GNU Parallel alternatives NAME parallel_alternatives - Alternatives to GNU parallel DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GNU Parallel AND ALTERNATIVES There are a lot programs that share functionality with GNU parallel. Some of these are specialized tools, and while GNU parallel can emulate many of them, a specialized tool can be better a given task. GNU parallel strives to include the best of thegeneral functionality without sacrificing ease of use. parallel has existed since 2002-01-06 and as GNU parallel since2010. A lot of the alternatives have not had the vitality to survivethat long, but have come and gone during that . GNU parallel is actively maintained with a new release every monthsince 2010. other alternatives are fleeting interests of thedevelopers with irregular releases and only maintained for a fewyears. SUMMARY LEGEND The following features are in some of the comparable tools: Inputs I1. Arguments can be read from stdin I2. Arguments can be read from a I3. Arguments can be read from multiple files I4. Arguments can be read from command line I5. Arguments can be read from a table I6. Arguments can be read from the same file using #! (shebang) I7. Line oriented input as default (Quoting of special chars not needed) Manipulation of input M1. Composed command M2. Multiple arguments can fill up an execution line M3. Arguments can be put anywhere in the execution line . Multiple arguments can be put anywhere in the execution line M5. Arguments can be replaced with context M6. Input can be treated as the complete command line Outputs O1. Grouping output so output from different jobs do not mix O2. Send stderr (standard error) to stderr (standard error) O3. Send stdout (standard output) to stdout (standard output) O4. Order of output can be same as order of input O5. Stdout only contains stdout (standard output) from the command O6. Stderr only contains stderr (standard error) from the command O7. Buffering on disk O8. Cleanup of temporary files if killed O9. if disk runs full during run O10. Output of a line bigger than 4 GB Execution E1. Running jobs in parallel

Page 1 GNU Parallel alternatives E2. List running jobs E3. Finish running jobs, but do not start new jobs E4. Number of running jobs can depend on number of cpus E5. Finish running jobs, but do not start new jobs after first failure E6. Number of running jobs can be adjusted while running E7. Only spawn new jobs if load is than a limit Remote execution R1. Jobs can be run on remote computers R2. Basefiles can be transferred R3. Argument files can be transferred R4. Result files can be transferred R5. Cleanup of transferred files R6. No config files needed R7. Do not run than SSHD's MaxStartups can handle R8. Configurable SSH command R9. Retry if connection breaks occasionally Semaphore S1. Possibility to work as a mutex S2. Possibility to work as a counting semaphore Legend - = no x = not applicable ID = As every new version of the programs are not tested the table may beoutdated. Please file a bug report if you errors (See REPORTINGBUGS). parallel: I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9 O10 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 S1 S2 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): I1 I2 ------M2 M3 - - - - O2 O3 - O5 O6 E1 ------x - - - - - xargs offers some of the same possibilities as GNU parallel.

Page 2 GNU Parallel alternatives xargs deals badly with special characters (such as space, \, ' and"). To see the problem try this: important_file touch 'not important_file' not* | xargs -p "My brother's 12\" records" ls | xargs touch ':\windows\system32\clfs.sys' 'c:\windows\system32\clfs.sys' | xargs ls -l

You can specify -0, but many input generators are not optimized forusing NUL as separator but are optimized for asseparator. E.g. , ls, echo, -v, (requiresusing -z), (requires using -z), (requires using -z), (-0 and \0 instead of \n), (requiresusing -0), find (requires using -print0), (requiresusing -z or -Z), (requires using -z). GNU parallel's newline separation can be emulated with: | xargs -d "\n" -n1 command xargs can run a given number of jobs in parallel, but has nosupport for running number-of-cpu-cores jobs in parallel. xargs has no support for grouping the output, therefore output mayrun together, e.g. the first half of a line is from one process andthe last half of the line is from another process. The example Parallel grep cannot be done reliably with xargs because ofthis. To see this in action try: parallel perl -e '\$a=\"1\".\"{}\"x10000000\;print\ \$a,\"\\n\"' \ '>' {} ::: a b c d e f g h # Serial = no mixing = the wanted result # ' -s a-z' squeezes repeating letters into a single letter echo a b c d e f g h | xargs -P1 -n1 grep 1 | tr -s a-z # Compare to 8 jobs in parallel parallel -kP8 -n1 grep 1 ::: a b c d e f g h | tr -s a-z echo a b c d e f g h | xargs -P8 -n1 grep 1 | tr -s a-z echo a b c d e f g h | xargs -P8 -n1 grep --line-buffered 1 | \ tr -s a-z

Or try this: slow_seq() { echo Count to "$@" "$@" | perl -ne '$|=1; for(//){ print; select($a,$a,$a,0.100);}' } export -f slow_seq # Serial = no mixing = the wanted result seq 8 | xargs -n1 -P1 -I {} -c 'slow_seq {}' # Compare to 8 jobs in parallel seq 8 | parallel -P8 slow_seq {} seq 8 | xargs -n1 -P8 -I {} bash -c 'slow_seq {}' xargs has no support for keeping the order of the output, thereforeif running jobs in parallel using xargs the output of the secondjob cannot be postponed till the first job is done. xargs has no support for running jobs on remote computers. xargs has no support for context replace, so you will have to create thearguments. If you use a replace string in xargs (-I) you can not force xargs to use more than one argument.

Page 3 GNU Parallel alternatives Quoting in xargs works like -q in GNU parallel. This meanscomposed commands and redirection require using bash -c. ls | parallel " {} >{}.wc" ls | parallel "echo {}; ls {}|wc"

becomes (assuming you have 8 cores and that none of the filenamescontain space, " or '). ls | xargs -d "\n" -P8 -I {} bash -c "wc {} >{}.wc" ls | xargs -d "\n" -P8 -I {} bash -c "echo {}; ls {}|wc"

A more extreme example can be found on: DIFFERENCES BETWEEN find -exec AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): - - - x - x - - M2 M3 - - - - - O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 ------x x find -exec offers some of the same possibilities as GNU parallel. find -exec only works on files. Processing other input (such ashosts or URLs) will require creating these inputs as files. find-exec has no support for running commands in parallel. (Last checked: 2019-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN -j AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): ------O1 O2 O3 - x O6 E1 - - - E5 ------make -j can run jobs in parallel, but requires a crafted Makefileto do this. That results in extra quoting to get filenames containing to work correctly. make -j computes a dependency before running jobs. Jobs runby GNU parallel does not depend on each other. (Very early versions of GNU parallel were coincidentally implementedusing make -j). (Last checked: 2019-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ppss AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): I1 I2 - - - - I7 M1 - M3 - - M6

Page 4 GNU Parallel alternatives O1 - - x - - E1 E2 ?E3 E4 - - - R1 R2 R3 R4 - - ?R7 ? ? - - ppss is also a tool for running jobs in parallel. The output of ppss is status information and thus not useful forusing as input for another command. The output from the jobs are putinto files. The argument replace string ($ITEM) cannot be changed. Arguments mustbe quoted - thus arguments containing special characters (space '"&!*)may cause problems. More than one argument is not supported. Filenamescontaining newlines are not processed correctly. When reading input from a file null cannot be used as a terminator. ppss needs to readthe whole input file before starting any jobs. Output and status information is stored in ppss_dir and thus requirescleanup when completed. If the dir is not removed before running ppss again it may cause nothing to happen as ppss thinks thetask is already done. GNU parallel will normally not need cleaningup if running locally and will only need cleaning up if stoppedabnormally and running remote (--cleanup may not complete ifstopped abnormally). The example Parallel grep would require extrapostprocessing if written using ppss. For remote systems PPSS requires 3 steps: config, deploy, andstart. GNU parallel only requires one step. EXAMPLES FROM ppss MANUAL Here are the examples from ppss's manual page with the equivalentusing GNU parallel: 1$ ./ standalone -d /path/to/files -c 'gzip '

1$ find /path/to/files - f | parallel gzip

2$ ./ standalone -d /path/to/files -c ' "$ITEM" /destination/dir '

2$ find /path/to/files -type f | parallel cp {} /destination/dir

3$ ./ standalone -f list-of-urls.txt -c 'wget -q '

3$ parallel -a list-of-urls.txt wget -q

4$ ./ standalone -f list-of-urls.txt -c 'wget -q "$ITEM"'

4$ parallel -a list-of-urls.txt wget -q {}

5$ ./ppss config -C config.cfg -c ' ' -d /source/dir \ -m -u ppss -k ppss-key.key -S ./ \ -n nodes.txt -o /some/output/dir --upload --download; ./ppss deploy -C config.cfg ./ppss start -C config

5$ # parallel does not use configs. If you want a different username put it in nodes.txt: user@hostname find source/dir -type f | parallel --sshloginfile nodes.txt --trc {.}.mp3 lame -a {} -o

Page 5 GNU Parallel alternatives {.}.mp3 --preset standard --quiet

6$ ./ppss stop -C config.cfg

6$ -TERM parallel

7$ ./ppss pause -C config.cfg

7$ Press: CTRL-Z or killall -SIGTSTP parallel

8$ ./ppss continue -C config.cfg

8$ Enter: fg or killall -SIGCONT parallel

9$ ./ status -C config.cfg

9$ killall -SIGUSR2 parallel DIFFERENCES BETWEEN AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): I1 I2 - I4 I5 - - M1 - M3 - - M6 O1 O2 O3 - O5 O6 E1 - - E4 - E6 - R1 - - - - R6 - - - S1 - pexec is also a tool for running jobs in parallel. EXAMPLES FROM pexec MANUAL Here are the examples from pexec's page with the equivalentusing GNU parallel: 1$ pexec -o sqrt-%s.dat -p "$(seq 10)" -e NUM -n 4 -c -- \ 'echo "scale=10000;sqrt($NUM)" | bc'

1$ seq 10 | parallel -j4 'echo "scale=10000;sqrt({})" | \ bc > sqrt-{}.dat'

2$ pexec -p "$(ls myfiles*.ext)" -i %s -o %s.sort -- sort

2$ ls myfiles*.ext | parallel sort {} ">{}.sort"

3$ pexec -f image.list -n auto -e B -u star.log -c -- \ 'fistar $B.fits -f 100 -F id,x,y,flux -o $'

3$ parallel -a image.list \ 'fistar {}.fits -f 100 -F id,x,y,flux -o {}.star' 2>star.log

Page 6 GNU Parallel alternatives 4$ pexec - *.png -e IMG -c -o - -- \ 'convert $IMG ${IMG%.png}.jpeg ; "echo $IMG: done"'

4$ ls *.png | parallel 'convert {} {.}.jpeg; echo {}: done'

5$ pexec -r *.png -i %s -o %s.jpg -c 'pngtopnm | pnmtojpeg'

5$ ls *.png | parallel 'pngtopnm < {} | pnmtojpeg > {}.jpg'

6$ for p in *.png ; do echo ${p%.png} ; done | \ pexec -f - -i %s.png -o %s.jpg -c 'pngtopnm | pnmtojpeg'

6$ ls *.png | parallel 'pngtopnm < {} | pnmtojpeg > {.}.jpg'

7$ LIST=$(for p in *.png ; do echo ${p%.png} ; done) pexec -r $LIST -i %s.png -o %s.jpg -c 'pngtopnm | pnmtojpeg'

7$ ls *.png | parallel 'pngtopnm < {} | pnmtojpeg > {.}.jpg'

8$ pexec -n 8 -r *.jpg -y unix -e IMG -c \ 'pexec -j -m blockread -d $IMG | \ jpegtopnm | pnmscale 0.5 | pnmtojpeg | \ pexec -j -m blockwrite -s th_$IMG'

8$ # Combining GNU B and GNU B. ls *jpg | parallel -j8 'sem --id blockread cat {} | jpegtopnm |' \ 'pnmscale 0.5 | pnmtojpeg | sem --id blockwrite cat > th_{}'

# If reading and writing is done to the same disk, this may be # faster as only one process will be either reading or writing: ls *jpg | parallel -j8 'sem --id diskio cat {} | jpegtopnm |' \ 'pnmscale 0.5 | pnmtojpeg | sem --id diskio cat > th_{}' DIFFERENCES BETWEEN xjobs AND GNU Parallel xjobs is also a tool for running jobs in parallel. It only supportsrunning jobs on your local computer. xjobs deals badly with special characters just like xargs. Seethe section DIFFERENCES BETWEEN xargs AND GNU Parallel. EXAMPLES FROM xjobs MANUAL Here are the examples from xjobs's with the equivalentusing GNU parallel: 1$ ls -1 *.zip | xjobs unzip

