choices could reduce or mitigate climate Loss of biodiversity and overuse of natu- change but could also negatively affect the ral resources have already reduced or ren- preservation of biodiversity, natural re- dered less reliable some ecosystem ser- sources, and ecosystem services. At the vices, with signi½cant adverse impacts on same time, the effects of climate change society.51 The energy sources that we on food and water resources and ecosys- choose, where those sources are located, tem services could impede the use of these and the amount of water and land con- resources in the development of clean- sumed to access the sources will affect energy alternatives. Moreover, efforts to sustainability goals. meet human needs through adaptation to Certain types of biomass (ethanol, for climate change–for example, greater use example) currently compete with tradi- of electricity for air conditioning or water tional agriculture for access to limited land and energy resources for irrigation–could and water.52 This competition is projected have unintended impacts on energy use, to intensify as global demand for biofuels increasing greenhouse gas emissions. A rises; looking ahead, a fourfold increase sensible strategy should, on the one hand, in biofuel production, primarily in North seek to rapidly mitigate the pace and ulti- America and Europe, is expected by mate magnitude of climate change and 2030.53 Pressure to expand land for bio- other environmental degradation and, on fuels could lead to a massive conversion the other hand, adapt to unavoidable cli- of managed and unmanaged forests and mate changes already under way as well preserved areas, further jeopardizing in- as those that are yet to come.58 digenous cultures and biodiversity. Plac- ing a value on the carbon held in forests Growing urbanization poses both op- and soils could lessen this impact signi½- portunities and challenges for the energy cantly.54 transition as well as for broader climate Large wind and solar developments also and sustainable development goals. Cities pose challenges.55 They consume large are major consumers of resources; they tracks of land, raise potential noise con- are also centers for job creation and eco- cerns associated with energy generation, nomic growth. Cities are responsible for and rely on a manufacturing process that two-thirds of global energy consumption, could produce toxic waste if new genera- and this proportion will continue to tion techniques are not created.56 Addi- grow.59 By 2050, eight billion of the nine tionally, wind and solar both face pressure billion people in the world will live in from nimby (“Not In My Backyard”) cities (with ½ve billion in the developing syndrome, whereby local residents want world). Today, one million people are to have access to these technologies but, added to the urban population each week. for aesthetic reasons, do not want new de- Such rapid urbanization is compatible velopments in their communities. Carbon with sustainability goals only if green capture and storage and nuclear energy infrastructure becomes a criterion for can also affect local landscapes and carry new buildings and retro½ts, and if nega-

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tive consequences on food access and systems) through joint strategies for Rosina M. human health are avoided.60 resource management and public/private Bierbaum & Pamela A. Given the need to transform energy in ½nance. Matson the near term in order to reduce the most critical challenges of climate change, Change in global energy systems that is inertia in the built environment poses a concordant with sustainable development particular challenge. Infrastructure invest- will require policy and regulatory actions, ments are long-lived; existing factories, as well as other incentives, to be aligned. power plants, roads, and power distribu- For new technologies to be accepted in the tion networks will remain in place for de- market, they must be attractive–in terms cades. Decisions made today concerning of performance, convenience, and cost– land use and urban form (the structure to investors, purchasers, and users. Regu- and density of cities) will have impacts lations and standards that target perfor- lasting more than a century. And long- mance characteristics can help spur tech- lived infrastructure triggers investments nological development and improve mar- in associated capital (such as cars for low- ket attractiveness.61 density municipalities, or gas-½red heat Many of the alternative energy options and power generation capacity where needed to address the sustainability chal- there are gas pipelines), locking econo- lenge are available today. In the United mies into lifestyles and energy consump- States, existing energy-ef½ciency technol- tion patterns. ogies could more than offset the projected Because of their density, ef½ciency, and increase in energy consumption between ability to incorporate innovations and now and 2030, thereby substantially re- new technologies (in addition to the infra- ducing health impacts, greenhouse gas structural opportunities noted above), emissions, and expenditures.62 Globally, cities are ideal environments for enhanc- one dollar spent on energy ef½ciency saves ing quality of life, using land and water two dollars through investments in new more ef½ciently, and reducing green- supply, with the savings being even house gas emissions. Particularly for greater in developing countries.63 In ad- underserved communities, there are many dition, solar, wind, and geothermal tech- opportunities in cities to modernize deliv- nologies are rapidly becoming more ery of energy services while also priori- ef½cient and affordable, increasing their tizing more ef½cient infrastructure and viability.64 These three technologies use protecting and restoring green spaces. little water and can be scaled in size and Coordination of place-based policies can tailored to local contexts; thus, they can simultaneously enhance transportation help promote energy security while also choices, improve air and water quality, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from reduce waste, maintain a reliable water fossil fuels.65 Although still only a small and energy supply, advance public health percentage of installed energy supply, and awareness, enhance disaster pre- investments in clean energy grew by paredness and response, increase climate 5 percent in 2011, to a record $260 billion, resilience, use public resources more with a total of $30 billion in new solar and ef½ciently, help mobilize private invest- $30 billion in new wind investments put ment, and strengthen local decision- into place.66 making. Cities also offer opportunities The near-term transition to the cleanest for capturing cross-cutting ef½ciencies energy choices available requires policy (for example, across water and energy tools to enable and encourage sustainable

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Energy in the energy development. Incentives must be ping ready-to-use equipment to develop- Context of tailored to the maturity and costs of tech- ing countries: it entails building absorp- Sustainability nologies as well as to national context. tive capacity and enhancing the ability of For example, most energy-ef½ciency mea- the public and private sectors to identify, sures are ½nancially viable for investors adopt, adapt, improve, and employ the at their current prices, but other barriers most appropriate technologies.70 To estab- must be overcome: the upfront capital lish these conditions, governments must necessary to install ef½ciency devices, lack implement enabling policies and build of ½nancing, market failures, and high regulatory frameworks–targeting public transaction costs.67 Regulatory reform, resources carefully–to leverage private such as updated standards and codes, and capital, reduce the risk associated with ½nancial incentives, such as fuel surcharg- investing capital, stimulate innovation, es and consumer rebates, are crucial to and create competitive and viable mar- alleviate these pressures.68 Many avail- kets for electricity and energy.71 able renewable energy technologies are economically viable but not ½nancially In addition to rapid transitions in cur- viable; that is, with the exception of rent energy systems, addressing today’s hydroelectric power, they are not yet cost complex, interconnected sustainability competitive with fossil fuels. Global sub- challenges will require developing and sidies for fossil fuel production and con- deploying the next generation of tech- sumption, estimated to total $400 billion nologies and implementing the tools and per year, make it dif½cult for new tech- approaches needed to make good choices. nologies to compete.69 Therefore, policies A successful energy transformation calls that subsidize renewables or that reduce for greatly enhanced efforts to support subsidies to fossil fuels can help level the R&D, to ½nance incremental costs of new playing ½eld. technologies and approaches, and to facil- In theory, developing countries could itate technology transfer. Nothing short leapfrog to available clean-energy tech- of a paradigm shift is needed to promote nologies. However, low-income countries a “green growth” economy that can meet face signi½cant market barriers to tech- burgeoning energy demands, especially nology absorption. Meeting development for the world’s poorest, while also enhanc- goals and providing access to clean energy ing sustainable development. Poverty requires signi½cantly stepping up inter- reduction remains urgent but growth and national efforts to diffuse existing tech- equity can be pursued without relying on nologies and to develop and deploy new policies and practices that foul the air, ones. Public and private investment must water, and land and that degrade ecosys- be ramped up signi½cantly to several tem services.72 hundreds of billions of dollars annually. Technological innovation and its asso- “Technology push” policies that increase ciated institutional adjustments are key to public investments in R&D will not alone developing sustainable energy at a reason- be suf½cient; they must be matched with able cost. Strengthening national innova- “market pull” policies that create public- tion and technology capacity can provide and private-sector incentives for entre- a powerful catalyst for development. preneurship, for collaboration, and for High-income economies–the world’s ½nding innovative solutions in unlikely major emitters–can replace their stock of places. Diffusion of climate-smart tech- high-carbon technologies with climate- nology requires much more than ship- smart alternatives and invest in tomor-

