BASIC RESPONSES AUSTRALIAN BRIDGE FEDERATION Jump raises - minors limit forcing Other: Preemptive INCORPORATED © Jump raises - majors limit forcing Other: Preemptive STANDARD SYSTEM CARD Jump shifts after minor opening om=7-9 raise, 2C=bal 10-12, 2D=10-12 raise Names: Hugh GROSVENOR Martin DORAN Jump shifts after major opening 4 card raises: GF, 7-9, limit raise in order ABF Nos: 161871 Responses to strong 2 suit opening 2B=GF, 2C=Double Negative Basic System: 2/1 GF with Transfer Responses Responses to 2NT opening 3A=Stayman, 3BC=Trf, 3D=A,4A=B, Texas Classification: Green Blue Red Yellow PLAY CONVENTIONS OPENING BIDS 'NT' Versus Notrump 'S' Versus Suit = Both Describe strength, minimum length, or specific meaning Canape Sequence leads: Overlead all S All except AK x (x) 1A 10-21, 2+ 1B 10-21, 3+ 1C 10-21, 5+ 1D 10-21, 5+ Underlead Other: NT: A/Q=attitude,K=count/unblock, 0/2 higher 1 NT 14-16 may contain 5 card major Four or more with an honour 4th highest NT attitude 2A Stayman: simple extended Other: Smolen 3rd/5th S Other: Transfers 2B => C 2C => D 2D => A From 4 small 2nd highest NT Other: S=3rd 2 NT => B Other: 3A=A&BGF, 3B=55 Maj GF, 3M=41(44), Texas From 3 cards (no honour) top middle NT bottom S 2A Strong, 22+bal or near GF. on partner's lead: high encourage low encourage 2B Weak, 5-10, 6 card suit, can be 5 NV 1st/3rd. 2NT Ogust. Transfers from 2NT after X. Other: Suit preference or count where obvious 2C Weak, 5-10, 6 card suit, can be 5 NV 1st/3rd. 2NT Ogust. Transfers from 2NT after X. Signal on declarer's lead Reverse count 2D Weak, 5-10, 6 card suit, can be 5 NV 1st/3rd. 2NT Ogust. Transfers from 2NT after X. Discards McKenney high encourage low encourage 2 NT 20-21 bal. odd/even Other: 3 NT Constructive 4 Major opening. Count natural reverse Original PRE-ALERTS: CALLS THAT MAY HAVE UNEXPECTED MEANING/S OR REQUIRE SPECIAL DEFENCE CONVENTIONS Transfers in competition: After weak 2 (X) from 2NT to raise 4NT: Blackwood RKCB Other: Kickback 0314 After 1M (X) from 1NT to 2M Transfer responses after our 1A opening 4A Gerber when? After NT openings After our from cue to raise 1C-1D=Forcing NT 1C-1NT=5+D Other Conventions 2 way checkback after 1X-1Y-1Z COMPETITIVE BIDDING 2 way reverse Drury after 3rd/4th openings Negative doubles through 4D Responsive doubles through 4D Transfer checkback after 1A-1B/C-1NT Jump Weak Unusual NT Lower suits (m excluded if 3+) Kokish 2 way game tries 1NT overcall (immediate) 15-18 Syst. On (re-opening) 11-14 Syst. On Immed cue of minor Both Majors (if minor promises 3+ cards, otherwise natural) Immed cue of major Other Major + minor ©ABF Marketing PO Box 397 Over opponent's 1NT (weak) X=pen, 2A=C&D, 2B=CorD, 2M=5M&m Fyshwick ACT 2609 Over opponent's 1NT (strong) X=4M&5m, 2A=C&D, 2B=CorD, 2M=5M&m Tel: 02 6239 2265 Over weak twos FAX: 02 6239 1816 X with and Copyright © BCC Over opening threes X and non-leaping Michaels


