
Evidence for two different modes of tripeptide disappearance in human intestine. Uptake by carrier systems and hydrolysis by peptide hydrolases.

S A Adibi, … , S S Masilamani, P M Amin

J Clin Invest. 1975;56(6):1355-1363. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI108215.

Research Article

The intestinal fate of two tripeptides (triglycine and trileucine), which differ markedly in solubility and molecular weight, have been investigated by jejunal perfusion in healthy human volunteers. Rates of or leucine uptake from test solutions containing triglycine or trileucine were greater than from test solutions containing corresponding amounts of free glycine or free leucine, respectively. The rate of glycine uptake from a 100 mM triglycine solution was greater than that from a 150 mM diglycine solution. At each infused load of triglycine (e.g., 1,000 mumol/min) the rates (micromoles/minutes per 30 cm) of either triglycine disappearance (810 +/- 40) or glycine absorption (2,208 +/- 122) were markedly greater than the luminal accumulation rates of either diglycine (56 +/- 10) or free glycine (110 +/- 18). The luminal accumulation rate of free leucine during infusion of a 5 mM trileucine solution was over threefold greater than that of free glycine during the infusion of a 5 mM triglycine solution. Luminal fluid exhibited no hydrolytic activity against triglycine, but contained some activity against trileucine. Saturation of free carrier system with a large load of leucine did not affect glycine absorption rate from a triglycine test solution, but isoleucine markedly inhibited the uptake from a trileucine solution. When the carrier system for was saturated with a large amount of glycylleucine, […]

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SIAMAK A. ADIBI, EMiuE L. MORSE, STANLEY S. MASILAMANI, and PRAFuLuA M. AMIN From the Gastrointestinal and Nutrition Unit, Montefiore Hospital, the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213

A B S T R A C T The intestinal fate of two tripeptides leucine, the disappearance rate of triglycine was consid- (triglycine and trileucine). which differ markedly in erably reduced while that of trileucine remained unaf- solubility and molecular weight, have been investigated fected. After addition of glycylleucine to tripeptide solu- by jejunal perfusion in healthy human volunteers. Rates tions, there was a minimal increase in the luminal ac- of glycine or leucine uptake from test solutions contain- cumulation of diglycine, while dileucine accumulation ing triglycine or trileucine were greater than from test was increased by 62-fold. solutions containing corresponding amounts of free gly- These studies suggest that the modes of intestinal cine or free leucine, respectively. The rate of glycine disappearance of the above two tripeptides are different. uptake from a 100 mM triglycine solution was greater Triglycine is taken up intact by human jejunum; this than that from a 150 mM diglycine solution. At each uptake is mediated totally or partially by the carrier infused load of triglycine (e.g., 1,000 imol/min) the system which also transports dipeptides. In contrast, rates (micromoles/minute per 30 cm) of either trigly- trileucine is hydrolyzed to leucine and dileucine mostly cine disappearance (810±40) or glycine absorption on the cell surface and a small fraction is hydrolyzed (2,208±+122) were markedly greater than the luminal in the gut lumen; these hydrolytic products are then accumulation rates of either diglycine (56±10) or taken up by the free amino acid and carrier free glycine (110±18). The luminal accumulation rate systems, respectively. of free leucine during infusion of a 5 mM trileucine solution was over threefold greater than that of free INTRODUCTION glycine during the infusion of a 5 mM triglycine solu- tion. Luminal fluid exhibited no hydrolytic activity Studies of the intestinal absorption of free amino acids against triglycine, but contained some activity against and dipeptides in human intestine (1-13) have suggested trileucine. Saturation of free amino acid carrier sys- that mucosal uptake of these substrates is mediated by tem with a large load of leucine did not affect glycine carrier systems located on the brush border membrane. absorption rate from a triglycine test solution, but iso- Furthermore, there appear to be separate carrier sys- leucine markedly inhibited the uptake of leucine from a tems for free amino acids and dipeptides (6, 12). In trileucine solution. When the carrier system for dipep- comparison to free amino acids and dipeptides, the in- tides was saturated with a large amount of glycyl- testinal fate of tripeptides has not been extensively stud- ied whether in man or in experimental animals. In the A preliminary account of this work has been previously present studies we have investigated the intestinal published (1974. Gastroenterology. 66: 657) and presented transport and hydrolysis of tripeptides. at the annual meeting of the American Gastroenterological Association held in San Francisco in May of 1974. Dietary usually contain 20 different amino Received for ptublicatio,t 28 June 1974 antd iin revised form acids. Among the 8,000 possible tripeptides, triglycine 4 Auiguist 1975. and trileucine were chosen as model substrates for the