1$ ls *.zip | parallel unzip

2$ ls -1 *.zip | xjobs -n unzip

2$ ls *.zip | parallel unzip >/dev/null

3$ find . -name '*.bak' | xjobs gzip Page 7 GNU Parallel alternatives 3$ find . -name '*.bak' | parallel gzip

4$ ls -1 *.jar | sed 's/\(.*\)/\1 > \1.idx/' | xjobs jar tf

4$ ls *.jar | parallel jar tf {} '>' {}.idx

5$ xjobs -s script

5$ cat script | parallel

6$ mkfifo /var/run/my_named_pipe; xjobs -s /var/run/my_named_pipe & echo unzip >> /var/run/my_named_pipe; echo tar cf /backup/myhome.tar /home/me >> /var/run/my_named_pipe

6$ mkfifo /var/run/my_named_pipe; cat /var/run/my_named_pipe | parallel & echo unzip >> /var/run/my_named_pipe; echo tar cf /backup/myhome.tar /home/me >> /var/run/my_named_pipe (Last checked: 2019-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN prll AND GNU Parallel prll is also a tool for running jobs in parallel. It does notsupport running jobs on remote computers. prll encourages using BASH aliases and BASH functions instead ofscripts. GNU parallel supports scripts directly, functions if theyare exported using export -f, and aliases if using env_parallel. prll generates a lot of status information on stderr (standarderror) makes it harder to use the stderr (standard error) outputof the job directly as input for another program. EXAMPLES FROM prll's MANUAL Here is the example from prll's man page with the equivalentusing GNU parallel: 1$ prll -s 'mogrify -flip $1' *.jpg

1$ parallel mogrify -flip ::: *.jpg (Last checked: 2019-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN dxargs AND GNU Parallel dxargs is also a tool for running jobs in parallel. dxargs does not deal well with more simultaneous jobs than SSHD'sMaxStartups. dxargs is only built for remote run jobs, but does notsupport transferring of files. (Last checked: 2019-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN mdm/middleman AND GNU Parallel middleman(mdm) is also a tool for running jobs in parallel. EXAMPLES FROM middleman's WEBSITE Here are the shellscripts of ported to GNU parallel:

Page 8 GNU Parallel alternatives 1$ seq 19 | parallel buffon -o - | sort -n > result cat files | parallel cmd find dir -execdir sem cmd {} \; (Last checked: 2019-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN xapply AND GNU Parallel xapply can run jobs in parallel on the local computer. EXAMPLES FROM xapply's MANUAL Here are the examples from xapply's man page with the equivalentusing GNU parallel: 1$ xapply '( %1 && make all)' */

1$ parallel 'cd {} && make all' ::: */

2$ xapply -f ' %1 ../version5/%1' manifest | more

2$ parallel diff {} ../version5/{} < manifest | more

3$ xapply -p/dev/null -f 'diff %1 %2' manifest1 checklist1

3$ parallel -- diff {1} {2} :::: manifest1 checklist1

4$ xapply 'indent' *.c

4$ parallel indent ::: *.c

5$ find ~ksb/bin -type f ! -perm -111 -print | \ xapply -f -v ' a+x' -

5$ find ~ksb/bin -type f ! -perm -111 -print | \ parallel -v chmod a+x

6$ find */ -... | 960 1024 | xapply -f -i /dev/ '' -

6$ sh <(find */ -... | parallel -s 1024 echo vi)

6$ find */ -... | parallel -s 1024 -Xuj1 vi

7$ find ... | xapply -f -5 -i /dev/tty 'vi' - - - - -

7$ sh <(find ... | parallel -n5 echo vi)

7$ find ... | parallel -n5 -uj1 vi

8$ xapply -fn "" /etc/

8$ parallel -k echo < /etc/passwd

9$ tr ':' '\012' < /etc/passwd | \

Page 9 GNU Parallel alternatives xapply -7 -nf ' %1 %6' ------

9$ tr ':' '\012' < /etc/passwd | parallel -N7 chown {1} {6}

10$ xapply '[ -d %1/RCS ] || echo %1' */

10$ parallel '[ -d {}/RCS ] || echo {}' ::: */

11$ xapply -f '[ -f %1 ] && echo %1' List | ...

11$ parallel '[ -f {} ] && echo {}' < List | ... DIFFERENCES BETWEEN AIX apply AND GNU Parallel apply can build command lines based on a template and arguments -very much like GNU parallel. apply does not run jobs inparallel. apply does not use an argument separator (like :::);instead the template must be the first argument. EXAMPLES FROM IBM's KNOWLEDGE CENTER Here are the examples from IBM's Knowledge Center and thecorresponding command using GNU parallel: To obtain results similar to those of the ls command, enter: 1$ apply echo * 1$ parallel echo ::: *

To compare the file named a1 to the file named b1, andthe file named a2 to the file named b2, enter: 2$ apply -2 a1 b1 a2 b2 2$ parallel -N2 cmp ::: a1 b1 a2 b2

To run the command five times, enter: 3$ apply -0 who 1 2 3 4 5 3$ parallel -N0 who ::: 1 2 3 4 5

To link all files in the current directory to the directory/usr/joe, enter: 4$ apply ' %1 /usr/joe' * 4$ parallel ln {} /usr/joe ::: * (Last checked: 2019-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN paexec AND GNU Parallel paexec can run jobs in parallel on both the local and remote computers. paexec requires commands to print a blank line as the lastoutput. This means you will have to a wrapper for most programs. paexec has a job dependency facility so a job can depend on anotherjob to be executed successfully. Sort of a poor-man's make.

Page 10 GNU Parallel alternatives EXAMPLES FROM paexec's EXAMPLE CATALOG Here are the examples from paexec's example catalog with the equivalentusing GNU parallel: 1_div_X_run 1$ ../../paexec -s -l -c "``/1_div_X_cmd" -n +1 <

1$ parallel echo {} '|' `pwd`/1_div_X_cmd <

2$ parallel echo {} '|' `pwd`/all_substr_cmd <

3$ parallel echo {} '|' "env CC=gcc CFLAGS=-O2 `pwd`/cc_wrapper_cmd" \ -S host1,host2 <

# This is not exactly the same, but avoids the wrapper parallel gcc -O2 -c -o {.}.o {} \ -S host1,host2 <

4$ parallel echo {} '|' ./toupper_cmd <

# Without the wrapper: parallel echo {} '| awk {print\ toupper\(\$0\)}' < DIFFERENCES BETWEEN map(sitaramc) AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): I1 - - I4 - - (I7) M1 (M2) M3 (M4) M5 M6 - O2 O3 - O5 - - N/A N/A O10 E1 ------(I7): Only under special circumstances. See below. (M2+M4): Only if there is a single replacement string. map rejects input with special characters: echo "The Cure" > My\ brother\'s\ 12\"\ records

Page 11 GNU Parallel alternatives ls | map 'echo %; wc %'

It works with GNU parallel: ls | parallel 'echo {}; wc {}'

Under some circumstances it also works with map: ls | map 'echo % works %'

But tiny changes make it reject the input with special characters: ls | map 'echo % does not work "%"'

This means that many UTF-8 characters will be rejected. This is bydesign. From the web page: "As such, programs that quietly handlethem, with no warnings at all, are doing their users a disservice." map delays each job by 0.01 s. This can be emulated by using parallel --delay 0.01. map prints '+' on stderr when a job starts, and '-' when a jobfinishes. This cannot be disabled. parallel has --bar if youneed to see progress. map's replacement (% %D %B %E) can be simulated in GNU parallel by putting this in ~/.parallel/config: --rpl '%' --rpl '%D $_=Q(::($_));' --rpl '%B s:.*/::;s:\.[^/.]+$::;' --rpl '%E s:.*\.::' map does not have an argument separator on the command line, butuses the first argument as command. This makes quoting harder which againmay affect readability. Compare: map -p 2 'perl -ne '"'"'/^\S+\s+\S+$/ and print $ARGV,"\n"'"'" *

parallel -q perl -ne '/^\S+\s+\S+$/ and print $ARGV,"\n"' ::: * map can do multiple arguments with context replace, but not withoutcontext replace: parallel --xargs echo 'BEGIN{'{}'}END' ::: 1 2 3

map "echo 'BEGIN{'%'}END'" 1 2 3 map has no support for grouping. So this gives the wrong results: parallel perl -e '\$a=\"1{}\"x10000000\;print\ \$a,\"\\n\"' '>' {} \ ::: a b c d e f ls -l a b c d e f parallel -kP4 -n1 grep 1 ::: a b c d e f > out. map -n1 -p 4 'grep 1' a b c d e f > map -n1 -p 4 'grep --line-buffered 1' a b c d e f > map -n1 -p 1 'grep --line-buffered 1' a b c d e f > ls -l out* out*

Page 12 GNU Parallel alternatives EXAMPLES FROM map's WEBSITE Here are the examples from map's web page with the equivalent usingGNU parallel: 1$ ls *.gif | map convert % %B.png # default max-args: 1

1$ ls *.gif | parallel convert {} {.}.png

2$ map "mkdir %B; tar -C %B -xf %" *.tgz # default max-args: 1

2$ parallel 'mkdir {.}; tar -C {.} -xf {}' ::: *.tgz

3$ ls *.gif | map cp % /tmp # default max-args: 100

3$ ls *.gif | parallel -X cp {} /tmp

4$ ls *.tar | map -n 1 tar -xf %

4$ ls *.tar | parallel tar -xf

5$ map "cp % /tmp" *.tgz

5$ parallel cp {} /tmp ::: *.tgz

6$ map " -sm /home/%/" alice bob carol

6$ parallel "du -sm /home/{}/mail" ::: alice bob carol or if you prefer running a single job with multiple args: 6$ parallel -Xj1 "du -sm /home/{}/mail" ::: alice bob carol

7$ cat /etc/passwd | map -d: 'echo user %1 has shell %7'

7$ cat /etc/passwd | parallel --colsep : 'echo user {1} has shell {7}'

8$ export MAP_MAX_PROCS=$(( `nproc` / 2 ))

8$ export PARALLEL=-j50% (Last checked: 2020-05) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ladon AND GNU Parallel ladon can run multiple jobs on files in parallel. ladon only works on files and the only way to specify files isusing a quoted glob string (such as \*.jpg). It is not possible tolist the files manually. As replacement strings it uses FULLPATH DIRNAME EXT RELDIRRELPATH These can be simulated using GNU parallel by putting this in ~/.parallel/config: --rpl 'FULLPATH $_=Q($_);chomp($_=qx{readlink -f $_});' --rpl 'DIRNAME $_=Q(::dirname($_));chomp($_=qx{readlink -f $_});' --rpl 'BASENAME s:.*/::;s:\.[^/.]+$::;' --rpl 'EXT s:.*\.::'

Page 13 GNU Parallel alternatives --rpl 'RELDIR $_=Q($_);chomp(($_,$c)=qx{readlink -f $_;pwd}); s:\Q$c/\E::;$_=::dirname($_);' --rpl 'RELPATH $_=Q($_);chomp(($_,$c)=qx{readlink -f $_;pwd}); s:\Q$c/\E::;'

ladon deals badly with filenames containing " and newline, and itfails for output larger than 200k: ladon '*' -- seq 36000 | wc

EXAMPLES FROM ladon MANUAL It is assumed that the '--rpl's above are put in ~/.parallel/configand that it is run under a shell that supports '**' globbing (such as zsh): 1$ ladon "**/*.txt" -- echo RELPATH

1$ parallel echo RELPATH ::: **/*.txt

2$ ladon "~/Documents/**/*.pdf" -- shasum FULLPATH >hashes.txt

2$ parallel shasum FULLPATH ::: ~/Documents/**/*.pdf >hashes.txt

3$ ladon -m thumbs/RELDIR "**/*.jpg" -- convert FULLPATH \ -thumbnail 100x100^ -gravity center -extent 100x100 \ thumbs/RELPATH

3$ parallel mkdir -p thumbs/RELDIR\; convert FULLPATH -thumbnail 100x100^ -gravity center -extent 100x100 \ thumbs/RELPATH ::: **/*.jpg