Describe strength, minimum length or specific meaning Additional responses to 1NT 1A 1B 4+C 2NT 13-15 or 18+ bal 3A/3B 3A=54 minors GF 3B=55 Majors slammish 1C/D 1C=4+D 1D=7-10 no 4M 3A 3-6, 5+A 3C/3D 4441, short other Major, GF 1NT GF 5+A 3B Splinter 4A Gerber 0314 CRO 2A GF, 4+B 3C Splinter 4B Texas 2B 7-9, 5+A 3D Splinter 4C Texas 2C 11-12 bal no 4M 3NT 16-17 bal no 4M 4D 4-4 minors slam try 2D 11-12 5+A 4 bids 4m=, 4M=To play Unusual NT: minors other suits lower 2 unbid suits

1B 1C/D 5+, 4+C/D 3A 7-9, 4+B other Over minor that promises at least 3 cards shows 2 lowest suits 1NT 6-9 no 4M 3B 3-6, 4+B 2A 11+, 4+A 3C Splinter Other slam bidding Cue Bids Asking Bids 2B 4+B, GF 3D Splinter 4th Suit Forcing One round Game force 2C 11-12 bal no 4M 3NT 16-17 bal no 4M NT Checkback Priorities 2 way checkback, 2A =inv/weak B 2B=GF 2D 11-12, 4+B 4B Preempt Defence to 3NT opening 4A=Both Majors 2NT 13-15 or 18+ bal 4 Other 4A=Splinter, 4M=To play Defence to opening Two's: Multi 2B X=15+

1C/D 1NT 1C:5+ 5+DF1 1D: Semi F 3A 7-9, 4C/GF 4+D RCO style 2-s X=15+ 2A GF, 3+A 3B LR, 4+C/7-9 4+D 2B GF, 4+B 3C/D 3-6, 4C/D Other 2-s 2C/D 5-9, 3+C/D 3NT 5+C/D, A or K outside 2NT 13-15 bal or 18+ 4A/B Splinter Defence to strong A X and suit bids show next suit or 2 suited in 2 suits above that 2A 2B Artificial GF 2C/D 2C=No A/K/2Q 2D=5+D to 2/3 NT at any level shows non-touching 2 suiter other 2NT=5+C to 2/3 top honours 3m=5+m to 2/3 3M=6+M not 2/3 3N=7 solid Lebensohl Over NT interference Slow shows stopper 2B 2C 5+C F 3A/B 3A=5+A F 3B=Not inv. Other uses After X of 2 level opening 2D 5+D F 3C/D Splinter Take out of 4 level pre-empts 4A/4B X 2NT Ogust 3NT To play 4C X 4D X

2C/D 2NT Ogust 3NT To play OTHER NOTES 3A/B 5+A/B F 4A/B Splinter Strong NT by opponents is defined as any range that includes 16 3C/D Not invitational 4C/D To play We open 1A with all 17-19 balanced that do not have a 5 card major 2NT 3A Stayman 4A B GF With 11-13 balanced we open longer minor, normally 1A with 3-3, better suit with 4-4 3B Transfer to C 4B Texas 3C Transfer to D 4C Texas 3D A or A and B GF 4D 4-4 minors slam try 3NT To play other 5A=Gerber 0314 CRO