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row’s breakthrough innovations. Middle- solutions, and experiences with planners, Rosina M. income countries can invest in low-carbon managers, and policy-makers in a two-way Bierbaum & Pamela A. growth and ensure that their ½rms take dialogue that improves both research and Matson advantage of existing technologies to decision-making. There is a tremendous compete globally. Low-income countries opportunity to share “best practices” with can enhance the technological capacity other nations, regions, and localities. to meet sustainability goals and adapt to Communities and organizations faced climate change by identifying, assessing, with energy-sustainability decisions would adopting, and improving available tech- bene½t from regional sustainability hubs, nologies with local knowledge and know- or “clearinghouses,” that could integrate how. research and practice, share processes and Reaping the bene½ts of low-carbon approaches, and make available success technologies will require signi½cant stories and options from around the changes in individual and organizational world.76 behavior, as well as a host of innovative ap- Investments in new kinds of education proaches and policies to improve human and training will also be needed.77 Man- well-being, reduce human vulnerability, aging the interconnected issues that and manage natural resources.73 Current affect sustainability will require interdis- public expenditures on basic energy R&D ciplinary perspectives and “systems” amount to about $13 billion–roughly thinking. Integrative perspectives will be what Americans spend on pet food each vital in developing new technologies that year. Despite a recent upsurge in private can provide affordable, accessible clean spending on energy R&D, to about $60 energy while they conserve water, ensure billion per year, the total hovers around reliable food production, and preserve 0.5 percent of revenue. That remains an ecosystems and their services. The full order of magnitude smaller than the 8 per- suite of social and natural sciences and cent of revenue invested in R&D in the engineering must be galvanized to devel- electronics industry and the 15 percent op solutions that are technologically fea- that goes into the pharmaceuticals sec- sible, socially desirable, inclusive, and tor.74 For more than a decade, many politically and economically possible. reports have called for increasing money Fortunately, today’s college and gradu- directed toward basic energy research by ate students appear to be increasingly anywhere in the range of twofold to ten- interested in, and capable of, tackling fold.75 We will not be able to meet energy these complex interdisciplinary problems. needs while sustaining human and One-third of the graduate students in the ecosystem well-being without a substan- School of Natural Resources and Environ- tially increased and sustained investment ment at the University of Michigan have in new clean-energy technologies by chosen to pursue dual master’s degrees in both the public and private sectors. such disparate areas as natural resources, Certainly, knowledge institutions such engineering, business, economics, public as universities and research centers are policy, public health, and urban planning. engaged in research to help develop such Likewise, at Stanford University, approxi- technologies and approaches, but they mately one-third of undergraduates obtain can also help inform decision-making, degrees in interdisciplinary programs, and including the development of context- many graduate students select joint, dual, speci½c energy policies. Increasingly, uni- or interdisciplinary programs. The under- versities must strive to share knowledge, graduate Earth Systems Program and the

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Energy in the graduate Emmett Interdisciplinary Pro- services, and greenhouse gas emissions for Context of gram in Environment and Resources, years to come.78 These issues are linked Sustainability both at Stanford, and the Program in the to one another. Efforts to address the Environment at the University of Michi- energy challenge–or any other sustain- gan help prepare students to address ability challenge–will be best served by a complex global challenges related to systematic and integrative approach, one energy, food, water, and environmental that seeks to understand costs, trade-offs, change. There is great promise in these and co-bene½ts across the range of criti- future problem-solvers working creatively cal concerns. Our choices about current toward a more sustainable world. and future energy sources need to be Today’s choices about energy produc- made in the context of the multiple goals tion and generation will influence, both of sustainable development. Indeed, the directly and indirectly, the trajectory of future of humankind and the planet water consumption, food production, depend on it. public health, national security, ecosystem

endnotes * Contributor Biographies: ROSINA M. BIERBAUM, a Fellow of the American Academy since 2007, is Dean Emerita and Professor of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in both the School of Natural Resources and Environment and the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan. She was appointed to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology in 2009. She is a World Bank Fellow, Chair of the National Climate Assess- ment’s chapter on adaptation, and a Review Editor for the Intergovernmental Panel on Cli- mate Change. Her publications include Sustaining Environmental Capital: Protecting Society and the Economy (2011), which she cochaired; World Development Report 2010: Development and Climate Change (2010), which she codirected; and Confronting Climate Change: Avoiding the Unmanageable and Managing the Unavoidable (2007). PAMELA A. MATSON, a Fellow of the American Academy since 1992, is the Chester Nara- more Dean of the School of Earth Sciences and the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Professor of Environmental Studies at Stanford University, where she is also a Senior Fellow of the Woods Institute for the Environment. She cochaired the National Academy’s Roundtable on Science and Technology for Sustainability, served on the National Research Council’s Board on Sus- tainable Development and Committee on America’s Climate Choices, and is a past President of the Ecological Society of America. She is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a MacArthur Fellow, and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Her publications include Seeds of Sustainability: Lessons from the Birthplace of the Green Revolution in Agriculture (2012) and America’s Climate Choices: Advancing the Science of Climate Change (2010). Her work has appeared in Science, Nature, and BioScience, among others. 1 World Commission on Environment and Development, Our Common Future (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987). 2 National Research Council, Policy Division, Board on Sustainable Development, Our Common Journey: A Transition Toward Sustainability (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 1999). 3 World Conservation Strategy: Living Resource Conservation for Sustainable Development (Gland, Switzerland: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1980). 4 World Development Report 2010: Development and Climate Change (Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 2010); wehab Working Group, “A Framework for Actions on Energy,” paper prepared