4$ ladon "~/Music/*.wav" -- lame -V 2 FULLPATH DIRNAME/BASENAME.mp3

4$ parallel lame -V 2 FULLPATH DIRNAME/BASENAME.mp3 ::: ~/Music/*.wav (Last checked: 2019-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN jobflow AND GNU Parallel jobflow can run multiple jobs in parallel. Just like xargs output from jobflow jobs running in parallel mixtogether by default. jobflow can buffer into files (placed in/run/shm), but these are not cleaned up if jobflow diesunexpectedly (e.g. by Ctrl-C). If the total output is big (in theorder of RAM+swap) it can cause the system to slow to a crawl andeventually run out of memory. jobflow gives no error if the command is unknown, and like xargsredirection and composed commands require wrapping with bash -c. Input lines can at most be 4096 bytes. You can at most have 16 {}'s inthe command template. More than that either crashes the program orsimple does not execute the command. jobflow has no equivalent for --pipe, or --sshlogin. jobflow makes it possible to set resource limits on the runningjobs. This can be emulated by GNU parallel using bash's ulimit: jobflow -limits=mem=100M,cpu=3,fsize=20M,nofiles=300 myjob

Page 14 GNU Parallel alternatives parallel 'ulimit -v 102400 -t 3 -f 204800 -n 300 myjob'

EXAMPLES FROM jobflow README 1$ cat things.list | jobflow -threads=8 -exec ./mytask {}

1$ cat things.list | parallel -j8 ./mytask {}

2$ seq 100 | jobflow -threads=100 -exec echo {}

2$ seq 100 | parallel -j100 echo {}

3$ cat urls.txt | jobflow -threads=32 -exec wget {}

3$ cat urls.txt | parallel -j32 wget {}

4$ find . -name '*.bmp' | \ jobflow -threads=8 -exec bmp2jpeg {.}.bmp {.}.jpg

4$ find . -name '*.bmp' | \ parallel -j8 bmp2jpeg {.}.bmp {.}.jpg DIFFERENCES BETWEEN gargs AND GNU Parallel gargs can run multiple jobs in parallel. Older versions cache output in memory. This causes it to be extremelyslow when the output is larger than the physical RAM, and can causethe system to run out of memory. See more details on this in man parallel_design. Newer versions cache output in files, but leave files in $TMPDIR if itis killed. Output to stderr (standard error) is changed if the command fails. EXAMPLES FROM gargs WEBSITE 1$ seq 12 -1 1 | gargs -p 4 -n 3 " {0}; echo {1} {2}"

1$ seq 12 -1 1 | parallel -P 4 -n 3 "sleep {1}; echo {2} {3}"

2$ cat t.txt | gargs --sep "\s+" \ -p 2 "echo '{0}:{1}-{2}' full-line: \'{}\'"

2$ cat t.txt | parallel --colsep "\\s+" \ -P 2 "echo '{1}:{2}-{3}' full-line: \'{}\'" DIFFERENCES BETWEEN orgalorg AND GNU Parallel orgalorg can run the same job on multiple machines. This is relatedto --onall and --nonall. orgalorg supports entering the SSH password - provided it is thesame for all servers. GNU parallel advocates using ssh-agentinstead, but it is possible to emulate orgalorg's behavior bysetting SSHPASS and by using --ssh "sshpass ssh".

Page 15 GNU Parallel alternatives To make the emulation easier, make a simple : alias par_emul="parallel -j0 --ssh 'sshpass ssh' --nonall --tag --lb"

If you want to supply a password run: SSHPASS=`ssh-askpass`

or set the password directly: SSHPASS=P4$$w0rd!

If the above is set up you can then do: orgalorg -o frontend1 -o frontend2 -p -C par_emul -S frontend1 -S frontend2 uptime

orgalorg -o frontend1 -o frontend2 -p -C -bid 1 par_emul -S frontend1 -S frontend2 top -bid 1

orgalorg -o frontend1 -o frontend2 -p -er /tmp -n \ 'md5sum /tmp/bigfile' -S bigfile par_emul -S frontend1 -S frontend2 --basefile bigfile \ --workdir /tmp md5sum /tmp/bigfile

orgalorg has a progress indicator for the transferring of afile. GNU parallel does not. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN Rust parallel AND GNU Parallel Rust parallel focuses on speed. It is almost as fast as xargs, butnot as fast as parallel-bash. It implements a few features from GNU parallel, but lacks many functions. All these fail: # Read arguments from file parallel -a file echo # Changing the delimiter parallel -d _ echo ::: a_b_c_

These do something different from GNU parallel # -q to protect quoted $ and space parallel -q perl -e '$a=shift; print "$a"x10000000' ::: a b c # Generation of combination of inputs parallel echo {1} {2} ::: red green blue ::: S M L XL XXL # {= perl expression =} replacement string parallel echo '{= s/new/old/ =}' ::: # --pipe seq 100000 | parallel --pipe wc # linked arguments parallel echo ::: S M L :::+ sml med lrg ::: R G B :::+ red grn blu # Run different shell dialects zsh -c 'parallel echo \={} ::: zsh && true' csh -c 'parallel echo \$\{\} ::: shell && true' bash -c 'parallel echo \$\({}\) ::: pwd && true' # Rust parallel does not start before the last argument is read (seq 10; sleep 5; echo 2) | time parallel -j2 'sleep 2; echo' tail -f /var/log/syslog | parallel echo

Page 16 GNU Parallel alternatives Most of the examples from the book GNU Parallel 2018 do not work, thusRust parallel is not close to being a compatible replacement. Rust parallel has no remote facilities. It uses /tmp/parallel for tmp files and does not clean up ifterminated abruptly. If another user on the system uses Rust parallel,then /tmp/parallel will have the wrong permissions and Rust parallelwill fail. A malicious user can setup the right permissions andsymlink the output file to one of the user's files and next time theuser uses Rust parallel it will overwrite this file. attacker$ mkdir /tmp/parallel attacker$ chmod a+rwX /tmp/parallel # Symlink to the file the attacker wants to zero out attacker$ ln -s ~victim/.important-file /tmp/parallel/stderr_1 victim$ seq 1000 | parallel echo # This file is now overwritten with stderr from 'echo' victim$ cat ~victim/.important-file

If /tmp/parallel runs full during the run, Rust parallel does notreport this, but finishes with success - thereby risking data loss. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN Rush AND GNU Parallel rush ( is written in Go andbased on gargs. Just like GNU parallel rush buffers in temporary files. Butopposite GNU parallel rush does not clean up, if the processdies abnormally. rush has some string manipulations that can be emulated by puttingthis into ~/.parallel/config (/ is used instead of %, and % is usedinstead of ^ as that is closer to bash's ${var%postfix}): --rpl '{:} s:(\.[^/]+)*$::' --rpl '{:%([^}]+?)} s:$$1(\.[^/]+)*$::' --rpl '{/:%([^}]*?)} s:.*/(.*)$$1(\.[^/]+)*$:$1:' --rpl '{/:} s:(.*/)?([^/.]+)(\.[^/]+)*$:$2:' --rpl '{@(.*?)} /$$1/ and $_=$1;'

EXAMPLES FROM rush's WEBSITE Here are the examples from rush's website with the equivalentcommand in GNU parallel. 1. Simple run, quoting is not necessary 1$ seq 1 3 | rush echo {}

1$ seq 1 3 | parallel echo {}

2. Read data from file (`-i`) 2$ rush echo {} -i data1.txt -i data2.txt

2$ cat data1.txt data2.txt | parallel echo {}

3. Keep output order (`-k`) 3$ seq 1 3 | rush 'echo {}' -k

3$ seq 1 3 | parallel -k echo {}

Page 17 GNU Parallel alternatives 4. (`-t`) 4$ time seq 1 | rush 'sleep 2; echo {}' -t 1

4$ time seq 1 | parallel --timeout 1 'sleep 2; echo {}'

5. Retry (`-r`) 5$ seq 1 | rush 'python' -r 1

5$ seq 1 | parallel --retries 2 'python'

Use -u to see it is really run twice: 5$ seq 1 | parallel -u --retries 2 'python'

6. Dirname (`{/}`) and basename (`{%}`) and remove customsuffix (`{^suffix}`) 6$ echo dir/file_1.txt.gz | rush 'echo {/} {%} {^_1.txt.gz}'

6$ echo dir/file_1.txt.gz | parallel --plus echo {//} {/} {%_1.txt.gz}

7. Get basename, and remove last (`{.}`) or any (`{:}`) extension 7$ echo dir.d/file.txt.gz | rush 'echo {.} {:} {%.} {%:}'

7$ echo dir.d/file.txt.gz | parallel 'echo {.} {:} {/.} {/:}'

8. Job ID, combine fields index and other replacement strings 8$ echo 12 file.txt dir/s_1.fq.gz | rush 'echo job {#}: {2} {2.} {3%:^_1}'

8$ echo 12 file.txt dir/s_1.fq.gz | parallel --colsep ' ' 'echo job {#}: {2} {2.} {3/:%_1}'

9. Capture submatch using regular expression (`{@regexp}`) 9$ echo read_1.fq.gz | rush 'echo {@(.+)_\d}'

9$ echo read_1.fq.gz | parallel 'echo {@(.+)_\d}'

10. Custom field delimiter (`-d`) 10$ echo a=b=c | rush 'echo {1} {2} {3}' -d =

10$ echo a=b=c | parallel -d = echo {1} {2} {3}

11. Send multi-lines to every command (`-n`) 11$ seq 5 | rush -n 2 -k 'echo "{}"; echo'

11$ seq 5 | parallel -n 2 -k \ Page 18 GNU Parallel alternatives 'echo {=-1 $_="\n",@arg[1..$#arg] =}; echo'

11$ seq 5 | rush -n 2 -k 'echo "{}"; echo' -J ' '

11$ seq 5 | parallel -n 2 -k 'echo {}; echo'

12. Custom record delimiter (`-D`), note that empty records are not used. 12$ echo a b c d | rush -D " " -k 'echo {}'

12$ echo a b c d | parallel -d " " -k 'echo {}'

12$ echo abcd | rush -D "" -k 'echo {}'

Cannot be done by GNU Parallel

12$ cat fasta.fa >seq1 tag >seq2 cat gat >seq3 attac a cat

12$ cat fasta.fa | rush -D ">" \ 'echo FASTA record {#}: name: {1} sequence: {2}' -k -d "\n" # rush fails to join the multiline sequences

12$ cat fasta.fa | (read -n1 ignore_first_char; parallel -d '>' --colsep '\n' echo FASTA record {#}: \ name: {1} sequence: '{=2 $_=join"",@arg[2..$#arg]=}' )

13. Assign value to variable, like `awk -v` (`-v`) 13$ seq 1 | rush 'echo Hello, {fname} {lname}!' -v fname=Wei -v lname=Shen

13$ seq 1 | parallel -N0 \ 'fname=Wei; lname=Shen; echo Hello, ${fname} ${lname}!'

13$ for var in a b; do \ 13$ seq 1 3 | rush -k -v var=$var 'echo var: {var}, data: {}'; \ 13$ done

In GNU parallel you would typically do: 13$ seq 1 3 | parallel -k echo var: {1}, data: {2} ::: a b :::: -

Page 19 GNU Parallel alternatives If you really want the var: 13$ seq 1 3 | parallel -k var={1} ';echo var: $var, data: {}' ::: a b :::: -

If you really want the for-loop: 13$ for var in a b; do export var; seq 1 3 | parallel -k 'echo var: $var, data: {}'; done

Contrary to rush this also works if the value is complex like: My brother's 12" records

14. Preset variable (`-v`), avoid repeatedly writing verbose replacement strings 14$ # naive way echo read_1.fq.gz | rush 'echo {:^_1} {:^_1}_2.fq.gz'

14$ echo read_1.fq.gz | parallel 'echo {:%_1} {:%_1}_2.fq.gz'

14$ # macro + removing suffix echo read_1.fq.gz | rush -v p='{:^_1}' 'echo {p} {p}_2.fq.gz'

14$ echo read_1.fq.gz | parallel 'p={:%_1}; echo $p ${p}_2.fq.gz'

14$ # macro + regular expression echo read_1.fq.gz | rush -v p='{@(.+?)_\d}' 'echo {p} {p}_2.fq.gz'

14$ echo read_1.fq.gz | parallel 'p={@(.+?)_\d}; echo $p ${p}_2.fq.gz'

Contrary to rush GNU parallel works with complex values: 14$ echo "My brother's 12\"read_1.fq.gz" | parallel 'p={@(.+?)_\d}; echo $p ${p}_2.fq.gz'

15. Interrupt jobs by `Ctrl-C`, rush will stop unfinished commands and . 15$ seq 1 20 | rush 'sleep 1; echo {}' ^C

15$ seq 1 20 | parallel 'sleep 1; echo {}' ^C

16. Continue/resume jobs (`-c`). When some jobs failed (byexecution failure, timeout, or canceling by user with `Ctrl + C`),please switch flag `-c/--continue` on and run again, so that `rush`can save successful commands and ignore them in NEXT run. 16$ seq 1 3 | rush 'sleep {}; echo {}' -t 3 -c cat successful_cmds.rush seq 1 3 | rush 'sleep {}; echo {}' -t 3 -c