The Journal of Clinical Investigation Volume 56 December 1975 *1355-1363 1355 present studies on the basis of marked differences in seven with a median of four. Each subject was used for the their molecular weights and wvater solubilities. Among infusion of one or more sets of test solutions. Whenever weight in(licated, venous blood was collected in heparinized test tripeptides, triglycine has the smallest molecular tubes before and 30 and 60 mnil after the start of each and is highly soluble. In contr-ast, trileucine is a bulky infusion. Each blood samnple was immediately centrifuged, tripeptide witlh very poor solubility. and plasma was separated. Amino acid absorption from any tripeptide solution All the test solutions containe(d 0.4% polyethylene glycol by or more of the following as a nonabsorbable marker and between 100 and 150 mnM may be accomplished oine sodium chloride. The pH of test solutions varied between mechanisms: (a) complete hydrolysis by luminal and/ 6.70 and 7.10. Previous published and unpublishedI studies or brush border peptide hydrolases to free amino acids from this laboratory have shown that the above variations and then transport by free amino acid carrier systems; in sodium concentration and in pH of test solutions do not (b) partial hydrolysis to free amino acid and dipeptide significantly alter the rates of amino acid andl peptide ab- sorption in the jejunum of lhealthy humani voluniteers (7, and subseqluent uptake of these products by free amino 14, 15). acid and dipeptide carrier systems, respectively; (c) Ion exchange chromatography techniques were used to transport into the mucosal cell without prior hydrolysis. analyze for free glycine. free leucinie, glycylleucine, and di- Our present studies have been designed to investigate glycine in intestinial aspirates or plasma, as previously de- scribed (5). The same methods were also used for the the imlportance of each of the above pathwvays for the quantitationi of triglycine, trileucine, and dileucine in the mucosal uptake of amino acids from triglvcine and tri- lresent studies. Using an automated amino acid analyzer leucine in the intestine of healthy human volunteers. (model 120-C, Beckman Instrumeints, Inc., Spinco Div., Palo Alto, Calif.), 0.20 M sodlium citrate buffer (pH 4.26), and METHODS a column pressure of 150-200 lb/in2, we determined the elu- tion times for diglycinie and triglycine as 90 and 100 min, In sitiu perfusion studies were carried out in the jejunum of respectively. Dileucine and trileucine were eluted wvith 0.38 26 healthy human volunteers (ages ranged from 20 to 24 M sodium citrate buffer (pH 5.36). Elution times were 105 yr) by the method previously described (1, 5, 6). A 30-cm andl 110 mni respectively. or 15-cm jejunal segment was perfusecl at a rate of 15 ml/ after the in- I) was infused on In vitro cnI_zvotlc assaYv. Aspirates obtained min. One set of test solutions (Table of with physiological saline each day of study. The number of subjects used for the fusion an intestilnal segnment from three to were centrifuge( at 1,935 fy for 15 min in a refrigerated investigation of each set of solutions ranged centrifuge maintained at 0'C. 3 ml of the resulting super- nate was added to test tubes preincubated in a metabolic TABLE I slhaker maintainied at 37°C. 0.5 ml of either 33.33 or 100 mniM triglycine or physiological saline was added to these Protocol for Perfusion Studies tubes, and( the mixtures were incubated for 1, 5, 10, and 15 min. When trileucine or tileucine was used as substrate, the Sets of same procedure as described above was followed except 2 ml solutions Composition of test solutions of supernate was used as enzyme source, and 1 ml of 5 mM trileucine or dileucine was added to the incubation mixture. I 33.33 mM triglycine, 50 mM diglycine, Incubation was terminated by heating the mixture at 95°C and 100 mM glycine for 15 min in a water bath or by additioin of 3 ml of 6% II 66.67 mM triglycine and 100 mM diglycine sulfosalicylic acid. Preliminary experiments indicated that III 100 mM triglycine and 150 mM diglycine peptide hydrolase activity of intraluminal fluid was not IV 33.33 mM triglycine and 33.33 mM significantly altered by centrifugation, but the results were triglycine plus 100 mMI L-leucine more consistent when the luminal fluids were centrifuged V 33.33 mM triglycine and 33.33 mrM before enzyme assay. were plus 100 mM glycyl-L-leucine Calcitlationls. The dlisappearance rates of tripeptides triglycine the follow formula: VI 33.33 mM glycine and 33.33 mM glycine calculated by ing plus 100 mM L-leucine VII 5 mM L-leucyl-L-leucyl-L-leucine and Td = (T- Ta M )R 15 mM L-leucine 5 mM glycine VIII mM triglycine and 15 where T, is the tripeptide disappearance rate in micromoles/ IX 5 mM L-leucyl-L-leucyl-L-leucine and minute per segment; T1, the concentration of tripeptide in 5 mM L-leucyl-L-leucyl-L-leucine plus the test solution in micromoles/milliliter; T., the concen- 50 mM L-isoleucine tration of tripeptide in the intestinal aspirate in micromoles/ X 5 mM L-leucyl-L-leucyl-L-leucine and milliliter; M,V, the concentration of polyethylene glycol (a 5 mM L-leucyl-L-leucyl-L-leucine plus nonabsorbable marker) in the test solution; M., the con- 50 mM glycyl-L-leucine centration of polyethylene glycol in the intestinal aspirate; and R, the rate of infusion in milliliters/minute. test solutions con- All amino acids and dipeptides were purchased from the Amino acid absorption rates from were calculated the following formula: General Biochemicals Div., Mogul Corporation, Chagrin taiining tripeptides by Falls, Ohio. Triglycine was obtained from Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. Trileucine was purchased from Bachem, Aa = [3Tp- (Fa + 2Da + 3Ta) R Inc., Marina Del Rey, Calif. 1356 S. A. Adibi, E. L. Morse, S. S. Masilamani, and P. M. Amin where .A0 is the amino acid absorption rate in micromoles/ minute per segment; Fa. the concentration of free amino 3000 acid in the intestinal aspirate in micromoles/milliliter; and Da. the concentration of dipeptide in the intestinal aspirate in micromoles/milliliter. Amino acid absorption rates from test solutions containing 2400 - free amino acid or dipeptide were calculated as previously described (5). Accumulation rates of free amino acids and dipeptides in the perfused segment were calculated by the E / following formula: o 1800 TRIGLYCINE z A=C MPR / DIGLYCINE Ma o 0~~~~~~~~ X 1200 where A is the accumulation rate of either free amino acid or dipeptide in micromoles/minute per segment and C, the _/ concentration of either free amino acid or dipeptide in the intestinal aspirate in micromoles/milliliter. // The average rate of tripeptide hydrolysis by the intra- 600 luminal enzymes in the perfused segment was calculated by FREE GLYCINE the following formula:

Th = H, R 0 100 200 300 Ma GLYCINE CONCENTRATION(mM) where Th, is the average rate of tripeptide hydrolysis in FIGURE 1 Rates of glycine uptake (mean±SEM) from test micromoles/minute and H., the amount (micromoles) of solutions containiing glycine either in the form of free gly- peptide that can be hydrolyzed by 1 ml of intestinal aspirate cine, diglycine, or triglycine. Perfusion studies were per- when incubated for 1 min under the above-described in formed in the jejunum of eacn of four subjects. The hori- vitro enzyme assay conditions. zontal axis rel)resents the total glycine content of each test The method of paired t test or Student's t test was used solution. At the 100 mM concentration, the glycine absorp- for the statistical analysis of the data (16). tion rate from the free glycine test solution was significantly smaller than from either the diglycine (P < 0.01) or the RESULTS triglycine test solution (P <0.01). At the 300 mM concen- tration, the glycine absorption rate was significantly greater Kinetics of glycinie absorption fromn solutions of free, from the solution of triglycine than of diglycine (P <0.01, di-, and triglycine. Jejunal absorption rates of glycine as compared by the paired t test). from three test solutions containing equivalent concen- trations of glycine (100 mM) in the form of free glycine the appearance of a substantial concentration of digly- (100 mM), diglycine (50 mM), or triglycine (33.33 cine (as high as 239 timol/liter in one individual) in mMI) are shown in Fig. 1. The glycine absorption rate peripheral plasma. Triglycine was never detected in was significantly greater (P < 0.01) from either the peripheral plasma. Each increase in perfusate concen- diglycine or the triglycine than from the free glvcine tration of triglycine further elevated the plasma levels test solution. At this concentration, there was no sig- of both free glycine and diglycine (Fig. 2). Even at nificant difference between glycine absorption rates the highest perfusate concentration of triglycine, the from the diglycine and triglycine test solutions. Even increase in plasma concentration (mean±SEM in four when the infusion concentration of glycine was doubled subjects) of free glycine was markedly greater than (200 mM) by increasing the concentration of diglycine the attained concentration of diglycine (5,722±422 vs. to 100 mM and triglycine to 66.67 mM, there was still 165±+22 iAmol/liter). no significant difference between glycine absorption Rates of linlal disappearance of triglycine and ap- rates from these test solutions (Fig. 1). However, when pearance of the products of its hydrolysis. The rates the infusion concentration of glycine was tripled (300 of triglycine disappearance at several concentrations mM) by increasing the concentration of diglycine to are shown in Fig. 3. The jejunum exhibited a great po- 150 mMV and triglycine to 100 mM, glycine absorption tential for triglycine disappearance. Even at the highest rates were significantly greater from the triglycine than infusion concentration used (100 mM), 78% of trigly- from the diglycine solution (P <0.01, paired t test). cine infused into a 30-cm jejunal segment disappeared. Plasmjza free amiiino acid and peptide concentrations During the infusion of 33.33 and 66.67 mM triglycine during triglycinze infusion. Before infusion of triglycine, solutions, small amounts of free glycine and diglycine the average concentration of glycine in the plasma was appeared in the lumen (Fig. 3). For example, at the 221 /Amol/liter; no diglycine or triglycine was detected. initial concentration of 33.33 mM, the luminal accu- Infusion of triglycine test solutions caused a marked in- mulation rate of diglycine was 6% of the luminal dis- crease in the concentration of free glycine (Fig. 2), and appearance rate or 5% of the infused load of triglycine.