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for the World Committee on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, South Africa, August Rosina M. 2002, Bierbaum & 5 Pamela A. The Royal Society Science Policy Centre, People and the Planet (London: The Royal Society, Matson April 2012). 6 2011 Key World Energy Statistics (Paris: International Energy Agency, 2011), http://www.iea .org/textbase/nppdf/free/2011/key_world_energy_stats.pdf; National Research Council, America’s Energy Future: Technology and Transformation: Summary Edition (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2009). 7 See Robert W. Fri and Stephen Ansolabehere, “The Alternative Energy Future: Challenges for Technological Change,” Dædalus 141 (2) (Spring 2012): 5–9. 8 National Research Council, America’s Climate Choices: Limiting the Magnitude of Future Climate Change (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2010); Detlef van Vuuren, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Keywan Riahi, Abeeku Brew-Hammond, Dan Kammen, Vijay Modi, Måns Nils- son, Kirk Smith, “An Energy Vision: The Transformation Towards Sustainability–Inter- connected Challenges and Solutions,” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4 (1) (February 2012): 18–34; Brian Fisher, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Knut Alfsen, Jan Corfee Morlot, Francisco de la Chesnaye, Jean-Charles Hourcade, Kejun Jiang, Mikiko Kainuma, Emilio La Rovere, Anna Matysek, Ashish Rana, Keywan Riahi, Richard Richels, Steven Rose, Detlef van Vuuren, and Rachel Warren, “Issues Related to Mitigation in the Long-Term Context,” in Climate Change 2007–Mitigation of Climate Change: Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC, ed. Bert Metz et al. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007). 9 James E. McMahon and Sarah K. Price, “Water and Energy Interactions,” Annual Review of Environment and Resources 36 (November 2011): 163–191; World Economic Forum, in part- nership with Cambridge Energy Research Associates, Energy Vision Update 2009: Thirsty Energy: Water and Energy in the 21st Century (Geneva, Switzerland: World Economic Forum, 2009); Harvey Brooks and Jack M. Hollander, “United States Energy Alternatives to 2010 and Beyond: The conaes Study,” Annual Review of Energy 4 (November 1979): 1–70. 10 Report on the First Quadrennial Technology Review (Washington, D.C.: Department of Energy, 2011). 11 Meeting the MDG Drinking-Water and Sanitation Target: The Urban and Rural Challenge Target of the Decade (Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; New York: The United Nations Children’s Fund, 2006); Coping with Water Scarcity: Challenge of the Twenty-First Cen- tury, Report for World Water Day 2007 (Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2007). 12 Lucy Allen, Michael J. Cohen, David Abelson, and Bart Miller, “Fossil Fuel and Water Qual- ity,” in The World’s Water: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources, vol. 7, ed. Peter H. Gleick (Washington, D.C.: Paci½c Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security, 2011). 13 Daniel P. Schrag, “Is Shale Gas Good for Climate Change?” Dædalus 141 (2) (Spring 2012): 72–80; Secretary of Energy Advisory Board, The SEAB Shale Gas Production Subcommittee Ninety-Day Report–August 11, 2011, _day_report.pdf. 14 Estimating Fresh Water Needs to Meet Future Thermoelectric Generation Requirements, Report doe/ netl-400/2009/1339 (Pittsburgh, Penn.: National Energy Technology Lab, September 30, 2010). 15 Energy Demands on Water Resources: Report to Congress on the Interdependency of Energy and Water (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy, 2006). 16 Gouri Shankar Mishra and Sonia Yeh, “Analysis of Lifecycle Water Requirement of Trans- portation Fuels: Corn-Based Ethanol–Model Version 1.1,” Research Report ucd-its-rr-10-11, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, 2010.

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Energy in the 17 Winnie Gerbens-Leenes, Arjen Y. Hoekstra, and Theo H. van der Meer, “The Water Foot- Context of print of Bioenergy,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (2009): 10219–10223. Sustainability 18 United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2006: Beyond Scarcity: Power, Poverty and the Global Water Crisis (New York: undp, 2006); McMahon and Price, “Water and Energy Interactions”; Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Our Human Planet: Summary for Decision-Makers (Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2005). 19 Nathan Pelletier, Eric Audsley, Sonja Brodt, Tara Garnett, Patrik Henriksson, Alissa Kendall, Klaas Jan Kramer, David Murphy, Thomas Nemecek, and Max Troell, “Energy Intensity of Agriculture and Food Systems,” Annual Review of Environment and Resources 36 (2011): 223–246. 20 M. Dinesh Kumar, “Impact of Electricity Prices and Volumetric Water Allocation on Energy and Groundwater Demand Management: Analysis from Western India,” Energy Policy 33 (1) (2005): 39–51. 21 David Pimentel, Sean Williamson, Courtney Alexander, Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, Caitlin Kon- tak, and Steven Mulkey, “Reducing Energy Inputs in the U.S. Food System,” Human Ecology 36 (4) (2008): 459–471. 22 Donald Mitchell, “A Note on Rising Food Prices,” Policy Research Working Paper 4682 (Washington, D.C.: World Bank Development Prospects Group, 2008). 23 H. Charles Godfray, John Beddington, Ian Crute, Lawrence Haddad, David Lawrence, James F. Muir, Jules Pretty, Sherman Robinson, Sandy Thomas, and Camilla Toulmin, “Food Securi- ty: The Challenge of Feeding 9 Billion People,” Science 327 (2010): 812–818. 24 Inclusive Green Growth: The Pathway to Sustainable Development (Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 2012). 25 Timothy Searchinger, Ralph Heimlich, Richard A. Houghton, Fengxia Dong, Amani Elobeid, Jacinto Fabiosa, Simla Tokgoz, Dermot Hayes, and Tun-Hsiang Yu, “Use of U.S. Croplands for Biofuels Increases Greenhouse Gases Through Emissions from Land-Use Change,” Science 319 (2008): 1238–1240; Christian Azar, “Emerging Scarcities–Bioenergy-Food Competition in a Carbon Constrained World,” in Scarcity and Growth Revisited: Natural Resources and the Environment in the New Millennium, ed. R. David Simpson, Michael Toman, and Robert Ayres (Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, 2005); Stefan Bringezu, Helmut Schütz, Meghan O’Brien, Lea Kauppi, Robert W. Howarth, and Jeff McNeely, Assessing Biofuels: Towards Sustainable Production and Use of Resources (Paris: United Nations Environment Pro- gramme–International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management, 2009). 26 Detlef van Vuuren, Ellie Bellevrat, Alban Kitous, and Morna Isaac, “Bio-Energy Use and Low Stabilization Scenarios,” Energy Journal 31 (2010): 193–222; Rosamond L. Naylor and Walter P. Falcon, “The Global Costs of American Ethanol,” The American Interest 7 (2) (2011): 66–76. 27 Kirk Smith, Kalpana Balakrishnan, Colin Butler, Zoë Chafe, Ian Fairlie, Patrick Kinney, Tord Kjellstrom, Denise Mauzerall, Thomas McKone, Anthony McMichael, Mycle Schneider, and Paul Wilkinson, “Energy and Health,” in Global Energy Assessment–Toward a Sustainable Future (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press; Laxenburg, Austria: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2012). 28 Ananth P. Chikkatur, Ankur Chaudhard, and Ambuj D. Sagar, “Coal Power Impacts, Technol- ogy, and Policy: Connecting the Dots,” Annual Review of Environment and Resources 36 (Novem- ber 2011): 101–138. 29 Tanjima Pervin, Ulf-G Gerdtham, and Carl Lyttkens, “Societal Costs of Air Pollution-Related Health Hazards: A Review of Methods and Results,” Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 6 (2008): 19. 30 Van Vuuren et al., “An Energy Vision”; “Sustainable Biofuels: Prospects and Challenges,” Policy Document 01/08 (London: The Royal Society, 2008); Vijay Modi, Susan McDade, Dominique Lallement, and Jamal Saghir, Energy and the Millennium Development Goals (New