Page 20 GNU Parallel alternatives 16$ seq 1 3 | parallel --joblog mylog --timeout 2 \ 'sleep {}; echo {}' cat mylog seq 1 3 | parallel --joblog mylog --retry-failed \ 'sleep {}; echo {}'

Multi-line jobs: 16$ seq 1 3 | rush 'sleep {}; echo {}; \ echo finish {}' -t 3 -c -C finished.rush cat finished.rush seq 1 3 | rush 'sleep {}; echo {}; \ echo finish {}' -t 3 -c -C finished.rush

16$ seq 1 3 | parallel --joblog mylog --timeout 2 'sleep {}; echo {}; \ echo finish {}' cat mylog seq 1 3 | parallel --joblog mylog --retry-failed 'sleep {}; echo {}; \ echo finish {}'

17. A comprehensive example: downloading 1K+ pages given bythree URL list files using ` save_page.js` (some pagecontents are dynamically generated by Javascript, so `wget` does notwork). Here I set max jobs number (`-j`) as `20`, each job has a maxrunning time (`-t`) of `60` seconds and `3` retry changes(`-r`). Continue flag `-c` is also switched on, so we can continueunfinished jobs. Luckily, it's accomplished in one run :) 17$ for f in $(seq 2014 2016); do \ /bin/rm -rf $f; mkdir -p $f; \ cat $f.html.txt | rush -v d=$f -d = \ 'phantomjs save_page.js "{}" > {d}/{3}.html' \ -j 20 -t 60 -r 3 -c; \ done

GNU parallel can append to an existing joblog with '+': 17$ rm mylog for f in $(seq 2014 2016); do /bin/rm -rf $f; mkdir -p $f; cat $f.html.txt | parallel -j20 --timeout 60 --retries 4 --joblog +mylog \ --colsep = \ phantomjs save_page.js {1}={2}={3} '>' $f/{3}.html done

18. A bioinformatics example: mapping with `bwa`, andprocessing result with `samtools`: 18$ ref=ref/xxx.fa threads=25 ls -d raw.cluster.clean.mapping/* \ | rush -v ref=$ref -v j=$threads -v p='{}/{%}' \ 'bwa mem -t {j} -M -a {ref} {p}_1.fq.gz {p}_2.fq.gz >{p}.sam;\ samtools view -bS {p}.sam > {p}.bam; \ samtools sort -T {p}.tmp -@ {j} {p}.bam -o {p}.sorted.bam; \ samtools index {p}.sorted.bam; \ samtools flagstat {p}.sorted.bam > {p}.sorted.bam.flagstat; \ Page 21 GNU Parallel alternatives /bin/rm {p}.bam {p}.sam;' \ -j 2 --verbose -c -C mapping.rush

GNU parallel would use a function: 18$ ref=ref/xxx.fa export ref thr=25 export thr bwa_sam() { p="$1" bam="$p".bam sam="$p".sam sortbam="$p".sorted.bam bwa mem -t $thr -M -a $ref ${p}_1.fq.gz ${p}_2.fq.gz > "$sam" samtools view -bS "$sam" > "$bam" samtools sort -T ${p}.tmp -@ $thr "$bam" -o "$sortbam" samtools index "$sortbam" samtools flagstat "$sortbam" > "$sortbam".flagstat /bin/rm "$bam" "$sam" } export -f bwa_sam ls -d raw.cluster.clean.mapping/* | parallel -j 2 --verbose --joblog mylog bwa_sam

Other rush features rush has: * awk -v like custom defined variables (-v) With GNU parallel you would simply set a shell variable: parallel 'v={}; echo "$v"' ::: foo echo foo | rush -v v={} 'echo {v}'

Also rush does not like special chars. So these do not work: echo does not work | rush -v v=\" 'echo {v}' echo "My brother's 12\" records" | rush -v v={} 'echo {v}'

Whereas the corresponding GNU parallel version works: parallel 'v=\"; echo "$v"' ::: works parallel 'v={}; echo "$v"' ::: "My brother's 12\" records"

* Exit on first error(s) (-e) This is called --halt now,fail=1 (or shorter: --halt 2) whenused with GNU parallel. * Settable records sending to every command (-n, default 1) This is also called -n in GNU parallel. * Practical replacement strings {:} remove any extension With GNU parallel this can be emulated by: parallel --plus echo '{/\..*/}' :::

{^suffix}, remove suffix

Page 22 GNU Parallel alternatives With GNU parallel this can be emulated by: parallel --plus echo '{}' :::

{@regexp}, capture submatch using regular expression With GNU parallel this can be emulated by: parallel --rpl '{@(.*?)} /$$1/ and $_=$1;' \ echo '{@\d_(.*).gz}' ::: 1_foo.gz

{%.}, {%:}, basename without extension With GNU parallel this can be emulated by: parallel echo '{= s:.*/::;s/\..*// =}' ::: dir/

And if you need it often, you define a --rpl in $HOME/.parallel/config: --rpl '{%.} s:.*/::;s/\..*//' --rpl '{%:} s:.*/::;s/\..*//'

Then you can use them as: parallel echo {%.} {%:} ::: dir/

* Preset variable (macro) E.g. echo foosuffix | rush -v p={^suffix} 'echo {p}_new_suffix'

With GNU parallel this can be emulated by: echo foosuffix | parallel --plus 'p={%suffix}; echo ${p}_new_suffix'

Opposite rush GNU parallel works fine if the input containsdouble space, ' and ": echo "1'6\" foosuffix" | parallel --plus 'p={%suffix}; echo "${p}"_new_suffix'

* Commands of multi-lines While you can use multi-lined commands in GNU parallel, toimprove readability GNU parallel discourages the use of multi-linecommands. In most cases it can be written as a function: seq 1 3 | parallel --timeout 2 --joblog my.log 'sleep {}; echo {}; \ echo finish {}'

Could be written as: doit() { sleep "$1" echo "$1" echo finish "$1" } export -f doit seq 1 3 | parallel --timeout 2 --joblog my.log doit

The failed commands can be resumed with: seq 1 3 | parallel --resume-failed --joblog my.log 'sleep {}; echo {};\ Page 23 GNU Parallel alternatives echo finish {}' DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ClusterSSH AND GNU Parallel ClusterSSH solves a different problem than GNU parallel. ClusterSSH opens a terminal window for each computer and using amaster window you can run the same command on all the computers. Thisis typically used for administrating several computers that are almostidentical. GNU parallel runs the same (or different) commands with differentarguments in parallel possibly using remote computers to computing. If more than one computer is listed in -S GNU parallel mayonly use one of these (e.g. if there are 8 jobs to be run and onecomputer has 8 cores). GNU parallel can be used as a poor-man's version of ClusterSSH: parallel --nonall -S server-a,server-b do_stuff foo bar DIFFERENCES BETWEEN coshell AND GNU Parallel coshell only accepts full commands on standard input. Any quotingneeds to be done by the user. Commands are run in sh so any bash/tcsh/zsh specificsyntax will not work. Output can be buffered by using -d. Output is buffered in memory,so big output can cause swapping and therefore be terrible slow oreven cause out of memory. (Last checked: 2019-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN spread AND GNU Parallel spread runs commands on all directories. It can be emulated with GNU parallel using this Bash function: spread() { _cmds() { perl -e '$"=" && ";print "@ARGV"' "cd {}" "$@" } parallel $(_cmds "$@")'|| echo exit status $?' ::: */ }

This works except for the --exclude option. (Last checked: 2017-11) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN pyargs AND GNU Parallel pyargs deals badly with input containing spaces. It buffers stdout,but not stderr. It buffers in RAM. {} does not work as replacementstring. It does not support running functions. pyargs does not support composed commands if run with --lines,and fails on pyargs Examples seq 5 | pyargs -P50 -L seq seq 5 | parallel -P50 --lb seq

seq 5 | pyargs -P50 --mark -L seq seq 5 | parallel -P50 --lb \

Page 24 GNU Parallel alternatives --tagstring OUTPUT'[{= $_=$job->replaced()=}]' seq # Similar, but not precisely the same seq 5 | parallel -P50 --lb --tag seq

seq 5 | pyargs -P50 --mark command # Somewhat longer with GNU Parallel due to the special # --mark formatting cmd="$(echo "command" | parallel --shellquote)" wrap_cmd() { echo "MARK $cmd $@======" >&3 echo "OUTPUT START[$cmd $@]:" eval $cmd "$@" echo "OUTPUT END[$cmd $@]" } (seq 5 | env_parallel -P2 wrap_cmd) 3>&1 # Similar, but not exactly the same seq 5 | parallel -t --tag command

(echo '1 2 3';echo 4 5 6) | pyargs --stream seq (echo '1 2 3';echo 4 5 6) | perl -pe 's/\n/ /' | parallel -r -d' ' seq # Similar, but not exactly the same parallel seq ::: 1 2 3 4 5 6 (Last checked: 2019-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN concurrently AND GNU Parallel concurrently runs jobs in parallel. The output is prepended with the job number, and may be incomplete: $ concurrently 'seq 100000' | (sleep 3;wc -l) 7165

When pretty printing it caches output in memory. Output mixes by usingtest MIX below whether or not output is cached. There seems to be no way of making a template command and have concurrently fill that with different args. The full commands mustbe given on the command line. There is also no way of controlling how many jobs should be run inparallel at a time - i.e. "number of jobslots". Instead all jobs aresimply started in parallel. (Last checked: 2019-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN map(soveran) AND GNU Parallel map does not run jobs in parallel by default. The README suggests using: ... | map t 'sleep $t && say done &'

But this fails if more jobs are run in parallel than the number ofavailable processes. Since there is no support for parallelization in map itself, the output also mixes: seq 10 | map i 'echo start-$i && sleep 0.$i && echo end-$i &'

The major difference is that GNU parallel is built for parallelizationand map is not. So GNU parallel has lots of ways of dealing with theissues that parallelization raises:

Page 25 GNU Parallel alternatives Keep the number of processes manageable Make sure output does not mix Make Ctrl-C all running processes EXAMPLES FROM maps WEBSITE Here are the 5 examples converted to GNU Parallel: 1$ ls *.c | map f 'foo $f' 1$ ls *.c | parallel foo

2$ ls *.c | map f 'foo $f; bar $f' 2$ ls *.c | parallel 'foo {}; bar {}'

3$ cat urls | map u 'curl -O $u' 3$ cat urls | parallel curl -O

4$ "1\n1\n1\n" | map t 'sleep $t && say done' 4$ printf "1\n1\n1\n" | parallel 'sleep {} && say done' 4$ parallel 'sleep {} && say done' ::: 1 1 1

5$ printf "1\n1\n1\n" | map t 'sleep $t && say done &' 5$ printf "1\n1\n1\n" | parallel -j0 'sleep {} && say done' 5$ parallel -j0 'sleep {} && say done' ::: 1 1 1 (Last checked: 2019-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN loop AND GNU Parallel loop mixes stdout and stderr: loop 'ls /no-such-file' >/dev/null

loop's replacement string $ITEM does not quote strings: echo 'two spaces' | loop 'echo $ITEM'

loop cannot run functions: myfunc() { echo joe; } export -f myfunc loop 'myfunc this fails'

EXAMPLES FROM loop's WEBSITE Some of the examples from can beemulated with GNU parallel: # A couple of functions will make the code easier to read $ loopy() { yes | parallel -uN0 -j1 "$@" } $ export -f loopy $ time_out() { parallel -uN0 -q --timeout "$@" ::: 1 } $ match() { perl -0777 -ne 'grep /'"$1"'/,$_ and print or exit 1'

Page 26 GNU Parallel alternatives } $ export -f match

$ loop 'ls' --every 10s $ loopy --delay 10s ls

$ loop 'touch $COUNT.txt' --count-by 5 $ loopy touch '{= $_=seq()*5 =}'.txt

$ loop --until-contains 200 -- \ ./ --site` $ loopy --halt now,success=1 \ './ --site | match 200'

$ loop './poke_server' --for-duration 8h $ time_out 8h loopy ./poke_server

$ loop './poke_server' --until-success $ loopy --halt now,success=1 ./poke_server

$ cat files_to_create.txt | loop 'touch $ITEM' $ cat files_to_create.txt | parallel touch {}