Tripeptide Transport and Hydrolysis in Man 1357 FREE GLYCINE 1200 r- 6000 /o' 1000 F 4000

800 F C,)n E 0 -i 2000 a- z 600 / TRIGLYCINE ,/ DISAPPEARANCE -LJ 0 0 / J O I J 400 011= j /IT X, FREE GLYCINE T 120 APPEARANCE 200 V // // j 80 I-, _I,// L- ,..' 40 ,__DIGLYCI NE 0 APPEARANCE 33.33 66.67 100 0 TRIGLYCINE CONCENTRATION (mM) 0 30 60 TIME(min)AFTER THE FIGU-RE 3 Jejunal disappearance rates of triglycine and START OF INFUSION luminal accumulation rates of free glycine and diglycine (mean±SEM in four subjects). FIGURE 2 Increases in concentration (mean+SEM in four subjects) of free glycine in the peripheral plasma (upper tion, the disappearance rate of triglycine was reduced panel) during the infusion of each triglycine test solution. The lower panel represents concentrations (mean±SEM in by 66,%,,' (Fig. 7). The glycylleucine disappearance rate four subjects) of diglycine in peripheral plasma during the from the tripeptide-dipeptide mixture was similar to infusion of each triglycine test solution. Diglycine was not the rate of glycylleucine disappearance from a test solu- detected in the peripheral plasma before the start of any tion containing only this dipeptide in a concentration infusion studies. of 100 miM (5). Therefore, to calculate the rate of gly- While the disappearance rate of triglycine was nearly cine uptake from the test solution containing triglycine doubled when the perfusate concentration of triglycine TRIGLYCI NE GLYCINE was increased from 33.33 to 66.67 mM, accumulation 1400 -DISAPPEARANCE ABSORPTION rates of diglycine and free glycine did not increase sig- nificantly (Fig. 3). However, when the perfusate con- 1200 I centration of triglycine was increased from 66.67 to 100 mM, both diglycine and free glycine accumulation rates increased significantly (P < 0.05, Fig. 3). Even E 1000 at this increased rate, diglycine accumulation rate was 0 '- 800 still quite small as compared to triglycine disappearance z rate (187±47 vs. 1,168±44 ,umol/min per 30 cm). -J Effect of leucine and glycylleucine ont triglycine disap- o 600 pearance. Addition of 100 mM L-leucine, a concentra- tion five times its Km value (3, 6), to a 33.33 mM tri- 400 glycine test solution did not affect the rates of triglycine disappearance and glycine absorption (Fig. 4). Simi- 200 larly, there were no significant changes in the luminal accumulation rates of either free glycine or diglycine 0 (Fig. 5). On the other hand, addition of 100 mM leu- cine to a 33.33 mM free glycine test solution markedly FIGURE 4 Triglycine disappearance rates and rates of reduced rate of glycine uptake (mean+SEM in four subjects) from a 33.33 the glycine absorption (Fig. 6). mM triglycine test solution (solid bar) and a 33.33 mM When 100 mMI glycyl-L-leucine, a concentration four triglycine solution containing 100 mM free leucine (striped times its K. value (6), was added to a triglycine solu- bar). 1358 S. A. Adibi, E. L. Morse, S. S. Masilamani, and P. M. Amin 130 FREE GLYCINEE DIGLYCINE 120