BASIC RESPONSES AUSTRALIAN BRIDGE FEDERATION Jump raises - minors limit forcing Other: INCORPORATED © Jump raises - majors limit forcing Other: 3-card support STANDARD SYSTEM CARD Jump shifts after minor opening Exclusion (very weak, long suit) Names: Wynne WEBBER Hilton FRANCIS Jump shifts after major opening Bergen ABF Nos: 100171 161756 Responses to strong 2 suit opening Kokish Basic System: Brown Sticker Responses to 2NT opening 3A = asking (good hand) Classification: Green Blue Red Yellow PLAY CONVENTIONS OPENING BIDS 'NT' Versus Notrump 'S' Versus Suit = Both Describe strength, minimum length, or specific meaning Canape Sequence leads: Overlead all All except AK x (x) 1A 3; 11+ 1B 4; 11+ 1C 5(4); 11+ 1D 5; 11+ Underlead Other: Overlead from interior sequences 1 NT 12-14 may contain 5 card major Four or more with an honour 4th highest attitude 2A Stayman: simple extended Other: 3rd/5th Other: Transfers 2B C 2C D 2D A From 4 small 2nd highest Other: 2 NTB Other: From 3 cards (no honour) top middle bottom 2A GF or 23+ (Kokish responses) Signal on partner's lead: high encourage low encourage 2B Multi (Weak MJR/8+ playing trick minor/21-22 flat) Other: Reverse count 2C C and minor; 6-10, 5/5(4) Signal on declarer's lead Reverse count, if seems important 2D D and minor; 6-10, 5/5(4) Discards McKenneyNT high encourage low encourage S 2 NT C and D; at least 5/5, 6-10 odd/even Other: 3 NT Gambling Count natural reverse Current count after McKenney PRE-ALERTS: CALLS THAT MAY HAVE UNEXPECTED MEANING/S OR REQUIRE SPECIAL DEFENCE CONVENTIONS Bergen 3A, 3B raises 4NT: Blackwood RKCB Other: 30/41 SWINE 4A Gerber when? Lebensohl Other Conventions SA Texas Transfers COMPETITIVE BIDDING Lebensohl Kokish responses to 2A opening Negative doubles through4C Responsive doubles through 4D Crowhurst DOPI/ROPI Jump overcallsWeak Unusual NT Lower unbid suits SWINE 1NT overcall (immediate)15-18 (re-opening) 11+ Jacoby 2NT response Immed cue of minor Michaels Immed cue of major Michaels ©ABF Marketing PO Box 397 Over opponent's 1NT (weak) Cappelletti Fyshwick ACT 2609 Over opponent's 1NT (strong) Modified Cappelletti (X = single suiter) Tel: 02 6239 2265 Over weak twos FAX: 02 6239 1816 X = 15+ Copyright © BCC Over opening threes X = 15+


Describe strength, minimum length or specific meaning Additional responses to 1NT 1A 1B 4B, 5+ HCP 2NT 12+ HCP (4 card support) 3A/3B 6-card suit, 2 of top 3 honours, 8-10 HCP 1C/D 4C/D, 5+ HCP 3A 10-12 HCP 3C/3D 6-card suit, 2 of top 3 honours, 8-10 HCP 1NT8-9 HCP, 4A 3B Splinter, 16+ HCP 4A Transfer to 4C 2A 4A, 5-7 HCP 3C Splinter, 16+ HCP 4B Transfer to 4D 2B Weak, 5+B 3D Splinter, 16+ HCP 4C To play 2C Weak, 5+C 3NT To play 4D To play 2D Weak, 5+D 4 bids Cues Unusual NT: minors other suits lower 2 unbid suits

1B 1C/D 4C/D, 5+HCP 3A Weak, 5+A other 1NT5-9 HCP 3B 10-12 HCP 2A 4A, 10+ HCP 3C Splinter, strong Other slam bidding Cue Bids Asking Bids 2B 4B, 5-9 HCP 3D Splinter, strong 4th Suit Forcing One round Game force 2C Weak, 5+ C 3NT To play NT Checkback Priorities C 2D Weak, 5+D 4B Strong, no ace Defence to 3NT opening X = take-out 2NT12+ HCP (4+-card support) 4 Other Cues Defence to opening Two's: Multi 2B 2NT = opening, no 5-card suit X = 15+ HCP 1C/D 1NT6-9 HCP 3A 4C/D, 6-9 HCP RCO style 2-s 2A 4+A, 10+ HCP 3B 4C/D, 10-11 HCP 2B 4+B, 10+ HCP 3C/D Limit raise, 3-card support Other 2-s 2C/D 3-card support, 6-9 HCP 3NT To play 2NT12+, 4-card support 4A/B Cues Defence to strong A 2A 2B Waiting (forced) 2C/D Weak, 6+ cards Bid at 2-level = length other 3A, 3B = weak, 6+ cards Lebensohl Over NT interference 2B 2C Correctable 3A/B Droppable Other uses Over weak 2s 2D Correctable 3C/D Correctable, invitational Take out of 4 level pre-empts 4A/4B X 2NTAsking 3NT To play 4C X 4D 4NT

2C/D 2NTAsk 3NT To play OTHER NOTES 3A/B Correctable 4A/B Correctable, invitational 3C/D Invitational 4C/D To play