$ loop 'ls' --for-duration 10min --summary # --joblog is somewhat more verbose than --summary $ time_out 10m loopy --joblog my.log ./poke_server; cat my.log

$ loop 'echo hello' $ loopy echo hello

$ loop 'echo $COUNT' # GNU Parallel counts from 1 $ loopy echo {#} # Counting from 0 can be forced $ loopy echo '{= $_=seq()-1 =}'

$ loop 'echo $COUNT' --count-by 2 $ loopy echo '{= $_=2*(seq()-1) =}'

$ loop 'echo $COUNT' --count-by 2 --offset 10 $ loopy echo '{= $_=10+2*(seq()-1) =}'

$ loop 'echo $COUNT' --count-by 1.1 # GNU Parallel rounds 3.3000000000000003 to 3.3 $ loopy echo '{= $_=1.1*(seq()-1) =}'

$ loop 'echo $COUNT $ACTUALCOUNT' --count-by 2 $ loopy echo '{= $_=2*(seq()-1) =} {#}'

$ loop 'echo $COUNT' --num 3 --summary # --joblog is somewhat more verbose than --summary $ seq 3 | parallel --joblog my.log echo; cat my.log

Page 27 GNU Parallel alternatives $ loop 'ls -foobarbatz' --num 3 --summary # --joblog is somewhat more verbose than --summary $ seq 3 | parallel --joblog my.log -N0 ls -foobarbatz; cat my.log

$ loop 'echo $COUNT' --count-by 2 --num 50 --only-last # Can be emulated by running 2 jobs $ seq 49 | parallel echo '{= $_=2*(seq()-1) =}' >/dev/null $ echo 50| parallel echo '{= $_=2*(seq()-1) =}'

$ loop 'date' --every 5s $ loopy --delay 5s date

$ loop 'date' --for-duration 8s --every 2s $ time_out 8s loopy --delay 2s date

$ loop 'date -u' --until-time '2018-05-25 20:50:00' --every 5s $ seconds=$((`date -d 2019-05-25T20:50:00 +%s` - `date +%s`))s $ time_out $seconds loopy --delay 5s date -u

$ loop 'echo $RANDOM' --until-contains "666" $ loopy --halt now,success=1 'echo $RANDOM | match 666'

$ loop 'if (( RANDOM % 2 )); then (echo "TRUE"; true); else (echo "FALSE"; false); fi' --until-success $ loopy --halt now,success=1 'if (( $RANDOM % 2 )); then (echo "TRUE"; true); else (echo "FALSE"; false); fi'

$ loop 'if (( RANDOM % 2 )); then (echo "TRUE"; true); else (echo "FALSE"; false); fi' --until-error $ loopy --halt now,fail=1 'if (( $RANDOM % 2 )); then (echo "TRUE"; true); else (echo "FALSE"; false); fi'

$ loop 'date' --until-match "(\d{4})" $ loopy --halt now,success=1 'date | match [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'

$ loop 'echo $ITEM' --for red,green,blue $ parallel echo ::: red green blue

$ cat /tmp/my-list-of-files-to-create.txt | loop 'touch $ITEM' $ cat /tmp/my-list-of-files-to-create.txt | parallel touch

Page 28 GNU Parallel alternatives $ ls | loop 'cp $ITEM $ITEM.bak'; ls $ ls | parallel cp {} {}.bak; ls

$ loop 'echo $ITEM | tr a-z A-Z' -i $ parallel 'echo {} | tr a-z A-Z' # Or more efficiently: $ parallel --pipe tr a-z A-Z

$ loop 'echo $ITEM' --for "`ls`" $ parallel echo {} ::: "`ls`"

$ ls | loop './my_program $ITEM' --until-success; $ ls | parallel --halt now,success=1 ./my_program {}

$ ls | loop './my_program $ITEM' --until-fail; $ ls | parallel --halt now,fail=1 ./my_program {}

$ ./; loop 'curl -sw "%{http_code}"' \ --every 5s --until-contains 200; ./ $ ./; loopy --delay 5s --halt now,success=1 \ 'curl -sw "%{http_code}" | match 200'; ./

$ loop "ping -c 1" --until-success; ./do_next_thing $ loopy --halt now,success=1 ping -c 1; ./do_next_thing

$ ./create_big_file -o my_big_file.bin; loop 'ls' --until-contains 'my_big_file.bin'; ./upload_big_file my_big_file.bin # inotifywait is a better tool to detect file system changes. # It can even make sure the file is complete # so you are not uploading an incomplete file $ inotifywait -qmre MOVED_TO -e CLOSE_WRITE --format %%f . | grep my_big_file.bin

$ ls | loop 'cp $ITEM $ITEM.bak' $ ls | parallel cp {} {}.bak

$ loop './' --every 15s --until-success --num 5 $ parallel --retries 5 --delay 15s ::: ./ (Last checked: 2018-10) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN lorikeet AND GNU Parallel lorikeet can run jobs in parallel. It does this based on adependency graph described in a file, so this is similar to make. (Last checked: 2018-10)

Page 29 GNU Parallel alternatives DIFFERENCES BETWEEN spp AND GNU Parallel spp can run jobs in parallel. spp does not use a commandtemplate to generate the jobs, but requires jobs to be in afile. Output from the jobs mix. (Last checked: 2019-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN paral AND GNU Parallel paral prints a lot of status information and stores the output fromthe commands run into files. This means it cannot be used the middleof a pipe like this paral "echo this" "echo does not" "echo work" | wc

Instead it puts the output into files named like out_#_command.out.log. To get a very similar behaviour with GNU parallel use --results'out_{#}_{=s/[^\sa-z_0-9]//g;s/\s+/_/g=}.log' --eta paral only takes arguments on the command line and each argumentshould be a full command. Thus it does not use command templates. This limits how many jobs it can run in total, because they all needto fit on a single command line. paral has no support for running jobs remotely. EXAMPLES FROM README.markdown The examples from README.markdown and the corresponding command runwith GNU parallel ( --results'out_{#}_{=s/[^\sa-z_0-9]//g;s/\s+/_/g=}.log' --eta is omitted fromthe GNU parallel command): 1$ paral "command 1" "command 2 --flag" "command arg1 arg2" 1$ parallel ::: "command 1" "command 2 --flag" "command arg1 arg2"

2$ paral "sleep 1 && echo c1" "sleep 2 && echo c2" \ "sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 4 && echo c4" "sleep 5 && echo c5" 2$ parallel ::: "sleep 1 && echo c1" "sleep 2 && echo c2" \ "sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 4 && echo c4" "sleep 5 && echo c5" # Or shorter: parallel "sleep {} && echo c{}" ::: {1..5}

3$ paral -n=0 "sleep 5 && echo c5" "sleep 4 && echo c4" \ "sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 2 && echo c2" "sleep 1 && echo c1" 3$ parallel ::: "sleep 5 && echo c5" "sleep 4 && echo c4" \ "sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 2 && echo c2" "sleep 1 && echo c1" # Or shorter: parallel -j0 "sleep {} && echo c{}" ::: 5 4 3 2 1

4$ paral -n=1 "sleep 5 && echo c5" "sleep 4 && echo c4" \ "sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 2 && echo c2" "sleep 1 && echo c1" 4$ parallel -j1 "sleep {} && echo c{}" ::: 5 4 3 2 1

5$ paral -n=2 "sleep 5 && echo c5" "sleep 4 && echo c4" \ "sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 2 && echo c2" "sleep 1 && echo c1" 5$ parallel -j2 "sleep {} && echo c{}" ::: 5 4 3 2 1

6$ paral -n=5 "sleep 5 && echo c5" "sleep 4 && echo c4" \ "sleep 3 && echo c3" "sleep 2 && echo c2" "sleep 1 && echo c1" 6$ parallel -j5 "sleep {} && echo c{}" ::: 5 4 3 2 1

Page 30 GNU Parallel alternatives 7$ paral -n=1 "echo a && sleep 0.5 && echo b && sleep 0.5 && \ echo c && sleep 0.5 && echo d && sleep 0.5 && \ echo e && sleep 0.5 && echo f && sleep 0.5 && \ echo g && sleep 0.5 && echo h" 7$ parallel ::: "echo a && sleep 0.5 && echo b && sleep 0.5 && \ echo c && sleep 0.5 && echo d && sleep 0.5 && \ echo e && sleep 0.5 && echo f && sleep 0.5 && \ echo g && sleep 0.5 && echo h" (Last checked: 2019-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN concurr AND GNU Parallel concurr is built to run jobs in parallel using a client/servermodel. EXAMPLES FROM The examples from 1$ concurr 'echo job {#} on slot {%}: {}' : arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 1$ parallel 'echo job {#} on slot {%}: {}' ::: arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4

2$ concurr 'echo job {#} on slot {%}: {}' :: file1 file2 file3 2$ parallel 'echo job {#} on slot {%}: {}' :::: file1 file2 file3

3$ concurr 'echo {}' < input_file 3$ parallel 'echo {}' < input_file

4$ cat file | concurr 'echo {}' 4$ cat file | parallel 'echo {}'

concurr deals badly empty input files and with output larger than64 KB. (Last checked: 2019-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN lesser-parallel AND GNU Parallel lesser-parallel is the inspiration for parallel --embed. Both lesser-parallel and parallel --embed define bash functions thatcan be included as part of a bash script to run jobs in parallel. lesser-parallel implements a few of the replacement strings, buthardly any options, whereas parallel --embed gives you the fullGNU parallel experience. (Last checked: 2019-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN npm-parallel AND GNU Parallel npm-parallel can run npm tasks in parallel. There are no examples and very little documentation, so it is hard tocompare to GNU parallel. (Last checked: 2019-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN machma AND GNU Parallel machma runs tasks in parallel. It gives time stampedoutput. It buffers in RAM. EXAMPLES FROM The examples from 1$ # Put shorthand for timestamp in config for the examples echo '--rpl '\ \''{time} $_=::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",localtime())'\' \ Page 31 GNU Parallel alternatives > ~/.parallel/machma echo '--line-buffer --tagstring "{#} {time} {}"' \ >> ~/.parallel/machma

2$ find . -iname '*.jpg' | machma -- mogrify -resize 1200x1200 -filter Lanczos {} find . -iname '*.jpg' | parallel --bar -Jmachma mogrify -resize 1200x1200 \ -filter Lanczos {}

3$ cat /tmp/ips | machma -p 2 -- ping -c 2 -q {} 3$ cat /tmp/ips | parallel -j2 -Jmachma ping -c 2 -q {}

4$ cat /tmp/ips | machma -- sh -c 'ping -c 2 -q $0 > /dev/null && echo alive' {} 4$ cat /tmp/ips | parallel -Jmachma 'ping -c 2 -q {} > /dev/null && echo alive'

5$ find . -iname '*.jpg' | machma --timeout 5s -- mogrify -resize 1200x1200 \ -filter Lanczos {} 5$ find . -iname '*.jpg' | parallel --timeout 5s --bar mogrify -resize 1200x1200 \ -filter Lanczos {}

6$ find . -iname '*.jpg' -print0 | machma --null -- mogrify -resize 1200x1200 -filter Lanczos {} 6$ find . -iname '*.jpg' -print0 | parallel --null --bar mogrify -resize 1200x1200 \ -filter Lanczos {} (Last checked: 2019-06) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN interlace AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): - I2 I3 I4 - - - M1 - M3 - - M6 - O2 O3 - - - - x x E1 E2 ------interlace is built for network analysis to run network tools in parallel. interface does not buffer output, so output from different jobs mixes. The overhead for each target is O(n*n), so with 1000 targets itbecomes very slow with an overhead in the order of 500ms/target. EXAMPLES FROM interlace's WEBSITE Using prips most of the examples from can be run with GNU parallel: Blocker

Page 32 GNU Parallel alternatives commands.txt: mkdir -p _output_/_target_/scans/ _blocker_ nmap _target_ -oA _output_/_target_/scans/_target_-nmap interlace -tL ./targets.txt -cL commands.txt -o $output

parallel -a targets.txt \ mkdir -p $output/{}/scans/\; nmap {} -oA $output/{}/scans/{}-nmap

Blocks commands.txt: _block:nmap_ mkdir -p _target_/output/scans/ nmap _target_ -oN _target_/output/scans/_target_-nmap _block:nmap_ nikto -- _target_ interlace -tL ./targets.txt -cL commands.txt

_nmap() { mkdir -p $1/output/scans/ nmap $1 -oN $1/output/scans/$1-nmap } export -f _nmap parallel ::: _nmap "nikto --host" :::: targets.txt