100 P<0.05 E

680 E 40 800_ 260 z .i 600 0 20 400 FIGURE 5 Luminal accumulation rates (mean± SEM in four subjects) of free glycine and diglycine during infusion 200 of a 33.33 mM triglycine test solution (solid bar) or the same solution with the addition of either 100 mM free leu- cine (striped bar) or the addition of 100 mM glycylleucine 0 (stippled bar). The P value refers to the difference be- P <0.01 P <0.01 tween luminal accumulation of diglycine before and after addition of glycylleucine. The differences between free gly- FIGURE 7 Triglycine disappearance rates and glycine ab- cine accumulation rates were not statistically significant. sorption rates (mean±SEM in four subjects) from a 33.33 mM triglycine test solution (solid bar) or from a similar solution with the addition of 100 mM glycylleucine (striped and glycylleucine, the rate of glycine uptake from the bar). The P value was calculated by the paired t test. 100 mM glycylleucine test solution was subtracted from the rate of glycine uptake from the test solution Leuicine absorption from solutions of free and tri- containing both glycylleucine and triglycine. The re- leucine. The highest concentration of trileucine that is sult of this estimation is shown in Fig. 7. Glycine up- soluble in aqueous medium is approximately 5 mM. Due take from triglycine was markedly reduced in the pres- to a rapid rate of disappearance of trileucine from the ence of glycylleucine. Addition of glycylleucine to the 30-cm segment in preliminary studies, a 15-cm seg- test solution also resulted in an increase in the rate of ment was chosen for experiments with 5 mM trileucine. diglycine accumulation (Fig. 5), but the rate of free The results of these studies are summarized in Fig. 8. glycine accumulation, calculated on the same basis as There was disappearance of 98% of the infused load described above for glycine absorption, did not sig- (75 ,umol/min) of trileucine in the 15-cm segment. The nificantly change (Fig. 5). intestinal aspirate always contained a trace amount of dileucine. 15% of the infused load of leucine (225 ymol/ min) was recovered as free leucine (Fig. 8). Rates of leucine uptake from 5 mM trileucine and 15 mM leucine 320 solutions are compared in Fig. 8. The rate of uptake was significantly greater from the trileucine solution 280 _ rI- m 33.33mM GLYCINE than from the corresponding free leucine solution. For 3 33.33mM GLYCINE+ the purpose of comparison, perfusion studies of 5 mM E 240 M LEUCINE a triglycine solution were also carired out in the 15-cm s 200 jejunal segment. As shown in Fig. 8, the rate of tri- :E o> 160 glycine disappearance was only slightly smaller than E that of trileucine, but the appearance rate of free gly- 120 cine was less than one-third that of free leucine. As with trileucine, only trace amounts of diglycine ap- 80 peared in the intestinal aspirates (Fig. 8). However, 40 the difference between the rates of glycine uptake from 5 mlM triglycine and 15 mM free glycine solutions was 0 P< 0.01 more dramatic than the difference between the rates of leucine uptake from the trileucine and free leucine FIGURE 6 Jejunal absorption rates (mean+SEM in three subjects) of glycine from test solutions containing 33.33 mM solutions (95 vs. 29 /umol/min per 15 cm). glycine or 33.33 mM glycine plus 100 mM leucine. The P Effect of isoleucine and glycylleucine on trileucine value was calculated by the paired t test. disappearance. Trileucine disappearance was not af-


