Outlines of Introduction to the Hebrew Bible
PRINCIPAL W .. TAYLOR COLLECTION 1951 OUTLINES OF INTRODUCTION TO THE HEBREW BIBLE OUTLINES OF INTRODUCTION TO THE HEBREW BIBLE ALFRED S; GEDEN, M.A., D.D. TUTOR IN HEBREW AND BIBLICAL LITERATURE AT THE WESLEVAN COLLEGE, RICHMOND is. s.si EDINBURGH: T. & T. CLARK, 38 GEORGE STREET 909 Printed by MORRISON & GIBB LIMITED FOR T. & T. CLARK, EDINBURGH. LONDON : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON, KENT, AND CO. LIMITED. NEW YORK : CHARLES SCRIBNER's SONS. tljOSE nig JFtlloin- Utlj0 toitlj me ftunnrj suctcssibt ircars Ijairc founir icligljt anti instrurtion in tljc stu&5 of Ur SestantEnt ^aip 3 tfE&icatE ifris ook PREFACE THE following chapters have formed substantially the groundwork or basis of a series of lectures introductory to the study of the Old Testament, which for several years past have been delivered at the Wesleyan College, Bichmond. I have ventured to dedicate them accord- ingly to niy fellow-students, past and present, to some of whom, I would fain trust, the memory of studies pursued in common may prove as pleasant as it has often been to me. It has been my aim throughout rather to stimulate and suggest, than ex cathedrd to instruct and I have been led to in the ; publish hope that others also, students in a broader field, may find herein interest and aid. That the lectures make no pretension to exhaustiveness, on a theme amongst the most enravelled that the human mind can essay to resolve, will be patent to all. In every instance, however, I have sought to indicate lines of profitable or necessary research, and of set purpose have refrained from attempting to discuss details or to present and criticise the varying conclusions and results of many minds.
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