t was July 1999 and we’d just overnighted in en-route to Island. We agreed that TARP was worth investigating and promised to return and explore the Ireefs now fading away behind us. Looking back now it’s not surprising it took a couple of trips to before we discovered TARP. Just off the capital Kota Kinabalu in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, it was and still is overshadowed by other more established diving locations in the region.

A few months later the adventure began. We soon realized these protected islands had much to offer. There are few places in the world able to combine the modern facilities of a bustling city with a stunning tropical marine paradise rich with history and marine life just eight minutes away by speedboat. Named after ’s first prime minister and covering 50 square kilometres the Tunku Abdul Rahman Park was gazetted as a national park in 1974 with Sabah Parks, a government body appointed to protect the area’s fauna, flora and marine eco- systems.

Gaya Island is the largest and arguably the most interesting of the five. It was the site of the British North Borneo company harbour, razed by the rebel Mat Salleh in 1881. Nowadays the 15 square kilometre island is mainly uninhabited other than the eastern shore, which has a community living in stilt houses. On the



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Left: Rich soft corals and vibrant fish schools at Edgell Patches dive site. Below: Photography subjects are abundant throughout TARP. Right: Seahorses are plentiful and always a joy to discover.

A few minutes swim away a wonderful when schooling krill mass through March Getting There section of shallow reef begins; layers of and April, whalesharks can sometimes be Tunku Abdul Rahman Park is acropora coral bathed in filtered sunshine seen feeding around the islands. located 20 minutes by land and form a beautiful reef area at 12 metres. eight minutes by boat from Kota northern side are a couple of 5-star The Inner Reefs Sheltered from the Here seahorses, cockatoo waspfish, razor The park is also ideal for conducting PADI Kinabalu International Airport. Air resorts and set in a secluded bay on the prevailing northeast or southwest winds, fishes, moray eels, yellow-lipped banded dive courses of all levels from beginner to Asia, Jet Star, Silk Airlines and southern side is Downbelow Marine & the inner reefs offer year-round diving sea krate, swaying anemones with their professional qualifications. Many people Malaysian Airlines have daily Wildlife Adventures, a PADI 5 Star IDC and are a haven for macro critters. clownfish are often found. Surrounded by choose to complete their dive courses or flights from KL International Airport Dive and Adventure Centre. Gaya is a Nudibranchs are very common with many this beauty it’s a challenge to end the refresher programs before continuing on to KK. wildlife enthusiast’s melting pot of species, rare and varied species regularly safety stop and return to topside reality. elsewhere or returning home. Reservations: Downbelow Marine & some of which are endemic to the island. encountered. Seahorses, ghostpipefish, Wildlife Adventures Sdn Bhd Proboscis and macaque monkey, snakes frogfish, flounders, stargazers, mandarin The Outer Reefs They’re a kaleidoscope One of the beauties of visiting TARP is the Telephone: +60-88 488 997 and lizards, hornbills, tropical birds and fish, moray eels, lionfish, and many of colour and texture – large gorgonian flexibility to fit any traveler’s budget – just Mobile: +60 12 866 1935 insects thrive here. crustacean species are among the usual fans, table corals, barrel sponges and minutes from the park are backpacker Email: [email protected] suspects and divers can frequently interact staghorn corals are abundant. With lodges, city hotels, 5-star resorts and www.divedownbelow.com The Diving A combination of climate with cephalopods as they slowly fin along slightly better visibility due to their island retreats. This isn’t only a divers Useful Information and geology delivers remarkably complex the reef. Although referred to as ‘muck location, these outer sites tend to attract paradise; there’s great snorkeling, sea Climate: Tropical with year round biodiversity throughout Borneo and this is diving’ many of these sites are in fact pelagic species such as giant travelly and kayaking, trekking, plus lovely beaches. diving, water temperature averages clearly visible above and below the very pretty, with visibility ranging from large schools of batfish, with occasional Some areas are more remote than others 28-300, however March can see a ocean. eight to 20 metres. visits from eagle rays and blacktip reef and offer better coral reefs. Jet ski rental seasonal drop to 250 lasting around sharks. All still only about eight minutes and parasailing are also available. 