40 40- 20 20 0 P< 0.02 P<0.0I P'NS P<002 P(0.0I 0 FIGURE 8 Trileucine and triglycine disappearance rates; P'NS P< 0.01 P<0.0I luminal accumulation rates of free leucine, dileucine, free leucine up- of leucine and glycine FIGURE 9 Rates of trileucinie disal)pearance, glycine, and diglycine; and rates take, anid luminlal accumulation of free leucinie from test uptake from 5 mM trileucine and triglycine test solutions, solutions conitaininig 5 mnM trileucine anid 5 mnM trileucine respectively. The mean±SEM values w-ere determined from l)lus 50 niAM isoleucinie. MIean+SEM:\ values w-ere determined trileucine and triglycine perfusion studies in the jejunum of be- from l)erfusion studies in the jejunum of three subjects. seven and four subjects, respectively. The differences The P values by the paired t test. tween the rates of leucine uptake from 5 mnI trileucine and w-ere dleterminied 15 mM leucine solutions anid the rates of glycine uptake from 5 mM triglycine and 15 mMIglycin'e solutions were The rates of pepti(le hydr-olysis in vivo as determined evaluated by the paired t test. Otlher statistical evaluations bv our mletlhod slhoutl be considlered as rouglh estinmates. shown in the figure were done by Studenit's t test. There are a number of problems in estimiiatinig in vivo lhydroly sis froml in v-itro (letermiiniationis of enzvnme ac- leucine rate was fected by isoleucine, but absorption tivitv. Tlle problems inclu(le proper selection of con- markedly reduced, and free leucine appearalnce rate was centration. cofactors. IH, time of incubation, and ex- markedly increased (Fig. 9). The same trace amount pression of unit of enzyme activity. To approximate the 8 was recovered in in- of dileucine as shown in Fig. in vitro conidition to the in vivo conditioni, 2-3 ml of in- testinal aspirates after addition of isoleucine. The rates of trileucine disappearance and dileucine appearalnce TRILEUCINE before and after addition of 50 mtnM glycvlleucine to the 80 DISAPPEARANCE 5 mM trileucine solution are summarized in Fig. 10. 70- Although addition of glycylleucine did not alter the dis- rate of trileucine, it markedly increased 60 5mM TRILEUCINE appearance E * | Ss5mM TRILEUCINE+ (by 62-fold) the appearance rate of diletucine. E 50 GLYCYLLEUCINE Triglycine and trileucine hydrolysis by luninal fluiid. 40- The jejunal fluid lacked any hydrolytic activity against o ~~~~~~~DILEUCINE but E APPEARANCE triglycine regardless of the concentrations used, ~-30- exhibited activity against trileucine. The data regard- ing the potential for trileucine hydrolysis by the intra- 20- luminal enzymes of 15-cm segments are summarized in Table II. The average rate of trileucine disappearance 0 during the infusion of a 5 mM solution of this tripep- P=NS P<0.0I tide was 73 /Amol/min per 15 cm. Of this 73 smol, 3 /Amol could be attributed to hydrolvsis by intraluminal FIGLURE 10 Rates of trileucine disappearance and luminal Under similar conditions of study, accumulation of dileucine from test solutions containing 5 enzyme (Table II). mM trileucine and 5 mMI trileucine plus 50 mM glycylleu- the rate of hydrolysis of trileucine by intraluminal en- cine. MIean±+SEM values were determined from perfusion zymes was 10-fold greater than that of dileucine (Table studies in the jejunum of three subjects. The P values were II). determinied by the paired t test.