2NT 3A Ask 4A Droppable 3B Droppable 4B n/a 3C To play 4C To play 3D To play 4D To play 3NTTo play other

BASIC RESPONSES AUSTRALIAN BRIDGE FEDERATION Jump raises - minors limit forcing Other: weak 2-5 & 5+ support INCORPORATED © Jump raises - majors limit forcing Other: weak 2-5 & 4 card support STANDARD SYSTEM CARD Jump shifts after minor opening to major are weak; other minor is game force Names: Sandra Richman Andrew Richman Jump shifts after major opening 1/2 Bergen, 3/4 Fit-Showing ABF Nos: 377910 382655 Responses to strong 2 suit opening 2A: 2Bwaiting Basic System:STANDARD Brown Sticker Responses to 2NT opening AStay; BC TRF; 3D Puppet; 3NT=5D4C; 4D=A&B Classification: Green Blue Red Yellow PLAY CONVENTIONS OPENING BIDS 'NT' Versus Notrump 'S' Versus Suit = Both Describe strength, minimum length, or specific meaning Canape Sequence leads: Overlead all All except AK x (x) 1A 3+A 11-20 1B 3+B 11-20 1C 5+C 11-20 1D 5+D 11-20 Underlead Other: AQ = Att, all else = count 1 NT 15 - 17 may contain 5 card major Four or more with an honour 4th highest attitude 2A Stayman: simple extended Other: 3A=Pupp Stay 3rd/5th Other: Transfers 2B Hearts 2C Spades 2D Bal Inv or Clubs From 4 small 2nd highest Other: 2 NTMinors or Diamonds Other: 3B=22(4/5m); 3C/D=3 card suit & s'ton OM From 3 cards (no honour) top middle bottom 2A 23+ balanced or 21+ any unbalanced hand Signal on partner's lead: high encourage low encourage 2B HEARTS 5 or 6 (less than opening hand) (4th seat Natural 10-14) Other: Reverse Att or Reverse Count 2C MAJORS 5/4+ (less than opening hand) (4th seat Natural 10-14) Signal on declarer's lead Hi/low if liked/disliked pd's NT lead else Rev Count 2D Spades 5 or 6 and less than opening hand (4th seat Natural 10-14) Discards McKenney high encourage low encourage 2 NT 20-22 hcp semi-bal odd/even Other: Odd=Encourage, Even= McKenney 3 NT 4 level pre-empt in minor (4th seat to play) Count natural reverse sometimes Peter suit pref PRE-ALERTS: CALLS THAT MAY HAVE UNEXPECTED MEANING/S OR REQUIRE SPECIAL DEFENCE CONVENTIONS 1M resp to 1A may hide longer B if <10hcp Non&Leap Michaels after opp open 2s & 4NT: Blackwood RKCB Other: 1430 1NT rebid may have 4 card major 3s or if they open then raise 4A Gerber when? CRO after NT, Mini RKC after 3BCD opening & Texas Transfers Transfers after 1CorD-DBL Other Conventions 1/2 Bergen Raises and Min/Max Splinters 4NT opening = Specific Ace Ask COMPETITIVE BIDDING 3/4 2wayDrury and Fit-Showing Jumps Support X & XX, Low Trick X Negative doubles through4S Responsive doubles through 4S Puppet Stayman 2NT, Baron 3NT & above OBAR BIDS - Scrambling 2NT Jump overcallsweak Unusual NT 2 lowest unbid suits Checkback (suit stop or jump s'ton w fit) Good-Bad & Super Unusual 2NT 1NT overcall (immediate)15-18 (re-opening) 10-14M or 15-18m DOPI, ROPI, DEPO, Exclusion Key Card Blackout after Reverses Immed cue of minor Majors Immed cue of major Other Major & a Minor ©ABF Marketing PO Box 397 Over opponent's 1NT (weak) Multi-: X=Penalty, 2A=C&D, 2B= C or D Fyshwick ACT 2609 Over opponent's 1NT (strong) DONT: X=single suit, bid=that suit & higher suit Tel: 02 6239 2265 Over weak twos FAX: 02 6239 1816 X = takeout: Leaping Michaels Copyright © BCC Over opening threes X = takeout: Non&Leaping Michaels