6 weeks. A 3mm full suit is TARP’s waters have abundant and Mid Reef is a great example. Situated in from the dive centre! recommended. fascinating marine life as well as stunning the centre of all the islands, this Other Places to Visit Sabah’s crown has Electricity: 220 volts soft corals. Dive sites within the park are independent reef was probably once an One of our favourite outer sites is Edgell many jewels and we were hooked! A few Currency: Malaysian Ringgit. predominantly sloping coral reefs to island of its own. The shallow top reef, Patches. The reef top starts at 10 to12 years after our early trips we decided to Tipping is optional and not around 30 metres, mangrove areas and only four metres at low tide, is relatively metres. Large coral blocks and barrel re-locate to Sabah. Drawn to the state not expected but appreciated. sand flats with plenty of fish life and barren with a handful of artificial coral sponges litter the shallow reef crest that only for its fabulous diving, we also fell in Timezone: GMT + 8hrs macro subjects for all levels of divers and blocks. On the eastern side the slope slopes to 30 metres and the sandy love with the mountains, jungles and Communication: International photographers. descends to 20 metres and meets a small seabed. Schools of yellowtail barracuda, rivers. Sabah boasts the Kinabatangan mobile phone roaming. Wireless fishing wreck. Fish schools gather around yellow-striped snapper and fusiliers are River – a region with such wildlife bio- internet is available. There’s more than 50 dive sites close to the wreck and the debris attracts a variety among the reef’s residents. During the diversity it’s acknowledged by experts to Visa: In most cases tourist visas are Downbelow’s dive centre, including the of scorpiaforms such as stonefish, day, bamboo and spotted cat sharks can be the most varied and easily accessible granted on entry. If in doubt, please inner and outer reefs of TARP, nearby scorpionfish and lionfish. Shrimps and occasionally be found sheltering under in all Southeast Asia. check with your local Malaysian islands such as Pulau Tiga and offshore crustaceans are plentiful. Moving away the small coral overhangs. consular office. Top to bottom: Occasional frogfish are dive sites offering WWII wrecks. The from the wreck and following the reef The majestic Mt Kinabalu in the Crocker always a diver’s favourite; A bubbleshell great variety of multi level diving provides slope divers can find stick pipefish, Turtles are fairly commonly encountered Range overlooks TARP. This great sea slug; Bamboo shark takes shelter something for everyone. spotted stingrays and an array of on inner and outer reefs year round and mountain has become an icon of natural beneath the small coral overhang. creatures confident in their cryptic ability. sportdiving magazine december/january 2010/11 divetheblue.net history and successful conservation, whilst being the most accessible of high mountains to climb. With so many superlatives it’s hard to believe all these wonders are within one small state – GAYA and we haven’t even mentioned the SAPI endemic Borneon pygmy elephants and Downbelow Dive Centre orangutans! KOTA MANUKAN KINABALU Even now Tunku Abdul Rahman Park TOWN seems to be Sabah’s hidden jewel and MAMUTIK this may be part of its appeal. So, if like SABAH us you’re passing through Kota SULUG Kinabalu, take a few days to explore this little piece of paradise – we’re sure About The Authors you won’t be disappointed. Richard and Joanne are dive pros living in Sabah, Borneo. On realizing that the country is not only a biological melting pot, but also a hidden treasure for travelers and sport enthusiasts, they were eager to replicate the success of Top to bottom: Downbelows beach their UK adventure company in Sabah, side dive centre on Gaya Island; Malaysian Borneo and introduce Downbelow dive boats at Gaya existing international clients to this Island; From TARP daily excursions wonderfully diverse part of the to Pulau Tiga take less than one world. To see more of their work visit: hour. www.divedownbelow.com

sportdiving magazine december/january 2010/11