1360 S. A. Adibi, E. L. Morse, S. S. Masilamani, and P. M. Amin TABLE I I cine from triglycine solution was considerably reduced Average Rates of Peptide Hydrolysis by Luminal Enzymes (Fig. 7). This reduction appeared to be principally a in a 15-cm Jejunal Segment function of a decreased triglycine absorption rather than increased accumulation of diglycine. In the pres- Substrate Rate of hydrolysis* ence of glycylleucine, the triglycine disappearance rate jumol/min was reduced by 292 Amol/min per 30 cm while digly- L-Leucyl-L-leucyl-L-leucine 3.040.5 (range, 6.45-1.50) cine accumulation rate was increased by only 53 Amol/ L-Leucyl-L-leucine 0.39±0.09 (range, 0.78-0.03) min per 30 cm. These observations suggest that a small fraction of triglycine is hydrolyzed by the brush border * Each value represents the mean-+SEM of eight separate studies. The difference between the rates of hydrolysis of peptide hydrolases, but most triglycine is absorbed in- trileucine and dileucine was statistically significant (P < 0.01). tact. Furthermore, the uptake of triglycine by the brush border membrane of the jejunal mucosa is mediated partially or totally by the dipeptide carrier system previ- testinal aspirate was added to 0.5-1 ml of test solution ously characterized (6). Intact absorption does not ap- containing either triglycine or trileucine. Poor solu- pear to be unique to triglycine since unhydrolyzed gly- bility of trileucine limited the range of concentration cylprolylhydroxyproline has been recovered in the urine for assessment of peptide hydrolase activity against this of human subj ects after ingestion of meals containing tripeptide. Nevertheless, addition of 1 ml of 5 mM tri- gelatin (19). leucine to 2 ml of intestinal aspirate allowed estimation Whether an active process is involved in the mucosal of peptide hydrolase activity against this tripeptide in a uptake of triglycine cannot be determined from the situation of substrate excess. present data. However, Addison and co-workers (20), using an in vitro preparation of hamster jejunum, have DISCUSSION recently found intracellular accumulation of glycylsarco- Triglycine, like diglycine (5), appears to be taken up sylsarcosine against an electrochemical gradient. This by the mucosal cells without prior hydrolysis. In con- tripeptide, an analog of triglycine, is poorly hydrolyzed trast, the intraluminal disappearance of trileucine ap- by mucosal enzymes and is, therefore, suitable for the pears to be chiefly the result of hydrolysis of this tri- studies of cellular transport. peptide by intraluminal and membrane-bound enzymes. In contrast to a steep and almost linear increase in The following discussion examines the evidence to sup- triglycine disappearance rates with each increase in port these points. triglycine concentration, the accumulation rates of both Triglycine disappearance. (a) Intraluminal hydroly- free glycine and diglycine showed saturation over the sis of triglycine can be dismissed as a possibility since initial range (33.33-66.67 mM) of concentrations (Fig. the intraluminal fluid lacked hydrolytic activity against 3). This observation suggests that the potential for triglycine. (b) Since free glycine and diglycine ac- uptake may exceed the potential for hydrolysis or that cumulate in the gut lumen and in plasma during the in- the affinity of triglycine for transport sites is much fusion of triglycine solutions, it is necessary to consider higher than its affinity for hydrolytic sites on the brush the possibility of mucosal surface hydrolysis (17, 18) border membrane. The reason for modest increases, af- of triglycine to diglycine and free glycine followed by ter reaching a plateau, in luminal accumulation rates of transport of the products of hydrolysis into the cell by free glycine and diglycine at the highest triglycine con- the carrier systems for amino acids and dipeptides, re- centration used (100 mM) in the present experiment is spectively. To determine whether the carrier system for not yet clear. Due to an increased intraluminal concen- neutral free amino acids is involved in the transport tration of triglycine at an infusion concentration of of the amino acid constituent of triglycine, this carrier 100 mM, possibly more substrate becomes available for system was saturated with a large load of free leucine the membrane-bound peptide hydrolases. Alternatively, (100 mM). Free leucine markedly inhibits uptake of the increased rates might suggest that a second trans- glycine from a 33.33 mM solution of free glycine (Fig. port system within the mucosal cells involved with the 6). Under this condition, the rate of uptake of glycine forward transfer of the products of triglycine hydrolysis from a 33.33 mM triglycine solution was not signifi- is reaching saturation. Indeed, a second transport mech- cantly altered (Fig. 4). (c) To investigate whether the anism for free glycine has been postulated by Newey and dipeptide carrier system was being utilized for the Smyth (21) and Matthews and his co-workers (22) to transport of the diglycine constituent of triglycine, the account for the increasing concentration of free glycine dipeptide carrier system was saturated with 100 mM in the rat gut lumen with increases in glycine peptide glycylleucine. Glycylleucine markedly inhibits diglycine concentration. Whether one or both of the above ex- absorption (6). In this experiment, the uptake of gly- planations are valid cannot be decided on the basis of the