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York: Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme, United Nations Development Rosina M. Programme, un Millennium Project, and The World Bank, 2006); Keywan Riahi, Frank Bierbaum & Dentener, Dolf Gielen, Amulf Grubler, Jessica Jewell, Zbigniew Klimont, Volker Krey, David Pamela A. McCollum, Shonali Pachauri, Shilpa Rao, et al., “Energy Pathways for Sustainable Develop- Matson ment,” in Global Energy Assessment. 31 Ambuj D. Sagar and Sivan Kartha, “Bioenergy and Sustainable Development?” Annual Review of Environment and Resources 32 (2007): 131–167. 32 World Development Report 2010. 33 Benjamin K. Sovacool and Marilyn A. Brown, “Competing Dimensions of Energy Security: An International Perspective,” Annual Review of Environment and Resources 35 (2010): 77–108. 34 Rosina M. Bierbaum, John P. Holdren, Michael C. MacCracken, Richard H. Moss, and Peter H. Raven, eds., Confronting Climate Change: Avoiding the Unmanageable and Managing the Unavoid- able, report prepared for the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (Research Triangle Park, N.C.: Sigma Xi; Washington, D.C.: United Nations Foundation, April 2007); Energy for the War½ghter: Operational Energy Strategy (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Depart- ment of Defense, 2011). 35 Moshe Schwartz, Katherine Blakeley, and Ronald O’Rourke, “Department of Defense Energy Initiatives: Background and Issues for Congress” (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2012); Nathan Hodge, “U.S.’s Afghan Headache: $400-a-Gallon Gasoline,” The Wall Street Journal, December 6, 2011, 77080613427403928.html (accessed June 15, 2012). 36 Quadrennial Defense Review (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Defense, 2010). 37 National Research Council, America’s Climate Choices: Advancing the Science of Climate Change (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2010); National Research Council, America’s Climate Choices: Summary Report (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2010); National Research Council, America’s Climate Choices: Limiting the Magnitude of Future Cli- mate Change; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change 2007–The Physi- cal Science Basis: Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007); Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change 2007–Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability: Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007); Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change 2007–Mitigation of Climate Change. 38 National Research Council, America’s Climate Choices: Advancing the Science of Climate Change. 39 National Research Council, Climate Stabilization Targets: Emissions, Concentrations, and Impacts over Decades to Millennia (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2011). 40 David S. Batissti and Rosamond L. Naylor, “Historical Warnings of Future Food Insecurity with Unprecedented Seasonal Heat,” Science 323 (5911) (2009): 240–244; National Research Council, America’s Climate Choices: Advancing the Science of Climate Change. 41 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disas- ters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation: A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the IPCC (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012); Thomas C. Peterson, Peter A. Stott, and Stephanie Herring, “Explaining Extreme Events of 2011 from a Climate Perspective,” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 93 (7) (2012), abs/10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00021.1; Jessica Blunden and Derek S. Arndt, eds., State of the Climate in 2011: Supplement to the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 93 (7) (2012): S1–S264, 42 Jane Lubchenco and Thomas R. Karl, “Predicting and Managing Extreme Weather Events,” Physics Today 65 (3) (March 2012): 31–37.

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Energy in the 43 Susan Tierney, “Adaptation and the Energy Sector,” presentation delivered at the 2007 Nation- Context of al Summit on Coping with Climate Change, School of Natural Resources and Environment, Sustainability University of Michigan, May 8, 2007, ½les/5.8_Tierney.pdf. 44 CDP Water Disclosure Global Report 2011: Raising Corporate Awareness of Global Water Issues (London: Carbon Disclosure Project, 2011); Shamshad Akhtar, “The South Asiatic Monsoon and Flood Hazards in the Indus River Basin, Pakistan,” Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 7 (2) (2011): 101–115; Danny Marks, “Climate Change and Thailand: Impact and Response,” Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 33 (2) (2011): 229– 258. 45 Bierbaum et al., Confronting Climate Change. 46 World Bank Data Catalog (Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 2012), http://data.worldbank .org/indicator/EG.USE.PCAP.KG.OE?order=wbapi_data_value_2009+wbapi_data_value&sort =asc (accessed June 7, 2012). 47 Inclusive Green Growth. 48 See Robert O. Keohane and David G. Victor, “The Transnational Politics of Energy,” in this issue. 49 World Development Report 2010. 50 National Research Council, America’s Climate Choices: Advancing the Science of Climate Change. 51 President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, Report to the President: Sustain- ability Environmental Capital: Protecting Society and the Economy (Washington, D.C.: Executive Of½ce of the President, 2011). 52 National Research Council, America’s Climate Choices: Summary Report; National Research Council, America’s Climate Choices: Adapting to the Impacts (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2010). 53 World Development Report 2010; World Energy Outlook 2006 (Paris: International Energy Agency, 2006). 54 Patrick Luckow, James J. Dooley, Marshall A. Wise, and Son H. Kim, Biomass Energy for Trans- port and Electricity: Large-Scale Utilization under Low CO2 Concentration Scenarios (Richland, Wash.: Paci½c Northwest National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy, 2010). 55 See Roger E. Kasperson and Bonnie J. Ram, “The Public Acceptance of New Energy Tech- nologies,” in this issue. 56 Report on the First Quadrennial Technology Review. 57 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation: Special Report of the IPCC (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011); Mark Z. Jacobson, “Review of Solutions to Global Warming, Air Pollution, and Ener- gy Security,” Energy & Environmental Science 2 (2009): 148–173. 58 Ian Allison, Nathan Bindoff, Robert Bindschadler, Peter Cox, Nathalie de Noblet-Ducoudré, Matthew England, Jane Francis, Nicolas Gruber, Alan Haywood, David Karoly, Georg Kaser, Corinne Le Quéré, Tim Lenton, Michael Mann, Ben McNeil, Andy Pitman, Stefan Rahmstorf, Eric Rignot, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Stephen Schneider, Steven Sherwood, Richard Somerville, Konrad Steffen, Eric Steig, Martin Visbeck, and Andrew Weaver, The Copenhagen Diagnosis: Updating the World on the Latest Climate Science (Sydney, Australia: The University of New South Wales Climate Change Research Centre, 2009), 60; Timothy M. Lenton, “Early Warning of Climate Tipping Points,” Nature Climate Change 1 (2001): 201–209; Catherine P. McMullen and Jason Jabbour, eds., Climate Change Science Compendium 2009 (Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme, 2009); Malte Meinshausen, “What Does a 2°C Target Mean for Greenhouse Gas Concentrations? A Brief Analysis Based on Multi-Gas Emission Pathways and Several Climate Sensitivity Uncertainty Estimates,” in Avoiding Dan-

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gerous Climate, ed. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Wolfgang Cramer, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Rosina M. Tom Wigley, and Gary Yohe (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, Bierbaum & 2006), 265–279; National Research Council, Climate Stabilization Targets; Veerabhadran Pamela A. Ramanathan and Yan Feng, “On Avoiding Dangerous Anthropogenic Interference with the Matson Climate System: Formidable Challenges Ahead,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci- ences 105 (2008): 14245–14250; Bierbaum et al., Confronting Climate Change. 59 Energy Ef½ciency Policy Recommendations: In Support of the G8 Plan of Action (Paris: International Energy Agency, 2008). 60 Lucy Hens, “The Challenge of the Sustainable City,” Environmental Development and Sustain- ability 12 (2010): 875–876; McKinsey Global Institute, Urban World: Mapping the Economic Power of Cities (Washington, D.C.: McKinsey & Company, 2011). 61 National Research Council, America’s Energy Future: Technology and Transformation: Summary Edition. 62Ibid. 63 World Development Report 2010. 64 Report on the First Quadrennial Technology Review. 65 Ibid. 66 Ceres, “Investor Summit on Climate Risk and Energy Solutions: Final Report” (New York: United Nations Foundation, United Nations Of½ce for Partnerships, and Ceres, 2012). 67 National Research Council, America’s Climate Choices: Summary Report; World Development Report 2010. 68World Development Report 2010; van Vuuren et al., “An Energy Vision: The Transformation Towards Sustainability. 69 Inclusive Green Growth. 70 World Development Report 2010. 71 U.S. Government, “Sustainable Development for the Next Twenty Years: United States Views on Rio+20,” Submission to the United Nations, November 1, 2011. 72 Inclusive Green Growth. 73 Ibid. 74 World Development Report 2010. 75 President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, Panel on Energy Research and Development, Report to the President on Federal Energy Research and Development for the Challenges of the Twenty-First Century (Washington, D.C.: Executive Of½ce of the President, 1997); Presi- dent’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, Panel on International Cooperation in Energy Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment, Power Partnerships: The Federal Role in International Cooperation on Energy Innovation (Washington, D.C.: Execu- tive Of½ce of the President, 1999); Bierbaum et al., Confronting Climate Change. 76 Bierbaum et al., Confronting Climate Change; National Research Council, America’s Climate Choices: Advancing the Science of Climate Change. 77 Pamela A. Matson, “The Sustainability Transition,” Issues in Science and Technology 25 (4) (2009): 39–42. 78 National Research Council, America’s Climate Choices: Summary Report.