Describe strength, minimum length or specific meaning Additional responses to 1NT 1A 1B 6+ pts, 4+ suit 2NT 11-12 hcp 3A/3B 3A=Puppet Stayman; 3B=22(45) Forcing to Game 1C/D may bypass longer B if <10hcp 3A to play, 0-5 hcp, 4+ A 3C/3D 3 card suit, s'ton other major, 5/4 minors, Forcing to Game 1NT6 - 9 hcp 3B splinter 4A CRO 2A 6-9 pts, 4+ A 3C splinter 4B Transfer to C 2B Game Force in A 3D splinter 4C Transfer to D 2C 2-5 hcp, 6 C 3NT to play 4D Pick a Minor 2D 2-5 hcp, 6 D 4 bids 4D=RKCA, 4C/H/S to play Unusual NT: minors other suits lower 2 unbid suits

1B 1C/D natural 3A Game Force in B other After opp bid & raise 2NT may be Super Unusual or Scrambling if pd X 1NT6 - 10 hcp 3B to play, 2-5 hcp, 4+ B 2NT may be Good-Bad if RHO bid at 2 level 2A 10+ hcp, 4+ A 3C splinter Other slam bidding Cue Bids Asking Bids 2B 6-9, 4+ B 3D splinter 4th Suit Forcing One roundexcept 1S & Blackout Game force 2C 2-5 hcp, 6 C 3NT to play NT Checkback Priorities 2way checkback, priority is cheapest 2D 2-5 hcp, 6 D 4B to play Defence to 3NT opening X penalty 2NT11 - 12 hcp 4 Other 4C=RKCB, 4H/S to play Defence to opening Two's: Multi 2B X = takeout of a major, then lebensohl; Leaping Michaels; Cue-bid=stopper ask. 1C/D 1NT6 - 10 hcp 3A 1/2 bergen, 3/4 fit-showing. RCO style 2-s X = 16+, overcalls natural 2A 1/2 natural, 3/4 drury 3 card sup 3B 1/2 bergen, 3/4 fit-showing. Leaping Michaels 2B 1/2 natural, 3/4 drury 4 card sup 3C/D WK; 1D:3C=LR; 1C3DSPL Other 2-s TRF openings: Leaping Michaels, Cue= stop ask, X=t'out 2C/D 6-9 raise or 1C:2D=LR 3NT splinter 2NT Minors: 3C/D t'out majors w C/D preference 2NT1/2 Jacoby, 3/4=6 card minor NF 4A/B splinter Defence to strong A D=B&C, H=C&D, X=A&C, NT=B&D, C=A&B, jumps=s/suit 2A 2B Waiting 2C/D Natural 1C (p) 1D bids same but 2D=B&C, 3B=s/suit B other 3AB natural Lebensohl Over NT interference 2B 2C to play 3A/B Natural Other uses following X of opponents weak,,multi 2 openings 2D Natural, Inv 3C/D to play/slam try Take out of 4 level pre-empts 4A/4B X t'out 2NTEnquiry 3NT to play 4C X t'out 4D X=values; 4NT=takeout

2C/D 2NTEnquiry 3NT to play OTHER NOTES 3A/B Natural, NF 4A/B slam try splinter After 2NT enquiry to 2BCD opening, 4 A or B is RKC in that minor. 3C/D Natural 4C/D to play NAMYATS: response 4 of implied major is mild slam try, immed 4NT is blackwood, 2NT 3A Puppet Stayman 4A CRO bidding the suit under is no interest or can be followed by 4NT RKC. 3B Transfer C 4B Transfer C Fit-show jumps to 3/4 openings or after oppt 1NT o'call 1M or to pd's overcalls. 3C Transfer D 4C Transfer D NT rebids may hold 4 card Major/s. Checkback. 3D Puppet to 3NT 4D Pick a Minor Defence to NT, treat any NT with minimum as 14hcp as strong. 3NT5D&4C other 4NT = Quantitative