Tripeptide Transport and Hydrolysis in Man 1361 available evidence. Nevertheless, progressive increases transport under physiological conditions. Although the in the plasma concentrations of both free glycine and concentrations of individual in the gut diglycine after each increment in triglycine concentra- lumen have not yet been well established, the 5 mM tion in the infusion solution (Fig. 2) do not indicate concentration of triglycine and trileucine in the present that a limiting rate in the mucosal transport of either studies falls within the range of postprandial concentra- triglycine or its digestive products has been reached tions of peptide amino acids in the intestine of healthy within the range of concentrations used in our studies. human subj ects (25). Trileucine disappearance. Four major differences in hydrolysis and transport characteristics indicated that ACKNOWVLEDGMENTS there is a fundamental difference in the intestinal fate This work was supported by a grant (AM-15861) from the of triglycine and trileucine. (a) The intraluminal fluid National Institute of Arthritis, 'Metabolism, and Digestive contained peptide hydrolase activity against trileucine Diseases, National Institutes of Health, U. S. Public Health but not against triglycine. (b) During the perfusion Service. studies, the concentration of free leucine was greater REFERENCES than free glycine by fourfold (Fig. 8). (c) The disap- 1. Adibi, S. A., and S. J. Gray. 1967. Intestinal absorp- pearance rate of trileucine was not affected by glycyl- tion of essential amino acids in man. Gastroenterology. leucine (Fig. 10), but this dipeptide markedly reduced 52: 837-845. (Fig. 7). (d) Iso- 2. Adibi, S. A., S. J. Gray, and E. Menden. 1967. 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