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Social Sciences & the Alternative Energy Future

Stephen Ansolabehere & Robert W. Fri

Three decades ago the United States, Japan, and the European nations entered into a treaty to limit the use of chlorofluorocarbons (cfcs) and other ozone-depleting chemicals. Scientists at that time concluded that industrial and residential use of cfcs and similar chemicals had caused signi½cant loss of ozone high in the atmosphere, especially over the polar regions. There was further consensus that the thinning of the stratospheric ozone layer would in- crease human exposure to ultraviolet rays, which can cause skin cancers and other adverse health effects, and would degrade the environment in other ways. The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was signed and put into effect in 1989, and it is expected that the damage to the ozone layer will be largely repaired by 2050.1 Worldwide cooperation can solve global environ- mental crises.2 The Montreal Protocol stands as a clear example of such concerted action. Yet there are STEPHEN ANSOLABEHERE, a notable differences between the global action re- Fellow of the American Academy quired to respond to climate change and what was since 2007, is Professor of Govern- necessary in the case of cfcs. Looking back on the ment at Harvard University. experience with cfcs and the Montreal Protocol, ROBERT W. FRI, a Fellow of the Nobel Prize-winning chemist Mario Molina noted American Academy since 2010, is that the global warming challenge is as much a matter a Visiting Scholar and Senior Fel- of public policy and social science as engineering, low Emeritus at Resources for the physics, and chemistry. In fact, the science behind Future. carbon emissions and climate change is far more cer- (*See endnotes for complete contributor tain now than the science behind cfcs and ozone biographies.) depletion was in 1989.3 The vastly different political

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responses to these two environmental To understand the nature of this linkage Stephen challenges can be explained by their par- more clearly, we have supplemented the Ansolabehere & Robert W. ticular root causes. On the one hand, the views of social scientists represented in this Fri technologies accounting for most of the volume with those of respected thinkers ozone-depleting chemicals were highly in the energy and climate ½elds. We con- concentrated in a few industries, and ducted an informal poll of thought leaders close substitutes for cfcs existed. cfcs in the current policy debates, especially could thus be isolated and addressed Steven Koonin, Director of New York Uni- through relatively straightforward regu- versity’s Center for Urban Science and latory regimes. Progress and former Under Secretary for On the other hand, greenhouse gas emis- Science at the Department of Energy; sions from human activities come primar- environmental economist at mit and the ily from burning fossil fuels for electricity Brookings Institution Michael Green- and transportation. Those activities are not stone; and Rebecca Henderson, business isolated to a few industries: electricity and economist and Codirector of the Busi- transportation are integral to nearly every ness and Environment Initiative at Har- aspect of modern economies and societies. vard University. We also reviewed highly To curb global carbon emissions we must regarded reports from the National Acad- fundamentally alter the ways that we emy of Sciences, the American Associa- consume and produce energy. And unlike tion for the Advancement of Science, and cfcs, fossil fuels do not currently have in- the President’s Council of Advisors on expensive alternatives that would deliver Science and Technology. We wanted to the same amount of energy for economic identify the speci½c questions that are activities at a global scale. For these rea- prominent in the energy and climate pol- sons, the path forward on climate change icy communities. To summarize our ½nd- will be very different from the story of ings, we have outlined six key areas of cru- cfcs. cial policy questions. Two issues of Dædalus have examined First: Understanding the Consequences and the Alternative Energy Future. The essays Risks of Inaction. Current climate policy in in this volume and its earlier companion the United States, China, and other coun- (Spring 2012) offer various perspectives tries amounts to addressing future events on what that future might be and how that may happen as a result of changes economic, social, and political decisions in the climate as they become evident. In made today will shape energy use and the short, we are taking our chances on adap- environment over the next ½fty to one tation. hundred years. The central theme of these This policy might make sense if the as- issues echoes Mario Molina’s insight: the sociated risks of inaction are tolerable. If problems are as much social, political, not, the policy could be very costly. Thus, and economic as they are technological. a research priority should be to pin down As a result, the expertise of social scientists, the potential consequences of a changed historians, business leaders, legal schol- climate and, crucially, its impact on human ars, and policy-makers will be essential to activities. What concrete changes can we understanding what an alternative energy expect in key factors such as the amount future might be and how it might be and location of arable land and potable wa- achieved. Our purpose in this concluding ter, the frequency of catastrophic storms, essay is to explore how best to link energy and so forth? What are the costs and ben- policy and the social sciences. e½ts associated with these changes? For

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Social example, rising global temperatures will consequences of the business-as-usual Sciences & likely reduce the amount of arable land in approach as compared with alternative the Alternative Mexico and the Central United States, but energy futures. Energy the amount of arable land in Canada might Second: Behavior. Here, behavior refers to Future increase. What are the projected effects how people decide to use energy. There has on nations’ gdps? What migration pat- been a signi½cant push to study energy use terns might we expect as a result? How by individuals, households, and compa- might changes in water supplies and ara- nies. Of particular interest is the use of ble land affect international relations and behavioral psychology to influence peo- the probability of wars or civil wars? In ple’s energy consumption, such as pro- addition to comprehensive assessments viding people with feedback about their of longer-term consequences, there is a monthly electricity bill or their energy use need for understanding how such projec- compared to their neighbors. Information tions can be used to make decisions can be extremely powerful, reminding us today. What sorts of risks are insurable, of what is important or showing us some- and which are not? Which are likely to thing about our behavior that we hadn’t occur and be highly damaging when they noticed. There are many different mech- do, and how might they be addressed? anisms for providing information to en- In short, social scientists working with ergy consumers (be they ½rms, households, policy-makers can develop appropriate or governments), whether it is given at the modeling tools for decision-making. Such point of use or summarized later in energy tools would assess the outcomes and sce- bills; is expressed in terms of utilization, narios that people living in particular parts emissions, and costs; or emphasizes im- of the nation will likely face, and then provements, targets, or data about other would identify possible ways to mitigate consumers. Many studies ½nd that incre- the risks. For example, rising sea levels over mental changes in behavior are possible the next ½fty years will begin to inundate when people are given information or sim- low-lying areas of coastal cities such as ple nudges; however, it is not yet clear how New Orleans, Miami, Boston, and New long-lived those effects may be. There York. That prospect ought to guide urban needs to be a systematic evaluation of what planning, zoning, and development deci- works and why. sions in these cities so as to avoid even The thorniest issue is how to get people greater problems in a few decades. to care. In their 1994 article “The Energy Different approaches to solving this Ef½ciency Gap,” economists Adam Jaffe problem also have consequences–eco- and Robert Stavins describe the “energy nomic, environmental, and social. The paradox”: that is, the apparent disconnect Stern Review, for example, projected that between availability and use of technolo- 2 percent lower economic growth over a gies that improve energy ef½ciency. Tech- century would avoid some of the worst nologies such as energy-ef½cient appli- climatic outcomes.4 That would amount ances, insulation, smart thermostats, and to a long-term economic recession in many motion sensor lights ostensibly could save countries, which would adversely affect households and businesses considerable the health and well-being of people living amounts on their annual energy expens- in those countries. Expansion of certain es, but households and businesses under- technologies, such as some forms of nu- invest in such items.5 If the economic gains clear power, might bring other risks. We from ef½ciency are real, then why can’t need continued modeling of the possible we capture them? One important behav-