Run Nikto Over Multiple Sites interlace -tL ./targets.txt -threads 5 \ -c "nikto --host _target_ > ./_target_-nikto.txt" -v

parallel -a targets.txt -P5 nikto --host {} \> ./{}_-nikto.txt

Run Nikto Over Multiple Sites and Ports interlace -tL ./targets.txt -threads 5 -c \ "nikto --host _target_:_port_ > ./_target_-_port_-nikto.txt" \ -p 80,443 -v

parallel -P5 nikto --host {1}:{2} \> ./{1}-{2}-nikto.txt \ :::: targets.txt ::: 80 443

Run a List of Commands against Target Hosts commands.txt: nikto --host _target_:_port_ > _output_/_target_-nikto.txt sslscan _target_:_port_ > _output_/_target_-sslscan.txt _target_:_port_ > _output_/_target_-testssl.txt interlace -t -o ~/Engagements/example/ \ -cL ./commands.txt -p 80,443

parallel --results ~/Engagements/example/{2}:{3}{1} {1} {2}:{3} \ ::: "nikto --host" sslscan ::: ::: 80 443

CIDR notation with an application that doesn't support it

Page 33 GNU Parallel alternatives interlace -t -c "vhostscan _target_ \ -oN _output_/_target_-vhosts.txt" -o ~/scans/ -threads 50

prips | parallel -P50 vhostscan {} -oN ~/scans/{}-vhosts.txt

Glob notation with an application that doesn't support it interlace -t 192.168.12.* -c "vhostscan _target_ \ -oN _output_/_target_-vhosts.txt" -o ~/scans/ -threads 50

# Glob is not supported in prips prips | parallel -P50 vhostscan {} -oN ~/scans/{}-vhosts.txt

Dash (-) notation with an application that doesn't support it interlace -t -c \ "vhostscan _target_ -oN _output_/_target_-vhosts.txt" \ -o ~/scans/ -threads 50

# Dash notation is not supported in prips prips | parallel -P50 vhostscan {} -oN ~/scans/{}-vhosts.txt

Threading Support for an application that doesn't support it interlace -tL ./target-list.txt -c \ "vhostscan -t _target_ -oN _output_/_target_-vhosts.txt" \ -o ~/scans/ -threads 50

cat ./target-list.txt | parallel -P50 vhostscan -t {} -oN ~/scans/{}-vhosts.txt alternatively ./vhosts-commands.txt: vhostscan -t $target -oN _output_/_target_-vhosts.txt interlace -cL ./vhosts-commands.txt -tL ./target-list.txt \ -threads 50 -o ~/scans

./vhosts-commands.txt: vhostscan -t "$1" -oN "$2" parallel -P50 ./vhosts-commands.txt {} ~/scans/{}-vhosts.txt \ :::: ./target-list.txt

Exclusions interlace -t -e -c \ "vhostscan _target_ -oN _output_/_target_-vhosts.txt" \ -o ~/scans/ -threads 50

prips | grep -xv -Ff <(prips | parallel -P50 vhostscan {} -oN ~/scans/{}-vhosts.txt

Page 34 GNU Parallel alternatives Run Nikto Using Multiple Proxies interlace -tL ./targets.txt -pL ./proxies.txt -threads 5 -c \ "nikto --host _target_:_port_ -useproxy _proxy_ > \ ./_target_-_port_-nikto.txt" -p 80,443 -v

parallel -j5 \ "nikto --host {1}:{2} -useproxy {3} > ./{1}-{2}-nikto.txt" \ :::: ./targets.txt ::: 80 443 :::: ./proxies.txt (Last checked: 2019-09) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN otonvm Parallel AND GNU Parallel I have been unable to get the code to run at all. It seems unfinished. (Last checked: 2019-02) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN k-bx par AND GNU Parallel par requires Haskell to work. This limits the number of platformsthis can work on. par does line buffering in memory. The memory usage is 3x thelongest line (compared to 1x for parallel --lb). Commands must begiven as arguments. There is no template. These are the examples from with thecorresponding GNU parallel command. par "echo foo; sleep 1; echo foo; sleep 1; echo foo" \ "echo bar; sleep 1; echo bar; sleep 1; echo bar" && echo "success" parallel --lb ::: "echo foo; sleep 1; echo foo; sleep 1; echo foo" \ "echo bar; sleep 1; echo bar; sleep 1; echo bar" && echo "success"

par "echo foo; sleep 1; foofoo" \ "echo bar; sleep 1; echo bar; sleep 1; echo bar" && echo "success" parallel --lb --halt 1 ::: "echo foo; sleep 1; foofoo" \ "echo bar; sleep 1; echo bar; sleep 1; echo bar" && echo "success"

par "PARPREFIX=[fooechoer] echo foo" "PARPREFIX=[bar] echo bar" parallel --lb --colsep , --tagstring {1} {2} \ ::: "[fooechoer],echo foo" "[bar],echo bar"

par --succeed "foo" "bar" && echo 'wow' parallel "foo" "bar"; true && echo 'wow' (Last checked: 2019-02) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN parallelshell AND GNU Parallel parallelshell does not allow for composed commands: # This does not work parallelshell 'echo foo;echo bar' 'echo baz;echo quuz'

Instead you have to wrap that in a shell: parallelshell 'sh -c "echo foo;echo bar"' 'sh -c "echo baz;echo quuz"'

It buffers output in RAM. All commands must be given on the commandline and all commands are started in parallel at the same time. Thiswill cause the system to freeze if there are so many jobs that Page 35 GNU Parallel alternatives thereis not enough memory to run them all at the same time. (Last checked: 2019-02) (Last checked: 2019-03) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN shell-executor AND GNU Parallel shell-executor does not allow for composed commands: # This does not work sx 'echo foo;echo bar' 'echo baz;echo quuz'

Instead you have to wrap that in a shell: sx 'sh -c "echo foo;echo bar"' 'sh -c "echo baz;echo quuz"'

It buffers output in RAM. All commands must be given on the commandline and all commands are started in parallel at the same time. Thiswill cause the system to freeze if there are so many jobs that thereis not enough memory to run them all at the same time. (Last checked: 2019-02) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN non-GNU par AND GNU Parallel par buffers in memory to avoid mixing of jobs. It takes 1s per 1million output lines. par needs to have all commands before starting the first job. Thejobs are read from stdin (standard input) so any quoting will have tobe done by the user. Stdout (standard output) is prepended with o:. Stderr (standard error)is sendt to stdout (standard output) and prepended with e:. For short jobs with little output par is 20% faster than GNU parallel and 60% slower than xargs. (Last checked: 2019-02) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN fd AND GNU Parallel fd does not support composed commands, so commands must be wrappedin sh -c. It buffers output in RAM. It only takes file names from the filesystem as input (similar to find). (Last checked: 2019-02) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN lateral AND GNU Parallel lateral is very similar to sem: It takes a single command andruns it in the background. The design means that output from parallelrunning jobs may mix. If it dies unexpectly it leaves a socket in ~/.lateral/socket.PID. lateral deals badly with too long command lines. This makes the lateral server crash: lateral run echo `seq 100000| head -c 1000k`

Any options will be read by lateral so this does not work(lateral interprets the -l): lateral run ls -l

Composed commands do not work:

Page 36 GNU Parallel alternatives lateral run pwd ';' ls

Functions do not work: myfunc() { echo a; } export -f myfunc lateral run myfunc

Running emacs in the terminal causes the parent shell to die: echo '#!/bin/bash' > mycmd echo emacs -nw >> mycmd chmod +x mycmd lateral start lateral run ./mycmd

Here are the examples from with thecorresponding GNU sem and GNU parallel commands: 1$ lateral start for i in $(cat /tmp/names); do lateral run -- some_command $i done lateral

1$ for i in $(cat /tmp/names); do sem some_command $i done sem --wait

1$ parallel some_command :::: /tmp/names

2$ lateral start for i in $(seq 1 100); do lateral run -- my_slow_command < workfile$i > /tmp/logfile$i done lateral wait

2$ for i in $(seq 1 100); do sem my_slow_command < workfile$i > /tmp/logfile$i done sem --wait

2$ parallel 'my_slow_command < workfile{} > /tmp/logfile{}' \ ::: {1..100}

3$ lateral start -p 0 # yup, it will just queue tasks for i in $(seq 1 100); do lateral run -- command_still_outputs_but_wont_spam inputfile$i done # command output spam can commence lateral config -p 10; lateral wait

3$ for i in $(seq 1 100); do echo "command inputfile$i" >> joblist Page 37 GNU Parallel alternatives done parallel -j 10 :::: joblist

3$ echo 1 > /tmp/njobs parallel -j /tmp/njobs command inputfile{} \ ::: {1..100} & echo 10 >/tmp/njobs wait (Last checked: 2019-03) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN with-this AND GNU Parallel The examples from and thecorresponding GNU parallel command: with -v "$(cat myurls.txt)" "curl -L this" parallel curl -L ::: myurls.txt

with -v "$(cat myregions.txt)" \ "aws --region=this ec2 describe-instance-status" parallel aws --region={} ec2 describe-instance-status \ :::: myregions.txt

with -v "$(ls)" "kubectl --kubeconfig=this get pods" ls | parallel kubectl --kubeconfig={} get pods

with -v "$(ls | grep config)" "kubectl --kubeconfig=this get pods" ls | grep config | parallel kubectl --kubeconfig={} get pods

with -v "$(echo {1..10})" "echo 123" parallel -N0 echo 123 ::: {1..10}

Stderr is merged with stdout. with-this buffers in RAM. It uses 3xthe output size, so you cannot have output larger than 1/3rd theamount of RAM. The input values cannot contain spaces. Composed commands do not work. with-this gives some additional information, so the output has tobe cleaned before piping it to the next command. (Last checked: 2019-03) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN Tollef's parallel (moreutils) AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): - - - I4 - - I7 - - M3 - - M6 - O2 O3 - O5 O6 - x x E1 - - - - - E7 - x x x x x x x x - - EXAMPLES FROM Tollef's parallel MANUAL Tollef parallel sh -c "echo hi; sleep 2; echo bye" -- 1 2 3 GNU parallel "echo hi; sleep 2; echo bye" ::: 1 2 3 Page 38 GNU Parallel alternatives Tollef parallel -j 3 ufraw -o processed -- *.NEF GNU parallel -j 3 ufraw -o processed ::: *.NEF Tollef parallel -j 3 -- ls "echo hi" GNU parallel -j 3 ::: ls df "echo hi" (Last checked: 2019-08) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN rargs AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): I1 - - - - - I7 - - M3 M4 - - - O2 O3 - O5 O6 - O8 - E1 - - E4 ------rargs has elegant ways of doing named regexp capture and field ranges. With GNU parallel you can use --rpl to get a similarfunctionality as regexp capture gives, and use join and @arg toget the field ranges. But the syntax is longer. This: --rpl '{r(\d+)\.\.(\d+)} $_=join"$opt::colsep",@arg[$$1..$$2]'

would make it possible to use: {1r3..6}

for field 3..6. For full support of {n..m:s} including negative numbers use a dynamicreplacement string like this: PARALLEL=--rpl\ \''{r((-?\d+)?)\.\.((-?\d+)?)((:([^}]*))?)} $a = defined $$2 ? $$2 < 0 ? 1+$#arg+$$2 : $$2 : 1; $b = defined $$4 ? $$4 < 0 ? 1+$#arg+$$4 : $$4 : $#arg+1; $s = defined $$6 ? $$7 : " "; $_ = join $s,@arg[$a..$b]'\' export PARALLEL

You can then do: head /etc/passwd | parallel --colsep : echo ..={1r..} ..3={1r..3} \ 4..={1r4..} 2..4={1r2..4} 3..3={1r3..3} ..3:-={1r..3:-} \ ..3:/={1r..3:/} -1={-1} -5={-5} -6={-6} -3..={1r-3..}

EXAMPLES FROM rargs MANUAL ls *.bak | rargs -p '(.*)\.bak' {0} {1} ls *.bak | parallel mv {} {.}

cat download-list.csv | rargs -p '(?P.*),(?P.*)' wget {url} -O {filename} cat download-list.csv | parallel --csv wget {1} -O {2} # or use regexps: cat download-list.csv |

