Friends School of Minnesota Non-profit Org. 1365 Englewood Avenue U.S. Postage Saint Paul, MN 55104 PAID FREE Twin Cities, MN Permit No. 1767 catalog Free bus rides to the sale! We’re coordinating with Metro Transit. Download a free round-trip ticket for your bus ride here: FINDING THE SALE LARPENTEUR AVE. See page 2 for a detailed Plant Sale map KEY Open gate (area map, left) HOYT AVE. 36 Open gate (State Fair map, below) 35W Metro Transit bus stop SNELLING AVE. UNDERWOOD ST. SNELLING AVE. LARPENTEUR AVE. COOPER ST. MayMay 12,12, 13,13, 14,14, 20172017 RANDALL AVE. CLEVELAND AVE. Minnesota Mothers Day Weekend COMMONWEALTHH Mothers Day Weekend State Fair 280 COMO AVE. MinnesotaMinnesota StateState FairFair COSGROVE AVE DAN PATCH AVE. COMMONWEALTH DAN PATCH UNIVERSITY AVE. GrandstandGrandstand THE MIDWAY P CARNES AVE. 94 JUDSON AVE. FreeFree AdmissionAdmission LIGGETT ST. UNDERWOOD ST. CANFIELD ST. COMO AVE. SNELLING AVE. 28th Annual Friends School Plant Sale May 12, 13, and 14, 2017 Friday 9:00 A.M.–8:00 P.M.• Saturday 10:00 A.M.–6:00 P.M. Sunday remaining plants one-third off 10:00 A.M.–2:00 P.M. At the Minnesota State Fair Grandstand • Free admission • Free parking
[email protected] • 651–621–8930 N WE Sale area inside the Grandstand S Sale Map CHECKOUT ENTRANCE REST REST ROOMS Tally ROOMS purchases Outdoor/ Free parking Indoor Annuals Perennials Plants It’s legal to park on non-posted streets ATM and there’s a large parking lot EXIT Pay for southwest of the Grandstand purchases Exit (it’s the Midway during the Fair).