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ioral problem lies in the nature of energy availability of technology, a successful Stephen costs. Energy costs are a very small frac- transition will require the willingness of Ansolabehere & Robert W. tion of the cost of renting and operating developed countries to make advanced Fri most businesses, purchasing and operating energy technologies available worldwide, a car, or owning and maintaining a house. perhaps including nuclear energy tech- As a result, energy is often not as salient nologies. Such transfers are fraught with as other factors, such as households’ strains on international relations. monthly mortgage payments and rent or Third: Price. Global warming, pollution, businesses’ labor costs. The Energy Infor- and security are all external consequences mation Administration estimates that or costs of the production and distribu- the monthly energy cost per square foot tion of energy. The central thrust of social in commercial real estate is approximate- science research on global warming has ly $1.25. The square-foot cost to rent a focused rightly on how to adjust prices to commercial space nationwide is $25 per make the market reflect the true external month.6 Reducing energy costs may thus costs of carbon emissions. In this regard, have a modest effect on the net operating there are four broad policy options that income for a business, but that is a sec- can help internalize the cost of carbon: ondary or tertiary concern to the bottom namely, carbon taxes, tradable carbon line. A natural contribution from behav- emissions permits (or cap and trade), ioral research would be to ½nd ways to renewable portfolio standards, and min- repackage energy costs so that consumers imum installed capacity requirements. can realize the returns from investment Each of these approaches attempts to in more ef½cient energy use. force the market to realize the social costs Aggregating individual decisions at the of carbon emissions, either by altering national level also reveals results that are prices directly (as with a tax) or making not well understood. For example, we do producers and consumers of electricity not know why countries vary in their en- and transportation fuel change their mix ergy ef½ciency. A common metric for mea- of inputs (as with renewable portfolio suring energy intensity is energy use (or standards). carbon emissions) per unit of gdp per Since the late 1980s, pricing carbon has person. Energy intensity decreases with been–and ought to continue to be–the economic development. The countries central thrust of social science research with the highest gdp per capita tend to on this subject. Most technology studies have much lower energy use per unit of of the incorporation of solar, wind, or other gdp per person. While this insight is alternatives assume some level of carbon helpful, it also shows that different coun- price,8 and most policy studies make a tries appear to be on different energy- suitable carbon price the centerpiece of ef½ciency curves. In Russia and China, any road map to the future or compre- for example, energy use per unit of gdp hensive policy proposal.9 Creating such a is much higher than in India.7 Why are pricing mechanism is, of course, a dif½- some countries more ef½cient in their cult matter. Markets do not emerge mag- energy use per unit of gdp than others? ically, especially markets for externalities. Understanding this phenomenon might Their viability depends on the develop- reveal how developing countries can shift ment of social and legal institutions, such to a more ef½cient energy-growth trajec- as property rights. In the area of pollution, tory. But because a transition from one for example, regulations have successfully curve to another likely depends on the incorporated the social costs into the

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Social price of goods by imposing ½nancial pen- such as nuclear power plants created huge Sciences & alties on ½rms. Regulations also create barriers to the expansion of this power the 10 Alternative scarcity, thereby increasing incentives to source. Very little research has examined Energy distribute the social costs more ef½ciently. how such ½nancial incentives are most Future There has been much work on how to ef½ciently structured, how large they structure such markets but relatively little must be, or how effective existing loan research into their political feasibility, guarantees have been. especially at the subnational level, or on Another class of ½nancial instruments how to entice businesses to participate in consists of small or midsize funds de- such markets. signed to capture inef½cient energy use in Fourth: Finance. New energy projects re- organizations. Many institutional users, quire funding. And nearly all policy studies such as hospitals, universities, and ½rms, that lay down a road map for new energy set up funds that divisions within their development call for some form of tar- organization can use for facility or opera- geted government investment to make up tional improvements that have high re- for the apparent lack of capital in a given turns in energy costs. Because the divisions industry. In some areas of energy, the themselves do not necessarily control capital costs of building a new project– their capital budgets or pay their energy such as a nuclear reactor or an integrated costs, they may have little incentive to gasi½cation combined cycle power plant– eliminate inef½ciencies on their own. are too great for investors given the time The need for new funding models raises to completion as well as the complexity and an important question: why is there uncertainties associated with those tech- insuf½cient capital in energy innovation? nologies. In other areas, such as energy The problem may be institutional, as ½rms, use in buildings, the energy costs are such government agencies, and other institu- a small fraction of the value of the eco- tions may be organized in ways that elim- nomic activity that the payback to even inate incentives for people to use energy modest capital investment is not suf½- ef½ciently. Or the barriers may be purely ciently attractive to investors. In still other economic–that is, the return on invest- areas, such as the national power grid, it ment is too small. If the obstacles are is unclear how to make money in the man- institutional, then the challenge is identi- agement of the infrastructure because of fying ways to overcome those structural regulatory and technical uncertainty. impediments. If the obstacles are purely An essential area for innovation in the economic, then government regulations energy sector is the development of new or subsidies might encourage greater in- investment instruments and ½nancial vestment in energy ef½ciency. models. Some of these instruments will The prospect of government interven- take the form of guarantees against risk tion raises a second key question: how for projects that offer the upside of reduced effective are government subsidies, loan carbon emissions. For example, a 2003 guarantees, and other incentives? Do mit study on the future of nuclear power government-supported ½nancial mecha- argued for government-backed loans to nisms induce ½rms and consumers to make support new power plant construction. long-term investments in more ef½cient The study contended that guarantees were energy use? There is a long history of such necessary to draw ½nance back into the programs in the United States and in nuclear industry because the capital costs other countries, but we know of no sys- of constructing large, complex facilities tematic study of their effectiveness.