Page 39 GNU Parallel alternatives parallel --rpl '{url} s/,.*//' --rpl '{filename} s/.*?,//' wget {url} -O {filename}

cat /etc/passwd | rargs -d: echo -e 'id: "{1}"\t name: "{5}"\t rest: "{6..::}"' cat /etc/passwd | parallel -q --colsep : echo -e 'id: "{1}"\t name: "{5}"\t rest: "{=6 $_=join":",@arg[6..$#arg]=}"' (Last checked: 2020-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN threader AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): I1 ------M1 - M3 - - M6 O1 - O3 - O5 - - N/A N/A E1 - - E4 ------Newline separates arguments, but newline at the end of file is treatedas an empty argument. So this runs 2 jobs: echo two_jobs | threader -run 'echo "$THREADID"'

threader ignores stderr, so any output to stderr islost. threader buffers in RAM, so output bigger than the machine'svirtual memory will cause the machine to crash. (Last checked: 2020-04) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN runp AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): I1 I2 - - - - - M1 - (M3) - - M6 O1 O2 O3 - O5 O6 - N/A N/A - E1 ------(M3): You can add a prefix and a postfix to the input, so it means you canonly insert the argument on the command line once. runp runs 10 jobs in parallel by default. runp blocks if outputof a command is > 64 Kbytes. Quoting of input is needed. It addsoutput to stderr (this can be prevented with -q) Examples as GNU Parallel base='' query='jupiter' desc='planet' type='image' url="$base?q=$query&description=$desc&media_type=$type"

# Download the images in parallel using runp Page 40 GNU Parallel alternatives curl -s $url | jq -r .collection.items[].href | \ runp -p 'curl -s' | jq -r .[] | grep large | \ runp -p 'curl -s -L -O'

time curl -s $url | jq -r .collection.items[].href | \ runp -g 1 -q -p 'curl -s' | jq -r .[] | grep large | \ runp -g 1 -q -p 'curl -s -L -O'

# Download the images in parallel curl -s $url | jq -r .collection.items[].href | \ parallel curl -s | jq -r .[] | grep large | \ parallel curl -s -L -O

time curl -s $url | jq -r .collection.items[].href | \ parallel -j 1 curl -s | jq -r .[] | grep large | \ parallel -j 1 curl -s -L -O

Run some test commands (read from file) # Create a file containing commands to run in parallel. cat << EOF > /tmp/test-commands.txt sleep 5 sleep 3 blah # this will fail ls $PWD # PWD shell variable is used here EOF

# Run commands from the file. runp /tmp/test-commands.txt > /dev/null

parallel -a /tmp/test-commands.txt > /dev/null

Ping several hosts and see packet loss (read from stdin) # First copy this line and press Enter runp -p 'ping -c 5 -W 2' -s '| grep loss' localhost # Press Enter and Ctrl-D when done entering the hosts

# First copy this line and press Enter parallel ping -c 5 -W 2 {} '| grep loss' localhost # Press Enter and Ctrl-D when done entering the hosts

Get directories' sizes (read from stdin) echo -e "$HOME\n/etc\n/tmp" | runp -q -p ' du -sh'

echo -e "$HOME\n/etc\n/tmp" | parallel sudo du -sh # or: parallel sudo du -sh ::: "$HOME" /etc /tmp

Page 41 GNU Parallel alternatives Compress files find . -iname '*.txt' | runp -p 'gzip --best'

find . -iname '*.txt' | parallel gzip --best

Measure HTTP request + response time export CURL="curl -w 'time_total: %{time_total}\n'" CURL="$CURL -o /dev/null -s" perl -wE 'for (1..10) { say $ENV{CURL} }' | runp -q # Make 10 requests

perl -wE 'for (1..10) { say $ENV{CURL} }' | parallel # or: parallel -N0 "$CURL" ::: {1..10}

Find open TCP ports cat << EOF > /tmp/host-port.txt localhost 22 localhost 80 localhost 81 443 444 22 23 443 EOF

1$ cat /tmp/host-port.txt | runp -q -p ' -v -w2 -z' 2>&1 | egrep '(succeeded!|open)$'

# --colsep is needed to split the line 1$ cat /tmp/host-port.txt | parallel --colsep ' ' netcat -v -w2 -z 2>&1 | egrep '(succeeded!|open)$' # or use uq for unquoted: 1$ cat /tmp/host-port.txt | parallel netcat -v -w2 -z {=uq=} 2>&1 | egrep '(succeeded!|open)$' (Last checked: 2020-04) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN papply AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): - - - I4 - - - M1 - M3 - - M6 - - O3 - O5 - - N/A N/A O10 E1 - - E4 ------papply does not print the output if the command fails:

Page 42 GNU Parallel alternatives $ papply 'echo %F; false' foo "echo foo; false" did not succeed

papply's replacement strings (%F %d %f %n %e %z) can be simulated in GNU parallel by putting this in ~/.parallel/config: --rpl '%F' --rpl '%d $_=Q(::dirname($_));' --rpl '%f s:.*/::;' --rpl '%n s:.*/::;s:\.[^/.]+$::;' --rpl '%e s:.*\.:.:' --rpl '%z $_=""'

papply buffers in RAM, and uses twice the amount of output. Sooutput of 5 GB takes 10 GB RAM. The buffering is very CPU intensive: Buffering a line of 5 GB takes 40seconds (compared to 10 seconds with GNU parallel). Examples as GNU Parallel 1$ papply gzip *.txt

1$ parallel gzip ::: *.txt

2$ papply "convert %F %n.jpg" *.png

2$ parallel convert {} {.}.jpg ::: *.png (Last checked: 2020-04) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN async AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): - - - I4 - - I7 - - - - - M6 - O2 O3 - O5 O6 - N/A N/A O10 E1 - - E4 - E6 ------S1 S2 async is very similary to GNU parallel's --semaphore mode(aka sem). async requires the user to start a server process. The input is quoted like -q so you need bash -c "...;..." to runcomposed commands. Examples as GNU Parallel 1$ S="/tmp/example_socket"

1$ ID=myid

2$ async -s="$S" server --start

2$ # GNU Parallel does not need a server to run

3$ for i in {1..20}; do Page 43 GNU Parallel alternatives # prints command output to stdout async -s="$S" cmd -- bash -c "sleep 1 && echo test $i" done

3$ for i in {1..20}; do # prints command output to stdout sem --id "$ID" -j100% "sleep 1 && echo test $i" # GNU Parallel will only print job when it is done # If you need output from different jobs to mix # use -u or --line-buffer sem --id "$ID" -j100% --line-buffer "sleep 1 && echo test $i" done

4$ # wait until all commands are finished async -s="$S" wait

4$ sem --id "$ID" --wait

5$ # configure the server to run four commands in parallel async -s="$S" server -j4

5$ export PARALLEL=-j4

6$ mkdir "/tmp/ex_dir" for i in {21..40}; do # redirects command output to /tmp/ex_dir/file* async -s="$S" cmd -o "/tmp/ex_dir/file$i" -- \ bash -c "sleep 1 && echo test $i" done

6$ mkdir "/tmp/ex_dir" for i in {21..40}; do # redirects command output to /tmp/ex_dir/file* sem --id "$ID" --result '/tmp/my-/file-{=$_=""=}'"$i" \ "sleep 1 && echo test $i" done

7$ sem --id "$ID" --wait

7$ async -s="$S" wait

8$ # stops server async -s="$S" server --stop

8$ # GNU Parallel does not need to stop a server (Last checked: 2020-11) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN pardi AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): I1 I2 - - - - I7 M1 - - - - M6

Page 44 GNU Parallel alternatives O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 - O7 - - O10 E1 - - E4 ------pardi is very similar to parallel --pipe --cat: It reads blocksof data and not arguments. So it cannot insert an argument in thecommand line. It puts the block into a temporary file, and this filename (%IN) can be put in the command line. You can only use %IN once. It can also run full command lines in parallel (like: cat file |parallel). EXAMPLES FROM pardi 1$ time pardi -v -c 100 -i data/decoys.smi -ie .smi -oe .smi \ -o data/decoys_std_pardi.smi \ -w '(standardiser -i %IN -o %OUT 2>&1) > /dev/null'

1$ cat data/decoys.smi | time parallel -N 100 --pipe --cat \ '(standardiser -i {} -o {#} 2>&1) > /dev/null; cat {#}; rm {#}' \ > data/decoys_std_pardi.smi

2$ pardi -n 1 -i data/test_in.types -o data/test_out.types \ -d 'r:^#atoms:' -w 'cat %IN > %OUT'

2$ cat data/test_in.types | parallel -n 1 -k --pipe --cat \ --regexp --recstart '^#atoms' 'cat {}' > data/test_out.types

3$ pardi -c 6 -i data/test_in.types -o data/test_out.types \ -d 'r:^#atoms:' -w 'cat %IN > %OUT'

3$ cat data/test_in.types | parallel -n 6 -k --pipe --cat \ --regexp --recstart '^#atoms' 'cat {}' > data/test_out.types

4$ pardi -i data/decoys.mol2 -o data/still_decoys.mol2 \ -d 's:@MOLECULE' -w 'cp %IN %OUT'

4$ cat data/decoys.mol2 | parallel -n 1 --pipe --cat --recstart '@MOLECULE' \ 'cp {} {#}; cat {#}; rm {#}' > data/still_decoys.mol2

5$ pardi -i data/decoys.mol2 -o data/decoys2.mol2 \ -d b:10000 -w 'cp %IN %OUT' --preserve

5$ cat data/decoys.mol2 | parallel -k --pipe --block 10k --recend '' --cat \ 'cat {} > {#}; cat {#}; rm {#}' > data/decoys2.mol2 (Last checked: 2021-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN bthread AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): - - - I4 - - -

Page 45 GNU Parallel alternatives - - - - - M6 O1 - O3 - - - O7 O8 - - E1 ------bthread takes around 1 sec per MB of output. The maximal outputline length is 1073741759. You cannot quote space in the command, so you cannot run composedcommands like sh -c "echo a; echo b". (Last checked: 2021-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN simple_gpu_scheduler AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): I1 - - - - - I7 M1 - - - - M6 - O2 O3 - - O6 - x x O10 E1 ------EXAMPLES FROM simple_gpu_scheduler MANUAL 1$ simple_gpu_scheduler --gpus 0 1 2 < gpu_commands.txt

1$ parallel -j3 -- \ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='{=1 $_=slot()-1 =} {=uq;=}' < gpu_commands.txt

2$ simple_hypersearch "python3 --lr {lr} --batch_size {bs}" \ -p lr 0.001 0.0005 0.0001 -p bs 32 64 128 | simple_gpu_scheduler --gpus 0,1,2

2$ parallel --header : --shuf -j3 -v \ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='{=1 $_=slot()-1 =}' \ python3 --lr {lr} --batch_size {bs} \ ::: lr 0.001 0.0005 0.0001 ::: bs 32 64 128

3$ simple_hypersearch \ "python3 --lr {lr} --batch_size {bs}" \ --n-samples 5 -p lr 0.001 0.0005 0.0001 -p bs 32 64 128 | simple_gpu_scheduler --gpus 0,1,2

3$ parallel --header : --shuf \ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='{=1 $_=slot()-1; seq() > 5 and skip() =}' \ python3 --lr {lr} --batch_size {bs} \ ::: lr 0.001 0.0005 0.0001 ::: bs 32 64 128

4$ touch gpu.queue tail -f -n 0 gpu.queue | simple_gpu_scheduler --gpus 0,1,2 & echo "my_command_with | and stuff > logfile" >> gpu.queue

Page 46 GNU Parallel alternatives 4$ touch gpu.queue tail -f -n 0 gpu.queue | parallel -j3 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='{=1 $_=slot()-1 =} {=uq;=}' & # Needed to fill job slots once seq 3 | parallel echo true >> gpu.queue # Add jobs echo "my_command_with | and stuff > logfile" >> gpu.queue # Needed to flush output from completed jobs seq 3 | parallel echo true >> gpu.queue (Last checked:2021-01) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN parasweep AND GNU Parallel parasweep is a Python module for facilitating parallel parametersweeps. A parasweep job will normally take a text file as input. The textfile contains arguments for the job. Some of these arguments will befixed and some of them will be changed by parasweep. It does this by having a template file such as template.txt: Xval: {x} Yval: {y} FixedValue: 9 # x with 2 decimals DecimalX: {x:.2f} TenX: ${x*10} RandomVal: {r}

and from this template it generates the file to be used by the job byreplacing the replacement strings. Being a Python module parasweep integrates tighter with Python thanGNU parallel. You get the parameters directly in a Python datastructure. With GNU parallel you can use the JSON or CSV outputformat to get something similar, but you would have to read theoutput. parasweep has a filtering method to ignore parameter combinationsyou do not need. Instead of calling the jobs directly, parasweep can use Python'sDistributed Resource Management Application API to make jobs run withdifferent cluster software. GNU parallel --tmpl supports templates with replacementstrings. Such as: Xval: {x} Yval: {y} FixedValue: 9 # x with 2 decimals DecimalX: {=x $_=sprintf("%.2f",$_) =} TenX: {=x $_=$_*10 =} RandomVal: {=1 $_=rand() =}

that can be used like: parallel --header : --tmpl my.tmpl={#}.t myprog {#}.t \ ::: x 1 2 3 ::: y 1 2 3

Filtering is supported as: parallel --filter '{1} > {2}' echo ::: 1 2 3 ::: 1 2 3 (Last checked: 2021-01) Page 47 GNU Parallel alternatives DIFFERENCES BETWEEN parallel-bash AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): I1 I2 ------M3 - - M6 - O2 O3 - O5 O6 - O8 x O10 E1 ------parallel-bash is written in pure bash. It is really fast (overheadof ~0.05 ms/job compared to GNU parallel's ~3 ms/job). So if yourjobs are extremely short lived, and you can live with the quitelimited command, this may be useful. It works by making a queue for each process. Then the jobs aredistributed to the queues in a round robin fashion. Finally the queuesare started in parallel. This works fine, if you are lucky, but ifnot, all the long jobs may end up in the same queue, so you may see: $ printf "%b\n" 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 | time parallel -P4 sleep {} (7 seconds) $ printf "%b\n" 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 | time ./parallel-bash.bash -p 4 -c sleep {} (12 seconds)

Because it uses bash lists, the total number of jobs is limited to167000..265000 depending on your environment. You get a segmentationfault, when you reach the limit. Ctrl-C does not stop spawning new jobs. Ctrl-Z does not suspendrunning jobs. EXAMPLES FROM parallel-bash 1$ some_input | parallel-bash -p 5 -c echo

1$ some_input | parallel -j 5 echo

2$ parallel-bash -p 5 -c echo < some_file

2$ parallel -j 5 echo < some_file

3$ parallel-bash -p 5 -c echo <<< 'some string'

3$ parallel -j 5 -c echo <<< 'some string'

4$ something | parallel-bash -p 5 -c echo {} {}

4$ something | parallel -j 5 echo {} {} checked: 2021-06) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN bash-concurrent AND GNU Parallel bash-concurrent is more an alternative to make than to GNU parallel. Its input is very similar to a Makefile, where jobsdepend on other jobs.

Page 48 GNU Parallel alternatives It has a progress indicator where you can see which jobscompleted successfully, which jobs are currently running, which jobsfailed, and which jobs were skipped due to a depending job failed.The indicator does not deal well with resizing the window. Output is cached in tempfiles on disk, but is only shown if there isan error, so it is not meant to be part of a UNIX . If bash-concurrent crashes these tempfiles are not removed. It uses an O(n*n) algorithm, so if you have 1000 independent jobs ittakes 22 seconds to start it. checked: 2021-02) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN spawntool AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): I1 ------M1 - - - - M6 - O2 O3 - O5 O6 - x x O10 E1 ------spawn reads a full command line from stdin which it executes inparallel. checked: 2021-07) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN go-pssh AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): ------M1 - - - - - O1 ------x x O10 E1 ------R1 R2 - - - R6 - - - - - go-pssh does ssh in parallel to multiple machines. It runs thesame command on multiple machines similar to --nonall. The hostnames must be given as IP-addresses (not as hostnames). Output is sent to stdout (standard output) if command is successful,and to stderr (standard error) if the command fails. EXAMPLES FROM go-pssh 1$ go-pssh -l , -u -p -P -c ""

1$ parallel -S 'sshpass -p ssh -p @' \ --nonall ""

2$ go-pssh scp -f host.txt -u -p -P \ -s /local/file_or_directory -d /remote/directory

2$ parallel --nonall --slf host.txt \ --basefile /local/file_or_directory/./ --wd /remote/directory --ssh 'sshpass -p ssh -p -l ' true

Page 49 GNU Parallel alternatives 3$ go-pssh scp -l , -u -p -P \ -s /local/file_or_directory -d /remote/directory

3$ parallel --nonall -S , \ --basefile /local/file_or_directory/./ --wd /remote/directory --ssh 'sshpass -p ssh -p -l ' true checked: 2021-07) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN go-parallel AND GNU Parallel Summary (see legend above): I1 I2 - - - - I7 - - M3 - - M6 - O2 O3 - O5 - - x x - O10 E1 - - E4 ------go-parallel uses Go templates for replacement strings. Quitesimilar to the {= perl =} replacement string. EXAMPLES FROM go-parallel 1$ go-parallel -a ./files.txt -t 'cp {{.Input}} {{.Input | dirname | dirname}}'

1$ parallel -a ./files.txt cp {} '{= $_=::dirname(::dirname($_)) =}'

2$ go-parallel -a ./files.txt -t 'mkdir -p {{.Input}} {{noExt .Input}}'

2$ parallel -a ./files.txt echo mkdir -p {} {.}

3$ go-parallel -a ./files.txt -t 'mkdir -p {{.Input}} {{.Input | basename | noExt}}'

3$ parallel -a ./files.txt echo mkdir -p {} {/.} checked: 2021-07) Todo (cannot compile) KumQuat PaSH: Light-touch Data-Parallel Shell Processing - not obvious how to use - not obvious how to use

Page 50 GNU Parallel alternatives TESTING OTHER TOOLS There are certain issues that are very common on parallelizingtools. Here are a few stress tests. Be warned: If the tool is badlycoded it may overload your machine. MIX: Output mixes Output from 2 jobs should not mix. If the output is not used, thisdoes not matter; but if the output is used then it is importantthat you do not get half a line from one job followed by half a linefrom another job. If the tool does not buffer, output will most likely mix now and then. This test stresses whether output mixes. #!/bin/bash

paralleltool="parallel -j0"

cat <<-EOF > mycommand #!/bin/bash

# If a, b, c, d, e, and f mix: Very bad perl -e 'print STDOUT "a"x3000_000," "' perl -e 'print STDERR "b"x3000_000," "' perl -e 'print STDOUT "c"x3000_000," "' perl -e 'print STDERR "d"x3000_000," "' perl -e 'print STDOUT "e"x3000_000," "' perl -e 'print STDERR "f"x3000_000," "' echo echo >&2 EOF chmod +x mycommand

# Run 30 jobs in parallel seq 30 | $paralleltool ./mycommand > >(tr -s abcdef) 2> >(tr -s abcdef >&2)

# 'a c e' and 'b d f' should always stay together # and there should only be a single line per job

STDERRMERGE: Stderr is merged with stdout Output from stdout and stderr should not be merged, but kept separated. This test shows whether stdout is mixed with stderr. #!/bin/bash

Page 51 GNU Parallel alternatives paralleltool="parallel -j0"

cat <<-EOF > mycommand #!/bin/bash

echo stdout echo stderr >&2 echo stdout echo stderr >&2 EOF chmod +x mycommand

# Run one job echo | $paralleltool ./mycommand > stdout 2> stderr cat stdout cat stderr

RAM: Output limited by RAM Some tools cache output in RAM. This makes them extremely slow if theoutput is bigger than physical memory and crash if the output isbigger than the virtual memory. #!/bin/bash

paralleltool="parallel -j0"

cat <<'EOF' > mycommand #!/bin/bash

# Generate 1 GB output yes "`perl -e 'print \"c\"x30_000'`" | head -c 1G EOF chmod +x mycommand

# Run 20 jobs in parallel # Adjust 20 to be > physical RAM and < free space on /tmp seq 20 | time $paralleltool ./mycommand | wc -c

DISKFULL: Incomplete data if /tmp runs full If caching is done on disk, the disk can run full during the run. Notall programs discover this. GNU Parallel discovers it, if it staysfull for at least 2 seconds. #!/bin/bash

paralleltool="parallel -j0"

# This should be a dir with less than 100 GB free space smalldisk=/tmp/shm/parallel

TMPDIR="$smalldisk" export TMPDIR

max_output() { Page 52 GNU Parallel alternatives # Force worst case scenario: # Make GNU Parallel only check once per second sleep 10 # Generate 100 GB to fill $TMPDIR # Adjust if /tmp is bigger than 100 GB yes | head -c 100G >$TMPDIR/$$ # Generate 10 MB output that will not be buffered due to full disk perl -e 'print "X"x10_000_000' | head -c 10M echo This part is missing from incomplete output sleep 2 rm $TMPDIR/$$ echo Final output }

export -f max_output seq 10 | $paralleltool max_output | tr -s X

CLEANUP: Leaving tmp files at unexpected death Some tools do not clean up tmp files if they are killed. If the toolbuffers on disk, they may not clean up, if they are killed. #!/bin/bash


ls /tmp >/tmp/before seq 10 | $paralleltool sleep & pid=$! # Give the tool time to start up sleep 1 # Kill it without giving it a chance to cleanup kill -9 $! # Should be empty: No files should be left behind diff <(ls /tmp) /tmp/before

SPCCHAR: Dealing badly with special file names. It is not uncommon for users to create files like: My brother's 12" *** record (costs $$$).jpg

Some tools break on this. #!/bin/bash


touch "My brother's 12\" *** record (costs \$\$\$).jpg" ls My*jpg | $paralleltool ls -l

COMPOSED: Composed commands do not work Some tools require you to wrap composed commands into bash -c. echo bar | $paralleltool echo foo';' echo {}

Page 53 GNU Parallel alternatives ONEREP: Only one replacement string allowed Some tools can only insert the argument once. echo bar | $paralleltool echo {} foo {}

INPUTSIZE: Length of input should not be limited Some tools limit the length of the input lines artificially with no goodreason. GNU parallel does not: perl -e 'print "foo."."x"x100_000_000' | parallel echo {.}

GNU parallel limits the command to run to 128 KB due to execve(1): perl -e 'print "x"x131_000' | parallel echo {} | wc

NUMWORDS: Speed depends on number of words Some tools become very slow if output lines have many words. #!/bin/bash


cat <<-EOF > mycommand #!/bin/bash

# 10 MB of lines with 1000 words yes "`seq 1000`" | head -c 10M EOF chmod +x mycommand

# Run 30 jobs in parallel seq 30 | time $paralleltool -j0 ./mycommand > /dev/null

4GB: Output with a line > 4GB should be OK #!/bin/bash

paralleltool="parallel -j0"

cat <<-EOF > mycommand #!/bin/bash

perl -e '\$a="a"x1000_000; for(1..5000) { print \$a }' EOF chmod +x mycommand

# Run 1 job seq 1 | $paralleltool ./mycommand | LC_ALL=C wc

AUTHOR When using GNU parallel for a publication please cite: O. Tange (2011): GNU Parallel - The Command-Line Power Tool, ;login:The USENIX Magazine, February 2011:42-47.

Page 54 GNU Parallel alternatives This helps funding further development; and it won't cost you a cent.If you pay 10000 EUR you should feel free to use GNU Parallel without citing. Copyright (C) 2007-10-18 Ole Tange, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Ole Tange, Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Ole Tange, and FreeSoftware Foundation, Inc. Parts of the manual concerning xargs compatibility is inspired bythe manual of xargs from GNU findutils 4.4.2. LICENSE This program is ; you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe ; either version 3 of the License, orat your option any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with this program. If not, see . Documentation license I Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify thisdocumentation under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, andwith no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in thefile LICENSES/GFDL-1.3-or-later.txt. Documentation license II You are free: to Share to copy, distribute and transmit the work to Remix to adapt the work Under the following conditions: Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author orlicensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you oryour use of the work). Share Alike If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distributethe resulting work only under the same, similar or a compatiblelicense. With the understanding that: Waiver Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission fromthe copyright holder. Public Domain Where the work or any of its elements is in the public domain underapplicable law, that status is in no way affected by the license. Other Rights

Page 55 GNU Parallel alternatives In no way are any of the following rights affected by the license: Your fair dealing or fair use rights, or other applicablecopyright exceptions and limitations; The author's moral rights; Rights other persons may have either in the work itself or inhow the work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights.

Notice For any reuse or distribution, you must make to others thelicense terms of this work. A copy of the full license is included in the file asLICENCES/CC-BY-SA-4.0.txt DEPENDENCIES GNU parallel uses Perl, and the Perl modules Getopt::Long,IPC::Open3, Symbol, IO::File, POSIX, and File::Temp. For remote usageit also uses rsync with ssh. SEE ALSO find(1), xargs(1), make(1), pexec(1), ppss(1), xjobs(1), prll(1), dxargs(1), mdm(1)

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