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Fifth: Monitoring. Any effort to regulate or tradable permits. There is a growing Stephen emissions of carbon or other greenhouse expectation that this price will be set by Ansolabehere & Robert W. gases requires protocols for monitoring governments–either directly, through Fri and accounting for such emissions. For energy taxes, or indirectly, through regu- the Environmental Protection Agency to lations. There is an equally strong sense enforce any carbon emissions regula- that this expectation is well ahead of pub- tions in the United States, a monitoring lic opinion on climate change. system at the level of individual power Price offers a convenient way to see the plants or vehicles would certainly be re- gap between public attitudes today and quired. The United States has put in place the policies required to change the U.S. such mechanisms for nitrogen oxides, energy portfolio. Since the 1990s, public sulfur oxides, particulate matter, and other opinion polling in the United States and airborne pollutants. Research is needed other advanced industrial economies has to determine both how to extend the ex- shown that majorities of people are “con- isting monitoring system to include carbon cerned” about climate change. That con- emissions and how to design effective cern is super½cial. Large majorities also monitoring and accounting systems for express little or no willingness to pay carbon emissions regulations and taxes. higher electricity bills in order to reduce Some of these issues are technical (devel- carbon emissions. The mit Energy Surveys oping sensors, for example), but others are show that throughout the past decade, a behavioral, such as constructing a system majority of Americans were not willing that is trusted and that ensures compliance. to pay more than an additional 10 to 15 Beyond the immediate regulatory design percent on their monthly electricity bill issues lies an even bigger monitoring and to “solve global warming.”11 Because the enforcement challenge. A global system price of wind or nuclear power is at least of emissions caps or tradable emissions 50 percent higher than the cost of coal or permits would require a monitoring and natural gas, we must overcome the gap in accounting system that is transparent and public attitudes in order to move forward. that all nations trust. Such systems have Shifting our energy mix would require a been constructed for nuclear technolo- tax or carbon price that doubled the price gies and other dangerous materials. What of electricity. Such a price increase far are the lessons from those domains? exceeds what typical Americans today Without a trusted and effective monitor- say they would support. Could such a price ing mechanism, implementing policy ideas increase be structured so that it would such as cap and trade may be impossible. enjoy the support of a majority of Ameri- Sixth: Political Will. Many of the societal cans? Would a powerful public backlash changes needed to alter the ways that the ensue regardless of which politicians United States and other countries produce championed the policy? Or do people and use energy will come from changes in care enough about this issue to endorse consumer behavior, technology innova- comprehensive change in energy policy? tions, and corporate ½nance–in short, Short of a magic-bullet technology from the private sector. To tackle the cli- breakthrough, a low-carbon energy port- mate problem, however, governments folio will require a change in public atti- must also act. Many of the visions for an tudes toward energy provision in general alternative energy future laid out in this and individual technologies in particular. volume and elsewhere assume that a car- Our colleagues in engineering often stress bon price will be imposed through a tax that if the public only knew the implica-

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Social tions of current energy use, it would sup- a central role in attacking them, success- Sciences & port aggressive policies to reduce the car- ful policy development will be unlikely. the Alternative bon-intensity of our economy. That is not However, as the articles in these two Energy clear to us. It is assumed that by educating Dædalus volumes show, the social science Future people, we would raise the importance of disciplines that should be driving energy climate in their thinking suf½ciently to policy discussions are in many cases not make them willing to pay higher energy well developed. In view of this shortcom- prices. However, education might change ing, how might the social science research people in other ways. As the research in the community most effectively cut into these ½rst Dædalus volume has showed, people problems? underestimate the true cost of electricity To address this question, we frame the from solar and wind power. Thus, public agenda for social science research and education might make alternative ener- public policy along two dimensions: the gies less–rather than more–popular. scope and scale of the problems being ad- The effect of public education on this mat- dressed. Scope refers to the extent of the ter is still not understood. Would a com- economy implicated, with the most lim- plete and thorough education campaign ited scope focusing on a speci½c technol- alter how people think? Would such a ogy (for example, a nuclear power plant); campaign rehabilitate nuclear power as a broader scope taking into account an an alternative energy source? How would energy sector (at the most rudimentary local attitudes about energy development level, electricity versus transportation); affect the ability to bring on-line new en- and the widest possible scope encompass- ergy technologies? ing the entire economy. Technologies that Beyond domestic political considera- break the barriers between sectors, such tions, questions about public will in the as ef½cient electricity or energy storage, global context loom large. In order for the can have economy-wide implications. level of carbon in the atmosphere to stay We de½ne scale as the level of aggrega- below 550 parts per million (ppm), the tion at which an energy problem is ana- world, especially developing and emerg- lyzed or addressed. The smallest scale is ing economies, will have to forgo a great usually the household, ½rm, or power plant. deal of economic growth. Given China’s A broader scale, which might include an current growth curve and its energy in- entire city or industry, presents new op- tensity, that nation would have to give up portunities for examining energy produc- approximately $50 trillion in economic tion and utilization. Households and cities growth over the course of the coming cen- both engage in monitoring and planning tury in order to keep atmospheric carbon their activities in ways that affect energy below 550 ppm.12 How can the advanced use, but with a qualitative difference: a industrial economies ask the developing city’s development decisions can have sub- economies not to grow as quickly? Where stantial and very long-lived consequences is the political will to make a global deal for large numbers of people over many that will stabilize Earth’s climate? decades. Even higher levels of scale are nations, with the entire globe being the Resolving the speci½c questions already highest level. on the research agenda in these six broad The climate challenge differs from ear- categories of policy activity will not be easy. lier issues such as cfcs because it is of the Even a cursory glance at these problems highest scale and the widest scope. Suc- con½rms that unless social scientists play cessfully dealing with climate change re-

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quires changing the energy portfolio of (cusp), working with the Of½ce of the Stephen the entire globe and throughout the econ- Mayor, is developing a massive “living lab” Ansolabehere & Robert W. omy. This is not to say that the challenge in Brooklyn to measure how people use Fri cannot be met. Climate change is at once energy in their daily lives, to experiment more dif½cult and easier to address than with ways of altering behavior, and to ex- cfcs and similar problems. It is more dif½- amine how to implement new technolo- cult because the scope and scale are mas- gies that can signi½cantly lessen the energy sive. It is easier because anything accom- intensity of economic activity. plished in any sector can make a differ- At the state level, California is imple- ence. Accordingly, we conclude that social menting Assembly Bill 32, which would science research should follow two paths: cut the state’s greenhouse gas emissions to research designed to understand the fun- 1990 levels by 2020, and the state (among damental individual and institutional others) has long had a Renewable Portfo- changes that must ultimately take place lio Standard. The New England states cre- in the transition to a new energy system; ated an emissions trading system, called and applied research designed to make the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, tangible progress at the local level. that is designed to reduce CO2 emissions Our conclusion relies on one of the in the power sectors by 10 percent in Con- great insights of the late Elinor Ostrom– necticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, that cooperation and production of col- Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New lective goods, like clean water and sewer York, Rhode Island, and Vermont by 2018. systems, can be accomplished effectively The California and New England experi- at a very local level. Those local changes ments are in their nascence, but these ini- can become the basis for wholesale changes tial attempts to create markets for carbon on a broader scale if they can be replicated. are instructive about how to create effec- Many of the essays in this issue point to tive trading markets for carbon as well as localized (or at least relatively small-scale) how to assess the effectiveness of such changes as ways to foster the creation of markets compared with taxes, renewable less carbon-intensive energy use and pro- portfolio standards, and other ways of re- duction. These local efforts, if they are con- ducing greenhouse gas emissions. sistent with each other and can be linked, Perhaps the most telling feature of all may produce cumulative changes in energy these attempts to alter energy use is their use or may cause energy technologies to scale. These are not experiments conduct- evolve more rapidly. ed in small labs in a university setting. Activity at this manageable scope and Rather, they are efforts to use entire cities scale is already under way. Social scientists and states as test beds in which to solve have begun to engage with the energy the problems of modifying behavior; mon- problem in new ways. Increasingly, as en- itoring energy use; changing public atti- gineers and scientists tackle the problem tudes; ½nancing energy innovations; and of technology development at suf½cient understanding in concrete terms the con- scope and scale, social scientists are work- sequences, costs, and risks of our actions. ing with them to study energy at the level Doing that requires stepping out of the of large cities and states. Projects in Tokyo, traditional lab setting and observing so- London, Toronto, and New York are map- ciety on a relatively large scale. ping and monitoring energy use at the Each of these cases provides examples scale of large cities. New York University’s of collaborative efforts between technol- Center for Urban Science and Progress ogists and social scientists to address the

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Social energy challenge head-on and with con- issues involved in transitioning from a Sciences & crete research. What is needed today is heavily coal-based electricity sector and the Alternative evidence of what works and what does oil-based transportation sector to a less- Energy not; which technologies can be brought carbon-intensive energy portfolio. This Future to scale and which cannot; and which in- volume has identi½ed other issues that, stitutional arrangements work in a given like a pricing mechanism, need research legal, political, or cultural context and now to ensure the development of tools which do not. that future policy issues will require. These At the same time, research is needed to issues include the design of international understand the fundamental societal agreements, the creation of durable yet changes required for solving the climate adaptable policies, the shaping of public problem. A good example is research into opinion, and the institutional changes that pricing greenhouse gas emissions. While will inevitably accompany a new energy it is unlikely that a global pricing scheme system. will come into being anytime soon, the In short, the social science research important research on structuring national agenda requires a combination of real- and international markets for pricing and world experiments designed to take posi- regulating carbon must continue as a cen- tive steps at modest scale and scope along tral activity of the social science research with more fundamental research into the agenda. Ultimately, some form of green- institutional and political changes that house gas pricing will likely be needed; will ultimately allow climate and energy thus, understanding how to design a work- policy to operate economy-wide and at able system is essential. a global scale. But the design of pricing mechanisms and markets will address only some of the

endnotes * Contributor Biographies: STEPHEN ANSOLABEHERE, a Fellow of the American Academy since 2007, is Professor of Government at Harvard University. His publications include The End of Inequality: One Person, One Vote, and the Transformation of American Politics (with James M. Snyder, Jr., 2008), Going Negative: How Attack Ads Shrink and Polarize the Electorate (with Shanto Iyengar, 1995), and The Media Game: American Politics in the Television Age (with Roy Behr and Shanto Iyengar, 1993). ROBERT W. FRI, a Fellow of the American Academy since 2010, is a Visiting Scholar and Se- nior Fellow Emeritus at Resources for the Future, where he previously served as President. He has also served as Director of the National Museum of Natural History and Deputy Admin- istrator of both the Environmental Protection Agency and the Energy Research and Devel- opment Administration. He is Chair of the Academy’s Alternative Energy Future project. Acknowledgments: We have bene½ted from conversations and interviews with many col- leagues, including all the authors in this volume and the Spring 2012 issue of Dædalus. We would like to acknowledge the very helpful comments of Michael Greenstone, Rebecca Hen- derson, Steven Koonin, and members of the American Academy’s Alternative Energy Future project. 1 James Gustave Speth, Red Sky at Morning: America and the Crisis of the Global Environment (New Haven, Conn.: Press, 2004), 95. 2 Mario Molina and Durwood Zaelke, “A Climate Success Story to Build On,” The New York Times, September 26, 2012, -a-climate-success-story-to-build-on.html.

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3 Molina made this observation in a presentation delivered at the 1998 mit Congressional Stephen Staff Seminar sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Ansolabehere 4 & Robert W. Nicholas Stern, The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review (Cambridge and New York: Fri Cambridge University Press, 2007). 5 Adam Jaffe and Robert Stavins, “The Energy Ef½ciency Gap,” Energy Policy 22 (1994): 804– 810. 6 Christina S.N. Lewis, “Rents Signal Rise of D.C., Fall of N.Y.,” The Wall Street Journal, January 8, 2010, 7 BP Energy Outlook to 2030 (London: bp, January 2012), 8 For instance, see Richard Lester and David Hart, Unlocking Energy Innovation (Cambridge, Mass.: mit Press, 2012). 9 See, for example, Stern, The Economics of Climate Change. 10 The Future of Nuclear Power: An Interdisciplinary MIT Study (Cambridge, Mass.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003). 11 In 2002, as part of the mit study The Future of Nuclear Power, the ½rst mit Energy Survey examined public attitudes toward a range of sources of electric power. The study was repeated in 2007 with the addition of questions about global warming. 12 Michael Greenstone provided this calculation in a personal communication from September 17, 2012.

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Chair of the Board & Trust Louis W. Cabot President Leslie Cohen Berlowitz Secretary Jerrold Meinwald Treasurer Robert P. Henderson Editor Steven Marcus Chair of the Council Gerald Early Vice Chair of the Council Neal Lane

Inside back cover: Clockwise from top left: High-tension power lines in Oregon, © David A. Barmes/Getty Images; a nuclear reactor, © C. Bor- land/PhotoLink/Getty Images; wind generators on agricultural lands, © Grant Faint/Getty Images; solar panels in Mt. Laguna, California, © Digital Vision/Getty Images. Cover_Winter 2013 12/10/2012 9:19 AM Page 2 Cover_Winter 2013 12/10/2012 9:19 AM Page 1 Dædalus coming up in Dædalus:

The Common Good Norman Ornstein, William Galston, Amy Gutmann & Dennis Thompson, Mickey Edwards, Thomas Mann, Deborah Tannen, Dædalus Howard Gardner, Geoffrey Stone, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Andrew A. Hill, Leonard Wong & Stephen J. Gerras, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences Jeffrey Rosen, Michael Schudson, Andy Stern, Ralph Gomory & Winter 2013 Richard Sylla, Peter Dobkin Hall, and others

Immigration Douglas S. Massey, Rogelio Saenz & Karen Manges Douglas, Cristina Future,Winter 2013: The Alternative Energy vol. 2 & the Future Rodriguez, Marta Tienda & Susana Sanchez, Victor Nee & Hilary The Robert W. Fri The Scope of the Transition 5 of America Holbrow, Nancy Foner, Alejandro Portes & Adrienne Celaya, Audrey Alternative Hal Harvey, A Trillion Tons 8 Singer, Mary Waters & Philip Kasinitz, Helen Marrow, Michael Jones- Energy Franklin M. Orr, Jr. Correa & Els de Graauw, Charles Hirschman, Rubén Rumbaut, Richard Future, & Clara Vondrich Alba, Frank Bean & Jennifer Lee, and others vol. 2 Jon A. Krosnick Does the American Public Support Legislation & Bo MacInnis to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions? 26 plus New American Music, What Humanists Do, Challenges for a Naomi Oreskes The Collapse of Western Civilization: Rising China &c. & Erik M. Conway A View from the Future 40 Kelly Sims Gallagher Why & How Governments Support Renewable Energy 59 Thomas Dietz, Reducing Carbon-Based Energy Consumption Paul C. Stern through Changes in Household Behavior 78 & Elke U. Weber Roger E. Kasperson The Public Acceptance of & Bonnie J. Ram New Energy Technologies 90 Robert O. Keohane The Transnational Politics of Energy 97 & David G. Victor Dallas Burtraw The Institutional Blind Spot in Environmental Economics 110 Ann E. Carlson Designing a Durable Energy Policy 119 & Robert W. Fri Michael H. Dworkin, Rethinking the Scale, Structure & Scope Roman V. Sidortsov of U.S. Energy Institutions 129 & Benjamin K. Sovacool Rosina M. Bierbaum Energy in the Context of Sustainability 146 & Pamela A. Matson Stephen Ansolabehere Social Sciences & the Alternative & Robert W. Fri Energy Future 162

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